How contractions begin in primiparous women: sensations, the main differences between training contractions and labor contractions. Contractions during pregnancy what sensations indicate the approach of labor The interval between the first contractions before childbirth

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The first contractions of labor may be felt at long intervals, such as every 20 or 30 minutes. It is important not to confuse them with the preparatory work of the uterus. And to do this, you need to learn to calculate the interval between contractions, and when to go to the maternity hospital, questions are unlikely to arise.

Most doctors suggest imagining the contraction as a wave that comes and goes. And this interval between the retreat and the new advance is the one that is recommended to be measured. The interval between contractions begins to decrease: 10, 8, 7, 6, 3, 2 minutes gradually, over several hours. Moreover, this process occurs faster in women who are not giving birth for the first time. Firstly, their cervix is ​​no longer as dense as that of firstborns. And secondly, many of them understand how to relax and know simple techniques, such as walking, that is, what to do if the interval between contractions does not decrease, and they know how to speed up the labor process even without doctors.

Short intervals - less than 7-10 minutes between labor spasms - are best time to go to the maternity hospital. This needs to be done even earlier, for example, when contractions occur every 10 minutes, if the woman is outside the city, there are large traffic jams and there are other obstacles to quickly entering the maternity hospital.

But if there is no certainty that labor has begun. If the mucus plug has not yet come off, amniotic fluid is not leaking or leaving, the pregnancy is full-term and a cesarean section is not planned, and there are the following signs, you can not rush yet:

  • contractions appear with an interval of more than 10 minutes, while the time intervals between spasms are different, sometimes 10 minutes, sometimes 20, sometimes 30;
  • no menstrual-type pain is felt, the stomach just periodically turns to stone;
  • the duration of the spasm is no more than a few seconds and does not increase over time;
  • you managed to get distracted, take a bath, fall asleep.

In addition, there is another way to understand that real contractions have begun - this is simply to pay attention to the vaginal discharge. If thick mucus does not come out of it, that is, a mucus plug, then if there is any dilatation of the cervix, it is minimal, no more than 1-2 cm, and this is not yet a reason to rush to the maternity hospital.

How to count the intervals between contractions - manually or using contraction counters? In principle, it is possible both ways. But timing and making short notes on a piece of paper is not difficult at all. Therefore, if you don’t have a contraction counting application or any device with a program installed on it, it doesn’t matter.

When you determine how long the time interval between contractions lasts, you can safely call ambulance. Of course, if it happens once an hour, they are unlikely to come to you unless you complain about it. sharp pain or discharge. And at the very beginning, the intervals between contractions can indeed be quite long, you need to wait a little, try to calm down and pack your things for the maternity hospital, if necessary, do not forget about the documents - insurance policy, passport, birth certificate.

We have already written earlier about what interval between contractions is preferable to go to the maternity hospital. This is about 7-10 minutes. That is, there should be intervals between spasms when there is no pain. If the intervals between contractions are longer, but you do not feel well, or the child is too quiet, or movements have not been felt for a long time, you should also call an ambulance. Well, doctors are already on site using a CTG machine and observing the woman in labor to understand whether labor has begun and how effectively the cervix is ​​dilating. If there are no indications for hospitalization, no one will detain you in the maternity hospital.

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5 ways to tune your brain to lose weight
Have all the diets you've tried failed? If there is always some kind of obstacle between you and your desired weight, you should regularly use some psychological tricks to get rid of those extra pounds.
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These vegetables burn more calories than they contain
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“Bulletproof Coffee” removes up to 2 kg in a week
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Pregnancy and childbirth are the most important stage in the life of any woman. He divides all existence into before and after the birth of a child. For those who are going to the maternity hospital for the first time, it is very important to know when to go there and how to count contractions in order to determine the time before birth.

What are contractions?

The entire process of labor can be divided into three periods:

  • opening of the cervix - contractions;
  • pushing;
  • the birth itself.

Contractions themselves are an active activity of the uterus. Such muscle contractions help the baby take the correct position and prepare the cervix for full dilation. There are “training” contractions and real ones.

Before answering the question of how to correctly count contractions, it is worth understanding whether you are having real contractions or preparatory ones.

Training contractions

The normal time for childbirth is considered to be from the 38th to the 40th week of pregnancy. By this time, the fetus is fully formed and ready to be born for independent life.

Some women may feel slight contractions of the uterus several weeks before labor occurs - these are training contractions (Braxton-Hicks).

This is also a process of preparation for normal labor, and the closer the birth is, the more noticeable it becomes. They may appear once or several times a day. For some expectant mothers, this period may be absent or completely unnoticeable.

If there is still a lot of time left before giving birth, and training contractions begin to repeat more often (several times an hour) and spotting appears, contact your gynecologist immediately. It could be serious symptom for hospitalization to avoid premature birth.

If you experience “false” contractions after the 36th week, then there is nothing to worry about; on the contrary, this indicates a normal course of pregnancy. Your stomach drops down, making it easier to breathe.

Real contractions

When real contractions begin, they can no longer be confused with “false” ones. They don't stop or become less painful. It is at this moment that the question of how to count contractions arises.

Labor contractions of the uterus occur sequentially: first in the upper part, then the tension spreads all the way to the cervix. At the peak of activity, tone with female organs doesn't come off.

There are several main types of contractions during labor:

  • With the opening of the cervix. They continue until the opening is 10 cm.
  • Attempts. Serve to push the fetus towards the exit.
  • "Postpartum". Necessary for the delivery of the placenta.
  • After childbirth. They may appear some time after the baby is born. They are also not to be feared; they help the uterus contract properly.

There are several signs to help you accurately determine the onset of labor.

Signs of labor

Many women are concerned about the question of how to count contractions before childbirth. To understand whether your labor process has begun, look at the signs that determine its onset:

  1. The duration of one contraction is more than 30 seconds, and the frequency of repetition increases.
  2. The period between contractions begins with 20-30 minutes, then it reaches 10 or less, this means that the process of opening the cervix has begun.
  3. Bleeding appears, they indicate the process of opening.
  4. With all the signs described above, a nagging pain appears in the back and lower abdomen.

When the expectant mother has all these symptoms, we count the contractions (when to go to the maternity hospital depends on their frequency).

Counting the intervals between contractions

The main process has begun - labor, and now the question of how to count contractions is relevant.

The interval between contractions determines whether you will be accepted into the maternity hospital. For example, if you went there too early, that is, uterine contractions occur less than once every 10 minutes, then you will be advised to stay at home.

If a woman in labor has attended courses, then she knows that they are sent to the hospital at the moment when the interval between contractions has been reduced to one minute. Except for those situations when, for medical reasons, you are placed in storage in advance.

The counting itself is a very easy task. To do this, you will need a stopwatch (usually mobile phones have this function). It is advisable that the expectant mother has one of her relatives next to her who can write everything down on a piece of paper.

For example, the following recording option is possible:

In this case, the interval is two minutes between the beginning of one and the second contraction. At this moment you should already be in the maternity hospital. The optimal time for departure is a period of 5 minutes; it will be enough to get to the hospital on time and undergo the necessary examination before giving birth.

In our time of technological development, various online programs for counting contractions have appeared. They allow you not only to record the intervals between real contractions, but also to calculate “false” ones. You don't need a computer to use them; they can be installed on your favorite gadget.

Situations when you urgently need to go to the maternity hospital

  • water broke;
  • the uterus has contracted and remains in good shape for more than 30 seconds;
  • severe pain during contraction, but the nature of the contractions is irregular;
  • your health has decreased and you have become difficult to distinguish objects;
  • bleeding of any intensity has begun;
  • strong movement of the fetus or, conversely, a sudden cessation of activity.

In any of these situations, you should immediately go to the maternity hospital, and not think about how to count contractions during childbirth.

In any case, there is no need to be afraid of labor. This pain is a process that helps your baby come into the world.

The period of bearing a child is coming to an end, and the woman is looking forward to the start of labor. And then the first contractions begin. As a rule, mothers giving birth for the first time are frightened by this and begin to panic. But under no circumstances should this be done. The best thing to do is lie down, calm down and take a few deep breaths. Doctors advise women to rest as much as possible before giving birth so that the body can accumulate enough strength and not be overloaded during labor.

Where it all begins

Some women begin to feel so-called training contractions at around 32 weeks of pregnancy. They are practically painless and feel like a sharp tension in the abdomen, which goes away after a couple of minutes. Training contractions prepare the uterus for the upcoming birth process and are therefore very important. But there is also a category of mothers for whom the time of contractions in this case passes without any sensations. This does not mean that training contractions do not occur at all, but due to individual characteristics, attentiveness, lifestyle and pain threshold women they may be less noticeable.

There are often cases when inexperienced parents mistake such training of the body for the beginning of labor and rush to the hospital. There is no need to do this, because during contractions the actual sensations will be somewhat different. As a rule, immediately before childbirth, everything begins with mild tension. The woman feels that her stomach has become hard and pointed. It doesn't cause any pain. After some time, the sensation repeats. Then the intervals between contractions become less and less, and they themselves become longer and longer.

Time between contractions

Very often, expectant mothers do not notice the very first labor pains. And this is not surprising, because their duration is only 5-10 seconds, and they cause only minor tension and rigidity in the abdomen. But if you listen to your body carefully, you will notice that the time between contractions is always the same. In other words, real contractions, unlike training ones, have a certain regularity and frequency. And these indicators need to be monitored very carefully. For example, training or “false” contractions can occur alternately after 20, 15, 30 minutes, while real contractions occur at clear intervals, every 20 minutes.

The period of the first contractions is necessary for a woman to prepare mentally and physically for the contractions during childbirth, which will be much stronger and more painful. If the expectant mother is at home, then she focuses only on her subjective feelings, but as soon as she gets to the maternity hospital, doctors begin to monitor the time between contractions using a special device. The woman undergoes a cardiotocogram, and based on its readings, the onset of labor is determined.

Time of contractions: how to distinguish labor contractions from prenatal ones

The first sign that labor is beginning is the breaking of a woman's water. It is advisable to get to the hospital before this moment, although most mothers arrive after. At this time, they experience prenatal contractions with a frequency of 15-20 minutes. Depending on whether it is a woman’s first or second birth, the total time of contractions before the birth process itself can last from 4 to 18 hours. Obstetricians observing a woman in labor, of course, will let you know when the baby begins to be born, but any mother can determine this independently by the following signs:

  • The intervals are getting shorter. Labor contractions occur with a frequency of 1-5 minutes;
  • The contractions are getting longer. During childbirth, contractions can last 50-60 seconds. Doctors closely monitor this time, because excessive tension of the uterus can lead to cramps, which will have a detrimental effect on the baby;
  • Intensity. Prenatal contractions make a woman nervous and bring minor pain, but during the process of childbirth, uterine contractions become tens of times stronger, which, of course, is felt by any woman in labor.

What to do during contractions

The best thing to do is lie down and sleep. As long as the contractions are not painful and allow the woman to rest, this is the best she can do. But depending on what time contractions begin, mommy may not have time to sleep. In this case, you need not to worry, but to look for a comfortable body position and relax. It will also be useful to check whether everything is ready for the upcoming birth, whether the bag is packed, and whether all the necessary things are in place. Preparing your husband is also an important aspect. So that he doesn't irritate future mother, you can give him a responsible task - to make sure that she does not tense up and remind her of the need for relaxation.

The experience of many women shows that labor is best tolerated if the woman in labor understands what is happening to her. You don’t need to think that this is a dull and meaningless pain. In fact, at this time the cervix gradually opens and the baby is due to be born. The more mommy resists and tenses, the more more pain she hurts herself and her baby. Therefore, the advice to relax is not just words, but the only useful recommendation in this situation.

Time between contractions: how to breathe correctly

For decreasing pain syndrome It is very important for a woman to learn to breathe correctly. If she attended preparatory courses, then she was probably taught proper breathing. However, at the most crucial moment, as practice shows, many women in labor forget all the advice. Therefore, there should always be someone nearby to remind her of them. If there were no courses, then you can practice proper labor breathing on your own. This will significantly ease the time of contractions and help you endure childbirth more calmly.

The most important thing is to remember that you need to inhale air through your nose and exhale through your mouth. At the same time, there is no need to try to inhale as much air as possible, everything should happen naturally. Rib cage should not twitch, let her movements be smooth. This restores breathing before contractions and returns some of the woman’s strength, which is very, very important during childbirth.

Text: Alina Litovchenko

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What is the duration of contractions during the first and second births, how long does labor last?

This question interests expectant mothers not only out of idle interest, but also because they are simply afraid of not having time to get to the maternity hospital, or giving birth on the way to it in an ambulance or in a private car. After all, there are such cases. And if the duration of contractions in primiparous women can be 12-14 hours, then in multiparous women this time is often reduced several times. In addition, women who have had stitches placed on the cervix or had a pessary installed due to isthmic-cervical insufficiency have a chance of giving birth very quickly. Long before birth, their cervix may be almost smoothed and slightly open. But these are not such common situations. And during the second birth, the duration of the contractions is quite sufficient to calmly get ready for the maternity hospital and call for help. Approximately the first stage of labor in multiparous women lasts 8 hours. And this is preceded by at least the removal of the mucus plug from the cervical canal.

If in general we talk about the duration of the first contractions, then it can be equal to several days. Of course, we are talking here first about training work the uterus, when the cervix does not open, perhaps only slightly smoothes and softens. At the same time, a woman sometimes feels the uterus become petrified. But this usually does not happen often, perhaps several times a day, and lasts no more than a few seconds.

When labor begins, the interval between contractions becomes constant and shortens. A woman can notice the first contractions of the myometrium every 20-30 minutes. Gradually contractions become more frequent. But if the maternity hospital is nearby, there are no indications for a cesarean section, there is no genital tract spotting, amniotic fluid does not drain, unbearable pain no, the blood pressure is normal, there is no headache - then ambulance workers recommend calling a car when the interval between contractions reaches 5-7 minutes. But by this time the woman should be ready for childbirth. The bag for the maternity hospital must be packed, the perineum and pubis must be shaved. Some women, even before entering the maternity hospital, do an enema at home. But this is not necessary, since the intestines will most likely have to be cleaned again in the maternity hospital.

If the duration of labor pains in multiparous women is long, the woman is exhausted by pain; in some cases, she may be given antispasmodics to relax the cervix and speed up its dilation. Another common method is intramuscular injection"Promedola." It calms, relieves pain, and often helps you fall asleep for a while. In a rested woman, labor proceeds faster. And in some cases, a woman may be offered epidural anesthesia.

How long contractions last in firstborns also depends on whether stimulation is carried out. In some cases, the woman in labor is given an IV with Oxytocin to speed up the process. Oxytocin is a drug that has a strong stimulating effect on the myometrium.

The hardest thing for women is labor contractions, those that occur when the opening is more than 6-7 cm. They can even occur once a minute and last the same amount. It is almost impossible to numb them with non-drug methods. Although there are special breathing techniques that can be useful. It is very important during this period of labor, if any straining occurs, not to push, as this can lead to rupture of the cervix, which has not yet dilated enough to release the baby.

09.12.2019 19:05:00
5 ways to tune your brain to lose weight
Have all the diets you've tried failed? If there is always some kind of obstacle between you and your desired weight, you should regularly use some psychological tricks to get rid of those extra pounds.
09.12.2019 18:15:00
These vegetables burn more calories than they contain
Lose weight with food? If you think that in order to lose weight you need to starve or give up delicious foods, you are mistaken. There are so many wonderful vegetables that can burn fat!
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“Bulletproof Coffee” removes up to 2 kg in a week
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What sensations indicate that labor is approaching?

From the grip before childbirth - periodic spasms of the muscles of the uterus, characterized by increasing dynamics and intensity. Understanding the mechanism of this process and its purpose will help you overcome fear and act consciously during childbirth.

In modern obstetric practice, labor begins precisely with the appearance of rhythmic uterine contractions of increasing intensity. It is important to know the difference between true contractions in order to be in the maternity hospital on time.

As obstetricians note, the behavior and mood of the woman in labor has a noticeable influence on the course of labor. The right attitude gives a woman an understanding of the processes occurring in her body. Contractions are indeed one of the most difficult periods in childbirth, but they are the force that contributes to the birth of a child. Therefore, they should be perceived as natural state.

Training, warning or prenatal contractions

From the fifth month of pregnancy, expectant mothers may feel occasional tension in the abdomen. The uterus contracts for 1-2 minutes and relaxes. If you put your hand on your stomach at this moment, you can feel that it has become hard. Often pregnant women describe this condition as “petrification” of the uterus (stony belly). These are training contractions or Braxton Hicks contractions: they can occur continuously until the end of pregnancy. Their characteristic features are irregularity, short duration, and painlessness.

The nature of their appearance is associated with the process of gradual preparation of the body for childbirth, but the exact reasons for their occurrence have not yet been clarified. In addition, there is an opinion that “training” is provoked by increased physical and emotional activity, stress, fatigue, and they can also be a response of the uterine muscles to fetal movements or sexual intercourse. The frequency is individual - from once every few days to several times an hour. Some women don't feel them at all.

Inconveniences caused by false contractions can be easily eliminated. You need to lie down or change your position. Braxton Hicks contractions do not dilate the cervix and do not cause any harm to the fetus, so they should be perceived only as one of the natural moments of pregnancy.

Approximately from the 38th week of pregnancy, the period of precursors begins. Along with prolapse of the uterine fundus, weight loss, an increase in the amount of discharge and other processes noticeable to the pregnant woman, it is distinguished by the appearance of precursor or false contractions.

Just like training ones, they do not open the cervix of the uterus and do not threaten pregnancy, although the intensity of the sensations is more vivid and may well instill anxiety in first-time women. Premonitory contractions have intervals that do not decrease over time, and the strength of the spasms that compress the uterus does not increase. A warm bath, sleep, or snack can help ease these contractions.

It is impossible to stop real or labor contractions by resting or changing positions. Contractions occur involuntarily, under the influence of complex hormonal processes in the body, and are not subject to any control on the part of the woman in labor. Their frequency and intensity are increasing. IN initial phase labor contractions are short, lasting about 20 seconds and repeat every 15-20 minutes. By the time the cervix is ​​completely opened, the interval is reduced to 2-3 minutes, and the duration of contractions increases to 60 seconds.

CharacteristicBraxton Hicks contractionsPremonitory contractionsTrue contractions
When do you start to feelFrom 20 weeksFrom 37-39 weeksWith the onset of labor
FrequencySingle reductions. Occur sporadically.Approximately once every 20-30 minutes. The interval is not shortened. Over time they subside.Approximately once every 15-20 minutes in the first phase and once every 1-2 minutes in the final stage of labor.
Duration of contractionsUp to 1 minuteDoesn't changeFrom 20 to 60 seconds depending on the stage of labor.
SorenessPainlessModerate, depends on the individual sensitivity threshold.Increases with the course of labor. The severity of pain depends on the individual sensitivity threshold.
Localization of pain (sensations)Anterior wall of the uterusLower abdomen, ligament area.Small of the back. Girdle pain in the abdominal area.

In order to make sure that real contractions begin, it is worth correctly calculating the interval between them. As a rule, false contractions are chaotic, the interval between the first and second can be 40 minutes, between the second and third – 30 minutes, etc. While during real contractions the interval becomes stable, and the length of contractions increases.

Description and functions of contractions

A contraction is a wave-like movement of the muscles of the uterus in the direction from the fundus to the pharynx. With each spasm, the cervix softens, stretches, becomes less convex, and, thinning, gradually opens. Having reached a dilation of 10-12 cm, it is completely smoothed out, forming a single birth canal with the walls of the vagina.

Visualizing the process of labor pains can help cope with pain and uncontrollable emotions.

In each stage of labor, spastic movements of the organ are aimed at achieving a certain physiological result.

  1. In the first period, contractions provide opening.
  2. In the second, along with pushing, the function of contractive contractions is to expel the fetus from the uterine cavity and move it along the birth canal.
  3. In the early postpartum period pulsation of the uterine muscles promotes separation of the placenta and prevents bleeding.
  4. In the late postpartum period, spasms of the uterine muscles return the organ to its previous size.

Afterwards, pushing occurs - active contraction of the abdominal muscles and diaphragm (duration 10-15 sec.). Occurring reflexively, pushing helps move the baby along the birth canal.

Phases and duration of contractions before childbirth

There are several types: latent, active and deceleration phase. Each of them differs in the duration of the period, intervals and the contractions themselves.

CharacteristicLatent phaseActive phaseDeceleration phase
Phase duration
7-8 hours3-5 hours0.5-1.5 hours
Frequency15-20 minutesUp to 2-4 minutes2-3 minutes
Duration of contraction20 secondsUp to 40 seconds60 seconds
Degree of openingUp to 3 cmUp to 7 cm10-12 cm

The given parameters can be considered averaged and applicable to the normal course of labor. The actual time of contractions greatly depends on whether the woman is giving birth for the first time or this is a repeat birth, her physical and psychological readiness, anatomical features body and other factors.

Contractions before the first and subsequent births

However, a common factor that influences the duration of contractions is the experience of previous births. This refers to a kind of “memory” of the body that determines differences during certain processes. During the second and subsequent births, the birth canal opens on average 4 hours faster than during the first. This occurs because in women giving birth to their second or third child, the internal and external os open at the same time. During the first birth, dilation occurs sequentially - from the inside to the outside, which increases the time of contractions.

The nature of contractions before repeated birth may also differ: women in labor note their intensity and more active dynamics.

The factor that smoothes out the differences between the first and subsequent births is the time period separating them. The likelihood of prolonged dilatation is higher if more than 8-10 years have passed since the birth of the first child.

In articles devoted to the topics of motherhood and pregnancy, there is information that contractions before the second birth often occur not before, but after the waters have broken, and this happens not at 40, but at 38 weeks. Such options are not excluded, but there is no scientifically confirmed data indicating a direct connection between the serial number of births and the nature of their onset.

It is necessary to understand that the described scenarios are only options, and in no case an axiom. Each birth is very individual, and its course is a multifactorial process.

Feelings during contractions

In order to determine the onset of contractions, it is worth paying attention to the nature of the pain: before childbirth they are similar to menstrual pain. Pulls the lower abdomen and lower back. You may feel pressure, a feeling of fullness, heaviness. Here it is more appropriate to talk about discomfort rather than pain. Pain occurs later, as contractions intensify. It is caused by tension in the uterine ligaments and dilatation of the cervix.

The localization of sensations is quite subjective: in some women in labor the spasm has a girdling nature, its spread can be clearly associated with a wave that rolls from the bottom of the uterus or from one of the sides and covers the entire abdomen, in others the pain originates in the lumbar region, in others - directly in the uterus .

However, in the vast majority of cases, women experience the peak of spasm as a contraction, a strong contraction, or “grasping,” as follows from the very name of the contraction.

Is it possible to miss contractions?

Not all women in labor experience tension in the uterine muscles that causes unbearable pain. How a woman tolerates it depends on the threshold of sensitivity, emotional maturity and special preparation for childbirth. Some people endure the contractions, but for others they are too painful to hold back a scream. But it’s impossible not to feel contractions. If they are not there, then there is no labor activity, which is an essential condition for physiological childbirth.

Some uncertainty in the expectations of expectant mothers can be introduced by the stories of women who have already given birth, in whom labor began not with contractions, but with the breaking of water. You need to understand that this scenario in obstetrics is considered a deviation. Normally, at the peak of one of the contractions, intrauterine pressure stretches and ruptures the membrane of the amniotic sac, and amniotic fluid is poured out.

Spontaneous release of water is called premature. This situation requires immediate medical intervention; waiting for contractions at home is unacceptable.

Mechanism of action at the onset of contractions

It is important to understand what to do at home if contractions begin and labor is approaching. A few recommendations:

  • The first thing is not to panic. Lack of composure and unconstructive emotions interfere with concentration and lead to unreasonable actions.
  • Having felt the onset of contractions, you need to determine their type: are they really contractions before childbirth or harbingers. To do this, you need to use a stopwatch or special applications on your mobile phone to note the time and calculate the duration of intervals and contractions. If the frequency and duration do not increase, then there is nothing to worry about. The warning signs usually subside completely within two hours.
  • If the spasms have become regular, the pause time between them is clearly defined, you can start getting ready for the maternity hospital. You should plan your departure so that you can be examined by a doctor by the time the frequency of contractions reaches once every 10 minutes. In the normal course of labor, this will happen approximately no earlier than after 7 hours. Therefore, if contractions begin at night, you should try to get at least a little rest.
  • You can take a shower and do hygiene procedures.
  • For repeated births, you should go to the hospital immediately after contractions become regular, without waiting for their interval to shorten.

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