What cholesterol is considered normal for women? Cholesterol in the blood: norms in women by age Cholesterol 6.5 in a woman

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Let's take a closer look at how a woman's total cholesterol level changes with age and compare the data in the table. Let's figure out why high cholesterol is dangerous, the causes and signs of this condition, and methods for correcting the lipid profile.

The role of cholesterol in the female body

About 80% of the substance is synthesized by the liver (endogenous), the remaining 20% ​​is obtained from food (exogenous). Main functions:

  • structural component of cell membranes;
  • raw materials for the synthesis of steroid hormones (estrogens, progesterone, androgens, cortisol, aldosterone), bile acids, vitamin D;
  • regulation of cell permeability;
  • protection of red blood cells from the effects of hemolytic poisons;
  • in pregnant women, it is a necessary element for the formation of the fetus.

The total amount of blood lipid fractions is called total cholesterol (TC). Clinical significance is:

  • Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) are the main carriers of endogenous sterol, which they provide to all cells of the body. An increase in the concentration of LDL and VLDL promotes the formation of atherosclerotic deposits. Therefore, such cholesterol is called bad;
  • high-density lipoproteins (HDL, HDL) - utilizes excess, sending them back to the liver. They prevent the formation of plaques, which is why they are called good cholesterol.

Normal cholesterol levels in women

Total cholesterol, the norm of which some consider to be 5.5 mmol/l, is not suitable for every condition or age, because as a person ages, his metabolism is constantly changing. This also applies to fat metabolism. It is most convenient to present normal cholesterol in women by age in a table.

Having analyzed the data, it is easy to notice a trend: the concentration of TC and LDL remains almost unchanged before the onset of menopause. However, with the onset of menopause, the indicators increase noticeably.

This explains the sharp increase in the number of heart attacks and strokes among women after 50 years of age. HDL levels remain virtually unchanged throughout life.

Total cholesterol, mmol/lLDL, mmol/lHDL, mmol/l
Age 20-30 years
3,2-5,7 1,5-4,3 0,9-2,2
Age 30-40 years
3,4-6,3 1,8-4,5 0,9-2,1
Age 40-50 years
3,9-6,9 1,9-4,8 0,9-2,3
Age 50-60 years
4,1-7,8 2,3-5,4 1,0-2,4
Age 60-70 years
4,5-7,9 2,6-5,7 1,0-2,5
Over 70 years old
4,5-7,3 2,5-5,3 0,85-2,38

High cholesterol levels may be due to:

  • alcoholism;
  • overweight;
  • unhealthy diet;
  • hereditary disorders of lipid metabolism;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • insufficiency thyroid gland;
  • blockage of the bile ducts;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • gout (in older people);
  • oral contraceptives (young girls);
  • diuretics;
  • taking cyclosporine, amiodarone.

Isolated high concentrations of VLDL, LDL, can be caused by kidney disease, Cushing's syndrome, use of beta blockers, glucocorticoids, and all of the above.

Age 20-30 years

The girl’s body has recently completed hormonal changes associated with growing up and the beginning of sexual activity. Normal indicators cholesterol for women 20-30 years old: TC - 3.2-5.7 mmol/l, LDL 1.5-4.3 mmol/l, HDL - 0.9-2.2 mmol/l. Hypercholesterolemia and dyslipidemia develop very rarely. Usually their cause is endocrine/genetic disorders, taking oral contraceptives.

Age 30-40 years

A woman’s body is still quite young and copes well with the regulation of lipid metabolism. His normal values ​​differ little from the previous age group: TC - 3.4-6.3 mmol/l, LDL - 1.8-4.5 mmol/l, HDL - 0.9-2.1 mmol/l. The main reason for exceeding standards is endocrine diseases, malfunctions internal organs, lifestyle errors.

Age 40-50 years

All types of metabolism begin to gradually slow down. As some women approach age 50, their bodies begin to prepare for menopause. Before menopause, this has little effect on fat levels. The norm for total cholesterol for women 40-50 years old is 3.6-6.9 mmol/l, LDL 1.9-4.8 mmol/l, HDL - 0.9-2.3 mmol/l.

There is a sharp increase in the number of patients with dyslipidemia of various origins. After all, it is much more difficult for a mature organism to absorb the effects of damaging factors. Therefore, the consequences of unhealthy habits and neglected diseases begin to make themselves felt.

Age 50-60 years

The age of dramatic changes. The ovaries stop producing new eggs and synthesizing female sex hormones - menopause occurs. It is accompanied by a global restructuring of all types of metabolism, including fat. Blood lipoprotein levels begin to rise sharply: TC - 4.1-7.8 mmol/l, LDL - 2.5-5.4 mmol/l, HDL 1.0-2.4 mmol/l.

Over 60 years old

Most women of this age have chronic diseases. Many of them, primarily thyroid dysfunction and arterial hypertension, contribute to increased lipid levels. Compared to the previous age group, the level of indicators changes little, normal: TC - 4.5-7.8 mmol/l, LDL 2.6-5.7 mmol/l, HDL 1.0-2.5 mmol/l .

Cholesterol and pregnancy: should you worry?

During pregnancy, the level of lipids of all fractions, except LDL, gradually increases, reaching a maximum concentration by the end of the third trimester. Such changes should not alarm a woman. They are absolutely normal and are explained by the metabolic restructuring of the body and the needs of the fetus:

  • Organism expectant mother synthesizes a large amount of steroid hormones necessary for the normal course of pregnancy, the raw material for which is cholesterol. This causes the liver to produce more sterol.
  • The second reason for the sharp increase in the level of total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and triglycerides is the peculiarities of fat metabolism in a pregnant woman. In the first and early second trimester, adipose tissue accumulates. When the fetus begins to rapidly gain weight (third trimester), the body starts breaking it down. Activation of lipolysis is accompanied by an increase in plasma lipid content.

How to prepare for analysis

It is necessary to donate venous blood, it is highly advisable to do this in the morning (before 12:00). Before collecting material you must:

  • Do not drink alcohol for 2-3 days. It can provoke an increase in indicators;
  • take a blood test strictly on an empty stomach (8-14 hours). The ban also applies to all drinks except water;
  • the day before, do not be nervous, avoid heavy physical activity, fatty foods;
  • Do not smoke immediately before the test and avoid stress. If you are scheduled to undergo unpleasant medical procedures, they must be rescheduled to a later time.

An isolated indicator of total cholesterol is not very informative. Much more important is the content of its fractions, primarily LDL and HDL. But today even these data are considered controversial. There is more and more evidence that the harmfulness of cholesterol is determined by the size of its particles, as well as some additional little-studied factors. Therefore, when assessing sterol levels, doctors try to be less attached to specific standards and pay more attention to the clinical picture as a whole.

How to normalize cholesterol using diet

All fat metabolism values ​​are well adjusted proper nutrition. After all, we get about a quarter of all cholesterol from food. Moreover: without following a diet, taking sterol-lowering drugs is inappropriate.

  • Reduce your intake of saturated fat. There are many of them in red meat, especially pork, fried beef, whole dairy products (full-fat cottage cheese, cream, butter, cheese), coconut, palm oil. Saturated fatty acids have poor nutritional value and are good for raising LDL levels. Their advantages include the ability to increase good cholesterol.
  • Avoid trans fats. They are formed during processing vegetable oils. The most common source of trans-lipids is margarine and products containing it (ready-made baked goods, confectionery products). Their main danger is the ability to simultaneously reduce the level of good cholesterol and increase the concentration of bad cholesterol.
  • Increase your intake of soluble fiber – vegetables, herbs, whole grain cereals, fruits, legumes. Dietary fiber can reduce the absorption of cholesterol through the digestive tract, which has a beneficial effect on the patient’s lipid profile.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are natural lipid-lowering agents that normalize the level of sterol and neutral fats. There are many such unsaturated fats in fatty fish (herring, mackerel, mackerel, anchovy, salmon), flax seeds, and walnuts.
  • Deep-fried dishes and fast food rarely contain healthy nutrients and are probably rich in trans fats and simple carbohydrates.
  • 1.5-2 liters of water per day. Otherwise, the body will have to synthesize more cholesterol to protect cell membranes from its deficiency.
  • Nuts. 35 grams of walnuts, almonds or peanuts is enough to reduce LDL levels by 5%. In addition, they are rich in complete proteins and unsaturated fatty acids, which protect the heart from the effects of adverse factors.
  • Vegetable oils (sunflower, olive, rapeseed). They consist predominantly of polyunsaturated fatty acids. They have high nutritional value and help lower food sterol.
  • Soy. To reduce LDL by 5-6%, it is enough to eat 25 g of soy protein. This is 60 g of tofu, 300 g of soy milk or 50 g of soy meat.
  • Oat, barley, rye flakes. An excellent source of fiber. Nutritionists recommend adding berries and fruits to them for greater nutritional value and taste. Use low-fat kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk as a dressing.
  • Fatty fish. It has been proven that two servings of fish per week can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases due to the intake of the right fats and proteins.

How does lifestyle affect lipid profile indicators?

Some unhealthy habits can cause an increase in LDL levels, TC levels, and a decrease in HDL concentrations. This:

  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • excess weight;
  • sedentary lifestyle.


Compared to men, women before menopause have a lower chance of developing cardiovascular diseases due to the characteristics of hormonal metabolism. However, these benefits disappear once they start smoking (6). Components of tobacco smoke damage the vascular wall, making it defenseless against LDL. As they settle, they trigger the process of formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

Quitting cigarettes contributes to a sharp increase in the level of good cholesterol (30%), reducing the likelihood of myocardial infarction and stroke (6). After 5-10 years of abstinence, the risk drops to the level of people who have never smoked.


Moderate amounts of alcohol may slightly increase HDL levels. But only on condition that a woman consumes no more than 14 g of ethyl alcohol per day, which is equivalent to 45 ml of vodka, 150 ml of wine, 360 ml of beer. Best choice dry red wine is recognized. It contains a minimum of sugars and a maximum of flavonoids.

Large doses of alcohol negatively affect fat metabolism: HDL levels fall, and bad cholesterol, on the contrary, increases. In one study (5), the difference between LDL concentrations in the control and drinking groups was 18%.

Excess weight

Women who are overweight often suffer from various types of dyslipidemia. The studies carried out have established that, regardless of the duration of the diet, its results, or age, all subjects observed a decrease in bad cholesterol and an increase in good cholesterol. Even a small weight loss (5-10%) has a beneficial effect on fat metabolism.

Physical activity

Regular exercise helps normalize lipid metabolism and prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases. In just 3 months of regular training, the experiment participants managed to achieve the following results:

  • HDL 4.6%;
  • LDL 5% ↓;
  • triglycerides 3.7% ↓.
  • Healthy women need support normal level LDL, TG, increase HDL concentration. The ideal training regimen is 5 times/week for 30 minutes. Aerobic exercises of moderate intensity and low-intensity exercises with weights are combined with each other.
  • Women with high cholesterol need to achieve a decrease in the concentration of LDL, TG, and an increase in HDL content. The recommended volume of exercise is 5 workouts/week for 30 minutes. Aerobic exercises of moderate to high intensity are combined with moderate/high intensity strength exercises.
  • Women with limited mobility ( elderly age, disability) and hypercholesterolemia, it is recommended to maintain maximum physical activity throughout the day. Hiking, shopping trips, and garden work are suitable. It is advisable to do a little exercise every day, loading the main muscle groups.

What folk remedies deserve special attention?

There are methods traditional medicine, whose effectiveness is confirmed by scientific research. These include herbal medicine with the following plants (4):

  • Garlic – daily consumption perfectly normalizes lipid metabolism. The effect of consuming the spice is dose-dependent: the more you eat, the better the result you get.
  • Turmeric - prevents the development of certain types of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, regulates fat metabolism. For hypercholesterolemia, it is recommended to eat 1-2 g of spice daily.
  • Aloe vera is a well-known plant that is used in home cosmetology and the treatment of dermatological problems. However, scientists have recently discovered another useful property its extract. It turned out that when taken orally, it increases the content of HDL (7-9%), and according to some data, it reduces the concentration of TC (10-15.5%), LDL (12%), and neutral fats (25-31%).
  • Sea buckthorn – rich in vitamin C, E, omega-3, omega-7 fatty acids, flavonoids. Valued for its cardioprotective, antidiabetic effect, ability to reduce plasma sterol, and prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Liquorice root – has a very specific taste, antioxidant, hypotensive effect. Well lowers the level of total cholesterol (5%), LDL (9%), sugar, triglycerides (14%). To achieve a similar result, it is enough to eat 0.1 g of plant extract or its equivalent.

In what cases is drug therapy prescribed and why?

Medicines are prescribed to women for several reasons:

  • Diet and lifestyle changes are not enough to achieve cholesterol goals. In this case, the doctor prescribes drugs that reduce the production of sterol by the liver (). Less commonly used are other lipid-lowering agents (fibrates, cholesterol absorption inhibitors, bile acid sequestrants) that regulate lipid metabolism.
  • High risk of cardiovascular complications. In some categories of women, the simultaneous initiation of drug therapy and lifestyle correction is more than justified. Such shock treatment allows you to minimize the chances of a heart attack or stroke.
  • Correction of risk factors associated with concomitant diseases. Arterial hypertension, diabetes, disorders of the thyroid gland are accompanied by impaired fat metabolism and require taking appropriate medications.

For reception medicines There are clear indications; in other cases, it is enough to start monitoring your diet and get rid of bad habits.

TV presenter of the Live Healthy program, doctor Elena Malysheva, tells what cholesterol tests say and what their norm is for women.


  1. Jillian Kubala, MS, RD. 11 High-Cholesterol Foods - Which to Eat, Which to Avoid, 2018
  2. Steven Mann, Christopher Beedie, and Alfonso Jimenez. Differential Effects of Aerobic Exercise, Resistance Training and Combined Exercise Modalities on Cholesterol and the Lipid Profile: Review, Synthesis and Recommendations, 2014
  3. Jenna Fletcher. What should my cholesterol level be at my age? 2017
  4. Paramjit S Tappia; Yan-Jun Xu; Naranjan S Dhalla
  5. Elizabeth R. De Oliveira e Silva, David Foster. Alcohol Consumption Raises HDL Cholesterol Levels by Increasing the Transport Rate of Apolipoproteins A-I and A-II, 2000.
  6. Tammy Worth. Smoking Plus High Cholesterol Ups Heart Attack Risk, 2016

Last updated: September 1, 2019

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels in modern society are the most common cause loss of ability to work and disability. Treatment methods for these pathologies have been actively improved over the past two decades. In modern society, many problems are no longer hopeless - ischemic disease heart, heart rhythm disturbances. The development of surgical techniques is contrasted with methods for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Here the main role is played by maintaining normal blood cholesterol levels. This indicator is important for all women over a certain age. The norms for each age group are different.

Types of lipids and their role in the body

A person consumes three types of nutrients every day - proteins, carbohydrates, fats (lipids). The former are successfully used as a building material for skeletal muscles. The latter serve as a source of energy for all types of cells and tissues. Fats on this list are perhaps the most specific compounds. When they split, a huge amount of energy is generated. However, the body is not used to spending such value in the presence of carbohydrates. Fats have always been a strategic reserve provided by intelligent nature so that a person can survive various stresses and disasters.

All fats enter the body with food. They are processed by digestive juices into simpler chemical compounds. The latter are successfully absorbed into the blood through the villi, located in large numbers in small intestine. From here the path of fats lies in the liver. This is where redistribution happens various types lipids into a form in which they can travel further throughout the body. This need arises. The liver produces four different types lipids:

Lipids play an important role in the body. They are part of cell membranes - phospholipids. Fats are especially abundant in the brain and peripheral nerves. A specific fat-like substance, myelin, successfully plays the role of electrical insulation in nerve fibers. Excess fat is actively stored by the body in subcutaneous fat.

Cholesterol performs many beneficial functions in the body. From it, specific organs - endocrine glands - produce steroid hormones, including sex and glucocorticoid hormones. In addition, vitamin D is formed from cholesterol, which is involved in the growth and formation of bones and teeth. Cholesterol is also part of cell membranes.

The number of lipid varieties produced is, in fact, the implementation of the genetic program embedded in the future organism at the time of conception. However, there is a downside to circulating fats in the blood. VLDL and LDL are able to penetrate into the inner wall of the vascular lining - the intima. Over time, lipids group together to form an atherosclerotic plaque, after which cholesterol and calcium are deposited in these areas. The soft plaque turns into a hard one, through which blood leaks with difficulty. In addition, over time, numerous deposits of cholesterol and calcium lead to the formation of an ulcer on the surface of the plaque, which the body seeks to close with a blood clot.

This is the mechanism of myocardial infarction - the death of a section of the heart muscle due to lack of blood flow. A similar situation occurs with stroke. Only here a group of nerve cells acts as a victim of a lack of blood. Atherosclerosis is a universal process that affects all arterial vessels - upper, lower limbs, neck, internal organs. High-density lipoproteins play a positive role in the formation of plaques, drawing low-density lipids and cholesterol from the walls of blood vessels.

Bad and good cholesterol - video

Cholesterol standards for women of different ages

All types of fats circulating in the blood are collected under the general name lipid profile. For women of different ages There are standard indicators.

Norms of blood lipids in women - table by year

Age, years Total cholesterol, mmol/l LDL, mmol/l HDL, mmol/l
20–25 3,16–5,59 1,48–4,12 0,85–2,04
25–30 3,32–5,75 1,84–4,25 0,96–2,15
30–35 3,37–5,96 1,81–4,04 0,93–1,99
35–40 3,63–6,27 1,94–4,45 0,88–2,12
40–45 3,81–6,53 1,92–4,51 0,88–2,28
45–50 3,94–6,86 2,05–4,82 0,88–2,25
50–55 4,2–7,38 2,28–5,21 0,96–2,38
55–60 4,45–7,77 2,31–5,44 0,96–2,35
60–65 4,45–7,69 2,59–5,8 0,98–2,38
65–70 4,43–7,85 2,38–5,72 0,91–2,48
>70 4,48–7,25 2,49–5,34 0,85–2,38

The given standards are used to assess the lipid profile of healthy women. If there are risks of cardiovascular diseases or existing problems, modified standards are used.

Norms for women with heart and vascular diseases - table

Reasons for changes in test parameters

Lipid profile indicators can change both in diseases and in a healthy body under certain circumstances. An increased amount of low and very low density lipids in the blood is observed in the following cases:

  • when eating foods containing large amounts of sugar;
  • when consumed alcoholic drinks various strengths;
  • with high levels of the pancreatic hormone insulin in the blood.

In addition, high VLDL and LDL levels can cause:

Separately, it is necessary to mention familial dyslipoproteinemia. This disease has a pronounced hereditary nature and occurs in the vast majority of blood relatives in the family. The genetic program according to which liver cells work changes the way chemical transformations of fats occur. The blood contains a lot of cholesterol, LDL and VLDL. These people are at very high risk total defeat all arterial vessels with atherosclerotic plaques. Low levels of LDL and VLDL are very rare in practice. There is no point in taking any action in this case. However, such a person has a significantly lower risk of developing atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels.

Low HDL levels increase the risk of developing atherosclerosis. Compared to LDL, the dependence is reversed. High-density lipoprotein levels are reduced in the following situations:

  • liver diseases;
  • impaired carbohydrate metabolism due to insulin deficiency (diabetes mellitus);
  • familial dyslipidemia;
  • acute infectious diseases.

An excessive increase in HDL levels compared to standard values ​​is extremely rare. Such people have a minimal risk of developing vascular atherosclerosis.

Differences in lipid profiles in pregnant women

Pregnancy is a special period in a woman’s life. The maternal body rearranges all its work in order to meet the needs of the growing intrauterine fetus. Fat metabolism also changes in the direction of increasing cholesterol levels. Normal lipid profiles in pregnant women are 1.5–2 times higher than normal. The main increase in blood lipids occurs in the second and third trimester.

Blood cholesterol levels during pregnancy - table

Woman's age Normal blood cholesterol level, mmol/l
15–20 6,16–10,36
20–25 6,32–11,18
25–30 6,64–11,40
30–35 6,74–11,92
35–40 7,26–12,54
40–45 7,62–13,06
45–50 7,88–13,12

A lipid profile is more than just a series of obscure numbers. Every woman, upon reaching forty, should know her level of cholesterol and other types of lipids. Timely correction of pathological abnormalities is a sure way to reduce the risk of severe cardiovascular diseases.


There have been rumors that cholesterol is harmful for a long time - as if its high content threatens the heart and blood vessels. Is this statement true? Only partially: the substance plays an important role for the functioning of the entire organism. It is not always necessary to exclude cholesterol-containing foods from your diet. You need to know and maintain the standard recommended by doctors.

Blood cholesterol level

Most of this fat-containing substance (also known as cholesterol) is produced by the liver, the rest comes from foods. Among its many functions:

  • regulation of metabolic processes in cells;
  • participation in the production of sex hormones;
  • digestion of food;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • development of the child’s physical and mental abilities;
  • construction of cell walls;
  • bile production;
  • isolation of nerve fibers;
  • synthesis of fatty acids.

The norm of cholesterol and blood sugar is established during the biochemical analysis. At elevated values, the substance is deposited in the walls of blood vessels. Plaques attach to it, reducing the lumen and disrupting the blood supply. Consequently:

  1. atherosclerosis appears;
  2. there is a disruption in the functioning of the brain and heart;
  3. stroke, heart attack, and angina develop.

It is good when blood tests show normal cholesterol levels, because low values ​​indicate health risks. Increased risk of:

  • deaths from liver cancer;
  • stroke;
  • aggressive tendencies;
  • drug addiction;
  • mental disorders;
  • alcoholism;
  • cirrhosis;
  • hormonal changes;
  • suicidal feelings;
  • senile insanity.

The amount of substance content when deciphering a blood test is influenced by:

  1. gender - the level of cholesterol in the blood is higher for women of certain age categories;
  2. genetic predisposition;
  3. alcohol consumption;
  4. fatty food;
  5. smoking;
  6. pregnancy;
  7. excess weight;
  8. menopause;
  9. high glucose levels – diabetes;
  10. hormonal changes;
  11. gynecological diseases;
  12. diabetes;
  13. elderly age;
  14. kidney and liver diseases.

Total cholesterol is normal

This fat-like substance is not found in free form, but in the form of compounds with proteins. Total cholesterol is the sum of two components - lipoproteins, which differ in their density. Low – LDL, it is considered “bad”, forms plaques on the walls of blood vessels. High density is HDL, which is called “good” cholesterol, which protects against arterial damage and removes fat from them. In a biochemical analysis of blood taken on an empty stomach from a vein, total normal cholesterol has a value of mmol/l:

  • optimal – lower than 5.2;
  • permissible maximum – 5.21-6.2;
  • high – over 6.2.

High and low density cholesterol - normal

For a healthy body, it is important to have normal HDL and LDL cholesterol, which is often the case at a young age. For adults, changes in indicators can cause illness. If LDL cholesterol is higher than HDL cholesterol, plaque formation will begin in the blood vessels. The opposite situation is more favorable. If the HDL level is higher, fats will be removed from the blood vessels and utilized by the liver.

“Good” cholesterol is produced only inside the body, does not depend on the food consumed, and has increased performance in young people. When decoding analyses, it is designated HDL. “Bad” is labeled LDL and enters the body with junk food. The normal cholesterol level is – mmol/dl:

  • for women – HDL – 0.87-2.28, LDL –1.93-4.52;
  • for men – HDL – 0.73-1.63, LDL – 2.03-4.79.

Since “bad” cholesterol comes from foods, the indications can be brought back to standard if you reduce the daily standard, which is 500 mg. To lower the values, you need to:

  • eat more plant foods containing fiber;
  • reduce fats in the diet;
  • eat grapefruits, beets, apples;
  • exclude sugar, baked goods;
  • eat oatmeal and rye bread.

Cholesterol is the norm for men by age, table

If we compare the indicators of men and women, then within 50 years they are higher in the stronger sex. For older people, the picture is reversed. In women, due to hormonal changes during menopause, increased values ​​are noted. The normal level of cholesterol in the blood of men - mmol/l - depending on the years lived is presented in the table:

General indicator

Cholesterol is the norm for women by age, table

Throughout life, the amount of this substance changes and depends on the hormonal status - in a pregnant woman they are increased. The indicator depends on the years lived - the older you are, the higher the values, especially with the onset of menopause. What is the normal level of cholesterol in the blood of women by age of life? The values ​​in mmol/l are summarized in the table:

General indicator

Normal cholesterol levels in children

It is very important to monitor cholesterol levels in children. They can be overestimated due to heredity, unhealthy diet, excess weight, which will subsequently lead to health problems. Such children should be constantly monitored by a pediatrician. It is not recommended to carry out the analysis if the child is under 2 years old. The normal level of cholesterol in children depends on the age of life and is in mmol/l:

  • from 2 to 12 – 3.12-5.18;
  • from 13 to 17 – 3.12-5.44.

Video: normal cholesterol levels in humans

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The average citizen who cares about his health knows that tests showing high cholesterol are bad. It also has an adverse effect on cardiovascular system our body, leads to atherosclerosis. But not everyone knows what the normal level of cholesterol in the blood is in a healthy body, or what it is in general. Moreover, this figure is one for children, another for women, and a third for men. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with this topic in more detail for a better understanding and presentation of the danger.

What is cholesterol and why does a person need it?

Cholesterol (also called sterol) is a very important element involved in the construction of cell walls. It helps produce sex hormones, and is found inside us in very small quantities, some of it comes to us with food, and more than half is produced by the liver.

There is a concept of good and bad cholesterol. A good one takes part in cellular metabolism, circulates freely through the vessels to all organs, without settling on the vascular walls and veins. And the bad one is formed by larger particles that can be deposited on the walls of blood vessels, clogging them, causing atherosclerosis, and later a heart attack. The combination of bad and good is total cholesterol, which is used to determine the concentration of this substance during the study.

What should a woman's cholesterol level be?

The measurement value of sterol for all people of any gender and age is indicated in mmol/l. It can be determined by biochemical analysis; it varies according to age:

  • For an adult 20-year-old girl, the acceptable indicator is 3.1–5.17.
  • From 30 years old it fluctuates between 3.32 and 5.8.
  • A 40-year-old woman is shown to have between 3.9 and 6.9.
  • By age 50, this figure is 4.0–7.3.
  • For women 60 years old 4.4–7.7.
  • Starting from the age of 70, the indicator should not exceed 4.48–7.82.

Increased changes in the norm are explained by the fact that as a woman grows up, she rebuilds herself, producing more hormones. This happens every 10 years and worsens during menopause.

The male cholesterol norm is also measured in mmol/l and has the following indicators, which fluctuate according to age:

  • A 20-year-old guy should have a standard of 2.93–5.1.
  • By the age of 30, the normal level changes: 3.44–6.31.
  • For a 40-year-old man, the limit is 3.78–7.0.
  • 50 years provides 4.04–7.15.
  • Upon reaching 60 years of age, male sterol content is 4.04–7.14.
  • A healthy man over 60 years old should have an indicator no higher than 4.0–7.0.

Men's statistics of cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, and blockage of blood vessels are very high compared to women's. Therefore, a man must monitor his health with special care.

The amount of cholesterol in the blood of children

Every child from the moment of birth has a sterol level of 3 mmol/l. As children grow and mature, the level of cholesterol in children's blood should not exceed 2.4–5.2. Over the age range from two years to 19, all children and adolescents have a norm of 4.5 mmol/l. Parents should carefully monitor their child’s diet and avoid the use of harmful products. Failure to comply with these instructions can result in serious problems for children's health.

Table of cholesterol content in human blood

Age, years

Blood cholesterol level, mmol/l



Blood test for cholesterol and its interpretation

Finding out whether you have an acceptable amount of sterol is possible only with the help of a blood test and its decoding. When making a conclusion about a person’s health, they look at three main indicators: total cholesterol, good, bad. Each of these indicators has its own norm. Blood test for cholesterol and its interpretation

It must be remembered that the exact number of norms has not been derived. Experts recommend looking at the minimum and maximum permissible indicators to determine the presence of any disease. Review the sterol test values ​​below.

1. Acceptable value for women (mmol/l):

  • Total sterol: 3.6–5.2, excess is considered from 6.5.
  • Poor: 3.5, a value above 4.0 is considered elevated.
  • Good: 0.9–1.9, but if this indicator is below 0.78, then there is increased risk diseases of atherosclerosis.

2. Male sterol content (mmol/l):

  • General: 3.6–5.2, and considered elevated from 6.5.
  • The level of bad sterol should range between 2.25–4.82.
  • Good – between 0.7 and 1.7.

3. Pay special attention to the amount of triglycerides when analyzing sterol (the same for men and women, measured in mg/dl):

  • Acceptable content is up to 200 units.
  • The maximum value allowed is between 200 and 400.
  • High content is considered to be above 400 to 1000.
  • A figure over 1000 would be unacceptably high.

As a rule, each laboratory provides a transcript along with the finished blood test. For a pregnant woman, the indicators are slightly different. Doctors additionally look at blood glucose levels to rule out diabetes. Do not try to determine your diseases on your own, contact specialists, your attending physician - they will help not only find out whether everything is fine with you, but provide qualified treatment otherwise.

It is extremely important to monitor your health, because all the troubles that befall us come from what we eat, how correctly we lead our lifestyle, and whether we play sports. Only we ourselves are able to help ourselves and prevent diseases such as atherosclerosis. Watch the video giving some tips and rules on how to lower your sterol levels:

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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The chemical composition of blood determines the health status of people. Its violation causes a number of relapses requiring hospitalization. With age, cholesterol becomes especially “capricious”. The concentration of lipid cells fluctuates depending on a number of prerequisites. The cholesterol norm for women is determined by the age category of the patient.

Normal blood cholesterol levels in women

One of the leading indicators in terms of frequency of study is determined by a number of factors. This is age, illness female body, pregnancy, adaptation immune system, bad heredity. The level of cholesterol in the blood of women systematically changes with age. For clarity, the permissible limits are presented in the form of a table. To control the chemical composition, it is necessary to systematically donate portions of blood for biochemical testing, taking into account age.

After 40

Each age has its own limits. For example, the norm of cholesterol in women after 40 years is limited to 3.9-6.6 mmol/liter. These analysis figures should not be considered a standard, in real life clinical pictures Experts judge a woman’s health status immediately based on a set of indicators from the laboratory’s conclusion. The permissible limit for this age of low-density lipoproteins reaches 1.9-4.5 mmol per 1 l, high-density lipoproteins - 0.89-2.29 mmol per 1 l. Other figures received laboratory methods, are studied separately.

After 50 years

It is not advisable to take past results of biochemical analysis as a basis, because over the years, the cholesterol norm for women after 50 years of age changes. This is explained by cardiac pathologies, decreased vascular permeability, loss of former elasticity of the walls, specific nutrition and internal pathologies of the older body. Therefore, the results obtained should not be alarming - it’s just that from now on the systems function in a new way. The general answer at this age is that there should be 4.3-7.5 moles of substance in 1 liter.

After 60

Pensioners also undergo tests, which are carefully monitored. general state. The norm of cholesterol in women after 60 years takes into account not only standards, but also the course chronic diseases, other diagnoses. Ideally, it should be 4.45-7.7 mmol per 1 liter; higher values ​​are corrected with medication. The norms for HDL are 0.98-2.38 mmol/l, LDL - 2.6-5.8 mmol. If it is necessary to reduce the obtained values, the patient needs an integrated approach. It is better to ask doctors how much treatment is needed to fix normal cholesterol levels in the blood of women.

Cholesterol in pregnant women is normal

Indications chemical composition blood of expectant mothers have separate standards, which is due to double blood flow, weight category, age, and excessive stress on the body. The level of cholesterol in the blood of pregnant women aged 25-30 years reaches 3.3-5.8 mmol per liter. This is an indicator of the first trimester, and for the next two the triglyceride content doubles. If pregnancy occurs after 40 years, normal cholesterol in women is close to 4-7 mmol per 1 liter. With increasing period, even in a healthy body, the indicator doubles.

Blood cholesterol levels in women - table

Donate blood for biochemistry for selection preventive measures recommended every year. This leads to timely recognition of the disease in the body. If you are interested in what cholesterol norm is relevant, below is a table indicating the age of the female body. The obtained values ​​should not be taken as absolute, since the concentrations of HDL and LDL can change under the influence of provoking factors. Values ​​for adults:

How to reduce blood cholesterol to normal

When HDL and LDL age category do not correspond to the values, are pathologically overestimated, measures must be taken to stabilize the indicator. Before bringing cholesterol back to normal, you need to consult a doctor: this also applies to men. It is important to figure out what needs to be done and how to achieve values ​​within the specified limits. Several methods are known to combat elevated, abnormal cholesterol levels. This:

  • taking fibrates, statins, nicotinic acid, probucol;
  • changing the daily diet to stabilize fat levels;
  • use of alternative medicine;
  • weight correction with removal from the menu harmful substances, semi-finished products;
  • normalization of intestinal function.

How much LDL and HDL there can be by age is already known. It is worth remembering that high cholesterol is also genetically transmitted - the norm in women by age may differ from the standards, without becoming a symptom of disease. It is possible that the norm with age does not correspond to the current values ​​for a healthy body due to genetic characteristics.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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