Computer diagnostics of cars. Computer diagnostics of the body

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Bioresonance computer diagnostics is a scanning of the body's biofield in order to identify possible pathologies of organs and systems. This method is common in alternative medicine and is carried out using special devices. You can find out what ​bioresonance​​computer​​diagnostics​​of​​an​​organism is, and evaluate its effectiveness by studying the principles of this procedure.

What is the purpose of the procedure

The method of bioresonance diagnostics (NLS-analysis) is a non-invasive method of examining a patient for the presence of possible pathologies. The subject of research is the human torsion field and its wave characteristics. The principle of the method is to test the electromagnetic oscillations emitted by the cells of the body, and compare them with conditional standards.

Scanning and evaluation of indicators is carried out by specialized software and hardware systems. Each element of the body (organs, tissues, hormones, enzymes) has a certain frequency of oscillations, the "normal" indicators of which are entered in the device. Recorded deviations of the wave characteristics from the standard indicate a pathological process, and its degree and localization are determined.

Such bioresonance diagnostics without a computer can be carried out by psychics, but the use of devices makes testing more accurate and detailed.

If pathological frequencies occur, NLS-analysis is used to select effective method treatment of the disease, aimed at restoring physiological rhythms. The doctor prescribes the necessary therapy, in this case, bioresonance diagnostics and homeopathy are connected, since bioadditives are mainly used to eliminate pathologies.

When selecting medicines the doctor scans them and prescribes the most suitable one for a particular organism.


Conducting bioresonance diagnostics and treatment is recommended in case of ailments and for the purpose of preventive examination of the body.

The procedure is used to determine:

  • diseases of organs and systems, their stage, as well as predisposition to them;
  • pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi), helminths, to identify their localization and degree of infection;
  • imbalance in hormone levels;
  • intoxication and slagging of the body, the influence of radioactive, chemical, environmental and other factors on it;
  • deviations in the biochemical parameters of blood (without its sampling);
  • imbalance of vitamins, minerals, enzymes;
  • the degree of immune protection, the reasons for its suppression, the adaptive abilities of the body;
  • various types of allergens;
  • deviations in the chromosome set, the risks of certain pathologies (cardiovascular, oncology, etc.);
  • the effectiveness and compatibility of the medications used;
  • dynamics of the course of the disease.


Bioresonance testing does not replace official medicine diagnostic methods, for effective result they are recommended to be used in combination. At the same time, NLS-analysis is able to indicate organs and systems that need to be given increased attention. The benefits of this procedure include:

  • detection of diseases at an early stage, including cancer;
  • the ability to avoid unnecessary and costly examinations;
  • non-invasiveness and painlessness of the procedure, which ensures its easy tolerability and absence of trauma;
  • the ability to choose the most effective drug therapy for the disease;
  • therapeutic abilities of the method aimed at restoring the healthy state of the body (bioresonance therapy, frequency compensation);
  • the safety of the procedure, the absence of harmful effects, which allows it to be carried out in children, the elderly, during pregnancy (with the exception of the first trimester);
  • the method does not require thorough preparation, the results and appointments are provided immediately after the examination;
  • absence side effects.

Technique for the procedure

  • 3 days before the procedure, refrain from conducting ultrasound and x-ray studies.
  • A day before the examination, exclude alcohol, strong tea, coffee, 2 hours before the use of cigarettes, including electronic ones.
  • On the day of the study, it is advisable not to take medication or tell the doctor about taking the drug.
  • The procedure is preferably performed in the morning, in a rested state.
  • Diagnostics is recommended to be done in clothes made of natural fabrics, without makeup, jewelry, as this may affect the scan result.

Bioresonance diagnostics takes about 1.5-2.5 hours and is carried out in several stages.

Biofield scanning

The procedure is carried out using a specialized software and hardware complex. Usually, the doctor asks the patient about the presence of complaints, examinations already carried out and enters the data into the program.

Sensors are fixed on a person, depending on the scanning method used and the software and hardware complex. With bioresonance diagnostics according to Voll, based on the “electroacupuncture” method, sensors can be located on the arms and legs. Then a weak electromagnetic impulse is applied, while another electrode acts on biologically active points.

At modern method examinations, the patient is put on headphones, seated in front of a computer monitor, after which information is read for 20 minutes. Listening to sound waves, the patient observes the appearance of various symbols on the screen in the projections of organs and body parts. These signs are different and indicate the state of the object being examined.

Analysis of the received information

Based on the study, the doctor analyzes the symbols in the projections of the organs, determines the presence of pathology, evaluates general state organism and possible risks. Establishes the causes of the disease.

The final stage

The doctor explains the results of the examination to the patient and prescribes the necessary therapy. It may include homeopathic remedies, medicinal preparations, prophylactic and healing procedures, general recommendations. A doctor can test medicines and determine which ones are effective.

Results of the procedure

After a complete examination of the body, the patient receives his results. They are presented in the form of specific multi-colored markers on the virtual projection of the organs. The symbols have the form of geometric figures, denoting the current bioenergetic state of the body.

IndicatorsResult interpretation
There are no pathologies.

Optimal intracellular self-regulation, able to cope with the influence external factors(norm).

Early stage of the disease.

Weakening of adaptive resources, the mechanism of cell self-regulation under increased exposure to external factors.

Functioning of mechanisms of self-regulation at the limit of possibilities. Harbingers of the disease.

Acute stage of the disease, decompensation of the mechanisms of cell self-regulation, depletion of the body's adaptive resources.

Based on these indicators, the software evaluates lesions, compares them with information about pathological processes, after which the most probable diagnosis or predisposition to it is established. Analyzing the data obtained, the doctor voices the final diagnosis and prescribes the appropriate treatment.

Characteristics of devices

There are many devices for bioresonance diagnostics. Their principle of operation is identical, the differences are in the method of transmitting information, the sensitivity of the sensors and the reliability of the results.

Devices and software for scanning the human biofield are constantly being improved, increasing the percentage of information content of the survey. The first NLS-diagnostic devices had only 50% reliability, fixing fluctuations only in a large volume of cells.

Actual devices for bioresonance diagnostics:

  • Oberon (Metatron), whose latest model has 80% confidence. Bioresonance diagnostics is carried out with the help of headphones, the impact of the electrode on the points is not applied.
  • Phaeton has more sensitive sensors, an increased number of channels for reading information and an updated processor. The reliability of this device is 90%.
  • Aurum has the ability not only to diagnose, but also to treat a wide range of diseases. The device is positioned as high-precision with 95% reliability.

Along with devices, devices for the treatment of diseases were separately produced (BRT - biological resonance therapy, CHRT - frequency resonance therapy).

Improving the devices required improving the software. The most common version is Metapathia, which is widely used in Metatron (Oberon) devices. Its improvement by adding virtual models and the volumetric scanning function (Metapathia GR Hunter) makes it possible to detect diseases, including cancer, at an early stage.

The newer IMAGO diagnostics and therapy software includes scanning functions and therapeutic focus. The program detects pathologies, makes individual selection of medicines, their doses, chooses the method of treatment and conducts BRT and PRT. It also has an electronic pharmacy with 20,000 drugs.


The procedure of computer bioresonance diagnostics is well tolerated and does not cause side effects. However, there are some contraindications to its implementation:

  • increased body temperature (above 38.5 degrees);
  • acute pain and conditions requiring emergency medical care;
  • recent stroke, heart attack;
  • early postoperative period;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • open form of tuberculosis;
  • mental illness;
  • epilepsy;
  • the presence of a pacemaker and a cardioverter.

This diagnostic method is not recognized by official medicine and is considered pseudoscientific due to the lack of an evidence base. Therefore, you should not rely heavily on the result of such a survey. It is recommended to supplement and confirm it diagnostic methods traditional medicine.

Scientific achievements in modern world reached very impressive heights. They have found wide use in the examination of the human body.

A vivid example of this is computer diagnostics of a person, which is carried out by specialized institutions.

The action of computer diagnostics

The principle of operation of computer diagnostics is that with the help of special equipment, the smallest fluctuations at the electromagnetic level are captured, which are emitted internal organs person.

Each healthy organ emits vibrations peculiar only to it. If the work of an organ is disturbed in some way, then it emits vibrations that are not characteristic of its healthy state.

The survey system immediately catches and fixes such deviations.

In addition, computer diagnostics makes it possible to determine the state of such human systems as immune, hormonal and nervous with the greatest accuracy.

By analyzing the causes of the disease, a diagnosis is made. Computer diagnostics makes it possible to identify the disease at the very beginning of its development, which makes it possible to start curing it as soon as possible.

The accuracy of the established diagnosis is over 97%, which significantly increases its effectiveness. The computer base undoubtedly has more advantages in comparison with the biological factor.

The reliability of this type of diagnosis is much higher than the known, traditional one.

Advantages of computer diagnostics

    1. Such diagnostics take very little time. The procedure lasts on average about 20 minutes. This saves a lot of time for both patients and doctors.
    2. Enables examination of women during pregnancy and small children.
    3. Helps to identify various kinds of infections.
    4. Gives a complete picture of the health of the patient as a whole, while still in the preclinical stage.
    5. After the examination, a graphical representation of the results of the examination is given to the hands.

After the necessary course of treatment is carried out, a second diagnosis is made.

Modern technologies give us great opportunities to detect the disease at the very beginning of its development. This plays a huge role, because the sooner we find out the cause and essence of the disease, the sooner we begin to cure it.

A video on the topic will bring complete clarity to the vision of the issue:

Diagnostic complex for bioresonance diagnostics and psychophysiological computer testing of the body.

Main characteristics and purpose.
Diagnostic equipment is used for bioresonance non-linear NLS diagnostics of the whole organism

General Features:
Up to 150 organs and sections are analyzed with the display of the current functional state;
Identification of pathological, histological processes with an accuracy of up to 85%;
identification of the root cause of pathology and psychophysiological abnormalities;
state dynamics tracking function ( comparative analysis);
individual detection harmful substances and factors - allergens, contaminants, energy-information burdens, etc.;
Medicinal and prophylactic preparations are selected from the database of the program of various groups (allopathy, homeopathy, phytopreparations);
Individual production of energy-informational health-improving preparations for a patient on a matrix (water, alcohol, sugar, paraffin / oil);
Conducting sessions of energy-information impact (Mora-therapy);
Vegeto test of any drugs, homeopathy and dietary supplements in a bioresonance chamber;

The most modern model, increased diagnostic accuracy;
Identification of the preclinical stage of the disease;
It has an additional function of psychophysiological testing and analysis of the state of the body based on the galvanic skin response through two channels;
Allows you to track changes in the asymmetry of the work of the cerebral hemispheres;
It has advanced functions for modeling the impact of irritating factors, identifying stressful conditions;
Psychological testing of various directions with simultaneous registration of physiological parameters.

All measurements are recorded by the included Dianel program, which also provides the ability to record conversations and events during a testing session, track the work of two hemispheres of the brain at once

Russian scientists have made a real revolution in the creation of computer systems capable of independently finding defects and pathologies in human organs and tissues. A diagnostic equipment that has no analogues in the world has been created, which makes it possible to trace all deviations from the state of human health by changing the wave characteristics of tissues and cells of the body. This equipment allows diagnosing the earliest forms of diseases. Identify susceptibility to diseases.
Non-linear diagnostic systems based on the spectral analysis of the vortex magnetic fields of living organisms provide an excellent opportunity to obtain the most complete information about the state of health at the very initial stages of the onset of diseases. Such an early and accurate diagnosis cannot be carried out by any other means: neither with the help of ultrasound, X-ray, NRM, computed tomography or any other methods of hardware diagnostics that can only detect an already fully formed pathological process.

The device allows:
– Get a qualitative assessment of the functional state of the body in the form of a topical analysis;
— Monitor the effectiveness and results of the implementation of the most various methods therapeutic impact;
- Assess the adaptive abilities of the body;
– To analyze the dynamics of changes in the functional state of the body during treatment;
- Establish the primacy of the focus functional impairment;
— Assess the nature of the pathology using expert systems.

The hardware-software complex "Oberon" allows not only to record and decipher the information of electromagnetic fields of living organisms, but also to present it on the computer monitor screen in the form of a virtual dynamic model of organs in certain colors. Such real images of living human organs make it possible not only to carry out ultra-early diagnostics, but also to actively control homeostasis.

The Oberon diagnostic system is also unique because it can prescribe optimal treatment for any disease. Conducting a computer comparison of the spectral characteristics of the corresponding diseased organs at the same time with all the spectral characteristics available in the computer memory medical preparations, the Oberon system immediately reveals the most effective remedy for each specific disease.


In accordance with the theory of entropy logic, the intensity of information exchange between two information-exchanging systems A and B increases with the destruction of order in any one of these systems. The degree of order in any system is equivalent to the amount of information it contains; therefore, the destruction of order in one of the systems (A), with the parallel transfer of information to the second system (B) - expresses the law of conservation of information postulated by the theory of quantum entropy logic.
The theory of entropy logic establishes that these provisions are physically valid only if the systems A and B are quantum, and the set of parts A and B can be described by one quantum state. This provides for the presence of an initially existing information exchange that precedes the destruction of the structures of one of the systems, which, within the framework of entropy logic, links both parts into a single quantum system, since it corresponds to the Einstein-Rosen-Podolsky effect.
The theory of quantum entropy logic makes it possible to explain many details of the fundamental psychophysical mechanisms that are involved in the long-range transmission of information between two spatially separated objects. The theory reveals the mechanisms that form associativity, information selectivity and other characteristics of such an exotic information transmission channel.

Each type of cell has its own energy of destruction, characteristic of certain intracellular molecular bonds.
Accordingly, by changing the characteristics of the radiation of the electromagnetic generator of the metatron (cadistor), it is possible to cause destruction of the bonds of intracellular structures (and the associated spin orientations of bimolecular compounds) in cells of any body tissues.
It is quite natural that the more unstable and, accordingly, already damaged state the tissues under study are in, the greater the response, in accordance with the theory of quantum entropy logic, we will get. In this case, the scanning frequencies will coordinate the position of the response, which, together with the magnitude of the response, will draw the overall geometry of the damage accumulated in the body.
Moreover, since the response is captured due to the work of psychophysical phenomena, we additionally introduce a number of physical influences that activate the brain function of the subjects, as well as resonantly adjusting them (visualization of located organs on a computer display, using the associativity principle).

Used in scanning, destroying characteristic molecular bonds, the energy transmission is always matched to the resonance of the corresponding electronic transitions in the cadistor structure. And on the basis of this resonance and the energy released (during the destruction of spin organizations), due to the occurrence of metastable, nonlinear processes in the optoelectronic structure of the cadistor, quantum pumping is carried out, generating an amplification of the response signal emitted by the body.


The use of the Oberon device has significant advantages over traditional methods of medical diagnostics, such as ultrasound, X-ray CT scan and differs from them in many ways.
The device can be used to assess the degree of brain damage after trauma in unconscious patients, to detect initial changes in the body of people infected with HIV and other diseases.
The machine can detect conditions such as multiple sclerosis, early tumor when it is impossible to identify them by other methods.
The use of the Oberon device is not associated with radiation and other harmful effects on the body, so it is safe to use it in the study of pregnant women and infants.

The reliability of diagnosis reaches 80-95%. The advantage of the method is that it allows to evaluate the effectiveness of various methods of therapeutic intervention, to analyze the dynamics of changes in the state of the body.
It should be noted the enormous possibilities of this diagnostic method, which is based on empirically well-studied diseases. With the obligatory connection of the experience and intuition of a particular doctor, which even the most advanced equipment is not able to replace.

Using this diagnostic method, you can determine the root cause of the disease. For example, not only to make a diagnosis - an allergy, but also to identify this antigen! Moreover, without even touching the skin of the patient. This technique is absolutely safe and does not create any discomfort for the patient - both the adult and the child.

Bioresonance therapy

Another remarkable possibility of the NLS method is informational therapy (bioresonance or Mora-therapy), which is an effect on the patient's body by a combination of various modulated electromagnetic oscillations emitted by the device.

In 1977, in Germany, Dr. F. Morell and engineer E. Rasche proposed a new biophysical method - Mora-therapy, later called bioresonance therapy.

Mora-therapy is an energy-information impact on tissue cells and organs, allowing them to change their state to an ideally healthy one (energy-informational standards of an ideally healthy organism are prescribed in the device).

Chemical drugs treat the effects of the disease, but do not get rid of its cause. In some cases they are necessary, but only nature can cure completely. The human body is a complex self-regulating biological system that, like everything else in nature, emits weak electromagnetic oscillations. These fluctuations regulate all levels of the human body (subcellular, cellular, tissue, organ, system) and maintain it in a healthy state.

In violation of the processes of self-regulation in the body, the formation and accumulation of "wrong", pathological electromagnetic oscillations occurs, which leads to the development of various diseases. The only fundamentally new method of drug-free treatment and prevention at present is the method of bioresonance therapy (mora-therapy).

Mora therapy is a method of treatment using the patient's own electromagnetic oscillations. It is based on three principles:

Use of own electromagnetic oscillations.

Separation of electromagnetic oscillations of the patient into physiological (healthy) and pathological (painful)

Inversion and suppression of pathological oscillations. Restoration and strengthening of physiological.

The therapeutic effect of mora therapy is realized by stimulating the body's defenses, removing toxins and toxic metabolic products, neutralizing infections, regenerating tissues, and stimulating regenerative processes in the body.

Mora therapy begins with a detailed history and, in most cases, with basic therapy, during which the organism as a whole is harmonized. Basic therapy can also be called opening therapy, because literally immediately after its application, the actual state of the patient is revealed to us, while slight disturbances and blockades, as well as superficial symptoms, are eliminated.

The goal of the basic therapy itself is to correct the electromagnetic oscillations inherent in the body and restore the patient's regulatory forces, thereby purposefully starting the healing process.

The second stage is aimed at the pathological process - special therapy.
During therapy, physiological vibrations will be optimally enhanced, and the harmful electromagnetic vibrations that load will be inverted, i.e. converted into their exact mirror copy, and returned in this form. Thus, the pathological information present in the body is weakened and disappear during therapy sessions. In this case, the patient receives treatment exclusively with the help of his own vibrations. In none of the phases of treatment, signals from extraneous sources enter the body.

During the first stages of mora therapy, toxic substances of various origins are released into the blood, which gradually accumulate in the mesenchyme and, under normal conditions, are practically not excreted from the body.

Therefore, during the entire period of treatment, it is necessary to take measures to detoxify the body.

Benefits of Mora Therapy:

Maximum individualization of treatment using only the energies of the patient.

Continuous automatic adjustment of therapy from moment to moment depending on the current state of the patient.

The universality of the approach and the impossibility of overdose, which allows the method to be used in all age groups and in various pathological conditions.

Modern software allows testing and subsequent treatment of: allergens (food, household, animal dander, plant pollen, nutritional supplements and others, 366 substances in total), fungal pathogens, environmental toxins, medicines, dental materials, nosodes (potentiated in homeopathic dilution of blood, lymph, urine, secretions of pathologically altered organs and tissues, toxins of pathogenic microorganisms and protozoa), microelements, vitamins, homeopathic classical preparations, homeopathic organ preparations, chemical elements.

At the same time, the method of Mohr-testing of allergy has a huge advantage, since the patient is not provoked by the tested allergen, on the contrary, Mohr-testing has an unloading effect on the body due to the inversion of the information of the allergen or toxin.

The versatility of the approach and the maximum individualization of treatment in each specific case greatly expand the range of possibilities for applying the method. Mora therapy is the method of choice in cases where it is not possible to achieve the full effect with conventional therapy. This happens in the first place: in chronic long-term diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system, of cardio-vascular system, gastrointestinal tract, recurrent pain syndromes, insufficiency immune system, trophic disorders, various functional disorders.
Indications for mora therapy are unusually wide: chronic skin problems, acne, warts, hair loss, endocrine, hormonal disorders, migraines, reduced immunity, osteoporosis, arthritis, psychosomatic overwork and much more.

Very effective method in the treatment of acute and chronic allergies, food intolerance, acute and chronic intoxications caused by environmental substances. At the same time, the method of testing allergy according to Morell has a huge advantage, since the patient is not provoked by the allergen, on the contrary, the Allergy Mohr-testing acts unloading on the body, due to the inversion of the allergen information. During the treatment of allergies, the physiological adaptation of the body's signal from moment to moment of therapy is used. Thanks to this approach, the precise determination of the causative factors of the disease and the synergistic effect of the two-channel technique, the results of therapy are often simply amazing. Mora therapy is well combined, if necessary, with medication and other physiotherapeutic methods of treatment.

Mora-therapy allows you to reduce the time of drug therapy, and subsequently completely abandon the use of chemicals.

It is also possible to correct the disturbed intraorganismal balance by obtaining information preparations (spectronozodes).

Spectronozodes are specific combinations of computer-detected coherent frequencies used to produce targeted drug formulations.

Standards for the preparation of spectronosodes can be:
- pathological processes, viruses (in inverted form);
- normal processes, standards of some drugs - in direct form.

Natural frequencies taken from the pathological focus are converted into opposite polarities and identical in form, and as converted and amplified information are recorded on a matrix - water, ethyl alcohol, sugar, paraffin. Water for recording is recommended to be used for healing therapy of acute processes. The effectiveness of drugs recorded on water does not exceed a day, after which the drug loses its effectiveness.

Alcohol is used to treat subacute and chronic processes. Alcohol solutions of herbs of motherwort, hawthorn, eleutherococcus fungus, leuzea, etc. are also recommended for the healing therapy of chronic processes, which allows prolonging the action of health-improving drugs. The effectiveness of drugs on alcohol and alcohol solutions reaches 2-3 weeks.

For the healing therapy of chronic processes, you can use the recording of drugs for milk sugar, the drug in this case can be effective for 2 months. It should be borne in mind that sugar grains, during the manufacture of the drug, should be slightly moistened with alcohol or water.

For admission in the treatment of acute processes, it is taken from 4 to 8 drops or peas 3 times a day. Children under 14 years old are 2-3 drops less.

In the treatment of subacute and chronic diseases, 2-4 drops (peas) 1-3 times a day. Children under 14 years old are 1-2 drops less.

Paraffins are used for health-improving therapy of skin pathology and for lesions of the peripheral nervous system (radiculitis, neuralgia, lumbalgia) by application. It is advisable to record no more than 1 drug per matrix. Treatment with bioresonance drugs is carried out in successive courses, 1 drug per course.

The action of spectronosodes is reduced to the awakening of the hidden reserves of the body. This explains the wide range of effects of drugs and the absence of harmful side effects and contraindications for use in the parallel prescription of traditional medicines.

What are the popularity and advantages of NLS - a diagnostic method?

1. First of all, in its versatility. The NLS method can be applied to solve a wide range of medical problems. The developed computerized diagnostic complexes that work with modern medical software make it possible to conduct a highly informative study of the state of human health, to identify pathological changes at the earliest stages of formation and to obtain a detailed and complete picture of the state of human health. Using the NLS method, it is possible to detect hidden pathological processes, as well as the degree of activity of the pathological focus. It is possible to establish a relationship between genetic characteristics, clinical symptoms, to determine the qualitative biochemical parameters and deviations in the metabolism of tissues and cells;

2. This diagnostic method is most convenient for the patient, does not require any preliminary preparation (fasting, enemas, taking toxic drugs, etc.). On the contrary, it is better when the patient is examined in his normal, even painful, state. This will only increase the reliability of the study.

3. Based on the data received from the body, the computer individually selects the drugs that are most suitable for the patient for the treatment and prevention of diseases and chronic processes detected in him.

4. The next advantage of the method is the control function, which allows considering the process in dynamics, based on previously obtained results and predicting the development of the disease, taking into account possible methods of treatment;

5. The device is equipped with a laser emitter, with the help of which there is a unique opportunity to carry out a therapeutic effect in the form of classical laser therapy on any point, zone, organ or system of the body with simultaneous dynamic control of the results of therapy on the monitor.

6. The use of the diagnostic device is not accompanied by radioactive or other harmful effects on the body, so children can be examined.

7. During the examination, a clear picture of the functional state of the body is given, the patient can see the changes himself;

8. Saving time and money for the client. Bioresonance testing is a unique opportunity to get comprehensive information about your health in just 1 hour, equivalent to an examination by doctors of all specializations and several dozen analyzes.

The use of the NLS method in clinics and departments of medical institutions can significantly reduce the time for a comprehensive diagnosis of the patient's body as a system as a whole. The presence and relationship of various pathological changes and predispositions to them in the organs, tissues and systems of the examined patients
Even in those few cases where the clinical symptoms are very typical, the NLS-diagnostics method introduces additional information about the extent of the lesion and makes it possible to judge the prognosis. In the vast majority of cases, it is of fundamental importance for the diagnosis, and, accordingly, for the correct choice of treatment.


From a physical point of view, the equipment is a system of electronic oscillators resonating at a wavelength of electromagnetic radiation, the energy of which is adequate to the energy of destruction of the dominant bonds that support the structural organization of the object under study. Thus, the equipment makes it possible to determine the conditions for the stable existence of any material system(object) regardless of the level of structural organization (mechanical, physico-chemical, biological). The device for telemetric data processing for nonlinear analysis "Oberon" allows you to create a given bioelectrical activity of brain neurons, against which it is possible to selectively amplify signals that are barely noticeable against the background of statistical fluctuations, extract and decipher the information contained in them. Theoretical calculations carried out using a computer make it possible to single out a number of stationary states corresponding to a certain entropy potential and selectively interacting with the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation.

The "Oberon" apparatus in a certain way "finds" these radiations at their place of origin, in order to then decipher and fix them on the computer screen, where a virtual model of the object is created in certain colors. Comparing the shades of the light scale and their location on the computer model of the object, as well as the dynamics of their change over time, one can judge the course of the processes of destruction of material structures and make predictions about the stability of these structures over time.
The research mechanism is as follows: the complex issues an information code (electromagnetic, radio and light pulses) for a specific impact on nervous system the patient, introducing his heightened receptive state, thereby enhancing the patient's biological activity and closing the connection to the APC using a trigger sensor. The received information is processed programmatically. The program is an information code, methods of influence and a database with information experimentally taken from the object. The Oberon device is designed to convert the stored information into a digital code, as well as to perceive signal fluctuations and transfer it to a computer for processing. Communication between the computer and the device is carried out through the serial port of the RS-232 standard (COM port). Management is carried out by the operator.

The design of the "Oberon" apparatus provides an increase in sensitivity and an increase in the degree of reliability of the results of the work of operators, by exposing the brain to a magnetic field, by means of two magnetic inductors installed on the head, above the right and left temporal regions, which generate the parameters of magnetic impulses of low-frequency oscillations with HF modulation close to the theta-rhythms of the brain, necessary for maximum effect. Superimposed rhythms bring the biosystem out of balance, and an unbalanced (metastable) system, in accordance with the Theory of Quantum Entropy Logic, releases energy, i.e. there is an activation of the activity of the cerebral cortex, characterized by an increase in intuitive perception. The values ​​of the frequency of current interruption in the circuit of magnetic inductors, the duty cycle of the generated pulses, the carrier frequency and the magnetic induction of magnetic pulses with filling the pulse with a high-frequency current (PWM modulation) were determined by the authors as a result of theoretical and experimental studies.
The device for exposure to a magnetic field is represented by two magnetic inductors made as solenoids in the form of helical coils of copper wire with a core, which simultaneously serve as helical radiating antennas and are connected to a pulse generator.

The carrier frequency of the low-frequency current has a magnetic induction value of up to 25 mT on the working surface of the magnetic inductors for the left (N) and right (S) channels and is within 200 Hz. Breakers are installed in the power supply circuit of the inductors, which make it possible to adjust the interruption frequency of the magnetic pulse formed by the inductors in the range from 1 to 10 Hz with an accuracy of 0.1 Hz and their duty cycle from 5% to 95% in 5% increments, and the parameters of the N and S channels of the generator can be adjusted separately. The frequency is modulated by the high frequency of the device (depending on the type of device, 100 MHz - 4.9 Hz). Magnetic impulses generated by magnetic inductors are synchronized with the impact of specific stimuli on peripheral departments visual and auditory analyzers to increase the effect of intuitive perception.

If you have been examined in hospitals for a long time, but have not found out your diagnosis - or do not have time to go to the doctors, get diagnosed on the Oberon device.

This diagnostic and treatment complex will allow you to quickly (no more than 1.5 hours) diagnose all body systems and find out the exact diagnosis.

"Oberon" is a modern hardware-software diagnostic and treatment complex, which is based on the phenomenon of dowsing, which allows:

  1. To diagnose the functional state of virtually every physiological system of the body in the shortest possible time, not exceeding 1.5 hours
  2. To carry out detection of diseases at the earliest preclinical stage
  3. Choose treatment and preventive measures individually for each case.
  4. To provide the patient with primary care, without the use of medical measures of influence.

Based on diagnostic results You receive advice from a specialist in the treatment and prevention of diseases.

How does the machine work?

The method is based on the analysis of electromagnetic oscillations that characterize the brain centers of each person. This phenomenon contains a maximum of data characterizing the work of all body systems. Information is read through headphones.

This type of diagnosis is characterized by the absence of contraindications, as well as age restrictions. The study has the ability to identify individual predispositions to many of the most serious diseases presented, including diabetes, heart attack, stroke, various neoplasms.

The main functionality of the Oberon computer diagnostic complex includes the detection of pathological, immunological and histological changes occurring in the human body. Identification of diseases is possible at the earliest stages, and its accuracy reaches 85%. In the case of a formed, chronic pathological process in the body, the diagnostic probability increases to 100%. The data are confirmed by clinical studies conducted over a period of ten years.

The patient only needs to sit quietly for 40 minutes. At this time, a complete diagnosis of his body is carried out. Then the diagnostic specialist carries out a more detailed study of those body systems that are characterized by the presence of deviations from the norm. As a result of testing, a doctor's conclusion is formed, provided with color illustrations of the state of each organ and the system as a whole.

After spending 1-1.5 hours, each person receives complete and accurate, and most importantly, reliable data on the state of his body.

The results of diagnostics on the Oberon apparatus, received by each patient on hand, will include:

  1. Graphic, color image of organs in which deviations are observed
  2. List of diagnoses for diseases that were discovered during the study
  3. Treatment Recommendations
  4. Printouts of recommended medications
  5. A clear picture of the state of human health as a whole, in addition to the picture for each organ separately.

Modern scientific achievements are widely used in studies of the human body. One such achievement was the theory of bioresonance. At the junction of the discovery of human bioenergetics and computer technologies, medical computer diagnostics arose.

What is computer diagnostics based on?
The theory of bioresonance is based on the fact that each structural unit of the human body - a cell, a joint, an organ - has a certain spectrum of frequency oscillations. Even a microbe, virus, helminth or fungus resonates in its own way, in the range from fractions to tens of thousands of Hz. Pathological processes in the organs of a sick person, the frequency spectrum changes significantly, and disharmonic oscillations occur.
Special devices capture and record vibrations from all organs of the patient. Further, the values ​​of oscillations coming from the organs of a sick person are compared with the reference value stored in the computer's memory. The magnitude of the deviation of fluctuations of diseased organs from the norm is estimated. The causes of such deviations are analyzed, the diagnosis of the disease is made.
Moreover, computer diagnostics of the body makes it possible to identify the disease in its infancy, when nothing bothers a person yet. Prevention and timely illness when using the method of computer diagnostics of diseases gives a chance for a favorable outcome. The accuracy of diagnosis in medical computer diagnostics is about 97%, while an ordinary doctor makes accurate diagnoses only in 50% of cases.
The huge information computer base wins over the doctor's limited memory. Therefore, the reliability of computer diagnostics of the body is higher than traditional diagnostics.
Computer diagnostics
Computer diagnostics of diseases is carried out using headphones worn by the patient, which are connected to medical equipment. This procedure completely harmless, patients are not exposed to any harmful external influences. Therefore, medical computer diagnostics can be recommended even for children and pregnant women.
Computer diagnostics of diseases lasts 20 minutes. During this time, a complete picture of the state of all organs of the patient emerges. He is given a doctor's opinion, prescriptions are written, advice is given on healthy lifestyle life. As well as a graphic color image of the results of computer diagnostics of the body. After an appropriate course of treatment, re-diagnosis is necessary.
Advantages of computer diagnostics:
- saving time of the patient;

Possibility of examination of pregnant women and children;

Obtaining complete information about the state of health even in the preclinical stage;

Determination of causal relationships of pathological processes;

Handing over a graphical representation of the results of computer diagnostics of diseases, the patient can control the changes in his condition himself.

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