The cat (cat) has a warm and dry nose. Should I run to the doctor? A kitten has a dry nose If a cat has a warm nose

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Almost any owner can be forced to panic when the cat has a hot nose. For most owners, their furry friends have long ceased to be just ordinary pets. Many owners treat cats and cats as full-fledged members of the family, and sometimes as small children. A pet's illness can be a real tragedy for such people. But even those who treat their pets are not as fanatical as responsible owners always try to notice bad feeling your cat.

From drinks to kisses and from there to sexual caresses, nothing can stop him except the glance of your pet. You have two options: either you continue as if nothing happened, or you take the letters on the matter and you take him out of the room. It depends on each person and the comfort of the two people; although honestly, if one doesn't care and the other doesn't say anything, the moment has lost all its magic.

Sexual intercourse can be damaged because you or your partner are not comfortable while your dog or cat is watching. Also, because in many cases it happens right there when your pet is more curious and his gaze seems biased.

The existing stereotype

There is a popular belief that if a cat has a hot nose and ears, this is the first and surest sign of fever. In this article we will try to figure out how true this statement is. It will also be useful for all owners to know whether they should really worry every time their cat has a hot nose.

And this is in the best case when your pet is only voyeuristic, because what to do when he becomes curious. First of all, you must also analyze the situation for him if, for example, every night, and only out of nowhere, someone comes to take over this space and, above all, to be with its owner. That is, on the one hand, it is clear that your dog judges you or not?

To the question you probably asked if you are aware of this act, the answer is yes, or maybe you have forgotten your super feelings and that when we have sex, there is an exchange of fluids, but above all hormones literally "skin color" and this instinctively attracts them.

Features of thermoregulation

First of all, never forget that, as nature intended, a cat’s normal body temperature is always almost 2° higher than that of a human. Sometimes this causes the owner to feel as if the pet’s nose is slightly warm, while the cat itself may feel great. You also need to remember that all thermoregulation mechanisms in cats work very clearly. The temperature on certain parts of their body may change throughout the day, and this is normal. If the cat is hot wet nose, and after 30-40 minutes it becomes absolutely normal (warm or cool), which means that there is no reason to worry. Most likely, the warming of the nose was caused by non-fatal factors for the cat's life, which increased the overall temperature. At the same time, the thermoregulation mechanisms independently coped with this problem.

If your dog is not a voyeur, that is, one who only watches, but rather intrudes, two things can happen: the first and perhaps less serious, but no less uncomfortable, is to draw scents in order to sniff with greater intensity and even lick . The second thing that can happen is that you become aggressive, feel jealous, and defend your territoriality by barking and fussing.

Therefore, to avoid all these situations, it is best that before sex you carefully take your dog or cat into the room and, if possible, entertain him with your favorite toys or a tasty snack. There's no way in the world you lock him in another room or in the bathroom because you're complicating things and you won't be able to be calm until the dog stops barking. Shutting down is stressful for them, so they will look for ways to make sure they know how to bark or tear things apart.

Should I worry?

In fact, cats are such vulnerable and delicate creatures that many everyday factors can provoke a short-term increase in temperature or cause their nose to warm up. Answers to the question “why does a cat have a hot nose?” there may be several:

  • the pet is sleeping or has just woken up, and after it has warmed up in its sleep, its temperature is slightly elevated;

For thousands of years, domestic cats have hunted small parts, mice, small birds, etc. To feed yourself. Eating pieces of meat from their prey provided the proteins needed for survival, and with them the water present in the tissues. Fortunately, dry foods are now made that make feeding them convenient, although wet food must be provided daily. Eating wet foods is beneficial in preventing future kidney problems. There are even cat experts who recommend that cats be fed 60% wet food and 40% dry quality food throughout the day.

  • the cat experienced stress (the appearance of another pet in the house, moving to a new place, someone loudly shouted at him);
  • the animal was scared of something (loud noise, barking dog, vacuum cleaner, etc.);
  • the furry friend showed too much activity, played, jumped, etc.

The cat has a hot nose: what to do?

First of all, of course, you should not panic. If the pet has normal ears, behaves in the usual way, eats and drinks water, remains active and mobile, then you just need to carefully observe the animal over the next few hours. Most likely, this symptom will go away on its own.

Puppies should be fed high quality food. Kitten food also feeds puppies from 4 weeks of age. To complete the diet, you should eat daily, with wet meal, snacks or sashemi, specifically for your age. When a cat is a puppy, we can give you thousands of rich things to make them happy, this will help them to be strong and healthy. For example: natural yogurt, fresh cheese, natural tuna, York or turkey ham, chicken or cooked turkey They love to suck on the booze!

If we add rice rice or noodles, it should be in small quantities as the cat's digestive system is better at digesting animal proteins. Feeding an adult cat. Domestic cats reach sexual maturity at around 7-8 months. From this age we can consider them adults. Adult cats should be fed a quality diet appropriate for their circumstances. If after castration, take the weight, we will try to play with it and we can give you a flush if needed. In addition to quality food, we recommend giving cats wet food every day.

If the owners notice a hot nose on the cat, they should worry and get to the veterinarian as soon as possible in cases where at least one of the following symptoms is added to this:

  • the animal does not drink water for a long time;
  • the cat refuses to eat;
  • avoids owners, hides, does not want to play, does not go into arms;
  • shows aggression, runs, rushes around the apartment, behaves irritably;
  • the animal, on the contrary, becomes apathetic and falls into melancholy;
  • signs of a cold appear: sneezing, eyes turn red;
  • Fluid flows from the nose and discharge appears.

How to take your pet's temperature

You should not postpone a visit to the doctor in cases where the cat has a hot nose for a long time and at the same time he has a lack of appetite and apathy. But in order to understand whether a hot nose really signals us about the temperature and whether it is worth exposing the cat to stress by taking it to the clinic for an unnecessary examination, you can measure the temperature at home, on your own.

For many reasons, the most important thing is that it provides food rich in proteins, due to which the combined water facilitates kidney function. In our hands, try to make it wrong. The inferior food that is sold in supermarkets or large format white brands does not have the quality that ensures good health for our cat - it is cheap meals, loaded with color, flavor and a marketing plan designed for what we consider the best food for our feline.

Remember that you are feeding yourself pizzas and rolls every hour of the day, they are well aware, but they are not being fed and are causing harm to them over time. Also we can always give them rich things that either like theirs or intercalate them with latita: for example: natural yogurt, fresh cheese, natural tuna, York or turkey ham, chicken or turkey cooked only with water, which they love to suck caldito! , if we add rice or noodles, that is in small quantities, because they absorb it worse. If a cat is being fattened until it becomes detrimental to its health, it can be provided with light food, even one specialized for this purpose.

In cats, this is done basally (that is, through the anus). Few cats will accept this owner's idea with enthusiasm, and you need to be prepared for the fact that the animal will resist and will not sit quietly for 5 minutes with a thermometer in its butt. Therefore, it is advisable that the procedure be carried out by 2 people, one of whom could hold the furry patient well at all times. In this case, it is desirable that the thermometer body be plastic and not glass.

Or also, instead of buying cans, eat your own chicken or rabbit and let him eat cooked chicken with cooking broth, Provides protein and plenty of water and just fat. The importance of water. Cats are animals that usually drink some water and have their bodies adapted to get it from hunting prey. It is very important to have fresh, clean water at our cat’s disposal, in short, water that “invites” him to drink. That's why our cat's drunkard must be made of porcelain or glass.

Plastic drinkers make their water supply taste better and therefore tend to drink less. How many times have our cats climbed onto the sink or sink to turn on the faucet? That they want to drink fresh and oxygenated water. In addition to having an activated carbon filter that purifies and cleanses the water elements.

We must remember that the body temperature of our tailed friends is several degrees higher than that of humans. So values ​​around 38°-39° are acceptable for cats. But a temperature above 39° should be a signal that it’s time to show your pet to the veterinarian.

Hot and red ears

One of the symptoms of real cat health problems can be a dry and hot nose at the same time, as well as red, hot, “flaming” ears. This condition may indicate an ear mite infestation. Dry ears and a specific, unpleasant odor from the ears are also a bad sign. auricle. This may be a sign of a simple or already purulent otitis. In such a situation, there is no need to waste time. You need to take your cat to the doctor for examination as soon as possible.

The clinical signs developed by the cat will depend on which blood vessels are damaged and which organ supplies the blood. When the blood vessels in the abdomen are affected, the cat's stomach swells with fluid called ascites. When the blood vessels in the chest are damaged, fluid drains into the chest, reducing the lungs' ability to expand, so the cat has difficulty breathing.

These cats would have so much virus in their effusion that all the antibodies would be attached to it and would not be tested by itself. In bacterial peritonitis and pleurisy, the number of white blood cells in the effusion is much higher, and the cytologist usually sees bacteria. Cytology of pleural effusions is useful in differentiating it from lymphocytic lymphosarcoma because the predominant cell is a lymphocyte and they are often malignant.

Many of us, loving our cats madly, noticing their hot nose, immediately run to the computer and start looking for advice on various forums on what to do. Having read the advice of various “expert breeders”, the owners risk only aggravating the condition of their furry friend. You can read absolutely ridiculous advice on the Internet, for example: pour a teaspoon of vodka into the cat’s mouth, pick her some grass along the road, mix an Aspirin or Paracetamol tablet into her food.

Such methods, especially with the use of alcohol, can undermine the health of even an absolutely healthy animal.

Be aware that cats with other chronic infections may have similar hematologic changes. Clinically, the cat must have lost weight and usually has ocular signs such as iritis, retinal blood vessel infiltration, keratosis, aqueous deposits, or vitreous flare.

Submit samples using the Analysis Request form with your address. Associated Animal Diagnostics University of Glasgow Veterinary School. Cat corona virus antibody test. However, performing the test may be useful in obtaining an antibody concentration that can be used as a comparison when the test is repeated after 2-3 months to determine whether the antibody concentration is decreasing.

No matter how great the temptation may be to “save” your sick tailed friend on your own, remember that an animal, just like a person, should only be prescribed any drug by a doctor. If a cat shows symptoms of a real illness, find the money, time and show it to the veterinarian, because the most important thing is not to harm the animal with your care.

Do a test before pairing him with another cat that we already know if he is positive or negative. It is important that cat breeders avoid infecting their animals or other animals by crossing antibody-positive cats with only positive cats and antibody-negative cats with negative cats.

In control programs, cats are tested every 2-3 months when the cats' antibodies decrease to zero and then placed in the negative group to prevent reinfection. It may even be wise to quarantine and test cats returning from crosses or cat exhibits.

Animals also get sick, but unlike people, they cannot tell where and what hurts them. Therefore, the owner needs to note signs that are abnormal for his pet - excessive restlessness, unnaturally long periods of sleep, increased excitability, appetite, stool, diuresis, discharge from the nose, eyes, mouth and other points. Owners, especially inexperienced ones, have many questions about their cat’s nose. What should it be like? Cold or warm, wet or dry? And if a cat has a dry and hot nose, does this mean that the pet is sick? In fact, a cat’s dry nose in itself does not indicate illness, but in combination with other signs it may indicate problems in the animal’s health.

Kittens different sizes in the litter. Diarrhea around 5-7 weeks of age Sneezing or tearing of the eyes. Remember that all the clinical signs described above can be caused by other treatable diseases. Take your cats to the vet for an examination if any of these symptoms appear and be optimistic.

The first thing you need to do is make sure your cat is healthy. If your cat has always been a good eater and suddenly loses her appetite, this is something that should immediately concern you - especially if you are overweight. If you have recently lost weight or gained weight, it's time to visit your veterinarian. Once the problems are diagnosed and treated, your cat's appetite should return quickly.

Why does this happen?

If a cat's nose is dry and warm, this does not mean that he is sick. There are several reasons for a cat's dry nose:

  • If the animal has just woken up, its nose will almost always be dry and warm. In a dream, a cat does not lick itself, which means it does not moisturize its olfactory organ. After some time, the nose will become moist and cool. This is normal and not a cause for concern.
  • If the cat ran, jumped, played, or was in the open sun a lot, then his nose could dry out under the influence of his own body temperature, the air temperature indoors or outdoors, as well as from wind and dust. When the cat calms down and moves into the shade or indoors, everything will return to normal. The same applies to cases where the cat was lying near a hot radiator or in a room with excessively dry air. Central heating radiators dry out people's skin, not to mention a cat's sensitive nose.
  • When it is too cold outside or indoors, the cat does not lick its nose, and it becomes cold but dry. This is also a variant of the norm. Once warm, the cat will begin to lick itself again, moistening its nose.

What should a healthy cat's nose look like?

A healthy cat's nose is moist, cool and slightly slippery. The cat regularly licks it, and it is covered with a special secretion that creates a protective mucous membrane. For a cat, the nose is not just an organ of smell. With its help, she determines the direction of the wind, the temperature of an object, and even touches it with her nose along with the vibrissae. Constant moisture on the surface of the nose increases its sensitivity, while a dry nose cracks, causes discomfort and cannot cope with its functions.

Cat food preferences and bad habits

If your cat does not have any health problems, you may need to consider the possibility that your cat has acquired bad habits. For example, providing your cats with extra treats throughout the day that are more palatable and interesting than your regular diet may cause your cat to develop an overly ravenous appetite over time. If you have a lot of people at home who like to give your cat treats or some special foods during the day, this could lead to serious problems such as obesity.

A very young kitten has a dry nose because it does not yet know how to lick itself, and the moisturizing secretion is not yet released due to age.

When is a dry nose a sign of illness?

A dry nose in itself is not a sign of illness. If it is dry and hot, and the ears are also hot, then we can talk about an increase in the cat’s body temperature. The temperature of cats and other animals is measured rectally by carefully inserting the thermometer 1 cm into the anus and holding it there for about a minute.

Some cats will go hungry until they are given something that is simply tastier than dry cat food. This is where you need to make some changes and stop reinforcing this bad behavior. People foods and excess sweets only cause weight gain and do not provide balanced nutrition. Your cat needs nutritional balance and enough every day to stay healthy.

Stop giving extra food and special treats and limit yourself to daily scheduled meals. If possible, place small amounts of food in the feeder several times a day, as cats tend to be "big claws." Place the right amount of food at the same time every day and wait for it to be eaten. If your cat doesn't want to eat the food you offer, try again later. If you still don't want to eat him while he's healthy and not obese, wait a day or so and hopefully hunger will take over.

The normal temperature for a cat is 38-39 degrees, for bare-haired breeds the norm is 39-40. In kittens and pregnant cats, the norm shifts up 0.5 degrees. An increase of one degree is not critical, but a higher temperature requires urgent consultation with a veterinary specialist.

If you discover that your cat's nose is not properly moistened, you need to observe the animal.

Cat owners have already become accustomed to determining the health/illness of their beloved mustachioed pet by the condition of its nasal planum. This is partly true. But a dry nose in a cat is not always an indicator of poor health. When should we start sounding the alarm, and when is it enough to just wait a while, and everything will become damp and cold again without outside intervention? Why does a cat have a dry nose?

If the cat is healthy

In healthy baleen predators, the condition of the nose varies depending on many factors. A cat’s nose becomes dry or wet depending on the physiological state of the animal - this organ is never constantly wet and cold. Those. A cat's nose is dry and warm even in a normal physiological state. The only question remains is the environmental conditions and the period of time when it becomes wet again.

A cat's wet and moist nose allows it to determine the direction of the wind in order to hide its own scent from those it plans to hunt. A dried out organ can no longer perform such functions.

When a warm, dry nose is considered normal:

  • the cat is sleeping or has just woken up (must moisturize within half an hour after sleep);
  • period of increased physical activity - running, jumping, pampering with the owner;
  • dry air in the home or the cat was near warm heating appliances for a long time;
  • sudden fear, stress;
  • prolonged exposure to the open sun (literally dries out);
  • the nasal planum is dirty (the ability to secrete nasal secretions is lost).

Dry, hot noses in kittens throughout the day are much more common than in adults. This is explained by an imperfect thermoregulation system and should not alarm owners if the kittens are outwardly healthy, active and have a good appetite. This is a kind of self-defense against possible hypothermia of mustachioed babies.

When a dry nose should alert you

If the nasal planum has dried out, and this symptom is accompanied by other manifestations, then you need to pay special attention to these symptom complexes. A hot nose in a cat should alert you if this fact has been observed for a long time (for example, it is constantly dry throughout the day).

The following accompanying symptoms should attract attention:

  • the cat/cat is lethargic, apathetic, practically does not eat anything, does not want to play;
  • Thirst may occur (due to dehydration, secretion ceases to be produced, which makes the nose wet);
  • sleep a lot and for a long time (it seems that the animal sleeps around the clock);
  • along with a hot nose, the cat has noticeably hot ears (usually this is a sign of elevated temperature);
  • rapid shallow breathing (normal is from 16 (18) to 33 respiratory movements per minute) or accelerated heartbeat (normal pulse is 100-120 beats/min in adults, up to 140 beats/min in kittens);
  • on the contrary, slow and deep breathing;
  • nasal discharge of any kind and sneezing;
  • any changes in color (blue, yellowish, intense red or white, almost discolored).

If a warm and dry nose is accompanied by the following signs, then this is already a reason for a mandatory visit to the veterinarian (especially if the signs are pronounced):

  • there are changes in the frequency of visiting the toilet, and it does not matter whether it is more frequent or, conversely, less frequent (on average 1-2 (3) times a day defecation, 2-3 times a day urination);
  • change in the condition of feces - usually towards diarrhea (especially if with bloody impurities);
  • nausea (the cat begins to lick itself frequently, because at the moment of nausea the secretion of saliva increases) or obvious vomiting is observed;
  • the fluid secreted from the nostrils is opaque, with an unpleasant odor;
  • body temperature rose to 40C.

Why does my nose feel dry and hot?

If the physiological causes of drying and warming of the nose are discarded and the time period during which this fact is observed begins to be alarming, then the cat is definitely sick. The exact cause and diagnosis can only be made by a veterinary specialist after an in-person examination and passing the necessary tests on the animal (if necessary).

Possible causes of a dry and hot nose:

  • internal infections (viral or bacterial);
  • inflammatory process of any localization;
  • fur in the stomach or intestines;
  • dehydration due to diseases or unfavorable conditions in which the cat is kept;
  • urolithiasis and any kidney pathologies;
  • cat colds;
  • nasal injuries;
  • poisoning or digestive disorders.

How can I help my pet?

What to do if your cat has a dry nose? Of all possible reasons, in which the olfactory organ is hot and dry, owners of mustachioed pets can only try to normalize the body temperature, because with this symptom it is most often increased. It is better not to engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication, because... There are many different reasons for this condition; it is almost impossible for a non-specialist to determine the exact cause! Measuring the temperature is the first and most important thing that a pet owner should do when they notice a long-term warm and dry nose.

It is strongly recommended not to treat fever in cats (up to 40C) with medications. Three main points for reducing body temperature without medication: give the cat cool (not cold!) water, wet the fur, and apply something cold to the groin and armpits. Any other assistance should already be provided by a veterinarian after an accurate diagnosis has been established.

Question and answer: if the nose...

very cold but pale

Typically, this condition is accompanied by a lack of appetite due to poisoning, and can also be a sign of hypothermia or internal chronic pathologies, including problems with the heart. Stress and shock also cause a cat's nose to turn pale (but do not dry it out).

warm and white

The problem clearly lies in dysfunction of the hematopoietic and circulatory systems. A visit to the veterinarian is required.

hot and intense pink/red

There may have been a bruise of the nasal planum, there are infectious diseases or have rhinitis (both infectious and allergic in origin).

hot and very humid

When there is a transition from a dry state to a wet and cold state, the nose first becomes wet and then cools down. If this state does not last long, it means that everything is going as it should - the owners just got to the moment when it still had time to cool down. But if the condition is prolonged and the nose remains hot but wet, you need to measure your body temperature, perhaps it has increased.

blue or blue-violet plus hot

This is the first sign of oxygen starvation and/or heart failure, when an acute lack of oxygen in the tissues of the body is detected. Inflammatory processes in the lungs can also contribute to a blue nose in a cat.

dry and lethargic

Any sign that complements a dry and warm nose indicates that the pet is unhealthy. The task of the owner of a mustachioed pet is to determine the body temperature and seek the advice of a veterinarian to find out for sure what happened to the animal.

hot ears and dry nose

A classic manifestation of increased body temperature. If the ears become noticeably hot and dryness of the nasal planum is noticed, be sure to measure the temperature (rectally)!

the cat does not eat and the nose is dry

Also a clear sign animal ill health. The reasons range from poisoning to serious infections. A veterinarian will help you better understand the cause.

There are many reasons why the nasal planum gets warm and dries out. Not all of them are associated with any diseases. If, with such a symptom, the cat feels great, and nothing in its behavior alarms the owner, it makes sense to simply wait a while until the nose becomes wet and cold on its own. However, any of the accompanying signs of abnormal health is a clear reason to visit a veterinarian!

Very often, having found the nose of a beloved cat dry and warm, the owner worries about his health, since it is well known that the nose of a healthy animal should be cool and moist. In fact, a dry and warm nose in a cat occurs both in normal physiological situations and in truly serious illnesses that require immediate delivery to the clinic. Therefore, it is important to be able to determine the difference between these two conditions.

What can a cat's nose tell you?

The skin of a cat's nose is covered with glandular secretion, which serves to retain molecules of odorous substances and protect the earlobe from drying out. As the liquid contained in the secretions of the glands evaporates, it cools the skin, so the nose of a healthy cat is cool and slightly slippery to the touch. The nose is considered to be an indicator of a cat's health. Veterinarians call it the nasal planum, since it reacts quite clearly to the fluid deficiency that has formed in the cat, especially in cases where it is provoked by overheating.

How does a cat’s dry and hot nose feel and look?

A nose that is dry and hot to the touch loses its smoothness and becomes rough. The color of the nose, especially with its light pink tint, may visually become darker; the skin of the noselobe looks rougher, more dry, and if the noselobe remains dry for a long time, minor damage forms on it, since there is no protective effect of the secretion of the nasal glands.

A cat's nose is very sensitive, and damage to it is always painful for the animal. In addition, when it dries out, the cat’s acute sense of smell, which he has always been accustomed to relying on, deteriorates, which depresses the pet and can even result in loss of appetite, since the animal does not smell food well.

A healthy cat who is sleeping or has recently woken up may have a dry and warm nose.

When a dry and warm nose may be normal

A dry and warm nose in a cat does not always indicate a disease in the animal. There are a number of situations in which it is normal:

  • The cat is sleeping or woke up half an hour ago - during sleep, the work of the mucous glands slows down, the liquid gradually evaporates from the surface of the nose, and it becomes dry and warm. After waking up, it takes time to restore the amount of secretion covering the nose.
  • Lack of drinking water is freely available to the cat; in this case, the animal cannot compensate for natural fluid losses, and the nose becomes dry, reflecting developing dehydration.

    To prevent dehydration, your cat should always have access to water.

  • Physical activity, active games - when moving, muscle work increases body temperature, metabolism also increases and natural fluid loss increases, while the nose can also become dry.

    The nose becomes dry and warm in an actively playing cat.

  • Emotional stress, stress - cats are very emotional, and unexpected changes in their environment can trigger stress reactions, in which the nose can become dry and warm. Usually, the cat’s behavior changes - it may avoid communication, hide, get angry, and lick itself often and nervously. Dryness of the nose in this case is due to the inhibitory effect on the work of the glands of sympathetic impulses from the autonomic system. nervous system. The cat’s stress reaction either goes away on its own as it gets used to the changed environmental conditions, or you can use sedatives, for example, Fospasim.

    The nose can become dry and warm under stress.

  • Hot and dry air in the room where the cat is kept - in this case, the rate of evaporation of secretion from the nasal mirror exceeds the rate of its formation by the glands of the nose, so the earlobe dries out. A dry and warm nose can be found in a cat basking near a radiator.
  • Subjective feelings of a person. Sometimes a person defines the temperature of a cat’s nose as elevated, due to the fact that normal temperature cats are 2°C higher than humans.

If a pet's warm and dry nose persists only for a short time, this is a normal physiological condition. In this case, you need to make sure that the cat has fresh and clean water. A cat may be thirsty but not drink if the water or bowl is not completely clean.

Video: dry and hot nose in an animal

When a cat's dry and hot nose is a sign of illness

A cat's dry and hot nose can also be a symptom of a disease, and in this case, if you look closely at the animal, you can detect other manifestations of the disease. The value of the nose in this situation is that it is easily accessible for inspection. The owner should check his suspicions about the pet’s illness if the nose remains dry and warm for a long time, and the cat:

  • wasn't worried;
  • didn't play;
  • did not sleep;
  • did not overheat;
  • has access to fresh, clean water.

If a dry and warm nose is observed for a long time or is combined with other symptoms, the cat’s temperature should be measured.

How to measure a cat's temperature

If you suspect a fever, it is best to measure your cat's temperature at home, since when delivered to a veterinary clinic, the cat may experience stress, and its body temperature will become even higher, which will distort the result of thermometry.

An assistant will be needed to measure the temperature in order to securely restrain the cat. The procedure is carried out in the following sequence:

A low-grade increase in body temperature does not require measures to reduce it, unlike febrile, and even more so hyperpyretic fever. Self-administration of human medications to reduce fever in cats is not recommended as their effects on cats are very different and may cause dangerous consequences, especially stomach bleeding. Therefore, only physical methods of fighting fever in cats at home are acceptable:

  • cold compresses on the groin and neck areas;
  • lightly wetting the cat's fur with water;
  • providing cool water for drinking.

You should hurry to take your cat to a veterinary clinic for examination and treatment.

Video: how to measure an animal's temperature

Table: diseases that cause the nose to dry out

Thus, a dry and hot nose is a symptom that signals dehydration or fever, which is also always accompanied by varying degrees of dehydration. When these conditions, as well as their causes, are eliminated, the secretion of nasal mucus normalizes, and the nose becomes cool and moist. If, as a result of prolonged drying out, the nasal mirror is injured with the formation of wounds, abrasions, and crusts, you need to help it heal by treating sea ​​buckthorn oil or panthenol.

Video: how to tell if your cat is sick

The list of diseases that cause a warm and dry nose in a cat is very extensive, and to carry out the complex diagnostic measures you should contact a veterinary clinic.

Veterinarians do not recognize the dryness or wetness of an animal’s nose as particularly valuable. diagnostic criterion, since it is considered low specific, subject to changes in dynamics and dependent on external conditions. To accurately assess the animal’s condition, and even more so to reach a diagnosis, they need more reliable diagnostic criteria. However, according to my observations, many experienced veterinarians, when examining an animal after removing the IV and monitoring its condition, touch the patient’s nose with the back of their hand, assessing its temperature and humidity. In addition, they evaluate the moisture and color of the mucous membranes oral cavity, the shine of the animal’s eyes, the turgor of the skin fold - does the skin straighten out after pinching it, and also control the rate of capillary filling by pressing on the gums - normally the color of the mucous membrane is restored in less than 2 seconds; this criterion helps them evaluate capillary blood flow. After this, they count the pulse, listen to the heart and lungs and measure blood pressure with a veterinary blood pressure monitor on the paw or tail; average rate blood pressure cats 120/80 mm Hg. Art. - just like a person. Thus, the dryness of the nose for a veterinarian is one of many auxiliary criteria for assessing the condition of an animal, but for a cat owner this indicator is very valuable, since the nose is easily accessible for examination and its changes can be timely monitored in response to developing fever and dehydration, regardless of from their cause, and consult a doctor in time to clarify the diagnosis and treatment.

If you suspect that your cat is developing the disease, do not hesitate to visit the clinic.

What symptoms require immediate medical attention?

Some symptoms accompanying drying out of the nasal planum require immediate veterinary help:

  • febrile and hyperpyretic fever;
  • combination of fever with:
    • vomiting;
    • diarrhea;
    • depression of general condition;
    • pallor or cyanosis of the mucous membranes;
    • severe pain syndrome;
    • changes in the amount and color of urine;
    • rapid heartbeat;
    • shortness of breath;
    • bleeding of any location;
    • jaundice;
    • increase in peripheral lymph nodes, liver, spleen;
    • volumetric formations of any localization;
    • difficulty moving;
    • lack of vaccinations for the animal;
    • childhood;
    • pregnancy and lactation;
    • state of shock;
    • convulsions;
  • appearance of nasal discharge:
    • unilateral discharge of a mucous nature or mixed with blood can be due to a foreign body in the nasal passage, while the cat rubs its nose with its paw, trying to get rid of it;
    • copious watery bilateral discharge is characteristic of allergic rhinitis, may be accompanied by urticaria, rash, itchy skin;
    • unilateral bloody discharge can occur with polyps and tumors in the nasal cavity;
    • bilateral purulent discharge causes rhinitis of bacterial or fungal origin;
    • bilateral mucous discharge usually occurs at the onset of an infectious disease;
    • nosebleeds are typical for injuries and poisoning with anticoagulants that are part of rat poisons;
  • a sharp change in the color of the nasal planum:
    • paleness - possible shock, anemia;
    • cyanosis - insufficiency of heart and lung function;
    • jaundice - with the development of jaundice, a change in the color of the nose is clearly visible in animals with a non-pigmented lobe; if the lobe is colored, then these changes can be observed on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and conjunctiva of the eye.

What does a cat's too cold nose mean?

A cat's nose may be too cold when:

  • hypothermia - the cat is placed in a blanket, a warm heating pad is applied, and a warm drink is offered;
  • state of shock - shock is manifested by a sharp decrease in blood pressure, and:
    • rapid and arrhythmic heartbeat;
    • frequent shallow breathing, which slows down as the state of shock deepens;
    • lethargy, turning into loss of consciousness;
    • a decrease in body temperature below 37 o C;
    • pale mucous membranes;
    • cold nose, ears and paws;
    • slow capillary refill rate (exceeds 2 seconds).

A state of shock is a direct threat to the life of a cat and requires its immediate delivery to the nearest veterinary hospital where there is a resuscitator. The cat needs to be wrapped in a blanket, placed on its side, the pelvic end raised to improve blood supply to the brain - and a great hurry to the clinic.

If a dry nose is combined with a subfebrile temperature, the animal should be monitored. It is not necessary to achieve a drop in temperature, because the symptom may be the animal’s reaction to overheating, stress, or the fight against an infectious agent. In most situations the nose is dry or slightly elevated temperature pass on their own.

If a febrile temperature is registered, the cat's skin and fur are slightly moistened, cold objects are applied to the groin or neck, and veterinary help is called. It is impossible to reduce the temperature with medicines intended for humans - action medical supplies on cats and people differently.

Kuleshov Evgeny Ivanovich; veterinarian, associate professor, candidate of agricultural sciences

If found heat the cat has hyperthermia, don’t panic right away. An increase in the indicator can occur due to heat stroke in the hot season, or during pregnancy of the pet. Often, an increase in body temperature of several tenths of a degree occurs in animals during stressful situations, in kittens - during weaning from their mother, or during overeating. However, if the indicator is exceeded by one degree or more, you should not hesitate to visit a veterinary institution. A specialist will advise you on how to reduce the cat’s temperature after carrying out the necessary diagnostics and identifying the cause of hyperthermia in the animal. The owner’s task is to timely identify the pet’s illness. You should not give your cat antipyretic medications on your own. Many human fever medications are contraindicated for use in animals. In addition, by bringing down the temperature without using specific treatment for infectious diseases, you can waste time and worsen the condition of a sick pet.

Lyubov Ilyina, veterinarian

A dry and warm nose can often be found in healthy cats in a limited number of situations, and it can also be one of the symptoms of an illness, including a severe one. Therefore, it is of great importance when assessing the likelihood that a cat may develop a disease. general state animal, thermometry results, as well as the appearance of certain symptoms of the disease. A dry nose in a cat is not a specific symptom indicating any pathology; at the same time, a dry and warm nose is an easily accessible indicator indicating the occurrence of a disorder water balance in the cat's body caused by dehydration and fever. When the underlying disease is cured, the condition of the nose is normalized on its own and does not require separate measures.

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Almost any owner can be forced to panic when the cat has a hot nose. For most owners, their furry friends have long ceased to be just ordinary pets.

Many owners treat cats and cats as full-fledged members of the family, and sometimes as small children. A pet's illness can be a real tragedy for such people. But even those who are not as fanatical about their pets as responsible owners always try to notice their cat’s poor health.

The existing stereotype

There is a popular belief that if a cat has a hot nose and ears, this is the first and surest sign of fever. In this article we will try to figure out how true this statement is. It will also be useful for all owners to know whether they should really worry every time their cat has a hot nose.

Features of thermoregulation

First of all, never forget that, as nature intended, a cat’s normal body temperature is always almost 2° higher than that of a human. Sometimes this causes the owner to feel as if the pet’s nose is slightly warm, while the cat itself may feel great. You also need to remember that all thermoregulation mechanisms in cats work very clearly. The temperature on certain parts of their body may change throughout the day, and this is normal. If a cat has a hot, wet nose, and after 30-40 minutes it becomes completely normal (warm or cool), this means that there is no reason to worry. Most likely, the warming of the nose was caused by non-fatal factors for the cat's life, which increased the overall temperature. At the same time, the thermoregulation mechanisms independently coped with this problem.

Should I worry?

In fact, cats are such vulnerable and delicate creatures that many everyday factors can provoke a short-term increase in temperature or cause their nose to warm up. Answers to the question “why does a cat have a hot nose?” there may be several:

  • the pet is sleeping or has just woken up, and after it has warmed up in its sleep, its temperature is slightly elevated;

  • the cat experienced stress (the appearance of another pet in the house, moving to a new place, someone loudly shouted at him);
  • the animal was scared of something (loud noise, barking dog, vacuum cleaner, etc.);
  • the furry friend showed too much activity, played, jumped, etc.

The cat has a hot nose: what to do?

First of all, of course, you should not panic. If the pet has normal ears, behaves in the usual way, eats and drinks water, remains active and mobile, then you just need to carefully observe the animal over the next few hours. Most likely, this symptom will go away on its own.

If the owners notice a hot nose on the cat, they should worry and get to the veterinarian as soon as possible in cases where at least one of the following symptoms is added to this:

  • the animal does not drink water for a long time;
  • avoids owners, hides, does not want to play, does not go into arms;
  • shows aggression, runs, rushes around the apartment, behaves irritably;
  • the animal, on the contrary, becomes apathetic and falls into melancholy;
  • signs of a cold appear: sneezing, eyes turn red;
  • Fluid flows from the nose and discharge appears.

How to take your pet's temperature

You should not postpone a visit to the doctor in cases where the cat has a hot nose for a long time and at the same time he has a lack of appetite and apathy. But in order to understand whether a hot nose really signals us about the temperature and whether it is worth exposing the cat to stress by taking it to the clinic for an unnecessary examination, you can measure the temperature at home, on your own.

In cats, this is done basally (that is, through the anus). Few cats will accept this owner's idea with enthusiasm, and you need to be prepared for the fact that the animal will resist and will not sit quietly for 5 minutes with a thermometer in its butt. Therefore, it is advisable that the procedure be carried out by 2 people, one of whom could hold the furry patient well at all times. In this case, it is desirable that the thermometer body be plastic and not glass.

We must remember that the body temperature of our tailed friends is several degrees higher than that of humans. So values ​​around 38°-39° are acceptable for cats. But a temperature above 39° should be a signal that it’s time to show your pet to the veterinarian.

Hot and red ears

One of the symptoms of real cat health problems can be a dry and hot nose at the same time, as well as red, hot, “flaming” ears. This condition may indicate an ear mite infestation. Also a bad signal is dry ears and specific, bad smell from the auricle. This may be a sign of simple or already purulent otitis media. In such a situation, there is no need to waste time. You need to take your cat to the doctor for examination as soon as possible.

Many of us, loving our cats madly, noticing their hot nose, immediately run to the computer and start looking for advice on various forums on what to do. Having read the advice of various “expert breeders”, the owners risk only aggravating the condition of their furry friend. You can read absolutely ridiculous advice on the Internet, for example: pour a teaspoon of vodka into the cat’s mouth, pick her some grass along the road, mix an Aspirin or Paracetamol tablet into her food.

Such methods, especially with the use of alcohol, can undermine the health of even an absolutely healthy animal.

No matter how great the temptation may be to “save” your sick tailed friend on your own, remember that an animal, just like a person, should only be prescribed any drug by a doctor. If a cat shows symptoms of a real illness, find the money, time and show it to the veterinarian, because the most important thing is not to harm the animal with your care.

The health of your cat will be indicated by the presence of a good appetite, a cheerful state, restful sleep and normal functioning of all functions. How can you tell if something is bothering your purr and that not everything is okay? This is usually determined by the nose.

Signs of illness in a cat

Don’t rush to sound the alarm and jump to hasty conclusions if your pet’s nose is hot and dry.

The main signs of the disease are:

When diagnosing the above symptoms, you should definitely seek help from a specialist.

When should you not worry?

Your cat's hot ears and dry nose are not a reason to panic. Many cats have the habit of sleeping on the floor with one ear close to the surface. In this position it will naturally heat up. In addition, a cat may have hot ears and a dry nose due to stress and temperature changes.

It must be remembered that our furry pets are very heat-loving. A body temperature of 39 degrees in small kittens is considered normal, just like a dry and hot nose in a kitten; in an adult cat it is 37.5-38 degrees; in some purebred hairless cats (sphinxes) it reaches 39 degrees.

So a hot nose in a cat can be either a natural phenomenon or a manifestation of a painful condition. Pay attention to the behavior and symptoms that appear in the animal. When sick, behavior changes: either drowsiness, or lack of appetite, inhibited behavior, etc. Sometimes cats purr not only from pleasure, but also when they don’t feel well, in order to cheer themselves up, when they are worried or afraid.

By the way, this may be one of the reasons why a cat has hot ears and a hot nose. Increasing air temperatures and atmospheric pressure changes also cause hot ears and a dry nose in a cat. Perhaps this is dehydration or the cat does not have enough coolness. Whatever it is, the animal needs your care.

Diagnostics and first aid for your four-legged friend

The first thing you need to do after diagnosing the disease is to examine your pet yourself:

All the necessary precautions will help your pet cope with the disease and will greatly facilitate the veterinarian’s diagnosis. Record all indicators, keep a diary of the disease, measure the temperature, pulse, weight of the animal daily until it gets better.

How to treat a cat at home

Let's say that you were prescribed treatment and entrusted to cure the animal yourself.

What to do if the cat has a hot nose and is really sick and is completely in your care?

  1. It is best to swallow tablets in capsules completely together with the protective coating: pre-lubricate them with oil, place them on the middle of the tongue and push them down the throat.
  2. Try to prevent the cat from biting through the medicine and resisting it, otherwise the procedure will be very difficult to repeat. In a capsule, the tablet dissolves directly in the intestines and this is more effective than mixing its contents with food or drink, since you will not be able to control the cat’s desire to eat or drink all the contents.

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