Donating blood is useful or... Is it good for men to donate blood?

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If you think that donating blood is harmful, then this article is for you. Bleeding is a process to which the body has evolved to adapt during fights and wars. For a healthy person, the loss of a standard dose of blood, which is equal to 450 ml, in no way affects physiological functions or well-being. Moreover, bloodletting has a healing effect. In addition, now in order to donate blood, you need to undergo a thorough medical examination, and the doctor will tell you in detail how to donate blood correctly and will not allow even the slightest risk to your health, since the state cares about the safety of donors and patients.
Nowadays, many potential donors are interested in the question: is it useful to donate blood?
The benefit of donation for the body is that blood donation prevents cardiovascular diseases, diseases immune system, pancreas, atherosclerosis, digestive disorders and develop resistance to blood loss during accidents, operations, burns or accidents. Also, donation can remove ballast from the body in the form of excess blood and its elements, prolong your youth by stimulating bleeding and self-renewal of the body and, of course, bring considerable satisfaction from the good deed you have accomplished. Do you still doubt whether donating blood is beneficial?
Donation activates the bleeding system - red bone marrow cells, and improves immunity. The body is affected by the unloading of the spleen and liver, and according to the latest data, the risk of developing atherosclerosis, thrombosis and coronary disease hearts. Finnish scientists claim that men who donate blood have a tenfold reduction in the risk of heart attack, and American researchers report that male donors are much less likely to suffer from heart attacks. Regular bleeding keeps cholesterol levels low.
When donating blood, all so-called “storage diseases” are prevented, which include gout, digestive and pancreatic disorders, as well as diseases of the basal metabolism and liver. Blood donations are also useful for preventive purposes.
If you're still wondering if donating blood is healthy, remember that donors who donate consistently are some of the healthiest people in the world! According to WHO, donors live 5 years longer than the average person.
Blood donors do not have to worry about their health, since absolutely all procedures are performed using disposable sterile systems under the supervision of a physician.
A capable person who has reached the age of 18 and has passed medical examination and has permanent registration. He is entitled to two days off, one of which falls on the day of blood donation, and the second at the donor’s choice, determination of the blood type, blood test, blood test for diseases such as HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C, as well as a doctor’s examination.
Infection of the donor is absolutely excluded, since doctors use individual disposable systems for blood collection, and the sensation of blood donation is purely individual, but most donors experience absolutely no pain. Some people feel a surge of energy and a desire to work, and absolutely everyone feels a lot of positive emotions from the fact that they helped save a life!
Within 30-40 days, the blood composition is completely restored. The blood donation process is absolutely safe and does not cause any harm to the body. To ensure complete safety, the donor’s blood is quarantined and after six months the donor must undergo a re-examination, based on the results of which the blood is supplied to city hospitals. So do you think donating blood is beneficial?

Experts confirm the positive impact of donation on the body. In some countries, donation is one of the components of a healthy lifestyle, along with physical education and proper nutrition.

Benefits of blood donation

According to studies conducted in Finland and the USA, people who regularly donate blood are significantly less susceptible to atherosclerosis and heart attacks. Also, according to the observations of foreign researchers, blood donors live 5-8 years longer than the average person.

Donating a significant amount of blood is a kind of training for the body. In the event of a car accident or other incident involving significant blood loss, the donor has a greater chance of survival.

The donor's blood is tested for various infections (for example, HIV, hepatitis and syphilis) and indicators such as hemoglobin, white blood cells, red blood cells, etc. The blood is quarantined for six months, after which infectious diseases that were not previously identified may also be detected. Therefore, those who donate on a regular basis do not have to worry about their health.

Immediately after blood is taken, the body begins to restore it. The bone marrow begins to produce new red blood cells - erythrocytes. These are the cells that deliver oxygen to all organs. In addition, stem cells are formed in the bone marrow, from which the tissues of our body are formed. Thus, blood donation renews the entire human body.

And finally, donating blood is useful because the donor feels joy from the good deed done, because thanks to it, someone’s life may be saved.

Donation safety

Donating blood today is a completely safe procedure. Blood transfusion stations use disposable medical systems (needle, tubes and bag), which are sterile and are opened in front of the donor. Therefore, contrary to fears, a person has no chance of becoming infected with anything.

The loss of blood experienced by the donor also does not pose any threat. Usually about 450 ml of blood is taken at a time, which is no more than 10% of its total volume. Almost immediately after this procedure, a person can get up, drink a cup of tea and go home. Within a day or two, the amount of blood in the donor’s body will be replenished.

Requirements and contraindications

An applicant for blood donation must be healthy; the acceptable age is from 18 to 60 years. It is recommended that men donate blood no more than once every two months, and women - once every three months. You will not be able to become a donor if you weigh less than 50 kg.

A person who has recently had the flu or an acute respiratory infection will be able to donate blood only after a month, and after undergoing surgery - no earlier than six months. Those who have had viral hepatitis and other infectious diseases (there are more than forty of them) are excluded from donation. Medical institutions need only high-quality blood, so it is extremely important that the donor does not have any health problems.

Is it beneficial to donate blood: myths, facts, hope

In the fog of myths

Questions about whether it is useful to donate blood or not, despite numerous articles and TV shows about it, still arise. The older generation is much better aware of this thanks to the widespread gratuitous donation in the USSR since the mid-1950s. By the mid-1980s, four out of five Soviet donors gave their blood for free. But by the beginning of the 21st century, a serious crisis arose: there were only 13 donors per thousand Russians. Now the situation with blood donation is slowly improving. Unfortunately, it is largely hampered not only by the ignorance of the middle and younger generations, but also by the pseudo-sensations associated with blood donation, which are periodically launched by the yellow media. It's no wonder there are so many myths surrounding donation.

Temper yourself like blood!

Anyone who came to the transfusiology center (blood transfusion station) could be convinced that there was no risk of infection during donation: all the equipment is disposable, stored sealed, and opened only before donating blood and in the presence of the donor himself. But is donating blood beneficial for the human body? Research convincingly proves: yes! Donating blood reduces high blood pressure. A small blood loss (450 ml), which does not significantly affect the condition of a healthy person, activates several protective mechanisms in the body. The bone marrow begins to work actively. Old red and white blood cells that have become harmful to the circulatory system are replaced with new ones. An additional effect is strengthening the immune system. Regular blood donation (for men - 5 times a year, for women - 4) sets the body up to a certain pattern of action in case of blood loss. Therefore, in a situation where the donor begins to bleed profusely (for example, in a traffic accident), he has a better chance of surviving. In addition, a number of tests that would usually require you to pay extra money are done free of charge before donating blood.

Scarcity kills

With the question of whether it is useful to donate blood, everything seems to be clear. But is it necessary? There's already enough blood! This is truly a deadly myth for those to whom it relates. The shortage of donor blood is felt every day and everywhere. And since 2008, when this state of affairs was recognized as threatening the security of the country, too little time has passed for the situation to significantly improve. Even if you come to donate blood for mercantile purposes (to receive monetary compensation or a hot meal), know: the principle of “one donor - one human life saved” is still in force. Well, those who donate blood at the call of their hearts don’t need to say anything. Such people are truly worth their weight in gold.

It happens that it’s impossible

After such words, it would be surprising to learn that donating blood is harmful. But this is only true in some cases. Donation can harm the health of those who are under 18 years of age and over 65, who weigh less than 50 kg, who have a temperature reading, blood pressure and hemoglobin levels do not fall within the standard limits, as well as for those who spent a sleepless night the day before or neglected breakfast in the morning. Women during their menstrual periods, plus or minus a week, and pregnant and nursing mothers should also not donate blood. In addition, there is a list of absolute (without statute of limitations) and temporary contraindications to donation.

Everything is very simple

Any transfusiologist will tell you how to donate blood correctly. I would like to draw attention to the need to have a light breakfast in the morning, give up alcohol (48 hours before donating blood and 24 hours after) and smoking (an hour before and an hour after). After completing the procedure, you should not drive for two hours and you should not have any vaccinations for at least 10 days. By following all the recommendations, you can easily endure minor blood loss and quickly restore your health.

The choice is yours

You can be sure that not a single drop of blood you donate will go in vain. And don’t think about whether donating blood is beneficial. Unfortunately, trouble can happen to anyone. No one is safe from it. And a full-fledged blood bank is a ray of hope for those who need an urgent transfusion, who are on the precarious line between life and death. Do you have the courage to put your 450 milliliters on the cup of another person's life so that it outweighs it?

I decided to figure it out Is blood donation beneficial or harmful?, since I am an active donor, donated blood for donation 5 times already, in just over a year. I always thought that this was only for my benefit. The first donation of donor blood was very easy, there were no negative consequences, no dizziness, no weakness. I also easily tolerated donating blood the next 3 times, and on the 5th time I felt a little weak the next day after donation and even had to sleep for a couple of hours during the day (fortunately, after donating blood they give two days of rest from work), although immediately after donation, as usual I felt great. This worried me a little, and I decided to look on RuNet about the benefits or harms of blood donation for the body. And what’s surprising is that I didn’t find specific and reliable materials, I had to go looking on foreign sites, and now I can present the results of my research to my readers.

I conducted a serious search of medical research available on PABMED, as well as other open sources, and found out how useful it is to donate blood or whether it is harmful to the body, I am glad to present my research to the readers further.

Is blood donation good for preventing heart disease?

It is known that one of the complex risk factors for cardiovascular diseases is blood viscosity. When thick and viscous, excess friction is created against blood vessels, blood circulation worsens and the so-called hemodynamics of the blood decreases. This, in turn, increases the risk of blood clots forming in blood vessels, and blood clots, clogging blood vessels, can lead to various pathologies and even sudden stop heart and sudden death. Blood viscosity can be reduced by regularly donating blood. When you donate blood, you reduce the level of iron in your blood, which causes oxidative stress, which is also harmful to your heart. vascular system. Blood donation reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes. In the study, published V Journal of the American Medical Association Scientists found that people between the ages of 43 and 61 who gave blood twice a year had fewer heart attacks and strokes. In the study, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, scientists described that of 2,682 men in Finland, who took Participating in the study, the risk of heart attacks was reduced by 88 percent among those who donated blood at least once a year.

Is blood donation useful for reducing the risk of cancer?

Reducing the amount of iron in your blood when donating blood may reduce your risk of cancer, according to a 4.5-year study of 1,200 people, published in the Journal of the US National Cancer Institute. The people who took part in the study were divided into 2 groups: in the first, the subjects donated blood 2 times a year, thereby reducing their iron levels; in the second, no changes to lifestyle were applied.

According to the results of the study, it was found that in the first group, the people studied had a lower risk of cancer and mortality (including the risk of cancer: liver, lung, colon, and throat cancer) due to a decrease in oxidative stress, caused increased iron levels in the blood.

Is donation beneficial for losing weight?

People burn approximately 650 calories per blood donation (450 ml), according to the University of California, San Diego. A donor who donates blood regularly may lose a lot of weight. This can only be beneficial for overweight people, but for donors with normal weight, you need to be very careful about this, since in order to donate blood you need to keep your weight the same and avoid excessive weight loss.

Types of blood donation by purpose of donation

When donating blood, one of the most common goals is pursued:

  • Allogeneic- with this type of donation, blood is donated for storage in a blood bank, i.e. a person donates blood for an unknown donor who will ever need blood.
  • Targeted donation- used when blood is needed urgently, for example for a relative, if an accident occurs or during an operation with large blood loss (this usually requires a match of blood groups, so such donation is possible only between relatives).
  • Substitute—blood is donated to replace a dose taken from a blood bank, while the donor’s relative receives a dose from the blood bank of absolutely any required group.
  • Autologous- in this type, blood is taken before the operation and returned back to the donor himself after its completion.

Types of blood donation according to the DONOR material received

There are several types of blood donation, different in the material received, for further transfusion to those in need, all of them can be done at a blood donation center, but you may have contraindications for some of them, so it is better to always consult a doctor. I will list their types and briefly talk about each of them:

  • Whole blood collection- the main and most common type of donation, in which blood is simply taken from a vein, without the use of additional devices, the procedure usually takes no more than 10-15 minutes.
  • Taking blood plasma - plasmaresis: a machine is used to draw blood, after which it separates the components of whole blood from the plasma, the plasma is stored, and the blood components are pumped back to the donor after passing through a special filter. The procedure takes about an hour.
  • Obtaining blood platelets - afaresis: A special machine is used that first takes whole blood from the donor. Then the blood is divided into components using a special device, at this moment the platelets are separated from the blood, after which the plasma and other blood components are transfused back to the donor, this whole procedure is quite lengthy and can take from 1.5 to 2 hours.
  • Obtaining red blood cells: special devices are used that take blood from the donor, then separate the red blood cells from the blood and immediately add the blood back; this procedure is much faster than taking blood for platelets - about half an hour.

The harms of blood donation

If a person is in normal health, usually, Harm and negative consequences of donating blood are usually not observed; it has been determined that negative consequences occur in no more than 2% of all people who donate blood. The most common of all negative consequences is fainting due to sudden changes blood pressure and the appearance of a bruise at the site of the vein puncture (for example, I never even had a bruise). The study shows that out of 194,000 people, who took the test blood serious long-term negative complications were observed in only one person.

How to prepare for donating blood?

The day before donating blood, you need to follow certain rules, eat only certain foods and not overdo physical activity and not deny yourself good sleep.

It is forbidden to eat:

  • Sausages, any smoked products
  • Chocolate
  • Nuts
  • Dates
  • Milk, cottage cheese
  • Any oil, both butter and vegetable

What can you eat before donating blood?

No need to donate blood on an empty stomach! You definitely need to eat. Can you eat before donating blood? any carbohydrates: oatmeal without oil, pasta, all this can be eaten with sugar (yes, even despite its harm, it is recommended before donating blood). You can drink sweet tea - usually at blood centers, staff always provide the opportunity to drink tea and eat sweet cookies before donating blood.

Restrictions after donating blood

After donating blood for donation, the center’s staff recommend sitting for 10-15 minutes without getting up, so that the blood pressure levels out and there is no dizziness. On the day of delivery, it is better not to engage in heavy physical work or sports. After the procedure, you need to drink plenty of water to restore fluid volume in the body, and also eat well. It is not recommended to engage in heavy physical labor or physical work after donating blood; it is also better to avoid visiting the bathhouse after donating blood.

How to quickly restore blood and its components after donation?

During the blood donation procedure, the collection volume is very small; no more than 450 ml of whole blood is taken per donation.

According to researchers, blood volume is restored within 48 hours, and all red blood cells and platelets contained in blood during 4–8 weeks (this is why it is allowed to donate whole blood no more often than after 8 weeks).

On my own behalf I can add that, personally, I am additionally encouraged to go donate blood for donation every 2–3 months, this is because with such a simple action I can save someone’s life. The American Red Cross Association has estimated that if you start donating blood at age 17 every 56 days, then by the time you reach the age of 76, 48 liters of blood will be donated - which can save up to 1 thousand human lives!

To summarize, I want to say: medical research clearly shows that blood donation is beneficial, the negative consequences and harm are negligible, and the benefits both for society and for the donor himself very noticeable, so any person simply needs to donate blood regularly - unless there are medical contraindications, about which you need to consult your physician.

Does everyone know what donation is and who a donor is? First of all, if we turn to the origin of this word, we should say that it is of Latin origin and comes from the ancientdono, which meant “I give.” If we consider the word and its meaning more broadly, then a “donor” is someone, including an individual, a group of individuals, and an organization, who gives something to someone else, that is, another object (person, organization , enterprise, state).

The one who receives something from the donor is called an acceptor or recipient. Most people are sure that the concept of “donation” refers to the medical field.

However, this is not quite true. For example, this term is quite common in chemistry, where an electron donor is usually called an atom of a chemical element that exhibits lower electronegativity; in turn, an atom of a chemical element with higher electronegativity is called an electron acceptor.

The term “donor” is also used in physics solid, where a donor is an impurity in a standard crystal lattice for a particular substance that donates an electron to the crystal. Since about the second half of the last century, the word “donation” has also been used in economics - this has been the name given to the provision of preferential loans or even the provision of certain financial resources to a country as assistance for more than half a century.

But perhaps the most common understanding and perception of the word “donation” is associated with medicine, where a donor is someone who shares his blood so that it can be transfused to other patients, or even someone who gives his internal organ for transplantation. The one who receives blood or an organ from a donor is called a recipient.

In modern medicine, such types of donation as blood donation, sperm donation, milk donation and, of course, tissue and organ donation are especially common. However, blood donation is still the most common. Many people are interested in donating blood: benefits and harms. Blood donation and its consequences for the body.

WHO on blood donation

The enormous importance of donation is noted and repeatedly emphasized by the World Health Organization. WHO experts believe that the most effective donation is voluntary donation, and when determining the safest donors, WHO experts gave preference to voluntary unpaid blood donors, who belong to those population groups that have minimal risks.

WHO Fact Sheet No. 279 released facts on blood donation for 2011, and, according to the figures provided, it turned out that the national blood stocks of more than sixty countries are formed entirely or almost entirely (more than 99.9%) from exclusively voluntary and completely unpaid donations (the word “donation” comes from the English donation, which means “donation”).

However, as WHO reports, in about forty countries around the world, national blood reserves are formed on a voluntary and free donor basis in only less than a quarter of cases.

The goal of the World Health Organization was formed in a resolution of the World Health Assembly (adopted in 1975) - by 2020, to receive all blood supplies only from voluntary and absolutely free donors.

Interesting! The 58th World Health Assembly, which took place in May 2005, adopted a resolution establishing an annual World Blood Donor Day. By decision of representatives of 192 states, this day is celebrated on June 14. Sponsors the annual world day blood donor World Health Organization, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRCRCS), International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT). It is very important that every year on June 14, sponsoring organizations hold some important event on a global scale.

In 2015, World Blood Donor Day was celebrated under the theme “Thank you for saving my life!” to once again emphasize that blood donors and blood transfusions save millions of lives every year. In addition, another goal was to bring to life the slogan “Rent Free, Rent Often. Blood donation is important”, encouraging people around the world to donate blood, thereby saving other lives.

Unfortunately, not all countries yet test donated blood properly to completely exclude the possibility of transmitting any infection through blood, including such dangerous ones as HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B and C, syphilis and other infectious diseases (there are slightly less than forty such countries) .

To ensure that the blood being transfused is suitable for a particular patient, blood received from donors must be tested and determined.

WHO experts emphasize that it is very important that all blood supplies are absolutely safe, so all donated blood always undergoes the most thorough testing and all necessary screening procedures.

Dispelling myths about donation

Since blood has always been not only a necessary source of life, but also a kind of mystical substance, the embodiment of life and death, the embodiment of kinship, a symbol of health, it is not at all surprising that many myths have formed around blood and, especially, around blood donation.

However, first you need to remember how much blood is contained in any person and what part of this blood can be donated without harm to your body.

According to many observations and special studies, scientists and physiologists have found that the volume of circulating blood, or BCC, is determined depending on a person’s weight: for every kilogram of body weight, there is from 50 ml to 80 ml of blood in the body. As for the total volume of circulating blood, to determine this value, it is customary to multiply body weight in kilograms by 0.077 (a certain average value that determines the amount of blood in liters per kilogram of weight). For example, if a person weighs 56 kg, then the volume of blood in his body will be 56 x 0.077 = 4.312 liters.

It has been proven that a person can donate 12% of all blood in his body without harm to his own health: 4.312:100x12=0.517 liters.

As a rule, 450 ml of blood is taken from donors and an additional 40 ml for carrying out the necessary tests and analyzes (in total, 490-500 ml of blood is taken from the donor at one time).

Both the World Health Organization and donor societies different countries When calling on people to donate blood, they point out that blood transfusions, as well as the use of blood components when necessary, save many human lives.

Medical statistics have information that one out of three inhabitants of the Earth needs to receive a transfusion of blood or blood components at least once during their life. There are categories of sick people and people injured in various accidents for whom the use of donor blood, as well as drugs and/or blood components, is mandatory and ensures the success of the necessary specialized treatment.

  • First of all, women who have lost a large amount of blood during childbirth need donor blood transfusions;
  • Often blood transfusions are required for people who have suffered accidents, been injured, or lost a lot of blood during any accidents or disasters.
  • Cancer patients often require blood transfusions.
  • It is impossible to do without transfusion of donor blood or blood products for many specific blood diseases, which include leukemia, hemophilia, and aplastic anemia.
  • Sometimes a transfusion of donor blood is required for complex diseases with a chronic course.
  • Donor blood is absolutely necessary during a bone marrow transplant operation.
  • Donor blood and the possibility of timely transfusion during many surgical interventions, including cardiac surgery, endoprosthetics, and other complex operations, are very important.

Thus, it becomes completely clear that modern medicine cannot do without blood transfusion, which is called “transfusion”. However, for a considerable number of people, the idea of ​​parting with their blood seems ridiculous and even scary. Although it is known that the body quickly restores lost volumes.

Unfortunately, a considerable number of prejudices, fears and peculiar myths have formed around blood donation, which, as a rule, have nothing behind them. However, any myth can be examined more closely and refuted if you have truthful information.

Myth No. 1. Donating blood is harmful to the donor.

In fact. If a person is healthy, then donation does not cause him the slightest harm, especially since the blood volume is quickly restored. In addition, this procedure stimulates and activates hematopoietic processes, which, of course, brings considerable benefits to a person.

Myth No. 2. By donating blood, you can get some kind of infection.

In fact. The procedure is completely safe, since all equipment at the donor points is completely sterile, only disposable needles and syringes, as well as blood transfusion systems are used, and the packages are opened immediately before the procedure so that the donor can see the unsealing process. After blood collection, used syringes and needles are destroyed (disposed of).

Myth No. 3. Many people are afraid that the donor procedure is very painful.

In fact. The blood donation procedure does not bring any pain, except for one thing - a puncture of the skin and vein on the inside of the elbow. The strength of the sensations during this short-term impact is comparable to a gentle pinch, and the process of blood sampling itself is absolutely painless. It is significant that some donors donate blood multiple times.

Myth No. 4. Very few people need donor blood, so there is no point in donating it.

In fact. Any person may need the help of donors and blood transfusions. Medical statistics confirm that every third inhabitant of the planet has been forced to resort to blood transfusion at least once during his life.

Myth No. 5. It takes a long time to donate blood.

In fact. The blood donation procedure takes about fifteen minutes, a little longer is required to donate blood components (platelet or plasma) - these procedures can last from half an hour to an hour and a half.

Myth No. 6. Most often, what is required is not blood of the 1st or 2nd group, but rare groups, so this is the kind of blood that should be donated.

In fact. Blood of any group and with any Rh factor is constantly in demand.

Myth No. 7. Smokers cannot donate blood or be donors.

In fact. If a smoker donates blood, he should not smoke for an hour before the blood donation procedure and for at least an hour after the procedure.

Myth No. 8. Donating blood is a very tiring procedure, after which thorough rest is necessary.

In fact. After the blood sampling procedure, you should sit quietly for a quarter of an hour and on this day you should not engage in heavy physical work.

Myth No. 9. To restore lost blood and not feel the loss, you should eat nutritious food in large quantities both before and after the procedure.

In fact. At least a day before donating blood, you must avoid fatty and spicy foods, as well as fried and smoked foods. Eggs, dairy products including butter, dates and chocolate are not recommended at this time. Suitable foods before donating blood are cereals and pasta cooked in water, bread and crackers, vegetables, fruits (except bananas). Suitable for drinking mineral water, compotes, juices, fruit drinks and sweet tea. After donating blood, meals should be regular and nutritious (a full five meals a day is best) - this eating regimen is necessary for at least two days.

Attention! Blood should not be donated on an empty stomach.

Myth No. 9. Some people claim that donating blood can make you fat.

In fact. People who donate blood do not gain weight from this procedure, but can gain weight because they do not adhere to the recommendations about the need for enhanced nutrition for two days after donating blood, continuing to eat in an enhanced mode even when there is no longer any need for it.

Myth No. 10. Donation can ruin your appearance, and your complexion can especially suffer.

In fact. People who donate blood regularly always have a healthy complexion because the blood is constantly renewed. And blood renewal, in turn, is an excellent prevention of various diseases of the cardiovascular system, immunity and the entire immune system, as well as prevention of work gastrointestinal tract, including the liver. As a result, donors have a very good and healthy complexion, and their skin becomes completely clean and radiant.

Myth No. 11. Donation causes harm to the body because the body loses blood.

In fact. Evolutionarily, the amount of blood in the human body is slightly higher than necessary. It is very useful for a person to sometimes “change the reserve volume” of blood, so donation is also useful for the donor himself.

Myth No. 12. Donation cannot be considered normal, because with any blood loss and with any bleeding, the blood must be stopped as quickly as possible, and donors constantly lose up to half a liter of blood.

In fact. Donation can be regarded as a kind of training for the body - a donor has a better chance of coping with significant blood loss, since his body knows how to restore blood loss and is more ready for this than a person who has never donated blood. It is known that the blood balance in a normal situation can be restored to its original state in about four weeks, however, when the situation is critical, the donor’s body will be more adapted to react to blood loss.

Myth No. 13. Donating blood regularly can be addictive.

In fact. If blood is donated by a person who is completely healthy both physically and mentally, then no negative consequences occur even after donating blood multiple times.

Myth No. 14. People are best suited for blood from a donor of the same nationality.

In fact. The cellular composition of blood is the same in all people and does not depend on nationality. Blood is suitable not depending on the nationality of the donor, but depending on the group (one out of four) and on the Rh factor, which can be positive (85% of cases) and negative (15% of cases). The recipient (the person receiving the blood transfusion) is suitable for donor blood that has the same group and Rh factor as the recipient's blood, and nationality does not matter, as does gender, race or religion.

Myth No. 15. Along with the blood, some characteristics of the donor, such as beliefs or habits, can be transferred to the recipient.

In fact. Blood does not contain information about religion, political beliefs, musical preferences, or any habits, so none of the above is transmitted through blood. However, blood can tell about bad and dangerous habits, such as drug addiction, alcoholism or alcohol abuse, and infectious diseases. That is why the donor must be completely healthy.

Myth No. 16. The Church has a negative attitude towards donation.

In fact. Christianity, Islam and Judaism consider donation to be a desire to save the life of a neighbor and regard it as the embodiment of mercy, therefore they bless blood donation.

Of course, all the myths that have appeared and created around donation do not end there, however, any myth can be explained and debunked, because the importance of donation simply cannot be overestimated.

Does drawing blood affect your health?

Does donation affect health and can donating blood cause any negative consequences?

The entire history of blood donation confirms that donation does not entail any negative consequences, especially since long-term medical observations of donors from different countries have not only proven the harmlessness of the procedure, but also confirmed its preventive value and even benefits.

Turning to the history of medicine, one can find that even in the times of the Ancient World, bloodletting was known, which was used to strengthen vitality and to activate protective forces. After many hundreds of years, scientists conducted special studies and proved that bloodletting within reasonable limits really improves the tone of the body. As a result of research, scientists have proven that bloodletting (in this case, donation) can be considered a very effective prevention of many diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

According to US medical statistics, male donors reduce their risk of cardiovascular events and diseases by 30%.

Interesting! Some male donors claim that donation has a positive effect on potency, enhancing it.

It is important that regular donation, that is, regular blood donation, stimulates the body to recover from blood loss as quickly as possible, which can be useful in an unforeseen difficult situation.

Based on the results of many clinical studies, doctors concluded that small but regular blood losses stimulate the body's immune system, since the blood volume is renewed and replenished. In addition, after the blood donation procedure, erythrocytes (red blood cells) are especially actively produced, which stimulate a more active supply of necessary oxygen to all organs of the body.

Thus, donating blood and, especially, regular donation, have only a positive effect on the body and have many advantages.

How to prepare for donating blood?

Every person who has had to deal with serious health problems associated with significant blood loss knows about the role of donation. But even if everything is fine with health, you can learn about the meaning and importance of donation from the materials of the World Health Organization, other medical organizations and medical institutions and/or at blood transfusion stations.

At the present stage, donating blood is a completely safe process that cannot pose the slightest threat to health.

However, you should know that only a person who has no contraindications for donation and who is 18 years old at the time of donating blood can become a donor, but the donor’s age should not exceed 60 years. The donor's weight should not be less than 50 kg.

If donating blood goes according to plan, then it is highly advisable to first (a day or two before) donate blood for analysis, during which the blood type, Rh factor, level of hemoglobin, red blood cells and other components, as well as the possible course of hidden chronic diseases. Immediately before donating blood, body temperature and blood pressure are measured.

The final decision on the possibility of donating blood is made by a transfusiologist immediately before the procedure.

In order to properly prepare for a planned blood donation, several conditions must be met.

  1. Do not use aspirin or any painkillers three days before the blood donation procedure.
  2. Avoid drinking any alcohol, including low-alcohol drinks, two days before donating blood.
  3. Refuse fatty foods, as well as meat and dairy foods in favor of cereals, baked goods and fruits - at least 12 hours before donating blood, and preferably a day before.
  4. Donors cannot donate blood on an empty stomach, so you must have breakfast with approved foods.
  5. Smokers should not smoke for at least an hour before the blood collection procedure.

Attention! You can donate whole blood no more than five times within one year - the intervals between blood donations must be at least 60 days. Platelet and plasma donations are allowed more frequently, but are not recommended more than once a month as the body takes time to fully recover.

Contraindications for donation

Donation is noble. Donation is approved by the Church. Donation can save someone's life. But can everyone be a donor?

In fact, there are contraindications for donation, including absolute and temporary.

Absolute contraindications for blood donation:

  2. Any viral hepatitis, regardless of whether it is acute, chronic or only mentioned in the anamnesis.
  3. Tuberculosis at any stage.
  4. Any cancer at any stage.
  5. Any blood disease and/or any abnormalities in the composition of the blood identified during biochemical analysis.

Temporary contraindications for blood donation:

  1. ARVI, after complete recovery from which at least a month must pass.
  2. Tooth extraction and other surgical dental procedures, after which at least ten days must pass.
  3. Vaccinations, after which, depending on the type of vaccine, should take from ten days to one year.
  4. Acupuncture procedures, tattooing or piercing of any part of the body - at least a year must pass after these procedures.
  5. Pregnancy in any trimester, as well as breastfeeding, must pass at least a year after birth, and at least three months after the end of lactation.
  6. Menstruation and the week after it ends.

Attention! It is better not to plan blood donation during periods of strong emotional stress or significant physical activity.


As they say, we all walk under God. And no one can know when he, his child, his loved one, his mother or his friend will need blood. Even in the most prosperous and safe countries for life, unforeseen situations happen.

In today's world, no one is immune from accidents. “Thank you for saving my life!” is not only the motto of this year's World Blood Donor Day, but these are words that can be uttered by thousands of people around the planet. Someone knows their donor and is grateful to a specific person, while others received salvation from a blood bank, where nothing is indicated except the group and Rh factor. And who should we thank in this case? And how to do this?

The best gratitude is to donate blood, which will also save someone’s life, and then there will be one less tragedy on the planet. Thanks to your blood, thanks to you.

Donation is controversial issue, which is causing heated discussion in various circles. Some consider this a noble act that saves lives, while others are categorically against the procedure. According to doctors, is it useful to donate blood? How does this procedure affect a person’s well-being? What should those planning to become a donor consider?

Does this procedure seriously harm the body?

There is heated debate about whether donating blood is harmful. Driving boards cannot determine whether it is worth agreeing to mark the donation and transfusion in the event of a serious accident.

If we talk only about the health of the donor, then donating biomaterial is considered a safe procedure. An exception may be cases when the event is not carried out according to the rules, too often, or too much biological fluid is taken.

Taking a large volume leads to bad consequences

Donating blood is harmful if more than 500 ml of donor fluid is taken from a person at a time. In this case, the procedure can have a negative effect on the body.

When asked whether it is beneficial for women to donate blood, the answer is ambiguous. It is important to consider several nuances. It is worth noting that the law regulates the frequency of blood fluid donation. A woman should not agree to this procedure more than four times a year.

Is it beneficial for men to donate blood? In order not to cause damage to the body, it is important not to allow biomaterial to be taken more than 5 times a year and to donate no more than 400-450 ml of volume at a time.

When does recovery occur?

Some people do not know whether it is possible to donate blood and how such a procedure affects their well-being. Although a person sometimes feels noticeably weak and tired in the first few hours or even days, this condition soon passes. What is this connected with?

The body of any person is capable of recovery. If no more than 450 ml is taken at a time, this volume is replenished in approximately 2-4 weeks. For the procedure, biomaterial is taken from a vein.

It is important to get proper rest for recovery.

Important! Those visiting the blood collection point for the first time should not donate more than 200 ml of blood fluid.

Precautionary measures

Before determining whether donating blood is beneficial for the body, it is important to consider some pitfalls and understand when to be careful with such a procedure.

If you agree to take biomaterial when the procedure is contraindicated, you can cause serious harm to your health. Donating blood: good or bad? It all depends on the person’s health status before the procedure.

Donating donor biomaterial is contraindicated in the following situations:

If a person wishing to donate blood has recently taken large quantities of alcohol or has been abusing it for a long time, they should refuse the procedure. If hepatitis is suspected, the donor fluid becomes a source of infection for the future recipient.

Important! IN last years Hepatitis virus infection often occurs through donated blood. There is no laboratory equipment capable of 100% accurately determining the absence of this virus. The risk of infection can be reduced to zero only if there is no transfusion of human blood or plasma.

No one guarantees the safety of donor material

If a woman has begun menopause, it is also better not to donate biomaterial. Why? During this period, her body is weakened, so some negative process may be triggered by the depletion of protective forces caused by donating blood.

A cold is another contraindication to manipulation. Athletes should approach the process with caution. Of course, they can donate biomaterial. However, after this, withstand high physical exercise It won't work for a while.

Any colds are considered a contraindication. As long as a person is sick, there is a constant risk of transmission of infection through the blood to the recipient.

Important! It is dangerous to donate blood on an empty stomach. In the morning you should have a hearty breakfast, and the day before you should follow a strict diet.

Allergy sufferers should also be careful. Specific antibodies can be transmitted through blood. As a result, what was an allergen for the donor will affect the well-being of the recipient.

Iron deficiency is also considered a contraindication to collecting biomaterial for donation. A person already lacks the formation of new red blood cells, which is why anemia develops. Taking blood can only make you feel worse.

Other contraindications

There are other situations when the procedure is prohibited. Is it necessary to donate blood, and why do it? Sometimes the cause of infection with serious diseases lies in the entry of the pathogen into the body through donor blood. Even healthy man may not suspect that he is a carrier of severe infections. No one can predict whether this blood will become life or a fatal disease for someone.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women do not donate blood

Pregnancy is considered a separate contraindication. The procedure is not performed in the first, second or third trimester. If screening does not show pathologies, blood sampling is still contraindicated. At this time, a woman should think about the well-being of her unborn child, and not about donating biomaterial. During the period of breastfeeding, such manipulations should also be avoided.

Even those who previously tolerated blood sampling well may sooner or later experience complications. For example, men may notice that after the procedure, potency decreases for some time.


At the same time, the procedure is practically painless. The injection made when taking blood fluid is no more painful than a regular mosquito bite. According to some doctors, taking donor blood fluid is a good prevention against certain diseases of the hematopoietic organs.

The advantages include the fact that various fractions are prepared from several grams of donor blood, isolating proteins that can fight various diseases, for example, immunoglobulins.

You can learn more about the benefits and harms of donation from the video:


Who is allowed and who is not allowed to donate blood, what are the reasons for the prohibitions?

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