Nodular fibroids of the uterus. Nodular uterine fibroids: symptoms and treatment

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Nodular fibroids of the uterus occupy a leading place among benign pathologies of women reproductive sphere. Fibroids are usually called a node growing on the front or back wall of the uterus. In another way, this disease is called leiomyoma if the composition of the neoplasm is represented exclusively by smooth muscle tissue.

Features of fibromatous nodes

Uterine fibroids are benign education, which has a connective tissue structure. The tumor is located mainly on the walls reproductive organ. The intensive growth of tumors and the area of ​​damage to the walls of the uterus affect the intensity of symptoms. Patients may experience such clinical manifestations, such as constipation, pain in the lower back, pressing sensations in the lower abdomen, as well as menstrual irregularities.

Uterine fibroids are most often diagnosed during a gynecological examination. To confirm the diagnosis, ultrasound, hysterosalpingoscopy, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are required. Treatment of fibroids can be conservative, surgical and minimally invasive.

Fibromatous nodes appear on the walls of the uterus and ovaries. A distinctive feature is single compactions or numerous nodular formations. They can increase in diameter gradually, so at the initial stage patients do not feel any symptoms.

Uterine fibroids can reach up to 30 cm in diameter.


In gynecological practice, multinodular fibroids are more common, which can be localized both on the anterior and posterior walls. A doctor can diagnose fibromatous nodes of different sizes, ages and types.

A fibromatous node on the anterior wall of the uterus can be:

  • big;
  • average;
  • small

In addition, the nodes of uterine fibroids are:

  • simple;
  • proliferating;
  • presarcoma.

Multinodular leiomyoma can be located:

  • on the front or back wall;
  • in the cervical part;
  • in area .

Fibromatous nodes are localized not only on the anterior and posterior walls. Experts distinguish the following types of fibroids regarding their position to the uterine body:

  • interstitial;
  • subserous;
  • submucosal;
  • intraligamentary;
  • retroperitoneal.

Gynecologists often diagnose multiple interstitial fibromatous nodes on the anterior uterine wall.

Reasons for development

Fibromatous nodes grow in the uterus due to hormonal disorders. Experts have developed several theories that explain the development of uterine fibroids.

In particular, fibroids are classified as one of the forms of hyperplasia, and not a tumor-like formation. There is also an opinion that fibromatous nodes grow on the anterior and posterior walls as a result of congenital structural features of the myometrium.

Some unfavorable factors can trigger the progression of nodular fibroids. Among those that provoke multinodular fibroids are:

  • early menstruation and late childbirth;
  • irregular intimate life;
  • venous stagnation;
  • stress;
  • inflammation in the uterus;
  • hypertension at a young age;
  • endocrine and metabolic disorders;
  • physical inactivity;
  • surgical interventions on the organs of the reproductive system.

Elimination of provoking factors has a significant impact on the growth of nodular fibroids of the anterior or posterior uterine wall. The presence of factors predisposing to pathology after treatment contributes to the occurrence of relapses.


Signs of fibromatous uterine tumors appear depending on the size and location of the nodes. For example, interstitial multinodular fibroids, localized along the anterior or posterior wall, in most cases do not manifest themselves in any way. Fibromatous nodes of the submucous variety are distinguished by their severity even in small volumes.

Signs of multinodular fibroids include:

  • heavy periods;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • a feeling of squeezing of the bladder and intestines, which is manifested by a constant urge to urinate and constipation;
  • anemia;
  • infertility;
  • spontaneous termination of pregnancy;
  • complications during childbirth.

Nodular fibroids can be complicated by torsion of the neoplasm's stalk. A clinic suddenly appears, including signs of “ acute abdomen" Woman experiencing severe pain, symptoms of intoxication are observed. Treatment for this condition is exclusively surgical.

Signs of fibroids localized along the anterior wall of the uterus are symptoms of damage to the urinary tract due to the topographic characteristics of the tumor. The anterior wall of the uterine cavity is adjacent to the bladder, and its upper part is adjacent to the ureters.

Growing fibroids exert mechanical pressure on bladder, the mouth of the ureters, which impedes the normal outflow of urine. Stagnation of urine occurs, which contributes to the development of infectious processes and the formation of urinary stones.

Compression of the ureters leads to expansion of the pelvis - pyelectasis. This disease is asymptomatic and can result in hydronephrosis. With large sizes of nodular fibroids located on the anterior wall, the development of chronic renal failure is likely.

Myoma along the anterior wall of the uterus often causes pyelonephritis, urolithiasis and cystitis. Based on the anatomy of fibroids growing in the anterior wall, the clinical manifestations of the disease can be:

  • false urge to urinate due to irritation of the sensitive receptors of the bladder;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • increased body temperature with the development of pyelonephritis or cystitis;
  • renal colic;
  • arterial hypertension (with kidney damage due to pyelectasis).

Vivid clinical symptoms of damage to the upper parts of the urinary system are observed when the size of nodular fibroids of the anterior wall is more than 8-10 cm (12 or more weeks).

Uterine fibroids small diameter does not affect the conception of a child and the onset of pregnancy. The exception is submucosal formations that cause miscarriages.


The effectiveness of treatment for nodular fibromatous neoplasms depends on the examination performed. Diagnosis of nodular neoplasm includes:

  • examination by a gynecologist;
  • hysteroscopy;
  • laparoscopy.

Treatment of fibromatous nodes is carried out using the following tactics:

  • conservative;
  • surgical

Conservative therapy involves taking hormonal drugs, which slow down the progression of the disease and reduce the severity of manifestations. The use of hormonal therapy is determined by the etiology and pathogenesis of the pathology. However, such therapy can be prescribed for small tumors. are recommended before and after surgery in order to reduce nodular tumors, reduce the volume of surgery and prevent relapses.

Surgical intervention is prescribed for infertility, dysfunction of the urinary system, and severe pelvic pain. In modern gynecology, priority is given to organ-preserving operations, for example, laparoscopic and laparotomy, as well as hysteroscopy. Good effect has the EMA method.

Radical intervention, in which nodular neoplasms are removed along with the uterus, is used in case of oncological suspicion, concomitant prolapse of the genital organ, chronic pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, chronic renal failure. Often, uterine amputation for fibroids is recommended for older women who have achieved reproductive function.

For small nodular tumors and in the absence of severe symptoms, it is possible to use a wait-and-see approach, in which the woman regularly visits a gynecologist and undergoes the necessary examination. Surgical and conservative treatment is prescribed for the progression of fibromatous nodes.

Article last updated 12/07/2019

Fibroids are a type of benign neoplasm that forms in the smooth muscle layers of the uterus. The name of this disease has different variations: leiomyoma, leiofibromyoma, myoma. Pathology develops both in the form of a single node and in the form of a cluster of multiple formations. Nodular fibroids of the uterus are diagnosed much more often than other gynecological diseases.

What is uterine fibroid? Most fibroids are diagnosed after 35 years of age. At this age, most women already have various somatic disorders, diseases of the female genital area, and endocrine disorders. Small nodes do not manifest themselves in any way for quite a long time, however, in the presence of unfavorable factors, their rapid growth may begin.

These factors include:

  • Lack of childbirth and lactation by age 30;
  • Long-term uncontrolled use of contraceptives;
  • A large number of pregnancy terminations;
  • Overweight;
  • Lack of intimate life or promiscuous sex;
  • Inflammation of the uterus, ovaries and appendages;
  • Prolonged and frequent exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • Diseases thyroid gland, adrenal glands and other endocrine organs.

What is the danger of the disease?

Fibroids of the uterine body occur in every fifth woman. What is it and how is this pathology different? The tumor mainly develops in the body of the uterus; cervical fibroids are quite rare. The tumor can grow to enormous sizes over time and cause serious problems with health.

Fibroids can cause serious complications:

  1. Nutrition of myomatous formations requires significant resources. Against this background, they change biochemical parameters blood. In addition, excessive blood loss leads to anemia (anemia);
  2. In severe cases, torsion of the base of the fibromatous node is possible, resulting in necrosis (tissue death) and sepsis (blood poisoning);
  3. There is a risk of prolonged bleeding and large blood loss, especially with fibroids big size. This condition is very dangerous, a serious threat to the life and health of a woman.

How does the disease manifest?

Symptoms and signs of fibroma on initial stages development of the disease is poorly expressed. It is quite difficult to recognize pathology on your own. Since the signs of uterine fibroids are practically invisible, only a doctor can detect the presence of a tumor during a gynecological examination.

If the presence of a neoplasm is suspected, after examination the gynecologist gives a referral for ultrasonography. This diagnostic method is the most accurate; using ultrasound, you can determine the presence of a tumor, the number of nodes, their location, and size. Signs of uterine fibroids can manifest themselves in different ways, depending on the stage of the disease.

Symptoms of uterine fibroids:

  • Heavy menstruation with severe pain;
  • Feeling of nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Bloody discharge between periods;
  • Pain radiating to the lumbar region;
  • Increase in abdominal circumference;
  • Pain during sexual intercourse.

A distinctive feature of fibrous tumor of the uterus is the presence of cramping pain during menstruation. In some cases, the pain can be sharp, occur unexpectedly, and can persist permanently. In case of prolonged and heavy menstruation, anemia may develop.

Given this dangerous disease Every third woman suffers from infertility. The disease can lead to miscarriages, disruption of communication in the pelvic organs: uterus, appendages, ovaries, bladder. Long-term exposure to bladder receptors with uterine fibroids leads to frequent urination. And if the tumor puts pressure on the rectum, constipation and intestinal problems may occur.

Treatment of fibroids at an early stage

What is fibroids, and how is it treated? Conservative treatment is very effective at the early stage of the disease. Typically, a woman does not yet notice any significant changes in her health; the symptoms of uterine fibroids are usually mild. The tumor is diagnosed by ultrasound. If the formation is small, no specific treatment is prescribed; the patient undergoes periodic diagnostics. The patient's chart notes the dynamics of tumor development, and an ultrasound examination is prescribed every six months.

Drug treatment is prescribed for enlarged nodes. At this stage of the disease, it is important to control the growth of nodes and the duration of menstruation. Since frequent and heavy blood loss can lead to worsening general condition body and the development of anemia. With the right treatment tactics, surgical intervention can be avoided.

In what cases is drug therapy prescribed:

  • Young age of the patient;
  • Positive dynamics of treatment, slow tumor growth;
  • If fibromatous nodes are small, up to approximately 10-12 weeks;
  • The body of the uterus is not changed;
  • The fibromatous node is in a smooth muscle layer organ.

When treating fibroids, medications based on tranexamic acid are most often prescribed. This substance has a hemostatic effect, which reduces the risk of developing anemia. At the initial stage of treatment, doctors mainly prescribe hormonal therapy, this allows the level of estrogen production to be reduced, and the tumor decreases in size.

Many women try to cure fibroids with folk remedies, but the effectiveness of such tactics has not been proven. On the contrary, a woman may miss precious time and worsen her condition. Therefore, it is important to undergo timely diagnosis and contact specialists.

In what cases is surgery required?

Sometimes it is impossible to do without surgical treatment of fibroids. The presence of the following symptoms may indicate the need for surgery:

  • If the size of the seals is 14 weeks or more;
  • There is a rapid increase in size over a short period of time;
  • Localization of the tumor in areas of increased danger;
  • Heavy uterine bleeding;
  • Low blood hemoglobin, chronic anemia;
  • Torsion of the fibroid stalk, disruption of its nutrition, subsequent tissue death;
  • Concomitant ovarian tumors;
  • Endometrial hyperplasia;
  • An increase in the size of the tumor, in which it puts pressure on the internal organs.

The reasons for the rapid growth of the tumor have not been established for certain. Most experts agree that fibromatosis of the soft tissues of the uterus is a hormone-dependent pathology. That is, its active growth begins when the level of estrogen in a woman’s blood increases. This fact is confirmed by a reduction in tumors and a stop in the growth of nodes in women during menopause, when the production of the hormone estrogen decreases.

The method of surgical intervention is selected individually, taking into account:

  • dynamics of tumor development;
  • current size of education;
  • tumor location;
  • woman's age;
  • history of illness.

For patients under 40 years of age, sparing myomectomy is preferred. During this operation, only fibromatous nodes are removed, and after removal of the tumor, reproductive function is preserved, since healthy tissue of the uterus is not affected.

The most popular methods of myomectomy are:

Hysteroscopy– removal of uterine fibroids is carried out using a hysteroscope through the cervix. This method is great for those patients who want to get pregnant in the near future. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia; the duration of the operation rarely exceeds 20 minutes. The advantages of hysteroscopy are minimal trauma, painlessness, and quick rehabilitation.

Laparoscopy– during the operation, small incisions are made in the lower abdomen through which the tumor is removed. Among the advantages of this method, one can note the easy and rapid course of the postoperative period. If the tumor has not changed its growth dynamics during the postmenopausal period, then a more radical treatment is carried out using this method - removal of the uterus. After surgery, a woman is given sick leave for an average of 21 days.

Now medicine offers more gentle treatment - uterine artery embolization. To the arteries feeding the tumor through femoral artery a drug is delivered that blocks vascular bundles. Under these conditions, the fibroid dies. The operation is performed without anesthesia, the patient remains in the hospital for one day. Another innovative treatment method is FUS ablation. This is the heating of tumor tissue using precisely directed ultrasound. The technique has not yet been fully researched, so it is used only at the request of patients.

Many women are concerned about whether fibroids can affect the likelihood of conceiving and having a healthy child. As a rule, fibromatosis of the soft tissues of the uterus does not affect a woman’s ability to conceive. According to statistics, after surgery to remove myomatous nodes, the likelihood of pregnancy decreases by 40%. However, if the fibroid is small and does not require surgical intervention, then it does not affect the course of pregnancy and childbirth. In addition, a large number of cases have been reported in which a tumor noticeably decreases in size during pregnancy or after childbirth or may disappear completely.

The cervical canal may be blocked. The physiological processes occurring in the reproductive system are disrupted. The woman's general health deteriorates. When choosing a treatment method, take into account various factors, the most reliable and gentle method is selected. Assessing the size of the fibroids is important, since there must be good reasons for the operation.

Types of fibroids

The neoplasm originates in the muscle tissue of the uterus and gradually increases in size due to abnormal cell division. Unlike a malignant tumor, fibroids do not spread to other organs; they grow much more slowly. At first, the cells develop abnormally only in the muscle tissue, and then the tumor spreads beyond its boundaries. Depending on the direction in which it grows, the following types of fibroids are distinguished:

  1. Submucosal - it is formed deep in the muscular layer (myometrium), grows towards the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity, which is why it is called “submucosal”.
  2. Subserous (subperitoneal) originates in the outer muscular layer, grows towards the serous membrane separating the uterus from abdominal cavity. Knots can have a wide base or a thin stem.
  3. Interstitial (intramuscular) - develops in the middle of the muscle layer, without going beyond its limits.

When assessing the degree of danger of a tumor and choosing a treatment method, specialists take into account its location. In most cases, myomatous nodes are located in the body of the uterus (corporal type), but sometimes they are also in the cervix (cervical fibroids).

The tumor can be single or multiple, in the form of several nodes. For a specialist choosing a treatment method, the size of the uterine fibroids is of great importance.

How are sizes determined?

The growing tumor stretches the uterus, which leads to a gradual increase in the abdomen (similar to its growth during pregnancy). The size of the fibroids is estimated based on the week of pregnancy the size of the abdomen corresponds to.

The exact size of the tumor in centimeters can be determined using ultrasound. Even fibroids smaller than 1 cm in size are detected using this method. Ultrasound is performed either through the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity or through the vagina. This allows you to identify and measure fibroids of any location and size.

In difficult cases, when a small tumor is located, for example, between ligaments, the hysterography method is used (x-ray of the cavity with the introduction of contrast liquid). Hysteroscopy (examination using an endoscope inserted into the uterine cavity through the vagina), diagnostic laparoscopy (an optical device is inserted into the uterine cavity through a puncture on the anterior wall of the peritoneum) and MRI are also used to examine fibroids and assess their size.

All myomatous nodes, depending on their size, are divided into three categories:

Compliance with the size of the abdomen during pregnancy

12-15 weeks or more

Sometimes uterine fibroids reach a size at which the belly appears as at 37 weeks of pregnancy.

In addition to size, the tumor growth rate is also taken into account. A tumor is considered to grow quickly if its size increases by 2-2.5 cm (or 5-6 weeks) per year. In this way, the growth of small and medium fibroids is assessed. If they are small and grow slowly, then conservative treatment is possible. For sizes larger than 8 cm (or 15 weeks), the nodes are removed.

In addition to the size of the tumor and the speed of development, when prescribing treatment, the severity of symptoms, the woman’s age, and her intention to have children are taken into account.

The danger of large fibroids

There are uncomplicated and complicated forms of the disease. Possible complications are:

  • necrosis of the myomatous node - an acute painful condition in which torsion of the leg occurs, disruption of the blood supply to the fibroid;
  • formation of cystic cavities (threat of purulent inflammatory processes);
  • compression of blood vessels and nearby organs;
  • malignant degeneration (into sarcoma).

Myoma can reach a diameter of 25 cm. A large tumor located outside, on the anterior wall of the uterus, compresses the bladder, which leads to difficulty urinating or, conversely, can cause urinary incontinence. In addition, the appearance of fistulas connecting the cavities of the uterus and bladder is possible.

If a large fibroid is located on the back surface of the uterus, bowel movements become difficult and constipation occurs.

A large node can compress the inferior vena cava, making it difficult for blood to move from the lower body to the heart. In this case, the woman experiences shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat even at rest. In the presence of many medium and large nodes (myomatosis), constant uterine bleeding occurs that is not associated with menstruation. This leads to anemia.

Video: Complications with large nodes. When and how is surgical removal performed?

When is surgical treatment used?

Surgery for uterine fibroids is mandatory in cases where it is observed fast growth- up to 2 cm (4 weeks) in diameter within a year, and also if the tumor has a stalk and there is a danger of its twisting.

An absolute indication for surgical removal of fibroids is the appearance in a woman uterine bleeding and severe anemia. This is possible due to impaired muscle elasticity with the development of large myomatous nodes in it and deterioration of contractility.

Myoma must be removed surgically if it is the cause of infertility or miscarriages. The operation is also prescribed if a woman experiences severe pain in the abdomen, rectum, or bladder, as they are compressed and blood circulation is disrupted.

Video: Treatment of fibroids using hysterectomy and uterine artery embolization

What types of surgery are there?

When choosing a method for performing an operation, the size of uterine fibroids and its location are of primary importance. In each specific case, the doctor makes a decision on the method of tumor removal, the possibility of preserving organs and menstrual function.


This is an operation in which only the tumor is removed, the uterus is preserved. Most often, this method is used to treat women under 40 who would like to maintain the ability to give birth to a child.

Tumor removal is carried out in various ways.

Laparotomy is the removal of fibroids located deep in the muscle tissue or under the outer lining of the uterus by making an incision in the abdomen above the pubis. The tumor is removed. The risk of infection and complications is minimal. This method is especially effective when there are many nodes and there is an increased likelihood of damage to large vessels. It is much easier to prevent bleeding during open surgery. In addition, removal of myomatous nodes can be carried out quickly.

Laparoscopy – removal of fibroids through 3 small holes in the abdomen using optical instruments. Carbon dioxide is first introduced into the uterus to create conditions for more free manipulation of instruments and to avoid cuts. The image is displayed on the screen, which allows you to control the process.

The advantage of the method is that the wound heals quickly, the operation is low-traumatic, and there is no stitch left after it. It is performed under general anesthesia. The disadvantage is that there is still a minimal chance of internal cuts, so the woman is under medical supervision for 3-4 days. Sometimes, if the myomatous node is located on the back or side outer surface uterus, it is removed through a puncture in the posterior wall of the vagina.

Addition: If necessary, this method can remove large myomatous nodes in pregnant women. In this case, the fetus is not injured, pregnancy proceeds normally.

Hysteroscopic myomectomy. A method that is used to remove fibroids in the cavity itself. It is carried out using an optical instrument (resectoscope) through the vagina. The method is not used if the woman has inflammatory diseases genitals or cervical defects.


Removal of the uterus completely or with preservation of the cervix. This operation is performed in the most severe cases, when there are many large nodes, the fibroid occupies the entire cavity, and there is severe bleeding. At the same time, the hemoglobin level is critically low, and there is a high probability of the tumor degenerating into sarcoma. Most often, such operations are performed on women after 45 years of age.

The uterus is removed in several ways: through an incision in the lower abdomen, through punctures in the abdominal wall (laparoscopic method), through the vagina. After the operation, a woman cannot have periods. But if the ovaries are not removed, other symptoms of menopause may be absent. The possibility of sexual activity after surgery remains.

Video: Methods for removing fibroids while preserving the uterus

Minimally invasive methods of treating fibroids

When treating fibroids using these methods, no incisions or punctures are required.

Embolization of the uterine arteries. The method is that through the inguinal artery, using a catheter, “plugs” made of plastic or gelatin are brought to the vessels of the fibroids, which block the flow of blood. Due to lack of nutrition, the tumor gradually decreases. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

FUS ablation (focused ultrasound). Removal of fibroid nodes is carried out using a directed ultrasonic flow, which causes heating and evaporation of nodes located in the muscle. The process is controlled using a magnetic resonance imaging scanner. In this case, no anesthesia is required; the functions of the uterus are completely preserved. The method is effective even in the presence of large nodes.

Video: Vaporization of fibroids using FUS ablation

Possibility of pregnancy with fibroids

Large fibroids (more than 15 weeks) cause infertility if they block the tubes or cervix, creating obstacles to the movement of sperm. If there are nodes no larger than 3 cm in diameter (that is, less than 8 weeks), pregnancy is possible. If the nodes do not increase, then their existence does not affect the course of pregnancy and fetal development. Complications arise when a tumor grows in the uterine cavity, filling it, complicating the development of the fetus. Often this ends in miscarriage.

Sometimes, if the fetus is already large enough and begins to experience a lack of nutrition due to the pressure of fibroids on the vessels, a caesarean section is performed and subsequent removal of the uterus. A caesarean section also has to be done if the fibroid occurs in the cervix or covers it.

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With the onset of menopause, the content of sex hormones gradually decreases in a woman’s body. During menopause it becomes impossible to h.

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During a gynecological examination, women often find cysts on the cervix. Naturally, the patients begin.

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The consequences of inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages, as well as hormonal disorders in the body, can lead to irreversible changes.

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Diagnosis and treatment of uterine fibroids

Tumor manifestations are a fairly common occurrence in women. of different ages. There is no reason to worry if the disease is detected in a timely manner and high-quality measures are taken to eliminate it. What is fibroids and how does it differ from other tumor formations? Uterine fibroids have in their nature muscle and connective fibers, with more of the latter. The pathology is benign and affects every fifth woman. In 95% of cases, the body of the uterus is affected, and only 5% occurs on the cervix. As a rule, women are the ones to be most afraid of. Menopause can cause the tumor to disappear. But it may also be the other way around, the tumor on the uterus will grow even more.


As medical practice shows, small tumors can live in the patient’s body for a long time without manifesting themselves. And as soon as any provoking factors appear, uterine fibroids begin to grow at high speed. These factors are:

Diabetes, obesity, heredity, and metabolic disorders also negatively affect the body and provoke the growth of fibroids.


In the early stages, only a doctor can detect pathology during a routine examination. The patient herself will hardly be able to determine that she has fibroids based on her symptoms, since they are very weak. They become clearly defined only when the tumor on the uterus has already reached a large size. And yet, if, after listening to the body, a woman notices the following signs of fibroids, she needs to urgently consult a doctor and tell all her complaints:

  • Too painful periods;
  • Bloody vaginal discharge not associated with menstruation;
  • Feeling of heaviness;
  • Pain during sex;
  • When reflected pain in the lower back;
  • Bloating;
  • If a woman cannot get pregnant for a long time.

For small uterine fibroids, the doctor chooses observational tactics. Monitoring the symptoms of uterine fibroids also occurs during the premenopausal period, when the level of estrogen in the body, which is responsible for a woman’s healthy sex life, decreases.

Differences from fibroids

What is uterine fibroid and how is it different from fibroids? Both are benign tumors, the reasons for their formation are the same, and the signs of uterine fibroids are similar to fibroids. Both forms differ only in the composition of the tissues that form their basis.

In fibroids, muscle tissue predominates, while in fibroids, connective tissue predominates. In a typical fibroid tumor, the same amount of muscle and connective tissue. Its formation occurs as follows: first, a muscle tissue core is formed, which then grows with connective tissue.

Differences in species

Depending on the place of origin and the nature of growth, several types of uterine fibroids are distinguished:

  • Submucosal - differs in that it forms under the mucous layer of the uterus (such tumors are also called submucosal);
  • Diffuse - spreads to most of the entire body of the uterus;
  • The interligamentous tissue is a rather complex formation that originates in the interligamentous space. Such fibroids are difficult to remove, since they choose locations close to blood vessels;
  • Subserosis is a tumor that can be found under the upper, outer layer of the uterus;
  • Nodular fibroids of the uterus - characterized by the formation of several nodules;
  • Interstitial - formed on the uterine walls. A characteristic feature is rapid growth rates; such fibroids are the most common.

In addition to this distribution, there is also a division of fibromas into simple (develop slowly, easily treatable), proliferating (characterized by increased growth, but do not contain atypical cells) and presarcomas.

The most dangerous fibromas are presarcomas. They can be recognized by a large number of atypical cells, and therefore must be removed as quickly as possible. Most often, the entire uterus is removed along with such fibroids.


Uterine leiomyomas can equally be classified as fibroids, since they contain muscle tissue, and fibromyomas, since they also have fibrous tissue.

The formation is not a real tumor, but has the same benign character. Malignancy does not occur. Leiomyofibroma also depends on the hormonal state of the body; growth occurs with a decrease in estrogen.

The characteristic form of development is nodal. Education can be one, but more often you can find a multiple form. Nodes can appear in several places simultaneously, or they can appear one after another at different intervals.

The signs and causes of fibroleiomyoma are the same as for other forms of pathology. However, most of these formations can be diagnosed in the early stages by consulting a doctor in time. An area of ​​increased density can be seen even before the formation of a node, which means that measures can be taken for prompt treatment. Fibroids on the uterus tend to disappear on their own without resorting to treatment.


Treatment of uterine fibroids is a prerequisite for maintaining health. If the body does not receive timely and high-quality treatment, the following complications may occur:

  • Necrotization of the tumor. This process can occur due to a malnutrition of the fibroids. The situation is complicated by the appearance of severe pain, vomiting, and hyperthermia. This can only be corrected by surgery on the uterus;
  • Purulent processes. They occur quite rarely, and can occur against the background of tumor necrosis. This situation is accompanied by severe sepsis. Surgical treatment is an integral part of treatment;
  • Origin of a node. They can form in the vagina or even outside it. The nodes grow on a long stalk, their formation is accompanied by severe pain. The danger is that uterine inversion may occur, which will require urgent surgical intervention;
  • Torsion of the legs. This situation is the most common and is accompanied by severe pain, hyperthermia, and disturbances in the functioning of the intestines and bladder.

All this should not frighten a woman who cares about her health and visits a doctor twice a year.


Used to diagnose the disease diagnostic procedures, standard for determining all types of uterine fibroids:

  • Examination by a gynecologist;
  • Hysteroscopy;
  • Diagnostic curettage;
  • Metrography;
  • Cytological and histological studies.

Blood biochemistry, smears and cultures for flora, as well as hormonal examinations are also performed.

There are a lot of modern diagnostic methods, so each doctor chooses the option that is most suitable for a given patient.


How to treat uterine fibroids? Any treatment, both conservative and surgical, is aimed at preserving the reproductive organ if possible.

Among the operations, the most common is myomectomy. Its action is aimed at removing uterine fibroids. The organ is preserved, however, even if a woman has cured the pathology using this method, there is no certainty that relapses will not recur. Partial removal of the uterus is possible.

A relatively recent treatment method has emerged - arterial embolization. It involves artificially blocking the arteries feeding the tumor. The tumor reverses its development.

Treatment of uterine fibroids without surgery is carried out mainly with hormonal drugs. The choice of drugs is determined by the individuality of the organism, the presence of concomitant pathologies, and the stage of tumor development. Treatment with hormones lasts at least six months and includes:

  • The use of progestogen drugs if women do not have interruptions in the menstrual cycle;
  • Patients under 45 years of age who experience acyclic bleeding are prescribed estrogen - progestin drugs;
  • Antigonadotropic drugs;
  • Women over 45 years of age are prescribed androgen-containing drugs.

It must be remembered that hormonal drugs are contraindicated in patients who have developed diabetes, varicose veins, and hypertension.

Treatment is not limited to hormones. At the same time, painkillers, antianemic, hemostatic agents and vitamins are also prescribed.

If the fibroids have grown to a large size, reminiscent of pregnancy at about 12 weeks, are submucosal in nature, and also have a pronounced clinical picture, shown only surgery.

Using Methods traditional medicine, which most women like to use, should only complement the main treatment, but not replace it. In addition, the choice of such drugs should not be made independently, but with the participation of the attending physician.


To ensure that a woman never faces a diagnosis such as fibroids, she must adhere to simple rules throughout her life:

  • Using contraception to avoid abortion;
  • It is advisable to plan your first birth before the age of 22, and it is also simply necessary breast-feeding after them;
  • The first pregnancy should end in labor and the birth of a child;
  • All inflammatory processes should be cured without prolongation;
  • Do not abuse sunbathing;
  • Annual gynecological examination.

A disease that is not dangerous at first glance can lead to complications that are difficult to treat, so timely diagnosis will help save not only the health, but in some cases the life of a woman.

Indications and contraindications for surgery for fibroids

For women over 30 years of age, the most common indication for surgical intervention on the uterus is fibroids, which are diagnosed in 15–17% of patients of this type. age category. At the same time, single nodes do not make the operation mandatory. Conservative treatment may be quite sufficient provided that there is no malignant tumor growth and precancerous diseases in the cervix and endometrial layer. Surgery is also not required if submucosal nodes are detected if their size does not exceed the size of the uterus at the 12th week of pregnancy in women under 45 years of age and if the formation in patients over 45 years of age is less than 15–16 weeks of pregnancy.

In some cases, the effect of therapeutic methods may be low, which requires the introduction of restrictions on conservative treatment of the patient, regardless of the size of the fibroids. In 25% of women who seek help, the disease develops asymptomatically and requires constant monitoring at least three to four times a year. Such patients need to undergo a blood test for hormones and, if necessary, make corrections. hormonal levels. It should be remembered that dishormonal disturbances are more common in women after 40 years of age, therefore, the latent course of the disease in such patients requires closer attention from doctors.

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Indications for surgery for uterine fibroids

Surgery to remove fibroids is necessary in the presence of obvious symptoms, such as menorrhargia and metrorrhagia, accompanied by secondary anemia. Indications for surgical intervention include pain caused by necrosis of the node, twisting of the stalk of subserous fibroids, as well as pain syndrome, accompanying compression of nerve fibers and stretching of the ligamentous apparatus when the formation is localized in the pelvic area between the ligaments.

Removal of fibroids is also required if subserous and submucous tumors have a thin stalk that can twist and become necrotic. In some cases, the mass can interfere with urination or bowel movements, putting pressure on the bladder or rectum.

If fibroids are of significant size and develop rapidly, especially during menopause and menopause, then surgical intervention can also be recommended as the only effective treatment. Formations that are larger than the size of the pregnant uterus at 12 weeks in women under 45 years of age and 15–16 weeks in size in patients over 45 years of age must be removed.

If malignant tumor growth or the development of cervical fibroids is suspected, surgery is also necessary.

In addition, the indication for surgery is infertility or repeated miscarriages, if it is determined that fibroids are the cause of the pathology. This operation does not remove the uterus.

Contraindications to surgery for uterine fibroids

Surgery for uterine fibroids is not performed if there is a history of diseases of the cardiovascular system, upper respiratory tract, kidney. Removal of the formation is also contraindicated in case of metabolic disorders, the presence of an acute or subacute infectious process in the peritoneum and pelvic organs.

Acute infectious diseases cause the surgical intervention to be postponed until the patient fully recovers.

Taking into account the fact that the diagnosis of “uterine fibroids” is often made to a woman simultaneously with the diagnosis of “mastopathy”, the main goal of treating fibroids traditional methods normalization of the patient’s hormonal levels is considered.

Uterine fibroids are one of the most common benign tumors that develop in women of childbearing age. Most patients very often have questions about the ability to conceive, bear and give birth to a child.

Multiple uterine fibroids are benign tumors common among patients. The frequency of such a diagnosis is alarmingly high: the pathology is observed in every fourth woman over the age of 30 and.

The subserous nodes are cut off from the uterus so that the cut line runs slightly above the base of the pedicle in a circular direction with a slight bend, reminiscent of a brace. This helps to avoid excessive tension on the tumor during further retonation and suturing of the fibroid bed.

The information on the site is intended for informational purposes only and does not encourage self-treatment, consultation with a doctor is required!

Nodular fibroids of the uterus: what do women need to know?

The definition of nodular uterine fibroids is a benign tumor formed from the connective tissue of the muscles of the organ. Advanced fibroids can develop into a malignant neoplasm, which is why it is so important to diagnose and treat this disease in time, especially for nulliparous women.

Nodular fibroids of the uterus: causes

Nodular fibroids are one of the most common gynecological diseases. Nodes of different diameters form in the thickness of the uterus and begin to grow outward or inward. They cause disturbances in the menstrual cycle and other vital internal organs.

The tumor is divided into three types:

The theory of tumor occurrence is based on hormonal imbalance. The following factors can provoke a malfunction of hormones:

  • improper functioning of the ovaries
  • inflammatory process in the genital organs
  • promiscuity
  • long-term sexual abstinence
  • constant stress
  • previous abortion or other surgical intervention to the uterine area

More often than others, fibroids are diagnosed in women whose relatives have been diagnosed with uterine nodes.

The risk group includes infertility due to failure to ovulate, as well as the absence of children after 30 years.

Representatives of the fairer sex who take estrogen-containing contraceptives or those undergoing menopause treatment are also at risk.

A favorable background for the development of fibroids can be excess weight, diabetes, sedentary lifestyle, thyroid disease.

The growth of existing fibroids increases during pregnancy because its origin is hormone-dependent. After childbirth, the nodes have the ability to decrease to their original size or disappear altogether.

In our country, the size of uterine fibroids is measured by weeks of pregnancy, that is, how many weeks of pregnancy the enlarged uterus corresponds to.

We invite you to learn about the types of uterine fibroids from the proposed video.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Complaints in the presence of fibroids depend on its size, features of its localization and growth, and the timing of the disease. Most patients do not feel any manifestations of the tumor; approximately 20% of women experience various symptoms, such as:

  • increased blood flow during menstruation
  • heavy periods are accompanied by painful sensations in the lower abdomen, clots, acute cramps
  • often notice pain in the lower back or perineal area
  • fibroids are one of the causes of infertility
  • spotting between cycles
  • unexpected weakness, drowsiness
  • frequent urge to urinate
  • deterioration of the bowel movement due to tumor pressure on the pelvis

If nodules have formed on the uterus, intimate intimacy often brings severe discomfort to the woman. Systematic blood loss leads to the development of anemia.

First of all, fibroids can be determined through a standard gynecological examination. The doctor can manually identify a lumpy and enlarged uterus. In the future, for a more detailed analysis, the following studies are prescribed:

  • transvaginal ultrasound of the pelvis - assesses the location of fibroids, its diameter, the density of the tissue structure, its pressure on surrounding organs
  • hysterosalpingoscopy - clarifies the presence of submucosal fibroids in endometrial tissues
  • endometrial biopsy - helps to exclude the malignant nature of the tumor, the collected material is sent for histological analysis
  • Diagnostic laparoscopy is an additional method for assessing fibroids, allowing to distinguish them from ovarian neoplasms.

Based on the results of analyzes of previous examinations, a further treatment strategy is developed.

Nodular fibroids of the uterus: treatment

For successful treatment without surgical intervention, timely consultation with a doctor and diagnosis of nodular uterine fibroids at an early stage of development are important. It is possible to avoid surgery if the following indicators occur:

  • specific location of nodes
  • the volume of the uterus does not exceed 12 weeks of pregnancy
  • mild symptoms of the disease in the absence of complications

Complex treatment is based on inhibiting the growth of the lesion or stopping it completely. Patients are prescribed hormone therapy, designed to reduce the production of estrogen. Doctors successfully use drugs derived from androgens (Gestrinone, Danazol) or GnRH (Zoladex).

Androgens are administered in a course over a period of about eight months, as a result of which the fibroid nodes are reduced in diameter.

The effect of medications based on GnRH is usually used in the preoperative period, since small nodes are easier to remove. However, patients observe many side effects from therapy - hot flashes, a feeling of menopause, dry vaginal mucosa, unstable emotional state, development of osteoporosis.

For nodes less than 2 cm, it is advisable to use hormonal contraceptives Janine or Yarina. To achieve the desired result, drink them for at least 3 months.

The Mirena intrauterine hormonal system demonstrates excellent results in the treatment of fibroids. By regularly releasing a certain type of hormone into the uterine cavity, it prevents the growth of nodes and has a contraceptive effect.

General strengthening multivitamin complexes are added to specific therapy, medications with a high concentration of iron.

There are chances of not removing fibroids that are asymptomatic during pregnancy. But the full development of the embryo can be hampered by overly enlarged uterine nodes. In this case, nodular uterine fibroids can provoke termination of pregnancy in the later stages. Considering the possible complications, a pregnant woman with fibroids requires double attention from doctors.

Nodular fibroids of the uterus: surgery

Surgery for fibroids is necessary for large sizes, pronounced symptoms or tumor necrosis.

The following types of operations are distinguished:

  • Conservative myomectomy. This is an organ-preserving procedure used for women childbearing age planning pregnancy, having a single fibrous node. This technique is the least traumatic and avoids the formation of adhesions in the postoperative period, as well as unnecessary blood loss during surgery. In addition, the procedure for removing fibroids itself takes a short time, and recovery proceeds with minimal side effects.
  • Hysterectomy. A radical method of node surgery, which involves complete removal of the uterus. Until recently, hysterectomy was the only treatment for fibroids, the most common gynecological disease. However latest research forced doctors to reconsider their views on such “therapy.” The uterus not only performs a reproductive function, but also works as an important endocrine organ. Its elimination affects the rest internal organs, not to mention psychological problems after operation.
  • Now doctors are trying to save reproductive system in patients with different stages of fibroids, therefore they developed a new treatment method - embolization. Embolization of the uterine arteries. The method consists of blocking the flow of blood to the fibroid nodes with a special object. Having ceased to be nourished, fibrous tissue begins to regress, which leads to a complete stop in the growth of fibroids.

This method has many advantages:

  • performed under local anesthesia
  • minimum rehabilitation period
  • low-traumatic intervention without incisions and stitches
  • no relapse
  • impact on 100% of nodes with multiple propagation

Don't forget about postoperative period. It is advisable to conduct several courses of mesotherapy and undergo restorative procedures.

Among possible complications After the operation, infectious inflammatory processes, the formation of adhesions or synechiae on the uterus, and internal bleeding can be noted.

Pregnancy is possible in half of the operated patients, but this does not exclude the subsequent formation of new fibroids.

There is no specific prevention for nodular fibroids. Regular gynecological examination with ultrasound diagnostics, taking contraceptives exclusively as prescribed by a doctor, a full sex life and promptly treated diseases of the genital area are the best prevention of nodular fibroids of the uterus.

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A gynecologist distinguishes 2 forms of uterine fibroids - diffuse and nodular.

The cause may be both primary changes in the muscle wall due to hormonal disorders, and secondary changes due to abortion, postpartum complications, and chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.

The main signs of fibroids. pain, discomfort, bleeding, dysuric disorders, defecation disorders, infertility, sexual dysfunction - reduce a woman’s quality of life.

A gynecologist can diagnose the disease during a gynecological examination. An ultrasound will provide a complete picture. smear for bacterial culture, laboratory tests.


Treatment of uterine fibroids should be long-term, but gentle, using herbal medicine and homeopathy. If there is a nodular form of the uterus, consult a gynecologist - oncologist or surgeon.

If you have uterine fibroids, a woman should be registered with a gynecologist and undergo a control examination 2 times a year.

Causes, symptoms and treatments for nodular fibroids and fibroids

Nodular uterine fibroids are a benign neoplasm. Myoma is localized in muscle tissue, respectively, and this node consists of muscle fibers, and fibroids are located in connective tissues. That is, this is a disease in which nodes form in the thickness of the uterus, and in the process of their growth their localization may change.

Myomatous nodes appear in women aged 25 to 55 years. Although medical practice indicates that the disease is getting younger and manifests itself at an earlier age.

  • Intramural fibroids. When the nodes are located in the thickness of the uterus and grow there.
  • Submucosal fibroids. When the nodes are localized under the inner lining of the organ, which means these nodes grow into the uterine cavity.
  • Subserous fibroids. When the nodes are localized under the outer lining of the uterus, and during the process of growth they are directed outward, that is, into the abdominal cavity.

Nodular fibroids of the uterus: signs and symptoms

Signs of nodular fibroids of the uterus

The manifestations of fibroids will depend on the size of the nodes, the characteristics of their localization, the duration of the disease and other factors. The most common signs of the disease are pain, bleeding, anemia caused by prolonged blood loss, pain symptom, symptoms of compression of neighboring organs, enlargement of the abdomen, pain during sexual intercourse, a feeling of fullness in the stomach, flatulence. Menstruation with fibroids is heavy and prolonged, and bleeding not associated with menstruation is common.

Pain with fibroids is usually caused by tension in the ligaments of the uterus, stretching of the abdominal wall, and pressure from the growing tumor on other organs. Disturbances in the functioning of nearby organs more often occur when fibroids are localized close to the cervix. The growing tumor puts pressure on the bladder and causes urination problems. Retrocervical fibroids put pressure on the rectum and provoke intestinal dysfunction. With the onset of menopause, the neoplasm decreases in size. However, according to medical statistics, in 2% of cases, uterine fibroids degenerate into a malignant tumor.

Types of fibroids, reasons for their appearance

There are several types of fibroids. The submucosa appears inside the uterine cavity, under its lining. It causes severe pain and cramps. Subserosal fibroids develop on the outer lining of the uterus. Interstitial forms on the walls of the uterus and quickly increases in size. Interligamentous fibroids are localized in the environment of the ligaments that support the uterus in the abdominal cavity. The stalked form develops from the subserosal form when it grows a stalk. Such formations can twist and cause severe pain. Making a diagnosis when the uterus is enlarged in size does not cause difficulties during a routine gynecological examination. In order to clarify the number and location of nodes, use additional research: Ultrasound, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy.

Factors contributing to the development of fibroids include progesterone deficiency, increased levels of estrogen hormones, disturbances in the processes of synthesis and transformation of sex hormones, and changes in the sensitivity of the myometrium to them. The hereditary factor also plays a certain role. The cause of the development of fibroids can be a previous abortion, chronic inflammatory diseases genitals. The likelihood of developing this disease increases in women who postpone pregnancy until later in life.

Uterine fibroids are one of the most pressing and pressing issues in women's health. Currently, fibroids are detected in 3.2% of all women over 30 years of age. For those who have gynecological pathology, fibroids are much more common - in 12-20% of cases. Predominant occurrence is in women over 40 years of age.

Malignant degeneration of fibroids occurs in 1.5-5% of cases, in 2% there is a combination of fibroids and endometrial cancer.

Infertility occurs in 40% of cases in patients with fibroids due to a previous disorder of the ovaries with the formation of an anovulatory type of menstrual cycle.

Myoma is a benign hormone-dependent tumor that develops from the muscle and connective tissue elements of the uterus.

The term “hormone-dependent” reflects the modern view on the nature of the occurrence of fibroids. It is believed that the tumor occurs as a result of excessive stimulation of uterine tissue to grow. This stimulation is carried out by hormones called estrogens. These hormones are normally produced by the ovaries in the first phase of the menstrual cycle. However, their ability to induce the growth of hormone-dependent tissue is significantly limited by progesterone, another ovarian hormone.

During menopause, when the role of the ovaries decreases, the main source of estrogen is the male sex hormone androgens. In menopausal women, the adrenal glands are the predominant supplier of androgens.

A benign tumor is uterine fibroids. Basic principles of its treatment

Uterine fibroids are a benign tumor that is localized in the myometrium. A single cause causing this disease has not yet been established. Research has proven that one of these reasons may be hormonal dysfunction. An important role in the development of the disease is played by the hereditary factor, as well as chronic inflammation of the genital organs and a previous abortion. In women who postpone pregnancy until later in life, this pathology is registered more often. Therefore, many experts call this disease “the disease of female careerism.”

Nodular fibroids of the uterus are characterized by the formation of nodes in the myometrium, which over time grow in different directions. As a rule, multiple neoplasms are recorded, less often - submucosal and subserous. Sometimes there are cases when myopathic nodes also affect the cervix.

Symptoms of fibroids can manifest in different ways. First of all, this is due to the growth and size of the tumor, its location and other factors. Very often, signs of the disease manifest themselves in the form of pain in the lower abdomen, lower back and pelvis, frequent urination and constipation, heavy bleeding during the menstrual period. All this can cause infertility and miscarriages. Uterine fibroids can grow to the size of a football. Many patients complain of heavy and prolonged menstruation. Very often, the submucosal form of fibroids is accompanied by bleeding that is not associated with menstruation. According to statistics, about 2% of fibroids degenerate into sarcomas.

Nodular uterine fibroids - treatment depends on the tumor

One of the most common diseases in women is nodular uterine fibroids. Nodular uterine fibroids are the most common form of the disease. Treatment for this disease is carried out in different ways. In some cases it only works drug treatment, sometimes the tumor is removed through surgery, and in some cases it is necessary to remove not only the fibroid, but also the uterus.

Basic principles of treatment of nodular uterine fibroids

Treatment of nodular uterine fibroids is selected for each woman individually and depends on the size, location of the nodes, age and general condition of the woman, and the presence of concomitant diseases.

However, there are also general principles treatment of nodular fibroids. Also of great importance healthy image life, proper nutrition Proper nutrition- the basic commandments of healthy food. alternation of work and rest, a good night's sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams. absence of stress and inadequate loads - the state of metabolism and immunity - the main factors contributing to the restoration of hormonal levels and suppression of tumor growth - depends on this.

Depending on the various reasons Hormonal therapy is used to treat nodular fibroids, surgical treatment, as well as new low-traumatic treatment methods in the form of embolization of the uterine arteries and destruction of fibroid cells with various energy sources.

Nodular uterine fibroids: treatment and causes

Nodular uterine fibroids are a benign tumor formed in the muscle tissue of the organ.

The nodular form of uterine fibroids develops from muscle and connective fibers and is a rounded dense node, the size of which doctors calculate in weeks.

What is the threat of this disease and how can its presence be determined?

Note that over time, neglected nodular fibroids can turn into a malignant tumor. For this reason, the disease requires timely detection and correct diagnosis.

There is also multiple nodular uterine fibroids. As the name implies, the disease is characterized not by one, but by several nodules. Removing them is a real problem.

Causes of nodular uterine fibroids

The main cause of the disease is hormonal imbalance, provoked by:

  • improper diet;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • stress;
  • sexual abstinence;
  • gynecological diseases and complications.

Genetics plays a prominent role in the formation of nodes, so women whose relatives had fibroids are recommended to have frequent examinations with a gynecologist.

Symptoms of nodular uterine fibroids

  • a sharp increase in temperature when the fibroid ruptures or twists;
  • infertility;
  • sudden drowsiness and weakness;
  • deterioration of bowel and bladder function;
  • lower back pain;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • spotting;
  • heavy bleeding.

Treatment of nodular uterine fibroids

In the initial stages of development, this disease can be treated with hormonal drugs. With the restoration of hormonal balance, nodular uterine fibroids themselves may disappear.

If the fibroids continue to grow, mandatory surgical treatment is prescribed.

During surgery, uterine fibroids can be removed with or without the uterus. Patients with childbearing function can count on the preservation of their reproductive organ.

However, despite the results of treatment, the risk of hormonal imbalances increases, coronary disease heart, cancer mammary gland and other similar diseases.

In general, you need to pay special attention to your own health and undergo examinations by gynecologists, mammologists and others.

Nodular uterine fibroids: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

The pathology is more typical for women over 30 years of age. According to statistics, this pathology is detected in almost 17% of patients of this age. In most cases, a myomatous tumor of a nodular structure, i.e. nodular uterine fibroid, is diagnosed.

More about the disease

A nodular neoplasm consists of one or several nuclei, it appears gradually, often develops latently, and is therefore difficult to detect, especially in the initial stages.

Nodular myomatous formation, like other benign tumors, grows between healthy tissues, pushing them apart. But if a confluence of pathological factors occurs, then malignancy may occur, which will lead to malignancy.

Since the main causes of such formations are hormonal imbalances, hormonally active women whose age is approaching menopause and menopause are at risk. In other words, myomatous nodes are found mainly in summer women, and in every sixth of them.

More recently, such formations were mistakenly perceived by specialists as precancerous tumors, however, today most doctors are inclined to classify them as exclusively benign neoplasms.


The fundamental provoking factor for such nodes is an imbalance of hormonal status, which consists of an excess content of progesterone and estrogen hormones.

Under the influence of such an imbalance, the cellular structures of the myometrium undergo hyperplastic changes.

According to many gynecologists, the appearance of myomatous nodes can be provoked by the failure of childbearing. The uterine body prepares for conception every month, but if it does not occur for a long time, a cellular failure occurs, which provokes the formation of a myomatous node.

In addition, other factors provoke the formation of nodular fibroids:

  • Traumatic effects caused by abortions, gynecological surgical procedures, curettage for diagnostic purposes, etc.;
  • Heredity;
  • Metabolic pathologies;
  • Hypodynamic factor;
  • Irregularity of sexual relations;
  • Dissatisfaction with sex life, etc.

Symptoms of nodular uterine fibroids

Myoma usually begins latently, that is, asymptomatic, so it is difficult to differentiate them in the initial stages. However, it is precisely the beginning myomatous nodes that can be conservative therapy, in other cases, surgical intervention is necessary.

  1. Heavy menstrual flow and prolongation of menstruation, the appearance of uterine bleeding between menstrual periods;
  2. Painful manifestations during and before menstruation. The pain is localized in the uterine area, however, it often radiates to the lower back;
  3. Developing Iron-deficiency anemia caused by heavy blood loss;
  4. If the tumor grows to a large size, there is a noticeable increase in the volume of the abdomen.

When growing to a significant size, myomatous nodes affect the rectal and bladder structures, which leads to constipation and other intestinal problems, and also causes urinary disorders.


Nodular uterine fibroids can be proliferating or simple.

A simple tumor is characterized by the growth of cellular structures, and a proliferating one is accompanied by active myocyte proliferation and rapid growth of the node.

By nature, myomatous formations can be single or multiple.


It is impossible to predict the clinical scenario for the development of a particular fibroid. Some nodes develop asymptomatically for a long time, practically without increasing in size. Others may quickly begin to grow, characterized by the appearance of new nodes, which can lead to loss of the uterus.

When pressure is placed on the rectum or bladder structures, the tumor can lead to dysfunction of these organs and even provoke serious pathological problems in their activity.

If the tumor blocks the exit to the cervix, then menstrual fluid accumulates in the uterus, which subsequently leads to the formation of a hematometra - a closed uterus filled with blood. Such a consequence requires immediate surgical removal.


Myomatous nodes can be detected during a two-handed examination by a gynecologist, during which deformation and structural changes of the uterine body, its enlargement and a tuberous surface are revealed.

Highly informative methods for diagnosing such pathology are ultrasound, Dopplerography, MRI and CT.

To differentiate myomatous formation, determine the location of the nodular stalk and other necessary data, hydrosonography is performed, which is an ultrasound examination of the uterine body filled with fluid.

Features of treatment of nodular and multinodular uterine fibroids

The basis of treatment of myomatous formations is surgical therapy, but if the tumor is at the initial stage of development, then conservative treatment is carried out with drugs of hormonal origin.

If during such therapy it is possible to stabilize the patient’s hormonal status, then the myomatous nodes resolve on their own. If hormonal drugs are useless, surgery is prescribed.

Indications for surgical procedures are the following factors:

  1. Heavy menstrual blood loss;
  2. Large size of myomatous formation;
  3. Accelerated tumor growth rates;
  4. There is a high probability of myomatous malignancy;
  5. The presence of other tumor formations;
  6. Disturbance of intratumoral vital activity.

Advanced forms of nodular myomatous formation require mandatory radical removal of the uterine body, therefore it is categorically unacceptable to ignore the pathology.

But most often, organ-preserving operations are used, such as myomectomy, which is performed intravaginally or laparoscopically. Surgery using a hysteroscope is also considered gentle.

Treatment with folk remedies

Many patients prefer traditional methods to drug treatment of nodular uterine fibroids. There may be several reasons for this preference: some are afraid of surgery, while others do not recognize modern medicine at all.

In any case, most gynecologists do not discourage such treatment, however, they recommend it as an auxiliary therapy, and not as the main one.

Traditional medicine has many recipes in its arsenal. Since myomatous nodes are usually accompanied by heavy bleeding. To eliminate them, it is recommended to use medicinal herbs like yarrow, shepherd's purse or nettle. Decoctions and infusions are prepared from these plants.

To shrink a tumor or slow and stop its growth, folk remedies based on fly agaric, tartar, celandine or boron uterus.

Traditional treatment of nodular myomatous formations can give positive results However, before using such recipes, it is recommended to consult with a gynecologist and combine basic drug therapy with alternative treatment.


After surgical removal of myomatous nodes, the prognosis for life is positive, and most often patients retain the ability to conceive and give birth to healthy offspring.

If the treatment was conservative and carried out through hormonal therapy, then there is a high probability of relapse.

If the nodes are characterized by pathologically rapid growth and quickly spread throughout the uterine body, then a radical hysterectomy may be prescribed, which involves surgical removal uterus, its appendages and myomatous nodes. Even a single node, the treatment of which was not started in a timely manner, can lead to such consequences.


You can prevent the occurrence of nodular uterine fibroids by taking a responsible approach to the issue of pregnancy planning.

Systematic visits to antenatal clinics and gynecological examinations will help to detect a tumor in a timely manner and prevent the development of its more dangerous forms.

Some experts recommend that premenopausal women with unstable hormonal levels take special medications that normalize estrogen levels. In addition to myomatous prevention, such treatment will help female body prepare more gently for menopause.

The video shows hysteroscopic surgery for multiple nodular uterine fibroids:

Symptoms and treatment of uterine fibroids

In modern gynecology, there is an increase in the incidence of benign tumors among women of reproductive age. Uterine fibroids, which arise in the myometrium, are one of the most common benign tumor formations.

Uterine fibroids are a hormone-dependent pathological process that often needs to be treated with surgery. The neoplasm is formed from fibers of the muscle layer and connective tissues predominant in the composition. The size of the formation is measured by attending physicians in weeks, as during pregnancy.

Fibroids are also called fibroids or leiomyomas. The difference between terms such as fibromyoma and leiomyoma is the predominance of different tumor tissues.

Symptoms of fibroids are found in almost every second woman who comes to see a gynecologist. Most nodes are located in the body of the uterus, however, cervical localization is not excluded.

Uterine fibroids can be:

For nodular uterine fibroids, treatment is more effective. This is due to the fact that the nodular form implies the formation of separate tumors. While with the diffuse variety there is a widespread distribution pathological process.

Nodular fibroids of the uterus are:

  • single;
  • multiple.

Most often, nodular uterine fibroids or leiomyomas are represented by multiple neoplasms.

Before treating fibroids, including surgery, it is necessary to diagnose its type in accordance with its location.

  • Submucosal or submucosal. Such a nodular formation is diagnosed by the attending physician under the endometrium.
  • Interligamentous. This is a complex tumor growing between the layers of the broad ligament of the uterus. Treatment of interligamentous fibroids or leiomyomas is challenging due to possible vascular damage.
  • Subserous. A uterine tumor grows under the outer layer of the muscular organ.
  • Interstitial. This is the most common type of nodular fibromyoma, meaning the appearance of a neoplasm in the thickness of the myometrium.

Uterine fibroids also include three main forms.

  • Simple. This formation is characterized by slow progression and good treatment effectiveness.
  • Proliferating. With this pathology, rapid growth of a benign node is observed.
  • Presarcoma. Fibromyoma is characterized by the content of a significant amount of atypical cellular elements, which necessitates its early treatment. Doctors note that presarcoma is often the cause of uterine amputation.

Accordingly, fibromyoma and leiomyoma have a single morphology code M889 (code according to the International Classification of Diseases 10th revision D25 - uterine leiomyoma).

Causes of occurrence and progression

Nodular fibroids are a little-studied pathology. It has been noticed that often the growth benign tumor occurs during reproductive age, and after menopause the formations regress.

Uterine fibroids are characterized by slow progression. It takes an average of five years for a tumor to grow to a diagnosable size. However, when exposed to unfavorable factors, symptoms of rapid growth of nodular fibroids or leiomyomas may occur, which necessitates surgery. Therefore, the disease should be detected and treated in a timely manner.

The reasons for the progression of uterine fibroids include:

  • absence of pregnancy and childbirth in women under 30 years of age;
  • frequent surgical interventions and terminations of pregnancy;
  • stress;
  • long-term insolation;
  • inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs;
  • uncontrolled use of COCs;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • family history of fibroids;
  • early (from 9 years old) onset of menstruation.

Symptoms and complications

There are no symptoms of the disease in more than half of clinical cases. This is due to the slow growth of the nodular tumor. Upon reaching nodular fibroids significant sizes, symptoms of pathology appear:

  • pelvic pain of varying intensity, intensifying during menstruation;
  • acyclic bleeding;
  • increase in quantity bloody discharge and the duration of critical days;
  • pain during intimacy;
  • compression of the intestines and bladder, manifested by constipation and frequent urination;
  • increase in abdominal volume;
  • infertility, as well as miscarriage in the absence of timely treatment.

The severity of symptoms is essential for the choice of treatment tactics, which means the use of surgery or conservative therapy. Treatment of uterine fibroids without surgery is possible only in the absence of severe symptoms.

The nodular form of the disease often leads to symptoms of serious complications that require surgery.

  • Necrosis of nodular neoplasm. This phenomenon occurs due to torsion of the leg of the node and disruption of its nutrition. Symptoms include severe pain, nausea, vomiting, and the development of an infectious process is possible. Treatment of pedicle torsion and necrosis of nodular fibroids is exclusively surgical. If the pathology is not treated promptly, sepsis may develop and the uterus will have to be removed.
  • The birth of a node. Often, nodular submucous fibroids are born in the vagina. Symptoms of this complication include nagging or cramping pain in the lower abdomen. If immediate surgical treatment is not performed, uterine inversion may occur.

As a rule, the appearance of symptoms of complications is associated with the lack of adequate treatment, which leads to the need for surgery.

An increase in nodular tumor often prevents pregnancy - this applies to submucosal localization, as well as large intramural fibroids, which deform the uterine cavity. Without surgery or conservative treatment, implantation does not occur. In addition, pregnant women with a history of benign neoplasms are at risk of miscarriage, premature birth, and various postpartum complications.

Diagnosis and treatment

The absence of symptoms, including nodular pathology, often causes its accidental detection during a preventive examination. The disease can be identified using the following diagnostic methods:

  • examination by the attending physician by palpation;
  • gynecological ultrasound;
  • hysteroscopy;
  • Blood tests to determine the level of sex hormones.

Treatment of uterine fibroids is selected individually for each patient. Before treating the disease, the doctor takes into account the symptoms, size and type of nodule. The realization of childbearing function and the age of the woman are essential.

Many women are interested in how to treat uterine fibroids. The disease can be treated:

The disease can be treated conservatively without surgery in the absence of severe symptoms and fibroids for up to 12 weeks. Conservative treatment without surgery is based on taking hormonal drugs:

  • gestagens;
  • estrogen-gestagens;
  • antigonadotropic drugs;
  • androgen-containing medications.

Drug treatment without surgery allows you to slow down the progression of the disease, reduce leiomyoma and eliminate unpleasant symptoms. It is necessary to treat with hormonal drugs for a long time, following the instructions of the treating doctor. This is due to the fact that drug treatment can cause serious side effects, as it sometimes implies an introduction to artificial menopause.

If fibroids last for more than 12 weeks and have severe symptoms, surgical treatment is indicated, which involves surgery.

Organ-saving operations include myomectomy using laparoscopic or laparotomy techniques. Such operations can eliminate leiomyoma while maintaining reproductive function. Submucosal myoma can be removed without open surgery, but using hysteroscopy or FUS ablation. In the process of FUS ablation under MRI control, direct removal occurs using the evaporation method.

Radical operations involve amputation of the uterine body using hysterectomy or extirpation. Treat with radical operations Recommended for women after menopause.

  • refuse abortion;
  • avoid surgical interventions;
  • plan your first pregnancy before age 30;
  • treat reproductive diseases in a timely manner;
  • avoid prolonged sun exposure;
  • be regularly examined by a gynecologist.

Surgery for uterine fibroids can be avoided if you do not ignore the symptoms of the disease, but carry out adequate treatment at the initial stage of the pathological process. If the gynecologist recommends surgery as a treatment for nodular leiomyoma and elimination unpleasant symptoms, alternative methods may be considered, such as FUS ablation and uterine artery embolization.

Nodular fibroids of the uterus: what do women need to know?

The definition of nodular uterine fibroids is a benign tumor formed from the connective tissue of the muscles of the organ. Advanced fibroids can develop into a malignant neoplasm, which is why it is so important to diagnose and treat this disease in time, especially for nulliparous women.

Nodular fibroids of the uterus: causes

Nodular fibroids are one of the most common gynecological diseases. Nodes of different diameters form in the thickness of the uterus and begin to grow outward or inward. They cause disturbances in the menstrual cycle and other vital internal organs.

The tumor is divided into three types:

The theory of tumor occurrence is based on hormonal imbalance. The following factors can provoke a malfunction of hormones:

  • improper functioning of the ovaries
  • inflammatory process in the genital organs
  • promiscuity
  • long-term sexual abstinence
  • constant stress
  • previous abortion or other surgical intervention in the uterine area

More often than others, fibroids are diagnosed in women whose relatives have been diagnosed with uterine nodes.

The risk group includes infertility due to failure to ovulate, as well as the absence of children after 30 years.

Representatives of the fairer sex who take estrogen-containing contraceptives or those undergoing menopause treatment are also at risk.

A favorable background for the development of fibroids can be overweight, diabetes, sedentary lifestyle, and thyroid disease.

The growth of existing fibroids increases during pregnancy because its origin is hormone-dependent. After childbirth, the nodes have the ability to decrease to their original size or disappear altogether.

In our country, the size of uterine fibroids is measured by weeks of pregnancy, that is, how many weeks of pregnancy the enlarged uterus corresponds to.

We invite you to learn about the types of uterine fibroids from the proposed video.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Complaints in the presence of fibroids depend on its size, features of its localization and growth, and the timing of the disease. Most patients do not feel any manifestations of the tumor; approximately 20% of women experience various symptoms, such as:

  • increased blood flow during menstruation
  • heavy periods are accompanied by painful sensations in the lower abdomen, clots, acute cramps
  • often notice pain in the lower back or perineal area
  • fibroids are one of the causes of infertility
  • spotting between cycles
  • unexpected weakness, drowsiness
  • frequent urge to urinate
  • deterioration of the bowel movement due to tumor pressure on the pelvis

If nodules have formed on the uterus, intimate intimacy often brings severe discomfort to the woman. Systematic blood loss leads to the development of anemia.

First of all, fibroids can be determined through a standard gynecological examination. The doctor can manually identify a lumpy and enlarged uterus. In the future, for a more detailed analysis, the following studies are prescribed:

  • transvaginal ultrasound of the pelvis - assesses the location of fibroids, its diameter, the density of the tissue structure, its pressure on surrounding organs
  • hysterosalpingoscopy - clarifies the presence of submucosal fibroids in endometrial tissues
  • endometrial biopsy - helps to exclude the malignant nature of the tumor, the collected material is sent for histological analysis
  • Diagnostic laparoscopy is an additional method for assessing fibroids, allowing to distinguish them from ovarian neoplasms.

Based on the results of analyzes of previous examinations, a further treatment strategy is developed.

Nodular fibroids of the uterus: treatment

For successful treatment without surgical intervention, timely consultation with a doctor and diagnosis of nodular uterine fibroids at an early stage of development are important. It is possible to avoid surgery if the following indicators occur:

  • specific location of nodes
  • the volume of the uterus does not exceed 12 weeks of pregnancy
  • mild symptoms of the disease in the absence of complications

Complex treatment is based on inhibiting the growth of the lesion or stopping it completely. Patients are prescribed hormonal therapy to reduce estrogen production. Doctors successfully use drugs derived from androgens (Gestrinone, Danazol) or GnRH (Zoladex).

Androgens are administered in a course over a period of about eight months, as a result of which the fibroid nodes are reduced in diameter.

The effect of medications based on GnRH is usually used in the preoperative period, since small nodes are easier to remove. However, patients experience many side effects from therapy - hot flashes, a feeling of menopause, dry vaginal mucosa, unstable emotional state, and the development of osteoporosis.

For nodes less than 2 cm, it is advisable to use hormonal contraceptives Janine or Yarina. To achieve the desired result, drink them for at least 3 months.

The Mirena intrauterine hormonal system demonstrates excellent results in the treatment of fibroids. By regularly releasing a certain type of hormone into the uterine cavity, it prevents the growth of nodes and has a contraceptive effect.

General strengthening multivitamin complexes and medications with a high concentration of iron are added to specific therapy.

There are chances of not removing fibroids that are asymptomatic during pregnancy. But the full development of the embryo can be hampered by overly enlarged uterine nodes. In this case, nodular uterine fibroids can provoke termination of pregnancy in the later stages. Considering the possible complications, a pregnant woman with fibroids requires double attention from doctors.

Nodular fibroids of the uterus: surgery

Surgery for fibroids is necessary for large sizes, pronounced symptoms or tumor necrosis.

The following types of operations are distinguished:

  • Conservative myomectomy. This is an organ-preserving procedure, used for women of childbearing age who are planning pregnancy and have a single fibrous node. This technique is the least traumatic and avoids the formation of adhesions in the postoperative period, as well as unnecessary blood loss during surgery. In addition, the procedure for removing fibroids itself takes a short time, and recovery proceeds with minimal side effects.
  • Hysterectomy. A radical method of node surgery, which involves complete removal of the uterus. Until recently, hysterectomy was the only treatment for fibroids, the most common gynecological disease. However, recent research has forced doctors to reconsider their views on such “therapy.” The uterus not only performs a reproductive function, but also works as an important endocrine organ. Its elimination affects the rest of the internal organs, not to mention the psychological problems after the operation.
  • Now doctors are trying to preserve the reproductive system in patients with various stages of fibroids, so they have developed a new treatment method - embolization. Embolization of the uterine arteries. The method consists of blocking the flow of blood to the fibroid nodes with a special object. Having ceased to be nourished, fibrous tissue begins to regress, which leads to a complete stop in the growth of fibroids.

This method has many advantages:

  • performed under local anesthesia
  • minimum rehabilitation period
  • low-traumatic intervention without incisions and stitches
  • no relapse
  • impact on 100% of nodes with multiple propagation

Don't forget about the postoperative period. It is advisable to conduct several courses of mesotherapy and undergo restorative procedures.

Possible complications after surgery include infectious inflammatory processes, the formation of adhesions or synechiae on the uterus, and internal bleeding.

Pregnancy is possible in half of the operated patients, but this does not exclude the subsequent formation of new fibroids.

There is no specific prevention for nodular fibroids. Regular gynecological examination with ultrasound diagnostics, taking contraceptives exclusively as prescribed by a doctor, a full sex life and promptly treated diseases of the genital area are the best prevention of nodular fibroids of the uterus.

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Nodular uterine fibroids are a very common pathology that is diagnosed in a large number of women.

At its core, it is a benign formation in the uterus that develops in the myometrium and consists of one or more nodes.

The disease is more common in women after 30 years of age.

Diagnosed in 15% of menopausal women.

What it is?

A nodular tumor consists of several nuclei; the development of this formation occurs at an extremely slow pace, so it is very difficult to diagnose the disease in the early stages.

Like any other neoplasm, nodular fibroids grow between tissues, and as they grow, they increasingly compress nearby organs.

Not so long ago, uterine fibroids were considered a precancerous condition, so the woman had the entire organ removed to avoid the development of an oncological process. Today, doctors are confident in the benign quality of this formation, which, nevertheless, should be treated and, if necessary, operated on. Nodular fibroids develop as a result of changes in myometrial cells.

Existing types

Depending on where exactly the myomatous node is localized, nodular uterine fibroids are divided into the following: , How:

  1. – the node is located on the outer shell of the organ. Such nodes may have a leg (long or short). Myomas with a long stalk are more dangerous, since the stalk can twist, thereby provoking necrosis.
  2. – the tumor is located under the mucous membrane. This form is usually accompanied by sore pain, bleeding, and, as a result, anemia.
  3. - nodes that are localized deep in the muscle layer. Such nodes can grow both inside the cavity and out.
  • prolongation of the menstrual period;
  • intermenstrual bleeding;
  • heavy menstrual flow;
  • painful sensations before and during menstruation, as a rule, pain is felt in the uterine area, but sometimes patients complain of lumbar pain;
  • anemic syndrome, which is caused by significant blood loss;
  • with large tumor sizes, the volume of the abdomen increases, which is a visual sign of the presence of myomatous formation in the uterus.

Fibroids of significant size put pressure on the intestines and bladder, and various pathologies from these organs can occur - constipation or problems with urination.

Other types

Uterine fibroids can be nodular or diffuse. Nodal ones, in turn, are divided according to their location into their own types, which were discussed above. As for the diffuse type of formation, it is characterized by the absence of a specific form and node, and is represented by an increase in muscle tissue in the form of a vague neoplasm. Most often, this type of fibroid develops against the background of frequent inflammatory processes in the organ.

Fibroids can vary in size:

  • up to 2 cm, fibroids are considered small;
  • up to 6 cm – average;
  • fibroids larger than 6 cm are called large.

Also, fibroids are differentiated according to their relationship to the uterine axis:

  • fibroids located in the body of the organ - corporal;
  • if the growth of fibroids is directed towards the vagina, it is a cervical tumor;
  • if the formation puts pressure on the bladder and causes problems with urination, it is an isthmus fibroid.

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Diagnostic measures

Myomatous nodular formations are not considered complex. Most often, fibroids are diagnosed in the gynecologist's chair. But only on the basis of this study it is impossible to say about the shape of the fibroid, its size and exact location.

Therefore, additional hardware tests are prescribed:

  • Doppler examination;
  • hydrosonography – ultrasound examination, which is carried out using a special liquid;
  • laparoscopic examination, which in addition to diagnosis involves removal of the formation;
  • – transvaginal examination of the uterine cavity using a hysteroscope.

In some cases it is necessary clinical analysis blood, since the submucous form of fibroids often provokes the development of anemia, which can be determined by the low level of hemoglobin in the patient’s blood.

Conservative treatment

It is advisable for formations of small sizes; it can only be prescribed by a competent specialist. Self-prescribing drugs can lead to serious consequences.

Doctor prescribes therapy (this is especially true in the presence of fibroids that cause bleeding). As a rule, B vitamins, iron supplements, and folic acid are prescribed.

Hormonal therapy is also prescribed, which includes:

  • gonadotropin antagonists that slow down estrogen synthesis - Goserelin, Buserelin, Leuprorelin and others;
  • androgen derivatives;
  • gestagens;

In case of significant blood loss, tranexamic acid is prescribed, which prevents the destruction of platelets.

Tumor size for surgery

Decision on accepted by doctors if there are certain indications:

  • large - more than 12-15 obstetric weeks;
  • fast - within a year the tumor increases by several obstetric weeks;
  • severe pain that is not relieved by medications;
  • simultaneously with fibroids, a woman begins to develop other pathologies of the reproductive system;
  • prolonged and heavy menstrual bleeding;
  • compression of other organs by fibroids, which impairs their functionality;
  • necrosis;
  • torsion of the legs.

Surgical intervention

The surgery can be performed in the following ways:

  1. Hysterectomy. This is a complete operation; this type of operation is indicated when other operations are impractical. Also, such an intervention is prescribed for women who have reached menopause, as well as those who have a predisposition to malignant processes.
  2. . Organ-preserving surgery. Prescribed for women with small nodules, nodular formations on a long stalk.
  3. Laparotomy. All surgical procedures are performed through an incision made in the abdominal cavity. This type of intervention is not often practiced, and it is prescribed only for very large fibroids or if the formation has led to deformation of the uterus.
  4. . A minimally invasive way to get rid of myomatous formation through centimeter punctures in the abdominal cavity.

Uterine fibroids in themselves are not a terrible disease; if they are noticed in time and treated correctly, no complications will arise. The advanced stage of fibroids is dangerous - it can lead to dangerous conditions that can end very badly.


To reduce the risk of developing nodules in the uterus, it is enough to adhere to simple rules, which, in principle, should be the way of life of every woman:

  • rejection of bad habits;
  • proper and balanced nutrition;
  • regular but moderate physical activity;
  • maintaining optimal weight;
  • pregnancy and childbirth under 40 years of age;
  • careful attention to your body, which means regular preventive examinations with a gynecologist.

Possible consequences

The dangers of fibroids have already been mentioned above, and now we will talk about the consequences that a woman may face if she delays the treatment of fibroids in a conservative way, and does not leave doctors a chance to perform organ-preserving surgery.

That is, what consequences await a woman after removal of the uterus?:

  • infertility;
  • weight gain;
  • decreased libido;
  • increased risk of vaginal wall prolapse;
  • pain during intimacy;
  • depressive states;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • memory loss;
  • problems with urination.

The genital area, of course, suffers most from hysterectomy.. Most women develop sexual dysfunction. However, in order for a woman’s sexual activity to normalize, a rehabilitation period is necessary, during which it is quite possible that psychological help will be required.


The listed complications are not obligatory; sometimes they have vague manifestations or are completely absent. This is possible if doctors maintain normal blood circulation in the ovaries and there is no drop in hormone levels.

Conclusion and conclusions

To summarize, we can say that nodular formations in the uterus are a common phenomenon, and with timely treatment not that scary. If the organ is preserved, a woman may well become pregnant and become a mother. As for menopausal women, proper treatment of the tumor reduces the risk of degeneration of a benign tumor into a malignant tumor to almost zero. Therefore, gynecologists strongly recommend that all women undergo regular preventive gynecological examinations.

Useful video

From the video you will learn what nodular uterine fibroids are:

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