Pain syndrome in the nipple area: causes and treatment. Causes of pain in the chest and nipples

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Taking care of the health of your body is the unspoken responsibility of every person. The trend towards the prevention of various serious diseases has firmly strengthened in modern world. That is why experts recommend that women carefully monitor the condition of their most vulnerable organs - the mammary glands, and consult a doctor at the slightest discomfort.

Indeed, probably every woman at least once in her life has experienced chest pain when pressing or lifting her hands. The reasons can be both serious diseases and other, less significant factors.

It is important to understand that the nature of natural discomfort (arising during lactation, pregnancy or menstruation) is significantly different from pain caused by various diseases or due to exposure to external irritants.

Hormonal reasons

Most often, before the start of the menstrual period, it becomes especially painful to press on the breasts. Symptoms usually occur in the second phase of the cycle and sometimes continue until the very beginning of menstruation. In addition, during this period you may notice some breast enlargement, also caused by hormonal changes.

Pregnancy is a special state of a woman’s body, which is also characterized by strong hormonal fluctuations, which, naturally, cannot but affect the mammary glands. Thus, discomfort and pain often occur, which disappear at the end of the lactation period.

Also, do not sound the alarm when chest pain appears while taking antidepressants or hormonal medications. All of the above reasons are cyclical and do not pose any threat to a woman’s health.


If you experience pain in the mammary gland when pressed, this may be an alarm bell for a disease such as mastopathy. It is characterized by the appearance of compactions in the area of ​​the mammary glands. There are two forms of this pathology – diffuse and fibrous. It is difficult to diagnose mastopathy on your own, since its symptoms are very similar to simple premenstrual syndrome; the chest hurts when pressed only in 85% of cases.

Mastopathy is characterized by the occurrence of neoplasms that are benign, but still have a low probability of degenerating into cancerous tumors. At the early stage of diffuse mastopathy, greenish or brown discharge from the nipple can also be detected.

Fibrous type mastopathy is distinguished by the fact that the pain when pressing on the chest is more severe, and the causes of this type of disease are associated primarily with infections or inflammation of the genital organs, and less often with prolonged sexual abstinence or irregular sexual intercourse.

If you diagnose the disease in time and consult a doctor, you can cure mastopathy without resorting to operative method treatment.

Cystic formations

The appearance of a cyst is a consequence of neglect fibrocystic mastopathy, which is rare, but has a high chance of progression into the most dangerous pathologies.

A cyst is a small “sac” filled with fluid from the inside and formed as a result of proliferation connective tissue in the chest. Cystic formations, as a rule, do not cause any discomfort to the woman, but in case of inflammation, the mammary gland usually hurts when touched.

In most cases, the cyst is removed surgically and rarely degenerates into a malignant neoplasm. However, you should be careful and at the slightest symptoms go for an ultrasound so as not to trigger the situation.


This mobile formation has a spherical shape and is easy to feel. The appearance of fibroadenoma is diagnosed by the fact that one mammary gland hurts when you press on it. There are often cases of several compactions occurring in one place, and also characteristic discharge from the nipples (if both mammary glands are affected).

Fibroadenoma is a type benign education, which is to be deleted as part of a simple operation.

Breast cancer

The most serious and dangerous disease, which is difficult to diagnose at the first stage. A malignant tumor can develop in a very short time, so in order to minimize the consequences of the disease, you need to independently conduct a preventive breast examination once a month. such an examination will help identify the presence of tumors or enlarged lymph nodes.

If the lump in the mammary gland hurts when you press on it, and the lymph nodes are slightly enlarged, then it is recommended to make an appointment with a mammologist as soon as possible.

Wrong choice of bra

When choosing underwear, you need to be extremely careful and, first of all, listen to your body. A tight and low-quality bra can not only cause discomfort to its owner, but also cause the occurrence of malignant tumors or breast cysts.

Other reasons

Besides everything else, painful sensations in the chest often arise due to other diseases that are only indirectly related to the mammary glands or reproductive system.

If there is a temperature

If, in addition to pain when pressing on your chest, you notice an increased temperature, then all together may indicate the occurrence of certain diseases.

Breast tuberculosis

This pathology is extremely rare, but nevertheless occurs during the development of the first, pulmonary stage of tuberculosis. Sometimes, if misdiagnosed, a disease can be confused with cancer, but it has nothing to do with it.

The main symptoms are sharp and incessant pain in the mammary gland, which fades over time, as well as general weakness of the body and heat.


Fever and chest pain is a direct sign of an infectious disease of the mammary glands. Mastitis often appears against the background breastfeeding(cracked skin on the nipples is a direct conductor of bacteria), as well as with breast injuries that contribute to the inflammatory process.

It is not so difficult to distinguish mastitis from the above neoplasms.

Main symptoms:

  • redness on the chest;
  • increased temperature (up to 39 degrees);
  • purulent discharge;
  • severe pain.

With the right course of treatment, the disease will not suffer any consequences that jeopardize the health of the woman and child.


A common disease that is stagnation of milk in the mammary gland. As a result, pain occurs, the temperature rises to 37-38 degrees, the breasts become enlarged, and the nipples swell.

Lactostasis in the absence timely treatment may progress to purulent mastitis.

Nipple pain when pressed

Pregnancy and lactation

The first suspected cause of discomfort may be the lactation period. At this time, the baby may suck milk carelessly, biting the breast, thereby causing the mother very severe pain. In this case, you should not hastily give up feeding; in the beginning, it is recommended to consider options such as silicone pads, emollient creams and ointments.

In addition, the nipples often hurt when pressed in the first months and subsequently throughout pregnancy, which occurs due to rapid restructuring hormonal levels women.

Paget's disease

In simple words – breast cancer of the nipple. Patients suffering from this disease complain that the nipples are very painful when pressed, as well as other, more characteristic symptoms.

Among them:

  • change in the shape and color of nipple halos;
  • itching, peeling;
  • liquid discharge from the chest.

Treatment of such a serious disease is mostly carried out surgically, and recovery takes a long time.

How to treat

So, the mammary gland hurts when pressed. What to do and how to prevent the progression of possible diseases?

First of all, it all depends on the nature of the pain. If they are cyclical and associated with hormonal changes in the body, then there is no need to panic. In such cases, a mild course of treatment associated with diet, rest and the absence of external irritants is usually prescribed.

When infections affect only one breast, benign or malignant formations can affect locally, and for example, the right breast hurts when pressed, but there are no symptoms in the left. Such pathologies are usually removed using surgery, the complexity of which directly depends on the disease. In rare cases, other methods can be used, but all this should be done under the strict supervision of a professional.

When should you see a doctor?

If you find that your chest hurts when pressed, do not immediately panic and come up with worse options. Calm down and watch your body. If the pain does not go away, and meanwhile other symptoms of possible pathologies begin to appear, immediately consult a doctor to undergo an ultrasound and mammography to avoid serious consequences. And the sooner this happens, the better it will affect your health.

Be careful and don't forget to listen to your body!


In this video, a gynecologist will tell you about the symptoms and treatment methods of mastitis.

The female breast is a special part of the body, which is highly sensitive to external stimuli and internal factors.

Women's nipples hurt for various reasons. Both natural cyclical changes in the body and a number of dangerous diseases. Therefore, if you experience constant pain in the bust area, or if the nature of the pain and the degree of its intensity change, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor to determine the cause of the symptoms.

The so-called premenstrual syndrome is characterized by a sharp change in hormonal levels. The dominant estrogen is replaced by progesterone, the main purpose of which is to prepare the female body for possible conception. In this regard, at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, a woman may experience depression, frequent mood swings and irritation.

In most cases, the breasts begin to hurt, and the nipples become especially sensitive. These sensations are associated with fluid retention in the body, so the mammary glands increase slightly from the second phase of the menstrual cycle: the ducts swell, squeezing the nerve fibers.

When menstruation occurs, the pain in the bust area goes away.

After successful conception throughout the first trimester future mom may also experience discomfort in the nipple area and swelling of the mammary glands.

The culprit of this condition is the same progesterone, which is produced in large quantities, because it is vital for the successful development of pregnancy. Its task is not only to ensure the successful development of the fertilized egg, but also to prepare the mammary glands for lactation. During this period, the nerve endings do not have time to form as quickly as the ducts expand, which is why the expectant mother feels pain in the chest.

The nipples on the chest often hurt during breastfeeding, and several reasons also contribute to this phenomenon:

  1. Incorrect positioning of the baby at the time of feeding, which is why unfinished milk remains in the breast.
  2. Due to the irregular shape of the female nipple;
  3. Incorrect grasp of the breast by the baby during feeding (only the nipple is grasped).
  4. Violation of hygiene rules after feeding. After each procedure of putting the baby to the breast, you need to thoroughly but gently wash the breast with warm water, wiping it soft towel. When even the smallest cracks appear, you need to start treating them with softening creams or ointments, preventing their further development.
  5. Lactose, which causes milk stagnation.
  6. Mastitis. A dangerous disease that develops due to the fact that the infection penetrates the mammary glands. Has pronounced symptoms: swollen breasts, pain in the nipple, increased performance body temperature. Treatment of the disease must be immediate, otherwise an opening of the abscess will be required. Therapy is carried out only with antibiotics. During the treatment period, breastfeeding is stopped.

Causes not related to hormones

In this case, the nipples of the breasts hurt due to a malfunction in the functioning of various organs and systems, often unrelated to the mammary glands.

Sometimes pain in the bust is associated with the development of benign and malignant neoplasms. The pain syndrome in this case can be localized only in the left or right breast. At the same time, the nature of the pain is different: only the nipple, the entire breast or the aureole may hurt; discomfort occurs during palpation or at rest.

A painful right or left nipple indicates the location of a tumor or pathological changes.

With oncology, nodules appear on the halos, the skin changes color, and the nipple becomes deformed, increasing sensitivity.


Women who often experience breast tenderness before menstruation should have their breasts visually examined and palpated monthly. If there is the slightest disturbance, you should contact a gynecologist or mammologist for a detailed examination. With early diagnosis, you can quickly begin treatment, preventing the development of a dangerous disease.

Let's look at the most common causes that provoke pain in the chest or nipples.

Oral contraception

Oral contraceptives contain hormones. Incorrectly selected medications or incorrectly calculated dosage leads to hormonal imbalance, which causes pain in the chest.

A characteristic feature of the symptoms in this case is tingling in the mammary glands and pain.


Before starting to use oral contraceptives, be sure to consult your doctor! Using the results of special tests, he will be able not only to select a drug with the desired formula, but also to calculate the correct dosage.

For any unpleasant symptoms After using oral contraceptives, you should consult a specialist and choose another drug.

Skin diseases

If your nipples hurt because of small cracks, from which a white coating regularly appears, most likely we are talking about the development of candidiasis.

The fungus, the provocateur of the disease, penetrates the mammary glands through small wounds.

No less unpleasant is the appearance of herpes on the chest.

These diseases require immediate treatment, especially during pregnancy, as they pose a danger to the preservation of the fetus.


Chest discomfort or pain may occur due to injury or pinched nerve.

Moreover, the second factor is often provoked by the first, since the nerve is damaged due to blows, falls or surgery.

Most often in this case pain syndrome disappears on its own after a short time.

However, if the pain is accompanied by bruises or bleeding, you should immediately seek medical help.

Neurological causes

Very often, a woman’s physical health is related to her psychological state. Prolonged stress, depressive moods, shocks lead to a general deterioration of the condition. And since the hormonal background quickly reacts to a psychologically negative state, pain begins in the chest and nipple area. The symptoms are very similar to the sensations experienced by a woman during the premenstrual period.


Long-term use of antidepressants also causes discomfort in the mammary glands.

Fashion trends

Some young girls following fashion trends, began to get tattoos on the nipple halo. Also popular is the procedure of breast piercing, where the nipple is pierced.


These procedures require special precision and professionalism from the person performing the procedure. Any incorrect movement will lead to injury to the ducts or their blockage. In addition, piercing and tattooing must be carried out in strict compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, since with these procedures there is a high chance of infection, which will result not only in pain in the chest and nipples, but also in their inflammation.

Excessive stimulation of the mammary glands during intimacy can also cause discomfort and pain. After all, the area around the nipple in women is especially sensitive.


When choosing underwear, it is important to consider your body size and features. So, a bra that is too tight can rub delicate skin, causing discomfort. And artificial fabrics often cause allergic reactions. In this case, not only does the nipple hurt a lot, but it also itches.


During puberty, girls begin to experience intensive growth of the mammary glands, which leads to excessive sensitivity.

As a rule, the pain goes away on its own after a short time. However, if the pain does not disappear for a long time, it is worth visiting a gynecologist for consultation.

Other reasons

Sore nipples can also be caused by the following factors:

  • Adrenal dysfunction;
  • Neuralgia;
  • Malfunction of the pituitary gland;
  • and liver;
  • Diseases of the central nervous system.

All of these diseases have pronounced symptoms, where discomfort in the nipples is only an additional symptom.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 9 minutes


Many women at one time or another in their lives have encountered the problem of chest pain. The appearance of these symptoms should not cause panic or fear, but they should not be taken lightly either. In order for every woman to have peace of mind about her health, and, if necessary, to be able to undergo the necessary course of treatment in a timely manner, she needs to become familiar with the symptoms and causes of pain in the mammary glands.

Cyclic and non-cyclical chest pain

Pain localized in the mammary glands has a medical name - mastalgia. Mastalgia is divided into two groups - cyclic and non-cyclic.

Cyclic mastalgia or mammalgia- pain in the mammary glands of a woman, which occurs on certain days of the menstrual cycle, namely two to seven days before the start of the next menstruation. For most women, this pain does not cause discomfort - it is not very strong, more like a feeling of fullness of the mammary glands, a burning sensation inside them. Within a couple of days, these sensations disappear without a trace.

A woman's breasts change throughout life. In one menstrual cycle, the influence of various hormones that are produced in the female body stimulate the tone or relaxation of the walls of the excretory ducts in the mammary glands and affect the tissue of the lobules. About a week before the onset of menstrual bleeding, a large number of epithelial cells and lobular secretions accumulate in the ducts of the mammary glands. The mammary glands swell, more blood flows to them, they become larger in volume and dense, painful to the touch. Cyclic breast pain in women always manifests itself simultaneously in both mammary glands.

In some women, cyclic mastodynia manifests itself pathologically strongly. The pain sometimes becomes simply unbearable, and the woman cannot lead a normal life, do her usual activities, and feels very bad on such days. As a rule, increased pain in the mammary glands is a sign that some pathological process is beginning in the body, and the woman needs to see a doctor for examination and subsequent treatment, if necessary.

Non-cyclical pain in the mammary glands are not associated with a woman’s menstrual cycle; they are always provoked by some other factors, in some cases pathological.

The author, it seems to me, treats the problem of mastalgia and mastodynia too easily (these terms are not explained sufficiently). Now mastopathy and breast cancer have become much younger. This is straining the entire medical community, forcing leading oncologists to hold conferences more often, where they talk about the need to expand the indications for monitoring the mammary glands in women of all ages. Therefore, I think, with a due degree of oncological alertness, with any pain during menstruation (danger of endometriosis), and in the mammary glands - go to the doctor.

When a woman's body undergoes changes associated with hormonal changes - the level of female sex hormones increases. Under the influence of estrogen and human chorionic gonadotropin, the lobules of the mammary glands begin to swell, secretion is formed in the ducts, and at the end of pregnancy - colostrum. From the first days of pregnancy, a woman’s breasts acquire increased sensitivity, even soreness. As you know, soreness and engorgement of a woman’s mammary glands are. This breast soreness in the first weeks of pregnancy can also vary - from a slight burning sensation, tingling of the nipples, to severe tension in the mammary glands and dull pain, radiating to the shoulder blades, lower back, arms. Such phenomena usually disappear completely by the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, that is, by the 10th – 12th weeks.

A woman’s breasts are intensively preparing for the upcoming feeding of the baby and lactation. Women note a significant enlargement of the mammary glands, various tingling sensations in them, feelings of tension, engorgement. But these phenomena are not painful; normally they should not be accompanied by severe pain. If a woman notices pain that does not go away, and even more so if the pain is localized only in one mammary gland, she should seek advice from her gynecologist in order to exclude various diseases And pathological processes, not related to pregnancy.

What signs indicate that a woman should immediately consult a doctor?

  • Chest pain occurs regardless of the menstrual cycle.
  • The nature of the pain can be described as an unbearable burning sensation, severe compression in the glands.
  • The pain is localized in one breast, is not distributed throughout the entire mammary gland, but is expressed only in a certain area.
  • Pain in the mammary glands does not go away, but intensifies over time.
  • In parallel with pain or discomfort in the chest, a woman notices an increase in body temperature, deformation of the mammary glands, nodes and any formations in the breast, the most painful areas, redness of the glands, discharge of fluid or blood from the nipples (not associated with the last months of pregnancy) .
  • The woman notices pain every day for a long period of time, more than two weeks.
  • Pain in the mammary glands prevents a woman from doing her everyday affairs, causes neurasthenia, insomnia, and does not allow you to wear ordinary clothes due to pressure on the chest.

What diseases are accompanied by pain in the mammary glands?

Mastopathy– these are fibrocystic growths in the mammary glands of a woman, an imbalance between the connective and epithelial tissues. Mastopathy causes non-cyclical pain in the mammary glands. Mastopathy appears in women in case of hormonal instability, under the influence of various unfavorable factors that change normal hormonal levels female body. These factors include abortion, neuroses, chronic inflammatory and infectious diseases female genitalia, diseases thyroid gland, pathological conditions of the pituitary gland, liver diseases, cessation of breastfeeding with increased lactation, irregular sex life.

Mastopathy in women does not appear suddenly. It is formed over several years, while in the mammary glands of a woman, when normal physiological processes are disrupted, foci of epithelial tissue grow, which compress the ducts and roots nerve endings, interfere with the normal outflow of secretion in the ducts, deform the lobules of the mammary glands. Today, mastopathy is the most common benign disease of the mammary glands; it is observed in women mainly 30-50 years old. With mastopathy, a woman notes a feeling of burning, bloating, and compression in the mammary glands. She may also experience other symptoms - nausea, lack of appetite, dizziness, abdominal pain. Mastopathy is a pathological condition that requires observation by a doctor, and in many cases, systematic treatment.

Infectious and inflammatory processes in the mammary glands - diseases that can cause both chest pain and an increase in overall body temperature, deteriorating a woman’s well-being. Pain due to infectious and inflammatory diseases mammary glands can be of different types, but most often they are shooting, aching, radiating to the shoulder blades, armpits, and stomach. Most often, mastitis is observed in women who have recently given birth, during the period of breastfeeding the baby. These diseases require urgent treatment from a doctor.

Breast cancer– a malignant neoplasm in the mammary gland, which is characterized by the formation of large accumulations of atypical cells in it, which form a tumor over time. In some cases, breast cancer develops asymptomatically until a certain stage, so a woman should be especially attentive to any changes in her body. The most common changes in the mammary gland during cancer– “orange peel” on a certain area of ​​the skin, severe peeling of the mammary gland and nipple, deformation of the nipple and the shape of the mammary gland, thickening, retraction of the mammary gland, bloody issues from the nipple, nipple retraction. If pain occurs in the mammary glands, especially in one of the glands, and this pain is in no way related to the menstrual cycle or pregnancy, you should consult a doctor for advice to exclude the development of cancer.

What conditions and diseases of women also cause pain in the mammary glands?

  • Treatment hormonal drugs with infertility or hormonal imbalance of the menstrual cycle, menopause.
  • Very big size breasts; Tight underwear that does not match your breast size.
  • Other diseases that cause pain radiating to the mammary glands are herpes zoster, thoracic osteochondrosis, heart disease, intercostal neuralgia, diseases lymph nodes axillary areas, cysts in the fatty tissue of the breast, furunculosis.
  • Taking certain oral contraceptives.

In case of unpleasant symptoms and pain in the mammary glands, which continue for a long time and are accompanied by additional pathological symptoms, a woman should definitely contact her treating gynecologist, who, if necessary, will refer her for consultation and examination with a mammologist and endocrinologist.

Examinations that a woman undergoes for pain in the mammary glands not related to pregnancy:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, which is performed a week after the start of menstruation.
  • Study of hormonal levels (thyroid hormones, prolactin).
  • Oncological markers (complex diagnostic procedures to identify the risk of developing cancer in the mammary gland).
  • Ultrasound of the breast, which is performed in the second half of the menstrual cycle.

Why might your chest hurt? Real reviews:


A few years ago I was diagnosed fibrous mastopathy. Then I went to the doctor complaining of very severe pain, and this pain was localized not in the mammary glands themselves, but in the armpits and shoulder blades. During the initial examination, the gynecologist felt nodes in the glands and sent me for mammography. During the treatment, I had an ultrasound of the mammary glands and puncture of nodes in the mammary gland. The treatment took place in several stages, with a gynecologist. At the very beginning, I underwent a course of anti-inflammatory treatment, since I also suffered from salpingitis and oophoritis. Then I was assigned hormone therapy with the use of oral contraceptives. As the doctor said, the development of mastopathy could have been influenced by taking oral contraceptives of the old generation, with a high content of hormones.


I was diagnosed with mastopathy at the age of 33, and since then I have been under constant supervision of my gynecologist. Every year I had an ultrasound of the mammary glands, and a year ago the doctor suggested I have a mammogram. All these years I have been bothered by very severe chest pains, which were most severe before menstruation. After the mammogram, I was prescribed a comprehensive treatment, which immediately alleviated my condition - I forgot what chest pain was. Currently, nothing is bothering me; the doctor gave me a follow-up appointment only in six months.


Throughout my life I have not been bothered by pain in the mammary gland, although sometimes I felt discomfort and tingling before menstruation. But last year I felt at first a slight and then increasing pain in my left chest, which I initially mistook for pain in my heart. Having turned to a therapist, I was examined, received a consultation with a cardiologist - nothing was discovered, they sent me to a gynecologist and mammologist. After undergoing tests for oncological markers and ultrasound of the mammary glands, I was sent to the regional oncology clinic in Chelyabinsk. After the biopsy, additional research I was diagnosed with breast cancer (tumor 3 cm in diameter, with unclear boundaries). As a result, six months ago I had one mammary gland taken away, which was affected by oncology, I underwent chemotherapy courses and radiation therapy. I am currently undergoing treatment, but the latest examination did not reveal any new cancer cells, which is already a victory.


I have been married for two years, there have been no abortions, no children yet. About a year ago I suffered from a gynecological disease - salpingitis with pyosalpinx. The treatment was taken in a hospital, conservatively. A month after treatment I began to feel pain symptoms in the left chest. The pain was dull, aching, radiating to the armpit area. The gynecologist did not find anything, but referred me to a mammologist. I had an ultrasound, no pathology was detected in the mammary gland, but pain occurred periodically. I was diagnosed with intercostal neuralgia. I took treatment: Mastodinon, Milgama, Nimesil, Gordius. The pain has become much weaker - sometimes I feel tension in my chest a week before my period, but this goes away quickly. The doctor advised me to go swimming, do exercises, and exercise therapy.

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Pain in the mammary gland that appears when pressure is applied is an alarming sign. Such sensations in the chest indicate that there is some kind of neoplasm there, mastopathy is present, or the woman has developed serious problems with the production of hormones. In any of the presented cases, the situation cannot be left to chance and you should contact a mammologist who will tell you what to do and how to treat this area.

Causes of pain

The most common cause of pain in the breast area is hormonal changes in the body during the menstrual cycle. There is nothing terrible in the presented changes that occur with the hormonal background of the body.

At the same time, they can provoke the formation of mastopathy, which is a benign change in the tissue structure, which provokes pain in the mammary gland when pressed or pressed.

Today, mastopathy is a fairly common pathological condition, because according to statistical data, at least 60%, but not more than 80% of female representatives experience it. The vast majority of them are located in age category from 25 to 45 years. The main signs of this disease should be considered lumps and severe pain in the mammary gland.

The next most common cause should be considered all kinds of mechanical damage and trauma to the chest. In this regard, mammologists note that:

  • pain in the mammary gland with or without pressure may appear due to a powerful blow, excessive pressure or squeezing of the breast;
  • This can be avoided by using a high quality supportive bra;
  • The problem of choosing and using a bra needs to be given special attention, because the chest area is an extremely fragile mechanism and by choosing the right underwear, you can protect yourself from many negative factors.

It should be additionally noted that when talking about chest pain, not only changes in hormonal levels can be identified as the main factor. More precisely, it changes not only during the menstrual period, but also when pregnancy is detected. Taking this into account, it should be noted that pregnancy and the lactation period should be considered another factor in the development of chest pain.

Pain in the chest area, in the rarest cases, is caused by insufficient sexual activity.

Regardless of the cause of this pathological condition, it is necessary to begin the recovery process as early as possible in order to prevent a subsequent worsening of the situation.


Correctly carried out before the recovery cycle, diagnostics will be able to clearly demonstrate the absence of connections with disturbances in the functioning of the mammary gland or, conversely, their presence. To do this, you will need to take blood, urine and stool tests, as well as undergo instrumental examinations, which include ultrasound, mammography and other, more specialized methods of influence.

Based on the results of breast diagnostics, it may be necessary to symptomatic treatment. Let’s say that in order to overcome pain when pressing in the mammary gland, antiprolactin medicinal components are prescribed. They make it possible to combat the increased prolactin ratio. In addition, they suppress the production of this hormone due to the pituitary gland.

At the same time, mammologists and gynecologists draw the attention of women to such an important point as the fact that hormonal therapy has one significant disadvantage, which is that it disrupts the menstrual cycle, suppressing it. In this regard, it is used only when absolutely necessary. In the vast majority of cases, in medical practice there are such treatment methods as:

  1. phytotherapy;
  2. food additives;
  3. therapy with vitamin components.

Speaking about classical conservative treatment, it should be noted that the doctor can prescribe certain medicinal components, which include vitamins of groups E, A, C, B, as well as sedatives and anti-stress drugs.

In addition, to reduce pain when pressing in the mammary gland, agents are used to stabilize the production of sex hormones and enzymes.

The latter make it possible to regulate all processes that are directly related to metabolism.

Surgical intervention and preventive measures

In that rare situation when none of the presented methods of treating painful sensations works, the woman may be prescribed emergency surgery. This means the removal of those areas that were affected by tumor-type formations. After the presented intervention, which completely eliminates pain in the mammary gland when pressed, the woman is prescribed the use of immunomodulatory, analgesic and antitumor components.

It is important to note that the best prevention is to constantly strengthen the immune system. In addition, it is recommended to avoid stressful situations, unnecessary worries and excessive tension. Mammologists and gynecologists encourage regular sexual life with the same partner, as well as the absence of abortion in the medical history and lactation. It is recommended to give up wearing a small bra and undergo instrumental examinations at least every year. This will eliminate chest pain.

It is known that to prevent breast diseases, every woman, in addition to an annual examination by a specialized specialist, should regularly conduct an independent examination of her breasts.

It happens that during such an examination, a woman notices that pain appears when pressing on one or both mammary glands.

When a woman’s breasts hurt when pressed, this often frightens her, as there is a suspicion of cancer. Indeed, severe pain in the mammary gland can be observed during late stages cancer, but most often pain in the mammary gland when pressing on the nipple is a symptom of other diseases that can be successfully treated.


One of the most common reasons for breast pain when touched is pressure or bruising of the breast. This can be easily avoided if you choose the right bra size and follow basic safety rules.

Other reasons why one or both glands hurt when pressed are:

  1. Changes in hormonal levels before the onset of menstruation.
  2. Pregnancy and lactation period. During pregnancy, pain can occur for completely natural reasons. Hormonal changes begin in the body, the production of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for milk production, increases.
  3. The mammary gland begins to enlarge, its sensitivity increases, which leads to pain (especially when pressed). After the end of hormonal changes, the pain usually disappears.

    During lactation, one or both mammary glands may be painful when milk comes in. This is normal, over time the body will get used to it, and the pain will stop.

  4. Mastopathy (cystic, fibrous or mixed). With this pathology, gland tissue begins to grow, forming a benign neoplasm. In addition to the formation of a seal, fluid begins to leak from the nipples. Mastopathy often affects both breasts. The pain with this disease is not severe, aching. It is known that 15% of women suffering from mastopathy do not have chest pain at all when pressed. In some cases, if treatment is not started in time, mastopathy can lead to the development of breast cancer.
  5. Fibroadenoma. It is a benign neoplasm that is difficult to treat. At the same time, the mammary gland becomes denser and becomes painful when pressed, and discharge appears from the nipples. If the disease is detected in women over forty years of age, then a surgical solution to the problem is recommended. Transformation of a tumor into a malignant neoplasm is rare.
  6. Lactostasis. This is nothing more than stagnation of milk in the ducts of the mammary glands. It is accompanied by the fact that the nipples hurt if you start pressing on them. During palpation, you can feel small areas of compaction; the skin over them may be hyperemic. During the process of feeding or pumping, the woman becomes painful.
  7. Mastitis. With this disease, an inflammatory process begins in the mammary glands, which, in the absence of timely treatment, can lead to the development of a number of serious complications. Most often, mastitis occurs due to poor hygiene when feeding a child. The infection enters the gland tissue through cracks in the nipples. Chest pain worsens with feeding and even with light touches to the breast.
  8. Swelling of the mammary gland. May occur due to various reasons, but is almost always accompanied by pain in the chest when pressed.
  9. Breast cancer. Breast cancer rarely hurts, usually in the last stages of the disease.

In addition to the above reasons, chest pain can be observed with the following pathologies:

  1. Thyroid diseases.
  2. Intercostal neuralgia. When pinched, pain spreads throughout the entire nerve, which is why pain occurs not only in the lower back and back, but also in the chest. With neuralgia, severe attacks of pain are observed, which intensify with movement. It also hurts when pressing on the chest, inhaling and exhaling.
  3. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Osteochondrosis.
  5. Respiratory diseases.
  6. Thrombophlebitis.

The risk group for breast diseases includes the following categories of women:

  • those who have not given birth;
  • having bad habits;
  • not breastfeeding;
  • suffered chest injuries;
  • having poor heredity (there are relatives with breast cancer on the female side);
  • suffering from diseases of the gallbladder, thyroid gland, liver;
  • living in places with poor environmental conditions;
  • having excess weight;
  • women who have had multiple abortions;
  • Chest pain when touched may occur in diabetes.

What to do if you experience pain in the mammary gland?

In most cases, chest pain is physiological in nature and goes away on its own after some time, without any treatment.

If pain lasts a long time and occurs spontaneously, and in addition to chest pain, symptoms such as fever, pain when pressing on the chest, persistent hyperemia and swelling of the mammary gland are observed, then this is a reason to consult a doctor.

A woman must choose the right bra (it must be made from natural fabrics and fit in size). In addition, if you are overweight, a low-fat diet and multivitamin complexes are prescribed.

If all of the above does not help, then the doctor may prescribe drug therapy with hormonal drugs to restore hormonal metabolism. It should be remembered that you should not self-medicate and take hormones without a doctor’s prescription. This is fraught with deterioration of the condition and the development of a number of complications, the consequences of which will then be difficult to eliminate.

If pathological changes are detected in the mammary gland, the underlying disease is treated. This is how tumors and cysts are most often removed surgically. For mastitis, antibiotics are prescribed; if an abscess forms, it is opened, followed by treatment and dressing of the wound, and so on.

A low-calorie diet promotes effective weight loss

In conclusion, I would like to note that if symptoms such as chest pain when pressed, discharge from the nipples, changes in the shape and consistency of the breast appear, you should immediately consult a doctor for further treatment. This will help avoid complications and preserve the woman’s health for many years to come.

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