What are tonsilotren tablets for? Tonsilotren: instructions and use for children, reviews

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

The instructions for use of the drug Tonsilotren for children must be followed very strictly, since, despite the safety of the drug, it can have side effects and cause complications.

Tonsilotren is often prescribed for significant inflammation in the tonsil area. According to available reviews from doctors and patients - quite good medicine indicated for the treatment of initial forms of tonsillitis.

The drug is considered almost completely safe, as it has an exclusively natural composition.

Tonsilotren for children is a high-quality homeopathic remedy with an absolutely safe composition, which is ideal for adults and children. This remedy helps stimulate the body's defense mechanisms during activation colds bacterial and viral in nature.

This medicine is prescribed for a wide variety of infectious processes of the respiratory system, damage to the tonsils and pharyngeal mucosa. Tonsilotren instructions for use for children medicine, indicates that he has good:

  • immunostimulating;
  • restorative;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • general strengthening effect.

In addition, it is believed that this good medicine can significantly speed up the recovery of damaged pharyngeal tissue after tonsillectomy.

Tonsilotren qualitatively stimulates the body's defenses and immune system, therefore it helps:

  • strengthen protective functions oral cavity;
  • improve antiviral protection of the pharynx;
  • reduce the duration of the disease.

In addition, this remedy helps speed up the process of regeneration of damaged pharyngeal cells and significantly reduce the inflammatory process occurring in the tonsil area.

Composition and release form

Tonsilotren is available in tablet form and also in the form of drops. Tablets are available in 20 pieces in one package. Each dragee contains:

  • atropine sulfate;
  • calcified sulfur liver;
  • potassium chromate;
  • silicic acid;
  • Mercury iodide.

In addition, the medicine also contains other auxiliary components. It is worth noting that the price of the drug is quite reasonable. However, the price may vary in different pharmacies.

Indications for use

The drug Tonsilotren is used for acute inflammatory process or chronic form occurring in the tonsil area, subject to significant sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms to the active components of the drug.

This remedy can be used quite effectively for various manifestations of tonsillitis, as well as for inflammation in the tonsil area. In addition, this drug is quite appropriate to use for scar tissue damage to the pharynx, as well as after previous surgery.

Tonsilotren is prescribed to patients for diseases such as:

  • acute pathological inflammatory processes in the tonsil area;
  • angina;
  • atrophy of tonsil tissue;
  • acute pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis.

In addition, this remedy is widely used during rehabilitation after surgical removal tonsils, since this homeopathic medicine greatly contributes to the activation of all ongoing regenerative processes. Thus, the course of therapy required for complete recovery after surgery is significantly reduced.

Method of administration

In acute cases of tonsillitis, tablets are prescribed to adults or children over 12 years old, one or two pieces. The medication should be taken up to 12 times per day, but a more precise dosage should be determined exclusively by the attending physician. After eliminating the acute course of the disease, tablets can be prescribed 1 or 2 pieces 3 times a day. You can take Tonsilotren for no more than 8 weeks.

Children under 12 years of age may be prescribed the medicine 1 or 2 tablets, no more than 3 times a day. Therapy for chronic tonsillitis, as well as tonsil atrophy, may require completely different dosages, as well as the use of a whole range of special therapeutic measures.

In all cases, the tablets are used according to the standard regimen, half an hour before or after food consumption. The dragee must be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved.

Side effects and contraindications

Some patients may drool heavily in the first few minutes after taking the medicine. In this case, the doctor can reduce the dosage of the drug, and the problem goes away on its own.

In addition, in some cases, allergic manifestations to the influence of some individual components of the drug are quite possible, which can be a serious indication for discontinuing taking this drug.

It is not recommended to take Tonsilotren if you are hypersensitive to medications containing chromium. It is recommended that patients who have disorders also avoid taking this drug. endocrine system. In any case, if there are different chronic diseases, then the drug can be taken only as prescribed by the doctor.

Analogues of the drug

It is worth noting that there are no completely accurate analogues of the drug Tonsilotren that would be well suited for children and adults. However, there are many remedies that have a similar effect on the body and are prescribed for sore throat and pharyngitis to eliminate inflammatory process in the area of ​​the tonsils.

These drugs include:

  • Amiksin;
  • Cycloferon;
  • Anaferon;
  • Lavomax.

The drug Tonsilotren copes well with quite serious pathologies of the respiratory system, but you should definitely consult a doctor, especially if the drug is used to treat a child.

Proper use of medications and a well-chosen course of therapy contributes to a faster recovery and the prevention of various types of complications.

The autumn-winter period accounts for the maximum number of cases of colds in children. But if only this was the end of the matter. A common complication after a cold is sore throat, which is much more difficult to cure. One of the drugs whose action is aimed directly at the inflamed mucous membrane and tonsils is Tonsilotren.

Tonsilotren is a complex homeopathic medicine that consists of natural ingredients.

Main active ingredients:

  • Kalium Bichronicum
  • Atropinum
  • Silicic acid

The drug has the following effects:

  1. Restores the mucous membrane of the throat after inflammation.
  2. Stimulates the immune system to fight harmful bacteria and viruses that have entered the body.
  3. Anti-inflammatory, which is very important during the treatment of sore throat and other diseases associated with. Thanks to this effect, the process of recovery and treatment is much faster, since the main source of inflammation is removed in a short period of time. The tonsils shrink within just a few days after the start of treatment, and the child begins to feel much better.
  4. Promotes wound healing, especially after herpes sore throat and tonsillitis.

Tonsilotren should be used only after being prescribed by the attending physician, since, despite the many positive properties and reviews, it must be used with caution to avoid the occurrence of an allergic reaction and side effects.

The drug is mainly used to treat infectious and bacterial diseases of the nasopharynx, which lead to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, as well as bodies up to the maximum permissible limits.

  • Angina. This can cause serious complications on the kidneys and heart. That is why at the first sign of a sore throat you should immediately consult a doctor. Tonsilotren is one of those drugs that can quickly begin to fight bacteria and microbes, thereby speeding up the healing process.
  • Laryngitis. This disease is dangerous because if it is not treated, you can permanently lose your voice or the disease will become chronic.
  • . It is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, causing the child great discomfort in the form of soreness, pain during swallowing, etc.
  • Tonsillitis. It is an inflammation of the tonsils. During illness, the child feels very bad and cannot eat normally.

Homeopathy - Sambucus: purpose and application

Tonsilotren can be used either alone or in combination with other medications, the action of which is aimed at improving the body's resistance.

How to use Tonsilotren

Before you start using the drug, you must read the instructions. Often, specialists deviate from the dosages that are written in the instructions for the drug and prescribe either more or less. But most often the use is in accordance with the prescribed dosages.

Children over 12 years of age are recommended to dissolve one tablet once an hour to achieve best effect. Once the child feels an improvement, the dosage should be reduced to two tablets approximately three or four times a day.

You should not stop taking the drug after the pain has completely disappeared. It is necessary to complete the full course of treatment, which is 5-7 days, depending on the severity of the disease.

Children aged 2 to 12 years are recommended to take one tablet every two hours. Moreover, if a child cannot dissolve the tablet on his own (usually children under four years of age), then it is recommended to crush it and give it to the baby in powder form. This way the drug will reach the entire mucous membrane. In this case, you should not give the child anything to drink or eat for the next half hour. On the third day of illness, it is recommended to reduce the dosage to one tablet three times a day.

More information about tonsillitis and sore throat in childhood you can find out from the video.

Before giving Tonsilotren to a child, you should consult a pediatrician, since homeopathic medicines are not approved for use in all children.

  • Increased salivation, especially immediately after taking the drug. If such a symptom appears in a child, then it is necessary to reduce the number of medications taken.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Diarrhea.
  • An allergic reaction, which most often manifests itself as skin rashes and itching.
  • Colic.

If the first symptoms of an allergic reaction appear, treatment with Tonsilotren should be stopped, since its further use may lead to the development of Quincke's edema.

Tonsilotren is prescribed to children from one year of age, despite the fact that the instructions for the drug say that its use is prohibited until the age of 10. This is done because the benefits of the medicine outweigh the possible harm, and besides, it consists of natural ingredients. Tonsilotren for children should be used only after prescription by the attending physician in order to avoid side effects and not harm the fragile child’s body.

Many parents choose homeopathic remedies to treat their children, considering them safer than synthetic ones pharmaceutical drugs. One of the quite popular remedies is Tonsilotren, which has proven itself well for inflammation of the tonsils.

This drug is used both for acute damage and when the disease has been bothering you for a long time with periodic exacerbations (if tonsillitis has become chronic). Before giving it to your child, it is worth learning more about the features of such a homeopathic remedy, regimens of use depending on the course of the disease, as well as possible harm for the child's body.

Release form and composition

"Tonsilotren" is produced only in tablets, one package of which contains 60 or 100 pieces. The tablets themselves are flat, round in shape and matte white in color. They usually do not smell of anything, but a slight sulfur odor is acceptable. The composition of Tonsilotren includes five active substances.

  • A component called “silicea”, which is obtained from silicic acid. Its quantity in one tablet is 5 mg, and the dilution is D2.
  • A substance called "hepar sulfuris". These are calcium and sulfur compounds that are found in Tonsilotren in D3 dilution. Their quantity in each tablet is 10 mg.
  • A compound of potassium and chromium called kalium bichromicum. The dosage of this substance in one tablet is 50 mg, and the dilution is D4.
  • Atropine sulfate, which is presented in a dose of 12.5 mg in each tablet. The dilution of such a substance in Tonsilotren is D5.
  • A compound of mercury and iodine called Mercurius biiodatus. Its dosage per tablet is 25 mg, and the dilution is D8.

The inactive ingredients of the drug are lactose and magnesium stearate, as well as sucrose, which gives the tablets a sweet taste.

Operating principle

Tonsilotren has an anti-inflammatory effect and the ability to stimulate the regeneration of tonsil tissue. The use of tablets for tonsillitis helps eliminate the active inflammatory process. In addition, the use of such a remedy helps to reduce the tonsils if they are hypertrophied. The drug also has a positive effect on local immunity.


"Tonsilotren" is included in the complex treatment of catarrhal, follicular or lacunar tonsillitis, as well as chronic inflammation of the tonsils. The drug is also prescribed in postoperative period patients who have had their tonsils removed to speed up tissue healing.

At what age is it prescribed?

The annotation for Tonsilotren states that this drug is not used in children under three years of age, since safety and effectiveness studies have not been conducted in this age group.

If tonsillitis is detected in a child in the first years of life, he is prescribed other medications approved for children under 3 years of age.


Tablets are not used if the child has hypersensitivity to any of their components. Since they contain milk sugar, the drug is contraindicated not only if it is intolerant, but also if there is a deficiency of lactase in the body. Due to the presence of sucrose in the composition, the product is also not used for glucose-galactose malabsorption.

If a patient is diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, taking Tonsilotren should be monitored by a doctor.

Side effects

As with other homeopathic remedies, in the first days of using the drug the patient’s condition may deteriorate briefly, which requires a second examination by the doctor and discontinuation of the tablets.

Sometimes when Tonsilotren is absorbed, the child begins to salivate heavily. In such a situation, it is recommended to reduce the dosage or stop taking the drug further.

Occasionally, such tablets cause allergic reaction(most often in the form of itching or rash on the skin). If allergy symptoms appear, you should immediately stop giving Tonsilotren to the patient.

Instructions for use

The tablet must be placed in the oral cavity and dissolved until it is all dissolved. This should be done separately from meals - either half an hour before meals, or 30 minutes after the child has eaten.

If it is difficult for a child to dissolve the drug or there is a risk of swallowing it, which happens at the age of 3-5 years, the tablet can be ground into powder and allowed to dissolve in this crushed form. It is also permissible to dissolve Tonsilotren in a small volume of water and let the child swallow it, asking him to hold the solution in his mouth for a short time.

Single dose at chronic tonsillitis for patients over 3 years old – this is one tablet. If the child is over 12 years old, he can take two tablets at once. The dosage regimen involves dissolving Tonsilotren three times a day for 6-8 weeks. Such courses are repeated several times a year.

In case of acute inflammation, the drug should be taken at intervals of 2 hours, but no more than 8 times a day for children 3-12 years old and no more than 12 times a day for patients over 12 years old. So the drug is given for 1-2 days, and when the child’s condition begins to improve, they switch to three doses. You should take Tonsilotren for a sore throat until complete recovery. If after two days from the start of use there are no improvements, you should stop giving the pills to your child and consult your doctor.

Overdose and drug interactions

According to information from the manufacturer, there have been no cases of Tonsilotren overdose, despite the sweet taste of the tablets, to date.

In addition, the manufacturer notes that Tonsilotren does not interfere with treatment with other drugs. And therefore, such a remedy can be combined with other homeopathy, and with different medicines, which are prescribed for sore throat and chronic tonsillitis, for example, with antibiotics or antipyretic drugs.

Terms of sale and storage

Tonsilotren is an over-the-counter product, but consulting a doctor before purchasing such a product is advisable. The average price of a pack containing 60 tablets is 450-550 rubles.

You need to store the tablets at home in a dry place where the temperature will fluctuate between +15+25 degrees Celsius. It is necessary to take into account that such a place should be hidden from children. The shelf life of the drug is 5 years.




Tonsilotren - complex homeopathic medicine.
Stimulates the body's own defenses against viral and bacterial infections of the pharynx and tonsils at various stages of inflammation.
The pharmacological properties of the drug Tonsilotren are based on the homeopathic characteristics of its pharmacologically active ingredients:

Atropinum sulfuricum.
Atropine sulfate, atropine alkaloid sulfate from Atropa beladonna. Atropinum sulfuricum has effects similar to those of belladonna. It is used for acute inflammation of the pharynx and tonsils, characterized by pain, erythema, fever and swelling, and difficulty swallowing.
Hepar sulfuris.
Calcified sulfur liver, white inner parts of oyster shells.
Hepar sulfuris is used in the treatment of subacute and recurrent diseases associated with suppuration and abscesses. These include, among others, Angina tonsillaris et lacunaris and Tonsillitis chronica.
The use of Hepar sulfuris in low doses promotes the healing of suppurations and rapid recovery. Hepar sulfuris is effective against subacute and chronic inflammation of the lymphadenoid pharyngeal ring.

Kalium bichromicum- potassium chromate II.
Potassium chromate is used for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and tonsils, accompanied by redness, difficulty swallowing, including circular deep suppuration.
With inflammation of the pharynx with a slow progression, pain is typical, emanating from limited small intermittent areas, which are especially noticeable in the morning.
The discharge is copious, viscous, purulent. Tongue soft palate often edematous.
The remedy also acts on enlarged tonsils.
Silicea (acidum silicium)- silicic acid, precipitated silicic acid anhydride containing water is used. Silicea works well for purulent inflammations.
The action of Silicea is based on strengthening immune system both in acute diseases and especially in advanced cases with chronic processes and relapses.
For example, in case of subacute and chronic inflammation of the tonsils with difficult and incomplete release of purulent secretions, stimulation of fibroblasts, acceleration of granulation and scarring lead to a speedy recovery.
In general, Silicea increases the body's resistance and reduces the possibility of infection.

Mercurius bijodatus- mercury (II) iodide HgI2.
Mercurius acts mainly on the mucous membranes, especially the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat.
Mercurius bijodatus is used for acute and chronic sore throat, characterized by pale yellow plugs and plaques.
In chronic processes, a significant decrease in the pharyngeal and palatine tonsils is noted within 6 weeks.
Enlarged cervical lymph nodes are also reduced by Mercurius bijodatus.
Thus, Tonsilotren has anti-inflammatory, lymphotropic, immunomodulatory and reparative effects.
Tonsilotren is used for inflammation of the tonsils of the lymphadenoid pharyngeal ring, such as in acute and chronic tonsillitis, as well as after surgical removal of the tonsils.
Atropinum sulfuricum contained in the drug acts in initial stage diseases with high temperature body, accompanied by severe redness of the pharynx and swelling of the tonsils, as well as pronounced difficulty in swallowing.

In case of purulent subacute or chronic course of the disease, the remaining four ingredients come into play.
These include Mercurius bijodatus, which helps, first of all, to reduce hyperplastic nasopharyngeal and palatine tonsils, as well as reduce swelling lymph nodes neck. Hepar sulfuris acts against advanced and recurrent inflammations, the course of which is accompanied by suppuration and stabbing pain.
Prolonged processes with difficulty swallowing, including deep ulceration in small limited areas, as well as enlargement of the tonsils, are affected by Kalium bichromicum. Silicea promotes granulation, which in turn accelerates the healing process of abscesses, and also, by stimulating the immune system, contributes to a more active fight against bacterial infection and strengthens the body's protective properties.
Thus, Tonsilotren is effective in treating all phases of inflammation from the first complaints to the cure of chronically recurrent processes due to the varying time and area of ​​influence of its five ingredients.
Tonsilotren also performed well in the treatment of hyperplasia of the pharyngeal tonsils, especially in infancy and childhood.

Indications for

Included complex therapy at:
- sore throat (catarrhal, lacunar, follicular);
- chronic tonsillitis;
- to accelerate the healing of the pharyngeal mucosa after removal of the tonsils.

Mode of application:

For acute diseases adults and children over 12 years of age take 1-2 tablets every hour for 1-2 days until improvement occurs (no more than 12 times a day); then 1-2 tablets 3 times a day until complete recovery.
Children from 1 year to 12 years old, take 1 tablet every 2 hours for the first 1-2 days until improvement occurs (no more than 8 times a day); then 1 tablet 3 times a day until complete recovery.
In case of chronic disease, as well as for enlarged pharyngeal tonsils, adults and children over 12 years old take 1-2 tablets 3 times a day.
Children from 1 to 12 years old take 1 tablet 3 times a day.
The duration of treatment is 6-8 weeks.
For chronically recurrent sore throat Repeated courses of treatment should be carried out (several courses per year for 6 - 8 weeks).
Take the tablets half an hour before or half an hour after meals, dissolving slowly in the mouth.

Side effects:

Maybe: increased salivation (in this case, reduce the dose or stop taking the drug).
Allergic reactions: in isolated cases - skin rash, itchy skin(in this case, the drug should be stopped).


Hypersensitivity to chromium or other components of the drug.
It is not recommended to prescribe drug for children under 3 years of age due to insufficient clinical data.
Carefully the drug should be prescribed for hyperthyroidism.

When using Tonsilotren, a temporary deterioration in the condition is possible.
In this case, the patient should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.
When using Tonsilotren, the use of other medications is allowed.
The patient must be informed that if there is no therapeutic effect at acute illness During the first 2 days, you should stop taking the drug and consult your doctor.

When the body is attacked by pathogenic microbes and the immune system cannot cope with its function, the doctor prescribes antibiotics or powerful antiseptics.

Traditional medicine, herbal treatment or homeopathy are not adequate in terms of effectiveness for serious lesions of the upper respiratory tract.

In contact with


Today, the drug Tonsilotren has become quite popular among patients and even doctors, the instructions for use for children suggest use for the treatment of infections of the throat mucosa, including purulent sore throat. Tonsilotren is a homeopathic remedy, which should always be remembered, even when reading positive reviews about its effectiveness in children.


Available in the form of tablets that have a specific bitter-sweet taste. Tonsilotren contains a complex of substances, including:

  • atropine;
  • calcified sulfur liver;
  • potassium chromate;
  • silicon;
  • mercury(II) iodide.
The official instructions for use position Tonsilotren as a complex drug that has an anti-inflammatory effect for throat infections at any stage of inflammation in children and adults.

The manufacturer of the drug prescribes the use of Tonsilotren for:

  • acute and chronic;
  • healing after adenoid removal in children.

The instructions for use of Tonsilotren clearly indicate that the remedy is homeopathic, therefore, official medicine does not give reason to believe that it will be effective in the treatment of purulent lesions of the throat mucosa.

What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a special system of views on the treatment of diseases, the main message of which is the proposal for the specific effects on the body of various unusual components, including poisonous ones, such as mercury and atropine in the Tonsilotren in question.

A memorandum from the Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences recognized homeopathy as a pseudoscience. Despite the two-century history of the existence of homeopathy and the large number of its adherents, there is still no evidence base and clear scientific research confirming the effectiveness of the principles and methods of homeopathy. It should also be noted that they will never appear.

Therefore, we cannot advise the use of drugs labeled “homeopathic”, including Tonsilotren. In addition to doubts about the effectiveness of the medicine, there are also a number of concerns in connection with the composition of Tonsilotren, although the instructions for use claim an almost miraculous effect.

Instructions for use of Tonsilotren for children

Manufacturer in official instructions for use does not recommend the use of Tonsilotren for children under 3 years of age. At the same time, it allows the use of Tonsilotren for children from 3 to 5 years old in the form of a powder dissolved in water or under the tongue.

In this case, to use it, you must crush the tablet yourself to a powder and give it to the child every 2 hours for 1–2 days (but not more than 8 times a day). For children over 12 and adults, according to the instructions, Tonsilotren can be dissolved in its original form, 1-2 tablets every hour (in the acute stage for 1-2 days), and 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day after relief of the condition and until recovery.

At chronic forms for sore throats, the instructions recommend the use of 1-2 tablets up to 3 times a day (for patients over 12 years old), as well as 1 tablet 3 times a day (for children from 3 to 12 years old). The instructions also recommend the prevention of throat diseases in the form of courses of Tonsilotren several times a year.

Feedback about use

Despite its absolute uselessness, in everyday practice this medicine has found wide use in the treatment of throat diseases in various categories of patients. Many reviews about Tonsilotren for children show the effectiveness of its use, while another part of the responses from patients suffering from various forms respiratory infections, indicates the complete absence of any effect. There is also information about side effects indicated in the instructions for Tonsilotren, as well as about nonspecific reactions of the body.

Those who find Tonsilotren effective in treating upper respiratory tract infections, including purulent tonsillitis, recommend the medicine to their friends. There are also stories that even the attending pediatrician prescribes Tonsilotren for treatment in children (in one review). In other cases, patients do not find it effective in treating the throat, and note its other disadvantages:

  • the high price of Tonsilotren (despite the fact that the instructions for use for children prescribe constant use, which turns out to be very expensive for the family budget);
  • unpleasant taste (although there are reviews in which the taste of Tonsilotren is praised);
  • inconvenient application schedule;
  • no effect after removal of adenoids.
An analysis of patient reviews (both adults and children), as well as data on the composition in the instructions, gives grounds to assert that Tonsilotren is not effective means for treating a throat.

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