Chronic pyelonephritis urine analysis. Urinalysis for pyelonephritis: collection of material and interpretation of results

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Urinalysis for pyelonephritis allows you to accurately establish the diagnosis, choose the right therapy and adjust it in connection with changes in indicators. Thanks to the test results, the disease can be detected at an early stage. Kidney inflammation is an uncomfortable and dangerous condition in which the kidney tissue is attacked by a bacterial infection. Inflammation can not only damage the kidneys, but can also easily expand into the blood (the kidneys are a highly perfused organ) and cause blood poisoning.

Types of analyzes

There are three main types of research: general analysis blood and urine, samples according to Zimnitsky, Sulkovich, Nechiporenko and bacterial culture. The indicators indicate the causative agent of pyelonephritis and the degree of its progression, which allows timely adjustment of treatment.

At the beginning of the disease, a test is done using the Nechiporenko method. The number of red blood cells, casts and leukocytes is detected. Additionally, the density and color of urine is determined. Bacteriological research helps to establish the root cause of the disease and the reaction of the pathogen to various medications. If the kidneys are affected, a Gram urine test is performed. This helps to identify the causative agent of the infection.

General urine analysis

TAM shows the degree of damage to the body by the disease. The leukocyte formula is of greatest importance. For pyelonephritis, a urine test determines the amount of:

  • mineral sediment;
  • bacteria;
  • red blood cells;
  • epithelium;
  • leukocytes.

Acidity is taken into account. A general urine test for pyelonephritis helps to detect changes in the microflora of the fluid that the body secretes. The causative agent of the disease and its sensitivity to drugs are identified. Urine testing provides more accurate results than other tests:

  • urine with pyelonephritis acquires a reddish tint;
  • a specific smell appears (for example);
  • The pH changes to alkaline.

Normal tests for pyelonephritis in women and men should show values ​​of 1.015-1.025, in children - 1.012-1.020. Once the child reaches 12 years of age, standard values ​​for adults are taken. An increase or decrease in indicators indicates the presence of a disease.

Other studies

Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko for pyelonephritis helps determine the cause of unclear localization of pain. The number of leukocytes in the sediment is determined. Their number may vary, so several analyzes are carried out at once.
How to determine pyelonephritis using a urine test? shows the number of red blood cells, casts and leukocytes. The total values ​​are then calculated according to the available urine volume. This test helps detect any infections.

The Nechiporenko method test is performed for any form of pyelonephritis. It is most informative for hidden inflammations in the urinary system.

A study of leukocytes (Nechiporenko’s method) is carried out both in acute forms of the disease and in chronic or latent ones. However, one should take into account the fact that the levels of leukocytes during kidney inflammation are prone to fluctuations, which is why repeated studies are usually carried out (chronic kidney inflammation is no exception).

Increased leukocyte counts during the inflammatory process:

  • minimum level: less than 10 million/day; average level: 10-30 million/day;
  • maximum level (characteristic of the period of exacerbation of the disease): about 100 million/day.

Urine analysis for pyelonephritis in children is done using the Zimnitsky method. The test reveals fluctuations in the specific gravity of the fluid that accompany inflammatory processes. The Sulkowicz urine test helps determine the amount of calcium in the fluid that is excreted from the body. Most often, the study is prescribed for infants, but can also be done for adults.

It is impossible to establish an accurate diagnosis using the Sulkovich test.

General and biochemical blood test

A general blood test for pyelonephritis is always done. The study shows all changes in the leukocyte medical formula - the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin, the presence of leukocytes. The sedimentation rate of red blood cells is taken into account.

A biochemical blood test for pyelonephritis helps to detect excess levels of creatine and urea. During the study, antistreptolysin antibodies are determined. They indicate the streptococcal nature of the disease.

The indicator of antistreptolysin antibodies is especially important in glomerulonephritis.

Bacteriological culture, ELISA and PCR

Final confirmation of the diagnosis is established after a microbiological examination, which within a few days proves the number and type of bacteria present.

Bacteriological culture allows you to detect urogenital infections. At the same time, enzyme-linked immunosorbent tests (ELISA) are performed. Bacteriological culture reveals microorganisms in the urine and among them the dominant causative agent of the disease. This allows you to choose the right medicine.

ELISA identifies the pathogen after information on antigens and complements previously obtained results bacteriological research. A PCR blood test detects chlamydia and other pathogenic microorganisms that cause the disease.

Changes in values ​​due to illness

Changes in blood and urine do not depend on the intensity of pyelonephritis. Tests help establish an accurate clinical picture, which is especially important when the disease is asymptomatic. Blood instantly reacts to any changes in the body. Deviations are detected using biochemical research.

During the inflammatory process, the number of leukocytes increases. They indicate the presence of pyelonephritis only when combined with low hemoglobin and a decrease in red blood cells. Biochemistry signals the disease, indicating an increase in the amount of gamma and alpha globulins and uric acid. At the same time, the level of protein in the urine with pyelonephritis decreases.

Only urine can provide the most detailed information about the disease. Normal urine levels for women are from 0 to 3, for men - from 0 to 1. Exceeding the maximum limit indicates the presence of inflammation. for women it should be from 0 to 6, for men - from 0 to 3. Any deviation indicates inflammation and the presence of urogenital diseases.

The absence of protein in the urine is a good sign. The color of urine with pyelonephritis changes from yellowish to orange or reddish. , they may become grainy.

How to determine pyelonephritis from a urine test: the level of protein and glucose in the urine increases (or is absent altogether). The protein in it does not exceed 1 g/l. In the urinary sediment, the number of leukocytes increases, located in whole groups. At the height of the disease, the amount of epithelium is found to be small. Salts and granular cylinders appear in the urine.

Results in the acute form of the disease

The first signs of acute pyelonephritis in urine analysis are leukocyturia. Other indicators help determine urine density and protein levels. Indicators of urine analysis in acute pyelonephritis deviate from the norm. The liquid becomes colorless or very light. The concentration of urine decreases. Due to the presence of bacteria, the pH becomes acidic than normal.

CRP is a protein produced in the liver and belongs to the group of acute phase proteins. Its concentration increases with the degree of the inflammatory process. Thus, with the development of the disease, an increased concentration of CRP is determined:

  • a CRP value greater than 30 mg/l characterizes a bacterial infection;
  • For viral infection typical CRP value is 6-30 mg/l.

If you characterize what urine is like with pyelonephritis by its visible manifestations: a small amount of blood appears. If there is pus in the kidneys, it is found in the urine and clouds it. As a result, abundant foaming occurs. Feels bad smell acetic, beta-resin or acetonic acid.

In case of chronic manifestation

In chronic pyelonephritis, urine analysis reveals processes occurring in the kidneys. Urine becomes pale in color and the amount of protein increases. The urine becomes cloudy, a large sediment forms, and the pH drops below 7.0. Polyuria with hyposthenuria appears (a large amount of fluid with a small specific gravity of 1.0-1.012). An increase in the amount of:

  • red blood cells;
  • microorganisms;
  • epithelium;
  • leukocytes.

Indicators of urine analysis in chronic pyelonephritis during an exacerbation are identical to the acute form of the disease. In its latent phase, the value of urine tests is insufficient to make a diagnosis. Leukocytes are slightly higher than normal, and single red blood cells are detected.

In the latent phase, despite the existing pyelonephritis, tests may show normal values. To confirm additional research.

Urinalysis for chronic pyelonephritis is done using the Griess method. The study identifies microorganisms and their numbers. Positive analysis indicates that urine contains more than 100 thousand harmful microorganisms.

Usually, morning urine excreted after 10 hours of fasting is collected for analysis. Research evaluation is a multifaceted process. In addition to the main and obvious signs disease, research indicators can also be indirect. For example, the acidity of urine deviates from the norm due to the formation of kidney stones. Therefore, to make an accurate diagnosis, urine is analyzed in different directions.

Have you ever had to undergo tests for kidney inflammation? Be sure to share your experience in the comments - your opinion and knowledge will be very useful for our readers!

– an inflammatory process that affects one kidney or both paired organs at once. Occurs in 10% of people on the planet, including children. To make a diagnosis, doctors conduct a series of tests.

The main ones are considered laboratory methods diagnostics They are used both to recognize the disease and to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.

OAC, OAM – blood and urine tests, respectively, which are prescribed for the diagnosis of any disease, standard medical examination. If abnormalities are detected, a kidney problem may be suspected.

Pyelonephritis and its causes

Inflammation develops due to an attack by bacteria or viruses. To understand the essence of the problem, you need to delve into the work of the kidneys. The human urinary system consists of 2 kidneys, Bladder, 2 ureters, urethra.

The kidneys work around the clock, purifying the blood and producing 1-2 liters of urine. From the kidneys, fluid enters the bladder, and from it flows out through the urethra.

When the body is affected by infection, the kidneys may fail. - a serious illness that requires urgent treatment. If you miss time, the process will become chronic and provoke complications. When the diagnosis is made on time, a course of antibiotics will definitely help eliminate the problem.

Women are more likely to suffer from pyelonephritis, which is associated with the anatomy of their genitourinary organs. A common causative agent of infection is Escherichia coli, followed by streptococci, enterobacteria, enterococci, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Main symptoms

The onset of inflammation can be recognized by an increased urge to urinate and painful urination. As the disease progresses, additional signs appear:

  • hematuria;
  • nausea to the point of vomiting;
  • , smells unpleasant;
  • consciousness becomes clouded;
  • chills, fever;
  • pain in the back, side.

Considering that the disease can develop from prostate hyperplasia, stones in the urinary organs, diabetes, the clinical picture will vary, complemented by symptoms of the underlying pathology. You should not engage in self-diagnosis; if the above symptoms appear, you need to visit a nephrologist, urologist, and undergo an examination.

Diagnostic methods

Suspecting a patient has pyelonephritis, the doctor, after studying the medical history and examination, will prescribe the following diagnostic measures:

  • CT scan of the kidneys and other peritoneal organs;
  • urine test - OAM, according to Nechiporenko, Zimnitsky, tank culture;
  • blood test - CBC, biochemistry, C-reactive protein, sterility.

The main thing is a urine test, but this is not always enough. Then a blood test is crucial. It is deciphered by a doctor; you should not try to diagnose yourself.

Blood test and its purpose

Patients collect urine themselves, but donate blood in a medical facility under sterile conditions. The simplest method is a sample of capillaries located close to the fingertips.

The laboratory assistant uses a scarifier and removes the required amount of material into a test tube. Another option is a vein sample. It is somewhat more complicated, but is carried out quickly and safely.

A general blood test is the basis for diagnosing most known diseases.

When the diagnosis seems obvious, which is confirmed by urine tests, there is no need to evaluate a number of blood markers; it is enough to evaluate its main parameters, changes in which are characteristic of pyelonephritis:

  • creatinine;
  • hemoglobin;
  • protein;
  • leukocytes;
  • electrolytes.

Some of these parameters are detected using CBC, others - using blood biochemistry. For the result to be reliable, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • the analysis is taken from 8 to 10 am on an empty stomach, having had the last light snack 12 hours before taking the material;
  • 48 hours before the test, avoid fatty, spicy foods and alcoholic beverages;
  • stop taking medications 24 hours before. The only exceptions are vital drugs;
  • drink enough fluids;
  • Avoid excessive physical activity 24 hours before;
  • directly in the laboratory you need to sit for 10 minutes, calm down, and then go to the laboratory assistant.

General blood analysis

The study determines an increase in the number of leukocytes. This indicates the presence of inflammatory processes. The material is taken from the finger on the right hand. If pyelonephritis is suspected, attention is paid to a number of parameters.

Bacteriological culture is one of the most effective methods diagnosis of infections

The amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells is measured using hardware. Sometimes with pyelonephritis they do not deviate from the norm. Underestimated numbers do not directly confirm the presence of kidney inflammation; the kidney filter, from which red blood cells enter the urine, may be damaged.

The next indicator to be assessed is ESR, i.e., the rate at which red blood cells settle. It is calculated simply - the blood is left in a test tube, and after the required period of time the sedimentation rate is recorded on a special scale. Against the background of pyelonephritis, the figure greatly exceeds normal figures.

Another parameter is the number of leukocytes. Detected using medical devices. When the organ structures are inflamed, this indicator increases greatly, but it is more important for the laboratory technician to identify the leukocyte formula.

This is the composition of white blood cells. To do this, examine a drop of blood by placing it on glass under a microscope. For pyelonephritis, a characteristic picture is an increased number of granulocytes, a predominance of young cells, which differ significantly from already mature ones.

Blood chemistry

Considering that pyelonephritis changes the chemical properties of the blood, it is important to conduct a biochemical analysis to identify possible deviations. Medical devices calculate the amount of protein.

It corresponds to normal values, but if the sample is examined in detail, more immunoglobulins are detected. A healthy body is characterized by a predominance of albumin.

An increased concentration of protein in the urine is a sign of an inflammatory process in the kidney

A test for C-reactive protein can identify the inflammatory process. Blood healthy person does not contain such a component. On the form, the level of such protein is indicated by crosses, as the volume increases, from 1 to 4. The last number indicates a serious inflammatory process affecting the kidneys.

During biochemical analysis for pyelonephritis, the level of creatinine and urea is assessed. This test will show how well the kidneys are able to clear toxic substances from the blood.

The norms of the elements vary depending on the patient’s gender, age, and body weight. The doctor must take such features into account so as not to get false results. An increase in both indicators indicates violations affecting the organ filter.

Another parameter of biochemical analysis is the number of electrolytes. They are distributed inside the cell, in the surrounding fluid. For the body to function properly, the ratio of electrolytes must be in balance. If there are deviations, the tissues of the myocardium and brain suffer.

One of the most important indicators is the amount of sodium and potassium. The kidneys remove excess potassium from the body, and if its level is higher than normal, this indicates that the organ is not coping with its function. In this case, blood purification is carried out by hemodialysis, otherwise accumulated harmful substances will poison the body and lead to consequences.

Decoding analysis indicators

A specialist with a medical education can interpret the results of blood tests. The patient can independently see an increase in the indicators and suspect inflammation, but the doctor makes the decision.

Interpretation of indicators indicating pyelonephritis:

  • leukocytes are higher than normal;
  • increased ESR;
  • alpha-2-globulins more than 13%;
  • reduction in specific gravity;
  • increase in uric acid more than 0.4 millimoles per 1 liter;
  • decrease in red blood cells, hemoglobin;
  • reduction in the amount of total protein;
  • gamma globulins more than 23%.

Standard results

When interpreting the results, the specialist takes into account the patient’s gender, age, condition, presence of pathologies, and medications taken. When assessing the data, the doctor compares them with the norms:

  • alpha-2-globulin 7-13%. An increase indicates kidney inflammation;
  • red blood cells. Men 0-1, women 0-3. Excess – pathologies of the kidneys, urinary organs;
  • gamma globulin 12-22%. Increased talk about severe inflammation;
  • protein. Its detection signals problems with the kidneys, tubules, and their nodes;
  • creatinine 53-115 µmol/l;
  • bilirubin. Exceeding the indicators indicates inflammation, the presence of infection, intoxication;
  • protein, urea. Exceeding the parameters indicates the onset of renal failure.

Doctors say that before going to the laboratory, you can suspect pyelonephritis by a change in the color of the urine. When the number of red blood cells in it increases, it acquires a red color of varying intensity, taking into account the number of red blood cells.

In addition to the color, the smell of the secreted liquid also changes - it becomes sharp; during an infectious process, urine smells unpleasantly of acetone. When faced with such manifestations, you need to go to the doctor, take simple tests and assess the state of the body, including the kidneys.

To summarize, it should be recalled that pyelonephritis is a serious disease that requires timely diagnosis, immediate treatment. If you ignore the problem, refuse prevention, treatment, neglect hygiene and diet, the inflammation will become chronic, will remain forever and will periodically torment the patient with symptoms, which can cause serious consequences.

Kidney inflammation is enough dangerous disease. In some cases, it can be practically asymptomatic, and only a few minor signs indicate the presence of the disease. Therefore, it is very important to get tested for pyelonephritis. This will allow you to quickly identify the disease and begin treatment; in addition, the results are important in the sense that they help eliminate the possibility of other diseases with which pyelonephritis is often confused.

Blood tests

In most cases, indicative of kidney inflammation is the examination of the urine of a patient with pyelonephritis; based on them, a specialist can make a diagnosis. However, in addition, to identify more accurate clinical picture, general blood tests and biochemistry tests are required.

A general blood test for pyelonephritis allows you to determine whether there is a elevated level leukocytes, which in turn indicates the presence of an ongoing inflammatory process in the body. In general, a general blood test taken from the terminal phalanx of the finger of the right hand is the most common laboratory test, the indicators of which can indicate changes currently occurring in the body.

However, experts never tire of repeating that in order to obtain reliable data for the procedure, you need to prepare:

  • Biological fluid for examination must be submitted to morning hours. In some cases, for urgent diagnostics, the collection is carried out immediately upon the patient’s arrival at the hospital.
  • In order for the indicators to be reliable, finger prick sampling must be carried out on an empty stomach. Desirable fasting is 10-12 hours. Only moderate consumption of clean water is allowed.
  • It is unacceptable to drink any alcohol the day before. After consumption alcoholic drinks At least 2 days must pass before the procedure begins.
  • Taking a blood test for pyelonephritis requires abstaining from any kind of physical activity and other intense effects on the body.
  • Before visiting the laboratory technician performing the sampling, you should not specifically warm up your hands by rubbing them and stretching your fingers, as this can lead to an increase in leukocytes, which will not correspond to reality.

It should be noted here that in some cases, if suspected, comparative analysis, when the performance of three samples of anatomical fluid taken from the capillary of the finger and from both sides of the lumbar region is compared. As a rule, the onset of the disease is indicated by an increased number of leukocytes on the part of the affected organ.

As for biochemistry, it is carried out to identify an increased content of nitrogenous metabolic products, the increased content of which indicates improper operation internal organs. As a rule, excess urea is quickly removed from the body by the kidneys; if this does not happen, then pyelonephritis is suspected.

Anatomical fluid for biochemistry is collected from a vein in the morning, on an empty stomach. Preparation for biochemistry should be carried out almost the same as for general.


Many patients, having taken a blood test for pyelonephritis, try to decipher the indicators on their own. However, only a specialist can give the correct decoding. Without specialized education, the disease can be judged by the following changes in some indicators:

  • low hemoglobin level
  • the number of red blood cells decreases
  • increased ESR
  • leukocytosis
  • shift of the leukocyte formula to the left

In addition, kidney disease can be judged by the following data:

  • Change in the amount of total protein. The norm is 65-85 g/l. If kidney function is impaired, the amount decreases.
  • a high level of gamma globulins (normal range from 12 to 22%) indicates the presence of infection
  • at inflammatory diseases kidneys there is an increased amount of alpha-2-globulins in the blood (the norm is from 7 to 13%.)
  • The normal level of uric acid is 0.15-0.45 mmol/l. With kidney disease, its amount increases.

Even if you suspect you have pyelonephritis based on your blood counts, you still shouldn’t draw final conclusions and start self-medicating. Making a diagnosis without medical education is unacceptable and can lead to dire consequences. My patients use a proven remedy, thanks to which they can get rid of urological problems in 2 weeks without much effort.

It is a laboratory test, on the basis of which the urologist makes a conclusion about the severity of the inflammatory process. Subsequently, the analysis data serves as the necessary information for prescribing treatment and assessing its effectiveness.

Urine values ​​during pyelonephritis change as a result of existing dysfunctions of the renal collecting apparatus of the kidneys. The urologist assesses the level of the following indicators:

  1. Slime. An increased amount of mucus in the urine is characteristic of inflammatory processes of the urogenital tract. Pyelonephritis is no exception.
  2. Red blood cells. Red blood cells in urine are normally found in quantities of 0-3 in women and 0-1 in men. Such amounts cannot be detected with the naked eye. Blood in the urine with pyelonephritis is not characteristic symptom, however, minor hematuria may occur during an acute process.
  3. Urea. Serves as one of the indicators of metabolism. Contained in urine in an amount of 2.3-6.3 mmol/l. Its level may be slightly increased in case of pyelonephritis, especially progressive chronic one, when kidney function is impaired.
  4. Protein. An increase in the amount of protein in the urine is called proteinuria. Protein in the urine with pyelonephritis may be contained in quantities greater than 0-1 in the field of view. At the same time, special protein structures called cylinders are detected. Depending on the structure, the cylinders are granular, hyaline, leukocyte, etc.
  5. bacteria. Bacteriuria is the release of bacteria in the urine when there is an infection in any part of the urinary system.
  6. pH level. The urine reaction is normally acidic, but with pyelonephritis the urine becomes even more acidic, the indicator becomes less than 5.
  7. Specific gravity. The normal level is 1.010-1.21 g/l. With pyelonephritis this indicator is increased.
  8. Leukocytes. The normal content of these cells is 0-5 in the field of view for women and 0-3 for men. With pyelonephritis, leukocyturia is significantly pronounced.

Thus, a urine test for pyelonephritis includes various indicators that help the urologist in diagnostic and treatment work.

Urinalysis in acute pyelonephritis has more pronounced deviations. Urine is usually cloudy, of increased density, with an abundance of bacteria and leukocytes. Casts are detected, mainly leukocyte ones.

Urine tests for chronic pyelonephritis are more “calm”: outside of an exacerbation, slight leukocyturia and a shift in the reaction to the acidic side may be observed.

Good urine tests for pyelonephritis are characteristic of a period of complete remission of mild chronic pyelonephritis, or some time after an acute inflammatory process, complete recovery.

For the most complete diagnostic picture, special tests are used. For example, urine according to Nechiporenko for pyelonephritis: this is a study of the middle portion of urine for the presence of red blood cells, leukocytes and casts. Calculate the ratio of the number of listed components per unit volume.

A general urine test for pyelonephritis is prescribed repeatedly. This is necessary to assess the severity of the inflammatory process and monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

If the development of kidney or urinary tract disease is suspected, patients are prescribed certain tests. In case of pyelonephritis, the patient must submit urine for research. If necessary, the doctor additionally prescribes tests for and.

Features and definition of pyelonephritis

The disease is an inflammation of an infectious nature. The causative agents of pathological processes are pathogenic microorganisms. They disrupt the outflow of urine and contribute to the development of infection in the urinary system.

The pathology is accompanied by characteristic signs:

  • high body temperature;
  • chills and fever;
  • disturbance of the urination process;
  • increased blood pressure.

Doctors make an accurate diagnosis based on urine examination. Tests will require morning urine. At the acute stage, patients with severe disease are prescribed. Patients also need to have their blood tested.

With pyelonephritis, the functioning of the kidneys is impaired. Inflammatory processes affect the characteristics of urine. Its density, color, transparency and smell change. The same applies to microbiological properties. During studies, doctors pay attention to the amount of fluid released. An indicator by which it is easy to determine impaired kidney function.

Deviations in kidney inflammation

In a healthy person, the normal concentration of leukocytes in urine is up to 2000/mg. The red blood cell level should not exceed 1000 units. Laboratory tests allow you to determine the development of pathological processes and confirm the doctor’s preliminary diagnosis.

Acute changes

Pathological processes appear due to infection of the urinary tract. Kidneys in acute form of pyelonephritis can be completely healthy. But the level of bacteria and leukocytes will show the development of pathological processes. There are certain indicators that determine the density of urine, as well as the level of protein.

The inflammatory process affects one or two kidneys at once. There are numerous reasons for its development and degree of progression. Considering the peculiarities of the occurrence and course of acute pyelonephritis, it is difficult to say clearly what deviations there are. Doctors pay attention to the general results of urine tests, which are far from normal.

Laboratory research allows specialists to study many factors:

  • shade of urine;
  • contents of the material being studied;
  • presence of protein and sugar.

At the stage of exacerbation of pyelonephritis, all parameters deviate from the norm. Urine becomes light-colored. In some patients it is. The concentration of urine becomes less. Bacteria. According to external signs, urine with pyelonephritis contains blood impurities. If there is pus in the kidneys, the discharge will be cloudy.

The acute form of pyelonephritis is characterized by a high concentration of CRP. We are talking about a protein that is formed in the liver and belongs to the acute phase group. As the inflammatory process develops and progresses, the concentration of CRP increases.

When a bacterial infection occurs in the urinary system, the protein level is more than 30 mg/l. For viral disease these parameters range from 6 to 30 mg/l.

Doctors also examine urinary sediment in acute pyelonephritis. . Doctors note interesting fact that in case of defeat pathological processes This figure is small for one kidney. When the inflammatory process decreases, the results show the presence of pus in the urine.

With the development of acute pyelonephritis in a patient, urine analysis shows the presence of renal and transitional epithelium. The maximum concentration is observed during active development diseases. Against the background of filling with pus, the amount of epithelium decreases. Doctors also diagnose salt and...

Fluctuations in indicators in a chronic form

Pathological processes extend to the calyces and kidney tissue. It is necessary to undergo tests in a timely manner and clarify the diagnosis in order to prevent complications. We are talking about sepsis, when the infection affects the entire human body. Kidney failure also occurs when the organ completely stops producing urine. Without treatment, there is a risk of kidney atrophy.

Urinalysis for chronic form pyelonephritis does not always show changes present in the organ. The indicators worsen against the background of serious damage to the glomeruli and tubules.

Characteristic deviations:

  • the kidney secretes an increased amount of fluid, which has a low;
  • acidity level increases;
  • high transparency;
  • The urinary sediment contains leukocytes, erythrocytes, epithelium, and bacteria.

IN general outline analyzes of chronic and acute form pyelonephritis are similar. During the patient's recovery period, deviations are minor, but for the doctor they are of great importance. It happens that a urine test does not show significant changes in kidney function. But signs of the development of the disease are present. Patients complain about high temperature body, and pain in the lumbar region.

In some situations, research is carried out using the Griess method. The results show the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in urine and their quantity. A positive test indicates more than 100 thousand harmful bacteria in the urine.

According to external signs, urine becomes pale in color and the protein level is increased. , a large amount of sediment collects. The pH value decreases. In the chronic form of pyelonephritis, urine results show an increased content of red blood cells, microorganisms, and leukocytes.

Material for laboratory research must be collected in the morning. Patients are recommended to fast for 10 hours before taking samples. To establish an accurate diagnosis, doctors examine urine using various directions. In many situations, the data obtained may be indirect and appear against the background of other pathological changes in the patient's body.

Patients may be prescribed additional studies only to confirm the previous diagnosis. This way the doctor can choose the most effective treatment to prevent serious complications and consequences of pathology.

Necessary tests for diagnosis

When the first signs of the disease appear, the doctor conducts a medical examination. Establishes a preliminary diagnosis and prescribes additional tests.

When collecting material throughout the day, the first portions must be stored in a cool place.

Pyelonephritis is a common disease that is difficult to define. The pathology has no obvious signs; occasionally patients have a rise in body temperature. Patients are not able to determine the development of the disease on their own; qualified assistance will be required. Incorrect treatment entails serious complications and consequences.

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