How to speed up your metabolism. How to speed up the metabolism in the body and lose weight at home

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

High level metabolism is the dream of all those who follow their figure, just like a white-toothed Hollywood smile is the dream of all beauties. It depends on several factors. Some people inherit a fast metabolism. Men tend to burn more calories than women, even while resting.

And for most people, metabolism slows down after age 40. And while we can't control our age, gender, or genetics, there are other ways to improve our metabolism. Below are 10 such ways.

1. Build muscle

Our body is constantly burning calories, even when we are not doing anything. But the metabolism is much higher in people with more developed muscles. Each pound of muscle mass uses about 6 calories per day just to support itself, and each pound of fat only uses 4 calories per day. This small difference adds up over time to an impressive result. In addition, after strength training, muscles significantly increase the average daily metabolic rate.

2. Aerobics, brisk walking

Both allow you to increase and maintain a high metabolic rate for several hours after training. The intensity of the exercise contributes to this: to reap the benefits, try a more vigorous workshop in gym or include short bursts of running during your regular walk.

3. Water as fuel

The body needs water to process calories. If he's even slightly dehydrated, his metabolism can slow down. To stay hydrated, drink a glass of water or another unsweetened beverage before every meal. Also, try to chew not salty pretzels and chips, but fresh fruits and vegetables full of juice.

4. Drinks with ice

Cold and iced drinks help the body burn more calories during digestion. Studies show that five to six glasses of these drinks can burn up to 10 extra calories a day. This, of course, is not so much, but in total it adds up to a kilogram of weight per year - without any diets.

5. Eat More Often

When we eat infrequently, we actually slow down our metabolism, accustom it to "work at low speeds." If you eat every 3-4 hours, the metabolism has to be more active, as a result of which more calories are burned. Properly organized snacks are also helpful.

6. Spicy food

Spicy foods contain chemicals that are excellent for boosting your metabolism. Dry red and green chili powder added to a meal will increase your metabolism. The effect is temporary, but if you eat spicy food often, the benefits can be summed up. For rapid rise metabolism, nutritionists advise stew with chili flakes or, which can be added to many dishes.

7. Protein food

The body burns many more calories when it is asked to digest proteins, sometimes 25% more than when fats or carbohydrates are to be digested. This is one reason for the effectiveness. Healthy sources of protein include lean beef, turkey, fish, white chicken, nuts, soy, beans, eggs, and low-fat dairy products.

8. Black coffee

In moderation, this drink activates the metabolism. It is no coincidence that coffee is part of many diets.

9. Green tea

Both individually and in combination, they increase metabolism for several hours. Studies have convincingly shown that 3-4 cups of tea can push the body to burn 17% more calories.

10. Avoid Extreme Diets

Extreme diets are diets that include less than 1000 calories per day, which is detrimental to metabolic rate. While these diets can help you lose weight, weight loss comes from muscle, not fat. By reducing muscle mass, we slow down the metabolism. end result is that your very thin figure begins to burn much fewer calories than it should and can, and therefore quickly gains weight, moreover, more than it was before the diet.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


In many cases, the cause of excess weight in a person is a weak metabolism. During this process, the food that enters the body is split into elements, energy is produced from it for our life. If the speed of food processing is low, then part of it remains as a fatty layer. In such cases, the question becomes, how to speed up the metabolism for weight loss? There is a special diet for this, recommendations for lifestyle changes, the use of vitamins, drugs and herbs.

How to speed up the metabolism in the body for weight loss

The reason for the slowdown in metabolism in the body are different reasons, but experts have developed a number of recommendations on how to speed up the metabolism. It is important to increase physical activity, regular workouts, which are designed to enhance the fat burning process. Moreover, it is desirable to increase the overall muscle mass, because it takes more calories to maintain and nourish it than to fat. The more voluminous the muscles, the more calories will be spent during any physical activity, which speeds up the metabolism.

Be sure to get enough sleep, good sleep increases the production of growth hormone, it affects the metabolic rate. During the deep phase of sleep, brain cells are restored, which affects the acceleration of metabolism. The sun and fresh air are good for the body, have a positive effect on it, so try to go outside more often. Do not forget to drink more water, you need to consume at least 2 liters of non-carbonated liquid.

To improve metabolism and lose weight, avoid stressful situations, they provoke the release of fatty acids and their further settling as a fat layer. Great for strengthening the body's nervous system cold and hot shower. You should not starve, to speed up the metabolism of meals, there should be 4-5 meals a day with an interval of 3-4 hours, the main condition is to control portions, they should be small. Read more about some of the ways to speed up your metabolism for weight loss below.

Metabolism accelerating foods

What foods speed up metabolism




Increases the efficiency of digestion due to a special enzyme in the composition, which speeds up the metabolism

This product is able to lower blood glucose, it helps to increase metabolism and produce energy from body fat.

Red pepper

Contains the element capsaicin, which speeds up metabolism, fat burning

Caffeine is a mild stimulant that, when consumed 3 cups a day, speeds up metabolism by 5%.

Green tea

Also contains caffeine, catechins, which increase the level of thermogenesis, which stimulates the burning of calories.

With a low-calorie diet, this product does not slow down the metabolism. Helps stop storing and start converting body fat into energy

Medications that improve metabolism

In addition to diets and individual products, the acceleration of metabolism can be achieved using drugs of various origins: vitamins, herbal infusions, medicines. All of them pursue the same goal, but have their own positive and negative sides. For example, Chinese magnolia vine, ginseng, pink radiola, echinacea purpurea are used to normalize metabolism - all these products have a plant basis. Other options for drugs to speed up metabolism are described below.


  1. L-thyroxine - enhances the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  2. Hormones (for example, chromium).
  3. Stimulants (caffeine).
  4. Anabolic steroids are often used by bodybuilders to increase muscle mass.

All these drugs of synthetic origin speed up the metabolism in the body, they should be taken only after the approval of a doctor. TO side effects stimulants include narcotic addiction, anabolics - disrupt the hormonal background, L-thyroxine causes hyperthyroidism, followed by tachycardia, insomnia, and increased irritability. If there is an opportunity to disperse the metabolism for weight loss in other ways, be sure to use it.


You can improve the metabolism in the body by using B vitamins. Studies have shown that thiamine from B1 vitamin and niacin from B3 help to improve metabolism. You can determine the deficiency of these substances in the body by the following manifestations: muscle function, lethargy, fast fatiguability, an increase in disorders of the nervous system. These processes directly affect the metabolic rate.

  • Medicinal asparagus. For 0.5 liters of boiling water, take 60 g of chopped asparagus roots, make a slow fire and let it boil for 15 minutes. Infuse the remedy for 45 minutes, strain. To speed up metabolism, use one tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  • Dandelion infusion. Take st. l. leaves of this flower, pour boiling water, let it brew for 60 minutes. Taking 1/3 cup three times a day before meals will speed up your metabolism.
  • Walnut leaves. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over 10 g of dry leaves. Boil over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Consume 3 times a day, one tablespoon to speed up metabolism.
  • Chicory ordinary. In a glass of hot water, dissolve 2 tbsp. l. facilities. Boil on low heat for 20 minutes. Let it brew for 25 minutes. Strain through a strainer, drink 0.5 mug 3 times a day to speed up metabolism.

Diet to speed up metabolism


Snack 1

Snack 2

Oatmeal with honey, banana

1 baked apple

Beef or chicken breast, tomatoes with lettuce

Chicken and barley

Rice porridge, pear

1 baked apple

Pearl soup, chicken

Half a banana, 3 kiwis

Rice and seafood

Omelet without yolks, vegetables

Chicken 80-100 g

Tuna in own juice, cucumber and tomato salad

Chicken 80-100 g

Meat 150-200 g, greens

Vegetable salad, ham

Chicken 80-100 g

Boiled potatoes, chicken

Ham 30 g

Chicken and kale salad with peas

3 eggs, millet porridge with honey and butter

Cucumber salad

Steamed vegetables, meat

Chickpea salad, avocado

buttered toast, fresh berries

Nuts 10 pcs.

Sandwich with cheese, salmon

half an avocado

Rolls. Wrap avocado, chicken, tomato and cucumber in pita bread

Half a banana, fried with egg on toast

1 baked apple

Rice (4 tablespoons) 300 g fish


Baked meat in a pot with vegetables

How to improve digestion

  1. Food should be chewed thoroughly to speed up metabolism. Splitting is bad, if food enters the stomach in large pieces, the metabolism slows down. To lose weight, food must be digested quickly.
  2. For a day there should be 5-12 meals in small portions, which will speed up the metabolism.
  3. Don't drink water while eating. It weakens the action of gastric juice, impairs the process of assimilation of food, reduces metabolism.
  4. If you find it difficult to force yourself to eat in the morning, do a 10-minute exercise. This will help start the necessary processes in the body. The regularity of such training will speed up the metabolism, teach digestive system work in the morning.
  5. Don't overeat. Do not confuse frequent, but fractional meals with gluttony. Those who are looking for options on how to speed up their metabolism for weight loss enjoy frequent snacking, but do not be zealous and stuff your stomach.

You can’t speed up your metabolism - you can learn to spend more calories

People are ready to invent any fantastic stories, just not to count calories. Metabolism - in a simplified form, is primarily the consumption and expenditure of calories by you.

There are no magicians with a very fast or very slow metabolism.

There is a misconception that different people food is digested in different ways: one ate a bun and it was deposited in fat, the other burned out in his “fast metabolism” (aka metabolism).

Leading Russian-speaking fitness expert Sergey Strukov (like many scientists before him). Yes, different people digest different foods to varying degrees, but firstly, each one digests them better, others worse, and the average temperature in the hospital must be calculated, and secondly, the difference is so insignificant that it should be discussed seriously and taken into account. The calculations just don't make sense.

To put it simply: there are no people with a high and low (or slow and fast) metabolic rate (it is about the same and depends on lifestyle, weight, genetics, etc.), there are people who consume and spend more or less calories.

You can’t speed up your metabolism (metabolism) - you can just burn more calories

Before proceeding to the main part of the material, we note that metabolism is such a thing that we cannot influence, because the rate of metabolic processes depends mainly on the amount of thyroid hormone production in our body. thyroid gland, and also, as already noted, on gender, age, etc.

The methods below are just some of the tools that will help you increase your energy (calorie) expenditure. That is, when reading metabolism (metabolism), you need to understand that it simply means ways to spend extra calories.

1. Do strength training

Your body burns calories all the time, even when you're lying on the couch. But more calories are burned by those of us who have more muscle due to their metabolic activity. Each extra kilogram of muscle, simply due to its existence, burns you an extra 13 kcal / day. This is not as much as it seems, but still, even at rest, the extra 10 kg of muscle on the body (for example, instead of 10 kg of fat) will burn you an extra hundred kcal per day. And when muscles work, they also give you an extra boost in calorie expenditure.

In fact, researchers from the University of Maryland once again proved that strength training increases calorie expenditure after exercise, at rest. They are also supported by scientists from Greece, who have found that intense strength training can burn your calories up to 48 hours after a workout - and this is not only about the volume of muscles and the cost of their existence at rest, but about the additional energy expenditure of the body after training. .

2. Do high-intensity interval cardio (HIIT)

Scientists prove that intense exercise "burns out" your calories after a workout. Depending on the type of load after a workout, the body spends an additional 5-15% on average of the calories burned during the workout itself. Moreover, the more intensively you exercised, the greater part of the calorie expenditure will occur after training, during recovery. For example, in 10-12 seconds when running 100 meters, the athlete manages to consume only a small fraction of the necessary oxygen and consumes the bulk of it (and spends calories) after the race. A similar analogy can be drawn with cardio and strength training.

Back in 1996, experts from the Baylor College of Medicine in their experiment found that high-intensity interval cardio burns more calories over a 24-hour period than long-term cardio at a moderate pace.

In 2007, researchers from the University of Florida supported their colleagues by reporting at the annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine that, compared with long-term cardio at a moderate pace, high-intensity interval cardio allows you to spend 10% more during the 24 hours after the end of training.

Bottom line: High-intensity interval cardio, for example, burns more calories by post-workout burnout compared to low-intensity cardio. Similarly, strength training “burns out” calories already during recovery.

3. Eat enough protein

From point No. 1 it follows that when doing strength training in order to increase muscle (we know that the more muscles, the more calories our body spends due to their energy “voracity”), it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of protein, which is the main building material for muscle tissue.

In addition, protein foods have a thermal effect, that is, the body spends more energy on its breakdown than on the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats.

Experts from the Department of Nutrition at the Boston Harvard School in their review emphasize the importance of consuming enough protein precisely because of the additional thermal effect that protein food provides. This position is shared by the Dutch experts from the University of Maastricht. They note that high protein intake improves the metabolic profile.

Conclusion: our body burns more calories to digest protein foods.

4. Stay away from hunger strikes and emergency diets

Starvation and diets that involve extremely low calorie intake lead to even more reduction in the calorie intake (due to the body burning muscle), driving people into a vicious circle of decreasing calorie intake. With each stage of the hunger strike, their daily calorie intake becomes lower and harder to maintain.

As a result, in most cases, a person gains even more than before the starvation diet. This is called the "yo-yo" effect and is detailed in the text "The old body in a new way".

In support of the above, we present data from researchers at the University of Pennsylvania, which they received after they conducted a 24-week experiment. The study involved 13 overweight women. The group of subjects was divided into 2 subgroups, the first of which consumed a sharply limited amount of calories - 500 kcal per day, and the second - a moderately limited amount of calories - 1200 kcal per day. Already after 8 weeks, scientists noted a decrease in the rate of calorie intake at rest by 17% in the group that consumed 500 kcal per day, while in the second group the data remained practically unchanged.

Moreover, in addition to hindering the process of losing weight, a sharp restriction in calories causes significant harm to our health.

Conclusion: avoid hunger strikes and low-calorie diets.


Zozhnik’s advice: forget about the phrases “speed up / accelerate metabolism / metabolism”, “I have such a metabolism / he has such a metabolism” - they ultimately mean the very simple formula: the difference between consumed and spent calories. Yes, of course, there are medical abnormalities associated with metabolism, but this phenomenon is rare and if you suspect it in yourself, just consult a doctor and get checked.

Once again: there is no fast and slow, high or low metabolism or metabolism. There are only calories that you consume and spend, and the result is highly dependent on the difference between these values.

There are also no miracle people with a super-high metabolic rate or unfortunate people with a very low one. There are people who spend different amounts of calories (at rest with the help of muscles) or through intense or not very intense training.

As you can see: again no secrets and again we stumble upon the same formula: the difference between calories consumed and calories burned. Well, in ours, we show even with pictures that at every moment of your life you have these 4 options:

1. Eat More Calories Than You Burn + Do Nothing= get fat, put on fat.

2. Eat More Calories Than You Burn + Do Strength Training= Gaining muscle mass and some fat.

3. Eat fewer calories than you burn + do nothing= you lose weight, mainly due to muscle loss, and if you consume extremely little, you drop your calorie intake so low that then you will inevitably cease to fit into the norm and sooner or later you will fall into the first category.

4. Eat fewer calories than you burn + do strength training= lose weight by losing fat and some muscle.


o Pratley R., Nicklas.B., Strength training increases resting metabolic rate and norepinephrine levels in healthy 50- to 65-yr-old men, Department of Medicine, University of Maryland.

o Fatouros I.G., Tournis S., Intensity of resistance exercises determines adipokine and resting energy expenditure responses in overweight elderly individuals, Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, Democritus University of Thrace.

o Treuth M.S., Hunter G.R., Effects of exercise intensity on 24-h energy expenditure and substrate oxidation, Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine.

o Halton T.L., Hu F.B., The effects of high protein diets on thermogenesis, satiety and weight loss: a critical review, Harvard School of Public Health.

o Westerterp-Plantenga M.S., The significance of protein in food intake and body weight regulation, Department of Human Biology, Maastricht, The Netherlands.

o Foster G.D., Wadden T.A., Controlled trial of the metabolic effects of a very low calorie diet: short and long term effects, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


Exhausting the body with a constant restriction in nutrition, taking various drugs to improve the figure, women do not know that the acceleration of metabolism for weight loss contributes to harmony much more, and the effect of the result will remain for a long time if certain rules of behavior are observed. How to start the metabolism for weight loss - this question is asked by everyone who is tired of fat folds on the sides. What is this mysterious metabolism, and what factors contribute to its increase?

What is metabolism

A person could not exist even a day without a constant metabolism in the body. The word "Metabolism" comes from the Greek "metabole", which means change, change. The process of eating food ends with the release of energy necessary for the normal functioning of all human organs. In the body, complex processes take place in the cells for the breakdown and assimilation of complex sugars and lipids - these building blocks that make up the daily energy supply of a person.

metabolic rate

Any organism is a separate, special system with its own individual settings, so each person has his own metabolic rate. The problem of accumulating extra pounds is associated with a low level of metabolic processes. Permanent diets can contribute to an even greater slowdown in metabolism, because the body will store lipids "for future use in hungry times", and the effect of losing weight will become short-lived.

Nutritionists identify several reasons that can reduce or increase the rate of lipid burning in the human body:

  • genetic conditioning of metabolism;
  • the ratio of the number of calories burned and consumed;
  • gender differences play a very significant role - in men, metabolic metabolism proceeds at a faster rate than in women;
  • the relationship between the number of years lived and the way of life.

Increased Metabolism

There are people who are envied by women who do not know how to speed up the metabolism for weight loss - they can eat whatever they want and not gain weight at the same time! How do they do it? The answer is simple: they have a high metabolism, all incoming calories are burned in the body's furnace, without turning into lipid reserves in problem areas - the abdomen, sides or thighs. A high level of metabolic processes is typical for young people pumping up muscles on simulators - after all, to obtain muscle tissue, you need to spend much more kilojoules than for fat.

slow metabolism

Over the years, the metabolic rate in the body decreases, it does not spend calories as actively as before. On average, the rate of metabolic reactions decreases by 3% per year, and by the age of 40, women who have never noticed excess weight before suddenly discover with sadness that a slow metabolism has led to extra pounds. Attempts to accelerate metabolic processes to the maximum with the help of various drugs and diets do not lead to weight loss, and the scales show more and more disappointing numbers.

What speeds up metabolism

To understand how to increase metabolism for weight loss, you need to know the basic principles of the body in the implementation of metabolic processes. If a person eats with restrictions, which is typical for all diets, then the rate of metabolic reactions decreases in order to save the energy needed for the normal functioning of the brain and internal organs. Improving metabolism for weight loss can be adjusted by observing certain rules of behavior:

  • be sure to have breakfast with food rich in complex carbohydrates;
  • avoid starvation;
  • supply the body with a sufficient amount of water, because it is an accelerator of metabolic processes and helps to unwind metabolism;
  • paradoxically, but for weight loss, you sometimes need to arrange days of eating high-calorie foods;
  • often go to the bath, sauna or pool, as calories are well burned there, which contributes to weight loss;
  • play sports, preferably with power loads;
  • Accelerating metabolism for weight loss is possible if you quit smoking and take alcohol-containing drinks.

What slows down metabolism

The use or absence of certain foods in the diet can reduce the metabolic rate. To increase metabolism for weight loss, you need to completely abandon pastries and sweets, which are high in fats and carbohydrates. In addition, slow down the exchange of complex sugars and lipids in the body lack of sleep, lack of calcium in the diet, vitamins B and D, constant exhausting travel or flights.

Products that speed up the metabolism

Acceleration of metabolism for weight loss can be obtained by eating the following products to speed up metabolism:

  • drinks based on cocoa beans - coffee, cocoa with skim milk;
  • hot spices or seasonings added to food contribute to weight loss;
  • all whole grains - oats, sprouted wheat, whole grain breads;
  • fermented milk or any products that contain a lot of Ca, since this element enhances metabolic processes, allowing you to achieve a lasting effect of losing weight;
  • vegetables and fruits, in which there are a lot of plant fibers - cabbage, cucumbers, apples, all citrus fruits;
  • drinking green tea or pure boiled cold water help burn fat.

Diet to speed up metabolism

Weight loss with the acceleration of metabolic processes can be achieved by observing a certain diet. A diet to speed up metabolism is, in fact, eating healthy food with a high content of vitamins, fiber and trace elements, which affects appetite, reducing it. You need to eat little by little, literally one or two pieces, but often. Losing weight will be facilitated by the alternation of unloading and "load" days, when you can eat your favorite high-calorie foods.

Drugs to speed up metabolism

Pharmacies and shops specializing in sports nutrition, offer many medications that increase the metabolic rate. Often there are two groups of such funds:

  • anabolics;
  • hormonal drugs.

Anabolic drugs to speed up the metabolism are Anavar, Danabor and Oxandrolone. The main active substances in these drugs are male testosterone or amphetamine. They are taken by people who want to quickly increase muscle relief and achieve sports success. However, it is impossible to drink these medicines all the time, especially for women, because their hormonal levels can be catastrophically disturbed, digestion worsens, and their appearance will acquire characteristic male features.

Hormonal agents that help accelerate metabolism for weight loss are based on a high concentration of L-thyroxine secreted by the adrenal glands. The intake of these biostimulants increases the rate of exchange of complex sugars and lipids in the body. However, after the abolition of such drugs in people, there is a tendency to obesity, interruptions in the work of the hormonal and endocrine systems.

Vitamins for metabolism

Together with a properly organized diet, some vitamins will contribute to weight loss to speed up metabolism. These are almost all B vitamins, since they accelerate metabolic processes, and their lack in the body will lead not only to excess weight, but also to poor muscle tone, constant feeling fatigue, bad mood.

Herbs for metabolism and weight loss

Some recipes traditional medicine help speed up the weight loss process. These include herbs that speed up metabolism, infusions and teas based on them. You can purchase ready-made preparations, or prepare herbal decoctions at home that speed up metabolic metabolism. The recipe for one of them is as follows: you need to mix blackcurrant fruits and dry oregano leaves for 1.tbsp, add 3 tbsp to them. blackberries and pour 200 g of water. Put the mixture on fire, boil. Infuse the decoction for an hour and a half, take it within one day.

Metabolism Boost Exercises

Speed ​​up your metabolism, burn extra calories and help you lose weight physical exercise, the main thing is to do them regularly, and not from time to time, and be sure to use cardio loads along with strength training when they are performed. Exercises of this kind will help increase muscle tissues, for the maintenance of which much more kilojoules are spent than for providing energy to the fatty layers. If the state of health does not make it possible to intensively engage in sports, then you can get by with unhurried long walks in the park.

How to increase metabolism in a woman's body

There is no single magic remedy to speed up metabolism and lose weight. To start and speed up the metabolism of complex sugars and lipids in the body, you need to adhere to comprehensive measures - eat right, eat foods rich in fiber, minerals and polyunsaturated fatty acids, pay attention to sports. If a woman has set as her goal to lose weight by increasing the metabolic rate of complex sugars and lipids, then any alcohol should be abandoned, since the body perceives it as an additional source of calories.

Pouring cold water or a contrast shower will help to establish metabolic metabolism during internal organs promoting weight loss and lipid burning. Massage, especially after the sauna, when the whole body is relaxed, will benefit the body, toning, invigorating it, helping to increase metabolism. Having regular sex burns calories, helping you lose weight.

How to increase metabolism after 40 years

Menopause and menopause contribute to the change hormonal background, the metabolic process begins to slow down, the woman suddenly realizes that the previous measures for losing weight do not affect the weight that is slowly gaining. How to speed up metabolism for weight loss, how to behave in order to lose excess fat and get rid of extra pounds? Nutritionists recommend determining the amount of energy intake for your age, height and weight, and then, during the day, count calories in foods and check if their amount matches the optimal one.

Video: how to speed up metabolism for weight loss

The main experts of Russia in the field of dietetics authoritatively and reasonably tell how to behave, how many times a day you can eat, what foods to include in the diet in order to restart and normalize metabolic processes for weight loss. This is especially true for people over the age of 40, when the metabolism slows down, the accumulation of excess fat in problem areas begins.

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Acceleration of metabolism for weight loss - foods and drugs to improve metabolism

Hi all! Ivan Ustinov is in touch and I am glad to see you again on the pages of my blog. Today we are going to analyze a very interesting topic, so do not disperse quickly ... Increased body weight in people in modern world- Not unusual.

Many obese people understand that it's all about a slow metabolism and often envy thin people. Today we will understand the question: is a fast metabolism good or bad, is it really?

Most often, people who are not inclined to be overweight do not experience any problems in this regard. However, sometimes it happens that no matter how much a person eats, his body weight not only does not increase, but, on the contrary, continues to decrease rapidly.

So soon a thin body becomes more of a disadvantage than a sign of harmony, and repels the opposite sex with protruding bones. At what point should you think about whether your metabolism is too fast and whether it threatens with anorexia?

It is worth immediately dotting all the "and". A fast metabolism, like a slow one, is in any case bad, because a slow one threatens with obesity, and an accelerated one - painful thinness. But depending on the situation, someone to lose weight, and someone vice versa

Well - this is when the metabolism is normal. Normal level metabolism varies from person to person. How to determine your baseline, we will talk a little lower, and now we will list the symptoms by which you can determine if the metabolic rate in your body is too high.

The main signs of a fast metabolism are too much thinness with normal or even increased nutrition, feeling hungry soon after a heavy meal, the inability to increase muscle mass, despite playing sports.

Factors of Rapid Weight Loss

Why is it so important to respond in time to the painful thinness of your body and not start the process? Outwardly noticeable excessive weight loss is not so bad. The processes occurring in this case in the body are much more dangerous. They become a source of diseases, because improper metabolism does not allow the body to absorb vitamins and trace elements obtained from food. From this, you will definitely feel a lack of vitality and you will often be put to sleep.

In addition, along with the lack of vital important substances the body begins to intensively produce So the opinion that fat people cheerful and kind is by no means a myth. An excess of adrenaline makes thin people excessively irritable, which becomes a problem not only for them, but also for those around them.

Reasons for fast metabolism:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • thyroid disease;
  • smoking abuse;
  • frequent depression, lack of sleep.

Consequences of being too thin

More recently, leanness was in vogue, and many women sought to lose weight using various diets and without thinking about what consequences a sharp weight loss could threaten their body.

Too fast metabolism becomes a threat to life in general, because of it many diseases develop in the human body. A sharply losing weight person experiences constant weakness, is not able to perform elementary physical exercises, and in advanced cases, even eating becomes hard work for him.

A emaciated body turns away the views of others. The skin of a rapidly losing weight person becomes an unnatural gray color, because the lack of vitamins and other substances also affects its condition. Appetite gradually completely disappears, as a result of which diseases of the digestive system develop.

Gradually, thinness begins to be accompanied by edema, they are especially noticeable on the face and lower limbs. Simultaneously with depletion in the body, deprived of the microelements necessary for it, the most serious diseases develop, up to malignant tumors.

How to calculate the metabolic rate in your body?

WE CALCULATE ACCORDING TO THE FORMULA. First we need to understand what we are going to count. The metabolic rate is determined in kilocalories, which are necessary for the body to ensure its vital functions IN THE STATE OF REST. Yes, at rest. This is also called basal metabolism.

That is, in fact, we will calculate the number of calories that will definitely need to be consumed per day for the normal functioning of our body. So to speak - our necessary minimum. And this number will depend on the speed of our metabolism.

The formula for calculating metabolic rate is called BMR (from English Basal Metabolic Rate). This formula takes into account your height, your weight and even your age. Metabolism speeds up with increasing body weight and your height, but slows down with age. It looks like this:

BMR (for women) = 655 + (9.6 x weight) + (1.8 x height) - (4.7 x age)

BMR (for men) = 66 + (13.8 x weight in kg.) + (5 x height in cm) - (6.8 x age)

You may be asking - “Why are there different formulas for men and women?”. The differences are that, as a rule, men have more muscles and because of this, their metabolism is higher. And in general, in men, a fast metabolism is more of a norm than a deviation, because in the body of males the metabolism is 10-15% faster.

At the same time, the metabolism in women does not slow down as much with age as in men. All these nuances of differences are taken into account in the formulas.

But that is not all. The resulting number of calories must be multiplied by the coefficient of the level of your physical activity. The coefficients are as follows:

  1. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, then you can multiply the number of calories by 1.2
  2. If you play sports but mild form and no more than 1-3 times a week, multiply by 1.375
  3. If sports are performed 3-5 times a week, but do not exceed the usual level of activity, multiply by 1.55
  4. If your workouts are with increased physical activity, multiply by 1.725
  5. If you are forced to do hard physical labor or are passionate about very intense workouts, multiply by 1.9

And now what to do with this figure? What is it for you? Let me remind you once again that this figure shows the minimum number of calories that you need per day for the body to feel normal. Accordingly, everything in excess of this figure will theoretically already accumulate in the form of fat in problem areas (on the pope, abdomen, etc.)

Therefore, you need to compare this figure with the number of calories that you currently consume. If you have reached 1700 kcal., And in fact you consume 2000 kcal., Then your excess is 300 kcal.

If you want to lose weight, then subtract 300-500 kcal from the figure obtained. and adjust your diet already under this figure. I think clearly.

But you should not get hung up on the formula and be too reverent about it, since all these calculations are still approximate. Even when you calculate the calorie content of food according to the tables, remember that this is also very “by eye”. Sometimes the calorie content of food is called nothing more than a "joke." This is simply a measure of how much heat a particular food releases when completely burned.

That is, they took a Snickers bar, burned it in some special container for experiments, recorded the amount of heat that it emitted and wrote down this figure on the package. That's how it's done. But how this bar will be absorbed in your body, whether it will be absorbed completely or partially deposited on the ass, abdomen - this is not a single study that can say for sure.

Therefore, the number of calories is only a very approximate indicator, which it is desirable to equal, but no more. This figure has the right to be violated both up and down.

Interestingly, 7000 kcal. above the norm of your indicator according to the formula - they are able to add about + 1 kg of excess weight to a person ...

Always focus on the quality of writing, and not on calorie calculations.

By the way, about calories, I recently found a cool thing that you can put on your hand and it will count calories burned and heart rate. You can get acquainted HERE.

Other sports electronics that will help you count similar things (pulse, calories, steps) you can choose from the link below:



WE DO A LITTLE EXPERIMENT. And now I suggest you bring an experiment to determine your metabolic rate - is it fast or slow. We don't need any formulas here. We will simply "hamster" oatmeal in plain water, not milk. Yes, it's very disgusting, I know, but for the purity of the experiment, you can suffer once. Milk will complicate digestibility and the meaning of the experiment will disappear.

So. We just need to choose some morning on which we can do this experiment. If it is Saturday, then the oatmeal will need to be cooked on Friday evening. Do not cook fresh, so that it is hot, namely yesterday, so that later you can warm it up to room temperature.

  • This morning you can’t rush anywhere, experience stress - there should be peace and quiet.
  • Do not take a shower, just wash your face, brush your teeth, well, what else are you doing there in the morning)
  • Dress so that you are not hot, you need to be a little cool.
  • Ventilate the room.

Now take 300 grams of oatmeal and eat without drinking anything and in a quick way. We wait 2-3 minutes and get the result of the experiment:

  1. You feel hot and you even slightly perspire through your body - you have a fast metabolism, congratulations.
  2. You feel a slight warmth in the body - you have a normal metabolism, without extremes.
  3. “What you ate, what you listened to the radio”, that is, no sensations - you have a slow metabolism.

Rules for safely slowing down metabolism

There are a few simple rules on how to slow down the metabolism with a fast metabolism.

  • Limit the number of hours you get to sleep.
  • Postpone breakfast for an hour after waking up.
  • Drink significantly more coffee than usual.

Despite the fact that coffee speeds up the metabolism, drinking it in large quantities leads to the opposite effect. An excess of this drink can deplete our nervous system to a level at which sleep disturbances will be noticeable. And this is directly related to the slowdown in metabolism.

In addition, remember that coffee activates metabolic processes only temporarily (for about 30 minutes), and the appetite causes be healthy (we get extra calories). And as a result, the slowdown of metabolism from excess coffee is more noticeable than its acceleration. People who have experienced this effect on themselves speak directly about it.

If you decide to take this step in order to slow down your metabolism - do not abuse coffee for a long time, otherwise addiction may develop.

  • Eat not in small portions and often, but, on the contrary, at least three times a day, normally satiated.
  • Drink more milk.
  • Limit yourself to foods high in protein, and also give up citrus fruits, spices, green tea.
  • If you cannot imagine your life without sports, just reduce the load.

Let's finish with this. Now you yourself will be able to answer the question if someone asks you: “is it good or bad when you have a fast metabolism?”. You also learned how to calculate the level of your metabolism and understand the very principle of all this “movement”.

I hope this article has been helpful to you. Share it with your friends on social networks and do not forget to subscribe to my blog update to find out even more interesting and useful things! Yes, and describe in the comments how it feels after oatmeal with water on an empty stomach... Bye-bye...

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