Soak the birch broom. How to steam a broom correctly to enjoy your bath

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An integral attribute of any bath procedure is a unique symbol of the Russian bath. The effects of steam, hot water and essential oils contained in the leaves have a beneficial effect on human health, not to mention the fact that it also performs a massage function. You can make a broom yourself or buy it in a store. But sometimes people have a question about which product to choose. Birch, oak, juniper, eucalyptus, alder, fir... The shelves of specialized stores today can offer a great variety of them. Each of them, of course, has its own advantages and a certain effect on human skin during the bath procedure.

From time immemorial in Russia there has been a tradition of using an oak broom in a steam room. Due to the content of a large amount of essential oils and tannins, it, like no other bath tree, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. But, among other things, the degree of positive effect on the human body is largely determined by how to properly steam an oak broom.

Oak broom

The healing properties of oak have been known for a long time. This tree has always been considered a symbol of longevity, endurance and vitality. People have many recipes for treating ailments using oak leaves, bark, and buds. To strengthen blood vessels, for example, use bark. Its infusions are also used as baths to reduce sweating. The same recipe also helped with women's diseases. In this regard, it is quite obvious that an oak bath broom has a number of advantages over all others:

  • It does not soften the skin and does not absorb sweat, which is typical of birch. It thickens it, preventing sweating. Therefore, its effect is simply irreplaceable and incomparable with any cosmetic products for people with skin diseases or skin prone to oily skin.
  • The antibacterial effect of brooms makes the skin more elastic, elastic, matte
  • Using an oak broom reduces arterial pressure in hypertensive patients, calms nervous system, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system
  • Sitosterol contained in the leaves has a positive effect on the body of people suffering from atherosclerosis
  • The oak broom is known for its durability; it can be used 3-4 times. Dense, wide leaves create steam well

How to steam a broom?

It is important not only to know how to choose a broom, but also how to steam it correctly. In general, the principle of steaming birch and oak options is the same. The only difference is that due to the greater density of the oak leaf, such a product requires a little more time to steam.

If you have a fresh broom, then under no circumstances should you soak it in boiling water - this will only ruin it. As a rule, in this situation it is enough to pour warm water over it and you can begin the procedure.

A dry oak broom is also pre-rinsed with warm water. Then it is recommended to leave it in the cold for 2-3 minutes, then again transfer it to a basin with heated liquid and hold for about 5 more minutes. Next, we advise, without removing the broom, add hot water to the warm water, close the lid, this will allow the liquid to maintain a high temperature for as long as possible, and steam for another 10 minutes.

If you hold such a broom for 10 seconds over hot stones, it will become even more fragrant. When the leaves become sticky, this is an indication that it is no longer suitable and needs to be replaced. Keeping it in water for too long will have the same effect. If you immediately pour hot water on a dry oak broom, the leaves will begin to fall off very quickly, and it will not serve you for long. When you have dried it on a shelf in a steam room, all you need to do is dip the item in hot water for a few minutes, and then hold it for a while over hot stones.

There is another method of steaming. It will take a little longer, but the quality of the broom will be much better. In this case, it must first be soaked in cold water for 5-10 hours. Before steaming, the product is taken out of the water, wrapped in a damp cloth and left on a shelf in the bathhouse for several minutes. After which it is enough to rinse this important attribute with warm water, and it is ready for use. An oak broom steamed in this way has a special aroma and softness of the leaves.

How to prepare a broom?

Its service life depends on what time of year and how to prepare an oak broom. This is usually done in July or August. You can cut brooms in the fall, but their wood is more fragile and brittle during this period. It is advisable to collect branches in a damp, darkened forest rather than from isolated trees. Oak has practically no single branches. Therefore, you need to choose a strong, wide branch with branches and good leaf cover.

Be prepared to climb a tree. Good, suitable elements can rarely be cut off, choosing them at the level of your height. As a rule, you have to cut down entire branches, which are then, when directly knitting brooms, disassembled into smaller ones. In order not to cause great harm to the oak, try to use only the side shoots, leaving the central tree intact.

The broom is also knitted according to certain unspoken rules. Small elements are placed side by side with some offset, like a fan. This arrangement is considered optimal for the oak version due to the wide and dense leaves. In this case, it is advisable to use a small number of branches, otherwise the product will turn out to be too heavy. It is also worth considering that when steaming, the broom will absorb moisture and become even heavier. Oak variations are dried in the same way as all others: in a dry, ventilated, dark place, without allowing them to dry out.

It’s a good thing to take a steam bath in the bathhouse, your body and soul will rest. When you steam in a commercial bath or sauna, the bathhouse attendant takes on all the burdens of steaming the broom. It’s another matter if you decide to take a bathhouse at home, then all the preparations will fall on your shoulders.

For a successful relaxation in the bathhouse, you need not only to prepare bath accessories, choose a good broom, but also be able to steam it correctly.

In this article we want to tell you how to properly steam an oak broom for a bath, because the quality of your relaxation depends on this process.

The ideal broom for a bath

Why do you steam an oak broom?

For a bathhouse, a broom is prepared not only from oak; there are many different options; you can also take a steam bath with a birch, nettle, and even a juniper broom. Each type of broom has its own benefits and smells, and treats various diseases. Therefore, for bath procedures, prepare different kinds brooms, who knows which broom you will want to use next time.

You can’t steam a freshly picked broom; it will emit an unpleasant odor and it will be uncomfortable to steam afterwards. Such brooms are usually simply dipped several times in warm water. By the way, this water can then be used to produce steam, because it will be saturated with useful substances.

Steam the broom so that the branches and dried leaves become softer and more elastic. Such a broom in the bath will be an excellent tool for massage and will fill the body with health. Also, when steaming, your steam room will be filled with pleasant aromas, which will also be not only pleasant but also beneficial for your body.

How to steam an oak broom

If the broom is freshly collected, it is enough to dip it several times for 2-3 minutes in warm water, and you can immediately use it. We would like to warn you that such a broom is less useful than a dried one, so don’t be lazy and make yourself some oak and other brooms for use.

If the broom is dry, first:

- immerse in warm water for several minutes;

- then, repeat this procedure but with cold water;

- again immerse in warm water but for five minutes;

- add hot water and cover with a lid for five to ten minutes.

Now the broom is ready and you can use it. To fill your bathhouse with a good aroma, you can also hold an oak broom over the hot stones - you will immediately feel how the atmosphere in your steam room changes. This procedure will only take a few seconds - but the result will surprise you.

It's more quick way steaming an oak broom, There is another option that takes longer but is also more reliable:

- an oak broom is immersed in cold water at 10 o'clock;

- wrapped in damp cloth;

- Place on a shelf in the steam room for 10 minutes.

Now you can also use this broom, it will be softer than in the previous version and it will retain more useful substances, which will undoubtedly be better for your body.

Get into the habit of soaking an oak broom in the evening and you will have a very good impression of the bath procedures.

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Oh, and it’s a difficult job – steaming a broom when you don’t feel like it! But do you want to take a steam bath in a bathhouse, with steam and a cold beer? Then we will learn to steam brooms correctly, and most importantly wisely, because in fact, this process is not so complicated, but even pleasant and very fragrant. Although, if you go deeper into the wilds, each type of broom has its own steaming secret, and if you don’t know these secrets, then you’re unlikely to get real pleasure from visiting a “wet and hot place.”

How many peoples, so many traditions! So, in Rus' it was customary to take a steam bath birch brooms. They are durable, flexible, comfortable and extremely flavorful. In addition, birch leaves have a healing effect - they are rich in vitamins A and C, essential oils and tannins, which have a beneficial effect on the skin.

Used along with birch. Oak leaves are quite wide, dense, they easily generate steam and have a slightly dried structure, which makes quilting much easier. The decoction remaining after steaming an oak broom can be used for treatment skin diseases or severe sweating of the feet and hands.

Caucasians have been steaming for a long time, and now it is also used in Russian baths. Russians learned from their neighbors how to steam a eucalyptus broom, and this experience has already been very successful. An infusion of eucalyptus leaves, sprinkled on the walls of the bathhouse and hot stones, turns the steam room into a huge inhaler - you can breathe easily and freely, and the whole body feels the healing effect of such a procedure. A eucalyptus broom also has a drawback: its branches are too thin, so you have to spend extra energy waving your arms, and you need to save energy in the bathhouse, so experienced bathhouse attendants prefer combined brooms: several eucalyptus branches are added to traditional birch or oak ones - and it’s convenient to steam, and there is a healing effect.

made from fir, pine and spruce. Such brooms can be classified as “hard” or even “cruel” - blows from thorny branches are too painful. If your skin is quite sensitive, then it is better to avoid using a pine broom.

Recently it has become in great demand. It turns out that nettle leaves can not only burn the skin, but also treat many diseases, however, if you know how to properly steam a broom from this herb. If everything is done correctly, then you can prepare your “stiff” joints and lower back for new sensations. Nettle helps well with gout, radiculitis and rheumatism.

Read also: How to make a juniper broom for a bath

It perfectly massages the skin, turning bath procedures into a real acupuncture session. True, such fun for people with sensitive skin can end very badly - the skin will look like the skin of a leopard (it will be just as spotted) and burning and itching will appear.

In addition, there are also very specific brooms. For example, a wormwood broom or a linden broom. There are rowan brooms, maple brooms, hazel brooms, and tansy brooms. In general, the choice is huge, but read on to learn how to steam a broom in a bathhouse.

Birch broom

A Russian learns how to properly steam a birch broom almost in infancy. Still would! It's a tradition! But not everyone knows that there are several methods of steaming.

First way

Take two basins and fill one with cold water and the other with warm water. Before the procedure, lightly rinse the broom under running water, and then lower it into a “cold” basin for 2-3 minutes.

After the specified time, transfer the broom into a “warm” basin and leave it there for about 5 minutes. After this, fill the ladle with boiling water and pour it over the broom directly in the basin where it is located. Cover the container with a towel or lid and wait 7-10 minutes. This method of steaming is good because the water temperature rises to maximum gradually and the branches soften at the same speed as the temperature rises. The leaves also acquire elasticity and become soft and pliable.

Before raising your hand over your body or the body of your “colleague” in the bathhouse, hold the broom for 10-15 seconds over the heater. Well, now worry about your health!

Second way

If you like regularity and clarity in everything, then you will like the second method of steaming a birch broom more than the first. In addition, this technique allows you to preserve the maximum amount of useful substances in the leaves.

About 12-15 hours before visiting the bathhouse, soak the broom in cold water, and before entering the steam room, remove the broom from the “ice captivity”, wrap it in a damp towel and leave it for 10-12 minutes on the bottom shelf to “get used to it”. "

Third way

A day before the bath, wrap a dry broom in a wet towel - the branches and leaves themselves will absorb moisture, and exactly in the amount they need. Later, in the steam room, unwrap the broom, scald it with boiling water and you can begin the procedures.

Now you know everything about how to steam a birch broom, which means you won’t get beaten, but be healthy.

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Oak broom

Oak leaves are somewhat denser than birch leaves, so you need to steam an oak broom differently.

Method 1

A dry oak broom is first steamed in boiling water for 15-20 minutes, then it should be transferred to cold water for 5 minutes. After that, it is again immersed in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, and then you can steam.

Method 2

If you don’t know how to properly steam an oak broom, you can use the “emergency” method. Dip a broom into a bowl of hot water and then place it on the hot stones of the heater. The rising steam will instantly steam the broom, and after 5-7 minutes you will be able to enjoy a pleasant procedure, however, before you start it, repeat the above mentioned manipulations 2-3 times.

Method 3

This method can be called classic, because our grandfathers, great-grandfathers and great-grandfathers of great-grandfathers steamed brooms this way. At that time, they did not think about how to steam an oak broom - they took it and steamed it, and they used the simplest and fastest method for this.

Place the oak broom in a bowl of boiling water for 12-15 minutes, and then place it “on the bouquet” (with the ends of the stems down) in hot water for 15-20 minutes. While the broom is steaming, you will have time to make 2-3 visits to the steam room, which means that your body will already be ready to take on the “powerful volley” of oak branches.

Fir broom

The presence of a fir broom in the bath already gives a very lasting aromatization effect. You don’t even have to steam it, but just inhale the smell of pine needles, but if you decide to “flog” yourself with prickly branches, then it’s worth knowing how to steam a fir broom.

It is advisable that the pine broom be fresh and not dry - then the needles will be elastic and not so prickly, and such a broom will crumble much less. You need to steam the fir broom in hot water for 15-20 minutes; no preliminary manipulations are needed. We went into the steam room, threw the broom into a bowl of water, and while the seeds get used to the heat, your broom will be properly prepared.

During the procedure essential oils, contained in needles, penetrate into the pores of the skin. The effect is as if a warming balm has been applied to the skin - the skin becomes soft and acquires a pleasant aroma of fir. After use, the broom can be frozen and used again the next time you go to the bathhouse.

Steaming with a juniper broom, steamed not according to technology, but anyhow, is real torture. Therefore, in order for the process to bring pleasure and not pain, you should know how to steam a juniper broom.

If you like to take a steam bath, most likely you cannot do without such an important attribute as a broom. You can make it yourself. What material should I prefer and how can I make sure that the broom does not fall off after steaming? Let's talk about this.

You can make a bath broom yourself

Visiting the bathhouse has a positive effect on your health. Such procedures help strengthen the immune system, normalize metabolism, cleanse the body of toxins, and make the skin smooth and healthy. The bathhouse is a place where you can relax, collect your thoughts and have a good break from the daily routine. To experience the full benefits of a bath, you need to know which broom to use.

The brooms that we will look at today float beautifully and have great peppery healing properties.

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Birch broom for a bath

A broom made from birch branches can rightfully be called a symbol of the Russian bath. This type of wood is considered popular and versatile. Its leaves are rich in vitamins A and C. They contain essential oils and beneficial substances that are released during heating and disinfect the air. Bath procedures using birch branches prevent the development of diseases respiratory organs, colds, bronchitis. They are of great benefit to those who suffer from nicotine addiction. With the help of a birch broom you can increase blood circulation, eliminate puffiness, get rid of the first wrinkles, improve complexion, heal wounds and remove acne.

Birch broom

Oak broom for a bath

Most sauna fans choose brooms made from oak branches. This tree is valued for its enormous amount useful properties. Procedures with its participation are of great benefit for those who have shiny skin, inflammatory elements appear on the face and other parts of the body. An oak broom cleanses the skin, makes it matte, and improves complexion. This natural healer provides therapeutic effect with hypertension, increased nervous excitability. That is why it is recommended for use by people who play sports professionally.

Oak broom

An oak broom is no less useful for those who suffer from hyperhidrosis. If we compare it with birch, then it produces more steam. Moreover, it can be used repeatedly. However, it is heavier, making it much more difficult to swing.

Linden broom for bath

A broom of this type will be most useful for use during the cold season, when the human body is under stress due to the lack of sun and vitamins. To cheer up, just add bath procedures and use a broom woven from linden branches. If you steam it thoroughly, you can prevent the development of colds, strengthen your immune system, cope with headaches and overcome insomnia.

Linden broom for bath

To enhance the healing effect after visiting the bathhouse, you should consume a decoction of linden. A linden broom is an excellent remedy for facial skin. It helps lighten it, eliminates scars, post-acne, eliminates acne, freckles, age spots.

Coniferous brooms for baths

To make them, you can use cedar, fir and spruce branches. They are not as popular as other options, because they are characterized by increased rigidity; not everyone can withstand the lashing of needles. People with thin, sensitive skin, as well as those with damage, will have to avoid such procedures.

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Coniferous brooms

If you use a pine broom incorrectly, abrasions will appear on the skin, which in turn can lead to serious inflammation.

Needles are a healing plant that is beneficial for tuberculosis, rheumatism, and respiratory diseases. It is used to relieve toothache and increased nervous excitability. The aroma of pine needles relaxes and soothes. The huge advantage of coniferous branches is that they can be harvested at any time of the year. To prevent the needles from scratching the skin, they should be steamed for a longer time. It is better to combine pine needles with deciduous trees.

Nettle bath broom

Nettle leaf broom – the best remedy, which allows you to resist many serious ailments. It is not used in the bathhouse as often as other options. If you are worried that nettle leaves can cause burns, we hasten to reassure you that after thoroughly steaming they will lose this property. Instead of blisters, slight redness will appear, and you will feel a tingling sensation during the procedure.

Nettle leaf broom

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Nettle broom relieves muscle spasms, alleviates joint pain, and heals problematic skin. Has a healing effect for liver diseases.

Unusual brooms for a bath

The most pleasant aroma is exuded by brooms made from branches of bird cherry, currant and cherry. Bird cherry contains substances with antiseptic properties that have a wound-healing effect and treat colds, make hair shiny and healthy, improve skin condition.

Brooms made from cherry and currant shoots are soft, but they can hardly be called durable, because they fall apart during use. You can combine a broom from branches of different trees, supplement it with branches of eucalyptus, raspberries, and juniper.

When to prepare raw materials for a broom

The ideal time to collect the raw materials from which the broom will be woven is mid-July. At this time, the leaves become soft and exude a stunning aroma. It is generally accepted that you need to prepare branches for Trinity. As is known, this religious holiday Each year is celebrated at a different time. Basically, it occurs at the end of May - beginning of June.

According to popular beliefs, the process of weaving brooms must be completed after August 2 (Ilyin’s Day). The exception is brooms made from oak branches. It is believed that by this time they are not able to show their healing effect.

What raw materials are suitable for a bath broom?

Harvesting brooms should be done on a warm, dry day. Never collect raw materials in the following places:

  • in areas where power lines pass.
  • near factories and factories;
  • near highways.

When you cut the branches, check that they are well attached to the post; it is unacceptable that they fall off due to slight shaking. Give preference to specimens that are devoid of thorns and those that do not have resin.

Show respect for trees! Trim as few branches as possible. For brooms, specimens from young trees that have not reached 3 years of age are suitable. They bend well and are endowed with healing powers. Don't bother yourself and climb to the very top of the tree to collect raw materials. The most suitable specimens grow at the bottom of the tree.

If you want to make a broom from birch branches, take a closer look at the trees that grow near the water. They are often called “weeping ones.” It is worth noting that you can find out how good a broom will be even before using it. If the leaves have roughness, discard such branches. Give preference to leaves with a smooth surface. Cut the shoots from the sides. For this, use gardening tools in the form of secateurs.

Do not put cut shoots in bags, because they will lose their elasticity in them. As for transportation, for this they can be bandaged or transferred to the car. Do not tie the branches tightly, as they will have to dry out.

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How to knit a broom correctly

Let the collected material dry. Leave it in a room out of direct sunlight. Sort through the branches, take those that are of equal length or trim them. Then clear 1/3 of each shoot of leaves. Gather them into a bun. In the center of the “composition” there should be thicker specimens, with thinner ones around them. Tie them up. All of them should bend inward. Don't make the broom too thick. It should be such that it is comfortable for you to hold it during the procedure in the steam room. If we talk about the length, it is permissible for it to be a maximum of 60 cm.

Let the collected material dry

You can knit a broom in various ways. Let's look at the most proven of them. If you listen to our recommendation, you will get a strong broom that will not fall apart during use. First, take two identical parts of branches, fold them crosswise with their bases so that one of them has a margin of 10 cm. Then tie them tightly where they intersect. Transfer the short branches to the long ones, immediately rolling them up and pressing them tightly with an overlap. Next, tie the components of the broom 15-20 cm from the place where you tied it for the first time. If you wish, you can repeat the dressing, but leave the fluffy “tail” of leaves intact. Hemp or cotton rope is suitable as a material for tying. Never use wire for this purpose, under the influence high temperatures it will heat up and cause burns.

How to properly dry and store bath brooms

Before you start testing a broom you made yourself, you will have to dry it completely. It is best to send it to the attic or to the same bathhouse. The sun's rays do not penetrate into this place; moreover, you can hang its base up and let it dry. Place them at a considerable distance from each other. If you hang them close together, there is a risk that they will not dry.

If it is not possible to hang them indoors, you can place them on newspaper in a cool place. Don’t forget to turn them over systematically, preferably every day. If they are stored on top of each other, those on the bottom should be placed on top (alternately).

When the drying process is complete, provide the brooms with proper storage conditions. It is advisable to keep them in a cool, dark place.

Take a closer look at one of the storage options:

  • A rack in a dressing room or other non-damp room that is regularly ventilated. In this case, the broom will have to be hung with the base up.
  • Cardboard boxes with ventilation holes. Place several brooms in such a container. In boxes they do not shrink and do not lose their correct shape.
  • Roof of a building (house, garage, barn). Leave a small distance between them and let them dry. This storage method can be practiced on days when no precipitation is forecast.
  • Balcony. If it is open, you can hang brooms or spread them on the mat.

How to steam a bath broom correctly

In order for the procedures in the steam room with a broom to bring pleasure and benefit, before you start using it, you need to steam it. This must be done taking into account certain rules. Moreover, methods for steaming brooms from different breeds trees are different from each other. Let's look at these options.

How to steam a birch broom

You can steam a broom from birch branches different ways. Do not put them in boiling water, otherwise all the leaves will fall off and you will lose your broom. Give preference to more gentle methods:

Method 1. Rinse the dry broom and place it in a container of cold water for a few minutes. After this, place it in a bowl of warm water. This time the soaking procedure should last 5 minutes. Then pour boiling water over the broom and cover with a lid or towel. Leave for 10 minutes. After uniform heating it becomes flexible and elastic.

The broom in the bathhouse is a true master, who is given a leading role. But not everyone knows in what water to soak a bath broom. Do not soak fresh products in boiling water - the leaves will simply cook. They will become sticky and heavy with unpleasant smell. Such a broom will not be useful for massage. There are several rules for how to properly soak a broom. Compliance with them will allow you to get the maximum benefit from the Russian bath.

How to soak a bath broom?

You shouldn’t even try to steam undried brooms. A broom made from fresh branches is simply rinsed with hot water. Afterwards, the product is shaken, excess water is removed and taken to the steam room. It is better not to hit the body too hard with a fresh broom. Stroking and light slapping are acceptable.

Proper steaming of a bath attribute is a responsible matter and is a whole science. The prepared broom is first placed in cold water. The leaves should be completely immersed in it. Every half hour, turn the broom in the water and shake it.

Then the broom is taken out and placed with the cuttings down so that it is well saturated with water. Water thus enters the wood fibers. Experienced bath attendants can also tell you what water to soak a bath broom in.

When the branches become elastic and are well saturated with water, it is placed in a plastic bag. To remove excess moisture, shake the broom well before doing this. With proper preparation, it will not crumble for a long time and will bring maximum benefits during massage.

Basic methods for preparing a broom

There are a large number of options for soaking a bath broom. A dry broom is placed in a vat of boiling water. Keep it like this for 5-10 minutes. At this time you can already enter the steam room. A little later, the broom is taken out of the boiling water and carried into the room. It is rotated over the stove and dried. Water drips onto the hot stones and steam is formed. It is this that penetrates into the very depths of the broom and makes the leaves silky.

You can also moisten the broom with just warm water. Then it is placed in a bowl of cold water. Then again in warm water. It is drained and, without taking out the broom, boiling water is poured into the container. Under no circumstances should the broom be kept in boiling water, otherwise the leaves will stick together. Such a sticky broom cannot be used in a bathhouse.

You can wrap the broom in a wet cloth a day before visiting the bathhouse. It will be well saturated with moisture within a day. Before the steam room, you need to pour boiling water over it. A broom prepared in this way has a very pleasant aroma.

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