Pectusin cough tablets. Pectusin: instructions for use and what it is needed for, price, reviews, analogues

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Pectusin is a medicine in tablets that is used to treat the lungs and bronchi. It significantly reduces the inflammatory response and promotes better coughing and removal of mucus from the lungs.

In addition to all this, it also has an antibacterial effect and promotes rapid recovery. The faster it is possible to relieve the inflammatory process and thin the sputum to remove it, the faster the person will recover.

In this article we will look at why doctors prescribe Pectusin, including instructions for use, analogues and prices for this drug in pharmacies. Real REVIEWS People who have already used Pectusin can be read in the comments.

Composition and release form

These tablets are produced in paper packaging, which contains ten pieces. They have a specific smell of menthol and eucalyptus. They are white in color. As for the taste, it is minty-sweet and cooling.

Composition of 1 tablet:

  • Active ingredients: L-menthol (levomenthol) – 4 mg, eucalyptus oil – 0.5 mg;
  • Additional components: microcrystalline cellulose, powdered sugar(sucrose), talc, calcium stearate, sodium carboxymethylcellulose (carmellose sodium).

Pharmacological action: has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and local analgesic effects.

Indications for use

Most often, Pectusin is prescribed as part of complex therapy during treatment various diseases pulmonary tract and respiratory organs, which are inflammatory in nature:

  1. Angina.
  2. Bronchitis.
  3. Pharyngitis.
  4. Laryngitis.
  5. Tonsillitis.
  6. Tracheitis.
  7. Inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.
  8. Inflammatory diseases of the larynx.

pharmachologic effect

Pectusin contains menthol and eucalyptus oil.

  • Menthol - has a weak anesthetic and antiseptic effect and exhibits a local irritating effect, triggering reflex reactions associated with irritation of sensitive receptors of the mucous membranes.
  • Eucalyptus oil activates mucous membrane receptors and helps destroy pathogenic microorganisms. Due to its bactericidal and antimicrobial properties, it effectively stops the inflammatory process.

Reviews of Pectusin indicate the high effectiveness of the drug: the medicine acts quickly, helps to cope with severe coughing attacks, and alleviates the general condition of colds.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions for use of Pectusin, it should be taken sublingually, that is, keep the tablet under the tongue until completely absorbed. The tablets should not be chewed or washed down with water. The drug can be taken throughout the day, regardless of meals.

  • Adults – 1 tablet 3-4 times a day;
  • Children over 8 years old – 1 tablet 1-2 times a day.

The duration of treatment and the optimal dosage of the medication should be selected by the attending physician, taking into account the severity of the symptoms of a cold, general condition patient and the effectiveness of complex therapy.


The use of Pectusin is impossible for diseases such as:

  • allergy to the active ingredients of the drug (eucalyptus, menthol);
  • bronchial asthma;
  • stenosing laryngitis;
  • spasmophilia;
  • diabetes.

In addition, tablets should not be dissolved in patients under seven years of age.

Side effects

When using the drug Pectusin, there is a possibility of developing side effects. Thus, when using Pectusin, local allergic reactions may develop.

If during the period of use of Pectusin the patient notices the appearance of any undesirable effects, he should stop using this drug and consult his doctor for advice to decide whether it is advisable to continue taking this drug.

Analogues of Pectusin

There are many analogues of Pectusin with a similar effect: Ascoril Expectorant (syrup), Broncho Theiss (drops), Bronchostop (drops), Pertussin (syrup), Tusavit (syrup), Eucabal (syrup).


The average price of PECTUSIN, tablets in pharmacies (Moscow) is 60 rubles.

Terms of sale

This medicine is available without a prescription.

Cough is one of the main symptoms of acute respiratory infections. viral infections, diseases respiratory tract, as well as a number of other disorders in the body. At the first manifestations of cough, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately. Do not forget that inattention to health can result in serious complications. To prevent this, pharmaceutical companies are actively working to produce powerful medicines to fight cough. One of them is Pectusin. What kind of cough should I take Pectusin for, what is the dosage and duration of treatment? Is it suitable for treating cough in children? All the most important things about Pectusin are only for readers of our forum!

Pectusin syrup, instructions for use

One form of release is syrup. It is a liquid of medium thickness, brown in color, with a sweetish taste and light aroma. The syrup is excellent for those patients who find it difficult to swallow tablets (for example, due to health conditions or age-related reasons).

Before taking the syrup, the instructions for use should be thoroughly studied. It is extremely important not to exceed the indicated dosage and observe the duration of the course of treatment.

Pectusin syrup = Pertussin correct name


The drug contains the following components:

  • menthol essential oil;
  • eucalyptus essential oil;
  • thyme extract;
  • crystal sugar;
  • sodium salt;
  • calcium stearate;
  • talc.

Indications for use

What kind of cough should I take Pectusin for? Since the drug perfectly dilutes and removes phlegm, it must be taken for a wet, wet cough. Many experts note that syrup is much more effective than tablets in eliminating phlegm accumulated in the bronchi.

Medicinal syrup is used for diseases such as:

  • bronchitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • whooping cough.

The drug perfectly eliminates sore throat and cough of any severity. It is also used as a means for the combined treatment of diseases accompanied by a wet cough, sore throat and sore throat.


The syrup is prohibited for use as medicinal therapy for:

Side effects

If the dosage, duration of use or neglect of contraindications is not observed, there is a high likelihood of allergic reaction.

special instructions

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, syrup can be prescribed by your doctor. It is important to remember that the patient must be under the close supervision of her doctor throughout the entire treatment period!

Pectusin interacts well with other drugs, is easily tolerated and can be combined with many medications. However, it can be combined with medications to combat cough and sore throat only after consultation with a specialist!

The syrup can be prescribed to drivers and employees of responsible services. Pectusin has no effect on nervous system, does not affect attentiveness, does not have a hypnotic effect.

The syrup must be stored in a dark place, at a temperature of no more than 15°.

Pectusin tablets, instructions for use

Pectusin in tablet form is in most cases prescribed to relieve sore throat. Despite its miniature size, the tablet can effectively eliminate pain, soreness and discomfort when swallowing. It is also used to thin mucus and remove it easily from the lungs and bronchi, which in turn leads to relief from cough. Before using the tablet, the instructions for use must be thoroughly studied!


Each 800 mg tablet contains:

  • potassium bromide;
  • thyme;
  • eucalyptus oil;
  • thyme extract;
  • levomenthol;
  • calcium stearate;
  • powdered sugar;
  • sodium salt.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed for inflammatory pathologies of the upper and lower respiratory tract. It is used as the main medicine against existing diseases (for example, bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis), and as a complex therapy.

What kind of cough should you take Pectusin tablets for? Like the syrup, the tablets perfectly eliminate phlegm accumulated in the bronchi, so they are prescribed for wet coughs.


Do not take Pectusin if:

  • liver diseases;
  • alcoholism;
  • alcohol or drug intoxication;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • diseases of the cardiac system;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • lack (deficiency) of sucrose.

Side effects

In rare cases, heartburn may occur. Also, if the dosage and duration of treatment are not observed, an allergic reaction may develop.

special instructions

The shelf life of the drug is 1 year. After its completion, it is prohibited to use Pectusin in drug therapy! There is a high probability of poisoning and other negative consequences.

How should adults take Pectusin?

Adults should take the drug after meals. Do not wash down the tablets with water, do not chew or swallow! They must be dissolved by placing them under the tongue until completely dissolved.

The duration of treatment should not exceed two weeks. If during this period there is no improvement in health, the attending physician decides to adjust drug therapy.

Can it be taken by children?

Children can take it starting from three years old. The drug copes well with childhood whooping cough and is most often prescribed for treatment of this disease. Many therapists prescribe Pectusin in the form of syrup for the treatment of children. The syrup has a pleasant aroma and taste and is more attractive to children. When treating small patients with absorbable tablets, there is a high risk of swallowing the medication, which is categorically unacceptable for Pectusin. Therefore, the syrup is safer.

How many times a day should I take the drug?

So, how many times a day should you take the medicine and in what dosage? This depends on the age of the patient.

Pectusin for children:

  • up to 6 years – a teaspoon three times a day;
  • up to 12 years – two teaspoons three times a day;
  • after 12 years – a tablespoon three times a day.

Pectusin for adults:

  • syrup - one measuring (or regular tablespoon) spoon three times a day;
  • tablets - one tablet three times a day.

If necessary, the attending physician may adjust the dosage for each patient individually.

Approximate price of Pectusin in Russian pharmacies

The price of Pectusin is more than acceptable, which makes the drug not only effective in the fight against cough, but also affordable for purchase. A package containing 10 tablets of 800 mg will cost approximately 30-35 rubles. A bottle of syrup with a volume of 50 grams can be purchased for 42 rubles.

Experts' opinions regarding Pectusin

This drug is one of the oldest proven methods of fighting coughs and diseases respiratory system. Most modern therapists trust him with the health of their patients, including young patients. Despite the low cost, Pectusin is noted highest efficiency. Unlike most newfangled competitors, it has a minimum number of contraindications and side effects. According to most doctors, this drug copes well with its duties and has practically no analogues.

Having found out what Pectusin is, for what cough to take, at what age and in what dosage, you can begin the fight against cough. However, it is worth considering that this article is for informational purposes only! Any medication can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor! You can read reviews on this topic or write your opinion on the forum about treatment with folk remedies.

Pectusin is a fairly well-known budget medicine against cough, ARVI, bronchitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, tracheitis and pharyngitis. It is recommended to use it immediately at the first symptoms - this will give maximum effect. It should not be used to treat children under 7 years of age.

Contains menthol, eucalyptus oil. They make breathing easier and relieve irritation of the laryngeal mucosa.

It practically does not contain “chemicals”, which many parents fear, and is well suited for treating children. This is its advantage over antibiotics.

You will find out whether Pectusin tablets can be given to children and at what age, read reviews from parents about children's medicine.

Composition and release form, active substance

Active ingredients: menthol, eucalyptus oil, additional – talc, sugar, sodium salt of CMC, calcium stearate.

Physico-chemical characteristics: white tablets, with menthol and eucalyptus flavor.

Release form: Pectusin is produced in tablets, in a blister, in a paper shell. There are 10 tablets in a package.

Please note: Pectusin does not exist in the form of syrup; many people confuse it with. These are two different drugs, with different compositions.

Dosage form: sublingual tablets (under the tongue).

When is it appointed?

According to the instructions, Pectusin tablets for children are prescribed for cough, bronchitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis.

In some cases, it is used for acute rhinitis to prevent the disease from worsening and developing into more severe forms.

It is necessary to be treated after the appearance of initial signs– with difficulty breathing, cough, sore throat, dry throat.

How to use, dosage and frequency of administration

Pectusin is used orally: you need to put 1 tablet under the tongue and wait for it to completely dissolve.

There are no special instructions for treating children. Care must be taken to ensure that the child does not choke on the tablet.

The drug is used for children strictly from seven years of age. Dosage – 1 tablet 3-4 times a day, an hour before/after meals.

The duration of treatment is determined individually. After the due date therapeutic effect the reception is extended for 1-2 days to completely eliminate the risk of an early relapse.

In the most severe cases, additional medications may be required. We must not forget about drinking plenty of warm drinks, which is also good for eliminating irritation in the throat and bronchi.

If the treatment does not give any result, stop taking it. Consult a doctor - they will select other medications for you.

How does the drug work, how long does it take to see results?

Pectusin has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and local anesthetic effects.

Menthol and eucalyptus stimulate the mucous membrane of the throat, eliminate soreness, etc. discomfort causing coughing attacks.

Relief occurs after the initial intake of 1-2 tablets.

Usually treatment period - 10-15 days. The drug cannot eliminate the infection or completely remove all symptoms of the disease in two or three days, but it quickly provides significant relief.


These are diabetes mellitus, allergies to the constituent components of the drug, stenosing laryngitis, spasmophilia, age up to 7 years.

Use with caution for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, since the main components of the substance can cause heartburn and nausea.

Side effects and overdose

There were no negative consequences associated with overdose.

In some cases, after using the drug, dry skin, itching, and rashes may occur. This is usually due to increased sensitivity to the constituent components.

If such consequences appear, you need to stop using the medicine and consult a doctor.

Pertussin and Pectusin - inexpensive domestic ones medications for cough and colds plant-based, which are very popular among the population. The names of these drugs are very similar, but in all other respects they differ - there are differences in composition, indications and method of administration. In this regard, it is worth figuring out what is better to choose Pertussin or Pectusin for cough, and also familiarize yourself with the main features of the use of these medications.

The difference between Pertussin and Pectussin is as follows:

  • Included. Pectusin contains menthol and eucalyptus oil. Among the active components of Pertussin are thyme extract and potassium bromide. But there is one common feature between these drugs is the presence of a large amount of sugar.
  • In the mechanism of action. Both drugs are used to treat cough, but only Pertussin has expectorant properties. In turn, Pectusin is an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and slightly analgesic medicine that acts locally when inflammatory processes in the throat.

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  • In release form. Pertussin is available in the form of a sweet syrup that must be taken orally. Pectusin is a tablet that is recommended to be dissolved in the mouth until completely dissolved.
  • Can be used in children. The instructions for use clearly state that Pectusin is contraindicated for children under 7 years of age, while Pertussin can treat cough in a child from the age of three. This difference can be explained simply - Small child may choke on the tablet, so for children it is necessary to choose syrup. In addition, the limitation of the use of these drugs in children of the first years of life is also due to the fact that the plant components are quite allergenic.

Thus, Pectusin and Pertussin are completely different medicines, are far from analogues. Therefore, under no circumstances can you replace one with the other.

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Important! Cough is one of the main indications for prescribing Pertussin and Pectusin, however, there is a significant difference in the use of these drugs. The first drug is indicated for productive or transitional dry cough caused by inflammation of the trachea, bronchi, lungs, and larynx. Well, Pectusin is prescribed for coughing, which often occurs with acute pharyngitis, tonsillitis, and runny nose due to irritation of the inflamed mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

What you need to know about drugs

When buying Pertussin or Pectusin at the pharmacy for cough, you must remember that the drugs in question, despite their natural composition, have contraindications.

For Pectusin they are as follows:

  1. Intolerance to components. A severe allergic reaction can develop to eucalyptus and menthol.
  2. Spasmophilia is a tendency to seizures that occurs in children.
  3. Croup – inflammation of the larynx with stenosis. Taking the drug may worsen the course of the disease.
  4. Pregnancy, breastfeeding. There is no evidence that the medicine is absolutely safe for women during these periods of life, so it is best to avoid it.
  5. Diabetes mellitus (due to sugar content).
  6. Age up to 7 years.

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It is not advisable to use Pertussin to treat cough with:

  1. childbearing, lactation;
  2. hypersensitivity to potassium bromide or thyme;
  3. severe arterial hypotension;
  4. anemia;
  5. kidney diseases;
  6. under 3 years of age.

As mentioned above, Pertussin contains sugar in large quantities as an auxiliary component. This must be taken into account by people suffering from diabetes. Another “undesirable” component of syrup is alcohol. If the patient drives a car or is being treated for alcoholism, it is not recommended to take such drugs.

Children under 6 years of age must dilute Pertussin with boiled water before use. This will soften the harsh taste of the drug. Well, adults should not forget that this cough medicine must be strictly dosed and not taken uncontrollably for a long time. Due to the content of potassium bromide in Pertussin, the development of bromism is possible - chronic bromine poisoning, which manifests itself as skin rash, inflammation gastrointestinal tract, weakness, decreased blood pressure and even motor disorders.

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For Pectusin, the symptoms of an overdose are not described, but you should not ignore doctors’ recommendations and take it in large quantities. Maximum daily dose This drug for an adult is 3-4 tablets. When you feel better, you should stop taking it.

Important! Treatment of cough in infectious diseases of the respiratory system is not always limited to expectorants and symptomatic therapy. Pertussin and Pectusin with their mild action may not be enough to fight the infection. Therefore, if you have a cough, you should definitely consult a doctor.

The big advantage of the drugs in question is their reasonable price - on average 30-40 rubles for a package of 10 tablets or a 100-gram bottle of syrup. Imported cough medicines with a similar composition are much more expensive.

What is better to take Pertussin or Pectusin for cough?

There is no clear answer to this question. It all depends on the characteristics of the cough, the age of the patient and the presence of other signs of the disease.

If an adult is bothered by a sore throat, nasal congestion and constant coughing, Pectusin will help him feel better.

  • Menthol, which is part of this drug, has a moderate analgesic effect.
  • Eucalyptus oil reduces the severity of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs and helps restore nasal breathing.
  • This drug does not directly affect cough (it does not turn off the “cough center” or dilute sputum), but by calming the nasopharynx it relieves the patient from annoying coughing.

If the symptoms described occur in small child, treatment tactics will differ. Pectusin will need to be replaced with a drug that is not contraindicated for children. Well, the best thing is to consult a doctor and follow his qualified recommendations.

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When the cough really becomes a cough, when phlegm begins to accumulate in the trachea and bronchi, Pertussin will come to the rescue. The active components potassium bromide and thyme extract included in its composition have pronounced expectorant properties. They cause bronchioles (small branches of the bronchi) to contract more strongly, stimulate ciliated epithelium bronchi and thereby promoting the movement of sputum from the lower parts of the respiratory tract to the upper ones. During treatment, the patient may even begin to cough more strongly, but this cough will be more productive and, accordingly, will stop faster.

Thus, comparing Pertussin with Pectusin is not entirely correct. Each of these drugs is effective for one type of cough and completely useless for another type of cough. Therefore, it is better to give the right to make a diagnosis and choose a medicine to the doctor.

Important! If, in parallel with taking Pertussin, the patient drinks a lot of fluid, the bronchial secretion will become thinner and its elimination will be significantly accelerated.


When you are tormented by doubts about whether it is better to buy Pectusin or Pertussin for cough treatment at a pharmacy, you need to remember the following: each medicine has clear indications for use and no less clear contraindications. Even the simplest and safest medications at first glance can make you feel worse, cause allergies, and have other undesirable effects if they are prescribed incorrectly. Therefore, you should not self-medicate!


One of effective drugs pectusin is a cough remedy - the instructions for use of the product describe not only its dosage, but also indications for use and side effects. In medicine, this medicine is especially valued in dental and otolaryngological practice. It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. The medicine belongs to the category of herbal combination drugs. You will learn more about how to take pectusin and in what cases below.

What is Pectusin

Popular remedy from the group of herbal medicines, which is often used for colds, especially those accompanied by a severe cough. This is Pectusin. Judging by the reviews, the medicine effectively relieves inflammation, reduces pain, and stimulates respiratory tract motility. Thanks to this, the condition is alleviated when coughing, runny nose or other inflammatory processes of the nasopharynx. In addition, the medicine can help remove phlegm from the lungs.


The herbal medicine Pectusin is based only on plant components. According to the annotation for the medicine, the main active ingredients are eucalyptus leaf oil in an amount of 500 mcg and 4 mg of racementol. There are so many of them in one tablet. Excipients are:

  • calcium stearate – 0.0035 g;
  • powdered sugar – 0.75 g;
  • carboxymethylcellulose sodium salt – 0.12 g.

Release form

This medicine has only one form of release - tablets. There is no such drug as Pectusin cough syrup. The tablets are white in color and have a pleasant refreshing sweetish-mint taste. They are produced in blister packs of 10 pieces. A cardboard pack of such plates may contain 2, 3 or 5. The peculiarity of the tablets is that they do not need to be swallowed, but dissolved. There are several more distinctive characteristics drug:

  1. The composition of the tablets includes about 750 mg of simple carbohydrates, comprising 0.05 grain units. This information is especially necessary for diabetics.
  2. The medicine is stored for up to 3 years in a place protected from sunlight and at room temperature. If these conditions are not met, the physicochemical properties of the drug may change. This is manifested by color changes. If stored in a humid environment, tablets may become loose or begin to crumble. It is already prohibited to take Pectusin in this form.
  3. The composition of the drug does not in any way affect the speed of reactions, the ability to drive a car or concentration. For this reason, the medicine is approved for use in people with any professional activity.

Mechanism of action

In general, the drug has an antitussive effect. Once in the oral cavity, the active components of Pectusin irritate peripheral nerve endings. This helps reduce inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, which makes coughing easier. This principle of Pectusin’s effect on the nasopharynx area is explained by the properties of the substances included in the drug:

  1. Menthol. It is characterized by an antiseptic, cooling, anesthetic and local irritating effect. It is a catalyst for local reflex reactions that cause the activity of mucous membrane receptors.
  2. Eucalyptus oil. Thanks to its antimicrobial effect, it destroys pathogenic organisms and completely stops the inflammatory process.

What is Pectusin from?

Pectusin is rarely used as an independent remedy in the treatment of colds. More often, the medicine is part of a complex therapy consisting of several medications. There is one main area where Pectusin is used - the instructions for its use indicate diseases of the respiratory system and pulmonary tract of an inflammatory nature. This list includes:

  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • chronic and acute rhinitis;
  • dry cough;
  • angina;
  • inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

Differences between Pectusin and Pertussin

Due to the similarity of names, Pectusin is often confused with Pertussin, but the drugs have completely different compositions and release forms. Although in general both medicines are used against cough. Pectusin is available only in tablet form, and Pertussin is available in syrup form. In addition, the components of the latter drug are plant extract of creeping thyme and potassium bromide.

Instructions for use of Pectusin

Pectusin tablets must be taken sublingually. This means that the tablet is not swallowed, but placed under the tongue and held until completely absorbed. There is no need to chew them and drink them with water, because the medicine will not bring the desired effect. You can take the tablets throughout the day, regardless of food. The maximum dosage is 4 pieces for an adult. The duration of treatment is selected by the doctor, taking into account the severity of the disease.

For children

The dosage of the drug for children is slightly less. Adolescents and children over 8 years of age can be given 1 tablet up to 2 times a day. Taking Pectusin in this case also has nothing to do with food. The duration of treatment in children is no more than 5 days. In other cases, it is determined by the doctor, taking into account the general condition of the child and the degree of effectiveness of Pectusin therapy.

During pregnancy

Pectusin is also used during pregnancy or lactation - the instructions for use of the drug do not prohibit this. But a medicine can be prescribed only if the possible benefit outweighs the potential danger to the fetus. For diseases of the upper tract, strong drugs are often prescribed, so Pectusin is not dangerous against their background. The medicine can cause harm when interacting with other drugs, so you should carefully study the instructions for use. The dosage and method of administration remain the same - 4 tablets per day until completely absorbed.

Side effects

Any medicine has a series side effects, but herbal preparations do not have so many of them. Negative reactions on Pektusin very rarely. The herbal medicine causes allergies only in persons with individual intolerance to the components of the drug - menthol and eucalyptus. It manifests itself as redness and rashes on the skin, similar to hives. Some patients, in addition to an allergic reaction, may complain of itching all over the face. If such a reaction to the drug occurs, then you should stop taking it and consult a doctor.


Instructions for use of Pectusin include information about contraindications to the use of the drug. The composition of the drug includes sucrose, which helps increase blood sugar levels. For this reason, the medicine is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus. It should not be taken if you have bronchial asthma. The irritating effect of the tablets will not alleviate the condition, but will provoke coughing, which will lead to another attack. Instructions for use of Pectusin contain other contraindications:

  • spasmophilia;
  • stenosing laryngitis;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • deficiency of isomaltose and sucrase.

Pectusin is not prescribed to children if their age is less than 7 years, or is prescribed with caution. The fact is that it is difficult for children to keep the tablets in their mouths until they are completely absorbed. There is a risk that it will get into the child’s windpipe or he will simply choke. To treat a throat in children, it is better to use medicine in syrup form. Otherwise, Pectusin has no contraindications and is an excellent expectorant.


Concerning drug interactions Pectusin with other drugs, the instructions for use of the product do not provide such information. No studies have been conducted on this matter. Pectusin belongs to herbal preparations, which is why it is considered less dangerous compared to other drugs. For this reason, it does not have many contraindications, but Pectusin breastfeeding or pregnancy should still be used as prescribed by a doctor.


If the pharmacy does not have Pectusin, then it can be replaced with a number of other drugs that are similar to it in composition and effect. Among the structural analogues of this herbal preparation the same active substances include products such as Eucalyptus M and Evamenol. Among the drugs that are similar to Pectusin in their therapeutic effect are:

  1. Syrups. This group of analogue drugs is very convenient to use for children, but not all of them are approved with childhood, so it is important to study the instructions. The most effective syrups include Pertussin, Tusavit, Ascoril Expectorant, Eucabal, Bromhexine.
  2. Drops. Another convenient form for treating throat problems in children. Bronchostop, Broncho Theiss, Tonsilgon are considered especially effective. They are taken on almost the same principle as tablets, but you do not have to completely dissolve the drug. You just need to hold a couple of drops in your mouth for a while and then swallow.
  3. Among the tablets that are analogues of Pectusin, the most effective are Ambrohexal, Codelac Broncho, Omnitus, Falimint, Mucaltin. They also have mucolytic and expectorant effects.

Analogues are used if for some reason Pectusin for cough is not suitable for you. But it’s better not to prescribe another drug on your own, because it may contain the same components that caused your problem. adverse reaction. In addition, other medications also have their own contraindications and features of use. To find the best remedy for yourself, you should consult a doctor.


Pectusin tablets belong to the category of budget drugs, so they are inexpensive. It can be purchased at a pharmacy at a price of 35 to 55 rubles. The specific cost is determined by the number of tablets. Low price is another reason for the massive use of Pectusin. Availability is one of the main advantages of this herbal medicine. You can even order and buy the medicine in the online store, arrange delivery convenient for you and study in more detail the instructions for using the product directly in the catalog. Approximate prices in different sources for Moscow are reflected in the table.


Pieces per package

Price for Pectusin, rubles



Pharmacy IFC


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Instructions for use of Pectusin cough tablets and syrup for children or adults - composition and price

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