Baby's daily routine: second month. Feeding regimen for a child from two to three years old Feeding regimen for a 2 month old baby

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

The most troubling months are behind us. Life, into which a new family member entered, became established; rules and routine appeared in it. The baby has already shown his character. What is he like? Calm or anxious, whiny or cheerful? Does he sleep soundly or is he easily awakened by small noises? In any case, the child needs a properly structured regime that will help him adapt to this world. How to create an optimal daily routine for a 2 month old baby? We will talk about this in the article.

Features of development

Now it is clearly visible that the baby’s adaptation to the new world is over. He no longer takes the fetal position, tucking his arms and legs to his body, but actively moves them if he is not constrained by diapers, and in his sleep he can lie relaxed in the “starfish” position. This occurs due to the fact that the increased tone gradually normalizes. It is advisable to include gymnastics and massage in your daily routine.

By the end of the second month, the neck muscles already hold the baby’s head well, which he lifts while lying on his tummy and can turn to the sides. This significantly increases his ability to understand the world around him.

Vision and hearing become sharper, and perception is differentiated, so it’s time to think about creating a developmental environment for the baby.

He is already able to turn his head towards the sound that interests him, and can show whether he likes it or not. Therefore, the baby definitely needs to sing songs, talk to him, and turn on calm melodic music.

A baby at two months fixes his gaze on an object that interests him, and can follow a moving thing with his gaze for some time, and if he places it in his hand, he firmly grasps it with his entire hand. He tries to look at faces and hums in response to affectionate speech. And his toothless smile is the best gift!

Yulia, mother of Alice, 2 months: “My daughter smiled at me for the first time at exactly 2 months. At 2.5 she began to hold her head while lying on her tummy. I marked these days on the calendar.”

Growing up, the child begins to be interested in his past “achievements”, because he does not remember himself in early age. If you keep such an “event calendar,” you can then tell your child how he grew up.

Regime is the basis of development

Note that a clear routine of actions, which is repeated daily, organizes the child’s life and is reinforced in the form of conditioned reflexes. A baby who is accustomed to falling asleep and waking up, eating and playing at the same time, in familiar conditions, feels more confident, and this makes it much easier for parents to care for.

The concept of “free regime”, when feeding, and therefore all other regime moments occur at the child’s request, does not mean that there is no order, it is simply more individualized.

Sleep duration at this age is approximately 18 hours per day. In accordance with the developmental characteristics of the child, it makes sense to form four daily periods of sleep (one and a half to two hours each) and wakefulness. At night, a 2-month-old baby sleeps for eight hours with breaks for feeding.

A bottle-fed baby takes longer to eat, so he may not wake up at night already at two months. Baby on breastfeeding, of course, he will want to eat, but at night the period of active wakefulness is excluded - he needs to be put back to sleep. If the baby is on mixed feeding, then at night and early in the morning it is better to give him breastfeeding. This way, mom doesn’t have to wake up completely and rush to prepare the formula. And there is usually more breast milk at night.

How to set a sleep-wake schedule?

Many parents have difficulty establishing a sleep schedule. It is better to try to establish it from the very beginning in order to avoid your own overwork and breakdowns.

It is best for a child to fall asleep in his own crib. It is not so difficult to accustom him to this, and later it will save him from many problems and vagaries. Having gotten used to going to bed in familiar conditions, the baby falls asleep faster and sleeps more soundly. And adequate sleep is the cornerstone in the development of an infant.

Try not to rock your baby to sleep; this will not help you fall asleep quickly. Since the vestibular apparatus does not yet function in full force(after all, the child does not yet know how to sit, stand, or walk), obsessive monotonous motion sickness rather puts the child into a trance and disorients him in space.

It is necessary to monitor the condition of the room in which the child is located.

E. O. Komarovsky recalls that one of the reasons bad sleep The indoor air is too dry and warm.

In this case, the child is too hot and uncomfortable, the nasal mucosa dries out, the baby sweats, and the skin begins to itch. It may arch, become capricious, prickly heat or red spots may be found on the buttocks and the back of the head, the skin is moist to the touch.

If you maintain a temperature that is comfortable for the child - 20°C and 50-60% air humidity (to measure it, it is better to purchase a hygrometer), then this one measure can eliminate sleep problems. Be sure to ventilate the room several times during the day and before going to bed at night. In the cold season, when the room is ventilated, the child must be moved to another room and returned to the crib until the temperature of the ventilated room reaches normal.

Remember, at two months the baby should no longer confuse day and night; if this happens, it means you are doing something wrong.

It is better if night feeding occurs around midnight. Then, over time, the baby will learn to wake up around six in the morning, as it should be according to the daily routine. To prevent naps from taking too long, entertain your baby and leave him alone in the crib less often. He must remember that day is a time for games, and night is a time for rest. And then there will be no problem with the child confusing day and night.

Monitor weight gain; if the baby does not eat enough, he will wake up earlier than expected. A check-weighing with a pediatrician is required once a month. The average rate of weight gain is 750 grams in the second month of life. If it is less than 400 g, then you will need to consult a pediatrician and take a set of measures to improve lactation or switch to mixed feeding.


Your baby is growing very quickly, and the amount of milk you drink gradually increases. By two to two and a half months it reaches almost a liter per day. Experts believe that it is optimal to feed a baby six times within 24 hours. Thus, he receives up to 150 ml of milk for each feeding. A child’s diet at 2 months may not yet be completely settled, which is why we must try to patiently regulate it.

The breaks between feedings also gradually increase, they are approximately three hours plus a night break. It can vary from four to six to seven hours, but it will gradually increase naturally. As already mentioned, a bottle-fed baby can withstand long breaks between feedings.

Young parents often worry about their mother's lack of milk. More often than not, these fears turn out to be unfounded. In most cases, a temporary lack of milk can be dealt with using the simplest methods.

  • Mom needs to get enough sleep! The main reason for lack of milk is overwork.
  • Adequate nutrition is also important; a nursing mother needs to consume about 3000 kcal per day. The diet should be simple, but complete, and must include proteins of animal origin.
  • It is important to find a quiet place to feed where no one will disturb you. At this time, you need to talk only with the baby, establishing mother-child contact. If you watch the news or leaf through a magazine, it is unlikely that you will be able to establish proper feeding.
  • From the huge number of recipes “to increase lactation”, choose those that contain dill seeds, anise, fennel, and caraway seeds. They will simultaneously reduce gas formation in the child. Tea with milk is also beneficial. Avoid recipes with ingredients that may cause allergic reaction(Apilak, honey, figs, walnuts). Ignore the “advice of experts” who recommend drinking liters of non-alcoholic beer or kvass.
  • Mom needs to take care of her health and prevent hypothermia not only of the breasts, but also of the pelvic organs.
  • If you cannot manage lactation, consult a specialist. He will give professional advice on breastfeeding.

Walking and bathing a baby at 2 months

Important components of a child's daily routine are walking and bathing. Experts talk only about the minimum duration of exposure to fresh air. It lasts 3 hours under favorable weather conditions (air temperature above +10°C, absence of heavy winds, heavy rain). The maximum period is limited only by your desire and capabilities.

Take every opportunity to catch some fresh air. In warm weather, put your baby to sleep on the balcony and loggia, if they face the courtyard, where it is quiet enough. Consider going to the countryside in the summer.

Bathing is both an excellent hardening procedure and a developmental activity that helps expand the baby’s sensory experience.

Babies 2 months old should be bathed every day with plain water, without soap. Bathing in herbs is encouraged: a decoction of string or chamomile, but not more than 3 times a week, as well as washing with soap. A washcloth should not be used for babies under one year of age, as their skin is very delicate and can be easily damaged.

Usually water procedures are carried out in the evening; they tire the child, after which he sleeps more soundly. But there is another category of children - those with an excitable nervous system. Bathing makes too strong an impression on them, and they cannot calm down for a long time. In this case, it is better to postpone this procedure to the early evening (18.00) or day.

Baby development at 2 months

Caring for a child is not only about feeding and changing diapers. At two months, the baby no longer falls asleep after each feeding. He has periods of wakefulness that need to be occupied by communicating with his mother and other adults.

The best educational toys during this period are those that enrich his sensory experience:

  • any bright objects that catch your eye;
  • toys that make sounds - rattles, bells;
  • objects that can be grasped with a handle and pulled towards you;
  • things that have different physical properties(light - heavy), texture (soft - hard), surface (smooth - rough).

A child often gets a special mobile for his crib. It includes several different toys suspended on strings that spin to melodious music. Another great option is a developmental mat with arcs. In this case, toys can be hung on arcs so that the baby can grab them. The optimal distance is 30 centimeters, this will allow the baby to focus her gaze on objects.

Educational games at this age are quite simple and take only 1-2 minutes.

Head holding training

To do this, just put the baby on his tummy and attract his attention with a bright or sounding toy. They hold it 30–40 centimeters from the face and make sure that the baby raises his head and looks at the object. The exercise is repeated two or three times, ensuring that the baby keeps his gaze on the toy for as long as possible (up to 30–40 seconds).

Training the ability to follow an object with your eyes

Any large and bright object is smoothly moved at a distance of 20–30 centimeters from the child’s face in a circle. You can also use a mobile phone for this if you leave only one toy on it.

Speech development

Babies are the first to begin to recognize and use vowel sounds in their own speech. Therefore, it is useful for the mother to learn songs, rhymes and nursery rhymes in which vowel sounds stand out and are drawn out, and also to encourage the baby to repeat them, “calling out” to him while cooing.

All your actions with your child must be accompanied by words. Constant involvement in a conversation is a powerful means of developing the speech centers of the brain. “Now we’ll go swimming. The water is so warm and gentle. Let's take off our clothes and swim. So we wash our hands, fingers, and now our tummy.”

By talking through all your actions, you make the child an active participant in events, creating a developmental environment for him.

Development of active movements

To do this, toys are hung on low-hanging strings in the baby’s crib so that he tries to grab them. You can provoke his desire to grab the toy by slightly tickling his palm with it.

Choose simple exercises on the Internet and be sure to do gymnastics with your baby. It takes only 10-15 minutes a day and is carried out in morning hours, but not immediately after feeding and not on an empty stomach.

And finally, here is a table with an approximate daily routine. But you can always adjust it, bringing your routine closer to what is optimal for your child.

Time Actions
6:00 First feeding
6:00 – 7:00 Hygiene procedures, air baths, games
7:00 – 9:30 First (daytime) sleep
9:30 – 10:00 Second feeding
10:00 – 11:00 Active games, charging
11:00 – 13:00
Second (daytime) nap outside
13:00 – 13:30 Third feeding
13:30 – 14:30 Getting to know the world around you, educational games
14:30 – 16:30 Third (daytime) dream
16:30 – 17:00 Fourth feeding
17:00 – 17:30 Play, communication with adults
18:00 – 19:30 Fourth (evening) dream
19:30 – 20:00 Bathing, massage
20:00 – 20:30 Fifth feeding
20:00 – 21:00 Quiet games: you can “walk” around the house in your parents’ arms, listen to music
21:00 – 23:30 Fifth (evening) dream
23:30 – 0:00 Sixth feeding
0:00 – 6:00
Night sleep with breaks for feeding

Video on the topic

Let's talk about the daily routine of a child from 6 months to 2.5 years. It is important to know that from the age of 6 months you can slowly form a daily routine for your baby.

Many parents are scared by the word “regime”. But children love routine and quickly get used to the routine. Children generally love predictability in their daily routine, it calms them down and gives them a sense of security. Children's sleep will be calmer if it is organized at the usual time and in the usual order.

Until about 3 months, children have virtually no routine, and until 6 months there is a little chaos. But from six months onwards, we recommend determining the baby’s optimal regimen and trying to stick to it as much as possible. This is the key to calm and quality sleep for your child.

What is a mode?

By “routine” we mean the alternation of sleep and wakefulness during the day. The regimen of babies from 6 months is tied to the clock, the routine of younger babies is formed according to

The daily routine should include:

  • rising time in the morning
  • time of active and quiet wakefulness
  • nap
  • walks
  • meals
  • getting ready for bed
  • night sleep

It is very important to find a comfortable routine for your baby. Please note that all standards and recommended modes are given as a guide. They cannot take into account the child’s individual characteristics, workload and temperament.

It is very important to adjust the regimen as the child grows. The baby grows up - he can withstand longer periods of activity (waking time), and sleep becomes less and less. The mother’s task is to observe changes and adjust the daily routine in time.

How to choose the optimal regime for a child?

In order to choose the optimal mode, it is important to keep observations of the child and a sleep diary, analyze the situation and compare it with the norms. You will find all the important steps for analyzing and adjusting the regime in our article.

1. Analyze how your day goes with your child

Check that your baby is not lacking sleep and that his sleep-wake schedule is appropriate for him. If the daily routine is not comfortable for the baby, even with the right actions, you will see a long time to fall asleep or protests when trying to fall asleep on your own.

We have prepared an 8-point checkbox that will help you easily check whether the regimen is suitable for your child:

  1. Is your baby getting enough sleep at night? NOT REALLY
  2. Is the number of naps appropriate for age? NOT REALLY
  3. The duration of one daytime nap is at least 40 minutes (for babies over 3 months) YES/NO
  4. The baby maintains wake time (WT) in accordance with the average values ​​for this age YES/NO
  5. Evening falling asleep falls within the baby’s “sleep window” YES/NO
  6. The baby has an even mood throughout the day, he is not capricious for no apparent reason YES/NO
  7. A baby needs an average of 15-20 minutes to fall asleep YES/NO
  8. The mode includes:
  • active wakefulness YES/NO
  • quiet wakefulness YES/NO
  • rituals before bed YES/NO

Analyze the situation. If you answered NO to at least one point, it’s worth working on your routine. If you need tips on how to do this, join, or take This is enough to discuss the problems of the regime or, for example, switch to fewer sleeps without compromising the baby’s well-being.

2. Mandatory elements of the daily routine of a child from 6 months to 2.5 years

If you come to the conclusion that some signs of an inappropriate daily routine are present, then it’s time to start transforming existing habits and move closer to the recommended daily routine.

Which common features do we see all children aged 6 months to 2.5 years in the mode?

  • All children should have a full night's sleep, the average duration of which is
  • the so-called biological clock of children is set to the beginning of the day and active wakefulness from 7:00-7:30 am
  • the total average should be between three and a half hours every six months to two hours every two years.

Thus, we come to a fairly easy arithmetic problem: “If children should get up at seven o’clock in the morning, and they should sleep eleven to twelve hours at night, then when should we put our kids to bed in the evening?”

The answer is simple: “the most suitable time to start night sleep is between 19:00 and 20:00, at which time the child should already be asleep.

So, wake-up time is 7:00-7:30, lights out at 19:00-20:00.

3. Daytime sleep mode

The quality and quantity of daytime sleep affects nighttime sleep. Therefore, daytime sleep is a very important component of a baby’s routine.

  • A 6-month-old baby's daily routine includes 2 full or 3 short naps
  • Beginning with After 7 - 8 months, the third dream gradually disappears. The smoothness lies in the fact that, depending on the duration and quality of the first 2 sleeps, sometimes a 3rd sleep is needed so that the child has the opportunity to hold out until bedtime, and on some day this additional sleep is not required.
  • After 15 months goes by 2nd nap. Don’t rush to get rid of the second sleep early; most children up to this age need it in order to nervous system could rest. When following a two-nap routine, children feel much better.
  • The most important rule is that you should never organize a 3rd nap later than 16:30. If a child is naughty, it is better to put him to bed earlier at night, at approximately 18:30.

Do not forget that as the child grows up, the interval between the first and second sleep increases slightly. Morning sleep remains approximately the same.

In general, try to stick to the following:

  • morning sleep starts at 8.00-10.00,
  • afternoon nap 12.30-15.00
  • The time periods of wakefulness between daytime dreams should not be equal to each other.

4. Meals in a daily routine

An important point in creating an optimal daily routine is the harmonious distribution of meals during wakefulness.

We recommend, as a rule, to feed the child after waking up or in the middle of wakefulness, in order to separate the processes of feeding and falling asleep in the child’s mind. At the same time, there is a grandmother’s rule, which is not without common sense: “Only a well-fed child sleeps well.” There is a risk that a growing child, who is more and more awake, will have time to get hungry before the next bedtime.

From 6 months, as complementary foods are introduced (which by 8 months is already of an energetic, rather than educational, nature), it becomes important to follow a daily regimen so that the child’s body is tuned to a certain sequence of actions.

In addition to sleep time, there are preferably five of them: breakfast, lunch, dinner, afternoon snack and second breakfast (the last two are snacks). At the same time, it is logical to organize breakfast and lunch before naps, second breakfast and afternoon snack - after waking up from naps. We recommend having dinner quite early - 1.5 -2 hours before bedtime, i.e. at approximately 17-18 hours. In addition to dinner, most children in the first year of life require feeding immediately before going to bed.

After a year, the direct relationship between the quality of sleep and the amount of food eaten immediately before bed goes away, so it’s worth starting to organize a pause between the last meal and sleep in order to proudly celebrate that you and your child are taking the first steps towards healthy image life.

Mode adjustment

If you have started adjusting your daily routine, then do not make sudden leaps, change the regime gradually, starting with evening bedtime, in 15-20 minute increments. And observe the child’s reaction to the changes for 3 days. Record your morning wake-up time - do not extend sleep past 7.30 am or wake your baby if he sleeps too long. Sleeping after 7:30 in the morning disrupts the entire daily routine. Remember that early awakenings mean getting up before 6 am. It is advisable to renew them. A comfortable time to get up according to the child’s biorhythms is from 6 to 7:30 in the morning.

For example, a child falls asleep at 22:00 and wakes up at 9:00. During the first 3 days, start getting up 15-30 minutes earlier than usual. If you wake up your baby in the morning at 8.30-8.45, then organize daytime sleep in accordance with a comfortable WB for a child at this age, focusing on signs of fatigue. And in this case, plan to sleep at night at 21:30-21:45. The next 3 days: getting up 8:00-8:15, going to bed in the evening around 21:00-21:15. Etc. Ideally, we are moving towards getting up at 7-7:30 and going to bed at night at 19:30-20:30.

Daily routine is the most important thing:

  1. CHILDREN LOVE MODE, they are reassured by predictability
  2. You can’t talk about the regime until 6 months, but 6 months is important determine the optimal mode
  3. Early mode- the most ideal regime for children: wake up at 7:30; lights out 19-20.30
  4. The diet is started with the introduction of complementary foods
  5. It is important to comply waking time
  6. The regime should be adjusted as the baby grows!

All you have to do is look into your child’s eyes, kiss his milk-smelling cheek, gain confidence, hang a watch in a prominent place, draw up and print out the details of the baby’s daily schedule, so that in the hustle and bustle of things you don’t miss the moment that will give your child health, sound sleep and a great mood !

The two-year-old baby has grown noticeably and is actively showing his independence; he already has personal character traits, has his own habits and preferences. His emotional feelings also increased significantly. Parents, as before, are faced with the goal of comprehensive development, but under the conditions of new requirements - for this they need an individual daily routine for a 2-year-old child, in which all the baby’s actions during the day will be clearly described.

2 year old child's daily routine

A specific schedule of sequentially alternating daily events in a child’s life is the key to his health and proper upbringing. Starting from the one-year anniversary, the routine must change annually for up to three years. This is due to important provisions regarding sleep, feeding, and walking with the child, which must meet his growing needs.

This schedule needs to be carefully considered, taking into account the following points:

  1. Changes in daily routine should be introduced gradually and not cause negative reactions in children and coincide with their real needs;
  2. Physiological and psychological characteristics and health status should always be taken into account.

An optimally designed daily routine for a two-year-old child allows you to teach children organization and order; it quickly adapts them to the conditions of a preschool institution; in addition, its introduction makes life easier for the whole family.

When the rules are not followed, many problems can arise - parents have to make every effort to teach personal, hygienic procedures; the neuropsychic activity of a little person may lag behind in development. Such a child quite often has mood swings, he is whiny, hysterical, because he gets tired quickly and does not get enough sleep. That's why psychologists and pediatricians strongly advise setting a schedule that suits the baby's needs. You can see an approximate table below, and then make adjustments to suit family preferences.

A feature of age is increased mobility, along with insufficient coordination of movements - parents should pay attention to this aspect and perform separate physical exercises with the child to improve function.

Two year old baby's sleep

At the age of two years, according to pediatricians, a child should sleep up to 10 hours at night and go to bed once for daytime rest. In total, he should spend about 13 hours sleeping, but you should not literally follow such recommendations, because one baby may need more, and another less, time to recuperate after active wakefulness. If the baby is sick, he can spend much more time in bed, but if he feels well, he can spend more than six hours in an alert state.

Constantly monitoring the behavior of your son or daughter will allow you to understand when the little one is unwell - usually, in such a situation, the child may be capricious, cry, and behave inappropriately. There are other signs that the baby is tired or not feeling well - this can be indicated by increased agitation and hyperactivity, which can be extremely difficult to stop.

An alarming symptom for the mother and father should be deviations from the norm for more than two hours; shortened or longer sleep can be considered up to this limit physiological feature. This can be confirmed by a good appetite, interest in games and learning, cheerfulness, and good mood of the child. Such children have sound and uninterrupted sleep at night, and during the day, tired, the baby goes to bed without prodding and quickly falls asleep.

Disturbances in normal sleep very often occur due to the fault of parents who do not fulfill the basic requirements for creating the most comfortable conditions for their baby’s rest:

  • going to bed at the same time every day;
  • regular walks in the fresh air;
  • calm atmosphere in the house;
  • active pastime while awake, which should be planned in advance by adults.

In addition, sometimes the baby does not want to go to bed because he was torn away from his favorite activity, he is afraid of the dark, is not yet tired, or simply does not understand why he is forced to go to bed when adults continue to do their own thing. In some cases, protest means a child’s attempt to manipulate his parents, and one must be able to distinguish such signs from ordinary childish stubbornness and simple reluctance.

When organizing a baby’s normal sleep, parents should be aware that there are some nuances even with a properly established routine. In the summer, almost all children sleep less and can get up earlier than in the winter. Severe fatigue or overexcitement can also affect the quality of rest - a long trip, visiting guests, the theater, celebrating a household member’s birthday.

Regime and diet

At two years old, children feed 4-5 times a day; breastfed babies can still ask for the breast at night, but this happens less and less often or due to the habit of holding their mother’s breast in their mouth. At this age, they can already be safely weaned off this.

A 2-year-old child’s daily routine includes meals such as breakfast, afternoon snack, lunch and dinner, in general, everything is the same as for adults:

  1. The baby can have breakfast an hour and a half after waking up; morning meals should be healthy and satisfying, include all the important components - proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, which improve performance. digestive system and preventing intestinal upset. The best solution is crackers with tea, scrambled eggs or boiled eggs, porridge with milk or water. It is advisable that before lunch the child snacks as little as possible; you can give him juice or water to drink.
  2. For lunch, they usually prepare vegetable or vegetable soup. meat broth, meat or fish, side dish of stewed, boiled vegetables. It is necessary to plan lunch time correctly, since, after an hour, in most cases, the child’s daytime rest follows.
  3. During the afternoon snack, it is not recommended to feed the baby hard-to-digest food; the food should be light, since in a couple of hours a hearty dinner will be available. Can be used natural yogurt, cottage cheese with pieces of fruit, dry cookies with a glass of kefir.
  4. By dinner time, children are hungry and should eat heavily. The mother can offer the child mashed potatoes, porridge, baked or stewed vegetables.

Some children, both infants and bottle-fed babies, may not eat the portions given to them - unless there are signs feeling unwell Most likely, they require less food, but sometimes this is due to the fact that parents allow the child to eat in between feedings, this becomes the cause of malnutrition.

Sweets, chocolate, and cakes, which are contraindicated for them at this age, are especially harmful for children.

Of course, the children's diet should be compiled taking into account the taste preferences of the baby, but it must necessarily include cereals, dairy and fermented milk products, fruits, berries and vegetables, fish and meat products.

Children's physical education and active walks

At two years old, the baby can bend, squat and walk independently. He understands well what is required of him if mom and dad ask him for something. He already uses a mug, a spoon, does not forget to ask to go to the potty, and knows how to put on and take off outerwear, shirts, and T-shirts independently.

Daily gymnastics will help your baby grow faster, develop muscle strength, agility, become more resilient, and remain energetic for a long time. Physical exercise to achieve this goal are very simple and unpretentious, despite the enormous benefits they bring:

  • the baby can throw and catch the ball, toss it with his hands, kick it, push it;
  • do the “bicycle” exercise while lying on your back;
  • walk with your knees high, jump, dance, squat and bend to rhythmic music;
  • walk around the room with goose steps.

To develop balance, the toddler can be asked to walk along a narrow board, a strip of thick cardboard, or between parallel strings. In order for children to acquire the correct gait and train the muscles of their legs, they need to walk with obstacles; for this, toys, low boxes and other objects are placed on the floor, and the baby steps over them. At the age of two, it is useful for children to walk on all fours, collect cubes, leaning towards each of them. They can already play football - roll the ball with their feet; this, in addition to strengthening their muscles, develops their coordination.

It is very important to walk with your baby for several hours every day, even if it is cool outside or it is raining a little. As they say, there is no bad weather, as long as there is suitable clothing, and in relation to a child, this is a necessary condition. This does not mean that he needs to be wrapped up heavily - if he sweats, he will catch a cold faster; it is enough to take care of several layers of clothing made from different natural materials. In case of serious bad weather, of course, you should not force your child to go for a walk - you can breathe fresh air on the balcony or simply ventilate the room.

It is necessary that the child’s hands and feet do not freeze; there must be replaceable shoes in the house, which must be dried every time after walks during inclement weather. If it is cold outside, you are allowed to walk once a day, in the morning. Walks should be active, now movement is an integral part of a child’s life, so he should move in the fresh air.

At the age of two, a baby's waking hours become increasingly active, so daily personal hygiene is necessary. It consists of regular washing, washing and bathing, brushing teeth, cutting nails, which can be a breeding ground for pathogens if the baby often plays in the sandbox. The child can already do some things on his own, but otherwise, caring for him remains the responsibility of the parents.

Games-lessons for comprehensive development

The baby has already mastered the pronunciation and memorization of the simplest words and continues to improve his speech skills; now his speech consists of multi-word phrases and sentences. Lexicon It’s already quite small - for different children it can be from 50 to 300 words, but there are phenomena that already know about one and a half thousand words. If at the moment the parents communicate a lot with the baby, read prose and poems to him, discuss various events, his vocabulary can expand significantly.

The following activities will contribute to intellectual development:

  • playing with construction sets, puzzles, cubes, mosaics, assembling pyramids;
  • drawing and painting simple pictures, creating your own canvases using crayons, finger paints and ordinary paints on paper;
  • music and singing lessons;
  • modeling from plasticine, polymer clay, ordinary dough.

A child also needs fun, interesting games, because they awaken his imagination, force him to imitate adults and copy their behavior, and gain skills that will undoubtedly be useful to them in life. adult life. This role-playing games with dolls, baby dolls, cars, creating your own scenery to play out everyday situations, simulating various professions.

Children of this age are already interested in special sets - a doctor, a salesman, a builder. They are very serious, and most importantly funny, they get used to every character, try on a variety of roles and situations. This is how kids learn to model their actions, make decisions, and show their character.

The daily routine of a 2-year-old child is the basis for organizing the day of a still small but quickly maturing baby, who, in addition to a positive attitude, games and entertainment, needs discipline that forces him to get used to the normal rhythm of life. Very soon, knowing how to organize his actions, the baby will painlessly move on to a new and important stage - attending kindergarten.

The child grows and develops, begins to be more awake. Sleep still takes up most of the time, but sleep and wake patterns change slightly. Read on in the article about how much sleep a child should sleep at 2 months and how to achieve this.

Norms of sleep and wakefulness

At two months, the baby spends about 15-16 hours sleeping, of which 5-6 are naps during the day, and 8-10 at night. A baby at this age is already beginning to distinguish day from night. The optimal wake time is 1 hour 15 minutes. This time includes getting ready for bed and going to bed. If you stay awake, you can avoid overtiredness. If a child takes too long, it will be more difficult for him to fall asleep in an overexcited state.

Developmental leap at 2 months

A child’s sleep is influenced not only by compliance with sleep and wakefulness norms, but also mental development. The baby’s brain is actively growing, and for this reason, at approximately 7–8 weeks, the head circumference increases sharply. At the age of two months, the baby begins to become more aware of the world around him and himself in it; he already begins to look at his hands, observe and study what is happening around him. Babies at 2 months may become restless and sleep more lightly. There is no need to worry about this, hug the baby more, talk to him, smile, looking into his eyes. Around 10 weeks, the baby calms down and sleeps better again.

Daytime nap

Usually, by the age of two months, the baby sleeps 4 to 5 times during the day. The duration of one sleep ranges from 40 minutes to 2 hours.

From 2 months, children can experience short daytime naps - 20-30 minutes each. Such dreams may well be a physiological norm, however, if all the baby’s daytime dreams are short, while he is capricious and restless, he clearly does not have time to regain his strength and rest. In this case, try to prolong sleep by recreating the usual conditions for falling asleep as soon as he wakes up. For example, if he falls asleep while being rocked, pick him up and rock him a little.

Night sleep

It is best to put your child to bed at night between 19:00 and 22:00. In this case, you need to monitor his state of fatigue, observing the time of wakefulness. Try not to go to bed too late. Night sleep intervals become longer at 2 months.

Breastfeeding and sleep

Sometimes breastfeeding becomes a way for the baby to calm down and go to sleep. It is important to understand that habits that are formed before 4 months will be very difficult to change later. If you don’t mind sleeping together and falling asleep only with your breasts, then feel free to use this method. With it, you won't need to rock your baby to sleep or come up with other methods of putting him to sleep. If you want your child to learn to fall asleep on his own and sleep for a long time, then separate feeding and sleeping. To do this, feed your baby not before bedtime, but after. Also separate sleeping and feeding areas. For example, put your baby to sleep in the room and feed him in the kitchen. This way you will teach your child to fall asleep on his own and free up more time for yourself.

How much should a 2 month old baby eat?

A two-month-old baby should receive about 800 ml of milk per day. The volume of food per feeding can reach 120 - 150 ml. Remember, a hungry child will not sleep well, so if the baby has difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep, it is worth checking the sufficiency of lactation. Clarification: in the question of how much a child should eat at 2 months, we focus specifically on natural feeding; artificial feeding is somewhat different.

How to put a two month old baby to sleep

There are so many people here, so many opinions, and each of them has the right to exist. So, let's begin.

Method 1. Falling asleep on your own. It is possible to fully transfer a child to fall asleep independently only after 6 months. After 4 months you can begin active training. At 2 months, the child is still very small, so if he cannot fall asleep on his own, you should not insist on it. To minimize this stage of falling asleep, it is recommended to put the baby in the crib only after he begins to show sleepiness - yawning, squinting, rubbing his eyes. At the same time, watch if the baby cries and asks to see his mother, take him and do not make him cry for a long time. Such stress is not at all good for the child’s psyche and his trust in his mother. When the child falls asleep, put him in the crib so that he does not get used to sleeping only in his arms or next to his mother.

Method 2: Motion sickness. At one time, a lot was said about its dangers. The luminaries of Soviet and post-Soviet pediatrics convinced parents that motion sickness leads to sleep disturbances, and subsequently to the child’s spoilage and excessive dependence on his mother. Trend recent years rocking is not prohibited: if you are worried about the emotional health of yourself and your baby, rock him to health, even in your arms, even in a stroller or rocking chair, even in a sling or on a fitball.

Method 3: Falling asleep at the chest. This method works “excellently” - the child, having received the prescribed portion of food, falls asleep quickly and deeply, and it’s even easier for the mother. The main thing is to carefully transfer the sleeping child to the crib without waking him up. And, of course, make sure that the baby does not choke on milk while falling asleep.

Method 4: Ritual. A certain sequence of actions helps to develop a clear algorithm. For example, an evening bath, a relaxing massage, and then feeding and sleep. Over time, this regimen will allow the child to learn to fall asleep at the same time.

Shared or separate sleep: which is better?

Another very effective method of problem-free bedtime is co-sleeping. It would seem to be ideal for both mother and child. There is no need to take him off the breast and move him, risking waking him up, and the feeling of closeness and unity ensures healthy sleep for both. However, there are also “contraindications”. Firstly, this method is not always suitable for dad, for whom there is often no room left in the family bed. Secondly, careless movement of a mother who is fast asleep can cause serious harm to the baby.

In addition, sooner or later the child will still have to be accustomed to his own separate sleeping place, and this will not be easy to do in adulthood. Although, if other options do not work, you can use this.

Do I need to wake up my baby to feed?

The answer to this question can only be given taking into account several factors. If the baby is gaining weight well, then there is no need to wake him up during the day. Pediatricians recommend waking up a baby who sleeps for more than 5 hours in a row, since a long break in nutrition can cause a drop in his blood glucose level, and this is a potentially dangerous condition.

If your baby was born at term, with normal indicators and is gaining weight well, and you feed him on demand - do not rush to disturb the baby’s sweet sleep: he will wake up on his own as soon as he gets hungry.

Sleep and eating are still important for a newborn, but by 2 months your baby will show the first sparks of personality. The baby doesn’t just eat and sleep, he reacts to where and how he lies, and becomes capricious if something doesn’t suit him. The baby easily falls asleep under his mother's breast and instantly wakes up if you put him in the crib; he absolutely does not want to sleep unless you rock him. Obviously, a baby's daily routine changes at 2 months. Parents need to watch their baby more closely and try to establish a regime that will suit both them and the child.

At 2 months, the baby becomes more emotional, and his appetite and quality of sleep depend on many factors

Approximate description of a child's day

By 2 months, the child’s hourly activity and rest are already well established. The baby eats and sleeps at a certain time, but the total duration of sleep is reduced to 16-18 hours, and night sleep becomes more restful and sound (see also:). At the same age it may appear serious problem, when the child swaps “day” and “night”. It is possible to correct the situation, but it is difficult. Parents will have to be persistent and patient to return the baby to the correct time frame.

At 2 months, daily walks become an important part of a child’s life. The baby should go for walks 2-3 times a day. The duration of walks gradually increases, reaching 1.5 hours per trip outside. Monitor the temperature: in summer it is comfortable to walk at an air temperature no higher than +30 degrees, in winter it is better to walk at a temperature not lower than -10 degrees. The baby’s evening routine is also maintained. The usual bathing at night can be increased to 10 minutes. They bathe a 2-month-old baby in water with a temperature no higher than +37 degrees.

When describing a child's day at 2 months, we do not distinguish between breastfed and bottle-fed babies. For proper development A newborn's routine should consist of sleep, feeding, and active activities with the baby. Between key points The baby's life requires mandatory hygiene procedures, walks and water treatments.

It’s great when from the first day the child’s life follows a well-established order, then even minor changes will not catch the parents unprepared. If the distribution by hours is not organized as it should be, it is necessary to bring everything back to normal and not deviate from it.

To make the task easier, use this table, which shows an approximate routine. From it we also learn how many times a day the baby should eat:

6.00-6.30 Getting up, first feeding.
6.30-9.30 Morning dream. Time for the toilet and breakfast (or extra sleep) for mom.
9.30 The baby wakes up and it’s time for second breakfast. However, before doing this, you can do a little morning exercises. After feeding the baby, you need to wash him - his eyes, nasal passages, face, folds behind the ears, on the neck, under the armpits.
10.30-11.00 Time to get ready for mom and have second breakfast.
11.00-13.00 The baby ate, stayed awake, and now he may be getting sleepy. Therefore, we go for a walk with a stroller. Let the baby sleep, but by 13:00 it’s time to return home.
13.00 −14.30 Lunch for baby and mother. Then you can play with the baby.
14.30-17.00 Afternoon nap (which, again, can be combined with a walk by inviting grandma for this; or you can put the baby on the balcony - of course, it all depends on weather conditions). At this time, mom can take care of the house or herself.
17.00-18.30 The child woke up. After half an hour of communication with mom, time for the fourth feeding is 17.30. After this, free time that can be devoted to educational games.
18.30-21.00 Second (or third) walk or sleep at home (on the balcony).
21.00-23.30 Feeding, then staying awake until 11:30 p.m. At this time, the baby can be bathed (no earlier than 40 minutes after eating) and prepared for bed.
23.30-06.00 The child should eat again at night. He may sleep until 6 am, but most often the baby will need to be fed again at night - around 3.00.

Deviations in the daily routine

It’s great if your child easily accepts the described daily routine. It happens that already a 2-month-old baby shows individuality, and he lives according to his own clock: he wants to go for a walk when he should sleep, and sleeps when he needs to go for a walk (we recommend reading:). There is nothing wrong with this - he can get up at 7 am or go to bed around 10 pm. If you are happy with this, accept its rules, but in this case the meal hours will also shift.

For a two-month-old baby, small deviations will not create problems. It is important to follow the basics of the regime: walk, do gymnastics, carry out water procedures. By the way, many changes are not related to whether the baby is breastfed or bottle-fed - this is a matter of the child’s psychological comfort.

It's bad if the clock offset is large or uncontrollable. As long as your baby is awake, he will take away from your night's sleep. It happens that the baby confuses the time of day, changing day to night. Then you will have to stay up all night (see also:). The consistency in the baby’s diet also becomes confused when he does not eat after 3.5-4 hours, but demands the breast every hour - this behavior of the child exhausts both him and his parents. Be persistent, establish control over compliance with the regime, and no matter how much the child asks to eat, try to maintain the interval between feedings.

To teach your child to have a routine, you can start with yourself. Get up at 6:00 am and wake up your baby. Carry out hygiene procedures, wash him, feed him, do gymnastics with him, chat, and after 1.5 hours put him to bed (we recommend reading:). Act according to the established schedule and after a while your baby will learn to live according to correct regimen. An example of a young mother's daily schedule can be seen in the video.

It is a mistake to think that by this age you can not set a certain time for your child to sleep. Pediatricians insist that by two months, children's sleep should be orderly. Their recommendations look like this:

  1. Monitor the signals that the baby himself gives. By two months he still has no concept of discipline; he reacts to the needs of his own body.
  2. Try to scrupulously observe the hourly distribution of regime items. Walk and feed on time, and then the baby will have a sound and healthy sleep that comes to him on time.
  3. Don’t force your baby to sleep, don’t leave him alone in the nursery, hoping that he’ll fall asleep on his own. This behavior of yours will form a negative perception of sleep in your child.

Swimming and gymnastics

Each item on the daily schedule is a strong stone embedded in the harmonious development of your little treasure. In addition to nutrition, bathing and gymnastics are very important for him. Bath the child daily, often before bedtime. The baby enjoys water procedures, he eats with appetite after them and calmly falls asleep.

If you notice that your baby, on the contrary, becomes active after evening feeding, switch bathing to the first half of the day.

It is better to do gymnastics before lunch. Choose how it is more convenient for you to study - after waking up at night or after the second morning sleep. Do not start exercises immediately after feeding, wait half an hour for the food to be absorbed.

The list of useful exercises for a baby in the second month of life includes: spreading the arms to the sides, bending and straightening the legs, gentle massage of the chest and back, pleasant stroking. Gymnastics has a beneficial effect on the baby’s body, improves blood circulation, and promotes proper physical development.

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