Presentation on the topic of distance learning at school. Features of teaching using distance learning

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“We will legislate the equality of public and private educational institutions and provide families with greater opportunities to choose a school, and students with access to lessons from the best teachers using distance and additional education technologies. This is especially important for small schools, for remote schools, and in general for the Russian provinces...

A special task is to create a barrier-free school environment for children with disabilities. In 2010, a five-year state program was adopted “ Accessible environment"aimed at solving these problems"

From the Address to the Federal Assembly

Russian Federation

Distance learning– a way of organizing the learning process, based on the use of modern information and telecommunication technologies, which allow learning at a distance without direct contact between the teacher and the student.

Goals distance learning:

Preparing schoolchildren in individual academic subjects to take external exams;

Preparing schoolchildren for admission to educational establishments a certain profile;

In-depth study of a topic, section from the school curriculum or outside the school course;

Eliminating gaps in knowledge, skills and abilities of schoolchildren in certain subjects of the school cycle;

Basic course of the school curriculum for students who do not have the opportunity to various reasons attend school at all or for any period of time;

Additional education based on interests.

Distance learning technologies make it possible to solve a number of significant pedagogical problems:

Creation of educational space;

Formation of cognitive independence and activity in students;

Developing critical thinking, tolerance, and willingness to constructively discuss different points of view.

In the process of distance learning, the following are used:

Email(using e-mail, communication between a teacher and a student can be established: sending out educational assignments and material, asking questions from the teacher and to the teacher, tracking correspondence history);

teleconferences(they allow you to: organize a general discussion among students on educational topics; be conducted under the guidance of a teacher who forms the topic of discussion and monitors the content of messages received at the conference; view received messages; send your own letters (messages), thus taking part in the discussion);

shipping given nyh (FTR server services);

hypertext environments(WWW - servers where the teacher can post educational materials, which will be organized in the form of hypertext. Hypertext allows you to structure the material, link sections of educational material with links (hyperlinks), which clarify and complement each other. In WWW - documents you can post not only text, but also graphic, as well as sound and video information);

Internet resources(resources of the global WWW network, organized in the form of hypertext, can be used in the learning process as rich illustrative and reference material);

video conferences(videoconferencing is currently not so common in schools due to the high cost of equipment for holding conferences. However, the promise of this type of training is obvious: a teacher can give lectures or conduct classes with students “live”, while having the opportunity to communicate with students. This practice is very popular in Europe and the USA, where the technical problems of conducting video conferencing via telecommunication channels have been solved).

Disabled children;

Children studying under the Externship system;

Frequently ill children (quarantine);

Children who want to self-study for the Unified State Exam;

Gifted children;

Children traveling with their parents to other cities or abroad on vacation;

Children traveling to sports training camps and competitions in other cities.

The advantages of distance education include:

Learning at an individual pace - the speed of learning is set by the student himself, depending on his personal circumstances and needs.

Freedom and flexibility - the student can independently plan the time, place and duration of classes.

Accessibility - independence from the geographical and temporal location of the student and educational institution allows you not to limit yourself in educational needs.

Mobility - the effective implementation of feedback between the teacher and the student is one of the main requirements and grounds for the success of the learning process.

Manufacturability - the use of the latest achievements of information and telecommunication technologies in the educational process.

Social equality - equal opportunities to receive education, regardless of place of residence, health status, elitism and financial security of the student.

Program development - training programs and courses are well developed.

Creativity is a comfortable environment for the student’s creative self-expression.

But there are also obvious disadvantages:

Lack of face-to-face communication between students and teacher. That is, all aspects related to an individual approach and education are excluded. And when there is no person nearby who could emotionally color the knowledge, this is a significant disadvantage.

The need for a number of individual psychological conditions. Distance learning requires strict self-discipline, and its results directly depend on the student’s independence and consciousness.

The need for constant access to sources of information. You need good technical equipment: a computer and Internet access.

As a rule, students feel a lack of practical training.

There is no constant control over students, which is a powerful incentive.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Distance learning is the interaction between teacher and students at a distance, reflecting all the inherent educational process components (goals, content, methods, organizational forms, teaching aids) and implemented by specific means of Internet technologies or other means that provide interactivity. Distance learning is an independent form of learning; information technology in distance learning is the leading means.

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DO in modern school Modern telecommunications in distance education provide an interactive way of learning. The student has the opportunity to quickly communicate, and the teacher has the opportunity to quickly respond to the student’s requests, monitor and correct his work. Due to the interactive style of communication and operational communication in distance learning, the opportunity to individualize the learning process opens up. The teacher, depending on the student’s success, can use a flexible, individual teaching methodology, offer him additional, student-oriented blocks of educational materials, links to informational resources. Since the time factor (45 min. lesson) becomes not critical, the student can also choose his own pace of studying the material, i.e. can work according to an individual program coordinated with the general course program, which is very important in secondary educational institutions.

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In the process of conducting distance learning, all main types of information services are used: e-mail; teleconferences; data forwarding (FTR servers); hypertext environments (WWW servers); resources of the global Internet (World Wide Web pages, databases, information retrieval systems); video conferencing.

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New information technologies provide students with a variety of modern learning tools. In addition to traditional textbooks and notes, students may be offered: computer training programs; electronic teaching aids; computer systems for testing and knowledge control; electronic directories; educational audio and video materials; information materials.

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Distance learning is quite effective in the following cases: completing projects and research; working with children who are disabled or often ill; in correspondence (externship) form of study; in preparation for exams in the form of State Examination, Unified State Examination; work with gifted children (individual Additional tasks higher level); exciting tasks for repetition (crosswords, puzzles, etc.).

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DO in universities. Currently, correspondence and distance learning is becoming increasingly popular throughout the world. In our country there are already several dozen centers for correspondence and distance learning. Most of them are departments of the most famous Russian universities. The services of these educational structures are especially popular among applicants living in those regional centers where, due to economic reasons universities or their branches cannot be located. In many cases, obtaining education remotely is the only realistically feasible option for studying in the chosen field.

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The main differences between distance learning and distance learning: Distance learning is carried out without interruption from work and family. Household comfort. As you know, even with distance learning, the time spent can be up to 40-50 days a year. In this sense, distance education is even more convenient than correspondence education. You can start studying at any time. Mastering the material can occur at an individual pace. Sometimes flexible session schedules are offered. Savings on training costs and overhead costs. Acquisition by the student of serious informal learning skills - independent search for information and work with it. Opportunity to carry out various joint projects with students from other regions.

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Features and terms of study As a rule, students are recruited year-round. Distance learning can be started at any time. Depending on the degree of preparedness of the student, the approximate duration of training is as follows: First higher education - from 3.5 to 5 years. The second (with re-crediting of individual disciplines - grades from the first diploma are accepted) - from 2.5 to 4 years. Accelerated programs are implemented on the basis of higher or secondary vocational education.

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In the distance learning mode, students receive round-the-clock access to a virtual learning environment, which contains all educational materials (tests, practical assignments, tests), a library and links to open Internet sources on the topic being studied. As a rule, a student’s personal page is created on the website - with detailed instructions, electronic curriculum and electronic grade book. Students have the opportunity to listen and read lectures, correspond and communicate online with teachers and fellow students, and receive advice from a personal curator.

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Universities offering distance education programs Not all domestic universities can actively develop distance learning forms. The reason is insufficient technical resources and a lack of teaching staff who have the ability to create original training courses. At the same time, some universities specialize in distance learning. An example is the Moscow Humanitarian-Economic and Information Technology Institute GEITI. The founder of the university is the International Humanitarian Public Foundation “Knowledge”, the legal successor of the educational society “Knowledge”, which dates back to 1947.

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Using DL as part of self-development Life is changing rapidly, in order to keep up with its rapid flow, you have to constantly learn something, without this the self-development of a creative personality is impossible. For any normal person, this is a completely natural process: the desire to know a lot, to be aware of new products. If you don’t have enough time for in-depth study, then at least have a general idea of ​​many innovations.

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Education on the Internet Advanced training courses, where anyone can improve their professional knowledge and skills in order to move to a higher level on the social ladder. The transition is usually accompanied by a promotion, respect from colleagues, and higher wages. Distance learning can be chosen for two reasons: If there is no opportunity or desire to spend a lot of time on face-to-face learning and attend classes every day. If you want to get an education at an educational institution far from home, but for some reason you cannot leave home. Distance education can be obtained at the most prestigious educational institutions in the world. Self-education and studying additional literature will help improve the quality of self-study. Trainings are convenient because they provide information in a concise form. Not a single university provides complete practical knowledge. The training contains only practical materials, ready for use. This form of training is practiced by many companies. They hire trainers to improve the education of their employees. Language courses will allow you to perfectly master the knowledge of any foreign language. The most popular courses are English, knowledge of which helps in life and work, even if the work is not directly related to translation activities. Knowledge of English is necessary for programmers, website developers, and optimizers. Even ordinary users with average language skills find it easier to work on foreign sites.

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Master classes are an effective form of training. In them, any process is described in stages that are clearly visible and understandable, and are easy to repeat. Master classes from good specialists are very popular. For those who are tired of low-paid work without education, it is easy to master any new profession on their own and quickly learn unfamiliar activities. Business schools are a guide to the world of SME entrepreneurship. They allow you to acquire the knowledge necessary to develop your own business. They will teach you how to choose a business idea, correctly draw up business plans, skillfully handle capital, and understand investment processes to increase investments. Practical self-education will have to be completed in the process of building your own business. Webinars and seminars are convenient because they allow you to gather a huge audience. Participants chat with the host, ask questions, and receive answers. A very progressive form of training. You can receive a recording and watch the webinar several times at any convenient time. Automatic webinars are practiced: the best version is selected and broadcast to the audience in a recording. The author answers questions a little later. Online courses are presented on a variety of topics. They are often made in the form of video lessons, after watching which a person gains new knowledge and the opportunity to immediately apply it. Thanks to computer courses, you can study your personal computer in depth. On almost any topic on the Internet you can find free or paid courses that raise the self-development of a creative person to a new level. Coaching, tutoring, consultations - individual and group training provided by specialists who are experts in their field. It is convenient because the teacher finds a personal approach to each teacher and can tailor his training program to him.

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Education obtained on the Internet independently or with the help of teachers and mentors will allow you to: Quickly find a new activity where you can apply the acquired knowledge; work without education will remain a thing of the past. Earn good money, be independent from the care of relatives. Increase your self-confidence. Benefits from new knowledge: Provide personal growth. Will allow you to plan your future career. They will help create a new image. They will improve the quality of life in all areas. They will guarantee the further self-development of a creative personality, because it is always interesting to comprehend something new.

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Corporate training in the largest companies Corporate training is training conducted for a group of students from one organization. Corporate training provides a unique opportunity to effectively and efficiently improve your professional training in a short time.

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Forms of corporate training Training with an instructor. This is the most traditional form of training. It is effective due to the direct transmission of information, during which there is practically no distortion. It includes various forms of training, such as: Lecture - follows a well-known scheme: the instructor talks, the audience listens. Seminar - unlike a lecture, a seminar involves a dialogue with the audience, the instructor talks and uses an interactive format of communication with the audience. Training - the instructor acts as the organizer of the learning process, which is aimed at gaining personal experience for students. “Trainees” gain the necessary skills by participating in tasks and exercises proposed by the instructor. Coaching – individual training, the instructor indirectly participates in learning through unlocking the student’s potential. Mentoring is individual training, carried out through the transfer of one’s own experience. The instructor acts as a “standard”, providing an ideal model of behavior for students in certain situations. Interactive games (business, role-playing, etc.) – the instructor acts as the organizer of the learning process. Training takes place through modeling situations, illustrative cases from life, in which it is necessary to apply certain knowledge and skills. Team coaching - the coach takes on a directing and supporting role to manage the process of making and finding new solutions.

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2. Distance learning is a format in which the instructor does not interact with the student directly, but uses other methods of transmitting information. The advantages of this form are the opportunity to study at a large geographical distance from the instructor, at a time convenient for the student. At the moment, distance learning is actively developing and covers an increasing percentage of educational programs. Self-study based on sending materials by mail is one of the first methods of distance learning. It has existed since the creation of mailing lists, and is currently used using electronic means of communication. The instructor sends tasks for self-study and then conducts a knowledge test. Most effective with face-to-face knowledge control. Interactive training courses – modern way distance learning using all the capabilities of a PC. The training course is created on a specialized software platform (SCORM, etc.), tests and assignments are built into the training program. Interactive training courses use audio and video fragments, 3D modeling and virtual travel. The advantages of this teaching method are interactivity and the opportunity to take the course at a time convenient for them. Competitions and educational games are also a fairly old method of distance learning, existing since the creation of radio and television broadcasting. Participants are invited to take part in the competition and solve the problem. The instructor acts as the organizer of the process of sending out assignments and collecting responses. Webinars are group learning in which students participate in a seminar organized through distance communication. The instructor conducts training using a specialized electronic platform that allows him to demonstrate educational materials and organize communication with the audience. Video conferences are group training in which students can interact with the instructor in a question-answer format, as well as listen to lecture material. Training is organized through specialized programs that support multi-channel communication (Skype). Video lessons are a video of lecture material, as well as fragments demonstrating the subject of study. Students can view the material at their convenience. Recording standards - the instructor records short fragments of ideal performance of the subject of training. Students can see how to do it right. A kind of mentoring, it is for a large number of students. This method is one of the most effective. When teaching students difficult-to-understand topics: sales, negotiations, management. You need to see how to do it right. Ready-made standards will allow even an unprepared instructor to demonstrate the ideal execution of the technique. Also, recording standards is a great way to transfer practice into the classroom. Demonstration of assembly/disassembly of units and assemblies, methods of working in difficult conditions, etc. Recording of educational cases (examples) - the instructor creates several examples of various, real-life situations, students can see various solutions or make a decision on their own based on the description of the situation. Ready-made educational cases can serve as a topic for decision making, modeling assessment or diagnostics, conducting interactive games etc. The main advantage is creating examples, viewing or listening to which allows you to develop skills with virtually no instructor participation. An example of the use of educational cases: recording heart murmurs with various diagnoses - students, listening to the heart rhythm, practiced making a diagnosis.

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Podcasting is a format that uses audio and video recordings to post information on the Internet. The most high-tech form of training. Relevant for non-formalized training, advanced training and self-study. At the moment, most of the forms of training proposed below are used to a lesser extent in Russia. An audio book is a training format in which the student listens to a recording of the instructor's lecture. Advantages of the format: the ability to listen to the training course in the car, public transport, at home or at work. Excellent for creating Welcome training, as well as transferring corporate standards (positioning, mission, advantages) to this medium. Audio and video podcasts on social networks are a training format in which the instructor creates small educational fragments and posts them on a social network. Students independently find and exchange among themselves the information that is most significant for their activities. The technology is actively used in public social networks, but modern systems for organizing distance learning support the creation of a Corporate Social Network. Such materials may be of interest to both company employees and external clients. The advantages of the method are an informal approach to learning and the high value of the materials received for the student, since he receives it on recommendation. In podcasts, you can create colorful descriptions of a new product range or service, inform about company news, etc. An audio guide is a recording of lecture material about a subject of study linked to a visual inspection of the subject of study. The training is self-paced but guided by an instructor who creates the recording. The peculiarity of this format is the need to listen to it in a certain place. Nowadays in Europe it is common practice to organize excursions to museums. In business, you can create audio guides for traveling around a warehouse, an office for new employees, create tours of the archive, etc. The most effective form is for a stable, rarely changing space. The main advantage is saving time on incoming training. Internet surfing (searching the Internet on a given topic) is a learning format that involves using the capabilities of the internet. The instructor creates a task for students to search for information on the Internet. Students independently search for information, while simultaneously receiving information about the subject of study. To monitor learning, students provide a report. Often used as a competition. The use of this method is most effective as post-training support, as well as for improving the skills of subordinates in new assortments or technologies. Due to low production costs, you can generate tasks on a regular basis. Blogs on the topic - the instructor maintains his own blog on the Internet on the topic of training and recommends it to students for self-study. The instructor posts links to additional information on the training topic on his blog. The main task when creating a blog is to attract readers to it. To solve this issue, you need to: present your blog at every training, respond to posts in a timely manner, and constantly update with new information. The main advantage of having a blog is the opportunity to informally share your impressions and experiences of effective interaction, and leave links to interesting resources with additional material. WIKI (encyclopedism) – the creation of a knowledge base with which students work independently if they need information. The instructor meets students' information needs by providing new articles in the knowledge base. Creating your own knowledge base on the corporate network increases attendance and the general level of employee training.

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Economic aspects of subsidiaries For society as a whole, the economic benefits of subsidiaries are beyond doubt. However, high-quality distance educational services require large initial costs for the development of the information environment. DO is based on high technology and, as a result, cannot be both high quality and sufficiently effective unless carried out on a large scale. Payback and profit are achieved only due to a larger number of students compared to full-time education.

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Problems and prospects of educational institutions The presence of distance learning is very promising, especially for those who, for various reasons and life circumstances, cannot leave home and attend traditional educational institutions. The problems are that the presence of all modern means and technology is not a guarantee of learning success. It is quite difficult to motivate a student to study. Therefore, what is important first of all is the desire to learn, and final result First of all, it will depend on the perseverance and desire of the student. Various technologies are designed only to help with this.

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EB as a global phenomenon

About 1000 distance education centers around the world 15 million students (13-14% of the total) Promoting the development of further education is defined as a priority in Article 126 of the Maastricht Treaty - the founding treaty of the European Union

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Definition of DO

There is no generally accepted, canonical definition of DL “Distance education contains a remarkable paradox: it has confidently asserted its existence, but is unable to define what it is” (D. Shel)

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Tautological definition

Education at a distance, which involves indirect two-way communication between the student and the teacher “If distance education can be considered as “education at a distance,” it does not need a definition at all” (D. Shel)

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“Learning” means “study”, that is, mainly independent acquisition of knowledge about a subject, therefore for English-speaking authors the phrase “distance learning” denotes only one side of DL, which, unlike self-education, also includes “teaching”, that is carried out in interaction with the teacher. Taking this into account, the term “distance education” - “distance education”, covering both “training” and “study”, turns out to be more capacious and adequate to designate DL as a whole educational phenomenon.

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"Distance education" or "distance learning"?

The term “distance learning” is used in English-language works, as a rule, when we are talking primarily about the independently organized and managed educational and cognitive activity of a student within the framework of distance education

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When talking about DL in general terms - including DL models in which the teacher plays a decisive role - the term “distance education” is again used. The English version of the UNESCO report "Open and distance learning. Prospects and Policy Considerations" (UNESCO - 1997) is indicative in this regard.

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The correct term is “distance education”, because an essential component of DL, in addition to learning, is also independent study (and, in many cases, education, or socialization: the development or mastery by the student of certain social and moral norms).

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Subject to the formal and logical requirements for definition, “distance education” should be defined not as one or another type of technology and not as a special information and educational environment, but as a form of education, since “education” is its genus (generic concept) .

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The specific difference between distance education and other forms of education, primarily from full-time education and self-education, is the method of obtaining education through indirect/at-a-distance interactive communication, while specific means, channels and technologies of such communication are not a critical feature of DL. Their set cannot be determined once and for all; it varies and includes, along with telecommunications, interactive educational materials on various media.

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The form (nature, method) of interactive educational communication, called differently in different regulatory documents ("form of receiving education", "form of mastering educational programs" in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", "form (method) of provision" ("Modality of provision") " - in Revised version II.ISCED (1996) UNESCO), represents a type of specific distinction, or separation of various forms of education within the concept of “education” - a classification variable.

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In accordance with the meaning of this classification variable (“mediated/at a distance communication”), distance education at the level of general definition, as a form of education, coincides with correspondence education and, in a reduced form, with external studies, occupying, as a consequence of this, a place in ISCED, similar to the place of correspondence education in the Russian classification of forms of education.

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It is terminologically correct (including taking into account the etymology of the terms - their origin from the Anglo-American linguistic tradition) to use, meaning DL as a whole, the term “distance education” as a system joint activities students and educators; the term “distance learning” - speaking about the activities of teaching persons and institutions; the term "distance learning" refers to independent or largely independent activities of students.

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Remote or distant?

"Distance", in its basic meaning, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is a noun translated by what is commonly known as "distance" or "distance". “Distant”, according to the same dictionary, is an adjective whose main meaning is “distant”, “separated by a large distance”, “far from”, “distant (in space, time, relationships)”.

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“Distance education (learning)” is clearly understood by both Anglo-Americans and all others as “education (study) at a distance”, or “distance education (study)”, then “distant education (learning)” has an additional tangible meaning of “distanced ", "far from", which encourages us to translate and understand, for example, the phrase "distant education student" as "a student far from education".

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One of the important results of the use of ICT in education is distance learning. Distance educational technologies are understood as “educational technologies implemented mainly using information and telecommunication technologies with indirect (at a distance) or incompletely indirect interaction between a student and a teacher”* *Article 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (1992).

The emergence of distance learning technology was facilitated by the development various means transmitting information over a distance. The founder of this pedagogical technology is considered to be the Englishman Isaac Pitman, who in 1840 began teaching students stenography using mail. Isaac Pitman

TO educational technologies, adapted for use in distance learning, include: – multimedia lectures and laboratory workshops; –electronic multimedia textbooks; – computer training and testing systems; – simulation models and computer simulators; –consultations and tests using telecommunications means; – video conferences. –video lectures;

Distance learning allows you to: reduce the cost of training (there are no costs for renting premises, traveling to the place of study for both students and teachers, etc.); conduct training for a large number of people; improve the quality of education through the use of modern means, volumetric electronic libraries etc. create a unified educational environment (especially important for corporate training).

The negative side of distance learning is that there is no live contact between the teacher and the student, as well as between other students. Not all students may have the necessary technical equipment, which makes the learning process difficult.

Distance learning is a promising area, and its development in the education system continues. This method is very convenient for people with disabilities who are on maternity leave, unable to leave their place of residence or work, and for those who love to study, but do not have enough time and money.

Completed by: Shergina Ekaterina, 2001 year of birth.

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