Cuprum homeopathy application. Anticonvulsant therapy with homeopathic cuprum metallicum

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?


Cuprum metallicum/Cuprum metallicum - metallic copper

Basic dosage forms. Homeopathic granules C6, C12 and higher. Powder (trituration) C3. Drops C3, C6, C12 and higher.

Indications for use. Cuprum and its drugs act in essentially the same way. The overall impact of these funds on nervous system head and spinal cord, organ muscles, mucous membranes, lymphatic system, heart and blood vessels(veins), skin (fat glands), bones. Convulsive states. General nervous weakness. Melancholy. Manias. Spasm of the larynx. Whooping cough. Spastic colitis with pain in the abdomen and painful pushing on the lower part, cardiac asthma. Bronchial asthma. Skin diseases. Chronic lichens. Endocarditis. Lymphadenitis. Bone diseases. Bone eater.

Characteristic symptoms: Sudden onset of blindness followed by convulsions.

Cuprum metallicum is a highly convulsive medicine. A tendency to convulsions is associated with almost all the complaints which are caused and cured by Cuprum metallicum. These can be convulsions of any kind and severity, ranging from twitching of individual small muscles to generalized convulsions. The earliest warning signs of a seizure may include a pulling sensation in the fingers, cramping of the thumbs, or twitching in individual muscles. The remedy has twitching, fine tremor, shaking, and also tonic contractions with sharp clenching of the arms. In these conditions, the thumbs are the first to be affected, they are pressed against the palm, and then the remaining fingers close over them with terrible force. In the fingers and toes, as well as in all the limbs, the spastic tendencies intensify and spread more and more widely, until complete exhaustion occurs in the limbs. Tonic spasms: the limbs are stretched with great force and it seems as if they could be torn to pieces - such a strong tension arises in the muscles. Often the convulsions become clonic in nature, with twitching and sudden jolts.

Cuprum metallicum has many mental symptoms - they are present in the form of delirium, incoherent muttering, slurred speech, memory loss. For various conditions characteristic of the drug, be it cholera, different kinds fevers, eclampsia, dysmenorrhea, cerebral congestion, etc., delirium, unconsciousness, spasms and twitching in the muscles occur. The eyes move in different directions, but more often upward and outward or upward and inward. There are nosebleeds and visual disturbances. Between seizures slurred speech and delirium appear, while the patient is angry, furious, crying or yelling. Convulsions begin with a scream. In one place this cry was compared to the mooing of a calf.

This medicine can cause a series of convulsions, after which the patient looks like a corpse or falls into a trance. Convulsions sometimes end in a state of “full stop”, when there is no consciousness and the muscles do not contract and only tremble. This is often one of the leading signs for prescribing Cuprum metallicum for whooping cough. I will try to explain this with an example, so that when you hear a mother’s story about a sick child with whooping cough, you can “translate” her words into the language of the homeopathic text and remember what I said here. She will tell you that the child had a violent coughing attack, his face became purple or blue, his nails became discolored, his eyes rolled back, the child coughed until he stopped breathing at all, and then he lay unconscious for a long time, so that the mother was already afraid, that he would never begin to breathe, but strong spasmodic movements appeared in the respiratory muscles, the child took a very short breath, gradually came to his senses and returned to life. Here we see all the striking features of a convulsive cough in whooping cough. In addition to the mother's story, you can see some other signs, but the basis of the case, its nature, is revealed by the convulsive cough characteristic of Cuprum metallicum. If the mother manages to give the child some cold water quickly enough, this can stop the attack. Cold water can relieve cramps, so the mother quickly develops the habit of keeping a bottle of cold water with her. Likewise, a child, having once experienced this, knows that cold water eases his attacks. Whenever there is a defeat respiratory organs, there is spasmodic breathing and shortness of breath. There are also loud wheezing sounds in the chest. And the stronger the shortness of breath becomes, the more the thumbs are adducted and spasms occur in the fingers.

Tormenting spasms occur in the lower part of the chest, in the area of ​​the xiphoid process. The spasms are at times so strong that the patient may feel as if he is dying, and sometimes it feels as if a knife is piercing him through, from the xiphoid process of the sternum to the back. Some patients say that they feel as if there is a lump in this place, while others feel as if a large amount of gas is accumulating in the stomach. This disrupts the power of the voice; it seems as if something is being squeezed out of the patients. Sometimes these spasms take the form of colic, sometimes neuralgia. When you ask about the feeling of pressure in the stomach, you will also learn about a voice disorder. You will see a patient sitting on the bed and telling you in a cracked, strangled voice that he will soon die if he does not get relief; fear and torment are written on his face; he really looks like he's dying; the situation is truly dire. By prescribing Cuprum metallicum, you can quickly eliminate all his ailments. Such spasms and breathing disorders can occur with cholera or dysmenorrhea. Spasms in chest are also accompanied by the described compression of the muscles of the larynx and nervous spasmodic breathing. The patient cannot take a full breath.

The patient experiences a large number of spasms. He has spasms of the limbs and chest muscles, with trembling and weakness. For elderly and prematurely aged people, this is a very useful remedy for cramps in the calves, soles, feet and toes at night in bed. For weakened, nervous, trembling elderly people, Cuprum metallicum plays a special role. When an older man who has been single for a long time gets married, spasms may prevent him from having a normal sex life. As soon as he tries to have coitus, spasms occur in the calves and soles. The medicine is also very useful for those young people whose premature aging occurs as a result of riotous living, excessive drinking and other vices; for these subjects, leg cramps during coitus are also common. Cuprum metallicum and Graphites are usually prescribed under these circumstances, but the spasms of Cuprum metallicum do not allow sexual intercourse to begin, while the spasms of Graphites usually occur during it. However, a careful choice must be made between the two remedies, and if the patient's constitution corresponds to Graphites, then it should be prescribed, and the same applies to Cuprum metallicum. Sulfur can also help with these conditions.

For cramps accompanying menstruation, Cuprum metallicum is also often useful. Painful menstruation with cramps starting in the fingers and then spreading throughout the body. Tonic contractions, similar to hysterical fits. They may indeed be a manifestation of hysteria, but this will not prevent the medicine from curing them if there are characteristic spasmodic and convulsive manifestations. Violent dysmenorrhea with delirium, rolling of the eyes, distorted face and epileptiform convulsions.

In epilepsy requiring Cuprum metallicum we see contractions and twitching of the fingers and toes. The patient falls screaming and misses stool and urine during the attack. The medicine is indicated for epilepsy, beginning with the violent contractions of the lower part of the chest, which I have just described, or with spasms in the fingers, then spreading to the muscles of the whole body.

Cuprum metallicum may also be needed for cramps during or after childbirth. This situation may be uremic in nature, although this is not of particular importance to us; the urine is scanty and contains protein. During childbirth, a woman suddenly sees everything darken before her eyes, everything disappears somewhere, labor pains cease to be felt and cramps begin, starting from the fingers and toes. Don't forget Cuprum metallicum when you encounter a similar case. If you start treating the case long before this, then you may no longer need Cuprum metallicum.

The medicine is indicated for cholera with copious, watery stools and severe vomiting, when the stomach and intestines are gradually completely empty of their contents. The patient is completely exhausted, bluish in color, the limbs become cold, twitching and spasms occur in the muscles, especially in the fingers, with adduction of the thumb, spasms in the chest. The skin is cold, speckled, and sometimes blue spots. Collapse; the nails of the fingers and toes, hands and feet are bluish. In this condition, only a few medicines are used along with Cuprum metallicum. With cholera, we need only those substances that can cause cholera-like discharge, a tendency to convulsions, severe cyanosis, coldness, dehydration and collapse. Here we must turn to Hahnemann's research. He did not study specific cases of cholera, but tried to determine the complex of symptoms characteristic of the disease and to select medications suitable for these symptoms. He selected Cuprum metallicum, Camphora and Veratrum. Hahnemann wrote that the basic aspect of cholera is similar to the basic aspect of these three drugs, which are typical remedies for the treatment of this disease. All three had all the signs of the disease characteristic of the nature of cholera and its main manifestations. All of them have debilitating vomiting and diarrhea, coldness of the body, a tendency to collapse, exhaustion from loss of fluid from the body.

From what I have already said, it is clear that among all cases of cholera, cases of Cuprum metallicum include those in which, among other things, a tendency to spasms predominates. They have the most intense spasms, which become the most striking sign in the condition of the patients, and other symptoms against their background are no longer so noticeable. Patients constantly experience muscle spasms, causing them to scream in pain. As for Camphora, it is the coldest of the three remedies; the patient is as cold as a corpse. Here there is a predominance of cyanosis and debilitating discharge, which is much more pronounced than in Cuprum metallicum and Veratrum; Moreover, if with the last two medicines the patient does not resist when he is covered, then with Camphor the patient, despite the coldness of the body, strives to open up and open the windows wider. Although here it is necessary to make some clarifications about Camphora. This medicine can also cause cramps, which are quite painful, and when the pain occurs, the patient wants to be covered and the windows closed. When he has painful cramps in his intestines, he also wants to be covered. Thus, the Camphor patient, in any febrile state (although fever rarely occurs in these patients) and during pain, is characterized by a desire to take cover and be warm, and when the body becomes cold, there is a desire to open up and breathe fresh air. In cholera, Camphora is indicated by severe coldness and cyanosis of the body. Moreover, in the Camphora patient the discharge is often scanty rather than copious, and in such patients cholera develops so rapidly that coldness of the body, cyanosis and emaciation develop even before profuse diarrhea and vomiting appear. This condition is also called “dry cholera,” which literally means an unusually small amount of discharge with vomiting and diarrhea. This is what Camphor is all about. Another striking sign is a pronounced coldness of the body, without the profuse sweating usual for cholera. Cuprum metallicum and Veratrum are characterized by cold, clammy sweat; Camphor may also have sweat, but the patient to whom this remedy is to be given will often have very cold, blue, dry skin, and the patient will want to open up. This is usually noticeable. We will now look at Veratrum and see once again how suitable all three remedies are for the symptoms of cholera and how different they are from each other. Veratrum is characterized by copious, debilitating discharge, profuse sweat, vomiting, intestinal discharge, as well as severe cold sweat. This remedy may cause isolated spasms, the patient craves warmth, he feels better with warm drinks, and warm heating pads reduce the severity of his pain.

All three drugs show a tendency toward collapse and death. I repeat once again: Cuprum metallicum is suitable for cases with a predominance of cramps and spasms, Camphora is characterized by extreme coldness of the body and more or less pronounced dryness of the skin, Veratrum has profuse sweating, vomiting and diarrhea. It's easy to remember, but knowing this will help you face a cholera epidemic with greater confidence.

For conditions resembling cholera, there are other remedies which can be compared with Cuprum metallicum. Podophyllum has spasms, mainly in the intestines. This remedy is characterized by profuse painless diarrhea, as well as vomiting, so it can also be used for cholera.

Podophyllum spasms are very strong, the patient feels as if the intestines are tied in knots. The stool is watery, yellow, and when examined after a while, it appears as if cornmeal porridge had been stirred into it. The smell of the stool is fetid, characteristic only of Podophyllum. To say that it is the smell of rotting meat is only partially describing it; It's more than just a corpse smell, it's a horrific stench that permeates everywhere. The stool is profuse, erupting in a stream, accompanied by severe exhaustion. “I don’t understand where all this comes from,” mothers say, describing their children’s debilitating diarrhea. The stool literally erupts like a fountain, with a feeling of emptiness, mortal exhaustion throughout the abdomen. Phosphorus must also be compared with Cuprum metallicum. This remedy also has cramps in the intestines, debilitating diarrhea, mortal exhaustion, but usually with a feeling of heat in the skin, internal burning, with gurgling in the stomach from drinking any liquid as soon as it enters it; The gurgling continues the entire time this fluid passes through the intestines. It seems that even a sip of water gurgles through the entire intestine. In Cuprum metallicum it begins already in the pharynx; swallowing occurs with a gurgling sound; when swallowing, it gurgles in the esophagus.

Convulsive spasms throughout the body with twitching, jolting, trembling, and bluish skin. Everything has a spasmodic character. The work of the sphincters is also spasmodic in nature. As a result of copper poisoning, the work of all organs is disrupted, loses its rhythm, and becomes spasmodic. With this in mind, we will look at each part of the body in the Cuprum metallicum patient. It is characterized by diarrhea and cramps, sometimes only cramps after suppression of the rash. We know of cases of measles or scarlet fever where the rash was suppressed by freezing or exposure to cold wind and convulsions resulted. This applies to such remedies as Zincum and Cuprum metallicum, sometimes to Bryonia, but especially to Zincum and Cuprum metallicum. Jerking of the limbs after sudden suppression of scarlet fever, with suppression of urine, chorea, etc. Spasms of the muscles of the chest, calves, spasms anywhere from suppression of the eruptions. Suppression of long-existing secretions. This situation usually occurs in life-worn, weakened and excitable subjects who still lived only thanks to the presence of secretions. The secretions served as a safety valve for them. And when the discharge stops, convulsions occur. This is characteristic of Cuprum metallicum. A woman suffers from profuse leucorrhoea for a long time, until some not-so-smart doctor advises her to give her a course of injections that suppresses the discharge in a few days. The result is hysterical convulsions, spasms and tearing pain in the muscles, spasms of the fingers and toes. The same situation occurs when secretions from old ulcers and fistulas are suppressed.

Cuprum metallicum renews suddenly stopped discharge which caused convulsions. Discharge resumes, convulsions pass. The remedy has osteomyelitis, senile gangrene, occurring in old, wizened octogenarians, with dark spots on the nails, with poor circulation.

The nerves of Cuprum metallicum patients are always in an inflated, maximally tense state; they want to jump around and do something terrible. Impulsiveness. Must be doing something all the time; fussiness and tossing, constant restlessness, nervous trembling, chronic fatigue. Strong muscle weakness and relaxation of the body in the absence of cramps. Jerking, jolting and shuddering during sleep. Grinding of teeth due to inflammation of the brain. The inflammation may suddenly stop without anyone realizing what happened. Then suddenly delirium, convulsions, blindness, signs of cerebral congestion develop, and the inflammation flares up again with startling suddenness. Metastases. Complete transfer of symptoms from one part of the body to another. The same symptoms may arise from suppressed eruptions, discharges, or diarrhea, which affects the brain and causes insanity; active, violent, manic delirium. Passivity is not typical for manifestations of Cuprum metallicum. Violent manifestations are everywhere. Severe diarrhea, profuse vomiting, severe cramps, mania and delirium. Hysterical spasms and hysterical behavior can change within a day from the dance of St. Vitus to the complete absence of all symptoms. Thus, changeability and suddenness are characteristic, this is a common feature of Cuprum metallicum. General tendency to convulsions. Spasmodic cough, spasms throughout the body. The face turns purple. Intermittent breathing, suffocation. It seems to the mother that the child will never begin to breathe again. Spasms in the chest, larynx, and throughout the entire respiratory tract are so strong that the child seems to be approaching death.

Whooping cough. Each coughing attack during whooping cough is accompanied by a severe convulsive state, with a spasmodic cough. Twitching in muscles. Cuprum metallicum has spasms of the limbs of all kinds, which can be found in persons of a hysterical disposition. Convulsions during childbirth. During convulsions, the limbs first bend, then extend, thus alternating flexion and extension. In a child, you can observe how the leg is thrown out with great force, then pressed against the stomach with force, and then thrown out again. In this case, it is difficult to find another medicine with such manifestations. Tabacum and few other medicines have this. Convulsions with flexion and extension are characteristic of Cuprum metallicum. Cramps in the limbs, twitching in the muscles. Different patients have particular manifestations of the general picture of convulsive activity.

Violent congestion of the head, violent headaches. Pain with tingling in the top of the head, severe pain in the top of the head, pain as from a bruise. Sensation as if something was crawling at the top of the head, stabbing pain in the temples. Congestion of the brain. Meningitis. Headache after an epileptic seizure. Brain paralysis with symptoms of collapse. Metastases to the brain from other organs.

Facial spasms, twitching eyeballs ah, eyelid twitching. Pain in the eyes, as if bruised. Spasms of the eye muscles, causing the eyeball to make convulsive jerking movements, first in one direction and then in the other. Rolling eyes. “Rapid rotation of the eyeballs with eyes closed. The eyelids are drooping spastically. “The eyes seem to snap shut. "Inflammation of the periosteum around the eyes and the cellular tissue of the lacrimal glands." Ulcers on the cornea. Blueness of the face and lips. During convulsions and whooping cough, the face turns purple and the lips turn blue.

Inflammation of the tongue. Paralysis of the tongue. Paralysis after an attack of convulsions is generally not uncommon in cases of Cuprum metallicum. The force of the cramps is so strong that it apparently causes a reaction in the form of paralytic weakness, numbness and paresthesia, and loss of mobility. “Pharynx spasms that prevent you from saying anything. Sensation of constriction when swallowing. Strong desire for cold liquid." Cold water relieves many complaints, and often spasms. The cough may be provoked by inhaling cold air, but it stops when the patient drinks cold water, as with Coccus cacti. “Desire for hot food and drink. He eats hastily." Indigestion from milk.

The medicine has nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and all this is accompanied by cramps to one degree or another. Stomach cramps. Chest spasms during diarrhea or vomiting. Cramps in the calves and fingers and toes. "Pressure in the stomach." Spasms periodically occur in the stomach and intestines. Spasms are characterized by periodicity. The medicine cures colic in the form of a severe spasm that occurs every two weeks with clear regularity. The pain in the stomach and the pain under the xiphoid process are so strong that it seems that they will kill the patient. And the patient may actually die later a short time if this pain is not eliminated. Tightness around the chest, suffocation, spasms in the calves. Cuprum metallicum has a profound effect on vitality and often becomes indispensable in cases of chronic hysterical tendency to spasms. It is characteristic of Cuprum metallicum that the spasms begin with the flexion of the thumbs. It can be very difficult to straighten them later. They bend again, and then all the other fingers are pressed on top so hard that it hurts. In children and hysterical subjects with similar convulsions, Cuprum metallicum penetrates deeply into the constitution and eradicates the tendency to convulsions and spasms. Uremic convulsions. Convulsions that occur when urine output stops or decreases when empty bladder. The medicine is suitable for young girls who, upon the appearance of their first menstruation, experience severe cramps in the limbs, abdomen, diarrhea, and uterine cramps. Epileptic convulsions during every menstruation. Violent, intolerable cramps in the abdomen before or during menses or after suppression. Such cases occur quite often. Teenage girls go swimming. The mothers, out of hypocrisy and excessive sensitivity, did not tell them about what they could see, and the girls spied on the swimmers for a long time, standing in the cold water. Then they begin to menstruate; cold water can suppress them, and then cramps occur. All this falls under the purview of Cuprum metallicum. These convulsions can be regarded as hysterical. The attacks usually take the form of hysterical convulsions, but chorea may also occur. Instead of convulsions, congestion of the brain with violent insanity may develop. In addition, Cuprum metallicum has the same symptoms that occur in chlorotic girls: cessation of menstruation due to suppression, due to sweating and the consequent appearance of cramps; frequent spasms during menstruation. Although this is not the most best medicine to treat real anemia, he has chlorosis. This is a deeply acting medicine that has a powerful effect on voluntary activity, the sphere of desires and aversions. Cuprum metallicum is well suited for those girls who always do everything their own way, who cannot stand objections. As they grow up and reach adolescence, they are faced with the need to comply with certain requirements in order to become adult women. At the same time, they may experience bouts of crazy behavior and spasms. Cuprum metallicum restores their ability to intelligently assess what is happening and control their impulses of love or hatred. Thus, the drug can have a noticeable effect on behavior.

Spasmodic breathing; severe shortness of breath, asthmatic breathing. Asthma attacks and severe spasmodic cough. “Dry, hard, straining cough, wheezing in the chest, spasms. Dry spasmodic cough until the patient begins to choke. Red or purple face."

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NERVOUS SYSTEM - central nervous system.
Digestive tract. Epigastrium. Abdomen Muscles.

From emotions; anger.
Because of the suppression of symptoms.
From overvoltage.
From movement.
In hot weather.
From vomiting Due to insomnia, lack of sleep.
From touch.
When he raises his hands

From cold drinks.
From pressure on the heart

Insufficient oxygen saturation of the blood (hypoxia) affects centers located in the medulla oblongata. Violent manifestations: in the form of recurring groups of symptoms.

PAINFUL SPASMS AND CONVISIONS; all types; in one part of the body or spreading from it; cause involuntary screams; tonic, with the formation of lumps and knots in the muscles; with the head turned to the side; with trismus of masticatory muscles or hiccups; after which there is a feeling of mortal exhaustion, exhaustion, chills, spastic laughter, etc. They arise in the chest; behind the sternum; in the fingers, in the calves, with improvement in stretching the legs, or in the soles, etc.; night cramps and cramps; worse during menstruation; epileptic.

The body twitches; during sleep. Pain: pressing, aggravated by touch; as if from blows, as if from a fracture, etc.; in the form of painful lightning strikes that penetrate the entire body. Constant weakness. Weak, insufficient reaction of the body. Relapses occur easily. Latent flow. Cyanosis, cyanosis. […].

Hypersensitivity: Any medicine causes an excessive reaction without curing. Restless, anxious. Nervous. Feeling like losing consciousness. Impulsive. Screams shrilly. Delirium, delirium: with loquacity, then cold sweat. Confusion. Melancholy; with attacks of fear of death. Sullen; cunning, treacherous; alternately, sometimes flexible, sometimes stubborn.
Dizziness: with internal trembling; better after stool. Unable to hold head upright or burying head in pillow. As if something was crawling on the top of my head. A woman pulls her hair.

Eyeballs move back and forth under drooping eyelids.
The face is greyish-bluish, pale or distorted.
Mouth closed. Grinding of teeth. Metallic taste in the mouth. Sticks out its tongue like a snake. Loss of speech. Noisy swallowing.

Nausea. Vomiting: severe; painful; better from drinking; accompanied by painful colic, diarrhea and shrill screams or convulsions. Painful, numb, spasm. Strong pressure in the epigastrium. He lies on his stomach, and his buttocks twitch upward. Tense stomach. Terrible colic: better by pressure, worse by raising arms. A stream of stool erupts; green liquid. Cholera.

Suppression of urination [anuria!. Painful spasms [cramps] prevent coitus. Afterpains.
Spasm of the glottis. Dyspnea; cannot bear anything near the mouth; worse from coughing or laughing. Asthma. Cough: in the form of severe attacks; the patient suffocates from coughing; better from cold drinks (Caust.), worse from deep breathing or bending backwards; cough accompanied by spasms, convulsions (Zinc.) or lacrimation. Whooping cough.
In the chest: loud wheezing; painful compression (of the lower parts) of it.

Although the pathogenesis of Cuprum metallicum was described by Hahnemann himself in his treatise “Chronic Diseases,” Cuprum metallicum is still used in homeopathy today.

In addition to pure metallic copper, arsenic acid, carbon dioxide, and neutral acetic acid salts of copper are also used.

Pure homeopathic copper is obtained in a rather complicated way:

  • repeated crystallization of copper sulfate is carried out with simultaneous immersion of a piece of iron into the solution;
  • pure copper precipitates;
  • it is placed in hydrochloric acid to remove iron residues;
  • washed and then fused with a small amount of copper oxide and borax.

The effects of copper on the body

Taking into account the peculiarities of the effect of Cuprum metallicum on the body healthy person and the scope of application of cuprum metallicum in homeopathy was determined. Copper intake is accompanied by:

  1. Cramps and spasms starting from the fingers and spreading throughout the body.
  2. Weakness in the body and severe fatigue.
  3. Painful sensations primarily appear on the left side.
  4. Severe nausea, unlike the side effects of other medications.
  5. Pressure in the stomach with attacks of cramping pain.
  6. Bends involuntarily thumb when clenching your hand into a fist.

Taking these features into account, Hahnemann developed cuprum homeopathy - the use of which is carried out for any diseases accompanied by spasms and convulsions.

Main indications for the use of homeopathic pure copper

Cuprum metallicum in homeopathy is used primarily for convulsive symptoms and spasms. Practice shows that to relieve spasmodic phenomena and convulsions, the most the best remedy is cuprum homeopathy - the use of this substance quickly alleviates the patient’s condition.

Considering the anticonvulsant properties that homeopathy cuprum has, the indications for use are as follows:

  1. Asthma, especially if attacks are interrupted by uncontrollable vomiting.
  2. Epilepsy - with severe attacks with screams reminiscent of the “croaking of a frog”, as well as nocturnal seizures.
  3. Convulsions caused by fright of the child or mother.
  4. Long and continuous cough.
  5. Muscle cramps in cholera.
  6. When teething is difficult for a child.
  7. With severe exhaustion, leading to a pronounced lack of reactions, both physical and mental.
  8. For colic caused by nervous and inflammatory symptoms.
  9. Shortness of breath and insomnia, which accompany chronic aortitis.
  10. Green diarrhea in children.

Considering the danger of overdose, only a homeopath should prescribe the course of treatment and dose. Before cuprum homeopathy is started, the instructions for the drug should be studied by the patient himself.

Metallic copper. Homeopaths use not only copper metal, but also many of its salts - neutral acetic acid, arsenic acid and carbon dioxide. For homeopathic purposes, a chemically pure potion is obtained by repeatedly crystallizing copper sulfate and immersing a piece of iron in the solution. The copper precipitates, the precipitated copper is placed in hydrochloric acid to separate out the iron, then washed and fused with a small amount of borax and copper oxide. The first three dilutions are prepared by rubbing. The pathogenesis of copper is found in Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases.

Characteristic 1. Spasms and convulsions. Spasms begin in the fingers and toes and, spreading throughout the body, become general. 2. Frequency of symptoms. 3. Severe fatigue and weakness throughout the body. 4. The feeling of cold water poured on the head, a peculiar symptom that often allows you to individualize the medicine. 5. Diseases begin on the left side. 6. Improved by drinking cold water. 7. Nausea, according to Boericke, is more severe than with any other medicine. 8. A strong feeling of pressure in the stomach, with attacks of convulsive pain. 9. Bent thumb, in a clenched fist. 10. Rapid rotation of the eyeballs in all directions. Pain. Spasmodic contractions that appear as cramps throughout the body. They are very painful and appear and disappear suddenly. Chair. Constipation with tenesmus; stool is hard. Diarrhea is very liquid, undigested food. The stool is very smelly, sometimes involuntary during sleep with tenesmus, severe weakness and palpitations. Menses. Premature or late, but always abundant. Before and during menstruation mammary glands enlarge and become hard and painful. Cessation of menstruation from colds, from immersing hands in cold water. Leucorrhoea thick, milky, corrosive, with colic.

Summary Spasms and convulsions are the two main characteristics of cuprum, which are an indication for it in all diseases with a predominance of convulsive or spasmodic symptoms: cholera, whooping cough, etc. One must not forget a unique characteristic: the feeling of cold water being poured on the head.

indications for use

Main indications Any disease in which spasms and convulsions are observed (whooping cough, asthma, cholera, epilepsy, chorea, convulsions, etc.). The main homeopathic use of cuprum is to relieve cramps and spasms. Convulsions can be tonic or clonic, local or general, sometimes they are expressed by spasmodic cough or difficulty breathing. WHOOPING COUCH - (6 or 30). Convulsive symptoms predominate. The child turns red, the eyes are watery, cuprum is definitely indicated for a pronounced spasmodic form and if convulsions are expected to appear, or they already exist; spasmodic contractions; squeezing the hand with the thumb under the other fingers. If cuprum metallicum does not produce results, cuprum aceticum is recommended. ASTHMA. Especially if the attacks are suddenly interrupted by involuntary vomiting. EPILEPSY. Chorea. Severe attacks with a cry similar to the croaking of frogs, a consequence of compression of the pharynx and larynx. Night attacks. The aura begins from the legs and rises to the stomach. A piercing scream that precedes momentary blindness. CONVASIONS. Cuprum works best when the convulsions were a consequence of the fright of the mother or child. A strongly bent thumb of a convulsively clenched hand indicates the onset of an attack. COUGH. Prolonged and continuous attacks are the true characteristic of cuprum cough. CHOLERA. Muscle cramps. With camphor, collapse is most pronounced; with veratrum virid - diarrhea and vomiting; with cuprum - convulsions. BRAIN SYMPTOMS of difficult teething in a child, when the condition is not so severe that belladonna is indicated. LACK OF RESPONSE. Tendency to relapse of all symptoms, especially in subjects who are completely exhausted by both physical and mental stress and mental work with insomnia (nux vomica, cocculus). COLIC. Represent a combination of nervous and inflammatory symptoms. The abdomen is hard as a rock, and at the beginning there is persistent constipation, which is sometimes followed by watery, bloody, greenish diarrhea. Terrible vomiting of a spasmodic nature. GREEN DIARRHEA IN CHILDREN. Preferably cuprum arsenicosum. Shortness of breath and insomnia in chronic aortitis.

effect on the body

Physiological action After taking copper salt, the first thing that happens is a very strong stomach upset. Vomiting begins immediately; vomit has a characteristic color, green or blue, depending on the salt ingested, and sometimes streaks of blood. The patient complains of a very unpleasant copper taste in the mouth, which lasts for several days and is accompanied by very profuse salivation. There are very sharp pains in the mouth, in the esophagus and in the abdomen, colic is accompanied by diarrhea, sometimes mucous, but sharply bloody. There are also nervous symptoms, in particular, cramps in the lower extremities. In case of poisoning, toxic nephritis may develop within a few days; urine is excreted in small quantities, contains protein and epithelial casts; There is no blood or coloring matter of blood, even when the urine is dark in color. Quite often, jaundice is observed on the second or third day. Copper destroys red blood cells, which undoubtedly results in jaundice. However, in some cases, the presence of hematin and homoglobin is detected in the urine. In the case of a successful outcome of poisoning, recovery is slow, sometimes dyspepsia with diarrhea followed by constipation is observed for a very long time. According to Tardieu, in some cases, during recovery, paralysis and tremors are noted, which sometimes last for several years. During autopsies, more or less severe gastritis is discovered in the stomach. There is hyperemia and ulcers in all intestines, especially in the colon and even in the rectum; hypertrophy and swelling of Peyer's patches are also noted. M. Vibert draws attention to strictly limited areas of atrophy of the intestinal walls, which depend more on the release of poison through the intestinal mucosa than on its passage through the digestive tract. Occupational poisoning is not as pronounced as with arsenic or lead. Bouchara rightly says: “from a hygiene point of view, lead is more harmful than frightening, and copper is more frightening than harmful.” However, workers who inhale the dust of copper salts for many years become ill with attacks of “copper colic”, then they always suffer from digestive disorders and gastralgia; they lose strength and noticeably lose weight, they cough, suffer from night sweats and give the impression of tuberculosis, although when auscultated the lungs turn out to be healthy; the teeth are exposed and a stripe appears on them, sometimes gray, and most often purple-red.


Metallic copper is usually prescribed in high dilutions from 12 to 30, and salts in low dilutions.

Synonyms: Cuprum metallicum

The pathogenesis of Cuprum metallicum was described by Hahnemann in his treatise on chronic diseases. The drug is still used in homeopathy today. In addition to pure metallic copper, acetic acid, carbon dioxide, and arsenous neutral copper salt are actively used.

The hardest thing to get is a clean one. To do this, copper sulfate is crystallized multiple times, immersing it simultaneously with a piece of iron in the solution. It is pure copper that precipitates. It is placed directly in hydrochloric acid to remove iron residues, then washed and treated with borax and copper oxide.

Cuprum metallicum can currently be used in homeopathy. However, it should be understood that taking copper is often accompanied by spasms and cramps in the body, which begin from the fingers. The person feels excessive fatigue and weakness. Pain sensations are localized on the left. Severe nausea occurs, there is pressure in the stomach, and the thumbs involuntarily bend.

Even a single dose of copper salt provokes severe stomach upset and vomiting begins. Vomit has a characteristic blue or green color. It depends on the type of salt ingested. In some cases, streaks of blood are visible in the vomit. The patient is haunted by the taste of copper in the mouth. Moreover, this feeling does not go away within several days. The condition is accompanied by profuse salivation.

IN oral cavity, in the esophagus and abdomen occur severe pain. Severe colic is accompanied by mucous, sharply bloody diarrhea. In some cases, all this is complemented by nervous symptoms. Basically, they manifest themselves as convulsions lower limbs. Within a few days the patient develops toxic nephritis. As a result, little urine is released. It contains protein, as well as epithelial casts. The coloring matter in the blood or the blood itself is not visible, although the urine may become dark.

Jaundice often appears on the second or third day. This is due to the fact that Cuprum metallicum simply destroys red blood cells. In some cases, specialists detect hemoglobin and hematin in the urine. With a successful outcome of such poisoning, a slow recovery begins, although often for a long time the patient is haunted by dyspepsia with diarrhea, which is replaced by constipation.

There are situations when tremors and paralysis are noted during recovery. They can last up to several years. At autopsy, gastritis is discovered in the patient's stomach. In the intestines there are ulcers and hyperemia. The rectum suffers the most. Swelling and hypertrophy of Peyer's patches are also noted. Areas of atrophy of the walls of all intestines are limited. This depends on the degree of release of the poison directly through the intestinal mucosa. The digestive tract also suffers. Occupational poisoning is inferior in symptoms to lead or arsenic intoxication.

For example, it is believed that lead can cause more harm, but copper is only frightening. In any case, this is the opinion of Bouchard. However, workers who have been inhaling dust from copper salts in factories for many years still suffer from attacks of so-called copper colic. They are tormented by gastralgia and digestive disorders. Over time, workers noticeably lose strength, lose weight, cough, and at night they are haunted by increased sweating. Such people outwardly become similar to tuberculosis patients. However, upon auscultation, their lungs are quite healthy. Teeth become exposed over time.

Indications for use

In homeopathy, Cuprum metallicum is used primarily for spasms and convulsive symptoms. Practice has shown that pure copper is considered the best remedy to relieve discomfort. She is able to alleviate the patient’s condition in the shortest possible time. Cuprum metallicum is in most cases prescribed for the following indications:

  • Asthma, attacks of which are interrupted by uncontrollable vomiting;
  • Epilepsy with cries similar to the “croaking of a frog” and nocturnal seizures;
  • Convulsions caused by fright of the mother or child;
  • Continuous, prolonged cough;
  • Muscle cramps that occur with cholera;
  • Difficulties with teething in the baby;
  • Severe exhaustion of the body, which leads to a pronounced lack of any mental or physical reactions;
  • Green diarrhea in a child;
  • Insomnia or shortness of breath that occurs with chronic aortitis;
  • Colic caused by inflammatory or nervous symptoms.

However, it is important to understand that the danger of overdose is quite high. Therefore, the course of treatment and the amount of the appropriate substance should be prescribed by an experienced homeopath. Before starting to take Cuprum metallicum, the patient must study the instructions.

It is important to understand that the remedy described above is not prescribed very often. And the main homeopathic purpose of the drug is the presence of severe convulsions and spasms, which can occur with meningitis, convulsions, chorea, epilepsy, asthma, whooping cough. Convulsions can be clonic or tonic, general or local. They can be expressed by difficulty breathing or spasmodic cough. This nuance is important to take into account.

So with whooping cough, it is the convulsive symptoms that predominate. The man turns red and his eyes water. Cuprum metallicum is suitable if the spasmodic form is pronounced, spasmodic contractions and clenching of the hands are noticeable. If copper does not give results, another option is prescribed. As a rule, this is Cuprum aceticum.

Asthma attacks are also not always an indication for the use of the drug described above. As a rule, Cuprum metallicum is recommended if severe attacks are periodically interrupted by involuntary vomiting. Epilepsy deserves special attention. Its manifestations are caused by compression of the larynx and pharynx. This provokes a characteristic croaking sound. Night attacks can begin from the legs, rising to the stomach. Moreover, a piercing scream often precedes instant blindness. The onset of convulsions requiring the use of Cuprum metallicum is signaled by the bent thumb of a convulsively clenched hand.

Cough should also be mentioned. The presence of continuous, prolonged attacks cannot be ignored. Cuprum metallicum can be prescribed for complicated teething in babies, but there is one important amendment. This drug is suitable if even belladonna does not help.

In people who are mentally and physically exhausted, frequent insomnia slows down their reactions. In this regard, Cuprum metallicum allows you to solve the problem. Do not forget about colic, which requires intervention with the above-mentioned drug. They present inflammatory and nervous symptoms. The stomach becomes as strong as a rock. Initially, the patient experiences persistent constipation. But after this, bloody, greenish, watery diarrhea appears. Vomiting of an antispasmodic nature does not give rest. Such symptoms cannot be ignored.

Dosages of the drug

As a rule, Cuprum metallicum is used in high dilutions, that is, one in thirty or one in twelve. However, this approach can only be used as prescribed by an experienced homeopath. Self-medication is unacceptable. Moreover, it is life-threatening for the patient. Even a slight excess of the dosage is fraught with dire consequences for the body.

Cuprum metallicum can also be presented in the form of homeopathic granules. In most cases, Cuprum metallicum is consumed 8 granules three times a day before meals. They are dissolved under the tongue. Duration of use can be from three to four weeks, then maintenance courses are required. The frequency of administration and exact dosages in each case must be agreed with your doctor.

Interaction with other medications

The manufacturer allows the use of Cuprum metallicum as part of a combined therapeutic regimen; it can be combined with other medications. However, it is advisable to coordinate the frequency of administration, exact dosages and duration of use of the selected drugs in each case with the attending physician. A competent specialist, after an accurate diagnosis and a thorough examination of the patient, will select the optimal therapeutic regimen that will give results and relieve the identified health problem.

Constitutional type

Experts agree that the copper type corresponds to sociable, energetic and hard-working people. With physical or mental stress, they are sometimes overcome by high fatigue, melancholy, and weakness. Characterized also by fearfulness, awakening at night from disturbing dreams.

Diseases in such people, as a rule, begin to cover the left side. There is a tendency to spasms and convulsions. They start with the toes and hands. Thumbs excessively arched even in a strongly clenched fist. The patient feels as if ice water had been poured over his head. A purple-red or gray stripe appears on the teeth. Before menstruation, in cold or too hot weather, the condition worsens. Improvement comes only from cold drinks and increased blood pressure.

Side effects

Such a homeopathic monocomponent preparation can cause allergic reactions. Moreover, when taking it, previously identified symptoms often worsen. In such a situation, a break in use for five to seven days is required. If the effect of taking Cuprum metallicum is not observed during the first week of use, and side effects expressed, it is advisable to rush to a medical facility. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe symptomatic treatment, as well as detoxification drug therapy.

Cuprum metallicum: contraindications

It is important to understand that such a drug can hardly be called safe. The manufacturer emphasizes to patients that Cuprum metallicum is not suitable for everyone. The drug should not be used if there is hypersensitivity to the active substance. Prescription of Cuprum metallicum is allowed only after a thorough examination of the patient.

Storage conditions

The manufacturer strongly recommends storing the drug in its original packaging, away from children and away from light. Temperature plays a special role here. The temperature of the room in which Cuprum metallicum is located should not be allowed to exceed 25°C.

The shelf life of this drug is five years. After its expiration, the use of Cuprum metallicum is strictly prohibited.

Analogues of the drug

As analogues, instead of Cuprum metallicum, drugs from the group of homeopathic monocomponent remedies can be used. As a rule, these are twig-shaped eucalyptus, peppermint, rosea rhodiola, bird knotweed. They all have their own effects, contraindications, and side effects. To avoid them, you need to agree on all the nuances with a qualified specialist after making an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, only an experienced doctor can replace prescribed medications.

Expert opinion

Experts agree that there are two basic characteristics of Cuprum metallicum, which are the main indication for ailments accompanied by spasmodic or convulsive symptoms. But we must not forget about the main, unique characteristic - the feeling of ice water that was poured on the head. In some cases, Cuprum metallicum really allows you to relieve the patient of severe discomfort, and in the shortest possible time. But using the drug on your own is unacceptable.

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