What analysis shows ESR. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate is increased - what does this mean, how to quickly reduce ESR

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

As you know, during a general or preventive examination it is necessary to take a blood test. It explores many different meanings. Among them is the Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate. You can also find another name for this analysis - ROE, where P is the reaction. Of course, it is impossible to talk about any specific disease if this indicator deviates from the norm (increases). But this is the first signal to begin a deeper study of the body.

Average ESR values

It is worth noting that the sedimentation rate depends not only on the age of the patients, but also on their gender. What indicators are considered to be the norm:

  • in children (the gender difference does not play a role here yet) 3-12 mm/h;
  • for those whose age has exceeded 75 years, the value can reach 20 mm/h;
  • for men 1-10 mm/h;
  • in women - 2-5 mm/h.

Important! In this case, mm/h means how much red blood cells drop in a period of time equal to one hour under their own weight. The process is carried out in a vertical vessel with the addition of a blood clotting agent. The latter is excluded so that the result is pure without the formation of an erythrocyte clot. In this regard, we can conclude that this indicator is influenced primarily by the composition of the plasma and the number of red blood cells, plus their usefulness.

Still, it is worth noting that in a healthy body, red blood cells, having a certain charge, repel each other. This was done specifically so that they could slip through even the narrowest capillaries. If this charge changes, then there will be no push. Taurus will simply “stick together.” The result is a sediment from which the ROE value is determined.

When you shouldn't worry about increasing red blood cell response

  • taking hormonal drugs, contraceptives;
  • lactation;
  • pregnancy (the increase in the indicator begins approximately from the fifth week and can reach 40 mm/h in the absence of various complications. In this case, the indicator reaches its maximum on the 3-5th day after birth. This is due to injuries during the birth of the baby);
  • toxicosis of varying degrees of severity;
  • breast-feeding;
  • so-called critical days (before menstruation, the ESR indicator jumps up, but by the middle of the “week” it returns to normal. This is influenced not only by hormones, but also by the difference in the protein composition of the blood in different days cycle).

There are also a number of features that apply to representatives of both sexes:

  • anemia (regardless of origin);
  • vaccinations and/or infectious diseases (more precisely, restoration of immunity after them);
  • overweight;
  • diet or fasting;
  • Adoption hormonal drugs;
  • postoperative/rehabilitation period.

But in any case, the doctor must conduct additional tests, because there may be several reasons.

Important! The main reason for high ESR in the blood is a change hormonal levels, which means if its change is not associated with a disease, then there is no need to worry about changes in the speed of red blood cells.

“Bad” increase in erythrocyte sedimentation rate and its causes

In fact, there are many reasons for an increase in ESR - here are the main ones:

  • various infections;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • suppurative sores;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • neoplasms in the body;
  • tissue destruction;
  • and so on.

And now more about each of them.

Another reason for an increase in ESR in the blood can be an inflammatory process in any part of the human body. What is the reason for this? During inflammation, a change occurs in the blood plasma—more precisely, in its composition. And in this article it was already mentioned that the rate of fall/sedimentation of erythrocytes directly depends on its composition. Also, the inflammatory process can change the charge of the erythrocyte membrane, which will also lead to an increase in the rate of its sedimentation. Accordingly, the faster the disease progresses and the stronger the inflammatory process itself, the more the ESR increases. The downside is that the value cannot determine the location of the infection. It can be in the brain, and in the kidneys, for example, or in general lymph node(and we have more than 500 of them, by the way) or light.

As you know, suppurative processes paint a vivid picture in analyzes and it is almost impossible not to notice them. But, like all diseases, “ulcers” have their exceptions. These include problems of people with low immunity. In this case, the onset of decay will not be determined even by the number of leukocytes - they will not go far beyond the generally accepted norm. Such ulcers include abscesses, sepsis, phlegmon or, for example, furunculosis. Only an increase in the rate of fall of red blood cells will give them away.

But autoimmune diseases greatly increase ESR. This indicator remains high for a long time and extremely slowly and “reluctantly” returns to the normal value. These include arthritis, both rheumatic and rheumatoid, thrombocytopenic purpura, scleroderma, vasculitis, lupus erythematosus and the like. The problem with these diseases is that they “reprogram” immune system person. The body begins to confuse “good” with “bad” and actually begins to destroy its own tissues, mistaking them for foreign ones. Thus, the composition of the blood plasma changes greatly. It becomes, so to speak, inferior - it becomes oversaturated with various immune complexes. Accordingly, this increases the erythrocyte sedimentation rate itself.

We cannot ignore cancer as a cause of changes in ESR. The indicator increases slightly, but steadily. This reason becomes especially relevant in people of the older generation, starting from about 40 years old. But even earlier, this danger should not be ruled out. The presence of neoplasms (benign ones are taken into account along with malignant ones), regardless of their location in the body, has the same effect on the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Exceptions include a form of cancer such as leukemia, bone marrow disease, or various forms of changes in hematopoietic tissue. Here the jump in speed will be quite high. Therefore, if there are no visible reasons for the increase in ESR, it is worth starting a full oncological examination.

Attention! You should not joke with such dangerous diseases as malignant neoplasms. If they are detected in the early stages (thanks to the erythrocyte sedimentation rate), treatment can completely destroy the cancer, or at least it will be possible to get by with mild drugs without resorting to heavy chemistry or surgical intervention. But in fact, this is how you can save a person’s life without letting him “burn out like a match from illness.”

Another reason for an increase in ESR is the destruction of body tissue. In this case, the indicator will increase gradually, the stronger and more acute the problem becomes, the higher and more critical the erythrocyte sedimentation rate will be. Such dangers include myocardial infarction, burns, impaired blood supply to the extremities, and so on.

And in conclusion, we can say that self-medication with an increase in ESR is in no way acceptable.

If, for example, a person did tests “for himself” (in private clinic, for example), then he himself, without special education and great knowledge in the medical field, will not be able to establish the cause and a specific diagnosis. You need to see a doctor urgently. Since, as described above, in most cases, the initial stages of most serious or even terrible diseases can be determined by the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Don't joke with your health. It's better to entrust it to professionals. After all, it depends on how long you will live and what your last years will be like.

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is an indicator that determines the speed and intensity of erythrocyte gluing under certain conditions. pathological processes. This analysis is one of the mandatory values ​​of a general blood test; previously the analysis was called ROE and determined the erythrocyte sedimentation reaction.

Changes and deviations from the norm indicate inflammation and the development of the disease. That is why, in order to stabilize the ESR, the disease is initially treated, rather than trying to achieve the norm artificially with the help of drugs.

As a rule, exceeding the norm indicates a violation of the electrochemical structure of the blood, as a result of which pathological proteins (fibrinogens) attach to red blood cells. The appearance of such elements occurs against the background of bacterial, viral, infectious and fungal lesions, and inflammatory processes.


Important! ESR is a nonspecific indicator. This means that, in isolation from other data, it is impossible to make a diagnosis based on ESR alone. Deviations in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate indicate only the presence of pathological changes.

ESR analysis - necessary stage diagnostics of the blood structure, which at the earliest stages of the disease makes it possible to determine the presence of inflammatory processes in the body.

That is why ESR is prescribed for suspected pathologies of various nature:

  • inflammatory diseases;
  • infectious;
  • benign and malignant formations.

Additionally, screening is carried out during annual medical examinations.

ESR is used in a complex of clinical (general) analysis. After this, it is necessary to additionally use other diagnostic methods.

Even minor deviations from the norm must be considered conditionally pathological, requiring additional examination.

If a pathology of the hematopoietic system is suspected, the analysis of ESR becomes the main diagnostic value.

ESR standards

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is measured in mm per hour.

ESR according to Westergren, ESR using the micromethod - venous blood is examined

ESR according to Panchenkov - capillary blood is examined (from a finger)

Depending on the type, form of the course (acute, chronic, recurrent) and the stage of development of the disease, ESR can change dramatically. To obtain a complete picture, a repeat study is carried out after 5 days.

ESR is higher than normal

Important! A physiological increase in ESR can be observed in women during menstruation, during pregnancy and in the postpartum period.

As a rule, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate exceeds the norm in the following diseases:

  • inflammatory processes of various etiologies. The indicator increases as a result of increased production of globulins and fibrinogens during the acute phase of inflammation;
  • decay, tissue death, necrotic processes in cells. As a result of the breakdown, protein products enter the bloodstream, causing sepsis and purulent processes. This group includes oncological pathologies, tuberculosis, heart attacks (of the brain, myocardium, lungs, intestines), etc.;
  • metabolic disorders - hypo- and hyperthyroidism, diabetes at all stages, etc.;
  • nephrotic syndrome and hypoalbuminemia, liver pathology, severe blood loss, exhaustion;
  • anemia (anemia), hemolysis, blood loss and other pathologies of the circulatory system. As a result of the disease, the number of red blood cells in the body is reduced.;
  • vasculitis, diseases connective tissue: arthritis, periarteritis, scleroderma, rheumatism, lupus and many others;
  • hemoblastosis of all types (leukemia, Waldenström's disease, lymphogranulomatosis and others);
  • periodic hormonal changes in female body(menstruation, pregnancy and childbirth, menopause).

ESR is below normal

Registered in the following cases:

  • disorders of the circulatory system associated with the production of red blood cells (erythremia, erythrocytosis, etc.), changes in their shape (hemoglobinopathy, spherocytosis, sickle cell anemia, and others);
  • prolonged fasting, dehydration;
  • congenital or hereditary circulatory failure;
  • violation nervous system: epilepsy, stress, neuroses, as well as mental disorders;
  • regular intake of certain medications: calcium chloride, salicylates, preparations containing mercury.

Upon receipt of the results of ESR, you need to contact a therapist who will decipher them and refer them to a highly specialized doctor (infectious disease specialist, hematologist, oncologist, immunologist, and others).

Self-medication and an attempt to artificially stabilize the ESR level will not give results, but will blur the picture for further research and competent therapy.

How to prepare for the procedure

A general blood test (which detects ESR) is performed in the morning on an empty stomach. That is, about 8-10 hours should pass between the last snack and the blood sampling procedure.

1-2 days before donating blood, you must give up alcohol, “heavy” foods (fried, fatty, smoked), and hot spices.

A couple of hours before the procedure you should refrain from smoking (cigarettes, hookah, pipes, electronic cigarettes etc.).

Severe stress, psychological stress, physical activity (running, climbing stairs, carrying heavy objects) can also affect the level of red blood cells. Immediately before the manipulations, you need to rest for 30-60 minutes.

You should also tell your doctor about anything you take regularly or on demand. medicines. They are actively active ingredients may affect the result of the analysis.

Keep in mind that each laboratory uses different ESR testing methods and units of measurement. Therefore, it is necessary to do the analysis, undergo further (repeated) examination and treatment in the same hospital.

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is a nonspecific laboratory blood indicator that reflects the ratio of plasma protein fractions.

A change in the results of this test, more or less from the norm, is an indirect sign of a pathological or inflammatory process in the human body.

Another name for the indicator is “erythrocyte sedimentation reaction” or ESR. The sedimentation reaction occurs in blood, deprived of the ability to clot, under the influence of gravity.

The essence of testing blood for ESR is that red blood cells are the heaviest elements of blood plasma. If you place a test tube with blood vertically for some time, it will separate into fractions - a thick sediment of brown red blood cells at the bottom, and translucent blood plasma with the rest of the blood elements at the top. This separation occurs under the influence of gravity.

Red blood cells have a peculiarity - under certain conditions they “stick” together, forming cell complexes. Since their mass is much greater than the mass of individual red blood cells, they settle to the bottom of the test tube faster. During the inflammatory process occurring in the body, the rate of red blood cell union increases or, conversely, decreases. Accordingly, the ESR increases or decreases.

The accuracy of blood testing depends on the following factors:

    Proper preparation for analysis;

    Qualifications of the laboratory assistant conducting the research;

    Quality of the reagents used.

If all requirements are met, you can be confident in the objectivity of the research result.

Indications for determining ESR - control over the appearance and intensity of the inflammatory process during various diseases and in their prevention. Deviations from the norm indicate the need for biochemical analysis blood to determine the level of certain proteins. It is impossible to make a specific diagnosis based on ESR testing alone.

The analysis takes from 5 to 10 minutes. Before donating blood to determine ESR, you should not eat for 4 hours. This concludes the preparation for donating blood.

Sequence of capillary blood sampling:

    The third or fourth finger of the left hand is wiped with alcohol.

    A shallow incision (2-3 mm) is made on the fingertip with a special tool.

    Remove any drop of blood that appears with a sterile napkin.

    Biomaterial is collected.

    Disinfect the puncture site.

    Apply a cotton swab soaked in ether to the fingertip and ask to press the finger against the palm to stop the bleeding as quickly as possible.

Sequence of venous blood sampling:

    The patient's forearm is tied with a rubber band.

    The puncture site is disinfected with alcohol, and a needle is inserted into the vein of the elbow.

    Collect the required amount of blood in a test tube.

    Remove the needle from the vein.

    The puncture site is disinfected with cotton wool and alcohol.

    The arm is bent at the elbow until the bleeding stops.

Blood taken for analysis is examined to determine ESR.

The test tube containing the biomaterial with the anticoagulant is placed in a vertical position. After some time, the blood will be divided into fractions - red blood cells will be at the bottom, transparent plasma with a yellowish tint will be at the top.

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate is the distance traveled by them in 1 hour.

ESR depends on plasma density, its viscosity and the radius of red blood cells. The calculation formula is quite complicated.

Procedure for determining ESR according to Panchenkov:

    Blood from a finger or vein is placed into a “capillary” (a special glass tube).

    Then it is placed on a glass slide and then sent back to the “capillary”.

    The tube is placed in a Panchenkov stand.

    An hour later, the result is recorded - the size of the plasma column following the red blood cells (mm/hour).

The method of such a study of ESR has been adopted in Russia and in the countries of the post-Soviet space.

ESR analysis methods

There are two methods for laboratory testing of blood for ESR. They have a common feature - before the study, the blood is mixed with an anticoagulant so that the blood does not clot. The methods differ in the type of biomaterial being studied and in the accuracy of the results obtained.

For research using this method, capillary blood taken from the patient’s finger is used. ESR is analyzed using a Panchenkov capillary, which is a thin glass tube with 100 divisions applied to it.

Blood is mixed with an anticoagulant on a special glass in a ratio of 1:4. After this, the biomaterial will no longer coagulate; it is placed in a capillary. After an hour, the height of the blood plasma column separated from the red blood cells is measured. The unit of measurement is millimeter per hour (mm/hour).

Westergren method

A study using this method is the international standard for measuring ESR. To carry it out, a more accurate scale of 200 divisions, graduated in millimeters, is used.

Venous blood is mixed in a test tube with an anticoagulant, and ESR is measured an hour later. The units of measurement are the same – mm/hour.

The gender and age of the subjects influence the ESR values ​​taken as the norm.

    In healthy newborns – 1-2 mm/hour. The reasons for deviations from standard indicators are acidosis, hypercholesterolemia, high hematocrit;

    in children 1-6 months – 12-17 mm/hour;

    in children preschool age– 1-8 mm/hour (equal to the ESR of adult men);

    For men – no more than 1-10 mm/hour;

    In women - 2-15 mm/hour, these values ​​vary depending on the level of androgen; from the 4th month of pregnancy, ESR increases, reaching 55 mm/hour by childbirth, after childbirth it returns to normal within 3 weeks. The reason for the increase in ESR is the increased level of plasma volume in pregnant women and globulins.

An increase in indicators does not always indicate pathology; the reason for this may be:

    Use of contraceptives, high molecular weight dextrans;

    Fasting, dieting, lack of fluid, leading to the breakdown of tissue proteins. Similar action has a recent meal, so blood is taken to determine ESR on an empty stomach.

    Increased metabolism caused by physical activity.

Changes in ESR depending on age and gender

Acceleration of ESR occurs due to an increase in the level of globulins and fibrinogen. Such a shift in protein content indicates necrosis, malignant transformation of tissue, inflammation and destruction of connective tissue, and immunity disorders. A prolonged increase in ESR above 40 mm/hour requires other hematological studies to determine the cause of the pathology.

Table of ESR norms for women by age

Indicators found in 95% of healthy people are considered the norm in medicine. Since a blood test for ESR is a nonspecific test, its indicators are used in diagnosis together with other tests.

According to the standards of Russian medicine, the normal limits for women are 2-15 mm/hour, abroad – 0-20 mm/hour.

The normal values ​​for a woman fluctuate depending on changes in her body.

Indications for a blood test for ESR in women:

Norm of ESR in pregnant women depending on completeness

ESR in pregnant women depends directly on the level of hemoglobin.

Normal ESR in the blood of children

ESR is higher than normal - what does this mean?

The main reasons that accelerate the erythrocyte sedimentation rate are changes in the composition of the blood and its physicochemical parameters. Plasma proteins agglomerins are responsible for erythrocyte sedimentation.

Reasons for increasing ESR:

    Infectious diseases that provoke inflammatory processes are syphilis, tuberculosis, rheumatism, blood poisoning. Based on the ESR results, a conclusion is drawn about the stage of the inflammatory process and the effectiveness of treatment is monitored. With bacterial infections, ESR levels are higher than with diseases caused by viruses.

    Endocrine diseases– thyrotoxicosis, .

    Rheumatoid polyarthritis.

    Pathologies of the liver, intestines, pancreas, kidneys.

    Intoxication with lead, arsenic.

    Malignant lesions.

    Hematological pathologies – anemia, myeloma, lymphogranulomatosis.

    Injuries, fractures, conditions after operations.

    High cholesterol.

    Side effects medications (morphine, Dextran, Methyldorf, vitamin B).

The dynamics of changes in ESR may vary depending on the stage of the disease:

    IN initial stage tuberculosis, the ESR level does not deviate from the norm, but increases with the development of the disease and complications.

    Insufficient fibrinogen levels;

    Reactive erythrocytosis;

    Chronic failure blood circulation;

In men, an ESR below normal is almost impossible to notice. In addition, this indicator is not of great importance for diagnosis. Symptoms of decreased ESR are hyperthermia, fever. They may be harbingers infectious disease or inflammatory process or signs of changes in hematological characteristics.

To normalize ESR laboratory testing, the cause of such changes should be found. Most likely, you will have to undergo a course of treatment prescribed by your doctor, additional laboratory and instrumental studies. An accurate diagnosis and optimal treatment of the disease will help bring ESR levels back to normal. For adults this will take 2-4 weeks, for children – up to one and a half months.

At iron deficiency anemia the ESR reaction will return to normal if you consume enough foods containing iron and protein. If the reason for the deviation from the norm is a passion for dieting, fasting, or physiological conditions such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, menstruation, the ESR will return to normal after the health status normalizes.

At elevated level ESR should first be excluded from natural physiological causes: elderly age in women and men, menstruation, pregnancy, postpartum period among women.

Attention! 5% of the inhabitants of the Earth have a congenital feature - their ROE indicators differ from the norm without any reason or pathological processes.

If there are no physiological reasons, there are the following reasons for increased ESR:

In addition, therapy with estrogen and glucocorticosteroids can affect the erythrocyte sedimentation reaction.

Reasons for decreased erythrocyte sedimentation rate:

    Violation of water-salt metabolism;

    Progressive muscular dystrophy;

    1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy;

    Taking corticosteroids;

    Vegetarian diet;


If there is a deviation from the norm, you should consult a doctor to find out the cause of this health condition.

Editorial opinion

The ESR indicator depends not only on physiological processes in the human body, but also on the psychological component. Both negative and positive emotions influence ESR indicators. Severe stress or a nervous breakdown will certainly change the erythrocyte sedimentation reaction. Therefore, on the day of blood donation and the day before it, it is advisable to normalize your psycho-emotional state.

About the doctor: From 2010 to 2016 practicing physician at the therapeutic hospital of the central medical unit No. 21, the city of Elektrostal. Since 2016, she has been working at the diagnostic center No. 3.

The results of the blood test are very informative. Along with data on the content of leukocytes and platelets, they also provide information on the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). ESR is a nonspecific laboratory blood indicator. It displays the proportion of plasma protein fractions among themselves. Its deviation from the norm is an indirect sign of an inflammatory process or pathological changes occurring at the time of blood donation.

There is no specific disease, the symptom of which is an increase or decrease in ESR. However, for diagnostic purposes this indicator is important. It helps to determine the dynamics of diseases and make a forecast for the near future. But an increase in ESR is not a clear sign of inflammation. To return the indicator to normal limits, you need to cure the underlying disease, which additional diagnostics will help identify.

What is the normal ESR rate for women?

The normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate varies between sexes. In women, it ranges from 2 to 20 mm/hour.

While waiting for a child, the ESR rises to an average of 55 mm/hour, and this is considered normal. Therefore, a woman must undergo some additional medical examinations there is no need.

Body composition matters during pregnancy expectant mother. For those with a heavy build, an ESR of 17–46 mm/h is considered normal in the first trimester, and 25–70 mm/h in the last trimester.

For thin expectant mothers in the third trimester, this ESR indicator is not alarming: 40–80 mm/hour.

The older the woman, the higher the upper value of the norm. If up to thirty years the ESR should be in the range from 7 to 16, then after thirty the indicator increases to 25 mm/hour. At retirement age, an increase in ESR to 51 mm/hour is allowed.

An increase in the indicator most often accompanies viral infections and flu. When the illness ends, the ESR returns to normal.

The reasons for the increase in erythrocyte sedimentation rate may be:

  • woman’s dietary habits: adherence to a strict diet or significant overeating shortly before taking blood for analysis;
  • critical days;
  • postpartum period;
  • allergic reactions;
  • taking hormonal drugs.

More serious reasons that cause an increase in ESR include:

  • intoxication of the body;
  • arthritis;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • tumors;
  • collagenosis;
  • pneumonia;
  • fractures and injuries.

Symptoms of such problems appear without a blood test. An increase in ESR only confirms the development of pathologies.

A drop below 2 mm / h is most often observed due to a lack of certain nutrients in the female body. First of all, it is protein and iron.

As a rule, this situation is explained by a sharp weight loss, sitting on a low-calorie diet, or fasting, which lasted several days.

ESR is normal in men

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate in representatives of the stronger half of humanity is somewhat different from the female norm. The optimal indicator for a healthy man is an interval of 8–12 mm/hour. The standard value increases with age and is:

  • 21–59 years: 9–14 mm/hour
  • 60 years and older: 18–35 mm/hour

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Thus, for most of a man’s life, ESR should not exceed 14 mm/hour. But this, of course, is ideal. Medical statistics show that approximately eight percent of absolutely healthy men have an ESR higher than normal, and this is their standard condition.

Today, there are several degrees of deviation of the indicator from the established standard.

First degree - the difference between the actual ESR value and the desired values ​​is up to ten units. This deviation is considered insignificant, but provided that other indicators of blood composition are also almost ideal.

The second degree is determined by an increase in ESR compared to the norm by 15–30 mm/hour. Such an increase in the indicator signals that the body’s blood circulation in small arteries and veins is disrupted and red blood cells cease to cope with their functions. These processes are typical for mild illnesses that can be cured in a few weeks: rhinitis, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. If you start taking medications on time and avoid complications, everything will be fine.

Third degree - deviation of ESR compared to the normal value is from 30 to 60 mm/hour. This situation indicates serious problems in the male body: there is severe inflammation or necrotic processes. It is possible that this is how the development of tumor diseases manifests itself.

Fourth degree - ESR deviates from the norm by 60 or more units. In this case, the body is in a critical condition and radical measures are needed to save it.

When analyzing ESR, the following points must be taken into account:

  • The maximum erythrocyte sedimentation rate is observed in the morning, immediately after waking up.
  • Acute inflammatory processes are first signaled by an increase in leukocytes in the blood. And ESR increases only a day after the disease began.
  • During the recovery period, maximum ESR values ​​are observed.
  • A constant excess of the standard ESR level signals a chronic inflammatory process or the development of oncology.

Norm of ESR in children

The normal ESR value in children differs from the values ​​for adults. It changes as the baby grows.

In a baby who has just been born, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is very low. It can be at zero and should not exceed 2.5 mm/h.

U month old baby the norm is set in the range from two to five mm/h. ESR indicators for children of other ages are as follows (mm/h):

  • Up to six months: three to six
  • Up to one year: five to nine
  • From one to five years: five to ten
  • Under 14 years: four to twelve

There are periods when the ESR accelerates. For example, when a child reaches a month of age, as well as at the age of two years, the indicator may increase to 16 mm/h. And this, most likely, is not caused by pathological processes.

For children in adolescence, normal indicator installed separately, depending on floor (mm/h):

  • Girls: 3.0–12.0.
  • Boys: 2.0–11.0.

ESR in young females is slightly higher than in males of the same age.

Also, the indicator may vary at different times of the day. In the afternoon and until six o'clock in the evening, the ESR increases.

Depending on what kind of pathological process occurs in the body, the ESR increases or decreases compared to the norm. In order to get an objective picture, a repeat blood test is necessary.

If the result is the same and the child is feeling well, do not worry. Of course, it is necessary to carry out additional research, take tests that the doctor prescribes. But, most likely, the child is healthy and a slight deviation of ESR from the norm is explained by his individual characteristics. However, if the baby’s condition worsens, monitoring by doctors is mandatory.

An increase in ESR usually accompanies infectious and inflammatory processes in the child’s body. At the same time, a general blood test records changes in other indicators.

Deviation of ESR from the norm can be caused by reasons not related to infections:

  • Systemic diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, bronchial asthma.
  • Disruption of metabolic processes that provoke the development diabetes, diseases thyroid gland(hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism).
  • Anemia, hemoblastosis.
  • Ailments the course of which is accompanied by tissue breakdown: tuberculosis, malignant tumors, heart attack, limb injuries.

Even when the period of illness is over and the body has fully recovered, the ESR does not immediately return to normal. This will take from a month to a month and a half.

The stress that the child had to experience can increase the ESR.

An increase in the indicator compared to the norm is not an independent disease, so the pediatrician’s diagnosis of “Elevated ESR Syndrome” is somewhat incorrect.

How is ESR analyzed?

In order to determine ESR, two equivalent methods are used:

  • Westergren;
  • Panchenkova.

They differ in the scale of the results obtained and the characteristics of the laboratory test tubes. The intervals of normal values ​​of the indicator coincide.

The first method is common in foreign countries. It is more accurate because during the research process the natural conditions of the body are recreated as much as possible. The patient donates venous blood, and its analysis is carried out in test tubes placed vertically. If the study recorded an increased ESR, then it does not need to be repeated, since this result is reliable.

The Panchenkov method involves studying blood taken from a finger. It is placed on a vertical glass and mixed with an anticoagulant. Many laboratories use modern automatic equipment equipped with a liquid crystal screen and a printer for printing results. The obtained data has an insignificant percentage of error and, as a rule, does not need to be double-checked.

ESR must be determined in the process of studying the general composition of the blood.

The analysis is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach. Before the procedure you need to prepare a little:

  • Dinner should take place no earlier than eight hours before.
  • A couple of days before donating blood, it is advisable to limit your intake of fatty and spicy foods.
  • You should not engage in extreme sports that accelerate the production of adrenaline before the procedure.

These restrictions are necessary so that the research results objectively reflect the state of the body, because this is very important for timely diagnosis and subsequent successful treatment.

An important indicator in a general blood test (CBC) is the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). The marker evaluates the functioning of a person’s internal systems. If the norm of ESR in the blood does not correspond to acceptable values ​​(increased or greatly reduced), we can talk about pathological processes in the body of a different nature.

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate is part of general analysis blood

Normal ESR in the blood - table by age

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is not a constant value because it is closely related to age, gender and some physiological changes (pregnancy, menstrual cycle). The marker unit is mm per hour. Within 60 minutes, rapid precipitation of blood cells is observed.

Table “Norms of ESR in blood by age and gender”

Category of people ESR values, mm/h
In children
In newbornsFrom 1 to 2
In infants up to 6 monthsFrom 11 to 17
From 7 months to 3 yearsFrom 3 to 10
From 3 to 13 yearsFrom 4 to 12
In adults
Among women
From 13 to 18 years old
From 18 to 30 years oldFrom 3 to 14
From 30 to 40 years oldFrom 3 to 21
From 40 to 60 years oldFrom 0 to 27
Since 61From 3 to 57
During pregnancyDoes not exceed 45
In men
From 14 to 21 years old
From 21 to 50Does not exceed 14
After 50Up to 30
Deviations of 1-3 mm/h are considered an acceptable phenomenon if other important blood markers remain within normal limits.

Reasons for deviations from the norm

In 5% of people on the planet, the rate of blood cell sedimentation is very different from the norm. This is due to their physiological characteristics and is not a pathology. If disturbances in the CBC are not associated with natural processes in the body, this indicates the development of specific diseases.

ESR is higher than normal

High rate of precipitation of blood cells – a clear sign pathology. It is also called accelerated ESR syndrome. According to ICD 10 (international classification of diseases), this indicator is allocated to separate group R70 – accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation and blood viscosity abnormalities.

The following diseases may be the causes of this condition:

  • inflammation in internal organs - hepatitis, cystitis, pneumonia, colds, tuberculosis, purulent lesions (sepsis), meningitis;
  • infectious processes of the respiratory tract;
  • condition after surgery;
  • anemia;
  • oncology (usually ESR goes off scale in late stages of cancer);
  • exceeding the permissible amount of cholesterol in the blood due to severe obesity or diabetes;
  • chronic or acute renal dysfunction.

An increased ESR may indicate an excess of cholesterol

Common factors that can influence the level of ESR in the blood are:

  • shock, stress;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • period of gestation or breastfeeding;
  • elderly age.

With accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation syndrome, symptoms of the disease may not appear. In this case, only an increased ESR in the CBC can indicate abnormal abnormalities in the body.

Reduced ESR level

A decrease in the rate of blood cell sedimentation is considered a pathology if the patient has severe dystrophy muscle tissue or problems are observed in water-salt synthesis.

There are no other serious reasons for the slowing of ESR, but there are non-pathological factors of weak erythrocyte sedimentation:

  • low protein nutrition;
  • partial or complete fasting;
  • early stages of pregnancy.

Reduced ESR values ​​are observed on early dates pregnancy

The use of hormonal medications (corticosteroids) can also slow down the formation of red blood cell sediment. After completion of treatment, tests return to normal.

Methods of blood testing for ESR

The level of blood cell sedimentation rate is studied in two main ways:

  • according to Panchenkov;
  • according to Westerner.
The methods differ in the accuracy of the results and the specifics of their implementation, but their essence is the same - the combination of biological material with a special reagent.

According to Westerner

Venous blood is taken for examination. The glass tube is used with precise division into 200 lines, 1 mm each. The blood is mixed with the reagent in a test tube and left for 1 hour. After the allotted time, a column of blood plasma without sedimented red blood cells is measured.

The study of biological material according to Westergner is a very sensitive analysis, the reliability of which is quite high, which is recognized in international medical practice.

The reliability of ESR according to Westergner is very high

According to Panchenkov

The Panchenkov method is a well-known finger blood test.

How to do it:

  • Capillary blood is collected by puncturing the ring finger with a scarifier;
  • biological material is extracted using a glass tube graduated into 100 divisions;
  • a specific solution (coagulant) is placed on a special concave glass and the blood being tested is added in a ratio of 1 to 4;
  • Having lost the ability to thicken, the liquid is drawn into a pipette - a Panchenkov capillary - placed in a standing position and waited for 60 minutes, during which the red blood cells settle;
  • The distance from the beginning of the brightened plasma to the sediment is measured (in mm).

The Panchenkov method of measuring ESR is very common in medical practice, but its sensitivity is lower than that of a clinical test of blood from a vein.

According to the Panchenkov method, blood and coagulant are first placed on a special glass

How to prepare for a blood draw

A blood test to detect ESR does not require special preparation for the patient.

All you need to do is follow a few simple recommendations:

  • Stop eating and any drinks 4-5 hours before the procedure;
  • avoid stress and anxiety several hours before donating blood;
  • 30–40 minutes before sampling, refrain from smoking;
  • Do not overdo it with physical activity on the eve of the test.

Do not smoke before taking tests

Experts do not recommend conducting a clinical analysis against the background of severe stress, overwork of the body, or taking hormonal drugs. This may skew the test results by significantly increasing the blood cell sedimentation rate.

ESR in a child – Komarovsky

Fatty foods affect ESR levels

False-positive results can also occur in women during menstruation, as well as in late pregnancy. Medical error cannot be ruled out. Therefore, to ensure the reliability of the interpretation, before taking blood, you need to fulfill all the requirements of the specialist, and, if necessary, retake the test again.

How to lower ESR in the blood

An increase in erythrocyte sedimentation rate in itself is not a pathology. The indicator only indicates possible deviations at work internal organs. Therefore, there is no need to purposefully reduce ESR. The values ​​in the clinical analysis are normalized independently after completing a course of drug therapy for a particular disease.

If the rate of precipitation of blood cells is observed at healthy person, experts recommend:

  • use vitamin complexes and mineral supplements prescribed by the doctor;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • adhere to proper nutrition.

Regular consumption of freshly squeezed beet juice, citrus juices with honey helps to quickly reduce the ESR level. This indicator can be gradually normalized by minimizing stressful situations, moderate physical activity and good sleep.

Beet juice is good for lowering ESR levels

Accelerated sedimentation of blood cells in biological material is a variable marker that is sensitive to many stimuli. It can increase both during inflammatory and infectious processes in the body, and in response to a person’s lifestyle (lack of mobility, bad habits, taking medications, temporary physiological changes). Therefore, treatment begins only after identifying the true cause of deviations in the normal ESR.

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