Drops that help relieve eye fatigue when working at a computer. Eye drops for fatigue and redness Eye drops to relieve tension

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

IN modern world A large number of drugs have been created that can support and facilitate the functioning of the visual organs. These are mainly topical drops and ointments. They are sterile solutions and creamy formulations of medicinal substances. All drugs are developed taking into account the characteristics of diseases, are divided into classes and have their own principle of action.




Your eyes need rest too

Eye fatigue from prolonged work at the computer manifests itself as painful sensations, headaches, dryness and burning, or, on the contrary, profuse lacrimation. A feeling of “sand” in the eyes, decreased visual acuity, “spots” flying in front of the eyes, and images on the monitor may double or be distorted.

If similar symptoms appear, you should immediately stop working on the computer. If there is a need to continue, you can take a break and try to alleviate the condition of your eyes with the help of drops.

For fatigue, they most often have a moisturizing effect, since eye strain is often associated with dry mucous membranes. These agents have the ability to penetrate through the outer shell of the eye, into the sections eyeball, providing hydration and analgesic effect to the entire organ.

Caution is paramount

Eye drops have a number of contraindications that can have a detrimental effect on a person’s overall health. You should not use vasoconstrictor drugs, they can lead to loss of concentration. Their use is especially dangerous by people whose work involves concentration.

Eye drops should be used with caution if you have cardiovascular problems. Pregnant and lactating women are strictly prohibited from using these drugs, as are children under 18 years of age. If such a need arises, the attending physician should know about it and monitor the course of treatment.

Now exists big choice eye drops, and it wouldn’t hurt to have a suitable remedy in your home medicine cabinet, the main thing is to choose it correctly. Certainly, best option Getting a professional recommendation means going to a specialist and a preliminary examination of the visual organs in general. However, it is not always possible to get to the right doctor on time and receive timely advice.

In such cases, you should talk to the pharmacist at the pharmacy. He will offer several options for gentle solutions that can relieve tension without causing harm.

Why is self-medication dangerous?

The effect of eye drops is not always positive. The consequences depend on the main active ingredient contained in the drops and individual tolerance. An incorrectly selected drug to relieve tension can lead to a worsening of the condition.

Expert opinion

Slonimsky Mikhail Germanovich

Ophthalmologist of the highest qualification category. Has extensive experience in diagnosing and treating eye diseases in adults and children. More than 20 years of experience.

Mild irritation of the mucous membrane will develop into an inflammatory process. And long-term use of the wrongly chosen medication can harm the eyes as a whole. You should not tempt fate and at the first sign of discomfort, it is better to consult an ophthalmologist.

Choosing the right one

Fatigue does not require a prescription. But when choosing funds yourself, you should be extremely careful. It is advisable to discuss any drug containing a medicinal substance with a specialist. Without consulting a doctor, you can only use fortified products or moisturizers.

These drugs can be divided into moisturizing and vasoconstrictive.

Hydration and comfort

The group of moisturizing drugs includes drugs similar in composition to tears. They are divided into drugs with low, medium and high viscosity. They are used for prevention, eliminate dryness and are great for people who spend a lot of time at the computer. In addition, these drops are recommended for initial stage diseases, since they can alleviate the primary symptoms of discomfort.

Low viscosity drops

The main composition of the drops includes hypromellose - an artificial tear. This is the most affordable treatment option. Quickly relieve redness, relieve burning and itching. Apply drops at the first signs of fatigue. They have a very gentle effect on the surface of the eye, without causing a sharp increase or decrease in visual acuity. Hypoallergenic, suitable for people with sensitive mucous membranes and those who wear lenses. The duration of action of moisturizing drops with low viscosity is only one and a half to two hours.

Ophtolic- used for decreased tear production, dryness and burning of the eyes. And also if you need to moisturize after wearing contact lenses. Prescribe 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day in each eye. It is not recommended to use if you are hypersensitive to the components of the drug.

Hilo chest of drawers- belongs to the category of “artificial tears” drugs. Used to relieve irritation while wearing contact lenses. Relieves symptoms of redness and burning. Not addictive. Special instructions for use - the solution should be stored for no more than 12 weeks after opening.

Lakrisifi- a protective drug. Used to eliminate itching and burning in infectious ophthalmological diseases. The composition includes antibacterial components that eliminate viral pathogens. An opened bottle should be stored for one month, and it is not recommended to use the medicine for more than three weeks.

Natural tear- This is an analogue of a human tear. The composition includes Duasorb, which contains dextran and hypromellose. Additional components polyquad, sodium borate, potassium chloride, sodium hydroxide (which helps maintain normal level pH), as well as clean water. Used for insufficient production of tear fluid. Moisturizes the cornea, creates a protective film, eliminates irritation and maintains a comfortable feeling for the eyes. Opened solution should be used within four weeks.

Oksial- another drug similar in composition to tear fluid. The peculiarity of the solution is that the effect after use lasts for a long time. Relieves irritation and itching. Relieves eye redness. When it gets into the eye, the substance forms a protective film and prevents liquid from evaporating, thereby maintaining hydration throughout the day. After opening, the medicine is stored for no more than sixty days.

Hyphenation- has a restorative and protective effect on the cornea of ​​the eye. Used for dry eye syndrome or in case of damage to the protective layer. Recommended after plastic surgery on centuries. The solution must be used within one month after opening.

All drugs have a composition similar to human tears and are often called tear substitutes, therefore they are suitable for both prevention and treatment in combination with other, stronger drugs. Promote additional hydration of the mucous membrane and normalize the natural hydration process.

REFERENCE: Babies do not know how to cry in their first two months. Tears begin to appear only in the third month of life.

Medium viscosity drops

Drugs in this category are prescribed in case of complications in the treatment of ophthalmological diseases. If not effective treatment symptoms of dry eye, the disease progresses. In addition to redness and itching, blurred images and painful sensations. Not only the eyes, but also the eyelids begin to take part in the process.

Lakrisin— improves the process of corneal regeneration. Recommended for eyelid deformation. It is not advisable to use it if you are sensitive to the components of the drug or with acute and open injuries to the eyeball. The substance is stored for no more than two months after opening.

- most often used to restore the tear film. Used for eye irritation and eyelid disease. The main component of the drug is carbomer. It retains moisture around itself, which promotes long-lasting hydration. It is not absorbed into the bloodstream, is non-toxic and acts superficially. Opened gel should not be stored for more than one month.

Medium viscosity drops contain vitamin complexes, which, when in excess, negatively affect the organs of vision. Therefore, they should be prescribed by an ophthalmologist.

High Viscosity Drops

- this is always unpleasant, and if the first symptoms can be relieved with the tear fluid of mild medications, then a more advanced or complex form of the disease requires a more complex solution. For long-term treatment, drugs with a high degree of viscosity are prescribed.

They are distinguished by a comprehensive set of auxiliary components, which allows them to provide comprehensive eye treatment. They not only moisturize, but also have an anti-inflammatory effect on complex lesions.

Kornergel is an ophthalmic ointment that has a regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect. The ointment contains dexpanthenol and excipients. The composition is used for eye injuries to eliminate irritation and inflammation. The medicine is applied topically by injection into the conjunctival sac. After the first use of the drug, the shelf life is one and a half months.

Systane- American remedy for dry corneas. Eliminates symptoms of dryness and burning, “sand” in the eyes, pain in bright light, helps with general fatigue of the eye muscles. The drug is well tolerated by patients; contraindications apply only in case of sensitivity to the components of the drug. The shelf life of the drops from the moment the bottle is opened is six months.

Vidisik- This is the German equivalent of Systane. After using the drug, a film forms on the eye, which temporarily reduces the reaction rate. After use, you should wait until visual acuity is restored. And only after this should you begin tasks that require concentration, such as driving a car or working with small parts. The shelf life of an opened tube is six months.

REFERENCE: The lacrimal glands under normal conditions secrete an average of 0.5-1 ml of tears per day. In any other case, this is a deviation from the norm.

The main component of vasoconstrictor drugs are adrenergic agonists. This substance acts on the walls of blood vessels, relieving redness, itching and burning. It is worth remembering that long-term use of these medications can lead to the opposite effect. On the fifth day of use, the vessels get used to the substance, and it loses its strength. It is safe to say that these drops have a rather temporary aesthetic effect.

Visine- Suitable for topical use. Can quickly relieve irritation, reduce swelling and eliminate discomfort associated with prolonged work at the computer. The active ingredient of the drug is tetrizoline. It has a vasoconstrictor effect on inflamed organs.

Visine is effective for four to eight hours. But it has a number of disadvantages. The drops do not affect the cause of discomfort, and therefore work symptomatically. A pronounced attack on the blood vessels contributes to the drying out of the mucous membrane. Long-term use of the drug is not recommended due to the fact that it can be addictive and lead to side effects.

Naphthyzin- used for household allergies and buried in the nose. It reduces swelling, eliminates itching, redness of the eyes and increased lacrimation. It is sometimes used in ophthalmology, but this is not recommended, since the drug quickly becomes addictive. If you don’t have a special eye product at hand, but you have a Naphthyzin solution with a dosage of 0.05%, you can use it for allergic form conjunctivitis. The main thing to remember is that Naphthyzin increases blood pressure, which means the eye too. Therefore, it is better to use the drug for its intended purpose.

Octilia- potent vasoconstrictor. It contains extracts medicinal plants, which neutralize inflammation and irritation. Suitable for acute allergic manifestations. This drug should not be used for more than four days in a row, it may cause backlash. Drops increase arterial pressure and have side effects such as dizziness, migraines, rapid heartbeat and insomnia. Opened medication must be used within four weeks.

Okumetil- a drug of combined action. Relieves swelling, inflammation, irritation, itching and redness. Mainly prescribed for allergies. The composition includes three active components. The drug is absorbed into the blood. It has a number of contraindications, so it should be used with caution. It is not recommended to use for bronchial asthma, dry eye syndrome, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, stomach ulcers, during pregnancy and lactation. An opened bottle should not be stored for more than four weeks.

Restorative effect

Regenerating drugs or drops to restore vision affect the cornea, capillaries and other structures of the eye. They contain antioxidants and vitamins, strengthen blood vessels and improve immunity.

Adgelon— the main component of the drug is glycoprotein, serum isolated from the blood of cattle. It is used for burns of the cornea, dryness and irritation of the eyes from sitting for a long time at the computer, for allergic inflammations and as a prophylactic agent in postoperative period. An opened bottle can be stored for no more than two days.

Balapran— drops have a healing effect on the cornea and mucous membrane of the eye. Used for injuries and any mechanical interventions. The drug should not be used by children under 18 years of age, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. From the first day of use, the medicine is stored for no more than two weeks.

These drugs are most effective for treating various injuries and inflammations, but they are available only with a doctor's prescription.

REFERENCE: When people think that they have 100% vision and they don’t need to go to an ophthalmologist until they are 40 years old, this is the biggest misconception. 80% of vision problems can be prevented and cured if examined at least once a year.

The best of the best

A detailed examination of most drugs reveals the most prominent representatives in each category.

Fatigue and redness:

  1. Systane- long shelf life and easy tolerability by patients.
  2. Visine- quick effect and duration of action.
  3. Okumetil- the strength of the three components.

Elimination of dryness:

  1. Oksial— duration of action and shelf life.
  2. Natural tear— optimal composition for hypersensitive eyes.
  3. Lakrisifi- hydration and protection.

For successful treatment of any disease, the main thing is not the price of the drug, but its correct choice.

Expensive does not mean effective

When choosing medications, many are interested in the issue of cost. Health is an expensive thing, and maintaining and restoring it is very expensive. Prevention is less expensive, but still important. The range of medicines is huge, and anyone can choose the right drug based on price and composition, the main thing is to do this by carefully studying the instructions for use.

The most cheap drugs for eye fatigue, Lecrolin and Cromohexal are considered. Both drugs are prescribed to relieve allergy symptoms and are most often used for prevention. Their cost does not exceed 100 rubles.

For dryness and irritation, Oftagel is the most economical medicine. It helps protect and moisturize the mucous membrane, relieving itching and irritation. Its cost is about 400 rubles.

Vidisik is in the same price category. Its price varies from 340 to 400 rubles.

In addition, there are a number of over-the-counter medications to improve vision and treat diseases. But buying and using them without consulting a specialist is extremely dangerous. At best, they will have no effect; at worst, they can aggravate already unpleasant sensations.

REFERENCE: The ophthalmologist will always give the necessary recommendations for choosing medicines. And he will help you choose the most economical option if you ask him about the availability of analogues.

Products for sensitive eyes

When wearing contact lenses, you often experience a feeling of dryness in your eyes. This happens because during the day the cornea experiences discomfort from the proximity of a foreign body.

When purchasing vision-correcting products, you should stock up on moisturizing drops. This is required to create a tear film that will protect against irritation while wearing contact lenses.

If it was not possible to purchase drops, you can use the same solution that is intended for storing lenses to moisturize your eyes. The composition of this drug is almost identical to the composition of eye drops. But on occasion, it’s still worth stocking up on a special eye product.

Often the period of getting used to the lenses is accompanied by lacrimation and accidental injuries. In such cases, it is necessary to use Coronorgel. Thanks to the content of dexpanthenol and carbomer, it has a healing effect on the cornea and mucous membrane. Due to its gel-like form, it is easily applied and penetrates into the surface of the eye, restoring minor damage.

To avoid damaging the cornea, contact lenses should be alternated with glasses!

Useful video

Lotions and drops for eyes:


Anna. 24 years:

Systane Ultra drops fully justify their price, reliably supporting my eyes during constant work at the computer. However, I still have a couple of complaints about them. I have been using Systane Ultra drops for about 2 months now. During this time, I took a course of vitamins and did eye exercises. The whole package helps a lot. But we must not forget that Systane Ultra is never a medicine. It's just eye support. It moisturizes, protects, soothes. Once you cancel it, you will no longer receive any hydration, protection, etc. Systane does not cure. In addition, after use, the eyelashes stick together very much, so it is better to use the drops in the evening, and not before going to work or somewhere else.

Michael. 28 years:

Oxial has been my indispensable assistant for many years. In fact, it is an artificial tear, as close as possible to a natural human tear. When you sit in front of a computer for a long time, your eyes, of course, are constantly tense and tired. An ophthalmologist long ago recommended moisturizing drops to me, and among others, her recommendation included this moisturizing solution “Oxial”. I am pleased with the result, you really feel more comfortable, there are fewer “red” eyes. Even when you don’t get enough sleep, you don’t feel the pain in your eyes as much. An already opened bottle must be used within two months, which is just enough for me. It doesn’t need a refrigerator, which is convenient; you can take it to work, for example. There are many similar drugs sold in pharmacies, some more expensive, some cheaper, but I’m already used to Oksial.

Catherine. 46 years old:

I'm suffering from a problem fatigue eyes for as long as I can remember. They not only turn red at the slightest lack of sleep or being in a poorly ventilated room. Any jump in atmospheric pressure is enough, they also hurt and water... Unpleasant.

Olga. 52 years old:

Visina has been pouring over the barrel for 50 years and has not helped for a long time. But “Okumetil” is magical, it simply saves! If you have the same problems, I recommend it.


No matter how much we compile ratings and study available materials on the Internet, we will not be able to independently diagnose ourselves, select necessary medications, glasses or lens care products. The eyes are not an easy organ; they are one of the main ways of perceiving the world around us, and if your eyes begin to fail, you should immediately consult a doctor. Otherwise, part of our life will fade, and only memories will remain.

Ekaterina Belykh

Internet journalist, translator

Articles written

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Eye fatigue when working at a computer is called computer vision syndrome. In this case, medications are prescribed that moisturize the mucous membrane and help with fatigue and redness of the eyes.

But why do your eyes get tired from the computer? Interestingly, experts have calculated that in one minute a person makes up to twenty blinking movements, but while working at a computer this figure drops to five blinks. It turns out that when looking at an image on the monitor, a person begins to open his eyes wider, and this accelerates the evaporation of tear fluid from the surface of the eye.

When you spend a long time in front of a computer monitor, your eyes experience severe stress. In addition to eye fatigue, headaches and neck and back spasms often occur. Although at first this may not affect the quality of vision, gradually its acuity decreases. This is due to deterioration of blood circulation and acute lack of oxygen.

Computer vision syndrome causes the eye to be washed much less frequently by tear fluid, which causes the tear film to dry out. Pathological process manifests itself in the form of itching, burning, dryness, pain, increased lacrimation and a feeling of sand in the eyes.

What to do?

Eye drops for computer eye fatigue are divided into two main types: moisturizing and vasoconstrictor. From the right selection medicine depends on the health of the eye and the preservation of vision. Using such drugs without indications can lead to negative consequences.

It is extremely important not to forget about the rules for instilling drops. Before the procedure, be sure to wash your hands with soap. Tilt your head back a little, look up and gently pull down your lower eyelid. Place the pipette next to the eye, closer to the nose. Place the medicine in the inner corner of the eye, but do not touch the mucous membrane with the pipette. So, what drops will help with computer syndrome?

If your eyes hurt from the computer, try moisturizing drops

Moisturizing drops

An ophthalmologist selects eye drops. Self-medication can seriously harm you, because harmless symptoms can hide serious illnesses.

Drops of “artificial tears” will help eliminate the symptoms of computer syndrome. Moisturizers are divided into drops with high and low viscosity.

Low viscosity products

Let's look at the most effective drops that relieve computer eye pain.

Oftolik belongs to the group of products for protecting and moisturizing the cornea. Fatigue and irritation of the eyes after the computer causes disruption of the lacrimal glands and drying out of the mucous membrane. Ophtolic, in turn, helps to increase fluid volume, moisturize the mucous membrane, stabilize the tear film and soften the cornea.

The active ingredients of the drug are povidone and polyvinyl alcohol. The active ingredients have a keratoprotective effect, that is, they not only moisturize, but also protect the mucous membrane.

Once on the surface of the mucous membrane, the drops relieve eye strain and reduce the risk of tear film rupture. Generally speaking, polyvinyl alcohol is similar in its properties to the action of mucin, which is produced by the conjunctival glands.

Usually Oftolik is prescribed two drops three to four times a day. It is worth considering the fact that the active ingredients of the drugs actively interact with other drugs. Thus, polyvinyl alcohol in weak acids and alkalis can soften or even completely dissolve, and in strong acids it is completely destroyed. When interacting with phosphates, a precipitate may form. When reacting with borax, the solution can turn into a gel.

A contraindication to the use of Oftolic is intolerance to its components. In some cases, experts consider it advisable to use drops during pregnancy, but there is still no clinical data regarding the safety of use for pregnant women.

The use of Oftolic is associated with the risk of an allergic reaction. Patients may complain of pain, redness, and blurred vision. In this case, treatment with Oftolik should be stopped and the doctor should be informed about the incident.

Oftolik are good eye drops for fatigue

This is another one effective remedy, used to protect and moisturize the eye. The drops contain hyaluronic acid, which is found in eye tissue. The medicinal solution essentially adheres to the surface of the eye, creating a uniform tear film. It does not affect visual acuity and is not eliminated by blinking. Doctors prescribe Hilo-Komod one or two drops three times a day. Long-term use of the product is also possible due to the absence of preservatives and the presence of natural ingredients.

Other eye drops can be used after thirty minutes. If the doctor also prescribed eye ointment, then drops are instilled first, and then the ointment is applied.

The only contraindication to the use of Hilo-Komod is hypersensitivity to the active components. When using the product in reasonable dosages side effects not found. Drops should be used with caution during pregnancy and lactation, since there is no data regarding the possibility of using the product during these periods.

Hilo-Komod is often prescribed to people who work at a computer.

Eye drops restore, stabilize and reproduce the optical functions of the tear film. Moreover, Lacrisify lengthens therapeutic effect ophthalmic drugs, protecting the cornea from their irritating effects.

Hypromellose, the active ingredient of the drug, is a cornea protector. And benzalkonium chloride, which is part of the composition, is known for its disinfection properties. It also has a bactericidal effect on gram-positive microflora and some types of yeast fungi.

Lacrisify is prescribed one or two drops up to eight times a day. The drug is not prescribed to children and pregnant women. Acute infectious and inflammatory processes of the eye are another contraindication for use.

The product can cause sticking of the eyelids, burning, irritation and reactions allergic type. Lacrisify is incompatible with drugs containing metal salts. After instillation of the eyes, profuse lacrimation is possible, which is why it is not recommended to use the drug immediately before driving a car or doing work that requires high concentration and attention.

Lacrisify will help tired eyes

Natural tear

Drops help compensate for the deficiency of tear fluid production. Additionally, the product moisturizes the cornea and mucous membrane in case of emerging pathologies. The active component of Natural Tears is Duasorb, which is similar to the composition of human tears. Once on the surface of the mucous membrane, the active component is evenly distributed and interacts with natural tears. This results in the formation of a stable gel-like film that protects against drying out and further irritation.

The active substance does not penetrate the systemic bloodstream, thereby eliminating systemic side effects. The moisturizing effect of Natural Tears lasts for several hours. The drug quickly relieves itching, burning, irritation and dryness.

Instill the product one or two drops as needed. Sometimes an allergic reaction may develop.

This ophthalmic preparation contains hyaluronic acid and electrolytes. It reduces dryness and excessive eye fatigue, and also relieves irritation symptoms such as itching, burning, and redness.

Oxial promotes the formation of a thin polymer film that protects against drying out. Along with this, hyaluronic acid stimulates the healing of microdamages of the cornea. It is worth noting that Oksial relieves the symptoms of dry eye syndrome, but does not eliminate the cause itself.

The product has virtually no contraindications. Side effects are rare, but sometimes an allergic reaction may occur.

Oxial is prescribed when your eyes begin to hurt due to computer use.


The drops have keratoprotective, softening and lubricating properties. They stimulate the regeneration of the tear film, which speeds up the healing process of damaged eye tissue. Already on the third to fifth day after the start of use, a noticeable improvement occurs.

You can use Defislez four to eight times a day, one to two drops. In some cases, your doctor may decide to use eye drops every hour. As for side effects, sometimes an allergic reaction may occur. Some patients complain of eyelids sticking together.

High viscosity products

Typically, such drugs are used for serious damage to the tear film. Let's look at the list best drops.

The drops have a pronounced regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect. The high viscosity of the product ensures long-term contact with the damaged area of ​​the mucous membrane. Dexapanthenol is the main active component of the drug, which accelerates the healing process. The active substance is not absorbed into the systemic circulation.

Kornegel is available in the form of a gel. In some cases, the product causes blurred vision, burning and redness. It is even possible to develop an allergic reaction. Kornegel can be used simultaneously with other eye drops. It is important to maintain a five-minute interval, with the gel being added last. During therapy, driving or driving is prohibited. complex mechanisms.

Kornegel is a moisturizing eye drop with increased viscosity.


This is a keratoprotective agent, which, in essence, is a substitute for natural tear fluid. Oftagel retains tear fluid for a long time. It forms a protective film on the surface of the cornea and provides a comfortable level of humidity.

The drug is prescribed one drop one to four times a day. Oftagel is not addictive and can be used for a long time.


Systane is a drug from the group of rehydrants that is used to moisturize the eye. The special consistency of the solution eliminates mechanical effects on the mucous membrane of the eye. During the day, the moisturizing drops are gradually washed away along with the tear fluid.

Systane is instilled one or two drops as needed. Side effects and cases of overdose have not been described.

This is an artificial tear preparation, which is available in the form of a hydrogel. Carbomer is the main component of Vidisica.

Place one or two drops into the conjunctival sac, after which you need to blink to distribute the product evenly. After use, short-term visual impairment may occur.

If your eyes are tired from the computer and there is tension, then Vidisik can help you

Vasoconstrictor drops

Due to the flickering of the image on the monitor and low contrast, the eye experiences additional stress and keeps the muscles in constant tension. This leads to disruption of microcirculation and metabolism inside the eye. To compensate for impaired blood circulation and prevent oxygen starvation, expansion occurs blood vessels. This manifests itself as redness of the eyeball. The condition is aggravated in cases where a person moves his gaze from the monitor to the keyboard. Let's look at the best vasoconstrictor eye drops.

The product relieves swelling and hyperemia of the conjunctiva. Tetrizoline, the active component of the drug, constricts blood vessels and eliminates swelling. Within a minute the action of the drops begins and the therapeutic effect lasts for four to eight hours.

Visine can be used for no more than four days in a row. It is used as symptomatic treatment, but it does not eliminate the underlying disease. Sometimes when Visine is instilled, a burning sensation, pain, redness, tingling, pupil dilation, and blurred vision appear.

Visin eye drops will help relieve stress from the computer


The drops have a pronounced vasoconstrictor effect, they eliminate swelling of the conjunctiva and cause persistent pupil dilation. Due to prolonged use, addiction may develop, which causes a decrease in the vasoconstrictor effect.

After instillation of Naphthyzin, a short-term increase in symptoms of irritation may develop: lacrimation, burning, itching, irritation. Drops slow down the absorption of other eye drops when used simultaneously, weakening their effect.

Naphtazoline is the active component of the drug. The active substance is even used for allergic conjunctivitis and chronic inflammatory processes of the conjunctiva.


Tetrizoline is the main component of Octilia. It also contains chamomile and linden water. Tetrizoline is an alpha-adrenergic agonist, which has a vasoconstrictor effect. Prescribe one drop three times a day.

The drug can cause serious side effects: increased intraocular pressure, headaches, hypertension, tachycardia, hypoglycemia, allergies, drowsiness, nausea, weakness, and more.


This is a combined remedy that has anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, antiseptic and anti-allergic effects. Okumetil has wide range restrictions for use, including diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, glaucoma, bronchial asthma, cardiovascular disorders.

Okumetil contains three main active ingredients: diphenhydramine hydrochloride, zinc sulfate, naphazoline hydrochloride. The drug is prescribed one drop two to three times a day.

So, it is worth recalling once again that prolonged work at the computer can lead to drying out of the mucous membrane of the eye. To avoid the development of dry eye syndrome, you should take breaks between work, and also do not forget about simple exercises to strengthen your eyes. oculomotor muscles and relieving fatigue. Eye drops will help relieve the unpleasant symptoms of tension and eliminate the very cause of its occurrence. Treatment should begin after examination and an accurate diagnosis. Drops should be prescribed by a qualified specialist.

The more time we spend at the computer (at home and at work), the worse our eyes feel: fatigue, redness, burst blood vessels, pain, a feeling of dry eyes, etc. All these are signs of Computer Vision Syndrome. Statistics indicate that between 50% and 90% of people who use a computer every day for work and entertainment suffer from CCD. The causes of eye fatigue are usually a combination of factors:

  • Constant focusing of the eye causing strain
  • Blinking less frequently
  • Screen brightness too high
  • Incorrect positioning of a person when working at a computer (distance violation)
  • Existing vision problems

As a result, the eye muscles become overstrained and less tears are produced, which are necessary to moisturize the eye - hence the set unpleasant symptoms.

Eye drops can definitely help, at least by moisturizing the eyes and thereby neutralizing some of the symptoms of CCD. But drops are different. Some are more suitable for one, for others others. And it’s not even a matter of price and brands, but the composition and individual tolerance of the drops. On the Internet you can find a lot of reviews - both positive and negative - about almost all eye drops.

The principle of operation of most eye drops is the same, but at the same time there are some differences. So, some drops are more effective for tear deficiency, others contain more vitamins and have a strengthening effect on eye health, some drops can be used by people with contact lenses, others cannot, etc.

Most eye strain drops are available from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, and since they are mostly made of natural ingredients, they are quite safe to use.

Let's look at the most popular types of drops for computer eye fatigue.


Indications for use of Visin include:

  • Elimination of edema in allergic or contact conjunctivitis
  • Elimination of hyperemia
  • Relieving swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa

Visine is dripped 2-4 times a day until the symptoms disappear. However, it is worth remembering that long-term use of these drops (more than 4 days) is extremely undesirable: addiction to the drug may develop.
Visine is contraindicated in children under two years of age, with intolerance to the components of the drops and with closed-angle glaucoma.

Visin drops may cause side effects:

  • Burning
  • Tearing
  • Blurred vision


Indications for the use of Systane drops include:

  • Dry eyes
  • Eye irritations
  • Contact conjunctivitis
  • "Dry eye syndrome"

Systane is used as needed, placing 1-2 drops into the eye. Can be used by patients who wear contact lenses. The only contraindications are intolerance to the components of the drops. There are no side effects.


Indications for the use of Taufon drops include:

  • corneal dystrophy and injury
  • open angle glaucoma
  • traumatic, radiation, age-related cataracts
  • dystrophic diseases of the retina
  • eye fatigue

Drops are used up to 4 times a day, the course of treatment varies from 1 to 3 months. Drops are contraindicated for pregnant women, as well as persons under the age of 18 and patients with taurine intolerance.
Side effects may appear in the form allergic reactions. In such cases, consultation with an ophthalmologist is necessary.


The main indication for the use of these drops is dry eye syndrome. Drops are used several times a day as needed.
Contraindications include age under 18 years and individual intolerance. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should use the drops with caution.

The following side effects are possible when using Optiv:

  • hyperemia of the eyelids,
  • conjunctival hyperemia
  • eye irritation,
  • blurred vision
  • formation of crusts on the edges of the eyelid,
  • feeling of dry eyes,
  • Pain in the eyes,
  • swelling of the eyelid,
  • photophobia,
  • increased tear production.

There are many other drugs to relieve eye fatigue from the computer:

Visomitin, Natural Tear, Licontin, Inoxa, Oksial, Oftolik, Oftagel, Khilozar-Komod, Vidisik and others. They all vary significantly in composition and price, as well as patient reviews. Of the ones we reviewed above, Optiv and Systane will be in the category of expensive drops, while Taufon and Visin can be purchased 2-3 times cheaper.


As for whether it is worth using any drops or not, we can say the following: if the eyes are really very tired, then measures need to be taken, that’s for sure. If you are afraid of harming your eyes, choose the safest drops with a minimum of side effects. Luckily, there is plenty to choose from. If one drop does not help you, try another, and the effectiveness may be completely different. Despite the fact that many drops are available without a prescription, it is still better to visit an ophthalmologist for consultation before using them.

Every day the problem of eye fatigue becomes more acute. Computers, TVs, gadgets - all this leads to the fact that the eyes can no longer cope with the load and they need help. Vitamin eye drops for fatigue from the computer and other equipment will help cope with this problem.

Although eye vitamins are very useful, you should not take them without the advice of a doctor. They are mainly prescribed to those who have prerequisites for this, such as age (over 40 years), vision problems, sick diabetes mellitus and those who are prone to blood clots and who spend a lot of time looking at monitors (computers, phones, etc.).

Doctors recommend eye drops with vitamins, as they help not only prevent the formation of new ones, but also treat existing eye diseases. And in some cases, other organs are strengthened ( cardiovascular system), help with fatigue from various equipment that has a detrimental effect on the eyes.

Experts insist that by taking eye vitamins in the form of drops, patients achieve a greater effect than taking them in tablets, capsules and lozenges. Since once they enter the stomach, they are not fully absorbed gastrointestinal tract, and many are capable of causing harm to him.

Ideally, eye drops should contain a fairly large amount of vitamins:

  1. Group A containing retinol and carotenoids. A lack of this vitamin leads to poor vision and impaired corneal wetting function. Taking it, a person not only improves vision, but also treats some eye diseases, for example, conjunctivitis.
  2. Groups B. Namely, B1, B2, B6, B9, B12. Eye drops with these vitamins can prevent overwork of the eye muscles and help with fatigue from the computer, phone, etc. equipment. They treat diseases such as corneal dystrophy, microtrauma of blood vessels, night blindness and other diseases.
  3. Groups C. Contain ascorbic acid and other ascorbates, which play an important role in immune system body, as well as helping to strengthen blood vessels. Doctors prescribe medications containing this vitamin for overstrain of the eye muscles, as well as for irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye.

In addition to the listed vitamins, it is advisable to have nicotinic acid, antioxidants and, of course, blueberry extract.

Eye drops for redness and irritation: their types

When choosing eye drops, you should know that they are divided into types depending on their function, for example, restorative, for retinal redness or relaxing, for computer fatigue, for injury (foreign body).

Revitalizing eye drops

Such drops are aimed at restoring visual function and, according to their properties, are divided into several groups:

  • Relaxing drops. The substances contained in them help to forcefully relieve tension in the eye muscles, which makes it possible to rest the eye and reduce the risk of developing myopia or farsightedness. For example, Cyclomed, Midrum.
  • Vitamin drops. Helps restore vision and replenish vitamin deficiencies. Act as a prophylactic agent. For example, Vita-Iodurol, Okovit.
  • Drugs that restore the retina. For example, Emokipin, Taufon.


Such drops replicate the composition of tears and can prevent the process of evaporation of moisture from the mucous membrane of the eye and slow it down. For example, Systane, Oksial.

Vasoconstrictor drops

Vasoconstrictor drops are not able to help in treatment or eliminate the cause of redness and inflammation of the eyes. They will only relieve swelling and normalize blood circulation. Therefore, before using such drops, it is best to contact specialists who will help eliminate exactly the cause of negative manifestations.

How to put eye drops correctly

For getting better effect When using eye drops, it is necessary to correctly introduce them into the mucous membrane of the eye.

The process of drug administration:

  1. Before carrying out the procedure, be sure to wash your hands so as not to introduce additional infection into your eyes.
  2. Eye drops for computer fatigue, restorative and vasoconstrictor are administered in the same way: onto the cornea or into the conjunctival sac.
  3. Apply strictly 1 drop at a time.
  4. If there are problems in only one eye, the medicine must be administered in the second.
  5. To prevent the medicine from spreading, you should take a horizontal position.
  6. When administering drops, do not touch the edge of the bottle or pipette to the eyelid or mucous membrane.
  7. Control the number of procedures performed. Strictly follow the doctor's instructions and do not exceed the dose. It is recommended to apply eye drops strictly according to the instructions or no more than 4 times a day.

Eye drops for computer eye fatigue: review

The pharmacological market presents a large selection of vitamin drops. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, it is worth studying in detail the composition, action and other characteristics of the medications.

Visin eye drops. Instructions for use


1 ml of solution contains 0.5 mg of tetrizoline hydrochloride, in addition, boric acid, benzalkonium chloride, sodium teteraborate and others.

Having an impact: vasoconstrictor, reducing tissue swelling. These drops are from the sympathomimetic group. The effect of the drops occurs almost immediately, after 1-2 minutes and lasts from 4 to 8 hours.

Rules of application. Place under the lower eyelid of the affected eye. The procedure should be carried out 2 to 4 times a day until the symptoms of the disease go away, but should not exceed 4 days.

These eye drops for computer fatigue are perfect.

The cost in Russia is about 330 rubles.

Eye drops "Taufon". Instructions for use

1 ml of solution contains 40 mg of Taurine, as well as purified water for injection. This drug has a restorative and healing effect.

Helps normalize metabolism in dystrophic eye disorders and stabilize intraocular pressure.

Place 1-2 drops into the affected eye. Carry out the procedure 3-4 times a day.

The cost in Russia ranges from 105 to 150 rubles.

"Iridina" eye drops. Instructions for use

This preparation contains 1 ml of solution - 0.05% naphazoline hydrochloride, purified water for injection.


Used to disinfect the mucous membrane of the eye. This medication is from the sympathomimetic group. The impact of drops on the body occurs almost immediately.

It is necessary to inject the medicine into the eyes, 1-2 drops. Carry out the procedure no more than 6 times throughout the day.

The price in Russia ranges from 1050 to 1500 rubles.

Eye drops "Irifrin". Instructions for use

The main component is phenylephrine hydrochloride, There are 25 mg per 1 ml of solution.


Additional substances, disodium edetate, benzalkonium chloride and others.

Promotes the outflow of intraocular fluid and constricts the vessels of the conjunctiva. These drops are from the sympathomimetic group.

The reaction occurs within a few minutes, reaching maximum effect after an hour. The duration of action depends on the dose taken. On average, the medicine lasts from 2 to 6 hours.

Rules of application. Place under the eyelid. The dose depends on the disease and the age of the patient.

To relieve spasms, doctors prescribe drops in a concentration of 2.5%. The medicine is used for about 2 weeks, dripping 1 drop before going to bed in both eyes. We accept children over 6 years old.

For persistent spasms, a 10% solution should be instilled.

Carry out the procedure once a day (before bedtime) for 2 weeks. Such a solution is permissible only for children over 12 years of age.

The price in Russia ranges from 402 to 864 rubles.

"Riboflavin" eye drops. Instructions for use

Contains 0.01% vitamin B2 in 1 ml of solution.

Additional excipients: calcium stearate, potato starch, purified water.

Has an effect - improves conductivity nerve impulse, protects the cornea of ​​the eye. Vitamin B contained in the drug is involved in the body's metabolism and hemoglobin synthesis. Promotes rapid healing of tissues, etc. These are vitamin drops that normalize visual function.

Rules of application. Place 1 drop in each eye, strictly at the same time.. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day, the duration of the course is determined by the attending physician.

The average cost in Russia is from 40 to 160 rubles.

"Oko plus" eye drops. Instructions for use

Compound: According to the manufacturer, this medication consists only of natural ingredients.


Namely: zeaxalin, lutein, barley milk, clover milk juice, carnosine.

The effect of the drug:

  • restorative;
  • normalizing pressure;
  • moisturizing;
  • improving blood circulation.

The effect of the drops occurs after several doses.

These eye drops are good for tiredness after using various techniques

How to use. Place 1-2 drops exactly under the eyelid of the affected eye, depending on the disease. Carry out the procedure 2 times a day until the painful symptoms go away.

Usually the course of treatment is prescribed from 5 to 10 days. Then a repeat is recommended. Take a break of 3 days between courses. The duration of taking the medicine should not exceed 2 months.

The price threshold in Russia is from 400 to 1000 rubles.

"Emoxipin" eye drops. Instructions for use

Contains in 1 ml of solution 1 mg of methylethylpyridinol.


Additional components: anhydrous sodium sulfite, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, disodium phosphate dihydrite and others.

Effect: strengthening, resolving (minor hemorrhages), protective, improving blood circulation.

The drug remains in the blood in full for only 2 hours. Then it is gradually eliminated, and after 24 hours the body is completely cleansed.

Rules of application: instill 1-2 drops into the conjunctival sac of the affected eye.

Carry out the procedure 2-3 times a day. The course lasts from 3 to 30 days, depending on the symptoms. In severe cases, an extension of up to 6 months is possible. A repeat course is carried out after 4–6 months.

The average cost in Russia is 150 rubles.

The eyes are constantly exposed to the external environment. And every day this impact increases. New computers and toys appear, the external environment deteriorates (dust, fumes, exhaust gases, etc.), new infections appear, etc.

Video reviews of eye drops for computer fatigue

The best eye drops for computer fatigue, irritation and dry eyes:

How to reduce eye fatigue when working at a computer:

The modern pace of life provokes eye fatigue in most people, which in the future can lead to vision loss. Of great concern to ophthalmologists is computer vision syndrome, which haunts everyone who works behind a monitor. There are other factors that can cause eye fatigue that need to be taken into account.

Why do my eyes get tired?

In any field of activity, with prolonged, intense load on the visual organs, for example, reading, driving, working at a computer, eye fatigue manifests itself. Excessively bright or dim light can cause irritation and inflammation. The muscle fibers are in constant tension and do not receive relaxation, which leads to pain and eye fatigue.

Drops for eye fatigue are prescribed, as a rule, if pain occurs as a result of muscle strain. It is worth understanding that problems with the eyes also occur for other reasons, which include infection on the mucous membrane, the occurrence of eye pressure. Symptoms of eye fatigue include:

  • feeling of dryness;
  • redness;
  • feeling of tension;
  • itching and burning.

How do eye drops work for fatigue?

The branch of pharmacology that studies the effect of eye fatigue drops is called pharmacodynamics. It gives an idea of ​​what changes have occurred in the body after using the product. All eye drops are symptomatic drugs that relieve tissue swelling and have a vasoconstrictor effect. A noticeable result appears in 5-10 minutes, and the effect lasts 4-8 hours.

Moisturizing drops for fatigue usually have a simple chemical composition. It is based on a medicinal active substance, which should speed up the regeneration process. The product improves access to oxygen to the eye tissues and promotes vasoconstriction. In addition to the main substance, the drops contain auxiliary components. Such substances help avoid the proliferation and development of bacterial flora.

Eye drops are drugs that are poorly absorbed into the body and act locally. Agents with anticongestive and vasoconstrictive effects have a low degree of absorption. They are aimed at:

  • elimination of itching and burning;
  • reduction of conjunctival swelling;
  • decreased lacrimation;
  • relieving pain;
  • eliminating redness and fatigue;
  • restoration of the mucous membrane;
  • help with cataracts and sun damage to the eyes.

Indications for use

Exist different types eye drops, some of them should be used exclusively in case of real illness, and not as a prophylactic agent. The main indication for use of the drug is symptomatic signs of the disease. Medicines of this type are needed for everyone who sits at the computer for a long time or feels pain in the eyes, burning, itching, if there are burst blood vessels.

When the cause of pain is eye fatigue and not an infection chronic illness, it is better to use fortified drops. They are equally suitable for those who suffer from nearsightedness or farsightedness. You will need to use the drug regularly for three months, after which you need to rest for 1 month. It is worth remembering that eye drops treat symptoms, but do not eliminate the root cause of fatigue.

How to choose eye drops for fatigue

There are a lot of options for eye drops, most of them differ in composition and principle of action. Based on this, you need to be able to choose the right medication. It is better to have an ophthalmologist do this for you; self-medication can lead to unpleasant results. When making your own choice, you can rely on the factors that provoked the disease, for example:

  1. Excessive stress, when your eyes hurt from the computer.
  2. Allergic reactions.
  3. Influence external factors: dirt, dust, exhaust, smog.
  4. Use of lenses. If worn incorrectly, they can cause inflammation and eye irritation.
  5. Exposure to wind, cold, dry air, heat.
  6. Consequences of acute respiratory viral infections or other diseases that are not related to the organs of vision.
  7. Damage to the cornea.
  8. Symptomatic manifestation of glaucoma, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, etc. A specific symptom will be spots before the eyes, purulent discharge, burning, and “veil.”

For dryness

Often found among people who work at a computer, eye fatigue due to insufficient hydration. As a rule, this function is coped with natural tear person, but sometimes this is not enough. In this case, you need drops for dry eyes, for example:

  1. "Irifrin." Drops help with dry eyes and high intraocular pressure. This drug is often used in ophthalmologist's offices to constrict the pupil during fundus examinations in adults.
  2. "Systane Ultra". It is an artificial tear, which is used to wash the cornea after surgery. Can be used after a hard day at the monitor.
  3. "Emoxipin". The drug has a low price, there are many examples before and after use, where it is clearly clear that the drug is effective. Excellent for dry, itchy and colds and viral eye diseases.
  4. "Thealosis." The drug is not addictive and is used to moisturize dry eyes.
  5. "Cationorm". The milky emulsion helps fight dry eyes, burning, and itching.

For redness

The most popular are eye drops for redness and irritation, because all diseases of the organs of vision are accompanied by similar symptoms. Some good drugs include:

  1. "Visine Classic" or " pure tear" Use if your eyes start to turn red or become dry. The main advantage of the drug is its speed of action. It is not recommended to use the drops frequently because the medication is addictive.
  2. VizOptic. Well suited for red eyes for people who wear contact lenses and can be used together with them. Drops improve blood supply to the eye, relieve redness, and improve vision.
  3. "Korneregel". Analogue (generic) of Vizina with a lower cost. Quickly relieves signs of inflammation and irritation, accelerates tissue regeneration, and improves vision.

Relieving tension

Eye fatigue is usually caused by prolonged muscle tension. To get rid of this condition, you should use eye drops for tiredness and redness. The following drugs are used for this:

  1. "Aktipol". One of the interferon options that eliminates visual fatigue and symptoms viral diseases, has antioxidant properties.
  2. "Taurine." This is a product with a cumulative effect. The bottom line is that the medicinal substance is concentrated in the eye tissues, which increases protection (immunity) and accelerates the regeneration process.
  3. "Reticulin". The product increases visual acuity and prevents its deterioration. Ideal for relieving eye strain and increasing protection from harmful radiation from TV and computer.

When working with a computer

In modern realities of life, there is a need for specialized tools for office employees. Eye drops for fatigue after computer work help cope with overstrain. The following effective means are available:

  1. "Vidisik." Helps maintain visual acuity when working at a computer. The drug protects the cornea, has a healing effect, improves vision, and prevents the occurrence of other diseases.
  2. "Blink Intensive" Used to protect the eyes when reading or working at the computer. Has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, calming effect. Prevents the development of eye diseases, improves vision.


Red eyes can be caused not only by working at a computer, but also by a sleepless night. Anti-inflammatory drops that moisturize, soothe the cornea, and nourish the mucous membrane help to cope with this. These include:

  1. "Taufon". Anti-inflammatory drops for daily use, but the duration of the course should not exceed 3 months.
  2. "Albucid". Domestic antiviral drug, which is not used to relieve fatigue, but is well suited for the treatment and prevention of conjunctivitis and other viral diseases.
  3. "Vial". It has a bright anti-inflammatory effect, relieves tissue swelling. It also helps against pain, itching, and moisturizes the epithelium well.


  1. "Svetoch." Popular drops that have proven themselves to be a preventative medicine for many eye diseases. They help well against dryness and inflammation. Contains resin extract, cedar, vitamins.
  2. "Visor". The drug contains vitamins A, E, aloe vera extract, carotene. Drops are used to prevent dry mucous membranes and eye fatigue.
  3. “Oxial”, “Oftagel”, “Santen” (Sante FX Neo). Japanese drops from the company Sante. The main advantage of all these remedies is that they are not addictive. Contains essential vitamins for vision organs, hyaluronic acid, moisturize and nourish them well.
  4. "Riboflavin". This is a preventative agent that enriches the tissues of the organs of vision with oxygen and normalizes the activity of the retina. The drug substance riboflavin is important vitamin group B, which prevents the development of many diseases.

Contraindications, possible complications

In most cases, contraindications are based on the effect of the active treatment substance in case of personal intolerance of the patient. There is often a ban on the use of drops for eye fatigue during pregnancy and breastfeeding. You should not put drops in the eyes of children under two years of age. The list of contraindications includes:

  • bleeding disorders;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • keratitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergic diseases;
  • high blood pressure.

Side effects from the use of drops, as a rule, appear with prolonged use, exceeding the dosage indicated in the instructions. Some eye drops may cause:

  • burning;
  • redness;
  • pupil dilation;
  • blurred vision;
  • increased eye and blood pressure;

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