Gliatilin instructions for use in children dosage. Reviews for gliatilin

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Our daughter's gliatilin was prescribed by a neurologist. Our baby girl was born way too early. Because of this, we have enough reason to be friends with a neurologist. Therefore, during the first years of our lives, we take various drugs to improve cerebral circulation.

After reading various information about the drug on the Internet, I found out the following:

Active ingredient Gliatilin choline alfoscerate

There is an analogue of Gliatilin of domestic production, at a price it is more affordable.

Only the instruction of Gliatilin, unlike its analogues, does not contain contraindications for the use of the drug in children.

It became unclear to me why drugs with the same active ingredient, but not all are recommended for use in children.

I began to look for information that Gliatilin or analogues are better.

These two drugs contain the same active ingredient, but differ in price and quality. Cerepro is cheaper, but the degree of purity of the active substance and the product as a whole is somewhat lower than that of the original.

Conclusion: if you agree to overpay for the quality of the drug, then Gliatilin is preferable.

But after all, a child is not an experimental creature, there are always fears that the use of drugs for the brain is not entirely advisable and may cause some undesirable consequences.

For children older than two years, the drug is prescribed in the form of capsules. In more early age- in the form of injections. However, in clinical practice, it is not recommended to prescribe Gliatilin for children under two years of age, since drug safety tests in given age was not carried out. In the rehabilitation period, Gliatilin for children allows you to restore thinking, memory, imagination and other basic brain functions. But, since the drug belongs to potent drugs, parents should not use it on their own without consulting a neurologist.

After weighing all the pros and cons, it was decided to buy Gliatilin.

The package contains 14 capsules. We were prescribed to take the drug for 1.5 months, so we bought 3 packs at once. The price turned out to be about 2500 rubles. Capsules in a hard gelatin shell are packed in contour cells.

It is quite difficult to take the drug in such a dosage and in such a package. Inside the capsule, the contents are like a thick gel. Dividing the contents of the capsule into 2 parts is difficult. It is impossible to give a two-year-old child to swallow such a capsule. The doctor recommended the following application: Pour the capsule with a small amount of hot water. Wait for the gelatin shell to dissolve and then give.

The use of gliatilin turned out to be not easy. I first tried different ways extract the contents from the capsule. I tried it with a syringe, still a lot remains on the walls. I was afraid that after exposure to hot water, the active substance might lose its properties. But I had to stop at the recommended method of application. The liquid formed after dissolution was divided in half, the second half was put in the refrigerator. They drank from a spoon, but very reluctantly.

Excitation of the daughter after taking the drug was not. We slept just like before. Nervousness was not observed b. I started taking it first with 1 time per day to see the reaction.

Now, a month and a half has passed since the end of the reception. They started talking more. New words and sentences appeared. Probably the drug had its effect positive action on the development of the child. I really hope so. But the process of speech development was in the active phase just at the moment we started taking the drug.

Take Gliatilin or choose its analogues, of course, you decide. Our friends gave the daughter of the same age an analogue of Gliatilin - Cerepro. Satisfied with the result. I played it safe and settled on the use of Gliatilin.

Nootropic drug. Cholinomimetic of central action with a predominant effect on the central nervous system. The release of choline from the active substance occurs in the brain; choline is involved in the biosynthesis of acetylcholine (one of the main mediators of nervous excitation). Alfoscerate is biotransformed to glycerophosphate, which is a precursor of phospholipids.

Acetylcholine improves the transmission of nerve impulses, and glycerophosphate is involved in the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine (membrane phospholipid), resulting in improved membrane elasticity and receptor function.

Gliatilin increases cerebral blood flow, enhances metabolic processes and activates the structures of the reticular formation of the brain, and also restores consciousness in traumatic brain damage.

It has a preventive and corrective effect on the factors of the involutional psychoorganic syndrome, such as changes in the phospholipid composition of neuronal membranes and a decrease in cholinergic activity.

Thus, pharmacodynamic studies have shown that Gliatilin acts on the synaptic, incl. cholinergic transmission of a nerve impulse (neurotransmission); neuronal membrane plasticity; receptor function.


Suction and distribution

After oral administration, absorption is 88%.

Easily penetrates the BBB, accumulates mainly in the brain (the concentration reaches 45% of the level in the blood plasma), lungs and liver.

Metabolism and excretion

85% is excreted by the lungs in the form of carbon dioxide, the rest (15%) - by the kidneys and through the intestines.

Release form

Soft gelatin capsules, oval, yellow, opaque; the contents of the capsules are a viscous colorless solution.

Excipients: glycerol, purified water.

The composition of the capsule shell: gelatin, esitol, sorbitan, sodium ethyl parahydroxybenzoate, sodium propyl parahydroxybenzoate, titanium dioxide (E171), iron (III) meta-hydroxide (E172).

14 pcs. - blisters (1) - packs of cardboard.


Capsules are taken orally before meals; the solution is administered intramuscularly or intravenously by drip.

In acute conditions, intramuscularly at a dose of 1 g (1 ampoule) per day or intravenously - from 1 g to 3 g per day.

When administered intravenously, the contents of 1 ampoule (4 ml) are diluted in 50 ml of saline; infusion rate - 60-80 drops / min. The duration of treatment is usually 10 days, but if necessary, treatment can be continued until positive dynamics appear and it is possible to switch to capsules.

In chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency, changes in the emotional and behavioral sphere and multi-infarct dementia, the drug is administered orally at 400 mg (1 caps.) 3 times / day.

The duration of therapy is 3-6 months.


Symptoms: nausea. When this symptom appears, it is recommended to reduce the dose of the drug.


Drug interaction of the drug Gliatilin has not been established.

Side effects

Possible: nausea (as a result of dopaminergic activation), allergic reactions.

As a rule, the drug is well tolerated even with prolonged use.


  • acute period of traumatic brain injury, mainly with stem lesions (including in violation of consciousness, coma);
  • disorders of cerebral circulation according to the ischemic type (acute and recovery period) and hemorrhagic type (recovery period);
  • degenerative and involutional psycho-organic syndromes and the consequences of cerebrovascular insufficiency, such as primary and secondary disorders of mnestic functions, characterized by memory impairment, confusion, disorientation, decreased motivation, initiative and ability to concentrate;
  • changes in the emotional and behavioral sphere: emotional lability, increased irritability, decreased interest; senile pseudomelancholia;
  • multi-infarct dementia.

Gliatilin - instructions for use (adults, children), analogues, reviews

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Gliatilin represents nootropic drug, which improves human cognitive abilities (memory, attention and productivity of thinking), and also normalizes blood circulation in the brain. Gliatilin is used for stroke, memory loss, cerebrovascular insufficiency (dyscirculatory encephalopathy) and acquired dementia (senile, Alzheimer's, etc.).

Composition and forms of release

Gliatilin is currently available in two dosage forms:
1. Capsules for oral administration;
2. Solution in ampoules for intravenous or intramuscular injection.

Capsules in everyday life are often called tablets, implying a dosage form intended for oral administration. Of course, capsules are not the same dosage form that tablets, but at the everyday level, both names may well be used to refer to the variety of the drug for oral administration. It is just necessary to remember that if a person says "Gliatilin tablets", he means the form for oral administration, that is, capsules.

Capsules Gliatilin are available in packs of 14 pieces. The solution for intravenous and intramuscular injections is available in 4 ml ampoules, which are packed in cardboard boxes of 1 or 3 pieces. Gliatilin solution is a clear, colorless liquid without any odor. The capsules have an oval-shaped gelatin shell, colored yellow. Inside the capsules is a viscous colorless solution.

As an active ingredient capsules and solution for injection Gliatilin contains choline alfoscerate. Capsules have a dosage of the active substance of 400 mg, and a solution of 250 mg / ml. That is, each capsule contains 400 mg of choline alfoscerate, and 1 ml of injection solution contains 250 mg. Accordingly, a full ampoule with 4 ml of solution contains 1000 mg of the active substance.

As an excipient solution for injection contains only distilled deionized sterile water. Capsules Gliatilin as auxiliary components contain the following substances:

  • Glycerol;
  • Titanium dioxide;
  • Gelatin;
  • Iron(III) metahydroxide;
  • Propyl parahydroxybenzoate sodium;
  • Sorbitans;
  • Sodium ethyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • Ezitol.

Therapeutic action

Gliatilin is a centrally acting cholinomimetic, that is, it has an activating effect on cholinergic receptors in brain structures. According to the pharmacological action, the drug is a nootropic and neuroprotective.

Once in the brain, Gliatilin breaks down with the release of choline and glycerophosphate. Choline is involved in the formation of acetylcholine, a substance that is the main mediator of nervous excitation. It is thanks to acetylcholine that a signal is transmitted from one brain cell to another. In fact, the presence of a sufficient amount of acetylcholine determines the high rate of information exchange between brain structures.

And glycerophosphate is involved in the formation of phospholipids - substances that make up the cell membrane. Accordingly, with a sufficient amount of phospholipids, cells have a strong membrane, which reliably protects them from the negative effects of factors environment.

Thus, on the one hand, Gliatilin accelerates and improves the transmission of nerve impulses between brain cells, and on the other hand, makes neurons stronger and more resistant to adverse environmental factors (for example, hypoxia, etc.).

In addition, Gliatilin improves cerebral circulation, speeds up the process of metabolism in brain cells and restores consciousness after traumatic injuries to various brain structures. When used in the acute period of traumatic brain injury, Gliatilin improves blood flow and bioelectrical activity in the affected area, and also contributes to the faster disappearance of neurological symptoms and the restoration of normal consciousness. Gliatilin also contributes to the rapid recovery and normalization of structures damaged during ischemic stroke of the brain.

Gliatilin also improves cognitive abilities (memory, attention and thinking) in people suffering from mild or severe dementia caused by cerebral circulation disorders of various origins, for example, cerebral atherosclerosis, dyscirculatory encephalopathy, arterial hypertension, Alzheimer's disease, etc.

In all people (both healthy and those suffering from mental disorders) Gliatilin improves mood and emotional stability, activates thinking, stops irritability and apathy.

Indications for use

Gliatilin is indicated for use in the following conditions and diseases:
  • Acute period of traumatic brain injury, in which the brainstem is predominantly affected and there are corresponding symptoms (impaired consciousness, coma, etc.);
  • Acute and recovery period of ischemic stroke;
  • Recovery period of hemorrhagic stroke;
  • Degenerative and involutional psycho-organic syndromes, manifested by memory impairment, confusion, disorientation, decreased motivation, initiative and concentration of attention;
  • Chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency (dyscirculatory encephalopathy);
  • Violations of emotional stability and behavior, such as emotional lability, irritability, low interest in life, senile pseudo-melancholy;
  • Dementia caused by various causes (Alzheimer's, senile, mixed forms);
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • Chorea of ​​Huntington;
  • Cognitive function disorders (impaired mental function, memory and concentration in the elderly, as well as confusion, disorientation, reduced motivation and initiative).

Gliatilin - instructions for use

General provisions

Gliatilin capsules are taken orally and used to treat chronic conditions over a long period of time. Gliatilin solution is administered intravenously or intramuscularly, and is used in the treatment of acute conditions for a relatively short period of time. In addition, in severe diseases, the use of Gliatilin in the form of injections and capsules is combined, that is, the solution is first administered intravenously or intramuscularly, and then treatment is continued by taking the capsules orally.

The choice of method of application of Gliatilin is carried out by a doctor, depending on the severity of the course of the disease and the patient's condition. Consider the schemes, rules for use and dosage of the solution and capsules of Gliatilin for the treatment of various conditions and diseases.

The use of Gliatilin capsules

Capsules should be swallowed whole, without biting or opening in other ways, but with a small amount of still water. It is best to take the capsules before meals.

If you need to take capsules several times a day, then you should divide the daily dosage into unequal parts so that you take a large part of the dose in the morning and a smaller part in the afternoon. This is necessary to neutralize the possible stimulating effect of the drug, due to which it may be difficult to fall asleep if taken in the evening.

In chronic diseases, treatment immediately begins with the intake of 400 mg capsules (1 capsule) 2-3 times a day, and continues for 3-6 months. In acute conditions, a course of injections of Gliatilin is first carried out (one ampoule is administered - 1000 mg per day), after which they immediately switch to taking the drug in the form of capsules without interruption (2 capsules in the morning and one in the afternoon), which is continued for six months.

Consider dosages and duration of therapy for various chronic conditions Gliatilin capsules:

  • The rehabilitation period after a stroke - take 400 mg (1 capsule) orally 2 times a day for two months.
  • Early recovery period after a stroke - take orally 400 mg (1 capsule) 2 times a day for 2 months, starting from the second week after a stroke.
  • Profound disorders of movement, thinking, speech and mental activity after a stroke - Take orally 400 mg (1 capsule) 2 times a day for six months. You can start taking the capsules from the second week after the stroke.
  • Dementia (dementia), Alzheimer's disease and encephalopathy (cerebrovascular accident) with severe impairment of motor and intellectual function - first, for 5-14 days, Gliatilin is injected (one ampoule 2 times a day), and then within six months, 400 mg (1 capsule) are taken orally, 2 times a day.
  • Cerebral circulation disorders (encephalopathy, chronic insufficiency cerebral circulation, etc.) - take orally 400 mg (1 capsule) 2 times a day, for 1 - 2 months.
  • brain injury or polytrauma(damage to various parts of the body) - within a week after the injury, Gliatilin is injected (1 ampoule 1 time per day), then from the second week, 400 mg (1 capsule) is taken orally 2 times a day for 2 months.
  • Concussion - taken orally from the first day of injury, 400 mg (1 capsule) 2 times a day, for a month.
  • - within a week after the injury, Gliatilin is injected (1 ampoule 1 time per day), then from the second week, 400 mg (1 capsule) is taken orally 2 times a day for 2 months.
If a person experiences nausea while taking Gliatilin capsules, then the dosage of the drug should be reduced and treatment should be continued.

These schemes of application are standard, but if necessary, the duration of therapy can be increased or decreased. Also, if necessary, you can make repeated courses of taking Gliatilin capsules, maintaining intervals between them lasting at least 4 to 6 months. Remember, the longer the course of therapy was, the longer the break should be before the next one.

Gliatilin injections

The solution can be administered intravenously or intramuscularly. Intravenous Gliatilin is administered as an infusion ("dropper"), after diluting the contents of the ampoule (4 ml of solution) in 50 ml of saline. Then the finished infusion solution is injected at a rate of 60 - 80 drops per minute.

To perform an intramuscular injection, the Gliatilin solution from the ampoule is drawn into a sterile syringe of the required volume. For example, if you need to inject 1000 mg of the drug, then take a syringe with a volume of 4-5 ml to select the entire solution from the ampoule. If you need to enter only 500 mg of the drug, then take a 2 ml syringe to select only 2 ml of the solution from the ampoule, which contain 500 mg of Gliatilin.

Intramuscular injections are recommended to be done in the anterior-lateral surface of the thigh, the upper outer part of the shoulder, and for slender people also in the anterior wall of the abdomen. It is not recommended to make an intramuscular injection into the buttocks, since the muscles lie very deep in this part of the body and there is a high risk of injecting the solution into the subcutaneous fat layer, from where the medicine will not be absorbed into the blood at a sufficient speed.

Before performing the injection, it is necessary to treat the injection site with a cotton swab moistened with an antiseptic (alcohol, Belasept, Chlorhexidine, etc.). After that, the needle is inserted deep into the tissue, holding it perpendicular to the surface of the skin. When 2-4 mm remains from the skin to the needle holder, the introduction of the needle into the tissues is stopped and they begin to slowly press on the syringe plunger, releasing the medicine into the muscle. After introducing the entire solution into the tissue, the needle is removed, and the injection site is re-wiped with a cotton swab moistened with an antiseptic.

The ampoule with Gliatilin solution should be opened immediately before use. Do not store the solution in an opened container. That is, if the ampoule has been opened, you must either use the solution or discard it. If not the entire ampoule is used for injection, then the required amount of solution is drawn into the syringe, and the remains are discarded.

Dosage of Gliatilin for intravenous and intramuscular injections with various diseases is the same and is 1000 mg (one full ampoule of solution - 4 ml) at a time. Intramuscular injections are made a maximum of once a day, and intravenous injections - 1 to 3 times. The duration of the use of intravenous and intramuscular injections for various diseases is also the same and is 7-10 days. After completing the course of injections of Gliatilin, you can immediately, without any interruption, switch to taking the drug in capsules of 400 mg (1 capsule) 2 times a day, for 1 to 6 months, to achieve a stable therapeutic effect.

Injections are best done in the morning, preferably before meals. The method of administration of the drug is determined by the doctor and depends on the patient's condition. If a person is in a critical condition, unconscious or unable to walk independently, then Gliatilin is administered intravenously. If a person is able to walk and responds adequately to the surrounding reality, then Gliatilin can be administered intramuscularly. However, if possible, it is better to use intravenous infusion of the drug, since this method of injection is less traumatic compared to intramuscular injections.

Consider dosage and duration of Gliatilin injections in various conditions and diseases:

  • The most acute period of ischemic stroke - administer intravenously or intramuscularly at 1000 mg (1 ampoule) 2 times a day, for 3-5 days. From the second week after a stroke, you can start taking 400 mg capsules (1 capsule) 2 times a day for a month.
  • The most acute period of hemorrhagic stroke - administer intravenously or intramuscularly at 1000 mg (1 ampoule) 2 times a day, for 5 to 14 days. From the second week after a stroke, you can start taking 400 mg capsules (1 capsule) 2 times a day for a month.
  • Stroke with impairment of consciousness requiring maintenance of vital functions
  • Dementia (dementia), Alzheimer's disease and dyscirculatory encephalopathy (cerebrovascular accident) with severe disorders of motor and intellectual function - for 5-14 days, Gliatilin is administered intravenously or intramuscularly, one ampoule (1000 mg) 2 times a day, and then within six months, take 400 mg orally (1 capsule ) 2 times a day.
  • Brain contusion with impaired consciousness requiring maintenance of vital functions - administer intravenously at 1000 mg (1 ampoule) 4 times a day, at regular intervals lasting 6 hours, for 5 to 7 days.
  • Brain contusion of moderate or mild severity, or polytrauma (injury to several parts of the body) - administer intravenously or intramuscularly at 1000 mg (1 ampoule) once a day, for 7 days, starting from the first day of injury. Starting from the second week after the injury, continue treatment with 400 mg capsules (1 capsule) 2 times a day for two months.
  • Traumatic brain injury in children - administer intravenously or intramuscularly at 1000 mg (1 ampoule) once a day, for 7 days, starting from the first day of injury. Starting from the second week after the injury, continue treatment with 400 mg capsules (1 capsule) 2 times a day for two months.
  • heart disease or surgical interventions that may be complicated by the development of ischemic brain damage - administer intravenously or intramuscularly at 1000 mg (1 ampoule) once a day, for 3 to 7 days. The signal for the introduction of Gliatilin in such cases is the development of the phenomenon of cardiac embolism or systemic arterial hypotension. It is possible to enter Gliatilin in the early postoperative period or before surgery to prevent complications in the form of ischemic brain damage (if there is a risk of developing such complications).
After completing the course of Gliatilin injections, in order to obtain a more stable or pronounced therapeutic effect, you can always continue treatment by taking capsules. Capsules for various conditions and diseases are taken in the same dosage - 400 mg (1 capsule) 2 times a day for 1 to 6 months. If the condition is severe, then it is allowed to take 800 mg (2 capsules) in the morning and 400 mg (1 capsule) in the afternoon, for a month. If necessary, continue treatment after a month of taking Gliatilin at a daily dosage of 1200 mg (2 capsules in the morning and 1 in the afternoon), reduce the dose and take 400 mg (1 capsule) 2 times a day for another 1 to 5 months.

If a person develops nausea during injections of Gliatilin, then the dosage of the drug should be reduced and therapy should be continued.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, if a woman, not knowing about the onset of pregnancy, took the drug, then it is not necessary to have an abortion, since in animal experiments, Gliatilin did not show a negative effect on the fetus. In this case, you just need to stop taking the drug immediately after it became known about the pregnancy, and carefully do screening tests (ultrasound at 12 and 20 weeks, AFP concentration test, etc.) to detect abnormalities in the development of the fetus.

If a woman who is breastfeeding needs to take Gliatilin, then the child should be transferred to artificial milk formulas and breastfeeding should be abandoned.

Influence on the ability to control mechanisms

Gliatilin does not reduce the ability to control mechanisms, therefore, against the background of the use of the drug, you can engage in any type of activity that requires a high speed of reactions and concentration.


An overdose of Gliatilin is possible and is manifested by the development of nausea, vomiting and symptoms of dyspepsia (bloating, flatulence, feeling of heaviness in the stomach, belching, constipation or diarrhea, etc.). In case of overdose, it is recommended to wash the stomach and then take a sorbent (for example, activated carbon, Polysorb, Polyphepan, Filtrum, Enterosgel, etc.). After taking the sorbent, it is necessary to refrain from using the drug for a day, and then you can continue taking Gliatilin at the standard dosage.

Interaction with other drugs

Gliatilin does not significantly interact with other drugs, and therefore it can be used in combination with any other drugs.

Gliatilin for children

General provisions

Gliatilin, like other nootropics, is often prescribed for children younger age to eliminate the delay in motor, mental or speech development, or to eliminate the consequences of birth trauma and perinatal encephalopathy. In more rare cases, the drug is used to treat a traumatic brain injury, concussion, or brain contusion. Children under 7 years of age are usually prescribed Gliatilin in the form of injections, since when using the solution, it is possible to measure the required, lower dosage of the drug than for adults. When using capsules, a child of any age will have to be given the full adult dosage, since it is impossible to divide its contents into several doses.

Gliatilin - instructions for use for children

With various options delays in motor, mental or speech development, perinatal encephalopathy, or consequences of birth trauma in children of any age, Gliatilin is best used in the form of intramuscular injections for a number of reasons. First, when using a solution, you can measure the child needs dosage. Secondly, the course of therapy with Gliatilin injections is much shorter than when taking tablets (for example, injections are given for 5 to 14 days, and capsules are drunk for 1 to 3 months). Finally, thirdly, Gliatilin injections are often much more effective than taking capsules.

With developmental delay, the consequences of birth trauma or perinatal encephalopathy, children of the first year of life are injected intramuscularly with 1-2 ml of a solution (250-500 mg) of Gliatilin once a day, for 10-12 days. For children aged 1-3 years, the solution is administered 2-3 ml once a day, for 10-12 days. And for children over 3 years of age, Gliatilin is administered in adult dosages, that is, one full ampoule (4 ml) once a day, for 10 to 12 days.

With developmental delay, the consequences of birth trauma and perinatal encephalopathy, the drug can be used for children and in capsules. If a child over one year old can safely swallow a whole capsule of Gliatilin, then he should be given a drug of 400 mg (1 capsule) 2 times a day, for 1 to 3 months. If a child older than a year cannot swallow the capsule, then you should carefully pierce its shell with a needle and draw its contents into a syringe. Then all the liquid contents drawn out of the capsule with a syringe should be poured into the child's mouth (after separating the needle from the syringe) and give him non-carbonated water to drink.

Under the same conditions, children under one year of age are strongly recommended to use Gliatilin injections, and not capsules. However, if for some reason it is necessary to give a child under a year of age a drug in the form of capsules, then it is recommended to do this as follows. First, pierce the capsule with a needle attached to the syringe and draw out all its contents. Then, having disconnected the needle, gently pull the child's lower lip and drip 4-6 drops of the solution drawn from the capsule into the space between the lip and gums from the syringe. After that, you need to give the child a drink. Thus, the child is given the drug 4-6 drops 2 times a day, for 1-3 months.

With a traumatic brain injury, concussion or contusion of the brain it is recommended to administer Gliatilin intravenously or intramuscularly at 1000 mg (1 ampoule) once a day for 7 days, starting from the first day of injury. Starting from the second week after the injury, you can continue treatment with 400 mg capsules (1 capsule) 2 times a day for two months.

Side effects

Usually Gliatilin is well tolerated, and only in rare cases provokes the following side effects:
  • Nausea;
If nausea occurs, the dose of Gliatilin should be reduced and continued until the end of the course of therapy. With the development of allergic reactions, it is necessary to stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Contraindications for use

Gliatilin capsules and injections are contraindicated for use if a person has the following conditions or diseases:
  • Individual hypersensitivity or allergic reactions to the components of the drug;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.


In the pharmaceutical market, almost every drug has analogues, which are divided into two varieties - synonyms and, in fact, analogues. Synonyms are drugs that, like Gliatilin, contain choline alfoscerate as an active substance. Analogues are drugs that contain other active substances, but have the most similar spectrum of therapeutic action to Gliatilin.

So, the following drugs are synonymous with Gliatilin:

  • Gleacer solution for injection;
  • Delecite capsules, oral solution and injection solution;
  • Choline alfoscerate injection;
  • Holitilin capsules and solution for injection;
Analogues of Gliatilin are other drugs from the group of nootropics, such as:
  • Amilonosar tablets and injection;
  • Acefen tablets;
  • Bravinton concentrate for solution for infusion;
  • capsules;
  • Cerebrolysate solution for injection;
  • Cerebrolysin solution for injection;
  • Encephabol tablets and oral suspension;
  • Epithalamin powder for solution for injection;
  • Escotropil solution for infusions.

Cheap analogues of Gliatilin

Cheaper drugs-synonyms of Gliatilin are the following:
  • Gleacer solution for injection;
  • Noocholine Rompharm solution for injection;
  • Cerepro capsules and injection;
  • Cereton capsules and injection solution.
Cheaper analogues of Gliatilin are the following:
  • Vinpotropil capsules, tablets and concentrate for solution for infusion;
  • Vinpocetine tablets and concentrate for solution for infusion;
  • Ginkgo Biloba tablets and capsules;
  • Glycine sublingual and buccal tablets;
  • Gopantam tablets;
  • Cavinton tablets and concentrate for solution for infusion;
  • Calcium hopantenate tablets;
  • Korsavin and Korsavin Forte tablets;
  • Lucetam tablets and solution for injection;
  • Memotropil tablets;
  • Noben capsules;
  • Nooklerin oral solution;
  • noopept tablets;
  • Nootropil capsules, tablets and injection;
  • Omaron tablets;
  • Picamilon tablets and solution for injection;
  • Picogam tablets;
  • Piracetam capsules, tablets, granules for the preparation of syrup for children, injection;
  • Telektol tablets;
  • Thiocetam tablets and solution for injection;
  • Phezam capsules.

Better than Gliatilin

In medical practice, there is no concept of "best" or "better" in relation to drugs. Instead, doctors use the concept of "optimal". The term “optimal” is understood to mean the drug that suits the person in the best way and gives the most pronounced therapeutic effect at the present time. This means that for one person Gliatilin will be optimal, for another - Pantocalcin, and for the third - Encephabol, etc. Moreover, for the same person at different times, different drugs may be optimal, for example, two years ago it was Gliatilin, and now it is Pantocalcin. But it is the optimal drug that is the best for a person. Given the very wide variability of optimal drugs, determined by the individual characteristics of the organism, it is not possible to determine a drug that is better for all people than Gliatilin.

For the treatment of patients with cerebrovascular insufficiency, the drug "Gliatilin" is often prescribed. Analogues of this medicine have no less corrective and preventive effect on general state person. What are these analogues?

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When is Gliatilin prescribed?

"Gliatilin" belongs to the group of nootropic drugs that have a neuroprotective effect. It normalizes blood flow, improves the supply of oxygen to the brain. Gliatilin also helps to regain consciousness after injuries. Indications for the use of this drug are quite wide. The medicine is used to treat:

  • Senile pseudomelancholy.
  • Alzheimer's disease.
  • Memory impairment and confusion.
  • Decreased motivation.
  • Decreased level of concentration.
  • Emotional instability.
  • Strokes.
  • Traumatic brain injury in case of brain damage.

The main active ingredient of the drug is choline alfoscerate. This substance is perhaps the most important building material for the brain. It lowers cholesterol levels, protects the membranes of brain cells from damage, and helps them recover faster.

"Gliatilin" is well absorbed, accumulating mainly in the brain, lungs, liver.

Contraindications and side effects

Gliatilin itself, analogues of this drug are never prescribed to pregnant women or mothers who are breastfeeding. If it is impossible to do without medicine, then feeding is recommended to be interrupted.

Some patients may allergic reaction to receive or administer the drug.

The drug is available in several dosage forms.

  • Capsules. One contains 400 mg of active ingredient. The composition of the shell includes iron and titanium dioxide, gelatin, ethyl parahydroxybenzoate and sodium propyl parahydroxybenzoate. Sold in packs of 14 pieces.
  • Solution. It can be used for both intramuscular and intravenous administration. Usually ampoules with a capacity of 1000 mg are sold in packs of three.

In what dosages is Gliatilin prescribed? Injections (the instruction explains this in detail) are usually given for 10 days. With intramuscular administration, 1 ampoule per day is usually prescribed, with intravenous dosage it can be increased to 3000 mg.

Capsules are taken 1 to 3 times a day.

How does the drug "Gliatilin"

The drug is 40% composed of a substance called choline. In the body, it turns into phosphorylcholine, and in its active form. This phospholipid has a pronounced membrane-forming effect. Under its influence, cell membranes become more plastic and elastic. Acetylcholine, which is also formed in the body as a result of the conversion of choline, has a very good effect on neurotransmission. This is the name of the electrical phenomena in synapses that arise as a result of the propagation of nerve impulses.

As a result, the quality of the membranes is further increased and synaptic neurotransmission is improved.

Why do experts often prescribe "Gliatilin"? Reviews of doctors say that the drug is absorbed by the body by 88%. Most of it accumulates in the brain, restoring damaged tissues. 15% of the drug is excreted during defecation. The choline-containing drug does not affect reproductive function and does not cause mutations.

Rules of sale and price of "Gliatilin"

The drug with this name is produced in Italy (Italfarmaco S.p.A.). In the Russian Federation, the drug is manufactured by DILEO PHARMA LLC. In pharmacies, it should be sold only by prescription. Important: the use of this medication without the advice of specialists often leads to irreversible complications.

How much does Gliatilin cost? The price depends on the form of release of the drug and the region in which it is sold. Average:

  • Ampoules (1 ml) cost an average of 600-630 rubles for a pack of three.
  • Capsules 400 mg in a package of 14 pcs. - from 870 rubles.

Often a drug with this name is offered to buy on the Internet at a much lower price. Carefully! The quality of such drugs cannot be trusted.

What to do if it is not possible to purchase Gliatilin? Analogues of this drug, produced in other countries, can differ significantly in price, while maintaining their medicinal qualities. Such analogues include Gleatser, Cholitin, Delecit, Cerepro.

Let's take a closer look at each of these drugs.

"Gleatser" - as the cheapest substitute for the drug "Gliatilin"

Analogues that are produced in Russia are often much cheaper than imported drugs, but at the same time retain all the positive properties. "Gleatzer" is one of these compounds. It is produced by Altair LLC. According to its pharmacological and pharmaceutical properties cheap medicine is no different from the drug "Gliatilin". Reviews of doctors confirm this.

The active substance of Gleacer is also choline alfoscerate. It helps to accelerate the regression of neurological symptoms, restores consciousness well. "Gleatser" is often prescribed to restore memory, normalize cognitive needs, to eliminate the effects of cerebral circulation. It "works" in the same way as "Gliatilin". The indications for use are the same. The medicine is prescribed for memory loss, strokes. It treats well for the consequences caused by cerebrovascular anomalies.

Gleatzer costs from 240 to 500 rubles. 3-5 ampoules are supplied in packages.

The drug "Cerepro"

This medicine is produced in India (Novartis Enterprises Limited) and in the Russian Federation (JSC Veropharm). It costs an average of 250 rubles less than Gliatilin. In an acute condition, this drug is administered parenterally for 10-15 days, then it is recommended to take capsules for six months. The average daily dose rarely exceeds 1200 mg per day. Usually "Cerepro" is taken in the morning and afternoon. At night, this medicine is rarely prescribed: it often provokes insomnia or restless sleep.

Which is better: Gliatilin or Cerepro? This should be decided by the doctor. Manufacturers warn that the latter can cause:

  • Nausea, unpleasant dyspeptic phenomena, exacerbation of gastritis.
  • Anxiety, aggressiveness, insomnia, rarely - panic attacks and convulsions.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Dryness of the skin and mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

Sometimes the introduction of "Cerepro" leads to the appearance of urticaria and the development of pain at the injection site. At the same time, our doctors note that the effect of the drug is no different from Gliatilin, and all of the listed side effects are extremely rare.

"Delecit" and others

This is another analogue of "Gliatilin". It is produced in the form of a ready-made solution for intramuscular injections and infusions, as well as capsules, the active substance of which is the same choline alfoscerate. Produced by the Russian company "Mifarm" and the Italian Catalent Italia S.p.A. The average price of a drug is 700 rubles (5 ampoules of a standard dosage) and 550-600 rubles (standard capsules). Delecite acts in the same way as Gliatilin.

Analogues of this drug are the same in action, but different in price. Here is an example:

  • "Kholitilin" - 420 rubles. (3 ampoules).
  • "Cereton" (RF) - 520 rubles. (5 ampoules).
  • "Cereton", capsules (RF) - from 800 to 1000 rubles. (28 pcs.).

How to choose the right drug? Is it possible to replace a medicine prescribed by a doctor with an analogue produced in another country?

This question should be decided only by the attending physician. Since the drug is sold exclusively by prescription, the pharmacy does not have the right to sell an analogue instead of the drug prescribed by the doctor.

What is the difference between expensive drugs and cheap ones?

Some pharmacists claim that the raw materials from which more expensive drugs are prepared are always cleaner than those from which cheap analogues are made.

On the other hand, the high price of imported drugs is the result of delivery costs and pharmacy markups. And the preparations of our production do not need to be transported far, which is why they are cheaper. In order not to guess which drug is better, which is worse, it is recommended to buy them only with a prescription issued by a doctor. The doctor knows exactly what is best.

Gliatilin is a neuroprotective drug that contains choline alfoscerate.

In the human body, the active part of the drug is able to split into glycerophosphate and choline.

Glycerophosphate helps to synthesize membrane phospholipid, and choline synthesizes acetylcholine.

1. pharmachologic effect Gliatilina

The drug is able to improve the transmission of impulses in the so-called cholinergic neurons and have a positive and stable effect on membrane elasticity. nerve endings and the functioning of receptors.

Choline alfoscerate, which is part of the composition, is able to improve blood circulation in the tissues of the vessels of the brain, as well as stimulate metabolic processes, thereby leading to the restoration of consciousness after traumatic brain damage.

Choline alfoscerate penetrates the blood-brain barrier, accumulating in the liver, brain tissues and lungs. It is excreted by the lungs, intestines and kidneys. Gliatilin is not able to have embryotoxic, teratogenic and mutagenic effects, does not affect reproductive function.


The drug Gliatilin is a drug belonging to the group of so-called central cholinomimetics, which mainly affect the central nervous system. Also this remedy can have a positive effect on cognitive abilities and memory, on indicators of behavior and emotions, the deterioration of which is associated with the development of involutional pathologies of the brain.

The mechanism of action of Gliatilin is as follows: when it enters the body, the active substance choline alfoscerate under the influence of special enzymes is able to break down into glycerophosphate and choline, and then the resulting substances have their own effect on nervous system.

The following positive effect of the drug on the body was revealed:

  • improving the transmission of nerve impulses in the tissues of cholinergic neurons,
  • a positive effect on the plasticity of neuronal membranes and on the functioning of receptors,
  • improvement of cerebral blood flow, increased metabolic processes in the brain of the head,
  • activation of the structures of the reticular formation of the brain, etc.

2. Indications for use

The drug in question can be used in the following cases:

  • for a therapeutic effect on patients with a history of involutional or generative psychoorganic syndromes and conditions that developed due to cerebrovascular insufficiency,
  • the active ingredient choline alfoscerate is used to treat patients with infarctive dementia and significant changes in the emotional and often behavioral sphere (for example, emotional lability, excessive irritability, decreased interest, senile pseudomelancholia),
  • for the complex treatment of patients with an acute phase of traumatic brain injury with a pronounced stem lesion (accompanied by coma, impairment of consciousness, focal hemispheric symptoms),
  • with ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke.

3. Method of application and dosage

In view of the fact that this medicinal substance available in different forms (capsules and injections), its use will also be different:

4. Side effects of the drug

The drug Gliatilin, according to patient reviews, is well tolerated by the body. However, in rare cases, cases of confusion, nausea, pain in the epigastric region have been recorded. If such symptoms occur, it is recommended to urgently contact your doctor to adjust the dose or stop taking it.

5. Contraindications

The drug Gliatilin is not prescribed to patients with individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to choline alfoscerate or other substances included in the drug.

Gliatilin and pregnancy

The drug is not prescribed to women who are in a state of pregnancy, as well as during the period of feeding a child. When these conditions occur, Gliatilin is discontinued.

6. Interaction of Gliatilin with other drugs

Capsules of the drug can be used with other medical substances, but it is not recommended to mix Gliatilin for injection with other drugs in a single syringe.

7. Overdose

Taking excessive doses of Gliatilin in most cases leads to a feeling of nausea. There is no antidote, but in case of overdose, it is recommended to reduce the amount of the drug.

8. Release form

Gliatilin is available in the form of an injection solution (4 ml clear glass ampoules, 3 pieces per cell) and oral capsules (10-14 pieces in one blister).

9. Storage conditions

The drug Gliatilin is stored in a room where the temperature is not higher than 23 degrees Celsius. The medicine in the form of injections is stored for 5 years, and in the form of capsules - 3 years.

10. Analogs

Analogues of the drug in question are all drugs that have a similar chemical composition on the incoming components and have a similar therapeutic effect on the human body.

Let's look at a few analogues:

  1. Cerepro. This medicine, like the original, has the active ingredient choline alfoscerate. The cost of Cerepro is almost two times cheaper than Gliatilin. Also available in ampoules and capsules.
  2. Cereton. This analogue, like the previous one, is available in capsules and ampoules, has the same effect as Gliatilin. Price for ampoules: 342 rubles (5 pieces) 804 rubles (10 pieces), capsules cost from 314 (5 pieces) to 620 rubles (10 pieces).

The price of the drug Gliatilin varies within the following limits:

  • in Russia - from 778 to 817 rubles,
  • in Ukraine - from 220-240 hryvnia.

12. Reviews

Feedback on the use of Glialitin is basically positive, you can read more about them at the end of the article.

Some of them:

Olga M., 34 years old. "The doctor gave me an appointment medicinal product Gliatilin. At the pharmacy, I found out the price of the medicine and asked about analogues, because the price was high for me. However, the analogues differed little in cost from the original, so I bought Gliatilin in capsules. After two weeks of use, I felt an improvement: my consciousness became brighter, headache gone and feeling better. "

Alexander Pavlovich, 58 years old. “First, the doctor prescribed me Cerepro, after which I began to have strange behavior, I could not restrain myself and was nervous, scandalous. I complained to the doctor, he attributed Gliatilin to me: after the first five days of taking it, I felt much better, my consciousness and speech really improved.

Elena A., 46 years old. “My grandson (6 years old) was prescribed Gliatilin due to hyperactivity, after a month and a half of use, we saw that the child’s condition began to worsen, after consultation with the pediatrician, the dose was reduced, the condition returned to normal, and within six months we noticed that the child became a little calmer, more balanced ."

The drug Gliatilin is very popular among people with pathologies of the nervous system, heart and blood vessels. The most important thing for the patient is to use only the recommended dose, otherwise there may be serious problems in the form of hysterics, overexcitation.

Be healthy!

Forms of release and packaging of the drug Gliatilin

Solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration of the capsule

The package contains 14 capsules, 3 ampoules of 4 ml.

Composition and active substance

Gliatilin contains:

1 capsule contains choline alfoscerate 400 mg
excipients: purified water - 140 mg, glycerin - 50 mg

4 ml of solution contain choline alfoscerate 1000 mg
solvent: water for injection - q.s. up to 4 ml

pharmachologic effect

Gliatilin is a centrally acting cholinomimetic with a predominant effect on the central nervous system. Has a neuroprotective effect. The release of choline occurs in the brain choline is involved in the biosynthesis of acetylcholine (one of the main mediators of nervous excitation). Alfoscerate is biotransformed to glycerophosphate, which is a precursor of phospholipids.

Gliatilin improves the transmission of nerve impulses in cholinergic neurons, has a positive effect on the plasticity of neuronal membranes and on the functions of receptors. It increases cerebral blood flow, enhances metabolic processes and activates the structures of the reticular formation of the brain, and also restores consciousness in case of traumatic brain damage.

It has a preventive and corrective effect on the factors of involutive psychoorganic syndrome, such as changes in the phospholipid composition of neuronal membranes and a decrease in cholinergic activity.

Experimental studies have shown that Gliatilin stimulates dose-dependent release of acetylcholine under physiological conditions of nerve impulse transmission.

It increases the synthesis of acetylcholine and has a positive effect on the transmission of a nerve impulse, and glycerophosphate is involved in the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine (membrane phospholipid), as a result, improves membrane elasticity and receptor function.

What helps Gliatilin: indications

Acute period of traumatic brain injury, mainly with stem lesions (including impaired consciousness, coma).
- Violations of cerebral circulation by ischemic and hemorrhagic type (in the acute and recovery period).
- Degenerative and involutional psycho-organic syndromes and the consequences of cerebrovascular insufficiency, such as primary and secondary disorders of mnestic functions, characterized by memory impairment, confusion, disorientation, decreased motivation, initiative and ability to concentrate.
- Changes in the emotional and behavioral sphere: emotional instability, irritability, decreased interest.
- Senile pseudo-melancholy.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Gliatilin during pregnancy and breastfeeding


Gliatilin: instructions for use

Adults, in acute conditions: intramuscularly - at a dose of 1000 mg / day (1 ampoule) or intravenously - 1000-3000 mg / day. When administered intravenously, the contents of 1 ampoule (4 ml) are diluted in 50 ml of saline, the infusion rate is 60–80 drops per minute. The duration of treatment is usually 10 days, but if necessary, treatment can be continued until positive dynamics appear and it is possible to switch to oral capsules.

Inside, before eating.

In chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency, changes in the emotional and behavioral sphere and multi-infarct dementia: inside - 400 mg (1 capsule) 3 times a day.

The duration of therapy is 3-6 months.

Side effects

Nausea (as a result of dopaminergic activation), in this case, the dose of the drug should be reduced. Allergic reactions are possible.

special instructions

In experimental studies, the mutagenic effect of the drug has not been established.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms Gliatilin does not affect the patient's ability to engage in potentially hazardous activities.

Compatibility with other drugs

Drug interaction of the drug Gliatilin has not been established.


Symptoms: nausea. When this symptom appears, it is recommended to reduce the dose of the drug.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Not described.

Not described.

Analogues and prices

Among foreign and Russian analogues Gliatilin is isolated:

Gleatzer. Producer: EcoFarmPlus/Altair 487 rub.
Cerepro. Manufacturer: Veropharm (Russia). Price in pharmacies from 538 rubles.
Cereton. Manufacturer: Sotex (Russia). Price in pharmacies from 932 rubles.
Holitilin. Producer: Kanonfarma (Russia). Price in pharmacies from 406 rubles.


The medical preparation Gliatilin - instructions for use, included in the kit, must be read - is used to improve the condition of patients suffering from memory disorders, emotional lability, excessive sensitivity or irritability caused by insufficient cerebral circulation and involutionary processes (dementia). The drug improves blood circulation in the tissues, so it is often prescribed to restore consciousness after a traumatic brain injury.

Medicine Gliatilin

The drug has a positive effect on the central nervous system, it improves the performance of cognitive functions and behavioral reactions in patients suffering from the development of age-related or Alzheimer's brain pathologies. In patients taking this nootropic, there is a positive effect on memory and mental abilities. The drug improves the blood flow of the brain and the ability of nerve receptors to conduct impulses, so it is prescribed to patients during the recovery period after cerebral strokes and traumatic brain injuries.

Composition and form of release

The drug can be used in the form of ampoules with a solution intended for intravenous (intramuscular) administration, or capsules (Gliatilin tablets) for oral administration. Features of each form are presented in the table:

Release form


Units per pack

1 or 3 ampoules of 4 ml


Gelatinous shell of oval yellow color with a viscous colorless solution inside

Clear, odorless liquid

Active substance

Choline alfoscerate - 400 mg per 1 capsule

Choline alfoscerate - 1000 mg in 1 ampoule


Glycerin, titanium dioxide, gelatin, iron(III) metahydroxide, water, sodium propyl parahydroxybenzoate, sodium ethyl parahydroxybenzoate, esitol

Distilled deionized water

Method of excretion from the body Excreted by the lungs, intestines, kidneys

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The nootropic agent is a cholinomimetic, its scope is cholinergic receptors located in the brain (the drug helps to reduce cholinergic activity). The result of the action of the substance is an improvement in cerebral blood flow and a significant improvement in the processes of cell metabolism. Pharmacology classifies the drug as a neuroprotective agent. It speeds up the exchange nerve impulses, increases the elasticity of the membranes of nerve receptors and thereby enhances the ability of brain cells to withstand the adverse effects of the environment.

Having reached the brain cells, the active substance stimulates the release of acetylcholine (it depends on the dose of Gliatilin) ​​during choline neurotransmission. This makes the transmission of impulses in neurons more efficient. Glycerophosphate, which is the result of the breakdown of alfoscerate, increases the plasticity of cell membranes by participating in the synthesis of membrane phospholipid. The joint action of substances formed during decay accelerates the information exchange between brain regions, improves the functions of receptors and the ability of cells to resist the action of the environment.

Indications for use

Gliatilin can be prescribed for the following diseases and conditions:

  • impaired consciousness as a result of brain injury;
  • recovery period after ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke;
  • degenerative and involutional syndromes, consequences of cerebrovascular insufficiency, characterized by confusion, disorientation, decreased ability to concentrate;
  • processes of brain changes caused by senile age (dementia syndromes, Alzheimer's disease);
  • violation of cerebral circulation (encephalopathy).

Method of application and dosage

The method of application of the drug, its dosage and duration of the course are prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account the severity of the patient's condition. In acute conditions, treatment begins with intravenous or intramuscular application medicines. chronic diseases require long-term therapy with oral capsules of the drug. The combined intake of Gliatilin - highlights the instructions for use - allows this method in severe cases, involves a combination of injections with oral capsules.

Gliatilin in ampoules

The solution is administered intravenously by infusion or intramuscular injection. With the drip method, the rate of drug administration should not exceed 85 drops per minute (the usual rate is 60-80 drops per minute). Before making an injection, the dose of the drug is diluted with 50 ml of saline. An intramuscular injection is made in the anterior or lateral surface of the thigh, the outer part of the shoulder muscle or the anterior wall of the abdomen (slender patients).

It is not recommended to inject Gliatilin intramuscularly into the buttock, since the muscle fibers of this part of the body lie deep. There is a high risk of injecting the solution into the fatty layer located under the skin, this will significantly slow down the absorption of the drug. Due to the stimulating effect, Gliatilin injections are made in the morning, it is better to do this before the first meal.

Gliatilin capsules

The capsule with the medicine must be taken as a whole, without cracking or opening it, washed down with plenty of water. The drug is absorbed better when taken before meals. Medication intake should be organized so that most of the dose occurs in the afternoon. This will avoid sleep problems that may be caused by the stimulating effect of the drug. The usual scheme involves taking 1 capsule 2 or 3 times a day. The course lasts from 3 months to six months.

drug interaction

The degree of interaction of Gliatilin with others medicines is small, it does not require adjustment of prescriptions for joint admission. This makes it possible to combine it with other means to draw up an individual treatment regimen. Taking capsules of the drug allows the simultaneous use of Gliatilin and another substance. When carrying out injections, the simultaneous set of Gliatilin with a common syringe with another drug for injection is not recommended.

Gliatilin for children

Used for a variety of developmental delays, to treat the consequences organic damage brain or birth trauma Gliatilin is often prescribed to infants. The drug can be used when choosing a treatment regimen for concussion, traumatic brain injury. For children, the drug is administered intramuscularly in order to be able to measure the required dosage. The use of Gliatilin capsules forces the doctor to prescribe the minimum adult dose for admission so as not to violate the integrity of the shell.

Gliatilin and alcohol

The drug is characterized by a very low compatibility with alcohol. Such an interaction can cause a violation of cardiac activity (acute heart failure, tachycardia). The possibility of developing potential complications requires the patient to refrain from taking ethyl alcohol in any doses and forms until the end of the course of taking Gliatilin.

Side effects

According to patients, Gliatilin does not cause discomfort when taken and is well tolerated. With the development of nausea, you should consult a doctor to reduce the dose of the drug, and then continue the course of treatment. Rarely, the following may occur side effects requiring the abolition of the drug and its replacement with an analogue:

  • skin and other allergic reactions;
  • peptic ulcer (when taking capsules);
  • convulsions;
  • persistent headache;
  • loss of orientation in space, dizziness;
  • pain during and after (with injections).


In accordance with the reviews, Gliatilin does not affect the reproductive cycle, is not the cause of impaired fetal development and the appearance of mutations. But given the lack of scientific research, the drug is not intended for use by pregnant and lactating women. The drug is not prescribed to patients with the following diseases or conditions:

  • individual sensitivity to the drug or its components;
  • diagnosed allergy to the drug.

Terms of sale and storage

Gliatilin is available in pharmacies and online pharmacies with a prescription from a doctor. The temperature of the room where the drug is stored should not exceed 23°C. For ampoules of the medicinal product, the shelf life is 5 years, for capsules - 3 years. The use of Gliatilin expired is prohibited.


The pharmaceutical market offers a large number of drugs that can be used as an analogue of Gliatilin, if its use is undesirable for any reason. Synonymous preparations contain choline alfoscerate as the main active ingredient. They are available in the following forms:

  1. Solutions for injections - Gleatser, Noocholin Rompharm.
  2. Capsules and solution for oral administration and injections - Delecit.
  3. Tablet form (capsules) and injection solutions - Holitilin, Cerepro, Cereton.

Analogues based on the action of other active substances, close to Gliatilin in terms of the spectrum of action:

  1. Tablets and solution for injection - Amilinosar, Lucetam,
  2. Tablets and capsules - Acefen, Vinpocetine Forte, Ginkgo Biloba, Glycine, Phezam.
  3. Tablets and concentrate for solution preparation - Vinpocetine, Cavinton, Piracetam.

Gliatilin price

In Moscow, if you have a prescription, you can buy Gliatilin in many pharmacies and online pharmacies at the following prices.

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