Sanatorium "source of health". Sanitarium of Chinese Medicine "Source of health Source of life sanya"

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Sanatorium of Chinese medicine "Source of Health"

Our resort is a licensed medical institution(Sanya Health Authority License No. 460202600143705) located in the center of Da Dong Hai Bay. Here you will be met by qualified doctors who have extensive experience and specialize in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of a wide range of diseases. The junior medical staff of the sanatorium also has a special medical education. For your convenience, medical translators work in the center. The resort offers a wide variety of traditional Chinese medicine treatments that will help restore and strengthen your health.

Our specialists:

Yuan Xing Hua
Chief Physician. In 1965 he graduated from the Medical Faculty of Harbin Medical University. After graduating from the university, he worked in the therapeutic department of the Second Hospital in Mu Danjiang Pro. Heilongjiang. During that period, a combination of Chinese medicine with European medicine was carried out, so he was sent to Harbin Traditional Chinese Medical Medicine University to teach Chinese medicine from 1975 to 1978. After that, he returned to the Second Hospital of Mu Danjiang to work, after 6 years he was assigned to the department of combining Chinese medicine with European medicine at the Workers' Sanatorium of Mu Danjiang and worked there until his retirement, until the end of 2000. After his retirement, he was invited to work at Yan Ji Pro Chinese Medicine Hospital. Qi Lin, in 2003, he was invited to work at the Chinese Medicine Hospital of the Tian Jin Industrial Development Zone. Since 2008, she has been practicing Chinese medical physiotherapy in Sanya Pro. Hai Nan.

For more than 40 years of medical work, through continuous study and practice, he diagnoses and treats not only common, but also some difficult-to-treat diseases, for example: psoriasis, eczema, asthma, and others, helps those who want to stop shopping. In addition, he also uses his own therapies - catgut closure treatments and acupuncture for the treatment of diseases and has a wonderful effect.

Zhang Du
Zhang Du was born in 1963. In 1988, he graduated from Jilin Traditional Medical and Medicinal University. From 1988 to 2002, he worked at the 63rd Military Hospital of the PLA (People's Liberation Army of China).
From 2002 to 2012, he worked at the Traditional Chinese Medical Center, located in the Maple Leaf Hotel in Sochi, Russia, where he gained even richer experience. In addition to the main methods of treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, namely, taking herbal medicines, acupuncture, massage and other methods, he also uses fire therapy to treat various kinds of diseases.
Particularly well specialized in the treatment of the following diseases:
1) cardio-head vessels - hypertension, heart defects, arterial sclerosis, thrombus, recovery after a stroke;
2) digestive systems- imbalance of the function of the spleen and stomach, colitis, constipation, superficial gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers;
3) orthopedic diseases - rheumatism, sciatic nerve neuralgia, damage to the lumbar muscle, periarthritis of the shoulder, rupture and damage to the shoulder sleeve, pain in the lower back and legs, numbness of the extremities, arthritis, arthrosis, intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis of the cervical and lumbar spine, neurotic headache, syndrome piriformis muscle, duplex nerve syndrome;
4) gynecological diseases - menstrual disorders, menopause syndrome, painful menstruation, growth in soft tissues mammary gland;
5) male diseases - impotence, premature ejaculation, prostatitis, senile potency.

Go Hai Fung
He is also an expert in traditional Chinese medicine of the highest category, who has been practicing medicine for over 50 years.
Gou Hai Fung was born in 1935. For 7 generations, medical practice was passed down from father to son in the family of this outstanding specialist. After graduating from the state medical University Leonin in 1962, Gou Hai Fung specializes in the treatment of various kinds of diseases: diseases of the cardiovascular system ( ischemic disease heart, angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmia, postinfarction cardiosclerosis, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmias, circulatory failure I and II degree); diseases of the digestive system and liver (gastritis, biliary dyskinesia, colitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, chronic hepatitis, stomach ulcers and duodenum, intestinal obstruction, constipation, hepatitis, cholecystitis, fatty liver, etc.); diseases respiratory system(rhinitis, laryngitis, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, sinusitis), etc. Hu Goa Ping
Another specialist of traditional Chinese medicine of the highest category, Hu Goa Ping, who has been practicing medicine for over 40 years.
Hu Guoa Ping was also born to a famous Chinese doctor in 1942. In 1965 he graduated from the Hupe State Medical University. Specializes in the treatment of diseases such as: diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, arthrosis, apoplexy, herniated discs, sciatica and radiculopathy, cerebral palsy, etc.); diseases of the genitourinary system (urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, chronic inflammatory diseases genital organs of men and women, male and female infertility, impotence, premature ejaculation, menstrual irregularities, menopause); skin diseases(psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, some types of allergies, vitiligo), obesity, etc.

Chzhao Jiang Ying (Ivan), 54 years old. In 1984, he graduated from the Heilongjiang Medical School, and in 1988, he already received the certificate of a high-grade specialist massage therapist. From June 1995 to May 2000, he worked in Japan, treating many high officials. Received awards multiple times. Now his name is “golden hands”, with which he effectively treats osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, periarthritis of the shoulder, scoliosis, displacement of the spine, intervertebral hernia, arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, hemiplegia and other osteological diseases stimulates the meridians, improves immunity.

ChYin De Juen (Anatoly), 49 years old. From childhood, he studied manual massage from his father, a military doctor. Then he went to serve in the army, where he later began working as a doctor: he treated with massage not only soldiers, but military leaders. In 1993 he received a certificate of a high-grade masseur-specialist. Thirty years of massage experience has shown how well he specializes in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical and lumbar spine, periarthritis of the shoulder, scoliosis, displacement of the spine, intervertebral hernia, arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, hemiplegia and other osteological diseases. It also stimulates the meridians, improves immunity.

Tang Heng (Victor), 37 years. In 2000, he lost his left eye due to an accident, after which he studied at a special massage school for the blind. A few years later, namely in 2008, he received a certificate of a masseur-specialist. According to the theory of points and meridians, it effectively treats neck and shoulder syndrome, intervertebral hernia, arthritis, arthrosis, scoliosis and other osteological diseases.

Treatment programs

Work normalization program internal organs

Indications: diseases of internal organs - hypertension, elevated level blood cholesterol, diabetes mellitus, gout, neurasthenia, heart disease, headaches, pyelonephritis, sinusitis, urolithiasis, etc.


7 days

10 days




Foot massage

Decoction of herbs
(for the period of sanatorium treatment)

ANDIn addition (the price is in RMB):

PRprogram of restoration of functions of the musculoskeletal system
Indications: diseases of the spine, muscles, joints; phlebeurysm.


7 days

10 days



Decoction of herbs (for the period of sanatorium treatment)

vacuum cans


Foot massage

ANDIn addition (the price is in RMB):

Therapeutic collection in the form of a packaged powder

If necessary, continue the course at home

PRfemale genitourinary system recovery program
Indications: inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs (vulvitis, vaginitis, vulvovaginitis, cystitis, etc.), infertility, menstrual disorders, menopause.


7 days

10 days



Aroma massage


Foot massage

Decoction of herbs

ANDIn addition (the price is in RMB):

Therapeutic collection in the form of a packaged powder

If necessary, continue the course at home

PRmale genitourinary system recovery program
Indications: inflammatory diseases of the male genital organs (non-venereal urethritis, prostatitis, epidymitis, orchitis, balanoposthitis, etc.), prostate adenoma
glands, infertility, impotence, premature ejaculation.


7 days

10 days




Foot massage

Decoction of herbs

ANDIn addition (the price is in RMB):

Therapeutic collection in the form of a packaged powder

If necessary, continue the course at home

PRcleansing and weight loss program
Indications: chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary tract, a tendency to constipation, increased gas formation, swelling, metabolic disorders, overweight.


7 days

10 days


Anti-cellulite complex massage


Decoction of herbs

ANDIn addition (the price is in RMB):

Therapeutic collection in the form of a packaged powder

If necessary, continue the course at home

Cardiology rehabilitation program
Indications: post-stroke, post-infarction conditions.


7 days

10 days



Foot massage

Decoction of herbs

ANDIn addition (the price is in RMB):

Therapeutic collection in the form of a packaged powder

If necessary, continue the course at home

General strengthening program: general strengthening of the body, increasing immunity and vitality
10 days




Decoction of herbs

ANDIn addition (the price is in RMB):

Therapeutic collection in the form of a packaged powder

If necessary, continue the course at home

PRProgram for correcting curvature of the spine and improving posture
Indications: scoliosis and other types of curvature of the spine.

Chinese medicines

Chinese medicines are made based on the theory of Chinese medicine. Consist of herbs, plant and animal products, contain minerals. Effective in treatment and prevention various diseases. Through technical processing, they can be presented in the form of tablets, powder, ointment, decoction, etc. Medicinal tea, which helps the body to recover quickly, is very popular. Chinese herbal preparations are prepared individually for each person, depending on his problem, so the dosage and number of doses will be different for one and the other patient.

In modern Chinese medicine, about 500 types of herbs are constantly used, each preparation contains from 3 to 25 types. Each case has its own formula, and it highlights one or two main ingredients that directly affect the problem, while others support their work.

In Chinese medicine, an important role belongs to the balance of taste and temperature features, that is, the medicine should stimulate as many taste needs as possible - this is generally one of the features, both in oriental medicine and in oriental cuisine. Only then is a balance possible.

I found out which health centers, sanatoriums and clinics of Chinese medicine attract Russian tourists on a Chinese tropical island.

According to the website, China is one of the three most popular countries for Russians for medical tourism.

The top five most popular health centers in Hainan included:
1. Taiji Chinese Medicine Sanya in Sanya
2. Sanatorium "Source of Health" in Sanya
3. Sanya Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital
4. Volcanic Mineral Springs at Mission Hills Resort Haikou in Haikou
5. Ginseng Clinic at Yalong Bay Universal Resort Sanya in Sanya

1. Sanatorium of Chinese medicine "Taiji"
Founded in 2006, the Taiji Sanatorium is one of the largest medical and diagnostic centers in the city of Sanya. Taiji has two branches in the city of Sanya - in Yalong Bay and Dadong Hai Bay, where most Russian tourists rest. The resort provides diagnostics and treatment using Chinese medicine, as well as cosmetic and spa treatments. The Taiji sanatorium offers various treatment programs for 5, 7 and 10 days, including programs for normalizing the functioning of internal organs, restoring the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, restoring the genitourinary system, cleansing the body and losing weight, cardiological rehabilitation and others. The programs include diagnostics, therapeutic full body massage, acupuncture, herbal decoctions and other procedures. It is also possible to receive individual treatments, such as a head massage (100 yuan ($15) for 20 minutes) or acupressure and whole body meridian massage (140 yuan ($21) for 60 minutes). In the sanatorium there is the possibility of accommodation with meals (breakfast) for the period of treatment and wellness procedures.

2. Sanatorium "Source of Health"
The sanatorium "" in the city of Sanya, which has been operating for more than 9 years, has two branches - in the Hongsha area and in Sanya Bay at the Li He Hotel. The resort offers 55 programs for the treatment of all body systems. A well-known traditional Chinese medicine specialist, Dr. Li Wei, works here. The sanatorium also helps with the organization of medical and recreational holidays in Hainan for the whole family, including accommodation with meals. The list of services offered includes diagnostics, pulse diagnostics, medical procedures (for example, tuina massage and acupuncture), spa treatments, cosmetology, moxibustion, herbal medicine and acupuncture. Wellness massage costs 150 yuan ($23) for 45 minutes, and acupuncture for one side of the body is 180 yuan ($28) for 30 minutes.

3. Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital (Sanya Traditional Medical Retreat Center)
Opened in 1991, the Sanya Traditional Medical Retreat Center (TCM) in Sanya is a state-of-the-art public hospital that combines traditional Chinese and European medicine. The TCM hospital conducts both diagnostics using modern equipment and pulse diagnostics. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, liver, gastrointestinal tract, of cardio-vascular system and others. Patients will find a wide variety of medical procedures and massages, as well as acupuncture. The hospital has its own medical tourism company Eira Travel, which helps in organizing treatment and rehabilitation in Hainan.

4. Volcanic Mineral Springs at Mission Hills Resort Haikou
Tourists staying at a resort in Haikou are recommended to visit the Mission Hills Mineral Springs volcanic mineral springs, which are located right on the territory of the resort. Territory thermal springs divided into five zones: Asia, Oceania, Africa and the Middle East, America and Europe. In each of the zones there is a rich variety of open-air baths and pools with mineral water different temperatures and with different additives. Mission Hills Resort Haikou features a spa offering a variety of massages and beauty treatments.

5. Ginseng Clinic at Yalong Bay Universal Resort Sanya
The new Ginseng Clinic at Sanya's Yalong Bay Resort offers traditional Chinese medicine treatments and wellness, including acupressure, foot massage, head massage and acupuncture.

Sanatorium of Chinese Medicine "Source of Health" was founded in 2007, occupies a 6-storey building with a total area of ​​3000 sq. and is located between Dadonghai and Yalong Bay, about 5 km from downtown Sanya. On the 1st-4th floor, treatment and diagnostics are carried out, including several VIP rooms, on the 5th floor - SPA procedures are carried out, on the 6th floor - you can book accommodation for breakfast (hotel level 3 *).
Distance from the main resort areas to the medical center "Source of Health": 15 minutes from Dadonghai Bay and 20 minutes from Yalunvan Bay by car.
One of the features of the center is that it provides treatment programs for children aged 1 to 14 years. In the treatment, a special decoction of herbs is used, the recipe for which is protected by the Ministry of Health of the PRC. This recipe thanks to medicinal properties is the property of the country.
Medical Center"Source of Health" provides its clients with a daily free transfer from the hotel and back.
In total, the sanatorium "Source of Health" employs more than 30 employees, including 4 leading diagnosticians and 2 Russian employees, more than 10 professional massage therapists and 6 translators.

Basic treatment profile:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, arthrosis, apoplexy, herniated discs, sciatica and radiculopathy, cerebral palsy, etc.);
  • diseases of the digestive system and liver (gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, chronic hepatitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, intestinal obstruction, constipation, hepatitis, cholecystitis, fatty liver, etc.);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmia, postinfarction cardiosclerosis, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmia, circulatory failure I and II degree);
  • diseases of the respiratory system (rhinitis, laryngitis, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, sinusitis);
  • diseases of the genitourinary system (urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital organs of men and women, male and female infertility, impotence, premature ejaculation, menstrual disorders, menopause);
  • skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, some types of allergies, vitiligo), obesity;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • diabetes;
  • alcohol dependence and smoking;
  • syndrome chronic fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance, insomnia;
  • rehabilitation courses after strokes, heart attacks, chemotherapy and surgery.

Procedures and prices:
Wellness massage 150 yuan / 45 minutes
Therapeutic massage 300 yuan / 45 minutes
Therapeutic massage by a specialist 380 yuan/30 minutes
Slimming massage 200 yuan / 25 minutes
Fungal infection of the toenails 200 yuan / 45 minutes
Acupuncture 180 yuan / 30 minutes
Foot massage 150 RMB/45 minutes
Needle lift 220 RMB/30 minutes
Acupuncture for weight loss and moxibustion with wormwood 280 yuan/30 minutes
Reflexology 150 RMB/25 minutes
Electroacupuncture 280 RMB/30 minutes
Scraping Gua Sha 150 RMB/20 minutes
Vacuum cans 150 RMB/30 minutes
Children's massage 200 yuan/30 min
Inhalation 180 RMB/30 minutes
Herbal clay therapy with heating with a magnetic lamp 30 minutes
Warming therapy with wormwood 45 minutes
Tourmaline sauna 120 minutes
Yin and Yang Four Hand Massage for Balance 50 minutes
needle knife

Diagnostics: In Chinese medicine, there are four main stages of diagnosis: examination, questioning, listening and sniffing, probing. During the examination, the condition of the skin and mucous membranes is studied. Much attention is paid to the condition of the tongue and the color of the iris. During listening, the doctor evaluates not only the sounds made during breathing, but also the timbre of the voice, its speed. Your pulse will tell the Chinese doctor about the diseases you suffered in childhood, give you a picture of your current state of health, as well as its forecast for the future. The most important vital points, the esophagus and stomach are also probed.

spa treatments:
Removal of toxins from the skin
General skin care
Elimination of age spots
Cryo skin care
Anti-aging care
Imperial facial massage
Anti-acne treatments
Male care
Fragrant phytocandles
Elimination of defects around the eyes
Hand care

Eyelid and lip lifting (non-injection) 40 minutes
Moisturizing and nourishing the skin of the face 70 minutes
Comprehensive facial treatment 90 minutes
Bio facial 90 minutes
Mini-complex for the face with the use of the device 30 minutes
Restoration of the skin of the neck 30 minutes
Restoration of the skin of the hands 70 minutes

Cosmetic procedures:
Eyelid and lip lifting
Lip and eyelid skin care, reduction and elimination of edema, correction of dark circles under the eyes. v Restoration of the skin of the neck
Maintaining the tone and elasticity of the skin in the neck area.
Restoration of the skin of the hands
Moisturizing and nourishing the skin of the face
Smoothing fine wrinkles
Biochemical facial treatment
Acupuncture for facial rejuvenation

Courses of treatment:
The program for the normalization of the work of internal organs
Indications: diseases of internal organs - hypertension, high blood cholesterol, diabetes mellitus, gout, neurasthenia, heart disease, headaches, pyelonephritis, sinusitis, urolithiasis, etc.
Cost 1000 dollars (course 10 days)
The program for the restoration of the functions of the musculoskeletal system
Indications: diseases of the spine, muscles, joints; phlebeurysm.
Cost $ 1300 (course 10 days)
Restoration program for the female genitourinary system
Indications: inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs (vulvitis, vaginitis, vulvovaginitis, cystitis, etc.), infertility, menstrual disorders, menopause.

Male Genitourinary Recovery Program
Indications: inflammatory diseases of the male genital organs (non-venereal urethritis, prostatitis, epidimitis, orchitis, balanoposthitis, etc.), prostate adenoma, infertility, impotence, premature ejaculation.
Cost $908 (course 10 days)
Cleansing and weight loss program
Indications: chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary tract, a tendency to constipation, increased gas formation, swelling, metabolic disorders, overweight.
Cost $933 (course 10 days)
Cardiology rehabilitation program
Indications: post-stroke, post-infarction conditions.
Cost $ 1225 (course 10 days)
General strengthening program: general strengthening of the body, increasing immunity and vitality
Indications: mental and physical fatigue, weakness immune system. Cost $930 (course 10 days)
Anti-stress program
Indications: stress, fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome. Cost $697 (course 7 days)
Program "Anti-addiction"
Indications: alcohol and nicotine addiction. Cost 760 dollars (course 10 days)
Program "Beauty and Youth"
Indications: premature aging of the skin.
Cost $ 1240 (course 5 days)


Immune Boosting and Digestion Boosting Program
Indications: mental and physical fatigue, disruption of the digestive tract.
Cost $ 725 (course 10 days)
Spinal curvature correction and posture improvement program
Indications: scoliosis and other types of curvature of the spine.
Cost $550 (course 10 days)

For the convenience of our clients, the clinic "Source of Health" has formed the most popular and economical starter treatment package. At your request or in accordance with the diagnosis and prescriptions of the doctor, it can be slightly changed. You can order and pay for this package both as part of the tour and directly at the clinic.

A licensed medical facility located in the center of Dadonghai Bay. Here you will be met by qualified doctors who have extensive experience and specialize in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of a wide range of diseases. The junior medical staff of the sanatorium also has a special medical education. For your convenience, medical translators work in the center.


The resort is 15 min. drive from Dadonghai Bay. There are no cafes and restaurants near the sanatorium, they can be reached by taxi or by bus (about 7-10 minutes to Dadonghai Bay). By taxi, about $ 3, by bus, about $ 0.5 / person.

In the room: balcony, kettle, TV (Russian channel available), slippers, towel, shower

The room does NOT include: hair dryer, bathrobes, safe, internet

There is no swimming pool on the territory of the resort, breakfast is not included. There are rooms with King SIZE and TWIN SIZE beds, no extra bed is available

VERY IMPORTANT: It is necessary to inform tourists that after settling in clinics, they need to register with the police for accommodation.

The resort offers a wide variety of traditional Chinese medicine treatments that will help restore and strengthen your health.

Features of Chinese medicine:

Chinese traditional medicine is primarily a medicine for the prevention and treatment of diseases. chronic diseases. In the treatment of diseases, Chinese medicine doctors seek and eliminate main reason disease, which in our view does not always coincide with the symptoms. For example, pain in the abdomen does not mean at all that the root cause of the disease is there. It will be unusual for your ears to hear diagnoses, as doctors rarely use the terminology of Western medicine.

Diagnostic methods.

In Chinese medicine, four main diagnostic methods are used:

  • visual examination of the patient
  • examination by hearing and smell
  • patient interview
  • examination of the pulse and palpation of organs

During the diagnosis, the doctor pays attention to the complexion of the patient and general state, listens to his voice, his breathing and other sounds, asks him about the main symptoms and well-being, carefully feels the pulse, studying its frequency, rhythm, filling and tension. In Chinese medicine, more than 20 types of pulses are distinguished, which serves as one of the main bases for diagnosis. That is why Chinese doctors manage to find the true causes of diseases and effectively deal with them.
After determining the causes of the disease with these four diagnostic methods, the doctor develops an individual course of treatment.

Methods of treatment.

In Chinese medicine, there are three main ways to treat diseases:

  • reception of traditional medicines
  • acupuncture (acupuncture)
  • several types of massage

Traditional Chinese medicines are made only from natural ingredients, in most cases from medicinal plants. Most often they are used in the form of a healing powder or decoction. Medicines are prepared according to an individual prescription, compiled by a doctor based on the results of the diagnosis. The recipe, as a rule, includes up to 20 ingredients of natural origin. Features of taking decoction and powder are set individually for each patient.
Acupuncture is considered one of the most effective ways treatment and achieves very good results. The Chinese in ancient times noticed that irritation of individual points on the human body leads to pain relief and alleviation of the course of the disease. These points are located on channels or meridians that connect all human organs. Chinese medicine uses more than 10 acupuncture techniques. The procedure for cauterizing points with a wormwood cigar has a similar effect. Often the point of influence is far from the diseased organ, but this does not interfere with the effect of this procedure. Reflexology is very effective, which consists in influencing points located in auricle, each of which corresponds to a specific organ.
Massage is a deep impact on the points, meridians and channels of your body.

The sanatorium specializes in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • diseases of the digestive system (gastroenteritis, gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach, duodenal ulcer)
  • pulmonary diseases (diseases of the upper respiratory tract, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis)
  • diseases nervous system
  • gynecological diseases
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system and recovery from injuries
  • diseases of the urinary system in men and women
  • and other diseases

Spa treatment on the shores of the South China Sea for the whole family!

Sanatorium of Chinese traditional medicine "Source of Health" was founded in 2007 and has a license from the Sanya Health Department.

Source of Health Medical Center is located in a detached 6-storey building in the center of Dadonghai Bay, opposite the Guest House. The total area of ​​the center is 720 sq. m., 22 rooms in total, each of them has a balcony and a toilet room, the entrance to which is from the balcony. There is an elevator.

  • on the 1st floor there are zones for pre-medical consultations, recreation areas, where you will certainly be offered to drink green tea.
  • doctor's offices on the 2nd floor.
  • on the 3rd floor there are rooms for general massage, acupuncture, foot massage.
  • on the 4th floor there are rooms for SPA procedures and cosmetology.
  • on the 5th floor there is a hotel - only 6 rooms.
  • VIP clients are served on the 6th floor.

The center employs qualified doctors who have extensive experience and specialize in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of a wide range of diseases. The junior medical staff of the sanatorium also has a special medical education. In total, the center has 45 employees, including 3 licensed diagnosticians, 2 orthopedic massage therapists, 15 massage therapists, 2 SPA cosmetologists and 6 translators.

The resort offers a wide variety of traditional Chinese medicine treatments that will help restore and strengthen your health.

Specializes in the treatment of skin diseases, urology, gynecology, infertility treatment, diabetes, hypertension male impotence, constriction of the heart and head, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, breast disease, cancer prevention and enhance immunity.

The Source of Health center does not practice Western surgery.

Diseases and methods of their treatment


In the center of Chinese medicine "Source of Health" 4 diagnostic methods are traditionally used:

  1. visual examination of the patient;
  2. inspection with the help of hearing and smell;
  3. questioning the patient;
  4. examination of the pulse and palpation of organs.


When the elasticity of the muscles deteriorates due to pinching of the tissues inside the muscles.

Muscle spasm is treated with acupuncture, acupressure and heating. Acupuncture, acupressure and other methods of exposure in conjunction with phototherapy can achieve consistently stable results in the treatment of osteochondrosis.

Thanks to these methods, the pinch is released nerve endings, relief from pain, improvement of blood supply to tissues.


This is a disease of the joints and bones, as a result of which the metabolism is disturbed. For the treatment of gout, massages, acupuncture, herbal medicine are used. Massages normalize blood flow to the tissues, and acupuncture normalizes the circulation of energy in the body.

Chinese medicine is fundamentally different from European - it is the absolute harmlessness of therapy. Phytotherapy is one of the most important components of the treatment of gout.

Varicose veins

This is swelling of the peripheral veins under the skin. On the surface of the muscles of the legs, the veins take on the appearance of swollen and strongly tortuous bluish color.

A set of procedures in China for the treatment of varicose veins: acupressure, acupuncture (on the meridians of the heart, spleen, liver) to strengthen muscles, eliminate muscle spasms: acupressure and vacuum massage, aimed at improving blood microcirculation.

The treatment of this disease in China is becoming more and more popular, as oriental medicine finds alternative methods of treating varicose veins.


A skin disease that manifests itself in the form of rashes and scaly patches on the skin.

Treatment in China will help get rid of skin rashes. Procedures that will help get rid of the disease: herbal pharmacopuncture, capillary bloodletting, cupping bloodletting, therapeutic scraping, auricular therapy. All together, these procedures calm, have a trophic effect and bring the state of the nervous system back to normal, improve blood circulation. A special ointment allows you to get rid of spots and rashes on the skin. This ointment is a unique development of Chinese doctors.

cerebral palsy (infantile cerebral palsy)

Cerebral palsy should be treated with early age. Treatment should be comprehensive and include drug therapy, constant physical therapy, assistance, speech development. The goal of treatment is to bring the patient's condition as close as possible to that of his peers.


This is a process of violation of cerebral circulation due to a blood clot in the clogged vessels of the brain. The disease often ends in paralysis.

Treatment in China: therapeutic acupressure, active-passive gymnastics, herbal treatment (phytotherapy), Gua Sha scraping, Tibetan herbal bath. All these measures are aimed at restoring the ability of a person to move. For the prevention and vegetative vascular dystonia in Chinese medicine, vascular therapy, smoking cessation, diet and other recommendations are widely used.


As well as hay fever, asthma, conjunctivitis, pain and inflammation of the joints, urticaria, eczema, diarrhea, vomiting.

Chinese medicine believes that all diseases are related to digestive problems. An allergy of the mucous membrane of the eyes speaks of an increase in fever, skin allergies - of slagging of the blood. Allergies are difficult to treat. The main feature of the methods of Chinese medicine is the focus on restoring the normal functioning of the whole organism. In China, allergy treatment regimens are made individually for each patient.


This is an inflammation of the prostate gland, a male disease. Prostatitis affects men aged 25-50 years. Two factors can lead to the appearance of prostatitis - infection or blood stasis. The disease develops in chronic form which can lead to cystitis.

Treatment of prostatitis in China: used complex therapy, phytotherapy, herbal compresses, acupressure, physiotherapy. The use of these techniques contributes to the restoration of normal blood circulation, allows you to establish an energy interaction between the kidneys and the prostate gland.

Type 1/2 diabetes

The disease is difficult to treat. For treatment, you need to open the chakras, you need herbal decoctions, acupuncture, reflexology. Thanks to these techniques, metabolism is restored.

The causes of type 2 diabetes are in the wrong lifestyle, ecology, and malnutrition.


In China, an individual approach to each patient is practiced: nutritional recommendations, physical activity, phytopreparations, methods of acupuncture, massage.


Its cause is seen here in the abuse of spicy, fried foods, alcoholic drinks. Also, hypertension occurs against the background of excess weight. If the cause of hypertension is increased activity liver (fever), phytotherapy is used, which cleanses the liver, biliary tract, as well as a point effect (acupuncture, massage) along the energy meridians of the liver.

If arterial hypertension has arisen as a result of metabolic disorders (“cold”), treatment arterial hypertension carried out with the use of warming herbal poisons.

Treatment of hypertension: phytotherapy, acupressure (acupuncture). Chinese massage, Chinese herb helps to expand blood vessels improves metabolism.

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