How to make a compress from vodka or alcohol. How to make an alcohol compress correctly How to make a compress

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Healing properties compresses have been known since ancient times. Even without a medical education, almost everyone knows how to make a compress. This method of treatment is considered folk, but many doctors also use it in their practice.

A compress is called a dry or wet bandage.. Dry is used for bruises, chills and to protect against contamination from wounds. The effect of moisture is due to the temperature effect.

Among them are:

  1. cold;
  2. warming;
  3. Hot.

Warming is the simplest and most effective way to combat colds, muscle and joint pain, and inflammation. In addition, a warming bandage has practically no contraindications. You can use them even in the treatment of children and pregnant women, but very carefully, as there is a high probability of getting burned. Therefore, you need to know how to make an alcohol compress.

Most commonly used for mixing ethyl alcohol or vodka. Alcohol must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3. It is better to heat the resulting solution in a water bath to 37.5 C. Patients with sensitive skin and children are advised to pre-lubricate the sore spot with oil or a fat cream. Wet a thick piece of gauze or bandage and apply it to the inflamed area.

The bandage with the solution must be covered with a film, leaving 2 cm on all sides and wrapped with a warm scarf or scarf on top to enhance the warming effect.

Alcohol compress dilates blood vessels in the used area of ​​the body, increases blood flow and saturates with oxygen, which helps relieve pain and inflammation.

A compress from store vodka is also widely used for various diseases. It should be noted that many people who practice this treatment prefer vodka instead of alcohol to prepare the mixture. Vodka acts on the skin more gently and does not leave burns. Many are wondering how to make a vodka compress correctly so that it is positive result. The principle of its preparation is practically no different from alcohol.

How to make a compress from vodka?

To keep warm as long as possible, you need to know how to make a vodka compress correctly. For the treatment of an adult, vodka is not bred. However, for children it is better to add water in a 1:1 ratio. To prepare the mixture, you need to use a sealed bottle of vodka, as the alcohol evaporates very quickly. A properly applied bandage slightly warms the skin, but does not burn or cool. Severe reddening of the skin after removing the bandage indicates a burn.

Often, colds are accompanied by a sore throat, runny nose, and a cough may appear. With untimely treatment, complications often occur in the form of otitis media or sinusitis. Warming body wraps are very helpful in curing colds and preventing complications.

Alcohol and vodka compress, along with a positive effect, has a number of contraindications. It cannot be used:

When body temperature is high, the use of warming bandages is prohibited. But at the same time, rubbing the patient with alcohol and vodka is allowed. Vinegar is great for lowering body temperature. You can use an acetic-alcohol solution. To do this, take a tablespoon of vinegar and the same amount of alcohol and dilute with 0.5 liters of water. Then the whole body of the patient is rubbed with a mixture and blown with a fan. Thus, heat leaves the body faster and the temperature begins to drop.

Vodka or alcohol compress is one of the simplest and most effective ways for severe pain in muscles, joints and inflammation. In addition, they have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect and help destroy pathogenic bacteria, which leads to a speedy recovery.

Using a vodka compress for a bruise will help eliminate possible negative consequences and acts on the site of injury as an anesthetic. Also, a warming effect is widely used to relieve pain in the joints. A warm bandage on the site of the bruise begins to be applied on the second day after the injury. Cloth soaked in vodka helps relieve swelling and pain in case of dislocation, bruising or sprain.

For people suffering from corns and corns, applying a compress to the leg will help. The technology of applying such a bandage is as simple as possible, but the effect is equal to an expensive salon procedure. On pre-steamed legs, gauze soaked in vodka is applied. Cover with a film on top and put on warm woolen socks. The procedure should be carried out before going to bed, you can leave it overnight. The bandage must be applied until the desired effect is obtained. To improve the result, you can add lemon juice to the vodka.

Compresses - different kinds medical dressings, are dry and wet.

Dry compress prepared from several layers of sterile gauze and a layer of cotton wool, which are fixed with a bandage; used to protect the injury site (bruise, wound) from cooling and pollution.

Wet compresses there are warm, hot and cold. Impose them on different parts of the body, depending on the localization of the pathological process.

It is prescribed as a resolving or distracting procedure for chronic inflammation of the joints, tonsillitis, otitis, laryngotracheitis, pleurisy. As a result of the local and reflex action of heat, a rush of blood occurs, pain sensitivity decreases.

Warm compresses are contraindicated in dermatitis, violation of the integrity of the skin, furunculosis. Do not apply compresses high temperature body, with various allergic skin rashes. This procedure is not recommended for cardiovascular diseases of the II-III degree with symptoms of heart failure, with atherosclerosis with lesions of the cerebral vessels, with fresh thrombosis (thrombophlebitis, varicose veins), with a tendency to bleeding. You can not put compresses on patients with tuberculosis in the active phase and others. infectious diseases. You should not do this procedure during a violent, acute inflammatory process, for example, when there is pain, swelling, redness, local temperature increase in the joint.

Warm compress technique

A piece of cloth, folded in several layers, is moistened in warm water, wrung out, applied to the skin. An oilcloth (compressed paper, polyethylene) is applied on top, wider than the moistened cloth, and on top - a layer of cotton wool or flannel of an even larger area. All three layers are fixed with a bandage tightly enough, but so as not to disrupt normal blood circulation. After removing the compress (after 6-8 hours), the skin should be wiped with alcohol and a dry warm bandage should be placed on the area to be heated.

If you need to put a compress on the entire chest or stomach, you should sew a vest or a wide belt from oilcloth and cotton wool (batting); for the wet layer, a tissue of the appropriate shape is cut out, but smaller.

A medicinal warming compress is also used, the effect of which is enhanced by the addition of various substances to the water (baking soda, alcohol, etc.). Usually impose semi-alcohol (alcohol diluted in half with water) or vodka compress. You can use alcohol and vaseline (or any vegetable) oil in a 1:1 ratio. Often doctors recommend ready-made medicines for compresses, for example, menovazin.

Very effective for rheumatic arthritis medical bile or Dimexide. But medicinal substances can cause irritation, therefore, before putting a compress, the skin should be lubricated with baby cream or petroleum jelly. IN folk medicine use compresses with leaves of burdock, plantain, cabbage, buttercup.

Dimexide applied as a solution for compresses. The use of Dimexide solution is indicated in the composition complex therapy the following diseases:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system: rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis (Bekhterev's disease), deforming osteoarthritis (in the presence of lesions of periarticular tissues), reactive synovitis;
  • limited scleroderma, erythema nodosum, discoid lupus erythematosus, foot fungus, keloid scars, thrombophlebitis, alopecia, eczema, erysipelas; bruises, sprains, traumatic infiltrates;
  • purulent wounds, burns, sciatica, trophic ulcers, acne, furunculosis.

Dimexide solution for compress has a pronounced local anesthetic effect, as well as anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial, changes the sensitivity of microflora resistant (resistant) to antibiotics.

How to breed Dimexide for a compress?

Dimexide is used mainly in the form of aqueous solutions (30 - 50%) for tampons, compresses. The compress should be applied to the affected areas, capturing the adjacent healthy skin.

To obtain a solution of the desired concentration, the concentrated preparation of Dimexide is diluted with boiled or distilled water in the following ratios:

  • 10% solution - 2 milliliters of concentrate and 18 milliliters of water;
  • 20% solution - 2 ml of concentrate and 8 ml of water;
  • 25% solution - 2 ml of concentrate and 6 ml of water;
  • 30% solution - 6 ml of concentrate and 14 ml of water;
  • 50% solution - mix the components in a ratio of one to one.

Instructions for use Dimexide

Skin, in the form of applications and irrigations (washings). In a solution of Dimexide of the required concentration, gauze wipes are moistened and applied to the affected areas for 20-30 minutes. A polyethylene film and cotton or linen fabric are applied over the napkin. Duration of applications - 10-15 days.

How to use Dimexide solution in the treatment of diseases:

  • In the treatment of erysipelas and trophic ulcers, the drug is used in the form of a 30-50% aqueous solution of 50-100 ml 2-3 times a day.
  • With eczema, diffuse streptoderma, compresses with a 40 - 90% solution of Dimexide are recommended.
  • For pustular skin diseases, a 40% solution is used.
  • For local anesthesia recommend 25 - 50% solution of the drug for compresses 100 - 150 ml 2 - 3 times a day.
  • In the treatment of deep burns, bandages with a 20-30% solution of Dimexide are used (if necessary, in a dose of up to 500 ml).
  • For facial skin and other highly sensitive areas, 10-20-30% solutions are used. In skin plastic surgery, dressings with a 10-30% solution are used on transplanted skin auto- and homografts immediately after operations and in the following days. postoperative period until permanent graft healing.
  • Less concentrated solutions produce washing of purulent-necrotic and inflammatory foci and cavities. With postoperative purulent complications caused by staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the drug is applied to festering wounds and infiltrates.

If the patient is suffering severe pain, can be added to an anesthetic solution (novocaine), and with compresses in the form of tampons, vegetable oil is usually used.

Dimexide Gel used instead of compresses. Gel Dimexide does not require dilution with water and is ready for use. Apply externally according to the same indications as the solution.

Dimexide is usually well tolerated, but some patients may experience erythema, itching, dizziness, insomnia, weakness, dermatitis, diarrhea. In some cases, with poor perception of Dimexide, nausea, vomiting, bronchospasm are observed.

Dimexide is contraindicated with severe cardiovascular insufficiency and atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, impaired kidney and liver function, stroke, coma, during pregnancy, during lactation, glaucoma, cataracts. Use with caution in the elderly. Contraindicated in children under 12 years of age.

How to apply a compress to a child?

The rules for applying a warm compress to children are the same as for adults, but an absolute contraindication for this procedure is an increase in the child's body temperature.

Compress for angina

With tonsillitis, children often make vodka compress on the neck.

In this case, the tissue moistened with vodka should be applied to the postero-lateral surface of the neck, leaving its front part free - the area of ​​the thyroid gland.

hot compress

hot compress prescribed for local heating of tissues. Under its influence, a rush of blood occurs, which causes an analgesic effect. This procedure is used for migraines caused by spasm of cerebral vessels, colic (intestinal, renal and hepatic), joint pain, salt deposition in them, and neuritis.

Hot compress technique

The fabric is moistened in hot water (temperature 50-60 o C), quickly squeezed out and applied to the desired area of ​​the body, covered with oilcloth and warm woolen cloth. This compress is changed every 5-10 minutes.

Cold compress

cold compress, causing local cooling and constriction blood vessels, reduces blood circulation and pain. It is used for various local inflammatory processes, bruises, with nosebleeds (on the bridge of the nose). A cold compress is placed on the head in case of feverish conditions and sharp mental excitement.

Cold compress technique

A piece of cloth, folded in several layers, is moistened in cold water (preferably with ice), slightly squeezed and applied to the corresponding part of the body. The compress is changed every 2-3 minutes, so it is convenient to have two sets of compress, one of which, cooled in advance, lies in cold water. Depending on the condition of the patient, the procedure is carried out for 1 hour or more.

The healing power of heat was appreciated by doctors in ancient times. One such solution is an alcohol vodka compress, which has a deep warming effect. Diluted ethyl alcohol does not burn the skin and does not have a sharp bad smell, like some other warming preparations, so vodka compresses are suitable for almost everyone. They can be put even to pregnant women and children over 3 years old (if there are no additional contraindications).

The choice of alcohol base. At home, a compress is made from vodka or diluted with water up to 40% pure ethyl (can be medical) alcohol. Moonshine in this case is undesirable, because it contains harmful impurities. To avoid skin irritation, the strength of the alcohol base should not exceed 40 degrees. Further in the course of the article, the terms vodka (from vodka) and alcohol (from alcohol) mean one remedy.

Operating principle. In the area to which the alcohol compress is applied, the vessels dilate, the blood flow increases, the removal of toxins accelerates, and the tissues are saturated with oxygen. Such compresses relieve pain, inflammation and swelling.

In addition, alcohol is an excellent solvent. If you add healing herbal extracts to the vodka (alcohol) intended for compress, then the beneficial substances will be absorbed into the blood vessels much faster.

What helps. Vodka (alcohol) compresses are recommended for the following diseases:

  • cough, sore throat and sore throat (except for the purulent form);
  • colds and hypothermia, if there is no temperature;
  • otitis (except for the purulent form);
  • pain in the joints;
  • bruises, sprains of ligaments and muscles;
  • bumps that occur after injections;
  • the appearance of corns;
  • thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and gout;
  • sciatica and back pain.

Contraindications to the use of vodka compresses

You can not put vodka compresses in cases where the body temperature is above 36.9 ° C, children under 3 years old, and also in the presence of:

  • oncological diseases;
  • purulent otitis;
  • purulent tonsillitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • acute thrombophlebitis;
  • hypertension;
  • heart disease;
  • skin damage, open wounds, ulcers, trophic ulcers;
  • allergic rashes.

How to make an alcohol compress

Vodka compresses, regardless of which part of the body they are applied to, have the same structure:

  • the bottom layer is cotton or linen fabric, which is moistened with vodka or ethyl alcohol diluted to 40 degrees, and then squeezed well;
  • middle layer- polyethylene or special waxed (so-called compress) paper;
  • the top layer is a warm woolen fabric.

To keep the wet layer warm, the middle layer should be 2 cm wider and longer than the bottom layer, and the top layer should be 2 cm wider and longer than the middle layer. If the patient felt chills, it means that the alcohol compress was placed incorrectly: the lower layer is not tightly closed by the upper ones.

When treating a child or a person with sensitive skin, the place where the vodka compress will be placed is pre-lubricated olive oil or baby cream. For children from 3 to 7 years old, vodka can be diluted with water up to 20-25 degrees. From above, the compress is fixed with a bandage so that all three layers are firmly held, but the bandage does not squeeze the vessels and does not interfere with blood flow.

The duration of any alcohol compress is 2-4 hours. If it is put on at night, then a person can keep the bandage until the morning, but during the day it is advisable to periodically renew the alcohol base.

Features of vodka compresses for various diseases

With angina. A vodka compress is placed on the neck. In no case should it cover the area in front where it is located thyroid. After the compress is removed, you need to stay warm for 12 hours. An alcohol compress promotes the transition of a dry cough into a wet one, improving sputum separation.

With a cold. If, during hypothermia or a cold, the body temperature does not rise above 36.9 ° C, you can put a vodka compress on your chest or back. To enhance the action before the procedure, you can lubricate the corresponding area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with goose fat.

With otitis media (on the ear). To warm the ear with otitis media, the most important thing is that the liquid does not enter the ear canal. Therefore, it is better to make the compress not solid, but to cut a hole in it for the auricle.

A square with a side of 7–9 cm is cut out of cotton or linen fabric, a hole is made in the middle, the fabric is moistened in vodka (alcohol) and put on the ear. Waxed paper is placed on top, and a cotton pad is placed on it. The front of the compress can be attached to the cheek with adhesive tape. The compress is fixed with a bandage, which is wrapped around the head and tied under the chin. A warm scarf or a wide woolen scarf is put on top. It is recommended to keep such a compress for no more than 4 hours.

For pain in the joints. Due to the warming effect, vodka compresses are good for inflammation and pain in the joints. If the pain is very strong, you can use the method that is often recommended by sports doctors:

  • smear the sore spot with Vishnevsky's ointment (balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky);
  • apply a vodka compress on top.

With bruises, sprains of ligaments and muscles. A vodka compress can be placed no earlier than a day after the injury: on the first day, only cold lotions are applied.

On bumps that occur after injections. As a result of injections on the buttocks, there are very painful hardenings - bumps. They will dissolve much faster if you lubricate problem areas with baby cream at night, and glue small alcohol compresses on top with a plaster (a cotton pad is used as the top layer of such a compress). The tool will work more effectively if you alternate it with the application of cakes of honey and rye flour. Such cakes should be kept no more than 2-3 hours.

From corns. In order to get rid of corns, you need to dissolve 100 grams of cooking or sea ​​salt and hold the feet in this bath for 15-20 minutes. Then wipe your feet well, attach a piece of cotton fabric soaked with vodka to both soles, put plastic bags on your feet, cotton socks on top, woolen socks on them. In the morning, corns can be easily removed with a pumice stone. Feet after the procedure should be lubricated with a nourishing cream.

With thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and gout. Vodka compresses not only relieve pain in subcutaneous thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and gout, but also contribute to the resorption of "asterisks". Compresses are recommended to put at night, after contrast shower. It is best to use not ordinary vodka as a liquid for a compress, but a tincture of flowers or fruits of horse chestnut, acacia flowers.

With radiculitis. Alcohol compresses quite effectively relieve pain in sciatica. After a warm compress for 12 hours, it is not recommended to leave the room.

A mixture of 150 g of vodka, 100 g of honey and 50 g of aloe juice has an even stronger effect. A compress with this composition is applied to the back and lower back in the evening, before going to bed, and washed off with warm water in the morning.

Attention! Self-medication can be harmful to health. Before use, consult your doctor.

Compress is the oldest medical procedure first described by Hippocrates. It is a therapeutic multi-layer bandage that acts as a distraction and absorbable agent.
By the nature of the impact this procedure It is divided into several main types: cold (lotions), hot, warming and medicinal compresses.

How to do a healing compress. Compress types.

Cold compresses.

A cold, or cooling, compress (lotion) is effective for bruises, bleeding, fractures and sprains. This is the safest of compresses. The only contraindication to its use is pneumonia.
Such compresses are recommended for nosebleeds, migraines and functional pains in the heart area. They are often used to prevent an increase blood pressure in the elderly during thermal procedures (for example, baths).

The action of such a compress is to constrict blood vessels and slow down trophic processes in the body. With the ability to desensitize nerve endings it can also be used as an anesthetic.

A cold compress is applied topically to inhibit acute inflammatory processes, reduce swelling and reduce pain. It is also used for neurasthenia (with a gradual decrease in water temperature on the interscapular region and lower leg) and elevated temperature body.

To carry out this procedure, you will need a clean towel (a piece of gauze folded in several layers, or a large skein of cotton wool). It is moistened in cold water or a medicinal product (for example, a decoction of plants), squeezed out and applied to a sore spot. After heating the compress, it is again dipped into a cold liquid and again placed on the inflamed area of ​​​​the body. Usually the procedure is repeated every 2-4 minutes until relief occurs.

Instead of cold water, you can use ice (water frozen in a tight plastic bag) or pure snow. In this case, between repeated procedures, you need to take a break of 10-15 minutes. Such compresses are not recommended for children.

Hot compresses.

Such a compress is used as a resolving agent for local inflammation. The procedure is carried out with renal, hepatic or intestinal colic, migraine with spasm of cerebral vessels, angina attacks, bronchial asthma joint pain and muscle spasms lower extremities. Hot compresses are also effective for injuries, but in this case they should not be started immediately, but only on the 2nd day.

This procedure activates metabolic processes, eliminates vasospasm, increases local blood flow and relaxes the muscles, which leads to a pronounced analgesic effect.

For the procedure, you will need a gauze napkin or other natural fabric that absorbs water well. It is moistened in water heated to 60–70 ° C, squeezed slightly and applied to the sore spot. To keep warm, an oilcloth or plastic wrap is placed on top, then cotton wool, and on top of it - a woolen cloth, blanket or heating pad. The compress needs to be changed every 10-15 minutes.

The impact of this procedure can be enhanced by medicines or natural remedies (decoctions, infusions, etc.).

Hot compresses are contraindicated in purulent diseases skin and bleeding. In addition, they can not be carried out at elevated body temperature and high blood pressure, as well as in the presence of inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity.

Warm compresses.

These compresses lead to a prolonged expansion of superficial and deep blood vessels, as well as to a rush of blood to the focus of inflammation, as a result of which it resolves, and pain disappear.

Warm compresses are used for some inflammations, sore throats, colds, infiltrates after injections, myositis, cervical osteochondrosis, lumbar sciatica, rheumatism, gout, arthrosis, arthritis, consequences of injuries of the joints, ligaments and bones. These procedures are also useful in the treatment of inflammation of the ear, throat, larynx, trachea and bronchi.

Since a warm compress has a strong therapeutic effect, it is necessary to consult a doctor before using it. The fact is that in some cases, such a procedure can lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

This compress will require gauze or other fabric (cotton, linen), folded in 3-5 layers. It is dipped in water or a healing solution at room temperature, squeezed lightly and applied to the sore spot. The compress should extend about 2 cm beyond the edges of the problem area.

Compression paper is placed on top, which should be 3–4 cm larger than the fabric, and a layer of cotton wool. Then this part of the body is covered with a woolen cloth and fixed with a bandage, scarf or warm scarf.

The action of a warming compress is to form an environment with high humidity and temperature under the compress paper (steam bath conditions). It is very important that each subsequent layer overlaps the previous one, in which case the moisture will not evaporate ahead of time.

If chills appear after the start of the procedure, it means that the warming compress is poorly made, it must be removed and applied correctly. When cotton wool or compress paper does not completely cover the moistened gauze, or everything was loosely fixed, air begins to enter the space between the compress and the skin. In this case, the evaporation of moisture will not cause warming, but cooling.

A warming compress, unlike a heating pad, uses not external, but internal heat, which accumulates during the procedure in body tissues. Its action is to improve the blood supply to cells and accelerate metabolic processes.

As a result, the healing substance from the compress penetrates through the opened skin pores into deeper tissues. Swelling decreases, inflammation subsides, painfully contracted muscles relax.

Checking the correct application of the compress is simple: just put your finger under the bandage and determine the moisture content of the inner layer. The procedure is carried out well, if after 2 hours the inner layer is not dry, but remains wet.
After removing the compress, the skin should be rinsed with warm water and blotted dry with a terry towel, and then wrapped.

You can not use the same fabric for a second procedure, as it accumulates toxic substances released from the skin. Before making a new compress, the matter must be washed.

If the compress is used to treat trophic ulcers or non-healing wounds, compress paper cannot be used in it. With the expansion of the veins of the lower extremities, compresses with decoctions of chamomile, sage and horsetail are used; with allergies - decoctions of viburnum, succession and celandine.

The duration of one procedure and the temperature of the compress depend on the medicinal substance used. Exposure can last from 2 to 8 hours (but not more than 12 hours). The compress can be put on the night. The course of treatment is usually 5-20 procedures. If necessary, a warm compress can be done 2 times a day, but in this case, the break should be at least 2 hours to avoid skin irritation.

It is recommended to change medical dressings in the morning and in the evening.
In the event that rashes appear on the skin after a warming compress, it must be lubricated with baby cream or treated with baby powder. From further procedures using the drug that caused allergic reaction must be abandoned.

If vodka (alcohol) is used for a warming compress, it must be borne in mind that it evaporates quickly. Because of this, bandages need to be changed more often. You can not resort to such procedures often, as they irritate the skin.

A warming compress is contraindicated in dermatitis and pustular diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (boils, carbuncles, erysipelas). Do not use it for eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, lichen, bleeding of any kind, skin lesions, purulent otitis media, bronchitis, pleurisy and tumors.

A warm compress should also be discarded at elevated body temperature and allergic skin rashes. This procedure is not recommended for people suffering from II-III degree cardiovascular diseases with symptoms of heart failure, as well as for atherosclerosis with damage to the cerebral vessels and fresh thrombosis (thrombophlebitis, varicose veins).

For medicinal compresses, a variety of ingredients can be used, including vodka, alcohol, cologne, a weak vinegar solution, oil extracts, herbal decoctions, juice and gruel from berries or vegetables (potatoes, cabbage, etc.).

With cervical sciatica, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, gout and injuries good effect compresses are provided with alcohol, which is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3, or with vodka diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. A cloth moistened with alcohol should not come into contact with the external environment so that evaporation from under the compress does not occur. Compress paper is placed on the alcohol pad, and covered with a warm cloth on top.

Compresses with oil extracts are called activated. They use natural vegetable oils, such as sea buckthorn, wild rose, juniper, peach, olive. Such compresses are good for joint diseases (sciatica, gout) and the consequences of joint injuries. They can also be used when skin diseases(ulcers, burns, long non-healing wounds, etc.).

A good therapeutic effect can be achieved by using medicinal plants in compresses (cherry or lingonberry leaves, raspberries, junipers). Herbal decoctions and infusions are most often used for lotions.

Compresses on large joints of the upper and lower extremities
The compress on the large joints of the arms and legs is applied according to the following scheme.
Prepare a piece of warm woolen cloth of such a size that it can wrap the joint twice. Spread the fabric on a stool or chair, put compress paper on top.

Moisten gauze or other cotton cloth with water or prepared medicine, slightly wring out and put on compress paper. Gently wrap the diseased joint with a prepared three-layer compress and leave for the allotted time.

Compresses on small joints.

Such compresses are applied by bandaging. Then you need to put on warm socks on your feet, and woolen gloves on your hands.
The bandaging method also performs compresses on the face and head area.
Compresses for the back

Such a compress is carried out to relieve pain in the back and spine, and is also used for blood stagnation and feverish heat.

A piece of cotton fabric folded several times in length from the 1st cervical vertebra to the coccyx is placed on a woolen blanket. You need to lie on it with your back, wrapping the edges of the matter on your sides. Then you should cover yourself with a warm quilted blanket so that the air does not get on the compress.
Keep the compress for 45 minutes. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

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For the treatment of many diseases, a variety of therapeutic compresses are very popular. In traditional and folk medicine, warming care products are especially common, one of the brightest representatives of which is a compress using alcohol.

When applied

This home remedy provides significant assistance after injuries, bruises, inflammatory diseases joints, after the negative consequences of drug injections. Such a compress is used for sore throat, laryngitis, otitis media, sciatica, rheumatism, various inflammatory processes of the larynx, acute thrombophlebitis of the extremities.

How to make a compress

Preparing a home remedy such as an alcohol-based compress is quite simple. Before starting the healing procedure, it is necessary to dilute 96 ° alcohol with ordinary water in a proportional ratio of 1: 3, while there should be one part of alcohol, and three parts of water. For the treatment process, vodka diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 is quite suitable.

In a pre-prepared solution, which can be slightly heated in a water bath, dip a piece soft tissue such as gauze or bandage. Next, the fabric is carefully wrung out, folded in several layers and applied to the place that requires heating. At the same time, the “lining” fabric must be solid, except for the overlay technology of which will be discussed ahead. Special compress paper is laid on top of the “lining” fabric; polyethylene can be used for these purposes. Then an insulating layer is applied, which may well consist of cotton wool. Next, you need to fix the compress with a wide bandage so that the pad soaked in the solution cannot come into contact with the external environment. Otherwise, the alcohol will evaporate, and the compress will not perform a warming function.

Compresses based on formic alcohol or alcohol tincture of pepper

In addition to ordinary medical alcohol, formic alcohol or an alcohol tincture of capsicum is quite suitable for a warming compress. Such a compress especially helps with joint pain, pneumonia, bronchitis, myositis, diseases of the spine. This effective method home treatment differs from other methods in its accessibility and simplicity. Indeed, in most pharmacies you can always buy formic alcohol or tincture of capsicum. Also, in a pharmacy for the preparation of an alcohol compress, Dr. Lori's alcohol, well known in homeopathic practice, can be recommended.

Compresses with camphor alcohol

Warming compresses based on camphor alcohol are very effective, especially for otitis media - inflammation of the ear. The technology for performing such home treatment is simple and effective. The imposition of an alcohol camphor compress helps to significantly improve blood circulation, eliminate pain, and speed up recovery. To prepare it, you will need camphor alcohol, bandage, scissors, gauze. You can use ready-made gauze napkins. The main condition when setting up such a warming compress is not to damage or burn the skin. First you need to take gauze napkins, cut a hole in the center of such a size that an ear fits into it. Then you need to soak the napkin with a little warm camphor alcohol, wring out, apply around the diseased ear, after placing it in the incision. Next, you should install a special compress paper that warms the cotton layer, after which you need to fix the compress with a wide bandage or a warm scarf. The compress on the ear must be changed every 4 hours.


It is contraindicated to use this method of treatment at elevated body temperature. Prior to applying a warm alcohol-based compress, it is recommended to lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream to prevent burns or irritation. It should be remembered that this compress is contraindicated in acute inflammatory processes of the skin, in particular, in the presence of carbuncles, boils, erysipelas. It is not advisable to use this method of treatment in the presence of lichen, eczema, and other skin diseases.

When using this method of treatment for a child, be sure to consult a pediatrician, because alcohol is used in the compress and the child will be greatly harmed, up to alcohol poisoning. An alcohol-based compress is a recognized healer of many diseases. Health to you!

« How to make a compress?”- this question must have been asked at least once in a lifetime by every person, rushing into the abyss of the Internet in search of an answer. In fact, there is nothing difficult in this. Making a compress is quite easy, and the main thing is to know how to put it on correctly and how to cook it.

There are several types of compresses, distinguished by the way they work:

    warm or warming;



Let's look at each of them separately.


A warm or warm compress is recommended for children and adults, as well as for pregnant women. It will not harm the body in any way if you choose the right mixture. Such compresses are made after injections or vaccinations, with diseases of the joints (most often on the knees or elbows), with inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx or ears, as well as with many other ailments. The most effective is such a compress on the throat and ear with various therapeutic additives. Putting such a compress at night is usually not recommended, since its duration is 6-7 hours.

To make a warm compress, you will need a non-woolen or non-silk fabric. Cotton fabric is best. It must be moistened in a pre-prepared liquid, which must be at room temperature, squeezed out and laid on the inflamed surface of the body. From above, layers of compress paper and cotton should be created, then all this should be fixed with an elastic or ordinary bandage.

  • neurodermatitis;

    skin ulcers;

    fresh wounds;


    carbuncles and other skin diseases.

A warm compress can be applied to both adults and children. At the same time, you can put it on the ear, on the leg, on the throat, on the knee, on the eye, on the chest and on the neck. You can use both ordinary warm water and specially prepared infusions, which, accordingly, will be much more effective. And if you add camphor oil to warm water, then such a camphor compress will help you get rid of many ailments.


A hot compress is placed in cases of chills, pain in the limbs, numbness of the arms and legs, migraine and hepatic colic. It helps to increase blood flow, due to which all body functions gradually return to normal.

Making such a compress is very simple. To do this, moisten a cotton cloth in hot water with a temperature of 70 degrees, then apply a compress to the desired part of the body, avoiding the heart and head area, and cover with several layers of cling film on top.

Contraindications for a hot compress are as follows:

    high body temperature;

    high blood pressure;

    skin diseases;

    open wounds;

    fresh bruises.

You probably won't need any other ingredients to make a hot compress, but if you want to make the compress more effective, you can add some essential oils to the hot water.

A hot compress is placed in the places where the joints are bent, on the lymph nodes, under the knees and on the heels. This method is suitable for the treatment of colds, for example, a cough compress will reduce the inflammatory process.


A cold compress is most often used in cases where other compresses cannot be applied, namely:

    with headache;

    with injury;

    when stretching muscles and ligaments;

    at elevated pressure;

    with bleeding.

Cold compresses can help relieve pain in various parts of the body because cold compresses can desensitize nerve endings.

It is best if you take ice or snow for a cold compress, but in general you just need cold water. In order to put such a compress, you just need to moisten a bandage folded several times in cold water and attach it to the right place. Every 3-4 minutes, the bandage again needs to be moistened and squeezed.


Usually, an alcohol or vodka compress is used for sore throat, radiculitis, inflammation of the ears, as well as pain in the back and lower back. For it, you need to dilute vodka with water in equal proportions and wet the fabric with the resulting alcohol solution. After that, the tissue should be wrung out and applied to the inflamed area for a time that depends on the type of inflammation. You can not make such a compress for children under five years old, as well as for pregnant women in the lower part of the body.

Other types of compresses

Among other things, there are other types of compresses, such as a compress with dimexide and ointment.

    Compress with ointment it is very simple to make, for this you will need any warming ointment that you can buy at a pharmacy. It should be applied in a thin layer on the sore spot, put cotton wool, paper for compresses on top, fix it all with cling film and lie down for several minutes. Such a compress can be put even at night.

    Compress with dimexide helps with diseases of the spine, ulcers, pustules, myositis and bruises. In this case, a 20% version of the solution is used, but it is better to dilute it with water. Do not use at temperature, as well as children and pregnant women.

The use of any of the proposed compresses will certainly alleviate the patient's condition and help get rid of the disease. Be vigilant when putting a compress on a child or yourself. If there is a burning sensation and itching, then the compress should be removed immediately, and then consult a doctor. The video below provides more information on the subject.

A compress is a medical bandage consisting of many layers. Its use can cause irritation on the skin, so it is recommended to lubricate with Vaseline or cream

Cool compress

The scope of this type of compress is huge, it includes fractures, sprains, bruises, pains of a different nature, high blood pressure. It constricts blood vessels, relieves pain, as a result of reducing the sensitivity of the nerve. This type of compress is beneficial during the first days. Preparation process: moisten the bandage in cold water, and if it is ice, then put it in a bag. Then apply a compress for a short period. If the patient has an inflammation process and fever, then such procedures are not recommended.

hot compress

Applies in cases:

  • chills, it is applied under the knee
  • angina - on the left hand
  • migraine
  • colic
  • pain in the lower extremities

It relieves spasms of organs and blood vessels, activates blood circulation and metabolism. First you need to roll the bandage in several layers, moisten it in heated water up to 70 degrees, and then apply it to the affected area and cover it with oilcloth on top to keep warm. When cooling, wet the gauze again. If the body temperature is elevated, there are abscesses on the skin, high pressure or injuries, then compresses should not be done.

Warm compress

This type of compress will help in case of inflammation of the mammary glands, sciatica, rheumatism, arthrosis, joint injuries, respiratory or ear pathology. For such a compress, the following substances are used:

  • dimexide
  • alcohol
  1. It is better to choose a natural fabric folded in many layers for the procedure. Wring out the gauze and put it on the body.
  2. Compress paper is placed on top, the next layer is cotton wool for insulation. All this must be fixed with a bandage.
  3. After the end of the procedure, you should not go out into the cold. Liquid medicine should be added to compresses, including such plants as chamomile, celandine, juniper.
  4. Compress paper will be superfluous in case of sores and wounds that do not heal for a long time. Not recommended for bleeding, fresh injuries, skin diseases.

Alcohol compress

Used for diseases of the throat, ear, back. The instruction is the same as for the warming type of compress, the only thing is to replace the water with diluted alcohol. To obtain an alcohol solution, you need one part alcohol and 3 parts water. When applying, you need to make sure that the paper covers the entire fabric, and the insulation covers the paper. Indeed, otherwise the alcohol will evaporate and there will be no effect. Menthol alcohol is suitable in case of angina pectoris. apply a compress to the heart.

Turpentine compress

Used for bronchitis and pneumonia. First, warm up the skin with a heating pad. Take turpentine and soak cotton wool in it. Attach it to the site, then put special paper, insulation and secure with a bandage. The degree of the disease affects the duration of the procedure. If the condition worsens, the compress is not recommended.

The above compresses are used most often in the treatment of diseases. But this is not the main method of treatment, but only an addition to taking the main drugs. Before using the compress, you should consult with a specialist, because he knows about the benefits of a particular type of compress for a particular disease.

How to do compresses

Dressings on various parts of the body, based on the therapeutic effect of which is the temperature effect, are called compresses. There is a huge variety of them. Consider the main ones that can be used as an addition to the main treatment of various diseases.

Cold compress (cooling) - used for fractures, sprains and ruptures of ligaments, bleeding, bruises, headaches, for the prevention of increased pressure, for neurasthenia (on the area between the shoulder blades and lower leg). This type of compress leads to vasoconstriction and a slowdown in metabolic processes, has an analgesic effect, as it reduces the sensitivity of nerve endings. Cold compresses are applied topically (if there is an injury, then they are useful only for the first time, up to a maximum of three days).

Performing this procedure: you need cold water (ice, snow), a bandage or cotton wool, a plastic or rubber bag. If with water, then moisten the bandage, which must be folded in several layers, and applied to the right place, every five minutes the bandage must be moistened and squeezed again. If ice (snow), then it is placed in a rubber (polyethylene) bag and applied to the right place, periodically it is necessary to remove it, taking a break for ten minutes. Such compresses are not recommended for acute infectious processes, accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

A hot compress is used for chills (on the popliteal region), angina pectoris (on the left hand), for migraines, colic (renal, hepatic), pain in the legs caused by spasms. It helps relieve spasm of blood vessels, internal organs, enhances blood flow and metabolic processes. It is done like this: a bandage, rolled up in a number of layers and soaked with hot water (from 60 to 70 degrees), is applied to the necessary area, an oilcloth is placed on top (in order to preserve the warming effect), if it cools down, then moisten again. It is not recommended at elevated temperature, pustular skin pathologies, high pressure, and the presence of fresh injuries (up to five days).

Warming compresses are used for inflammatory diseases of the mammary glands, when infiltrates occur after injections, also for myositis, radiculitis, gout, rheumatism, arthrosis and arthritis (on the knee or elbow), traumatic injuries of the joints and ligaments (after an acute period, it is placed on the joint) , in inflammatory diseases respiratory tract(throat, bronchi, trachea - a compress is placed on the throat or chest, respectively), ear.

Its duration is from six to eight hours, depending on the substances that are used for warming (fats, alcohol, turpentine, water, dimexide, healing herbs and others), you can leave such a compress all night, a course of five to twenty procedures (depending on the pathology), if necessary, you can put compresses twice a day.

For a warming compress, cotton fabric is better suited, which is folded in several layers (from three to five) and soaked with room temperature water (or other liquid), squeezed and placed on the surface of the body, then compress paper is placed on top, wider than the previous layer, then goes a warming layer (cotton wool) and then all this is fixed with a bandage. Under such a compress, an environment with high humidity and temperature is formed, since the heat generated by the body does not go into the environment, but remains under the compress and accumulates, and the liquid, evaporating, gives moisture.

In this regard, metabolic processes in the tissues of the body are stimulated, blood circulation improves, and the beneficial substances contained in the compress penetrate into the tissues. After the procedure, the skin is wiped with a warm towel and this place is insulated. It is best to do such compresses at night, immediately after them it is not recommended to go outside. Depending on the diseases, liquid forms of drugs can be added to compresses, including those prepared from medicinal plants(viburnum, succession, celandine, chamomile, sage, horsetail, juniper, birch, lingonberry, heather). With ulcers of trophic and non-healing wounds, compress paper cannot be used (this layer is not needed at all). Warming compresses are contraindicated in the following pathological conditions: traumatic changes (the first three to five days), bleeding, skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, pustular diseases: furuncle, carbuncle, folliculitis, erysipelas).

An alcohol (vodka) compress is used for gout, sore throat (on the throat), otitis media (on the ear), laryngitis, radiculitis, rheumatism (on the lower back). The same layers are used as above, only instead of water - alcohol (96-degree alcohol in three parts of water or vodka 1: 1 with water). Therapeutic effect based on reflex mechanisms. When alcohol is applied

The compress must be ensured that the compress paper completely covers the cloth soaked in alcohol, and it is also tightly covered with insulating material. Because then the alcohol will evaporate into the external environment and the effect of such a compress will be minimal. For diseases of the joints and spine, formic alcohol is used. When angina attacks occur, it is better to use menthol alcohol (applied to the left hand or heart area). The time of application of such a compress will also depend on the severity of the pathology. For children under 3 years of age, an alcohol compress is not recommended.

Turpentine compress is used for bronchitis, pneumonia in the chest area. Not recommended for children, elderly and debilitated patients, also with skin pathologies. Before the procedure, the desired area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body must be warmed up (with a heating pad). Turpentine should be clean and warm, gauze is soaked with it and placed on the body area, compress paper is placed on top, then cotton wool and bandaged. The duration of the procedure is from two to six hours (depending on the severity of the disease). If the patient feels worse, then the compress must be removed and no longer put.

Fat compress is used for diseases of the joints, lungs, spine. It is better to put it at night, the course of treatment is from five to twelve procedures. Gauze from several layers is impregnated with fat and placed on the required area, on top of cotton wool, a film, and bandaged. You can also add garlic to this compress (if there is no intolerance), and it is necessary that the fats be natural (for example, badger, seal, bear and some other animals). You can also use vegetable fats (sunflower, olive, corn, peach, sea buckthorn, rosehip oils), but before the procedure it must be irradiated (with ultraviolet light, at a distance of thirty centimeters), these oils are used for rheumatism, gout. It is done as before for two hours, three times a week, the course of treatment is from five to ten procedures.

Compresses with ointments are used for warming with minor injuries after three to five days after the injury; for this, warming ointments finalgon, voltaren and others are used. First you need to massage the damaged area, then rub the ointment, put a cotton pad on top, then compress paper, then a heater and fix it all. You can leave this compress on all night.

A compress with dimexide is used for trophic ulcers, pustular skin pathologies, arthrosis, arthritis, spinal diseases, myositis, eczema, bruises, injuries of the traumatic ligamentous apparatus of the joints. This substance (Dimexide) acts as an analgesic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory. It helps drugs penetrate deep into the tissues (being a kind of conductor). Dimexide is contraindicated in children, debilitated patients, pregnant women, patients with pathology of cardio-vascular system. Dimexide is used in solution (approximately 20%), if discomfort occurs (pain, itching, rash, and others), it is necessary to reduce the concentration or even abandon such a compress.

Ear compress for otitis media

With otitis, warm compresses are made around the ear. It is prescribed for the purpose of obtaining an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. A piece of 4-5 layers of gauze 15 × 15 cm in size is used, in the middle of which a longitudinal incision is made with scissors for the auricle. Gauze is moistened in camphor oil (squeeze lightly so that the oil does not ooze) and put around the affected ear - so that Auricle was in a hole. Cellophane is applied on top, exceeding the size of gauze by 1 cm, then cotton wool.

The compress is fixed on the head with a bandage and left for 6-8 hours. Do 1 time per day. It is better for a child to put a compress at night, in a dream it will interfere with him less, but do not forget to remove it after the time has elapsed.

Compresses in the ear are not only camphor, you can use diluted boric alcohol, vodka, alcohol in half with water, you can put compresses with heated sunflower oil. As a rule, preference is given to vodka or semi-alcohol compresses, since they do not stain the hair (which cannot be said about oil compresses).

Throat compress

For a cold with a sore throat or sore throat, warming or alcohol compresses are often used (as described above), the compress is placed at night, the course of treatment is 5-7 days. With a runny nose that accompanies a sore throat, you can add a little menthol or eucalyptus oil to the compress.

Compress for cough

Melt 1 tablespoon of honey in 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil in a water bath. Add 1 tablespoon of vodka, stir. Cut a thick canvas rag (not gauze or cotton, so that there are no burns from mustard plasters) to the size of the back, soak it in the resulting mixture and put it on the upper back. On top of the cloth, along the spine, with the back side (not mustard) put 2 mustard plasters, and across the back 2 more mustard plasters (that is, we “cover” the lungs with mustard plasters). Cover the back with cellophane. Tie a scarf crosswise. Lie on your back and lie down for 2-3 hours. Apply compresses once a day for 3 days in a row. The second course can be repeated after 3 days. Any warm compresses are contraindicated at elevated temperatures!

Compress for bruises

In some pathologies, compresses alternate. So, if bruises occur, the first 3 days you need to apply a cold compress and start doing it as quickly as possible, and from the fifth day apply a hot compress or a compress with an ointment containing heparin, troxerutin, aescin, horse chestnut extract, badyagi (Troxevasin gel - with bruises, Indovazin gel - for bruises accompanied by pain, Aescin, Lyoton - swelling, bruises, bruises, you can use Traumeel, Rescuer gel, Badyaga - herb, any creams, ointments, powder (for example, 911 BADYAG from bruises and bruises, balm "GOLDEN MUSTER "from bruises and bruises with badyagi).

These are the main compresses that are most commonly used in the treatment. You can do others (with others beneficial substances). But the compress should not become the main method in the treatment of diseases. It should only complement the main preparations and methods. And before you start using it, consult your doctor about the use of a compress. The doctor will tell you whether it is necessary to use it or if it is useless for your illness, and possibly dangerous, and will advise, perhaps, another way to achieve a positive result.

Warm compress:

Target: cause a long and uniform expansion of blood vessels, improve blood circulation in tissues, have an analgesic and resolving effect.

Indications: treatment of local infiltrates (post-injection), inflammatory processes in muscles and joints, ENT diseases, bruises on the second day.

Contraindications: hemorrhages, purulent skin diseases, violation of the integrity of the skin, tumors of various etiologies, injuries and bruises on the first day.


1. Put on the skin a gauze napkin folded in 6-8 layers, moistened with one of the solutions and well wrung out.

2. Cover the fabric with a piece of wax paper (oilcloth) that is 1.5-2 cm wider than the wet wipe.

3. Put a thick layer of cotton wool (1.5-2 cm larger than the previous compress layer).

4. Fix the compress with a bandage.

5. Write down the time of setting the compress: the compress is kept from 6 to 12 hours.

6. After 2 hours, put your finger under the compress and make sure that the napkin is wet and the skin is warm (if after 1.5-2 hours the napkin is dry, then the compress is applied incorrectly).

7. At a certain time, remove the compress, wipe the skin with warm water, dry with a napkin; warmly wrap the place where the compress is placed.

Cold compress:

Cold compresses, or lotions, are used for bruises, injuries, bruises. They cause local cooling and reduce swelling and pain.


    lead lotion (special pharmacy liquid) or cold water;

    a piece of thick towel folded in several layers.

To apply a cold compress:

    moisten a piece of towel in lead lotion or cold water;

    wring out the fabric well;

    apply a towel to the sore spot;

    when warming the canvas, moisten it again in lead lotion or water and apply it to the sore spot;

    change lotion every 2-3 minutes.

11. Admission of a patient to a hospital, sanitization, transportation

Upon admission of the patient in the admissions department, they conduct it careful inspection to detect pediculosis. In such cases, head, body and pubic louse may be found.

Sanitary treatment of the patient is reduced to cutting hair (for medical reasons) with subsequent burning or disinfection in steam sterilizers, cutting nails (on the hands and feet), washing in the bathroom or shower, collecting things (clothes, underwear, shoes of the patient) subject to disinfection, in individual bags for subsequent shipment for disinfection in a disinfection chamber. Before chamber disinfection, things of infectious patients are not given to relatives. At the same time, it is not necessary to decontaminate the personal belongings of patients with influenza and other acute respiratory diseases, paratitis, chickenpox and whooping cough. These items are allowed to be taken home by relatives. After undergoing sanitization, the patient receives clean hospital linen, a gown (pajamas), and slippers.

Lice (body lice) are carriers of typhus and louse relapsing fever, the pathogens of which penetrate through damaged skin when crushing lice and subsequent scratching. The spread of pediculosis is observed under unfavorable sanitary and hygienic conditions and indicates, first of all, the poor organization of the bath and laundry business.

If lice are detected, sanitization is carried out, which can be complete (washing the patient with soap and washcloth in the bath or shower, destroying microorganisms and insects in linen, clothes, shoes, bedding and living quarters, i.e. disinfection and disinsection) or partial, implying only washing people and disinfecting (disinfestation) linen, clothes and shoes.

To combat PEDICULOSIS, THERE ARE CURRENTLY A LOT OF SPECIAL PRODUCTS THAT ARE NON-TOXIC AND DO NOT REQUIRE STIFF AND HAIR. The product is applied to the scalp and covered with waxed paper, a scarf is tied on top of the head or a hat is put on, or they simply wash their hair with a special shampoo. To remove nits for several days, comb the hair again with a fine comb with cotton wool moistened with a hot 10% table solution. vinegar.

To kill pubic lice, the affected hair is shaved off, after which repeated washing of the body with hot water and soap is usually sufficient.

Linen and clothes of patients are disinfected in disinfestation chambers (steam-air, hot-air, etc.). Medical personnel handling patients with pediculosis should use special long clothing made of rubberized fabric or thick canvas.

Prevention of lice consists in regular washing of the body, timely change of underwear and bed linen.

Upon admission to the hospital, if necessary, patients accept a hygienic bath or shower, and patients who need outside help are lowered into the bath on a sheet or put on a stool placed in the bath and doused with a shower.

A sanitary bath or shower in the emergency department (sometimes not quite correctly called sanitization) should be taken by all patients, then they change into hospital gowns. In practice, this rule is not always observed, which is due to several reasons. On the one hand, patients admitted to hospital on a planned basis usually take a shower or bath at home. On the other hand, in the admission department of a hospital, there are often not enough rooms and medical staff to organize a bath or shower for all incoming patients.

With regard to hospital linen (pajamas and gowns), it is often of low quality, and patients change into clothes taken from home. Therefore, patients take a bath in the emergency department and change into hospital gowns, usually only for certain indications (in infectious hospitals, with severe contamination of the skin, etc.).

Not allowed accept a hygienic bath for patients with serious illnesses (with a hypertensive crisis, acute myocardial infarction, acute cerebrovascular accident, with severe insufficiency blood circulation, tuberculosis in the active phase, etc.), some skin diseases, diseases requiring emergency surgical intervention, as well as women in childbirth. Usually in such cases, the patient's skin is wiped with a swab moistened with warm water and soap, then with clean water and wiped dry.

For rubbing, you can also use warm water with the addition of cologne or alcohol. Patients' nails are cut short.

If the patient is prescribed bed rest or independent movement is contraindicated, then he is transported to auxiliary diagnostic and treatment rooms, as well as to the dressing room or operating room on a special stretcher.

The nurse must be able to properly transfer a seriously ill patient from bed to wheelchair and vice versa.

For ease of carrying, the wheelchair can be placed in relation to the bed at right angles, parallel or in series. The patient should be transported on a stretcher carefully, the head end should be in the direction of travel.

The trolley for transporting patients with TBP-2 is designed to transport patients to operating rooms, X-ray, treatment rooms and other rooms within the hospital building. The trolley panel is adjusted to the desired height by a hydraulic device actuated by a foot pedal, which makes it easy to transfer patients. The cart has lateral folding protections. Raising and lowering the panel is hydraulically driven by a foot pedal. The trolley is designed to meet the requirements of modern medicine, it is safe, has a solid frame structure, which is convenient and reliable in operation. The trolley is mounted on wheels, two of which have brakes.

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