How to make a good offer for tourists. What can travel agencies offer? How to sell a tour

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Even if your tourist has already visited Tunisia more than once, he should return to this country, since it is simply impossible to embrace all its beauties in one or two trips. Guided by this fact, the multidisciplinary tour operator ANEX Tour from April 16 to April 26, 2017 organized a large introductory press tour fortravel journalists so that they could tell Russian tourists in detail about this interesting destination.

The group members traveled through different provinces of Tunisia, felt the atmosphere and flavor of the country, saw its main attractive features, and assessed the level of security.

Guests arriving at Enfidha Hammamet Airport were surprised by the crystal cleanliness of the air gates - as if the facility had been put into operation just the other day.

The level of “tourist friendliness” was not inferior to the Djerba airport, from which ten days later the journalists flew to Moscow, and city streets throughout the country became much cleaner than after the revolution.

“This is the result of the efforts made by the state and business. Quite recently, large retail chains “Carrefour”, “Monopri”, “General” eliminated the sale of plastic bags, and immediately there was less garbage on the streets, because that’s 350 thousand plastic bags a day! In addition, parliament passed a law that provides for fines for littering. So, you will now have to pay 40 dinars for a thrown cigarette butt. Also, the environmental police will begin work in the near future; the decision to create it was made on April 10, 2017,” - explained to the correspondentTRN representative of the host company.

So the journey began...

Hammamet, where the sea is azure

Only a few ancient Roman amphitheaters have survived on earth and one of them is located in El Jem. It is huge, with a capacity of 50,000 people, and the design is such that many people can easily enter and exit without creating a crowd. It was here that the legendary film “Angelique and the Sultan” with Michelle Mercier was filmed leading role and the movie "Gladiator".

Jeep riding on the dunesOngJmal- popular excursion. Journalists tested for themselves how exciting this action is and were convinced that it makes sense to recommend this excursion. It's really fun and, importantly, safe. The level of skill of the drivers commanded respect. It’s also worth visiting the nearby village where the Star Wars movie was filmed. This is a place of pilgrimage for tourists and a location for photo shoots in the Star Wars scenery.

To meet dawn in the Sahara, the group was checked into the local hotel Ksar Rouge Touzeur for the night.

Stunning views of the sun rising over North Africa's largest salt lake, Chott El Djerit, immediately give an idea of ​​why this excursion is so popular among tourists. It's really worth getting up early and spending two days on the road.

Moving to Berber village of Matmatu immerses the tourist in the atmosphere of primitive life. The hospitality of the Berber family touched the journalists: people here live poorly, but are kind and warm at heart.

The youngest girl is not studying yet. The eldest is already at school and knows two languages ​​- Arabic and French.

The state free program provides an opportunity for a social lift for the poorest segments of society. high, but if you have talent and desire, you can get it in the best universities in the country, some of which are even listed in France.

A hearty lunch at the Diar El Barbar restaurant, and the group set off to the island of Djerba.

This is the largest island in northern Africa. You can get there either along the Roman road or. The bus loaded onto the ferry quickly - luckily, the queue was short.

Djerba is the second most important resort in Tunisia and probably the most popular among Russians. There is everything for relaxation here: clean well-groomed beaches, many restaurants, nightclubs, warm sea, wonderful hotels.

Life on Djerba has always been connected with the sea - for many centuries the island served as a base for Barbary pirates, and today their descendants are engaged in fishing, crafts, tourism, and grow olives.

Guests visited potters' village and Gellala Museum, where a rich collection of ancient ceramics is kept and one of the oldest synagogues in the world, El Ghribu, where ancient Torah scrolls are located.

The journalists spent their last day in Tunisia at the hospitable Royal Garden Palace. This was already the tenth hotel during the trip. All the hotels that we managed to visit had their own specifics, but there was also something that united them - high standards of service and excellent material resources.

By the way, this year the tour operator ANEX Tour has increased the offer of exclusive hotels to 15, and the number of guaranteed hotels with a large quota of places (more than 40) will also increase. The company's offer will also include new products, including: TUI Sensimar Oceana Resort &Spa (adults only from 16), Le Mirage Beach Club (Ex. Club Med), Club Thapsus, Bravo Haroun and Magic Djerba Mare 4*.

The operator has also introduced an additional convenient service - the ability to book various thalasso therapy courses in advance, for example, at Magic Royal Kenz. For those who are looking for a tour for a holiday with children, the company will offer four hotels where the Angel Kids Club operates. These are the hotels Holiday Village Manar 5*, Splash World Venus Beach 4*, Skanes Family Resort 4*, Magic Djerba Mare 4*.

For domestic tourists who prefer to spend their holidays in Turkey, the country is known as a summer and beach destination. Few people know that Turkey is also a skiing country. The southern and central resorts of Turkey are replete with ancient architectural and cultural attractions. And this side of the republic’s tourism remains unknown to Russian tourists.

The volcanic Mount Erciyes, whose height exceeds 3900 meters, will definitely appeal to fans of alpine skiing. The resort of Kayseri is located here. Its ski slopes extend over 120 kilometers. The resort is equipped with drag and chair lifts, rental and sales points for equipment necessary for skiing. The resort has bars, restaurants, etc. And if today there are 18 hotels on the territory of the hotel, then 16 more are planned to be built soon.
One of the resort hotels, located at an altitude of 2700 meters, is Magna. One of the two buildings is equipped with drying chambers. In addition to 150 rooms, the hotel has Gym, sauna, restaurant, hammam. The cost of accommodation, which includes breakfast and dinner, is $170-450. Accommodation for children under 6 years of age is free. For children from 6 to 12 years old there is a 50% discount. A teacher can look after the children, but this can only be done from 10:00 to 20:00. During the New Year holidays the hotel is fully booked. Hotel Magna is open to tourists from December to April.
Guides claim that this place is not dangerous for avalanches. In the entire history of the resort, not a single case of avalanche has been observed. The snow thickness does not exceed five meters. If there is not enough snow at the resorts, snow cannons are used, located along all the slopes.
At the end of the ski resort in Kayseri, cycling and walking routes open, the length of which is more than 130 kilometers.
What other resorts in Turkey can surprise tourists? Of course, beautiful Cappadocia, which the ancient Persians called the country of beautiful horses. The bizarre caves of Cappadocia, formed due to a volcanic eruption, contain rock paintings of ancient people. It is Cappadocia that is the site of the founding of the Assyrian civilization.
Man first settled in these places in the Prehistoric period. And the first inhabitants of the underground labyrinths, which gave them the appearance of monasteries and dwellings, were Christians persecuted by the Romans.
The underground cities of Cappadocia, attracting thousands of tourists from all over the world, have no analogues. Entrance to the caves costs 25 liras; children under 12 years old can visit them for free. The dungeons, which surprisingly allow you to breathe easily and freely, go far into the depths. But for tourists, the maximum height is limited to 45 meters.
There are more than a thousand churches on the territory of the ancient city. Pilgrims from all over the world come to them. The architecture of the churches and their skillful decoration will not leave anyone indifferent.
In ancient Cappadocia, you don’t remember the sea at all - the landscapes around are so beautiful and unique. In addition, there is something to do here - jeep safari, horseback riding and cycling, hot air ballooning and more.
Before you drive balloon, every pilot must undergo university training, which lasts two years. 25 companies are engaged in balloon flights, each of which has 5-20 balloons in its arsenal. Some of the pilots rise up to 1000 meters, from where they have an excellent view of ancient settlements, picturesque valleys, etc. Upon landing, tourists will be initiated into aeronauts, champagne and commemorative medals.
Soon the resorts of Turkey will be replenished with another resort, which will be in great demand during the off-season. More recently, thermal waters were found near Cappadocia. Hotel construction is already underway near the found sources.
Tourists who have visited Cappadocia or Erciyes at least once will want to return here more than once. And now it will be easier to do this - Corel Travel is opening Moscow-Kayseri charters.

New Year and Christmas are exceptional holidays, the very name of which reflects the unprecedented nature of what is happening on these days, unplannedness and spontaneity. Therefore, do not believe those who say that the New Year is a traditional holiday and should be celebrated at home at a table with a TV, a Christmas tree and tangerines. In company advise: offer the client a real New Year's gift - celebrating New Year and Christmas in Europe.

The master class is taught by Oksana Lyulintseva , CEO DANKO company.

Updates of Italian classics

Tour operator DANKO Travel Company knows exactly where to celebrate the New Year and how to turn the New Year holidays into a real celebration. Our New Year's programs in Italy this season may seem very familiar at first glance. And, indeed, such tours as “Italy Mini”, “Italy Maxi”, “Classic Italy” are still included in the short list of our most popular Italian programs. But for the New Year's races, we tried to make changes that were not significant, but would correspond to the New Year's mood of our clients. We have adjusted the routes so that our tourists can celebrate the New Year in big cities - for example, in Rome or Florence. So that tourists can appreciate the full scale of celebrating the New Year in Italian. So this time our clients in Rome will have a gala dinner at the restaurant-theater and a very interesting program. And in Rimini we are planning to create a real sensation - with fireworks, a gala dinner and other New Year's attributes. We guarantee that in Italy for the New Year it will be fun, festive and comfortable.

Guests are also welcome at the ski resorts. Tourists will enjoy our expanded program, which this year includes both ski passes and instructor services and everything you need for comfortable skiing. For our clients, we have prepared a wide selection of venues for New Year's Eve - from a classic dinner at a hotel to a celebration in a mountain chalet. Of course, you need to book such offers in advance, but it's worth it.

New Year in French

The French celebrate the New Year more recklessly than the Italians, and therefore the atmosphere in French ski resorts is especially hot on New Year's Day, in Courchevel, for example, and will easily charge you with positivity for the whole coming year.

But our most New Year's offer this year is to celebrate the New Year in the fortified city of Carcassonne. We are opening this medieval UNESCO monument to Russians on the eve of the New Year. It is surrounded by fortress walls, within which there are only a few hotels. We suggest celebrating the New Year in three of them: Le Donjon Les Remparts, Mercure Porte de la Cite and De la Cite. It is especially worth paying attention to De la Сite - it is a real castle and has an incredibly beautiful hall and two restaurants, one of which has a Michelin star. And we invite you to celebrate the New Year's chimes in the medieval square. This New Year's Eve, many surprises await guests of Carcassonne!

We offer the program “New Year holidays in Medieval France from Barcelona”. The tour starts from the capital of Spain, where we propose to spend one day and night, plunge into the pre-holiday atmosphere and take a sightseeing tour of the city. And then tourists go to Carcassonne to celebrate the New Year and further relaxation.

The programs in Carcassonne are weekly, and your stay in the city can be varied with excursions to Toulouse and Avignon. Sightseeing tours, gastronomy, wine tastings - tourists definitely won’t be bored. And the cost of the tour is quite reasonable - from 51,588 rubles per person.

Visit Santa Claus

In winter, we traditionally invite tourists to Finland, namely to Rovaniemi, where for many years the real Finnish Santa Claus has been meeting children from all over the world. On New Year's Eve, we bought an entire flight to Rovaniemi from Ural Airlines. DANKO has good relationships and direct contracts with local hoteliers. But that's not all - the Swedish Santa Claus is also waiting for our clients, but you can only fly to him on regular flights with a flight to Stockholm.

Also this winter, from January 2 to 9, DANKO is launching a charter in Oslo, for an excursion program around this city and Bergen and, of course, for ski tours to the resorts of Nurefjell, Hafjell and Kvitfjell. Also planned for the winter season are tours to Savalen and the “Christmas with the Norwegian Santa” tour, which also includes a vacation at this resort. Anyone who goes on this tour with DANKO will ride a dog sled, see the Olympic Games of Santa Clauses and learn ice fishing.

We also cannot ignore the Czech Republic, where Russian tourists have been celebrating the New Year for many years - in Czech cities they are so accustomed to this that they prepare for all Russian holidays seriously and in advance. Treatment in Karlovy Vary and excursion programs from Prague with visits to castles, breweries, Vienna, Dresden and other European cities neighboring the Czech Republic are also popular during the New Year holidays.

By the way, on New Year's dates 29/12 and 03/01 there is an early booking promotion - the agency commission will be 16%.

– this is a rather complicated question. And if there is no developed transport infrastructure, then it is practically unsolvable. The same products grown on the ground cannot be sold, since they cannot be delivered to the consumer. Rural tourism is a different matter! This idea is interesting in every way. Let's take a closer look.

What is the meaning of the idea for a vacationer

What is rural tourism? This expression refers to a certain type of recreation for residents of megacities, during which they take part in agricultural work. That is, city dwellers go to the village in order to breathe fresh air natural products eat, and at the same time try to live a completely different life - rural. It must be said that this idea, on the one hand, is simple, since many people buy dachas precisely for this purpose, on the other hand, it expands the possibilities of “vacationers”.

This means that rural tourism is not just a trip to a suburban area, but an opportunity to visit other countries, get acquainted with the life and way of life of other peoples. What distinguishes this from other types of recreation is the opportunity to fully immerse yourself in a way of life that is inaccessible to a city dweller, to feel like a full-fledged resident of the village.

Benefits for the host

Here it must be said that the idea gives rural residents literally unlimited opportunities! Developing your own business in rural areas is very difficult. Not because there is a lack of hard work or resources. Rather, due to the lack of a consumer. For a successful business, you need a constant influx of people willing to buy its result, otherwise the idea will not pay off.

Thus, rural tourism becomes a “lifesaver” for those who are actively involved in building their own business. But that is not all! Who would refuse extra labor! Only a peasant who has a lot to do and time is running out can understand this. And if these “hands” also pay for their accommodation... Such a rural business becomes not only profitable, but also enjoyable! The peasant (owner) receives the following benefits: profit from tourists, help with the farm, an influx of new communication and information. This is a great example of a business idea from scratch in a rural area.

A little history

Rural tourism originated in Europe. This was due to the desire of people with little money to relax in nature. At the same time, they wanted to get all the “delights” of expensive hotels together with the pleasure of feeling like the “owner” of a plot of land.

To satisfy the demand, those who wish were offered accommodation with villagers' families for a reasonable fee. I liked the service. Clients now include not only families with low incomes, but also young people, especially students, people seeking solitude and a natural life. Demand for rural holidays has not fallen for many years, bringing up to twenty percent of gross tourism income in some European countries.

Agritourism in Russia

The idea, despite its promise, has not yet found mass development in the country. It should be noted that the Kaliningrad region was the first to practice it (to invite foreigners). Due to its sufficient popularity among esotericists, Altai joined it. It is believed that this particular area of ​​the country will become the most promising in terms of the development of rural tourism.

This is due to the fact that many people from all over the world want to live in this modern Mecca. And in general, Siberia now seems to be one of the best places to implement a business idea in rural areas. This territory is sparsely populated, but there are a lot of people all over the world who want to settle here (at least temporarily).

Signs of rural tourism

This is considered a type of recreation outside the city, completely environmentally friendly and beneficial to local residents. That is, there are three signs: in the village, without harm to nature, useful for the economy. It is necessary to create conditions for the tourist so that he can comfortably enjoy the chosen type of recreation. That is, in the area where this type of service is developed, a special infrastructure is created.

It includes places of residence, transport, places of “work”, shops, cafes and so on. Tourists are called “guests” here. They are trying to create completely home conditions. In addition, psychological comfort is an integral part (if not the main one) of this type of recreation. Often people travel not so much for impressions and physical activity, how much for “rest of the soul.” It is known that in rural areas communication is more open and sincere, which has a beneficial effect on nervous system guests.

Features of rural tourism

This type of business is quite profitable for municipal authorities. It does not require government investment, and the return, if properly organized, will be decent. The only thing that may be required from the budget is the construction (repair) of roads. But this is already their responsibility. The rest of the infrastructure is created by business owners. There are some risks.

Thus, an excessive influx of tourists can contribute to the pollution of the area (cars, garbage, etc.). This problem can be solved. The construction of transport service enterprises, as well as paid parking lots, may be another idea for villagers or municipal authorities. True, such a business in rural areas will only pay off if there is a large influx of guests.

What can we offer tourists?

It must be said that guests come most often in the summer. At this time, they are offered a number of pleasures that they are deprived of due to their urban lifestyle. Among them:

  • the regularity and silence of village life;
  • vegetables, berries, herbs straight from the garden;
  • walks in the open air;
  • the opportunity to drink water from natural sources;
  • swimming in natural reservoirs;
  • work on the ground;
  • animal care;
  • fresh milk and meat;
  • individual approach to each guest;
  • the opportunity to relax with your pets;
  • participation in folk festivals and entertainment;
  • homely atmosphere and much more that nature generously gives.

In the fall, there are people who want to learn how to harvest and make homemade preparations, dry herbs and berries. And all the townspeople simply dream about mushrooms! Thus, rural tourism can become the most popular type of recreation in the world. It lacks stronger advertising. But this is a matter of time.

Where to start (required conditions)

For rural people who have no other source of income, rural tourism is becoming increasingly attractive. The business plan for the development of such a business is not too complicated (at least at the first stage). But it still has some mandatory conditions.

It is necessary not only to be passionate about the idea, but to have some “start-up” capital. Fixed assets: land, a house suitable for receiving guests, transport (car, boat, etc.), pets, vegetable garden or garden. For the first time, you will be able to allocate part of your own living space. It must be equipped with a separate entrance. You need to take care of the dining room, the place where guests will eat. It should be comfortable, spacious and cozy. You will have to prepare food in a separate, specially equipped room. Please note that special services are monitoring this issue.

It is advisable to have a pond, forest, and meadows nearby. That is, the area that would be attractive to tourists. Mandatory conditions also include the desire and ability to work, communicate, and learn new skills (even professions). It is necessary to take into account that guests will need to be taken care of as family members, cooked, cleaned, and entertained. This is serious and hard work.

Desirable conditions

Once you decide that this type of activity is right for you, consider the following. Business ideas from scratch in rural areas have not only mandatory conditions for implementation. There are also intangible resources that you need to have in order to make your tourist area competitive. What is meant? Guests will have to not only be received, but also entertained.

This requires skills in organizing folk festivals, knowledge of local traditions and rituals, mastery of crafts (any task that is done by hand from natural materials), and so on. Guests will be grateful if you sometimes tell them about the history of the area and cultural features.

This is not as paramount as material resources, but it greatly affects competitiveness. It is advisable to create your own corporate style. These could be ethnic adventures or fun holidays. Choose the activity that you like. Then it will be much easier to interest guests in it.

How to organize a reception

To organize your stay, you will need a separate room (or building). Typically a house (or part of it) with a separate entrance is used. The room should be equipped taking into account the comfort of the guests. That is, you will need to take care of beds, bedding, and dishes.

A necessary condition is the presence of a TV, computer (with Internet), telephone connection. Do not forget that rural tourism focuses not only on locals, but also on foreigners. Therefore, you will need conversational skills (minimum English). In addition, you will need to feed your guests. To do this, you will have to master the dishes of not only the local, but also some other cuisines (not everyone will agree to a “country” table).

In this regard, there is a need to have a supply of food. It must be selected in such a way that guests do not feel inconvenienced. It is advisable to inquire about their wishes in advance. Please note that unfavorable reviews (there are plenty of people who like to write them on the Internet) can ruin all your efforts.

The main condition is to respect the interests of the guests

For a business to succeed, you need to be able to attract a client. All marketing textbooks talk about this. Since rural tourism puts home coziness and comfort at the core, creating an atmosphere of benevolence and good nature becomes the first condition for success.

Guests should feel welcome and loved. You need to be able to accept essentially strangers so that they feel not just “buyers” of services, but members of your family. To do this, you need to learn behavioral flexibility, the ability to prevent the development of conflicts in the bud, and develop the ability to understand what your interlocutors want.

Some guests will need additional furniture (maybe toys for the children). Others will want a lot of excursions. In any case, all guests will walk around the village and communicate with the local population.

And in order for this not to turn into a problem, you will have to come to an agreement with your neighbors, maybe involve them in providing additional services(fishing, holidays, excursions). Since rural tourism involves not only relaxation, but also work, you need to plan in advance what you will offer your guests.

There is no need to put them on heavy and dirty work without prior agreement. And it is not customary to demand the “norm” from guests. It is best to give them the opportunity to try themselves in the types of work that they choose for themselves. But this requires patience and the ability to teach.

Rural tourism is a promising direction. Its development does not require huge capital investments at the first stage. You can start with existing resources, and only then build up momentum. At the same time, state registration of such activities is mandatory. It will be necessary to comply with all legal requirements regulating the reception of guests and their stay in the local territory.

Alexander Shneiderman Chapter from the book “Guerilla Marketing in Tourism”
Publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber"

Before you start reading this chapter, take a look around. Look left, right, in front of you. Lay out the contents of your briefcase or purse. Take a close look at your clothing.

I think that you will immediately see what a huge number of advertising media surrounds you. Nowadays it is very difficult to find a thing that does not have the manufacturer’s logo on it. All kinds of icons are dazzling before your eyes. All social networks are crammed with advertising, because this is where their management makes their billions. The situation is exactly the same on city streets. We are surrounded by signs, pillars and billboards everywhere. There is practically no place to hide from advertising; it is present everywhere, even in public toilets and on underwear. Our consciousness is tired of accepting so much advertising. After all, as we know, good things should be in moderation.

It’s not for nothing that all industry experts unanimously claim that advertising oversaturation has set in, and that the return on advertising media is falling every year.

That is why those companies that place standard advertising are so eager to get on prime time television or hang their ads on the busiest highways and in crowded places. Can you imagine how many millions of dollars are spent by transnational corporations on these events?

For some reason, it seems to me that such methods of investing money are absolutely not suitable for a small travel agency. Naturally, the eternal question arises: “What to do?” How to deal with these rich companies, how to compete with them when there is a shortage Money? The answer is obvious: “You need to fight not with numbers, but with skill.”

Remember the classic example from the military biography of Alexander Suvorov. What was the ratio of Russian and Turkish troops at the Battle of Rymnik? If you don’t remember this, I can say that Suvorov had four times fewer soldiers. But it was not Yusuf Pasha who gained the upper hand, but Alexander Vasilyevich. Don’t be lazy, read the military encyclopedia - and you will see that many serious military victories were achieved not by superior numbers of soldiers, but thanks to commanders who knew how to come up with various non-standard operations. Small flying partisan detachments often inflicted more damage on the enemy than large military formations of regular troops.

However, I think we got a little distracted. Let's go back to our sheep, that is, to advertising, and think about whether we should even compete and fight with superior forces. Is it possible to come up with something that the enemy doesn’t pay attention to at all?

Here is the simplest example. It's called a "guerrilla calling card."

First, let’s see what “smart books” write on this topic. What do they mean by “classic business card”? I took the time to read a few articles, and then looked at what was written on Wikipedia. Here is a verbatim fragment: “A business card is used in business at official meetings and negotiations to provide contact information to its future clients. Business cards must include the name, surname, position of the businessman, as well as the name of the company and the type of its activity. In accordance with global practice and according to the rules of the Russian language, the first name, patronymic, and then the last name must be indicated. When developing a business card, the company's corporate identity and logo are used. Such cards usually have a strict design. Civil servants and deputies may have an image of state symbols on them, such as the flag and coat of arms of the country.”

If this is your business card, I feel sorry for you. Yes, it meets generally accepted standards. But I hope you understand that in this case it will be absolutely no different from all the other business cards, which are in the hundreds in special albums. Such a card will simply get lost among its peers and will not give the desired effect. Turn your business card into an advertising medium!

You and I understand very well that a lot of cards are printed, and the tourism business would be impossible without them. Your business card should represent not so much you and your agency, but the product you sell. Unfortunately, people don’t care much about your name or the name of your company, unless, of course, you are the president of Coca Cola or the Russian Federation.

When designing a business card, it is better to use both sides, but one of them should be dedicated to your real commercial offers and the benefits that your tourists can receive. If you have additional services (airline tickets, hotel reservations, credit card payments, etc.), be sure to list them.

There are situations when tourists know that they can buy a standard tour to Thailand from you. But you can probably organize a fur coat shopping tour to Turkey for 1 euro, and people still don’t know.

You may have amazing medical tourism programs in Israel and Germany, but clients are unaware of this, assuming that, like everyone else, you can only offer a standard excursion program. Your business card may say that a surprise awaits its bearer (a gift, a bonus) or that upon presentation in the office you can receive an honorary customer bonus card.

You can work a little with the text - let it be written on the card instead of the standard address (Pervaya St., 110, office 6): “I’m always ready to have a cup of coffee with you in our office at: Pervaya St., 110 , office 6". Your business card should be different from others, and in what way - size, folding option (halved, quadrupled), super-bright color, non-standard material, your erotic photograph, a funny tourist story - puzzle yourself. A business card is a formidable advertising weapon, and it must be used wisely.

My business card has a green background, close to the color of a dollar, and it has my photo and a list of the services I provide. I don’t think that it was created according to the canons of business etiquette, but I firmly know that it is different from other business cards. This is exactly what I was aiming for.

A mail item to any recipient can be turned into your own advertising platform. You can send accounting reports to the tax office or letters to your landlords. You can find out how much the furniture you are interested in costs, or enter into an agreement for the supply of water to your office. In all these cases, you can indicate in the corner of the form, on the envelope or somewhere else, what services you provide, what you do and how you differ from others. These are absolutely free advertising options. Be sure to include links to your website and groups on social networks.

If you are walking down the street and a lot of girls in white dresses pass by, you will eventually stop paying attention to them, but all it takes is for a girl in red to appear and your eyes will instantly make her stand out from the crowd. Learn to stand out! This is one of the rules that you need to remember.

However, nowadays there are so many goods and services and they are so diverse that not all buyers know about them and that they potentially need them! The task of any trading company, including tourism, is to inform potential customers about its existence and the availability of the goods they need. Even if clients don't suspect that they really need it!

In my opinion, one of the travel agencies in Vladivostok copes with this task in a very original and successful manner. Its employees review information about all more or less large and successful companies in the city, Special attention devoting them to anniversaries: when such a joyful event will happen and how many years it will be. 2-3 months before the holiday, they send a beautiful letter to the celebrants with an offer to organize an away corporate party for several days in the nearest boarding house or abroad. Why 2–3 months? Yes, because in large companies around this time a person appears who is responsible for holding the anniversary at the proper level.

This technique is good because conversion increases due to correctly selected dates for sending letters. If such messages are sent without reference to the anniversary, the return on them will be close to zero.

Look at your facade sign, is it similar to the others nearby? Is the sign near the door to your office also similar to the neighboring ones? It seems to me that now you need to once again stop reading the book and write down in a notebook the thoughts that come to your mind. If you immediately came up with a way to stand out, great, if not, then you need to have a collective brainstorming session. As a tip, I would like to recommend that you pay attention to balloons, various inflatable shapes and unusual lighting.

The ability to stand out is a very old trick. Actor Mikhail Boyarsky always wears a hat, although this is a violation of classical etiquette norms. Fidel Castro, leader of the Cuban revolution, has a long and usually scruffy beard. The literary hero Sherlock Holmes has a smoking pipe. They are always recognized by these small details. Think about it, how can someone recognize you?

It’s the same in tourism: people are more willing to turn to well-known companies and consulting managers whose names are well-known than to someone unknown. If you think that you need to spend a lot of money to promote your own image, then you are wrong. Money, if you don’t have it, can always be replaced with time. To do this, you just need to find topical topics on various travel portals and leave comments there. At the same time, write not two or three words: “I agree,” “Nonsense,” “I have a different opinion,” but normal, meaningful texts.

If you live in large cities, such as Moscow, Kyiv or Minsk, and are engaged in domestic tourism, then you probably have a vested interest in hosting groups from other cities. You can spend money on advertisements. But there is another option: to participate in various debates, argue, agree, refute, but always very unobtrusively indicate that you are a specialist in receiving groups. In just a few months you will become a very recognizable person on travel forums. And as soon as someone starts looking for a partner in a large city, he will involuntarily remember you.

The same technique can be used for other types of recreation. Establish yourself as a specialist family vacation on portals dedicated to raising children - and you will be surprised how many tourists end up in your office. Just don’t be shy to write, don’t be afraid to argue. Being intrusive is one of the features of our profession. A very good option for attracting tourists is to create various affiliate programs. Take the time to spend a few hours of your time and walk down the street near your office. There are probably pharmacies, photo studios, fitness centers, sports stores, restaurants and other places where a lot of people go nearby. Everyone who works in such places is interested in increasing the incoming flow and wants them to have as many clients as possible.

Chat with them, come up with joint promotions and competitions. Exchange promotional materials, links to your websites or groups on social networks. Create joint advertising programs. For example, in Moscow there is a company that delivers theater tickets to your home. And the travel agency supplies them with the envelopes in which these tickets are placed free of charge. Regular envelope with advertising text It’s inexpensive, but imagine how many tickets are given to customers every day!

Believe me, with any conversion, the travel agency remains profitable.

The most interesting thing is that the management of that company went further: they agreed with the ticket suppliers that after purchasing the tour they would inform all clients that, completely “by chance,” there were tickets for a very interesting theater premiere for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Bam! - and money fell from the sky!

Nowadays, more and more different free message boards are appearing. If you type the query you are interested in in the search bar of your browser, you will find out specific sites in your city that deal with this. But before you place ads there, carefully look at the texts of your competitors. Pay attention to the writing style, standard templates, design and color scheme. Identify the main, most characteristic features. Identify the general trend and try to move away from it.

In addition to all kinds of free message boards, I recommend placing your advertising on various thematic platforms. What will you think if, when you come to a shoe repair shop, you hear from the master that he is a very good pastry chef and therefore offers you to buy “very tasty buns” from him? It seems to me that in 99 cases out of 100 you will doubt the skill of the shoemaker, and even ask the question of how suitable the sanitary conditions of the shoemaker's workshop are for baking buns.

The same thing happens when travel agencies, hoping to “catch a client,” begin to place their advertisements everywhere. One of my friends even posts ads on all kinds of humorous portals and porn sites! Moreover, she assures that all this is very cheap. Everything, of course, is so, the question is different: is there a real return from such non-targeted advertising? The answer lies on the surface: the return is practically zero, although the costs are also small. So is it worth engaging with untargeted traffic?

Answer: worth it! Of course it's worth it! You just need to understand what to place on such advertising platforms. If you simply write “World Tours” or “Lowest prices for travel to Egypt,” I’m sure it won’t work. But an advertisement posted on a website for newlyweds like “Just a marriage ceremony is no longer fashionable!” it might work. Or here’s an option for a photographers’ website: “The most beautiful sunsets can only be photographed in the Seychelles” - it will also work. Or on a bikers website: “India is a country where more than 500 million people love to ride motorcycles. Check it out, you’ll like it!”

As a result, we get the following: it is not at all necessary to place advertising on travel portals - this is, of course, effective, but expensive. Look for portals on other topics, but think about what kind of ad makes sense to place there. Got it, I hope, what do you need to do now? Certainly! You need to create an advertisement that will be different from everyone else. If everyone's primary colors are yellow and blue, design your ad in green and red. Only then will you be noticed.

Pay special attention to the title! It is he who should first of all attract attention. “An unusual offer”, “A unique opportunity”, “For the first time in the city”, “Tours for warrant officers”, “Trip for natural blondes”, “An exciting trip for bald people” - all this allows you to stand out from the crowd that writes “Tours in all countries of the world."

Are you interested in politics? Think about the last time you were at a meeting with a municipal or city deputy. What, you never went at all? There is a lot of work and you are not interested in politics? But in vain! I strongly recommend attending such a meeting, listening carefully and making sure to express your point of view. At the same time, remember that the main information is perceived by listeners through non-verbal channels. Take the appropriate pose, don’t forget about gestures, and, of course, facial expressions. And talk, talk - three to five minutes. Use various epithets, hyperboles and comparisons. Whenever possible, tell a relevant joke.

I hope you understand that you need to prepare for such a meeting, which means taking a lot of business cards. And, most importantly, use a very old principle that was known back in Ancient Rome: whatever you talk about, whatever you prove, be sure to say that you work as a director or manager of a travel agency.

Do you know how the phrase "Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam" is translated from Latin? If you don’t know, I’ll translate it for you myself: “Besides, I think Carthage should be destroyed.” Cato the Elder always used it during his public speeches. Please note: always! No matter what he talked about - and he talked a lot and on different occasions - he always used it. As a result, it ended with Carthage actually being destroyed. So who is stopping you from using this experience?

Well, if you definitely don’t want to go to meetings with deputies, look in the newspapers where round tables are held - especially for managers and company owners. There are similar events in every city. And not only for directors, but also for heads of sales departments, secretaries, and personnel officers. Well, who is stopping you from taking part? Just instead of the phrase that Cato the Elder uttered, come up with your own. For example: “This, of course, is all interesting and correct, but I think that every person has the right to rest. I work as a director of a travel agency and I know this very well!” No one has ever gone bankrupt by giving away their business cards for free.

The more often you appear at such events, the more interesting your speeches sound, the greater the chance that they will start reporting about you in newspapers, and maybe even on television. Imagine the headline: “As the director of the travel agency “Pupkin Travel” said” - and then a quote from your speech. If you think that you don’t have any speaking talents, then, unfortunately, this path is not for you. Well, what can you do, then start organizing flash mobs. You probably remember what the Euroset company did to promote its brand back in 2002: it held a flash mob under the motto “Take off your clothes and get a gift.” The action cost the organizers $1,300. But fame came instantly. Get together in the evening, have tea with your colleagues, and talk about life. Maybe no one will have to undress - you will come up with another idea. Well, then start putting it into practice. Write about your flash mob on all youth portals in the city and invite them to take part in it. You do understand that among young people there are not only fans of fights and drugs, but also quite sane people who are simply interested in “having fun”? Just don’t forget a large banner with the name of your agency, T-shirts with your logo and, of course, notify the district or city press about the event. Don't be afraid of journalists. They are just like you, busy searching, not for tourists, but for events worthy of attention. In this case, your interests coincide.

A very interesting and colorful spectacle that has recently been gaining momentum is the joint launch of “Chinese lanterns”. Imagine: evening, a crowd - and many, many lights in the sky. People always look at fire with pleasure. Just so that it doesn’t turn out like that old joke about fire, water and working people, discuss this flash mob with the fire inspector in advance. Although at present almost all “Chinese lanterns” have a special fireproof base.

I hope that after your fiery speeches and meeting many directors and managers, you will accumulate a fairly large number of their business cards.

Come to visit them and say: “Ivan Ivanovich, I want you funny price selling a tour to Turkey,” of course, is not worth it. You understand that this is bad form. But calling on the phone and saying: “Ivan Ivanovich, I have a little surprise for you that will be useful to you in your work” is a completely different matter.

When I was at a seminar in Surgut, this is what one head of a travel agency told me. This technique is called "checkbook". Its meaning boils down to the fact that when the subordinate directors go on another vacation, he gives them a “check” for a certain amount as a bonus. You probably understand that you can only purchase a “check” at a specific travel agency. This technique has a very important psychological factor. Even if the amount on the check is not so significant, the personal authority of Ivan Ivanovich is a very serious factor in ensuring that the purchase is made in your agency.

I have already said that there are never many tourists. It is unlikely that travel agency employees will argue with this statement.

However, direct attempts to sell a tour to strangers are usually not successful. You, after all, are not a retailer like those who walk on trains and offer all sorts of things! This means you need to use sales in two stages. We’ll call this method “take the freebie.” The word “freebie,” of course, is not very euphonious, but, as you know, many people like the principle itself.

You probably realize that you don’t have any “freebies” in your agency. Tours cost money, sharing your profits and giving thoughtless discounts is the wrong way. As one historical figure said: “We will go a different way.” It's called "free information". Who knows the specifics better than travel agency workers? different countries- traditions, Interesting Facts, funny stories about local residents of the country and much more? After all, all of us go on promotional tours and receive a sea of ​​all kinds of information on this topic. So, call neighboring schools, talk to geography teachers, offer them a free lesson. Promise that the children will like it, that there will be colorful pictures and slides. Tell them that managers have a certification coming up and they need to learn how to speak correctly. I have no doubt that you can come up with a beautiful “legend”. Ideally, of course, it is better to have schoolchildren you know who will introduce you to their teacher. She’s also a normal person, she’s probably tired of the lessons, but here the curriculum will be completed, and the children will receive the necessary knowledge, and she’ll sit in the back desk and ensure discipline.

I think that you know how to tell a story - this is something without which it is simply impossible in our profession. At the end of the lesson, thank the children for listening to you carefully, walk around the class and hand out your business cards to everyone. Now imagine how at dinner a child will excitedly talk about a distant country to his parents. “And the business card - here it is, you can look at it, mom and dad.”

If you are afraid that the high school teacher will not accept you, then you definitely should not have problems with the teachers of the extended day group. They are always racking their brains about what to do with their children. Who’s stopping you from talking about India in a yoga club? Have you visited the hunting club in your city? You probably have an individual tour for lion safari lovers.

If the flow of tourists that you will receive after visiting kindergartens and schools is not enough for you, start using the old and well-known technique of distributing flyers - not everyone knows that it has a number of peculiar “tricks” and only if they are used it gives positive result. Let's start in order: a flyer (from the English flier) is a small advertising leaflet, in most cases entitling you to a discount. I very often hear questions: “Would you appreciate my flyer?”, “Why did I distribute a lot of flyers, but didn’t get any benefit?”, “What did I do wrong when making the flyer?”

When I start watching, it becomes even more incomprehensible: the picture is enticing, the circulation is impressive, and then - remember, like Zhvanetsky: “I turn it on, it doesn’t work!” What is the reason, what was done wrong? Why was the money wasted? How did it happen that only printers and designers made money? Why did no one, or practically no one, come to the office?

I ask a few questions - and I understand that this is exactly what should have happened.

First reason: wrong place to hand out flyers. Someone very “smart” once said, and everyone else believed him, that flyers should be distributed in crowded places. Everyone began to follow this advice. Flyers are distributed near metro exits, in front of the doors of large stores, at public events, I even saw them distributed before the entrance to a large clothing market and a sports match. The result is immediately predictable: in a few seconds your flyer will fly into the trash bin, and if there is none, then simply onto the asphalt. The point is that the people who receive flyers are not your target audience. At the moment, in this place, they have completely different problems.

The second reason: The wrong person is handing out flyers. As a rule, travel agencies try to save on everything they can, including the selection of people who distribute flyers. For distribution, they hire people who, in principle, are not able to answer any questions: schoolchildren, migrants, homeless people. The last two categories often smell bad and have very poor command of the Russian language. At the same time, is it believed that they will be able to convey to a potential client all the charm of a holiday in the Seychelles? Ha ha! I recommend inviting sociable, attractive, neatly dressed young men and women to distribute flyers. Those who know how to smile and talk. Students of theater universities or schoolchildren who study in drama clubs are very suitable for these purposes.

And immediately refuse to pay an hourly rate, otherwise the people who distribute flyers will not be interested in the result of the work. It will work out much better if for each client who actually comes to the office, they receive their percentage. To do this, be sure to mark each flyer with a special number, color, or some other way. Otherwise, you will not understand who should pay the money.

Third reason: distributed to the wrong people. It’s bad if your students or schoolchildren shove flyers into the hands of everyone passing by. But, if you think carefully, it becomes clear that the task is not to distribute as many leaflets as possible, but to get the maximum number of clients who call or come to the office.

Sometimes an inspector is even assigned to walk around and check whether flyers are distributed or thrown in the trash. But no one is interested in the question of which people they are distributed to. Soldiers who passed by, alcoholics looking for money for a bottle, grannies - God's dandelions, typical unemployed? You can give away a lot, but most likely, these categories don’t even have foreign passports - they are not even hypothetically your target audience.

Fourth reason: your office is located far from the flyer distribution site. Agencies in megacities are especially guilty of this, where they believe that distribution should be in the city center, because there are more people there and traffic is better - but the agency should be located in a distant residential area, because rent there is cheaper. May be so. I won't even argue. Just a question: do all the flyer recipients know where 2nd Stroiteley Street is, and are you sure that they will immediately rush to call you, especially if you have only one phone number?

First of all, this applies to flyers with text like “Tours to all countries of the world! Cheap!" - if you consider that on the central streets of large cities similar proposals are found on billboards and signs every 200 meters.

Distributing flyers will bring great results if you use all these four secrets. After the flyers are distributed, tourists may call you, talk to you and ask you to send them an email with a specific offer for the dates they are interested in. Naturally, you will write to them. But it turns out that this answer also has its secrets and tricks. Many people are probably familiar with the situation: a tourist over the phone asks you to send him an offer by email with all the tour options. The manager sends a letter to the specified address, and then there is silence. That is, there is no reaction from the tourist, he is silent, like a partisan during an interrogation, and the manager puzzles over what was wrong in his letter, why the person’s proposals were not interested.

Let's look at the typical reasons.

Reason one: For some reason, your letter did not reach the recipient at all, or it did, but ended up in the spam folder. Recommendation: during the conversation, find out the tourist’s phone number and do not hesitate to call him back and ask if he received your letter.

Reason two: were indicated standard options tours copied from the search engine. Recommendation: do not use professional terms- “infant”, “single”, “BB”, “VIP AI” (this list can be continued indefinitely). The fact is that the abundance of jargon greatly irritates many clients. In the end, they are tourists, they want to have a good rest, they need the sea, the sun and delicious food! They have no desire to understand our terms. Imagine that the doctor has diagnosed your close relative with “acute catarrhal rhinitis”. How soon will you realize that we are talking about a common runny nose? And if the diagnosis is “labyrinthitis,” many will have very bad associations. So keep it simple.

Reason three: the letter was sent from the manager's personal address, not from the corporate one. If a tourist sees in the “From” field, say, “Beloved Lenochka,” then there is a high probability that he will delete the letter without even opening it, since he does not need a showdown with his wife for nothing.

Reason four: The tourist received a letter, he liked everything, and he wants to call you back. It is quite possible that he is too lazy to write an answer, and your phone number has been lost. After all, the client accidentally threw away the flyer with the phone number - well, who doesn’t? Look at the end of your letter: does it include the agency's contact information and hours of operation? If not, you may lose a potential client due to your own carelessness.

Reason six: many tourists want not only to read, but also to see! Text with a photo is always more effective than text without it.

At first glance, these are quite primitive tips, but conduct an experiment, check the conversion of your emails before and after following my recommendations and compare the results.

Just in case, look at the letters that you send to potential tourists and check their text according to the diagram below.

Algorithm for writing letters for tourists

  1. Greet the client and refer to him by name in the future. The phrases “Good afternoon”, “Hello”, “Greetings” are never superfluous.
  2. Remember that a person is always pleased to hear (and see) his name. Call him as he introduced himself to you during the telephone conversation. Use the person's name at least three times in the text.
  3. In the letter, be sure to say your name and remind the tourist exactly when you spoke to him on the phone. It will also be useful to mention the name of your agency.
  4. Use phrases like “Based on your wishes”, “Based on your criteria for choosing a hotel”, “Based on your budget wishes”... But do not stoop to bureaucracy, try to develop your own list of phrases and always use the most suitable ones for the given moment.
  5. Let them know that immediately after the end of the telephone conversation you began working on this order. In this way, you will let the tourist know that you did not waste time on nonsense, but worked long and productively.
  6. List what you did during this period of time, what serious preliminary work you did, in particular:
    • selected the most attractive options from the search engine;
    • contacted tour operators and checked availability;
    • found out the cost of additional services (fuel surcharge, extended insurance, etc.);
    • read reviews about this hotel;
    • clarified details with familiar managers;
  7. If you have personally been to a hotel the client is interested in, be sure to share your review; if it was not you, but your tourists, who vacationed there, say so.
  8. Tell him that you are ready to offer him three hotels to choose from (there is no point in specifying more - it will be more difficult to choose).
  9. Say that you recommend paying special attention to a particular hotel.
  10. Warn that this offer is valid at the moment, while there are still places, tickets, etc., but the decision must be made as soon as possible, since you have the same search engine that is used by thousands of travel agencies, and the situation may change greatly fast.
  11. Write that to make selection easier and easier to read, you created three separate PDF files, which you attached to the letter as an attachment.
  12. Recommend that the tourist join your VKontakte group or become a subscriber to interesting and current offers posted on your website.

Currently, almost all agencies have rushed to advertise themselves via the Internet. SEO Specialists They constantly increase the cost of their services. But we talked about the fact that you need to be able to stand out. No one has canceled normal human communication: when you look a person in the eyes, you understand him much better than when you write him a message in a chat. That is why I suggest you seriously think about direct contact, without using the Internet. However, contact cannot be reduced to the variant of traveling salesmen. It’s not for nothing that many office doors say that peddlers of any goods are prohibited from entering.

Sell ​​tours in two, or maybe even three stages. Offer options for cooperation, information, barter. Everyone needs rest. And the people who bring water to your office, and the electrician who fixes your air conditioner, and the designer who makes your business cards. Chat, get acquainted, don’t hesitate to ask questions. If a manager cannot or does not want to communicate, then he is not a manager.

Naturally, some will say: “This is not for our agency. We agree with Bill Gates, who said: “In the future, there will be two types of companies in the market: those who are online and those who are out of business.” Naturally, it is stupid to argue with this statement. But we should not forget that standard website promotion costs a lot big money. Attempts to make a website, fill it with content once and do nothing else always ended in failure.

To attract a large number of targeted visitors to your site, you need to ensure that you appear in the first lines of search results. If you don’t want or don’t have the opportunity to pay money for it, I’ll tell you the biggest secret of website promotion. Like everything ingenious, it is extremely simple. It consists of one phrase: “Choose a topic and write about it as often as possible.” That's all. I hope you agree that there is no fundamental difference between promoting a website and a group on a social network.

I just went to Yandex, typed the word “tourism” into the search bar, and this is the result I got:

  • “travel agencies” - 38,000,000 documents;
  • “Vologda travel agencies” - 511,000 documents;
  • “Vologda travel agencies wedding tour” - 194,000 documents;
  • “Vologda travel agencies wedding tour Cyprus” - 118,000 documents.

“What follows from this?” - you ask. What follows is this: if the director of an agency in a small Russian city wants to engage in a rather narrow specialization, that is, direct his activities to the sale of wedding tours to Cyprus for city residents, he will need to get ahead of 118,000 previously submitted documents. Is it possible to do this without investing money in Yandex.Direct? Of course you can. You just need to write regularly on this topic.

It is regularity that will allow you to appear in the first lines of search results in three or four months.

There are also many of my namesakes. WITH German language The surname Shneiderman translates as “tailor man.” Among them there are quite famous people, for example, French journalist Daniel Schneiderman, Australian essayist Boris Schneiderman and many others. But at the moment, it is I who occupy the first three lines in the Yandex search results. Everything is done in an elementary way. I write and write and write. The search engine sees this and gives me a high ranking.

If this path suits you, choose your niche, analyze how many competitors you have, and try first to advance on some low-frequency queries. You need to take your keyword selection very seriously. The niche should be, as they say, tough for you. Now, if I had the last name Ivanov, then Yandex would produce 28 million documents for this request. Can you imagine the competition? Therefore, until you decide what exactly you are going to promote, you don’t need to do anything. Just saying, I want to promote a site called “Pupkin Travel Travel Agency” is stupid, because no one will look for you using these keywords.

Not a single child can walk, read, or count immediately after birth. Likewise, the site cannot immediately appear on the first lines in the search results.

If you don't intend to write regularly, you have only one option. Make a website for 1–2 thousand rubles and drive traffic to it through paid channels, that is, through paid advertising. Yes, such a site cannot be promoted in search engines, but the number of calls to your office will depend solely on the budget you set.

This is why I strongly recommend using other Internet features in parallel with the site. First of all, pay serious attention to social networks. No one is stopping you from having a group in each of them. There is one catchphrase, which is attributed to the singer Madonna: “I don’t care what they say about me, as long as they spell my last name correctly.” I hope you understand perfectly well that for public people to be in the center of attention is very important and necessary.

If there are no scandals, the name begins to be mentioned in the press less and less, and accordingly, popularity falls and box office receipts decrease. It is unlikely that anyone seriously thinks that Ksenia Sobchak, Philip Kirkorov or Masha Rasputina do not want to be involved in another scandal. It’s time for everyone involved in tourism to learn a simple truth. If you want to earn money and have many regular tourists, you just need to be heard. That is, you cannot limit yourself to just placing advertisements.

Ideally, we need your interviews, expert assessments, recommendations, questions, wishes, complaints, requests - wherever you can “shine up.” This will probably seem indecent to some - well, everyone has their own opinion about running a business, and everyone has their own results. If you want to gain exposure, you can start with a simple action: look at your articles that you post on your website or social networks. Check if readers have the opportunity to comment on your texts. If people write reviews on your articles, rejoice - this means that the topic is in demand, that it is interesting to the reader, and they are starting to discuss it.

Understand that even negative reviews you really need it. They attract people to participate in discussions, and your group becomes popular. You should be happy and not delete such messages. This benefits you in terms of promoting your site or group. There is a whole category of people who consider themselves the smartest. They do only one thing: surf the Internet and leave their “brilliant” thoughts wherever possible. Moreover, they don’t care what to write, the main thing is to argue with the author. I call such people “provocateurs,” but most of them are simply called “trolls.” I love them very much and I don’t mean anything offensive in this term.

So, if similar types begin to appear on your website or in a group, it means that your online presence is beginning to enjoy success and popularity. If there are no reviews, questions or objections, then you have something to work on. If people start talking about your company, then you are on the right track and your business is growing.

There are quite a lot of such proposals. The fact is that a tourist will have to pay a decent amount if he does not buy a fur coat from a factory affiliated with a tour operator.

Most of all, people like to watch three things: fire burning, water flowing, and others working. This is why so many people gather to watch the firefighters at work.

“An empty steamer knocks on the sea, an empty truck smokes along the street, there is an empty store in the city, and life is in full swing all around, people support each other, speak at meetings, help out, help in work, the knowledgeable teaches the laggard, the elderly pass on to the young, the team gets rid of drunkards, the machine park is constantly being improved and improved, and scientific research meets the highest requirements. And when you turn it on, it doesn’t work. And you don't need to turn it on. This is not all for you. Not for the purpose of being turned on, but for the purpose of doing it.” M. Zhvanetsky.

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