Acute tubo-otitis diagnosis. Acute left-sided tubo-otitis

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Tubootitis (eustachitis, otitis media) is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube and tympanic cavity. This disease often develops after acute respiratory infections, when an infection from the nasopharynx enters the middle ear cavity. The auditory tube is an airway that connects the nasopharynx with the middle ear cavity. It serves to equalize the pressure on both sides eardrum. With tubo-otitis, the auditory tube is blocked, and the middle ear cavity is clogged. As a result, the mobility of the cells located in it changes. auditory ossicles providing sound transmission. In this regard, the clinical picture of the disease is associated mainly with hearing impairment.

Causes of tubootitis

Factors contributing to the development of tubo-otitis include anatomical abnormalities of the nasopharynx, middle or inner ear, as well as the presence of adenoids, polyps, or neoplasms localized in the nasopharynx. Due to the fact that the auditory tube is anatomically directly connected with the nasopharynx, the cause of the development of tubo-otitis is most often its infection through the nasal cavity. can be a provocateur respiratory disease, sinusitis, sinusitis, rhinitis and other diseases caused by pneumococci, staphylococci, streptococci. The cause of the development of eustachitis can also be the overproduction of saliva that occurred during dental intervention and an allergic reaction to the effects of external stimuli (gases, cigarette smoke).

To the group increased risk on the disease of turbootitis include:

  • children who attend pre-school educational institutions because they are more susceptible to infectious diseases than others;
  • persons with a genetic predisposition to ENT diseases;
  • persons with reduced immunity;
  • people living in a cold climate zone or who have dramatically changed their climate region.

Symptoms of tubootitis

Since tubo-otitis ultimately causes a change in the mobility of the auditory ossicles, the main symptom of the disease is a violation of sound transmission. Symptoms develop gradually, and the initial manifestations of tubo-otitis - mild ear congestion - are often not perceived as a sign of a serious illness. With the further development of the disease, the patient complains of:

  • hearing loss;
  • feeling of heaviness on the side of the affected ear;
  • autophony - the sound of the echo of one's own voice;
  • ringing in the ear and sensation as if fluid is sloshing around inside the ear;
  • fatigue, headache.

When examining a patient, swelling of the nasal mucosa is detected, otoscopy shows retraction of the tympanic membrane into the internal cavity. Lack of treatment leads to the accumulation of exudate in the tympanic cavity and an increase in inflammation. Therefore, if you find any symptoms of eustachitis, you should immediately seek medical help.

Complications of tubootitis

Tubootitis is a serious disease, and its untimely treatment threatens with dangerous complications. Negative pressure, which persists for a long time in the middle ear, contributes to the accumulation of fluid in its cavity and can provoke inflammation and adhesions in the ossicular system. Cochlear irritation caused by negative compression can cause degenerative changes in the auditory nerve. These pathological processes eventually lead to the development of sensorineural hearing loss or even complete deafness. In addition, the exudate accumulated in the middle ear cavity can fester at any time, which will result in acute purulent otitis media.

Tubootitis Treatment Methods

First of all, it should be emphasized that even if the disease occurs in mild form, self-medication is unacceptable, this can lead to very sad consequences. If tubo-otitis is diagnosed, the main goal of therapeutic measures is to eliminate the causes that led to the obstruction of the auditory tube. For this, they can be used various methods treatment.

Medical treatment of tubo-otitis

In the treatment of eustachitis, antiviral and antibacterial agents are used to eliminate the factor that caused the inflammatory process. In order to relieve swelling of the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube and the adjacent middle ear cavity, vasoconstrictor (vasoconstrictor) drugs are prescribed in the form of drops. If it is established that an allergen has become the agent that caused turbootitis, an allergen is carried out. comprehensive examination to identify his "personality" and use antiallergic drugs.

Physiotherapeutic treatment of tubootitis

Good results in the treatment of tubo-otitis are given by the use of physiotherapeutic procedures: UHF, ear laser therapy, UV nose, pneumomassage of eardrums. When they are prescribed, the general condition and age of the patient are taken into account. So, some of the physical procedures are contraindicated for people with cardiovascular diseases and patients over 60 years of age. To restore the patency of the Eustachian tube, the complex of treatment additionally includes blowing it with the simultaneous administration of a solution of adrenaline or hydrocortisone.

Physiotherapy. Well stimulates metabolic processes and accelerates the resorption of the focus of inflammation physiotherapy exercises. An important condition for recovery is the restoration of the balance of atmospheric pressure behind the eardrum. This can be achieved through nasal breathing, which should be followed in any other ear disease.

Surgical treatment of tubootitis

Surgical intervention for tubo-otitis is resorted to if treatment with conservative methods has not given the desired effect. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and consists in bypassing the eardrum (catheterization of the inner ear). A catheter tube is inserted into the micro incision in the eardrum, through which fluid is evacuated from the middle ear cavity and medications. If tubo-otitis is caused by adenoid growths, they should be removed. As a rule, this leads to a sharp improvement in the patient's condition and complete recovery.

Catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membrane of the inner ear in ENT practice is called tubo-otitis, the symptoms and treatment of the disease require close medical attention. The disease can disrupt the ventilation function in the middle ear, causing hearing loss in humans. Otolaryngologists consider the disease the first step towards catarrhal otitis media.

The auditory (Eustachian) tube connects the internal cavity behind the eardrum and the nasopharynx. This functional equalizes the pressure of the external and internal directions. Promotes the full functioning of the internal auditory organs.

The auditory tube in children has a diameter of 2 mm, in adults 3.5 mm. Slight swelling of the mucous membranes worsens the conductivity. Tubotympanitis leads to impermeability of the air coming from the pharynx. The ventilation function is disturbed, the pressure decreases, the membrane retracts. Over time, the internal cavity is filled with exudate, which contains cells that provoke inflammatory processes.

In the period of a long absence of air exchange, purulent inflammation begins in the inner ear. Reduced immunity contributes to the formation of an adhesive process, which signals the disease tubo-otitis.

Tubootitis (Eustachitis) inflames the auditory tube due to the occurrence of chronic, acute infectious pathologies. Acute tubo-otitis is more often diagnosed in patients younger age. The cause is an underdeveloped short and straight auditory tube. Specialists qualify:

  • right-sided tubo-otitis;
  • left-sided tubo-otitis;
  • bilateral tubo-otitis.

Treatment of tubo-otitis in adults and children is carried out by a narrow specialist after an examination and a competent conclusion. It is recommended at the first signs of pathology to contact medical institutions not to provoke self-therapy complications and undesirable consequences inflammation.

Treatment of tubootitis with folk remedies will be effective with complex therapy. It is important to understand that without medical intervention, healing infusions, decoctions, ointments cannot rid the hearing organs of 100% pathology. It is recommended to eliminate the inflammatory process by folk methods under the supervision of a doctor.

Causes of the disease

When diagnosing, patients are interested in what tubo-otitis is. What reasons for the formation of pathology, pronounced and hidden symptoms of eustachitis, are explained by otolaryngologists at the first visit of the patient.

The main etiology is the infectious process of the mouth of the tube. The infection enters from the nasal cavity. Pathogenic microorganisms are:

  • golden staphylococcus aureus;
  • epidermal staphylococcus aureus;
  • streptococcus pyogenic;
  • Pneumococcus;
  • intestinal, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Haemophilus influenzae.

Often provocateurs are pathogenic fungi. The disease develops due to the presence of a specific microflora in the ENT organs:

  • detection of mycobacterium tuberculosis;
  • the presence of pale treponema;
  • penetration of xdamydia.

For many years of treatment, the factors that develop acute tubo-otitis have been identified. The reason for the formation of the disease is the penetration of infections into the pharyngeal orifices of the tube with GRVI, influenza. Anterior, posterior tamponade with nosebleeds often becomes a factor in exacerbating the pathology. Cases have been recorded when bilateral tubo-otitis progresses against the background of allergic reactions, with a tumor of the nasopharynx.

Left-sided, right-sided tubo-otitis is diagnosed with anatomical features ENT organs (curvature of the nasal septum, trauma to the nasal passages, sinuses, hypertrophy of the inferior turbinates).

The pathological process is activated during sudden changes in atmospheric pressure:

  • immersion in water;
  • ascent;
  • aircraft climb and descent.

Specialists of a narrow direction draw the attention of patients to the correct blowing out of mucous masses during their accumulation. With excessive blowing of the nose, mucus enters the mouth of the auditory tube, forming the formation of eustichitis. Therefore, often a violation of the functioning of the auditory tube is formed during the period of vasomotor rhinitis. Before treating tubo-otitis in adults and children, it is important to identify the root cause of its formation, to eliminate the factors that provoke inflammation.

Otolaryngologists advise taking preventive measures to stop the disease. It is possible to cure tubootitis in a short period of time with the proper appointment of a doctor.

Symptoms of acute tubootitis

Acute tubo-otitis is characterized by vivid manifestations from the first days of the pathological process. Symptoms most often do not include unpleasant pain. The patient complains to the treating doctor about unusual tinnitus. There is congestion of the hearing organs, a feeling of fluid overflow when tilting or turning the head.

Clinical picture characterized by a stable condition of the patient. Body temperature is normal, severe, intense pain is rare, it is typical for patients of younger and young age. Sometimes in the process of swallowing, yawning, hearing is restored for a short period of time due to the expansion of the auditory tube during muscle contraction.

Tubootitis symptoms are directed to hearing impairment, autophony. The person hears the echo of his own voice in the affected ear. Swelling and redness auricle signal the development of inflammation.

With untimely therapy, the acute form flows into chronic tubo-otitis, which can provoke partial or complete hearing loss in the affected organ. Otolaryngologists identify the difference between tubo-otitis and otitis media.

Correctly diagnosing the disease, the therapy passes quickly, leads to a positive and effective result. Some patients refuse to consult a doctor, independently prescribe ways to eliminate the disease. Experts strongly recommend that, before treating tubo-otitis at home, undergo an examination and listen to the advice of qualified doctors in a narrow field.

acute form

Catarrhal tubo-otitis is diagnosed with swelling of the estachyvoi tube, changes in its functionality. The affected tube does not equalize the level of pressure, causing stuffiness in the hearing aid.

Over many years of practice, cases have been recorded when newborns have tubo-otitis from the first days of life. The child goes through inflammation of the ear cavity, the treatment of which requires time, strength and patience of the parents. Decreased level of protective immune system passes into the cavity pathogenic bacteria, viruses that cause fever, pain, hearing loss over time.

Chronic form of the disease

Chronic tubo-otitis begins its action after acute form disease that is not treatable or is not eliminated in a timely manner complex therapy. The clinical picture differs from acute eustachitis. Similar symptoms are:

  • hearing loss;
  • stuffiness in the ears;
  • autophony is less common due to pressure drops.

Ear disease leads to thinning of the mucous membranes. The eardrum is deformed. The lumen of the Eustachian tube can decrease, creating adhesion of the walls.


A competent diagnosis of Eustachitis by an otolaryngologist is the key to a quick recovery. Correctly establishing the cause of the disease, therapy is aimed at eliminating not only the symptoms, but also the main provocateurs of the disease.

The first step is to collect anamnesis. Then practice otoscopy, use the method of microotoscopy. Many doctors perform a hearing test with a tuning fork, which helps determine the patency of the tube.

Laboratory studies of a smear from the patient's throat help determine sensitivity to antibacterial agents the presence of infections. Background pathologies of the nasopharynx, provoking tubo-otitis, are detected by rhinoscopy, pharyngoscopy, radiography and CT of the paranasal sinuses. If an allergic nature of the disease is suspected, specialists conduct research with allergic tests.

Medical treatment

Treatment of acute or chronic tubootitis is aimed at getting rid of the main causes of the formation of the disease. Self-elimination of even minor first symptoms is strictly prohibited by qualified doctors of a narrow profile. Provoking the slightest complication, severe diseases of the brain, which is located next to the affected tubes, can appear.

Minor signs of an ailment of the initial form are recommended to be eliminated without medical intervention. Massage of the tympanic membrane in acute tubo-otitis relieves inflammation in the early stages of manifestation.

If the immune system is not able to overcome microorganisms on its own, analgesics are prescribed. Have anti-inflammatory functions nonsteroidal drugs Ibuprofen, Paracetamol.

Antibiotics for tubootitis for adult patients are prescribed by diagnosing a bacterial infection. The inflammatory process formed by the penetration of the virus does not require antibacterial treatment.

Ear drops for eustachitis are prescribed to eliminate swelling, relieve pain attacks. To liquefy the resulting transudate, proteolytic enzymes are administered by catheterization through the auditory tube.

Treatment with folk remedies

Therapy means traditional medicine carried out under the supervision of a doctor in combination with drug treatment. Ways to eliminate the disease with medicinal plants have been known since the time of the ancestors. Recipes have been passed down for generations, components changed, improved.

Linden flowers were brewed and consumed during tea drinking. A decoction is prepared from St. John's wort, which was used to instill the ear passages three times a day. Used roasted onion juice effective drops to eliminate the disease. With the diagnosis of tubootitis, home treatment is carried out for no longer than 10 days, so as not to harm the affected hearing organs.

Disease prevention

Preventive measures contribute to the prevention and relief of the disease at its first manifestations. The main task is to support high level protective immune system. The use of honey, fruits, vegetables contribute to the ingestion of essential vitamins and minerals.

Important is proper nutrition and exclusion from the diet of processed foods, junk food, spicy and salty foods. Diet therapy for prevention and during illness today, according to doctors, occupies one of the first places among effective methods of therapy.

An active lifestyle, hardening, playing sports will help to defeat the resulting disease in a short period of time. Otolaryngologists urge to competently and fully get rid of the flu, SARS, rhinitis, which can turn into various forms of tubo-otitis.

Age: 25

Hello Vladimir Mikhailovich!
Since September the hearing began to worsen. Perhaps this is a consequence colds, the doctor concluded at the first visit.
The prescribed treatment (vasoconstrictor + a drug manufactured by pharmacists) had a positive effect.
He abandoned the treatment, believing that everything was getting better, and alas, his hearing worsened again. Due to circumstances, I was able to go to the doctor again only in January, and from that moment on, a useless circulation from one ENT doctor to another began: the first one sent me for an x-ray with a diagnosis of Bilateral eustacheitis. After he looked, he said "it's okay" blow out, drip Xymelin into the nose for seven days 3 times a day, methyluracil ointment-2 times a day. The course has passed, the hearing is getting worse.
I turned to the second ENT specialist - rhinofluimucil for seven days, Erespal, otipax, azimitromycin - the course passed, the hearing did not work.
The third ENT doctor generally said "everything is fine with you, everything will pass by itself." How will it pass if you have been deaf for almost half a year?
The fourth doctor in general let out fear, looking at the picture - you may have formed a liquid, do a tomography, prescribed sinusitis, miramistin. The course has passed - the result is a complete zero, and this despite the fact that all doctor's appointments are paid.
Tomography, judging by the prices, is not a cheap procedure, and again there is a problem - where to do it, I have to decide for myself and look for a clinic.
Your website describes in detail the procedures that are carried out in your clinic for my complaints (I do not distinguish between quiet speech), and what is important, everything is in one place.
I understand that it is difficult to draw a conclusion based on my lines, but I hope that you can guess what is wrong with me, and what will be the first steps towards diagnosis and treatment?
I look forward to your response and help.
With uv. Ruslan, Moscow.

Dr. Zaitsev

Hello Ruslan.
Unfortunately, the time has been greatly missed.
In order to accurately understand your situation, you need to do some research:
1. Audiometric hearing test (audiogram)
2. Tympanometric (impedancemetric) study of hearing (tympanogram)
3. Computed tomogram of the temporal bones.

Only after the diagnosis has been made, it is possible to judge the current state and give predictions for recovery.
Eustachitis can be treated in our clinic.
Here full list all manipulations.

1. Otomicroscopic examination using a HEINE Beta 200 R otoscope (Germany) - 350 rub.

2. Accumetric study of hearing using whispered and colloquial speech, as well as a set of tuning forks (must be carried out before and after treatment) - 200 rubles. (for one study)

3. Audiometric examination using an Interacoustics AD 226 diagnostic audiometer (before and after treatment) - 700 rubles. (for one study)

4. High adrenalization (anemization) of the nose - 200 rubles.

5. Irrigation of the nasal cavity with solutions on an ENT combine - 200 rubles.

6 Catheterization of the auditory tube - 600 rubles.

7. Blowing out the auditory tubes on the ENT combine "Atmos 61" or a Politzer balloon - 200 rubles.

8. Pneumomassage of eardrums - 150 rubles.

9. Putting medicinal turunda in the ear (microcompress according to Tsitovich) - 300 rubles.

10. A session of magnetic-infrared laser therapy with the Rikta Apparatus for a sore ear - 200 rubles.

11. A session of ultraviolet irradiation of the ear with the OUVd-01 irradiator - 150 rubles.

12. Session of magnetotherapy with the device of low-frequency magnetotherapy "POLE - 2D" - 150 rubles.

13. Washing the ear with a sterile solution on the ENT combine "Atmos 61" - 650 rubles.

14. Medicinal (ointment) treatment of the external auditory canal - 200 rubles.

When you're ready, call me and I'll book you in for a consultation.

Hope I can help you.

inflammatory disease mucous membrane of the middle ear and Eustachian (auditory) tube at the same time. It is acute and chronic. Acute tubo-otitis is more common in children, but it also happens in adults, if it is not cured in time and completely, it can turn into chronic form.

By physiological features structure of ENT organs in children (all passages connecting the nasopharynx and ears are rather narrow), any infection can cause inflammation of the ear.

With the localization of pathogenic microflora in the upper respiratory tract it easily extends to the auditory tube, which is a canal of cartilage tissue, lined with mucous and connecting the nasopharynx and ear. But not only an infection can provoke this disease.

There are many reasons for this pathology:

  • Infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract (bacterial and viral), which spread to the ear through the Eustachian tube and cause inflammation and swelling, as a result of tubo-otitis; often occurs in children - due to improper blowing of the nose during infectious diseases, the infection is transmitted from the sinuses to the Eustachian tube.
  • . This disease is characterized by swelling of the soft tissues, which spreads from the sinuses to the ear. Tubootitis can occur as a complication on.
  • Pathological mechanical overlap or squeezing of the auditory tube as a result of the development of adenoids, the formation of polyps or tumors, a change in the structure of the nasal septum.
  • A sudden change in atmospheric pressure, such as when taking off or landing on board an airliner.

Important! In children, the Eustachian tube is very short and thin, respectively, they are more likely to suffer from such a disease in its acute form.

Symptoms, danger signs and complications

The main symptom of tubo-otitis is severe hearing loss. Tubootitis can be left-sided, right-sided and bilateral, and in accordance with this, hearing is reduced either in one or both ears at once. Quite often, patients notice a short-term and significant improvement in hearing when swallowing or yawning, since the Eustachian tube expands slightly at this time and the auditory lumen increases for a short time.

Quite often, in this condition, there is a stuffiness in one or both ears, a certain feeling of fluid transfusion in the affected ear when moving the head.

In acute tubo-otitis, there may be such feature like autophony. The patient may hear an echo of his own voice in the affected ear.

Concerning pain syndrome, it may or may not be present.

More often in children there is quite strong pain in the ear with this disease, the temperature can also rise to 38 degrees. Possible swelling and redness of the affected ear, sometimes there are bubbles on its surface.

The acute form of tubo-otitis is not so dangerous, timely detection and competent treatment, brought to the end, can completely get rid of the disease in a short time and restore all ear functions.Dangerous are chronic and neglected forms of the disease. If tubo-otitis is not detected and treated in time or the treatment is not completed, it can develop into a chronic form. Chronic tubo-otitis threatens with partial or complete hearing loss in one or both ears.

More information about Eustachitis can be found in the video:

Symptoms and treatment of tubootitis at home

Improper treatment of acute tubo-otitis or the absence of it at all can lead to a number of serious complications, such as:

  • stagnation of fluid (exudate) in the middle ear cavity and the beginning inflammatory process with rising temperature
  • the occurrence of tubotympanic otitis media, in which inflammation lasts more than two weeks, is accompanied by high temperature, spotting from the ear, dizziness and possible infection of the bones of the skull and brain
  • the occurrence of infectious meningitis due to the ingress of pus and infection into the brain tissue
  • partial or complete destruction of the tympanic membrane of the diseased ear and the release of pus to the outside
  • adhesive processes
  • hearing loss
  • sepsis, which is life-threatening for the patient

Diagnosis of the disease

In order to make a diagnosis and determine acute tubo-otitis, a simple visual examination (otoscopy) is sometimes enough for a doctor. On examination, the otolaryngologist determines how deformed or retracted the affected ear is, analyzes the external state of the mucous membrane of the auditory tube, reveals inflammation and / or redness on its surface, determines the level of swelling and narrowing of the lumen of the Eustachian tube.

After analyzing the patient's complaints and examination data, the doctor can make a diagnosis and / or prescribe additional examinations. Sometimes audiometry is done to determine the level of hearing loss in the affected ear. The doctor can prescribe and conduct tympanometry and determine how much the tympanic membrane of the diseased ear has remained mobile.

Treatment of tubootitis

Treatment of acute tubootitis should be comprehensive, taking into account its causes and pathogens. Usually it is carried out at home under the supervision of a clinician. In some cases, hospitalization is required.

During treatment, it is necessary to eliminate the infection (viral or bacterial) in the upper respiratory tract, reduce and remove mucosal edema, strengthen the immune system and restore the patency of the Eustachian tube:

  1. To suppress the infection, broad-spectrum antibiotics (Ampicillin,) are prescribed if the infection is bacterial. If the virus is the causative agent of the disease, antiviral drugs are prescribed, antifungal drugs - if the disease is caused by fungi.
  2. A decrease in soft tissue edema is achieved by the use of vasoconstrictors, and so on.
  3. Antihistamines are also prescribed, which eliminate swelling and the allergic component of the disease. These drugs include Suprastin, and so on.
  4. To eliminate inflammation and reduce temperature (if necessary), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs (Nurofen, Paracetomol) are used.
  5. To strengthen and restore immunity, immunostimulants and vitamins are prescribed.

After drug treatment prescribe physiotherapy and massages, such as:

  • (the ear canal is blown with a special device in the ENT room and irrigated, if necessary, with a medicinal solution)
  • pneumomassage of the tympanic membrane with a special device
  • magnetotherapy
  • laser therapy and more

All of these manipulations and procedures are carried out in the doctor's office in the clinic.In certain cases it is required surgical intervention for treatment. So, for example, if inflamed adenoids served as the cause of this disease, then it is worth removing them according to the doctor's indications. If the cause of tubo-otitis lies in the curvature of the nasal septum, then if the doctor recommends an operation to correct it, you should not refuse it.

Alternative methods of treatment of tubootitis

Sometimes it is advisable to apply folk methods in order to cope with the disease. It should be noted that only folk remedies are not able to cure this ailment, but are able to greatly alleviate the course of the disease and speed up the process of recovery and rehabilitation.

TO folk methods that can help in the fight against acute tubootitis, can be attributed decoctions medicinal herbs, which should be taken several times a day for a week or put soaked tampons with healing decoctions in the ears:

  • Decoctions can be prepared from herbal preparations, which includes chamomile flowers, blueberry stalks, anise seeds, St. John's wort, burdock root. It is worth taking 1 tablespoon of this collection and brewing a glass of boiling water.
  • You can also prepare a decoction from a collection consisting of mint, St. John's wort, lingonberry leaves, viburnum bark, coriander fruits and birch leaves.
  • Oil can help in the fight against tubo-otitis tea tree. 4 drops of oil should be mixed in a tablespoon of any vegetable oil(olive or sunflower). Turundochki soaked in oil can be placed in the ear.

I will tell you about how you can cope with tubo-otitis without hormone therapy and antibiotics.

This is a completely personal review, a story about my illness. Hope my experience helps someone.

Non-medical, plain language, tubo-otitis or eustacheitis inflammation deep in the ear (at the junction of the nasal and auditory canals), accompanied by temporary hearing loss as a result of swelling and obstruction of the auditory (Eustachian) tube. Usually proceeds painlessly, without fever and deterioration general condition.

So, a few years ago, denying ourselves the minimal excesses of an average Russian family, we saved up a coveted amount that shimmers like an azure coast. We decided to fly in winter. We have - minus thirty, and there - plus twenty-seven. Dream!

We flew away light, to the airport - by taxi in an autumn jacket and cap. Why dress if they take you to the entrance? We flew from there on a dark night at minus 35. It turned out that it was sooo far to go to a taxi from the arrivals terminal (with bags and children) under a piercing wind.

In the morning I realized that my ears were blocked. But it doesn't hurt. I thought that the consequences of the pressure drop in the plane. A week later, she began to worry, because. hearing was not restored. Dropped anti-inflammatory drops in the ears - it's useless. On the advice of "well-wishers" tried to wash with water pressure ear plugs- the temperature has risen. I decided to go to the doctor (I didn’t even have a medical card at the age of 30 .. I have hardly been sick since I started beekeeping).

As a result, that only I heard from various “specialists”:

  • “they don’t live with such a long time”,
  • “You have herpes of the entire nasopharynx”,
  • “you have a virus unknown to science”,
  • “COME IN HERE WITH ARAB VIRUSES!! You urgently in quarantine!”
  • “with such a virus, you should not have come to a crowded place (hospital).”

These are not exaggerated quotes! I was treated with antibiotics, hormones, serious antiviral drugs And I've been hearing worse. I DID NOT HAVE ANYTHING. I was just actively losing hearing in both ears. When you lie on your side, you feel some kind of liquid pouring in your ear.

For a month I drank an incredible amount of potent drugs without any effect. Neither private clinics nor public ones could make a diagnosis. Until I came across a female doctor who just treated me like a PERSON. She filled in for my GP that day (thank God!). The doctor questioned me for a long time, then examined me for a long time, then sent a nurse for a special. devices in the ENT office (not too lazy!). As a result of a very long reception, she (the only one) suggested that I had tubo-otitis. GOT A CORRECT DIAGNOSIS! Has written out glucocorticosteroids. If it doesn't help, go to the hospital.

I sprayed Nasonex in my nose for 10 days. Helped. But the disease usually returns.. Where it is thin, it breaks there. About six months later, I felt familiar symptoms. Against the background of a common cold, the ears began to pawn again.

Then we already had our apiary. I, knowing that the focus of inflammation in tubo-otitis cannot be reached through the ears, began to drip alcohol tincture of propolis diluted with water into the nose (3 times a day). It was painful! But the effect became noticeable the very next day (the rumor began to appear for a while). A week later, all the symptoms were gone completely. I realized that tubo-otitis can be cured on my own!

When instilling alcohol tincture, negative symptoms appeared: the mucous membrane in the nose dried up and peeled off completely.

The disease returned to me again a year later. Then, in addition to alcohol, we also got honey propolis. It was much more pleasant to drip it (not at all so painful, and the mucous membrane did not suffer). A few days later I was well again.

For the past 2.5 years, the symptoms of tubo-otitis have not manifested in me even with a decrease in immunity.

Summary: tubootitis can be cured with propolis preparations, but you need to start treatment at the first symptoms and if the condition worsens, be sure to consult a doctor.

Tubootitis treatment regimen at home (bee products)

Let me remind you again that tubo-otitis is treated through the nose, nothing needs to be dripped into the ears.

Otitis media successfully treated (especially at the first symptoms) with an aqueous solution of propolis (instill a few drops into BOTH ears 3 times a day for 7-10 days). Also, do not forget about systemic treatment(PZhVM tincture inside) and timely access to a doctor.

All the best! Do not be ill!

Best regards, Galina

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