The ground is slipping from under your feet… or what could be causing the dizziness? Neurosis? Panic attacks? Or something different? What does it mean that the ground is slipping from under your feet.

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

6 signs that dizziness is life-threatening

If you notice this, run to the doctor or call an ambulance.

Let's say right away: in most cases, dizziness is not dangerous. They carry only one risk: if you feel vertigo (as scientists call this sensation), if you are very unlucky, you can stumble, fall and earn a sprain or abrasion. And most likely it won't even happen.

However, there are times when dizziness makes it possible to suspect really serious health problems.

Why is my head spinning

IN in general terms The causes of dizziness are simple. Most often, vertigo occurs when the connection between the brain and the inner ear, where the vestibular apparatus is located, is disrupted. The brain loses orientation in space, which makes it feel like the ground is moving out from under your feet. To stay upright, the gray matter triggers a cascade of reactions designed to restore a sense of balance. Some of these reactions also affect the vomiting center, which is why dizziness is often accompanied by an attack of nausea. So, for example, it happens when motion sickness. However, this is a slightly different story.

Fortunately, such loss of contact between the brain and the vestibular apparatus occurs infrequently and only lasts for a few seconds. Doctors Don't See What Causes Dizziness? in such short-term incidents there is reason to panic.

Also, don't worry too much if your head is spinning for longer, but for a few common reasons. These include:

  • alcohol intoxication;
  • side effects from medications taken (check the instructions!);
  • dehydration;
  • overheating and thermal shock;
  • traveling by car, bus or ship;
  • anemia - low iron content in the blood;
  • hypoglycemia - reduced level blood sugar;
  • a fall blood pressure;
  • overly intense physical exercise;
  • ear infections.

Of course, dizziness is always unpleasant. But in these situations, they are one-time and short-term and do not threaten life. And the accompanying symptoms allow you to guess the causes of the ailment.

Dizziness is not an independent disease, but a symptom that can accompany more than 80 physiological conditions and diseases.

Did you mark the phrase "in most cases"? Let's move on to the minority - those conditions that can pose a real threat to health and even life. And dizziness is the most important symptom here.

When Dizziness Is Dangerous

Neurologists identify six conditions 6 Signs A Sudden Dizzy Spell Could Be Something More Serious, in which vertigo is a key and almost the only symptom that suggests the development of a serious, but still hidden disease.

1. Head spinning frequently and for more than a few minutes

This may indicate a serious violation of Dizziness in the work of the inner ear. For example, about vestibular neuritis (viral infection of the vestibular nerve) or labyrinthitis (otitis media).

Such diseases are dangerous because at first they can be almost asymptomatic, and later their pathogens can affect the brain and nervous system - up to death.

2. Dizziness is accompanied by severe weakness, numbness of a part of the body, problems with speech and / or vision

Attention: this combination of symptoms can be a sign of a stroke! A stroke is a violation of cerebral circulation. According to stroke statistics, it is the second (after myocardial infarction) cause of death in Russia.

Be sure to test a person experiencing this kind of dizziness with the one-minute Got a Minute? You Could Diagnose Stroke:

  • Ask the patient to smile broadly, showing teeth. If a person has a stroke, the smile will not be symmetrical: the corners of the lips will freeze at different levels.
  • Ask them to close their eyes and raise their hands. Stroke (more precisely, the disturbances in work caused by it nerve endings and muscle weakness) will not allow the victim to raise his arms to the same height.
  • Offer to repeat after you a simple sentence of a few words. For example: "I'm fine, and now it will become obvious." If a stroke occurs, it will be difficult for a person to remember and reproduce the phrase. In addition, his pronunciation will be fuzzy, with a clear lisp on voiced consonants.

In the same way, you can check yourself.

If at least one task fails, urgently call an ambulance. Stroke is extremely dangerous Stroke statistics: up to 84% of patients die or remain disabled, and only about 16% recover. You have only 3-6 hours to try to be among the lucky ones with the help of doctors.

3. You always feel dizzy when you get up.

Short-term orthostatic hypotension (decreased blood pressure, including in the brain, which causes dizziness) is a fairly common condition and not that dangerous.

Most often it is due to the fact that the body does not have enough fluid. On the basis of mild dehydration, the blood becomes thicker, blood circulation worsens, so it is not difficult to earn orthostatic hypotension when rising to your feet from a lying or sitting position. This problem is solved simply: do not forget to drink water, especially in hot summers or during serious physical exertion.

But if you are absolutely sure that you do not have dehydration, and dizziness accompanies your every rise, you should visit a therapist as soon as possible. Such symptoms indicate possible cardiovascular diseases (arrhythmia, heart failure) or neuropathy - non-inflammatory lesions of the nerves.

4. Have you ever had bouts of unbearable headaches?

Many people are familiar with the word "migraine", but most believe that we are talking exclusively about a throbbing headache. Meanwhile, this is not entirely true: prolonged recurring dizziness can also be a migraine.

This neuropsychiatric disorder is potentially dangerous. What is a migraine emergency? for life, as it can lead to a stroke or heart attack.

If your dizziness lasts several hours or more, occurs regularly, and in the past you have had a headache, be sure to consult a therapist to establish them. possible reasons and consequences.

We warn you: you may need hardware diagnostics - CT or MRI, for which the doctor will issue a referral again.

5. You hit your head recently

Vertigo is one of the most striking symptoms of a concussion. It is important to contact a therapist as soon as possible in order to exclude serious damage and tissue swelling.

6. You get dizzy while exercising

Most often in such conditions, the dehydration already mentioned above is to blame. Or hyperventilation: due to rapid breathing in the blood, the level of oxygen increases and the content of carbon dioxide decreases, which causes dizziness. Therefore, it is important to drink an adequate amount of fluid for exercise and not be too zealous with cardio loads.

If you are absolutely sure that you are drinking your water norm, and your head starts to spin even during absolutely “pensioner” exercises, look to the doctor. In this case, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of potentially dangerous cardiovascular disorders.

Dizziness - if the ground leaves under your feet - First aid and exercises

What is dizziness

Dizziness is the sensation of an imaginary rotation of surrounding objects, own body or rotation "inside the head". Dizziness can be felt as a feeling of instability, "falling into the abyss", leaving the soil from under the feet. The basis of dizziness is a violation of the interaction of the vestibular and visual analyzers, as well as deep sensitivity, which together provide spatial orientation. Dizziness can occur both with disorders associated with each of these three systems, and with impaired coordination between them.

Causes and types of dizziness

There are many reasons for dizziness. Dizziness can result from damage to the inner ear or vestibular nerve. Such dizziness is called peripheral. The cause of dizziness can also be diseases of the brain (for example, tumors), and then they talk about central dizziness.

Dizziness is divided into vestibular (with violations of the vestibular apparatus) and non-vestibular (with violations in other organs and systems). In addition, dizziness can occur with certain developmental anomalies (for example, with the so-called tower skull), stress, pregnancy, and also in healthy people in transport, on a swing, in an elevator, when looking down from a height, when observing fast-moving objects. Such sensations in healthy people are a sign of vestibular instability.

Depending on the cause, non-vestibular vertigo is divided into visual (caused by pathology of the organ of vision and the oculomotor apparatus), cardiovascular (with heart disease), abdominal (with dysfunction of organs abdominal cavity), cervical (due to vertebral artery syndrome), otogenic (with hearing impairment), neurological (with various diseases nervous system).

Vestibular vertigo

Vestibular dizziness is the most common and occurs as a result of damage to the vestibular structures (maintaining balance) or when exposed to them from the outside in a number of diseases of other organs and systems. Vestibular vertigo occurs when the brain receives incorrect information from the inner ear.

According to the nature of sensations, vestibular vertigo is divided into systemic and non-systemic. Systemic dizziness is characterized by a feeling of a certain direction of imaginary movement (right, left, forward, backward, and so on). Non-systemic dizziness characterized by a sensation of rotation inside the head, unsteadiness of the ground under the feet.

Attacks of dizziness

Dizziness can occur paroxysmal, accompanied by a sharp imbalance, sweating, pallor or redness of the face, palpitations, discomfort in the heart, abdomen, and others. The dizziness is aggravated by changing the position of the head, especially when lifting it from the pillow or turning it to the side, and vomiting often occurs.

Despite the feeling of fear that accompanies almost any attack of vertigo, it is not life-threatening in and of itself. However, it is very important to timely and correctly establish the diagnosis of the disease that caused dizziness.

First aid for an attack

In case of an unexpected attack of dizziness, it is necessary:

Exercises for vestibular vertigo

If you are worried about constant dizziness, then in addition to the treatment prescribed by your doctor, you can do a set of exercises to overcome them. The therapeutic effect of exercise is based on the fact that the brain is able to adapt to a new situation, and after a while, as a result of constant training, dizziness gradually disappears.

From a number of exercises, you need to choose those that cause you an attack of dizziness and perform them with open eyes(five times each) twice a day with a break of at least eight hours. The complete disappearance of dizziness can occur within two months.

Flat surface exercises:

  • sit straight with your legs stretched out, look forward, then quickly lie on your back;
  • lying on your back, look up, then quickly roll over to your left side;
  • lying on the left side, look in front of you, then quickly roll over to the right side;
  • lying on your right side, look in front of you and quickly roll over onto your back;
  • lying on your back, look up and quickly move to a sitting position.

Dizziness can be a sign of many diseases, so before being treated, it is necessary to establish the correct diagnosis.

The ground is slipping from under your feet… or what could be causing the dizziness? bookmark 9

Dizziness can accompany more than 80 different diseases. At least four specialists go through the patient before making a true diagnosis. Unfortunately, in 75% of cases, dizziness remains unrecognized and untreated.

Vertigo and cool

In medicine, this phenomenon, if it manifests itself systemically, and not from time to time, has a telling name - vertigo. The most harmless reason for it is age. Over the years, vision and hearing weaken, joints deteriorate, skin and muscles lose elasticity - as a result, a person becomes less stable. So, if in 65-year-olds dizziness occurs only 2 times more often than in young people, then after 75 years - already 4-5 times more often. Therefore, along with a visit to a neurologist, an elderly patient complaining of vertigo should consult an ENT specialist (or an otoneurologist). And then to the ophthalmologist and rheumatologist. But, of course, vascular atherosclerosis also cannot be discounted. Special vascular preparations and nootropics help to reduce dizziness, tinnitus, unsteadiness when walking. They improve blood microcirculation and its delivery to the vessels of the brain, stimulate metabolism in the brain and increase its resistance to oxygen deficiency. For people who have difficulty swallowing tablets and capsules, you can choose the form of medicine in the form of lollipops.

What a terrible life!

From time to time, the head "jumps" in people suffering from stress and anxiety disorders, excessive mental stress, lack of sleep and fatigue. And then sedatives, sufficient sleep and rest, fresh air, vitamins, as well as compliance with the optimal daily routine can not only improve mood, but also remove an unpleasant symptom. But if the head is often dizzy (that is, the symptom becomes systemic), then everything is not worth blame it on weather changes or a busy work rhythm - here you need to seriously understand.

van Gogh

The road will be mastered by the walking

The ground is slipping from under your feet. What can cause dizziness

A rare visit to a neurologist does without complaints of dizziness. But the reasons for which it occurs are very different - from minor to extremely serious.

Our expert is a neurologist, Associate Professor of the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery of I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Candidate of Medical Sciences Natalya Vakhnina.

According to statistics, the weaker sex suffers from dizziness twice as often as the strong. Although, perhaps, men simply do not go to doctors for such “trifles”. And in vain. Because this phenomenon is not trifling at all and, moreover, it greatly reduces the quality of life.

Vertigo and cool

It is known that the loss of balance can be caused by disorders of the vestibular apparatus. However, it is not just one organ that works to maintain balance, but many. In addition to the vestibular system located in the inner ear, the eyes, muscles, receptors of the skin and joints are involved in this work. All of them ensure the flow of a wide variety of sensory information into a single "control room", the role of which is played by the central nervous system. As soon as at least one of the links fails, the whole harmonious mechanism collapses. And the person loses the feeling of stability.

For people who have difficulty swallowing tablets and capsules, you can choose the form of medicine in the form of lozenges.

What a terrible life!

If age-related loss of balance is a matter, although unpleasant, but natural, then sudden dizziness in young people can be completely harmless. Of course, sometimes the usual meteorological sensitivity manifests itself in this way, due to which the vascular tone and blood filling of the vessels change. Or it can be a sign of alcohol and any other intoxication. Or a side effect of certain antibiotics and antidepressants.

But if the head is often spinning (that is, the symptom becomes systemic), then you should not attribute everything to weather changes or a busy work rhythm - you need to seriously understand here.

After all, dangerous diseases can manifest themselves in this way. For example, head injuries or brain tumors. In this case, in addition to dizziness, there must be other neurological disorders. They can be identified by a competent neurologist during examination. If necessary, he will refer the patient to an MRI of the brain. Unlike malignant vertigo, there is also benign. But don't let the term fool you. After all, say, in Meniere's disease, when the inner ear suffers, dizziness and tinnitus are of such strength and duration that they do not allow a normal life. It was this disease that the great van Gogh. Excruciating dizziness brought the painter to the point that he cut off his ear. But today lore could easily help the artist.

The road will be mastered by the walking

In addition to drugs, physical activity plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of benign vertigo. It includes both vestibular gymnastics, which, with regular use, helps to significantly improve balance, and any physical exercises, and even ordinary walking. Motor activity improves the neuroplasticity of the brain and helps the formation of new neural connections. Even if part of the brain is damaged, another area can take over these functions. Many older people, fearing dizziness, refuse not only active walking, but also any movement. And in vain. After all, the more a person walks, the better he does it. And unfortunately, on the contrary: the less he walks, the worse he gets. And for safety net, you can first take guides with you, and then a stick (or even two, as for Nordic walking).

Yoga also helps to get rid of dizziness. Especially the so-called yoga of the dervishes - samadeva. It does not involve intense exercise, is very smooth and focuses on posture and breathing. It is necessary to breathe with a straight back, smoothly taking in air through the nose and filling it first with the stomach, and then with it. chest. Exhale - only through the mouth.

When the ground leaves under your feet: how to deal with dizziness

Most people experience dizziness at least once in their lives. This unpleasant sensation can accompany various disorders of the central nervous system and in some cases becomes a real problem for the patient. However, there are effective ways therapy for this condition, allowing you to quickly remove the pathological symptoms and restore a normal lifestyle.

Lesions of the vestibular analyzer at the peripheral and central levels

The cause of dizziness is damage to the peripheral or central part of the vestibular analyzer, which can be caused by various reasons. A lesion at the peripheral level is usually understood as the pathology of the labyrinth of the inner ear and the peripheral neurons innervating it. One of the most common vestibular disorders is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), which occurs in the form of short (less than 1 minute) attacks with a certain position of the head and trunk or rapid movement (leaning forward or backward). The rest of the time there are no symptoms of dizziness. This disorder can occur after traumatic brain injury, infections and inflammatory diseases middle ear or as a result of intoxication, in particular alcohol. In many cases, the symptoms go away after a while and do not require special treatment. Meniere's disease is severe dizziness, attacks of which can last several hours. As a rule, it is accompanied by nausea, nystagmus, a feeling of pressure, tinnitus and hearing loss. In the absence of adequate treatment, irreversible hearing loss, damage to the otoliths and pathological changes in the organ of Corti. The disease occurs due to endolymphatic edema of the labyrinth against the background of infection, allergic reaction or for no apparent reason. Usually pathological process develops first in one ear, but over time captures the second (becomes bilateral). Neurinoma of the cranial nerve of the eighth pair in the initial stages is characterized by a gradual decrease in hearing, subsequently accompanied by bouts of dizziness, sometimes quite strong. Intoxication can lead to nerve damage, incl. many medicines. In this case, it is necessary to cancel the drug. Labyrinthitis is the result of a viral or bacterial infection, acute and otitis media, or surgery.

The disorders of the vestibular apparatus caused by it can last from several days to several weeks and disappear as the cause of the disease is eliminated. Vestibular neuronitis is a syndrome of still unknown etiology, accompanied by a sudden and prolonged attack of dizziness with nausea, nystagmus, and a violation of the sense of balance, which is aggravated by movement or a change in the position of the head. No hearing loss was observed. If the patient has these symptoms, a neurological examination should be performed to exclude the possibility of damage to the central nervous system. Attacks usually recur after several months or years. Post-traumatic dizziness can develop as a result of damage to the bone structure of one of the labyrinths and eardrum and associated hemorrhage and edema. A sharp movement of the head in such cases leads to a worsening of symptoms and is accompanied by pain.

Lesions of the vestibular apparatus at the central level occur as a result of a number of CNS disorders, including stem encephalitis, cysts and tumors of the cerebellum and brain stem, intracranial hypertension, ischemia and cerebral hemorrhages, etc. If these diseases are suspected, a thorough neurological diagnosis and highly qualified treatment are necessary.

Treatment of dizziness: modern approaches

The treatment for vertigo is usually to remove unpleasant symptoms. If the symptomatology is based on an established pathology, special agents prescribed by a specialist are used for its treatment. In many cases, the brain eventually adapts to the pathological state of the vestibular system and dizziness disappears. The acceleration of this process can be facilitated by the implementation of specially designed sets of exercises. In such cases, drug therapy is used at the initial stages of the development of pathology to quickly relieve symptoms and alleviate the patient's condition, while the drugs used should not disrupt the course of normal adaptive processes in the central nervous system.

One of the most effective approaches in the drug therapy of dizziness is the impact on the histaminergic system, the role of which in the development of these symptoms is very important. Endogenous histamine has many vital functions in the body and is found in almost all organs and tissues; to date, three types of its receptors have been discovered: H1, H2 and H3.

Intravenous administration of histamine causes a decrease in blood pressure, an increase in permeability and expansion of capillaries. The injection of a weak histamine solution was first successfully used to treat Ménière's disease over 30 years ago. At the same time, the exact calculation of the dosage of the drug was of particular importance, because. histamine causes many side effects.

Clinical efficacy of the drug betahistine

A modern analogue of histamine, devoid of these side effects, is betahistine. This substance has a significant structural similarity to histamine, but unlike it is not metabolized in the liver and can be administered orally. Betahistine causes an increase in cerebral blood flow and improves blood supply to the inner ear, and also affects the neurons of the vestibular nuclei of the brain. In the treatment of dizziness, the therapeutic effect of this drug is complex and includes three levels of action: on the cochlear blood flow, on the central and peripheral parts of the vestibular apparatus. Being a functional analogue of histamine, betahistine binds to its H1 receptors localized in cells blood vessels inner ear, causing a local improvement in microcirculation and reducing endolymphatic edema. At the level of the central section, betahistine interacts with the H3 receptors of the brain as a strong histamine antagonist. Thus, it regulates the release of histamine itself and some other neuromodulators from nerve cells. Due to this effect, betahistine promotes regenerative processes in the central nervous system, for example, after neurectomy, which has been shown in animal experiments. It has also been established that betahistine significantly reduces the excitability of the nerve cells of the medial vestibular nucleus, exerting an inhibitory effect on the development of unwanted action potentials in the vestibular nerve, which are involved in the formation of a feeling of dizziness. Therapeutic effect drug at the level peripheral department is to reduce the impulse activity of vestibular receptor neurons. It is known that changes in the activity of these cells are one of the immediate causes of the feeling of dizziness. One of the important advantages of betahistine is the absence of a pronounced sedative effect: the drug does not cause drowsiness and is well tolerated, in particular, it does not reduce a person's ability to drive a car.

During clinical trials, incl. double-blind placebo studies have shown high efficiency betahistine to treat dizziness various etiologies. The use of the drug for the treatment of Meniere's disease in the early stages makes it possible to prevent the development of hearing impairment due to the protective effect on the neurons of the vestibular apparatus. Betahistine has a favorable pharmacokinetic profile and is rapidly absorbed from the intestine. Its half-life is 3-4 hours, and during the day the drug is almost completely excreted in the urine. Metabolites of the drug formed in the body do not have any activity. Betahistine rarely causes side effects and has proven to be safe.

Cozy site about health

At the appointment with a neurologist, one of the most common complaints is dizziness, while the range of sensations described by patients is very wide: from a feeling of slight “lightheadedness” to a feeling of whirling, like on a carousel.

Dizziness as a symptom

In medicine, true dizziness (vertigo) is a feeling of rotation of one's own body or surrounding objects. The patient may experience not only a sense of circular motion, but also a sensation of pushing, falling, or lifting. Dizziness, pain in the temples, nausea, vomiting, cold sweats, anxiety are all signs of vertigo.

Although this condition is not particularly dangerous in itself (unless accompanied by loss of consciousness), you should not leave it unattended, because dizziness, the causes of which have not been clarified, can be a symptom of a serious illness.

What can cause dizziness?

The cause of dizziness can be damage to any part of the vestibular apparatus.

Causes of peripheral dizziness:

  • vestibular nerve injury
  • diseases of the inner ear (otitis media)
  • disruption of nerve impulses from the inner ear to the brain

Central vertigo:

  • damage to the vestibular nuclei of various nature.

The doctor will be able to determine the real cause of dizziness based on accompanying symptoms assessing the frequency and duration of seizures.

Treatment of dizziness consists in treating the underlying disease that caused it and symptomatic therapy.

Dizziness and changes in blood pressure

The combination of dizziness with certain symptoms makes it possible to suspect a serious neurological disease in the patient.

  • low (rarely high) blood pressure
  • severe dizziness
  • hearing loss
  • noise in ears
  • profuse sweating and inability to maintain body position (the patient cannot even sit)

If similar symptoms are present, but hearing disorders are not observed, it may be vestibular neuritis.

Unilateral deafness, tinnitus, and vomiting along with vertigo are signs of a perilymphatic fistula.

Dizziness in cancer

With increasing neurological symptoms accompanying dizziness, brain tumors cannot be excluded. This diagnosis is characterized by an increase in the intensity of dizziness in certain positions of the body.

Dizziness and stroke

Severe dizziness, double vision, weakness in the arms and legs, anxiety and incoordination can be a sign of an impending stroke, so you should definitely seek medical help with these symptoms.

Dizziness due to injury

The cause of dizziness may be a spinal injury or head injury that requires treatment. Periodically occurring dizziness may be due to diseases of the cervical spine.

Dizziness as part of the "aura" with migraine

Dizziness and nausea, vomiting, and tinnitus may precede a migraine attack. If you are taking any medications, tell your doctor at the time of your appointment, as dizziness can be caused by medications. In this case, the doctor will decide whether to discontinue the drug or reduce its dose.

Dizziness and diseases behind it 4.7 out of 5 based on 3 ratings

Veronica, Saint Petersburg


Hello, please help me understand which doctor to contact. During pregnancy in the last stages, she began to notice that in the subway, when climbing the stairs, she seemed to feel a little dizzy, the doctors said that everything would pass after childbirth. After giving birth, my right shoulder began to hurt a lot and give a little to the neck, I went to the osteopath and did exercises, everything returned to normal, but I began to notice that in stores it basically starts suddenly, as if the ground was leaving from under your feet, you sit down, it gets better. Since then she lived a year after giving birth. But 7-8 months ago in the morning there were symptoms of poisoning, vomiting and everything went away from under my feet, I moved along the wall, I couldn’t do otherwise, As soon as you look somewhere in front of your eyes, everything starts to twist. A day later, everything was gone except for the condition of the head or vision, more precisely. And so it remained for 3 months, slowly decreasing. I went to many doctors, donated blood, ultrasound, x-rays, mri. An MRI of the brain and blood vessels showed nothing, ultrasound of the vessels of the neck is also fine, Everything is fine on ultrasound, but perhaps a slight vegetative-vascular dystonia, X-ray showed osteochondrosis and arthrosis of the cervical region, the blood is normal. The neurologist concluded that this osteochondrosis manifests itself in this way, the chiropractor thinks that there are problems with the vestibular apparatus, she does not see serious problems in the neck, the homeopath thinks it's caused by a virus. In general, while everything was getting better, plus trips to a chiropractor may have helped. Everything was fine for 2 months, but in January my mother had a stroke, she was very nervous and helped to lift her in the hospital, in general I don’t know what played the role, but this strange disease manifested itself again, but now it’s the other way around, at first a little bit, then worse. And now 2 months have passed, but she doesn’t leave, I can’t leave the house anywhere, at home it’s also very scary when my husband is at work, and I’m alone with the child, it always seems that you’re about to fall, but my head is not spinning at the same time, then there are everything in place. The doctors prescribed vertihogel (It only got worse) and betahistine (It had no effect at all) and another drug, let me remind you the name, to improve blood flow, I visit the osteopath again, So far there is no effect. It becomes especially worse when it's hot , stuffy, in the rooms, she herself begins to throw into the heat. The therapist sends to a neurologist, the neurologist does not consider anything other than osteochondrosis, prescribes betahistine again and completely denies the effects of the osteopath and the assumptions of the homeopath.

Each of us has experienced dizziness at least once in our lives. Well, if from success. However, more often this condition says something completely different.

The ground is slipping from under your feet, objects are blurring before your eyes...
This is how people who have experienced dizziness describe their feelings. But it turns out that these symptoms can indicate completely different conditions. That is why doctors distinguish between true dizziness (due to violations of the vestibular apparatus) and false (caused by hunger or lack of oxygen), as well as physiological and pathological. Depending on the type of dizziness, an algorithm for solving the problem should be chosen.

Everything is okay

motion sickness. The most common case is dizziness while traveling in transport (in a car, plane, ship) or riding a carousel swing. In these situations, our brain is not always able to immediately cope with discrepancies between vestibular and visual signals. Doctors consider this dizziness to be normal and not dangerous, and therefore does not require treatment.

Height. When we look down, for example, from a high mountain, at distant objects, we often get the feeling that we are losing our balance. It depends on the receipt of three signals to the brain: visual, vestibular and proprioceptive (from muscles and joints). A person simply cannot immediately rebuild his vision for reduced objects - hence the discomfort. As soon as you "go down from heaven to earth", the symptoms will pass.

Powerful emotions. Light dizziness can also be experienced after stress, and it does not matter what it is caused by - good news or conflict. In any case, adrenaline, once in the bloodstream, provokes vasospasm. However, this quickly passes, it is enough just to calm down.

hypoxia. Lack of oxygen can also cause dizziness and even fainting. The brain is the main consumer of 02 in the body, and its deficiency immediately affects orientation in space. As soon as you feel that "there is nothing to breathe," provide an influx of fresh air. If such troubles happen to you often, say, in the subway, carry an oxygen bottle with you.

hypoglycemia. The feeling of hunger is almost always accompanied by a decrease in glucose levels - the main source of nutrition for the brain. In this case, a proper diet will help to avoid dizziness (avoid foods with excess sugar and starch content) and frequent meals, at least 6 times a day.

Exercises for osteochondrosis

* Slowly stretch your neck up, hold the position for 3-5 seconds, relax. Repeat 10 times.

* Slowly turn your neck to the right and left as far as possible. Repeat 10 times.

*Try to “write” numbers with your nose - from one to ten, from ten to fifteen. Repeat 3-4 times.

anxiety symptoms

Basilar migraine. A characteristic feature of this migraine is dizziness. Attacks are accompanied by headache, double vision, incoherent speech, tinnitus, and impaired coordination. This malaise is often found in young people, but by the age of 40-50 it can go away by itself.

What to do?With infrequent attacks, basilar migraine is relieved by conventional analgesics, but in more serious cases, a consultation with a neurologist is necessary.

Panic attack. As a rule, this state is provoked by agoraphobic situations (fear of open spaces, crowds). Symptoms - dizziness, palpitations, cold sweat, tremor of the hands and feet, increased blood pressure.

What to do? Such conditions can progress, so you should consult a psychiatrist after the first panic attack. Treatment includes psychotherapy and medications, which are selected individually.

Osteochondrosis. Along with pain and discomfort in the neck, dizziness with cervical osteochondrosis is a common manifestation. The cervical vertebrae, shifting, put pressure on the vertebral artery, which causes dizziness. This occurs with sharp turns, tilting the head back, accompanied by nausea, headache.

What to do? Contact a therapist, chiropractor, surgeon. Special therapeutic exercises and physiotherapy are prescribed.

Meniere's disease. The attack occurs suddenly, most often at night. A person experiences something like a blow to the head, then develops dizziness with imbalance, tinnitus, nausea, vomiting. Nystagmus is an involuntary movement of the eyeballs. Causes - congenital pathologies, inner ear disease, increased intracranial pressure. Attacks pass with time, but hearing loss progresses.

What to do? No self medication. Laura consultation required.

Vestibular neuritis. The most likely causes are infectious and vascular diseases. May occur as a consequence of the herpes virus, influenza A and B, parainfluenza, mumps and measles. The disease manifests itself with sudden severe dizziness and nausea. In most cases, these symptoms disappear within 2-3 days, but the disease requires immediate treatment.

What to do? Get an audiogram test to make sure it's not Meniere's disease, a migraine, or an inflammation of the inner ear. The treatment is carried out by a neurologist.

Perilymphatic fistula. Occurs as a result of a head injury or penetrating wound of the eardrum. During a sharp turn of the neck, a person hears a pop in the ear. When coughing or sneezing, dizziness increases and is accompanied by a headache.

What to do? Immediately call an ambulance, treatment is carried out by a neurosurgeon.

Stroke. Symptoms: sudden numbness of the face, usually on one side, dizziness with double vision, accompanied by difficulty speaking. Should alert the tension of the occipital muscles, in which it is not possible to lower the chin to the chest.

What to do? Take a rapid test that will help you understand that a person has a stroke. Ask him to smile, speak, and raise both hands. If you have problems doing it, call an ambulance immediately.

Vertigo is a condition characterized by the illusion of movement of the person himself or of objects around him. It is a symptom, not an independent disease. Depending on the underlying cause, dizziness may last for seconds, minutes, hours, or even days.


Symptoms of vertigo include the following:

  • loss of balance;
  • Nausea;
  • Vomit;
  • Inability to stand and/or walk.

Sometimes dizziness is accompanied by ringing in the ears, hearing loss, elevated temperature body and nystagmus - uncontrolled eye movements.



Labyrinthitis is an infection of the inner ear, a fluid-filled structure that controls hearing and balance.

When it is inflamed, the information it sends to the brain differs from that sent by the healthy inner ear. This can cause dizziness, the main symptom of labyrinthitis.

The cause of labyrinthitis is usually viral infection; much less commonly, it is caused by a bacterial infection of the inner ear. In addition to dizziness, symptoms of labyrinthitis can be heat body and severe headache.

Vestibular neuritis

Vestibular neuritis is a disease of the inner ear that causes nerve pain and inflammation. This can cause an attack of dizziness lasting several hours or days.

A viral infection can also cause vestibular neuritis. - if it spreads to the vestibular nerve, which is used to maintain balance.

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

Short, intense, recurring bouts of vertigo (usually lasting less than thirty seconds) are often the result of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). Episodes of BPPV usually occur when a person turns their head abruptly, looks up, stands up, or bends over. Dizziness may be accompanied by nausea, rarely vomiting, and nystagmus.

It is assumed that BPPV is caused by small fragments that, for some reason, are separated from the lining of the canals of the inner ear. They usually don't cause problems unless they enter fluid-filled channels.

Most of the time, these fragments remain at the bottom of the channels. However, as a result of certain movements of the head, they touch the sensitive hairs on the walls of the ducts of the inner ear. A signal is sent to the brain that causes dizziness.

BPPV most often affects the elderly, but it also occurs in younger people. In most cases, the disorder develops for no apparent reason, but sometimes it is the result of an ear infection, surgical operation, head injury or prolonged stay in horizontal position- for example, due to illness.

Meniere's disease

Severe dizziness can be caused by such a rare condition as Meniere's disease. Other symptoms of this condition are hearing loss, ringing in the ears, and a feeling of pressure in the ears.

A patient with Meniere's disease may experience sudden attacks of dizziness lasting from twenty minutes to twenty-four hours. Seizures often cause nausea and vomiting. The ringing in the ears that is characteristic of Meniere's disease can get worse over time. Hearing impairment or loss in the early stages of the disease is temporary but can become permanent over time.

Head injury

Sometimes dizziness begins after a head injury. This can be a sign of serious damage, so if you experience this symptom, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.


In some cases migraine other than severe headache and hypersensitivity to light and sound, causing dizziness.

Ekaterina Ivanova

Most people experience dizziness at least once in their lives. This unpleasant sensation can accompany various disorders of the central nervous system and in some cases becomes a real problem for the patient. However, there are effective ways to treat this condition, allowing you to quickly remove pathological symptoms and restore a normal lifestyle.

Lesions of the vestibular analyzer at the peripheral and central levels

The cause of dizziness is damage to the peripheral or central part of the vestibular analyzer, which can be caused by various reasons. A lesion at the peripheral level is usually understood as the pathology of the labyrinth of the inner ear and the peripheral neurons innervating it. One of the most common vestibular disorders is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), which occurs in the form of short (less than 1 minute) attacks with a certain position of the head and trunk or rapid movement (leaning forward or backward). The rest of the time there are no symptoms of dizziness. This disorder can occur after traumatic brain injury, infections and inflammatory diseases of the middle ear, or as a result of intoxication, in particular alcohol. In many cases, the symptoms go away after a while and do not require special treatment. Meniere's disease is severe dizziness that can last several hours. As a rule, it is accompanied by nausea, nystagmus, a feeling of pressure, tinnitus and hearing loss. In the absence of adequate treatment, irreversible hearing loss, damage to the otoliths, and pathological changes in the organ of Corti may develop. The disease occurs due to endolymphatic edema of the labyrinth against the background of an infection, an allergic reaction, or for no apparent reason. Usually, the pathological process develops first in one ear, but over time it also captures the second (becomes bilateral). Neurinoma of the cranial nerve of the eighth pair in the initial stages is characterized by a gradual decrease in hearing, subsequently accompanied by bouts of dizziness, sometimes quite strong. Intoxication can lead to nerve damage, incl. many medicines. In this case, it is necessary to cancel the drug. Labyrinthitis is the result of a viral or bacterial infection, acute and otitis media, or surgery.

The disorders of the vestibular apparatus caused by it can last from several days to several weeks and disappear as the cause of the disease is eliminated. Vestibular neuronitis is a syndrome of still unknown etiology, accompanied by a sudden and prolonged attack of dizziness with nausea, nystagmus, and a violation of the sense of balance, which is aggravated by movement or a change in the position of the head. No hearing loss was observed. If the patient has these symptoms, a neurological examination should be performed to exclude the possibility of damage to the central nervous system. Attacks usually recur after several months or years. Post-traumatic dizziness can develop as a result of damage to the bone structure of one of the labyrinths and the tympanic membrane and associated hemorrhage and edema. A sharp movement of the head in such cases leads to a worsening of symptoms and is accompanied by pain.

Lesions of the vestibular apparatus at the central level occur as a result of a number of CNS disorders, including stem encephalitis, cysts and tumors of the cerebellum and brain stem, intracranial hypertension, ischemia and cerebral hemorrhages, etc. If these diseases are suspected, a thorough neurological diagnosis and highly qualified treatment are necessary.

Treatment of dizziness: modern approaches

Treatment of dizziness is usually to relieve unpleasant symptoms. If the symptomatology is based on an established pathology, special agents prescribed by a specialist are used for its treatment. In many cases, the brain eventually adapts to the pathological state of the vestibular system and dizziness disappears. The acceleration of this process can be facilitated by the implementation of specially designed sets of exercises. In such cases, drug therapy is used at the initial stages of the development of pathology to quickly relieve symptoms and alleviate the patient's condition, while the drugs used should not disrupt the course of normal adaptive processes in the central nervous system.

One of the most effective approaches in the drug therapy of dizziness is the impact on the histaminergic system, the role of which in the development of these symptoms is very important. Endogenous histamine has many vital functions in the body and is found in almost all organs and tissues; to date, three types of its receptors have been discovered: H1, H2 and H3.

Intravenous administration of histamine causes a decrease in blood pressure, an increase in permeability and expansion of capillaries. The injection of a weak histamine solution was first successfully used to treat Ménière's disease over 30 years ago. At the same time, the exact calculation of the dosage of the drug was of particular importance, because. histamine causes many side effects.

Clinical efficacy of the drug betahistine

A modern analogue of histamine, devoid of these side effects, is betahistine. This substance has a significant structural similarity to histamine, but unlike it is not metabolized in the liver and can be administered orally. Betahistine causes an increase in cerebral blood flow and improves blood supply to the inner ear, and also affects the neurons of the vestibular nuclei of the brain. In the treatment of dizziness, the therapeutic effect of this drug is complex and includes three levels of action: on the cochlear blood flow, on the central and peripheral parts of the vestibular apparatus. Being a functional analogue of histamine, betahistine binds to its H1 receptors localized in the cells of the blood vessels of the inner ear, causing a local improvement in microcirculation and reducing endolymphatic edema. At the level of the central section, betahistine interacts with the H3 receptors of the brain as a strong histamine antagonist. Thus, it regulates the release of histamine itself and some other neuromodulators from nerve cells. Due to this effect, betahistine promotes regenerative processes in the central nervous system, for example, after neurectomy, which has been shown in animal experiments. It has also been established that betahistine significantly reduces the excitability of the nerve cells of the medial vestibular nucleus, exerting an inhibitory effect on the development of unwanted action potentials in the vestibular nerve, which are involved in the formation of a feeling of dizziness. The therapeutic effect of the drug at the level of the peripheral part is to reduce the impulse activity of the vestibular receptor neurons. It is known that changes in the activity of these cells are one of the immediate causes of the feeling of dizziness. One of the important advantages of betahistine is the absence of a pronounced sedative effect: the drug does not cause drowsiness and is well tolerated, in particular, it does not reduce a person's ability to drive a car.

During clinical trials, incl. double-blind placebo studies have shown betahistine to be highly effective in the treatment of dizziness of various etiologies. The use of the drug for the treatment of Meniere's disease in the early stages makes it possible to prevent the development of hearing impairment due to the protective effect on the neurons of the vestibular apparatus. Betahistine has a favorable pharmacokinetic profile and is rapidly absorbed from the intestine. Its half-life is 3-4 hours, and during the day the drug is almost completely excreted in the urine. Metabolites of the drug formed in the body do not have any activity. Betahistine rarely causes side effects and has proven to be safe.

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