How many acylact suppositories are needed to restore microflora. Atsilakt candles - instructions for use in gynecology, in violation of microflora

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Acylact is a medicinal product containing acidophilic lactic acid bacteria of three various kinds(strains). The drug has an antimicrobial effect, which is used in complex therapy various diseases of the urogenital tract (vaginitis, vaginosis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes, etc.).

In addition, Acilact is a probiotic - that is, a drug that regulates the composition of the intestinal microflora. Therefore, Acilact tablets are used to eliminate intestinal dysbacteriosis and digestive disorders associated with this condition. And candles (suppositories) Atsilact are used to eliminate vaginal dysbacteriosis in women, which are caused by various reasons. Thus, the drug Acilact is a universal remedy for the normalization of microflora internal organs in humans, which has a pronounced antimicrobial activity, which allows you to simultaneously eliminate pathogenic pathogens of various infectious diseases.

Composition, form of release and description of the drug

To date, the drug Acilact is available in three forms:
1. Pills.
2. Lyophilisate for preparation of solution for oral administration and topical application.
3. Vaginal suppositories.

The dosage of each dosage form is determined by the content of acidophilic lactic acid bacteria. Bacteria are counted by the number of colony forming units (CFU), which are a compact collection of microorganisms. Such a CFU can be transferred anywhere, and bacteria will begin to multiply, provided that nutrients are available. The number of bacteria in 10,000,000 CFU corresponds to one standard dose. Thus, tablets and lyophilisate may contain varying amounts of such unit doses of acidophilus bacteria. In this regard, for ease of use, the exact number of standard doses is written on the vial with lyophilisate. To date, the lyophilisate is available in vials of 3 and 5 doses, and tablets - 1 and 5 doses each. Candles Acilact contain 1 standard dose of lactic acid bacteria. Tablets and suppositories are available in packs of 10 pieces, and lyophilisate - 5 or 10 vials.

All dosage forms of Acilact (tablets, suppositories and lyophilisate) contain live acidophilic lactobacilli. These lactobacilli belong to three strains (subspecies), which are designated by the following alphanumeric codes - 100 H, NK11, K3Sh24. To ensure survival, lactobacilli are dried along with the medium on which they were grown. These environments are absolutely safe for humans, since they contain vitamins, minerals and plastic substances dissolved in water, which are present in dairy products. In a generalized form, the nutrient medium for growing a culture of lactobacilli is milk enriched with fructose and sugars, as well as vitamins and minerals.

Lyophilisate and Acylact tablets do not contain any other auxiliary components, since they are not necessary. But candles contain solid fat, paraffin and an emulsifier as a basis. This basis is necessary for uniform distribution of the dry culture of acidophilic lactobacilli and ease of use of the dosage form.

The lyophilisate and tablets are a pressed dense mass, colored yellow-gray or beige. On the break, the tablets may have mottling, that is, inclusions of a different color. Suppositories have the shape of a cone, torpedo or cylinder and are painted white, yellow-gray or beige. Candles have a specific smell, which gives them the solid confectionery fat included in the composition. On the break of the candle there may be heterogeneous inclusions or "marble" color.

Therapeutic effects and action

All therapeutic effects And pharmachologic effect Acylacta is due to its constituent acidophilic lactobacilli. These lactobacilli have an antimicrobial effect, destroying many pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms, including staphylococcus, proteus, E. coli, etc.

The antimicrobial action of Acilact lies in its antagonistic properties against a wide range of pathogens. The antagonistic property implies that lactobacilli compete for nutrients with pathogenic microbes. And since the vital activity of lactobacilli and the rate of their reproduction is much higher than that of other microbes, they simply very quickly eat food that they do not get. pathogenic agents diseases. And having multiplied, lactobacilli simply occupy all possible habitats and eat all the nutrients, as a result of which pathogenic microbes die. In the presence of lactobacilli, pathogenic microbes that enter the body simply cannot multiply and cause infection, which allows them to be effectively prevented.

Due to the entry of lactobacilli into the intestines and vagina, their microflora is normalized, that is, dysbacteriosis is eliminated, which significantly improves the functioning and functioning of the digestive and urogenital tract organs. Due to the normalization of microflora, there is an improvement in the metabolic process, and the restoration of a good level of immunity.

In the vagina, lactobacilli suppositories Acilact competitively process glycogen, forming lactic acid, which allows you to maintain a normal "acidic" pH in the range of 3.8 - 4.2. As a result, opportunistic or pathogenic microbes do not get glycogen for nutrition, and the acidic environment itself is unfavorable for them. However, in such acidic environment the main organisms present in the vagina of women, Doderlein sticks, begin to multiply perfectly. Further, these sticks themselves begin to feed on glycogen, produce lactic acid and maintain optimal parameters of the biocenosis and acidity of the vagina. Normal acidity in the vagina prevents the colonization of pathogenic microbes that cannot exist in an acidic environment, they need an alkaline one (pH over 7). And opportunistic microbes in the acidic environment of the vagina cannot multiply, existing in a very limited and insignificant amount, therefore they cannot cause various infections, such as staphylococcal vaginosis, colpitis, thrush, etc.

Acylact is able to have an antimicrobial effect and normalize the microflora in the intestines, female genitalia and oral cavity person.

Indications for use

Acylact is used to treat various diseases of the oral cavity, female genital area and organs. digestive system. Indications for use for each specific dosage form are shown in the table:
Indications for the use of lyophilizate Acilact Indications for the use of Acilact tablets Indications for the use of candles Atsilakt
Preoperative preparation before interventions on the face and jawsDysbacteriosis of the digestive tract (oral cavity, intestines, etc.)Nonspecific (non-infectious) colpitis that developed independently or after antibiotic therapy
Oral pathology due to severe systemic disease (eg, lichen erythema, erythema multiforme, Sjögren's disease)Subacute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs (used after antibiotic therapy and for rehabilitation)
Prevention of purulent complications after maxillofacial operationsBacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis)
Long-term and chronic colitis and enterocolitis, combined with dysbacteriosis and having a non-infectious natureDysbacteriosis of the organs of the urogenital tract, including those caused by gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes, gardnerellosis, hormonal colpitis (with menopause in women)Hormonal colpitis (for example, due to menopausal changes or after therapy with appropriate drugs)
Normalization of the microflora of the vagina and intestines after a course of antibiotics Preparation for gynecological operations in order to prevent possible complications
Long-term intestinal disorders (especially in children) Preparation of women for childbirth in order to prevent purulent complications
Atopic dermatitis, combined with intestinal dysbacteriosis As part of the complex therapy of urogenital infections and sexually transmitted diseases (for example, gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes, etc.)
Moderate and mild severity of non-specific ulcerative colitis in adults
Dysbacteriosis in children and adults who are ill for a long time and often
Dysbacteriosis on the background of immunodeficiency
Colpitis (except gonococcal, trichomonas and candidiasis)
Vaginal dysbacteriosis due to inflammatory diseases of the cervix, ovaries and fallopian tubes
Preparation for gynecological operations in order to prevent possible complications
Preparation of women for childbirth in order to prevent purulent complications
Aphthous stomatitis
Ulcerative necrotizing gingivitis
Multiple caries
Food poisoning
Rotavirus gastroenteritis
Acute intestinal infections

Candles, tablets and lyophilizate Atsilakt - instructions for use

Each dosage form Atsilakta has certain nuances regarding the instructions for using the drug. Therefore, we will consider the correct use of each form of the drug separately.

Acylact lyophilisate

To use the lyophilisate, it must be properly dissolved. Pure drinking water is used as a solvent, best bottled. The number of doses (3 or 5) is written on the vial with lyophilisate. For each dose, 5 ml of water (1 teaspoon) is taken for dissolution. That is, for a bottle with 3 doses, you need 3 * 5 = 15 ml of water (3 teaspoons), and for a bottle with 5 doses, respectively, 25 ml of water (5 teaspoons).

Having calculated the required amount of water, you need to measure it and pour it into a glass. Then open the vial with the lyophilisate, remove the cap and the sample, and pour some water from the beaker into it. Dissolve the lyophilisate in the vial. As a result of complete dissolution, which lasts no more than 5 minutes, a homogeneous suspension of beige or gray color is obtained. Then pour the contents of the vial into a glass and mix the entire suspension thoroughly. This is exactly what will be the finished solution, ready to be taken. Moreover, 1 dose of the drug is equal to one teaspoon of the solution.

The dosage and duration of application of the lyophilizate solution are determined by the severity of the course of the disease, its clinical form and the severity of dysbacteriosis. The solution for use must be prepared every day, since it cannot be stored. So, Acylact lyophilisate is used as follows for various diseases:

  • Pathologies of the oral mucosa (stomatitis, gingivitis, etc.) - the lyophilizate solution is used as a rinse after meals.
  • Glossitis- Acylact is taken 5 doses 2 to 3 times a day for 2 weeks.
  • Aphthous stomatitis, ulcerative necrotic gingivitis - take 5 doses 2 to 3 times a day for 2 weeks. Then a break for 1 week and a second course of treatment.
  • Pathologies of the oral mucosa due to systemic diseases (exudative erythema, Sjögren's disease) - take 10 doses per day, which are divided into 4 times (2.5 doses, or 3 + 3 + 2 + 2 and other options for breaking down 10 doses into 4 doses). The duration of the course of therapy is 2 weeks. It is necessary to drink several courses with breaks between them lasting 1 week.
  • Intestinal disorders - children up to six months take 5 doses per day in two divided doses, and children over 6 months old and adults drink Atcilact 5 doses 2 to 3 times a day, half an hour before meals. In the treatment of acute conditions, the course of application of Atsilact is 7-8 days, and for protracted and chronic pathologies - 2-3 weeks.
  • Dysbacteriosis in children with atopic dermatitis requires the use of Acilact 5 doses once a day, for 20 to 25 days. Such courses of treatment are repeated several times with breaks between them of 1.5 - 2 months. The number of repeated courses depends on the rate of normalization of the intestinal microflora and the condition of the skin.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs require the use of a solution of lyophilizate Atsilakta 5 doses 2 times a day. In this case, the solution is introduced into the vagina on a tampon soaked in it or with the help of a pear, which irrigates its walls.
  • Prevention of complications after surgery and childbirth - Acilact solution is administered through the vagina by irrigation or on a tampon, 5 doses 1 time per day. The duration of the course is 5 - 7 days before surgery or childbirth.

In children, Acilact lyophilisate is used in the same dosages as in adults.

Acylact tablets

Currently, it is most preferable to use tablets containing 1 dose of lactobacilli. Tablets should be taken 30-40 minutes before meals, 2-3 times a day. Acute and chronic inflammatory processes in infants require the use of Acilact 2-3 doses per dose, and in adults - 5 doses, respectively. The course of therapy for acute inflammation lasts 1 week, and chronic - 2 - 4 weeks.

In the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, Acilact tablets should be dissolved and not swallowed whole. In this case, it is necessary to dissolve 4-6 tablets 2-3 times a day, for 2 weeks.

Dosages of Acylact tablets are the same for children and adults.

Acylact candles

Candles can be applied rectally (into the rectum) or vaginally. Adult women who are sexually active should insert suppositories into the vagina. And girls who are not sexually active, or young men, administer Atcilact suppositories rectally. Dosages and duration of treatment with Acilact suppositories, depending on the type of disease, are as follows:
  • Inflammation of the organs of the urogenital tract (cervix, vagina, urethra, etc.) - one suppository is administered twice a day, for 7 to 10 days.
  • Violation of the purity of the vaginal discharge (grades III and IV) - administer 1 suppository 1 to 2 times a day, for 10 days. The course of application of suppositories can be extended and continued up to the achievement of I or II degree of purity of the vaginal secretion.
  • Prevention of purulent complications after operations and childbirth - administer 1 suppository 2 times a day, for 5 to 10 days before surgery or delivery.
  • Restoration of normal microflora after antibiotic therapy - administer 1 suppository rectally 1-2 times a day for 10 days. Then they take a break for 10-20 days and repeat the course of therapy. For 3 months, two similar courses of therapy are allowed, with an interval between them of at least 10 days.
Candles Atsilact is better to enter in the evening before going to bed, and in the morning. At the same time, a small daily pad must be placed on the underwear in the morning, since a small amount of the contents may leak out. Candles should be inserted into the vagina only after hygiene procedures - washing and drying the external genitalia with a soft towel.

Candles are recommended to be combined with the simultaneous administration of lyophilizate or Acilact tablets, which will enhance their therapeutic effect. Candles can be used simultaneously with drugs that have antimicrobial, antiviral and immunomodulatory activity. In this case, it is best that these drugs are taken orally. Simultaneous use of local suppositories Acilact and antibiotics is not recommended.

Application during pregnancy

All dosage forms of Acilact can be used by pregnant women, since the drug contains exclusively lactobacilli, which do not harm the body. The use of Acilact can be compared with the daily consumption of a huge amount of sour-milk products in food. It is especially useful to take the drug for women suffering from intestinal or vaginal dysbacteriosis, since a large number of lactobacilli will help to quickly cope with the problem.

Then, after completing the course of antifungal therapy, you can put down the candles Atsilakt, which normalize the disturbed microflora of the vagina and prevent the recurrence of thrush in the future. That is, Acilact is not a drug intended for the treatment of thrush - it is medicine to normalize the microflora. Therefore, it can be used specifically for the purpose of normalizing the microflora, but only after antifungal treatment.

If a woman began to use Atcilact suppositories, and she developed unbearable itching in the vagina, redness and swelling of the external genitalia, then treatment should be stopped immediately, as these are symptoms of an exacerbation of thrush. In this case, you will have to drink a course antifungal drugs, and only then put down the candles Atsilakt in order to normalize the microflora of the vagina.

Acylact and alcohol

Alcohol should not be taken during treatment with Acilact. This is due to the fact that alcohol disrupts the normal microflora of many organs, while Acylact, on the contrary, normalizes it. That is, alcohol and drugs act in completely opposite directions. That is why alcoholic beverages during treatment with Atcilact significantly reduce its effectiveness. If the violation of the microflora is strongly expressed, then alcoholic beverages, together with the drug, can only aggravate the situation. Therefore, you should refrain from taking alcoholic beverages against the background of treatment with Acilact.

Contraindications and side effects

The only contraindication to the use of Acilact is vulvar and vaginal candidiasis (thrush). In this case, you can not use the drug as the main therapeutic agent. You must first undergo a course of treatment against the fungus, and then restore the microflora with the help of Atsilakt.

As side effects, Acylact can only cause allergic reactions.


To date, Acilact has drugs-synonyms and analogues. Synonyms are drugs that, like Acilact, contain lactobacilli as active components. And the analogs are medications, which contain other strains and subspecies of acidophilus bacteria, but have a therapeutic effect similar to the effects of Acylact.

Since suppositories, tablets and lyophilisate Acilact are used for the treatment of biocenosis disorders in various bodies, then synonyms and analogues for each dosage form will also be different. For ease of comparison and understanding, the synonyms of tablets, lyophilisate and suppositories Atcilact are shown in the table:

Since the lyophilisate and tablets are used for the treatment of the same disorders, both synonymous drugs and analogues for these dosage forms are the same. But synonymous preparations and analogues for Atsilact suppositories differ from those for tablets and lyophilisate, since this dosage form is used to treat other variants of microflora disturbance. Analogues for lyophilisate, tablets and suppositories Atsilakt are also shown in the table:

Analogues of lyophilizate and tablets Atsilakt Analogues of candles Atsilakt
Acipol - capsules, tablets and lyophilisate for oral solutionCandles vaginal Betadine
Bactisporin - lyophilisate for oral solution preparationCandles and vaginal tablets Hexicon and Hexicon D
Baktisubtil - capsulesCandles and vaginal cream Dafnedzhin
Biosporin - tablets and lyophilisate for solution for oral administration and topical useCandles vaginal Depantol
Bifidumbacterin - capsules, rectal suppositories for children and adults, tablets and lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for oral and topical useCandles vaginal Yodovidon
Bifidumbacterin forte - capsules and powder for oral administrationCandles vaginal Yodoxide
Bificol - lyophilisate for oral solution preparationCandles vaginal Yodosept
Bifiliz - rectal suppositories and lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for oral administrationVaginal suppositories, tablets, capsules and Macmirror cream
Bifilong - lyophilisateCandles vaginal with trichomonacid
Bifinorm - lyophilisate for solution preparation for oral administration and topical useCandles with eucalimine 0.05 g vaginal and rectal
Bifiform - capsulesTrichomonacid vaginal tablets
Bifiform Malysh - oral powder and chewable tabletsTablets, powder and granules for oral suspension Furazolidone
Colibacterin - lyophilisate for oral solution preparationCandles vaginal Chlorhexidine
Linex - capsulesVaginal capsules Vagiflor
Linex Gastro - capsulesCandles vaginal Povidone-iodine
Probifor - capsules and powder for oral administrationVaginal capsules Laktozhinal
Sporobacterin - suspension and lyophilizate for the preparation of a solution for oral administration and topical use
Flonivin BS - capsules
Florin forte - powder for oral administration
Hilak forte - drops for oral administration
Enterol - capsules and powder for oral solution

Means that normalize the intestinal microflora.

Composition of Acylact

The active substance is lactobacillus acidophilus.


Vitapharma firm (Russia)

pharmachologic effect

Live lactobacilli included in the composition have antagonistic activity against a wide range of pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria (including staphylococci, Proteus, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli), normalize the digestive activity of the gastrointestinal tract, improve metabolic processes, and help restore natural immunity.

They metabolize the glycogen of the vaginal epithelium to lactic acid, which maintains the pH of the vagina at 3.8-4.2.

Lactic acid in high concentration creates unfavorable conditions for the vital activity of acid-sensitive pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria.

Adverse reactions

Allergic reactions.

Indications for use

Dysbacteriosis of the gastrointestinal tract various etiologies, diseases of the oral cavity:

  • dysbacteriosis of the urogenital tract,
  • including at inflammatory diseases urinary tract infectious and non-infectious nature - gonorrhea,
  • urogenital chlamydia,
  • urogenital herpes,
  • bacterial vagina,
  • hormone-dependent colpitis,
  • preparation for planned gynecological surgery,
  • prenatal preparation for pregnant women at risk for inflammatory diseases.


hypersensitivity, candidiasis, childhood(pills).

Method of application and dosage

Intravaginally - in the form of irrigation, applications and suppositories.

At inflammatory processes urogenital tract - 5 doses (as a solution) or 1 dose (1 suppository) 2 times a day for 5-10 days.

In case of violation of the purity of the vaginal secretion in pregnant women up to 3-4 tbsp. - 1 suppository 1-2 times a day for 5-10 days or more, until disappearance clinical symptoms and restore the purity of the vaginal secretion to 1-2 tbsp.

In order to prevent purulent-septic complications, 1 suppository is used 1-2 times a day for 5-10 days.

Rehabilitation therapy after the use of antibiotics - rectally, 1 suppository 1-2 times a day for 10 days.


No data.


Simultaneous chemotherapy and antibiotic therapy is allowed.

Can be combined with the simultaneous appointment of antibacterial, antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs.

A complex drug, the purpose of which is to restore the natural microflora in the intestinal loops - injections, tablets and suppositories "Acilact". Instructions for use indicate that the fast positive result is achieved due to the optimal content of acidophilic lactic bacteria. The tool has proven itself in gynecology, gastroenterology and other fields of medicine, as an effective component of the pharmacotherapy of various pathologies, as well as an effective prophylactic drug.

What is the release form

In the pharmacy network, the drug "Acilact" is presented as a lyophilisate, packaged in vials of 3 doses or 5 doses. Immediately before the introduction into the human body, the agent is diluted with pharmaceutical water. Pharmaceutical package packing of 5 pcs. Or 10 pcs.

There is also a form of tablets, which contain at least 10 * 7 live acidophilus bacteria. However, the form of rectal suppositories proved to be the best - due to ease of use. Packing in specially designed protective blisters of 10 pcs.


Based on the attached instructions, it follows that the active substance of the drug "Acilact" are live acidophilic lactobacilli - three subspecies. To ensure survival, they are dried in combination with the medium on which they were grown.

Additional components in the form of lyophilisate and tablets are not available. Whereas in suppositories for the base, solid fat, paraffin, and also an emulsifier are added. Their task is to shape suppositories, distribute lactobacilli evenly, and maintain their medicinal properties.

Pharmacological effects

It is the presence in the composition of the drug "Acilact", instructions for use that gives such information, several strains of live acidophilic lactobacilli causes many pharmacological effects of the drug:

  • antimicrobial - suppression of the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, including staphylococci, Escherichia coli;
  • antagonistic - lactobacilli resist pathogenic flora for nutrients;
  • preventive - due to the increase in local immunity in the intestine, the formation of various diseases that occur against the background of immunodeficiency is prevented;
  • due to suppositories with lactobacilli, a physiologically “acidic” pH is maintained - within 3.8-4.2;
  • improvement in general well-being.

All pharmacological properties cause a variety of indications for the use of the drug.

Tablets, injections, suppositories "Acilact": what helps the medicine

Specialists use the drug to restore the natural microflora of the cavities of the human body "Acilact" in the following cases:

  • preoperative preparation - on the structures of the oral cavity, head;
  • dysbacteriosis in the area of ​​digestive structures;
  • non-infectious etiology colpitis;
  • a disorder in the composition of natural microorganisms, formed as a result of severe systemic pathologies;
  • preparation for surgical interventions gynecological profile;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies of obstetric organs in gynecology;
  • prevention of purulent complications after maxillofacial surgery;
  • preparatory stage for the adoption of childbirth in women;
  • diagnosed bacterial vaginosis;
  • long course of colpitis, as well as enterocolitis;
  • dysbacteriosis of the structures of the urogenital tract;
  • colpitis of hormonal etiology;
  • recovery stage after a course of antibiotic therapy;
  • long-term intestinal disorders in babies;
  • atopic form of dermatitis;
  • complex therapy of sexually transmitted pathologies;
  • dysbacteriosis on the background of immunodeficiency;
  • aphthous stomatitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • rotavirus gastroenteritis.

An informed decision on the need to take lactobacilli should only be made by a specialist.

The drug "Acilact": instructions for use

Each of the forms of the drug has its own nuances for the correct introduction into the human body, so a preliminary acquaintance with the attached instructions from the manufacturer is a prerequisite for the success of pharmacotherapy.

So, the lyophilizate "Acilact" immediately before use needs to be dissolved - either with bottled water, or with plain boiled drinking water. The proportions of dissolution will be calculated based on the number of doses of the active substance prescribed on the bottle of medicine. For each dose of dry matter, ml of purified water is required to dissolve.

After determining the required volume of water, it is poured into a mug. A small amount of water is added to a bottle with a dry concentrate, everything is thoroughly shaken. As a result, a homogeneous suspension should form - a beige or gray shade. The suspension then needs to be added to the water prepared in a mug. The finished solution is used at the rate of 1 tsp. suspension is 1 dose of the drug.

The frequency of taking the drug, as well as the total duration of the treatment course, will be determined by a specialist based on the diagnosed pathology:

  • with stomatitis or gingivitis - rinsing the mouth every morning, evening;
  • with golositis - 5 doses 2-3 r / s, at least 10-14 days;
  • with aphthous form of stomatitis - 5 doses 2-3 r / s;
  • with exudative variant of erythema - 10 doses per day, divided into 4 doses;
  • with intestinal disorders in babies - 5 doses in 2 doses, while adults need 5 doses 2 - 3 r / s;
  • in children with atopic dermatitis and dysbacteriosis, treatment consists in taking 5 doses of medication per day, at least 20-25 days;
  • with the defeat of inflammatory processes of the female reproductive system lyophilizate to be taken in 5 doses is prescribed every morning, evening by irrigating the vagina.

The form of tablets "Acilact" involves the use of 1 dose twice, or even three times a day. In infants with acute disorders - 2-3 doses per reception. Whereas for adults, the number of doses is recommended for 5 pcs. In the acute process, the total duration is 7-8 days, in the chronic course of the pathology - 2.5-4 weeks.

Candles "Acilact" are used in gynecology. They can be administered both rectally and intravaginally - in direct proportion to the age and gender of the patient. Optimal doses:

  • with pathologies of urogenital structures - 1 pc. 2 r / s;
  • in case of violations of the composition of the vaginal discharge - 1 pc. 1-2 r / s;
  • prevention of complications of a purulent nature after surgical interventions, or childbirth - 1 pc. 2 r / s;
  • restoration of the concentration of one's own beneficial microflora, for example, after the forced intake of antibacterial agents - 1 pc. rectally 2 r / s.

The optimal timing of therapy with suppositories is determined by a specialist on an individual basis. Courses can be repeated 2-3 times as needed.

Unwanted Effects

Since each of the above forms of the drug contains exclusively dried acidophilic lactobacilli, the appearance of unwanted reactions during a therapeutic or prophylactic course of drug therapy is an extremely rare occurrence.

In some cases, individual intolerance to the components of the drug in the form of allergic disorders was recorded. mild form- urticaria, moderate itching or burning.

Neither dyspeptic disorders, nor difficulties with bowel movements were observed while taking dox lactobacilli. In each case of deterioration of health due to the drug, the specialist must be notified - in order to correct the ongoing treatment.

Analogues of the drug "Acilact"

Full analogues in composition:

  1. Ecofemin.
  2. Vagilak.
  3. Lactobacterin.
  4. Lactonorm.

Price and holiday conditions

Average price "Acilact", candles 10 pcs. (Moscow), is 110 rubles. You can buy medicine in Minsk for 4-5 bel. rubles. Price in Kyiv - 200 hryvnia, in Kazakhstan - 656 tenge. Released without a prescription.

General feedback

In general, the impression of acidophilic lactobacilli, presented in a concentrated form in the drug "Acilact", is positive. Reviews of doctors report that, thanks to timely therapy, it is possible to quickly adjust the required pH of the vagina in women or in the intestinal lumen in children and adults.

At the same time, the list of restrictions on taking the medication is much shorter than a similar list of contraindications for other drugs. In addition, there are practically no undesirable effects when taking the drug. Therefore, it is widely used by specialists in pediatric practice.

Vaginal suppositories Acilact is a multifunctional drug used to treat various forms of a disease such as thrush in women. However, when deciding on their use for therapeutic purposes, it should be remembered that the drug cannot act as the main anti-candidiasis drug.

Acylact with thrush has a powerful antifungal effect. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the microflora of the vagina, restoring it and preventing the re-development of candidiasis. But this medicine is not as harmless as many patients think, so these suppositories should be used with extreme caution for thrush.

Acylact: indications and contraindications

Vaginal suppositories Acilact can be used not only for or after thrush, but also for the treatment of others. gynecological pathologies among women. In particular, it is used for:

  • non-infectious colpitis;
  • gardnerellosis;
  • colpitis of hormonal etiology;
  • preparation for the operation in the pelvic organs;
  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • genital herpes;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • inflammation of the cervix.

The only contraindication to the use of Atsilact suppositories in women is vaginal thrush. That is, it is forbidden to use it as a separate tool - it simply will not have any effect.

You can put suppositories only in parallel with the use of antifungal drugs, and also after the complete cure of thrush.

How to use Acilact suppositories for the treatment of candidiasis

Atsilakt with thrush in women should be used in the morning and evening. Before the introduction of suppositories by the intravaginal method, it is necessary to put a daily pad on the underwear. The fact is that after dissolving the suppository, a certain amount of the drug may leak out. In order not to stain the linen, you should resort to the use of personal hygiene products.

Candles Atsilact, used for thrush, must be administered only after preliminary washing. Then it is worth waiting until the skin of the genitals dries, and only then proceed to the procedure.

In order for Acylact in the form of suppositories for thrush to give the maximum result, it must be used in parallel with tablets or lyophilisate. With the help of complex therapy with this drug, you can quickly restore the vaginal microflora without risk to the patient's health.

Vaginal suppositories Atsilakt in the treatment of thrush cannot be used together with antibacterial drugs, since these medicinal substances do not interact with each other. Due to their incompatibility, allergic reactions and vaginal dysbacteriosis can occur, so do not risk your own health!

The use of Acilact after thrush in women

Acylact after thrush is used as a prophylactic. This drug is a powerful probiotic that can be safely used not only for women, but also for preventive therapy in young girls.

In parallel with the introduction of Acylact suppositories, the patient is prescribed a light diet that excludes all junk food - fatty, fried, spicy, smoked dishes and sweets. This will help to finally get rid of the symptoms of thrush, as well as significantly strengthen local immunity.

Acylact for the treatment of candidiasis during pregnancy

Acylact during or after thrush is allowed to be used to treat expectant mothers. This drug contains exclusively lactobacilli, so it can be considered absolutely harmless to the fetus. The drug Acilact can be compared with the daily consumption of fermented milk products.

Suppositories should be placed during pregnancy not only in case of development of thrush, but also in case of vaginal dysbacteriosis. After the end of the course of therapy, the patient will need to undergo a second examination with a doctor, as well as pass a vaginal smear to confirm that the pathology has been completely cured.

Side effects and analogues of the drug

the only side effect after using the drug is an allergy to the components that make up its composition. It is expressed with the help of itching, burning, hyperemia of the mucous membranes and skin of the genitals. The patient may experience discomfort when walking, as well as slightly increase the secretion of vaginal mucus.

As a rule, to stop these symptoms, it is enough to take an antihistamine tablet, as well as wash yourself with a decoction. medicinal plants that have a calming and anti-allergic effect (chamomile, calendula, eucalyptus).

If this drug is not suitable for the patient for any reason, it is replaced with another drug with a similar principle of action. These include:

  1. Candles Lactobacterin.
  2. Lactonorm - vaginal capsules.
  3. Ecofemin in the form of vaginal capsules.
  4. Vaginal suppositories Betadine.
  5. Candle Hexicon.

The decision to replace the drug can only be made by a gynecologist. Especially when it comes to a pregnant woman, since during this period of time any health experiments can have unpredictable consequences.

Acylact is a domestic probiotic bacterial preparation based on live acidophilic lactobacilli. It is highly antagonistic towards pathogenic and facultative pathogenic bacteria, including staphylococci, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, Shigella, Proteus. Such a good sense"Pugnaciousness" of acylact predetermines its corrective action in case of violations of the bacteriocenosis of the intestine and oral cavity. Thus, the scope of the drug is quite wide and covers diseases of the oral mucosa of inflammatory origin and dysbiotic diseases. gastrointestinal tract. One of the therapeutic "specializations" of acilact is generalized periodontitis. The drugs of choice in this case are antibacterial agents, however, often antibiotic therapy does not justify itself and only exacerbates clinical picture. A massive antimicrobial attack seriously and permanently disrupts the biocenosis of the oral cavity, suppressing the local immunity of the mucous membranes. Such population deviations of the bacterial microflora are difficult to correct and entail the emergence of resistant strains of microorganisms, followed by dysbacteriosis and the development of hypersensitivity to various allergens, including those of microbial origin. IN last years to balance the autoflora, increase immunity, minimize allergic phenomena, periodontists increasingly resort to the help of probiotics - preparations containing live bacteria, one of which is acylact. This drug has shown itself well in clinical studies in patients suffering from periodontitis. So, already after 2-3 therapeutic sessions, they noted a clear decrease in the intensity of the inflammatory process, that is, acylact had a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect on periodontal tissues. With the elimination of inflammation in the gums, the permeability of the capillary walls decreased. Against the background of acylactoma therapy, the content of lysozyme, an enzyme endowed with the ability to cause hydrolysis of bacterial cells, significantly increased in the saliva of patients.

After the end of the drug course, a significant decrease in the microbial contamination of periodontal tissues was observed. Bacteria, most often the cause of periodontitis - Staphylococcus aureus and auricularis, Streptococcus mutans, Candida tropicalis, Enterobacter cloacae - were practically not isolated during sowing. When monitoring the long-term results of pharmacotherapy, it was found that the use of acylact ensures the preservation and maintenance of the normal composition of the microflora of the oral cavity for up to six months, while in the control group of patients who received other treatment, the quantitative and qualitative composition of undesirable microorganisms returned to the previous levels for 1-3 post-treatment months. In addition to the above positive changes, more than a third of patients who took acilact noted the normalization of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, namely: the disappearance of abdominal pain, discomfort, "revitalization" of peristalsis. Thus, the results of clinical, microbiological and immunological studies indicate that acylact has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects and can be effectively used in generalized periodontitis.

Among other diseases that acilact successfully copes with, one can distinguish vaginal candidiasis, which often occurs during the treatment of bacterial vaginosis with antibiotics. Entity without sentiment antibacterial drugs is such that, having destroyed all conditionally and unconditionally pathogenic microorganisms, they absolutely remove themselves from establishing “constitutional order” in the vagina (read: from restoring normal microflora). In such cases, it is recommended to take probiotic preparations, incl. acylacta, which helps to reduce the risk of recurrence of the disease by increasing the protective properties of the vagina.


The drug has a high antagonistic activity against pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms, including staphylococci, shigella, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, Proteus, which determines the corrective effect of the drug in violation of the bacteriocenosis of the oral cavity and intestines.

Release form

20 pcs. - bottles (1) - packs of cardboard.
30 pcs. - bottles (1) - packs of cardboard.
60 pcs. - polymer cans (1) - packs of cardboard.


Depending on the disease, the drug is used by mouth, without prior dissolution, with boiled water at room temperature or by sucking.

The daily dose and duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor, depending on the clinical form of the disease and the severity of dysbacteriosis.

For diseases of the oral cavity:

In diseases of the mucous membrane, the drug is used after eating, dissolving the tablet.

With glossitis, 5 doses per day are prescribed in 2-3 doses, the course of treatment is 14-15 days. With recurrent aphthous stomatitis and ulcerative necrotic gingivitis, treatment is carried out according to the same scheme in two courses with a break of 7 days.

In case of pathological processes in the oral cavity caused by systemic diseases, 10 doses per day are prescribed in 4 doses in two courses of 14-15 days each with a break of 7 days.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

The tablet preparation is taken orally no later than 20-30 minutes before meals with water.

Patients with intestinal disorders are prescribed 5 doses 2-3 times a day.

In acute inflammatory processes of the intestine, the course of treatment is 7-8 days, with prolonged and recurrent forms of the disease - 14-21 days.

If necessary, the doctor prescribes repeated courses under the control of laboratory parameters.

In case of violations of the normal intestinal microflora in children with atopic dermatitis, 5 doses per day in courses of 20-25 days, with intervals of 1.5-2 months. The number of courses is determined by the condition of the skin and the normalization of the intestinal microflora.


The use of tablets can be combined with simultaneous antibacterial, antiviral and immunomodulatory therapy.

Side effects

Not identified.


For diseases of the oral cavity:

  • inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa (glossitis, aphthous stomatitis, ulcerative necrotic gingivitis);
  • pathological changes in the oral mucosa, accompanying systemic diseases(lichen planus, erythema exudatiform multiforme, Sjögren's disease);
  • other diseases of the oral cavity associated with dysbacteriosis (galvanism, multiple lesions of teeth by caries, periodontitis), preparation for planned maxillofacial operations in order to prevent purulent-inflammatory complications.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • acute intestinal infections, food toxic infections caused by opportunistic microorganisms or unknown etiology; rotavirus gastroenteritis;
  • prolonged intestinal disorders, especially in young children;
  • prolonged and chronic colitis and enterocolitis of infectious and non-infectious etiology, accompanied by a violation of the microflora;
  • moderate and mild form of nonspecific ulcerative colitis in adults;
  • weakened, often ill children and adults with symptoms of dysbacteriosis. including accompanied by an immunodeficiency state;
  • complex therapy of atopic dermatitis in children with symptoms of intestinal dysbacteriosis.

Corrective therapy with acylactom can be prescribed after a course of treatment with bacteriophages.


Not installed.

Application features

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Lactobacilli are representatives of the normal human microflora. Therefore, preparations made on their basis can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Use in children

The drug is approved for use in children.

special instructions

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms:

The drug does not affect the performance of activities requiring special attention and fast reactions (control vehicles, machinery, etc.).

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