Hormonal disease of hyperandrogenism of ovarian genesis. Treatment of the syndrome of hyperandrogenism and PCOS Pathological csk hyperandrogenism

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Hyperandrogenism of ovarian genesis is a pathology during which a systemic failure occurs in the hormonal background of a woman. The cause of the disease is the active production of the male hormone (androgen), which exceeds the permissible norms.

Androgen production in women is carried out by the ovaries. This hormone is responsible for puberty, during which the reproductive function is fully formed. Hair appears in the groin, armpits, some girls have facial hair. Androgen is an integral regulator of the liver, adrenal glands, and genital organs.

Androgen is necessary for the full functioning of the female body. Excessive production threatens to turn into serious complications that need to be promptly treated with drug therapy, and, if necessary, surgical intervention.

Hyperandrogenism of ovarian genesis is characterized by serious disturbances in the functioning of the genital organs. Against the background of the disease, girls begin to grow hair intensively on the face, chest, abdomen, puberty is formed (as a result of a lack of female hormone), hyperplasia of the connective tissue protein membrane of the ovaries occurs.

The disease requires emergency assistance from the side of medicine. Otherwise, the consequences are irreversible.

Reasons for development

Ovarian hyperandrogenism develops in the following cases:

  • excessive physical activity;
  • an increased amount of androgen - a male hormone;
  • lack of LH, which occurs as a result of malfunctions in the hypothalamus;
  • fullness, overweight. From a medical point of view, obesity can trigger androgens, which are found directly in fat. They mutate, adapt to female body and are transformed into estrogens;
  • with the second type diabetes.

Most often, young girls during puberty, as well as women after 45 years of age, are exposed to the disease (the moment of menopause leads to serious pathological changes in the body).


Among obvious signs hyperandrogenism, one can distinguish a sharp growth of hair in uncharacteristic places (for example, on the chin). Let's look at the rest of the symptoms:

  • the appearance of hair on the abdomen, arms, legs and even thighs. Among all the varieties of the disease, it is worth noting one - hirsutism. The hairline is actively developing on the face;
  • the development of a primordially male disease - baldness;
  • the maxillofacial apparatus undergoes changes. The face becomes rougher, purulent neoplasms, darkening or acne are present on the skin. Speech changes, voice timbre changes. A visit to a beauty salon does not bring results;
  • muscles weaken.

You should also consider the secondary symptoms that mild hyperandrogenism of ovarian origin has:

  • a tendency to diabetes is formed;
  • fullness, a sharp weight gain;
  • the genitals cease to develop and remain at the stage of development present before the onset of the disease;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • there is a complication - infertility;
  • sudden pressure drops. There is a possibility of developing chronic hypertension.


Ovarian hyperandrogenism is fairly easy to diagnose. Sometimes a visual inspection is enough to determine the presence of hairline in uncharacteristic places in order to understand what exactly is happening to a woman.

The patient is examined and questioned. The doctor (usually a gynecologist) tries to reject extraneous diseases that have similar symptoms. The following is a series of laboratory tests.

Initially, the hormonal background is measured and it is established what changes it has undergone recently. The amount of androgen produced in the body of a woman is analyzed, and after that it is compared with the norm. For more precise compilation clinical picture, the patient gives urine, in which the amount of ketosteroids-17 is measured.

If necessary, the patient is sent for examination for a detailed clinical picture, assessment of the damage caused to the body. It is worth clarifying that the disease has serious, irreversible consequences, which can be eliminated only with timely, high-quality and complete treatment.

Treatment of ovarian hyperandrogenism

As a therapeutic course, drug therapy is used. The prescribed medications will depend on the form of hyperandrogenism, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

Consider the main types of drugs used to eliminate the disease:

The diagnostic series, as well as the subsequent therapeutic drug course, should be as accurate and balanced as possible. An already weakened female body can be easily “finished off” with incorrectly prescribed drugs, which will only increase the production of androgen.

Do not delay treatment. After 2-3 months from the onset of the disease, some consequences, including the full functionality of the reproductive system, can simply not be stabilized. In addition, hairline, as well as excess weight, can persist for a long time.

Hyperandrogenism is a disorder hormonal background, characterized by excessively strong production of androgen - the male hormone. For the female body, this substance is necessary, as it performs several functions at once, but its excess entails rather unpleasant consequences, which must be treated without fail.

Androgens are produced by organs such as the adrenal glands, ovaries, and adipocytes. The process of puberty, the appearance of hair in the armpits and genitals, depends on these hormones. Androgens are involved in regulating the functioning of the kidneys and liver, affect reproductive system and muscle growth. They are also needed in adulthood, as they synthesize estrogen, maintain a sufficient level of libido and strengthen bone tissue.

What is hyperandrogenism?

This pathological condition is often accompanied by amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) and, accordingly, infertility. Ovarian follicles are surrounded by cell layers, and too much androgen interferes with follicular growth, resulting in overgrowth of follicles - follicular atresia. A complication of the disease is fibrosis of the ovarian capsules and polycystic, respectively.

Before understanding the causes of pathology, its symptoms and treatment, you need to familiarize yourself with some concepts:

  1. The hypothalamus is the central regulatory department of the brain, which controls all the metabolic processes of the body; responsible for the function of the sex and endocrine glands; two systems interact in it - hormonal and nervous;
  2. The pituitary gland is the master gland endocrine system; localized in the brain stem; responsible for hormonal metabolism;
  3. Violations of central origin - deviations in the regulatory function; arise due to a malfunction in the pituitary gland and / or hypothalamus;
  4. Adrenal glands are paired endocrine glands; localized above the kidneys; consist of an inner medulla and an outer cortical;
  5. A test to determine the source of the disease using dexamethasone is a procedure that allows you to determine the concentration of androgens in the female body.

Adrenal hyperandrogenism

This form of the disease is most often congenital. Symptoms of pathology in this case appear quite early. The first menstruation appears much later than expected, and in the future they become rare or stop altogether. All patients with adrenal hyperandrogenism have abundant acne on the chest and back, as well as local pigmentation of the skin.

Symptoms of hyperandrogenism in women are:

  1. underdevelopment of the mammary glands;
  2. the figure develops according to the male type (narrow pelvis, broad shoulders);
  3. the clitoris is slightly hypertrophied, the uterus is reduced, but there are no deviations in the development of the ovaries.

In adrenal disease, glucocorticoid therapy is required to maintain hormonal levels within normal limits.

Hyperandrogenism of ovarian origin

This form of disorder is diagnosed in about 5% of women of reproductive age.

There are a fairly large number of reasons that pathologists can provoke, so it is not always possible to determine what exactly led to the failure.

However, experts in this field have determined that the main provoking factor is dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Such disorders lead to increased production of LH or deviations in the LH / FSH ratio.

An excess of LH leads to hyperplasia of the granular and outer layer of the follicles, the connective protein coat of the ovaries. As a result, the amount of androgens produced by the ovaries increases, the first symptoms of masculinization appear. The lack of FSH affects the follicles: they cannot mature. As a result, women develop annovulation - a pathology that requires treatment.

Causes of hyperandrogenism

  1. Relative / unconditional excess of LH due to dysfunction of the hypothalamus or adenohypophysis;
  2. Excessive production of androgens by the adrenal cortex during puberty;
  3. Obesity at puberty. Excess fat is a major risk factor because it converts androgens into estrogens;
  4. Hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance;
  5. Violation of the genesis of steroids in the ovaries;
  6. Primary hypothyroidism is a lack of thyroid hormones.

Polycystic ovaries can develop against a background of atypical congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Other causes include hyperthecosis, leidigoma, and androgen-secreting ovarian tumors that require surgical removal.

Symptoms and treatment of signs of hyperandrogenism

  1. Active hair growth on the limbs and other parts of the body (mammary glands, abdomen) in women. When hair grows on the cheeks, they talk about hirsutism;
  2. The appearance of bald patches on the head (alopecia - hair loss);
  3. Cosmetic problems with the face - acne, pimples, peeling, various inflammations. Treatment by a cosmetologist does not give results;
  4. Osteoporosis, muscle atrophy;
  5. Increased blood glucose concentration (type 2 diabetes);
  6. Sharp obesity;
  7. The formation of the genital organs according to the intermediate type;
  8. The cycle has long intervals or there are no periods at all;
  9. Infertility, miscarriage (if the disease appeared during pregnancy). For the successful bearing of a child, the body needs a certain amount of female sex hormones, and in case of illness they are practically not produced;
  10. Attacks of arterial hypertension.

In sick women, there is a tendency to depressive states, they quickly get tired. It is worth noting that the disease can occur at any age, starting from birth.

How to identify hyperandrogenism syndrome

First of all, the doctor must exclude diseases that can become provoking factors: hepatic pathologies, acromegaly, Cushing's syndrome, androgen-secreting tumors of the adrenal glands, sexual differentiation. The doctor must give a referral to the clinical laboratory for the determination of the main hormone.

Find out the concentration of prolactin, total and free testosterone, androstenedione, FSH, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate. For analysis, you will need to donate blood. Take it in the morning on an empty stomach. Since in patients the hormonal background is almost constantly changing, samples are taken three times with an interval of 30 minutes, then all the taken portions of blood are mixed. If more than 800 mcg% of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate is detected, it means that there is an adrenal tumor.

It is also necessary to pass a urine test for the concentration of ketosteroids-17.

In addition, it is necessary to take a marker of hCG if there are symptoms of the disease, but the concentration of androgens remains within the normal range.

Hyperandrogenism is a phenomenon in which a woman's body produces an excessive amount of male hormones-androgens. Their excess causes serious deviations in work. internal organs and systems. The greatest danger is for women who plan to conceive and bear a child. Ovarian hyperandrogenism causes infrequent and scanty menstruation, can cause infertility and lack of ovulation.

Hyperandrogenism is a dangerous condition in which a woman cannot conceive and bear a fetus. Due to the excess amount of male hormones in the ovaries, normal maturation of the follicles does not occur. At the same time, the female genital organ is overgrown connective tissue, because of which the egg cannot normally exit the follicles. Due to pathology, women develop serious pathologies, including polycystic ovaries: the level of insulin, anti-Müllerian hormone, testosterone, androstenedione rises in the blood. The following diseases can provoke such a disease:

  • An excessive amount of LH in the blood, which arose against the background of pathologies of the hypothalamus and adenohypophysis.
  • Excess production of male sex steroid hormones during the prepubertal period.
  • Excess body weight, joined in the prepubertal period.
  • Insulin resistance or deficiency in the body.
  • Violation of the production of steroids in the female ovaries.
  • Primary hormone deficiency.

Studies have shown that hyperandrogenism of ovarian origin in most cases occurs against the background of congenital pathology of the adrenal glands.


On initial stages diagnosing hyperandrogenism of ovarian genesis is quite difficult. This pathology does not cause any symptoms for a long time. Over time, the following symptoms appear:

  • Excessive hair growth of the skin: hair appears on the abdomen, chest, cheeks.
  • Alopecia on the head.
  • Numerous rashes on the skin: acne, pimples, peeling.
  • The development of osteoporosis - thinning of bone tissue.
  • development of muscle atrophy.

You can also diagnose signs of ovarian hyperandrogenism by clinical manifestations:

  • The development of type 2 diabetes - an increase in blood glucose levels.
  • A sharp set of excess body weight.
  • Level Up blood pressure.
  • Inability to conceive a child or frequent miscarriage.
  • The formation of the genital organs according to the intermediate type.

Quite often, women with hyperandrogenism experience depression and excessive fatigue. This condition can also occur in younger patients.


It is quite difficult to determine ovarian hyperandrogenism - for a long time this disease does not manifest itself with any distinctive symptoms. In this case, the first signs may occur in a girl at the very beginning of puberty or upon reaching reproductive age. The earlier the pathology is diagnosed, the easier it is to get rid of it. To determine the disease, it is necessary to carry out the following studies:

  • Measure your hormone levels before, during and after your period.
  • Determine the level of sex hormones in the urine.
  • Perform an ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
  • Examine the kidneys and adrenal glands.
  • Get an MRI of the internal organs.
  • If necessary, laparoscopy is performed - a study that allows you to determine the nature of the cells.

Hyperandrogenism in women is a hormonal imbalance in which the concentration of male sex hormones (androgens) increases. Sex hormones are active substances that perform a regulatory function and ensure the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics and the difference between men and women.

Sex hormones play a key role in the process of human reproduction: the maturation of germ cells, pregnancy and childbirth.

Normally, a certain amount of male sex hormones circulate in the body of a woman.. However, in some cases, their concentration may exceed the permissible values, as a result of which the woman will begin to show male characteristics, and the normal functioning of the ovaries will be disrupted.

Of particular danger is the increase in the content of androgens during pregnancy. An increase in the amount of male sex hormones may be associated with their secretion in the ovaries or adrenal glands.

To normalize the hormonal balance, you can use folk remedies. Such treatment of hyperandrogenism has a mild complex effect on the body, improves metabolism and normalizes the functioning of the ovaries. In order for the therapy to be effective, it is necessary to take medicinal drugs systematically.

  • Androgens in women

    Normally, a certain amount of male sex hormones circulate in the female body. Androgens are produced by the adrenal glands, ovaries and, in small amounts, subcutaneous adipose tissue. The regulation of the synthesis of male sex hormones is carried out with the help of pituitary hormones. Androgens are precursors to other hormones: corticosteroids and estrogens. Also, these substances are involved in the process of human growth and puberty. The ratio of androgens and estrogens forms the libido.

    However, if the amount of androgens in a woman's body exceeds the norm, she develops pathological processes, there is a violation of metabolism and reproductive function. Also, this condition increases the likelihood of developing diseases of the organs of the reproductive system, in particular, erosion, dysplasia and cervical cancer.

    Hyperandrogenism in women: classification

    Depending on the source of male sex hormones, it happens:

    • hyperandrogenism of ovarian origin;
    • adrenal hyperandrogenism;
    • mixed.

    Depending on the origin, two forms of the disease are poured;

    • hereditary;
    • acquired.

    Depending on the amount of androgens, two types of the disease are distinguished:

    • absolute hyperandrogenism - there is an increase in the concentration of male sex hormones in the blood;
    • relative - the concentration of androgens remains normal, but their activity increases or sensitivity to hormones of target cells increases.

    Reasons why hyperandrogenism develops in women

    Hyperandrogenism is a complex of syndromes that have similar manifestations, but are caused by different reasons:

    1. adrenogenital syndrome.
      This disease is the most common cause hyperandrogenism in women. In this case, a normal amount of androgens is produced in the adrenal glands, but their further transformation does not occur.
      Normally, male sex hormones are produced in the adrenal glands, and then, under the action of a special enzyme, they turn into glucocorticoids - other very important hormones. However, if a woman does not produce enough of this enzyme or the enzyme itself is defective, androgens do not turn into glucocorticoids, but remain unchanged in the woman's body, binding to target cells and exerting a pathological effect.
    2. Tumors of the adrenal glands.
      Tumor development increases the number of active cells of the adrenal glands, and therefore increases the production of male sex hormones.
    3. .
      In this case, there is an increase in the number of ovarian cells that produce androgens. Violation of the normal functioning of the pituitary gland.
      Pituitary hormones regulate the production of other hormones, in particular androgens. Violation of the normal functioning of the pituitary gland causes complex endocrine disorders of the body, including can cause hyperandrogenism in women.
    4. Hypersensitivity of target cells.
      Some women have some signs of hyperandrogenism, in particular, (redundancy of hairline) and acne, but the concentration of androgens in their body does not exceed the norm. Symptoms of this pathology appear in them, because skin cells in such women are overly sensitive to androgens, and even their slight concentration leads to the manifestation of pathological symptoms.

    Symptoms of pathology

    Signs of hyperandrogenism can be different. They depend on the form of the disease, the level of androgens and the woman's sensitivity to them. The first signs of a violation in the congenital form of the disease are noted during the puberty of the girl.

    1. Hyperandrogenism is manifested by skin disorders: acne, oily seborrhea, profuse acne.
    2. Excess hair growth on the face, arms and legs.
    3. Also, the girl's menstrual cycle may be disturbed: menstruation is irregular, delays often occur, in some patients menstruation may be absent.

    As the disease progresses and the accumulation of male sex hormones, the girl may develop pathological changes in the ovarian tissue, in particular, polycystic. There comes a state of amenorrhea, an insufficient amount of female sex hormones is produced. Hyperplasia of the endometrium of the uterus also develops. Emerging violations are often manifested.

    Manifestations of hyperandrogenism continue after menopause. These women experience male-pattern hair loss. They also suffer from skin diseases. Violation of the hormonal balance and external manifestations of hyperandrogenism often lead to the development of a depressive state and neurosis.

    In more severe cases of hyperandrogenism, violations of the structure of the genital organs and reproductive function occur. Against the background of this condition, a woman may develop pseudohermaphroditism, late onset of menstruation, masculine features of appearance, poor breast development, and a rough voice. Another symptom of this condition is male-pattern obesity.

    An increase in the concentration of male sex hormones provokes systemic disorders of the body:

    • metabolic diseases;
    • increased blood pressure;
    • heart failure.

    With hyperandrogenism, the sensitivity of cells to the hormone insulin is impaired. This can lead to the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus, in which the cells of the pancreas produce enough insulin, but it cannot fully perform its functions. This condition is difficult to treat.

    If the disease is not caused by a tumor, then the symptoms of this pathology gradually increase. This process can take several years. If hyperandrogenism is caused by a tumor process in the ovaries or adrenal glands, the symptoms of the disease are similar, but they increase very quickly.

    Hyperandrogenism during pregnancy

    An increase in the concentration of androgens affects the general hormonal background of a woman and reproductive function. Pathological changes organism against this background can become a serious obstacle to the conception and birth of a healthy child. However, in some girls with this disease, pregnancy is still possible. It all depends on the form and severity of the disease.

    Hyperandrogenism can cause a violation of the structure of ovarian tissue and the development of polycystic. Also, a dense capsule can form around the organ. This interferes with the normal functioning of the ovaries: the production of estrogen, ovulation. In the case when the amount of androgens exceeds a certain critical level, the patient experiences anovulation.

    If the patient develops mild hyperandrogenism, conception may still occur. However, in this case, the likelihood of a miscarriage in the first or second trimester of pregnancy increases. Both an excess of male sex hormones and a decrease in the level of progesterone, a hormone that plays a key role in bearing a baby, can lead to this. A decrease in the amount of progesterone is often observed with hyperandrogenism in women.

    It is also difficult for women with this disease to give birth. They may experience untimely waste of amniotic fluid. An insufficient amount of female sex hormones can cause weak contractile activity of the uterus.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    For an accurate diagnosis, an anamnesis is collected, including a family history, in order to establish a hereditary tendency to this pathology. Also, a physical examination of the patient is carried out, which allows to identify external manifestations of hyperandrogenism: skin diseases, increased hair growth, developmental disorders of the genital organs. However, the main diagnostic criterion is an increase in the concentration of androgens in the blood. Spend laboratory research blood for hormones. It is important to determine the concentration of all hormones, this will help to establish the cause of the pathology.

    To exclude the possibility of a tumor, an ultrasound examination of the organs is performed. abdominal cavity and small pelvis, as well as more informative computed tomography adrenal glands. Ultrasonography also reveals polycystic ovaries.

    Treatment of the disease

    Hyperandrogenism is a disease that has a complex negative effect on a woman's body and causes many disorders: endocrine and metabolic pathologies, impaired reproductive function. A systematic approach is essential for his therapy.

    Traditional medicine proposes to correct the hormonal balance of a woman's body with the help of oral contraceptives. However, such treatment completely excludes the possibility of pregnancy. There are folk remedies that allow you to normalize the metabolism and hormonal balance of the body. This treatment is mild. To achieve a positive effect, it is necessary to apply folk remedies systematically and for a long time. Treatment of hyperandrogenism folk remedies lasts at least six months.

    Folk recipes:

    1. Rhodiola quadruple. Another name for this medicinal plant is red brush. Rhodiola has a complex positive action on a woman's body, normalizes hormonal balance, improves metabolism and well-being. To prepare the tincture in a glass of boiling water, you need to steam 1 tbsp. l. dried Rhodiola herb. The drug should be infused for several hours, then it is filtered and taken before meals 2-3 times a day. It is important to remember that Rhodiola has a tonic effect. It may be contraindicated in people with cardiovascular pathologies. It is also not recommended to drink the drug before bedtime.
    2. A collection of Rhodiola and Leuzea is also useful. Vegetable raw materials must be taken in equal proportions, crushed and mixed. In a glass of boiling water, you need to steam 1 tbsp. l. such a drug, insist an hour and strain. Take a glass of infusion 30 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day.
    3. Boron mother. This plant also causes a decrease in the concentration of male sex hormones. However, the action healing herb rather weak, so taking the upland uterus is best combined with taking other drugs, in particular, a decoction of the upland uterus. For a glass of boiling water, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. dried herbs, insist in heat for 1 hour, then strain. All the drug is drunk during the day in small portions.
    4. You can also prepare an alcohol tincture of a boron uterus. To do this, 50 g of dried leaves should be poured with half a liter of vodka, infused in a glass dish in the dark for a month, then filtered. This tincture should be taken 30 drops 4 times a day. Treatment lasts 3 weeks, then make a week break.
    5. Maryin root and licorice root. An infusion of these roots reduces the production of androgens and improves metabolism and has a tonic effect. The roots are cut and mixed in equal proportions. Prepare an infusion of roots in a thermos. For 600 ml of boiling water you need to take 2 tbsp. l. mixture, leave to infuse overnight and filter. You need to take such a drug in small doses, only 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. Treatment of hyperandrogenism with this collection lasts 6 weeks, after which a break of at least two weeks is needed.
    6. Dandelion root. This remedy is not strong, but it helps to normalize hormonal levels. Also, taking an infusion of dandelion root helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. To prepare the infusion in a liter of boiling water, you need to steam 5 tbsp. l. crushed roots, soak in a water bath for 20 minutes, then cool and strain. Take 100 ml of this decoction 3-4 times a day. Honey can be added to taste.
    7. Mint. This plant can slightly reduce the amount of male sex hormones. In addition, mint is indispensable in the treatment of neuroses that often accompany a woman with hyperandrogenism. Peppermint tea renders sedative effect improves the quality of sleep. You can steam mint separately (1 tablespoon per glass of water) or add the leaves of this plant during black or green hours. Be sure to drink mint tea with honey before bed.
    8. Nettle and horsetail. It is necessary to prepare a mixture of these plants. Nettle leaves and horsetail grass are taken in equal amounts. To prepare a decoction in a glass of boiling water, you need to steam 1 tbsp. l. collection, insist in a thermos for an hour and strain. Such a drug improves the health of the skin, hair and nails, which often suffer from an excess of androgens, and also helps to cleanse the body and has a tonic effect.
    9. Effective for treatment will be herbal collection. The composition of the collection includes red brush, chamomile, motherwort, chokeberry (fruits), shepherd's purse, nettle and viburnum bark. All components are taken in equal quantities, finely chopped and mixed. To prepare the infusion in half a liter of boiling water, you need to steam 2 tbsp. O. such a mixture, leave to infuse overnight, and strain the next morning. The whole infusion should be drunk during the day in several doses. Therapy lasts 60-90 days.

    Also, in addition to taking medicinal drugs, it is necessary to change the way of life. Women with hyperandrogenism are often overweight. Such a woman needs to fight obesity. For these purposes, it is useful to adjust the diet and exercise. Moderate exercise will help improve your well-being and metabolism. Weight correction is necessary not only to improve a woman's well-being, but also for her psychological comfort.

    To improve psychological comfort, positive emotions are needed. In patients with hyperandrogenism, neurotic disorders are often observed, caused by external manifestations of the disease, the inability to conceive and bear a child. Sports and hiking in the fresh air, communication with loved ones, new acquaintances and interests, walks and trips will help improve general condition health. This will improve the mood of a woman, help to cope with depression.

  • Hyperandrogenism is a general term for a number of endocrine pathologies of various etiologies, characterized by excessive production of male hormones - androgens in the body of a woman or increased susceptibility to steroids from target tissues. Most often, hyperandrogenism in women is first diagnosed in reproductive age - from 25 to 45 years; less often - in girls in adolescence.

    Source: clinic-bioss.ru

    Preventive gynecological examinations and screening tests to monitor androgenic status are recommended for women and adolescent girls to prevent hyperandrogenic conditions.


    Hyperandrogenism is a manifestation of a wide range of syndromes. Experts name the three most likely causes of hyperandrogenism:

    • increased levels of androgens in the blood serum;
    • conversion of androgens to metabolically active forms;
    • active utilization of androgens in target tissues due to abnormal sensitivity of androgen receptors.

    Excessive synthesis of male sex hormones is usually associated with impaired ovarian function. The most common is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) - the formation of multiple small cysts against the background of a complex of endocrine disorders, including pathologies of the thyroid and pancreas, pituitary, hypothalamus and adrenal glands. The incidence of PCOS among women of childbearing age reaches 5-10%.

    Androgen hypersecretion is also observed in the following endocrinopathies:

    • adrenogenital syndrome;
    • congenital adrenal hyperplasia;
    • galactorrhea-amenorrhea syndrome;
    • stromal tecomatosis and hyperthecosis;
    • virilizing tumors of the ovaries and adrenal glands, producing male hormones.

    Hyperandrogenism due to the transformation of sex steroids into metabolically active forms is often caused by various disorders of lipid-carbohydrate metabolism, accompanied by insulin resistance and obesity. Most often, there is a transformation of testosterone produced by the ovaries into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a steroid hormone that stimulates the production of sebum and the growth of body hair, and in rare cases, hair loss on the head.

    Compensatory hyperproduction of insulin stimulates the production of ovarian cells that produce androgens. Transport hyperandrogenism is observed with a lack of globulin that binds the free fraction of testosterone, which is typical for Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, dyslipoproteinemia and hypothyroidism. With a high density of androgen receptor cells in the tissues of the ovaries, skin, hair follicles, sebaceous and sweat glands, symptoms of hyperandrogenism can be observed when normal level sex steroids in the blood.

    The severity of symptoms depends on the cause and form of endocrinopathy, concomitant diseases and individual characteristics.

    The probability of manifestation of pathological conditions associated with the symptom complex of hyperandrogenism depends on a number of factors:

    • hereditary and constitutional predisposition;
    • chronic inflammatory diseases ovaries and appendages;
    • miscarriages and abortions, especially in early youth;
    • metabolic disorders;
    • excess body weight;
    • bad habits - smoking, alcohol and drug abuse;
    • distress;
    • long-term use of drugs containing steroid hormones.

    Idiopathic hyperandrogenism is congenital or occurs during childhood or puberty for no apparent reason.


    In gynecological practice, several types of hyperandrogenic conditions are distinguished, which differ from each other in etiology, course and symptoms. Endocrine pathology can be both congenital and acquired. Primary hyperandrogenism, not associated with other diseases and functional disorders, due to violations of the pituitary regulation; the secondary is a consequence of concomitant pathologies.

    Based on the specifics of the manifestation, there are absolute and relative varieties of hyperandrogenism. The absolute form is characterized by an increase in the level of male hormones in the blood serum of a woman and, depending on the source of androgen hypersecretion, are divided into three categories:

    • ovarian, or ovarian;
    • adrenal, or adrenal;
    • mixed - simultaneously there are signs of ovarian and adrenal forms.

    Relative hyperandrogenism occurs against the background of the normal content of male hormones with excessive sensitivity of target tissues to sex steroids or enhanced transformation of the latter into metabolically active forms. In a separate category, iatrogenic hyperandrogenic conditions are distinguished, which have developed as a result of prolonged use hormonal drugs.

    The rapid development of signs of virilization in an adult woman gives reason to suspect an androgen-producing tumor of the ovary or adrenal gland.

    Symptoms of hyperandrogenism

    The clinical picture of hyperandrogenic conditions is characterized by a wide variety of manifestations that fit into the standard set of symptoms:

    • disorders of menstrual function;
    • metabolic disorders;
    • androgenic dermopathy;
    • infertility and miscarriage.

    The severity of symptoms depends on the cause and form of endocrinopathy, concomitant diseases and individual characteristics. For example, dysmenorrhea manifests itself especially clearly with hyperandrogenism of ovarian genesis, which is accompanied by anomalies in the development of follicles, hyperplasia and uneven exfoliation of the endometrium, cystic changes in the ovaries. Patients complain of scanty and painful menstruation, irregular or anovulatory cycles, uterine bleeding, and premenstrual syndrome. With galactorrhea-amenorrhea syndrome, progesterone deficiency is noted.

    Severe metabolic disorders - dyslipoproteinemia, insulin resistance and hypothyroidism are characteristic of the primary pituitary and adrenal forms of hyperandrogenism. Approximately 40% of patients have male-type abdominal obesity or with a uniform distribution of adipose tissue. With adrenogenital syndrome, an intermediate structure of the genitals is observed, and in the most severe cases, pseudohermaphroditism. Secondary sexual characteristics are poorly expressed: in adult women, breast underdevelopment, a decrease in the timbre of the voice, an increase in muscle mass and body hair are noted; for girls, it is typical later than menarche. The rapid development of signs of virilization in an adult woman gives reason to suspect an androgen-producing tumor of the ovary or adrenal gland.

    Androgenic dermopathy is usually associated with increased activity of dihydrotestosterone. The effect of a hormone that stimulates the secretory activity of the skin glands changes the physicochemical properties of sebum, causing blockage of the excretory ducts and inflammation of the sebaceous glands. As a result, 70-85% of patients with hyperandrogenism have signs of acne - acne, dilated skin pores and comedones.

    Hyperandrogenic conditions are one of the most common causes of female infertility and miscarriage.

    Less common are other manifestations of androgenic dermatopathy - seborrhea and hirsutism. Unlike hypertrichosis, in which there is excessive hair growth throughout the body, hirsutism is characterized by the transformation of vellus hair into coarse terminal hair in androgen-sensitive areas - above the upper lip, on the neck and chin, on the back and chest around the nipple, on the forearms, shins and inner side of the thigh. In postmenopausal women, bitemporal and parietal alopecia are occasionally noted - hair loss at the temples and in the crown area, respectively.

    Source: woman-mag.ru

    Features of the course of hyperandrogenism in children

    In the prepubertal period, girls may develop congenital forms of hyperandrogenism due to genetic abnormalities or exposure to androgens on the fetus during pregnancy. Pituitary hyperandrogenism and congenital adrenal hyperplasia are recognized by the pronounced virilization of the girl and anomalies in the structure of the genitals. With adrenogenital syndrome, there may be signs of false hermaphroditism: clitoral hypertrophy, fusion of the labia majora and vaginal opening, displacement of the urethra to the clitoris, and urethrogenital sinus. At the same time, there are:

    • early overgrowth of fontanelles and epiphyseal fissures in infancy;
    • premature body hair;
    • rapid somatic growth;
    • delayed puberty;
    • Late menarche or no menses.

    Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is accompanied by impaired water-salt balance, skin hyperpigmentation, hypotension and autonomic disorders. Starting from the second week of life, with congenital adrenal hyperplasia and severe adrenogenital syndrome, the development of an adrenal crisis is possible - acute adrenal insufficiency, associated with a threat to life. Parents should be alerted by a sharp drop in blood pressure to a critical level, vomiting, diarrhea and tachycardia in a child. In adolescence, an adrenal crisis can provoke nervous shocks.

    Moderate hyperandrogenism in adolescence, associated with a sharp growth spurt, should be differentiated from congenital polycystic ovaries. The debut of PCOS often occurs at the stage of formation of menstrual function.

    Congenital adrenal hyperandrogenism in children and adolescent girls can suddenly be complicated by an adrenal crisis.


    It is possible to suspect hyperandrogenism in a woman by characteristic changes in appearance and on the basis of anamnesis data. To confirm the diagnosis, determine the form and identify the cause of the hyperandrogenic state, a blood test is performed for androgens - total, free and biologically available testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DEA sulfate), and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG).

    In hyperandrogenic conditions of adrenal, pituitary and transport etiology, a woman is referred for MRI or CT of the pituitary and adrenal glands. According to indications, blood tests for 17-hydroxyprogesterone and urine tests for cortisol and 17-ketosteroids are performed. For the diagnosis of metabolic pathologies, laboratory tests are used:

    • samples with dexamethasone and human chorionic gonadotropin;
    • determination of the level of cholesterol and lipoproteins;
    • blood tests for sugar and glycated glycogen, glucose tolerance test;
    • tests with adrenocorticotropic hormone.

    To improve the visualization of the glandular tissue, if a neoplasm is suspected, MRI or CT with the use of contrast agents is indicated.

    Treatment of hyperandrogenism

    Correction of hyperandrogenism gives a stable result only in the treatment of major diseases, such as PCOS or Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome, and concomitant pathologies - hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, hyperprolactinemia, etc.

    Hyperandrogenic states of ovarian genesis are corrected with the help of estrogen-progestin oral contraceptives that suppress the secretion of ovarian hormones and block androgen receptors. With strong androgenic dermopathy, a peripheral blockade of skin receptors, sebaceous glands and hair follicles is performed.

    In the case of adrenal hyperandrogenism, corticosteroids are used; with the development of the metabolic syndrome, insulin synthesizers are additionally prescribed in combination with a low-calorie diet and dosed physical activity. Androgen-secreting neoplasms are usually benign and do not recur after surgical removal.

    For women planning pregnancy, the treatment of hyperandrogenism is a prerequisite for restoring reproductive function.


    Preventive gynecological examinations and screening tests to monitor androgenic status are recommended for women and adolescent girls to prevent hyperandrogenic conditions. Early detection and treatment of gynecological diseases, timely correction of hormonal levels and competent selection of contraceptives successfully prevent hyperandrogenism and help maintain reproductive function.

    With a tendency to hyperandrogenism and congenital adrenopathy, it is important to adhere to healthy lifestyle life and a sparing regime of work and rest, give up bad habits, limit the impact of stress, lead an orderly sex life, avoid abortions and emergency contraception; uncontrolled intake of hormonal drugs and anabolic drugs is strictly prohibited. Equally important is the control of body weight; moderate physical activity without heavy physical exertion is preferable.

    Most often, hyperandrogenism in women is first diagnosed in reproductive age - from 25 to 45 years; less often - in girls in adolescence.

    Consequences and complications

    Hyperandrogenic conditions are one of the most common causes of female infertility and miscarriage. Long-term hyperandrogenism increases the risk of developing metabolic syndrome and type II diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, and coronary heart disease. According to some reports, high activity androgen levels correlate with the incidence of some forms of breast cancer and cervical cancer in women infected with oncogenic papillomaviruses. In addition, aesthetic discomfort in androgenic dermopathy has a strong psycho-traumatic effect on patients.

    Congenital adrenal hyperandrogenism in children and adolescent girls can suddenly be complicated by an adrenal crisis. Due to the possibility of a fatal outcome, at the first signs of acute adrenal insufficiency, the child should be immediately taken to the hospital.

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