What helps Duspatalin in tablets and capsules: indications for use. Duspatalin - effective elimination of spastic pains in the abdomen From what duspatalin is taken

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Duspatalin is a modern effective spasmodic drug, it has few contraindications, there are practically no side effects, it is non-toxic.

1. Instructions for use


Duspatalin has a positive effect on the digestive organs, the most common indication is intestinal colic, the drug helps get rid of pain in the intestines.

Duspatalin is good for spasms, under its influence, the patient's condition noticeably improves, pain syndrome, improves blood supply to the affected organs, which has a positive effect on the nature of the course of the disease.


The drug is prescribed for secondary spasms of the digestive tract which may be accompanied by diseases of other organs (cholecystitis, pancreatitis), functional disorders digestive organs, elimination of pain syndrome with uncomfortable sensations in the intestines.

As a result of taking duspatalin, the pancreatic ducts expand, and the risk of developing pancreatic necrosis decreases. The drug helps to reduce intra- and extrahepatic stagnation of bile, reduces the likelihood of transition to sharp shape inflammatory processes (cholangitis and cholecystitis).

Release form, composition

Duspatalin is available in tablets and capsules, packed in 10 pcs in a blister. The main active ingredient is mibeverine hydrochloride, auxiliary components: glycerol triacetate, magnesium stearate, methacrylic acid, hypromellose.

Mode of application


Pills It is recommended to drink one 3 times a day, washing down with water, take the medicine until the pain disappears completely. If for some reason it was not possible to drink a pill, it is not recommended to take a double dose, therapy continues for standard mode. Cancellation should be carried out gradually (3-4 weeks), otherwise withdrawal syndrome may develop.

Cancellation procedure:

  • 1 week - in the morning and in the afternoon - 1 tab., in the evening 1/2;
  • 2 weeks - in the morning and in the evening, 1 tab.;
  • 3 weeks - in the morning - 1 tab., in the evening - 1/2 tab.;
  • 4 weeks - in the morning - 1 tab.


The dosage is 1 capsule 2 r. per day, the duration of therapy depends on the rate of normalization of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.

After achieving a lasting effect, the dosage is reduced to 1 capsule per day, after which it is recommended to stop taking the medicine for a couple of days and listen to your feelings.

If discomfort occurs, therapy should be resumed for another week, during this period it is necessary to take 1 capsule in the morning.

drug interaction

Special studies to identify the compatibility of duspatalin with other medicines have not been conducted; this information is also not available in patient reviews.

2. Side effects

The drug has practically no side effects , with the exception of allergies, which can manifest as itching, dizziness, headache, nausea. During treatment recommended to refrain from driving and others vehicles, do not engage in activities that require a high concentration of attention. You can take the medicine only as prescribed by the doctor, self-medication is strictly prohibited.


The instructions for the drug indicate that it is completely metabolized by the body, it has practically no contraindications, but you should still carefully monitor the body's reaction.


  • intolerance to components;
  • age up to 10 years (clinical trials on this age group have not been conducted).

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, duspatalin is indicated for use in the presence of accurate indications, therapy is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. One of the advantages of the drug is that it does not suppress intestinal motility, which is very important for pregnant women. Pregnancy can provoke increased dysfunction of the sphinker of Oddi, duspatalin will help reduce these manifestations.

Joint reception with other antispasmodics during pregnancy is strictly prohibited. With uterine hypertonicity, duspatalin is contraindicated, in such cases it is replaced with no-shpa or papaverine.

An overdose is accompanied by overexcitation of the central nervous system.

For a while breastfeeding it is recommended to stop taking the medicine, since studies on the penetration of the drug into milk have not yet been conducted.

Despite the fact that there are no contraindications to the use of duspatalin during pregnancy, it can only be taken with a doctor's prescription, a woman should pay attention to uncomfortable sensations, if they appear.

3. Terms and conditions of storage

4. Cost

The price in Russia is 517-732 rubles, in Ukraine - 90-230 UAH.

Video on the topic: Relama Duspatalin - Call from the intestines

5. Analogues

Duspatalin analogues include trimedat, trigan, spaskurel,

There are also reviews that describe side effects., which is quite understandable, in this case we are talking about individual intolerance to individual components.


  • Duspatalin is an effective antispasmodic, it is prescribed for chronic form pancreatitis, biliary tract disease, irritable bowel syndrome, gallbladder dysfunction, dysbacteriosis, irritable bowel syndrome.
  • The drug is available in tablets and capsules, the dosage is prescribed by the doctor, therapy should continue until the signs of the disease disappear completely. Cancellation should occur gradually over 3-4 weeks.
  • Duspatalin has practically no contraindications and side effects, it can be taken during pregnancy (as prescribed by a doctor).
  • Data about drug interactions are absent, there is also no information in the patient reviews.

Also, one capsule includes the following excipients:

  • 2.9 mg triacetin;
  • 0.1 mg hypromellose;
  • 4.9 mg talc;
  • 13.1 mg magnesium stearate;
  • 10.4 mg copolymer of ethyl acrylate and methyl methacryate (1/2).

The composition of the capsule shell includes: gelatin (75.9 mg), titanium dioxide (1.8 mg).

Release form

Capsules in packs of 20 or 30 tablets.

pharmachologic effect

It has an antispasmodic effect.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

This drug affects the muscles of the large intestine, eliminating spasm. It is excreted by the kidneys in metabolites. At frequent use accumulation of drug substances in the body is not observed.

Indications for use Duspatalin

You should also take Duspatalin with (in adults) and with discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract (in children after 12 years).


  • This drug should not be taken by people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • Experts do not advise taking this medicine with and.

Side effects

Instructions for use Duspatalin (Method and dosage)

Tablets should be taken as follows: one capsule 2 times a day (do not chew capsules) 20 minutes before meals.

Instructions for medicine for children

The use of the drug in children under 12 years of age is contraindicated. After 12 years, you can take the drug in the same way as adults.


Possible increased excitability of the central nervous system(if symptoms occur, gastric lavage should be done).


Compatible with any medication.

Terms of sale:

On prescription.

Storage conditions:

Store in a dry place out of the reach of children, temperature 0-30 degrees.

Best before date:


Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

There are many drugs similar to Duspatalin. This drug and its analogues have approximately the same composition and are aimed at combating a specific disease. The difference is only in price: there are analogues cheaper, there are more expensive ones.

The price of analogues ranges from 100 to 600 rubles. depending on the packaging.

Which is better: Duspatalin or Dicetel?

If you have problems with the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, you should take a course of Duspatalin. How long can this medicine be taken? The doctor will answer this question best of all and prescribe certain terms of the course.

If you have a single spasm, this drug will not help here, in such a situation Ditsetel is best suited, which will eliminate the pain. For disorders associated with malnutrition, Ditsetel is also more suitable.

Trimedat or Duspatalin?

These drugs have almost the same effect on the human body. Their only difference is that it is aimed at treating more complex diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, from which Duspatalin tablets will not help. Very often, doctors offer these two drugs to choose from. It should be noted that the price of Trimedat is noticeably lower.

Duspatalin or No-Shpa?

These drugs differ in that No-Shpa is a broad-spectrum drug, while Duspatalin has a narrow focus. The difference in price is also noticeable: No-Shpa costs several times cheaper.

Other analogues of Duspatalin:


What medicine Duspatalin helps children from? With unpleasant sensations in the gastrointestinal tract after 12 years.

Alcohol and Duspatalin

Alcohol during the course of the drug is strictly prohibited.

Duspatalin during pregnancy and lactation

Many women wonder how to take this medicine during pregnancy and lactation. It is best not to use Duspatalin during pregnancy and lactation without consulting a doctor.

Reviews about Duspatalin

In general, most people give the drug a positive assessment. If you summarize the reviews on the forums, you can see that this drug really helps a lot of people: it relieves pain and eliminates symptoms. On the Internet you can see many positive feedback on Duspatalin at pancreatitis .

Reviews of doctors about Duspatalin

This drug can not be drunk without a doctor's prescription, the correct dosage of the drug is also very important.

Duspatalin price

On average, the cost of this medicine is quite high, since the drug is produced and imported by the Netherlands.

How much does Duspatalin cost? The price of tablets in Russia ranges from 300 to 600 rubles. depending on the pack and region of the country. So, the price in Moscow is 500-600 rubles. In St. Petersburg, the drug can be bought for 400-500 rubles. The price in Ukraine fluctuates from 60 to 150 UAH.

  • Internet pharmacies in Russia Russia
  • Internet pharmacies in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan


    Duspatalin tab. po 135mg n50Mylan Laboratories SAS

If the patient's pain is caused by spastic contraction of smooth muscles, then Duspatalin is prescribed. Instructions for use calls it a "myotropic antispasmodic." What does this mean, and how does the drug differ from other antispasmodics?

To relieve pain caused by spastic muscle contraction, the doctor must figure out which type muscle tissue causes an increase in tone. Duspatalin has an affinity only for smooth muscles. The drug, according to the annotation, is most effective in the treatment of pain attacks caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), functional disorders. The properties described in the instructions are also used in urological practice for the relief of symptoms in cystitis, urolithiasis.

Instructions for use

Duspatalin is produced by the Dutch pharmaceutical company ABBOTT HEALTHCARE PRODUCTS, B.V. In pharmacies you can find a French-made drug. The company offers medicine in the form of tablets and capsules. In Russia, there is no tablet remedy, but we will introduce the reader to its features.

The drug is considered prolonged, which means slow elimination from the body and prolonged action, and “retard” is added to the name.


Dosage forms differ in quantitative composition, auxiliary components, duration of action.

The active substance of Duspatalin is mebeverine. Its weight in a tablet is 135 mg, in a capsule - 200 mg. Auxiliary components form a protective capsule, therefore they differ from tablets. The firm produces round white Duspatalin tablets in different packages from 10 to 120 pieces.

Capsules (fans of antiquity call them "pills") are covered with an opaque gelatin shell. Inside is the active substance in granules. You can buy a package of 10, 20, 30, 50, 60 or 90 pieces.

Pharmacological properties of the drug

To explain the mechanism of action of Duspatalin, you will have to remember the anatomy. In the body, striated and smooth muscle fibers are distinguished. The former predominate in skeletal muscles, provide human movement. The second - located in the internal organs, form the tone of the sphincters of the stomach, intestines, urinary and gallbladder. Maintain the shape, regulate the elasticity of blood vessels, hollow formations.

A feature of smooth muscle cells that is negative in terms of therapeutic effect is the ability to independently excite in response to various stimuli (hormonal fluctuations, stretching, growth of prostaglandins during inflammation, changes in metabolism). In addition, they have an automatic ability to maintain their contraction. For skeletal muscles, this requires special nerve impulses.

The neurotransmitter acetylcholine is involved in fiber contraction. It stimulates muscarinic receptors in the cell membranes of smooth fibers. As a result, channels for Na entry into the cell are opened. To prevent spasm, receptor site blockers (anticholinergics) are used. This is a well-known group of Atropine (No-shpa, Spazmalgon, Platifillin, Papaverine). Their disadvantage is an undesirable effect on vision, pronounced palpitations, urinary retention, dry mouth.

Mebeverine acts specifically on the cell membrane: it lowers its permeability to Na and does not block receptors. Therefore, during clinical action there are no unpleasant side effects. The substance prevents persistent atony by a slight withdrawal of K ions from the cell and the impossibility of long-term hyperpolarization of the membrane.

The pharmacological effect provides a decrease in the force of contraction without suppressing peristalsis. Due to the gradual dissolution of the capsule shell, medical preparation evenly distributed throughout the intestines, including the lower sections. Passes through the wall and is absorbed into the bloodstream. It is metabolized in the liver (the state of the organ is important in the use of the drug) and excreted in the urine a day after taking a single dose. The drug concentration is kept in the blood for 16 hours.

Mebeverine does not have anticholinergic properties, therefore it does not cause atropine-like effects. It can be prescribed for glaucoma, prostate enlargement in men, when other antispasmodics are contraindicated.

The use of Duspatalin in the treatment of diseases of the biliary system and pancreas is associated with relaxation of the sphincter of Oddi, elimination of biliary colic, and normalization of the outflow of bile.

The drug is allowed to be used indefinitely. There are no classic courses of treatment. It helps some patients from the first or second day, others have to take it for a long time. The clinical outcome depends on identifying the cause of abdominal pain and targeted treatment.

After the pain is eliminated, Duspatalin should not be stopped immediately, the dosage is reduced gradually.

Duspatalin is an antibiotic?

The drug does not have an anti-inflammatory effect, does not affect the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, it cannot be classified as an antibiotic. The need for pain relief arises in various diseases. Mebeverine goes well with antibacterial drugs.

Duspatalin treats or only anesthetizes?

Sometimes patients who have not studied the instructions tend to attribute non-existent properties to the drug. Perhaps future research will reveal something else useful.

Doctors warn that Duspatalin is a symptomatic drug. It is intended to alleviate the patient's condition, relieve pain. The medicine does not fight the immediate cause of the pathology. This requires a full examination and complex therapy.

Indications for use Duspatalin

Spasmodic pain in the abdomen is most often due to the tone of the muscles of the intestine or hollow organs. They can have the character of a sharp sudden colic, be localized in the hypochondrium on the right (with cholecystitis or cholelithiasis - cholelithiasis), in the upper abdomen (with exacerbation of gastritis, chronic pancreatitis), occupy the entire left half (with inflammation of the sigmoid colon, colorectal tumor) or only the area around the navel (with gastroduodenitis, dysbacteriosis).

To clearly determine what Duspatalin helps from, a particular patient needs to be examined and identify the cause. The drug is able to relieve the painful tone of the uterus during menstruation in women, cramping sensations and cramps, irradiation to the lower abdomen with cystitis, attacks of urolithiasis.

Pain is not the only symptom, they reflexively provoke dyspeptic symptoms (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation), impaired digestion is accompanied increased gas formation and bloating. Normalizing the failure of the contractility of sphincters and smooth muscles, Duspatalin helps to eliminate these signs.

The most common indications for the use of Duspatalin are:

  • intestinal and biliary colic;
  • any spasmodic recurring abdominal pain;
  • understudied irritable bowel syndrome (IBS);
  • hypertonic type of dysfunction of the bile ducts and bladder (dyskinesia);
  • postcholecystectomy condition after removal of a bladder with stones or in acute cholecystitis;
  • secondary spastic conditions caused by impaired secretion of pancreatic juice.

Indications are limited by the age of the patient - the drug is used only from 12 years.

Therapy regimens

The rules for taking Duspatalin in tablets and capsules are different.

The average dosage is 1 three times a day. How long to continue treatment will tell you how you feel. For the drug, no average course has been established over time. Achieving a clinical result (pain relief) is crucial.

If the analgesic effect is not achieved, then the likelihood of long-term use remains. Cancellation of tablets is carried out gradually within a month:

  • the first week - start in the evening to reduce the dose by ½ tablet;
  • the second - 2 tablets remain per day (before breakfast and dinner);
  • the third - in the evening they drink ½ tablets;
  • fourth - 7 days to take 1 tablet in the morning.

The withdrawal scheme can be shortened or lengthened by the attending physician, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, well-being. With a sharp rejection of Duspatalin, there is pronounced syndrome cancellation with increased pain. The method is confirmed by the practice of doctors and observations of scientists.

Capsules are prescribed half an hour before meals, twice a day with a sufficient amount of water. They should also not be chewed or crushed. The withdrawal regimen differs from tablets because the capsules cannot be split in half. Therefore, the reduction in dosage is carried out immediately by refusing the evening reception for 1-2 weeks. Then take a break for 2 days to assess well-being. If the pain does not recur, you can completely abandon the drug.

For gastric diseases

The sensation of spasms in the stomach is formed by an increased tone of the smooth muscle fibers of the wall. At this time, the passage of food, processing by gastric juice is disturbed, enzymes and hydrochloric acid are inadequately produced. Usually, gastralgia is associated with food intake, a sudden manifestation, lasting from several minutes to 3-4 hours.

Patients complain, in addition to pain, of heartburn, belching, persistent bloating stomach, nausea. Symptoms are characteristic of gastritis, peptic ulcer. Since Duspatalin does not affect acidity, it can be successfully used in different types gastritis (hyperacid, anacid, atrophic, erosive), gastroduodenitis. Unlike Duspatalin, anticholinergic drugs are used only with increased acidity.

Gastroenterologists prescribe Duspatalin if the patient shows signs of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It is caused by failure of the cardiac sphincter and reflux of contents into the esophagus with simultaneous esophagitis.

In practice, gastroenteritis caused by food and other poisonings is common. Stomach ache, liquid stool, symptoms of intoxication (temperature, dizziness) are observed in patients in the initial period of the disease. In the rehabilitation stage, colic is caused by dysbacteriosis. It takes 2-3 months to treat the disease and its consequences, Duspatalin provides significant assistance. Patients recover faster.

For bowel diseases

Once in the intestine, Duspatalin microgranules reach the large intestine and rectum. The removal of convulsive muscle contractions is necessary in the treatment of colitis, including non-specific ulcerative (NUC), proctosigmoiditis, with hemorrhoids it helps to prevent and eliminate the infringement of the prolapsed nodes by the rectal sphincter.

It should be noted that smooth muscle fibers form the basis of vascular tone. Relaxation venous walls varicose hemorrhoids is undesirable, especially when bleeding. Therefore, the use of the drug in the treatment of hemorrhoids should be treated with caution.

With dolichosigmoid, bowel distention and constipation are not contraindicated for the appointment of Duspatalin. It is important that there is no effect on peristaltic contractions. With partial adhesive obstruction, the drug will bring pain relief.

For diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract

The choleretic property of mebeverine is to restore the transport function of the bile ducts. Preventing stagnation of bile, Duspatalin relieves pain caused by spastic contraction in response to the movement of the calculus, inflammation. The appointment is especially justified in dyskinesia according to hypertonic type. However, surgeons draw the attention of patients to the danger.

According to the severity of the pain syndrome, the doctor judges the movement of the stone through the ducts. urgent surgical intervention necessary if there is a suspicion of perforation of the wall with a calculus. It was noted that the use of Duspatalin by the patient reduces the severity of symptoms, leads to an underestimation of the seriousness of the situation, and delays the operation.

Research published in the journal "Experimental and Clinical Gastroenterology" is devoted to the study of the role of Duspatalin in the treatment of postcholecystectomy syndrome. Up to 40% of operated patients have to be constantly treated for abdominal pain caused by spasm of the sphincter of Oddi.

Specialists assign the main role to myotropic antispasmodics. The selectivity of the impact of Duspatalin and the excess of the capabilities of Papaverine by 20 times have been proven. A scheme of application is proposed: 200 mg twice a day for a week before surgery and 3 months after it. As a result: the pain syndrome was absent in 100% of cases, and dyspepsia with diarrhea, flatulence disappeared in 95% of patients. At the same time, in the control group of people who did not receive the drug, the indicators were, respectively, 85 and 65%.

With pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is accompanied by swelling of the pancreas, squeezing of the excretory ducts and difficult outflow of secretions into the intestine. At the same time, the borderline sphincter of Oddi is spasmodic and worsens the situation. Duspatalin is considered one of the most effective means for relaxation. Improving patency prevents self-digestion of the organ by enzymes.

The dosage of the drug is determined when the exacerbation begins, the degree of damage to the gland and the stage of the disease. In addition to myotropic antispasmodic, the treatment requires compensatory replacement of enzymes, removal of intoxication. In remission of chronic pancreatitis, Duspatalin is prescribed for the prevention of 1 capsule in the morning and evening for 2 weeks, then 7 days - 1 capsule only in the morning and canceled.

Other pathological conditions that cause pain and cramps in the abdomen

The need for mebeverine occurs with any spasm of smooth muscles internal organs. In addition to the gastrointestinal tract, these include bladder and urinary tract. Urologists recommend the drug for spastic pain, pain in the inflamed bladder (cystitis), sphincter spasm, urolithiasis. The danger in such cases is similar to the movement of the calculus along the biliary tract.

Gynecologists prescribe Duspatalin to young women with unclear pain in the premenstrual period before the onset of the next menstruation.

Functional diseases are still a poorly studied area. Scientists believe the most likely cause increased activity muscle groups under the influence of hormonal fluctuations. A representative of this group of diseases is irritable bowel syndrome. With it, cramping abdominal pain is not associated with a violation of the intestines or stomach. Pathology can cause:

  • transferred excitement, stress;
  • breaks in eating, violation of the diet;
  • fatigue or depression.

Symptoms continue for a long time. Duspatalin helps in relieving pain.

The medicine is effective for constipation caused by adhesive obstruction and intestinal spasms. If the drug is taken at the initial signs on the first day, it is possible to prevent the development of obstruction.

special instructions

Duspatalin interacts well with other drugs, therefore it is applicable in complex therapy. In connection with indications of the possibility of dizziness, the drug is not recommended to be taken against the background of work with increased attention, while driving.

It is strictly forbidden to receive alcoholic beverages. Alcohol serves as an irritant and increases spasms, increases the tone of smooth muscles. Having the opposite effect, it reduces the effectiveness of Duspatalin to zero.

The drug in the pharmacological list is included in the "List B". This means that dispensing in pharmacies is only allowed by prescription. At home, it is necessary to ensure storage at temperatures below 25 degrees. The suitability can be judged by the presence of a mark on the package. It is 3 years after manufacture.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

Duspatalin is contraindicated in childhood up to 12 years in any form. Adolescents under 18 years of age are allowed to use it with caution only in capsules. The drug is prohibited in the treatment of:

  • pregnant women;
  • persons with allergic reactions to mebeverine or other components.

It should be emphasized that, in contrast to Duspatalin, antispasmodics of the anticholinergic group are prohibited in such diseases:

  • colitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • bacterial lesions of the intestine;
  • distension of the colon.

There are no such contraindications for mebeverine, this is its significant advantage.


An overdose is caused by an erroneous intake of a high dose of the drug. It is expressed in signs of increased excitability of the brain (insomnia, headache, anxiety). To relieve negative symptoms, gastric lavage, activated charcoal, Polysorb, Enterosgel, and sedatives are used.

Possible side effects

Experience with Duspatalin shows that side effects are extremely rare. Of the eight drugs compared on this basis among those used for irritable bowel syndrome, Duspatalin took eighth place.

Negative manifestations can be:

  • dizziness;
  • an allergic reaction such as urticaria, asymmetrical swelling of the face, skin itching;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • headache.

Cost and rules of sale through pharmacies

The drug is imported to Russia from the Netherlands, so the price is relatively high. There is no tablet form in pharmacies. The cost of packing Duspatalin capsules of 30 pieces is about 500 rubles. You can find discounts in online pharmacies.

The drug, created on the basis of mebeverine, stubbornly holds the first position in the appointment as an anti-spastic remedy for pain. Before use, it is necessary to study the instructions, to exclude possible negative consequences. You can not take and choose the dosage yourself. It is better to consult with a gastroenterologist.


  1. Belousova L.N., Baryshnikova N.V., Pavlova E.Yu. Peculiarities of action of various antispasmodics: analysis of PEGEG data. Pharmateka. Gastroenterology. 2014 No. 14 pp. 70–75.
  2. Belousova E.A. Antispasmodics in gastroenterology: Comparative characteristics and indications for use. Pharmateka 2002 No. 9, pp. 40–46.
  3. Toporkov A.S. The effectiveness of selective myotropic antispasmodics for the relief of abdominal pain. Breast cancer, section "Diseases of the digestive system" 2011 No. 28. pp. 1752–1761.
  4. Ilchenko A.A., Bystrovskaya E.V. Experience with the use of Duspatalin in functional disorders sphincter of Oddi in patients undergoing cholecystectomy. Experimental Clinical Gastroenterology 2002 No. 4, pp. 21–22.
  5. Gastroenterology and hepatology. Clinical handbook. Practical medicine M. 2012
  6. Kalinin A.V., Maev I.V., Rapoport S.I. Gastroenterology. Handbook of practical doctor. MEDpress-inform M. 2016
  7. Myshkina A.K., Neganova A.Yu. A new reference book for a gastroenterologist. Phoenix M. 2014
  8. Radbil O. S. Pharmacological bases for the treatment of diseases of the digestive system. Medicine M. 2012

Duspatalin is a myotropic antispasmodic that helps to eliminate spasm of the smooth muscles of the intestine. In this case, the natural contractions of the intestinal wall will not be disturbed. Therefore, the drug can be taken without fear that the process of moving feces through the intestines will stop. The drug is aimed solely at eliminating pain.

The therapeutic effect of Duspatalin allows it to be used to relieve intestinal colic, irritable bowel syndrome, biliary colic, pain in the stomach, regardless of their etiology. The drug is prescribed for functional disorders of organs digestive system.

Duspatalin is manufactured in the Netherlands by Abbot Healthcare Products, B.V. You can buy the drug in the form of tablets of 135 g and capsules of 200 mg. The capsule form contains a larger amount of the main active ingredient compared to tablets. Due to this, you can achieve a lasting effect from taking the drug. Therefore, on the packaging with capsules there is the word "retard", which means "slow down" in English.

The capsules are covered with a dense shell based on gelatin, inside each such capsule contains white granules. Capsule markings: "245", "S", "7". You can purchase a package containing 10, 20, 30, 50, 60 and 90 capsules.

The tablets are round and white in color. They can be purchased in the same quantity as the capsules, as well as in packs of 15, 40, 100 and 120 pieces.

Regardless of the form of release, the main active ingredient remains the same - it is mebeverine. However, the auxiliary components in capsules and tablets are different. Their comparative characteristics are presented in the table.

Taking Duspatalin allows you to relieve spasm from the smooth muscles of the digestive system. This is due to the elimination of tension, which provokes the appearance of pain. Since it is in the intestines that the most smooth muscles are concentrated, the drug has the most pronounced effect on it. The elimination of hypertonicity occurs without affecting the peristalsis of the organ. Therefore, feces pass through the intestines without any slowdowns. That is, Duspatalin has a targeted effect on the smooth muscles of the intestine, eliminating pain. In parallel, the sphincter of Oddi is relaxed, which normalizes the outflow of bile and provides an analgesic effect in biliary colic.

If the activity of the smooth muscles of the intestine is increased, then taking Duspatalin will bring it back to normal. However, the peristalsis of the organ will not be completely stopped, that is, its reflex hypotension will not occur.

After passing the drug through the organs of the digestive system, it enters the intestines, from where it is transferred to the liver with the blood stream. Certain biochemical reactions are triggered there, and medicinal substance decomposes to the state of metabolites. In this form, it is excreted from the body with urine. From the capsule, the main active substance is not released as quickly as from tablets, therefore therapeutic effect turns out to be stretched for 16 hours. And for this it will be enough to take the drug once.

Indications for taking the drug:

    Spasm-type pain with localization in the epigastric region.

    Intestinal and biliary colic.

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

    Disorders in the gallbladder.

    Postponed surgery for resection of the gallbladder.

    Spasms of the smooth muscles of the digestive system against the background of pathologies of other organs (pain in pancreatitis or).

    Pain provoked by a functional disorder of the digestive system.

    Pain, discomfort and spasm in the intestines of a different etiology.

Instructions for use

The drug is not crushed before ingestion, washed down with plain water. The drug should be taken 30 minutes before meals.

It is permissible to drink three tablets per day: in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening. You should stop taking the drug after you feel better, that is, as soon as the pain stops.

The drug should not be abruptly discontinued. You must adhere to the following scheme:

    The first 7 days of withdrawal: the drug is taken 1 tablet in the morning and at lunchtime, and 1/2 tablet is drunk in the evening.

    From 7 to 14 days, they drink a whole tablet in the morning and evening.

    From 14 to 21 days, take a whole tablet in the morning, and 1/2 of the drug in the evening.

    From 21 to 28 days take the drug 1 tablet in the morning.

According to this scheme, it is proposed to cancel the drug by leading domestic clinicians who are engaged in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system.

Depending on the individual case, the withdrawal schedule may be reviewed by the attending physician. So, if after reducing the dose of the drug, the patient feels well, then it is possible to reduce the scheme of its withdrawal to 14 days. If the patient feels unsatisfactory when the dose is reduced by 1 tablet, then it is necessary to reduce it by 1/2 tablet. The patient should be monitored for at least 2 days.

Most experts recommend reducing the dosage by 1/2 tablet. If there is a need for a faster withdrawal of the drug, then after 2 days the dosage can be reduced again by 1/2 tablet. Provided that the patient's well-being does not worsen, such a scheme should be maintained until the end of the week (the countdown starts from the first day of dose reduction). If the patient begins to feel worse, then they switch to the classical scheme for refusing the drug. With a positive trend, you can continue. That is, at the beginning of each subsequent week, it will be necessary to reduce the dose by 1/2 tablet, and after 2 days by another 1/2 tablet.

Abrupt withdrawal of the drug is unacceptable.

Capsules are not chewed, swallowed whole with plain water. The drug is taken 20 minutes before meals, 2 times a day.

The course of treatment is determined by the complete disappearance of pain and spasms. After that, you can begin to gradually reduce the dosage of the drug. Just like tablets, capsules should not be abruptly discarded. The dosage should be reduced gradually. Drug withdrawal scheme:

    The first 7-14 days you need to take 1 capsule per day. morning hours.

    After 7-14 days, the drug should be discontinued.

To determine for how long you should stop taking the capsules - for 7 or 14 days, after a week of taking 1 capsule per day, take a two-day break. If during this time the state of health does not worsen, then further treatment can be completely abandoned. Provided that the patient begins to feel worse, the course of therapy is extended for another 7 days, continuing to take 1 capsule in the morning. Then the drug is abandoned altogether.


If a person has taken too much of the drug, this will lead to increased nervous excitability. To neutralize the effect of the drug, you should wash the stomach and take activated charcoal inside. In the future, the patient is shown symptomatic treatment.

Co-administration with other drugs

Duspatalin can be taken simultaneously with other drugs.

It should be noted that Duspatalin can provoke dizziness, therefore, during the therapeutic course, it is highly desirable to abandon activities that require increased concentration.

At the age of less than 12 years, taking Duspatalin is contraindicated.

If the child is already 12 years old, then the doctor may prescribe him Duspatalin to eliminate spasm and pain in the intestines and other organs of the digestive system.

    Heaviness and pain in the abdomen.

    Intestinal colic.

    Abdominal pain due to overeating.

    Abdominal pain due to nervous tension.

    Irritable bowel syndrome in a child.

    Pain with inaccuracies in nutrition. So, if a teenager suffers from abdominal pain due to functional disorder digestion (the child ate a lot of muffins, fast food or drank a lot of carbonated water), then he should immediately take a Duspatalin capsule. Another capsule is drunk in the evening. The next day, treatment can be stopped, provided that the state of health has stabilized. If the child continues to feel unwell, then the drug can be continued. When treatment is delayed for more than 7 days, the drug will need to be discontinued gradually, according to the scheme recommended for an adult.

So, only a doctor can prescribe Duspatalin courses for a child. As a rule, such a treatment regimen is rarely practiced. It is indicated for violations in the outflow of bile. Until the child's condition stabilizes, he will need to take two capsules of the drug per day. The withdrawal of the drug lasts for 10 days, during this time the child receives 1 capsule per day. Then they refuse to take the drug at all.

Antispasmodics are prescribed during pregnancy with increased uterine tone. For this purpose, women are prescribed No-shpu. However, when the spasm passes to the smooth muscles of the intestine, it is better to use Duspatalin. With hypertonicity of the uterus, this drug will be ineffective.

You should also use Duspatalin during pregnancy if there is a spasm of the sphincter of Oddi. This leads to a violation of the outflow of bile and pain in the abdomen.

Studies have been conducted regarding the effects of Duspatalin on the fetus. During the experiments, it was possible to establish that the drug does not have a negative effect on the child in the womb. Therefore, if the doctor recommends taking the drug during pregnancy, then the benefits of its appointment cover everything. possible risks. Self-administration of Duspatalin is unacceptable, consultation with a specialist is mandatory.

During pregnancy, you can only take capsules, tablets during this period are strictly contraindicated. Duspatalin should not be combined with other antispasmodics, for example, with Papaverine or No-shpa.

The dose for pregnant women is 2 capsules per day. One of them is taken in the morning, and the second in the evening. The course of treatment continues until there is a noticeable improvement in well-being. Cancel the drug gradually, for this, for 14 days, drink 1 capsule per day. After 14 days, the drug is completely abandoned.

Duspatalin is often prescribed to women who, even before the moment of conception, suffered from spasms of the sphincter of Oddi. Often this condition accompanies chronic inflammation of the pancreas or occurs after surgery for resection of the gallbladder.

If a woman has a spasm of the smooth muscles of the intestine against the background of emotional overstrain, or as a result of errors in the diet, then you can take the drug one-time. The cancellation scheme is not practiced in this case.

Duspatalin is effective tool elimination of pain. This process is always accompanied by a violation of the outflow of pancreatic juice and spasm of the sphincter of Oddi. This problem can be solved by taking Duspatalin.

The excretory ducts against the background of inflammation of the pancreas are spasmodic, and the juice is released in large quantities. As a result, the gland begins to digest itself with its own enzymes. To prevent such a situation, it is necessary to expand the excretory ducts, removing spasm from them. It is Duspatalin that copes with this problem better than other antispasmodics.

The drug is prescribed for a slight exacerbation of pancreatitis, which improves the patient's well-being. For treatment, capsules are used, taking them twice a day, 1 piece each (morning and evening).

Treatment should continue until the patient's condition stabilizes. Then the drug is gradually canceled.

Duspatalin can also be used to prevent exacerbation of inflammation of the pancreas, provided that the disease has a chronic course. To do this, take 1 capsule 2 times a day for 14 days, and then take one capsule a day for another 7 days. In the future, the use of the drug is completely abandoned.

The combination of Duspatalin with alcoholic beverages

You can not combine the drug and alcohol. Alcoholic beverages increase vasospasm, smooth muscles of the intestine and pancreatic ducts. Therefore, the effect of taking the drug will not be achieved, or it will be minimal.

Side effects while taking the drug are extremely rare. A study was conducted involving 8 antispasmodics that are used to treat irritable bowel syndrome. During the experiment, it was possible to establish that Duspatalin of all medicines gives fewer side effects.

However, some patients may experience the following problems: Russian pharmaceutical companies produce analogues and synonyms of the drug Duspatalin. Synonymous preparations contain mebeverine in their composition, and analogues have other components, but a similar therapeutic effect.

Drugs-synonyms of Duspatalin:

    Niaspam capsules.

    Sparex capsules.

    Mebeverine in the form of tablets.

Duspatalin analogues:

    Trigan in the form of tablets and in the form of injections for intramuscular administration.

    Trimedat tablets.

    Spaskuprel tablets.

    Dibazol tablets.

    Buscopan tablets.

    Bendazole tablets.

    Dicetel tablets.

    No-shpa in tablets.

    Drotaverine tablets.

    Papaverine tablets.

Inexpensive analogues of Duspatalin

Duspatalin analogues for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome at a lower price: Sparex, Trigan and Niaspam.

If we consider inexpensive antispasmodics, then these include: Drotaverine, No-shpa, Papaverine, Ditsetel.

Duspatalin is a myotropic antispasmodic. Its analgesic effect is based on the relaxation of the smooth muscles of the intestine and on the suppression of its spasms. The antispasmodic drug Duspatalin of myotropic action relieves pain by acting on peristalsis, ensuring the elimination of intestinal pain without delaying the passage of food masses. We will learn more about the symptoms for which Duspatalin is prescribed, what is it daily dose, release form, contraindications.

Antispasmodic Duspatalin is prescribed for use for the symptomatic treatment of spasms of the digestive tract. Indications for the use of the drug:

  • biliary colic.
  • After surgical removal of the gallbladder.
  • Abdominal cramps.
  • Spasms of the digestive tract caused by other diseases (pancreatitis, cholecystitis).
  • Spasms due to organic diseases.
  • Chronic colitis.
  • Diarrhea, flatulence, dysbacteriosis, constipation.

Duspatalin for pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is a degenerative process that develops in the pancreas. The main victims of the disease are people who prefer spicy, fatty foods, alcohol. Under the influence of these factors, proteolytic enzymes are activated in the pancreas, causing inflammatory processes. The antispasmodic has a beneficial effect on the expansion of the ducts, which allows you to quickly remove pain. Pancreatitis treatment with Duspatalin is carried out from 7 to 14 days.

For gastritis and stomach ulcers

The use of Duspatalin in chronic gastritis helps to relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel and quickly remove pain in the stomach. For this, tablets or capsules are taken one at a time in the morning and evening until they disappear completely. pain. For children under 14 years of age, the drug is prescribed one capsule daily with symptomatic treatment ulcers or gastritis.

With cholecystitis

For colitis, diarrhea

The drug is effective in chronic colitis, accompanied by diarrhea. This inflammatory disease mucosa of the colon, in which its motor function is impaired. Colitis occurs with pain that begins to appear in the stomach after eating or before a stool. In each case, the course of treatment and dosage of Duspatalin is prescribed by a doctor. But according to the instructions, the method of application is the same as for other disorders of the digestive system: one tablet 2 times daily.

Duspatalin for constipation

Difficult bowel movements occur periodically in all people, especially older people. This pathology is characterized by hard feces and the inability to completely empty without pain. The cause of this condition may be a lack of physical activity, a small amount of fiber, insufficient fluid intake, or frequent use of laxatives. The way out of the situation is a one-time use of Duspatalin (1-2 tablets).

Indications for the use of duspatalin during pregnancy

Pregnant women often have to resort to the help of antispasmodics, because the uterine muscles contract, transmitting painful spasms to the digestive tract. The use of Duspatalin helps to remove pain without affecting the uterus. The drug allows you to relax the sphincter, which begins to regulate the release of gastric juice into the intestine. The dosage of the drug during pregnancy should be calculated by the attending physician so that there are no side effects. During breastfeeding (lactation), Duspatalin is allowed, since the substance does not penetrate into breast milk.

Composition and dosage form Duspatalin

The medicine for the intestines Duspatalin is produced by the Dutch pharmaceutical company "ABBOTT HEALTHCARE PRODUCTS, B.V." and Russian manufacturers. The drug has two dosage forms: in the form of capsules (200 mg) and tablets (135 mg). Prolonged-release capsules are released, since they contain more active substance. They have a gelatinous dense shell, and the contents of the capsules are white granules. Duspatalin tablets are white in color and come in a traditional round shape.

The active ingredient in the composition of the drug is mebeverine hydrochloride, which has a relaxing effect on the intestinal muscles immediately after ingestion. Auxiliary components of Duspatalin capsules: magnesium stearate, talc, gelatin, titanium dioxide, black iron oxide, shellac, hypromellose, owl lecithin, triacetin, defoamer, methyl methacrylate and ethyl acrylate copolymer.

Pharmacological action of the drug

According to the description, the action of Duspatalin is to eliminate spasms and pains of the intestines by relaxing smooth muscles. Since the majority of smooth muscle cells are located in the large intestine, the drug has a direct effect directly on this department.

Also, the substance quickly relaxes the sphincter, which improves the outflow of bile, eliminating pain. Duspatalin does not have an anticholinergic effect. After entering the stomach, it is absorbed into the bloodstream, passes to the liver, where it breaks down into metabolites after biochemical transformations. Excreted with urine 16 hours after a single dose.

Instructions for use and dosage

As can be seen from the instructions, Duspatalin is used for all diseases in the same way: one capsule in the morning and evening. It is advisable to take the drug before meals for 20 minutes, without chewing, but with water. The course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor, but, as a rule, the medication is stopped after the pain is eliminated. There is no data on drug overdose.

How to take Duspatalin for children

Pain in the intestines occurs in the children's body. For the treatment of spasms and to eliminate colic after eating heavy meals, as well as pain that occurs after psycho-emotional arousal. Duspatalin is prescribed to children from 12 years of age, one tablet daily for a course of not more than 1 week. In case of violation of the outflow of bile in a child, it is allowed to use the medicine 2 capsules a day, which they drink until the condition is completely normal.

Contraindications for use

Side effects of the antispasmodic are extremely rare, subject to the expiration date and proper storage of the medicine. With individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, angioedema, urticaria, dizziness, exanthema, allergic reactions skin (redness, itching). There are also contraindications to the use of Dustpatalin. This is an allergy or intolerance to the components that make up the drug.

Duspatalin price in tablets and capsules

How much does Duspatalin cost in a pharmacy? The price of the drug depends on the form of release, the pricing policy of the manufacturer and the region in which the drug is purchased. The average cost of a popular Russian-made antispasmodic ranges from 450 to 500 rudders. The price of an imported drug will cost over 600 rubles per package. If you order a medicine in an online store using a photo, then its cost can be cheaper. In pharmacies medicinal product sold by prescription.

Analogues of the drug Duspatalin

  1. Sparex. More cheap analogue Duspatalina, but no less effective. The drug is indicated for spasms of the digestive tract, biliary and intestinal pain, irritable bowel syndrome.
  2. Trigan D. Assign for use in renal, intestinal, hepatic colic, dysmenorrhea. This is a combined pain reliever that helps with pain during an exacerbation of sciatica, myalgia, neuralgia.
  3. Hillak Forte. It is also an effective substitute for Duspatalin, which is available without a prescription. Used for colitis, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence. Effective in violation of the normal intestinal microflora, during the treatment of diseases of the digestive system.

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