To burn seborrheic keratosis or not. Seborrheic keratosis: photos, causes, symptoms, treatment

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Keratoses are non-inflammatory dermatological pathologies in which the stratum corneum of the skin thickens. The causes of the development of these diseases are different, and depending on them, several types of disease are distinguished. The most common are actinic, follicular, and seborrheic keratoses.

Seborrheic keratosis is a disease that causes the appearance of special neoplasms on the skin. Considering that the disease most often develops in people much older than 40 years of age, these formations are called senile warts (another term is seborrheic keratomas). Their character is almost always benign, they do not pose a strong danger, and no degeneration into cancer has been recorded. However, caution should be exercised - there are malignant skin pathologies that can be confused in appearance with seborrheic keratosis. In this case, the nature of the formation can be accurately determined only after a histological analysis.

In addition, small malignant neoplasms can “hide” in benign senile warts. If it is noticeable that the seborrheic keratoma increases in size, begins to bleed, hurt, or itch, immediately contact a dermatologist.

What do senile keratomas look like and where do they occur?

seborrheic keratomas - skin formations (single or multiple), different in color, size, configuration. Their color is yellow, dark cherry, brown-black, pink. The tumor is either flat or protrudes above the skin. It can be round, oval, in diameter from 2 mm to 6 cm, and is characterized by clear boundaries.

The main places of localization of seborrheic ketaromas:

  • neck and face areas;
  • on the head in the hair;
  • on the hand (back surface);
  • on the back of the forearm;
  • on the external genitalia.

On the soles and palms, senile warts develop extremely rarely.

The structure of the formation is as follows - a keratoma looks like flaky tiny warts fused together, on top of which an easily removable thin crust is noticeable, bleeding even with the most minor damage. Over time, black dotted inclusions become noticeable on this crust, its thickness can increase to 1–2 cm, and a network of cracks appears. Keratomas can sometimes be pointed, sometimes they take on a convex, dome-like shape (the surface is smooth, whitish or black inclusions are noticeable).

seborrheic keratosis - forms

Seborrheic keratosis, to facilitate diagnosis, is divided by dermatologists into the following forms:

  1. Flat – the neoplasms are flat, sharply pigmented, and not raised above the skin much.
  2. Adenoid - thin cords woven into a looped network, consisting of pigmented epithelium. This network often contains small cysts of squamous cells.
  3. Irritated - when conducting histology under a microscope, it shows that the internal structure of the neoplasm and its surface layer of the dermis are impregnated with accumulated lymphocytes.
  4. Benign squamous cell, also called keratotic papilloma. The formations are small in size and consist of single keratinized cysts, elements of the epidermis.
  5. Clear cell melanoacanthoma is a rather rarely diagnosed form of senile warts, characterized by a rounded surface. It consists of horny cysts, keratinocytes, and melanocytes. Melanoacanthomas most often develop on the legs. They resemble moistened flat plaques that clearly blend into the surrounding healthy epidermis.
  6. – this form of keratosis is rare, mainly in very elderly people. The neoplasm is cylindrical in shape, its basis is horn cells. The horn protrudes sharply above the skin and is sometimes very large. It occurs in two forms: primary – occurs for unknown reasons; secondary - can develop due to inflammation in other tumor-like formations on the skin. The secondary form is dangerous. With constant microtraumas, frequent heat exposure, and viral infection, there is a possibility of its degeneration into a malignant tumor.
  7. Lichenoid seborrheic wart is a keratoma with inflammatory changes. The neoplasm resembles mycosis fungoides, lichen planus, discoid erythematosis.
seborrheic keratosis

Reasons for the development of pathology

Seborrheic keratosis is a pathology that has not been sufficiently studied. The exact reasons for its development have not yet been identified.

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Previously, it was believed that keratoma develops if a person is infected with HPV. There were also other versions - excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation, lack of vitamins, excess fat in the body. The research carried out did not confirm these versions.

Research has established one more or less reliable reason for the occurrence of senile warts - genetic predisposition. If this disease has been observed in the family, then seborrheic ketaromas are likely to develop in all close relatives.

Doctors have identified several factors that provoke the onset of the disease:

  • strong exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • permanent skin injuries;
  • harmful chemical influences;
  • immune disorders;
  • use of hormonal medications (this most often applies to estrogens);
  • endocrine diseases of chronic form.

Seborrheic keratosis - treatment

In themselves, senile ketaromas are not dangerous. If there is no psychological or aesthetic discomfort from a seborrheic wart, it does not increase in size, its shape and color do not change - there is no need to remove the tumor.

If there are existing risks of complications or if a person believes that ketaroma is spoiling him appearance, a dermatologist may prescribe removal of the formation in one of the following ways:

  • Laser treatment of tumors. Laser removal is a highly effective, painless, and relatively affordable method. The laser acts exclusively directionally, destroying only the pathological formation. Healthy tissue surrounding seborrheic ketaroma is not affected. After the laser, the wounds heal quickly, leaving no scars or other visible damage to the skin.
  • The method of exposure to radio waves is similar in principle to the laser procedure. Seborrheic ketaroma is exposed to high frequency radio waves. They act on water molecules located in the tissues of warts. Excess energy from high-frequency radio waves causes it to “boil.” As a result, the cells and fibers at the site of exposure are torn, the formation evaporates, and a small crust remains in its place, which easily disappears by itself after a while.
  • Cryotherapy – warts are frozen with liquid nitrogen. The method is used for extensive accumulation of tumors in one area. It is practically not used for removing keratomas on the face and neck area.
  • Electrocoagulation – an electric scalpel is used. They excise the wart, then apply a suture to the wound site. Of all four listed methods, this is the most traumatic; it requires a certain period of rehabilitation. Naturally, it is not used for excision of keratomas on the face, neck and other open areas of the body.

Conservative methods of therapy have also been developed:

  • If a senile wart is diagnosed at the spot stage, special types of peeling and grinding are used to remove it.
  • Purpose ascorbic acid in large doses helps to slow down the development of existing keratomas and prevents the development of new formations. It should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. The dosage is selected individually and can range from 0.5 to 1.5 grams 3 times a day. Take the drug after meals for 1–2 months. 2-3 courses are required, with a break between them of at least 30 days.
  • Seborrheic keratomas are sometimes treated with ointments containing 5% fluorouracil, solcoderm, 10% lactic-salicylic collodion. 30% prospidin ointment is often used.

If you suspect the development of seborrheic keratosis, you should seek qualified dermatological help. Self-medication is strictly not recommended - senile warts are sometimes similar to other dangerous types of neoplasms, and sometimes (albeit very rarely) can degenerate into skin cancer. Therefore, it is not worth taking risks - timely differential diagnosis will save your nerves and health.

If the diagnosis is accurately established, after consultation with a specialist, it can be used as complementary therapy effective folk methods.

Treating keratosis with alternative medicine at home

The arsenal of healers is very rich. Healers know a lot effective recipes for the treatment of skin diseases, including senile warts.

To get rid of keratosis at home, recipes based on propolis, aloe, raw potatoes, and onion peels are most often used:

  • Aloe – leaves of plants older than 5 years are used. They are washed well and kept in the refrigerator for several days. Then, taking out one at a time, they cut into thin slices. They are applied to the tumors, secured with a bandage, cling film, and left overnight. The skin is wiped with weak salicylic alcohol in the morning.
  • At home, keratosis can be successfully treated with raw potatoes. It is grated until it becomes mushy and spread on gauze folded in two or three layers. This compress is bandaged to the senile wart for 60 minutes, then the potato pulp is replaced with fresh one - repeated three times.
  • Treatment of keratosis at home is carried out using propolis. It is rolled into a thin sheet and applied to senile warts. Secure with a bandage, leave for 2-3 days, then replace the bandage with a new one. Repeat the procedure at least three times.
  • An infusion of onion peels for senile warts is also quite effective. 4 tablespoons of it are infused in one glass of vinegar in a dark place for two weeks. Afterwards, the infusion is filtered and used further for 30-minute lotions.

Seborrheic keratoma for the most part does not pose a health risk. But you should not neglect a visit to a dermatologist. Timely differential diagnosis will protect you from possible complications in future.

seborrheic keratosis, description of the disease (video)

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The main manifestation of keratosis is benign growths on the skin, which may vary in color and shape. The disease does not develop into cancer, but causes significant aesthetic discomfort. If warts are widespread, they should be removed.


Seborrheic keratosis has several subspecies, depending on them its external manifestations differ. There are six most common types.

Acanthotic type

It is called keratosis planus actinicus. The epidermis is significantly thickened, there are pseudohorn cysts. The plaques rise noticeably above the surface of the skin and are pigmented. They most closely resemble ordinary warts.

Reticular type

The second name is adenoid or adenoid cystic keratosis. This form is characterized by pigmented plaques, horny cysts of considerable size, as well as branching epithelial cords.

Papillomatous type

One of the most common forms. Features include acanthosis (skin hyperpigmentation), papillomas and hyperkeratosis. Pseudocysts are formed, which are filled with horny masses, as well as acanthotic cords consisting of spinous cells.

Clonal type

In external manifestations it resembles a benign tumor, but is not one.

Inflamed type

Senile plaques are inflamed. Keratoma is manifested by swelling, erythema (redness of the skin) and hemorrhages.

Annoyed type

Neoplasms contain lymph infiltration. The plaques rise significantly above the surface of the skin and are thickened.


The reliable reasons why senile or senile keratoma appears are unknown. In medicine, several theories are put forward about the origin of warts on the skin:

  • Age-related changes . Manifestations of keratoma occur in patients when natural age-related deformations occur in their skin.
  • Heredity . There is a high probability of developing senile warts in those people whose relatives have encountered a similar problem.

There are also unconfirmed theories regarding seborrheic keratoma. The first associates the appearance of warts with a virus, and the second with exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Predisposing factors to the appearance of senile neoplasms on the skin are:

  • endocrine diseases;
  • avitaminosis;
  • chemical or mechanical effects on the skin;
  • exposure to sunlight;
  • hormonal disorders or taking hormonal medications ;
  • pregnancy.


Skin keratoma appears on any part of the body except the soles and palms. Most often it affects the face, neck, chest and arms, less often it appears in the scalp area . Formations can be single, but, as a rule, they are multiple. They appear as spots ranging in size from 2 mm to 5 cm. The color varies from flesh to brown or black. The form is varied.

Seborrheic keratoma develops slowly over several decades. At the beginning of the disease, the plaques have clear boundaries, practically do not protrude above the surface of the skin and do not differ much in color. They have a flesh-colored, pinkish or light brown tint.

Over time, the new growths become covered with greasy crusts, which can still be removed. Then they become dense, the thickness is up to 2 cm, and the surface becomes covered with cracks. The plaques begin to increase in size and take on a mushroom shape, so they resemble warts. They become dark or black and have unclear boundaries.

The keratome does not cause pain; sometimes minor itching may occur. Neoplasms disappear on their own only in isolated cases. Usually, once they appear, they remain for life.

Which doctor treats seborrheic keratosis?

It is difficult to distinguish senile warts from malignant neoplasms on your own. Therefore, as soon as they appear, it is necessary to visit a doctor and undergo an examination. If the epidermis thickens and senile growths appear on the skin, you should consult a dermatologist. If the clonal type is diagnosed, consultation with an oncologist is required.


The doctor makes a diagnosis based on external signs. A feature of age-related keratosis is that the plaques are located on closed areas of the skin. Senile keratosis is not prone to malignancy (malignancy), but the likelihood of developing cancer is not completely excluded. If there is doubt about the diagnosis, a skin biopsy is performed.

If age-related warts appear, you should immediately visit a doctor if:

  • the tumor bleeds, is inflamed, or is very itchy;
  • the wart rapidly increases in size, in this case there is a possibility that it is not a keratoma, but a cancerous tumor.

Despite the fact that senile keratoma is a benign tumor disease of the skin, you should be examined by a specialist at least once a year to eliminate the risk of cancer.


Keratoma looks aesthetically unattractive. Therefore, if it is localized in a visible place, for example, on the temple, it is better to get rid of it. There are not only cosmetic, but also therapeutic indications to remove formations. Constant mechanical trauma can lead to infection of warts.

How to get rid of keratosis of the skin? There are several methods of radical removal that dermatology offers:

  • Cryodestruction (burning with liquid nitrogen) . Senile warts are lubricated with nitrogen, and then they fall off. This leaves a blister that will soon disappear.
  • Laser removal . Senile warts are cauterized using a laser. A compacted area remains at the site of growth of the tumor, but over time the skin is restored and the scar disappears. The procedure lasts several minutes.
  • Removal by radio waves . The essence is reminiscent of the laser method, only medical procedure performed under local anesthesia.
  • Electrocoagulation (removal by electric current) . The procedure is performed by a surgeon, followed by stitches. This is the most traumatic technique.

Cauterization with chemical agents is not used due to the high likelihood of skin scarring.

How to get rid of small single keratomas? Treatment of small seborrheic keratoses is carried out with ointments, gels or creams. They should contain sulfur, salicylic acid and retinoids. You can make applications with ointment containing fluorouracil, Prospidin ointment, Solcoderm or lactic-salicylic collodion. This type of therapy is available at home, but is not always effective.

How to get rid of keratoma in the head area? If it is small in size and does not cause discomfort, treatment measures are reduced to preventive treatment. It is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene, take vitamins and eat a balanced diet. To soften the skin, you should use moisturizing creams, Vaseline, fish fat, Castor oil, use gels based on lactic acid.

Traditional therapy

Proven folk remedies for treating seborrheic keratosis include:

  • Aloe leaf compress . Leaves of a plant that is more than 5 years old are suitable. They need to be washed and put in the refrigerator for three days. Then the aloe is cut into thin slices and applied to the keratosis lesions overnight. In the morning, the skin is lubricated with salicylic alcohol, and after 30 minutes a new procedure is done.
  • Potato compress . The potatoes need to be grated and the pulp applied to the keratosis lesion for 6-8 hours. After 1 hour, a new compress is made.
  • Propolis compress . You need to form a cake out of it and apply it to the affected area. The compress is left for 3-5 days.
  • Onion peel infusion . You will need 200 ml of vinegar and 4 tbsp. l. onion peel. The product is infused for 14 days, then lotions are made for 30 minutes. Every day the time can be increased, bringing it up to 3 hours.

Forecast and consequences

Actinic keratoma is a relatively benign disease, although it can sometimes be confused with cancer. The prognosis for seborrheic keratosis is favorable.

If a tumor is injured as a result of friction, dangerous consequences may occur:

  • microbial eczema;
  • herpes;
  • human papillomavirus;
  • blood poisoning;
  • tumor malignancy.


Seborrheic keratosis of the skin can be prevented by following these recommendations:

  • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • avoid sunburn, use protection against ultraviolet rays;
  • use only high-quality skin care products;
  • accept vitamin complexes, especially E and C;
  • drink plenty of fluids;
  • lead healthy image life.

Also, these preventive measures will help delay the appearance of plaques.

Seborrheic keratoma does not pose a threat to human health, but you should not self-medicate. Throughout the course of the disease, it is necessary to differentiate the neoplasm from malignant forms of the tumor.

Useful video about seborrheic keratosis

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Seborrheic keratosis (or basal cell papilloma) is a skin disease that is not inflammatory in nature, hallmark which is excessive thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis and a delay in normal cell exfoliation.

In most cases, this pathology is diagnosed in people over 40 years of age. However, more often in medical institutions Patients over 50 years of age present with this complaint, which is why it is often called a senile wart.

Despite the fact that such neoplasms do not have a racial, territorial or gender dependence, data from the World Health Organization shows that this problem occurs 36% more often in women than in men. Seborrheic keratosis of the facial skin seriously spoils the appearance, makes you feel shy about others, and avoids taking photos and videos, so it is important to know what it is and how to treat the pathology.

What kind of disease is this

Basal cell papilloma is a benign tumor that is formed from epidermal cells and appears as spots. Its first symptoms can be found in almost every person over 50 years of age.

In childhood and adolescence, the upper layer of the epidermis is thin because it is steadily exfoliated. As we age, the skin becomes less able to shed dead cells on the surface and becomes rougher. This is due to the physiological thickening of the stratum corneum, which, as a rule, goes unnoticed. However, its uncontrolled abnormal increase leads to the appearance of single or group neoplasms, which in most cases are benign.

Often the disease affects the chest, neck and entire back, but seborrheic keratosis of the facial skin causes the most problems, as it causes a lot of complexes and decreased self-esteem in patients. As a rule, this anomaly develops slowly and does not degenerate into a malignant tumor.


In modern practical medicine, there are 9 main types of pathology:
  • Flat - the formation slightly rises above the healthy integument and has bright pigmentation.
  • Irritated - microscopic examination reveals multiple leukocytes in the superficial layer of the dermis and inside the tumor itself.
  • Reticular - upon histological examination, thin strands of pigmented epithelial cells are observed, which are connected to each other and externally resemble a looped network.
  • Clear cell melanoacanthoma is extremely rare and includes horny cysts consisting of melanocytes and keratinocytes. In most cases, it is localized on the legs and looks like flat spots.
  • Lichenoid - involves the development of inflammation under the crust.
  • Clonal like epithelioma - characterized by plaques in the form of warts, which consist of keratinocytes.
  • Keratotic – small benign education, which includes parts of the epidermis and cysts of the stratum corneum.
  • Follicular inverted - characterized by many foci of keratinization in the form of epithelial layers with a dense center.
  • Cutaneous horn is a rather rare type, a pathology in the form of a cylinder that protrudes above the surface of the integument. Most often it is diagnosed in the elderly and has a high risk of degeneration into a malignant tumor.

Factors of occurrence

Despite a large number of medical studies, it has not yet been possible to establish the exact causes of seborrheic keratosis. Today there are many theories about its origin.
For a long time, doctors were inclined to believe that the disease was viral in nature. However, these data were refuted in the process of scientific development. Then hypotheses were put forward about the effects of sunlight, oily seborrhea and lack of vitamins.

Long-term observations have made it possible to establish that the main risk group consists of people whose blood relatives suffered from this disease. Thus, main reason This type of papillomas was called a hereditary predisposition. Pathology can also appear due to natural aging or due to the following factors:

  • excessive exposure to UV rays;
  • smoking;
  • skin injuries;
  • Availability chronic diseases;
  • decreased immune defense;
  • frequent and uncontrolled use of hormonal medications;
  • pregnancy.

Typical signs

Seborrheic keratosis is distinguished by easily recognizable and characteristic symptoms, the main of which is the appearance of spots. As a rule, they are located on the back, chest and neck, much less often on the scalp, face, and external genitalia. Only the palms and soles of the feet are not affected by the disease.

Papillomas can be of various sizes, on average their diameter ranges from 2 millimeters to 6 centimeters. The shape is round or oval with clear edges and raised above the skin level, which often causes itching. The color of the tumors is yellow, pink, cherry or black, and their surface looks like several small flaky warts that are covered with a thin crust. They can bleed even with minor mechanical damage. As the disease progresses, small black inclusions form on the crust, which slowly thicken, covering the new growth with cracks.

The spot itself is soft, but over time the crust takes on a denser shape and the edges become like jagged edges with irregular boundaries. Sometimes the keratome may acquire sharp ends.

The clinical picture directly depends on the stage of development of the pathology. There are three main stages:

  1. Pigmentation - characterized by the appearance of single or multiple yellow-brown spots that resemble a xanthoma in appearance. At this stage, the formations are characterized by a smooth surface and do not rise above the level of healthy skin. Such symptoms can also appear in young people if they are overly interested in tanning without proper protection from the sun's rays.
  2. Nodules - appear at the site of spots. Despite the progression of the disease, the lesion still remains smooth and does not harden.
  3. Keratolic stage - represents the final stage, where the majority of characteristic symptoms. A papilloma is formed, which is similar in appearance to an ordinary wart. The color of the tumor changes to gray-black or becomes a darker shade of brown, making it very noticeable to others. The surface is covered with dense scales.

Some patients mistake such formations for ordinary wounds and try to remove the scales themselves. Most often this happens in the case of seborrheic keratosis on the face, as it causes the most inconvenience. However, such attempts can lead to the onset of severe bleeding, which will be extremely difficult to stop.

Diagnostic methods

To accurately identify the disease, it is necessary to visit a dermatovenerologist, who can confirm senile papilloma at the first appointment. Thanks to the recognizable and specific clinical picture To determine it, it is enough to conduct a routine medical examination. However, if there is the slightest doubt or suspicion of a malignant nature, patients are prescribed a biopsy.

For this procedure, a small section of tumor tissue is taken and sent for histological examination. Microscopic examination reveals a significant increase in the stratum corneum, which in some places even grows into the thickness of the epidermis, which leads to the formation of cystic cavities. Histology makes it possible to distinguish the formation from similar problems such as wart vulgaris and basal cell carcinoma.

Treatment of seborrheic keratosis of the skin

This pathology in itself does not pose a danger or threat to life. The only trouble such patients encounter is discomfort and unaesthetic appearance. The decision to carry out therapy is made only by the patient himself, since medical point this is not necessary.

To date, there is no treatment for senile papilloma that could completely stop the process of thickening the stratum corneum. Therefore, the only possible option to help the patient is to remove the tumor if it causes inconvenience, is injured by clothing, or simply spoils the appearance. Modern medicine has a large arsenal of choice of treatment methods, which allows you to make seborrheic keratosis of the skin as invisible as possible.

For this pathology conservative therapy will be ineffective. It may briefly slow down the development of the problem, but will not get rid of it completely. In such cases, doctors prescribe drugs for both internal and external external treatment. Medicines based on zinc and containing urea show a good inhibitory effect.

If the scalp is affected, it is possible to prescribe special shampoos, as well as use retinoids and vitamins A and B. Special attention with basal cell papilloma, the patient’s diet is given. A properly selected diet can significantly improve the condition of the skin, so it is recommended to exclude fried, fatty foods and flour products.

Surgical intervention

In order to get rid of seborrheic keratosis, and not just slow down the progression of the disease, surgical removal is performed. You can choose one of 4 main methods:
  • Laser radiation is the most popular among patients, as it is accessible, bloodless, and affordable with a good result of the procedure. To perform this you need a special apparatus, which, under the influence of high temperatures burns and vaporizes the affected tissue. Remains in place of the stain slight compaction, which completely disappears over time.
  • Radio wave method - has a principle of operation similar to laser radiation, the damaging factor here is radio waves. Usually, this procedure performed under local anesthesia.
  • Cryodestruction – involves treatment with liquid nitrogen. It has a destructive effect on the keratoma, causes its death and does not cause pain to the patient. Over time, patches of healthy skin form at the site of the wart.
  • Electrocoagulation – it is based on the use of an electric scalpel, which makes it possible to make neat and discreet incisions. After the procedure is completed, small stitches are placed on the wound. This method is the least traumatic and ensures rapid postoperative recovery.


There are no guaranteed measures that can prevent seborrheic keratosis, since it is a consequence of natural age-related changes in the skin.

However, in order to delay as much as possible or minimize the likelihood of developing this unpleasant disease, it is necessary to regularly include deep cleaning procedures in cosmetic care. Most best option– use of gels, scrubs and peelings with an exfoliating effect. This will remove dead epithelial cells from the surface and prevent thickening of the stratum corneum.

For prevention, it is important to eat right. People at risk (with a hereditary predisposition) are recommended to eat fruits and vegetables and dishes high in vegetable fats every day. It is also necessary to drink enough fluid to ensure normal metabolism in the skin. Smoking, tanning, and neglect of sunscreen have a particularly negative impact on the appearance and health of middle-aged and older people.

And the main measure that is often forgotten is regular visits to a dermatovenerologist. If any neoplasms are detected on the body, you must immediately contact a specialist, as there is a high risk of degeneration benign tumor into malignant, which will be the beginning of the cancer process. But even in the absence of obvious problems, it is recommended to visit a doctor at least once a year, especially after 40 years.

There are many pathologies of the epidermis and one of them is seborrheic keratosis. Other names are prussic wart, seborrheic or senile keratoma. This disease causes unaesthetic and sometimes physical discomfort. For this reason, seborrheic keratosis is not ignored, but a doctor is consulted to prescribe therapy.

Keratosis is a pathology of the epidermis, characterized by the appearance of a neoplasm on the epidermis, which is benign in nature. There are several types of the disease and one of them is seborrheic keratosis.

As the disease progresses, a seborrheic keratoma appears. Locations: face, lower and upper limbs, neck and epidermis of the head. Usually formation does not occur singly, but in groups. At the first stage of development, the keratome is a brownish or yellow spot.

Over time, the formation increases in size, a characteristic crust and dark brown color appear. The surface of the wart cracks. When the formation grows, pain occurs. Often, an increase in size is accompanied by bleeding and itching.

With seborrheic keratosis, senile keratoma can also appear, which occurs after 30 years. Localization sites are the upper limbs, face and neck, less often - the abdomen, chest or back.

Externally, a keratoma is similar to a mole, but has a grayish-yellow or white tint. The formation increases in size over time and is sometimes accompanied by inflammation. The wart is benign in nature and rarely becomes malignant.

Reasons for appearance

Causes of seborrheic keratosis:

  • Regular exposure to the sun for long periods of time. As a result, the epidermis does not have time to absorb ultraviolet radiation. This leads to disruption of cell formation, which causes skin growth and keratinization of the skin;
  • Genetic predisposition. If the grandmother and mother had seborrheic keratoma, then there is every reason to believe that it will appear in the daughter;
  • Deficiency in the body useful substances. Excessive consumption of fatty foods is also a provoking factor;
  • Predisposition to pathologies of the epidermis. If a person has constantly had the need to deal with dry or oily seborrhea throughout his life, then there is a high probability of developing seborrheic keratosis in adulthood;
  • Age-related changes. The disease develops after 30 years of age. At this age, the epidermis loses some of its protective properties, which leads to complex adaptation of the skin to sunlight and cold.

Why is it dangerous?

The main danger is that seborrheic keratomas can develop into malignant formations at any time. This happens suddenly and the appearance of the wart may not change.

The most dangerous condition is when malignant oncology develops on the epidermis directly under the keratoma. At the same time, the appearance of the wart does not change in any way. Diagnose seborrheic keratosis early stages development is extremely difficult, since the patient is not bothered by anything and does not observe external changes.

As a result, the patient receives untimely medical care. Sometimes this leads to the fact that the pathology is detected in the later stages, when the tumor has metastasized, which poses a danger not to the health, but to the life of the patient.

If multiple keratomas appear on the epidermis, this may indicate an oncological pathology of some internal organ. In this case, experts recommend performing a study not only of the formation, but also of the body as a whole.

Classification and characteristics of forms

There are several types of keratosis:

  • Follicular pathology. Symptoms of the disease are the appearance of yellow or pink nodules on the epidermis. The skin around the formations becomes red and inflamed;
  • Actinic pathology. The disease affects people over 45 years of age with a light-colored epidermis. Localization sites are uncovered areas of the skin. The pathology is characterized by small rashes of a gray or yellow hue, on the surface of which there are scales;
  • Horny keratosis or cutaneous horn. Externally, it is a conical formation with a dark or light shade. The pathology got its name due to its external resemblance to animal horns. Most often, the formation from a benign growth turns into a malignant form;
  • Seborrheic wart. Outwardly it resembles a mole, but with cracks on the surface. Such a formation rarely develops into a malignant tumor.

There are also several forms of seborrheic dermatitis:

  • reticular formation, on the surface of which there are horny brushes;
  • flat form, in which spots of bright dark shades are observed on the epidermis, which do not rise above the epidermis or rise, but only slightly;
  • inflammatory type - characteristic features are swelling of the soft tissues, redness of the epidermis near the formation;
  • irritable form - blood and mucus accumulate in the growth.

Symptoms of the disease

On initial stage The development of seborrheic keratosis practically does not manifest itself in any way. Colorless spots appear on the epidermis, which can only be detected with a thorough examination of the skin. Over time, the formation changes its shade to a darker one, rises above the epidermis, a crust and cracks appear on the surface.

The formations have different colors. The palette of shades includes yellow, brown, black, burgundy and gray. Seborrheic warts have a diameter of 1 mm to 10 cm. Keratoma is sometimes accompanied by itching, burning and bleeding.

The pathology has pronounced manifestations; if the first signs and clear symptoms are detected in adults, it is recommended to consult a doctor and a specialist, after conducting appropriate research, will prescribe treatment.


Diagnosis of keratosis consists of conducting an external examination and prescribing appropriate studies:

  • Cytological analysis. To conduct the study, a piece of the growth is taken from the patient;
  • Ultrasound of the soft tissues on which the keratoma is located.

Seborrheic keratoma of the skindiagnosed already during an external examination. An experienced doctor will not confuse the pathology with other formations. Additional Research carried out only to determine the benign or malignant nature of the pathology.


If seborrheic keratoma is diagnosed, only a doctor can prescribe treatment. You should not try to remove the growth yourself. Any such manipulation can lead to unpredictable consequences. Injury to the keratoma threatens to accelerate the growth of the formation, the rapid proliferation of warts and the transition of the growth to a malignant tumor.

In most cases, keratoma does not require removal or therapy. Surgeon intervention is required in the following cases:

  1. if the formation experiences regular mechanical stress;
  2. if itching, burning, inflammation and bleeding occur;
  3. if the growth grows and multiplies quickly;
  4. when pain syndrome in the area of ​​the affected epidermis.

Keratomas are also removed if they cause aesthetic discomfort. This is true if growths appear on the face and open areas of the body.

Preparations for seborrheic keratosis

At the initial stage of the pathology, treatment of seborrheic keratosis is recommended with special medications. The doctor prescribes the use of gels, creams, ointments and other similar products, which contain cytostatics and active acids.

Such components destroy keratosis cells. The products are used only as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision. The specialist must understand how the selected drug affects the formation, correctly calculate the dose and evaluate the effectiveness of the chosen therapy.

Traditional medicine treatment at home

Folk remedy therapy can only be used as prescribed by a doctor, since any self-treatment at home poses a danger to the health and life of the patient.

Aggressive agents should not be used to treat seborrheic keratosis. folk remedies medicine, since they injure the growth, which can cause cancer.

  • Propolis is softened and fixed with a plaster on the problem area of ​​the epidermis. The compress is renewed once a day. The bandage is worn continuously until the formation disappears;
  • Small beets are peeled and grated into a fine grater. The resulting slurry is fixed on the affected area of ​​the epidermis using a bandage and adhesive tape. The product is kept for four hours. The procedure is carried out daily;
  • Pork fat is melted and mixed with crushed celandine. The resulting ointment is used to treat the problem area several times a day. The product is stored in the refrigerator.

In this video, you can see effective methods treatment with folk remedies:

Surgical removal

There are several ways to surgically remove a keratoma. The choice of technique depends on the individual characteristics of the patient, his financial capabilities and the stage of development of the pathology. Methods for removing formation:

  • Surgical intervention. The essence of the procedure is cutting out all damaged soft tissues with a scalpel;
  • Laser removal of tumors. One of the most popular methods of treating seborrheic keratosis. The essence of the procedure is burning out the growth using a laser;
  • Treating the build-up with liquid nitrogen. The procedure is safe and painless.

Preventive measures

To reduce the risk of seborrheic keratosis, doctors recommend the following preventive measures:

  • sunbathe less often and visit the solarium;
  • before going outside, treat the epidermis with protective agents;
  • normalize unstable emotional background;
  • adhere to the principles of proper nutrition;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • to live an active lifestyle.

Seborrheic keratosis is a pathology of the epidermis that can trigger the development of cancer. To avoid this, you should consult a doctor immediately after the onset of the disease.

The skin is a human organ that is susceptible to many diseases as a result of exposure to negative environmental factors. Seborrheic keratosis is one of the common diseases characteristic feature which is the appearance of small tumors on the skin. They arise due to excessive thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. To get rid of seals, you need to know the causes of their appearance, as well as how to deal with them.

Keratoses represent a group of skin diseases that are not prone to inflammatory processes. There are several varieties, including seborrheic keratosis. It is also called senile or senile, because neoplasms often appear after 30 years, and especially in pensioners. With age, the affected area may increase.

Several causes of seborrheic keratosis have been identified, but none of them have been fully proven. There is a version that it is age factors that provoke the development of keratosis. This theory has a significant drawback: why, in this case, does the skin disease not affect all elderly people?

It is assumed that seborrheic keratosis can be caused by the following reasons:

  • hereditary predisposition (frequency of occurrence skin disease significantly higher among close relatives);
  • prolonged exposure to the sun (UV rays);
  • changes in skin structure with increasing age;
  • friction, scratches, wearing tight clothing and other types of damage;
  • weakening of the protective function of the immune system;
  • negative impact of household and industrial chemicals (sprays, colognes, aerosols, detergents, poisoning in factories);
  • pregnancy in women;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • avitaminosis;
  • unbalanced diet, lack of variety of foods;
  • taking hormones (including contraception);
  • lack of vegetable fats in the diet.

The danger level of seborrheic keratosis

These tumors are benign and do not contain cancer cells in their structure, but there is some relationship with cancer tumors on the skin:

  • often seborrheic keratosis is a sign of cancer on internal organs;
  • keratosis can “mask” a malignant neoplasm growing among tumor cells (it poses a great danger because inoperable cancer can be detected at the last stage);
  • Cancer and keratosis are practically indistinguishable in appearance; they can only be distinguished by excision of tissue for histological examination.

It is worth noting that about 9,000 patients with seborrheic keratosis were found to have malignant skin cells.

Classification and symptoms of seborrheic keratosis

Scientists have identified several forms of keratosis, which differ not only in the provoking facts, but also in their symptoms.

  • dry skin;
  • the appearance of light pink or yellow nodules on the skin;
  • inflammatory process in places of damage;
  • neoplasms arise on the hair follicles, so broken hairs are visible at their top;
  • subcutaneous growth of the hair follicle;
  • common places of localization are limbs, buttocks, less often the face;
  • no itching;
  • most often manifests itself in childhood and adolescence.
  • small nodule that gradually takes the form of a papule;
  • skin pigmentation;
  • expansion of capillaries;
  • the size can vary from a few mm to cm;
  • nodules are not delivered pain and do not itch;
  • the presence of scales, the tearing off of which is painful (underneath you can find skin depletion or an erosive process);
  • the skin takes on a reddish and sometimes brown tint;
  • progresses slowly.

Wart-like keratosis:

  • neoplasms are rough to the touch;
  • have pronounced pigmentation;
  • most often localized on the upper extremities;
  • easily confused with the seborrheic form.

Horny (horny) keratosis:

  • skin growths, dark at the base and light at the tip;
  • conical shape (resembles horns);
  • group or single distribution on the skin;
  • there is a danger of developing cancer.

Seborrheic (senile, senile) keratosis:

  • neoplasms can be of different colors (yellowish, brown);
  • size varies from a few mm to 7 cm;
  • usually mushroom or oval shaped;
  • at the beginning of the development of the disease, a small spot appears on the skin, gradually developing and becoming crusty;
  • peeling and sometimes itching are observed;
  • most often appears on the upper limbs, back, chest, face;
  • the top layer is keratinized.

Seborrheic keratosis also manifests itself in several forms:

  • flat type (tumors are flattened, rise several mm above the skin level, and stand out strongly due to their dark shade);
  • irritated type (the tissues of the skin formations contain blood and lymph cells);
  • reticular type (similar to the flat type, characterized by the presence of keratinized projections).

It is necessary to pay attention if an inflammatory process develops in the keratomas or blood is released from them. This may mean that the tumors were injured as a result of mechanical actions. The inflamed type of seborrheic keratosis is the most dangerous and can cause malignancy.

Seborrheic keratosis should be differentiated from the following dermatological diseases:

  1. Vulgar or common warts. Caused by human papillomavirus type II. They mainly grow on the back of the feet and hands. Elevations above the skin do not exceed 1 cm.
  2. Basalioma is a malignant neoplasm, also called basal cell carcinoma. Develops from cells of the outer layer of the skin. Most often localized on the neck and front of the head. Initially, a painless pimple appears, which gradually grows and transforms into a nodule.
  3. Melanoma – cancer skin. It develops from birthmarks and skin cells that contain a lot of melanin pigment. In later stages it affects internal organs. The spots are asymmetrical.
  4. Keratopapilloma or senile warts. Unlike common warts, the appearance of keratopapilloma is influenced by the age factor, not the virus. Initially it is a pigment spot.
  5. Eccrine poroma is a tumor of the dermis that is quite rare. Located at the site where the secretion of the eccrine sweat gland is released. The formations are painful, usually deep in color. Slowly growing, mostly benign.
  6. Basal cell carcinoma is a malignant tumor that is not prone to metastases. Outwardly it looks like a small tubercle with smooth and shiny skin. The formation grows into the surrounding tissues.

Treatment methods for seborrheic keratosis

Self-treatment of seborrheic keratosis is dangerous to health. There is a possibility of injury to the tumor tissue, which will provoke their accelerated growth. Therefore, to make a diagnosis and determine a treatment method, you must consult a doctor.

A complex of drugs is often prescribed. These can be ointments, creams and gels for external use. Solutions intended for injection are also common. They must contain active acids that destroy tumor tissue. Cytostatics are often used, due to which pathological cell division is inhibited or completely stopped.

To get rid of discomfort and itching, steroid drugs are prescribed, for example, Mardil Zinc Max and Lorinden A. They relieve inflammation and have an antiseptic effect.

There are other methods of dealing with keratomas:

  1. Laser removal. No pain, minimal risk of skin damage, and the ability to remove tumors even in hard-to-reach places. After the procedure, the patient recovers within a few days. Complications do not appear.
  2. Cryotherapy. In this case, the affected area is treated with liquid nitrogen, the temperature of which is –196° C. The procedure is carried out over several minutes, taking into account a break. After cryodestruction of the keratoma, it gradually dies, and soon new, intact skin cells appear.
  3. Use of radio waves. In this case, the tumor is excised using a radio knife. Looks like normal surgical removal. The advantage is that the radio knife makes small incisions in the skin. The risk of capillary damage is minimal.

When you can't do without surgery

Surgery to remove seborrheic keratosis is necessary in any case. Even a small tumor causes discomfort, is unsightly and spoils a person’s appearance.

Contact us urgently for medical care It is necessary if the tumor begins to rapidly increase in size, itching, pain and sudden bleeding for no reason appear. All this can be a signal of the development of cancer.

Surgical removal of keratoma using a scalpel is the most common method. The tumor is cut, and a scar or scar remains at the postoperative site. If there is a suspicion of oncology, the excised tissue is taken for histological examination.

Traditional medicine recipes for keratosis

Folk remedies are used with extreme caution, only after consulting a doctor. The use of any alcohol tinctures, the aggressive components of which can cause the transformation of the keratoma into a malignant tumor, is prohibited.

It is worth paying attention to these recipes:

  1. Grate small beets on a fine grater. Place the pulp in a thin cloth or gauze. Apply to the affected area daily for several hours (approximately 4 hours).
  2. Make compresses based on burdock (a decoction of the plant will do).
  3. Use crushed propolis in a similar way.
  4. Apply a cut aloe leaf to the keratome. Secure it with an adhesive plaster or bandage. It is advisable to wrap it with film. Do the procedure before bed.
  5. Finely chop the celandine or pass through a meat grinder. Mix with animal fat (preferably pork) and treat the keratomas several times a day.
  6. Grate raw potatoes. Wrap in gauze and apply to the tumor 3 times a day.

It is worth noting that such therapy is designed for a long time. It will take several weeks to see the first results, and complete disappearance of the disease is sometimes achieved by treatment over several years.

Measures to prevent seborrheic keratosis

To prevent the development of seborrheic keratosis, the following preventive measures must be taken:

  • do not stay in the sun for a long time, use sunscreens and lotions, avoid burning the skin;
  • do not be nervous, protect your body from stress;
  • create a balanced diet that contains all the necessary vitamins and nutrients;
  • observe work and rest schedules, sleep enough hours;
  • play sports, lead a healthy lifestyle.


As a rule, seborrheic keratosis occurs in elderly or pre-elderly people. If the formation is not malignant, it does not pose a threat to human life and health. Only an inconvenient location, discomfort during movement or aesthetic unattractiveness force people to consult a dermatologist.

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