What to do when a vessel in the eye bursts. Why did a vessel burst in the eye? Why does a vessel burst in the eye at night?

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Capillary-venous network, or choroid covers the retina and ensures normal functioning eyeball , as well as supplying it with oxygen and other nutrients.

Small red spots can be seen on the surface of the eyeball. This is a sign that a blood vessel has burst in the eye. The reasons for this phenomenon can be extremely varied, ranging from lack of moisture in the air to serious illnesses.

Causes of burst blood vessels

There are many reasons why blood vessels burst and the eyes become red.

Increased pressure and broken capillaries

In case of hypertensive crisis and sudden increase in pressure the walls of the eye vessels cannot withstand.

They burst, capillaries rupture, and blurry red spots appear on the eyeball.

Capillaries cannot withstand not only high pressure, but also its strong surges, since they cannot quickly adapt to such changes.

Important! Hypertensive patients it is necessary to lower blood pressure to normal, refuse excessive loads and, if possible, avoid stressful situations. A hypertensive crisis can have dire consequences: stroke, myocardial infarction, and aortic dissection.

If a hypertensive patient ignores ruptured capillaries in the retina, then a vessel may burst not in the eye, but in the brain and lead to disability or death.

Physical activity, visiting the bathhouse

If, with high blood pressure, the vessels may burst at certain intervals, then increased loads lead to a one-time rupture of capillaries.

In athletes Those who exercise intensely can often notice redness in the whites of their eyes. There are the same red spots in women in labor during contractions, people lifting weights, loud crying newborns.

Sudden and severe tension leads to the fact that fragile vessels cannot withstand and burst.

When visiting a steam room or bathhouse, blood vessels burst from high, unusual temperature for the body.

When blood vessels rupture due to physical stress there are no pathological changes.


Diabetes mellitus is a common disease that leads to pathologies in the eyeball. The vessels become thinner and more fragile.

Diabetic retinopathy (disease of the vascular network of the eyes) goes unnoticed over time leads to decreased vision and complete blindness. Redness of the whites occurs both when a person is at rest and when he slightly strains (squats, rises, bends).

Attention! If a person suffering from diabetes mellitus, ruptures of capillaries in the retina have become more frequent, then you need to visit an endocrinologist.

Hemorrhages become more frequent when the disease affects not only small capillaries, but also large vessels.

With diabetes, blood vessels in the eyes often burst due to increased blood glucose concentrations.

Glaucoma and keratitis

One of the causes of ruptured blood vessels is ophthalmological diseases.

Glaucoma- a group of diseases characterized by increased pressure in the eyes with subsequent loss of vision.

In people suffering from glaucoma, the circulation of fluid is disrupted, resulting in its accumulation, which causes an increase in intraocular pressure. Fragile capillaries and constant redness of the eyeball are one of the symptoms of developing glaucoma.

If capillaries burst due to this disease, blood collects in the lower part of the eye. The person begins to see halos around light sources, and the eye itself appears red and painful.

Red blood vessels in the whites of the eyes can be a sign of inflammation. For keratitis a person develops photophobia and lacrimation. Before you can get rid of the symptoms, you need to identify the disease itself. The treatment method for keratitis depends on its type. It is necessary to visit a specialist as soon as possible, since over time this disease can damage the cornea.

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Chronic fatigue, overwork, stress, lack of sleep

Redness of the eyes is also caused by simple fatigue, as well as constant lack of sleep and eyestrain. Working at a computer for long periods of time, watching television, constantly using phones and tablets, reading books in poor lighting - all this leads to overwork of the eyeballs.

Other causes of capillary rupture include chronic fatigue, stress, lack of sleep.

The body is in constant tension and does not have the opportunity to rest even in sleep, which is why the blood vessels in the eyes burst with a certain frequency.

If you do not pay due attention to your condition, then Consequences, such as blurred vision, may occur.

Head injuries

A slight blow to the head, a concussion and a traumatic brain injury, especially an open one, can cause a rupture of a blood vessel in the brain. They also lead to increased intracranial pressure And rupture of fragile capillaries in the eye. In this case, there are no problems with determining the cause of redness in the eyes - the person himself will indicate the injury.

For head injuries Blood circulation in the brain is often disrupted. There is an outflow of cerebrospinal fluid, which can cause an increase in pressure, including in the eyes.

Traumatic brain injury is being treated under the supervision of a specialist. With a strong impact, the blood circulation process changes, and symptoms of traumatic brain injury occur.

Therefore, in addition to burst blood vessels, migraines are likely to occur, chronic fatigue, insomnia. In this case, the doctor recommends undergoing MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) brain.


When the body begins to lack vitamins A and C, as well as vitamin P - routine, the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels is impaired. The lack of these vitamins leads to constant rupture of capillaries.

Ascorbic acid found in citrus fruits, Brussels sprouts, peaches, persimmons and apricots. Stocks routine can be replenished by eating lemons, oranges, cherries, apples. Rutin is also found in many vegetables: beets, tomatoes, cabbage.

Vitamin deficiency most often begins in the spring, due to a lack of vitamins after winter.

Cancer, jaundice or other illnesses

Redness of the retina of the eyeball may be associated with a disease such as eye cancer.

In this case, vision deteriorates, appears fast fatiguability and constant malaise, frequent flashes before the eyes, sudden pain, etc.

Broken blood vessels in the eyes can also be a symptom hepatitis, jaundice and other diseases. Each disease is characterized by different symptoms, which is why it is necessary to be attentive to your health and respond to the first manifestations of the disease by visiting a specialist.

What to do if blood vessels burst and the whole eye is red?

Several methods are used to treat red eyes.

Treatment with vasoconstrictor drops

If redness of the eyes occurs due to fatigue or general inflammatory process in the body, then there is no need to panic. In such cases, doctors prescribe vasoconstrictor drops:

  • Visine.

Eliminates dryness and irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye. Reduces redness and relieves swelling.

Acts instantly, the effect lasts about 12 hours.

  • Hyphenation.

The drug eliminates dryness of the mucous membrane of the eye and is often used for microtraumas due to its gentle effect. It belongs to the group of mucous-moisturizing drugs. Used for conjunctivitis and keratitis.

Photo 1. Packaging of the drug Defislez in the form eye drops dosage 3 mg/ml. Manufacturer: Kurgan Synthesis.

  • Taufon.

In case of hemorrhage, the drug accelerates the regeneration process. The medicine is often recommended for those who spend a lot of time at the computer.

In case of open-angle glaucoma or injury, the cells, thanks to the use of the drug, are quickly restored. Taufon characterized by a wide spectrum of action. However, unlike the drops mentioned above, its cost will be quite high.

  • Emoxipin.

The drug is intended only for the treatment of internal hemorrhages. The product strengthens blood vessels, increases tissue resistance to lack of oxygen, and also prevents platelet fusion.

To achieve the effect, you must undergo a long course of treatment: more than a month.

Photo 2. Packaging and bottle of the drug Emoxipin in the form of eye drops with a dosage of 1%, volume 5 ml.

It is worth remembering that all remedies have their contraindications. In addition, the patient is often unable to determine the diagnosis on his own, and any drug should be taken only after a doctor's prescription.

How to treat with antibiotics and other means

At infectious lesions the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics. The doctor will determine the appropriate remedy, based on the diagnosis and individual characteristics of the patient.

It is impossible to imagine a person who would never encounter such a problem as burst blood vessels in the eyes. This problem is common and has many causes. Everyone at least once in their life, approaching the mirror, noticed obvious redness in their eyes. This condition is accompanied by burning, itching, and sometimes pain. In this article we will look at why blood vessels burst in the eyes. What is the cause of this phenomenon, and can it be prevented?

Vessels in the eyes burst due to fatigue

The most common cause of red eyes is frequent and prolonged time spent at the computer. The influence of unfavorable conditions for the eye can provoke rupture of thin eye capillaries. Bright light from halogen lamps and sleepless nights are harmful to the eyes.

Vessels in the eyes burst due to injury

Direct contact with the eye in the form of some kind of injury can cause the blood vessels in the eye to rupture. This can occur when the eye is irritated by a foreign body (such as small particles such as dust or grains of sand), usually causing the eye to rub. Which is strictly contraindicated. Vascular rupture can occur from a blow with a sharp object.

Vessels in the eyes burst due to extreme stress

Another reason that blood vessels may burst - tension. Rupture sometimes occurs during body functions such as sneezing, coughing or vomiting. When doing weightlifting or simply during heavy physical activity. Separately, constipation should be noted. It is a common cause of subconjunctival hemorrhage.

Eye blood vessels burst due to diabetic disease

Some people with diabetes may suffer from an eye disease that is characterized by increased fragility of the blood capillaries in the eye. Sometimes patients instantly lose vision in the affected eye. For this reason, diabetics should visit an eye doctor regularly to prevent the condition from occurring.

Burst of blood vessels in the eyes due to high blood pressure

This common reason burst blood vessels in the eyes. Arterial hypertension is usually accompanied by vasoconstriction. This greatly increases the pressure on their walls. Since the capillaries of the eye are thin and delicate, they are very sensitive to pressure changes. These are the first vessels that can burst in hypertension. Sudden changes in blood pressure are especially dangerous.

Vessels in the eyes burst due to stress

Stress accompanies us everywhere: at home, at work, on the road. It is often difficult to avoid a stressful situation. However, we should strive to minimize its impact on our body.

Blood vessels burst in the eyes due to contact lenses

If contact lenses are not fitted correctly, they can injure the eye. Which leads to hemorrhage. Be sure to keep your eyes moist.

Blood vessels burst in the eyes due to medications

Medicines containing aspirin increase the risk of bleeding. Allergic reactions to medications are also dangerous to the eyes.

Adjust your diet to prevent blood vessels from bursting in your eyes

Proper nutrition is very important in the value of vascular health. To have healthy and strong blood vessels, you should eat more vegetables and fruits. Lettuce, spinach, dill, and broccoli are very healthy. They contain a large amount of substances that strengthen the blood vessels of the eye. Rupture of capillaries is sometimes associated with vitamin deficiency.

Burst of blood vessels in the eyes due to smoking

Often, complaints about capillary fragility can be heard from heavy smokers. This is not surprising, since in this case there are two negative factors: acrid smoke, which dries out the mucous membranes and nicotine, which makes blood vessels brittle.

Broken capillaries in the eyes are only a cosmetic problem in most cases, but can sometimes be a symptom of a serious medical condition. Do not panic! This does not mean that you are at immediate risk of a stroke or that you have a brain tumor. In fact, this can happen for no apparent reason at all. It may look a little unsightly for a while, but soon disappears without leaving a trace.

Contact your doctor if you experience pain due to subconjunctival hemorrhage, notice any changes in your vision, have a history of bleeding disorder, or have high blood pressure, or you have injured your eye.

The white of the eye that suddenly turns red or subconjunctival hemorrhage is a consequence of burst blood vessels. In some cases, it does not completely change the shade, only spots of a characteristic color appear on the surface. Because of this, the eye looks unnatural, but it appearance, as a rule, is not the biggest problem in this situation.

The reasons that lead to blood vessels bursting are dangerous. After all, such a phenomenon may be a consequence of the development of a serious disease and other disorders in the functioning of organs and their systems.

Why do blood vessels burst in the eyes?

The causes of hemorrhages, as a result of which the white of the eye turns red, may be the following:

    Change in blood pressure. As a result of its sharp increase, the vessels fill with blood and burst. Patients with hypertension often encounter this phenomenon, which leads to a hypertensive crisis and affects important organs in the body: the brain, retina, kidneys. They are called targets because when blood pressure surges, they are the first to be threatened. Hypertensive crisis always starts unexpectedly. Soon there is a sharp feeling, which is accompanied by redness of the eyes due to burst blood vessels. Relief of a hypertensive crisis should be immediate. After all, a sharp increase in blood pressure increases the risk of complications, for example, aortic dissection. Even if the patient does not suffer from hypertension, he may have a hypertensive crisis caused by drinking alcohol or.

    Mechanical damage and eye injuries. Impacts - all this can lead to burst blood vessels. Subconjunctival hemorrhage often occurs after eye surgery. This phenomenon is not dangerous, because blood accumulates under the conjunctiva, resembling a bruise or hematoma.

    Physical overexertion. Increased load, requiring concentration of forces, also provokes rupture of blood vessels. This problem occurs as a result of serious training, when lifting weights. In women, ruptures of blood vessels in the eyes are observed during contractions.

    Diabetes. This disease causes microangiopathy, which affects the capillaries. An increase in blood glucose has a negative effect on the elasticity and strength of blood vessels, a destructive effect on blood vessels, as a result of which their walls thicken in places or, on the contrary, become thinner. Obstruction of blood flow and metabolism ultimately leads to ruptures.

    Eye strain. Working at a computer for a long time, watching TV, reading or writing in poor light creates increased strain on the eyes, and the capillaries burst.

    Increased weather sensitivity. Redness of the eyes can be the body's reaction to a sudden change in weather conditions or climate. Changes in atmospheric pressure and temperature - all this leads to the fact that the sclera in some patients acquires a scarlet tint.

    Keratitis. Eye redness, photophobia, tearing and corneal clouding are the main symptoms of this disease. may be caused by a foreign body entering the eye, a virus or fungus, thermal burn, or allergy. In this case, it is possible to cope with the rupture of capillaries by eliminating the disease. Its therapy depends on the causes of occurrence, with the identification of which treatment begins. For infectious keratitis, it is necessary to use antifungal, antiviral drugs. Antibacterial drops and ointments are prescribed for the bacterial nature of the disease. It is important to start treatment promptly to avoid damage to the cornea.

    Conjunctivitis. This inflammation affects the thin transparent film of the eye - the conjunctiva. It often occurs, like keratitis, due to the entry of infectious agents: gonococcus, under the influence of irritants, for example, smoke, dust. With conjunctivitis, blood vessels dilate and burst, redness is observed, and a burning sensation appears. The disease can be viral, bacterial or allergic form. It is transmitted by airborne droplets. Treatment of conjunctivitis is determined by the causes of the disease. When they are eliminated, the redness of the eyes also goes away.

    Tumors. Benign or malignant formations in the eyes cause the vessels to become deformed and rupture.

    Avitaminosis. Lack of ascorbic acid and vitamin P - routine also makes capillaries vulnerable. The lack of these elements contributes to capillary ruptures. You can compensate for the lack of ascorbic acid by including citrus fruits in your diet, Brussels sprouts, peaches, persimmons, apricots. Rutin is found in fruits, for example, apples and many vegetables: beets, cabbage.

    Fragile vessel walls. Capillaries become thinner after taking certain medications or due to previous illnesses. Glaucoma leads to this problem.

    Head injury. In some cases, it causes a disruption in the flow of blood to the brain. In addition to bursting capillaries, nausea and fatigue often occur after a head injury. Magnetic resonance imaging helps determine whether the problem of red eyes is related to it.

    Visiting the bathhouse and sauna.

Microangiopathy is damage to small capillaries in the body. It becomes clearly visible due to the redness of the eyes. Microangiopathy is a consequence of diabetes mellitus and affects all capillaries in the body. For example, in the area lower limbs it manifests itself in the form of gangrene, provokes and negatively affects the eyes, leading to loss of vision.

In medicine, damage to the capillaries in the eyes is called diabetic retinopathy. Ruptures of pathologically altered vessels that have become fragile, a gradual decrease in visual acuity indicate this disease. Redness of the whites can be triggered by increased physical activity (sudden movements, tilting the head) or occur for no apparent reason. If this problem occurs, patients should contact an endocrinologist who will help prescribe or adjust glucose-lowering therapy.

If broken capillaries are not associated with a serious medical condition, they should not be a cause for concern. As a rule, they are caused by eye strain. It occurs when performing small work that requires concentration: reading or writing, needlework. Ocular capillaries are thin and fragile structures whose main purpose is to maintain the functioning of the eye. Prolonged load on the visual analyzer leads to spasm of the visual muscles, spasm of accommodation, and dysregulation of vascular tone. As a result of these processes, the capillaries fill with blood, their walls rupture, and hemorrhage occurs.

How to remove red blood vessels in the eyes?

Eliminating the causes that caused this phenomenon helps to cope with dilated red capillaries. Depending on this, appropriate treatment is selected.

If capillary ruptures are caused by lack of sleep, alcohol abuse, fatigue or physical exertion, it is necessary to give the body rest and recovery, give up alcohol, try to follow a daily routine and eat right.

Performing special exercises for the eyes can reduce the load on the visual analyzer. Liquidation etiological factor usually gets rid of reddened whites. But if such measures are ineffective, you should consult an ophthalmologist.

How to treat blood vessels in the eyes?

Attacks of some diseases, during which blood vessels in the eyes burst, require medical attention. emergency care. For glaucoma, 1% pilocarpine is instilled every quarter of an hour. Severe pain in the eyes of this disease, analgesics administered parenterally help relieve pain. These measures help lower intraocular pressure, which means normalizing blood circulation and preventing capillary ruptures.

During an attack, you should chew 2 aspirin tablets to prevent a heart attack, and then consult a doctor. After all, vascular ruptures in this case are a symptom that can be eliminated by stopping the hypertensive crisis.

Capillaries burst due to an overdose of coagulants. These blood thinners are taken when various diseases: atrial fibrillation, coronary disease heart, thrombophilia. Among side effects Their use not only causes ruptures of small vessels in the eyes, but also hemorrhagic rashes on the skin. In this case, it is also necessary to urgently consult a doctor. He will pick up the right drug and determine the dosage.

Drops if a vessel in the eye has burst

    The drops have an anti-edematous and vasoconstrictor effect. Their main advantage: they practically do not enter the systemic circulation, while acting very quickly. The effect of the drug lasts up to 8 hours. Visin drops can be used if redness of the whites of the eyes is caused by conjunctivitis, allergic reaction. They are suitable for patients who wear contact lenses.

    Visine is instilled several times a day until all symptoms of inflammation are eliminated. It is not recommended to use the drug for more than 4 days, as it can be addictive. Drops are contraindicated in patients with individual intolerance to the components that make up Visin, as well as with increased intraocular pressure. After instillation, a burning sensation, itching, and tearing may occur. Vision is often blurred. If there is no improvement within two days, you should change Visine to other drops.


    This drug is not expensive, but is very effective in treating vascular ruptures due to conjunctivitis, dystrophies and damage to the cornea, and cataracts. Normalization of blood circulation occurs due to stimulation of metabolic and energy processes in the body. In addition, Taufon stabilizes cell membranes and intraocular pressure. The drug is used for diseases of the retina, dystrophy and damage to the cornea, cataracts.

    Instill Taufon 1-2 drops several times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the specific disease that caused the capillaries in the eyes to rupture. For cataracts, drops are used for several months. Taufon is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to taurine, which is part of the drug, in pregnant women and patients under the age of 18 years.


    It helps strengthen blood vessels in the eyes, providing angioprotective and antihypoxic effects. Emoxipine helps strengthen the walls of capillaries, reduce their permeability and stimulate the circulation of intraocular fluid. After using the drops, there is an improvement in the rheological parameters of the blood and the resorption of small intraocular hemorrhages. Emoxipine is indicated for use in diabetic retinopathy, corneal burns, myopia, etc. Drops can also be used for preventive purposes to prevent ruptures of capillaries in the eyes and improve blood circulation. Wearing contact lenses is not a contraindication for treatment with this drug.

    Emoxipine is instilled into the conjunctival sac at least 2 times during the day. If the use of the drug causes severe discomfort, redness, itching and burning, or increased blood pressure, you should stop using it. Before instillation, contact lenses must be removed and put on half an hour after the procedure. Combining emoxipine with other drops is not recommended.

Sometimes a scarlet spot appears on the white (sclera). The reason is that a blood vessel in the eye burst. Below are tips on what to do if blood vessels rupture.

Causes of red eyes and ruptured blood vessels, preventive measures

A possible cause of red or burst blood vessels is the body’s reaction to and, as a result, an increase in blood pressure.

Rupture of blood vessels in the eye is associated with excessive physical activity.

The causes of redness, rupture and fragility of eye blood vessels are diseases.

For example, with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, the nerves that are responsible for the narrowing of blood vessels are compressed. The vessels are constantly dilated, the eyes are red, although conjunctivitis and inflammation are absent.

Beta-carotene. Fruits and vegetables containing beta-carotene restore eye health - beef liver, lettuce, pumpkin, apricots, peaches, all yellow fruits.

These products contain a lot of antioxidants that prevent cell destruction. To get vitamins and antioxidants into the body, it is useful to take freshly squeezed juice and drink it throughout the day.

Riboflavin (vitamin B2). In order to prevent redness of the sclera, rupture of blood vessels and hemorrhage in the eyes, include in the diet foods containing riboflavin - the only vitamin found in the eye. It helps cells absorb oxygen and obtain energy for the eyes. Its deficiency makes the eyes red.

The body does not accumulate riboflavin. Vitamin destroys light. The content in products is reduced by cooking, long-term storage.

Milk, vegetables, eggs, beef, liver, herring, fatty cheeses, legumes, brewer's yeast, are rich in riboflavin.

Vitamin C. Frequent ruptures and bursting of eye vessels signal that the body needs vitamin C, which softens the walls, which is especially useful for atherosclerosis.

Blueberry. To prevent hemorrhage and burst blood vessels in the eyes, include fresh water in your diet. The composition of the berries promotes blood circulation, improves sharpness, and relieves visual fatigue.

Lotions. If your eyes are red after work, watery, or itchy, it is used to prevent vascular rupture. folk remedy- lotions.

  1. Mix in equal parts dry leaves and.
  2. Brew 1 part of the mixture with 2 parts of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes.

Allow the paste to cool, wrap in several layers of gauze, apply warm to closed eyelids, and lie down for 15 minutes.

  1. Mix black tea, mint, lemon balm in equal proportions.
  2. Brew like tea, steep, strain.

Moisten cotton swabs in a warm infusion, apply to the eyelids for 15 minutes, periodically changing the lotions.

  • Moisten a cotton swab or gauze folded in several layers with sleep and apply to the eyelids for 15 minutes.

The given recipes are especially useful for the prevention of red eyes and burst blood vessels for those whose activities involve significant visual stress - those who work at a computer, process arrays of text or digital information.

Contrast massage. Hemorrhage and rupture of eye vessels are prevented by alternating clean cold and hot water:

  1. Apply tampons moistened with as much hot water as you can tolerate to your closed eyelids for 2 minutes.
  2. Apply tampons soaked in cold water for 1 minute.

Alternate expansion and contraction cleanses and strengthens blood vessels.

Gymnastics for the eyes prevents bursting of eye vessels, hemorrhage, stimulates the supply of blood to the organ of vision, develops its muscles:

  1. Close your eyes tightly, then open your eyelids as wide as possible. It's easy to blink 5-10 times. Repeat 7 times.
  2. Move your gaze from left to right, up and down, clockwise and counterclockwise. Repeat with eyes closed.
  3. Blink intensely with both eyes.
  4. Close your eyes, cover them with your palms, completely relax and rest for a few minutes.

What to do if a vessel in the eye bursts

As a rule, hemorrhage from a burst vessel in the eye goes away within 2-3 days and does not require special treatment.

Some people use the drugs “Vizin”, “Taufon”, “Emoxipin”, “Ascorutin”, “Defislez”, but only an ophthalmologist can prescribe treatment with them.

Limit physical activity associated with a rush of blood to the head. Do not tilt your head low until the wall heals.

Sagebrush. During the season, a folk remedy helps:

  • Wash the fresh herb well, chop it, place it in a clean cotton cloth, dip it in boiling water for 30 seconds, and let it cool.

Apply warm to closed eyelids.

Constant stress, overwork, and working in unfavorable conditions (for example, in a smoky room) disrupt the functioning of the entire body and cause rupture of a blood vessel in the eye.

Egg white:

  • Place a boiled egg on your closed eyelids for 1-2 minutes.

A simple remedy soothes and normalizes the functioning of the organ of vision.

Red clover. Another folk remedy strengthens blood vessels, including those in the eyes:

  • Fill a half-liter jar to the top with red clover heads, do not compact them, add 10 buds, add vodka, leave for 21 days, strain.

Take 10 drops orally 3 times a day half an hour before meals for a month, then take a 10-day break. Repeat this course two more times (one month of use - a 10-day break).

A folk remedy prevents burst blood vessels and eliminates floaters floating in front of the eyes.

Modified: 07/27/2019

The mucous membrane of the eyes contains a large number of small blood vessels, which can be damaged by many various factors. A person usually notices a ruptured vessel in the eye when he sees his reflection in the mirror. This problem is indicated to him by the fact that the protein has acquired a bright red color.

What to do if this happens? Is it necessary to treat a burst vessel? First of all, you need to visit an ophthalmologist. The specialist will identify the reason that provoked this phenomenon and tell you what to do next. Basically, this condition is not dangerous and goes away after one week.

Possible causes of a ruptured vessel in the eye

Many people have had to deal with hemorrhage in the eye at least once. This phenomenon does not cause pain or any discomfort. As a rule, the person to whom this happened is only concerned with the aesthetic side of the issue, because the red eye looks rather unattractive.

If such a problem has arisen for the first time, then there is no need to worry or panic. Typically, resorption blood stain occurs on its own within a maximum of five days, there are no consequences after this. However, when this happens regularly, you should immediately visit an ophthalmologist so that, after an examination, he can help determine the causes of this condition and prescribe appropriate treatment.

For a more accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to tell the doctor all the details of what happened some time before the vessel was injured. It is extremely important that the patient describes in the smallest detail what they felt at that moment - chills or fever, whether they were dizzy. Even if the symptom seems insignificant to the patient, it can help in establishing the correct cause of the incident.

Internal reasons

Diseases that can cause bleeding in the eyes:

  1. Increased blood or intracranial pressure. This condition is the first thing a doctor might suspect if the patient frequently ruptures blood vessels in the eyes. A hypertensive crisis is accompanied by a rapid rise in pressure. Due to their thinness and fragility, the vessels of the visual organ cannot tolerate increased internal pressure, resulting in their rupture. Along with this, it may be noted nose bleed. An injured vessel in the eye of a person suffering from hypertension is a clear sign that cannot be ignored. You should immediately take care of your own health, monitor your blood pressure and prevent it from increasing in order to prevent serious consequences - blood vessels can rupture not only in the visual organ, but also in the brain, and this poses an even greater threat to health and even life.
  2. Diabetes. The development of this disease quite quickly worsens the condition of the blood vessels, as a result of which their walls become thinner and become fragile. A condition occurs called diabetic retinopathy - one of the most severe complications of diabetes mellitus, affecting the vessels of the retina of the eyeball. After some time, the patient's vision decreases and he may even go blind. If a diabetic begins to notice that the vessels in his eye are periodically injured, he should immediately visit an endocrinologist who will prescribe correct treatment.
  3. Ophthalmic diseases. A damaged vessel can be a manifestation of infections or inflammation of the visual organ (conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis, glaucoma, etc.), as well as the development of benign or malignant neoplasms.
  4. Vitamin deficiency. The lack of some useful elements can make the vascular walls insufficiently elastic, which provokes their injury.
  5. Hematological diseases(leukemia, hemophilia, lymphoma, thrombocytopathy) cause increased tissue bleeding, in particular in the visual organ. Such diseases are easy to notice by the hypersensitivity of the skin to any mechanical influence.

More harmless causes that can provoke rupture of blood vessels:

  1. Allergic reaction.
  2. Strong crying (this often happens with children).
  3. Fatigue, lack of sleep, eye strain. People who work at a computer for a long time, watch TV shows, use gadgets, or read books at night in a dimly lit room often experience eye strain. In this situation, a burst vessel is one of the manifestations of an ophthalmic disease. If proper treatment is not carried out, other pathologies may arise.
  4. Increased physical activity. Lifting heavy objects, professional sports training, contractions and pushing during labor in a woman are factors in one-time vascular damage.
  5. An increase in temperature during colds, acute respiratory viral infections and other diseases can cause deformation of blood vessels.
  6. Drinking large amounts of alcohol causes the blood vessels to expand sharply and narrow just as quickly. Hemorrhage in the visual organs is one of the signs of chronic alcoholism.

External factors that can have an adverse effect on the blood vessels in the eyes:

  • Strong wind, bright sun rays, increased external pressure.
  • Dry air in the room, exposure to smoke or dust.
  • Increased air temperature.

Damage to the visual organ. This can happen if a speck, dust or foreign object gets into the eye.


The main noticeable sign of this condition is redness of the eye and the presence of a blood stain. Sometimes it is insignificant when only one vessel ruptures, but if there are many of them, the redness can cover the entire eye.

Redness can be noticed only if the burst vessel is located in the visible part of the eye, but in the posterior part there are more of them. In this situation, you can only feel a slight heaviness, which is not always paid attention to.

How to treat?

If a vessel rupture in the eye occurs for the first time, then most likely it was caused by external factor. In this situation, treatment is not needed; it is necessary to reduce the load on the visual organs and wait a while. A doctor should be visited if the redness does not go away even after five days, and other symptoms occur - dryness, irritation, swelling, or bleeding occurs again.

When it is known for sure that hemorrhage in the eye occurred due to excessive fatigue, increased pressure, the development of influenza or another disease, then you can narrow the blood vessels with the help of eye drops:

  1. Visine. Drops reduce discomfort in the eyes and relieve dryness. If the hemorrhage is not severe, the redness will partially disappear. One or two drops provide an effect that lasts for 12 hours.
  2. Taufon. Accelerates the process of restoration of damaged blood vessels. The product can be used for eye fatigue.
  3. Hyphenation. The drug eliminates dryness and irritation. Its use is allowed for microdamages. It has a beneficial effect on diseases such as conjunctivitis and keratitis.
  4. Emoxipin. Used for the treatment of hemorrhages in the visual organs. Drip three times a day. The duration of the course can be up to 30 days.

If you have ophthalmological diseases or tumors, eye drops may only be used after being prescribed by a doctor. If the treatment plan is drawn up correctly, it will be possible to avoid serious complications with the visual organs in the future.

If you notice a burst vessel, you need to do the following:

  1. If possible, establish the cause - measure the temperature and pressure. If the indicators are elevated, it is necessary to take appropriate medicine. If any eye injury occurs, you must visit a doctor.
  2. If your eyes become too tired, you should give them a rest for at least two days. If this is not possible, a good night's rest must be ensured.

Important! If hemorrhages recur regularly, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination.


Preventive measures against rupture of blood vessels in the eye are aimed at strengthening the walls, as well as combating potential causes that can cause their deformation:

  1. Include a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits in your diet, especially those containing rutin and ascorbic acid - bell pepper, citruses; take vitamin complexes.
  2. Get proper rest and follow a daily routine.
  3. Get rid of bad habits - alcohol, cigarettes.
  4. Reduce consumption of drinks such as strong tea and coffee.
  5. Avoid elevated physical activity, try not to lift very heavy objects.
  6. Avoid excessive eye strain - while sitting at a computer monitor, you should alternate activities with visual gymnastics, reading books is allowed only in a room with good lighting, you should watch less TV.
  7. If you have dry eye syndrome, you must follow the doctor's recommendations and use the drops prescribed by him.
  8. You need to take good care of your eyes, providing them with protection from drying out, exposure to the sun, wind, dust, and damage.

Video: why blood vessels burst in the eyes

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