Cyclodinone - instructions for use, composition, release form, side effects, analogues and price. Cyclodinone and alcohol - you should not combine Cyclodinone - composition and release forms

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Prolactin plays an important role in female body. First of all, it ensures lactation during the period breastfeeding. During the rest of a woman’s life, prolactin has the following effects:

  • participates in phase extension corpus luteum in the menstrual cycle;
  • inhibits ovulation;
  • reduces estrogen synthesis;
  • reduces the production of progesterone by the corpus luteum.

Changes in prolactin synthesis in women can be caused by various reasons. For example, an increase in its level in the blood is observed in some women during menopause, as well as under stressful conditions. An increase in hormone concentration provokes menstrual irregularities and changes in the mammary glands.

Hyperprolactinemia leads to disruption of the synthesis of gonadotropic hormones, which, in turn, causes an imbalance in the levels of estradiol and progesterone. Such disorders cause changes in the monthly cycle and contribute to the appearance of mastodynia. Besides, high level progesterone in the blood, especially in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, stimulates the formation connective tissue in the mammary gland, which is clinically manifested by symptoms of mastopathy.

The pharmaceutical industry has developed a number of drugs, both synthetic and plant origin, capable of influencing the level of prolactin in the blood, in particular, helping to reduce it. The advantage of herbal preparations, which include Cyclodinone, is a milder effect on the body and a high level of safety with fairly high efficiency.

What is the drug

Is the drug hormonal? The main active ingredient of "Cyclodinone" is an extract obtained from common twig. This plant known for its healing properties since ancient times. It was used in the treatment of female diseases, and also as a means of reducing libido.

Modern medical experiments have proven that common twig blocks the release of prolactin from pituitary cells. This effect is due to the ability of the active components of the plant to stimulate dopaminergic receptors of the pituitary gland. With long-term use of the drug in the blood, a significant decrease in prolactin is determined, in some patients by 40-90%. It is this effect that determines the therapeutic effect of Cyclodinone. While using the medication:

  • the menstrual cycle normalizes;
  • the phenomena of mastodynia are reduced;
  • the level of estradiol and progesterone in the blood is restored.

Cyclodinone is produced in two pharmaceutical forms:

  • pills;
  • solution for oral administration.

Cyclodinone tablets contain up to 4.8 mg of the main active ingredient (extract from common twig). In addition, the medicine contains: lactose, cellulose, fillers, magnesium stearate, and the shell also contains small amounts of dyes.

Cyclodinone solution is produced for oral administration. It contains twig extract; 100 ml of the medicine contains about 288 mg. The pharmaceutical product also contains additives that impart a pleasant taste and aroma: mint flavor, sodium sucrose, sorbitol. This also includes polysorbate, ethyl alcohol and other components. In pharmacies you can buy bottles of different sizes: 50 or 100 ml. The price may vary depending on which pharmacy you purchase the drug from.

The main indications for the use of the drug are pathologies associated with excess prolactin production in the body. "Cyclodinone" is prescribed for:

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • PMS (premenstrual symptom complex);
  • pain in the mammary glands (mastodynia);
  • complex treatment of mastopathy.
  • endometrial hyperplasia;
  • delayed menstruation;
  • bleeding during menopause.

There are also indications for its use in the treatment of infertility and in planning pregnancy to increase the likelihood of conception.

However, it is not recommended to take Cyclodinone on your own to correct your periods. In some cases, such disorders may be caused by organic pathology (cervical fibroids or malignant neoplasm). For these diseases, other therapeutic measures are necessary. Also, you should not drink Cyclodinone on your own for prevention, for acne or for weight loss.

Exist clinical guidelines on the use of "Cyclodinone" for anxiety and asthenic disorders that occur against the background of menstrual irregularities. Reviews of Cyclodinone tablets indicate that it helps reduce depressive disorders, improves sleep, and restores the psycho-emotional background.

"Cyclodinone": instructions for use of tablets and drops

Cyclodinone tablets should be taken once a day. They are swallowed whole and not chewed under any circumstances. You need to take the medicine with 100-150 ml of water. You can start taking Cyclodinone on any day of the menstrual cycle.

How to take the drops? The regimen for taking Cyclodinone drops is the same as for tablets. You need to know how to drink the alcohol solution of Cyclodinone correctly. It is taken once a day, preferably one to two hours after a meal. The medicine bottle has a convenient dispenser with which you can measure the required number of drops. The usual dosage is 40 drops, it is better to dilute them in a small amount of water (100-150 ml) and then drink in small sips. Store the bottle in a cool, dark place and shake it slightly before use.

The duration of treatment with Cyclodinone tablets and solution should be at least three months. During menstruation, treatment should not be interrupted; you should take the medicine in the usual dosage. After the symptoms of mastodynia decrease and the menstrual cycle is restored, treatment with Cyclodinone is continued for another two to three weeks, only after which it is canceled.

Contraindications and side effects

The main contraindication to taking Cyclodinone is intolerance to the common twig, as well as additional components in the composition of the medicine. This medication is also not prescribed to pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

According to reviews from doctors and patients, Cyclodinone extremely rarely causes any side effects. But if during treatment with the drug the temperature rises or your periods become more intense, you should definitely consult a doctor. Also after its use may develop allergic reactions in persons sensitive to the herbal component of the drug. In addition, there are indications of pain and engorgement in the mammary glands in some patients. During the entire period of use of Cyclodinone, no cases of overdose were recorded.

Ethyl alcohol in the Cyclodinone solution may be contraindicated for certain categories of patients, in particular those undergoing treatment for alcoholism. In addition, you should pay attention to the compatibility of some medications with alcohol contained in Cyclodinone. Thus, its simultaneous use with metronidazole or its analogues is not recommended.

Where to buy and analogues

Cyclodinone can be purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. However, it is still not recommended to take this pharmaceutical drug on your own, since it affects dopamine receptors in the pituitary gland.

There are no exact analogues of the drug on the pharmaceutical market. However, on the recommendation of a doctor, you can purchase other products at the pharmacy that help reduce prolactin:

  • "Bromocriptine";
  • "Cabergoline".

These pharmaceuticals are synthetic pharmacological agents, and therefore have a number of side effects. Thus, they are prescribed to a limited extent to patients with arterial hypertension, peptic ulcer, mental disorders. In addition, Cabergoline and Bromocriptine can influence the speed of mental and motor reactions, which limits their use in some patients.

The use of Cyclodinone in gynecology is justified in case of elevated prolactin in the blood. Considering that it contains only a plant component, it practically does not cause side effects and is well tolerated by patients. However, its use must be agreed with a doctor, otherwise the treatment may not give the expected effect.

Cyclodinone (dry extract of common twig fruit) - vegetable medicine, used for menstrual irregularities, PMS and unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the mammary gland. Despite the need for timely contact with a gynecologist at the first symptoms of menstrual irregularities, many women show fatal carelessness, not reacting in any way to the alarming signals of the body. Modern medicine has a wide range of medicines to normalize menstruation. However, not all of them have over-the-counter status and are suitable for responsible self-medication. To meet the above criteria, the drug must not only be effective, but also safe, with a minimum number of side effects. Cyclodinone is just such a drug. A key role in maintaining hormonal balance in the female body is played by bicyclic diterpenes contained in the fruits of the common twig, which, thanks to phytoniring technologies, can be preserved in Cycodinone in the highest possible concentrations, which ensures a pronounced therapeutic effect and a favorable prognosis for treatment. Excessive levels of the hormone prolactin in the blood contribute to the active release of gonadotropins, which, in turn, disrupts the process of maturation of follicles and the release of eggs from them. Against this background, the balance between concentrations is disturbed female hormones– estradiol and progesterone.

The dopaminergic effect of Cyclodinone reduces the production of prolactin, which, in turn, contributes to the normal course of menstruation. The ease of use of the drug (the frequency of administration is once a day, regardless of the dosage form) ensures high compliance (patient adherence to treatment). The effects of the drug will be especially relevant for women over 35 years of age, who experience worsening PMS and other menstrual irregularities. Restoring hormonal balance with the help of a gentle and gradual action of the drug allows for an optimal therapeutic effect without the excessive pharmacological load on the body typical of hormonal drugs. The duration of regular use of the drug should be 3 months. After relief of the condition, the drug should be taken for another 2-3 weeks. If after stopping treatment unpleasant symptoms come back again, medical consultation is required. The herbal nature of Cyclodinone virtually eliminates the possibility of any side effects, with the exception of allergic reactions of a dermatological nature. Contraindications to its use are individual intolerance, pregnancy and lactation. An overdose of Cyclodinone is practically excluded; such cases are unknown to medicine.


Herbal product. The components of the drug have a normalizing effect on the concentration of sex hormones.

The main active component of the drug is common twig. The dopaminergic effects of the drug, causing a decrease in prolactin production, eliminate hyperprolactinemia. An increased concentration of prolactin disrupts the secretion of gonadotropins, which can result in disturbances in follicular maturation, ovulation and the formation of the corpus luteum, which further leads to an imbalance between estradiol and progesterone and can cause menstrual irregularities, as well as mastodynia. Unlike estrogens and other hormones, prolactin also has a direct stimulating effect on proliferative processes in the mammary glands, enhancing the formation of connective tissue and causing expansion of the milk ducts.

Release form

Tablets, coated with a greenish-blue color, with a matte surface, round, biconvex.

Excipients: povidone, colloidal silicon dioxide, potato starch, lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate.

Shell composition: talc, titanium dioxide (IV) (E171), iron oxide yellow (E172), indigotine (E132), macrogol 6000, emethacrylic and ethacrylic acid copolymer.

15 pcs. - blisters (2) - cardboard packs.


Shake drops for oral administration before use!

Take 40 drops orally 1 time/day in the morning with a small amount of water.

Film-coated tablets are taken orally, 1 tablet. 1 time/day, in the morning, without chewing, with a small amount of water.

Treatment is carried out for 3 months, without interruption during menstruation. After the symptoms disappear and the condition improves, treatment should be continued for several weeks.

If complaints reappear after discontinuation of the drug, you should consult your doctor.


Cases of overdose are unknown.


In patients taking dopamine receptor antagonists, a mutual weakening of the effect of the drugs is possible.

Interactions with other drugs are still unknown.

Side effects

Allergic skin reactions are rare.

There is evidence of rare cases of transient psychomotor agitation, confusion and hallucinations.

Oral drops should not be used after successful anti-alcohol treatment.

Film-coated tablets contain milk sugar (lactose).

Lactose intolerance may be considered as possible reason epigastric pain and diarrhea.

Sick diabetes mellitus can take Cyclodinone ® drops and tablets, because single dose This drug contains less than 0.03 countable bread units.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

The drug does not affect the ability to drive a car or operate machinery.

Trade name:


International nonproprietary or generic name:

Common twig fruit extract

Dosage form:

film-coated tablets

Composition (per 1 tablet):

Active ingredient:

Common twig* fruit dry extract (7-11: 1, extractant – ethanol 70% by volume) - 4.00 mg

Excipients: povidone K 30, colloidal silicon dioxide, potato starch, lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, talc, titanium dioxide (E 171), yellow iron oxide dye (E 172), indigo carmine aluminum varnish (E 132), macrogol 6000, ammonium methacrylate copolymer (type A)

* Latin name –Vitexagnus-castusL.


Round, biconvex, film-coated tablets, greenish-blue in color with a matte surface.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Drugs for the treatment of gynecological diseases

ATX code: G02CX03

pharmachologic effect

The components of the drug have a normalizing effect on the concentration of sex hormones.

The main active component of the drug is common twig. The dopaminergic effects of the drug, causing a decrease in prolactin production, eliminate hyperprolactinemia. An increased concentration of prolactin disrupts the secretion of gonadotropins, which can result in disturbances in follicular maturation, ovulation and the formation of the corpus luteum, which further leads to an imbalance between estradiol and progesterone and can cause menstrual irregularities, as well as mastodynia. Unlike estrogens and other hormones, prolactin also has a direct stimulating effect on proliferative processes in the mammary glands, enhancing the formation of connective tissue and causing expansion of the milk ducts. A decrease in prolactin concentration leads to reverse development pathological processes in the mammary glands and stops pain syndrome. The rhythmic production and normalization of the ratio of gonadotropic hormones leads to the normalization of the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

Indications for use

Menstrual irregularities, premenstrual syndrome, mastodynia.
Before starting to use the drug, you should consult your doctor.


Individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption (due to the lactose content in the drug), breast cancer, pituitary tumors, age under 18 years (there are no data on the effectiveness and safety of the drug in this age group ); pregnancy and breastfeeding period.


Precautionary measures must be taken if patients have a history of estrogen-dependent malignant neoplasms and pituitary diseases. Before starting to use the drug, you should consult your doctor.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug is not used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

As the regularity of the menstrual cycle increases while taking the drug, the likelihood of pregnancy increases. If pregnancy occurs, the drug should be discontinued.

Directions for use and doses

Take 1 tablet orally 1 time per day in the morning, without chewing, with a sufficient amount of water - 100-200 ml. The duration of treatment is at least 3 months (without a break during menstruation). Use of the drug for more than 3 months should be discussed with your doctor. If symptoms of the disease persist while using the drug, you should consult a doctor. If after completion of treatment complaints reappear, you should consult your doctor.

The drug should not be used to treat children and adolescents under the age of 18 years.

Side effect

Severe allergic reactions with facial swelling, shortness of breath and dysphagia are possible. Allergic skin reactions (rash, urticaria), gastrointestinal disorders (epigastric pain, nausea) may occur. headache, dizziness, acne, menstrual irregularities. The frequency of adverse reactions is unknown, i.e. cannot be estimated based on the available data. If the above-described adverse reactions or other adverse reactions not listed in the instructions occur, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.


No cases of overdose have been reported. In case of overdose, the severity of dose-dependent side effects may increase. Treatment is symptomatic.

Interaction with other drugs

A mutual decrease in effectiveness is possible when taking dopamine receptor antagonists simultaneously, as well as interaction with dopamine receptor agonists, estrogens and antiestrogens. If you are taking such medications, you should consult your doctor before you start taking Cyclodinone®.

Interaction with other drugs is currently unknown.

special instructions

Instructions for patients with diabetes: the carbohydrates included in 1 tablet of the drug are less than 0.03 “bread units” (XU).

If you currently have or have a history of malignant estrogen-dependent tumors, or have a history of pituitary gland diseases, a doctor’s consultation is required.

The possibility of masking should be considered clinical manifestations a pituitary tumor secreting prolactin while taking the drug.

List of conditions requiring medical consultation: if you feel tension and swelling of the mammary glands and/or weakness, depression, as well as menstrual irregularities, you should consult a doctor for additional examination.

In order to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment, a monthly consultation with a doctor is recommended.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery

When used in recommended doses, the drug does not affect the ability to perform potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions (driving vehicles, working with moving mechanisms, working as a dispatcher and operator).

Release form

Film-coated tablets. 15 tablets in a blister made of aluminum foil and PVC/PVDC film. 2 or 4 blisters are placed together with instructions for use in a cardboard pack.

Storage conditions

Every woman at least once in her life has had problems that indirectly or directly related to the sexual sphere.

Irregularities in the menstrual cycle occur especially often, regardless of the age and type of activity of the fair sex.

In view of this, a huge number of drugs are produced that are designed to regulate menstruation.

pharmachologic effect

This product is completely of plant origin. Its use helps normalize the menstrual cycle and reduce some symptoms during menstruation.

This happens due to the fact that the constituent components of Cyclodinone affect the concentration of sex hormones. The drug has a dopaminergic effect.

Excessive concentrations of prolactin also negatively affect breast health. Reducing this substance by taking Cyclodinone will help remove painful sensations in the chest and adjust the second phase of the menstrual cycle

Its main role is to reduce the production of prolactin by the body. For this reason, taking this drug helps counteract hyperprolactinemia. It is because of this disease that the secretion of gonadotropins is disrupted.

A similar problem can manifest itself as insufficient maturation of follicular centers and ovulation disorders.

It is also possible that there may be a difference in the concentrations of the sex hormones estradiol and progesterone. This discrepancy leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle and/or mastodynia.

Composition and release form

The drug is available in the form of tablets and drops. In the first case, the package consists of either 30 pieces or 60. The tincture is stored in dark glass containers with a volume of 50 and 100 ml.

Cyclodinone tablets are round in shape with bulges on both sides. They have a green-blue tint and a matte surface without reflection.

Cyclodinone drops are a homogeneous transparent liquid of yellowish-brown color. The product has a characteristic odor that is inherent in twig fruits. It is normal for a slight sediment to form in the medicine during its shelf life.

Release form of the medicinal product

Both tablets and drops of the drug contain extract of common twig. This substance is the main component of the product and helps normalize the state of sex hormones. Leaving the action of the drug, the answer to the question: “Is cyclodinone a hormonal drug or not?” - obvious.

In 1 pill of the drug, the concentration of twig extract is 3.2 - 4.8 mg, and in 100 g of drops of the main substance it is in an amount from 192 to 288 mg. When calculating the dosage, it becomes clear that the concentration of the main component in tablets is lower than in drops.

Cyclodinone in solution, in addition to the main component, also consists of other substances in the role of auxiliary:

  • Povidone;
  • 70% sorbitol;
  • 20% polysorbate;
  • Sodium sugar dihydrate;
  • Peppermint flavoring;
  • 96% ethyl alcohol;
  • Purified water.

The main composition of the drug is supplemented with the following substances:

  • Povidone;
  • Calloidal silicon dioxide;
  • Potato starch;
  • Lactose monohydrate;
  • Microcrystalline cellulose;
  • Magnesium stearate;
  • Talc;
  • Titanium dioxide;
  • Yellow iron oxide;
  • Indigotine;
  • Macrogol 6000;
  • Copolymer of methacrylic and ethacrylic acid.

What is better drops or tablets?

Cyclodinone is a drug that has two forms of release. It is known that in drops the content of twig is slightly higher, and in tablets the amount of active substance is slightly less. For this reason, it is better to use Cyclodinone on the recommendation of a doctor and in the prescribed dosage.

The action of Cyclodinone does not differ in either form. The only thing is that the alcohol tincture can be absorbed and act a little faster

The advantage of tablets over drops is that during use they do not emit the specific herbal odor of twig extract. Not all women can tolerate it, which is why they prefer the tablet form of the drug.

Those who drive vehicle They also cannot use drops of alcohol when choosing tablets.

Indications for use

Cyclodinone, when used regularly, can cope with:

  • Premenstrual syndrome;
  • Menstrual irregularities caused by insufficiency of the corpus luteum;
  • Mastodynia;
  • Mastalgia.

Useful video:


Cyclodinone has a minimal number of contraindications, although it belongs to hormonal drugs.

The drug affects hormones not with synthetic substances, but with natural ones - twig extract.

The most important contraindication to the use of the drug Cyclodinone is hypersensitivity to common twig

Also, women who are breastfeeding should not take the medicine during pregnancy.

Side effects and consequences

Very rarely, when using Cyclodinone, any adverse reactions, but due to individual characteristics, certain manifestations are possible.

If there are any negative reactions the use of Cyclodinone must be discontinued. If this is not done, the drug will do more harm than good.

Drug interactions

It is known for sure that the effect of Cyclodinone can be weakened by drugs that interfere with the receipt of a signal from dopamine receptors. Interactions with other drugs have not been studied in detail.

Compatibility of Cyclodinone with alcohol

The instructions for the drug do not say anything about this. We can assume that nothing bad will happen.

Also, do not forget that drinking Cyclodinone with alcohol can provoke or intensify the development of adverse reactions.

Dosage and overdose

Compliance with the dosage of Cyclodinone is very important for an effective therapeutic result. There have been no cases of poisoning with this drug in the entire history of its production.

Instructions for use

The use of the drug in tablet form is carried out 1 time per day in the morning.

Using the same principle, take the product in solution. 40 drops each.

When should you take Cyclodinone - before or after meals? official instructions not indicated.

It is best to do this after eating so as not to damage the walls of the stomach, because the course is long and continuous.

Storage of the drug

Both drops and tablets of Cyclodinone should be stored in a room with a dry microclimate, without penetration of sunlight and at temperature conditions, which does not exceed 25 ̊ C.

From the date of production, the medicinal product is valid for 3 years. After this period has expired, do not use the drug.

special instructions

In some cases, cyclodinone requires especially controlled administration.

No.Special instructionsReasons for precautionary use of the drug
1 Cyclodinone drops contain sorbitol and ethanolIt is not recommended for use by people with fructose intolerance, those suffering from alcoholism, liver disease and epilepsy.
2 Cyclodinone tablets contain lactoseThe use of the drug is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to galactose, a lack of lactase in the body, or impaired absorption of the mentioned substances.
3 Use of Cyclodinone by diabeticsNot available in the product high concentration substances are contraindicated for this disease, so the medicine can be used.
4 Pregnancy and lactationIt is not recommended to take the drug as it may reduce milk production.
5 Effect on reaction speedIf you feel dizzy from using medicinal product, you should refrain from driving vehicles.
6 Use by childrenResearch in this direction has not been conducted, therefore the use of the drug is contraindicated.

In addition to all of the above, Cyclodinone has a positive effect on female fertility by harmonizing the menstrual cycle.

Cyclodinone is a herbal preparation for the treatment of menstrual irregularities and premenstrual syndrome. Active substance– Prutnyak vulgare fruit extract.

The herbal medicine normalizes the level of sex hormones and has a dopaminergic effect, which causes a decrease in prolactin production (eliminates hyperprolactinemia).

An increased concentration of prolactin disrupts the secretion of gonadotropins, which can result in disturbances in follicular maturation, ovulation and the phase of the corpus luteum, which further leads to an imbalance between estradiol and progesterone.

Hormonal imbalance causes menstrual irregularities and mastodynia. Cyclodinone normalizes the ratio of gonadotropic hormones and leads to the normalization of the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle. With a decrease in prolactin content, pathological processes in the mammary glands reverse development and pain is relieved.

Release form: tablets and drops for oral administration.

Composition Cyclodinone (active ingredients):

  • Drops 100 g – dry extract of common twig fruit (Agnus castus) – 0.192–0.288 g (corresponds to 2.4 g of medicinal plant material);
  • Tablets 1 piece - dry extract of the fruits of common twig (Agnus castus) - 3.2–4.8 mg (corresponds to 40 mg of medicinal plant material).

Indications for use

What does Cyclodinone help with? According to the instructions, the drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Premenstrual syndrome;
  • Menstrual irregularities associated with insufficiency of the corpus luteum;
  • Mammalgia.

Instructions for use Cyclodinone, dosage

The drug is taken orally in the morning. The tablets are swallowed whole with water, drops with a small amount of water. The bottle with drops must be shaken before taking.

The standard dosage of Cyclodinone tablets and drops, according to the instructions for use, is 1 tablet or 40 drops \ 1 time per day (in the morning). The course of application is 3 months or more. There is no need to interrupt treatment during menstruation.

special instructions

If weakness, pain in the mammary glands or depression occurs while taking the drug, the woman should consult a doctor.

Cyclodinone tablets contain lactose, so the drug in this dosage form not prescribed to people with congenital lactose intolerance or lactase deficiency.

Side effects

The instructions warn about the possibility of developing the following side effects when prescribing Cyclodinone:

  • Allergic skin reactions (rash, itching);
  • Rarely – psychomotor agitation, confusion, hallucinations.


It is contraindicated to prescribe Cyclodinone in the following cases:

  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

Oral drops should not be used after successful treatment chronic alcoholism(contain alcohol).


Data on overdose are not provided. It is possible that adverse reactions may develop or intensify.

Analogues of Cyclodinone, price in pharmacies

If necessary, you can replace Cyclodinone with an analogue therapeutic effect- these are drugs:

  1. Prefemin,
  2. Agnucaston,

Matches by ATX code.

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