The most incredible facts about psychopaths. Psychopathy killers Maniacs psychopaths psychopaths serial killers

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Murderers, maniacs, cannibals - all these are criminals guilty of terrible crimes. Among them there are also representatives of the fairer sex, who were no less cruel than men.

The most brutal maniac killers

There are many maniac killers in the world. They are responsible for the deaths of several thousand people. According to psychologists, maniacs are people with serious mental disorders caused by mental trauma received in childhood or congenital diseases.

Killer Clown

In 1994, the “Killer Clown” died after a lethal injection. His real name is John Wayne Gacy. The maniac worked as a clown at children's parties, for which he received his nickname. 33 boys were raped and killed by him. The police found 27 of them in the maniac’s basement; the rest, according to Gacy, he drowned in the river.

Maniac nicknamed "Clown" was euthanized

Serial maniac Sergei Tkach

Another brutal maniac killer is Sergei Tkach. He himself claims that he has accounted for about a hundred lives of teenage girls. Law enforcement agencies were able to prove the rape and murder of only twenty-seven girls. The most amazing thing is that Tkach himself worked as an investigator in law enforcement agencies. The killer was detained in his home in the city of Pologi, Zaporozhye region in August 2005.

Indonesian maniac Ahmad Suraji

Ahmad Suraji is an Indonesian maniac who killed forty-two women. He killed in a very original way. Ahmad buried the victim up to his neck in the ground, after which he strangled him with a piece of cable and drank the resulting saliva. In 2008 he was shot.

"Red Ripper" Andrei Chikatilo

Andrei Chikatilo is recognized as the most brutal maniac in the post-Soviet space. Fifty-two people were killed over more than twelve years. This maniac received several nicknames - “Red Ripper”, “Rostov Ripper”, “Rostov Butcher”. The maniac was shot in 1994.

"Doctor Death"

In 2004, a maniac nicknamed “Doctor Death” hanged himself in his cell. He is responsible for at least two hundred and fifty deaths. He gave his victims lethal injections. The killer's name is Harold Frederick "Fred" Shipman.

The most terrible cannibal killers

Among maniacs there are those who kill in order to then eat their victim.

Cannibal Nikolai Dzhumagaliev

One of the most famous cannibal killers is Nikolai Dzhumagaliev. This cannibal lived in Alma-Ata in 1980, where he worked as a laborer. He was charged with 47 murders, but guilt was proven in only 10 cases. Dzhumagaliev himself claimed that he killed and ate about 50 prostitutes. He prepared various dishes from the meat of the killed girls and treated them to his friends. Sentenced to eight years in a closed clinic.

Indian cannibals

The cannibals from the Indian village of Nithari are a famous local businessman and his servant named Kohli. Together they lured and ate at least thirty-eight children. After the killing, violent actions were performed on the bodies.

Japanese ogre Issei Sagawa

Issei Sagawa is a cannibal who wrote the memoirs that made him famous. He grew up as a shy child with a developed inferiority complex. While studying at the Sorbonne, he invited a classmate to his place for a literary conversation, choosing her because she was beautiful. Issei Sagawa killed the girl by shooting her in the neck and then ate her flesh for 2 days to "absorb her energy." After his arrest, the Japanese student was jailed for two years. Sagawa was later transferred to a psychiatric clinic. In Japan, after Sagawa was deported there, he was declared sane and released.

Issey Sagawa has become a famous restaurant critic, he writes books, often gives interviews, and is invited as a guest to many television shows. We can say that this tragedy, like most high-profile crimes, brought fame to the killer. It is surprising that fate was pleased not only to leave the cannibal alive, but also to open doors for him that he would never have been able to open before.

The most terrible female killers

When talking about killer maniacs, people usually think of men. We least of all associate the image of a maniac with the image of a woman. Forensic science knows many examples of bloody killers - women who are not inferior in cruelty to strong men.

"Black Widow"

The most brutal female killer of the 19th and early 20th centuries is considered the Black Widow. Her name is Belle Sorenson Gunness. With her help, about forty people were sent to another world. More than half of all those killed were relatives or close friends of the “widow.” The woman did not work; she lived off the insurance that she received after the death of her relatives. She killed her husband, children and several potential suitors. Her death is not known for certain. The decapitated and charred body of a woman who could be Belle Sorenson Gunness did not give a hundred percent guarantee that this was the Black Widow.

Sister of Mercy Jane Toppan

Nurse Jane Toppan attacked infirm patients. It is known that her father was crazy, so Jane was raised in an orphanage. The girl was adopted, but the adoptive parents turned out to be poor, which is why the future killer’s anger towards others only intensified. At first, nurse Toppan administered drugs to her patients, observing their state between life and death. From this she received intense sexual pleasure.

Later, the woman transformed her experiments into murders. After her arrest, the police were able to prove eleven murders. While under arrest, the nurse confessed to thirty-one more murders. The examination proved that Jane was insane. She spent the rest of her life in a psychiatric clinic.

"Bloody Countess"

This was the name of Countess Elizabeth Bathory. The exact number of its victims is unknown, it ranges from thirty to six hundred and fifty people. According to legends, the Countess preferred to take baths filled with the blood of young girls. The woman believed that in this way she could prolong her youth.

Bathory lured girls to her castle, under the pretext of a job offer, locked them in a dungeon, and then killed them. Her own husband, Ferenc Nadasi, helped her in this. To avoid publicity and a high-profile trial of the countess, her noble relatives locked Elizabeth in her own dungeon, where she died three years later.

The most terrible killer in the history of mankind

In the entire history of mankind, the most terrible murderer is the Indian Thug Behram, who was the leader of fanatical thugs (Thugs), stranglers and poisoners who believed that every murder committed prevents the coming of the goddess of chaos and death (Kali). Behram lived from 1765 to 1840. He killed about a thousand people. In total, the members of his sect killed at least eighty thousand people. Murders were often carried out en masse.

Around the twentieth year of the nineteenth century, Behram was captured, but he was given life and freedom for betraying all his accomplices. The terrible serial killer was hanged by his own brother in 1840.

Sometimes it is not only the cruelty that surprises, but also the age of the criminals. There is a site on the site about an 11-year-old boy who was imprisoned for life.
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Psychological and cinematic research

Psychopath usually rhymes with madness. But madness is different from madness. If someone is convinced that they have been kidnapped by green men, you are unlikely to call them a psychopath.

Psycho? Yes. Crazy? Yes. But not a psychopath. And why? What does a psychopath need to become a psychopath?

But if some terrible man with a chainsaw is rushing around Texas, wanting to transcribe the first person he meets (or, as an option, an idiot with nails), then he is not crazy, no, he is a Natural Born Killer, a natural psychopath.

Not necessarily with a chainsaw, of course. But it is necessary that the madness of a psychopath has a pronounced destructive orientation with the predominance of the idea of ​​​​definitely “trunking” someone.

Chainsaw, hammer, gun, rope or knife. Or any other item that comes to hand.

Perhaps this is why the label “psychopath” is so easily (and, it would seem, correctly) attached to maniacs, whose crimes in the public understanding are inextricably linked with madness.

Thus, the cinematic term "psychopath" can be loosely translated as "psycho killer". But it is cinematic, I emphasize.

Because in psychiatry such a term - psychopath - does not exist. And equally, there is no “schizophrenic”. There is schizophrenia, but there is no schizophrenic. Why?

Because personality is not usually called a disease. It is possible to characterize a subject with one disease or another (cancer patient, schizophrenic patient), but calling a person a disease (paranoid, psychopath, schizophrenic) is not accepted. If only because the subject is always something more than his illness.

A rhetorical question arises: why then in some cases do we equate the subject with a disease (schizophrenic and paranoid), but in other cases (migraine or myopia) this does not occur to us? Why is there a neurotic, but not a migraine or myopic?

The question is rhetorical, as I said. The answer was above. Because even in the most severe cases, we believe that a person is something more than a disease. But how much more?

If the life of a subject is completely mediated by his illness, then we have a tendency to establish an identity between illness and personality.

And, on the contrary, if the influence of the disease on the subject is insignificant, it becomes obvious that there is (and cannot be) any equal sign between the disease and the personality.

However, to be safe, it is best to call a psychopath a psychopath, and not go into details about what he has more of, illness or personality. Because, firstly, you still won’t be able to determine this, and, secondly, even if you do, I find it difficult to say what useful conclusion can be drawn from this.

What’s good about migraines or myopia is that when a migraine or myopia person picks up a fork, you know exactly why he’s doing it and don’t expect any catch.

But when a psychopath takes a fork, it is impossible to guess what he will do with this fork in the next second.

Maybe he's hungry. Or maybe he wants to stick this fork in someone’s eye. It is impossible to say more precisely.

Therefore, it is most reliable to call a psychopath a “psychopath.” Or, in other words, consider this personality a disease.

Let psychiatrists study at their leisure how much personality there is in this illness. They get paid for this.

Maniac or psychopath?

Imagine for a moment that you are in a room where the murder weapons of all serial killers are collected.

What type of murder weapon do you think will be the most "popular"? Chainsaw? Gun? Hammer?

This is the most popular murder weapon among maniacs since Jack the Ripper. You may encounter other murder weapons, of course. Berkowitz and Zodiac, for example, used firearms. But for some reason, it is the knife that most closely rhymes with the profile of a serial killer. Why exactly?

Moreover. If a person shoots and does not cut, it seems that he is not a maniac. And if he is a maniac, then he is not very scary.

Why? Because they shoot in every second film. Killers and anti-killers. Criminals and victims. Anyone can shoot. The shot is depersonalizing. But if someone picks up a knife, there is something special about it, something personal and biased.

It is almost impossible to kill with a knife from a distance. A knife, unlike a pistol, requires the killer to have direct physical contact with his victim.

To better understand this, consider what the relatives of victims of serial killers want when they shout in the courtroom:

- Give it to me, I will with your own hands I'll strangle you!

"With my own hands."

This is why a maniac prefers the “improvised” tools of a knife, hammer or rope (instead of a gun).

And sometimes with bare hands. Because a maniac does not want to kill, but to kill, this is a very big difference.

You may not see any difference at all, but that's because you're referring to it as a quantitative metric rather than a qualitative one. For example:

  • The maniac is obsessed with the idea of ​​killing.
  • The maniac is obsessed with the idea of ​​killing.

No difference. But only until you limit this obsession to just one victim, eliminating quantitative metrics.

  • A maniac is obsessed with the idea of ​​killing (a person).
  • A maniac is obsessed with the idea of ​​killing (a person).

That's the difference. It’s hard to say “obsessed with the idea of ​​killing a person.” Or “kill a person” or “kill people.” But there is no error. Everything is correct.

The maniac is obsessed with the idea of ​​“killing a person.” Kill, not kill. Death for him is not a goal, but a consequence of achieving his goal. Therefore the knife. Hammer. Or a rope.

Because these are tools that can be used to kill. You cannot kill with a pistol; you can only kill with a pistol.

But there is another reason why a maniac prefers a knife rather than a gun. If you use your brain a little, you can guess. Which? Will you move?

No? Do you prefer to receive it ready-made? Well, okay, okay. Then I will say that for the same reason some other “serial killers” also use a knife (and not a gun).

You have seen this reason (and examples of such use) many times in the movies. In "Rambo" or something.

Why use a knife if you have a gun? And then, that a shot from a pistol attracts attention. And the knife can be used silently.

For a maniac, the choice of a murder weapon is a matter of life and death, a question of “to be or not to be.” After all, the most important thing in their “profession” is what? Remain unnoticed and do not attract attention. Therefore, they choose murder weapons that are, as a rule, extremely primitive.

Knife. Rope. Hammer. Awl. Nothing that could attract attention (for example, if a pistol is fired) or arouse suspicion (in case of arrest).

So a man with a chainsaw is, of course, scary, but absolutely unrealistic. This only happens in horror films.

A real maniac reveals his intentions only when the victim is caught in his net. This means that the victim (in many cases) does not even have time to guess who he is dealing with. In other cases, he may have time, but it’s too late.

It's too late, I stress that. And until the maniac is convinced that it is too late and the victim is doomed, he will not reveal his intentions. And he won’t be able to take a hammer or knife out of his pocket.

And even more so, he will not run around with a knife throughout the forest, demonstrating to the victim how he will now make her “fucked up.”

The maniac hunts, but does not pursue. To better understand this, let us turn to analogies with the animal world.

The maniac is often compared to a spider, who patiently waits for an innocent victim to fall into his sticky spider web. But this comparison leaves much to be desired.

The spider maniac has no webs. To kill his victim, the maniac must enter into direct confrontation with him. According to this analogy, the spider - if it were a maniac - would first attack the victim, paralyzing its resistance, and only then entangle it in its web. So the analogy is not entirely successful.

It is much more accurate to compare a maniac with a crocodile. His ability to pursue the victim is extremely limited. The crocodile's only chance is to wait for the moment when the victim is so close that he can grab onto it.

So is the maniac. He waits patiently for the moment when the victim loses his vigilance, and then suddenly attacks. The situation of persecution of the victim, as I said above, is excluded in principle.

Like a crocodile, a maniac strives first of all to deprive the victim of the opportunity to break free and resist, inflicting traumatic injuries on her. Another reason, by the way, why a maniac prefers a knife. "Punches" (hammer) are only effective when hit to the head. "String instruments" (rope) will require significant physical strength. And the knife injures the victim when it hits any part of the body.

Perhaps this is why the maniac is so prone to inflicting multiple stab wounds, depriving the victim of any chance of resistance.

As you can see, a real “Chicatilo” has nothing in common with that guy who runs around with a chainsaw at the ready after the first person he meets.

Every year there are more and more of them.

Sexual maniacs. Cannibals. Pedophiles. Serial killer.

Their crimes are terrible, their motives are inexplicable. What motivates these “people” remains a mystery.

The DVD encyclopedia "Monsters" will reveal to you all the secrets of the psychology and pathology of maniacs.

A real maniac is too calculating, too careful. He doesn't reveal his intentions until the last moment. It eliminates the situation of persecution, and brutally suppresses any possibility (and ability) of the victim to resist. Somehow this does not fit with the concept of “psychopath”.

Here's a guy with a chainsaw - yes, he's a 100% psychopath, a psycho killer. But a maniac is not a psychopath. A killer, but not a psycho. If he is a psychopath, then he is not a psychopath, but in some completely different sense a psychopath.

In what other sense? And in such a way that normal people don’t kill. That's why he's crazy. But not a psychopath. He is too cold-blooded and calculating for a psychopath.


Psychopathic killers have always existed in America, but criminologists began to study their behavior in detail only in the second half of the twentieth century.

However, even the most expensive and time-consuming research led nowhere. Most of the most terrible criminals of the second half of the 20th - early 21st centuries are still united by the fact that until the very last moment no one considered them dangerous to society.

Continuing the topic of mentally ill people, RB decided to remember the most terrible American killers, and also understand how much their “bloody tactics” have changed over the past three quarters of a century.

Edward Gein (murder period - from 1954 to 1957)

A resident of the tiny town of Plainfield (Wisconsin), with a population of less than a thousand people, never aroused the suspicion of neighbors and relatives. Gein was considered strange but harmless. As one of his acquaintances put it, “every small town has some crazy person who is an integral part of the leisurely local life.”

Gein has “only” two proven murders to his name - the owner of a tavern and the owner of a repair shop. However, he ended up in reference books on psychiatry because of his passion for collecting human remains. He made souvenirs, dolls, masks, lampshades, interior items, etc. from them. Gein’s house was filled with such “crafts.”

Shifts in Hein's psyche are a consequence of his upbringing. The killer’s mother was a religious fanatic and abused the child in every possible way, but this became known too late.

John Gacy Jr. (1972 - 1978)

The clouding of this person’s consciousness occurred in childhood after numerous family quarrels, paternal alcoholism and sexual abuse from a distant relative.

However, social services did not know about all these incidents.

As a result, America received a cunning, ruthless maniac rapist. Gacy Jr. worked as a clown at children's parties, parades and other public events. In his house, he converted the basement into a torture chamber, where he brutally raped and tortured from 26 to 33 people. Psychiatrists and psychologists involved in the search for the maniac rapist demonstrated complete powerlessness. They were unable to create even an approximate portrait of one of the most terrible villains of the 20th century.

Theodore Bundy (1974 - 1978)

Burlington, Vermont native Theodore Bundy kidnapped, raped and murdered 36 women, according to court documents. However, some researchers claim that the real number of victims exceeds a hundred.

In his youth, Bundy enjoyed great success with women, but their love was not enough for him. He loved prolonged sadistic torture. Tears, infliction of pain, the agony of the victim - all this gave the criminal pleasure. Bundy often called himself "the most heartless scumbag that ever lived." He liked being a villain.

During Bundy's trial, many American psychiatrists again recalled the medieval medical theory that "every person is by nature either good or bad." However, today something else is obvious: Bundy’s sadistic inclinations were the result of his passion for watching hard-core pornography.

James Haberty (1984)

One researcher said of Haberty: "This man slowly went mad over decades, eventually committing a brutal and inexplicable act of violence - shooting 21 people at a California McDonald's." Throughout his life, Haberti faced troubles at work and in family life, suffered from illnesses. The older he got, the harder it was for him to deal with problems. In the end, a sublimation occurred in Haberty's mind: he stopped thinking about the difficulties in his personal life and focused on... the third world war, which would inevitably come after the economic collapse of America. Paranoid thoughts ultimately led him to kill innocent people. “If Haberti had applied for it in time medical care...,” wrote one of the newspapers after the tragedy.

Jeffrey Dahmer (1978 - 1991)

“A closed, shy and good-natured teenager who loves to spend time alone,” was the description given to Dahmer by school teachers. Then they could not even imagine that this “quiet man” would subsequently rape, kill and eat 17 adult men and teenagers.

During the trial, it became clear that American psychiatry is at the most primitive level of development. None of the medical experts could answer the main question: why Dahmer turned out to be a merciless maniac and what punishment he should suffer.

However, popular indignation was enough for the judge to pass a sentence regardless of mental disabilities: 957 years behind bars or 15 life sentences.

George Hennard (1991)

This killer has become an iconic figure for some researchers. He was called the “new generation psychopath.” Previous maniacs committed murder for pleasure - they hunted down, tortured and killed their victims for several years. Hennard was driven by blind hatred not only for the entire world around him, but also for himself. “Kill as many people as possible in a short period of time, and then shoot himself,” was his plan. Hennard crashed his truck into a small cafeteria, shot 50 customers (23 of them died), and then fatally wounded himself.

People who knew Hennard told police about his frequent episodes of insanity and inexplicable aggression towards women. “I always wondered why he was walking free and not sitting somewhere in prison or a psychiatric clinic,” said an acquaintance of the killer.

Michael McLendon (2009)

A 28-year-old Alabama resident shot and killed ten people (five were members of his family, two were small children). The incident was officially recognized as "the worst event in the history of the state" and "one of the greatest tragedies of the American South." The real reasons for the action of McLendon, whom those around him considered “a disciplined, talented and very smart young man,” are still unknown. The police, of course, found many facts that “shed light on the murder” in the personal belongings of the criminal. In particular, in his personal diary he wrote a lot about increasing disagreements with his mother. However, such entries could be present in the diary of any person suffering from depression and accustomed to pouring out their thoughts on paper.

Jiverly Wung (2009)

An immigrant from Vietnam who received American citizenship for “good moral character” never even had the slightest problem with the law. However, this did not stop him from entering the immigration center in the New York city of Binghampton on April 3, 2009 and shooting 13 people in cold blood before committing suicide.

Why did Vung commit this terrible crime? As in many other cases, the answer to this question was not found.

However, the journalists still found a person who “explained” what happened: “I think Vung went crazy from his own powerlessness,” said the dubious informant. “He lived in America for many years, but was never able to learn to speak English.” Psychiatrists threw up their hands this time too.

P.S. The list of mentally inadequate people - murderers - can be continued for a long time. In the 21st century, unfortunately, it is replenished every 2 - 3 months. All villains, be it a sexual maniac from the 50s or an armed shooter from 2012, continue to be distinguished and united by three characteristics:

Almost none of them abused alcohol or drugs (hence, the motive is precisely mental disorders).

The majority had positive or satisfactory characteristics from their place of work, study, neighbors and relatives.

All the villains medical experts considered “harmless to society” (until they proved otherwise).

It is difficult to say whether America will be able to reduce the number of socially dangerous people walking free, and at the same time prevent the murder of innocent residents. However, taking into account events not only recent years and months, but throughout the entire previous century, the answer to this question will most likely be negative.

People began to think about whether there are natural-born killers and whether it is possible to identify a potential criminal based on physiological characteristics back in the 18th-19th centuries. /bm9icg===>ekah, when those who made their way scientific ideas about the living side by side and competed with various exotic delusions.

Fortune telling by skull

The Austrian physician Franz Joseph Gall (1758−1828) created a doctrine called phrenology. Gall, it seemed to him, was able to determine which parts of the brain are responsible for certain spiritual abilities. Moreover, the presence and expression of these abilities were, according to the natural scientist, reflected in the design of the cranium. That is, it is enough to examine the skull competently, and you can come to the conclusion who is in front of you: a potential Mozart or a potential Jack the Ripper. The skull was actually given more importance than the brain. Even in those ancient times, Dr. Gall was known as a scandalous person, and his theories and love for skulls were criticized by his contemporaries. But it was Hall who made the brilliant guess that intelligence is associated with the frontal lobe of the brain. Phrenology has not proven itself as a method for identifying socially dangerous individuals.

Compared to a psychopath The basic method for identifying a neurophysiological predisposition to psychopathy is to scan the brain of a person diagnosed with psychopathy and compare the findings with the results of studies of the brain of a healthy individual. The result is presented as comparative table, where connections between the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala are indicated by a yellow marker. The weakening of the signal coming from the prefrontal cortex causes a weak emotional reaction to something that would cause horror in a normal person.

Already in the second half of the 19th century, the no less scandalous Italian psychiatrist Cesare Lombroso (1835−1909) took up the matter. He believed that human criminal tendencies were predetermined physiologically and looked for evidence of these tendencies in phenotypic characteristics: sloping forehead, large ears, asymmetry of the face and skull, prognathism (protrusion of the upper or lower jaw), excessive length of the arms. Lombroso believed that all these signs indicate an underdeveloped, atavistic person close to wild primates. Such people, according to the Italian psychiatrist, are doomed to be sociopaths and criminals. Lombroso's ideas and his research methods were also criticized, but for that time they were not at all something exotic or marginal. Lombroso's contemporary and Darwin's relative, the Briton Francis Galton, developed the theory of “eugenics,” the essence of which is the application of artificial selection to humanity, similar to that practiced in animal husbandry. People with good physical and intellectual characteristics should reproduce. Those who, according to Galton, fell into the category of defectives should be removed from reproduction. For the time being, all these were just theories, but when the Nazis came to power in Germany, they began to put such ideas into practice. After the victory over Nazi Germany and the publication of data on the crimes of the Nazis, discussions about the biological basis of antisocial behavior were not exactly prohibited in Europe, but they became not very desirable. The point of view has prevailed that the criminal is shaped by the social environment, dysfunctional families, and childhood traumas.

Prison Science

Meanwhile, since the times of Gall and Lombroso, the science of living things has gone far ahead. Humanity has learned about genes, and neurophysiology has made great progress. And the question of whether an innate predisposition to terrible crimes is not “hardwired” in physiology could not help but be raised. Sooner or later.

Adrian Raine presented the results of his research in the book “Anatomy of Violence,” which caused a lot of controversy. While insisting on the significance of his work, the author still does not deny the influence of the environment on the formation of the criminal’s personality.

In recent decades, the term “neurocriminology” has even appeared, denoting a subdiscipline aimed at studying the structural features of the brain that could serve as the biological basis of antisocial behavior. Special attention riveted to the causes of psychopathy - a mental anomaly that deprives a person of sympathy for the suffering of others, giving the personality such traits as cynicism and resourcefulness. It is this disorder that is characteristic, as a rule, of serial killers, for whom taking a person’s life is not a serious moral problem.

Whatever one may say, modern researchers have to follow the same path that Lombroso once moved. Go to jail. Of course, not to serve time there, but to be closer to the desired material for study. One of the founders of neurocriminology, Briton Adrian Raine, spent four years in two high-security prisons as a psychologist in the early 1980s. From places not so distant, Rain brought such ideas that in tolerant England no grants were given to him, and in 1987 the scientist moved to the USA, where research into biological predisposition to crime is more relaxed, and there is more material for scientific work. Crime in the USA is higher than in good old Europe, and there are many prisons in the New World.

Don't fall from the cherry tree

Research into the physiological causes of psychopathy is very important for understanding the phenomenon of serial killers and other villains, but not all psychopaths are natural killers and not all killers are psychopaths. Some studies show that repeat killers include people who suffer from other types of mental disorders, such as borderline personality disorder. Moreover, speaking of defeats frontal lobes as a factor contributing to the development of an antisocial personality, this lesion may not be congenital. There is an example of serial killer Albert Fish, known as the "Brooklyn Vampire". Albert grew up a normal boy until he fell from a cherry tree at age seven and suffered a head injury. After this, the child began to suffer from headaches, and he himself began to show signs of aggressiveness. At age 20, he killed his first victim and ate her.

In America, Rain became one of the first to use modern medical technologies, in particular positron emission tomography (PET), to study the brains of criminals. The scientist selected two groups: one consisted of 41 convicted murderers, the other - of 41 law-abiding citizens. PET images showed significant differences between the prison resident's brain and the free prisoner's brain, primarily in metabolic activity. If we talk about the structure, the criminal’s brain showed underdevelopment of the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible, in particular, for social interaction. All these features can result in poor control over the limbic system, which generates basic emotions such as anger and rage, as well as a lack of self-control and a tendency to take risks. What are these if not the traits of a criminal personality?

Brain explosion

Studies leading to similar results were carried out in a number of scientific centers, for example at the University of Wisconsin at Madison (USA). A paper published in 2011 presented the results of brain scans of psychopathic criminals. Evidence suggests that psychopathy is caused by weakened connections between the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala, part of the limbic system. At the same time, negative signals from the prefrontal cortex when processed by the amygdala do not lead to the emergence of strong emotions. Hence the lack of compassion and guilt, which is characteristic of a psychopathic personality.

Moreover, there are scientific works showing the connection of a criminal biography not only with the structure of the brain, but also with certain genes. Last year, Jari Tiihonen, a medical professor at Karolinska University in Stockholm, announced that he had discovered the CDH13 and MAOA alleles, the so-called warrior gene, in the genome of people who had repeatedly committed violent crimes.

The monoamine oxidase gene MAO is responsible for the production of the reward hormone dopamine, but in the mutated version A it can be very dangerous, in particular because a person with this gene, when drinking alcohol or drugs, receives a sharp increase in dopamine production, which “explodes the brain” and leads to uncontrolled aggression. The CDH13 gene also has its own harmful effects on behavior - in particular, it is associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Will it make life easier for a person if he learns that he is biologically predisposed to aggressiveness and psychopathic manifestations? Perhaps the principle of “forewarned is forearmed” can work here too. And the ominous call of nature can be corrected through an effort of will or with the help of corrective psychological training.

Failed psychopath

Does all of the above indicate that Lombroso and the supporters of eugenics are right? Of course not, because if a biological predisposition to antisocial behavior exists, then it is only one of the factors in the formation of personality, and other factors may include the social environment, family situation, stress, trauma, etc. Interesting in this regard is the story of the American neurophysiologist James Fallon, who also spent a long time searching for the causes of psychopathy, studying brain scans of all kinds of antisocial types. His life was literally turned upside down by a conversation with his old mother, who told Fallon about his father's ancestry. It turned out that in the line of ancestors, which is known before the 17th century, there are at least seven killers. Then the researcher scanned his own brain and found that it had all the hallmarks of the brain of a deep-rooted psychopath. The same problem is the underdevelopment of the prefrontal cortex and, therefore, a weak connection with the amygdala. The picture was very reminiscent of a snapshot of the brain of one of the serial killers. Fallon recalled that in his youth, his predisposition to psychopathy may have made itself felt. He was a real daredevil, detonating homemade bombs, stealing cars, organizing other risky activities and involving his friends in them. He was characterized by narcissism and devilish self-confidence. But his youth passed, and in the end James Fallon turned into a quiet family man and a successful neuroscientist. This means there is no doom.

Science or freedom?

Neuroforensic research poses a number of questions of a moral, ethical or even political nature to humanity. If some genetic or neurophysiological characteristics are finally declared risk factors for their owner, how should society and the state treat such an individual? Won't these signs become a kind of mark, which, if present? modern means dissemination and search for information will accompany him throughout his life and will prevent him, for example, from choosing his desired field of activity. When identifying disturbing predispositions, is it necessary to force a person to participate in personality correction programs, to suppress what has become an unwanted gift of nature? From an individual rights perspective, what would attempts to literally get into one of our heads, supposedly for reasons of public safety, look like? It is difficult to predict what the answers to these questions will be, but it is unlikely that the solution lies in the plane of prohibitions and silencing of scientific achievements in this area. We will still be interested in what we are and why.

Which of the following characters (maniacs, tyrants, psychopaths, murderers) is the kindest??)))

1) Idi Amin - former president of Upper Volta (now Uganda), crowned cannibal and tyrant. Once he punished the head of an enemy party, forcing him to personally cut up his own family and feed it to the crocodiles.

2) “Holy Trinity” - James Mulligan, Hieronymus Knox and Thomas Cushing, prisoners of San Quentin (a block for the criminally insane). During the riot, they castrated a security guard and performed an impromptu vaginoplasty with a sharpener, after which they raped and devoured the corpse.

3) Caligula - the emperor of Ancient Rome, an ardent lover of gladiatorial games, who made homosexuality and pedophilia normal among wealthy Romans. He hunted down a whole crowd of ordinary citizens (including children) with lions, wolves and snakes, throwing them unarmed into the Colosseum, where they were first chopped into pieces by gladiators.

4) Marius Arroyo - "butcher" of the Salvadoran gang "Mara Salvatrucha" (MS13), tattooed from head to toe. He killed over three hundred people (dismembered them with a machete, beheaded some and made trophies from their skulls), and in honor of each victim he stuffed a skull onto his skin.

5) Jeffrey Dummer - “Milwaukee Ripper”, cannibal, necrophiliac and sadomasochist. He killed seventeen people with particular cruelty, dismembered and ate the corpses, raped severed heads, copulated with children and animals. Once I literally fucked a man in the brain (sawed open the skull and made a hole with a drill)

6) Sean McGray is an Irish pyromaniac nicknamed “Jack the Lantern” who burned his own family. He was a Satanist who believed that he was the living embodiment of flame.

7) Karl Panzram is a crazy killer who has traveled halfway around the world, leaving behind mountains of corpses everywhere. Having ascended the scaffold, he shouted to the executioner, “Move the bastard!” I could hang a dozen whores in that time! "

8) Amos Lewis Cassidy - a former army sniper who shot twenty-seven people from a chapel in New York. Before his death, he mined the chapel, blowing up several special forces soldiers with him.

9) Charlie Manson - “Jesus-Satan”, a psycho hippie who, together with a group of fellow sectarians, dismembered the wife of Roman Polanski (famous film director) right in her house. In prison he made a swastika on his forehead with a piece of glass.

10) Samuel Kravitz - “Pied Piper”, “Washington Puppeteer”, pedophile and maniac. In his basement, about twenty children's corpses were found, nailed to the walls like puppets.

11) Ted Bundy - “Nylon Killer”, a rapist whose favorite weapon was a nylon noose. He strangled beautiful students and raped the corpses, took their heads as trophies, and threw their bodies to be devoured by wild animals.

12) Ralph Jitter - “Copycat”, schizophrenic and murderer who lived with the corpses of his wife and mother. I slept with them, bathed them, watched TV in my arms - I was caught on a walk, carrying severed heads in a stroller and reading poetry to them. He loved to remove the faces of victims and wear them like a mask.

13) Denis Vinogradov - “Russian Breivik”, shot the office where he previously worked and about ten employees. The official version is an unhappy love for one of his colleagues. According to the investigator, Vinogradov said during interrogation, “The coffee served there was too bad.”

14) Markus Bjorkland - “Jack Frost”, a Swedish neo-Nazi who shot several black Muslim teenagers with arrows (!). He was distinguished by a pathological passion for cleanliness; in prison he managed to make a bow and arrows, and while attempting to kill a cellmate, he was shot by guards.

This is the rating of psychopaths... Since childhood, I have been interested in criminology, now I am studying at the Faculty of Psychology, and I decided to find out who you really think is the MOST terrible sociopath and maniac. Options - Hitler, Chikatillo, Breivik, Stalin, Putin (this also happens)) are brushed aside. Here is still a rating of lesser-known, but no less terrible criminals.

Who is a psychopath? Criteria for a psychopath. Differences between a psychopath and a sociopath

What is the most important criterion for psychopaths? They have no feelings at all. For social life, the manifestation of various emotions and feelings is important, the main ones regulate our behavior in society - fear, guilt and shame. Due to the fact that psychopaths do not experience fear of danger, do not feel shame for their actions and guilt for their actions, they commit various socially unacceptable and reprehensible antics without thinking about possible consequences. This is why there is a fairly high percentage of psychopaths among maniacs and criminals.

The lack of understanding and awareness of what is good and bad, of remorse for “wrong” actions, however, does not prevent psychopaths from being excellent actors in showing the necessary and “sincere” feelings at the right moments. In addition, such individuals very cleverly know how to twist the situation in their favor in such a way that others simply cannot doubt that on the contrary is a wonderful person who acted exclusively from ethical and lofty motives, so even the most indecent act will look decent. Psychopaths are very observant and never overact in emotions, unlike hysterically organized people, their behavior does not go beyond the bounds of decent and socially acceptable.

The author of the book “Deprived of Conscience: The Frightening World of Psychopaths,” Robert Hare, devoted almost his entire life (about 20-30 years) to studying the phenomenon of psychopathy, the factors of its occurrence and methods for recognizing psychopaths. However, at the presentation of his research, a Canadian psychologist, having met a psychopath, was not immediately able to determine who was in front of him. That's why if you think that close person- psychopath, this opinion is probably erroneous, since a psychopathic personality is quite difficult to calculate, and in some cases impossible.

In psychology, there are two concepts - psychopath and sociopath. It is believed that a psychopath is a congenital pathological type of psyche, and a sociopath is a dissocial personality disorder acquired in early childhood.

As an example, consider the series "Dexter". The main character is a sociopath. Why? The storyline traces childhood events that became a decisive factor in the development of the child’s sadistic tendencies. Perhaps, until the age of 2 (before the murder of his mother in front of his eyes), Dexter was a psychopath, but this incident intensified the manifestations of psychopathy. To understand the reasons for the formation of the hero’s character and his real type of psyche, it was necessary to observe him for up to two years. However, even in this case, it is difficult to draw the right conclusions - in children, empathy, shame and guilt are formed only after 2-3 years.

In any case, people who interact with such pathological characters do not care at all about the exact classification of pathology, especially if the person causes harm to others.

At the moment, psychopathy does not belong to psychiatric disorders, since according to the criteria of psychosis (denial of reality, fragmented identity, disturbances in thinking and perception, hallucination, delusions, etc.) a psychopath is not differentiated into this category. Connection with reality, a clear understanding and analysis of current situations, a well-thought-out strategy of behavior are characteristic features of psychopaths, therefore they are not considered “sick” at all. However, such individuals are dangerous for society.

There are 3 main criteria for psychopathy:

    The severity of pathological personality traits, up to a violation of social adaptation. The stability of these qualities and the impossibility of changing them. Psychopathy cannot be treated. Totality and severity of pathological personality traits. For example, if you ask a psychopathic killer why he did this, the answer can be horrifying - for people with this type of psyche, such behavior is considered the norm.

In reality, there are not as many psychopaths as we think. The book “Deprived of Conscience: The Frightening World of Psychopaths” provides statistics - about 2-3% of the population are supposedly psychopaths.

Homicidal maniacs: psychology and classification

Respectable family men and impulsive psychopaths, “missionaries” and cannibals, “local” and “wandering” - there are different serial killers, and it is better to know everything about them.

The type of maniacs beloved by directors of thrillers and horror films (for example, Buffalo Bill from the film “The Silence of the Lambs”). Quiet, modest, unremarkable, law-abiding citizens wear a “mask of normality” and are relatively well adapted to society. There are both single men and family men (Andrei Chikatilo). Such a person, as a rule, makes a good impression, is charming, takes care of his appearance and well-being, easily gets along with people.

Representatives of this type are not considered to have a psychiatric diagnosis. Here, however, it is worth making a reservation: there is also the concept of a “psychological” diagnosis. This means that a person may not have signs of pronounced psychosis (which is the reason and basis for placement in a psychiatric hospital) - and, nevertheless, be “deeply disturbed”, that is, have profound personality disorders. The crimes that maniacs commit cannot be committed by a “normal” person under any circumstances, so any serial killer can be called “sick,” even if he does not have a psychiatric diagnosis.

The life of this type of maniac is organized, such a person may have a fairly high intelligence, often graduates from some university, may show interest in the problems of society, is interested in the media, reads articles about his crimes, which he admires. During interrogation, he behaves with concentration, often has ready-made answers to the investigator’s questions, and is very rational and “reasonable.” Carefully plans his crimes to reduce the risk of being caught. Tries not to commit crimes near the places where he lives, works or studies. There is, however, a type of maniac neighbor - a “respectable” person whom the neighbors have known for several years. Maniacs take advantage of this circumstance to lure their victims into a trap (for example, children, since the principle of “don’t talk to strangers” does not apply in this case).

This type of maniac is not distinguished by intelligence or rationality. These killers often have mental pathologies diagnosed by psychiatrists (schizophrenia, mental retardation, etc.). In contrast to representatives of the first type, they make a repulsive impression, are sloppy, taciturn, do not communicate (especially with women), look strange, are often alone or live with some relative, and have a job that does not require specialization.

Life and everyday life are chaotic and unorganized. Their horizons are extremely narrow, they are not interested in the media and problems of society. They have absolutely no reflection, therefore they do not comprehend the crimes committed, often not even remembering some of them. They don’t plan anything, they kill “the first person they come across,” they don’t get rid of evidence, they don’t hide corpses. A classic example is Californian serial killer Richard Keyes, who was nicknamed the “Sacramento Vampire” because he drank the blood of his victims and ate the remains. At the age of 10 years, he was confirmed to have the so-called “Macdonald triad” - a set of three behavioral characteristics: zoosadism (cruelty to animals), pyromania (passion for arson) and enuresis (manifests after 5 years). The Macdonald triad is often associated with a predisposition to commit particularly serious crimes and is a direct indicator that the child is exposed to constant stress associated with parental violence.

Serial killers are also divided into “power-seekers” (tyrants) - the main motive for the crimes of such people is to assert their superiority over a helpless victim, the desire to compensate for the feeling of their own inferiority (Bob Berdella, David Berkowitz); “sensualists” - commit crimes for sexual pleasure (Jeffrey Dahmer, Andrei Chikatilo); “visionaries” - psychopathic killers suffering from clinical delusions and hallucinations (Herbert Mullin, who killed 13 people in order to “prevent an earthquake”); “missionaries” - they consider themselves judges, they kill in order to rid society of “dirt” - prostitutes, homosexuals, people of a different race, etc. (Jack the Ripper, Sergei Ryakhovsky); “cannibals” - they commit crimes with the aim of eating the body of the murdered person (Alexander Spesivtsev, Nikolay Dzhumagaliev).

If we talk about the territory in which killers commit crimes, we can also divide maniacs into “local” and “wandering”, that is, those who kill in one region, and those who prefer to move from place to place.

With all this, serial killers can usually rarely be classified into any one type; more often they manifest themselves as carriers of mixed characteristics.


Almost all serial killers were extremely sadistic as children. However, the targets of their cruelty are usually small animals, not other children (see article "Torture of Animals"). An exception to this rule was the young maniac Jess Pomeroy, one of the most terrible criminals in America in the 19th century.

Pomeroy had a difficult childhood. He was raised strictly by his widowed mother, who struggled to make ends meet as a seamstress in South Boston. In addition, Jess was unlucky with his appearance: his mouth was disfigured by a harelip, and one eye was covered with a disgusting cataract. However, contemporaries were not inclined to explain Poumroy’s cruelty as psychological trauma. They considered him simply the spawn of the devil.

Already at the age of eleven he began to prey on other children. During the period winter 1871 - autumn 1872, he attacked seven boys younger than himself. Jess would lure them to a secluded area, then strip them, tie them up and torture them. At first he simply brutally beat the guys, and then began cutting them with a penknife and stabbing them with needles.

Arrested at the end of 1872, Pomeroy was sentenced to ten years in a penal colony, but managed to reduce this sentence to just one and a half years by convincingly feigning remorse. However, as soon as he was free, he took up his old ways again. Only from now on, the teenage psychopath was no longer limited to just torturing his victims. Now he wanted to kill.

In March 1874, he kidnapped ten-year-old Mary Curran and, after much abuse, killed her. A month later, Pomeroy took four-year-old Horace Mullen to the swamps, where he cut him so savagely with a pocketknife that the baby was almost decapitated.

When Mullen's body was found, suspicion immediately fell on Pomeroy. A bloody knife was found in the maniac’s pocket, and his shoes were covered in swamp mud. When the police showed Poumroy the horribly mutilated body of the victim and asked if he had killed the baby, Poumroy answered bluntly: “In my opinion, yes.” Mary Curran's body was not found until July, her decomposed remains ending up in the basement of Pomeroy's house.

Pomeroy's trial, which took place in 1874, became a national event. Moral activists blamed his crimes on the dark “horror novels” popular at the time (just as modern moralists attribute the rise in crime to the fashion for action films and thrillers). However, they were forced to abandon this opinion when Pomeroy publicly declared that he had never read a single book in his entire life.

Despite his young age, the killer was sentenced to death, but then the execution was replaced by life imprisonment with extremely harsh conditions: the “devil boy” had to serve his term in solitary confinement. It was only forty-one years later that he was finally allowed limited contact with other prisoners. He died in prison in 1932, at the age of seventy-two.

The image of the boy killer was recreated by Caleb Kappa in the bestseller “The Psychiatrist” (1994), main character who, trying to penetrate the psychology of an unknown serial killer, wants to talk with the former “devil boy” and finds him in a prison cell with his head stuck in a cage collar. The author describes this scene as follows:

“Despite the handcuffs chained to the collar, Jesy held a book in his hand and quietly read aloud... “It’s damn hard to get an education in this place,” Jesy said when the door was closed behind me. - But I'm trying. Perhaps this was precisely my mistake - the lack of education...” Laszlo nodded at the belts: “Is that a collar you’re wearing?” Jesse laughed. “Ah-ah! They say I burned a guy's face with a cigarette while he was sleeping... But tell me... - He turned to him, staring into his face like a dead eyesore. - Tell me, does this look like me? »

Psychopaths: seven signs that indicate a psychopath

Psychopaths look at the world differently. For most people in social relationships there are things that are taken for granted: compassion, the concept of good and evil, and much more that makes adequate people similar. Psychopaths can destroy another person without the slightest remorse, without feeling any sympathy for the victim. Not all psychopaths are maniacs, criminals or murderers. A tendency to violence in psychopathy is possible, but not required. A psychopath may have a high cultural level and certain family values. Identifying a psychopath is not so difficult, this is especially important when searching nanny for a child or when choosing a suitable candidate for marriage.

Causes of psychopathy

More often, psychopathy is a mental disorder that is genetically determined. But psychopathy can also be a symptom of a disease. Mental problems can arise when neurons in the brain are damaged by toxic products that are either synthesized in the body or enter it from the outside.

If a child grows up in an abusive upbringing, he may develop psychopathic personality traits. Such children are not confident in themselves, are especially sensitive to traumatic situations, and have low self-esteem . As a rule, such children often subsequently develop psychasthenic psychopathy: they are afraid of everything, extremely insecure, prone to obsessions and love to philosophize, chewing intellectual gum with pleasure. More dangerous excitable psychopaths. They are extremely demanding of the people around them, often suffer from fits of rage, can inflict severe beatings in anger and will not even stop before killing. Particularly cruel and epileptoid psychopaths.

Paranoid And hysterical psychopaths are not so dangerous to others; it is impossible to live or work with such types. People with psychopathy are conflictual, they like to demonstrate their superiority by any means, they have increased self-esteem and it is useless to dissuade them. A paranoid husband will plague you with pathological jealousy, paranoid colleagues will torment you with anonymous denunciations.

Schizoid psychopaths They do not feel the emotional pain of another person, but they themselves are very vulnerable, and at the same time they can unceremoniously invade someone else’s life, acting on some of their own motives that are obscure to a healthy person.

Mentally healthy people They experience instinctive fear of psychopaths and feel threatened. If a person shows signs of psychopathy, it is better to avoid him.

The best option is not to marry a psychopathic man. But what if this has already happened? During the courtship stage, psychopaths can be very attractive and charming. A woman married to a psychopath risks experiencing domestic violence more than once. It is useless to remake psychopaths; they need to be treated. We must try not to give birth to psychopaths, in the hope that with the advent of children the person will change. No, a psychopath will remain a psychopath if the underlying disease that caused it is not cured. Treatment for psychopathy is carried out at any age.

The Budennovsky maniac cyclist horrified the entire region with his brutal act last summer.

Where do such people come from and what motivates them? There are many serial killers and maniacs in the world who have become famous for dealing with their victims in sophisticated ways. As a rule, they acted cautiously, cowardly, carefully developing their crimes. Some, especially “distinguished” ones, kept districts, cities, entire regions and regions in fear for years. different countries peace.

Among the most dangerous maniacs, one of the first places is occupied by Andrei Chikatilo, who operated for two decades in the Rostov region and the entire Soviet Union. He is credited with more than fifty brutal murders. His victims included children and women. The best investigators and operatives of the Soviet Union tried to catch him.

In the 1980s, operatives sought advice from another well-known serial killer, Anatoly Slivko, who operated in the Stavropol region for several years. He is responsible for dozens of ruined and broken lives of minor boys and other people.

Unfortunately, now the world of violence is unobtrusively present in almost every home. Ruthlessness has become the norm, and indifference is the scourge of our time. We seem to be mired in a world of violence and vice, living in television and Internet worlds where everything sometimes seems unreal. We are so accustomed to perceiving the world, leaving it outside the doors of our houses and apartments, naively believing that bad things will never happen to us. But, alas, this does not stop people disappearing, the violence does not decrease, on the contrary, it is cultivated in the minds of some people and gives impetus to new, even more sophisticated crimes.

The maniac next door

A maniac-monster may be very close, skillfully hiding his identity under routine, simplicity and a superficially friendly attitude. This was the case with the maniac Panchenko, who in 2008 raped and killed two girls in Svetlograd. The victims of this beast were girls 8 and 11 years old. It all happened on October 5, 2008. The son of a maniac, Ivan, brought two girls, 8 and 11 years old, to visit, whom his father lured into a dugout and locked. Panchenko was the first to begin torturing the youngest; ultimately, he brutally beat her and buried her alive in the ground. The fanatic planted a seedling over the burial site.

For 24 hours, the maniac raped an 11-year-old girl, putting a dog collar around her neck. The police called by his parents found him with the help of a service dog. Panchenko was arrested on October 6, 2008. The girls lived practically next door to the killer. Later, investigators found women's things in the serial's house that belonged to other victims, whose murder Panchenko later admitted during interrogations.

"Acid" maniac

In July of this year, the Stavropol region was shocked by the news that in Budennovsk an unknown person on a bicycle poured acid on two girls. A high-profile incident occurred on July 23, 2017. A man in a medical mask rode up on a bicycle and poured acid on two girls. Later, information appeared that there was another victim on whom an unknown person had splashed acid even earlier, but it was not officially confirmed. In the summer, this story caused a lot of noise and shook up the entire region. One of the girls was seriously injured, so the head of the region, Vladimir Vladimirov, had to intervene and personally ask the Italian consul in Russia to help carry out a high-quality operation using Italian doctors. Later the girl was transported to a special clinic. The unknown cyclist was immediately nicknamed the “acid maniac.”

The Budennovsky Interdistrict Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the Stavropol Territory continues to investigate a criminal case initiated on the grounds of a crime under paragraph “a” of Part 1 of Art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, on the fact of hooligan actions of an unidentified person who doused minors with a chemical liquid. The investigation is working to identify the person involved in the commission of the crime, the press service of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the Stavropol Territory reported in response to a request from Notepad of Stavropol.

The Stavropol Notebook correspondent tried to find out why this man could commit such a crime. For a comment, we turned to a well-known psychiatrist in the Stavropol region, director of the “Borderline Conditions Clinic”, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Professor Igor Boev.

From the point of view of psychiatry, this is inappropriate behavior, this is abnormal behavior, because when a person seeks to disfigure another, he is, in fact, encroaching on God’s creation, which in itself speaks of deep pathology. In this person, aggression is expressed as a personality trait, as a vector of behavior. But on the other hand, we see that he is quite cowardly. And, indeed, such people are incredibly afraid that such measures can be applied to them and cause pain. But at the same time, they themselves are ready to give people the most unpleasant sensations, even taking their lives. Of course, such people should either be treated in psychiatric hospitals or serve their sentences behind bars, the professor emphasized.

Very often, such uncontrolled aggression, according to Igor Boev, is formed in childhood and adolescence, either by the mother, or by some other relative, and the behavior of such people, perhaps, is a kind of revenge. Perhaps for the humiliation he suffered from his elders or peers.

The mere performance of such an action can be genetically formed, because an ordinary normal person cannot do it. People classified as sociopaths or psychopaths do these things. They can learn to work and lead an ordinary life, but as soon as a cyclical period sets in, they commit various offenses,” said Igor Boev.

How to detect a “monster”?

Specialists in different fields can identify different pathologies. Such things are no secret to anyone. But in psychiatry there are also examinations that can show the tendency of children and adolescents to alcoholism, drug addiction and aggression.

In 1982-84, a special program was carried out in schools throughout the region. And in some schools we have identified children who are prone to alcoholism, drug addiction and aggressive behavior. We identified adolescents who are at high risk of developing mental disorders. 10-15 years passed, we checked these teenagers again. They were already 25-30 years old and 93 percent of the forecast turned out to be absolutely correct. But, unfortunately, we do not have a law that could help such people and cure them,” admitted Professor Boev.

The doctor also said that at one time he implemented the same program by order of the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The police leadership was interested in whether there were people in their ranks prone to the above problems and corruption.

We have identified such people. The analytical department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs also conducted relevant studies that confirmed our forecasts,” said Igor Boev.

The professor complains that he and his colleagues have repeatedly proposed introducing special studies for civil servants, including deputies. It was assumed that all applicants for high government positions and simply for a place in the civil service must undergo special testing. This practice has long been in effect throughout the world. In some countries, monitoring a person begins with early age. He is taught and studied from the first grade and at the age of 16, one might say, they know everything about a person’s personality.

There is a system to prevent people prone to pathological behavior at the legislative level,” the professor stated. - And if we followed this path, then many crimes could be prevented. It would be possible to identify not only maniacs, but also people prone to corruption and criminal activities.

Drugs can also become a catalyst for the maniac’s mechanism. And if a person has repeatedly used illegal or potent substances that invariably affect the brain, then this can provoke, even in an ordinary, completely balanced person, a latent mental illness, and this can provoke outbursts of aggression. The person becomes suspicious and distrustful. He suspects everyone and everything around him and believes that everything is directed against him.

A place can influence a maniac

Many specialists and psychiatrists agree that all maniacs are sick people. Moreover, sometimes this disease progresses under the influence of external factors.

Such people have organic brain changes. Both people living in environmentally unfavorable regions and their brains are exposed to chemical compounds and substances. Chemical compositions and derivative plants, and they contribute to the manifestation of aggression and criminal behavior,” explained Igor Boev.

The professor said that in 1990 he gave a report in Peru, in which he said that teenagers living in environmentally unfavorable areas are prone to using toxic substances, and they develop drug addiction more easily because their brains are prepared by exposure to chemical compounds. The famous Stavropol maniac Slivko just lived in Nevinnomyssk, where chemical production is concentrated, but, according to the professor, only theoretically could he be exposed to chemical compounds from factories in the city.

After all, he was a maniac “ideologist” who promoted a certain idea. And if he lived, for example, in Kislovodsk, he would still do his job, because a certain program was embedded in him, the specialist is sure.

Research by scientists in the last century has proven the existence of the so-called criminal personality. Unfortunately, there is a lot of evidence of this today. The investigation into the latest maniac to distinguish himself in the Stavropol region continues. We can only hope that he will be caught, and that no more innocent people and children will suffer at his hands. But what is even more important is that people with a penchant for criminal behavior and aggression find the strength, including with the help of others and doctors, to fight their inner demons.

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