Is it possible to freeze fresh boletuses? How to freeze boletus mushrooms: all methods

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Boletus mushrooms are fragrant and delicious mushrooms. To preserve their beneficial properties for a long time, you just need to freeze them correctly. Let's look at all the ways to freeze mushrooms at home.

First, sort out the mushrooms brought from the forest. Remove forest debris, rot and wormy specimens. Small young mushrooms are most suitable for freezing whole.

Freezing raw mushrooms

Freezing fresh mushrooms is the easiest and fastest way.

Place the prepared mushrooms on a flat surface. Place in the freezer and freeze well. Afterwards, collect them in a plastic bag or plastic container. Boletus mushrooms can be stored in this form for 1 year.

Watch also the video on how to freeze fresh boletus mushrooms:

Freeze boiled mushrooms

Boletus mushrooms can be boiled before freezing. This way you will get a ready-made semi-finished product for a mushroom dish for a quick fix. To freeze mushrooms, follow these steps sequentially:

  1. cut the peeled mushrooms into slices;
  2. place them in a saucepan and cover with water. Place over medium heat and cook until tender, about 30 minutes;
  3. place the boletus mushrooms in a colander and let the broth drain;
  4. Pack the boiled mushrooms into the prepared container and transfer to the freezer. The shelf life of mushrooms with this heat treatment should not exceed three months.

Freeze fried mushrooms

Specially freeze fried mushrooms it makes no sense. But it happens that after frying a large amount remains uneaten, there is nowhere to put it, and it’s a pity to throw it away. In this case, place the mushrooms in a colander to remove excess oil. Place them in plastic containers. Place in the freezer and store for no more than three months.

As you can see, boletus mushrooms can be frozen different ways, but the fastest and most long-term is fresh freezing.

Mushrooms in dishes are mainly observed in summer and autumn - everything is explained by the season. But there are ways to preserve the product and all useful microelements for a long time - this is to freeze them. Next we will discuss in detail the features of how to freeze raw mushrooms or already prepared.

The best way to preserve the nutrients and value of a product is to freeze it. Unlike other preparations, mushrooms will not lose their shape, color, texture, vitamins and microelements in their composition. The method also has a positive effect on the mood of the housewife - to prepare it, you just need to clean the caps, if required by the type of mushroom, and place them in a container.

Advantages and disadvantages of freezing

Often, professional chefs use frozen mushrooms because they know all the benefits of preparing them. TO positive factors The following points can be noted:

  1. Minimum time for preparing the product - as described above, the mushrooms are simply cleaned of contaminants and placed in the freezer. You can first boil or stew the workpiece, then after defrosting it will take less time to prepare the dish.
  2. Freezing is a sure way to preserve all the benefits of a product.
  3. Frozen products can be stored for up to a year - then it is better to get rid of the product, since it will lose its texture after defrosting.
  4. Once defrosted, raw mushrooms can be cooked immediately - there is no need to soak them for faster cooking.
  5. The mushroom taste will be preserved during freezing, both in the raw product and in the finished semi-finished product.
  6. The defrosted product can later be salted or pickled.

The disadvantage lies in the peculiarities of storing the product frozen. It is important to observe the temperature regime here, since deviations from the norm will lead to loss of appearance and taste.

Mushrooms suitable for freezing

  • chanterelles;
  • honey mushrooms;
  • boletus;
  • Champignon;
  • boletus mushrooms

If they are not there, then you can take the second most popular varieties, which almost retain their taste characteristics:

  • waves;
  • Russula;
  • boletus;
  • saffron milk caps;
  • oyster mushrooms

To a greater extent, you should pay attention not to the variety and taste, but to follow the rules of freezing and subsequent storage.

How to choose and prepare mushrooms correctly

The rules for selecting and preparing a product for freezing include the following factors:

  • it is better to pick mushrooms in the forest, but if this is not possible, purchase the product fresh in the supermarket;
  • You can often buy fresh oyster mushrooms and champignons in the store - when choosing, pay attention to the absence of painful spots (these are traces of worms), the product should not be wilted;
  • Clean the mushrooms before freezing - remove all debris and the top film from the cap (if this is required), then wash the entire mass under running water;
  • after washing, give the product time to dry on a towel - freezing the product with water is not recommended;
  • If you want to freeze already cooked mushrooms, you need to heat them within 24 hours after collection.

These are the main steps in preparing a product for freezing. It is important to remove all wormy specimens, for which large ones are cut into several parts.

Dishes needed for freezing

If there are no containers, you can use bags (special vacuum bags for freezing, or simple ones) - they also remove, if possible, all the air. It should be understood that when stored in bags, the product may lose its shape. Storage will not affect the appearance if the workpiece is crushed.

If freezing will take place in bags, it is better to first lay out the product on a tray and place it in the freezer. After the mushrooms are frozen, you can put them in a bag - this way you can freeze the champignons without losing their appearance and shape.

Preparing the refrigerator

The product is frozen in the freezer, which is first cleared of ice on the walls and door. If storage occurs in a container, it is enough to place it in horizontal position in the cell on any shelf. If packaged in bags, they are placed on a separate shelf, laying out the workpiece in one layer.

Freezing methods at home

Mushrooms can be frozen fresh, boiled, or even with broth. The type of product will partially determine the method of their preparation in the future, therefore, before making a decision, you should choose the most correct one.

Raw mushrooms

Among the frozen ones in the supermarket you can only find raw semi-finished products. A similar preparation can be easily made at home, following the following sequence of actions:

  1. Prepare the product for freezing.
  2. Place on a tray in a single layer and place in the freezer. If using a container, pack the workpiece tightly and also put it in the freezer.
  3. Place the most in the freezer low temperature for 12 hours freezing.
  4. Afterwards, the temperature is reduced to the required level and everything is distributed into bags.


It is possible to freeze salted mushrooms, which is often chosen to preserve an open jar of the product. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Drain the contents of the jar in a colander.
  2. Rinse under running water, while removing peppercorns, if any, and other additives.
  3. Dry in the standard way - by laying them on a towel.
  4. The dried product must be frozen using any of the above methods.


Boiled Mushrooms are quicker to cook after defrosting, so housewives prefer to do preliminary preparation. It is also recommended to use the presented actions when appearance the product is somewhat damaged - there are broken caps or damage received during cleaning.

To properly freeze a boiled product, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Place a saucepan on the fire at the rate of 5 liters of water per 1 kilogram of product. The water can be salted or omitted, depending on taste preferences.
  2. The workpiece can be placed in water in advance, without waiting for the water to boil.
  3. When boiling mushrooms until fully cooked, housewives are then faced with the dryness of the product in the finished dish. It is enough to boil for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Next, remove all the mushrooms with a slotted spoon and let them dry.

You can freeze without pre-drying, but then it is better to use containers for this.


Frozen blanched preparations are excellent for further preparation of soup. They will retain their shape, color, taste and beneficial microelements; with the help of pre-treatment, you can completely clean the mushrooms from dirt.

To freeze pre-blanched preparations, you will need to do the following:

  1. Prepare a pan of water with the required quantity.
  2. Wait until it boils, pour the prepared product into the water and wait for it to boil again.
  3. Next boil for 2 minutes.
  4. Turn off the heat and drain the contents of the pan into a colander.
  5. Wait until the water is completely drained and place the workpiece in containers for freezing and storage.

You can blanch mushrooms either whole or in chopped form. You can salt the water a little, but do not overdo it, so that when you subsequently prepare the dish, the product will not be over-salted.


It is preferable to eat stewed stews immediately, but some housewives prefer to prepare healthy bags for the winter in order to reduce the preparation time for the main dish. Stewing is required in compliance with basic recommendations that will help preserve the original appearance and taste of the product:

  1. The workpiece is cleaned of dirt and soaked in a solution of citric acid - add a teaspoon of citric acid in powder form to a liter of water. Keep the product in the solution for no more than 7 minutes.
  2. At this time, heat the frying pan, into which you should pour a little vegetable oil.
  3. Place the mixture in a heated frying pan and simmer for 4-5 minutes, stirring constantly. You can add onion for better taste. With onions in open form simmer for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Next, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 20 minutes, adding salt and pepper to the mushrooms.
  5. After the time has passed, turn off the fire and leave to infuse and cool completely.

If you plan to use the mushrooms for preparing various dishes, it is recommended to drain the oil and the resulting juice. Otherwise, freeze it as received and use it for sauces.


It makes an excellent preparation from fried mushrooms, but they are not cooked in a frying pan so that they do not dry out during subsequent heat treatment. For frying, they are crushed - it is better to do this in thin layers. You need to pour a little oil into the frying pan and heat it, place a few pieces of mushrooms in one layer on the surface of the dish.

It is enough to fry thin and small layers for 4-5 minutes, larger ones - up to 10 minutes. Everything is then cooled and placed in freezer containers.

Mushrooms with broth

Here they use broth from cooking the product. For freezing, containers are used in which the packages are placed in such a way that the edges cover the sides of the container used. Mushrooms are poured into them along with the broth.

The workpiece is placed in the freezer until frozen. Next, the bag is removed and stored without a container throughout the winter. Use frozen semi-finished products with broth to prepare soup.

What temperature is needed for freezing?

Storing mushrooms in the freezer requires temperature control at -18 degrees. This is the only way to fully preserve the appearance of the product and its beneficial properties.

Terms and rules for storing frozen products

To prevent mushrooms from losing their original appearance and texture, it is recommended to follow the following storage recommendations:

  • The shelf life is not limited, but mushrooms should not be kept in the freezer for more than a year - they lose their taste;
  • should be stored separately from meat products and semi-finished products - if this is not possible, then the mushrooms are tightly wrapped in a bag;
  • Frozen bags should not be thawed and then re-frozen - this will lead to a loss of texture, the product will become slimy and tasteless.

It must be stored in a working freezer that will keep constant temperature-18 * -19 degrees.

How to defrost mushrooms correctly

To defrost a product without losing its taste, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • It is better to defrost in the refrigerator;
  • transfer the workpiece from the freezer to the refrigerator overnight, after placing it in a container or plate;
  • You can add it to a pot of soup or a frying pan without defrosting it;
  • Do not use a cup of water for defrosting - this will lead to excessive moisture, causing the taste to be lost;
  • You can place the used workpiece package in water to defrost, but only so that moisture does not get inside.

Freezing and storing mushrooms is not difficult if you follow all the rules and recommendations. It is important to accurately determine the method of preliminary preparation, which is influenced, first of all, by the type of product and options for subsequent preparation.

And fruits, in addition to cans, are also sent to the freezer - for better preservation of vitamins.

But there is another type of preparations that many housewives practice, namely those collected or purchased for the winter, and this process is worth considering in more detail.

What mushrooms are suitable

Fans of “silent hunting” know that almost any type of hunting weapon is suitable for such purposes. But preserves its taste best:

  • boletus;
  • boletus;
They are slightly inferior to them, but still retain their gastronomic “notes”, such types as:
  • saffron milk caps;

Most often, purchased oyster mushrooms or are used. This is the easiest option for city dwellers - not everyone has a forest nearby, and collecting “wild” ones without proper experience is problematic.

Important! A filled container or bag should contain a minimum of air, which accelerates the “aging” of products. Therefore, the containers are filled to the very top, and the air is “bleeded” out of the bags before sealing.

Logging is more preferable (after all, it is a “natural product”), but there are some nuances here too. The collection should only contain young plants taken from the edge of the forest in the depths of the massif. Roadside ones are not suitable for food (due to their ability to absorb harmful substances through ).

Preparing mushrooms

Primary processing is done immediately after collection. Ideally - within 24 hours. The most demanding ones in this regard are boletus mushrooms, trumpet mushrooms, and. Having such a collection in hand, you will have to act as quickly as possible.

Other species (especially oyster mushrooms) can withstand 1.5-2 days, although this should not be abused - useful substances and compounds “evaporate” quite quickly.

Otherwise, preparation at home is quite simple; mushrooms, before being frozen, are subjected to such simple procedures:

  • a thorough inspection - all old, cracked, limp or simply suspicious specimens are put aside;
  • all rubbish and dirt are removed from the remaining ones;
  • then follows a thorough rinsing with a change of water (in this case, some of the beneficial properties will be lost, but safety is paramount);
  • After washing, they are laid out on a towel and dried.

Already dry mushrooms are ready for further processing and freezing. The largest ones are carefully cut, while the smaller ones are tried to be left whole (although for a small freezer, they will also have to be cut).

Freezing methods

Having already washed mushrooms, you can proceed directly to freezing. Let's start with the most simple way, which will help preserve the newly collected material.

Raw mushrooms

The algorithm for such work will be as follows:

  1. Mushrooms are scattered evenly over containers or tray. The layer should be thin.
  2. Then the container is left in the freezer for 12 hours, turning up the maximum setting.
  3. After this time, the workpiece is removed, and the mushrooms themselves are distributed into ordinary plastic bags. They are placed in the freezer, already operating in standard mode.

Many people are interested in which mushrooms from the mentioned list can be frozen, taken raw, and whether they really retain their nutritional qualities using such a simple method.

Important! The ideal storage container would be a container made of so-called kraft cardboard with walls and bottom laminated on the inside.

“High-speed” freezing without preliminary heat treatment best suited for purely forest species, such as:

  • chanterelles;
  • boletus;
  • boletus;
  • (collected at the forest edge, not purchased).


It happens that the collected specimens seem to be intact, but their condition falls a little short of “saleable appearance”. In such cases it helps short cooking:

  1. Place a large saucepan over medium heat. It’s easy to calculate the volume - 5 liters of water per 1 kg of collection.
  2. The already washed and cut workpiece is placed in the pan, which will be boiled for 5-10 minutes.
  3. After turning off the gas, you need to let the boiling water cool a little and then remove all the pieces with a colander, draining the water. Some mushrooms are dried, but this is not necessary.
  4. All that remains is to place the mushrooms in bags and put them in the freezer. They are packaged so that one bag or container is enough to prepare one dish - after opening the cellophane in winter, the product is immediately sent for cooking (when melted, it very quickly loses vitamins and minerals, and the taste becomes less rich).

The question that remains relevant is whether it is possible to freeze absolutely whole mushrooms by simply taking them raw and without boiling them before sending them to the chamber.

Practice suggests that nothing bad will happen, but there is one culinary trick. If you freeze such products for making soup, then you don’t have to scald them, but for future frying this procedure is required.


This method allows preserve the aroma without much destruction of the structure of the stem or cap:

  1. The blanks are soaked in a solution of water with citric acid (1 tsp per 1 liter). Leave for 5-7 minutes.
  2. Then they throw it into a heated frying pan, after pouring a little vegetable oil into it.
  3. Set the heat to high and stir for 4-5 minutes. To enhance the taste, you can add (chopped or rings). This “set” is fried for another 2-3 minutes.
  4. It remains to simmer under the lid for 15-20 minutes, not forgetting to lightly pepper and salt at the end.
  5. Turn off the gas and let the mushrooms sit for a while under the lid.

Important! If during prolonged cooking the mushrooms begin to turn slightly gray and wrinkle, this is not a cause for concern. On the contrary, such a signal indicates the final “exodus” of microbes and harmful impurities.

The final chord is cooling and placing in containers or bags. It turned out to be an excellent base for pasta, which is sent to the freezer.


There is no particular difficulty here either:

  1. Drop 2 tablespoons of vegetable or oil into the pan.
  2. When it warms up over medium heat, you need to lay out the chopped collection in a thin layer.
  3. The duration of frying may vary depending on the size - 4-5 minutes are enough for small pieces, while larger ones can take 10-15.
  4. Then comes cooling (you don’t have to cover it with a lid).
  5. Then everything is as usual: packaging and going to the refrigerator. The resulting product, left there until winter, will be an excellent filling.

Often such processing is carried out not on the stove itself, but in the oven. This is even more economical - no oil is required (it is replaced by your own juice). True, old stoves can produce uneven heating, and this point should be kept in mind even before frying.

The “silent hunting” season should not pass by our freezer. Because - alas, in winter we are unlikely to find fresh boletus, chanterelles and boletus in supermarkets. We will buy factory-frozen or eternal mushrooms, like the Egyptian pyramids, champignons and oyster mushrooms.

But! If we make a little fuss and overcome our own laziness for a while, then... then we’ll put the mushroom reserves in the freezer and freeze them according to the rules in the winter

Rule No. 1: clean, fresh, young

Our mushrooms, no matter how we freeze them, must be fresh, clean and, if possible, not broken. A lot depends on this - both the appearance of the product after defrosting and the quality. Consequently, mushrooms need to be collected, bought, bartered, begged for - fresh. Maximum - yesterday's assembly.

Attention! When peeling mushrooms, do not get them too wet. The mushroom easily absorbs water, which will become ice in the freezer. Why do we need water in mushrooms?

Rule No. 2: freeze fresh mushrooms

The easiest way to freeze mushrooms is whole and fresh. After cleaning, they are placed in the freezer on a flat surface, and after a few hours they can be poured into a prepared bag or container. Ideal mushrooms for freezing in this way would be boletus, honey mushrooms, forest champignons, boletus, aspen, and chanterelles.

We need the fungus to be strong, then even after defrosting they will keep their shape and decorate any dish.

Attention! The best way to defrost raw mushrooms is to place them in the refrigerator. Then they will be just like fresh, just out of the forest.

Rule No. 3: freeze boiled or stewed mushrooms

If you're afraid fresh mushrooms If you want to be on the safe side, boil them before freezing. Not long at all - up to 5 minutes. Most often, honey mushrooms intended for frying are frozen in this way. This method is also suitable for broken mushrooms that have lost their “glamorous” appearance, but are fresh and tasty.

In this way, I prepare semi-finished products for the winter for fillings in pies, pies, kulebyaki and other winter delights (stuffed chicken, for example).

To prepare the mushrooms, drop them, peeled and cut into pieces, into boiling water for 5 minutes. Then let cool, drain in a colander and place in food bags or containers.

Calculate the number of mushrooms in the bag so that you can use one bag to prepare one dish. As a rule, I get half of the small packages - from 300 g to half a kilogram, and half - with a larger weight, from 500 g to 1 kg.

You can also freeze fried mushrooms. To do this, clean, prepared mushrooms are fried in a small amount of vegetable oil for 20 minutes until all excess moisture has evaporated. Completely cooled mushrooms are placed in bags and frozen.

By the way, so that the mushrooms do not lose their sweet taste and aroma during frying, the mushrooms can be fried on a baking sheet in the oven. For such frying, you don’t even need sunflower oil, and the mushrooms themselves are cooked in their own juice.

Rule #4: Maintain Temperature

Frozen mushrooms for the winter can be stored at a temperature of -18°C for up to a year. After completely defrosting the mushrooms, use them immediately, and under no circumstances leave them in the refrigerator for “later.”

Editor's Pie

If there are mushrooms at home, it doesn’t matter - fresh or frozen, then after 40 minutes my family and friends are already groaning over the baking sheet, choosing the most delicious piece for themselves. The dough in this pie is called “filled” and takes no longer to cook than scrambled eggs.

You will need for the test: 2 eggs, 0.5. Art. sugar, 1 cup sour cream, 1.5 cups flour, 1/2 teaspoon soda, a pinch of salt.

You will need for the filling: 500 gr. frozen mushrooms in pieces, 1 large onion, 200 gr. chicken liver, oil for frying, salt and pepper to taste.

Boil the chicken liver and grind through a meat grinder (I do this in advance if possible). Thaw the mushrooms, chop into very small pieces and fry with onions. Combine with liver, pepper and lightly salt.

We combine the ingredients for the dough, mix thoroughly and pour into a greased form or baking sheet with high sides (I have a glass one), lay out the filling - some of it will go down, some will remain on top.

Bake over medium heat for 30-40 minutes. The sour cream dough is very good. The slight sweetness of the dough and the saltiness of the mushrooms give an unusual taste!

It just so happens: summer goes by quickly. But autumn and winter with cold, slush and disease last, it seems, endlessly. So long that the shelves of the most zealous housewife are empty. Pickles, jams, and dried mushrooms, vegetables, berries and fruits.

Freezing is especially popular among housewives. The advantage of this particular method of preparing food for the winter is that we freeze berries, vegetables and fruits fresh, that is, most of the vitamins and other useful substances. Mushrooms can also be frozen fresh, but I prefer to boil them first: frozen boletus mushrooms will still have to be boiled before cooking. But in winter, when defrosting, we will skip this stage and can immediately start frying or other mushroom recipes. For example, I really appreciate the opportunity to save my time.

Boletuses are already ready for the winter. Now it's time to freeze boletus mushrooms for the winter.

We'll sort out the boletus mushrooms. We will remove the wormy parts. Let's clean the boletus stems.

Let's cut the mushrooms into such parts as are convenient for us. If the mushrooms are strong, then you can cut them smaller. Old boletuses can be loose. We will cut these mushrooms larger. You need to rinse the mushrooms for a long time and thoroughly, changing the water several times. Cook boletus mushrooms in salted water for 40 minutes from boiling. We collect the foam.

Place the boiled mushrooms in a colander, rinse again and leave to drain excess liquid, otherwise it will turn into ice in the refrigerator.

That's all preliminary preparation. All we have to do is put the boletus mushrooms into the right container for storage in the freezer. For this, it is good to use plastic containers - disposable or reusable.

Close tightly. In order not to absorb foreign odors, you can additionally pack it in a plastic bag.

That's all. We just have to wait until winter to prepare delicious and healthy dishes from frozen boletus mushrooms.

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