Why do men's balls sometimes hurt? Causes of testicular pain in men: a list of probable diseases and their symptoms

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Pain in the testicles causes a man not only physically unpleasant sensations, but also psychological discomfort: fear (even fear of death), deprivation of will, etc.

Deep in the subconscious of men lies this pathological fear for the genitals, and for the testicles in particular. The fear of some men turns into a phobia, which is why they do not trust their precious organ even to the most beloved woman during sex. Usually, pain in the testicles does not pose any mortal danger to a man, but sometimes it is actually a signal from the body that a malfunction has occurred in the genitourinary system in the form of a certain disease. Pain under or in the testicles can be observed with prostatitis, varicocele, torsion and other serious diseases, which should only be diagnosed and treated by a doctor.

Testicular pain: dangerous symptoms

The testes, or testes, are the gonads of men. Normally, every man has two testicles, which are located in the corresponding halves of the scrotum - right and left. The spermatic cords extend to the top of each testicle. They consist of membranes, testicular arteries, veins of the testicular venous plexus, and vas deferens. From the upper to the lower part of each testicle, along their lateral surfaces there are epididymis, which in the lower part pass into the vas deferens. Healthy testicles can be easily felt with your hands through the scrotum. Normally, they have a round shape and are elastic to the touch. The appendages resemble the shape of ridges. The testicles and their appendages have extremely important functions. So, the testicles perform the following functions:

  • reproduction of the male hormone testosterone;
  • reproduction of spermatozoa, thanks to which fertilization of the female egg occurs.

Appendages are responsible for:

  • passage of sperm from the testicle itself into the vas deferens;
  • maturation of sperm.

Testicular pain in men can occur at any age: an adult, a teenager or a child. In this case, pain in the testicle area can vary, depending on the reason why the testicles hurt. In any case, if there is pain in the testicular area (regardless of whether one testicle hurts or both), a man should consult a urologist.

Dangerous symptoms requiring medical attention

There can be quite a few reasons why men's testicles hurt. These include chronic diseases, and diseases in the acute period, and injuries. What to do if testicles hurt in men? Regardless of the cause, you should seek immediate medical attention when you experience any of the symptoms below:

  • when you touch one of the testicles or both, there is a sharp pain;
  • testicles have become atypical different sizes, or the shape or structure of one of them has changed (it has become harder or, conversely, softer, etc.);
  • pain under the testicles (regardless of the nature of the sensations);
  • sudden sharp pain in one of the testicles;
  • dull pain in the scrotum area, which intensifies over time;
  • pain in the scrotum is accompanied by other symptoms: vomiting, elevated temperature body, nausea, etc.;
  • the scrotum was injured, which is accompanied by pain for more than 1 hour;
  • There is a bulge on one of the testicles that was not there before.

All these signs are a reason to pay an urgent visit to the urologist. The doctor will conduct an examination, diagnose, diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment. You should not delay your visit, because any pathology is easier to eliminate in the initial stages of development. You should not hope that “everything will go away on its own,” since this can only waste precious time.

Testicular pain: causes

Urologists highlight different reasons illness. A lot of men turn to specialists specifically with complaints of pain under the testicles or directly in them. However, such pain can be of a different nature. So, all the reasons can be divided into several groups:

  1. Infectious diseases, inflammatory processes. One of the most common reasons when a man consults a doctor because he has pain under the testicles or the testicles themselves hurt. For example, this can occur in a number of diseases: orchitis (when the testicle becomes inflamed), epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis), and prostatitis.
  2. Diseases that are sexually transmitted (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis). With such diseases, there may be pain under the testicles or directly in them. Usually the sensations are dull but constant. Until the root cause is eliminated, the testicles will hurt.
  3. Scrotal injuries. Sometimes a man can get injured in the scrotum area, which is accompanied by pain. If, when you touch the damaged area, the pain remains after 1 hour, this is a good reason to consult a doctor.
  4. Hernia of the groin area. A hernia is accompanied by pain under the testicles or in their area if a large volume of intestine has fallen onto the scrotum and puts physical pressure on it. Tumors, as a rule, are not accompanied by pain (only in the most advanced stages).
  5. Varicocele, or varicose veins. This disease is invariably associated with pain under or in the testicles. Varicocele responds well to treatment. At the first stage, the disease can even be cured with medication, but if it is delayed to the last stage, surgery or even penile prosthesis cannot be avoided.

When testicular pain is serious

In addition to the reasons listed above, there are some other pathological processes that can provoke painful sensations. Such situations are very rare, but every man should be aware of them in order to have an idea of ​​how to behave if such a situation occurs.

  1. Very serious scrotal injury. Sometimes, with a very severe injury, the integrity of the testicles is compromised and they are damaged. This injury has nothing to do with an ordinary blow (although one may be a shock to a man). If the integrity of the organs is damaged or violated, the sensations are so painful and strong that the man may even lose consciousness. Also, in case of injury with any sharp object, you must immediately consult a doctor to begin treatment and prevent possible complications, up to infertility or removal of a testicle.
  2. Testicular torsion. This is an extremely rare situation, but very dangerous. Very often happens in a dream. Doctors are still arguing about what causes testicular torsion. The symptoms of this problem are as follows: a man, in the absence of any diseases of the genitourinary system or trauma to the genital organs, suddenly experiences sharp pain in the area of ​​the testicles. It is simply impossible to tolerate these sensations. In this case, there is a high probability that torsion has occurred. Normally, each testicle is suspended on the spermatic cord. It contains the vas deferens and blood vessels. Sometimes one of the testicles may change position, causing the cord to become twisted. This leads to the fact that blood access to the testicle is stopped, the vas deferens is compressed. This situation requires emergency medical attention and treatment, otherwise the twisted testicle may die. This situation most often affects men under 30 years of age.

When pain under the testicles is not dangerous

In addition to serious reasons, there is another factor that can lead to general discomfort in the penis area, as well as provoke pain under the testicles and in their area. The problem is very common among young men and is associated with sexual overstimulation. In particular, this happens in cases where the onset of sexual arousal was not satisfied. When a man experiences sexual arousal, it is accompanied by a rush and accumulation of blood. In this case, the process affects both the penis and testicles, which swell. If for some reason a man does not receive sexual release through ejaculation, this can cause pain. There is no need to treat this problem, since it can be easily and quickly solved in any of two ways:

  • sexual contact with a partner;
  • masturbation.

There is a third option - wait a few hours, since the pain will not last longer than 4 hours. However, the problem also has the opposite cause, when pain, on the contrary, occurs due to too frequent ejaculation over a short period. Such pain also goes away within a few hours and does not pose any danger to men's health. However, this is one of the reasons why men are not recommended to have intercourse or masturbate multiple times a day.

Diagnosis and treatment of the problem

It is very important not to wait for the problem to solve itself, but to act. In this case, this means a visit to a specialist. The problem of men's health is dealt with by an andrologist and a urologist. Only a doctor will be able to identify the root cause of the problem, make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct course of treatment, which will quickly bring results. And the sooner a man seeks help, the easier and faster the doctor can solve the problem. Therefore, it becomes obvious that you should not put off visiting a doctor in any way. It is very important not to take any painkillers before visiting a doctor, as they will greatly distort the real picture. The same applies to tests and diagnostics.

The criteria by which a man can determine that a doctor’s help is needed are: pain symptoms, which last several hours and are not associated with trauma or unsatisfied sexual arousal. During the consultation, the doctor usually carries out the following activities:

  1. Collects anamnesis, that is, a general picture of the disease, based on the patient’s complaints.
  2. Conducts a digital examination, which involves palpating the diseased organ.
  3. Other diagnostic methods, which include:

Diagnostic methods depend on how informative the medical history, examination and test results are for the doctor. This data may be quite sufficient to make a diagnosis.

Treatment methods for the problem

Treatment depends entirely on the diagnosis made by the doctor. That is why in this case there cannot be any single recipe. Other factors also play an important role: the patient’s age, general health, the degree of the disease and the severity of its course, etc. Therefore, even within the same disease, different treatment may be prescribed for two patients.

Why does it occur It's a dull pain in the testicles in men, reasons pain syndrome- such questions are within the competence of the attending physician. The main purpose of the male glands - the testes or testes - is the production of sperm and male sex hormones. The spermatic cords extend upward from the testicles, and on the sides there are appendages that envelop the testicles and end in the vas deferens.



It is worth paying attention to the fact that men's testicles are of different sizes. Usually the left one is slightly larger than the right one and is located a little lower, which scares many people. But this is within normal limits.

Why do men's balls hurt? The condition of the testicles and their health are directly related to a man’s fertility and his physical condition. They produce testosterone, an important sex hormone, thanks to which boys become men and look different from women.

It is in the testicles that sperm are produced, without which reproduction of offspring would be impossible. After all, the main thing in life is procreation. More than half of the egg mass is made up of seminal tubes, which are located in the testis. The cells in them form sperm.

Why in men, the reasons for this symptom - the attending physician will tell you about it.
There are many causes of pain. We need to consider some of them.

Severe pain appears completely suddenly, and the man did not receive any injuries and there were no external influences on the scrotum. This may be a signal that torsion has occurred. It was said a little higher that the testes on which they are supported extend upward from the eggs. One of these cords can become twisted and block blood flow. Why this happens is not fully understood, but it is believed that this is due to muscle contraction.

Torsion can even occur in your sleep. This cannot be done without the intervention of a surgeon, so what longer person will endure such pain, the higher the likelihood that the damaged organ will die.

If your balls hurt, what should you do? In boys, testicles are created in the embryonic stage. abdominal cavity. After birth, they slowly descend into the scrotum. Nature has thought of everything in advance here too. In the womb, at high body temperatures, sperm can die, but outside, in the scrotum, the temperature is lower and favors the formation of sperm. On the spermatic cord they move and turn freely, so there is a risk of torsion.

What causes pain in the male ovary? If you have pain in the testicles, it is better not to hesitate and consult a urologist; this phenomenon will not go away on its own. And the doctor can save the health of the organ without any consequences or complications.

Pain in the scrotum can occur due to a pathology of the peritoneum - a hernia. The swelling can pass through the inguinal canal and impinge on the testis, causing a painful attack. If the abdominal wall muscles are weak, then fragments of the peritoneum can leak into the inguinal canal, which causes pain when walking. This disease can only be treated surgically.

The doctor strengthens the back or front wall of the inguinal canal (depending on the hernia) or applies a special medical mesh, which helps avoid recurrence of the disease.

The channel that leads from the kidneys to the bladder is called the ureter. If there are stones in the kidneys, they can move and fall into this canal. In this case, the scrotum hurts because nerve endings the ureter and eggs are common.

Why do my testicles hurt? When the ureter is irritated, a man experiences pain in the testicle and lower abdomen. In addition, the urge to urinate occurs, but the man cannot urinate. The pain may radiate to the lower back. Nausea and vomiting appear. It should be noted that with urolithiasis the pain is very severe, since the stones, passing through the ureter, scratch its walls. But the point is that at an early stage of the development of the disease, the patient experiences pain in the scrotum, although the cause may be another disease.

Inflammation of the testicles. This disease is called. It is a complication infectious disease mumps or mumps. It occurs quite rarely and in most cases occurs in children. This disease is insidious in that the infection, affecting the salivary glands, also affects the genitals. A complication of this disease may be male infertility. Children are usually vaccinated against this disease in a timely manner, which reduces the risk of infection.

Or inflammation of the appendage. The epididymis is like a tube that is located inside the scrotum. As the infection progresses, it becomes inflamed and severe pain appears in the testicles. The epididymis may swell or swell slightly. The disease is caused by bacteria such as gonococci and chlamydia. But the disease can also appear in a diseased prostate when there is an infection in it.

Injury. Soreness occurs as a result of injury. If the blow or bruise was not severe, then after a short time the pain will go away on its own. But from a strong blow, a man can experience a painful shock, including loss of consciousness. It is, of course, better to consult a doctor in a timely manner to avoid complications. And if the lower spine is damaged, if a nerve is pinched, the pain can radiate to the left testicle.

With prolonged abstinence, aching pain appears. This happens because when aroused, the blood vessels become filled to capacity with blood, which can put unwanted pressure on the lower tissues, and if ejaculation does not occur, the entire area begins to hurt, which is why the testicles can become slightly swollen and hard.

Varicocele. This is a disease of the veins of the eggs and spermatic cord, which causes pain in them (usually in the left) - varicose veins. Blood circulation is impaired due to dilated, deformed veins of the pampiniform cord. The veins swell and cause pain. The cause may be problems with blood circulation or physical activity. This disease is treated surgically by removing the deformed vein.

Cysts and tumors. Neoplasms do not make themselves felt immediately. On initial stages they may not be noticed. Pain in the testicles manifests itself during or after sexual intercourse.

Diagnosis and treatment. Usually, an ultrasound examination of the scrotum is enough to accurately determine what is causing the pain. First aid for a blow or injury is to apply a cold pack to the injured area.

What symptoms require medical attention?

If the pain is of unknown origin, then you cannot treat yourself; it is better to contact a urologist to get qualified help and proper treatment.

Symptoms that can cause pain in the testicles in a man and with which you should consult a urologist:

  • difficulty urinating,
  • feeling of incomplete liberation Bladder,
  • painful urination,
  • smelly urine and cloudy color,
  • pain in the testicles and perineum,
  • pain in the sacral area,
  • violation of potency,
  • pain at the end of sexual intercourse,
  • infertility,
  • unpleasant odor of semen, with admixtures of blood, very thick or, conversely, very thin semen,
  • rash on the head of the penis,
  • enlarged inguinal lymph nodes,
  • pain in the lower back, in the sacrum (if there are changes in the urine).

Men sometimes do not want to see a urologist, but you need to understand that every person is the master of his own health. The doctor can help and suggest how to get rid of pain in the testicles. And you need to understand that the sooner you see a doctor, the easier it is to solve these problems, and the fewer complications will arise.

- translated from Latin as “witness of masculinity,” and in Russian, this organ is usually called testicles. These are paired male glands that produce sex cells - sperm and hormones, mainly the main male hormone testosterone.

In animals, this part of the body is called the testes. The testicles have the shape of an ellipse.

Average sizes for a man:

  • weight 15-25 g;
  • width 2-3.5 cm;
  • length 3-5 cm.

The testicles are located in the scrotum, where, normally, they descend from the retroperitoneal space at the time of birth. , you can read in detail here. Allowed location on different levels, as well as size differences. Most often, the right testicle is located higher than the left one and is smaller in size.

External characteristics (size, weight, volume) can vary greatly among representatives of different races, as well as place of residence.

Testicles in men are considered the most sensitive organ in the body. Probably everyone has at least once seen how a representative of the stronger sex writhes in pain if he receives a blow to the “witnesses of masculinity.” Painful sensations in the testicles are reflected in general condition men, nausea, headache, dizziness, irritability and even neurosis may occur.

However, painful sensations in the testicles can occur for no obvious reason. In fact, there are many diseases that are accompanied by pain in this organ. If you can find out in this article.

Factors that cause pain in the scrotum

The characteristics of testicular pain vary. In one case this can develop into a strong dull pain, and in another – a sudden appearance of acute pain syndrome. Any discomfort in this area can bring unbearable suffering to men. As a rule, patients describe the localization of pain as pain inside or under the scrotum.

The causes of discomfort may be different.

Doctors distinguish several groups:

  1. Injury. Any strong physical impact on the testicles causes pain. The intensity and nature depend on the complexity of the consequences of the injury.
  2. Infectious diseases, and, consequently, inflammatory processes are a provoking factor for the appearance of aching pain in the testicular area. Such diseases include:
    • Orchitis - inflammation of the testicles, in addition to pain in the scrotum, is accompanied by pain in the lower back, high temperature body, as well as an increase in the size of the testicles;
    • Epididymitis is inflammation of the testicular appendage. Other symptoms are swelling, swelling of the scrotal area;
    • Prostatitis – inflammation of the prostate also causes problems with urination and libido in men.
  3. Venereal diseases and STIs (sexually transmitted infections):
    • Trichomoniasis;
    • Chlamydia;
    • Mycoplasmosis;
    • Gonorrhea;
    • Syphilis and others.
  4. Inguinal hernia. Pain occurs when a large volume of intestine physically puts pressure on the scrotum. The nature of the pain is aching, manifestations can be short-term or long-lasting. In this article we have already discussed in detail the issue of.
  5. Varicocele (varicose veins of the testicles). This disease is accompanied by a dull aching pain. At the initial stage of disease development, discomfort occurs during physical activity and sexual intercourse, when the condition is neglected, the pain becomes constant.
  6. Hydrocele (). With this disease, if inflammation develops, a dull aching pain occurs in one of the testicles or the scrotum area.

Pain in the right testicle or pain in the left testicle

There is no relationship between the cause of pain and the side of the testicle. Unpleasant sensations can occur on any side - right or left.

We present to your attention a detailed article about.

When should you see a doctor?

Before considering cases that require emergency medical care, you should pay attention to situations that are completely safe, but nevertheless cause discomfort in the testicles and penis.

There are two options for the occurrence of “safe” pain:

  1. This problem is more common in young people and is based on sexual overstimulation. During sexual arousal, blood flow to the genitals increases. Swelling of the testicles and penis occurs. In order for this process to stop, it is necessary to obtain sexual release through ejaculation. If for some reason this does not happen, pain may occur. This situation does not require treatment and can be easily resolved in the following ways:
    • Completed sexual intercourse;
    • Masturbation;
    • Time (pain will not last more than four hours)
  2. Pain can also occur if you ejaculate too often in a short period of time. In order to avoid unpleasant sensations, it is recommended to reduce the number of sexual contacts or masturbation. With this problem, the pain is short-lived.

It is necessary to visit a doctor if the situation differs from those described above.

Don’t think that everything will go away on its own if:

Also, sometimes situations arise when a visit to the doctor should be immediate:

  1. A very serious blow to the scrotum. In such a situation, the integrity of the testicles may be compromised, that is, they may be damaged. This injury cannot be confused with a regular blow, because the pain is so strong and excruciating that it can lead to loss of consciousness.
  2. In case of injury with a sharp object, it is also necessary to seek emergency help to receive treatment, and, accordingly, prevention possible consequences, such as infertility or testicular removal.
  3. Testicular torsion. This is a very dangerous situation, which consists in the fact that the testicle rotates around its vertical axis. The greater the angle of rotation, the more complex the situation. When the rotation exceeds 180°, circulatory disturbances occur in the testicle, numerous hemorrhages and vein thrombosis occur. The scrotum is swollen. The situation is characterized by very acute pain that cannot be tolerated. It is necessary to obtain emergency medical care in the form of surgery, otherwise the twisted testicle may die. Doctors cannot agree on what causes this problem, but the following are suggested:
    • previous injuries, bruises;
    • sudden movements of the abdomen, which causes contraction of the muscles that raise the testicles;
    • an anomaly associated with impaired descent of the testicle into the scrotum (cryptorchidism).

Testicular cancer

There is also a disease of the testicles, which is not accompanied by pain, but is the most serious - testicular cancer.

It most often develops between the ages of 20-35 years. Usually a man simply notices a small lump that is slowly growing. It is important not to delay your visit to the doctor, because you can be cured completely, the main thing is to start therapy on time.

Diagnosis of the problem

To determine the cause of the pain, if it is not “safe” or very dangerous, the man should be shown to a doctor at the clinic. Currently, there is a man who can establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. It is important not to delay the visit, because the earlier the disease is detected, the easier it is to eliminate it.

You should know that before seeing a doctor you should not take painkillers so as not to distort the real picture of the disease.

The doctor will listen carefully to your complaints and record them. Next, he will conduct an examination by palpating the diseased organ. If necessary, he will take a smear from the urethra and also prescribe additional examinations to obtain complete information about the disease.

Additional examinations include:

  • CBC (complete blood count);
  • OAM (general urinalysis);
  • Ultrasound examination of the scrotum (ultrasound);
  • Testicular biopsy;
  • Spermogram;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Treatment methods

After receiving all the test results and taking into account the medical history, the doctor will be able to establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

There are three types of treatment methods for the disease:

  1. Treatment with medications. When a diagnosis of infection is made, medications, in particular antibiotics, are necessary. They are selected individually, depending on the type of pathogen. The dosage and regimen are prescribed by the doctor. It is important to follow the recommendations for taking the drug, otherwise they will be ineffective, ineffective or cause the opposite effect - the infection will increase.
  2. Treatment with physiotherapeutic procedures. This therapy improves blood flow in the scrotum, eliminating congestion, which accelerates tissue renewal.
  3. Surgical intervention. In cases where purulent tissue inflammation occurs, it is necessary to install drainage to eliminate the foci. After surgery, it is necessary to take antibiotics to suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

Prevention of testicular pain

Preventive measures include self-examination of the testicles, especially for males aged 15-40 years. Doctors recommend performing this manipulation approximately once a month; it will not take much time, but will allow you to detect signs of the disease in time.

This is especially necessary for men who are at risk:

  1. Heredity for testicular cancer;
  2. Previous cancer on the other testicle;
  3. The presence of the pathology cryptorchidism is the undescended testicles into the scrotum.

Self-examination of the scrotum

Self-examination of the scrotum is carried out as follows:

Men need to carefully monitor their “manhood.” This will be the key to a fulfilling life for many years to come. Take care of your health!

If testicular pain occurs in men, the reasons for this symptom are different. This organ is very vulnerable. The appearance of painful sensations is a signal of some pathology in the gonad, such as sexually transmitted diseases or genital tract infections. If you notice such a symptom, you should consult a specialist.

The appearance of pain in the testicles can be caused by several factors. They are classified into the following groups. Physiological reason - with a long absence of sexual intercourse. Almost every man experiences discomfort in the genitals after waking up. This condition is not a sign of pathology, it is due to the normal functioning of organs reproductive system.

Traumatic cause. Because throughout the entire thickness of the epidermal layer and in the genitals there are nerve fibers that are highly exposed to external irritants. The male genital organs have a large number of such nerve fibers, so even a small irritant creates discomfort. Infections – orchitis and epididymitis. If inflammatory processes begin to develop in the perineum, they are accompanied by intense swelling and painful sensations.

The vascular cause is due to insufficient blood supply resulting from congestion and blockage of blood vessels. With absence normal nutrition organs, not only unpleasant sensations appear, but nagging pain in the testicles.

Damage to other organs. Due to the intense innervation in the perineum and genitals, even minor irritation provokes the development severe pain. This symptom may accompany urolithiasis, neoplasms in the urinary system, or urethritis.

It is important to detect the provoking conditions in time and begin immediate treatment. This will help prevent irreversible consequences and problems with conception.

Sexual abstinence

If aching pain appears in the testicles in men, the reasons for this condition may lie in a long absence of intimacy. This is due to the fact that the functioning of the entire reproductive system is closely connected. When an erection occurs in men, this is accompanied by blood flow to the penis and an increase in size. In addition to erection, the ductal system and blood circulation are activated. All these processes take part in subsequent ejaculation.

If sexual intercourse does not occur after an erection, the man feels severe spasm, accompanied by pain in the genitals and eggs. To distinguish normality from pathology, it is necessary to pay attention to the absence of redness on the skin of the scrotum and under the testicles. Normally, the color of the epidermis is flesh-colored, there are no rashes or hyperemia, pain in the left or right testicle is not accompanied by a general deterioration of the condition, there are no problems with emptying the bladder.

Normally, the spasm goes away on its own after two to three hours. You can additionally take one antispasmodic tablet, for example, no-shpa, once. Often, treatment for this condition is not required. If such a symptom persists for more than seven hours, this is a reason to contact a urologist or andrologist.

With traumatic injuries to the scrotum, the male reproductive glands are always affected. The intensity of the pain is determined by the severity of the injury. With slight damage, the delicate glandular tissue is injured, acute pain appears in the testicles, it is accompanied by hemorrhages and swelling. Such symptoms persist throughout the day. After a while they disappear on their own.

In case of intensive injuries, treatment is carried out in hospitalization. This type of injury entails damage to the gland and loss of its functioning, separation of the ducts. This can be caused by a fall from a height or a strong blow with a blunt object. For severe injuries it is carried out radical therapy- surgical intervention.

Infectious processes

Epididymitis is accompanied by severe pain. It is pronounced, becomes more intense during physical activity and palpation, and is reduced with the help of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers (Nise, ibuprofen, citramon). This pathology is additionally accompanied by redness of the epidermis, swelling, and hyperthermia. Such signs appear suddenly, regardless of other diseases of the body.

The presence of acute orchitis can be determined by specific clinical manifestations. If a chronic form of orchitis develops, it is difficult to detect. Chronic form manifests itself as minor painful sensations, the testicle aches, the temperature is subfebrile, and may not rise at all. Sometimes there is redness of the scrotum. Such signs go away on their own; usually the man does not seek help. But this is incorrect, since the hidden inflammatory process directly affects the testicles, causing consequences and complications, including irreversible ones - atrophy in the glands with the testes. Therefore, treatment must be timely.

Torsion of the gonad

Pain in the right testicle or left appears due to twisting of the organ. This condition rarely occurs in adulthood. Children and adolescents are most often affected. The cause is a congenital anomaly physiological structure, for example, excessive mobility of the duct and testicle.

If torsion occurs, this condition can be distinguished by pain on only one side. Usually it hurts only in the right testicle in men or in the left. Pain in the left or right testicle becomes more intense during physical activity or palpation, when emptying the bladder. Where the twisting has occurred, there is an increase in the size of the scrotum, it turns red completely or partially. Treatment is carried out only by a doctor.

Pain in the left or right testicle can be caused by reasons not related to the reproductive organs. If pathological processes occur in the ureter, this also entails the appearance of acute pain. This is due to the fact that behind the ureter there is a nerve; when large formations pass through the canal, it is damaged, this causes pain in the left testicle or in the right, in the groin area.

With renal colic, pain appears separately in the left testicle or soreness occurs in the right one. Signs appear suddenly, the sex gland hurts, but also the lower back, lower abdomen, front thighs. During emptying of the bladder, the discomfort becomes more intense. There is little urine, there is an admixture of blood in it, as a result of which it turns red or pink, there is a frequent urge to micturate, they are painful, and incomplete emptying of the bladder is felt. It is unacceptable to self-medicate. You should not heat the lower abdomen or take any medications, as this can aggravate the condition. For this condition, treatment in a hospital setting is indicated. Surgery is prescribed to remove the formation.


This pathology is often detected in adolescence. But adult men can also suffer. The appearance of varicocele is provoked congenital anomalies development of the genital organs when insufficiency occurs venous system scrotum, or veins are incorrectly connected to the renal vessels. Long time similar pathological process does not show itself in any way. It is often discovered by chance during a routine examination by a urologist. If pain appears, this indicates that the disease is in an advanced stage. Usually the pain is of a pulling nature and becomes more intense after a prolonged stay in one body position, or during an erection. During a medical examination, an enlargement of the scrotum on the side of the affected organ is detected.

The therapeutic effect consists of conservative treatment. But we must remember that treatment will be long and problematic. In particularly advanced cases, the help of a surgeon may be needed. If pain in the testicle occurs, do not delay contacting a urologist or andrologist. This will allow you to identify the cause of such a symptom in time and begin timely treatment.

One of the most unpleasant and dangerous ailments for a man is pain in the testicles, since it is the testicles that perform the reproductive function in the male body. A man's testicles contain the gonads, which produce sperm and are responsible for procreation. This organ is the most sensitive in the male body; any strong external impact can cause pain. Constant pain in the testicles causes not only physical, but also psychological discomfort.

There can be quite a few reasons why a man has testicular pain. Moreover, this problem may not depend at all on the age of the man. If at least one of the following signs appears, then you should start to worry:

  • The pain appears as a result of an injury and does not subside for one to two hours or more.
  • Periodically there is nagging pain in the testicles.
  • One of the testicles changed shape.
  • The pain appeared very sharply and unexpectedly, although no injuries or other causes were observed.
  • Pain appears when touching the testicles.
  • In addition to pain, the man experiences dizziness, fever and nausea.

These signs may indicate the appearance of an infection in the body, as well as the development of a disease in the reproductive system. In such cases, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor.

Some causes of testicular pain

Pain in the testicles in men can occur for various reasons:


Pain may occur due to a sharp, severe bruise in the testicular area. At the same time, pain with a mild injury, as a rule, goes away quite quickly. If the injury is more serious, the pain can be very severe, even to the point of loss of consciousness due to pain shock.

During an injury, it is important to pay attention to the nature of the pain in order to understand how dangerous the bruise is. For example, if the intensity of the pain gradually increases and does not go away for a long time, it is most likely that the injury is very severe, and there is even a possibility of a chronic injury to the scrotum. If the wound was caused by blows with a sharp object, then in this case urgent health care, otherwise the loss of one testicle is possible.


The main symptom of spermatic cord torsion is acute, sudden pain. As a result of twisting of the cord, the testicle is displaced and blood circulation is stopped. You cannot solve this problem on your own; you must consult a doctor. In some cases it is even required surgical intervention.

A disease in which a man's veins around the spermatic cord dilate. As a rule, this happens due to violations in vascular system, namely, due to too high blood pressure. With such an illness, a man does not experience severe sharp pain, only sometimes he feels discomfort. However, you should never delay treatment, as the problem may worsen.


Inflammatory process in the upper epididymis of the testes. As a rule, the cause of inflammation is viruses and bacteria, mainly chlamydia and gonococci. With such an infection, a man may experience severe pain in the testicles during urination. Often the disease is accompanied by fever.

This disease is a complication of infectious colds. The virus spreads through the blood throughout the body and enters the testicles. The inflammatory process develops rapidly, men often complain that the testicle is swollen and painful, and at the same time the temperature rises. If left untreated, within a week the testicles become smaller and shrink. Then testicular atrophy occurs, most men become infertile.

Other reasons

  1. Prolonged sexual arousal without ejaculation. Constant strong sexual arousal that does not end with ejaculation can also cause sharp pains in the testicles.
  2. . Sometimes the cause of pain in the testicles is a hernial protrusion. In this case, in addition to pain, the man also experiences swelling in the scrotum area. In this case therapeutic treatment impossible, surgery will be required.
  3. Tumor. Periodic or constant severe pain in the testicles may occur due to the appearance of a tumor in them. It is extremely difficult to detect a neoplasm at an early stage of the disease, since a man, as a rule, does not experience any symptoms or discomfort. Therefore, most often the disease is diagnosed at later stages, when the only treatment is removal of the testicles.

Sometimes pain in the testicles can be far from random. You should not endure discomfort, since the development of pathology can lead to more serious diseases, including cancer.

Often men note that only one testicle, right or left, hurts. This symptom suggests that the disease is concentrated mainly in only one gonad. Most likely, the reason lies in a neoplasm or twisting.

Why do my testicles hurt after sex?

There may be several reasons for this. Perhaps the sexual act simply did not come to a logical conclusion for the man, and he did not enjoy it, and therefore did not extract the sperm produced. Often, pain in the testicles appears due to prolonged abstinence or large accumulation of ejaculate due to frequent interruption of sexual intercourse.

Neurological pathologies can cause pain in the testicles after sex. Sometimes the reason needs to be looked for not in the reproductive system, but in the organs digestive system, in which inflammatory processes can form. Often, pain in the testicles appears due to severe pain in the abdominal organs. Therefore, it is advisable, in addition to the reproductive and urinary systems, to additionally check nearby organs.

If a man has pain in his left testicle, it is possible that he will be diagnosed with kidney disease, pathology in the intestines, or oncological diseases. It doesn’t matter at what age a man experiences testicular pain, this symptom is in any case very doubtful and dangerous. Often, even young boys develop serious pathologies that must be treated promptly, otherwise, over time, surgical intervention will be required for the normal functioning of the gonads.

Sexually transmitted diseases can also cause pain in the lower abdomen. You need to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms and be sure to consult a doctor - he will help find out the cause of the disease.

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What to do if your testicles and lower abdomen hurt?

Pain in the testicles and lower abdomen may indicate the presence of infectious diseases and inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. In order to find out the cause of the disease, you need to consult a urologist and take tests. Perhaps the reason lies in inflammation of the prostate gland. In this case, you will need to do an ultrasound examination; it will clearly show the enlarged gland.

So, what to do if your testicle hurts? The first thing to do after the appearance of painful symptoms in the male organs is to consult a specialist. It is impossible to diagnose the disease only by external signs; even an experienced urologist will not be able to make a diagnosis without prescribing tests and additional laboratory research, which may include ultrasound and MRI. Ultrasound is usually used for inflammation of the prostate gland and other organs. MRI can be used to detect tumors.

For full treatment, the patient will first need to have his blood and urine tested. In addition, urologists often take it, since this can determine the presence of sexually transmitted infections. In some cases, nuclear scanning is also used.

Therapy for diseases of the gonads is determined depending on the cause of pain. After the doctor determines the problem in the body, a complex therapy, which is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease and treating the underlying cause of the disease.

Treatment of pain

For minor injuries and minor bruises, you can limit yourself to home treatment. Of course, it is still advisable to undergo an examination by a doctor so that he can give an opinion that there is nothing wrong with men’s health. As a rule, urologists prescribe painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. It is also necessary to provide rest to the genitals; you can apply cooling compresses. In case of more serious injuries, as a rule, the problem can only be solved through surgery.

When testicles are twisted medications won't help. You need to see a doctor, he will try to return the testicle to its normal position with his hands. If this fails, you will have to go to the surgeon's table. Until surgery is completed, you can take medications to reduce pain.

Epididymitis is a disease that can be treated on an outpatient basis, but in more severe cases hospitalization is required. For treatment it is necessary to use antibacterial drugs. As a rule, they are prescribed by a doctor depending on which particular infectious agent was found in the man’s body. At the same time, you need to take anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers. Physiotherapy can help. As a rule, it is used to eliminate blood stagnation in the pelvic organs. This way, treatment of inflammation will be most effective. On late stages For epididymitis, surgical methods are mainly used.

An inguinal hernia, unfortunately, cannot be corrected therapeutically or physiotherapeutically. Surgery is necessary to correct the problem.

If the cause of pain in the testicles is sexually transmitted diseases, genital tract infections or other sexually transmitted diseases are usually treated by a venereologist. The doctor determines the virus that causes the infection and prescribes a special antibiotic or antiviral drug direct action to combat microorganisms. In some cases, immunological modulation is required to strengthen the body and enable it to fight infections.

How to relieve pain in the left testicle in men

If the doctor names the cause of pain in the testicles, you need to try to bring your sex life back to normal, make it regular. In addition, it is very good to do daily exercises so that the blood does not stagnate. It is also advisable to include physical activity in your life.

Diet is also very important for men's health. It is recommended to eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible; this will improve digestion and blood circulation, thereby reducing pressure on the pelvic organs. In addition, it is necessary to protect yourself from severe stress; neurology often affects the normal functioning of the gonads.

Sometimes men are embarrassed to contact a urologist and prefer to endure the symptoms, finding various folk recipes for home treatment. It is worth noting that ethnoscience cannot be the main method of treatment, but it can be a good complement to drug therapy.

If a man is faced with the question of why his testicles hurt, the first thing he should do is not turn to the Internet and try to solve the problem on his own. The reasons why testicles hurt in men can be very different, sometimes even an experienced specialist is not able to immediately say what the problem is. Therefore, self-selected treatment may lead to additional problems and further development of the inflammatory process. Men regularly turn to a urologist when the disease is already at an advanced stage.

You shouldn't risk your health. It is important to remember that in case of serious pathology, incurable infertility may develop.

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