Does fever occur with allergies? Temperature with allergies - when is this possible? Can the temperature rise with severe allergies?

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Does fever occur with allergies? This question worries those who have a predisposition to this pathology, and every parent who has had to deal with a similar situation in children. In some cases, when adults develop, the temperature may rise.

The reasons are very diverse, it all depends on the form of an allergic reaction, the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

Can it give a high temperature? Developing fever is considered a pathological phenomenon, but it can be easily corrected, and does not always require a stay in a hospital. There are separate forms of allergic reactions that suggest the presence of a feverish condition.

It is worth noting that if the temperature level exceeds the permissible values ​​(from 38.5), then we can talk about the presence of an inflammatory process that the human body is fighting against.

The patient's body can respond to a variety of stimuli. High fever with allergies occurs in the following situations:

  • If an excessive amount of the allergen has entered the body.
  • During the process of intoxication.
  • After insect bites.
  • Against the background of taking medications that have a strong effect.

After the fever has manifested, the attending physician writes out an appointment for allergic tests.

If the temperature is elevated during allergies, then this indicates that the immune system is protecting the body and is trying to prevent the attack of pathogenic microbes.

What forms of allergy are accompanied by an increase in the temperature level?

So, fever can occur when:

  • Food allergies (with excessive consumption of prohibited,).
  • Acute reaction to medication which did not suit the patient.
  • Carrying out the Mantoux test.
  • Vaccinations.
  • Angioedema.
  • Insect bite.

The following allergy symptoms are distinguished:

  • Copious and clear discharge from the nasal cavity.
  • The appearance of swelling.
  • Increased tearing.
  • Redness of the skin.
  • Eruptions on the epidermis.
  • The appearance of itching, burning on the skin.
  • Allergic cough.

A high temperature can be given by a drug allergy, which has the following forms:

  • Milian's reaction - occurs on the 8-9th day after taking drugs such as tetracycline, metranidazole, sulfonamides, which is accompanied by a strong increase in temperature, possibly even damage to internal organs.
  • Drug fever is a condition accompanied by severe fever that occurs on the 3rd day after the start of antibiotics.
  • Serum sickness - develops after vaccination and the introduction of various sera. In addition to fever, there is severe swelling And .
  • Systemic vasculitis.
  • exudative erythema.
  • Lyell's syndrome.
  • Steven-Jones Syndrome.

Can there be a temperature with allergies in children? Often, children develop hay fever - an allergy to pollen, which is characterized by a severe runny nose, increased tearing. The process of development of pathology involves an immune inflammatory reaction within the tissues, which contributes to an increase in the thermometer mark to 37.5 degrees.

When the temperature rises

Does it happen that the temperature during allergies reaches critical levels? Unfortunately, in some situations, such a clinical picture is the absolute norm.

The well-known fact that heat- a clear sign that the development of the inflammatory process begins. In adults, this symptom is much less common than in children. Young patients suffer from allergies more severely, since their immune system is not fully formed and cannot fully resist pathogens.

Experts say that fever and fever are not at all characteristic of an allergic reaction. However, in the predominant number of cases, the temperature is the result of a concomitant disease that occurs against the background of this pathology. It can be colds, viral and infectious diseases that cause such an immune response in the child's body.

The main signs of an allergic reaction

When the body is affected by an allergen, not only a high temperature can occur, but also other symptoms. An allergic reaction is considered bad feeling, lethargy, constant desire to sleep.

Significant signs of an allergic reaction include:

  • Inflammation of the mucous membranes.
  • Peeling of the epidermal layers of the skin.
  • Swelling of mucous tissues.
  • Severe changes in blood pressure.
  • Intestinal colic, severe diarrhea (with food allergies).
  • Headaches that become systematic.
  • Increased work of the sebaceous glands - excessive sweating.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis.
  • Hives.
  • Dyspnea.
  • The appearance of eczema.

In case of an allergic reaction, the temperature may remain subfebrile (up to 38.5 degrees) or rise to critical units - in this case, it is necessary to call an ambulance team.

It is important to look at the reaction of the body, monitor the dynamics of the development of primary signs, and measure body temperature.

Temperature for allergies in pregnant women

In what situations does the temperature occur with allergies in pregnant women? Allergy is a protective reaction of the body, in which there is an effect on its tissues, the list also includes acute allergies, which affect 6-8% of pregnant women.

Allergies in pregnant women can be almost harmless, be mild:

  • Hives.
  • Conjunctivitis.

However, there are also severe forms of this pathological process, which are accompanied by a high temperature:

  • Generalized urticaria.
  • Anaphylactic shock.

The fever can reach 39 degrees, this temperature is dangerous for both the mother and the fetus, and immediate hospitalization is required.

During pregnancy, doctors prescribe the following antihistamines:

  • Allertec - allowed in the 2nd and 3rd trimester.
  • Feksadin.

In some cases, with an acute vital need, Suprastin and Tavegil can be prescribed, but there is a negative effect on the fetus.


In almost all cases with the development of allergies. The reaction manifests itself after internal or external contact with the allergen has occurred, which can be:

  • Dairy products.
  • Nuts.
  • Components of animal hair.
  • , lotions.
  • The fabric from which the children's underwear is made.

The rash appears after close contact with the pathogen. For example, severe rashes will appear after a nettle or jellyfish burn. Mosquito bites will cause a local reaction.


With the early development of the disease, it is necessary to correctly develop treatment.

What you need to know for proper therapy:

  • If the temperature remains subfebrile, that is, does not exceed 38 degrees, then it is not recommended to start taking antipyretics, since drugs can weaken the level of immune defense.
  • Medications to reduce fever, must be taken very carefully, since if there is a reaction to the components included in the composition of the medicines, a sharp deterioration in the patient's condition may occur.
  • The pharmaceutical industry is rapidly evolving, and on the pharmacy shelves you can choose from many products that contain non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. However, a person prone to allergies may react negatively to a new multi-component composition.
  • Competent experts advise giving preference to rectal suppositories, since they are considered safer, do not contain coloring chemicals, harmful flavors. Everyone knows that sweeteners, flavor and aroma enhancers are added to children's medicinal syrups so that it is not difficult for parents to take the medicine to the baby.
  • First of all, the main irritant is eliminated from the diet, then you need to start giving an antihistamine drug that suppresses the destructive effects of hazardous substances. To the most effective means include Suprastin and Claritin, they have a mild effect, practically do not have side effects and give fast results that persist for a long time.
  • If the symptoms are pronounced and the patient complains of a deterioration in well-being, then it is necessary to call ambulance. Consultation with an allergist is always required, only he can establish the correct diagnosis, determine the type of allergen and. In some cases, antibiotics are prescribed when different types of bacteria are spreading in the body.
  • Since antimicrobial agents negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to take medications aimed at restoring the internal environment of the intestine, such as Normobact, Linex.

Disease prevention

When a baby has a predisposition to allergies, it is necessary to take all possible measures aimed at stopping any contact with the pathogen, because with new contacts, the severity of the course of the disease will increase, the symptoms will become very pronounced.

If the patient has, then a thorough examination by an allergist is necessary, which will help determine the product that causes a negative reaction. A menu is assigned that excludes dishes with a dangerous component, which will restore and strengthen the body .

For a baby prone to negative reactions, experts do not advise giving products such as:

  • Cottage cheese.
  • Chicken egg yolk.
  • Fish dishes.

Against the background of food allergies, household, pollen sensitization can form, which means a strong susceptibility to the components and causes other allergic diseases. Therefore, it is important to make daily wet cleaning and ventilate the room, wash children's toys.

If observed backlash for a medication, medicinal product, then it is necessary to notify doctors about this, without waiting for the start of treatment h sickness I.

Allergy fever is rare. Usually, an atopic reaction does not cause this symptom. Experts came to the conclusion that such a response of the body to an irritant is a consequence of some viral disease that occurs in parallel, or a pathological process caused by an allergen.

Can there be a temperature with allergies

More recently, the expression "atypical allergy" has become stable - atopic manifestations accompanied by hyperemia. Cases when such a symptom appears are described below.

Type of allergy with fever Causes
Hyperemia is observed only at the site of the bite. A general increase in temperature is rare and depends on the individual characteristics of the victim's body (other symptoms at the site of exposure: burning and swelling).
Reaction to, protein on animal hair The temperature for allergies - 37 degrees and above rarely rises. The symptom may go unnoticed against the background of other negative reactions, reminiscent of the manifestations of a cold:


itching in the nasal cavity;


redness of the eyelids, etc.

Intolerance to components during blood transfusion An allergic reaction may be accompanied by hyperemia.
food atopy Most often, a negative reaction occurs to chemistry, which is used in the cultivation of vegetables and fruits. With general malaise with symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, vomiting, pain in abdominal cavity) hyperemia may occur (39-40 degrees).
Allergy to serum with foreign protein In addition to hyperemia (up to 38 degrees and above), the following symptoms are observed:

burning sensation;

Discomfort in the area of ​​manipulation;

pain in the joints;


Infectious disease (tuberculosis intoxication) Children over 2 years old

An increase in temperature is repeated for several weeks and is accompanied by other allergic manifestations (including an increase in lymph nodes). In this case, an appeal to a phthisiatrician is mandatory.


Hyperemia, increased sweating and unproductive cough are signs of pulmonary tuberculosis.

drug atopy Allergy to drugs with fever occurs most often on the following drugs:








A negative reaction is accompanied by all signs of intoxication.

Differences between allergies and other diseases that occur with fever:

If allergic reaction is accompanied by a temperature, then you should immediately call an ambulance (especially if the victim is a child) and take the usual antihistamine.

It is forbidden:

  • take any medication before the doctors arrive (if the reaction is caused by a medication);
  • lie in hot tub, soar legs, carry out inhalation;
  • eat food that is contraindicated for an allergic person.

Temperature with allergies is an alarming sign, but if you take precautions and undergo regular examinations with a doctor, serious consequences can be avoided.

Allergy has many manifestations. Often it is accompanied by lacrimation, runny nose, redness of the skin, rash, dermatitis, bronchial asthma. Sometimes a high temperature can join these symptoms. What to do if this happened? And can temperature accompany such a disease as an allergy?

Does fever occur with allergies?

There is a fairly widespread opinion, including among doctors, that temperature and allergies are things that are not connected with each other in any way. While this is true in most cases, there are actually a number of exceptions to this rule.

An increase in body temperature is usually due to various factors. It can be caused by both endogenous (internal) and exogenous (external) causes. In some cases, an increase in temperature is a protective reaction of the body, stimulating all its resources to fight infection, and in others, the presence in the blood of special substances that cause an increase in temperature - pyrogens. As pyrogens can be, for example, toxins produced by bacteria. Thus, an increase in temperature is a process for which many biological mechanisms must be involved. With allergies, this situation is usually not observed, this process affects only part of the body's immune system.

However, the mechanism of allergy occurrence does not completely exclude such a scenario. After all, the development of an allergic reaction involves the release into the blood of a large number of inflammatory mediators - histamines. They perform many functions in the body, and one of them is to expand the peripheral vessels and increase their permeability. And this, in turn, entails hyperthermia of the tissues in which the concentration of histamine occurs.

However, an increase in temperature is a systemic reaction of the body. And in order for histamines to contribute to an increase in the temperature of the whole organism, and not of its individual tissues, for example, skin, a lot of histamine must be released. And this already poses a threat to the whole organism. Therefore, fever with allergies is a dangerous symptom that can be accompanied by other severe manifestations, such as anaphylactic shock.

However, most often with allergies, there may be a temperature due to reasons that are not related to the allergy itself. For example, fever can be caused by a concurrent fungal, bacterial, or viral infection. It is no secret that many manifestations of allergies, such as edema, dermatitis, rhinitis, can be accompanied by infectious diseases of a viral or bacterial nature. And in such a case, fever is a completely natural symptom - a sign of the body's fight against infection.

In addition, an increase in temperature can be caused by another reason, namely, intoxication of the body. After all, many toxins are also strong allergens. Thus, in such cases, fever and allergies can go hand in hand, although they are not directly related.

Thus, allergies can sometimes be accompanied by fever, although this is a rare symptom. Such cases are called atypical allergies. However, the temperature values ​​for atypical allergies usually remain low - no more than + 37.5 ° C, except, of course, in those cases when a bacterial or viral infection joins the allergy.

Allergies most commonly associated with fever

However, allergies can give fever in some varieties of this disease, and in these cases, fever is the norm rather than the exception. These types of allergies include:

  • allergy to stings of insects and animals,
  • drug allergy,
  • allergy to vaccines (serum sickness).

Allergy to bites

The poison that is injected when bitten by insects (bees, wasps, ants, etc.), not to mention snake bites, has a toxic effect on the body. If it enters the systemic circulation, then the victim, along with an allergic reaction, may experience a sharp increase in temperature. This is a kind of protective reaction of the body, which thus reacts to the penetration of poisons into it. At the same time, temperatures can be quite high and reach +39°C. This reaction is especially characteristic of children. In addition to this symptom, bite allergies are often accompanied by swelling and a rash. This type of allergy is usually severe and requires immediate medical attention.

drug allergy

Many medications can cause, in addition to an allergic reaction, also an increase in temperature. It does not matter whether they are administered by injection or whether they enter the gastrointestinal tract. Allergies are especially common with the introduction or ingestion of antibiotics. penicillin series. The temperature rises somewhat less frequently when using tetracyclines, sulfonamides, metronidazole. This reaction is most typical for children.

Vaccine administration (serum allergy)

In fact, severe allergies with vaccines are rare. However, if signs of an allergy are nevertheless observed, then they are usually accompanied by such a symptom as fever. In some cases, this phenomenon is not a pathology, as it indicates that the immune system has recognized the antigen of the pathogen and is learning to deal with it. Most often, a symptom such as fever with the introduction of vaccines goes away by itself. However, in severe cases, fever with serum sickness may be accompanied by pain in the joints and muscles, urticaria, damage to internal organs.

Temperature in children with allergies

In children, fever with allergies is more common than in adults. However, it is far from always that it can be the result of an allergic reaction, and not an infectious disease concomitant with allergies. Of course, a cold in a child is usually accompanied by respiratory symptoms- cough, runny nose, sore throat. However, in some cases, the symptoms may be erased, for example, with entero viral infection or not appear immediately. In addition, allergies and infectious diseases can have similar symptoms, such as a runny nose (rhinitis).

Of course, there are cases when there are serious reasons to believe that the child is suffering from an allergic reaction. For example, if he was vaccinated shortly before, or he was bitten by an insect. Also, children are often characterized by an allergic reaction to pollen, in which there is an increase in temperature. This is a serious condition that, if left untreated, can lead to complications such as bronchial asthma. Food allergies in a child can also lead to an increase in body temperature.

However, in any case, when the child's temperature rises, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to accurately establish the diagnosis - whether it is an atypical allergy or an acute respiratory disease. Also, the doctor should differentiate allergies from some viral diseases accompanied by itching, rash and high fever - chickenpox or rubella. An important role is played by the analysis of the anamnesis - so, if a child has already experienced allergic reactions, then the likelihood that he has an attack of an atypical allergy, and not a simple ARVI, increases.

Fever in adults

Atypical allergies are less common in adults than in children. However, in some cases, such as allergies to drugs or insect bites, the temperature may rise in adults. At the same time, atypical allergies are usually accompanied by the usual allergy symptoms - the appearance of a rash, swelling, etc.

Treatment of fever with allergies

Fever is just a symptom that indicates a pathological process, although rather unpleasant, and not the disease itself. Therefore, there is no special need to bring down the temperature with allergies, unless it exceeds high values, for example, at + 38 ° C. The focus should be on treating the causes of allergies - neutralizing allergens and preventing their further entry into the body. For example, if the allergy was caused by drugs, then it is necessary to stop taking them, and if the nature of the allergy is food, then enterosorbent preparations should be taken to help neutralize allergens in the gastrointestinal tract. Also, to reduce the level of exposure to the body of inflammatory mediators - histamines, antihistamines should be taken. It must be remembered that conventional antipyretic drugs, such as paracetamol and aspirin, are not able to prevent the onset of severe allergy complications, such as anaphylactic shock and.

An allergy is a specific reaction of the body to certain irritants (allergens). Currently, there are a large number of forms of allergies with different symptoms. Therefore, many people with allergies are interested in the question: can there be a temperature with allergies? Maybe, but very rarely. Most often, elevated body temperature is attributed to a cold or infection, although they do not provoke inflammation.

Fever with allergies

There are a number possible causes appearance elevated temperature depending on the source:

  1. Food pathogens. Can there be a temperature with a food allergy? It happens that the temperature during allergies rises to 39 ° C. In acute manifestation, it even causes irritation and neoplasms on the skin, fever, and sweating.
  2. Reaction to medicine. Accompanied by irritation of the mucous membranes, itching on the skin, as well as general intoxication.
  3. Vaccination. May cause severe rashes on the body, swelling around the injection site. One of the most dangerous causes of the disease, it can cause a temperature of 39 ° C. With such a reaction of the body, you should immediately call an ambulance.
  1. Reaction to a cat and other long-haired animals. A low temperature of 37 ° C sometimes accompanies the disease. The use of antihistamines normalizes the functioning of the body.
  2. Reaction to ragweed and pollen. With an allergy to flowering, it can occasionally rise slight temperature.
  3. Reaction to insect bites. Basically, there is a fever at the site of the bite.

Important to remember! Unstable body temperature can lead to dangerous consequences! Be sure to seek emergency medical attention.

Colds and allergies can be hard to tell apart. A person may be treating a cold but is actually suffering from an allergic flare-up. It is important to be able to distinguish between these diseases on the following grounds:

  • the duration of a cold is up to 7 days, and allergies can last all year round;
  • a cold develops gradually, and an allergy occurs suddenly and abruptly;
  • if the disease is accompanied by a runny nose, then during a cold, the discharge is thick and yellow, and with allergies, it is watery and transparent.

Depending on how long the temperature lasts, it is necessary to take appropriate measures for the treatment and elimination of it. What to do in such situations will help to understand the doctor - a specialist.

All parents are concerned about the question: can there be a temperature with allergies in children? After all, caring parents at the first symptoms of a cold begin to actively and systematically bring down the temperature of their children with antipyretic drugs. But if the child is prone to allergic reactions, then it is the allergy that should be dealt with. If you remove the symptoms that irritate the children's body, then the high temperature will soon return to normal.

It is important to know! You need to take an antipyretic if the temperature is too high for allergies in children! Be sure to check with your pediatrician afterwards.

Can there be a temperature with allergies in infants? Children in the first year of their lives undergo almost all vaccinations, some of which can cause illness. In order to avoid fever, it is necessary to prepare the baby in advance for vaccination. A week before the scheduled vaccination, you need to take a course of antihistamines. Then the child's body will more easily tolerate the vaccine.

Dr. Komarovsky about allergies in children

Known to many modern parents, the pediatrician Komarovsky notes the following causes of the disease in children:

  • external - wool, pollen, cosmetics, dust;
  • internal - drinks, food, medicines.

The doctor notes that the disease early age caused by a weakened immune system and the quality of food consumed. When asked if allergies can cause fever, the doctor answers in the affirmative.

Varieties of allergies


It appears periodically at certain times of the year. In order to fight this disease, you need to contact an allergist on the eve of the problem season. He will select a treatment regimen to prevent abnormal reactions of the body.

For cow's milk protein

There are several reasons for the development of the disease: genetic predisposition, early use of cow's milk in the child's diet, and ingestion of casein (an element of cow's milk) with breast milk. It is required to monitor the composition of the products that the child consumes, because many contain this element. An alternative to cow's milk is goat's milk.


The main sources of the development of the disease are wheat, nuts, eggs, milk. Allergy develops when these foods are consumed excessively. It is best to introduce substitutes into the diet (figs, prunes, legumes, meat, green vegetables).


Usually occurs during the flowering period of seasonal plants such as wormwood, ragweed, birch, meadow grasses. It can manifest itself in various ways: diseases of the respiratory system, mucous membranes, rashes on the body. The temperature rises to 38°C and above.

It is characterized by swelling and itching of the nose, resulting in a runny nose. To avoid rhinitis, you should exclude morning walks during the exacerbation season, use room humidifiers, avoid traveling long distances, and clean the surfaces of furniture and carpets from dust and wool if there are animals in the house.


The appearance of a rash can be caused by unnatural clothing fabric, cosmetics, washing powder. Accompanied by itching or swelling. There are 2 types of rashes - urticaria and Quincke's edema.

Allergy treatment is carried out after identifying the causes of symptoms. To do this, you need to pass several types of tests. A detailed survey of the mother will help in determining the diagnosis. It is important to remember what the child ate and did all day long!

fever medicines

With a slight increase in body temperature, knocking it down is not required. It is enough to take antihistamines (Diazolin, Diphenhydramine, Suprastin, Tavegil, Clarotadin, Lomilan, Rupafin, Zirtek, Kestin, Trexil, Telfast and their analogues).

These medications block histamine receptors, which slows down the irritant effects. After an allergy, the temperature should drop. If the temperature is high enough, then you should take an antipyretic for a more comfortable feeling.

Important to remember! When choosing a drug, you must consult a doctor for advice! Self-medication is dangerous for health, because medicines have many side effects.

Treatment regimens should be followed strictly to avoid addiction and not harm health. Whether it is necessary to bring down the temperature for allergies can also be suggested by a specialist.

Disease prevention

In order to avoid fever during the period of illness, preventive measures should be taken. The most important thing is to avoid contact with a product or object that causes irritation, and do not forget that the disease may be accompanied by a temperature. Otherwise, you need to adhere to the daily routine, a balanced diet, carry out hardening activities, do a thorough cleaning, monitor the strengthening of the immune system.

There is a well-known opinion according to which fever is a sign peculiar only to infection; moreover, its presence indicates that a person definitely does not have manifestations of individual sensitivity. However, this is not entirely correct - much depends on the form of the disease, the severity of the course and other factors. Read more about whether there is a temperature with allergies and what place fever takes in the mechanism of development of immune intolerance, read the article.

Most often, you have to think about this with a runny nose, which at the initial stage of manifestations resembles both the symptoms of individual sensitivity and the picture of a viral infection. Congestion due to swelling, watery clear discharge, itchy nose and sneezing all add up. Therefore, the reference point is body temperature. If the readings on the thermometer overcome the mark of 37 ° C, the diagnosis is clear. Or not?

In fact, allergies and temperature are not at all incompatible concepts. Fever often accompanies forms of individual immune sensitivity - for example, such as:

  1. Quincke's edema.
  2. allergic rhinitis.
  3. Pollinosis.
  4. Toxicoderma.

Thus, the presence of elevated body temperature cannot serve as a basis for excluding the diagnosis of allergy.


Fever is typical pathological process. It develops according to certain laws and is both a form of the body's response to stimuli and a way of protecting against them. Its occurrence can be caused by a change in the “settings” of the thermoregulation center - that is, a shift in a special thermal setting point by more high level. This happens under the influence of substances called pyrogens. They are divided as:

  • primary (viruses, bacteria and other agents that can provoke an immune response - antigens);
  • secondary (cytokines (interleukin1a, etc.) - specific proteins that affect the center of thermoregulation)

Antigens are substances that are perceived immune system as alien; they must be defended against - this is the goal of each stage of reactions. Of course, if the mechanism works adequately, this applies only to infectious agents and some other agents that can damage the body; immunity is tuned to identify and destroy them. With distorted sensitivity, aggression is also directed against house dust, animal hair, and cosmetics components; they, like primary pyrogens, activate protective cells, cytokines are released - inflammation and fever occur.

Features of manifestations

Having refuted one erroneous opinion - that there are no febrile reactions with individual intolerance, one should proceed to the second, no less common. It says that the temperature in the case of allergic pathologies does not exceed subfebrile indicators - that is, it is in the range of 37.1-37.5 ° C. This is possible, but does not rule out the possibility of a higher fever. In addition, there are several forms of allergy for which fever is a classic component. clinical picture Let's look at them one by one.

hay fever

This is a pollen allergy that manifests itself:

  • nasal congestion;
  • redness of the eyes, tearing;
  • itching and swelling of the eyelids;
  • sneezing, etc.

It is seasonal in nature (occurs during the flowering period of causally significant plants: ragweed, wormwood, etc.). There is no fever or it is within subfebrile values. High happens only with pollen intoxication - this is a variant of the severe course of the disease, in which patients are worried about:

  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • sleep disturbance.

Body temperature rises to 38-39 ° C, while chills are also observed, a sharp deterioration general condition, decreased performance, fatigue.


It is an acute inflammatory process provoked by contact with allergens, which simultaneously have the properties of toxins, that is, poisons. They enter the body:

  1. By inhalation.
  2. When swallowed.
  3. When making injections.
  4. When administered into the rectum, vagina (rectal, vaginal).

Pathology manifests itself:

  • skin rash (vesicles, blisters, spots, nodules);
  • itching, swelling;
  • general weakness;
  • in severe cases - nausea, vomiting.

Toxicoderma is very often medicinal - that is, it develops in response to the use pharmacological preparations(antibiotics, sulfonamides, procaine, etc.). It is divided into three degrees, and fever accompanies all but the first. With a moderate lesion, the temperature is subfebrile, and with a severe one, it can rise to 38-39 ° C or more. At the same time, the possibility of infection can not be ruled out - for example, due to scratching of the rash.

This is a lesion of the skin and mucous membranes, with the development of which the following symptoms occur:

  1. Intense itching.
  2. Edema.
  3. The appearance of blisters of pink, red, porcelain hue.

Elements of the rash appear suddenly and, as a rule, without symptoms, "harbingers". They can be localized on separate areas (including the soles, palms, scalp) or cover the entire body (general or systemic form). In acute pathology, there are no more than 24 hours; disappear quickly, without scarring, secondary skin changes.

Urticaria blisters can merge into single lesions and always turn pale when pressed.

An increase in body temperature (from 37.1 to 39 ° C) appears simultaneously with the onset of a rash and is called "urticaria fever". However, this symptom accompanies only the systemic form of pathology. After the resolution (that is, the disappearance) of the blisters, it also stops (stops).

Quincke's edema

It is swelling of tissues in the area:

  • external genital organs;
  • mucous membranes - nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, stomach, etc.

Edema is formed quickly enough, while there is no itching, and the symptoms depend on the localization. So, when located in the larynx, a cough occurs, the phenomena of respiratory failure increase, and if the digestive tract is damaged, nausea, vomiting, etc. Fever, as with urticaria, does not precede edema, but is included in the spectrum of vivid symptoms after it occurs, is in within 37.1-39 °C and disappears when the process is resolved.

Serum sickness

Pathology that became known only with the start of mass production of prophylactic and therapeutic media necessary to prevent or suppress the development of infectious processes - a variety of vaccines, sera, monoclonal antibodies, etc. It is an example of an immunocomplex allergic reaction, characterized by such signs as:

  • skin rash;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • burning, itching, swelling, redness in the injection area;
  • swelling, pain in the joints;
  • nausea, vomiting, etc.

What the fever will be depends on the severity of the course - if the serum sickness is mild, it is at the level of 37.5-38 ° C for 2-3 days. The patient's condition is considered satisfactory. In the second degree, the temperature reaches higher numbers (38-39 ° C) and persists for 1-2 weeks. In severe cases, signs resembling an infection appear:

  • redness of the eyes and mucous membrane of the pharynx;
  • rash all over body;
  • severe weakness.

The temperature is high - 39-40 ° C, observed for a long period of time, exhausting the patient.

Infectious Fever and Allergy: What's the Difference?

Many readers, having read the information in the previous sections, may come to the conclusion that it is rather difficult to distinguish clear differences. This is true; besides, a number of habitual statements concerning a fever are doubtful. For example, the level of increase, which is often taken as a criterion for the severity of the course of the disease, is actually very subjective and depends on the prevalence of the process (local, or local or systemic), age, and the patient's health status. For example, fever with allergies in children is more common than in adults. It is more convenient to describe the most significant nuances in the table:

Fever as a symptom Pathological process
Allergy Infection
Body temperature increase, °C Normal values ​​or increase to 37.1-38. More - only with a systemic process, severe course. On average, from 37.5 to 39 ° C.
Persistent, lingering character It is characteristic of hay fever, serum sickness, toxicoderma. High fever is observed at the beginning of the process, during the period of resolution it disappears; if not, you should think about complications or additional pathologies that were not taken into account immediately.
The presence of manifestations - "harbingers" (prodromal period) No, the onset of the disease is often sudden, acute, and a clear connection between disorders and contact with a provoking substance is often noticeable (if we are talking about immediate type hypersensitivity). Yes. This stage of the development of the disease is intermediate between two periods: initial (infection, incubation) and manifest (height, vivid manifestations).
Possible accompanying symptoms Rash, itching, redness, swelling of the skin and mucous membranes, nasal congestion, combined with repeated, sometimes uncontrollable sneezing. Bilateral eye damage, severe swelling of the eyelids. Allocations - watery, plentiful without impurities. With asthma - shortness of breath, coughing fits (dry or with a small amount of transparent "glassy" sputum). Violation of the general condition in the form of severe weakness, drowsiness is rare (as a rule, in severe cases). Burning, dryness, tingling of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat, occasional sneezing. The cough is dry, obsessive or wet, with purulent discharge. The presence of pain - intense headache, as well as when swallowing, in muscles and joints without a specific localization and in other areas involved in the process. If the eyes are affected, then usually at first on one side, with severe redness, the presence of pus. Severe malaise is almost always characteristic, associated with the syndrome of systemic infectious intoxication.

When assessing the objective signs of fever, it is important to remember that there are not only isolated, but also combined processes.

The infection may precede an allergic reaction to the antibiotics the patient is being treated with, or may occur when the patient scratches itchy areas of skin to bleed. Therefore, it is worth considering the probable causes of violations from all sides.

What should be the treatment?

When planning an algorithm of measures designed to improve the patient's well-being, it should be understood that allergy is a process that affects many functional systems of the body. Fever is only one of the symptoms, and it is useless to treat it separately, unless the underlying disease is affected.

How to achieve recovery? Several methods are used:

  1. Stopping contact with the allergen (for example, changing the drug that caused the symptoms or moving to an area where there is no flowering of plants with dangerous pollen).
  2. Diet (based on the exclusion from the diet of foods that often provoke reactions - citrus fruits, tomatoes, mushrooms, etc.).
  3. Drug therapy (carried out with the help of antihistamines (Cetrin, Zirtek), glucocorticosteroids (Prednisolone, Elocom), cromones (Ketotifen, Zaditen) in the form of tablets, ointments, injections).

In the case of the development of some forms of allergies, enterosorbents (Multisorb, Atoxil), diuretics (Furosemide), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nimesil, Indomethacin) are required. The last group of drugs has an antipyretic effect, but they should be used only when there is no other way to fight the fever. If we are talking about a temporary increase in temperature to subfebrile values ​​​​(for example, with urticaria or hay fever), these drugs are useless.

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