Which applicator is better: Kuznetsova or Lyapko? Overview of both applicators. Kuznetsov or Lyapko applicator - which is better than different, reviews.

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In this article, we will analyze how the Lyapko applicator differs from the Kuznetsov applicator and what is better to use. Impact on biologically active points referred to as acupressure. This is exactly what happens when using both applicators: the needles do not penetrate the skin (as in acupuncture treatment), but only stimulate the biopoints associated with the internal organs and the blood flow. As a result of improving metabolic processes in tissues, internal organs and the spine self-healing occurs, the body is cleansed of stagnation and excess harmful products metabolism. How then does the Lyapko applicator differ from the Kuznetsov applicator? There are more differences than it seems at first glance.

Differences between Lyapko and Kuznetsov applicators

from which the products are made. - fabric and sewn with plastic needles, and - rubber-based metal needles.

Feel. According to the reviews of people who have tried both types of rugs on themselves, Lyapko's applicators cause less pain. Despite the fact that Lyapko's mat has metal needles, they are deepened into a rubber sheath, which prevents the needles from penetrating the skin. Kuznetsov's products also have a similar device, if you choose a model with a double point, the procedure will be less painful. Of course, a lot depends on individual sensitivity, but in general, plastic needles are sharper.

The power of influence. Based on the previous paragraph, we can say that the impact force is higher for the Kuznetsov applicator. This is also ensured by a more sparse arrangement of the needles on the plate, while Lyapko's needles are more closely spaced. However, this does not mean that the Lyapko mat is less effective, since deep penetration of the needles into the skin is not at all necessary to achieve an analgesic and relaxing effect.

Operating principle. By acting on the reflex points of our body, the applicators restore energy circulation, stimulate the immune system, and increase a person's performance. The Lyapko applicator has needles with gold, silver, zinc, copper - metals that correspond to our body. Our skin has electrical conductivity, and metal needles form micro-currents, as a result, the body additionally receives these microelements and electrical stimulation.

Invention time. Kuznetsov's applicator was invented much earlier than Lyapko. The Lyapko applicator is a more advanced model.

Question price. Kuznetsov's rug is plastic, so it is much cheaper than its metal counterpart. But there are many modifications: mini-mats, rollers, "chamomile", insoles, a belt and in the form of a tape, simple and magnetic, with different metal composition, which also affect the price.

What is better to use?

The effect of the applicators is due to the improvement of blood circulation, as with a massage. These are the methods of reflexology that you can use at home during the period acute pain and to prevent their occurrence. It doesn’t matter if you take Lyapko or Kuznetsov’s rug for the treatment of osteochondrosis. The main thing is that you can apply this method of alleviating pain yourself at any time.

The principle of application is the same:
Lie down on the mat slowly so that your body weight is evenly distributed over the surface of the mat.

Consider the curves of the body: under the rug you need to put a roller of fabric (blanket) - under the lower back, under the neck. First, it is better to lie on the bed, and after getting used to the body, treatment sessions are carried out on the floor.

After 5 minutes, the feeling of needles should disappear, and they should be replaced by a feeling of warmth and light tingling. This "speaks" about the correct use of these medical devices.

Definitely answer which applicator better than Kuznetsov or Lyapko is impossible, since each sick person has his own needs, and all applicators have their own characteristics and different models that are most suitable for a particular case.

Unfortunately, modern world designed in such a way that a sedentary lifestyle has become normal for society. A sedentary work day, high heels, cross-legged, holding the phone with one shoulder are just a few of the reasons for feeling unwell. If headaches, VVD often appear in the joint venture, spine and muscles, then scoliosis begins to develop, dizziness, the functioning of the cardiovascular system worsens, the body stops responding normally to changing weather conditions, thereby quickly becoming exhausted, flat feet and poor posture appear.

Today, there are a large number of options for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system - medicines, physiotherapy, baths, massages, as well as the most effective and free method - therapeutic exercises or any suitable sport. A fairly large number of patients began to trust non-traditional medical methods, however, for example, acupuncture is quite expensive, and one session is not enough to restore normal functioning. The solution to this problem lay with the invention of the applicator. Millions of inhabitants in various countries use applicators for various diseases musculoskeletal system.

Nowadays, more and more varieties of such a device appear, and by many they are used as an alternative treatment method. The most popular are. Which one is better? worth spending comparative analysis by characteristics.

Applicator Kuznetsov

Kuznetsov's applicator is represented by a simple design. Its base is an oilcloth or fabric rug, where square or round plates are located. The plates themselves are made of plastic or metal (which is quite rare) and are presented in the form of blunt spikes made of specialized polystyrene.

Applicator Lyapko

Nikolai Grigoryevich Lyapko, a Ukrainian reflexologist, decided to improve Kuznetsov's technology by creating his own device, which has become an equally popular assistant at home. The modernized Lyapko device for diseases of the musculoskeletal system is considered to be more effective and at the same time less traumatic. Medical rubber is taken as the basis, covered with rows of needles made of an alloy of iron, zinc, nickel, chromium, copper and aluminum. Needle fixation is possible due to the limiting edge around the perimeter of the applicator.

Applicator Lyapko

There is a wide range of these devices on sale, differing in accordance with the following criteria:

  1. Distance between needles. People who have high pain threshold, hypersensitive skin, should give preference to applicators with a short distance. Those who are over 40 and do not have the above problems are recommended to use a larger pitch between the needles.
  2. Size and shape. There is simply a huge range of applicators suitable for any physique. For example, in the event that the Lyapko applicator is required for tired legs and osteochondrosis, then it is worth using an ordinary device, and in other cases, distinguishable types are suitable.


The main component of the applicators, regardless of the inventor, are needles that do not damage the skin, do not pierce it, so this kind of minimally invasive treatment technique can prevent infectious diseases from entering the bloodstream. Why do applicators heal? Needles provoke body reactions, while influencing the zones of reflexes and nerve endings. A constant impulse is transferred to spinal cord and activates high-quality blood circulation to those organs and tissues that need it. The absence of pain is due to increased production of endorphins by the pituitary gland, so the level of tactile sensitivity is reduced. Contraindications

  1. Infectious diseases in the period of exacerbation.
  2. Blood diseases.
  3. Exhaustion of the body.
  4. Violations of the epithelium - burns, wounds, punctures, frostbite.
  5. Thrombophlebitis.
  6. Elevated temperature.
  7. Papillomas, warts and moles in the area of ​​application.
  8. Malignant tumor.
  9. epilepsy.
  10. Heart and lung failure.
  11. Dermatitis.
  12. Poor blood clotting.
  13. Pregnancy.
  14. Drug or alcohol addiction.

What is the difference?

It is worth understanding how the applicators of Lyapko and Kuznetsov differ from each other. Kuznetsov's applicator has only one appearance and the needles are made of plastic. While the Lyapko applicator has a fairly large range of models presented, and the needles are made of metal. However, such properties can be both a plus and a minus. For example, in the case cervical osteochondrosis it is better to use the Kuznetsov applicator, as it is more gentle, however, it is less effective and acts as an addition to the main complex therapy illness.


Applicators also vary in cost. It is worth starting with Lyapko applicators:

  1. Insoles - 1200-1700 rubles.
  2. Rugs of various sizes - 150-2500 rubles.
  3. Belts - 1300-1950 rubles.
  4. Roller - 600-1000 rubles.
  5. "Chamomile" - 1600-2000 rubles.

Kuznetsov's applicator costs from 120 to 1900 rubles.

A few nuances

It is worth noting that even if you do not have any obvious symptoms, when using applicators, you can reduce the risk of developing ARVI, relieve stress, fatigue and tension, provide immunity support and tone. In this case, prevention acquires a positive effect on the whole organism as a whole, providing a strengthening effect.

The advantages of applicators are: easy use, low price, durability, proven effectiveness, convenient size and storage, does not bring harmful effects to the skin.

The minuses of the applicators are: the effect is not on a certain point, it cannot be used on damaged skin, the session is a little painful in case advanced level body sensitivity.

The procedure lasts about 15-30 minutes, and if the applicator is used for the first time, then 5-10 minutes. If there are strong pain, it is worth abandoning the applicator. The use of the device is prescribed for at least two weeks. Then there is a break of 1-4 weeks, and then you can start treatment again.

Not to buy a product Bad quality, you should pay attention to the fastening of the needles: a good applicator has a fairly strong fixation. Also, the material should not have a smell, and the packaging is written detailed instructions for the correct use of the device.

So what is better: Lyapko or Kuznetsova?

As already described above, the Lyapko and Kuznetsov applicators have their own significant differences, and the choice between them is because it requires the most efficient device. It requires a deep acupressure on one side and soft, shallow kneading of tissues with galvanic microcurrent on the other.

The durability of these devices is the same, and if you use them correctly, then you are unlikely to throw away the applicator after a year. In each individual case, the specialist must decide what is best for you: the Lyapko or Kuznetsov applicator.

In this article, we will analyze how the Lyapko applicator differs from the Kuznetsov applicator and what is better to use. Impact on biologically active points is referred to as acupressure. This is exactly what happens when using both applicators: the needles do not penetrate the skin (as in acupuncture treatment), but only stimulate the biopoints associated with the internal organs and the blood flow. As a result of improving metabolic processes in tissues, internal organs and the spine, self-healing occurs, the body is cleansed of stagnation and excess harmful metabolic products. How then does the Lyapko applicator differ from the Kuznetsov applicator? There are more differences than it seems at first glance.

Differences between Lyapko and Kuznetsov applicators

Material, from which the products are made. Kuznetsov's rug is fabric and has plastic needles sewn on it, because of this it is less durable, quickly becomes unusable, and Lyapko's rug has metal needles on a rubber basis for medical purposes. Serves at least 5-7 years, wears out slowly.

Feel. According to the reviews of people who have tried both types of rugs on themselves, Lyapko's applicators cause less painful sensations. Despite the fact that Lyapko's mat has metal needles, they are deepened into a rubber sheath, which prevents the needles from penetrating the skin. In Kuznetsov's products, such a device is not provided. Of course, a lot depends on individual sensitivity, but in general, plastic needles are sharper.

The power of influence. Based on the previous paragraph, we can say that the impact force is higher for the Kuznetsov applicator. But nevertheless it is not so. Lyapko's rug is more effective, since deep penetration of needles into the skin is not necessary to achieve an analgesic and relaxing effect. And efficiency is achieved due to metal needles, because. unlike plastic ones, they are more suitable for human skin. The skin reacts much better to metal, because. these are natural elements, unlike plastics.

Operating principle. By acting on the reflex points of our body, the applicators restore energy circulation, stimulate the immune system, and increase a person's performance. The Lyapko applicator has needles with silver, zinc, copper - metals that correspond to our body. Our skin has electrical conductivity, and metal needles form micro-currents, as a result, the body additionally receives these microelements and electrical stimulation. Of course, Kuznetsov's applicators do not have such effects.

Invention time. Kuznetsov's applicator was invented much earlier than Lyapko. The Lyapko applicator is a much more advanced model.

Question price. Kuznetsov's rug is plastic, so it's a little cheaper than its metal counterpart. But having bought a Lyapko applicator a little more expensive, you are buying a much higher quality product that will last you much longer, therefore, based on this, Lyapko applicators come out cheaper. Lyapko's applicators have many modifications: mini-rugs, rollers, "chamomile", insoles, belts and in the form of ribbons, simple and magnetic, with different metal composition.

By and large, these products do not make sense to compare. It's like comparing a Zhiguli car with a BMW car). The difference and advantages of Lyapko applicators are obvious. The choice is yours.

On the Internet, you can often see advertisements for applicators with an unusual name, which is the name of their inventor. In order to quickly sell a product that is by no means cheap, real and unrealistic opportunities are attributed to it. Is it really? When is the applicator effective? When is it dangerous?

These devices are designed for applications and massage:

  1. Faces.
  2. Backs.
  3. Buttocks.
  4. Belly.

They are rugs, insoles, rollers, which are completely covered with small needles. The massage that is carried out with the help of these applicators is called acupuncture. Its effect:

  • acceleration of blood circulation in diseased organs;
  • removal of pain;
  • removing toxins from the body.

In addition, these rubber devices have a galvanic effect on the skin. According to advertisements, Lyapko's applicators do not harm the body. Despite these eloquent beliefs, the device has many contraindications. But first things first.

Instructions for use

  • The applicator is used as an aid in various diseases. They can produce both passive and active massage of various parts of the body.
  • Active massage is the use of a roller on any part of the body.
  • Passive massage is lying on a mat, wearing a massage belt.
  • Depending on the patient's illness, the doctor chooses the time of exposure. As a rule, it is 15-30 minutes for rugs and insoles, 5-7 minutes for cushions.
  • The minimum course of treatment is one week, the maximum is three.
  • Sometimes, before active or passive massage, therapeutic ointments are applied to the skin. This is called electrophoresis.
  • Some types of applicators are used for permanent wear.

It should be told in more detail about the varieties of the applicator.


Applicator in the form of a flower with eight petals. Its diameter is 30 centimeters. The applicator is applied to the neck or chest. It is suitable for the treatment of diseases such as:

  • bronchitis;
  • colds;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • bruises.

For ease of use, the applicator is equipped with a mount.


Represents a rectangular rubber applicator 27 centimeters wide, 48 centimeters long. It has a fairly wide application. Suitable for the treatment of diseases:

  • back;
  • lungs;

Applying the mat is very easy: just lie on your back or stomach on it, or put it on the floor and stand on the applicator.


Applicator with wooden handle. It has three varieties:

  1. Large 105mm × 6.3mm.
  2. Front 36mm × 42mm.
  3. Universal 70 mm ×45 mm.

It can be used on any part of the body, but most often the roller is used on the legs and buttocks and abdomen for cellulite and obesity.

These are the three main varieties of the Lyapko applicator. There are several more that can be used for both active and passive massage of different parts of the body, but they will be discussed below.

For the back

For diseases of the spine and lower back, all three types described above, as well as the belt from Lyapko, are suitable. Good effect on severe pain in the lower back and back gives the compatibility of the rug (15-30 minutes) and the belt (constant wearing).

For face

A face roller is usually used, but besides it, there is also a ball and a tape that can be fixed on any part of the head. These two types of applicator are used:

  • with headaches;
  • for facial rejuvenation.

Important! It should be noted that the device will not help eliminate deep wrinkles, but will prevent their appearance and improve complexion.

For the neck

When you need a massage of this area, all types of applicators are suitable, except for the belt. But the most effective will be chamomile or satellite. Neck massage with an applicator is required:

  • to eliminate muscle pain in this area;
  • with neck injuries;
  • with cervical radiculitis and osteochondrosis.

It is important to know that bone diseases are treated not only with an applicator.

From cellulite and for weight loss

As a rule, a large roller is used. They massage the legs, buttocks, hips, stomach and sides.

It should be remembered that without a diet, this device will not be effective.

During pregnancy

To maintain pregnancy and its normal course, it is recommended to use a roller applicator (large or universal). They need to massage the spine and lower back for 5-10 minutes a day.

With a hernia of the spine and osteochondrosis

A rug, roller, needle ball (for children) are used.

Applicator Lyapko "Needle balls"

What is better applicator Kuznetsov or Lyapko

It is worth paying attention to the fact that not only Nikolai Lyapko (doctor) invented massage applicators. Teacher Ivan Kuznetsov even before him came up with a similar device. How are inventions different from each other?

Materials for manufacturing

Kuznetsov's applicator is made of fabric, and the needles on it are plastic. Massage devices from Lyapko are made of rubber. The needles of these applicators are either made of iron or gold, silver, copper, nickel, which is more hygienic for the skin.

Applicator Kuznetsov


People who have tried both devices on themselves say that Kuznetsov's applicator has a stronger mechanical effect on sore spots, but at the same time, not everyone likes the pain that the device delivers. People point out that rubber applicators from Lyapko are less painful.

It is important to note that their mechanism of action is different: the first applicator accelerates blood circulation due to the contact of the needles with the skin, and the second, in addition to the mechanical one, also has a galvanic effect.

The applicator from Kuznetsov is cheaper, as it is an older invention and less complicated than the Lyapko applicator.

Which one is better is up to those who will use them.


It was written above that the device does not harm health, but it has a lot of contraindications, namely:

  • violation of the surface of the skin;
  • purulent inflammation on the skin;
  • infectious diseases;
  • diseases that are accompanied by an increase in body temperature;
  • violation of the normal functioning of internal organs;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • anorexia;
  • dystrophy;
  • thrombophlebitis.

That is, there will be no harm to health only when all the above health problems are excluded.

Lyapko applicators accelerate blood circulation and thus help to overcome many diseases. But without the traditional treatment of each of the ailments, the effect will be minimal. And this is not surprising: after all, massage is only an auxiliary tool. However, the Lyapko applicator - effective remedy from insomnia and muscle pain.

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