The use of plant estrogens in the treatment of female diseases. plant estrogens

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    Often, doctors prescribe phytohormones for women with menopause. Menopause is a period through which all women go, but this condition manifests itself in different ways for everyone. The age of onset of menopause is also different, for someone menopause begins at 45, for someone at 53, it all depends on the characteristics of a particular organism. Menopause is a transitional state that may be accompanied by certain discomfort, manifested in the form of age-related disturbances in well-being, in “ebb and flow”, and this process proceeds uncontrollably for women.

    In this case, one cannot do without medications aimed at relieving the symptoms of this disorder, as well as utilizing unpleasant factors. This text material will discuss phytohormones in menopause.

    1 What are phytohormones and why are they needed?

    The term phytohormones refers to substances of plant nature, which include isoflavin components. By taking herbal remedies, it becomes possible for women to minimize the presence of unpleasant symptoms of menopause, eliminate insomnia, reduce sweating, nervous excitability and irritability, prevent a sharp change in mood, and increase efficiency.

    In the presence of climacteric syndrome, a special place is occupied by replacement therapy. Implementation of taking drugs Trisequen, Kliogest, Estroferm, Divina and many other hormonal agents of synthetic origin can be taken by women in whom the course of menopause is not associated with a painful syndrome.

    A range of drugs is contraindicated for breast cancer, thrombophilia, melanoma, autoimmune disorders, diseases of the liver, bile ducts. In addition to the above, hormonal preparations obtained synthetically are indicated for fibroids, endometriosis, pathological changes CCC.

    Upon reaching the age period of 50 years, the average age of menopause, most women acquire a whole "bouquet" of diseases in which the use of hormonal drugs obtained artificially is contraindicated. It is in such cases that taking phytohormones is an excellent solution and will help in experiencing the menopausal syndrome with maximum comfort.

      2 Most commonly prescribed remedies

      vegetable medicines, which include extracts of soy, cimicifuga and other active ingredients, are gaining wide popularity, which contributes to their constant demand among pharmacy visitors. To eliminate the symptoms of menopause, women are shown taking the following drugs:

      • Estarwol,
      • Klimadinon and many others.

      Restoration of the daily requirement for isoflovones helps to maintain youth and beauty for a rather long time period. By taking these drugs, the quantitative ratio of hot flashes and their frequency is reduced, including sleep is normalized, the process of aging and withering of the skin is significantly slowed down.

      It is necessary to take herbal hormonal preparations based on phytohormones for a long period of time. Do not harbor illusions about instant results when using hormonal drugs. Phytohormones are characterized by a mild effect in the case of systematic use contribute to long-term normalization of well-being.

      Before taking the drugs directly, you should visit a specialist, be examined and pass the necessary list of tests, as well as get advice and recommendations on getting rid of pathological neoplasms of the menopausal syndrome.

      Varicose veins - female "plague of the XXI century"

      We noticed that many of our regular readers complain about problems with VARICOSE. Read what phlebologist Semyonov VM says about this treatment of varicose veins. After carefully reviewing this method, we decided to recommend it to you!

      Phytohormones should not be taken on their own. Despite the fact that phytohormones have a minimal quantitative ratio of side effects on the body and are well tolerated, in certain situations their intake will be contraindicated.

      If the examination reveals uterine fibroids, taking phytohormonal preparations and hormones of a synthetic nature can lead to growth lymph nodes. What to do in this case for women who have a pathological course of menopausal syndrome, if replenishment of hormone deficiency is undesirable for them?

      Such women take drugs:

      • ephevelon,
      • Velaksin and others with a similar spectrum of effects.

      Antidepressants contribute to the normalization of the state of the vascular system and prevent hot flashes. The patients feel much better, their mood and emotional state return to normal, and their working capacity increases significantly.

Climax on herbs

Some call HRT (hormone replacement therapy) the elixir of youth, while others call it the most effective weapon in the fight against menopause. Still others - and more than 80% of them, having read horrors, prefer to endure the costs of aging, just not to deal with synthetic hormones.

Is there an alternative hormone replacement therapy , says Olga Belkevich, gynecologist medical center"HopeLine" (St. Petersburg)

- Olga Sergeevna, what is the root of the mass rejection of HRT?
- Usually women are biased towards HRT because of the fear of breast and uterine cancer. And their fears are justified to some extent, since latest research Americans show that taking HRT for more than five years is fraught with oncology. Some women have contraindications for hormone replacement therapy - these are diseases such as thrombophlebitis, diseases of the liver and biliary tract, rheumatism, hypertension, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction. In addition, it is extremely difficult for women who have been treated for thromboembolism, breast, ovarian, and uterus cancer to find hormone therapy for menopausal syndrome. In my practice, there were patients who, on the background of HRT, had side effects from certain drugs. In such situations, the doctor has to look for alternative methods of treating menopausal disorders caused by estrogen deficiency. One of them is the replacement of HRT with natural phytoestrogens and phytohormones.

What are phytoestrogens?
- These are natural substances that are part of plants, which, due to their structure similar to estradiol, can cause an estrogenic and (or) antiestrogenic effect. Legumes contain high concentrations of phytoestrogens, especially in soy, whole wheat grains, flax seeds, oats, rice, alfalfa, lentils, and a plant such as cimicifuga. Among vegetables and fruits, apples, carrots, pomegranates, dates, red grapes are in the lead. Perhaps the most honorable place among phytoestrogens is occupied by isoflavones - substances that have a hormone-like (estrogenic) effect.
Once in the human body, isoflavones act selectively, showing both estrogenic and anti-estrogenic activity, depending on the amount of estrogens (female hormones) contained in the blood. At the same time, unlike synthetic estrogens, they do not side effects on the body. Isoflavones help lower cholesterol levels, have antioxidant properties, help fight atherosclerotic plaques and the formation of blood clots. Relieve the symptoms of menopause (hot flashes, irritability, spontaneous sweating), help lower blood pressure, strengthen the cardiovascular and nervous systems, reduce the risk of developing coronary disease hearts, have a positive effect on bone mineral density, protect against bone loss associated with age-related hormonal changes. They bind free radicals, increase the activity of antioxidant enzymes in the body. Phytoestrogens are known to reduce the risk of breast and colon cancer.
Phytohormones (plant hormones) are substances that act due to their isoflavin structure. They have a positive effect on the typical symptoms of menopausal syndrome: hot flashes, insomnia, sweating, nervousness. And also improve the appearance of a woman, stopping skin aging. Phytohormones are found in plants such as raponticin, melbrosia. Raponticin reduces the manifestations of menopausal syndrome. In Melbrosia, in addition to proteins and lipids, there are flavonoids that have therapeutic effect with urinary incontinence.

– How can herbs compete with high-tech chemistry?
- Phytohormones and phytoestrogens are quite powerful means for the treatment of menopausal symptoms and are practically not inferior to synthetic hormones. As dietary supplements, they are used to prevent osteoporosis and breast cancer. For example, unlike real estrogens, phytoestrogens do not stimulate, but inhibit the growth of hormone-dependent tumors. But the process of treatment with herbal preparations is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

- But after all, phytohormones are sold freely in a pharmacy, without a doctor's prescription, so any woman, after reading the instructions, can start treatment without first consulting a gynecologist?
- The doctor, before consulting, will send the woman to donate blood for hormones and only according to the results of the analysis will prescribe one or another herbal or homeopathic preparation. And drink at random even vitamin- mineral complexes it is forbidden. How does a woman know if she has a deficiency of calcium, vitamin E or not? And which hormones does she need? Indeed, in addition to plant sources of estrogen, there are also natural substances containing progesterone. They are known not so long ago, but are actively used, including to eliminate menopausal symptoms. These are preparations based on Mexican yam. Wild yam contains diosgenin, an analogue of the natural hormone progesterone. Its reception heals the vessels and the genitourinary system. It helps to normalize blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood, with prolonged use it helps the absorption of calcium by bone tissue. In the body, estrogens are balanced by progesterone. Imbalance can lead to endometrial hyperplasia (thickening of the walls of the uterus), and in the future - to the occurrence of a cancerous tumor.

- What is the indication for starting phytohormones. Many women are convinced that phytohormones and phytoestrogens can be used almost from the age of 30.
- The indications are as follows: early cessation of menstruation (up to 45 years). Artificial menopause due to removal of the ovaries or X-ray and radiotherapy. Severe menopausal symptoms (hot flashes, sudden pressure surges) that occurred before menopause. Disorders of the genitourinary system. Presence of risk factors for osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. Hypertension, diabetes. Infertility. Diseases in which HRT is contraindicated. In addition to these main indications, there are additional ones: smoking, physical inactivity, alcohol and caffeine abuse.

- One of the arguments of doctors who oppose phytohormones is: "Unlike synthetic hormones, phytopreparations are produced without indication of doses, so it is impossible to choose them individually for each woman."
- Many preparations containing phytohormones are marked 40+, 45+, 50+, "menopause", which indicate the woman's age and the amount of herbal extract required for it. The level of hormones in the blood will show which drug to start with. If 40+ does not help, then you need to take a more powerful drug - 45+. But this is not decided by the patient herself, but by her attending physician. At the beginning of treatment, every three months you will have to donate blood for hormones in order to observe the process in dynamics. Sometimes it happens that after three to five months the body gets used to the drug and you need to look for another dietary supplement. Clinical trials show that the therapeutic effect of 80 mg/day of a preparation of Cimicifuga extract is equal to the effect of the recommended dose of synthetic estrogens, equal to 0.625 -1.25 mg/day. The effectiveness of a daily dose of 40 mg of a herbal preparation is considered sufficient for the treatment of menopausal complaints. Long-term therapy is required, at least 3 to 6 months (usually without the addition of progestogens). Phytohormones should be taken at the same time, preferably in the morning. If HRT begins to act already on the 3rd - 4th day of admission, then the positive effect of phytohormones occurs after one to two weeks.

- Are overdoses possible?
- Yes, if a woman is self-medicating. But they are not lethal. After all, Asian women who consume soy in large quantities live and feel great. By the way, they do not suffer from menopausal syndromes to the same extent as Europeans, and cancer they have much less. The only disadvantage of phytohormones is that some plants can cause allergies.

- The second argument against plant hormones is that dietary supplements - since they are not drugs - do not pass multi-level clinical trials, and therefore they cannot be trusted.
- Any drug, synthetic or natural, carries a certain risk. What you choose depends on your taste. If you are offered ascorbic acid or fresh cabbage salad (which has more vitamin C than lemons), which would you prefer? I'll eat the salad myself. And then who told you that research on phytohormones is not being conducted? And not only abroad, but also in our country. I am sure that the future belongs to phytohormones. After all, they can be used not only when menopause has come, but also prophylactically (few people know that the level of female hormones in the blood begins to decline from the age of 30). Therefore, I advise you to start taking phytohormones and estrogen in advance, without waiting for the symptoms of menopause. The optimal age is 40 years.

Diet for premenopausal women
– I recommend it to all women, starting from 30 years old. The food should be dominated by unsaturated fatty acids, a lot of coarse fiber foods, green tea, a lot of soy, which contains phytoestrogens in large quantities. In Asia, soy products are traditional: tofu (bean curd), soy milk, miso (a product made from soy and grains subjected to a complex and long fermentation process, it is put in soup instead of salt). With the soy diet, many scientists attribute the fact that in Japan, for example, the incidence of cancer is much lower than in Europe and the States. reproductive organs in women, colon cancer, and cardiovascular disease.
For those intolerant of soy, I suggest eating white flax powder and seaweed (fucus, kelp) instead of salt. Do not forget about vitamin therapy. Antioxidants (vitamins C, E) improve the condition of blood vessels and gently lower blood pressure, prevent oncogenesis, and are safe at any age.
B vitamins protect against atherosclerosis at the cellular level.
In adulthood, a woman needs to take mineral complexes with a high content of iron and silicon. Seaweed (vegetable source of iodine) is necessary for the endocrine and reproductive sphere.
It is important to remember that against the background of a deficiency of sex hormones, calcium is not absorbed, so women of mature age need hormone therapy so much. And it is better to drink calcium at night, because it is absorbed during sleep.

Are you fundamentally against HRT?
I am not against HRT. My tactic is this: since HRT can be used for no more than five years, it is better to postpone it until the onset of menopause (when menstruation finally stops). And until that moment, drink phytohormones, which do an excellent job with the initial symptoms of menopause. Studies show that prevention can last more than 10 years. – Does acupuncture help with hot flashes, night sweats and insomnia? And can it be considered an alternative to HRT?
- It is forbidden. If the body no longer produces female hormones in sufficient quantities, then at least stick needles all over from head to toe, there will be no sense. Acupuncture helps many to cope with insomnia, nervousness, it is a good relaxing remedy, but acupuncture is not able to cope with menopausal syndrome. Homeopathic remedies can serve as an alternative. Sometimes they are used in combination with HRT. The fact is that against the background of HRT, 20-25% of women may experience breast engorgement, especially in the first three months of taking it, and in such situations I prescribe a homeopathic preparation for them in parallel for three or more months, which removes the side effect. Phytoestrogens, phytohormones and homeopathic remedies are sometimes the only hope for women who have contraindications for HRT. In addition, all these techniques play an important role in the prevention and treatment of many diseases that have developed in menopause, especially in women with breast and genital cancer.

Who among us does not want to live long in good health and remain young and beautiful? Of course everything! But for this you need to lead the right way of life, respect your body, eating natural clean food. It would seem that these are the most important conditions. But no! Our body simply needs phytohormones, or phytoestrogens, natural hormones.

Phytohormones for the human body

Yes, and in the press, information began to appear more and more often about how phytohormones literally revive our body. They have a beneficial effect on our hair, on the condition of the skin, eliminating both dryness and sagging. In a word - phytoestrogens, like rejuvenating apples, prolong youth.

Just look at what phytohormones are capable of.

  • Neutralize the harmful effects of androgens. This is especially needed by our skin, hair follicles, because estrogens are successfully used in the treatment of seborrhea and acne.
  • Help internal organs get rid of diseases and their development. For example, these are excellent preventions for the heart and vascular system. Estrogens will prevent Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis and other severe degenerative lesions.
  • Phytohormones are a natural defense for the female body. Estrogens have found their application in cosmetology and are considered a new weapon in aesthetic medicine.

Plants - that's what helps a person to recover from various ailments. They maintain energy and vigor in it, prolong youth and give longevity. Some of them contain chemicals - analogues of human hormones. These are phytohormones.

Over the years, our hormonal system dries up, loses activity, produces less and less hormones, and here phytosubstitutes can come to the aid of the body.

The connection of phytohormones with the human body and their positive effects are undeniable. For example, Eastern women differ from American women in that they are less likely to be attacked by oncological diseases (breast cancer), they do not often have heart problems, and look youthful and energetic until old age. And most importantly, menopause is easier to tolerate. And all why? Because in their diet there is soy and products from it. The body of eastern women in China and Japan is simply saturated with phytoestrogens.

Phytohormones from plants

Who does not know a real healer in folk medicine Father Clover? But he is a storehouse of active estrogens and can normalize the work of the female genitourinary system:

  • eliminate dryness;
  • remove unpleasant burning sensation;
  • will help to relieve the unpleasant sensation when urinating;
  • deal with urinary incontinence.

Thanks to clover phytostrogens, you will more easily endure menopause. It will pacify the developing atherosclerosis and osteoporosis. Prepare yourself a clover drink enriched with phytohormones.

Pour red clover heads (1 tsp) with boiling water (1 cup) and leave for half an hour. 30 minutes before meals, drink half a glass of infusion. So 40 days. A month break, and repeat this treatment again.

Phytoestrogens without side effects

Unlike synthetic hormones, phytohormones affect our body without causing side effects. They, as biological and active substances, will restore female sexual function, will be able to normalize its hormonal status.

Phytohormones are four groups of estrogens:

  • lignans;
  • coumestans;
  • flavones;
  • isoflavones.

Today, more than ever, a woman's body is attacked by pseudo (eco) estrogens. They are found in many things and even in food. It is time to sound the alarm and turn to phytohormones for help so that the hormonal balance is not disturbed, oncology does not develop, and the reproductive function is not lost in both women and men.

Where and in what are eco-estrogens found? In plastic products from petroleum products: dishes, detergents, cosmetics, pesticides (meaning in vegetables and fruits).

Plant phytohormones give beauty and health

Having health in the body, you can achieve its beauty. Or rather, beauty is a healthy body. It is very important for a person that his body has a sufficient amount of the necessary hormones. If they are not enough, no cosmetics and cosmetology products will help here.

Beauty from phytohormones

Get phytoestrogens from Rowan red. All you need to do is add its berries to teas. But your body will begin to heal, delight with its natural beauty without fading and treacherous wrinkles on the skin.

Dried rowan fruits should be added to compotes and jelly. Very tasty and healthy. From them you can make a drink rich in phytohormones.

Cook compote from dried rowan fruits, or prepare such a drink: take half a glass of rowan berries and pour them with boiling water (1 l.). We insist all night. Drink throughout the day until the infusion is over. Alternate rowan with clover.

The end of summer and the beginning of autumn days will help to prepare berries and herbs saturated with phytoestrogens.

Phytohormones will help not to notice menopause

And it is. Plants, with their rich content of phytoestrogens, are a lifeline for women. Thanks to estrogens, the unpleasant feeling from hot flashes, which drive many to "madness", is reduced. Moreover, plant estrogens will significantly delay the onset of menopause.

Birch leaves are rich in isoflavones, they are necessary for the extinction of the reproductive function, alleviate the symptoms of impending menopause.

Let's make an infusion of very useful leaves birch. Dry them in the sun and fill them with alcohol (1:4). After 2 months, the alcohol phytohormonal tincture will be ready. Take only before meals and only a tablespoon.

There are a lot of phytoestrogens in elderberries, which are insisted and drunk with tea, compote, jelly. It is good to add it to baths and take it to strengthen the heart. Such procedures and slags will help to remove. There are many such medicinal plants, and they should become our first helpers.

More recipes

  • Pour oil of three plants into a glass container: flax, soybean, sunflower (1:1:1) and simply add a spoonful to all dishes. This will help both products to be absorbed and saturate the body with phytohormones.
  • Pour a teaspoon of roots or leaves of hazel with half a liter of boiling water. We insist half an hour. We drink only before meals and 100 gram glass. This recipe is good for men in the treatment of the prostate gland, as well as the prevention of adenoma.
  • Nettle will also help men with its phytoestrogens. Dig up its roots, dry, grind and brew in half a liter of water. Let's brew for half an hour. We take only before meals and 150 gram glass. You can make hazel-nettle infusions.
  • Everyone is useful infusion from a plant of the legume family - sainfoin. Pour half a liter of boiling water over one spoonful of this raw material and leave for 30 minutes. We take only before meals and 150 gram glass. Thanks to the estrogens contained in sainfoin, the body begins to actively rejuvenate in all respects. And this plant is exciting.

In everything there is a measure

You need to know and remember that plants and the means of them must be treated very carefully. Be sure to consult your doctor before using them. If an excess of phytoestrogens occurs in the body, they will become our enemies, for example, they will provoke oncology.

Every woman is destined to face menopause sooner or later. Some calmly endure this period, others suffer from numerous uncomfortable sensations. Phytoestrogens in menopause help to improve well-being and prevent the manifestation of negative symptoms.

What are phytohormones?

The normal functioning of the whole organism largely depends on the concentration of hormones. Some of them are formed in the ovaries: progesterone and estrogen. Over time, their number decreases, provoking disruptions in work. of cardio-vascular system, exacerbation of nervous disorders, changes in the menstrual cycle.

Phytohormones are natural substances that are of plant origin. These components do not have an estrogenic effect, therefore they act on bioflavins and proteins, due to the isoflavin structure. As a result, there is a decrease in the intensity of menopause symptoms.

Phytoestrogens- These are substances that are part of many plants. They are similar in structure and composition to female hormones, have estrogenic as well as antiestrogenic effects.

Phytoestrogens are less effective than human hormones, so when replacing therapy they are only beneficial for minor menopausal symptoms. Plant matter has many benefits:

  • Strengthening the protective functions of the body;
  • Reducing discomfort;
  • Beneficial effect on the work of the heart;
  • Prevention of nervous disorders and depression;
  • Improving sleep and normalizing blood pressure;
  • Slowing down the external manifestations of the aging process.

To replenish the required level of hormones are used medications that contain phytoestrogens. Products with these substances in the composition are characterized by a more gentle effect, but to achieve the desired result, they will have to be used for a long time.

Products containing estrogens are useful for women

To reduce menopausal symptoms, experts prescribe medications to patients, and also recommend replenishing the daily diet with food that activates the natural production of the hormone. The list of such products includes:

Enriched with isoflavones, in particular daidzein and genistein, and its sprouts with glycitein.


Beans, peas, lentils and beans are practically not inferior to soy in terms of the amount of phytoestrogens.

Milk and products made from it: cheese, cottage cheese, kefir.

Natural hormones get into them from the herbs that cows eat.

Sunflower and cereals.

Particularly high concentration useful substances in immature spikes.


All varieties of cabbage, asparagus, garlic, carrots, celery saturate the menu with phytoestrogens.

Vegetable oils.

Sunflower, linseed, olive, sesame, soybean and other types of oils replenish the reserves of flavones and flavonoids in the human body.


The inflorescences and berries of this plant contain flavones. Useful composition hawthorn has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart and circulatory system.

Almost all herbs contain phytoestrogens. The most useful are alfalfa, flaxseeds, licorice, yarrow, sage, elecampane, shepherd's purse and others. The use of these plants relieves hot flashes, and also normalizes hormonal background.

Infusions are prepared like regular tea. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. dried herbs and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Reception is carried out throughout the day, at any suitable time. To enhance the therapeutic effect of these plants, you can additionally prepare baths.

Preparations with phytohormones

Medicines that are based on medicinal herbs, help to alleviate the condition of women during menopause. Drugs should be prescribed only by a qualified specialist. They are not suitable for preventive purposes. The most popular phytoestrogen medications include:


The composition of the drops includes an extract from cimicifuga, which is intended for women suffering from increased nervousness. The plant has a beneficial effect on nervous system, reduces the manifestation of mental disorders, eliminates sleep disorders. The effect of the drug occurs after the first week of administration.


Restores hormonal balance, relieves migraines and headaches, prevents an increase in blood pressure and dizziness. Remens contains cimicifuga extract. It can be used for a long time, because addiction to the drug does not develop.


Capsules reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes. The dietary supplement contains red clover extract, which is similar in structure to female hormones.


Produced from soybean extract. Helps to get rid of excessive sweating, frequent heartbeat, and hot flashes. The main advantage of the drug is the almost complete absence of side effects and contraindications.


Tablets in most cases are prescribed to patients with diseases of the vascular system, as well as for mental disorders. Helps to get rid of headaches, migraines, nervousness and other negative symptoms of menopause.

The medicine should be taken with extreme caution by women prone to allergic reactions.


Available in the form of a patch. Helps to get rid of frequent hot flashes, depression, irritability, sudden mood swings.

Preparations that contain phytoestrogens have the following side effects:

  • Increase in body weight;
  • Allergy;
  • Bloody issues;
  • Violation of the functioning of the liver;
  • Digestive disorder.
Often, the listed negative consequences appear when the recommended dosage is not observed and the intake is violated. Some effects occur with prolonged use. If you notice the slightest change in your health, you should consult a doctor.

Phytohormones in menopause improve well-being and mood, keep the body in good shape and have a positive effect on appearance. With them, the functioning of the mucous membranes is normalized, the quality of sexual life improves.

During menopause and menopause, many women experience unpleasant sensations of a different nature - hot flashes and other signs of impaired vascular motility. To alleviate the patient's condition and correct the hormonal background, the doctor prescribes effective herbal remedies.

Why do we need non-hormonal drugs for menopause

Every woman's menopause begins at different times - this is due to the individual characteristics of the body. Changes in the work of the genital organs begin, as a rule, after 30 years or later. When the body begins the process of restructuring, unpleasant symptoms appear that affect the female mood and general well-being.

The climax can last from several to 10 years. So that during this time a woman can lead a normal life and feel attractive, experts recommend taking herbal preparations that alleviate the patient's condition. In addition to the use of tablets, women should use local remedies such as gels and suppositories to moisturize the vagina. The gynecologist selects a therapeutic support complex for each patient individually. It usually includes menopausal medications and vitamin complexes.

You should not choose phytohormones for menopause on your own, since each organism has its own characteristics, and some drugs can harm health. In addition, in certain cases, phytoestrogens are powerless, so the patient may be prescribed hormonal treatment. Before prescribing a suitable herbal preparation for menopause, the doctor assesses the condition of the woman, conducts the necessary examinations.

Who shows phytoestrogens with menopause

Herbal preparations, unlike hormones, rarely give side effects. Phytoestrogens are more likely to belong to the group of dietary supplements than to medicines they do no harm female body, therefore, are more preferable for the treatment of menopausal symptoms. However, in a serious condition of the patient, artificial estrogens are indispensable.

Herbal medicines help with disorders of the vegetative-vascular system, during menopause, reduce sweating, eliminate emotional instability, and help improve sleep. In addition, these drugs normalize arterial pressure. Indications for taking drugs with phytoestrogens are:

  • early menopause (before age 45);
  • diabetes;
  • prolonged periods without menstruation childbearing age;
  • hypertension;
  • late onset of menstruation (at age 16 or later);
  • the presence of disorders of the genitourinary system;
  • vascular symptoms menopause before menopause;
  • artificial cessation of menstruation (due to removal of the ovaries, radiotherapy, etc.);
  • the presence of risks of osteoporosis or pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

In addition, herbal preparations can be prescribed by a doctor for:

  • physical inactivity;
  • anorexia or underweight;
  • patient's abuse of caffeine/alcohol;
  • excessive consumption of meat products;
  • intolerance to dairy products;
  • infertility.

Side effects and contraindications

Like any group of medicines, herbal preparations for menopause can cause certain adverse reactions of the body. These negative effects include:

  • nausea;
  • yellowing of the skin, whites of the eyes;
  • vomit;
  • weakness;
  • soreness localized in the peritoneum or chest;
  • lack of appetite;
  • weight gain;
  • the acquisition of urine of a dark shade.

These symptoms may indicate that drugs with cimicifuga in menopause negatively affect the liver. It is not allowed to use phytohormones for estrogen-dependent types of neoplasms - ovarian cystoma, breast cancer. List of other contraindications to the use of herbal medicines:

  • you can not take funds with an extract of cimicifuga for those who have lactose intolerance;
  • patients with alcoholism should not use Klimandion and other medicines containing alcohol;
  • it is not recommended to be treated with phytoestrogens in the presence of diseases of the brain, liver, as well as patients with epilepsy;
  • pregnancy and lactation are also contraindications to taking such drugs;
  • it is forbidden to use herbal medicines for allergies to any of their components.

How do herbal remedies work with menopause

Herbal preparations for menopause have an estrogen-like effect, which is directed to the hypothalamus. At the same time, the production of certain hormones is reduced, as a result of which the amount of formation of luteinizing substance in the pituitary gland decreases. The result of this is the normalization of the woman's condition due to the fact that the consequences of hormone deficiency in the body are smoothed out. To a greater extent, this is manifested in a decrease in the intensity of vegetative reactions - hot flashes and others.

Phytopreparations, which are prescribed during menopause, have a slight sedative effect, improve the work of the autonomic nervous system that regulates the functioning of organs. Subsequently, unpleasant menopausal symptoms weaken or disappear altogether. This group of drugs has a slight diuretic effect, relaxes the muscles of the intestine and stimulates the digestive glands. In addition, drugs with phytoestrogens have anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. The therapeutic effect occurs after 14 days of taking the drugs.

Admission rules

Before starting treatment with herbal preparations, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist and undergo an examination. Self-administration of phytoestrogens is prohibited: despite the fact that such drugs rarely show side effects, in some cases their use is contraindicated. Herbal and homeopathic remedies for menopause should be drunk under the supervision of a doctor.

In addition to long-term use of drugs, doctors recommend that women stimulate the production of their own hormone by introducing into the diet:

  • seafood;
  • liver, kidneys;
  • potato;
  • sprouted wheat grains;
  • bran.


Herbal preparations that are prescribed to women to alleviate the menopause, in addition to phytoestrogens, include vitamins and homeopathic substances. The therapeutic course with the use of such medications lasts at least 3 months. The choice of the appropriate drug and the establishment of the dosage is carried out by the gynecologist for each individual patient individually.

What phytohormones are better for menopause

Listed below are the most effective drugs of plant origin, which are prescribed by doctors for the pathological course of menopause. It is not recommended to take them as a preventive measure. Effective medicines based on phytoestrogens include:

  1. Climandion. The drops contain cimicifuga extract and have positive action on the female autonomic nervous system. The herbal preparation helps to eliminate mental disorders which cause irritability and insomnia. Klimandion with menopause relieves unpleasant symptoms during the first week of treatment.
  2. Remens. The medicine restores hormonal homeostasis, eliminates migraines, dizziness, heart palpitations, hot flashes. Like Climandion Remens contains cimicifuga extract, the herbal preparation is not addictive even with prolonged treatment.
  3. Feminal. Belongs to the group of dietary supplements, helps to reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes that occur in women during menopause. The tool includes an extract of red clover, which is similar in composition to female hormones.
  4. Inoklim. The basis of the drug is an extract of soybeans. Inoklim helps fight frequent hot flashes, excessive sweating, attacks of heart palpitations. The drug has practically no contraindications or adverse reactions.
  5. Climaxan. Doctors recommend taking this drug for mental disorders and problems with the vegetative-vascular system. Climaxan is effective for migraines, hot flashes, irritability and others. unpleasant symptoms accompanying menopause. With caution, it is worth using herbal medicine for those who are prone to allergic reactions.


Phytohormones are sold without a prescription, they can be purchased at a specialized point of sale in the city or bought at an online pharmacy. If you wish, when making a purchase online, you can order targeted delivery of the drug, but this will affect the price of the parcel. There are a lot of inexpensive and expensive herbal medicines designed to be taken with menopause. Approximate cost of some popular medicines:

  • price at Menoforce - up to 4000 rubles;
  • the price of Estrovel is about 500 rubles;
  • the price of Evalar Tsi-Klim is 280-350 rubles;
  • the price of Femicaps is 1800-2500 rubles.

Herbs for menopausal hot flashes

lighten general state women, eliminate hot flashes, normalize hormonal levels will help herbal preparations with climax. Easy to prepare: 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water and taken in the form of tea during the day. An excellent therapeutic effect is given by plants containing phytoestrogens, which can not only be drunk, but also used to prepare baths. The most effective medicinal herbs for menopause:

  • mint;
  • sage;
  • red brush;
  • primrose (preferably evening);
  • raspberry leaves;
  • motherwort;
  • hop;
  • cymifuga;
  • alfalfa;
  • clover;
  • sagebrush;
  • boron uterus;
  • burdock;
  • shepherd's bag.


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