What are the best candles for candidiasis. What suppositories from thrush are effective to use? Cheap and effective candles for thrush

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

According to gynecologists, thrush suppositories are the most effective local therapy for women.

Treatment is based on the penetration of the active antifungal component into the mucous membrane, where the pathogen is destroyed and the inflammatory process is reduced. After that, the symptoms of thrush disappear.

Modern market medicines provides a huge number of drugs for the treatment of candidiasis. But which suppositories from thrush will be effective, only the doctor should decide, because each case is individual and requires a professional approach to solving the problem.

General rules for getting rid of the disease

Basic rules for local treatment thrushes are:

Popular remedies in the form of candles

In its composition antifungal suppositories have different active ingredients, so they have a different duration, effect, side effects on the woman's body and the time of application. All suppositories for thrush are used only as directed by the attending physician. Their list is constantly expanding and supplemented, consider the most commonly used remedies for the treatment of thrush.

The main active ingredient is Sertaconazole.


  1. To treat the disease, you need one candle from thrush.
  2. The drug can be used during menstruation.
  3. The efficiency is very high.

Application Features:

  • A woman has intolerance to imidazole derivatives, benzothiophene and other components of the drug.
  • With the introduction of the suppository, the patient may feel itching, burning and discomfort in the vagina. But it is impossible to cancel the drug - this is a feature of its action.
  • Candles for thrush can be prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


  1. Be sure to wash the genitals with soap with a neutral pH.
  2. The drug is injected into the vagina as deeply as possible.
  3. It is necessary to carry out the procedure before going to bed.

If symptoms persist, the procedure can be repeated after 7 days.

The price for 1 candle from thrush varies from 460 to 670 rubles.


The main active ingredient is ketoconazole.

Application Features:

  1. In the acute course of candidiasis, candles are used for 3-5 days.
  2. For relapses or chronic disease 1 suppository - 10 days.

In no case should treatment be interrupted when symptoms disappear, since the disease can go into chronic form.

Advantages of the drug:

  • The healing effect is immediate.


Some women report the following side effects:

  1. Hyperemia of the vaginal mucosa.
  2. Rash.

Cost: a pack of 5 candles costs from 390 to 515 rubles, for 10 suppositories, you should pay from 585 to 700 rubles.

The active ingredient is Itraconazole.

The main advantage of the drug is high efficiency treatment with revealed resistance of the fungus to other drugs for thrush.


Many of our readers THRUSH TREATMENT(candidiasis) are actively using a new method based on natural ingredients, which was discovered by Olga Larina. It contains only natural ingredients, herbs and extracts - no hormones or chemicals. To get rid of thrush you need every morning on an empty stomach ...

During menstruation vaginal suppositories should be changed to oral tablets.

The price for 10 vaginal tablets ranges from 295 to 350 rubles.

The main substance is Nystatin and Nifuratet. The drug has proven itself during pregnancy.

Do not use only if you are allergic to one of the components.

In rare cases, side effects are possible:

  1. Rash.
  2. Edema.

Do not use during menstruation.

For the treatment of THRUSH and diseases caused by the Candida fungus in women, Irina Kravtsova recommends a NEW Effective remedy for thrush based on NATURAL components. It contains ONLY NATURAL ingredients that are extremely effective in the treatment of THRUSH. The drug does not cause allergies, has no side effects and has no contraindications.

Every day, a candle from thrush is placed at night, for 8 days.

The price for 8 vaginal capsules is 750-820 rubles.

It is a derivative of imidazole. The analogues of the drug are: Candid-B6, Imidil, Kanizol and Clotrimazole-Akri.

The main advantage of Clotrimazole is a wide range of antibacterial and antifungal activity.

Feedback from our reader - Evgenia Astafieva

I recently read an article that talks about an effective remedy for the treatment of thrush. With the help of this tool, you can GUARANTEED to cure THRUSH in 7 days at home, prevent the return of the disease and the transition of THRUSH to a chronic form.

I was not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check and ordered a package. I noticed changes after the first application: the itching and burning disappeared, and after 5 days the thrush completely disappeared. Try it and you, and if anyone is interested, then below is a link to the article.

Some gynecologists prescribe these suppositories for thrush for antiseptic treatment of the birth canal before childbirth.

  1. Age up to 12 years.
  2. First 14 weeks of pregnancy. In the future, it is used only as directed by a doctor, since the effect on the fetus has not been studied.
  3. Allergic reaction to the components of the drug.
  4. Period.

Candles from thrush are placed for 6 days.

The drug costs cheaply from 25 to 60 rubles.

The main active ingredient is miconazole nitrate.


  1. Candle from thrush has a wide spectrum of action.
  2. There is a rapid healing effect.
  3. It is prescribed for recurrence of the disease.
  4. Does not violate the microflora of the vagina.


  1. Pregnancy (any term).
  2. Breastfeeding.
  3. The woman is menstruating.
  4. Do not drink alcohol during treatment.

During the use of the drug, a number of side effects:

  1. Diarrhea.
  2. Weakness.
  3. Itching, dryness and discomfort in the vagina.
  4. Nausea and pain in the abdomen.

Candles from thrush are placed for at least 7 days.

The price of the drug is from 280 to 400 rubles.

Gino Pevaril

The active ingredient is Econazole.

Vaginal suppositories are available in dosages of 50 mg and 150 mg. Candles from thrush 50 mg are placed for 14 days, one capsule at night. The course of treatment is not interrupted even when the symptoms stop. A candle from thrush 150 mg is used for 3 days. In case of recurrence of the disease, the course of therapy is repeated after a week.


Side effects:

  1. Burning.
  2. Discomfort.

The cost of suppositories 50 mg from 420 rubles, and in a dosage of 150 mg from 620 rubles.


The main component is Natamycin.

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of:

The main contraindication is allergic reaction on one of the components of the drug.

Side effects include mild irritation of the vagina.

Price range: from 250 to 300 rubles.


The active substance is Nystatin.

Candles for thrush are used rectal and vaginal, depending on the condition of the patient and the goals of therapy. The course of treatment is at least 10 days. Depending on the course of the disease, the gynecologist determines the duration of the application.

Candle analogues are Polygynax and Terzhinan.


Side effects:

  1. Lower abdominal pain.
  2. Diarrhea and nausea.
  3. Chills.
  4. Itching and burning in the vagina.

The main advantage of Nystatin is that bacteria do not acquire resistance to it, so suppositories from thrush can treat even a severe form of the disease. Can be used during menstruation.

  1. Nystatin, vaginal suppositories - from 53 to 70 rubles.
  2. Terzhinan - from 330 to 500 rubles.
  3. Polygynax - from 350 to 710 rubles.


The main active ingredient is Povidone-Iodine. Another name similar drug is iodine.

Used to treat:


  1. Allergy to iodine and other components of the drug.
  2. Diseases thyroid gland.
  3. Renal failure.
  4. Pregnancy.
  5. Procedures using radioactive iodine.

The use of Betadine is independent of the menstrual cycle. The course of application is not less than 7 days.

The cost of the drug depends on the course of treatment and the number of suppositories in the package, so the price varies from 360 to 650 rubles.

The active substance is fenticonazole. The drug is intended for single use. One suppository is inserted at night, deep into the vagina.

The main advantage of the drug is its high efficiency in the treatment of chronic genital candidiasis.


Side effect:

  1. Itching and irritation of the vaginal mucosa.
  2. Eruptions on the skin.
  3. Nausea and pain in the lower abdomen.

Candles for thrush - this is perhaps the most convenient way to get rid of the infection among the list of other remedies. But a wide variety of candle preparations can confuse every woman. Let's try to figure out which suppositories from thrush are the best, how to use them correctly and what to do to avoid a recurrence of the disease.

The reproductive system in women, alas, is far from perfect, and the development of any disease of the genitourinary system threatens the risk of infertility. by the most dangerous disease It is considered a fungal infection, in medicine referred to as yeast-like candidiasis, popularly known as thrush.

Signs of candidiasis:

  • itching and burning in the vaginal area;
  • heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • whitish or yellow curdled discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • pain and discomfort during intercourse and urination.

The presence of at least one of the listed signs already informs the hostess and possible inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. You should not waste time, you need to immediately begin to treat thrush in order to quickly restore the affected microflora. For the treatment of thrush, you can use both gels, tablets, ointments, and vaginal or rectal suppositories. All drugs are aimed at eliminating yeast fungi, but the use of suppositories from thrush is still considered more effective.

Benefits of using candles:

  1. Due to deep penetration, suppositories almost immediately eliminate symptoms that are localized in depth. female organs(discharge, itching).
  2. All vaginal suppositories from thrush contain antifungal components in their composition, which, when they enter the mucous membrane, instantly come to grips with the causative agent of the infection, while the active substances do not enter the human blood.
  3. Complete with antifungal suppositories, you can purchase suppositories to restore microflora, which are used after the treatment of thrush.
  4. Some drugs can be used, for example, zalain, during pregnancy, lactation and when feeding a baby.
  5. All suppositories, regardless of brand, are easy to use.

The disadvantages of using candle preparations include only the need to strictly follow the treatment regimen proposed by the manufacturer and use the medication correctly.

Rules for the use of candles from thrush:

  1. Initially, you should study the description of the use of the drug in the instructions for use, since many drugs are wetted with boiled water before the process.
  2. It is better to place a candle in the vagina at night, before the procedure, you should thoroughly wash yourself.
  3. Suppositories should be administered with pre-washed hands with clipped nails or using fingertips.
  4. You need to insert the drug in the supine position, pushing it as deep as possible into the vagina, after which it is not advisable to get up for 30 minutes, giving time for the drug to dissolve. It is recommended to use daily sterile pads during the treatment of thrush.
  5. Treatment with vaginal suppositories is incompatible with sex and alcohol. Moreover, both partners should be treated (rectal preparations are available for men), regardless of the absence of signs of infection in the partner.

The use of suppositories will eliminate the focus of inflammation at the first, simple stage of candidiasis. With an advanced disease, suppositories for thrush in women can also be used, but already as one of the components of complex therapy. Range medical preparations in the form of a suppository is huge, so consider the candles from thrush in the table, where the list of names will decrease from the best drugs to less efficient ones.

Effective candles against thrush for women

NameThe action of the drugPeculiaritiesWho can'tMode of application
NystatinNystatin suppositories from thrush block the pathogen, preventing further proliferation of bacteria.They are not addictive, but are ineffective in the chronic type of the disease.Pregnancy, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.The drug is administered twice a day for 10-14 days.
LivarolLivarol contains an active ingredient - ketoconazole, which inhibits yeast fungi in initial stage illness. The medicine can also be used as a preventive property and as a drug that restores the microflora.May cause itching and mucosal irritation.The first trimester of pregnancy, the period of menstruation, with caution - during lactation.Livarol is applied once a day (at night), the duration of treatment is 10 days.
PolygynaxCandles from thrush polygynax have a wide spectrum of action: vaginal candidiasis, vulvitis, inflammation of the cervix.Can be used during pregnancy, during menstruation and during breastfeeding. Individual intolerance to the componentsDaily - 1 piece, course - 12 days.
TerzhinanAn effective remedy with antifungal and anti-inflammatory action, the medicine also helps to restore the microflora.Terzhinan can be used during menstruation, during pregnancy, in the prenatal period.Missing1 time - at night, wetting the suppository with water. The course of treatment is 10 days.
(single candles)
Candles zalain from thrush - a powerful modern drug of a wide profile, eliminating the fungus in one application, due to the presence of the active ingredient - sertaconazole.Can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.One time before bed. If necessary, you can enter again in a week.
HexiconHexicon candles contain in their composition a powerful antiseptic - chlorhexidine bigluconate, which actively destroys all types of fungi.It can be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers.Hexicon should not be used during the menstrual period.Twice a day, the course of treatment is 7-10 days.
MacmirrorAntifungal suppositories based on nitrofuran and nystatin, which gradually act on the cells of the fungus, destroying its integrity.It is allowed to use these suppositories from thrush during lactation and pregnancy.Candles Macmirror is undesirable to use during menstruation.1 suppository at bedtime for 8 days.
Klion-DCandles from thrush Klion are especially effective in acute recurrence of vaginal candidiasis. The active substance is metronidazole.Does not cause an imbalance of microflora - dysbacteriosis.II and III trimester of pregnancy, herpes, lactation, liver disease, diabetes.1 time - at night, the duration of treatment - 7 days.
IodoxideAntiseptic vaginal suppositories with iodine and polyvinylpromidone, which have a strong bactericidal effect.It is allowed to use during menstruation.Do not use in lactation, pregnancy, renal failure, thyroid disease. Overdose may cause iodism.1 time per day for a week.
clotrimazoleA widely used drug, as it is inexpensive.It can be used during feeding and pregnant women, starting from the II trimester.Cannot be used during menstruation1 time per day, the course is a week.

How to restore beneficial microflora after a fungus

After a full course of treatment, the thrush disappears, but the risk of recurrence remains. In order to identify the level of dysbacteriosis, the attending physician, as a rule, examines the smear. What candles can be purchased to restore the microflora is also decided by the doctor, but the following drugs are usually prescribed:

  • Lactobacterin or Bifidumbacterin, which are able to quickly adjust the balance of all microorganisms.
  • Vaginorm C is a drug that normalizes the acid-base environment.
  • Ecofemin or Vagilak - contain herbal ingredients that accelerate the restoration of the flora.

If there is time and desire, then you can independently prepare vaginal suppositories for candidiasis, which at the same time "rehabilitate" the vaginal mucosa.

Homemade cocoa butter candles

Homemade cocoa - suppositories against thrush in women:

  1. Melt 40 ml in a water bath. cocoa butter.
  2. Next, combine cocoa butter with butter tea tree(20 ml), mix thoroughly.
  3. Next, the mixture of oils is poured into disposable syringes (2 ml), from which the spouts are preliminarily cut off.
  4. Squeeze out thin capsules, when the oil hardens, into the prepared foil and kill them in the refrigerator.

Although candles are cocoa and have been tested by many women over the years, it still does not hurt to consult a gynecologist before using them so that there are no unnecessary questions and problems later.

Popular questions and answers:

Is it possible to have sex during the treatment of thrush with candles?

During treatment, it is strictly prohibited. In addition, the second partner should also join the treatment.

How long does it take to treat thrush?

Depending on the chosen drug. For example, the preparations Terzhinan, Hexicon and Livarol will require at least 10 days for a complete recovery, and Zalain will need to be delivered once.

Is it possible for a virgin to use suppositories against thrush for women, and which ones?

You can use vaginal suppositories for virgins, but you need to administer drugs carefully using special applicators so as not to damage the hymen. Hexicon and Terzhinan are suitable from the suppository, after treatment it is worth purchasing Vagilak in order to restore the beneficial flora.

How much do good candles for candidiasis cost?

Alas, in the modern world, the cost of medicines does not depend on quality, but on the name of the medicine and the brand's advertising policy. With a normal thrush not complicated by additional infections, both the budget drug Clotrimazole and the more expensive Terzhinan or Livarol suppositories will help. differ only in the unpromoted brand and country of origin.

Is it possible to recover from chronic thrush only with candles?

Candles from the fungus will help only at the first stage, but the doctor will also prescribe them in the complex treatment of an advanced disease.

It should be noted that this is a consequence self-treatment without medical supervision or ignoring symptoms. Self-medication provokes a global destruction of the vaginal microflora, only the attending doctor will be able to see the true panorama of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Candles from thrush are an effective solution to an uncomfortable problem. The action of these drugs is due to the fact that the active substance quickly penetrates into the vaginal mucosa, while the pathogen is completely destroyed. Today, the medical industry produces various suppositories against thrush. It is necessary to consider what vaginal suppositories are for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, what determines the features of their action and cases of appointment.

General instructions

Candles (suppositories) - a number of drugs that allow you to quickly cure thrush (candidiasis). with thrush in women, it is used intravaginally, so it is possible to destroy the causative agent of the disease and reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process. All suppositories from thrush, a list of which is presented in pharmacies, differ in their effectiveness and degree of effect on the fungus, but their action is aimed specifically at killing the microorganism, moreover, preferably in several sessions.

To provide best effect it is necessary that the active ingredient be the most active against pathogens. To choose the maximum effective remedy, before starting treatment, you must consult a specialist. He will conduct a bacteriological examination of vaginal smears. Based on the results, it will be possible to reason about the name of the drug against thrush.

It is very important to carefully choose a remedy for chronic thrush. In this case, the fungus has already acquired some resistance. So individual medicines against such a fungus may be ineffective. Nevertheless, there are drugs on the market that will be active against this type of candidiasis. In treatment, it is necessary to focus not on one's own experience and recommendations of acquaintances who may have been helped by this or that remedy, but on the results of examinations.

So, which candles from thrush are better? If the pathology has just appeared and its symptoms are not too pronounced, then effective suppositories Livarol, Clotrimazole, etc. can be used. Instructions for the use of such drugs indicate that medications help to quickly and thoroughly get rid of candidiasis.

By using modern drugs even the most persistent type of disease can be cured. For this, Ketoconazole and other medicines are used, specially designed to affect the most resistant and aggressive strains of Candida fungi. Be careful: it is not recommended to use such suppositories on your own. Only a doctor can recommend them. Moreover, to prevent the development of dysbiosis, it is necessary to additionally treat with special drugs. They contain restoring microflora.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of suppositories

The active components of such suppositories are active against a large number of fungi. They can also have an effect on staphylococci, streptococci and other pathogenic microorganisms.

All active components of suppositories perfectly cope with the manifestations of acute and recurrent varieties of vaginal candidiasis. Candles are mainly used intravaginally, although there are some dosage forms that can be injected into the rectum. At normal temperature body, they quickly dissolve in the body. After a while, a foamy mass forms in the vagina or in the rectum. It distributes the active substance well over the mucous membrane.

Some suppositories may contain cetyl alcohol. In some cases, it can cause allergic diseases, therefore, before each use of such drugs, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist. In some cases, you should stop having sex. It is forbidden to use these medicines during the period of bearing a child.

Antifungal components violate the integrity of the cell membrane of the pest. This process quickly leads to the death of the organism. The active component of the suppository is quickly excreted from the body by the kidneys.

How to use suppositories

Some women find that any antifungal drug and even an antibiotic will do for them. Their decision is simple - immediately go to the pharmacy, buy "some" remedy for candidiasis and start taking it, preferably in large doses, so that the pathology goes away "now." Such treatment of thrush does not lead to anything good, as it contributes to the transition of the disease into a chronic form. Some women even practice douching, which is very dangerous with such an ailment.

So the best suppositories from thrush are those that have the maximum effect on the pathogen and at the same time do not violate the beneficial microflora. And this is possible only after bacteriological culture of smears. This is why self-treatment of vaginal candidiasis is extremely dangerous.

When using vaginal suppositories for thrush, a woman should also take care that her partner treats the same disease. Men also have thrush, but in most cases it occurs without symptoms. As a result, the representative of the stronger sex is the carrier of such a disease. During treatment, you must either refuse intimate contact, or use condoms. Vaginal suppositories for candidiasis are administered deeply, at night (this improves the absorption of the active substance and the results of therapy).

During treatment, you do not need to wear tight synthetic underwear. It is necessary to carefully observe all the requirements of sexual hygiene. Undergarments should be changed daily. Do not use scented pads that contain chemicals. In such cases, even the most effective candles thrush does not help.

Overview of the best anti-thrush drugs

Today, the pharmaceutical industry produces a huge number of medicines against candidiasis. It is necessary to consider individual drugs for the treatment of the disease:

  1. Zalain. It is a derivative of imidazole and benzothiophene. There is no data on whether such a remedy is harmful to the fetus today. The use of the drug in case of hypersensitivity is strictly contraindicated. May cause vaginal burning. These candles are placed at night.
  2. Livarol (Ketoconazole) is an effective antifungal agent. Not applicable in the first trimester of pregnancy. May cause rash, sometimes hives. The effect of using suppositories comes almost immediately - they help with acute candidiasis. Long-term (more than 10 days) administration of the drug is permissible only in the chronic form of the disease. Candles are best placed at night. The tool can be effective in recurrent forms of candidiasis.
  3. Intraconazole is not used in the first trimester, with hypersensitivity, during breastfeeding. Treatment with these suppositories is usually short-lived.
  4. Nystatin is one of the medicines that can be used during pregnancy. Its only drawback is its rather high price. Very rarely, when using Nystatin, a rash, itching of the skin, etc. occurs.
  5. Clotrimazole is a high-quality and effective remedy for women suffering from candidiasis. Contraindications are hypersensitivity and pregnancy in the first trimester. A candle can cause such side effects like burning in the vagina, itching, cystitis, pain during intercourse. The medicine has one significant drawback - in the case of prolonged use, resistance (resistance) of fungi to the active ingredient occurs.
  6. Miconazole - effective, it is a combined remedy against candidiasis. It should not be used during pregnancy and diabetes. During therapy, the use of alcohol is prohibited.
  7. Povidone iodine - suppositories containing iodoxin and povidone. It is forbidden to use for thyrotoxicosis, kidney disease. Very carefully used during breastfeeding. May cause allergies.
  8. Lomexin is an effective remedy against candidal vaginitis. With individual intolerance to the drug and during pregnancy, the use of such suppositories is prohibited.

Advantages and disadvantages of using suppositories

Drugs for the treatment of thrush, of course, have advantages. Among them are the following:

  1. If a fungal breeding site is introduced active agent, the result appears very quickly. This is especially true when using the newest drugs for the treatment of candidiasis.
  2. There are drugs that can be used 1 time. This reduces the likelihood of side effects.
  3. Candles for the treatment of this disease do not have a systemic effect. And this is much better than oral remedies for vaginal candidiasis.

Nevertheless, antifungal suppositories have certain disadvantages:

  1. They stain underwear and bed linen, lead to a restriction of sexual life. Therefore, some patients do not want to use such drugs.
  2. A good effect is achieved only if candidiasis has light form. For the treatment of chronic thrush, such suppositories are not enough. They must be combined with systemic drugs. Moreover, it is necessary to repeat the course of treatment.
  3. Often combined suppositories for the treatment of thrush in women can lead to vaginal dysbacteriosis. It requires further antibiotic treatment.

The use of suppositories during pregnancy

Thrush during pregnancy occurs very often. However, with such candidiasis, the use of certain drugs is contraindicated. Nevertheless, the following medicines are suitable for eliminating the pathology in such a period:

  1. Pimafucin suppositories (they contain the active substance pimafucin).
  2. Macmirror - combination drug(with active ingredients nystatin and nifuratel).
  3. Clotrimazole (in the second or third trimester has reduced activity).
  4. A mixture of borax and glycerin.
  5. Ginofort.
  6. Terzhinan. According to some experts, the use of Terzhinan with prednisolone as an active substance is undesirable and is permissible only if the expected positive effect on the body is higher than possible risk use of such a drug.

Rectal suppositories

For the treatment of thrush, the doctor may prescribe suppositories that are applied rectally. They help with intestinal or vaginal dysbacteriosis. They can be placed during the period of bearing a child or during menstruation. Names of some means used in these cases:

  1. Viferon. This is a complex drug. The description of the drug indicates that the remedy has antiviral, antiproliferative and immunostimulating effects. Indications for its use are infectious or inflammatory urogenital pathologies, prevention of intrauterine infection. They can treat vaginosis, herpes infection, chlamydia. Such suppositories can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. The duration of therapy in some cases is up to 2 weeks. During pregnancy, it is permissible to use only from 14 weeks.
  2. Nystatin for rectal use - effective remedy against an unpleasant disease. This name of suppositories from thrush is known to women suffering from recurrent candidiasis. The drug is poorly absorbed, and its bulk is excreted in the faeces. They can treat candidiasis of the vagina, skin, mouth, some internal organs. The drug is also effective in preventing the development of such a disease in case of prolonged use. antibacterial drugs, especially the tetracycline and penicillin series.

Pimafucin has a wide spectrum of action. The high sensitivity of fungi of the genus Candida to such a drug has been proven. Suppositories can also be prescribed for the treatment of candidiasis of the digestive tract. It has a positive effect on pathogens of fungal pathologies. Such suppositories are placed mainly at night.

General contraindications and side effects

All contraindications to the use of suppositories depend on what kind of active substance is in their composition. So, if a woman is diagnosed with candidiasis, vaginal suppositories are contraindicated during menstruation. Then you need to use rectal suppositories. A large number of these drugs may be prohibited during pregnancy in any trimester.

A serious contraindication to the use of vaginal suppositories during pregnancy is individual intolerance. If a woman is diagnosed with thrush, candles are selected only by a doctor based on a thorough examination. It is forbidden to use flavored hygiene substances, which significantly worsen the symptoms of the disease.

Usually, side effects with the correct use of vaginal suppositories occur quite rarely. This is due to the fact that suppositories are a local medicine. Side effects can be mainly in the form of itching, rash or flushing (that is, reminiscent of an allergic reaction).

Some varieties of such candles can cause more severe side effects:

  • diarrhea
  • constipation;
  • chills;
  • hyperthermia.

To eliminate unpleasant phenomena, it is necessary to reduce the dosage of the administered medication. After it is canceled, all unwanted symptoms will disappear by themselves within 3 days. Usually, symptomatic treatment not recommended, because the unpleasant condition is eliminated on its own.

During the use of these drugs, there have been no cases of overdose, since their form, in principle, excludes this. Nevertheless, if a woman uses candles in excessive dosages, then she can significantly increase side effects. They disappear after correction of the volume of the drug.

All suppositories for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis help to quickly get rid of unwanted symptoms. In order to enhance the effect of active substances on the pathogen, doctors may prescribe vaginal. In order for such deliverance to be most effective, it is very important to use candles correctly and only as prescribed by a specialist, since self-medication during vaginal candidiasis is categorically contraindicated.

When candidiasis escalates, most women seek to purchase inexpensive but effective vaginal suppositories for thrush. Properly selected drug helps to quickly cope with fungi of the genus Candida. How to find out which cheap candles are the best help in the treatment of thrush, let's figure it out.

Candles from thrush - the benefits of treatment with suppositories

Treatment of candidiasis can be carried out using different dosage forms: tablets, cream, gel, suppositories. When choosing a drug, it is better to give preference to suppositories because of their safety and targeted effect on the fungus.

For women, candles are the most effective drug in the treatment of the disease due to the following reasons:

  • the effect of the active components of the drug directly on the mycelium leads to a rapid radical cure. Reducing the symptoms of the disease and alleviating general condition occurs almost from the first day of therapy;
  • using suppositories for thrush for intravaginal administration, there is no irritating effect medicinal substances on organs gastrointestinal tract, liver and urinary system;
  • there are no side effects, with the exception of individual intolerance to the components;
  • affordable price of candles, which include components that are aggressive towards the fungus. The course of treatment costs at least 50 rubles;
  • cheap and effective intravaginal suppositories for thrush not only quickly relieve the manifestation of pathology, but also protect the uterus from infection with a fungus.

Suppositories for candidiasis can also be of complex action. This not only has an antifungal effect and relieves inflammation, but other pathogenic microorganisms can also be destroyed: protozoa, bacteria, viruses.

Basic principles of treatment

Due to the availability and low price of drugs, women often begin to self-medicate. However, without knowledge of the rules for the treatment of pathology, even the best suppositories from thrush can not only not help, but also worsen the course of the disease.

To decide which suppositories for thrush and other drugs will be more effective, data is required. laboratory research vaginal microflora, determining the degree of pathogen sensitivity to active substances of various drug groups, as well as studying the state of local immunity. Treatment should take into account all manifestations of pathology, as well as prevent the development of various complications. Monotherapy with suppositories or ointments for candidiasis is often not enough.

To completely suppress the vital activity of the fungus and relieve the symptoms of the disease, a complex treatment is carried out, including:

  • local specific antifungal therapy. The doctor prescribes vaginal suppositories and ointments that have shown the greatest aggressiveness against the pathogen in the laboratory;
  • general systemic treatment prescribed in advanced or severe cases. For this, a medicine for thrush is used, produced in the form of tablets for oral use, which has an antifungal effect on the entire body;
  • anti-inflammatory agents. Candidiasis is always accompanied inflammatory process vaginal mucosa (vaginitis) varying degrees expressiveness. To relieve such symptoms of pathology as redness and swelling, the doctor selects special suppositories for vaginitis;
  • immunomodulating agents for intravaginal use increase local immunity, which allows the body to quickly restore the normal microflora of the vagina;
  • drugs for the correlation of the qualitative and quantitative composition of intestinal microorganisms - symbiotics.

The most popular for the treatment of thrush are vaginal suppositories of combined action, which simultaneously treat inflammation, suppress the vital activity of fungi and increase the local protective reaction of the body.

Application rules

To use suppositories against thrush with maximum efficiency, you should properly handle them, as well as skillfully insert them into the vagina.

It should be remembered that the formative substance of suppositories has low temperature melting, approximately equal to the temperature of the skin. Therefore, in a hot room, vaginal capsules begin to soften and even the best suppositories from thrush become unusable. The best place to store this form of medicine is a cool room or refrigerator door. Also, suppositories quickly melt from the heat of the hands, so you need to store medicines for thrush in the package and remove 1 piece immediately before use.

How to use candles from thrush? Throughout the entire therapy, the following doctor's recommendations should be followed:

  • before each introduction of suppositories, the external genital organs and the perineum should be washed;
  • most effective result treatment of candidiasis will be if the medicine is administered at night. When using the medicine in the daytime or in the morning, you need to stay in bed for another 20 to 30 minutes. During this time, the suppository will melt, and the medicine will penetrate all the folds of the vagina, destroying the fungus in them;
  • it is necessary to introduce suppositories into the vagina in the supine position;
  • taking into account the fact that suppositories quickly melt in the hands, it is better to open the package immediately before administration;
  • in the treatment of thrush, only one suppository is administered at a time. The use of more suppositories does not affect the rate of cure;
  • often the use of such medical preparations for the treatment of inflammation and diseases of thrush is accompanied by copious secretions. Therefore, it is better to use sanitary napkins throughout the entire treatment period.

Also, do not forget that both sexual partners should undergo treatment at the same time.

For the entire period of treatment with suppositories of the disease, underwear made from synthetic materials, as well as models such as thongs, should be abandoned. At this time, it is better to give preference to models of slips made from pure cotton. It is also necessary to exclude the use of scented pads, gels and liquid soap for the shower. For hygienic purposes, it is better to use baby soap during the period. It is very important to avoid unprotected sex.

Thrush is one of the most annoying female problems. Often she takes the fair sex by surprise. That is why in the arsenal of every woman there should always be cheap and effective candles for thrush. There are many inexpensive and effective tools that quickly cope with the problem.

What is a thrush?

Thrush (candidiasis) is a fungal infection caused by yeast-like fungi. They are found on the surface of the skin, mucous membranes of organs, as well as in the intestines and urinary tract. Symptoms of thrush include:

  • itching and burning in the vulva;
  • white discharge of a curdled consistency;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • painful urination.

Benefits of using candles

Cheap and effective candles for thrush are very popular. This is due to the fact that these funds have a number of undeniable advantages, namely:

  • quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms that are localized in the genitals;
  • contain antifungal components;
  • besides medicinal properties, also have a preventive effect;
  • candles are easy to use.

Disadvantages of using candles

Despite the fact that cheap and effective suppositories for thrush are the main means to combat the disease, they have a number of significant drawbacks. These include:

  • to provide a therapeutic effect, internal administration is necessary;
  • cannot be used for monotherapy, but are only part of a complex treatment (for example, they must be combined with taking pills);
  • to achieve a sustainable result, it is necessary to strictly follow the treatment regimen indicated in the instructions (a single injection will not be enough).

Candles "Nystatin"

"Nystatin" is a cheap and effective suppository for thrush. They are recommended even to those women whose candidiasis has already become chronic. This is not surprising, because the fungus in extremely rare cases develops resistance to the active component of the drug. There are vaginal and rectal suppositories with the same name. It should be noted that "Nystatin" will be effective only when the disease is not accompanied by viral infection. You should also be careful about the duration of the drug. If you use candles for too long, this can lead to inhibition of the beneficial microflora of the genital organs, which may also require additional treatment.

Reviews of candles "Nystatin"

"Nystatin" - suppositories for thrush are cheap, effective. Their price is only 65 rubles per pack. Wherein positive feedback weight:

  • a proven remedy that has been treating more than one generation of women;
  • the fatty base of the suppositories provides a soft introduction;
  • resistance of fungi to this drug develops very slowly;
  • with proper complex treatment, thrush does not return.

Negative reviews are quite few. It is worth noting the following:

  • suppositories are thick enough (but this does not cause discomfort during the introduction);
  • given that "Nystatin" is a rather old remedy, it may not work on some modern strains of fungi;
  • when melted, the candle stains the laundry.

Candles "Livarol"

"Livarol" is a cheap and effective suppository for thrush. Their price is 270 rubles per pack. This is an excellent remedy for those who are faced with candidiasis for the first time. Suppositories based on ketoconazole quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms and eliminate the cause of the problem. The likelihood of allergic reactions is practically excluded.

This tool has received such reviews from customers:

  • relief comes within the first hour;
  • in a week, the thrush completely recedes;
  • the likelihood of recurrence is virtually eliminated.

Perhaps the only drawback of this tool can be considered that it is forbidden to use it on early dates pregnancy (up to 12 weeks). Well, the price can be called a little overpriced.

Candles "Clotrimazole"

In the medicine cabinet of every woman should be a remedy for thrush. Another inexpensive and effective candle is Clotrimazole. According to the instructions, the duration of treatment is 6 days. The action of the drug is aimed at suppressing the synthesis of ergosterol, which is part of the membrane of pathogenic fungi. As a result, the cells are destroyed. However, during pregnancy and lactation this remedy use is strictly prohibited. For successful treatment, "Clotrimazole" should be used in combination with oral agents that have a systemic antifungal effect. Creams are also recommended if the infection has spread to the labia majora.

Reviews about "Clotrimazole"

"Clotrimazole" is a good suppository for thrush, cheap and effective. Their price is just over 20 rubles. At the same time, they received a lot of positive reviews, namely:

  • quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms (almost the first time);
  • when completing the full course of treatment (6 days), a relapse does not occur for a very long time;
  • due to the small size of the suppositories, the introduction is fast;
  • democratic price.

There are also negative reviews. Among them it is worth noting:

  • the candle is in the form of a tablet, which is not very convenient to use;
  • during the introduction there is a slight burning sensation, which, however, passes quickly;
  • is not a panacea for thrush (you need complex treatment with oral medications);
  • with the introduction of suppositories appear abundant discharge.

Candles "Syntomycin"

Perhaps the most effective suppository for thrush is Synthomycin. As active ingredient act macrolide antibiotics that disrupt metabolic processes in fungal membranes. Given that suppositories have a local effect, they can be used during pregnancy and lactation. Nevertheless, uncontrolled use of the drug can lead to a violation of the microflora.

Reviews of candles "Synthomycin"

Many women believe that the best suppositories for thrush, cheap and effective, are Synthomycin. Their cost is only 20 rubles. At the same time, there are a number of positive reviews:

  • in addition to thrush, candles also eliminate pain in the ovaries;
  • treats vaginitis and other infections of the pelvic organs;
  • can be used to prevent purulent inflammation when installing an intrauterine device;
  • quickly eliminate the symptoms of thrush.

Of the negative reviews, it is worth noting the following:

  • the candles are sealed so tightly that when the shell is cut with scissors, the suppositories themselves are damaged;
  • candles need to be injected 2-3 times a day (although many similar drugs are used once a day).

Candles "Ginezol"

If you are looking for the most effective and cheapest candles for thrush, you should pay attention to Ginezol, which will cost you about 250 rubles. Due to the wide spectrum of action, the drug copes with a fungal infection in the shortest possible time. However, it is forbidden for pregnant women to use it, since the active ingredient can affect the development of the fetus.

From the positive reviews, the following can be noted:

  • the composition of the drug is designed so that it affects only the pathogenic microflora;
  • the set has a special applicator, with which candles can be inserted as deep as possible;
  • does not cause side effects.

Also, users note such negative points:

  • the drug acts for a long time (improvement occurs only on the third day of admission);
  • overcharge;
  • candles have an oily texture, and therefore quickly melt and come out, staining linen;
  • does not cure thrush completely (high chance of recurrence if oral medications are not taken).

Vaginal capsules "Polygynax"

There are also good candles (tablets) for thrush, cheap and effective - Poligynaks. This is an extremely effective tool, but it is rarely used, as it has wide range side effects. Of the positive reviews, it is worth noting the following:

  • suppositories are universal - they treat not only thrush, but also a number of concomitant inflammatory diseases;
  • the small size and shape of the capsules ensures easy and painless administration;
  • quickly eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of thrush;
  • one package is enough for the entire course of treatment; can be used during pregnancy; can be used even during menstruation.

There were also negative reviews:

  • does not guarantee a complete recovery (there is a risk that after a while the thrush will return again);
  • given the high concentration of antibiotics, the microflora is disturbed and discomfort in the mucous membrane may occur;
  • after the introduction, the capsule melts quickly, releasing a large volume of liquid and heavily stains the laundry;
  • the substances that make up the candle capsule destroy the latex;
  • when the candle begins to melt, a strong burning sensation is possible.

Tablets "Fluconazole"

If you don’t know which inexpensive and effective remedies for thrush for a woman are commercially available, give preference to candles. But do not forget that they have only a local effect. As an additional or independent therapy, it is recommended to take "Fluconazole". These are tablets for the treatment of thrush in a chronic form. At a price of only 37 rubles, the drug copes well with the disease. In most cases, one tablet is sufficient. But sometimes you have to extend the course up to a week. Of the positive reviews about this drug, it is worth noting:

  • it is enough to take the capsule at night;
  • costs literally a penny;

There were also some negative reviews. These include the following comments:

  • if you take a pill at an advanced stage of candidiasis, one dose will not be enough;
  • many contraindications;
  • does not eliminate the problem completely (high probability of recurrence);
  • unpleasant side effects.

If you are faced with an unpleasant female problem, you can find cheap and effective suppositories for thrush in pharmacies. But in order for the treatment to be fast and of high quality, you need to adopt a number of useful tips. Pay attention to these recommendations:

  • enter suppositories from thrush at bedtime (this will allow them to turn into a soft healing mass and act on the affected area longer);
  • while you are undergoing a course of treatment with candles, avoid sexual intercourse (this will save you from discomfort, and protect your partner from infection);
  • it is better if the candles are selected by the attending physician (the gynecologist knows which medicines are suitable in a given situation, as well as in different age categories);
  • do not stop treatment as soon as the unpleasant symptoms have disappeared, because there is a risk of converting the disease into a chronic form (you need to use suppositories and other drugs according to the doctor's instructions and prescription);
  • to get rid of thrush and prevent its recurrence, do not allow hypothermia, and also eat as much vitamin food as possible, observe hygiene standards;
  • after the end of treatment with suppositories and other antifungal drugs, a course of immunomodulating agents is needed that will increase the protective barriers of the body.


Thrush is one of the most annoying problems faced by female body. There are many antifungal drugs on the market in different price ranges. There are also candles for thrush, cheap and effective. Reviews speak of their wide distribution, because they are characterized by local effects. However, elimination unpleasant symptoms is not yet a sign of a complete cure. You need to go through exactly as many sessions as indicated in the instructions for the drug. So that the disease does not haunt you constantly, it is necessary complex therapy selected together with the attending physician. Remedies for thrush, inexpensive and effective, along with other drugs will certainly save you from unpleasant symptoms.

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