Claritin tablets instructions for use for children. Claritin (extensive instructions)

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Claritin is a drug that eliminates allergy symptoms during attacks. The drug can also be used as a prophylactic agent to prevent relapses chronic diseases, in the pathogenesis of which allergic inflammation plays a leading role (for example, bronchial asthma). Claritin is classified as a selective histamine receptor blocker ( antihistamine), which affect only the cellular structures involved in the allergic reaction, but do not affect other organs. It is precisely thanks to the selectivity of action on histamine receptors, the drug effectively relieves allergy symptoms and does not cause drowsiness or dry mucous membranes.

Release forms, composition and dosages

Today, the drug Claritin is produced by the pharmaceutical corporation SCHERING-PLOUGH LABO N.V. in two dosage forms– syrup and tablets. Syrup is also called children's Claritin, since the drug is intended to treat allergies in a child. Claritin in the form of drops, ointments, or under the name l-Claritin, is currently not produced by official pharmaceutical companies and brand owners.

Claritin syrup is a clear solution, uncolored or with a slight yellowish tint, homogeneous, containing no impurities or sediment. The drug is available in dark glass bottles of 60 ml and 120 ml, with a measuring spoon in the package.

Claritin tablets are oval in shape, painted white, have a line on one side, and an icon in the form of a cup or flask with the number 10 is printed on the other. The drug is available in packages of 7, 10, 20 and 30 tablets.

Both tablets and Claritin syrup contain loratadine as an active ingredient. In this case, one tablet contains 10 mg of loratadine, and 1 ml of syrup - 1 mg. Since Claritin is an antiallergic drug, the medicine also contains low-allergenic substances as auxiliary components. The tablets contain corn starch, magnesium stearate and lactose as excipients. And the syrup contains glycerin, propylene glycol, citric acid, sucrose, sodium benzoate and peach synthetic flavor.

Claritin for allergies - therapeutic effects and action

The drug Claritin has antiallergic, antihistamine and antipruritic effects. These therapeutic effects are due to the fact that Claritin blocks histamine receptors. The effects develop very quickly (within half an hour) after taking the drug, and their duration is up to 24 hours.

The allergic reaction is largely due to a special substance - histamine, which is released from the body's cells when an allergen enters. Histamine binds to receptors on cells (histamine) and triggers a cascade of reactions that lead to symptoms of an allergic reaction. Thus, histamine increases blood flow, triggers an inflammatory reaction on the skin and mucous membranes, provokes severe itching and other manifestations of allergies, for example, snot, nasal congestion, tearing, sneezing, coughing, etc.

Claritin blocks histamine receptors, preventing the development of an allergic reaction. In principle, histamine itself is released under the influence of an allergen that has entered the body, but the receptors of the cells it affects are blocked, and the substance simply cannot have its effect. By the time the drug is taken, usually some amount of histamine has already contacted its receptors, and the process of an allergic reaction has begun. But after taking the medicine, it blocks the remaining receptors, and the allergic reaction cannot continue. As a result, symptoms that have already developed quickly pass, since their progression and intensification at the cellular level is no longer supported.

The drug Claritin is not able to pass through the blood-brain barrier and bind to histamine receptors located in the central nervous system, so it does not have a sedative effect, resulting in drowsiness. This type of action is called selective, since histamine receptors are located in different tissues, but Claritin acts only on those that are responsible for the development of allergies. Previous generation drugs (for example, Suprastin or Diphenhydramine) do not have such selectivity of action, which is why they cause drowsiness as a side effect.

Indications for use

Since Claritin is an antiallergic drug, its scope of use is determined by the fight against the symptoms of this pathology.

Indications for use of the drug are the following conditions:

  • seasonal allergic rhinitis (hay fever);
  • year-round allergic rhinitis;
  • seasonal or year-round allergic conjunctivitis;
  • chronic urticaria;
  • skin diseases of an allergic nature (for example, dermatitis, eczema, etc.);
  • Quincke's edema;
  • allergic reaction to bites of various biological objects;
  • pseudo-allergic reaction associated with the consumption of histamine-releasing products (for example, tomatoes, strawberries, chocolate, coffee, cocoa, etc.).
Claritin relieves the symptoms of these allergic pathologies, such as:
  • sneezing;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • feeling of nasal congestion;
  • runny nose;
  • lacrimation;
  • bronchospasm;
  • burning and itching in the eyes, nose and skin;
  • rashes.

Claritin - instructions for use: how to take syrup and tablets

Both syrup and Claritin tablets are taken orally at any time, regardless of meals. The tablet or syrup should be washed down with plain, clean water. The dosage is determined by the person’s age and concomitant pathologies. Children under 3 years old should be given Claritin in the form of syrup, and over 3 years old - in tablets or syrup, at their own discretion.

Adults and adolescents, starting from 12 years of age, take Claritin in the form of tablets at a dosage of 10 mg, once a day. A dose of 10 ml corresponds to one tablet or two measuring spoons of syrup. If a person suffers from liver pathology or kidney failure, then you should start taking Claritin at a dosage of 10 mg, once every two days - that is, one tablet or two tablespoons of syrup every other day. The use of Claritin 10 mg every other day for renal failure is indicated when the filtration coefficient (FC) is less than 30 ml/min, based on the Rehberg test. For this category of patients, you can change the dosage regimen of the drug and take half a tablet or one spoon of syrup every day, once a day.

Children aged 2 to 12 years should receive Claritin in an individual dosage, which depends on body weight. If the child's weight is less than 30 kg, then the dosage of Claritin is 5 mg (half a tablet) or 5 ml (1 spoon of syrup), once a day. In this case, it is better to use syrup, since the dosage of the drug will be more accurate than when breaking off half a tablet. If the child’s body weight exceeds 30 kg, then the dosage is 10 mg (1 tablet) or 10 ml (2 tablespoons of syrup) once a day.

If skin allergy testing is necessary, you should stop using Claritin at least 2 days before the procedure to avoid false negative results.

Overdose with the drug is possible if the dose is exceeded by more than 40 mg per day. In this case, the following symptoms develop: headache, drowsiness, rapid heartbeat. Children weighing less than 30 kg react to an overdose of Claritin with rapid heartbeat and extrapyramidal symptoms (impaired muscle tone, slow worm-like movements of the fingers, distorted mouth, twitching of the lips, torticollis, tics, trembling, swinging movements of the limbs, etc.). Treatment is aimed at eliminating symptoms and removing the drug from the body as quickly as possible. Removal of the drug is carried out by gastric lavage with saline solution and the use of adsorbents (for example, powdered activated carbon with water).

Interaction of Claritin with other drugs. Ketoconazole, erythromycin and cimetidine increase the concentration of Claritin in the blood, but this does not manifest itself clinically. But this circumstance should be kept in mind so as not to get an accidental overdose.

Claritin for children (syrup) - instructions for use

Children can be given the drug from the age of 2 years. A child between 2 and 3 years of age should receive Claritin only in the form of syrup. Upon reaching 3 years of age, the child can take the medicine in both syrup and tablets. That is why the syrup is called children's Claritin.

The main determining factor in the dosage of Claritin in children is body weight. It is important to remember that Claritin is taken in the appropriate dosage once a day, preferably at the same time of day. For children there are two doses depending on the child's weight:
1. Child body weight more than 30 kg - Claritin take 10 mg (2 measured or teaspoons of syrup or 1 tablet);
2. Child body weight less than 30 kg – Claritin take 5 mg (1 scoop or teaspoon or half a tablet). Sometimes the dosage regimen is changed and the child is given 10 mg of Claritin every other day.

The duration of the course of treatment depends on the speed of elimination of symptoms in an acute condition, and can range from several days to 2 weeks. When using Claritin as a prophylactic agent, you can take the drug for a long time.

Claritin passes into breast milk, where its concentration is the same as in a woman's blood. Therefore, if it is necessary to use the medicine during breastfeeding, you should abandon natural feeding and transfer the child to artificial formula.

Side effects

Claritin has a small amount side effects, which differ in adults and children.

Side effects of Claritin in children include the following symptoms:

  • lethargy.

In adults, Claritin may cause the following symptoms as side effects:
  • headache;
  • drowsiness;
  • rash;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • functional liver disorders.


Claritin on the domestic pharmaceutical market has not only analogues, but also synonyms. Synonyms are medications, which also contain loratadine as an active ingredient. And analogues are drugs that have the same therapeutic effects as Claritin, but contain another substance as an active ingredient.

So, the following drugs are synonymous with Claritin:

  • Alerpriv tablets;
  • Clallergin tablets;
  • Clarifer tablets;
  • LoraHexal tablets;
  • Loratadine Stada tablets;
  • Loratadine-Verte tablets;
  • Loratadine-Teva tablets;
  • Loratadine-OBL tablets;
  • Tablets, lozenges and suspension Lomilan;
  • Clargotil syrup and tablets;
  • Claridol syrup and tablets;
  • Clarisens syrup and tablets;
  • Clarotadine syrup and tablets;
  • Loratadine syrup and tablets;
  • Syrup and tablets Loratadine-Hemofarm;
  • Erolin syrup and tablets;
  • Rectal suppositories Lotharen.
Analogues of Claritin include the following drugs:
  • Allerfex tablets;
  • Histafen tablets;
  • Gifast tablets;
  • Diacin tablets;
  • Dimebon tablets;
  • Dimedroquine tablets;
  • Dinox tablets;
  • Dramamine tablets;
  • Ketotifen-Ros tablets;
  • Lordestin tablets;
  • Ciel tablets;
  • Telfast tablets;
  • Fexadin tablets;
  • Fexo tablets;
  • Fexofast tablets;
  • Desloratadine-Teva tablets;
  • Beksist-sanovel tablets;
  • Rupafin tablets;
  • Fexofenadine tablets;
  • Tablets Desloratadine Canon;
  • Diazolin tablets with zinc sulfate;
  • Dragees and Diazolin tablets;
  • Dimedroquine solution, administered subcutaneously and intramuscularly;
  • Kestin syrup and tablets;
  • Ketotifen syrup and tablets;
  • Syrup and tablets Ketotifen Sopharma;
  • Peritol syrup and tablets;
  • Erius syrup and tablets;
  • Rapido capsules;
  • Semprex capsules.

Suprastin or Claritin?

Claritin has a selective effect on histamine receptors, so it does not cause numerous side effects. gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system. But Suprastin does not act selectively, therefore it has a large number of side effects, including on the mucous membranes and the central nervous system. Thus, Claritin does not cause drowsiness, but Suprastin, on the contrary, leads to lethargy.

In addition, Suprastin greatly dries out the mucous membranes, which can cause excessive mucus formation and a runny nose due to the side effects of the drug. Also, bacteria easily attach to dry mucous membranes and invade cells, which leads to the development of infectious pathology. Claritin does not dry out mucous membranes, so the risk of developing a bacterial infection while using the drug is minimal.

For these reasons, undoubtedly, Claritin is the best drug, which must be selected when comparing it with Suprastin. Suprastin is an old drug that has a large number of side effects, and the power of its antiallergic effect is exactly the same compared to Claritin.

Claritin or Zyrtec?

Claritin and Zyrtec are antihistamines of different generations. To understand the essence of the problem, consider generations of antiallergic antihistamines:
  • 1st generation– drugs Tavegil, Suprastin, Fenistil and Diphenhydramine;
  • 2nd generation– the drug Zyrtec;
  • 3rd generation– drugs Claritin, Telfast, Erius.
The first generation of drugs has an excellent antiallergic effect, which is combined with a strong side effect in the form of drowsiness. The second generation of antihistamines (Zyrtec) has a significantly smaller drowsiness effect, but also has a weaker antiallergic effect compared to the first generation drugs. But the third generation (Claritin, Telfast, Erius) has a pronounced antiallergic effect, like the first generation, combined with an almost complete absence of side effects in the form of drowsiness. Based on the above, the effectiveness of Claritin is higher and the side effects are less than that of Zyrtec.

Due to this circumstance, Claritin should be preferred over Zyrtec. However, the drugs contain different active substances, so the effectiveness of their effects also depends on the individual qualities of the body. Often in practice there are situations when Zyrtec helps one person perfectly, and Claritin is completely useless, or exactly the opposite. In view of this state of affairs, if you do not have experience in using anti-allergy drugs, then first choose Claritin and try taking it, but if it turns out to be ineffective, switch to Zyrtec.

Erius or Claritin?

Both Claritin and Erius are antiallergic antihistamines of the latest (third) generation. They have approximately the same therapeutic effect and minimal side effect in the form of drowsiness. Therefore, purely theoretically, there is no difference between Claritin and Erius; you can choose any drug that is more suitable for some subjective reasons (for example, price or reviews of acquaintances, friends, relatives, etc.).

But in practical medicine it is impossible to average everything, since people’s bodies are individual, and so are reactions to medications. Therefore, Erius can help one person perfectly, but not have a significant effect on another. It's the same with Claritin. That is why the choice of an antihistamine is an individual matter, in which you may have to try several drugs and settle on optimal option just for you.

However, Erius, according to allergists, has a slightly wider spectrum of action, since it is also active against allergic cough. Therefore, when buying an antihistamine for the first time, it is better to choose it over Claritin. If Erius turns out to be ineffective, then you can switch to Claritin and evaluate its therapeutic effect. If Claritin helps well, then you can stop at this drug and take it.

Tavegil or Claritin?

It is better to choose between Claritin and Tavegil in favor of the first, for several reasons. Firstly, Tavegil is a first-generation antihistamine, which has a high antiallergic effect, but also causes severe drowsiness as a side effect. And Claritin has an effectiveness on par with Tavegil, but does not cause severe drowsiness.

Secondly, Tavegil greatly dries out the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, larynx, bronchi, trachea and even intestines, which causes a number of other negative phenomena. Most often, dryness of the mucous membranes of the airways leads to easy penetration of bacteria into cells and the development infectious disease. That is, a person gets rid of allergies, but often gets sick with bronchitis or infectious laryngitis, rhinitis, etc. This side effect is especially pronounced in children. But Claritin does not have the property of drying mucous membranes - therefore, the risk of developing an infection is no higher than usual.

Thirdly, first-generation drugs, including Tavegil, cause fairly rapid addiction, the speed of which is determined by the individual characteristics of the body. In some cases, addiction to Tavegil develops literally within two to three days, after which the drug becomes completely ineffective. In relation to Claritin, addiction can also develop, but much more slowly and not as strong. This means that even if addiction to Claritin develops, the drug continues to act - it’s just that the antiallergic effect becomes less pronounced. It is precisely because of the above that it is better to use Claritin rather than Tavegil.

Zodak or Claritin?

Zodak drops are a second-generation antihistamine, unlike Claritin, which is a third-generation antihistamine. The second generation of antihistamines has a less pronounced antiallergic effect compared to representatives of the third. In addition, Zodak is characterized by a greater severity of side effects in the form of drowsiness, compared to Claritin. For these reasons, it is better to stick with Claritin.

However, in the practice of pediatricians, Zodak drops are often better suited for children rather than Claritin. Zodak has a smaller dosage and must also be taken once a day. Therefore, if you are choosing a drug for a child, it is better to try Zodak first. If Zodak turns out to be ineffective, you can safely switch to Claritin, which has a more pronounced therapeutic effect.

In the situation with adults, allergists recommend Claritin, which has a stronger antiallergic effect compared to Zodak. But since people are individual, Zodak may help some people perfectly, while Claritin, on the contrary, may not have any effect. Because of this, the choice of drug should be made individually. Recommendations from allergists regarding the advantages of Claritin over Zodak in adults can only be used when using an antihistamine for the first time. And subsequently, if Claritin was effective, then you should buy it. If the drug did not have a good effect, then you can change it to Zodak, then, after comparing the effectiveness, choose the optimal remedy for you.

Claritin is an antihistamine drug from the pharmaceutical corporation SCHERING-PLOUGH LABO.

It is a selective blocker of peripheral H1-histamine receptors, with the main component being loratadine, and has a long-lasting, rapid and effective antiallergic effect - relieving itching, swelling and inflammation, without causing drowsiness and dryness and irritation of the mucous membranes.

On this page you will find all the information about Claritin: full instructions on application to this drug, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogues of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used Claritin. Would you like to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Histamine H1 receptor blocker. Antiallergic drug.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Dispensed with a doctor's prescription.


How much does Claritin cost? The average price in pharmacies is 235 rubles.

Release form and composition

You can buy Claritin in tablets or syrup.


  • active ingredient: loratadine; 1 tablet contains micronized loratadine 10 mg;
  • excipients: lactose, magnesium stearate, corn starch.


  • active ingredient: loratadine; 1 ml of syrup contains micronized loratadine 1 mg;
  • excipients: sodium benzoate, propylene glycol, citric acid monohydrate, artificial flavor (peach), glycerin, inverted sucrose, water.

Pharmacological effect

The drug Claritin has antiallergic, antihistamine and antipruritic effects. These therapeutic effects are due to the fact that Claritin blocks histamine receptors. The effects develop very quickly (within half an hour) after taking the drug, and their duration is up to 24 hours.

Claritin blocks histamine receptors, preventing the development of an allergic reaction. In principle, histamine itself is released under the influence of an allergen that has entered the body, but the receptors of the cells it affects are blocked, and the substance simply cannot have its effect. By the time the drug is taken, usually some amount of histamine has already contacted its receptors, and the process of an allergic reaction has begun. But after taking the medicine, it blocks the remaining receptors, and the allergic reaction cannot continue.

As a result, symptoms that have already developed quickly pass, since their progression and intensification at the cellular level is no longer supported.

Indications for use

What does it help with? Claritin belongs to the group of antiallergic drugs, providing antipruritic and antihistamine effects. The main indications for its use are:

  • acute and idiopathic chronic;
  • angioedema (tongue, larynx and pharynx);
  • allergic reactions for insect bites;
  • complex therapy;
  • year-round allergic rhinitis and hay fever (seasonal allergic rhinitis);
  • year-round and/or seasonal;
  • diseases of the skin and soft tissues of an allergic nature (,);
  • pseudo-allergic reactions associated with the consumption of histamine liberators (chocolate, tomatoes, coffee, strawberries, cocoa and other allergenic products).

At the same time, this medicine relieves the main symptoms of these pathological conditions - itching, rashes, sneezing, runny nose, swelling of the mucous membranes, lacrimation, bronchospasm and burning sensation.


  • Period breastfeeding;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

In addition, the use of Claritin is contraindicated

  • Syrup: sucrase or isomaltase deficiency, fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption; age up to 2 years.
  • Tablets: lactase deficiency or malabsorption of glucose-galactose, impaired galactose tolerance; age up to 3 years.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The safety of loratadine during pregnancy has not been established. The use of Claritin during pregnancy is possible only if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

Loratadine and its active metabolite are excreted in breast milk, therefore, when prescribing the drug during lactation, the issue of stopping breastfeeding should be addressed.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use indicate that Claritin is prescribed orally, regardless of food intake.

  • Adults (including elderly patients) and adolescents over the age of 12 years are recommended to take Claritin at a dose of 10 mg (1 tablet or 2 teaspoons /10 ml/ syrup) 1 time / day.
  • For adults and children weighing more than 30 kg with severe liver dysfunction, the initial dose is 10 mg (1 tablet or 2 teaspoons /10 ml/ syrup) every other day, with a body weight of 30 kg or less - 5 mg (1 teaspoon spoon /5 ml/ syrup) every other day.
  • For children aged 2 to 12 years, the dose of Claritin is recommended to be prescribed depending on body weight: for body weight less than 30 kg - 5 mg (1/2 tablet or 1 teaspoon /5 ml/ syrup) 1 time / day, for weight body 30 kg or more – 10 mg (1 tablet or 2 teaspoons /10 ml/ syrup) 1 time/day.

In elderly patients and in patients with chronic renal failure, no dose adjustment is required.

Instructions for syrup Syrup

For adult patients, syrup is prescribed two teaspoons (10 ml) once a day. For children from two to three years old and weighing less than 30 kilograms, the permissible dose of syrup is 1 teaspoon or 5 ml per day.

For people, including children weighing more than 30 kilograms, with severe liver damage and impairment of its functions, the permissible initial dose is no more than 10 ml of the drug (2 teaspoons) once every two days. If for the same diseases the body weight is less than 30 kilograms, the initial dosage will be half as much - 5 ml (1 teaspoon of syrup) every 48 hours.

Side effects

Typically, Claritin, according to reviews, is well tolerated by children and adults.

Nervous system disorders may manifest as:

  • In adults – headache, fatigue, dry mouth, drowsiness:
  • In children - nervousness, headache and sedation.
  • In adults, disorders digestive system most often manifest themselves as nausea, liver dysfunction and gastritis.

Also, Claritin, according to reviews, can cause:

  1. Palpitations, tachycardia (cardiovascular system);
  2. Skin rash, anaphylaxis (allergic reactions);
  3. Alopecia (skin).


An overdose of Claritin can be suspected based on symptoms such as headache, tachycardia, and drowsiness. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor. Treatment is usually supportive and symptomatic therapy. It is allowed to lavage the stomach and take adsorbents (crushed activated carbon is mixed with water).

Loratadine is not eliminated by hemodialysis. After rendering emergency care it is necessary to monitor the patient's condition.

special instructions

For children under 3 years of age, Claritin is prescribed in the form of syrup; the dose of the drug is calculated by the doctor depending on body weight.

Persons prone to allergic reactions should stop using Claritin before conducting diagnostic tests, as antihistamines may distort the test results.

During treatment with the drug, you can continue to drive a car or operate machinery, since loratadine does not affect the functioning of the central nervous system.

Drug interactions

The combined use of this drug and Ketoconazole, Erythromycin or Cimetidine may increase the concentration of loratadine or its metabolite in the body. However, this is of little clinical significance.

Part tablets active ingredient included Loratadine. Excipients: lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, corn starch.

Syrup contains an active component loratadine . Excipients: propylene glycol , , citric acid monohydrate, sodium benzoate, sucrose, peach flavor, purified water.

Release form

Claritin is available in the form of tablets and syrup. The drug is in tablets, packaged in 15, 10 or 7 pieces in blisters, 1-3 blisters per pack.

The syrup is offered in pharmacies in 60 or 120 ml bottles with a plastic dispenser spoon, packaged in a cardboard box.

pharmachologic effect

Each form of this drug has antipruritic , antihistamine And antiallergic effect.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

This antihistamine is a selective blocker of peripheral H1-histamine receptors, exhibiting a rapid and long-lasting antiallergic effect. Usually the drug works within 30 minutes.

The antihistamine effect is observed after 8-12 hours and lasts for at least 24 hours. At the same time, the active substance of the drug does not penetrate the blood-brain barrier, does not affect the nervous system, does not exhibit anticholinergic and sedative effects and does not affect the development of psychomotor reactions. Treatment with Claritin does not prolong the QT interval on the ECG.

Once inside the body, the drug undergoes rapid absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. The maximum concentration of the component in the composition is achieved within 1.5-2.5 hours.

As a result, a substance is formed . The drug is excreted from the body in urine and bile unchanged and unchanged within 6-92 hours. The rate at which the drug is eliminated from the body depends on the age, presence of diseases and other characteristics of the patient.

Indications for use of Claritin

The main indications for use of Claritin (what the tablets are for):

  • year-round or seasonal , ;
  • chronic idiopathic;
  • on the skin.


  • intolerance or high sensitivity to components;
  • under 2 years of age;

Side effects

When treated with this drug, side effects may occur in the form of headache, fatigue, dry mouth, drowsiness, gastrointestinal disorders, allergic manifestations on the skin. In addition, the development of anaphylaxis, alopecia, tachycardia, liver and heart disorders is possible.

Young patients may experience headaches, nervousness, and sedative effects.

Instructions for use of Claritin (Method and dosage)

Each form of the drug is intended for oral administration at any time, if necessary.

Claritin tablets are recommended for use in adult patients and children over 12 years of age. Usually 10 mg daily is sufficient medicine. For patients with abnormal liver or kidney function, the drug is prescribed to be taken every other day.

For children 2-12 years old, the drug is usually prescribed in syrup. At the same time, the instructions for use of Claritin syrup advise taking it in a certain dosage, which is calculated taking into account weight.


In cases of overdose, the development of symptoms such as , And . This situation requires immediate consultation with a doctor.

Treatment for overdose symptoms includes: gastric lavage, then taking adsorbents and symptomatic medications, and performing additional procedures.


The combined use of this drug and , or may increase the concentration of loratadine or its metabolite in the body. However, this is of little clinical significance.

Terms of sale

Over the counter.

Storage conditions

Claritin syrup or tablets can be stored at temperatures up to 25 ° C, out of the reach of children.

Best before date

The tablets have a shelf life of 4 years, and the syrup - 3 years.

Analogues of Claritin

Level 4 ATX code matches:

More than cheap analogues Claritina: Loratadine, , And . Also have a similar effect: , Lotharen, Clalergin, Clarifarm, Clarifer, Clarfast, Alerpriv, Clargotil And Erolyn . The price of analogues varies between 20-350 rubles.

Claritin or Erius - what's better?

The question that often comes up online is, which of these drugs is better? Each of them is a new generation antiallergic antihistamine. Therefore, they are characterized by almost the same strength of therapeutic action and a minimum of side effects. However, it is believed that Erius has a broader spectrum of action, since it is active in eliminating allergic cough.

However, you can come across many reviews when patients report that the drug Erius does not help them and they started taking Claritin or vice versa. Thus, the question of choosing a drug depends on the individual characteristics of each person.

Claritin for children

Young patients can be treated with the drug in the form of tablets or syrup. In this case, children can take the medicine once a day in a certain dosage.

The instructions for Claritin for children recommend calculating the dosage depending on weight. For example, with a weight of up to 30 kg, it is permissible to take syrup for children daily, 1 teaspoon or ½ tablet.

Patients weighing more than 30 kg are prescribed 2 teaspoons of syrup or 1 tablet daily. As a rule, parents leave positive reviews about syrup for children online.

Alcohol compatibility

At various medical forums, the question often comes up: is alcohol and Claritin treatment compatible? According to experts, drinking alcohol does not have a significant effect on the effectiveness of this drug, but the possibility of unwanted effects cannot be ruled out. For this reason, taking alcoholic beverages at the same time as medication is not recommended.

Claritin during pregnancy and lactation

As stated in the instructions, the use of the drug for allowed when the expected benefit of treatment for the mother is higher than the risk to the fetus.

It has also been established that the active substance is secreted in breast milk, so taking these allergy pills is contraindicated when breastfeeding.

Reviews of Claritin

There are quite often reviews on the Internet about Claritin tablets and syrup, but users’ opinions about its effect are very ambiguous. Many people report that treatment with this drug has been effective for them. Although some patients had to look for a more suitable remedy, since they allergic symptoms decreased only slightly.

As allergists—specialists who study and treat this disorder—specify, every person can be bothered by allergies of various kinds. Therefore, one drug is simply not able to eliminate the manifestation of various symptoms. For these patients, the only option is to take several different medications or forms of them, such as tablets and nasal spray.

Despite their high popularity, both tablets and syrup for children do not have such a wide spectrum of action that allows them to simultaneously eliminate all manifestations of allergies. Moreover, there are also reports of the development of side effects, for example, headache, drowsiness, and skin manifestations. Of course, if any unwanted reactions occur, you should consult a doctor to rule out the presence of another disease with similar symptoms.

The fact that this drug is sold in pharmacies without a prescription does not mean that you can take it yourself without a prescription from an allergist. Therefore, if symptoms appear that indicate the development of an allergy, you should immediately consult a doctor. If this is not done in a timely manner, the symptoms will gradually worsen.

Claritin price, where to buy

Price Claritina tablets is 130-570 rubles.

Price Claritin syrup varies between 220-380 rubles.

The price of Claritin in Ukraine (in cities such as Kyiv and Kharkov) ranges from 156 UAH.

You can buy the drug in St. Petersburg for a price starting from 140 rubles. At the same time, the cost in Russian regions is somewhat lower. You can find out how much medicine for allergies of any form costs at a reference pharmacy in the city you are interested in or on pharmacy websites.

  • Online pharmacies in Russia Russia
  • Online pharmacies in Ukraine Ukraine
  • Online pharmacies in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan


    Claritin syrup 5mg/5ml 60ml Schering-Plough Labo N.V.

    Claritin tab. 10mg n10 Schering-Plough Labo N.V.

H1-histamine receptor blockers.

Composition of Claritin

The active substance is loratadine.


Schering-Plough (Indonesia), Schering-Plough (United States of America), Schering-Plough (Switzerland), Schering-Plough Labo N.V. (Belgium)

pharmachologic effect


Claritin is an antihistamine drug - a selective blocker of peripheral H1-histamine receptors.

Has a quick and long-lasting antiallergic effect.

The onset of action is within 30 minutes after administration.

The antihistamine effect reaches its maximum after 8-12 hours from the onset of action and lasts more than 24 hours.

Claritin does not penetrate the blood-brain barrier and has no effect on the central nervous system, does not have anticholinergic or sedative effects (drowsiness), and does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions.

Taking Claritin does not lead to prolongation of the QT interval on the ECG.


Claritin is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.

The time to reach the maximum concentration in the blood plasma of loratadine is 1.3 hours, and its active metabolite, desloratadine, is 2.5 hours.

Eating food increases the time to reach maximum concentrations of loratadine and desloratadine by approximately 1 hour.

The maximum concentration of loratadine and desloratadine does not depend on food intake.

The maximum concentration increases in elderly patients, patients with chronic renal failure or alcoholic liver damage.

Loratadine is metabolized to desloratadine via cytochrome P450 3A4 and, to a lesser extent, cytochrome P450 2D6.

Excreted in urine and bile.

The half-life of loratadine ranges from 3 to 20 hours (mean 8.4 hours) and that of desloratadine ranges from 8.8 to 92 hours (mean 28 hours); in elderly patients, respectively, from 6.7 to 37 hours (average 18.2 hours) and from 11 to 39 hours (average 17.5 hours).

The half-life increases with alcoholic liver damage (depending on the severity of the disease) and does not change in the presence of chronic renal failure.

Hemodialysis had no effect on the pharmacokinetics of loratadine and its active metabolite.

Side effects of Claritin

In adults, headache, fatigue, dry mouth, drowsiness, gastrointestinal disorders (nausea, gastritis), as well as allergic reactions in the form of rash were noted.

In addition, there have been rare reports of anaphylaxis, alopecia, liver dysfunction, palpitations, and tachycardia.

Children rarely experienced headache, nervousness, or sedation.

As in adults, the frequency of these events was at the same level as when using placebo (“dummies”).

Indications for use

Seasonal (hay fever) and year-round allergic rhinitis and allergic conjunctivitis - elimination of symptoms associated with these diseases - sneezing, itching of the nasal mucosa, rhinorrhea, burning and itching sensation in the eyes, lacrimation.

Chronic idiopathic urticaria Skin diseases of allergic origin.

Contraindications Claritin

Intolerance or hypersensitivity to loratadine or any other component of the drug, age under 2 years, lactation period.

Directions for use and dosage

Inside, regardless of meal time.

Adults, including the elderly, and adolescents over the age of 12 years are recommended to take the drug at a dose of 10 mg (1 tablet) once a day.

For patients with impaired liver function or renal failure, the initial dose should be 1 tablet (10 mg) every other day.

For children aged 2 to 12 years, the dose of the drug is recommended to be prescribed depending on body weight:

  • for body weight less than 30 kg – 1/2 tablet once a day,
  • with a body weight of 30 kg or more - 1 tablet once a day.



  • sleepy,
  • tachycardia,
  • headache.

In case of overdose, consult a doctor immediately.


  • gastric lavage (preferably 0.9% sodium chloride solution,
  • taking adsorbents (crushed activated carbon with water,
  • symptomatic remedies.

Loratadine is not eliminated by hemodialysis.


Eating does not affect the effectiveness of the drug.

The drug does not enhance the effect of alcohol on the central nervous system.

When taken together with ketoconazole, erythromycin or cimetidine, an increase in the concentration of loratadine and its metabolite in plasma was observed, but this increase did not manifest itself clinically, including according to electrocardiography.

special instructions


  • pregnancy,
  • liver failure.

Use during pregnancy and lactation.

The use of the drug during pregnancy is possible only if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

Claritin is excreted in breast milk, therefore, when prescribing the drug during lactation, the issue of stopping breastfeeding should be decided.

There was no negative effect of the drug on the ability to drive a car or perform other activities requiring increased concentration.

Name: Claritine

Release form:

— Claritin tablets. Tablets of 10 mg, packaged in 7; 10 or 30 pieces (blister pack). The tablets are white or almost white, marked with the number “10” on one side and the manufacturer’s trademark (flask and bowl) on the other, and have a score on one side.

— Claritin syrup. Syrup in dark glass bottles of 60 or 120 ml. The kit includes a dosage spoon with markings. Yellowish or colorless syrup without foreign impurities.

pharmachologic effect

Claritin is an antihistamine, a selective H1 receptor blocker. Active substance drug – loratadine (tricyclic compound). After taking 10 mg (one dose) or several doses of the drug, based on histamine skin tests, it was found that a pronounced antihistamine effect develops after 1-3 hours and reaches a peak value in the range of 8 to 12 hours from the onset of action. The antihistamine effect continues throughout the day. There was no development of resistance even when taking the drug for 28 days.

When studying the effect of the drug on the duration of the QT interval during an electrocardiographic study, Claritin was used at a dose 4 times higher than the average therapeutic dosage of the drug for 90 days. However, no clinically significant increase in the interval on the ECG was recorded.

Metabolized by hepatocytes using the enzyme CYPZA4 to desloratadine. To a lesser extent, the CYP2D6 isoenzyme takes part in the metabolism of the substance. Eliminated in bile and urine. The half-life of loratadine is 3 to 20 hours (approximately 8.4 hours). The half-life of the desloratadine metabolite ranges from 8 to 92 hours (average 28 hours).

Indications for use

- for seasonal (as well as year-round) allergic origin to relieve signs of the disease (itching of the nasal mucosa, sneezing, rhinorrhea, itching and burning in the eyes);
- allergic skin diseases, including urticaria (including for children over 2 years of age);
- for: insect bites, snake bites, etc.


- intolerance to loratadine or other ingredients of Claritin;
- period of breastfeeding;
- age up to 2 years.


Prescribed for pregnant women only when absolutely necessary. Experimental studies have not revealed a teratogenic effect on the fetus.

The active substance of Claritin and its metabolite (descarboethoxyloratadine) pass into breast milk easily, and the concentration of these substances in breast milk is at the plasma level. Therefore, when prescribing the drug to lactating women, breastfeeding must be stopped.

Mode of application

The drug is prescribed orally, regardless of food intake.

For adults(including elderly patients) and adolescents over the age of 12 years, it is recommended to take Claritin at a dose of 10 mg (1 tablet or 2 teaspoons /10 ml/ syrup) 1 time / day.

Children aged 2 to 12 years The dose of Claritin is recommended to be prescribed depending on body weight: for body weight less than 30 kg - 5 mg (½ tablet or 1 teaspoon /5 ml/ syrup) 1 time / day, for body weight 30 kg or more - 10 mg (1 tablet or 2 teaspoons /10 ml/ syrup) 1 time/day.

For adults and children weighing more than 30 kg with severe liver dysfunction, the initial dose is 10 mg (1 tablet or 2 teaspoons /10 ml/ syrup) every other day, with a body weight of 30 kg or less - 5 mg (1 teaspoon /5 ml/ syrup) every other day.

In elderly patients and in patients with chronic renal failure, no dose adjustment is required.

Side effects

Frequency below side effects when taking Claritin did not differ from that when taking placebo.

Digestive system (reported in adults): , dry mouth, ; in rare cases – .

The immune system(reported in adults): anaphylactic reactions (rare) and rash.

Central nervous system: increased fatigue, drowsiness (in adults); sedative effect, nervousness.

Skin reactions: isolated cases of alopecia have been identified in adults.


Increased heart rate, headaches, drowsiness in adult patients. Similar symptoms developed only when the dosage of Claritin was significantly exceeded (40-180 mg versus the recommended 10 mg).

When children weighing up to 30 kg took a dosage greater than 10 mg, extrapyramidal disorders and tachycardia developed.

To remove Claritin from the gastrointestinal tract, gastric lavage is used with isotonic sodium chloride solution, and adsorbents are prescribed.

Treatment is supportive and symptomatic therapy. It is not eliminated from the body by hemodialysis. There is no information about the possibility of peritoneal dialysis.

Interaction of Claritin with other drugs

Combination with cimetidine, ketoconazole and erythromycin causes an increase in plasma concentrations of loratadine. However, this does not lead to clinically significant changes in electrocardiography.

Storage conditions

The shelf life of the syrup is 3 years; tablets – 4 years. Store at a temperature of 2-30°C. Claritin is approved for sale without a prescription.


" ", "Vero-Loratadine", "Loratadine-Hemofarm", "Loratadine-Verte", "Lomilan", "Lotaren", "Clallergin", "Clarisens", "Claridol", "Clarifarm", "Clarotadine", " Klarifer", "Klarfast", "Loragexal", "Alerpriv", "Klargotil", "Erolin".


Claritin tablets:
Active ingredient (in 1 tablet): loratadine (10 mg).
Excipients: lactose, corn starch, magnesium stearate.

Claritin syrup:
Active ingredient (in 5 ml of syrup): loratadine (5 mg).
Excipients: glycerol, propylene glycol, sodium benzoate, citric acid, granulated sucrose, artificial flavor (peach), water.


To avoid distorting the results of skin tests, they are carried out no later than 2 days after the last dose of the drug. There was no increase in the effect of alcohol when taken simultaneously with Claritin.

The Drug Directory is intended for informational purposes only. For more complete information, please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate. Before you start using Claritine, you should consult your doctor. * is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the site does not replace medical advice and cannot serve as a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug.

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