Duration of use of Siofor 500. There are also disadvantages: the drug Siofor, its side effects and contraindications

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Diabetes mellitus is dangerous to ignore. To combat it, doctors prescribe Siofor 500. The tablets have clear instructions, a wide spectrum of action and are comfortable to use.

Active substances contained in 1 tablet of Siofor 500.

Release form

White tablets with a thin shell, round. There are 10 tablets in a blister. Their total quantity depends on the packaging.

pharmachologic effect

Siofor 500 is a hypoglycemic agent aimed at combating diabetes. It slows down the period of absorption of glucose from the stomach, reduces the amount of it entering the blood. The medicine increases tissue sensitivity to insulin. Thanks to the tablets, the utilization of sugar by muscles is enhanced. Its level in the body decreases.

Siofor 500 improves lipid metabolism. This is facilitated by the hypolipidemic effect. The use of tablets affects the body weight of a person who is susceptible to diabetes and reduces excessive appetite, this is noted in the instructions.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

When the tablet is swallowed, metformin hydrochloride is absorbed through the stomach and intestines. The highest saturation of the active ingredients of the drug is observed 2 hours after consuming the maximum dose of the drug. The plasma saturation of the active substance does not exceed 0.004 mg.

If you combine taking pills with eating, the absorption process of the drug will slow down and it will enter the blood in a smaller volume.

In patients in good health, the ability to absorb the drug reaches almost 60%. The active and auxiliary components of the drug accumulate in the salivary glands and different organs person. Metformin appears in red blood cells. There is almost no interaction with plasma proteins.

After 6 hours, the drug leaves the body by 50%. It comes out through the kidneys in its original form. The renal clearance of metformin reaches 400 ml/min. In case of problems at work internal organs these indicators decrease, which increases the time of elimination of substances.


Siofor 500, instructions for use describes how to combat diabetes mellitus 2 types. But it is prescribed after diet therapy in tandem with a complex of physical training does not give the desired result. This often happens in people with excessive body weight.

The medicine is used in different ways. More often as monotherapy. This eliminates the need to take several medications at once and spend money on purchasing them. Siophon is also used in tandem with insulin or hypoglycemic medications.


Like any drug, Siofor has contraindications. The list is not limited to several dozen positions.


  • precoma caused by diabetes;
  • metabolic acidosis;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • advanced infectious disease;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • weakness caused by oxygen starvation;
  • heart attack;
  • low calorie diet;
  • respiratory failure;
  • state of shock;
  • heart failure;
  • hyperlactic acidemia;
  • tumors;
  • liver function failure;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • postoperative period;
  • vascular diseases;
  • anemia;
  • alcoholism;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • age up to 10-12 and over 60 years.

It is important to know! Before purchasing Siofor, you need to make sure your kidneys are healthy. To prevent complications, you need to undergo regular examinations.

Side effects

Taking pills is not asymptomatic. The body reacts to new substances entering it.

Side effects:

  • poor appetite;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • vomit;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • depression;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • headache;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased fatigue;
  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • distortion of taste perception;
  • skin itching;
  • allergic reactions;
  • excess blood in tissues;
  • coordination failures;
  • inflammatory liver diseases;
  • lactic acidosis.

In most sick people, negative reactions organism to the remedy, are not observed, or are mild.

Instructions for use Siofor500, dosage for diabetes

Siofor 500, instructions for use suggest taking it with or after meals. This way it is absorbed better. The regimen for taking pills, the dose, and the duration of the treatment period are prescribed by the doctor. The approach to patients is individual. The recommended dose of the medication depends on the saturation of glucose in the blood.

Basic Rules:

  1. Dosage for monotherapy for adult patients: 1-2 tablets (0.5 g) per day for 10-15 days.
  2. Later, taking into account the level of sugar saturation in the body, the dose of the drug is increased, bringing it to 4 tablets daily. A smooth increase in the medication makes it possible to exclude the possibility of symptoms of intolerance from various internal organs. In particular, the stomach and intestines.
  3. You should not consume more than 6 medicinal tablets per day, divided into 3 doses.
  4. When therapy is carried out in combination with insulin, you need to take 1 tablet up to 2 times a day. The dose is gradually increased to 4 tablets, adhering to a seven-day interval. Based on the glucose levels in a person’s blood, the doctor selects the dosage of insulin. The daily dose is no more than 6 pcs., taken not once, but in 3 doses.
  5. The transition from one diabetes medication to Siofor 500 is simple. The previous pills are canceled and another medication is started.
  6. For older citizens, the dosage is prescribed carefully, based on the creatinine level. During therapy, kidney function is constantly monitored.
  7. Children over 10 years of age are prescribed 1 tablet (0.5 g) per day. This option is relevant when conducting monotherapy and when treating with insulin. After 2 weeks, if necessary, the dosage is increased to 4 medicinal tablets.
  8. The amount of insulin is prescribed based on blood sugar levels.
  9. It is important to know! When using Siofor, you need to consistently take a biochemical test, general analysis blood. This will reflect a detailed picture of the functionality of the liver and kidneys, and will allow prompt action to be taken in case of failures.

This is a necessity, since the drug is dangerous for liver cirrhosis and other problems of the hepatobiliary system. Siofor itself has a much less negative impact on the liver than eating fried or smoked food.

It is not forbidden to take pills to prevent the development of diabetes. However, while taking medications, it is necessary to adhere to a diet with an adequate amount of carbohydrates. Otherwise, the result will be weak.

How to take pills for polycystic ovary syndrome

Increased insulin production provokes various health problems. The most common disease in women is polycystic ovary syndrome.

Symptoms of polycystic disease:

  • ovulation failure occurs;
  • the volume of androgens produced by the ovaries increases;
  • hormonal imbalance occurs;
  • body tissue cells malfunction when absorbing glucose.

The same thing happens with diabetes. Therefore, doctors began treating polycystic ovary syndrome with diabetes medications. Siofor 500 stabilizes the ovulation cycle without causing complications of insulin therapy. The drug is prescribed for certain types of infertility. Insulin resistance is similar for women of any size, in contrast to the manifestations of diabetes.

When taking tablets:

  • appetite decreases;
  • a woman's weight decreases;
  • there is a reduction in the volume of androgen production;
  • skin becomes cleaner;
  • pressure returns to normal;
  • the menstrual cycle is adjusted.

The result is that the chances of correct formation fetus and its gestation. With polycystic disease, you need to be patient. He is treated for a long time - from 6 months. During this time, the menstrual cycle and ovulation normalize. If necessary, the therapeutic course is increased or adjusted.

Doctors prescribe:

  • take 500 mg of the drug per day, divided into 3 doses;
  • take the medicine with meals, with plenty of liquid;
  • Do not take more than 1700 mg of the drug per day.

Siofor 500 is sold strictly according to prescription. It is contraindicated for use in self-medication.

The article provides detailed instructions on the use of Siofor 500.

Reviews about the effectiveness of the medicine are positive. In addition to the fact that it demonstrates high effectiveness in the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome, the drug reduces the risk of developing diabetes mellitus and problems in the functioning of the cardiac system. It is important to know! Do not take the medicine 2 days before undergoing an x-ray examination.

Will Siofor500 help you lose weight? Instructions for use

How to lose a few kilograms and overcome excessive cravings for desserts? Many people have these questions. Answering them, doctors often recommend Siofor. After taking the product, a person stops craving for sweets. He makes a choice in favor proper nutrition. The figure quickly transforms as the number of calories consumed is significantly reduced.

Action of Siofor for weight loss:

  • weight loss;
  • reduction in fat volume;
  • decreased insulin production;
  • feeling of lightness;
  • loss of desire to eat sweets;
  • formation of a healthy eating regimen.

Siofor is a potent medicine aimed at combating serious diseases. Weight loss is far from its main functionality. Therefore, before starting the course, it is important to obtain detailed consultation from a specialist and pass the necessary tests. In order to lose weight, the drug is taken for weeks.


  1. The course is structured so that every 7 days a person consistently loses up to 2 kg. In the future, it is possible to increase the dosage.
  2. To reduce possible discomfort, take the tablets after meals. With a long course, there is a weakening of the intestinal absorption function of vitamin B12, which is involved in hematopoiesis.
  3. At first, Siofor 500 is taken up to 2 tablets per day. Increasing the dosage to 4 tablets begins no earlier than a week and a half later.

It is important to know! Patients who use Siofor for a long period cease to observe a significant decrease in total body weight.


If you follow your doctor's recommendations, the risk of unpleasant consequences after taking the medicine will be minimized. If by mistake the dosage of the drug has been exceeded, you need to call an ambulance team or go to the hospital.

When there is an excess of the drug in the body, the following is observed:

  • attacks of nausea;
  • urge to vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • stomach pain;
  • muscle discomfort;
  • loss of lucidity
  • insulin coma.

With prompt action, these symptoms are quickly eliminated and no longer pose a danger to humans.


When taking Siofor, you need to be careful with other medical substances. Insulin derivatives, aspirin, and a number of antibiotics can lead to abnormally low concentrations of sugar in the human body.

The hypoglycemic result will become weaker if you combine Siofor with:

  • hormonal;
  • contraceptives;
  • tablets to maintain function thyroid gland with high iodine content;
  • phenothiazine-based hypnotics.

Siofor 500, instructions for use describes it as a product that cannot be combined with ethanol-based drugs. Cimetidine will provoke the development of acidosis. During treatment it is not recommended to abuse alcoholic drinks. This can cause hypoglycemia, acidosis is a threat not only to health, but also to life. If you remember the measure, problems should not arise.

Terms of sale and storage

Siofor 500 is available only with a doctor's prescription. It is important to store the drug in a place where access to children is limited. The air temperature should be maintained at up to 30 degrees. The duration of storage and use of tablets from the date of their manufacture is 3 years. After this time, the product cannot be taken.


Finding a worthy replacement for Siofor is not easy. The reason is the uniqueness of the active substance. Metformin is present in rare tablets. Some patients are looking for a new treatment option due to an unpleasant reaction in the body, such as nausea. In this case, doctors transfer the person to another drug, similar in composition.

The medicine has analogues of Russian and foreign production. You should not choose a drug with the same composition on your own. Also, do not rely on the advice of a pharmacist. You should only follow the recommendation of your attending physician.

Russian-made analogues:

  • Metformin.
  • Liformin.
  • Formetin.

There are much more foreign-made doubles:

  • Bagomet.
  • Glucophage.
  • Diaformin.
  • Metfogamma.
  • Metformin MV-Teva.
  • Metformin-Richter (Hungary).

Price for Siofor 500 in Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions

The cost of tablets in pharmacies varies. Sometimes there is a price difference of several rubles, but sometimes it can be in the tens.

A drug Price, rub.) City
Siofor 500 No. 60235 – 286 Moscow
228 – 270 Saint Petersburg
216 – 265 Ryazan
222 — 249 Vladivostok
224 – 250 Kazan
211 – 254 Omsk
226 – 265 Krasnoyarsk
238 – 250 Kirov
224 – 261 Khanty-Mansiysk

Core :

Active substance: metformin hydrochloride - 500.0 mg;

Excipients: hypromellose - 17.6 mg, povidone - 26.5 mg, magnesium stearate - 2.9 mg.

Shell: hypromellose - 6.5 mg, macrogol 6000 - 1.3 mg, titanium dioxide, E 171 - 5.2 mg.

Description: White, round, biconvex, film-coated tablets. Pharmacotherapeutic group:Hypoglycemic agent for oral administration of the biguanide group ATX:  

A.10.B.A.02 Metformin


Metformin belongs to the group of biguanides. Has a hypoglycemic effect. Provides a decrease in both basal and postprandial glucose concentrations in blood plasma. N e stimulates insulin secretion and therefore does not lead to hypoglycemia.

The action of metformin is based on the following mechanisms:

Decreased glucose production in the liver due to inhibition of gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis;

- increasing muscle sensitivity to insulin and, therefore, improving the absorption and utilization of glucose in the periphery;

- inhibition of glucose absorption in the intestine.

Metformin, through its action on glycogen synthase, stimulates intracellular glycogen synthesis. Increases the transport capacity of all currently known membrane glucose transport proteins.

It has, regardless of its effect on the concentration of glucose in the blood plasma, a beneficial effect on lipid metabolism, leading to a decrease in the concentration of total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides.

With the use of metformin in patients with diabetes, body weight either remains stable or moderately decreases.



After taking the drug orally, it is almost completely absorbed from gastrointestinal tract, maximum concentration (C m ah ) in blood plasma is achieved after 2.5 hours and at the maximum dose does not exceed 4 mcg/ml. Eating reduces the degree of absorption (C max decreases by 40%, area under the concentration-time curve(AUC) by 25%) and slightly slows down the absorption of metformin from the gastrointestinal tract (time to reach C m ah decreases by 35 minutes). When used in recommended doses, the equilibrium concentration in the blood plasma is achieved within 24-48 hours and, as a rule, does not exceed 1 mcg/ml. Absolute bioavailability in healthy volunteers is approximately 50 - 60%.


Practically does not bind to blood plasma proteins. Penetrates into red blood cells. C max in blood is lower than C m ax l blood plasma and is achieved in approximately the same time. It is likely that red blood cells represent a secondary distribution compartment. Average volume of distribution(Vd) is 63-276 l.

Metabolism and excretion

It is excreted unchanged by the kidneys. No metabolites were found in the human body. Renal clearance is > 400 ml/min. Half-life (T 1 / 2 ) is about 6.5 hours. With a decrease in renal function, the clearance of metformin decreases in proportion to the clearance of creatinine; accordingly, the half-life lengthens and the concentration of metformin in the blood plasma increases.


With a single dose of 500 mg of metformin in children, pharmacokinetic parameters were similar to those in adults.


Diabetes mellitus type 2, especially in overweight patients, to control plasma glucose concentrations.

- in adults as monotherapy or as part of combination therapy with other oral hypoglycemic agents and/or insulin.

- in children over 10 years of age as monotherapy or in combination with insulin.

Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus should be accompanied by diet correction and increased physical activity (in the absence of contraindications).


- hypersensitivity to metformin or excipients of the drug;

Diabetic ketoacidosis, diabetic precoma, coma;

Impaired renal function (creatinine clearance< 60 мл/мин);

Acute conditions with a risk of developing renal dysfunction: dehydration (for example, with diarrhea, vomiting), severe infectious diseases, shock;

Acute or chronic conditions accompanied by tissue hypoxia (heart or respiratory failure, recent myocardial infarction, shock);

A period of 48 hours before and 48 hours after radioisotope or X-ray studies with the introduction of iodine-containing X-ray contrast agents (including angiography or urography) ( intravenous administration iodine-containing radiocontrast agents can lead to impaired renal function);

Period 48 hours before and 48 hours after surgical interventions;

Liver failure, liver dysfunction;

Lactic acidosis (including history);

Acute alcohol intoxication, chronic alcoholism;

Following a low-calorie diet (less than 1000 kcal per day);

Childhood up to 10 years;



- children's age from 10 to 12 years;

- period breastfeeding;

- persons over 60 years of age performing heavy physical work (increased risk of developing lactic acidosis).

Pregnancy and lactation:

Uncontrolled diabetes during pregnancy may increase the risk of congenital anomalies and perinatal mortality. Limited evidence suggests that the use of metformin in pregnant women does not increase the risk of birth defects in children.

Data obtained from animal studies did not reveal any negative effects on the course of pregnancy, embryonic development of the fetus, the course of childbirth or postnatal development.

When planning a pregnancy with diabetes mellitus, as well as in the event of pregnancy, it is recommended to use insulin to maintain the concentration of blood plasma glucose at a level closest to normal values, to reduce the risk of developing fetal malformations.

A patient with diabetes mellitus should be warned about the need to notify the doctor if pregnancy occurs.

Metformin passes into breast milk. No adverse effects of metformin were observed in breastfed neonates/infants whose mothers received . However, given limited data, the use of metformin is not recommended for women during breastfeeding. The decision to stop breastfeeding should be made taking into account the benefits of breastfeeding and the potential risk of adverse reactions in the baby.

Directions for use and dosage:


The dose and dosage regimen of the drug, as well as the duration of treatment, are established by the attending physician depending on the concentration of glucose in the blood plasma.


Monotherapy or as part of combination therapy with other oral hypoglycemic agents

10-15 days after starting the drug, a further gradual increase in the dose is possible depending on the concentration of glucose in the blood plasma to the average daily dose 3-4 tablets of the drug Siofor® 500. A gradual increase in the dose improves the tolerability of the drug from the gastrointestinal tract.

If a patient is transferred to treatment with Siofor® 500 from therapy with other hypoglycemic medicines, you should stop taking the latter and start taking Siofor® 500 in the doses indicated above.

Concomitant use with insulin

Siofor® 500 and insulin can be combined to improve glycemic control. The standard initial dose is 500 mg (1 tablet of Siofor® 500) 2-3 times a day, with a gradual increase in dose at intervals of approximately one week to an average daily dose of 3-4 tablets; The dose of insulin is determined based on the concentration of glucose in the blood plasma.

The maximum dose of metformin is 3000 mg per day in 3 divided doses.

Elderly patients

Due to possible violation renal function in elderly patients, the dose of Siofor® 500 is selected taking into account the concentration of creatinine in the blood plasma. Regular assessment of the functional state of the kidneys is necessary.

Children from 10 to 18 years old

Monotherapy and simultaneous use with insulin

The standard starting dose is 500 mg (1 tablet of Siofor® 500) 1 time per day during or after meals.

10-15 days after starting the drug, a further gradual increase in the dose is possible depending on the concentration of glucose in the blood plasma. Gradualincreasing the dose improves tolerability of the drug from the gastrointestinal tract.

The maximum dose of metformin for children is 2000 mg per day in 2 to 3 doses.

When used simultaneously with insulin, the dose of insulin is determined based on the concentration of glucose in the blood plasma.

Side effects:

Possible side effects when using the drug are given below in accordance with the World Health Organization classification according to descending frequency of occurrence: very often (≥1/10); often (≥1/100,<1/10), нечасто (≥1/1000, <1/100), редко (≥1/10000,<1/1000), очень редко (<1/10000), включая отдельные сообщения.

Violations from the drinking system:

Often:taste disturbance.

Gastrointestinal disorders:

Often:nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite.

These adverse events often occur at the beginning of therapy and in most cases resolve spontaneously. To prevent symptoms, it is recommended to distribute the dose of the drug into 2-3 doses during or after meals. A gradual increase in dose improves tolerability of the drug from the gastrointestinal tract.

Skin disorders u integument and subcutaneous tissues:

Very rarely:skin reactions, for example, erythema, itching, rash.

Metabolic and nutritional disorders:

Very rarely:lactic acidosis (requires discontinuation of treatment). Symptoms of lactic acidosis - see section " Overdose".

With long-term use, there is a decrease in the absorption of vitamin B 12 and a decrease in its concentration in blood plasma. This should be taken into account if the patient has megaloblastic anemia.

Disorders of the liver and biliary tract:

Very rarely:reversible liver dysfunction, expressed in increased activity of liver transaminases, or hepatitis, which disappears after discontinuation of metformin.


According to data obtained during post-registration use and the results of controlled clinical studies, when metformin was used for 1 year in children aged 10-16 years, the incidence and severity of side effects was comparable to those for adults.


When using metformin in doses up to 85 g, hypoglycemia was not observed.

With a significant overdose, lactic acidosis may develop, the symptoms of which are severe weakness, respiratory disorders, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, hypothermia, decreased blood pressure, reflex bradyarrhythmia. Muscle cramps, confusion, and loss of consciousness may occur. If the development of lactic acidosis is suspected, immediate discontinuation of the drug and emergency hospitalization are recommended.

The most effective method of removing lactate and metformin from the body is hemodialysis.


Concomitant use is contraindicated

Iodine-containing radiocontrast agents

Intravascular administration of iodine-containing radiocontrast agents in patients with diabetes mellitus may be complicated by renal failure, as a result of which the risk of developing lactic acidosis accumulates and increases. The use of the drug Siofor 500 should be discontinued within 48 hours before and not resumed earlier than 48 hours after an X-ray examination using iodine-containing radiocontrast agents, provided that the serum creatinine concentration is normal.

Alcohol and ethanol-containing drugs

The risk of developing lactic acidosis increases with acute alcohol intoxication or concomitant use with ethanol-containing drugs, especially against the background of fasting or malnutrition, as well as liver failure. While taking metformin, you should avoid drinking alcohol and medications containing.

Concomitant use requires caution

Concomitant use of metformin with danazol may lead to the development of a hyperglycemic effect. If treatment with danazol is necessary and after stopping its use, a dose adjustment of metformin is required under the control of plasma glucose concentrations.

Chlorpromazine:when used in large doses (100 mg per day), it increases the concentration of glucose in the blood plasma, reducing the release of insulin. When treated with antipsychotics and after stopping the use of the latter, dose adjustment of metformin is required under the control of plasma glucose concentrations.

When used simultaneously with oral contraceptives, epinephrine, glucagon, thyroid hormones, phenothiazine derivatives, nicotinic acid it is possible to increase the concentration of glucose in the blood plasma. increases absorption and maximum concentration of metformin in blood plasma, prolongs its elimination.

Cationic drugs (amiloride, quinine, triamterene, ) secreted in the tubules, compete for tubular transport systems and, with long-term therapy, can increase the maximum concentration of metformin in the blood plasma. reduces maximum concentration and half-life furosemide; may weaken the effect indirect anticoagulants.

Glucocorticoids (systemic and local use), beta2-adrenergic agonists (in the form of injections) have hyperglycemic activity. Plasma glucose concentrations should be monitored more carefully, especially at the beginning of treatment. If necessary, the dose of metformin should be adjusted during the period of simultaneous use, as well as after discontinuation of these drugs.

When used simultaneously with diuretics, especially loop ones, there may be an increased risk of developing lactic acidosis due to the potential ability of diuretics to reduce renal function.

ACE inhibitors and other antihypertensive drugs may reduce plasma glucose concentrations. If necessary, the dose of metformin can be adjusted.

Organic cation transporter 2 (OCT2) substrates

When used simultaneously ranolazine 500 mg and 1000 mg 2 times a day and metformin 1000 mg 2 times a day, the concentration of metformin in the blood plasma in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus increases by 1.4 and 1.8 times, respectively.

With simultaneous use of 400 mg cimetidine twice daily in 7 healthy volunteers AUC and C m ax metformin increased by 50% and 81%, respectively. When using metformin simultaneously with sulfonylurea derivatives, insulin, acarbose, salicylates the hypoglycemic effect may be enhanced.

Special instructions:

Lactic acidosis is a serious pathological condition, extremely rare, associated with the accumulation of lactate in the blood, which can be caused by the accumulation of metformin (symptoms of lactic acidosis - see section " Overdose"). Diagnostic laboratory indicators of lactic acidosis are a decrease in blood pH less than 7.25, lactate content in the blood plasma over 5 mmol/l, increased anion gap and lactate/pyruvate ratio. The described cases of the development of lactic acidosis in patients treated were observed mainly in patients with diabetes mellitus with severe renal failure. Prevention of lactic acidosis involves identifying all associated risk factors, such as decompensated diabetes mellitus, ketosis, prolonged fasting, excessive alcohol consumption, liver failure and any condition associated with hypoxia. If the development of lactic acidosis is suspected, immediate discontinuation of the drug and emergency hospitalization are recommended.

Since it is excreted by the kidneys, when using the drug Siofor® 500, serum creatinine concentrations should be regularly monitored:

- at least once a year in patients with normal renal function;

- at least 2-4 times a year in patients with serum creatinine concentrations close to the upper limit of normal, as well as in elderly patients.

Particular caution should be exercised in cases where there is a risk of impaired renal function, for example, when initiating therapy with antihypertensive drugs, diuretics or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Treatment with Siofor® 500 should be temporarily replaced with therapy with other hypoglycemic agents (for example, insulin) for 48 hours before and 48 hours after an X-ray examination with intravenous administration of iodinated radiocontrast agents.

The use of Siofor® 500 must be discontinued within 48 hours before planned surgery under general anesthesia, spinal or epidural anesthesia. Therapy should be continued after resumption of oral nutrition or no earlier than 48 hours after surgery, provided normal renal function is confirmed.

The drug Siofor® 500 does not replace diet and daily exercise - these types of therapy must be combined in accordance with the doctor's recommendations. During treatment with Siofor® 500, all patients should adhere to a diet with even consumption of carbohydrates throughout the day. Overweight patients should follow a low-calorie diet.

Standard laboratory tests for patients with diabetes should be performed regularly.

Before using Siofor® 500 in children aged 10 to 18 years, the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus should be confirmed.

During controlled clinical studies lasting 1 year, the effect of metformin on growth and development, as well as puberty in children, was not observed; data on these indicators with longer-term use are not available. In this regard, it is recommended to carefully monitor relevant parameters in children receiving it, especially during the prepubertal period (10-12 years).

Monotherapy with Siofor® 500 does not lead to hypoglycemia, but caution is recommended when using the drug together with insulin or sulfonylurea derivatives.

Metformin did not affect the fertility of male or female rats when administered at doses (600 mg/kg/day) three times the maximum recommended daily dose for humans.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles. Wed and fur.:

The use of Siofor® 500 does not cause hypoglycemia, and therefore does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and maintain machinery.

When using the drug Siofor® 500 simultaneously with other hypoglycemic drugs (sulfonylurea derivatives, insulin,), hypoglycemic conditions may develop, so care must be taken when driving vehicles and other potentiallyhazardous activities that require concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Release form/dosage:

Film-coated tablets, 500 mg.


10 tablets per blister pack (blister) [PVC film/aluminum foil].

3, 6 or 12 blisters along with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions:

At a temperature not higher than 25 °C.

Keep the medicine out of the reach of children!

Best before date:

3 years.

Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies: On prescription Registration number: P N013673/01 Registration date: 16.04.2012 / 19.10.2015 Owner of the Registration Certificate: Berlin-Chemie, AG

What is Siofor 500/850/1000 used for?

Siofor is a tablet for diabetics to lower blood sugar. As you know, people with diabetes have high blood glucose levels, and the drug Siofor helps eliminate this problem. Everyone also knows that many people who suffer from diabetes are prone to obesity. This is not always the case, but it does happen.

There are different packaging of these tablets, 500 mg, 850 and 1000. The composition includes the popular metamorphine (mn), which can reduce not only appetite, but also cholesterol levels in the blood. The direct purpose of Siofor is the treatment of type 2 diabetes and endocrine infertility. But it is also successfully used for weight loss.

Can Siofor tablets be used for weight loss?

Siofor tablets really help you lose weight. Due to the fact that people taking this drug lose 3-10 kg per month, it has become very popular. In addition, taking this drug helps people who are on various diets fight cravings for sweets and confectionery.

Siofor affects the body in such a way that a person simply stops craving sweets, and is more drawn to healthy foods: fruits and vegetables. This is understandable when foods such as:

  • Sugar;
  • Confectionery;
  • Flour products.

Weight loss occurs quickly due to the fact that a person begins to consume fewer calories than before.

There is another strategy. What if you eat foods that help burn calories. You eat, calories enter the body, and the supplement utilizes them to produce heat. of these additives Reduslim - n A natural plant-based product that helps you lose weight naturally.

Pros and cons of taking Siofor for weight loss

Let's see what are the pros and cons of taking Siofor for weight loss:

  • Fast weight loss;
  • Reducing cravings for sweets;
  • There is no need to limit yourself from any products;
  • There is no need for physical activity, the weight goes away quickly;
  • Help for a person to switch to the right diet for weight loss.
  • It is necessary to take the medicine only under the supervision of a doctor;
  • First of all, Siofor is a medical drug for the treatment of diabetes, and not for weight loss;
  • As a result of self-treatment, without a doctor, disturbances in the functioning of the body may appear;
  • Only those people who have sufficient insulin in their blood can lose weight;
  • There are also a number of contraindications and side effects, which we will discuss below.

Siofor 500/850/1000 instructions for use for weight loss (how to take)

Siofor is a potent drug, so it should be taken only with the advice of a doctor. If you decide to use the tablets yourself, be sure to read about the side effects and contraindications of this drug. In our opinion, it is better to consult a doctor to get accurate recommendations that will help you lose weight than to take weight loss to the extreme. Before use, the doctor will prescribe the necessary tests and examination.

Usually the doctor prescribes weekly periods of time for losing weight. At the rate of losing 1-2 kg of excess weight every week. It is best to increase the dose gradually so that the body at least somehow gets used to this potion.

It is best to take Siofor after meals to reduce any discomfort from its use.

By the way, due to prolonged use of Siofor, the absorption of vitamin B12 in the body’s intestines is disrupted, which leads to serious consequences. Vitamin B12 plays a role in blood formation and is very important for human health.

Difference between Siafor500 and Siafor1000

There is no need to differentiate the dosage of Siofor. The only difference is the content of excipients in the medicine. Siafor500 tablets contain the least amount of them:

  • metformin hydrochloride 500 mg;
  • hypromellose - 17.6 mg;
  • povidone - 26.5 mg;
  • magnesium stearate - 2.9 mg;
  • hypromellose - 6.5 mg;
  • macrogol 6000 - 1.3 mg;
  • titanium dioxide (E171) - 5.2 mg.

The 850 mg tablets contain slightly more of these substances, and Siafor 1000 contains the maximum dose. Accordingly, the instructions for using Siafor 1000 and the price will differ from Siafor 500, only in dosage. In the first version, the content of all substances is twice as high.

How to take Siofor for an adult:

  • The initial dose is 1 tablet of Siofor 500, once or twice a day (if Siofor 1000, then half a tablet, and Siofor 850 1 tablet a day);
  • After 10-15 days, the dose of the drug increases depending on the dose taken (for Siofor 500 - this is 3-4 tablets);
  • The maximum dose of Siofor 500 is 6 tablets per day.

It does not matter how you started taking Siofor, right away or if you switch to Siofor from taking another antidiabetic drug. In any case, start as above in stages.

Price for Siofor 500, 850, 1000

The price in pharmacies may vary depending on the city. For example, via the Internet in Moscow you can order Siofor for 230 - 300 rubles, plus delivery. If you want to buy cheaper, then go to the pharmacy yourself. The price for a higher dosage will of course be higher. It probably doesn't make much sense to buy a higher dose and then break the tablets into two parts.

Might be interesting:

Always read the description on all boxes of any medicines you buy at a pharmacy, because by law, medicines cannot be returned. In the meantime, until you have paid for certain tablets, you can safely study the composition and description. I am sure that after studying this or that drug, especially its side effects or contraindications, you will no longer have the desire to use it.

Siofor - side effects and contraindications

Any synthetic tablets cannot pass unnoticed, therefore, in open or closed form, they have side effects. It is always necessary to weigh the benefits that a particular drug can bring with its effect on the body. Of two evils, you must choose the lesser. And if the positive aspects of use outweigh all the negative aspects and possible violations, then the choice is yours.

For example, in my practice there was such a case. The girl had serious vision problems (glaucoma, cataracts). Therefore, during the course of treatment with natural methods, I had to go to the hospital and inject steroid drugs in order to muffle the effect of the body’s healing properties on the eyes. Otherwise, serious complications could occur due to dirty lymph.

Siofor 500, 850, 1000 also has side effects, so you should pay attention to a number of contraindications:

  • The drug is intended for type 2 diabetics, so type 1 is prohibited from taking these diet pills;
  • For kidney and liver diseases, especially in the acute stage;
  • Diseases of the respiratory and vascular system are also a contraindication for use;
  • Cancer and tumors (stone oil works great for this);
  • After operations, when the body is susceptible to infections and needs strength to recover;
  • During treatment for alcoholism;
  • During pregnancy and young mothers, during breastfeeding;
  • Any chronic disease in the acute stage.

As a result of independent use of Siofor, without the supervision and recommendations of a doctor, there will certainly be negative consequences. Among the side effects, and judging by the reviews, they occur in every second person, we can highlight the following:

  • Diarrhea, poisoning, diarrhea and stomach upset;
  • Loss of consciousness and even coma;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • The gag reflex increases to any food except fresh fruits and vegetables.

Most often, side effects are experienced by people who want to lose a lot at once, for example 10 kg in 5 days. As a result of such zeal, they take a large dose of pills and get a whole bunch of side effects.

What is better: Siofor or other analogues (glucophage, metformin)

Are there any analogues for Siofor that can better cope with excess weight. Maybe I should take glucophage or metformin? Which is better Glucophage or Siofor, or maybe metformin is better than Siofor?

What analogues exist for Siofor:

  • forformin;
  • gliformin;
  • glucophage;
  • metforminyu

Which is better: Siofor or Glucophage?

These drugs are very similar in their effects, so the attending physician can prescribe any of them.

Metformin or Siofor - which is better?

Metformin 850 is very often used as a replacement for the standard Siofor, of the same dosage, so the question of which of these drugs is better does not make sense. Both of these medications treat type 2 diabetes and can help with weight loss.

For type II diabetes, endocrinologists can prescribe Siofor 1000 to their patients. It is used to normalize blood sugar concentrations, including in cases where sulfonylurea drugs are ineffective and the patient suffers from obesity. This hypoglycemic agent belongs to the biguanides.

Release form, packaging, composition

The medicine Siofor 1000 is produced in the form of white-coated tablets. They contain metformin in an amount of 1000 mg. Each tablet has a wedge-shaped “snap-tab” on one side and a line on the other.

Siofor contains metformin hydrochloride and excipients: povidone, magnesium stearate, hypromellose.

The drug is produced by the German company Berlin-Chemie. The manufacturer packages the tablets in blisters of 15 pcs. and packs them in cardboard boxes.

Cost of the medicine

If the doctor prescribed Siofor 1000, then patients will have to drink it constantly. Therefore, you should find out in advance how much this drug costs.

For a package of 60 tablets you will need to pay about 350-450 rubles. Prices for Siofor in different pharmacies vary markedly.

pharmachologic effect

The drug Siofor 1000 is prescribed to patients with type II diabetes. It helps reduce basal and postprandial sugar concentrations. But the tablets do not cause hypoglycemia, since they do not stimulate insulin production. Baseline (basal) sugar levels are measured on an empty stomach, postprandial sugar levels are measured after eating.

When metformin hydrochloride enters the body, it acts as follows:

  • reduces the secretion of glucose by liver cells - this is achieved by inhibiting the processes of glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis;
  • increases muscle sensitivity to insulin: tissue absorption of glucose improves, utilization accelerates;
  • impairs the absorption of sugar in the intestine.

Metformin hydrochloride affects lipid metabolism. This helps reduce the concentration of cholesterol (total and low density) and triglycerides. The drug affects glycogen synthetase and stimulates the process of intracellular glycogen synthesis. The transport capacity of glucose proteins increases.

The tablets not only minimize sugar levels, but also promote weight loss and reduce appetite. This property of Siofor is used by people who do not suffer from diabetes, but want to lose weight.


Once ingested, the tablets are quickly absorbed. The maximum amount of active substance is observed 2.5 hours after administration. When using Siofor 1000, the concentration in the blood plasma is no higher than 4 mcg/ml. The bioavailability of the product is 50-60%.

Metformin practically does not bind to plasma proteins. But it accumulates in the tissues of the liver, kidneys, muscles, in the salivary glands, and enters red blood cells.

The T½ period is 6.5 hours. The active substance is excreted unchanged by the kidneys. But if there are problems with these organs of the urinary system, the T½ time lengthens, the concentration of metformin in the plasma increases.


The instructions indicate that monotherapy with Siofor or its use in combination with insulin and hypoglycemic agents is possible.


In some cases, patients should not take Metformin-based medications. The list of contraindications includes:

  • diabetic ancestor;
  • malfunction of the kidneys, the development of renal failure (in which creatine clearance does not exceed 60 ml/min, the level of creatinine in the blood is more than 110 for women and 136 mmol/l for men);
  • diabetic ketoacidosis;
  • liver failure;
  • type 1 diabetes (in some cases, with obesity, insulin-dependent patients can take Siofor);
  • a number of diseases that negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys (severe infectious lesions, dehydration);
  • a condition in which, against the background of type II diabetes, the production of insulin by pancreatic tissues stops;
  • lactic acidosis (including cases in history);
  • diseases in acute or chronic form that provoke tissue hypoxia (including shock, recent myocardial infarction, respiratory, heart failure);
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • increased susceptibility to metformin;
  • age up to 10 years;
  • diets in which the patient consumes less than 1000 kcal per day;
  • chronic alcoholism, acute alcohol intoxication.

You should also not take Siofor if you plan to administer an iodine-containing contrast agent. After all, this procedure can provoke a deterioration in kidney function.

When prescribing Siofor to children 10-12 years old, elderly patients, people engaged in heavy physical work, caution is necessary. After all, these patients have an increased risk of lactic acidosis.


Siofor 1000 is prescribed by an endocrinologist. He selects the optimal dose and sets the duration of treatment. If the tablets are taken during, after eating, the likelihood of side effects is minimized. They are swallowed without chewing, washed down with the required amount of liquid.

It is recommended to take medications based on metformin according to the following regimen:

  1. At the beginning of treatment, it is recommended to take 500 mg up to 2 times a day. It is allowed to take ½ tablet of Siofor 1000.
  2. After 2 weeks from the start of therapy, the dose is adjusted depending on test results (check glucose levels). If required, 2000 mg of metformin is prescribed daily. The dose is divided into 2 doses.

For therapeutic purposes, it is allowed to drink up to 3000 mg per day. Gradually increasing the dosage minimizes the likelihood of deterioration of the gastrointestinal tract.

If it is planned to replace another drug that the patient took previously with Siofor, then the use of the other drug is stopped, and the tablets are recommended to be taken according to the scheme described above.

A combination of this medication with insulin is also possible. This improves hypoglycemic control.

  1. Initially, 500 mg of metformin is prescribed, which corresponds to ½ tablet of Siofor 1000. The dosage regimen is selected individually: the drug is used 1-2 times a day.
  2. At intervals of 7 days, if necessary, the dosage is increased to 2000 mg. It is allowed to take no more than 3000 mg of the active substance daily.
  3. A doctor can determine how much insulin a patient needs based on the level of glucose in the body.

If indicated, Siofor is prescribed to patients aged 10-18 years.

  1. In the first 2 weeks of treatment, it is recommended to consume no more than 500 mg of the product daily.
  2. After 10-15 days, you can gradually increase the amount of the drug taken.
  3. Based on blood counts, the required dosage of insulin is selected.
  4. Children and adolescents are allowed to give up to 2000 mg daily.

While taking Siofor, insulin therapy is gradually adjusted under medical supervision. If less than 40 units per day were introduced into the body, then the amount of the hormone is reduced every other day by 4-8 units. If 40 units daily was required to maintain normal sugar concentrations, then the dose is adjusted in a hospital inpatient setting.

Elderly patients are prescribed Siofor 1000 after examination. After all, with age, the likelihood of kidney problems increases. The dose is selected based on the level of creatinine in the blood and the condition of these urinary organs.

The duration of treatment is determined individually by the doctor. If tablets are prescribed to normalize the condition of type II diabetes, then the period of their use is unlimited. People have been taking them for many years.

Side effects

During treatment with Siofor, some patients experience complications. Common side effects include:

  • disturbance of taste sensations;
  • dyspeptic disorders (vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain);
  • loss of appetite;
  • the appearance of a metallic taste in the mouth.

These problems arise at the beginning of treatment and go away on their own. In rare cases, there have been complaints of the following side effects:

  • the appearance of skin reactions: hyperemia, urticaria, itching;
  • lactic acidosis: if it develops, it is necessary to stop treatment;
  • with long-term use, the absorption of vitamin B12 sometimes worsens, its concentration in the blood decreases: it is of particular importance for megaloblastic anemia;
  • liver dysfunction (manifested in an increase in the activity of liver transaminases, the appearance of hepatitis): disappear after cessation of treatment.

If you feel worse while taking pills, consult a doctor. Dyspeptic disorders are not a reason to refuse medication. It is necessary to change the time of taking the drug: start drinking it after eating. It is not recommended to sharply increase the number of tablets taken.


In accordance with the instructions for use, it is allowed to take no more than 3 tablets of Siofor 1000 per day. But studies have confirmed that the use of this drug in quantities of up to 85 grams does not provoke hypoglycemia.

With a significant overdose, lactic acidosis may begin. This condition is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • drowsiness;
  • weakness;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • development of respiratory problems;
  • hypothermia;
  • decrease in pressure;
  • the appearance of reflex bradyarrhythmia;
  • confusion, loss of consciousness;
  • muscle pain.

In case of overdose, emergency hospitalization is required. The drug is discontinued. Hemodialysis allows you to cleanse the body of metformin and the resulting lactate. This is considered one of the most effective methods of normalizing the condition.

Drug interactions

When prescribing Siofor, the endocrinologist must find out what other medications the patient is taking. After all, some combinations are prohibited.

It is not recommended to use metformin simultaneously with ethanol-containing drugs or during alcohol intoxication. This becomes dangerous if the patient is on a low-calorie diet or suffers from liver failure. In these cases, the likelihood of developing lactic acidosis increases.

Siofor 1000 or drug substitutes made on the basis of metformin are prescribed with caution in the following combinations:

  1. Combination with Danazol can provoke the development of a hyperglycemic effect. Its occurrence can be prevented by revising the dosage of metformin. This is done under the control of sugar levels in the diabetic’s body.
  2. The likelihood of a negative effect of Siofor is observed when it is combined with Cimetidine. The risk of developing lactic acidosis increases due to the deterioration of the elimination process of metformin.
  3. Simultaneous use of Glucagon, Nicotinic acid, oral contraceptives, Epinephrine, phenothiazine derivatives, thyroid hormones leads to an increase in glucose levels.
  4. Morphine, Quinidine, Amiloride, Vancomycin, Procainamide, Ranitidine, Triamterene and other cationic drugs that are secreted in the kidney tubules, with long-term combined treatment, increase the maximum concentration of metformin.
  5. The effect of indirect coagulants with this combination of medications is weakened.
  6. Nifedipine increases the maximum concentration and absorption of metformin, its elimination period is extended.
  7. Glucocorticoids, diuretics and beta-agonists increase the likelihood of developing hyperglycemia. While taking them and after stopping treatment, the dose of Siofor must be adjusted.
  8. If there are indications for furosemide therapy, patients should remember that metformin reduces the maximum concentration of this drug and shortens the half-life.
  9. ACE inhibitors and other drugs to lower blood pressure can cause a decrease in sugar levels in the body.
  10. The hypoglycemic effect of metformin is enhanced by the simultaneous administration of insulin, taking acarbose, sulfonylurea derivatives, and salicylates.

special instructions

When using tablets, it is necessary to monitor the condition on an ongoing basis. Regular measurement of sugar helps prevent the development of hypoglycemia. Once every six months, the functioning of the kidneys and liver is checked and lactate levels are determined.

Absolute contraindications include the simultaneous use of metformin and the administration of iodine-containing contrast solutions. This combination threatens the development of renal failure, and the risk of lactic acidosis increases. It is necessary to stop taking Siofor 2 days before the planned date of examination. You can resume using the drug 2 days after the procedure.

During planned surgical operations for which spinal, epidural or general anesthesia is prescribed, you should follow the same dosage regimen as when administering iodine-containing solutions.

The use of metformin-containing drugs does not replace physical activity and diet. Doctors recommend combining these methods for normalizing diabetes.

With monotherapy with Siofor, hypoglycemia does not develop. Therefore, diabetics are not prohibited from driving vehicles and servicing machinery during this treatment. If the patient simultaneously uses other hypoglycemic medications (Insulin, Repaglinide, sulfonylurea derivatives), then care must be taken when driving vehicles and performing other activities that require a high concentration of attention.

Drinking alcohol during treatment is prohibited. Alcohol-containing drinks interfere with the absorption of glucose. This can provoke a sharp deterioration in the condition: first, the sugar level increases, and then rapidly drops. The development of a diabetic coma is possible.

Pregnancy and lactation

During the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding, taking Siofor is prohibited. The product penetrates into the milk of animals; no experiments have been conducted on humans.

This should be taken into account when planning pregnancy. For a woman who is about to become a mother, metformin-based medications are discontinued and attempts are made to normalize the condition with insulin therapy. This treatment tactic reduces the likelihood of developing fetal pathologies due to the influence of hyperglycemia.

Use at an early age

Siofor 1000 children under 10 years of age are not prescribed. This age is a contraindication. In the period between 10 and 12 years it is recommended to use it under the supervision of doctors.

Storage conditions and periods

The tablets must be taken within 3 years from the date of production. They are stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 0C in places inaccessible to children.

Medicine Siofor: find out everything you need. Below you will find instructions for use written in accessible language. Find out how to take these pills correctly, what dosage will be suitable for you, and how long the course of treatment lasts. It also explains how this drug can be replaced if it does not lower blood sugar in a diabetic patient, does not help lose weight, or causes serious side effects.

Siofor for diabetes and weight loss: detailed article

Find out how compatible Siofor is with alcohol, what Russian and foreign analogues it has, how this medicine affects the liver and kidneys. Explore a dosage regimen that gradually increases dosage to avoid digestive upset.

Instructions for use

pharmachologic effectA medicine that lowers blood sugar and improves control of type 2 diabetes. Reduces the flow of glucose into the blood from the liver. Partially blocks the absorption of eaten carbohydrates in the intestines. Increases tissue sensitivity to insulin, alleviates insulin resistance. The active substance is excreted from the body by the kidneys and urine. It affects the functioning of the liver, but is not excreted in bile.
Indications for useType 2 diabetes in patients for whom diet and physical activity do not help enough. Can be taken during treatment with other diabetes pills and insulin injections. Many people who have normal blood sugar take Siofor for weight loss. Gynecologists also prescribe it to women for the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome. It is supposed to slow down aging and prolong life. But this has not yet been proven by serious scientific research.

When taking Siofor against diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome, or simply for weight loss, you need to follow a diet.

Read more about healthy eating:

ContraindicationsSevere unstable diabetes with episodes of ketoacidosis, coma. Acute infectious diseases. Dehydration of the body. Severe heart failure, recent heart attack. Serious liver diseases, excluding fatty hepatosis. Chronic or binge alcoholism. Children's age up to 10 years. Impaired kidney function - glomerular filtration rate (GFR) less than 60 ml/min.
special instructionsSiofor should be discontinued 2 days before the upcoming surgery or X-ray contrast study. Lactic acidosis is a deadly but very rare complication caused by the buildup of lactic acid in the blood. It can happen if metformin is taken by people who have contraindications. Once you start treatment with this remedy, continue to follow a diet, exercise, get tested regularly and visit your doctor.

DosageThe maximum daily dose is 2550 mg (three 850 mg tablets) or 3000 mg (three 1000 mg tablets). You need to start taking it with a minimum dose - one tablet of 500 mg or 850 mg per day. It is gradually increased once a week or even at intervals of 11-14 days if the patient tolerates the treatment well. Siofor should be taken with meals.
Side effectsoften causes diarrhea, nausea, metallic taste in the mouth, and bloating. These are not severe side effects. They pass within a few days as the body gets used to it. Allergic reactions require discontinuation of the drug. Siofor itself does not cause hypoglycemia. But there may be problems for people who take harmful diabetes pills along with this remedy. Insulin dosages should be reduced by approximately 20-25%. Vitamin B12 deficiency may develop in the body.

Pregnancy and breastfeedingMetformin drugs are contraindicated in pregnant women and are not used to treat gestational diabetes. However, women with PCOS often take them when planning a pregnancy. If you become pregnant and then take Siofor for some time, it is not dangerous, there is nothing to worry about. You can study it. However, you should not take metformin while breastfeeding. Because this medicine passes into breast milk.
Interaction with other drugsOral contraceptives, thyroid hormone tablets, phenothiazine derivatives, nicotinic acid, epinephrine and some other drugs may weaken the effect of Siofor. There may be interactions with medications for hypertension and heart failure. Read the instructions in the package with the drug for more details. Consult your doctor and tell him about all the medications you are taking.
OverdoseCases of metformin overdose have been described, exceeding the recommended daily doses by tens of times. Lactic acidosis may develop, but blood sugar is unlikely to drop below normal. Patients require urgent hospitalization. In a hospital, dialysis may be prescribed to speed up the removal of the drug from the body, as well as symptomatic treatment.
Release form, composition, shelf lifeWhite film-coated tablets, round or oblong. Packed in blisters and cardboard boxes. Active substance - . Dosages - 500, 850 and 1000 mg. Excipients - hypromellose, macrogol, titanium dioxide, povidone, magnesium stearate and others. Store out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life - 3 years.

Siofor - tablets, the active ingredient of which is , produced by Berlin-Chemie AG/Menarini Group (Germany). They are very inexpensive and affordable even for retirees. It hardly makes sense to switch to even cheaper analogues produced in Russia and the CIS countries. Although there are many such drugs sold in pharmacies.

Russian analogues of the drug Siofor

We have accumulated extensive experience in using the German medicine Siofor. Diabetics, as well as healthy people who are trying to lose weight, left a lot of real reviews about it. Cheap analogues of this drug are not popular, so there are almost no reviews about their effectiveness.

Imported substitutes for the drug Siofor

Why do gynecologists prescribe Siofor to women?

Gynecologists prescribe Siofor to women most often for the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome. This is a metabolic disorder that causes menstrual irregularities and infertility. Women who have been diagnosed with this problem are advised to follow these steps to prevent type 2 diabetes.

Siofor is a cheap and safe remedy. Therefore, gynecologists prescribe it to their patients first of all. If taking metformin tablets does not help to get pregnant, they give injections of potentially carcinogenic hormones, IVF, etc. Sometimes gynecologists-endocrinologists prescribe metformin to women for weight loss, in addition to dieting and physical activity.

Please note that the original drug is not Siofor, but. The diabetes treatment guru claims that this medicine lowers blood sugar better than any other metformin tablet. Perhaps Glucophage will also be more effective for weight loss.

To control blood glucose levels in the morning on an empty stomach, Glucophage Long tablets are best suited to be taken in the evening.

Siofor or Glucophage: which is better?

How long can you take this medicine?

Women who have been treated for PCOS should stop taking this medication after they become pregnant. In all other cases, for the treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes, Siofor must be taken continuously, without interruption, theoretically - for the rest of your life. If the medication is discontinued, diabetes control may worsen and some of the lost kilograms may return.

Let us emphasize once again that long-term use of the medicine Siofor is not harmful to health, but rather beneficial. More and more healthy people are starting to take this drug to prolong life. Patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes should not refuse it. You can take vitamin B12 courses 1-2 times a year to prevent deficiency during continuous treatment with metformin.

Is it possible to drink Siofor every other day?

Most likely, taking Siofor tablets every other day will not help either lower blood sugar or lose weight. If you have a prescription, take this medication every day with food. Start with a dose of 500-850 mg per day and gradually increase it to the maximum. Hundreds of thousands of people have already become convinced that taking metformin every day is effective and safe. There is no need to reinvent the wheel by trying to take it every other day.

Is it compatible with alcohol?

Siofor is compatible with drinking alcohol in small doses. Above you learned what lactic acidosis is. This is a deadly but very rare complication. Its risk becomes significant for people who abuse alcohol. Treatment with metformin does not require a completely sober lifestyle, but you should not get drunk. If you cannot maintain moderation, it is best to abstain completely from alcohol. However, people who have no contraindications are not prohibited from drinking a little. You will find a lot of useful information in the article “”. Find out which alcoholic drinks are right for you and in what dosages. After taking metformin tablets, you can drink alcohol in moderation almost immediately; you don’t have to wait.

What is the maximum dose per day?

When taking Siofor for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and obesity, you need to gradually reach the maximum daily dose. It is 2550 mg - one 850 mg tablet for breakfast, lunch and dinner. For extended-release metformin preparations, the maximum daily dose is less - 2000 mg. Typically, it is taken all at once at night to help lower your fasting blood sugar the next morning. Sometimes healthy people of thin build take Siofor as a preventative measure to slow down aging. In such cases there is no need to use maximum dosages. Try drinking this medicine at 500-1700 mg per day. Unfortunately, there is not yet more precise information about the optimal dosage of metformin against aging.

Can I take it if I have hypothyroidism?

In principle, it is possible to take Siofor for hypothyroidism. This medicine will help you lose some weight. But it is not able to solve the problem of lack of thyroid hormones. Contact your endocrinologist to be prescribed hormonal pills. Go to to eliminate foods from your diet that cause autoimmune attacks on the thyroid gland. Find out what herbs, vitamins, minerals and trace elements are recommended for hypothyroidism, and take them.

Is it possible to take these tablets to prevent diabetes?

First of all, to prevent type 2 diabetes, you need to switch to a low-carbohydrate diet. Taking Siofor tablets or their analogues cannot replace following this diet. By eliminating it from your diet, you can protect yourself not only from diabetes, but also from hypertension, atherosclerosis and other age-related diseases.

How to replace Siofor?

It is difficult to replace Siofor with anything. In a sense, this is a unique medicine. It happens that in patients with type 2 diabetes it does not lower sugar at all. This means that you have an advanced long-term disease that has developed into severe type 1 diabetes. The pancreas is so depleted that it can no longer produce insulin. At this stage of diabetes, no pills help, and patients begin to inexplicably lose weight. It is urgent to switch to insulin injections, otherwise the diabetic may lose consciousness, fall into a coma and die.

More common option: Siofor helps, but causes severe diarrhea and other unpleasant side effects. Try replacing it with the drug, especially if you do not have problems with blood sugar, but just want to lose weight. A metformin treatment regimen with a gradual increase in daily dosage helps to bring digestive disorders under control. As a rule, only people who begin treatment immediately with the maximum dosage complain of severe diarrhea while taking Siofor tablets. These are patients who are too lazy to carefully read the instructions and information on this site.

How does this medicine affect the liver and kidneys and hormones?

Taking the medicine Siofor will help ensure that fatty liver disease (fatty liver) disappears. However, no pill can replace compliance in solving this problem. If you have hepatitis, talk to your doctor about whether you can take metformin. Do not start taking it on your own.

In diabetics, taking Siofor tablets improves blood sugar levels and thus slows down the development of kidney failure. On the other hand, metformin is contraindicated already at the early stage of development of diabetes complications on the kidneys. Read more. Take the blood and urine tests listed in it.

Siofor is a very safe medicine that helps you lose weight. It is unlikely that taking it will adversely affect liver or kidney function in healthy people. Women who take metformin against polycystic ovary syndrome may improve the ratio of testosterone and estrogen hormones in the blood.

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