Candles from thrush based. Candles from thrush - cheap and effective

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Candles for thrush - this is perhaps the most convenient way to get rid of the infection among the list of other remedies. But a wide variety of candle preparations can confuse every woman. Let's try to figure out which suppositories from thrush are the best, how to use them correctly and what to do to avoid a recurrence of the disease.

The reproductive system in women, alas, is far from perfect, and the development of any disease of the genitourinary system threatens the risk of infertility. by the most dangerous disease It is considered a fungal infection, in medicine referred to as yeast-like candidiasis, popularly known as thrush.

Signs of candidiasis:

  • itching and burning in the vaginal area;
  • heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • whitish or yellow curdled discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • pain and discomfort during intercourse and urination.

The presence of at least one of the listed signs already informs the hostess and possible inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. You should not waste time, you need to immediately begin to treat thrush in order to quickly restore the affected microflora. For the treatment of thrush, you can use both gels, tablets, ointments, and vaginal or rectal suppositories. All drugs are aimed at eliminating yeast fungi, but the use of suppositories from thrush is still considered more effective.

Benefits of using candles:

  1. Due to deep penetration, suppositories almost immediately eliminate symptoms that are localized in depth. female organs(discharge, itching).
  2. All vaginal suppositories from thrush contain antifungal components in their composition, which, when they enter the mucous membrane, instantly come to grips with the causative agent of the infection, while the active substances do not enter the human blood.
  3. Complete with antifungal suppositories, you can purchase suppositories to restore microflora, which are used after the treatment of thrush.
  4. Some drugs can be used, for example, Zalain, during pregnancy, lactation and when feeding a baby.
  5. All suppositories, regardless of brand, are easy to use.

The disadvantages of using candle preparations include only the need to strictly follow the treatment regimen proposed by the manufacturer and use the medication correctly.

Rules for the use of candles from thrush:

  1. Initially, you should study the description of the use of the drug in the instructions for use, since many drugs are wetted with boiled water before the process.
  2. It is better to place a candle in the vagina at night, before the procedure, you should thoroughly wash yourself.
  3. Suppositories should be administered with pre-washed hands with clipped nails or using fingertips.
  4. You need to insert the drug in the supine position, pushing it as deep as possible into the vagina, after which it is not advisable to get up for 30 minutes, giving time for the drug to dissolve. It is recommended to use daily sterile pads during the treatment of thrush.
  5. Treatment with vaginal suppositories is incompatible with sex and alcohol. Moreover, both partners should be treated (rectal preparations are available for men), regardless of the absence of signs of infection in the partner.

The use of suppositories will eliminate the focus of inflammation at the first, simple stage of candidiasis. With an advanced disease, suppositories for thrush in women can also be used, but already as one of the components complex therapy. Range medical preparations in the form of a suppository is huge, so consider the candles from thrush in the table, where the list of names will decrease from the best drugs to less efficient ones.

Effective candles against thrush for women

NameThe action of the drugPeculiaritiesWho can'tMode of application
NystatinNystatin suppositories from thrush block the pathogen, preventing further proliferation of bacteria.They are not addictive, but are ineffective in the chronic type of the disease.Pregnancy, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.The drug is administered twice a day for 10-14 days.
LivarolLivarol contains an active ingredient - ketoconazole, which inhibits yeast fungi in initial stage illness. The medicine can also be used as a preventive property and as a drug that restores the microflora.May cause itching and mucosal irritation.The first trimester of pregnancy, the period of menstruation, with caution - during lactation.Livarol is applied once a day (at night), the duration of treatment is 10 days.
PolygynaxCandles from thrush polygynax have a wide spectrum of action: vaginal candidiasis, vulvitis, inflammation of the cervix.Can be used during pregnancy, during menstruation and during breastfeeding.Individual intolerance to the componentsDaily - 1 piece, course - 12 days.
TerzhinanAn effective remedy with antifungal and anti-inflammatory action, the medicine also helps to restore the microflora.Terzhinan can be used during menstruation, during pregnancy, in the prenatal period.Missing1 time - at night, wetting the suppository with water. The course of treatment is 10 days.
(single candles)
Candles zalain from thrush - powerful modern drug broad profile, eliminating the fungus in one application, due to the presence of the active ingredient - sertaconazole.Can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.One time before bed. If necessary, you can enter again in a week.
HexiconHexicon candles contain in their composition a powerful antiseptic - chlorhexidine bigluconate, which actively destroys all types of fungi.It can be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers.Hexicon should not be used during the menstrual period.Twice a day, the course of treatment is 7-10 days.
MacmirrorAntifungal suppositories based on nitrofuran and nystatin, which gradually act on the cells of the fungus, destroying its integrity.It is allowed to use these suppositories from thrush during lactation and pregnancy.Candles Macmirror is undesirable to use during menstruation.1 suppository at bedtime for 8 days.
Klion-DCandles from thrush Klion are especially effective in acute recurrence of vaginal candidiasis. The active substance is metronidazole.Does not cause an imbalance of microflora - dysbacteriosis.II and III trimester of pregnancy, herpes, lactation, liver disease, diabetes. 1 time - at night, the duration of treatment - 7 days.
IodoxideAntiseptic vaginal suppositories with iodine and polyvinylpromidone, which have a strong bactericidal effect.It is allowed to use during menstruation.Do not use in lactation, pregnancy, renal failure, diseases thyroid gland. Overdose may cause iodism.1 time per day for a week.
clotrimazoleA widely used drug, as it is inexpensive.It can be used during feeding and pregnant women, starting from the II trimester.Cannot be used during menstruation1 time per day, the course is a week.

How to restore beneficial microflora after a fungus

After a full course of treatment, the thrush disappears, but the risk of recurrence remains. In order to identify the level of dysbacteriosis, the attending physician, as a rule, examines the smear. What candles can be purchased to restore the microflora is also decided by the doctor, but the following drugs are usually prescribed:

  • Lactobacterin or Bifidumbacterin, which are able to quickly adjust the balance of all microorganisms.
  • Vaginorm C is a drug that normalizes the acid-base environment.
  • Ecofemin or Vagilak - contain herbal ingredients that accelerate the restoration of the flora.

If there is time and desire, then you can independently prepare vaginal suppositories for candidiasis, which at the same time "rehabilitate" the vaginal mucosa.

Homemade cocoa butter candles

Homemade cocoa - suppositories against thrush in women:

  1. Melt 40 ml in a water bath. cocoa butter.
  2. Next, combine cocoa butter with butter tea tree(20 ml), mix thoroughly.
  3. Next, the mixture of oils is poured into disposable syringes (2 ml), from which the spouts are preliminarily cut off.
  4. Squeeze out thin capsules, when the oil hardens, into the prepared foil and kill them in the refrigerator.

Although candles are cocoa and have been tested by many women over the years, it still does not hurt to consult a gynecologist before using them so that there are no unnecessary questions and problems later.

Popular questions and answers:

Is it possible to have sex during the treatment of thrush with candles?

During treatment, it is strictly prohibited. In addition, the second partner should also join the treatment.

How long does it take to treat thrush?

Depending on the chosen drug. For example, the preparations Terzhinan, Hexicon and Livarol will require at least 10 days for a complete recovery, and Zalain will need to be delivered once.

Is it possible for a virgin to use suppositories against thrush for women, and which ones?

You can use vaginal suppositories for virgins, but you need to administer drugs carefully using special applicators so as not to damage the hymen. Hexicon and Terzhinan are suitable from the suppository, after treatment it is worth purchasing Vagilak in order to restore the beneficial flora.

How much are good candles from candidiasis?

Alas, in modern world the cost of medicines does not depend on the quality, but on the name of the medicine and the advertising policy of the brand. With a normal thrush not complicated by additional infections, both the budget drug Clotrimazole and the more expensive Terzhinan or Livarol suppositories will help. differ only in the unpromoted brand and country of origin.

Is it possible to recover from chronic thrush only with candles?

Candles from the fungus will help only at the first stage, but the doctor will also prescribe them in the complex treatment of an advanced disease.

It should be noted that this is a consequence self-treatment without medical supervision or ignoring symptoms. Self-medication provokes a global destruction of the vaginal microflora, only the attending doctor will be able to see the true panorama of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment.


Effective drugs in the treatment of thrush in women are antifungal suppositories. They bring good results because active substance penetrates directly to the location of the pathogen. This therapy option is also more convenient for women. The infection itself is associated with the multiplication of microscopic fungi on the vaginal mucosa. Tablets for this disease are less effective than antifungal suppositories.

What are antifungal suppositories

This is the name of a number of drugs of a certain form, which are intended for the treatment of candidiasis in a short time. Recovery is achieved due to the deep penetration of the active ingredient into the mucous membrane. There are two forms of such drugs:

  1. Vaginal suppositories from thrush. In gynecology, they are intended for the treatment of candidiasis in women. The preparations, thanks to lactobacilli in the composition, restore the microflora in case of vaginal dysbacteriosis, protect against recurrent candidiasis.
  2. Rectal suppositories. This variety can be used in case of thrush in women or during menstruation. They are also approved for use in thrush in men. Method of application - rectal. Such antifungal suppositories are injected directly into the rectum.

Mechanism of action

The main properties of suppositories from the fungus is the destruction of the pathogen and the restoration of microflora. Most drugs in high concentrations exhibit a fungistatic and fungicidal effect. The first is to destroy the membrane of the fungus and suppress its reproduction, and the second leads to its death. This is mainly due to the suppression of the biosynthesis of stearins in the pathogen cell. Candles from the fungus for women are highly effective. It manifests itself in the following:

  • reduce pain and burning in the vagina;
  • eliminate curdled discharge;
  • relieve inflammation.

Benefits of suppositories for the treatment of fungal infection

There are several undeniable advantages of using this form of medication for thrush. The main plus is that the active substance enters directly into the focus of active reproduction of fungi. When applied topically, the effectiveness of drugs is much higher compared to systemic agents. Other benefits of antifungal suppositories:

  • some modern facilities help after a single dose;
  • due to low absorption, local preparations rarely cause side effects;
  • quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease;
  • often contain two main components at once - one kills the fungus, and the other restores the microflora of the vagina.

Candles for thrush in women - features of the application

An important condition for recovery is that therapy should also be carried out with the sexual partner. Suppositories should be inserted as deep as possible into the vagina. This will allow the drug to dissolve completely. It is better to use the medicine at bedtime. If the procedure occurs in the morning, then after it you need to lie down in horizontal position at least 20 minutes so that the antifungal suppository can spread normally through the vagina. Instructions for introduction are as follows:

  • wash your hands without using detergents;
  • lie on your back, pull your legs to your chest;
  • inserting the applicator, push the suppository deep into the vagina, remove the applicator;
  • in the absence of an applicator, inject the drug with your fingers as far as possible;
  • stay in the supine position for 20 minutes.

Treatment of candidiasis at the initial stage

At mild form thrush recommended local treatment for which antifungal suppositories are used. This is due to the fact that systemic antimycotic drugs have more side effects. At the initial stage of the disease, the use of these remedies is not advisable, because you can cope with less aggressive drugs. Other features of the treatment of acute thrush:

  1. Local treatment in this case can be replaced by a single dose of a tablet of Flucostat, Mycomax, Diflucan, Diflazon, Mycosyst.
  2. If thrush is detected for the first time and it is an independent pathology without bacterial complications, then the use of antifungal suppositories Polygynax or Terzhinan is not recommended. The basis of these funds is nystatin - these are substances with a wide spectrum of antibacterial action. With thrush, this component destroys the microflora, which only complicates the situation and can lead to bacterial vaginosis.

The use of suppositories for chronic thrush

Treatment of chronic candidiasis has its own distinctive features. The main one is that systemic preparations for oral use are added to local remedies. Suppositories are used the same as in the case of acute candidiasis. Other features of the treatment of chronic thrush:

  • treatment lasts several months, sometimes including therapy against concomitant diseases;
  • with a mixed urogenital infection provoked by trichomoniasis, candidiasis or gardnerellosis, Neo-Penotran Forte suppositories are used;
  • after antifungal therapy, treatment is prescribed with agents that restore healthy microflora - Bifidumbacterin, Acilact.

How to choose effective and inexpensive candles from thrush

Antifungal suppositories differ in the main component. Each of them can be active against certain fungi. For this reason, it is important to identify which pathogen caused thrush. A seeding tank, which is prescribed by a doctor, helps to determine it. The study identifies the pathogen, resistance and sensitivity of the fungus to drugs. Only in this way can the doctor prescribe a medicine that will be effective for a particular patient. There are two categories of antifungal suppositories that differ in composition:

  1. One-component preparations. Suppositories from this category show only an antimycotic effect - they contain one substance with an antifungal effect. These are Pimafucin, Livarol, Gino-Pevaril, Zalain, Ginezol 7, Hexicon, Klion-D.
  2. Combined funds. The composition of antifungal suppositories from this group includes several active components at once. Such suppositories are prescribed for a mixed vaginal infection, for example, complicated by bacteria. Terzhinan can be used against this pathology. They contain an antifungal component, an antibiotic and a glucocorticoid hormone. Other combined preparations- Flucostat, Polygynax, Klion, Nystatin

The best candles against thrush in women

Based on the descriptions of antifungal suppositories, you can rank them. It includes drugs that are the best in terms of a combination of high efficiency, low price and a minimum of side effects. You can understand this issue for a long time, but only a specialist can determine the medicine that will help, based on the results of bacterial culture. The best is a remedy that is known to be effective and at the same time less toxic, so as not to aggravate the situation with already disturbed microflora.

The active ingredient in Lomexin is fenticonazole. This substance has a fungicidal and fungistatic effect against gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureu, Streptococcus spp.,), fungi Candida spp. And Trichomonas vaginalis. Other features of Lomexin:

  1. How to apply. One capsule is inserted into the vagina at bedtime.
  2. Course duration. If necessary, keep another suppository after 3 days.
  3. Side effects. Erythema, urticaria, local irritation, itching, burning.
  4. Contraindications. Includes pregnancy, allergies, menstruation, lactation, and childhood.


The basis of this drug is a derivative of imidazole and benzothiophene - sertaconazole nitrate. Antifungal activity extends to fungi of the genus Candida, and antibacterial activity to microorganisms Streptococcus and Staphylococcus. Features of using Zalain:

  1. Dosage. A single injection of a suppository into the vagina at bedtime.
  2. A course of treatment. If necessary, the procedure is repeated after 7 days.
  3. Side effects. They are contact dermatitis, burning and itching in the vagina.
  4. Contraindications. Only hypersensitivity and individual intolerance to the components of the drug. During pregnancy, you can use only as directed by a doctor.


The basis of the drug is the antifungal antibiotic natamycin. It acts on yeast-like fungi, dermatophytes, yeast.

  1. How to apply. Once a day, insert the suppository into the vagina, preferably at bedtime.
  2. duration of treatment. Depending on symptoms 3-6 days.
  3. Side effects. Burning, skin irritation.
  4. Contraindications. With increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.
  5. During pregnancy and lactation. Can be used, the drug is non-toxic.

Ginezol 7

The composition of this drug includes miconazole. The substance exhibits antifungal activity against dermatophytes and yeast fungi, antibacterial - against gram-positive microflora. When treating with Ginezol 7, the following points should be considered:

  1. Application. Enter one antifungal suppository at bedtime in a horizontal position.
  2. duration of treatment. Until the symptoms disappear completely, but not more than 14 days.
  3. Side effects. Itching, burning and skin rash may occur.
  4. Contraindications. Include pathologies of the renal system, pregnancy in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, microcirculation disorders.


The composition of the drug includes the main component ketoconazole, which acts as an antimycotic from the imidazole-dioxsolane group. This substance shows activity in relation to dermatophytes, yeast-like fungi. Livarol therapy is carried out taking into account the following points:

  1. How to apply. The suppository must be released from the contour packaging and injected intravaginally in the supine position.
  2. duration of treatment. Depending on the severity of symptoms 3-5 days.
  3. Side effects. Burning and irritation in the genital area are possible, dizziness and nausea are not excluded.
  4. Contraindications. It is forbidden to take in case of intolerance to the components of the drug and during pregnancy.


The composition of Terzhinan includes several active substances: ternidazole and neomycin, nystatin and prednisolone (hormone). Due to this combination of components, the drug belongs to the category of anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antiseptics. The drug is effective against Trichomonas, anaerobic microorganisms. For the correct use of Terzhinan, you should know the following:

  1. Dosage. One suppository once a day by insertion into the vagina.
  2. A course of treatment. Is 20 days.
  3. Side effects. Local reactions in the form of allergies, itching, burning and irritation.
  4. Contraindications. Allergic reaction to the components of the drug, age less than 16 years, pregnancy in the 1st trimester.


Itraconazole is the basis of Irunin. The substance exhibits antimycotic activity against fungi Candida, trichophytons, Microsporum, Epidermophyton, Aspergillus. Brief instruction on the use of Irunin:

  1. Application. Introduce one at a time before going to bed in a horizontal position.
  2. duration of treatment. Is 7 days.
  3. Side effects. Digestive reactions may occur nervous system and circulatory organs.
  4. Contraindications. Include lactation, pregnancy, allergy to itraconazole.

Nystatin suppositories

The main component of nystatin suppositories is a polyene antibiotic with antifungal activity - nystatin. It is effective only in relation to fungi of the genus Candida. The main characteristics of the drug:

  1. Mode of application. Introduce deep into the vagina 1 piece in the morning and evening.
  2. Duration of therapy. Is 14 days.
  3. Side effects. Suppositories can cause allergies, itching and burning.
  4. Contraindications. Ages under 18 only.
  5. During pregnancy. It can be used only in exceptional cases, when the benefit outweighs the possible harm to the fetus.

The drug is based on povidone-iodine, which is effective against Staphylococcus aureus, many fungi, viruses and protozoa. The use of Iodoxide is carried out taking into account its following characteristics:

  1. Dosage. Daily 1 piece intravaginally.
  2. A course of treatment. Takes 14 days.
  3. Side effects. Local manifestations - allergies, itching, hyperemia.
  4. Contraindications. Include thyroid adenoma, thyrotoxicosis, Duhring's disease, radioactive iodine treatment, hypersensitivity to the drug.
  5. While expecting a baby. The period 2 and 3 trimesters of pregnancy are relative contraindications.


The active component of Fluomizin, dequalinium chloride, exhibits antimicrobial activity against streptococci, fungi of the genus Candida and a number of other gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms. Before use, it is necessary to study the following main characteristics:

  1. How to apply. Before going to bed, one suppository is inserted into the vagina.
  2. duration of treatment. To avoid relapses, the full course is 6 days.
  3. Side effects. Local reactions are possible in the form of mucosal hyperemia, irritation, burning and itching in the vagina.
  4. Contraindications. They are ulcerative lesions of the cervix, allergies to the components of the drug, the period before the onset of sexual activity.

How much do antifungal suppositories cost

Antimycotic suppositories can be in different price categories. The cost depends on the specific drug, the place of purchase and the manufacturer. Approximate prices for Moscow are reflected in the table:

Name of candles

Active substance

Price, rubles





Ginezol 7









Nystatin suppositories




Devalinium chloride





Guinet Pevaril

Antibiotic econazole

Candles for candidiasis during pregnancy

Thrush often occurs during pregnancy. The reason is reduced general and local immunity. During pregnancy, many drugs are prohibited, so it is important to choose a safer remedy.

Candles include:

  • suppositories with natamycin - Pimafucin, Primafungin;
  • candles Viferon, but only from the 3rd trimester of pregnancy;
  • combined vaginal suppositories based on nifaturel and nystatin - Macmirror complex;
  • in the 2nd-3rd trimester - Clortrimazole, Nystatin, Ginofort, Gino-Pevaril, Terzhinan (it should be noted that the latter contains a hormone).

Candida colpitis is a condition of the vaginal flora. Many mistakenly consider this a sexually transmitted infection. In fact, thrush reflects the state of a woman's immunity in the present period. It is provoked by many factors - from increased blood sugar to gynecological diseases. Treatment of pathology should be comprehensive, taking into account the cause of its occurrence. Often, even the most effective suppositories for thrush can only help for a short period of time if the provocative moments are not eliminated.

Read in this article

Principles of treatment of pathology

Competent treatment can be prescribed only by a specialist. After the examination, the gynecologist sometimes recommends an additional examination, since thrush is often a marker of other diseases. Such dysbiosis is caused by diabetes mellitus or impaired glucose tolerance (latent form), chronic inflammatory diseases(tuberculosis, HIV, etc.), pathology digestive system and others. A predisposition to one or another ailment can be seen only at the reception.

Candidiasis colpitis is a violation of the protective forces, locally in the vagina or throughout the body. Therefore, one should not hope for a quick cure without relapses, especially in chronic forms of pathology. Which candles can be used from thrush with the greatest efficiency, only a doctor can advise after a comprehensive examination.

What should be taken into account during treatment:

  • At the beginning of therapy, it is recommended to take a culture from the vagina on the flora to detect fungi of the genus Candida, it is they that cause pathology. The study must necessarily include the determination of sensitivity to various drugs. The fact is that uncontrolled medication often leads to the resistance of these fungi to the main means. And so the treatment will be already reliably effective.
  • With candidal colpitis, it is imperative to be examined for sexually transmitted infections. Often, women begin to use various suppositories against thrush, which will always be ineffective if there is some additional pathogenic flora.
  • It is advisable to sanitize the sexual partner, even if nothing bothers him.
  • Chronic forms of candidal colpitis should be treated locally with suppositories and systemically with tablets. In this case, it is desirable to carry out the prevention of relapse with medication for 3-6 months after the main course.

In the process of treating candidal colpitis, candles with a different principle of action can be prescribed. Main groups:

  • antifungal drugs;
  • antibiotics with an effect on candida;
  • complex suppositories, which include, in addition to an antifungal agent, other drugs;
  • drugs to strengthen local immunity.

Effective candles for thrush

Fungi of the genus Candida, like bacteria, by leaps and bounds acquire resistance to various drugs. This is primarily due to improper prescription and use of drugs. Today, antifungal drugs, which have long gone out of general use, are sometimes even more effective than the most popular and advertised ones.


The active substance is sertaconazole, this is one of the last antifungal drugs. To reduce the symptoms of thrush, the manufacturer recommends using only one candle. This quantity is in the package. Zalain can be laid without worry, unlike most of these candles.

In chronic forms of candidal colpitis or in bright clinical picture the course of treatment should be repeated after one week.


The composition of the drug includes the active substance - ketoconazole. This is one of the first antifungal agents. The course requires 5 to 10 candles. They should be inserted into the vagina once a day, it is most convenient to do this at night.

Ketoconazole quickly develops resistance, so this drug is not suitable for the treatment of recurrent candidal colpitis. It is also not recommended to use during pregnancy at any time.

Macmirror complex

The tool includes nystatin and nifurotel. The course of treatment consists of at least eight suppositories, the medicine can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Nifurotel is an antibiotic that is also active against candida. By prescribing such a drug, one can hope not only for the treatment of candidal colpitis, but also for genital infections.

Nystatin is one of the first antifungal drugs. For some time this remedy was superseded by others, modern analogues, but there are fewer stable forms on it. If you need suppositories from thrush that are inexpensive, but effective, you can opt for them.



The composition of suppositories includes miconazole. This is an antifungal agent to which resistance develops very slowly, so ginezol is often used for recurrent thrush. The course will require at least seven candles, this is one package. If thrush appeared during pregnancy or lactation, suppositories for the treatment of this group can be used without fear.

Miconazole is also included in some complex remedies, for example, "", "". In addition to the main active ingredient, they contain others, for example, antibacterial components.


The drug contains econazole - one of the latest developed in the treatment of thrush, and this is due to its high efficiency. Depending on the dosage, it can be used for three (if 150 mg) or 14 days (if 50 mg). In the first case - for the treatment of acute, first-time candidiasis, in the second - with a recurrent form.


The composition includes natamycin - an antibiotic from the group of macrolides with a pronounced antifungal effect. It is allowed to be prescribed during pregnancy and lactation. The course of treatment is from three to six days. This is one of the most effective and safe drugs.


The active ingredient in suppositories is fenticonazole, one of the most recently developed antifungal drugs. For treatment, only one suppository is needed; in chronic forms, it is possible to increase the dose to two at weekly intervals. Candida resistance develops very slowly to the drug, it is well tolerated. But during pregnancy and lactation, its use is prohibited. Lomeksin - vaginal suppositories from thrush with high efficiency.


Combined action candles. Contains ternidazole, neomycin, nystatin and prednisolone. The advantage of the drug in the parallel treatment of other pathogenic flora, for example, with. Prednisolone, which is also part of the composition, quickly relieves the burning sensation that is always present with thrush. Therefore, after the first candle, a woman feels a significant improvement in well-being. Terzhinan is a suppository for vaginitis and thrush at the same time.


Also a drug of complex action. Contains neomycin, polymyxin and nystatin. During pregnancy and lactation, they should be used with caution. This drug is effective for the treatment of not only thrush, but also associated inflammation. The course requires from 6 to 12 candles.

Candidiasis colpitis is a signal of the body about a decrease in local defenses. Thrush should not be interpreted as genital infection, and the state of the biocenosis of the vagina. The treatment of pathology should be taken with all seriousness, since the spontaneous prescription of drugs often leads to the development of chronic forms. The best suppositories from thrush can only be prescribed by a specialist after a thorough examination.

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Diseases of the genitourinary system, including vaginal candidiasis, threaten a woman with infertility if not treated on time. Therefore, at the first suspicion of the presence of infections, you should contact the gynecologist for an examination and follow the recommendations that the attending physician will prescribe.

One of the most common diseases in women is candidiasis, the more common name is thrush.

This is an infection caused by the microscopic yeast-like fungus Candida.

Causes, causing thrush- long-term use of antibiotics and hormones, decreased immunity, violations of the vaginal microflora due to improper hygiene, etc. As a result, fungi multiply in the vagina, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed, symptoms of thrush appear.

Depending on the stage of the disease, there are different sensations. Basically, it is pain during intercourse, burning and itching, discomfort and heaviness in the lower abdomen. Before looking for good drugs against candidiasis, you need to take a smear and determine the causative agent of the infection. Since other infections can be detected - trichomonas, chlamydia, bacteroids, fusobacteria, gardnerella, etc. In this case, the drug used should have a wide spectrum of action. If no other infections are found, the doctor will prescribe what remedies to use for the fungus so that recovery comes faster.

Eat different means used to treat thrush, the treatment of thrush in the complex involves the elimination of discomfort, antifungal drugs for women are taken, as well as drugs to restore normal microflora in the vagina.

For the treatment of Candida fungus, you can use candles, creams, tablets. There are single-use drugs, and there are those designed for a long course of treatment. Tablets taken orally act on fungi through the lymph and blood, suppositories for thrush allow you to directly influence pathogenic microorganisms, restore the microflora.

The most convenient method of therapy are suppositories for the treatment of candidiasis. Their active ingredient penetrates deeply into the vaginal mucosa, such drugs allow you to simultaneously relieve inflammation and itching, destroy the pathogen. How to use candles tells in detail the instructions for the use of the drug, which indicates the course of therapy, indications and contraindications.

The pharmacy offers a variety of drugs, and they all help in a particular case. This means that not in every case any candle can be chosen, candles are treated according to the doctor's prescription. He will evaluate the picture of the disease, the presence of contraindications, including pregnancy, and tell you how to treat candidiasis. With advanced forms, it is necessary to treat thrush in a complex - taking drugs inside and out.

It is difficult to say unequivocally which suppositories are better. The main thing is that the selected vaginal suppositories for candidiasis are effective against the fungus present.

The sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms is checked based on the results of a bacterial culture, after which the doctor will list the names of which candles can be bought.

An important condition for identified thrush in women, thrush in women should be treated in parallel with thrush in her partner. Otherwise, after therapy, re-infection will occur, and so you can be treated indefinitely. Therefore, it is recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse during therapy, to take a course for both partners.

Self-medication is not allowed, especially the popular douching - it will only disrupt the microflora, and the disease will begin to progress faster. It is important to complete the course of treatment to the end under the supervision of a doctor. It is possible to say that the treatment was successful after 3 months after therapy there are no fungi in laboratory tests.

How to apply candles from thrush?

When diagnosing candidiasis, it is important to determine the causes, because without the elimination of concomitant factors, the disease will return. As mentioned above, thrush can occur against the background of other diseases transmitted through sexual contact (gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, gardnerellosis, bacterial vaginosis, etc.). Depending on how candidiasis proceeds, suppositories can be prescribed once or for a long time.

All suppositories from thrush cannot be used during menstruation, with the exception of a candle from thrush Povidone-Iodine and Sertaconazole. If we talk about the name of suppositories from thrush, used once, then these are drugs: Lomexin, Zalain. When, according to the instructions, it is recommended to use 3 suppositories from thrush, the list of names includes drugs such as: Gino-pevaril, Livarol, Pimafucin. A course of treatment for 5-14 suppositories is recommended for drugs: Irunin, Terzhinan, Nystatin, Ginezol, Macmirror, Oidoxin, Clotrimazole and Polygynax.

When vaginal suppositories are prescribed for thrush, in parallel, the doctor gives recommendations on the observance of intimate hygiene. It is necessary to give up tight synthetic underwear, change the towel every day, do not use aromatic pads and chemicalized liquids for hygiene. Since suppositories against thrush in women have a different composition, not only the duration of treatment will differ, but also the effectiveness, side effects, contraindications.

What are the best candles for fungus?

When choosing vaginal tablets for thrush or cheaper suppositories in a pharmacy, you can find good drug, which does the job well. However, the appropriateness of its use is negotiated with the doctor. Below are the most effective candles for thrush with a description of the action, contraindications.

Nystatin is an inexpensive and effective suppository for candidiasis. The drug works well against fungi, but does not kill bacteria and viruses. Side effects are not observed, therefore, such suppositories are often prescribed for long-term treatment of chronic candidiasis. Among the contraindications are liver disease, pregnancy, pancreatitis. After treatment, it will be necessary to restore the microflora of the vagina.

Pimafucin - such suppositories against thrush can be prescribed during pregnancy. The tool is expensive, but effective. Considering that the components act on the mucous membrane and are not absorbed into the blood, there is no harm to the health of the expectant mother and fetus.

Livarol is prescribed to patients who first encountered thrush, and the disease has not become chronic. Does not cause allergic reactions.

Ginezol effectively fights candidiasis, suppositories are able to eliminate the infection in a short time. During pregnancy, the drug is not prescribed, because it can affect the development of the fetus.

Betadine, containing povidone-iodine, actively affects the causative agent of a fungal infection. It is used for prevention purposes, with obstetric intervention, it can be prescribed during menstruation.

Macmirror is usually given in combination with nystatin. A good result can be obtained if both partners are treated. During therapy, sexual intercourse should be abandoned.

Gyno-Dactanol - the best suppositories for thrush, acting only on pathogenic microorganisms, while not disturbing the normal microflora. The remedy is quite effective, after therapy there are no relapses of the disease.

Ketoconazole is a medicine that treats not only fungus, but also other infections. The drug is quite popular, but has side effects. Dizziness may occur headache, decreased sexual desire, nausea. The course of treatment should not exceed 5 days. The drug is not prescribed to pregnant women, because it can adversely affect the fetus.

Klion-D has no side effects, quickly relieves thrush. During therapy, you should refrain from drinking alcohol, otherwise the therapeutic effect will decrease.

Gyno-travogen actively acts against the fungus and viral infections. It is well tolerated, no side effects are observed.

Terzhinan can be prescribed to pregnant women, because it does not adverse reactions and well tolerated. Usually, Terzhinan suppositories are prescribed in the presence of several infections in the vagina at once.

Gynecologists refer to clotrimazole as an inexpensive but effective drug. Often, patients report allergic reaction on the drug, but it very effectively kills fungi, bacteria, harmful microorganisms. Clotrimazole tablets are more effective, which can replace candles.

Polygynax is considered effective drug broad spectrum of action, but it is not popular due to a number of side effects.

Fluconazole copes with the treatment of chronic thrush. Rarely, reactions such as dizziness, skin rashes and indigestion are observed. But the drug perfectly fights the disease, it is prescribed, including for pregnant women. The course of treatment is up to 7 days.

How to treat thrush with candles?

It is important to correctly choose which suppositories from thrush will be effective in each case and follow the recommendations for their use. Best time applications - before going to bed, so that during the night the candle turns into a healing soft consistency that has a long-term effect on the mucous membrane.

During therapy, you should avoid sexual intercourse, during menstruation, use only those candles that are allowed in the instructions.

The gynecologist determines the duration of treatment and the drug, based on the patient's age, concomitant diseases, and the form of thrush.

With adequate treatment, the symptoms of the fungus are quickly eliminated, but this is not a reason to stop taking the drugs. If the disease is left untreated, the microbes will adapt to the drug, become resistant, or become chronic.

Among the additional procedures, douching with a solution of baking soda (1 tsp per glass of water) deserves attention. The solution is injected with a pear-syringe in a horizontal position, then continue to lie for 15 minutes.


Subject to the recommendations of the doctor, the prognosis is favorable. It is necessary to avoid factors that provoke the appearance of thrush. This is a deficiency of vitamins, overwork, hypothermia, neglect of personal hygiene. Frequent change of sexual partners is also fraught with consequences, since each time the microflora has to adapt, the protective barrier is reduced. For sexual hygiene, you can use natural tar soap, which serves to prevent infections.

Advantages and disadvantages of candles from thrush

The advantages of treatment with candles include a local effect - the drug is active precisely in the breeding ground of fungi, which means that the effect will come faster. Another advantage of modern antifungal drugs is the possibility of a single application. Given the local effect on the mucosa, most of the drugs are not absorbed into the blood, which means they do not give side effects, unlike tablets.

The disadvantages of treating thrush with candles include restrictions on sexual contacts, as well as discomfort from quickly soiled laundry. Candles are effective for the most part in mild forms of candidiasis, and in the chronic course of the disease, therapy will have to be supplemented with tablets, folk remedies. Some drugs, like Polygynax and Terzhinan, cause a violation of the microflora in the vagina, which requires additional medication (Lactonorma, Ecofemin, Vagilflora, etc.).

Features of the development of candidiasis are in several aspects: this is a localized lesion of the mucous membrane and the creation of favorable conditions for the attachment of a secondary infection. The most effective and at the same time safe pharmacological form are vaginal suppositories for candidiasis. The medicinal substance of suppositories penetrates deeply into the affected tissues, has a detrimental effect on Candida fungi, relieves inflammation while not adversely affecting other organs and systems.

For the treatment of candidiasis in women, as well as other vaginal infections, modern pharmacology has a wide selection of all kinds of antifungal and antimycotic drugs. These are ointments, gels and suppositories against topical thrush, as well as tablets and capsules for systemic action. The appointment of the latter allows you to cope with the advanced chronic form of thrush, using drugs simultaneously with other methods of treatment.

In clinical practice, it is believed that suppositories from thrush are effective and safe. medicines. But it is possible to say which of them is better only after receiving a response to the bacteriological analysis of the smear. The drug to which the strains of the pathogen will be most sensitive, and will be the most effective. If the causative agents of the primary uncomplicated form of thrush are sensitive to a sufficiently large number of drugs, then the agents of the causative agent of chronic recurrent genital candidiasis are highly resistant and resistant to the effects of many drugs.

Practicing gynecologists do not tire of repeating that a frivolous attitude to thrush, self-diagnosis and self-treatment ultimately leads to a chronic course of the disease and severe microflora disorders.

Thus, douching with antiseptic solutions, which has recently become popular, is of particular concern. Gynecologists unanimously claim that this is a very harmful and dangerous method. In addition to the fact that candida does not react in any way to such solutions, which means that the thrush will only progress, the irritating effect on the affected areas of the mucous membrane aggravates the situation by a strong imbalance of the microflora (see).

If a woman values ​​her health and the health of her partner, it is necessary to discard false shame and immediately consult a doctor as soon as the first feeling of discomfort appears. Only a specialist can adequately assess the situation, diagnose thrush, treatment, drugs, their dosage and dosage form. Moreover, even an experienced specialist, before deciding on the method of treatment, will collect an anamnesis, establish the degree of the clinical picture and conduct tests for the sensitivity of fungi.

Features of the use of candles from thrush

If such a security measure is not ruled out, then the infection of a woman will be repeated regularly with every unprotected intercourse, despite all therapeutic measures.

Be sure to exclude all sexual intercourse for the entire period of treatment and increase the requirements for personal hygiene.

Diagnosis of candidiasis begins with the collection of anamnesis. All questions asked by the doctor are important in determining the cause that caused the hurricane reproduction of candida (see). The task of the patient is to answer as frankly as possible all the questions of the doctor, even if they seem to her not related to the disease. Only by accurately establishing the cause and eliminating all negative factors, it is possible to carry out adequate treatment and completely get rid of it.

Candida do not like to be alone, in 99% of cases, along with their reproduction, other infections from the STD group appear. These can be diseases such as:

  • gardnerellosis (see),
  • gonorrhea,
  • mycoplasmosis.

Depending on the form of the disease and the degree of damage, the course of therapeutic measures can last from a single dose medicinal product up to several months of daily procedures. Primary genital candidiasis with minor symptoms with early seeking help is easily stopped by a single administration of long-acting suppositories. A chronic form thrush with extensive areas of candida colonies requires the simultaneous use of oral drugs, topical drugs and ancillary procedures.

  • Candles from thrush should not be placed during menstruation. If the course of treatment falls within this period, suppositories with the active substance Iodine - Povidone or Sertaconazole - Zalain, Betadine and Yodoxide are prescribed.
  • Single use drugs - Lomexin and Zalain.
  • Means prescribed for administration no more than 3 times per treatment course - Livarol, Pimafucin and Ginopevaril.
  • For long-term treatment regimens, drugs such as Irunin, Polizhmnaks, Yodoxide, Terzhinan, Clotrimazole, Macmirror, Ginezol are prescribed.

A prerequisite for successful treatment is the exclusion of negative external influences, these are:

  • tight underwear made of synthetic fabrics;
  • strict observance of personal hygiene;
  • daily change of bed linen and towels;
  • exclusion from use of aromatic pads, tampons and perfume liquids for intimate hygiene.

Antifungal drugs in the form vaginal suppositories, differ in composition, activity, duration of administration, contraindications and side effects. The following is a description of drugs used in the treatment of vaginal candidiasis. Before deciding which suppositories from thrush are more suitable than others, you need to know all the information about them in order to prevent the development of allergies or negative side effects.

The most effective candles for thrush

See also: "" and ""

Zalain (Sertaconazole)

An agent based on imidazole and benzothiophene.

Use during pregnancy Evaluated by the attending physician depending on the expected benefit and possible harm fetus. According to clinical studies, no negative effects on fetal development and pregnancy have been established.

If we take into account that the drug is intended for a single dose, and its local administration, then it cannot cause serious harm to either the mother or the fetus.

Contraindications Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Side effects Allergy, .
Method of application Before setting the Zalain candle, a thorough hygienic procedure is carried out, the candle is inserted lying on the back, deep into the vagina. Placed once. Re-introduction is possible only in the absence of effect, and not earlier than a week later. Zailan can be placed regardless of the presence of menstruation.
Advantages Prolonged action, one suppository is enough for the entire course of treatment. Enhanced effect on the pathogen colonies. Independence from the menstrual cycle during application.
Flaws High cost, there is only one candle in the package, the price of which, depending on the regional surcharge, ranges from 380 rubles. up to 480 rubles
Livarol (Ketoconazole)
Benefits A highly effective drug with a strong effect on fungal colonies. Does not cause allergies. It is prescribed for primary thrush, which does not have complications and concomitant infection.
Flaws With a long course of taking the drug, pathogens develop resistance to it.
Contraindications Hypersensitivity to the components of Livarol, the first months of pregnancy are not recommended to be used at all, then with great care.
Side effects Skin rashes, allergic urticaria, vaginal hyperemia, irritation
Application features One candle is introduced at night, to the maximum depth. The course of treatment of primary thrush is up to five days. In the chronic form of candidiasis, the number of injections increases to 10 days.
Price Levarol is available in packs of 5 candles, the cost of which is 365 rubles, and in packs of 10 candles, the cost of which is 455-515 rubles.
Irunin (Itraconazole)

The drug is available in the form of vaginal tablets.

Application features Tablets against thrush are placed at bedtime, lying on your back in bed. One tablet is administered every evening for one or two weeks.
Advantages effectively destroys Candida colonies in the chronic form of thrush and if the fungi are resistant to most antifungal agents.
Contraindications Do not use in the first months of pregnancy and during breastfeeding. In the last months of pregnancy, treatment is carried out only under the supervision of a physician.
Side effects Skin rashes, burning sensation, sometimes itching. The appearance of these reactions does not require discontinuation of treatment, since everything stops on its own.
Price The package costs 300 rubles, each package contains 10 tablets.
Macmirror complex

Combined drug, the active substances of which are Nifuratel and Nystatin.

Advantages Approved for use at any stage of pregnancy and during breastfeeding.
Application features Macmirror candles are placed immediately before going to bed, one at a time, lying in bed. After setting the candle, it is advisable not to get up for about an hour. The course of treatment is up to 8 days.
Side effects Occasionally, itching or rashes on the skin may occur, which disappear within a day without discontinuing the remedy.
Contraindications Hyperreaction to candle components.
Price The package contains 8 suppositories, the cost of which, depending on the regional margin, ranges from 421 rubles. up to 499 rubles

Pharmacological preparations: Candibene, Candid B 6, Yenamazol 100, Antifungol, Candizol, Kanesten.

Advantages Affordable price with sufficient efficiency.
Flaws A large number of side effects that occur more often than other drugs. Candida strains rapidly develop resistance against the active ingredients of these agents.
Application features Candles are placed at bedtime one at a time during the week.
Side effects Pain during sex, frequent urination, headaches, symptoms of cystitis, abnormal discharge, itching and burning sensation, bouts of pain in the lower abdomen.
Contraindications Hypersensitivity to the components of the funds, the entire period of pregnancy and feeding.
Price Prices for these drugs do not exceed 70 rubles. for packing.

Pharmaceutical forms: Ginezol-7 and its analogues - Mikozon, Daktarin Gynodactanol.

Effective suppositories for candidiasis in women in primary and chronic forms. Available in packs of 3 and 15 suppositories with a dosage of 50 mg and 150 mg of the active substance.

Primafungin, Pimafucin (natamycin)
Polygynax, Tergynax (nystatin)
  • Polygynax composition: nystatin, polymexin B, neomycin;
  • Terginax composition: nystatin, ternidazole, neomycin, prednisolone.
Application features Preparations are prescribed with great care in combination with probiotics and eubiotics, as they actively influence the state of the microflora. Two candles are prescribed per day for 2 weeks.
Advantages Candida is not able to develop resistance to nystatin, so the drugs are effective for the treatment of severe chronic forms of candidiasis. Price availability.
Flaws Severe side effects, duration of treatment, staging twice a day.
Side effects Nausea and possible vomiting liquid stool, pain in the lower abdomen, fever and chills.
Price Nystatin - 55 rubles; Terzhinan - 219 rubles. - 339 rubles; Poliginix - 349 rubles. - 449 rubles.
Iodoxide, Betadine (povidone-iodine)
Advantages The use of candles does not depend on the menstrual cycle. Effective in associated bacterial infections.
Side effects Redness of the mucosa, hypersensitivity to the drug.
Contraindications Thyroid disease, poor kidney function, individual intolerance, pregnancy, especially the first months.
Application features Acute period of primary candidiasis - 2 times a day, duration 7 days; chronic form of thrush - once a day, lasting 14 days.
Price Yodoxide - 249 rubles; Betadine - from 220 to 350 rubles, depending on the number of suppositories in the package.
Lomexin (Fenticonazole)

Release form - vaginal capsules in a soluble shell, dosage 600 mg. and 1000mg.

Application features Lomexin capsules are intended for single administration. For special indications, a triple administration of 600 mg is possible. or double administration of 1000 mg.
Advantage Highly effective remedy for genital candidiasis of prolonged action.
Contraindications The entire period of pregnancy, during menstrual bleeding, and in case of hypersensitivity to the drug substances.
Side effects Unexpressed irritation of the mucous membrane, skin rashes, erythema, urticaria.
Price The cost depends on the number of capsules in the package: 1 capsule 1000 mg - 329 rubles; 2 capsules 600 mg. — 449 rubles.
Fluomizin (dequalinium chloride)

The drug is available in the form of tablets for vaginal administration. It is used as an antiseptic for the treatment of such diseases in gynecology as:

  • preoperative period,
  • genital candidiasis,
  • bacterial vaginosis,
  • Candida vaginitis.

In addition to vaginal suppositories, capsules and tablets, ointment forms of antifungal drugs are also used to treat candidiasis:

  • clotrimazole,
  • Econazole,
  • isoconazole,
  • fenticonazole,
  • Butoconazole.

At the end of the course of treatment with antifungal agents, it is imperative to undergo a course of therapy to restore the microflora of the vagina. To achieve this goal, drugs are prescribed that help restore the normal concentration of lactobacilli in the vagina:

  • Bificol (oral tablets),
  • Laktozhinal, Acilak (capsules for vaginal administration),
  • Vagilak (vaginal suppositories).

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