Diseases for which diseases mastectomy is performed. What is a mastectomy

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Women are susceptible various diseases breasts Sometimes conservative treatment is impossible, so you have to resort to surgery. A mastectomy—breast surgery that removes tissue—can be preceded by severe illness. Sometimes surgery is also performed on men. They are less likely, but still susceptible to breast diseases. Therefore, this operation is not so uncommon.

Indications for mastectomy

During this procedure, the mammary gland is removed. During this procedure, the breast and subcutaneous fat are amputated. This is necessary to eliminate the risk of metastases in lymph nodes.

During amputation, the pectoralis major or minor muscles are removed. Sometimes it may be necessary to remove both of them.

In women, mastectomy is performed if:

  • malignant breast tumor;
  • purulent lesion of the mammary gland (purulent, necrotic, phlegmonous mastitis, breast abscess);
  • nodular, fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • breast sarcomas.

Sometimes mastectomy is performed for preventive purposes. Such a radical decision is made when it is necessary to prevent breast cancer, as well as when the patient is at risk due to genetic predisposition.

In men, surgery is performed for gynecomastia - enlarged mammary glands. In this case, the breasts resemble those of a woman. It can occur if the body has:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • genetic predisposition.

Sometimes doctors cannot identify the causes of gynecomastia.

Male type pathology can affect both adults and newborns. But in the latter case, it can disappear on its own during adolescence.

Gynecomastia can occur in 3 stages. At the stage of development of the disease, it can be cured non-surgically. The intermediate (building of glandular tissue) and fibrous (enlargement of glandular and adipose tissue) stages require surgery.

Types of surgical interventions

In medicine, it is customary to distinguish several types of operations involving the removal of the mammary gland.

In some cases, a prophylactic mastectomy is performed to eliminate the risk of cancer cells damaging the healthy gland.

Unilateral or bilateral mastectomy?

When choosing a method of surgical intervention, most women have recently insisted on having a bilateral mastectomy. This is due to the fact that the affected cells can transfer to a healthy breast. However, this option is not suitable for all patients.

According to doctors, a prophylactic mastectomy does not guarantee the absence of the likelihood of cancerous tumors forming in the second breast. This state of affairs occurs if the patient does not have a genetic predisposition to cancer.

Bilateral mastectomy is traumatic appearance surgical intervention. During postoperative treatment with chemotherapy or when radiation therapy tissues recover much more slowly.

If men have bilateral gynecomastia, then a double mastectomy is performed.

Preparing for surgery

When breast formations occur in men and women, an examination of the body is carried out, which includes:

  • blood analysis;
  • computed tomography;
  • radiography.

During the last procedure, the doctor evaluates the location of the tumor, as well as the extent of the spread of the cancer. It is also necessary to determine whether damage has occurred to the lymph nodes, liver, lungs, bones and other organs.

The doctor must be aware of the patient's admission medicines. Before surgery, it is necessary to exclude aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, vitamin E and other medications that interfere with blood clotting.

Carrying out the operation

In women, the operation is performed under general anesthesia. Its duration is approximately 2-3 hours. It may take longer if lymph nodes are removed or during reconstructive surgery.

The surgeon makes a 13 to 20 cm long incision in the chest. It starts from the inside of the chest in the sternum area and extends to the armpit. After removing the breast tissue, it is sutured using absorbable sutures or staples. Every 2 weeks, the staples are removed by the doctor during your appointment.

Plastic drainage tubes are placed in the chest to remove excess fluid. This process speeds up healing and reduces swelling.

In a subcutaneous mastectomy, the entire breast is removed. In this case, the nipple and areola remain in place.

A complete or simple mastectomy involves cutting the gland tissue, freeing it from the skin and muscles, and then subsequently removing it along with the nipple and areola.

To assess the risk of cancer cells spreading, a biopsy of the lymph nodes located in the armpit is performed. Sometimes, in order to prevent this process, a prophylactic mastectomy is performed.

A modified radical mastectomy involves removing the breast and some lymph nodes. During radical surgery, not only the lymph nodes are eliminated, but also the chest muscles.

In men, a mastectomy is performed within 1–1.5 hours. The surgeon determines the tactics of the operation. If there is excess glandular tissue, then liposuction is necessary. Excess is removed during penetration into the nipple-areolar area. After the operation, the stitches located along the edge of the pigmented area are almost invisible.

Postoperative observation of women and men lasts from 1.5 to 2 days in order to prevent the development of complications.

Rehabilitation process

After the operation, discharge occurs on the third day. Before leaving home, a woman should familiarize herself with the recommendations for handling the drainage system that was installed in the chest.

The patient may experience pain. To eliminate them, you need to take painkillers prescribed by your doctor. Usually the pain disappears within 4-5 days.

After a mastectomy, it is forbidden to make sudden movements, raise your arms above your head, or carry heavy objects.

The rehabilitation process takes about 4 weeks. During this period, the patient visits a medical facility for dressings, as well as aspiration of serous fluid (after removal of the drainage tubes).

In severe forms of the disease, the following is prescribed:

  • chemotherapy;
  • hormonal or radiation therapy;
  • combination of treatment procedures.

If no complications arise, after a few months many women experience complete recovery of the body.

After a mastectomy, men are advised to wear a compression bandage on the chest. It speeds up the recovery of the body and improves the results of the intervention. If there is a risk of inflammation, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics.

In the case of men, it is planned to refuse saunas and steam baths for a month, as well as sports. If the patient follows the recommendations, recovery will not take much time.

Complications after surgery

Some patients experience a number of complications after breast removal. These include the appearance of:

  • phantom pain;
  • bleeding;
  • impaired lymphatic drainage, which causes swelling of the hands;
  • stiffness of movement during the action of the shoulder joint;
  • pain in the neck;
  • sluggish healing process;
  • depression.

In the male case, with complications, a slow healing process of scars is observed, as well as painful sensations. However, their rehabilitation process is much easier.

If tumors appear in the female breast, an emergency consultation with a doctor and treatment, including a mastectomy, are necessary. For the stronger sex, this operation is especially exciting and important, since the disease causes a lot of inconvenience and complexities.

Diseases that you can't ignore. They require intense attention, examination and treatment. Breast cancer ranks first among oncological diseases in women, and second among other diseases. The consequences cannot always be predicted.

Prevention is important and timely treatment. In some cases, radical surgery is inevitable.

What is radical mastectomy

Radical, i.e., removing entirely, completely, from the roots. The concept of mastectomy has Greek origin- mastòs “breast” and ek tome “remove”. The term is over 100 years old.

Several types of mastectomy are practiced. Each of them is effective, they differ in the degree of trauma. Radical mastectomy is a complex operation, but sometimes only it can solve the existing problem.

There are three main types of mastectomy:

  • according to Madden,
  • by Patey,
  • according to Halstead.

Radical mastectomy according to Madden is considered the most gentle.

Carefully! The video shows a radical mastectomy (click to open)



According to Madden

The method involves preserving both pectoral muscles, which makes it as gentle as possible. The mammary gland is removed en bloc with lymph nodes and subcutaneous fat layer.

After removal of the mammary gland, all nerve endings and vascular links, which avoids blood loss. This type of operation has significant advantages: preservation of radicality, relatively low morbidity, low percentage of complications.

According to Halstead

Halstead-Meyer mastectomy is a classic operation. The mammary gland, skin, subcutaneous tissue, pectoral muscles, subcutaneous fatty tissue (subclavian, axillary and subscapular region), lymph nodes.

The method often causes complications, the main one of which is limited mobility of the shoulder joint. It is used extremely rarely when other methods do not help cope with the problem, for example, extensive ones that affect the pectoral muscle, lymph nodes, etc.

By Patey

Patey's mastectomy is a modification of the previous type and has the full name - modified radical mastectomy. Its founder, Dr. Patey, proposed wide excision of the skin and preservation of the pectoralis major muscle. During the operation, only a small muscle is removed, which makes the method more gentle and avoids serious complications.

According to Pirogov

The mammary gland and tissue of the axillary region are removed.

Simple mastectomy

The mammary gland and fascia of the pectoralis major muscle are removed.

Technique using tram flap

A technique for breast restoration, which is performed simultaneously with a mastectomy or six months after surgery. In this case, the patient's own tissue is moved, which is called a TRAM flap, which is tissue with preserved blood flow. This may be an iliofemoral flap or a greater omentum flap. Sometimes a pedicled rectus abdominis muscle flap (along with skin) is used.

Subcutaneous surgery technique

A technique that allows you to maintain radicality surgical intervention and achieve the best possible aesthetic results. This is a method of extended subcutaneous mastectomy, when the mammary gland with muscular fascia (sheath) and lymph nodes are removed, while preserving the muscles and fatty tissue. P

When using this technique, breast reconstruction surgery can be performed at the same time. This can be an operation using your own tissue or using an implant, for which a “pocket” is pre-formed.

Carefully! The photo shows a breast after a radical mastectomy (click to open)


Indications for testing

  • to varying degrees,
  • Purulent mastopathy (in rare cases),
  • Correction of previous treatment,
  • Individual indications (prevention, etc.).


General contraindications:

  • Cerebrovascular accident.

Contraindications for tumor localization:

  • Swelling of the mammary gland extends to the chest wall,
  • Multiple with edema of the upper limb,
  • Invasion by a tumor of the chest.

Carefully! The video shows the radical mastectomy(click to open)


Carrying out the operation


Preparation for surgery consists of several stages:

  • Medical checkup, which is a fundamental point. The doctor examines the medical history and prescribes an examination,
  • Survey, including a series of tests and tests: (photography of breast tissue), and a blood test for coagulation ().
  • The doctor prescribes gentle (light) diet, warns about limiting use (or stopping completely) medicines that thin the blood (aspirin, etc.). They are excluded a week before surgery. On the day of surgery, it is unacceptable to drink or eat.

Progress of the operation

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. Its duration ranges from 1 to 3 hours.


  1. Markers are used to mark the upcoming cuts.
  2. The skin is cut in the necessary places,
  3. Subcutaneous tissue and mammary gland are separated from the skin,
  4. Removal occurs as a single block, including lymph nodes,
  5. Depending on the method, the pectoral muscle, fatty tissue, etc. are sequentially removed.
  6. Nerve endings and vascular links are traced,
  7. A drainage is installed through a special hole, which is removed on the 5th - 6th day.
  8. Stitches are applied and removed on days 10-12.

Installing drainage is an important point. The doctor monitors the outflow of fluid.


After a mastectomy, rehabilitation measures are extremely important. These include gymnastics, physical therapy, and taking medications.


Gymnastics, some examples of exercises:

  • Squeezing a rubber ball
  • Hair combing,
  • Putting your hands behind your back, as if you are trying to fasten a button at the back,
  • Circular movements of the arms, rocking, etc.


If there are no complications, then physical therapy can be prescribed a week after the operation. What can be done about this:

  • Pool,
  • Various exercise machines aimed at developing the shoulder joint,
  • Massotherapy,
  • Hydromassage,
  • (apply),
  • Bandage,
  • Therapeutic wrap.

Rehabilitation rules

  • Using an elastic bandage
  • Refusal to visit the bathhouse and solarium,
  • You can't lift weights for a year,
  • Stay in an inclined position for a long time,
  • Try to avoid injuries, do not use traumatic objects (bracelets, etc.),
  • Increase the amount of fluid you drink,
  • When flying by air, you must use a compression sleeve,
  • An examination is required every six months,
  • If you feel worse, consult a doctor immediately.

Lipofilling of the mammary glands after RM

This is a means of breast reconstruction after mastectomy, which uses the patient's tissue rather than implants. One session for the recovery procedure will not be enough; several will be required.

This is also a serious moment that requires thorough preparation.

  • The surgeon determines the areas from which the necessary material can be taken,
  • Prescribes an examination similar to that required for any plastic surgery,
  • The operation is performed under general anesthesia,
  • Before collecting adipose tissue, Klein's solution is injected into it,
  • Selected fat cells are placed in a centrifuge, where they are separated into 3 parts,
  • The middle part is used for direct reconstruction,
  • The prepared fatty tissue is injected using a syringe in small portions into the targeted areas.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia and lasts from 2 to 5 hours. After lipofilling, and are formed, which persist for 3 - 4 weeks. Repeated surgery is possible no earlier than after 4 months. For a lasting result, 2 to 5 procedures are required.

Lipofilling involves the use of a special system (BRAVA), which protects the transplanted cells from external influences. This system is put on and worn for 7 to 14 days.

Consequences and complications

The number of complications after mastectomy continues to remain high today (from 20 to 87%), despite equipment and new technologies. Complications can be early or late.


  • Leakage of lymph, which may necessitate further surgery,
  • Prices vary greatly, which is not surprising. Each operation has its own characteristics, apply different methods. Pricing also plays a role. The estimated minimum price threshold is 35 thousand rubles. It is possible to perform a simple mastectomy at a lower cost, but this is unlikely. Average prices for surgery range from 60 to 120 thousand rubles.

    This option of radical intervention is possible at any stage of the disease, except for metastatic or primarily inoperable infiltrative-edematous process that extends beyond the gland into the tissue of the chest wall. As a rule, for all operable tumors, RME is performed at the first stage of treatment.

    Dr. Shapovalov D.A. A radical resection of the left breast with reconstructive plastic elements was performed for cancer of the left breast T1N1M0, stage IIA. Regional lymph nodes of levels I-III according to Berg were removed. Photo on the left - dressing the next day after surgery; on the right - view after 25 days:

    A year ago, RME was performed on the right side with preservation of the pectoral muscles for cancer of the right breast T3N1M0. The next photo is the second stage of reconstruction (replacement of the expander on the right with an endoprosthesis and reduction mammoplasty on the left). The photo on the left is before surgery; on the right - a week after surgery (sutures removed). Next, it is planned to perform nipple formation on the right side of this patient with tattooing of the areola.

    In the case of primary spread of the tumor beyond the gland, the so-called infiltrative-edematous form of the tumor, chemotherapy is performed at the first stage and, after reducing the carcinomatous lesion, radical surgery is performed with complete removal of the gland and axillary lymph nodes.

    The difference between mastectomy and radical resection

    Mastectomy is performed at any stage of cancer and any size of the cancer node, in contrast to radical resection - removal of part of the gland with a small tumor.

    At small breasts performing resection is problematic even with a node size of 3 cm, since it is necessary to retreat several centimeters in all directions in order to minimize the possibility of relapse.

    The immediate aesthetic result after resection is undoubtedly better than after RME, but subsequent mandatory irradiation compacts the tissue, and over time the scarring process worsens, which significantly changes the shape of the breast and its size. Subsequently, the deformation will require the use of special pads in the bra; it is extremely problematic to smooth out the lack of tissue in other ways.

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      Clinical case Patient: V., 46 years old. Diagnosis: lobular breast cancer. Combined treatment 2007. Progression 2017. History: 2007 combined treatment of stage I breast cancer. 10 years of observation. The appearance of ascites (fluid in the abdomen), shortness of breath. Diagnostic laparoscopy. Discrepancy in diagnoses based on cytological and histological examination(3 different diagnoses). Refusal of treatment. Symptomatic therapy at the site...

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    Is radiation therapy given after surgery?

    Clinical studies have demonstrated equal life expectancy for patients after mastectomy and radical resection, but the rate of recurrence in the remaining breast tissue after resection is much higher, therefore, in all 100% of cases, resection is necessarily supplemented with postoperative radiation therapy.

    Complete removal of a breast with a tumor up to 7 cm does not require postoperative radiation. The question of additional radiation therapy is raised only for initially unresectable cancer, when preoperative chemotherapy has reduced the size of the tumor to an operable size.

    The main direction of modern surgical methods Treatment of breast cancer is aimed at solving two main problems, which can be represented as follows:

    1. , which will not allow further consequences to occur.
    2. Usage modern methods to restore the shape of the mammary gland.

    The first of these tasks, namely therapeutic, is effectively and successfully accomplished by the use of radical mastectomy. Along with this, the second task - reconstruction of the breast shape, is difficult to solve, since it is necessary to reconstruct not only almost the entire volume of removed tissue, but also to create a nipple-areolar zone, as well as an inframammary fold.

    If we talk about the size of the incision that is made during this operation, then this matters. The width of the incision should be wide enough to allow the removal of the area of ​​the cancerous gland and at the same time the surrounding fatty tissue with the lymph nodes located in it.

    Subcutaneous mastectomy also provides for the second side of the problem, which is the possibility of high-quality healing of the skin incision. In this case, the woman is given the opportunity to get her previous breast shape, that is, to use surgery to give

    With the subcutaneous method of surgery, a complete excision of the mammary gland with lymph nodes, which are located in the subscapular, subclavian and axillary areas, is performed. However, the nipple area with the areola remains intact.

    Consequently, the question arises: “Why is it necessary to excise the entire mammary gland when it is not enough?” The answer is obvious and it lies in achieving radicality and the absence of relapse, since this is one of the main goals in treatment.

    Another main distinguishing feature of subcutaneous mastectomy from radial mastectomy is that it is necessarily prescribed. The main purpose of which is to remove cancer cells in the breast that remain after surgery.

    As a rule, radiation therapy begins when the healing process after surgery has passed. It is not carried out during the healing period, since it is possible at this stage.

    The course of radiation therapy lasts an average of six weeks. In this case, several procedures are used per week.

    Evidence from studies on the use of subcutaneous mastectomy

    When using the subcutaneous mastectomy method, many patients are interested in whether there is a risk of possible relapses compared to using the radical method.

    Some studies have insisted on the oncological safety of subcutaneous mastectomy with preservation of the nipple and areolar zone. There is also a strict selection of patients in which surgical interventions of this type were performed.

    Based on the data obtained, it was suggested that with or without preservation of the nipple and areola area in combination with breast reconstruction, it can satisfy the principles of safety in oncology. It provides favorable conditions for the use of breast reconstruction methods and facilitates the process of its implementation.

    Some researchers, on the contrary, question the protective and preventive ability of subcutaneous mastectomy. They believe that the purpose of the operation is to eliminate the cancerous tumor by completely eliminating the glandular tissue.

    Therefore, this elimination should be a reliable method of preventing secondary cancer formation. As a result, the likelihood of cancer depends on the amount of remaining glandular tissue.

    When performing a subcutaneous mastectomy, there is a possibility of retaining some amount of glandular tissue affected by malignant cells. Research data provide figures of 95-98% of the possibility of complete tissue removal, even with careful surgery.

    Since absolute removal of glandular tissue is not possible, many believe that subcutaneous mastectomy has no guarantee of preventing recurrence.

    There are opinions that are even more categorical in their expressions in relation to subcutaneous mastectomy and show a negative attitude towards this method of operation.

    Along with insufficient prevention of secondary cancer, this method of surgery is prescribed when the patient understands that this method does not provide him with reliable protection against cancer. Some patients prefer to maintain integrity and external forms mammary glands.

    Today, radical mastectomy is the main standard in the treatment of breast cancer.

    Subcutaneous mastectomy is an alternative option surgical treatment which will save some

    Along with this, according to some research data, it shows almost the same number of relapses compared to radical mastectomy.

    Preserving the external appearance of the mammary glands allows, to some extent, to ensure the quality of life of patients undergoing subcutaneous mastectomy. This fact is beyond doubt. However, ranging from 9 to 20%, gives most oncologists a reason to refuse the widespread use of this type of operation in medical practice.

    Also, according to medical research, it has been established that breast restoration after radical mastectomy is difficult.

    Thus, subcutaneous mastectomy allows for further complications in a way that radical mastectomy does not. However, the number of cases of relapse is significantly lower with a radical approach in relation to this indicator and organ-preserving treatment.

    The technique of removing pathological tissue from the female breast with minimal injury to healthy muscle and fat tissue is called mastectomy. Scientists around the world are striving to create an optimal treatment method that will reduce the degree of damage to this organ with the least damage to its tissues and the final deformation of the shape of the breast. After all, an operation to remove the mammary gland, which was previously performed with maximum tissue damage, caused severe psychological shock in a woman, significantly lowering her self-esteem.

    What is a mastectomy

    Surgical removal of pathological breast tissue with the least trauma to the breast when diagnosing this organ, while there is no impact on the subscapular and sternal muscle tissue, and undamaged subcutaneous fatty tissue is not removed, which makes it possible to keep a woman’s breasts practically unchanged. The surgeon also does not affect the lymph nodes in this area, which allows you to maintain health and not change the functioning of the breast.

    Preservation of the nipple halo and muscle tissue breast is an important step in the procedure for removing pathological breast tissue, because 10 years ago this operation was performed with complete removal of the organ, leaving a completely flat chest. This became a serious obstacle to the woman’s psychological comfort, and there were no methods for breast reconstruction. Thanks to the mastectomy operation, it became possible to most effectively rid the woman’s body of actively proliferating pathological cells and maintain the shape and appearance breasts

    Prophylactic mastectomy at risk of developing breast cancer is the topic of this video:

    Its types

    Today, modern surgery offers several of the most effective methods for removing cancer cells from breast tissue, which makes it possible to stop the growth of a tumor even at an early stage, preventing the active growth of pathology, preventing the emergence of danger to the health and life of the patient.

    The following types of mastectomy are used today to remove cancer cells when diagnosing the development of breast cancer:

    • simple mactectomy, or Maden's method. This method consists of complete removal of the mammary gland without the surgeon influencing the adjacent muscle and fatty tissues, as well as the sternal and subscapular lymph nodes. The Maden method is recommended for identifying pathology at an early stage, as well as as a preventive measure in the presence of a genetic predisposition to oncology;
    • Patey method, or for the removal of pathological breast tissue when diagnosing early and advanced stages of cancer of this organ. The Peyti method involves removing the infected mammary gland along with cartilage tissues at its ends, which makes it possible to completely remove pathological cells from the body, preventing their spread to adjacent tissues. Parts of the sternum with subscapular lymph nodes can also be removed - this is recommended if spread of metastases to the lymph nodes is suspected;
    • Halstead method, which is used to detect cancer pathology at the most advanced stage, when other methods are not effective and pathological cells have spread deep into adjacent tissues. The Holsten method is considered radical, since it involves complete excision of the mammary gland itself and the adjacent fat and muscle tissue. To correct the breast and preserve its volume and shape as much as possible, modified types of this operation can be used.

    Also, women who are diagnosed with breast cancer are offered reconstructive surgery in parallel with mastectomy. This can be done using one’s own fat tissue, as well as with the help of silicone implants, which reconstruct the shape of the breast and give the woman hope for a normal future life with minimal psychological losses. This type of surgery for the treatment of breast cancer is chosen by about 75% of women with late-stage cancer.

    Lightweight silicone prosthesis ACTIVE 1054X after mastectomy (photo)

    Indications for testing

    An operation to remove breast tissue affected by cancer cells by mastectomy is indicated when both advanced and initial stage cancer of this organ, as well as in the presence of a hereditary tendency to cancer in the body.

    This method is usually considered the most suitable women with this disease who have small breast size. This is due to the fact that when an oncological tumor is detected, especially a large one, the surgeon may propose an iron-sparing operation, which allows preserving most of the breast tissue. In this case, after removing the pathological parts of the organ, a course of radiation should be performed, which often causes deformation of the breast. In each specific case, the surgeon recommends a certain type of operation.

    Indications also include it if they are not amenable to conservative treatment.

    Exoprostheses after mastectomy are discussed in this video:


    However, there are a number of contraindications that should be taken into account by the doctor when choosing a method of exposure when diagnosing breast cancer. The most important situations and conditions in which any type of mastectomy is not recommended include the following:

    • early childhood when breast tissue is not yet fully formed;
    • inflammatory processes in the area of ​​influence - they should be completely cured before performing a mastectomy;
    • infected wounds on the surface of the skin of the chest;
    • severe forms, and.

    Recovery after surgery

    The process of rehabilitation and recovery after mastectomy of any type may vary in duration in different cases. For example, with parallel breast modeling using your own tissues and silicone prostheses, it will take a little more time for the complete restoration of breast tissue, since the body needs to adapt to foreign bodies, while the doctor monitors the entire process of the patient’s rehabilitation.

    After the mastectomy, the patient is in the clinic room, she is being recovered from anesthesia, which is used for this type of surgical intervention. With the complete restoration of indicators such as pulse, the woman no longer needs the constant attention of a doctor. In the absence of significant deterioration in general health, she may be sent home to continue recovery at home, however, even there the woman must fully comply with all the requirements of the attending physician.

    These include:

    • lack of significant physical and psychological stress in the period after mastectomy;
    • bed rest is a prerequisite for the recovery period;
    • getting out of bed is allowed only for 3-5 days, depending on the woman’s well-being;
    • A complete return to normal lifestyle is acceptable on the 20th day after the operation.

    Since mastectomy surgery is serious for the entire body, you should avoid exertion for six months from the date of its implementation, and perform a light massage of the armpits if the lymph nodes are preserved. During the recovery process, when working in the garden, use rubber gloves and avoid even minor abrasions and cuts, developing the arm on the side of the body where the mastectomy was performed.

    Healing time may vary depending on general condition patients, the use of silicone prostheses, the use of which slows down the recovery process. The doctor may give additional recommendations to speed up the recovery process.


    In the case of a significant volume of parts of the mammary gland to be removed in an advanced form of the disease, and the inability to use one’s own tissues to correct the shape and volume of the breast, the doctor may recommend the use of silicone prostheses, which avoid psychological problems in an operated woman. Their shape is determined before surgery, for which women wear such prostheses for some time before mastectomy, determining how comfortable their particular shape and size is for her.

    After removing the pathological tissue, the doctor installs the selected prosthesis, which is evenly distributed in the chest and then left there. The healing process when it is installed is somewhat lengthened, since the body needs to adapt to its presence and not cause rejection.

    To prevent the occurrence of congestion, the doctor may recommend special physical exercise, which will stimulate blood circulation in the operated area, will not create places of lymph stagnation. It usually takes about 4-5 weeks for full recovery after a mastectomy, but it may take longer with breast implants. During the recovery period, constant medical supervision is recommended, especially when installing prostheses and performing surgical breast correction.

    How to perform a mastectomy, watch this video:

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