Onion mask for hair loss: reviews. Onion hair mask: recipe

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

The problem of hair loss can be cured by two methods - home remedies and medical cosmetics. The method of preparations for this is more than enough, but before turning to drug treatment, let us remember that earlier, before the advent of medications, hair loss was treated at home using home remedies. Modernity has provided us with an innumerable number of hair products that promise to return your curls and their quantity to their former glory, but the most affirmative word still lies with folk recipes for hair loss - besides, even the drugs are based on the action of natural ingredients. Home remedies against hair loss have enjoyed credibility long before the advent of cosmetic ones.

We know how to get rid of hair loss and achieve hair growth, we recommend paying attention to one of the most used home remedies - onion juice for hair. A natural, inexpensive source of essential vitamins to stop hair loss and boost hair growth, onions could be the end of all your hair woes. To know onion juice hair treatment, read on!

Benefits of onion for hair

Onion juice hair mask is known for its quick results. 1 application already improves the condition of the hair, all because onions have a high sulfur content, which helps to cope with the cause of hair loss! If you rub onion juice into the roots of your hair and apply onion juice to the entire length of your hair, the hair follicles and hair follicles will be strengthened at the same time. Onion juice is so effective because it warms the scalp, improves blood circulation and nourishes it with vitamins. Therefore, the blood restores its circulation through the cells, delivering oxygen to the hair follicles in the required quantity and dead hairs fall out, and healthy hair begins to grow in their places.

Hair is made up of proteins, one of which, keratin, is the strength and strength of hair. It contains a large amount of sulfur. Various chemical compounds with sulfur determine your hair texture and health. Therefore, hair loss is usually associated with a lack of proteins and sufficient sulfur. Methylsulfonylmethane, found in onions, is a highly absorbable source of sulfur. It is involved in the formation of keratin in the hair, which promotes hair growth. Using onion juice can even help with alopecia areata.

Alopecia areata is known as autoimmune disease As a result, the body destroys hair follicles, which leads to baldness. Onion juice helps hairs re-grow in the place where they fell out.

If you rub onion juice into your hair, without additional components, there is a risk of harming the scalp (this is individual), so for those who are prone to irritation and allergies, onion juice serves as the basis of the mask, together with other ingredients of the recipe.

Onion characteristics (chemical components and vitamins)

Regular onions contain biologically active substances

  • vitamin groups B, C, E, K, PP;
  • proteins and carotene;
  • enzymes and mineral salts;
  • saponins (active plant substances);
  • essential oil and inulin;
  • cycloalliin;
  • thiopropional;
  • methylallyin;
    Minerals in onions:
  • potassium - moisturizes hair;
  • cobalt, iodine and fluorine;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • zinc and copper;
  • phosphorus;
  • amino acids and phytoncides - which will restore damaged cells and blood circulation in them.

You should also learn about products that are beneficial for hair from the article -. To enhance the effect of onion masks and overall hair health.

Onion hair masks at home

Below are 6 amazing onion masks to grow your hair and stop hair loss.


  1. Onion mask for hair thickness with egg yolk;
  2. Onion-garlic hair mask
  3. Onion mask with cognac for hair
  4. Onion mask with honey for hair
  5. Onion mask with olive oil
  6. Onion peel hair conditioner

Precautionary measures: Not suitable for people who have open wounds on the scalp.

Methods of application
Using onion on your hair can significantly reduce hair loss and promote hair growth. You can add onions to your comprehensive hair care routine in a number of ways.
Attention: Onions have a very strong specific odor. The onion hair mask transfers the smell to your hair, so that the smell does not bother you, rinse your hair after the mask with warm water. lemon juice. By the way, lemon can not only remove the unpleasant smell of onions from the mask, but also...

  1. Onion mask for thicker hair with egg yolk

How to make juice into an onion hair mask?

You need:

  • 1 large onion
  • Egg yolk (2 pieces)
  • 2 tablespoons of any oil
  • Grater, blender or meat grinder
  • Sieve or gauze

Preparation and use of onion juice mask:

  1. Wash the onion thoroughly and peel off the top layers.
  2. Cut the onion into pieces that are convenient for you and pass through a meat grinder or grate through a grater. If you are using a grater, then choose a fine one. It's even much easier with a juicer.
  3. Mix the yolks with 2 tablespoons of oil in a separate bowl.
  4. From the resulting gruel of grated onions, separate the juice through a sieve or cheesecloth as much of the juice as possible into a bowl with the beaten yolks. Mix everything together into a homogeneous creamy mass.
  5. Rub the onion-egg mixture into the scalp and roots, and distribute the remainder along the length.
  6. Leave on your head under the film for 30-45 minutes and rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Apply a mask with onion juice - 1-2 times a week.

  1. Onion-garlic hair mask

What you need:

  • 1 large onion
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 3 tablespoons lukewarm honey
  • 1 glass of kefir
  • Grater or meat grinder
  • Gauze or sieve
  • Garlic crusher

How to prepare and use:

  1. We turn the onion into a pulp, do it as you wish.
  2. In the container in which you plan to mix all the ingredients, squeeze out the garlic; if large particles get in, chop again.
  3. Add warm honey to the garlic and mix.
  4. Wrap the onion pulp in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice into the garlic and honey, add kefir, mix everything together.
  5. Warm your hair under film and a towel.
  6. This onion juice hair mask should be left on your hair for at least half an hour.
  7. Wash off with shampoo after time.

How often should I use this onion hair mask?
A mask according to this recipe is usually used 3 times a week.

Another type of hair mask against hair loss from onions and garlic video review:

  1. Onion mask with cognac for hair

What you need to prepare the mask:

  • 1 bulb
  • 4 tablespoons evaporated cognac
  • 4 tablespoons oil
  • 1 yolk
  • Essential oil, a couple of drops, any
  • Devices for grinding and straining onions

How to use:

  1. Chop the onion and squeeze the juice into a bowl in which you mix all the ingredients.
  2. The cognac needs to be heated so that the alcohol evaporates, then leave it to cool.
  3. Add cooled cognac, oil, drops of essential oil and yolk to the onion juice.
  4. Apply to hair, rubbing into roots and scalp. Insulate. Walk with the mixture for 20 minutes.
  5. Rinse off the mask with regular shampooing.

How many times a week can you use a hair mask with onion juice and cognac:
This mask is used no more than once a week.

Another recipe for a hair mask with cognac and onion juice video:

  1. Onion mask with honey for hair

Our mask ingredients:

  1. 1 small onion
  2. 4 tablespoons honey
  3. 3 tablespoons olive oil
  4. Decoction of onion peels 7 tablespoons
  5. Onion preparation equipment

How to prepare and apply:

  1. Peel the onion, pour boiling water over the peel, cover and leave to infuse until the infusion has enough time to cool. Grind the onion and extract the juice from the pulp.
  2. Mix oil, honey, onion juice and onion peel tincture, but strain it first.
  3. Apply the mask to the length of your hair and rub into the scalp and roots. Keep it for half an hour.
  4. Wash off with the shampoo you use and warm water.

Use a homemade onion mask 3 times a week.

  1. Onion mask with olive oil

A mixture of onion juice and olive oil can be applied to the hair either raw or lukewarm. You need to mix onion juice with the indicated number of tablespoons of olive oil. Beer in the mask will not only give your hair strength to grow, but will also create the effect of natural light curling of your hair.

To create a mask you need to prepare:

  • 5 tablespoons onion juice
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • Half a cup of beer

How to use:

  1. Mix olive oil with onion juice and beer.
  2. Apply to hair or heat slightly and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Rinse thoroughly with shampoo to get rid of mask residue.

How many times a week to use this mask:
This mask is for one-time use - once a week.

  1. Onion peel hair conditioner

Onion rinse ingredients:

  • Husk of 1 large onion
  • 0.5 liters of water
  • Half a lemon

How to prepare and apply:

  1. Place the onion peels into boiling water and boil for 10 minutes.
  2. Cool the broth.
  3. Squeeze half a lemon into the broth.
  4. Place the finished mixture in a bottle with a spray bottle, so it will be more convenient for you to evenly spray both your hair and its roots with it.
  5. Use this rinse before you wash your hair. Apply the decoction completely - onto the skin, roots and length of hair, leave for 15-20 minutes.

How to remove onion juice rinse from hair:
Wash off with regular washing with shampoo.

How often to use onion peel tincture?
This rinse is suitable for use with every hair wash.

If you like to eat onions, it also benefits your hair. Onions are a great flavor enhancer and can add a pleasant and rich flavor to any food. If you can't stand the smell of onion on your hair, you can add it to your daily menu. This is as beneficial as applying raw onion to your scalp.

Some more positive aspects of using onion juice for hair growth:

  1. Onion prevents hair loss. Raw onion should be applied to the scalp so that when it enters the scalp cells, it stimulates the growth of new hairs. It is onion juice that stimulates blood circulation, accelerating the development and growth of new hairs.
  2. Onion prevents premature graying of hair. You can eat it or apply onion extract to your scalp.
  3. Onions, which contain sulfur in their composition, are an excellent tonic for thinning hair. Regular use of onion strengthens hair, increasing its volume.
  4. Onions are natural medicine for the treatment of hereditary hair loss and premature graying of hair.
  5. Onions are healing. It is especially effective in combating hair loss in women.
  6. The antibacterial effect of onions is used in the treatment of certain scalp infections caused by fungi and yeasts.

Good to know:

  • Even if you are absolutely healthy, you can lose from 40 to 150 hairs per day.
  • About 45% of people suffer from baldness.
  • Hair loss in women is not inherited through the female line.
  • You are born with a full set of follicles that will be with you for the rest of your life, so you need to monitor their health and performance.
  • The structure of hair itself consists of dead cells. Hair has no nerves, muscles or blood.

So, are you ready for onion juice hair treatment? Usually they always forget about him when discussing various means for hair. But in vain. Give it the attention it deserves and say goodbye to your hair loss problem!

Hello! Today we will tell you about onion hair mask and its effectiveness in self-care. We will share with you homemade recipes for onion masks against hair loss, as well as recipes that stimulate hair growth. A video review about using an onion mask will help you decide whether this mask is suitable for your hair type or not. Folk remedies in medicine and cosmetics they are considered universal and simple. The special properties of onions will help with various hair growth disorders - hair loss, brittle and weakened hair, dull color, excess gray hair, dandruff, oily shine and excessive dryness.

Causes of hair loss

Hair, along with skin and nails, is an excellent indicator of our health. Their condition can be judged as external factors influences and internal problems of the body.

It is known that 90% of human hair is in constant growth; its normal daily loss is about 100 hairs. The lifespan of one hair is approximately from 3 to 6-7 years.

If you experience frequent hair loss, you should first consult a specialist.

Sometimes a person faces the problem of frequent hair loss, called in medicine. The reasons for this can be many problems, both external and internal:

  • presence of diseases internal organs- liver, organs endocrine system, circulatory system, bone marrow disease;
  • vitamin deficiencies;
  • immune system disorders;
  • nervous stress;
  • influence environment, weather conditions;
  • a number of cosmetic procedures - perm, artificial extensions, drying or straightening, coloring, tight hairstyles, improper care;
  • infections, especially fungal ones;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • reception medicineshormone therapy, chemotherapy, bacterial treatment, antibiotics and steroids, anticoagulants;
  • pregnancy and postpartum period;
  • head injury;
  • exposure to radiation, including for therapeutic purposes for cancer;
  • surgery.

Alopecia is classified according to the type of distribution - nesting, universal, cutting, total, marginal. In most cases, alopecia is treatable. The exception is severe forms of disease and heredity.

To determine that you are losing a lot of hair, you need to do a little experiment: pull your hair and see the result. If about 10-15 hairs are pulled out, everything is within normal limits; if there are more than 15-20 hairs in your hand, it’s a reason to pay attention.

Useful properties of onions

Onions have been known since ancient times as an indispensable remedy for baldness, oily shine, dandruff and fragility. Onion is a spicy aromatic plant. There are about 220 types of onions in our country and about 400 in the world.

Historically, onions became known 6 thousand years ago. At one time, the value of the bow was so great that prisoners were exchanged for it.

  • IN folk recipes onions play a role primarily as a powerful phytoncide that can prevent colds. Phytoncides are biologically active substances contained in plants that have an antimicrobial effect. Onions are also useful in cleansing the body of toxins, stabilizing digestion, relieving swelling, treating calluses and eczema.
  • Onion contains a large number of useful elements: vitamins C, E, B1, B2, B6, PP, T and K, enzymes, micro and macroelements (potassium, iodine, boron, cobalt, manganese, fluorine, chromium, sodium, magnesium, iron, sulfur, calcium, zinc, copper), glucose, amino acids, keratins, alkaloids (biological active substances with a high nitrogen content), flavonoids, glucinin (a plant hormone that lowers blood sugar) and others.
  • It is also known that onions contain a high concentration of essential oils, causing lacrimation when cutting. The characteristic smell of onions is given by the sulfur content in it in combination with other substances.
  • Onions are a natural antibiotic, bactericidal and antimicrobial plant. Contains more sugar than pears or apples, but is considered a natural fat burner, disinfectant and soothing agent.

In cosmetology, onions are widely used in skin and hair care. With the help of onions, you can cure warts, cracked skin, acne, cleanse the epidermis of toxins, reduce wrinkles, and soothe insect bites. Beneficial features onions can transform any hair and cope with its problems.

Benefits and harms, how often to use, how to wash off the onion mask

As you know, the most effective means of caring for your appearance is a mask. Onion hair mask solves several problems at once, aimed at strengthening, growth and nutrition, combating hair loss, dandruff and greasiness.

Onion mask benefits all hair types. Due to the content of a real storehouse of useful microelements in onion juice, this mask adds silkiness, revitalizes color, and copes with oily shine or brittleness and dryness.

Many of us are concerned about the question of how often to make an onion mask. With a frequency of 1-2 times every 7 days with a course of 5-10 masks, it is possible to achieve an excellent effect from an onion mask on the condition of your hair.

The main barrier for many is the persistent odor when using such masks. How to remove onion smell? Following some recommendations will help with this:

  1. The onion smell after applying the mask can be eliminated by thoroughly rinsing with water and diluted vinegar, citrus juice, and a flavored mouthwash. When asked what and how to wash off the onion mask, experts advise doing this with warm water, since the aroma of onions spreads even more under hot water.
  2. To reduce the smell of onions, you can add additional ingredients with a pleasant smell to the mask - essential oils, citrus fruits, herbal extracts, honey.
  3. Observe the proportions of the components when preparing the mask.
  4. The duration of the procedure is also important to reduce the smell of onions. Therefore, you need to carefully follow the recommendations for how long to keep the mask on your head.
  5. No less important is how to make an onion mask and how to apply it - the mask is applied to the roots of the hair and rubbed into the scalp.
  6. For an onion mask, it is better to take its juice, carefully filtered from the pulp. This is due to the fact that the pulp particles have the strongest odor.

There are also contraindications for the onion hair mask:

  • hypersensitivity to onions and allergies;
  • wounds, ulcers on the scalp;
  • damaged hair after perm or other cosmetic procedures.

Before using any mask, it is necessary to test its composition for tolerance. To do this, just apply a little on the crook of your arm, the back of your hand and hold for a while. In case of redness, burning, itching, it is better to refuse such a mask.

The onion mask, like all others, should be prepared before use. Some recipes use honey and base vegetable oils to better effect which are recommended to be slightly steamed beforehand.

Additional ingredients in masks enhance the effect of onion components and soften its “aggression”. Some of the masks require insulation - a rubber or plastic cap is covered with a towel or scarf.

Recipes for onion hair masks at home

In our recipes, 1 tablespoon of liquid is equal to 25-30 g, 1 teaspoon is 5 g.

Masks against hair loss

Name Ingredients Time of action
From onion juiceJuice of 1 onion30 minutes with insulation
Onion mask with honeyonion juice - 25 g.,
honey - 25 g.,
olive oil - 25 g.,
mayonnaise - 25 g.
1 hour
Onion-lemon with olive oilonion juice - 30 g.,
olive oil - 10 g.,
lemon juice - 25 g.,
egg yolk - 1 pc.
30-35 minutes
Kefir-onionbulb - 1 pc. chopped (take the pulp),
kefir - 1 tbsp.,
egg - 2 pcs.
1 hour
With honey and aloeonion juice - 30g.,
lemon juice - 5 g.,
honey - 10 g.,
aloe juice - 10 g.
30 minutes
WITH castor oil and calendulaonion juice - 1 onion,
honey - 25 g.,
castor oil - 5 g.,
tincture of calendula with alcohol - 5 g.
yolk - 1 pc.,
lavender ether - 3-4 drops or
tea tree ether - 3-4 drops
1 hour with insulation
Onion-burdock with yogurtonion juice - 30 g.,
yogurt without additives - 30 g.,
- 30 years old,
honey - 5 g.
1 hour
Onion-garlic mask with cocoaonion juice - 30 g.,
garlic juice - 5 g.,
cocoa powder - 5 g.,
kefir - 30 g.,
any essential oil - a few drops
40 minutes
With burdock infusionlemon juice - 4 tsp,
cognac - 1 tsp,
decoction of burdock roots - 6 tsp.
2 hours with insulation

For hair growth and thickness

Name Ingredients Time of action
From onion pulp1 onion chopped1 hour with insulation
With salt and burdock oilkefir - 30 g.,
onion juice - 60 g.,
honey - 30g.,
cognac - 30 g.,
sea ​​salt- 25,
burdock oil - 30 g.
1 hour
Kefir-yeastyeast - 40 g.,
kefir - 30 g, onion juice - 30 g,
lemon juice - 30 g.,
Burr oil- 30 years old,
Freshly squeezed carrot juice - 60 g.
20 minutes
With black breadonion juice from 2 onions,
enough black bread pulp to make a mushy mixture
1 hour, possible overnight
cognacsugar 5 g dissolved in cognac - 10 g,
onion juice - 15 g.,
yeast - 5 g.,
mineral water- 5-7 drops
(beat everything)
40 minutes
With castor oilonion juice - 50 g.,
castor oil - 30 g.,
honey - 30 g.
30 minutes with insulation
Onion oil blendolive oil - 5 g.,
sea ​​buckthorn oil- 5 years
castor oil - 5 g.,
linseed oil- 5 years
onion juice - 30 g.
1 hour
Cognac-onioncognac - 30 g.,
onion pulp - 30 g.,
garlic pulp - 30 g.
olive oil - 30 g.,
yolk - 1 pc.
1 hour
juice of 1 onion,
yolk - 1 pc.,
sea ​​buckthorn oil - 30 g.,
red hot pepper - 2 g.
20 minutes
With vitamin A(E)onion juice - 30 g.,
yolk - 1 pc.,
castor oil - 30 g.,
burdock oil - 30 g.,
vitamin A or E liquid - 1 ampoule,
- 3 drops
20 minutes

For oily hair

Name Ingredients Time of action
Onion-burdock mask with rumin equal quantities: burdock oil, onion juice, rum30 minutes
Onions and kefironion juice and kefir in a 1:1 ratio30-40 minutes
Onion-sour creamonion juice - 60 g.,
honey - 10 g.,
sour cream - 30 g.
40 minutes
Onion-claycosmetic clay – 30 g.,
onion juice - 30 g.,
Sea buckthorn juice - 30 g (optional)
30 minutes
Onion infusion mask1 chopped onion, vodka - 250 ml - leave for 3 days.15-20 minutes

For dry and fine hair

Name Ingredients Time of action
Onion-garlic mask with castor oil1 onion, chopped
1 head of garlic, minced
castor oil (for connection)
30-40 minutes
Onion-garlic mask with vitamins (not only copes with dryness, but also serves to strengthen hair)onion juice - 1 onion,
garlic juice - 1 head
honey - 30 g.,
burdock oil - 30 g.,
lavender ether - 3-4 drops,
ylang-ylang essential oil - 4 drops,
orange ether - 3-4 drops,
liquid vitamin B6 – 1 ampoule
40 minutes
Onion-honeyonion juice and honey in equal proportions1 hour with insulation
Onion-yolkonion juice - 50 g.,
chicken yolk - 1 pc.
1 hour

Anti-dandruff masks

Name Ingredients Time of action
Rosemary, onion and sageonion juice - 1 onion,
rosemary oil - 50 g,
vodka - 10 g.,
sage ether - 4 drops,
Eucalyptus essential oil - 4 drops
30 minutes
With sageonion juice - 60 g.,
base oil (olive or burdock) - 60 g.
yolk - 1 pc.,
sage ether - 4-5 drops
1 hour
Onion-vodkaOnion pulp and vodka in equal proportions20-30 minutes
From a decoction of onion peelsBoil onion skins in water, leave20 minutes

Video review about using an onion hair mask.

Among admirers home care For hair, an onion mask is especially popular. Just like several centuries ago, ordinary onions from the garden are considered healing, effective means traditional medicine, capable of curing a huge number of ailments. Any recipe based on it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair. This is one of the best ways get rid of the problem of hair loss and accelerate hair growth.

The benefits of onions for the beauty of curls

Onion-based hair masks are a real storehouse of minerals and vitamins that activate the growth of curls, restore PH balance, make the roots stronger, stronger and smooth the structure, give shine, volume, and solve the problem of hair loss and dandruff. Onions contain vitamins E, B2, PP1, B2, C, B6. It also contains a lot of folic acid, fluoride, calcium, biotin, manganese, citric acid, zinc, iodine, potassium, carotene, iron, essential oils, malic acid, cobalt.

Among all the components largest share takes up vitamin C, which improves capillary function, accelerates blood circulation in the scalp, which significantly increases the rate of hair growth. When onion juice comes into contact with the skin, a slight burning sensation begins to be felt, which indicates that the blood flow to the hair follicles has increased and they begin to wake up. B vitamins are very important for the beauty of strands. If it is deficient, gray hair may appear early; the secretion of sebum will increase, and the ends, on the contrary, will become brittle; the risk of seborrhea increases; The process of hair loss may intensify.

The vitamins and elements contained in onion juice help improve general state hair, make it stronger, increase resistance to negative external influences.

How to make onion masks correctly

Masks for treating hair with onions are considered to be more gentle growth-stimulating agents, in comparison with mixtures with mustard and red pepper that have similar effects, and therefore can be used even to treat very weakened and dry curls. This is a universal product suitable for all hair types.

The main disadvantage of this treatment is the characteristic odor that remains on the hair after its use. It is especially pronounced on strands that have been permed or dyed in the recent past - the porous structure instantly absorbs the aroma of onion juice.

To reduce the smell of onions, you need to know one important rule - the mass should be applied exclusively to the scalp. If you make a mask over the entire length of your hair, it will be incredibly difficult to get rid of the smell.

There are proven ways to neutralize odor:

  1. The most common method is to rinse the hair with water and vinegar - mix 20 ml in 1 liter of clean water. vinegar 6%.
  2. Also, aromatic oil of rosemary, banana pulp or lemon juice added directly to the mask will help to defeat the fragrance of onion juice.

Important! You can use undiluted juice a maximum of once a week, and it is recommended to keep it on your head for no longer than 10 minutes.

All the ladies who use masks with caustic onions are wondering how long it will take to restore their hair? To achieve a visible result, you will need to undergo a two-month course of treatment. Procedures should be done every 4-5 days.

Recipes for mixtures against hair loss

Multi-component masks with onion juice – effective means against hair loss. Due to the rush of blood to the hair follicles, they active nutrition oxygen, nutrients, which helps strengthen.

Most often, masks for accelerated growth hair with onions contain honey, which perfectly moisturizes and fills every cell with useful substances. The duet of onion juice and honey perfectly fights against hair loss and activates the growth process.

Any recipe for a mixture with onion juice for baldness requires additional insulation with a hat and a warm towel or scarf. How long to keep the mass on your head should be indicated in the recipe, but if this information is not available, then for normal hair this time is a couple of hours, for dry hair it is reduced to an hour, and for oily hair, on the contrary, it increases to three.

Onions and honey for hair loss

  • castor oil 20 ml.
  • honey in the amount of 1 tablespoon
  • 10 ml. onion juice

These components are thoroughly mixed until smooth and applied to the hair roots. The composition should be kept for no more than 50 minutes.
Just 3-4 procedures over a month will be enough to stop the process of hair loss. This recipe will help make your hair thicker and shinier.

Hair treatment with kefir, cognac and sea salt

  • 10 ml. burdock oil
  • 10 gr. sea ​​salt
  • cognac 10 ml.
  • honey 10 ml.
  • kefir in the amount of 1 tablespoon
  • 20 ml. onion juice

Lightly heat the indicated amount of burdock oil in a water bath, then mix with honey and carefully add the remaining ingredients. The finished mass should be applied to the roots and wait about an hour.

This recipe effectively fights against hair loss, helps speed up the growth process and improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands. You can do the procedures with a break of 4-5 days.

Onion-oil mask

  • castor oil 10 ml.
  • calendula tincture 10 ml.
  • yolk 1 egg
  • clary sage oil 2 drops
  • rosemary oil 2 drops
  • honey 10 ml.
  • 20 ml. onion juice
  • lavender oil 2 drops

First, you should slightly heat the castor oil and mix it with honey and other ingredients except the yolk. Add the yolk after the mixture has cooled to room temperature.

The mask is effective against baldness, suitable for stimulating hair growth. You can often make a mask only on oily curls, since cognac and onions can have a drying effect. About how much to keep the mixture on the hair should be based on general recommendations to onion masks for different types strands.

Stimulating the growth of curls with yeast

  • milk ¼ cup
  • freshly squeezed onion juice 30 ml.
  • baker's yeast in the amount of 1 tablespoon
  • liquid honey 5 ml.

Add yeast to warm milk and wait until it is completely dissolved. Now you can pour in honey and stir thoroughly. The mixture should be placed in a warm place. After half an hour, the yeast should rise; if this does not happen, then close the bowl and move it to a more suitable place. The finished mass should be rubbed into moistened roots. The duration of the mask with the miraculous onion is 1 hour. This recipe actively helps accelerate the growth of strands, strengthen the roots and enhance oxygen supply.

Carrot-honey activator

  • onion juice
  • lemon juice
  • burdock oil ½ teaspoon
  • carrot juice
  • dry yeast 5 gr.
  • almond oil ½ teaspoon
  • honey 10 ml.

Prepare a mixture of all ingredients except yeast. Lemon, onion and carrot juice should be taken in a 1:1 ratio. Pre-steamed yeast 20 ml. warm water is added to the mixture last. The mask is applied to the horse's head. She should be kept warm for an hour, under a hat and towel. This mask with onions significantly accelerates the growth of curls and treats damage to the structure.

Garlic and onion for hair growth

  • 10 ml. burdock oil
  • yolk 1 egg
  • rosemary oil 5 drops
  • 10 ml. garlic juice
  • cognac 10 ml.
  • freshly squeezed onion juice in the amount of 2 tablespoons

You need to make a mask immediately before use. The mass is started on the basis of warm burdock oil. To prevent the yolk from boiling, add it after the mixture has cooled to room temperature. How long should the mask stay on your head? Just half an hour is enough to start the growth process. The recipe can be used for hair loss. The frequency of procedures is 1 time per week.

Sometimes food products that are familiar and familiar to us, grown in the garden, are revealed from a completely new side. Today, stores sell a large number of newfangled hair care products, but no matter how many there are, the popularity of natural products still does not subside. Hair beauty masks with onion juice and other natural ingredients can solve a large number of hair problems, but most often they are remembered when there is a threat of baldness. This is a unique and completely natural remedy that can be used even in the most hopeless situation.

In the article we discuss masks with onions for hair, their benefits and recipes. You will learn how to stop hair loss, accelerate hair growth, reduce the “oily” effect, eliminate dandruff and get rid of unpleasant odor Luke.

Onion masks prevent hair loss and accelerate hair growth

Onion masks have a healing effect on hair, regardless of its type and condition. Onion juice for hair contains: useful material, How:

  • phytoncides;
  • vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, PP, E, T and K;
  • alkaloids;
  • iodine, potassium, calcium, zinc;
  • essential oil;
  • polysaccharide inulin;
  • enzymes;
  • carotene, keratin and biotin.

Thanks to these chemicals, the onion mask moisturizes, nourishes, restores hair damaged by perm and dyeing, eliminates dandruff, strengthens roots and prevents baldness.. Hot onion juice has an irritating effect on the skin, stimulates hair follicles and accelerates hair growth, increases its thickness, adds shine and silkiness.

If you are looking for a product to care for oily and dry hair, a remedy for hair loss and hair growth, onion masks will solve all these issues.

Recipes for masks with onions for hair

To prepare masks, it is better to use not the onion itself, but its juice.

The main disadvantage of an onion hair mask for growth is its strong and persistent smell. To reduce the intensity of the odor, use onion juice for the procedure, not vegetable pulp.. It is the onion pulp that gives the hair an unpleasant aroma.

  1. Grind the peeled onion in a meat grinder, put the pulp in gauze folded in several layers and squeeze out the juice.
  2. Grate the vegetable on a fine grater and squeeze through a towel, avoiding letting large pieces of onion into the liquid.

Do not apply onion juice directly to your hair, especially if you have porous hair. The smell of onions will come out every time they get wet.

Regardless of what purpose you use the onion mask for, keep it on your head for no longer than 60 minutes. If severe irritation occurs during the procedure, wash off the composition ahead of time. Next time, reduce the dosage of onion by 2 times so that the skin gradually gets used to the burning mixture.

The course of treatment with onion hair masks at home lasts 1 month with a frequency of 2-3 times a week. Then take a break for 30 days and repeat the course. To maintain healthy and beautiful hair, make a mask 1-2 times a week.

From falling out

Cognac mask for hair loss with onion strengthens hair follicles and stops the process of baldness, making hair healthy and silky. If you have damaged, dry hair, apply any vegetable oil, otherwise the cognac will dry them out and make them more brittle. To enhance the effect of the mask against hair loss with onions, heat the cognac-honey mixture in a water bath to a temperature of 36-37 degrees.


  1. Onion (large) - 1 pc.
  2. Lemon - ½ pc.
  3. Liquid honey - 1 tbsp.
  4. Cognac - 2 tbsp. l.
  5. Castor oil - 50 ml.
  6. Egg (yolk) - 1 pc.
  7. Essential oil (ylang-ylang, lemon or sage) - 10 drops.

How to cook: Grate the onion, grind the lemon in a blender and strain the resulting lemon-onion slurry through cheesecloth. Pour cognac into the pan, add honey and heat in a water bath. Add the mixture of juices, castor and essential oils, yolk to the pan and stir.

How to use: Apply the mixture to the roots of your hair, squeeze out the strands so that the liquid does not flow down your neck, massage the skin a little, put on a shower cap and cover with a terry towel. After 30-60 minutes, wash off the mask with room temperature water. The course of treatment lasts 2-3 months with a frequency of 2-3 times a week.

Result: Cognac onion hair mask against hair loss strengthens hair follicles and stops the process of hair loss, prevents dandruff, restores shine and elasticity. Cognac neutralizes the smell of onions, accelerates blood circulation, and egg yolk nourishes the scalp and relieves irritation.

Another reliable recipe for hair loss is presented in the article.

For growth

Yeast mask for hair growth with onion nourishes the hair follicles, heals the damaged structure of the curls, and they grow faster.


  1. Onion juice - 4 tbsp.
  2. Liquid honey - 1 tsp.
  3. Burdock oil - 2 tbsp.
  4. Dry yeast - 2 tbsp.

How to cook: Pour yeast into a bowl, add honey and place in a warm place to allow the mixture to swell. Pour in oil, onion juice and mix well.

How to use: Gently massaging the roots, apply the mixture to the scalp, wrap the hair in a ball and wait 60 minutes. Wash off the mask with shampoo.

Result: Yeast mask for hair growth with onion increases blood circulation and activates cellular metabolism. Hair follicles receive more nutrients and hair grows faster. Yeast, combined with burdock oil, honey and onion, protects curls from harmful atmospheric influences and restores natural firmness, shine and elasticity to the strands.

For oily hair

To remove the effect of “dirty” hair, normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands and return healthy hair appearance, add honey and kefir to the onion hair mask for growth. Kefir muffles the unpleasant smell of onions.


  1. Onion - 1 pc.
  2. Kefir - 1 tbsp.
  3. Liquid honey - 1 tsp.
  4. Egg (yolk) - 1 pc.
  5. Shampoo for oily hair- 1-2 tbsp.

How to cook: Chop the onion and squeeze out the juice through several layers of gauze. Add kefir, honey, yolk, shampoo to it and mix.

How to use: Apply the mixture to the hair roots, massage and rinse with warm running water after 60 minutes.

Result: Hair mask with onion juice and kefir strengthens and nourishes hair roots, moisturizes the scalp, eliminates dandruff, and relieves static tension. The curls do not become greasy for a long time and retain a neat appearance.

For dry hair

After a course of oil hair masks with onions at home, dry hair will stop falling out, its shine and strength will return, and dandruff will disappear.


  1. Onion - 1 pc.
  2. Egg (yolk) - 1 pc.
  3. Castor oil - 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Grate the onion, squeeze through cheesecloth and thoroughly mix the resulting juice with butter and raw yolk.

How to use: Rub the mask into the scalp, put on a plastic cap, wrap in a towel and keep the mixture for 30-60 minutes.

Result: Onion oil masks for hair add volume and strength to dry strands, restore natural shine, and eliminate dandruff.

How to wash off onion masks to get rid of the smell

To remove unpleasant odor after medical procedure for hair, rinse off onion masks with cool water and wash with shampoo, lathering for 3-4 minutes. Then rinse your curls with a special composition, which depends on your hair type:

  • For oily hair, make a mixture of 1 liter of water and 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar or the juice of ½ lemon. Rinse your hair with the solution, hold for a while and rinse with warm running water.
  • Dry hair can be removed from odor by applying liquid honey to the scalp and diluted with water to the hair roots. colorless henna. Keep the composition for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  • A universal rinse is a decoction of parsley. Place a bunch of herbs in boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, cool and rinse your hair.

Essential oils of tea tree, rosemary, sweet orange, ylang-ylang and lavender will also help with hair odor.

For more information about the onion hair mask, watch the video:


Be careful with onion juice hair mask if you have an individual intolerance to this vegetable, honey and other ingredients. Also, the mask should not be used if there are wounds on the scalp or the skin is too dry and sensitive.

What to remember

  1. Onion juice accelerates hair growth, stops hair loss, makes it shiny, healthy and silky.
  2. To reduce intensity onion smell in your hair, use vegetable juice rather than gruel for masks.
  3. Essential oils of rosemary and tea tree, as well as parsley decoction, lemon juice and Apple vinegar completely neutralize the smell of onions.
  4. A composition based on cognac and onion will help against hair loss.
  5. For hair growth, make an onion mask with yeast.
  6. Masks with kefir, honey and onions are suitable for oily hair.
  7. Dry hair will no longer be brittle if you take a course of onion masks with castor oil and egg yolk.

Thick and beautiful hair- this is a reason for pride. Feeling the admiring glances of men and the envious gazes of women - well, who doesn’t dream about this? Few people think about the fact that luxuriant hair only in rare cases comes as a gift from nature; it is mainly the fruit of long and painstaking work. IN modern world women are busy with their own development and advancement career ladder, so it all comes down to visiting beauty salons and buying chemicals in the form of balms, shampoos and everything else. Most people have the impression, a false one, that beauty requires investment, and a lot of it. But, as practice shows, natural cosmetics can completely replace expensive hair care products, being in no way inferior to them in effectiveness, and sometimes even surpassing them.

Cause of hair loss

The cause of hair loss lies in many ways, but the most common factor is a lack of vitamins. This is not surprising at all. Restaurant chains in the "fast food" category are only gaining popularity every year; people are beginning to forget what proper nutrition is, and as a result, vitamin deficiency occurs.

The first thing that suffers in the body is hair. They are like an indicator by which you can determine how healthy lifestyle life is led by a person. If the former beauty began to disappear somewhere, and it was replaced by dryness, fragility and abundant loss, you definitely need to do something! Actions must be decisive, and most importantly, correct, so as not to aggravate the already bad state of affairs. But how to choose a remedy that combines both safety and benefit? This is what this article will discuss.

A miracle product for beautiful hair

The best way to speed up their growth is onions! Yes, yes, the most ordinary onion!

Quite insignificant, as it might seem at first glance, the vegetable is a real storehouse of vitamins. The components it contains, such as folic acid, carotene, keratin, iron, many essential oils, magnesium and others, have only a positive effect on the scalp and hair roots. The onion mask has saved hair from hair loss in more than one hundred women and men, and this is already a lot. In addition to eliminating hair loss, onion juice promotes the disappearance of dandruff, the appearance of a mirror shine, incredible volume and thickness. Restores curls after perm. To the unpleasant side effects This can be attributed to the residual and long-lasting “thermonuclear” smell; it is because of this that many try to avoid this method of treatment, even knowing about its effectiveness. But, as the ancient wisdom says, “beauty requires sacrifice,” so you need to be patient if you want an almost instant result. How to prepare an onion hair mask, reviews, a recipe that will help you get rid of problems with your hair - all this will be described below.

Is there any way to avoid the smell?

It is simply impossible to answer unequivocally; this is influenced by many factors. Firstly, a lot depends on the structure of your hair; in the case of porous hair, the smell will be strong and very long, and if the structure is not broken, then even if you do not make any additional efforts, the aroma itself will be weak.

But for both of them, some safety net in the form of essential oils will not hurt. One tip for reducing odor is water with vinegar (a few tablespoons of vinegar, preferably apple cider vinegar, per liter of liquid). You can also add essential oils to onion juice, which, in addition to the aroma, will have an additional positive effect on hair health. For example, if you want to speed up growth, add anything you like from the list: rosemary, juniper, ylang-ylang, lemon balm, cloves, fir, cinnamon. If the problem is excessive sebum secretion, the following will help eliminate it: grapefruit, lemon, bergamot, patchouli, eucalyptus. And geranium, tea tree, rosemary and lavender will get rid of dandruff. Important addition! Never add essential oils in their pure form; first dilute them in a base oil, such as olive or sunflower, otherwise you risk getting a scalp burn. But one thing is clear: the onion mask for hair loss, which has only positive reviews, really works! Let's find out her recipe.

How to make an onion mask for hair growth and hair loss?

When treating hair, you can use several options, including pure onions, their peels and green onions.

No matter how attractive the two may seem latest options due to the lack of odor, but it is the onions that have an immediate effect. For example, hair loss is noticeably less after the first procedure. To influence the scalp, only juice is used, which can be extracted either using a juicer or by grinding it on a grater and then squeezing it through gauze. Make sure that there are no onion particles in the juice, as it will be quite difficult to wash it out later. After this, add a few drops of essential oils and apply the mixture to the scalp. Then, wrapping your head in plastic wrap and a towel, you should walk like this for about an hour. Of course, it is possible to use onion pulp, but, as mentioned above, it is difficult to wash it off your hair. And to enhance the effect, it is advisable to use, so to speak, combined means. For example, using an onion-honey mask really helps against hair loss.

Mask in the fight against hair loss No. 1

This method is not inferior in effectiveness, if not superior, to pepper and mustard mask. This onion mask is simply miraculous for hair loss. Reviews about the use make you forget all its imaginary disadvantages. You need to mix a few tablespoons of warm water with one teaspoon of ordinary yeast and leave for about twenty minutes. Then add a few spoons of onion and one of castor or olive oil. Distribute the resulting mixture over the entire head and length of hair with massage movements, then immerse your head in the bag and wrap it with a warm towel. Walk in this position for about an hour.

Mask against hair loss No. 2

It’s a fairly simple mask, but the “kit” contains, in addition to the unpleasant smell of onions, no less foul-smelling garlic. But what won’t you do for the sake of beauty, right? It is necessary to mix cognac, burdock oil, garlic, onion and egg yolk in equal proportions, turning everything into a creamy mass. Apply to hair roots, thoroughly massaging every centimeter. The head should be kept warm for about sixty minutes.

A mask capable of complete hair restoration

Throughout the entire time, the hair is subjected to incredible stress. Sun rays, severe winter frosts, styling products and much more - all this does not affect them in the best way. This mask will help your hair gain strength to look healthy and beautiful again. Mix onion juice with honey and apply the mixture evenly to the scalp and hair. The advantage of this mask is that you do not need to cover your head with anything, and the exposure time is only half an hour. After this, you need to rinse your hair with water, and use vinegar water instead of balm, this will add shine to your curls and make them easier to comb.

Onion mask to stimulate hair growth

Onion-carrot therapy is an excellent way to accelerate growth. To do this, you need to combine equal amounts of onion juice with grated carrots and lemon, add any healthy oil, such as castor, olive or burdock. The exposure time remains the same.

An unusual version of the mask - onion-clay

This method will appeal to those with oily hair. You need to take a couple of spoons of onion juice and mix with black clay in the same quantity. Apply the resulting paste to the scalp, and literally wash it off after half an hour. Clay helps remove dirt and improves blood circulation, which will have a positive effect on hair quality.

Flaws. Onion mask for hair loss: reviews. Will it really help?

As for its effectiveness, there is no need to doubt it! From time immemorial, our grandmothers used this technique, and remember what kind of hair they had!

Russian women have always been associated with long and thick braids. But as for the minuses, in the first place, and this is not at all surprising, is the smell. Of course, there are quite a few ways that promise to get rid of an unpleasant odor, but you need to approach this issue with a “cool” head and understand that it will simply be impossible to completely eradicate it. So be sure to think about whether you can tolerate it. Due to the fact that most people want to see the result of their ordeals after the first use, there is a lot of disappointment if this does not happen. But we need to look at the picture more realistically. Hair doesn’t deteriorate in one day, we “kill” it for years, and it’s simply unrealistic to fix everything in a few procedures.

In order to achieve a truly amazing result, the course should be approximately thirty days, as women say. During this time, the onion mask against hair loss will make your hair noticeably longer, thicker and healthier. Reviews about it are much better from those who refused shampoo. At a minimum, try to replace your shampoo with a children's shampoo, find one that won't take you a long time to find, but your hair will thank you.

There is still some minus. Onion mask for hair loss is more likely to elicit positive reviews from those with oily hair type. Onion juice dries the skin, thereby preventing excessive sebum production, which may not be to the liking of girls with dry hair. But this is not a problem, it’s enough to choose a more gentle mask with a greater presence of caring oils.

Let's summarize some results

Now you have a complete understanding of how the cosmetic product works.

Its advantage is that it a priori cannot cause harm. Discomfort - yes, but it will be completely covered by shiny and healthy hair. If you are tormented by doubts of the “to be or not to be” category, then weigh it on the scales and identify a more priority cup. But always remember: an onion mask against hair loss will help restore the beauty of your charming head. Recipes, reviews and results from its use are described in the article, so you can decide everything for yourself.

Love your hair and it will love you back!

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