What is quince and how is it eaten? Amazing quince: beneficial properties and contraindications Quince medicinal properties application.

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

According to Homeric writings, the quince or quince apple is the supreme fruit in the Garden of the Hesperides. It’s there, in the characters’ front garden ancient greek mythology, trees with golden fruits grew. Quince cultivation began approximately 2,600 years ago, making it the oldest agricultural crop.

What is a quit apple?

Quince is a fruit-bearing plant belonging to the Rosaceae family that grows in warm climates. The fruits are harvested in regions such as:

  • Türkiye
  • Caucasus;
  • Dagestan;
  • Turkmenistan;
  • Middle Asia;
  • Australia;
  • Europe.

Quince is used not only for culinary purposes. Due to the content of a large amount of vitamins, minerals and essential oils, the fruits of the plant have been used in medicine since ancient times.

People are interested in the question: is quince a fruit or a berry? It is related to the apple and pear and is therefore classified as a fruit.

The plant has been known to mankind for more than 4000 years.

What does it look like

The deciduous quince tree can reach a height of 2 to 5 meters. It has obliquely rising branches with ovoid-shaped leaves. The flowering period occurs in May-June, and full ripening of quince fruits is observed by October.

The fruit is a spherical or pear-shaped apple with a terry covering. Fruits can have a rough or smooth surface. Their weight does not exceed 100 g, although cases have been recorded when one specimen reached 2 kg. Quince pulp is not juicy and quite hard. Inside there is a core with brown seeds.

Oblong fruits

What are the types

Quince trees growing on loamy soil produce the largest harvest of fruit. Among the popular varieties:

  • Japanese. An evergreen shrub up to 2 m high with red flowers and fragrant fruits. The pulp of Japanese quince contains several times more fruit acid than other varieties. Fresh fruit juice should be diluted with filtered water.
  • Ordinary. Quite tree with large edible fruits. The plant is cultivated mainly in the Volga region, Crimea, Transcaucasia, Greece and Central Asian countries. Common quince can be apple-shaped, pear-shaped and Portuguese.
  • Chinese. The variety is distinguished by the presence of aromatic fruits with fleshy pulp. The fruit has a pronounced sourness and light viscosity.

The varieties presented above have many varieties: Muscat, Golden Ball, Krasnodar, Marble, Persian Sugar, Amber, Champion and others.

Calorie content and chemical composition

Quince has a multicomponent composition, which in addition to vitamins and minerals includes:

  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • fructose;
  • mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The nutritional value of fruit per 100 g is 57 kcal, of which:

  • proteins – 0.4 g;
  • fat – 0.1 g;
  • carbohydrates – 15 g.

In addition, the quince fruit is rich in acids that are rarely found in other fresh fruits and vegetables: pectin, tartronic, tartaric, citric, malic.

Quince also contains toxic and dangerous substances that are found in its seeds. These are amygdalin, mucus and tannins.

What are the beneficial and harmful properties?

Quince is not as popular a fruit as an apple or a pear, but it can easily be called a natural pharmacy:

  • potassium normalizes osmotic pressure and acid-base balance of the blood, and also stabilizes the level of cellular and intercellular fluid;
  • iron helps increase hemoglobin and improves thyroid function;
  • calcium and phosphorus strengthen the human bone skeleton and teeth;
  • magnesium eliminates pathogens of nervous disorders and takes part in regulating the functions of the respiratory system;
  • pectins envelop the intestinal mucosa, protecting it from irritation;
  • Vitamin C fights viruses and bacteria, strengthening the immune system;
  • Beta-carotene improves vision and is involved in removing toxins from the body.

Quince in syrup can be stored in a cool, dark place for up to 12 months.

The Persian scientist Avicenna, who lived at the end of the 9th century, used the fruit to relieve indigestion. In addition, he recommended that people with chronic liver diseases and weak stomachs drink a mixture consisting of quince juice, vinegar and honey.

What are the benefits of quince during pregnancy?

Since a woman’s body undergoes physical changes while carrying a child, there is an urgent need for such useful elements as iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus.

All these minerals take part in:

  • prevention iron deficiency anemia;
  • formation of organs and systems of the fetus;
  • strengthening the mother's blood vessels;
  • maintaining shape and normal weight.

Many women in the first trimester of pregnancy experience malaise accompanied by toxicosis. During this period, it is recommended to consume quince, because it has antiemetic properties. The fruits should be boiled and taken 100-120 grams 3 times a day. Women who are breastfeeding should exclude quince from their diet. The fruit causes constipation and bloating in the baby.

Homemade jellies

What are the contraindications

Overeating quince can be harmful to health and provoke:

  • constipation;
  • flatulence;
  • coarsening of the vocal cords;
  • the appearance of allergy symptoms.

Quite apple contains a small amount of sugar. However, people suffering from diabetes should take this fact into account when planning their daily diet.

How to eat

The rare quince fruit has an unusual shape, but not everyone likes its specific taste. The fruit is distinguished by a peculiar tartness of the pulp, which, moreover, like the peel, is hard and not too juicy.

Is it possible to eat quince raw?

Some argue that fresh fruits are not suitable for consumption. This is due to the density of the pulp and its viscosity. However, there are no specific contraindications to eating the fruit raw. Still, there are some recommendations for consumption, namely, before eating, the fruit should be boiled or baked in the oven. To add a fresh taste, raw fruit slices can be added to tea or other hot drinks.

“Edible” quince still life by Susanne Jutzeler, suju

How to use it in cooking

Most often, quince is consumed after the pulp has been heat treated. The fruit is made from:

  • jam;
  • compote;
  • juices;
  • marmalade;
  • candied fruit.

The fruit can also become the basis for preparing dessert or sauce for meat dishes. When exposed high temperatures the astringent property of the fruit is lost, and the juicy pulp acquires a sweetish taste.

To prepare the delicacy you will need to wait 5 days. The calorie content of the finished product per 100 g is about 600 kcal. The dessert belongs to oriental cuisine and resembles Turkish delight in taste and structure.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Wash the fruits and cut into four parts. Remove the core and peel the skin. Do not throw away the peel, because it is useful for thickening the sugar syrup.
  2. Take an enamel-lined pan and pour water into it. Place the peel of the fruit in a container and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and cook for at least 20 minutes.
  3. Before putting the quince quarters into the syrup, you need to remove the skin - it will no longer be needed.
  4. Boil the fruit pulp for 15 minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain in a colander. Pour 1 kg of sugar into the water where the fruit was. Prepare the syrup until the grains are completely dissolved, mixing the contents well.
  5. Cut the cooled quarters into cubes or slices. Place them in syrup and bring to a boil. Cook for 5 minutes over low heat. Leave the mixture for 6-12 hours. Boil again, add another 1 kg of sugar.
  6. Carry out the boiling procedure 3-4 times. At the last boil, add the juice of half a lemon to the mixture.
  7. Place the finished fruit on a baking sheet lined with parchment in one layer.
  8. When the syrup has drained and the candied fruits are slightly sticky, dip each piece in powdered sugar. It is recommended to lay out the fruits in one layer and leave until completely dry.

The dessert must be stored in glass jars under an airtight lid for no more than 2 months.


Quince- This is a fragrant fruit with a yellow peel, it comes in round and pear-shaped, with firm and sour pulp. The high content of pectin substances is useful for people whose activities are associated with hazardous production, living in areas of increased environmental danger. Quince jam, preserves and jams have medicinal properties for inflammatory bowel diseases. Quince fruits ripen in October. It is recommended to collect them before the onset of autumn frosts. If properly stored, quince fruits can be consumed until the beginning of April.

Botanical description of quince

Quince is the only representative of the genus Cidonia oblonga. It is a deciduous tree, less commonly a shrub, ranging in height from one and a half to five meters. It is distinguished by the oblique direction of the branches rising upward. Quince bark is thin, scaly, red-brown, dark gray or brown-black. Young branches are brownish-gray in color, and shoots are gray-green.

The leaves are oval and ovate, alternate, often broadly elliptical, with a wedge-shaped or heart-shaped base, dark green in color. The flowers have a beautiful regular shape and short pedicels. The corolla is white, pink or pale pink, up to 5 centimeters in diameter.

The quince fruit is a hairy false apple with a pear-shaped or spherical shape and a large number of brown seeds. Sometimes the fruits of cultivated quince reach a weight of two kilograms. The fruits of the wild plant are not large - only up to 100 grams. The pulp is not juicy, hard, astringent, tart, slightly sweetish taste.

Common quince blooms from May to June, the fruits ripen in September or October. Quince growing on heavy loamy soils is considered the most productive, but on sandy loam soils it begins to bear fruit earlier.

Propagated by cuttings, shoots from roots, grafting, as well as seeds, from which strong wild plants grow.

The natural range of quince covers a large area from Central Asia to the central and southern regions of Europe. Widely cultivated in Europe, North and South America, Oceania and Australia.

Quince cultivation

Quince propagates vegetatively using root suckers, vertical layering, cuttings and grafting. This is an unassuming plant, high-yielding, beautiful and useful. The method of growing quince is no different from growing a pear or apple tree. The tree grows well in sunny and warm areas, loves abundant watering, although it tolerates drought well. Seedlings can be planted in turfed soil.

Mid-October or mid-April is ideal for planting quince. Seedlings with well-developed roots and a formed crown are selected and placed in holes 50–60 cm deep, the diameter of which should be at least a meter. Before planting a seedling, you need to fill it with humus or compost.

For pollination (all quince varieties are self-sterile), it is necessary to plant two or three trees nearby. Strong annual branches of fruit-bearing trees should be shortened. When thinning the crown, remove dry, damaged parts of the plant that touch other trees.

Quince collection and preparation

Quince fruits are collected as they ripen. The biological characteristics of quince determine the long shelf life of the fruits of this plant. When fresh, given suitable conditions, they can be stored for five months.

But it is worth saying that fresh fruits are of little use for food. They are usually consumed baked or boiled. Also, quince fruits can be used to make jellies, marmalades, jams, candied fruits, compotes and juices with pulp. Due to the presence of aromatic essential oil in the fruit, which has a unique specific taste, quince is often used as a side dish for meat dishes. Canned quince makes up a large part of many national dishes of Caucasian and Central Asian cuisine.

Quince fruits can be dried and dried. Fruits with seed chambers and skin removed are suitable for these purposes. They are cut into slices, sprinkled with sugar and kept for a certain period at room temperature. Then the fruits are boiled in sugar syrup and dried in the oven.

Useful properties of quince

Quince can be classified as a medicinal plant. Not only the fresh fruits of the plant, rich in iron, but also the seeds collected during fruit processing have medicinal properties. For medicinal purposes, the seeds are dried at a temperature of no more than 50 degrees.

The large amount of tannins and mucous substances that quince seeds contain determines their medicinal properties. So, in folk medicine Decoctions are prepared from the seeds and taken as a mild laxative or enveloping agent. The use of a decoction for respiratory diseases to reduce respiratory tract diseases has a good effect. The enveloping properties of the decoction in the form of lotions help with eye diseases. The decoction is also recommended for use as a cosmetic product that softens the skin.

Since ancient times, quince has been used to reduce the symptoms of periodontal disease and relieve pain in the form of lotions and compresses based on quince juice.

Fresh quince fruits are used for anemia and as a cholagogue. Using a decoction of the leaves of the plant will help get rid of early gray hair.

Quince is a plant related to apples and pears, but due to its tart and astringent taste it is rarely consumed raw. Dishes prepared from quince retain all its beneficial and medicinal properties. The quince fruit contains biologically active substances, including a large amount of malic, citric and tartronic acids. Iron, zinc, phosphorus, copper, calcium, and pectins are also present. The bright yellow fruits provide people with C, E, B1, B2, B6, PP and provitamin A. The plant has antioxidant and antiviral properties.

The juice of ripe fruits has a tonic and diuretic effect. The fruits are also used as a fastening, hemostatic and antiemetic agent. Quince is a valuable food product, due to its content of fructose, gum, ascorbic acid, starch, and amygdalin glycoside fatty oil.

Chemical composition of quince

The characteristics of the chemical composition of quince fruits largely depend on the variety and location of the plant. But their main beneficial property is considered to be high the nutritional value. This is explained by the fact that the ripe fruits of the plant contain a high percentage of fructose and other healthy sugars, tannins, essential oils, vitamins, citric and malic acid. The skin of the fruit contains ethyl esters, which give quince a specific, unique aroma.

The juice contained gum, ascorbic and malic acid. The seeds are rich in mucilage, starch, amygdalin glycoside, tannins and fatty oil, which in turn contains glycerides of isoleic and myristic acids.

Calorie content

One hundred grams of quince contains 8.9 g of carbohydrates, there are 40 kcal. Quince is best suited for dietary nutrition, since it contains no fat, sodium is excluded.

The use of quince for various diseases

The unique properties of quince make it possible to use it as a means of reducing the negative effects on the body of viruses that cause various acute respiratory diseases. Juice and pulp, when consumed regularly, have a positive effect on the body with high cholesterol levels in the blood, treat and eliminate stomach problems. The beneficial effect of quince on the gastrointestinal tract and on the process of digesting food occurs due to the fiber contained in the fruit; this fruit can be safely included in the diet of people suffering from.

The effect of the beneficial properties of quince is noted in cases of dysfunction nervous system. Antioxidant substances do an excellent job of restoring the body after nervous stress. After drinking quince juice, the mood improves and patients experience relief. Quince helps with ear diseases; in the form of lotions, its decoction and juice are used for rectal prolapse and fissures. anus. It is indicated for tracheitis, gastroenteritis, spastic colitis, etc. Pureed fresh cooked fruits are used for liver diseases; the juice is recommended for use in lung diseases.

Quince in cosmetology

A large amount of fruit acids contained in ripe and juicy fruits makes it possible to use quince pulp as cosmetic masks. Such masks have antiseptic and drying properties and nourish the skin well. To prepare them, a small amount of crushed pulp is mixed with various ingredients, which can be vegetable oils, egg yolk, starch, oatmeal or ground cereals.

For oily, tired skin and to remove teenage acne, the simplest mask is suitable. To prepare the mask, you need to grate the ripe quince fruit on a fine grater, and then apply the pulp in a thin layer on the face, leaving the areas around the eyes and lips open. The mask should be kept for no more than seven minutes, then rinsed off with warm water.

Combination and normal skin requires the use of such a mask: the finely grated pulp of one quince fruit is mixed with well-ground egg yolk and steamed oatmeal(to prepare flour, grind two tablespoons of oatmeal in a coffee grinder, then pour 50 ml of boiling water and let it steam well), apply warm to the skin of the face and décolleté for no more than 10-15 minutes. Then the mask is washed off with warm water. The face should be lightly blotted several times with a napkin. Under no circumstances should you wipe it with a towel.

A quince mask has an excellent effect, suitable for all skin types. To prepare it, you need to grate the pulp of the fruit, then mix it with a teaspoon of oatmeal (you can use rice, buckwheat or oatmeal) and corn starch. The mixture must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin. Keep the mask on for at least 20 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature. After using the mask, it is not recommended to go outside for one hour.

Quince pulp is recommended for use in preparing various peeling masses and scrubs. Thanks to the use of these products, dead skin particles are exfoliated, its appearance is improved, blood circulation is restored, due to which the complexion becomes healthier and more attractive.

To prepare the scrub, you need to grind the quince fruit along with the seeds, add a tablespoon of coarse salt, mix well and immediately apply with light massage movements to the skin of the face and décolleté. After three minutes, the scrub must be washed off, then the skin should be blotted with a napkin. After an hour, it is recommended to apply a thin layer of nourishing cream to the skin. Thanks to this scrub, the skin will become softer and softer, its condition and appearance will improve.

Lotions made from quince pulp have a good effect. In addition, they do not contain harmful dyes, preservatives or flavoring additives.

To give oily skin a healthy look, lotion with chicken yolk is suitable. It will help cleanse the skin of oily sheen and make it velvety. To prepare such a lotion, you need to squeeze the juice from one fruit, add half a glass of purified medical alcohol and half a glass of camphor alcohol. The yolk of one egg should be beaten well, then the prepared solution should be introduced into it very slowly. The lotion must be stored in a cool, dark place.

You can prepare an infusion of quince, which will thoroughly cleanse the skin of your hands from dirt and grease and nourish it. To do this, you need to cut a medium-sized quince fruit into small pieces, removing the seeds and stalk. Then the quince needs to be poured with a glass of high-quality vodka. The tincture is kept in a cool, dark place for half a month, then filtered. After this, you need to add a tablespoon of glycerin to it.

Traditional medicine recipes with quince

Ripe quince fruits are used to prepare tinctures and extracts for the treatment of anemia and anemia. A decoction of the seeds is used for eye diseases, applying tampons moistened with broth to inflamed eyes. Quince decoction is recommended to be taken after sunstroke, for swelling,. Leaves, branch bark and young branches of quince are suitable for decoctions used in the treatment of and.

From quince mucous decoctions are obtained, the enveloping properties of which protect the stomach from inflammatory processes and have a binding effect in cases of dysentery.

Recipe No. 1: Pour 10 g of crushed seeds into a glass of boiling water, cook in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, then cool and strain thoroughly. The decoction should be taken 100 ml 3 times a day before meals for gastrointestinal ailments and sore throat, dry cough, skin diseases, etc.

Recipe No. 2: pour 5 grams of leaves with 1 glass of hot water, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool, strain, squeeze out the raw material, and add the evaporated water. It is recommended to take the composition 2 tablespoons before meals 3-4 times a day for inflammatory diseases of the intestines and stomach, during asthmatic attacks.

Recipe No. 3: if you have a cough or sore throat, pour a glass of boiling water over a quince fruit cut into small pieces and leave for 30 minutes. You need to drink 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Recipe No. 4: 10 g of quince seeds should be poured into 1 liter cold water, leave for 10 hours, strain and take 1/2–1 glass 3–4 times a day at.

Recipe No. 5: 1 tbsp. A spoonful of dry quince fruit membranes should be brewed with a glass of boiling water, left in a thermos for 3 hours, and taken two tablespoons during the day. The product normalizes digestion and helps in the treatment of dysbiosis.

Recipe No. 6: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of dried quince flowers into a glass of boiling water, leave for ten hours, and take 0.5 cups of honey three times a day.

Recipe No. 7: Pour 2 fruits with three glasses of water, boil for 10 minutes over low heat, leave for an hour. It is recommended to take 0.5 cups 3 times a day before meals for swelling and.

Recipe No. 8: 1 tbsp. A spoonful of leaves is poured into a glass of boiling water, boiled for 5–10 minutes, left for an hour, then used against sweaty feet.

Recipe No. 9: peel the fruit, remove the core, cut into slices, blanch for 15 minutes. Then drain the broth, filter and add 0.5 kg of sugar per 1 kg of quince. When the sugar has melted, you need to throw boiled quince slices into the syrup and boil for 10 minutes, take two or three tablespoons 3 times a day, washed down with water.

Syrup recipe: quince cut into small pieces must be poured with water and boiled until soft, then squeeze out the juice and continue cooking until a thick liquid is obtained. A tasty and healthy syrup is indicated for...

Recipes with quince seeds

Quince seeds, namely their white shell containing mucous components, as well as the fruits, are valuable medicinal raw materials. Decoctions from seeds alleviate the condition of women with heavy menstruation and stop uterine periods.

Recipe No. 1: 8 pieces of seeds need to be poured with 200 ml of boiling water and cooked for 3 minutes. You should drink the decoction 0.5 cups 3 times a day.

When consuming a decoction of the seeds, hemoptysis and uterine bleeding are eliminated.

Recipe No. 2: 5–10 grams of seeds must be boiled in 100 ml of water until mucus forms. It is recommended to take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Mucous decoctions from the seeds are useful for treating inflammation of the eyes, skin irritations, burns, and as a laxative. Quince seeds are brewed as tea and drunk for dry, debilitating coughs. Healing infusions are also used, effectively curing various ailments.

Seed infusion: pour 1 tablespoon of seeds into one glass of water at room temperature and shake vigorously for a couple of minutes. Take 1 tablespoon orally 3-4 times a day before meals.

How do you eat quince?

Quince is eaten with pleasure; it is perhaps the only fruit that, when raw, has a specific, very tart taste. Due to the hard peel and high density of the pulp, quinces are not eaten like, for example, apples. Delicious quince dishes are prized in the Apennines and Sardinia. Quince slices boiled in honey are tastier than any candied fruit or marmalade.

To replenish the body with vitamins, take quince juice; it can be easily prepared using a juicer. It must be remembered that quince contains tannins in large quantities, so its consumption should be moderate.

How to cook quince?

Quince fruits are hard with a sour taste. Boiled quince delights with its soft pulp; it is pinkish, sweet, with a granular texture, and tastes similar to a pear.

Before cooking, quince fruits should be thoroughly cleaned of fluffy coating, washed well, and in some cases you may even have to remove the skin. The fruits need to be cut in half, the core removed (the partitions and seeds should be dried and used to prepare decoctions and infusions, and the cut skin is boiled in a small amount of sugar syrup, it becomes aromatic and can be added to any quince dishes).

In order for the fruit to become soft, the pieces are blanched in water for 25 minutes, the broth is drained, filtered, sugar is added (800 g per 3 cups of broth), and brought to a boil, stirring occasionally. Remove the pan with the syrup from the heat, add the prepared quince pieces and leave to infuse for several hours. After some time, the syrup is boiled again, citric acid is added. With this cooking method, the slices become transparent, dense and very tasty.

Quince with honey

Quince fruits can diversify the daily diet of any person and be beneficial for various diseases. The combination of quince with honey allows you to get a special remedy.

Recipe for quince with honey: daily you need to eat one quince fruit baked with honey 3 times a day or drink the juice squeezed from three fruits, adding honey to taste. The combination of beneficial substances of quince and minerals and vitamins contained in honey is effective for anemia and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Treated with honey and quince women's diseases. Quince with honey has strong antimicrobial properties, helps improve immunity and normalize metabolism.

It is useful to take honey with quince for preventive purposes, preventing many health problems. It is good to prescribe such a drug for iron deficiency; it will strengthen the body of expectant mothers and women postpartum period, elderly people. People of mental and physical labor will replenish their body with vitamins and energy.

Benefits of quince juice

Quince juice is sweet and sour, has tonic and antiseptic properties. It is taken as a hemostatic, astringent and diuretic. This is a valuable source of vitamins and microelements. Its use is recommended for anemia, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, and asthma. Indications for treatment with juice include gastrointestinal disorders.

A few grams of juice can eliminate vomiting and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system; the tasty liquid lifts your mood and relieves stress. Condensed juice with pulp is popular among the peoples of Central Asia. In the process of evaporating quince juice, a nutritious product is obtained - marmalade. 100 grams of juice contains 45 kcal, 0.5 grams of protein, 10.6 grams of carbohydrates. The miracle drink is rich in easily digestible sugars. It contains organic acids, tannins and essential oils.

Quince varieties

There are many varieties of quince registered in Russia, the best and most common of which are considered:

In addition, a large number of different varieties are distinguished by good yields. For example, the Aurora variety is resistant to unfavorable climatic and environmental conditions and is not susceptible to fungal diseases. Fruits abundantly.

The French variety “Angerskaya” has lemon-yellow fruits, which are used for processing and consumed fresh.

Quince “Golden” has large fruits with creamy, sweet-sour pulp. One tree produces from 40 to 60 kg of fruit.

The amazing ability of the “Ilmennaya” variety to produce a large harvest is noted; a huge amount of sweet and sour, bright yellow fruits larger than average size is obtained. The pulp contains stony particles.

The “Kaunchi-10” variety is distinguished by large pear-shaped fruits with creamy pulp; they are juicy, sweet, and can be consumed raw.

The fruits of the quince “Collective” are apple-shaped, bright yellow, with light yellow pulp of medium density with a high content of stony particles. The tree has a high yield and is resistant to frost and drought.

Quince "Krasnoslobodskaya" has ribbed, bright yellow fruits similar in shape to apples. Their flesh is light yellow, medium density, juicy, with an incredible aroma.

The painstaking work of breeders makes it possible to enjoy different varieties, consume them fresh and as an ingredient in culinary dishes.

Scythian gold


There is a wonderful variety of quince - Japanese quince, or Chaenomeles Mauleya. It reaches a height of two meters, appearance resembles a lemon tree. Japanese quince is an evergreen tree with red flowers and very fragrant fruits. Because of the acids they contain (four times more than in common quince), it is recommended to dilute the juice with water or apple juice. A simple recipe for preparing Japanese quince for future use has long been used, allowing you to enjoy its medicinal properties all year round.

Recipe for quince with sugar: the fruits should be washed well, peeled, chopped in a meat grinder and covered with sugar in a 1:1 ratio. It is recommended to store the product in the refrigerator, take 1-2 teaspoons with a glass of water.

Chinese quince

Chinese quince differs in that during the flowering period pale pink flowers appear on its branches, this distinguishes it from Japanese quince. The plant has highly fleshy fruits with an incredibly rich aroma. You can get a glass of fresh juice from one fruit. Chinese quince is rich in vitamins and a lot of nutrients. It is called the fruit of longevity.

Quince contraindications

The use of quince is contraindicated in case of chronic pleurisy. Quince affects the vocal cords and larynx, so speakers and singers should treat this fruit with caution. Fluff on the surface of the fruit can cause.

Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov, specialty “General Medicine” (2004). Residency at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University, diploma in Endocrinology (2006).

Recipes, uses and medicinal properties of quince.

Quince fruit It is a false hairy apple, which has a pear-shaped or spherical shape and a decent amount of brown seeds. Quince fruits cultivated ones sometimes reach a weight of 2 kg. The fruits of the wild plant are not large - only up to one hundred grams. Quince pulp not juicy, even tough, tart, astringent, slightly sweet taste.

Common quince It blooms from May to June, and the fruits ripen from September to October. Quince is widely cultivated in Europe, North America, South America, Oceania, and Australia.


Quince, treatment with quince. Reproduces quince in a vegetative way with the help of root shoots, vertical layering, as well as with the help of cuttings and grafting. Quince- a beautiful and useful, unpretentious plant and high-yielding. Growing methods quince tree is no different from growing ordinary pears or apple trees. Quince tree It grows well in sunny and warm areas of the soil, it likes fairly abundant watering, although it tolerates drought well.


QUINCE PREPARATION. Harvesting as it ripens quinces. The long shelf life of plant fruits is determined by the biological characteristics of the plant. When fresh, under suitable conditions, they can be stored for up to five months. But fresh fruits are of little use for food. Usually the fruits are consumed boiled or baked. Also Quince fruits can be used in the preparation of marmalade, jelly, candied fruits, jam, compote and juice with pulp. Thanks to the availability essential oil in fruits, Having a specific taste, quince is often used as a side dish for meat dishes. Canned quince constitutes the largest of many dishes of national Central Asian and Caucasian cuisine.

Quince fruits You can dry and dry it. Suitable for this quince fruit with seed chambers and skin removed. They are cut into slices sugar poured and kept at room temperature for a certain period. Then the quince fruits are boiled in sugar syrup and dried in the oven.


What are the beneficial properties of quince?

Quince refers to medicinal plants. Not only the fresh fruits of the plant, rich in iron, and the seeds that are collected during processing of the plant fruits have medicinal properties; for medicinal purposes, for use, the seeds are dried at a temperature of no more than 50 degrees. WITH.

A huge amount of tannins and mucous substances, which contain quince seeds, determines the medicinal properties of fruits. In folk medicine, decoctions of the seeds are prepared and taken as a laxative or enveloping agent. Has a good effect. use of quince decoction for respiratory diseases of the respiratory tract and cough. The enveloping properties of the decoction help as a lotion for eye diseases. The decoction is also recommended for use as a cosmetic product that softens the skin.

Since ancient times, quince has been used to reduce the symptoms of periodontal disease and reduce pain based on quince juice for hemorrhoids in the form of compresses and lotions.

INTERNAL USE OF QUINCE. Apply quince fruit fresh at anemia and as a choleretic agent. Applying a decoction of the leaves of the plant helps get rid of with early gray hair.

Quince is a large plant that is related apples and pears, It is rarely consumed raw due to its astringent and tart taste. Dishes prepared from quince all beneficial properties will also be retained. Quince fruits contain biologically active substances, the largest amount of them in malic, citric acids and tartronic acids. There are also iron, phosphorus, zinc, copper, and pectins. calcium, The yellow, bright colors of the fruit give people vitamins: B1, B2, B6, C, E, PP, provitamin A. This plant has antioxidant and antiviral properties.

Quince. Beneficial features. How is it useful? Video


Quince fruit juice has a diuretic and restorative effect. Quince fruits are also used as a fastening, hemostatic and antiemetic agent. Quince is a valuable food product, which explains the content of gum, fructose, starch, ascorbic acid, and amygdalin glycoside fatty oil.

In quince juice a rich content of gum, sugars, ascorbic and malic acid was discovered. Quince fruit seeds rich in mucus, starch, amygdalin glycoside, tannins and fatty oil, which in turn contains glycerides, isoleic, and also myristic acids.

Folk uses of quince fruits. The unique properties of the plant make it possible to use it as a means of reducing the negative effects of viruses that cause influenza and various acute respiratory infections on the body. The juice and pulp of the fruit, when consumed regularly, has a positive effect on the body when there is high cholesterol in the human blood; they treat the stomach and eliminate vomiting. The beneficial effect of quince on the gastrointestinal tract and on the digestion of food occurs due to the fiber contained in the fruit; this fruit can be safely included in the diet of people suffering from obesity.


For disorders of the nervous system, the benefits of quince. Antioxidants do an excellent job of restoring the body after nervous strain and stress. After Taking quince juice improves mood, and relief occurs in asthma patients. Quince helps with ear diseases; its decoction and juice are used as a lotion for prolapse of the rectum and use in anal fissures. Shown for tracheitis, gastroenteritis, spastic colitis and flatulence. Fresh pureed cooked fruits for liver diseases used, juice recommended for consumption with pulmonary tuberculosis.


Quince for oily, tired skin, as well as for teenage acne removal the simplest mask will do. To prepare the mask, you need to grate the ripe quince fruit on a fine grater, and then pulp apply a fairly thin layer to the face, leaving the area open around eyes, and so = the same lips It is necessary to keep the mask for no more than seven minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

Combination and normal skin will require the use of the following mask : finely grated quince fruit pulp mixes well with mashed egg yolk and steamed oatmeal(for cooking flour, two tablespoons oat flakes grind in a coffee grinder, then pour in fifty ml. boiling water and let it steam), apply in warm on the décolleté and facial skin no more than fifteen minutes. Then, the mask is washed off with warm water. Then you need to lightly blot your face several times with a napkin. Under no circumstances should you wipe your face with a towel.

The effect is excellent quince mask for all skin types. To prepare the mask, you need to grate the pulp of the fruit, mix it with a teaspoon of oatmeal (you can use buckwheat, rice or oatmeal flour) and corn starch. The mixture must be mixed thoroughly and applied to the skin. You need to keep the mask on for at least 20 minutes, then rinse it off with room temperature water. After the mask, it is not recommended to go outside for an hour.

Quince pulp It is recommended to use for various peeling masses and scrubs preparation. By using these means, Dead skin particles are exfoliated, the appearance of the skin improves, blood circulation is restored, due to this the complexion becomes healthier and more attractive.

For scrub preparations grind quince fruit with the seeds together, add one tbsp. spoon coarse salt, mix the contents well and immediately apply with light massage movements to the décolleté and facial skin. After 3 min. scrub It is necessary to rinse off, then blot the skin with a napkin. After 60 min. It is recommended to apply a thin layer of nourishing cream to the skin. Thanks to this scrub, the skin will become softer and softer, its condition and appearance will improve.

The lotions obtained have a good effect from the quince fruit. And besides this, they do not contain harmful dyes, preservatives or aromatic additives.

To give oily skin a healthy state, the lotion is suitable with chicken yolk. It will help clean removes oily shine from the skin and gives it a velvety feel. To prepare such a lotion, squeeze juice it is necessary from 1 quince fruit and add another 0.500 tbsp to it. rubbing alcohol and 0.500 tbsp. camphor alcohol. Beat the yolk of 1 egg well, and then slowly add the prepared solution into it. Store the lotion in a cool, dark place.

You can cook quince infusion, it will be good which cleanse the skin of your hands from fat and impurities and nourish it. Necessary for this quince fruit cut medium-sized into small pieces, removing seeds and stem. Then, pour quince with 1 tbsp. quality vodka. Keep the tincture in a dark, cool place for a period. 0.5 months, then the infusion needs to be filtered. After this, you need to add a spoonful of tbsp. glycerin.


Recipes with quince fruits.

The fruits of the quince plant are used to prepare tinctures and extracts for the treatment of anemia and anemia. A decoction of the fruit of quince seeds is used for eye diseases by applying tampons moistened with the decoction to inflamed eyes. It is recommended to take quince decoction after sunstroke, for dyspepsia, and swelling. Quince leaves, the bark of its branches and young branches are suitable for decoctions, used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus and fever.

QUINCE BOTTLE FOR THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. From quince mucous decoctions are obtained, the enveloping properties of which will protect the stomach from inflammatory processes and have a binding effect.

Quince - benefits of quince for women, why quince is useful, properties, benefits during pregnancy. Video

Folk recipe No. 1 with quince: Ten gr. crushed seeds, pour 1 cup boiling water, and boil in a water bath for 1/4 hour, then cool and strain thoroughly. Should be taken three times a day decoction one hundred ml. before eating for gastrointestinal ailments and inflammation of the throat, with the appearance of a dry cough, as well as for skin diseases and burns.

Folk recipe No. 2 with quince: Five gr. pour a glass of hot water over the leaves, boil in a water bath for up to fifteen minutes, cool, strain, then squeeze out the raw material, and add the volume of evaporated water. It is recommended to take the composition in a couple of tbsp. spoons before meals 3-4 times a day for inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines, during asthma attacks.

Folk recipe No. 3 with quince: , on small chopped quince pieces should should be filled with Art. boiling water and leave for thirty minutes. 1 st. You need to drink a spoon 3-4 times in one day.

Folk recipe No. 4 with quince: ten gr. quince seeds pour a liter of cold water, leave for ten hours, strain and take 0.500 - 1 tbsp. from 3 - 4 times a day

Folk recipe No. 5 with quince: one spoon tbsp. dry quince fruit partitions brew with one tbsp. boiling water, leave in a thermos for three hours, and take a couple of tbsp during the day. spoons. This tool normalizes digestion, and helps for dysbacteriosis treatment.

Folk recipe No. 6 with quince: two fruits need to be filled with 3 tbsp. water, boil for 10 minutes. over low heat, then leave for about 60 minutes. Accept infusion 0.500 tbsp is recommended. three times a day before meals from swelling and diarrhea.

The nutritionist will tell you. Quince. Video

Folk recipe No. 7 with quince: one spoon tbsp. pour a cup of boiling water over the leaves, boil for 5 to 10 minutes, leave for an hour, apply.

Folk recipe No. 8 with quince: The fruits should be peeled, cored, cut into slices, and blanched for about 15 minutes. Then, drain the broth, strain and add per kg. quince fruit 0.500 kg. Sahara. When the sugar dissolves, you need to throw it into the syrup quince slices boil and boil for 10 minutes, take a couple of spoons three times a day with water.

Folk recipe for quince syrup: into small chopped pieces, quince add water and boil until soft, then squeeze out the juice and continue cooking until thick liquid.

Quince seeds for cystitis. Some fruits take, cut and seeds clean out. seeds there are a couple of days, but cystitis will disappear - as if it never happened.

Quince's secrets! Video

How to cook quince?

Quince fruits hard with a sour taste. Boiled quince You will be pleased with the soft flesh, it is pinkish in appearance, sweet in taste, with a granular texture, and the taste is similar to a pear.

Before cooking quince fruit You should thoroughly clean it of fluffy deposits, wash it well, in some cases you will even have to remove the skin. You need to cut the fruit in half, remove the core (it is worth drying the partitions and seeds and using them to make decoctions and infusions, and the cut skin is boiled in a small volume of sugar syrup, it becomes aromatic and then you can add it to dishes from quince any).

To make the fruit soft, the pieces are blanched in water for a moment. twenty minutes, then drain the broth, strain, add sugar (eight hundred grams per three tablespoons of broth), bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. With the syrup, remove the pan from the heat, add pieces of prepared quince, and leave for infusion for a couple of hours. After a while, the syrup is boiled again, citric acid is added. With this method of preparation, the slices become transparent and become dense and tasty.

But still? How do people eat this quince?

Quince they eat it with pleasure, because this is the only fruit, perhaps, in its raw form that has specific and rather tart taste. Due to the hard peel and high density of the pulp, they are not eaten quince, How, apples, For example. The dishes are amazing from quince highly valued in Sardinia and the Apennines. A quince slices, Boiled in honey, any candied fruit tastes better than marmalade.

To replenish the body with vitamins, quince juice is taken, It is easy to prepare using a juicer. It's important to remember that quince contains tannins in the largest quantities, and therefore its use should be moderate.

Benefits of quince for diabetes? Video

Quince fruit seeds.

Internal seeds of the quince fruit, and more specifically, their white shell, containing mucous components, like fruits, is a valuable medicinal raw material. Quince seed decoctions women's condition is alleviated with heavy menstruation, uterine bleeding is stopped.

Folk recipe with quince No. 1: Eight seeds need to be poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled for three minutes. You should drink 0.500 tbsp of the decoction. three times a day.

When using a decoction of the seeds, hemoptysis and uterine bleeding are eliminated.

Folk recipe with quince No. 2: Five – 8 gr. seeds it is necessary to cook in one hundred ml. water until mucus forms. It is recommended to take 1 tablespoon per dose. 3 - 4 times a day.

Mucous decoctions from seeds for treatment are useful for eye inflammation, sore throat, skin irritation and burns, and as a laxative. Quince seeds are brewed as tea and drunk for debilitating, dry cough. Also, healing infusions are used and effectively cure various ailments.

Quince seed infusion: one spoon tbsp. seeds pour one tbsp. water at room temperature and shake vigorously for a couple of minutes. One tablespoon should be taken orally. 3 - 4 times a day before meals.

Be healthy!

Quince, treatment with quince. Video

One of the most ancient species of fruit trees is quince; its history goes back about four thousand years. Only one variety grows wild; breeders have developed several cultivated varieties of quince. They differ from each other in their ability to tolerate low temperatures during wintering, the height of the trees, and some properties of the pulp. But they are all united by a high yield of aromatic fruits, which are valuable not only in cooking, but also in medicine. Read more about the beneficial properties of quince and contraindications in this article.

Common quince- Cydonia vulgaris, a representative of the Rosaceae family. This is a small tree or shrub with deflected branches; young trees have pubescent shoots. The height of quince usually does not exceed three meters, with good conditions The tree can grow to 5-7 meters in height. The branches are covered with alternate ovate leaves of a dark green color with a solid edge, on short petioles, bare on top, and tomentose-pubescent on the underside. Quince flowers are large in size, resemble apple flowers in appearance, are arranged singly on short stalks, and have a tomentose-pubescent calyx.

The five petals of the corolla are obovate in shape and pinkish-white in color. The fruits are lemon-colored, large in size, and can be in the shape of an apple or pear. The skin is covered with a light fluff, which disappears when the fruit ripens. The pulp of the fruit is hard, sweet and sour taste, tart. Brown, ovoid seeds, when cut, reveal two white cotyledons. Quince blooms from May to June, fruiting begins in September, the fruits are collected as they ripen. Quince can grow everywhere; it is cultivated in America, throughout European territory, in Australia, and Central Asia.

Collection and procurement of raw materials

Used for medicinal purposes leaves, fruits and seeds quinces. The leaves are harvested in the summer months, preferably in June or July, and the fruits are harvested after full ripening. The fruits can be stored unprocessed for about five months. After removal from the fruit, the seeds are dried in dryers at 50 degrees and stored in a sealed container for one year. If the seeds are harvested in a factory, you need to ensure that the quince seeds do not contain apple and pear seeds as an impurity. You can distinguish quince seeds by their matte surface and slimy grayish coating. When chewed, a faint almond taste is revealed. The leaves are dried in air or dryers at 40-50 degrees and periodically stirring. They can also be stored in a sealed container for one year. When collecting raw materials, it is necessary to protect the face with a damp gauze bandage, since the villi covering the leaves and fruits can irritate the upper respiratory tract, which leads to coughing and discomfort in the nasopharynx.

Chemical composition of raw materials

The composition of the fruits includes:

  • Sahara,
  • pectin and tannins,
  • gum,
  • ascorbic acid,
  • malic and citric acids,
  • essential oils,
  • microelements,
  • various vitamins.

A lot in pulp:

  • gland,
  • magnesium,
  • copper,
  • phosphorus and potassium;

The unique aroma of quince fruits is given by esters: pelargone- and enanth-ethyl.

Useful properties of quince

Due to its beneficial properties and rich chemical composition, the use of quince has a beneficial effect on digestive and urinary systems . Due to the high content of pectin, fruits must be included in the diet of people with stomach diseases, especially if they are accompanied by frequent diarrhea.

Noted antiulcer and antibacterial action quince pulp. Quince also has a diuretic effect for edema and chronic diseases kidney The large amount of iron in the fruits allows them to be used to treat anemia and conditions after illnesses. infectious diseases.

Quince seeds used for spastic colitis to relieve spasms, as an enveloping and bactericidal agent. Also, a decoction of the seeds is effective for coughs as an expectorant and softener for the respiratory tract.

Use of quince in medicine

The pharmaceutical industry does not produce medications from quince, but you can prepare them yourself. From seeds a mucous decoction is prepared: it is taken for various diseases of the stomach and intestines, after suffering infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract to normalize its activity. The decoction is useful for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Unground seeds are used to obtain a cold infusion. The mucous mass formed as a result of infusion has a positive effect on intestinal function and is used externally in the form of compresses for burns and eye diseases.

Quince leaf infusion taken for inflammation of the gastric mucosa, diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, bronchial asthma.

Consumption of fresh quince fruits recommended for diseases of the liver, stomach, diarrhea, tuberculosis. Fresh juice is used for gargling for throat diseases and for lotions in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Quince removes various toxic substances from the body; it is especially effective in case of poisoning with heavy metals and radionuclides. To treat anemia, fresh fruits and syrup from them are used.

Quince pulp has regenerative properties; it is used to soften dry and cracking skin and to heal wounds.


The astringent properties of quince can negatively affect the well-being of patients with constipation and lead to intestinal irritation. You cannot use crushed seeds, chew them or eat them because they contain some toxic substances. Fresh pulp can irritate the vocal cords. When fresh fruits are consumed by nursing mothers, constipation may occur in children, since astringents easily pass into milk.

Application in other industries

Quince fruits unsuitable for consumption without heat treatment. They are used to prepare aromatic jams, preserves, drinks, marmalade, and candied fruits. Pieces of fresh fruit can be added to tea instead of lemon. Oriental cooks stuff quince minced meat and beans, they use it as a base for various sauces and seasonings. In cosmetology, fruit juice is used to improve complexion, remove freckles, soften the skin and make it smooth. An infusion of leaves helps with initial stage baldness, dandruff.

Quince wood Due to its unique ability to polish, it is used by craftsmen in India and Central Asia as a material for the manufacture of various artistic objects. The use of the crop in green construction is promising due to the increased drought resistance of trees and undemandingness to soils. Quince tolerates shaping pruning well and has an attractive appearance in the fall thanks to its bright yellow fruits.


Quince is cultivated as a fruit, medicinal and ornamental species. Growing trees is not difficult, since quince easily tolerates drought, can grow on any soil, and there are frost-resistant varieties. The main requirement for cultivation is sufficient lighting; in the shade, quince blooms and bears fruit weakly, and the fruits lose their unique aroma. A prolonged lack of moisture negatively affects the quality of fruit pulp: it becomes hard.

However, excess moisture can also worsen the taste of quince. The advantage of quince trees over apple and pear trees is the lack of periodicity in fruiting, that is, the quince harvest can be obtained annually. The tree can bear fruit for several decades in a row without deteriorating in the quality of the fruit. Quince is propagated by cuttings, layering, sprouts and seeds, and the characteristics of the variety can only be preserved through vegetative propagation.

Avicenna in "Canons" medical medicine“dedicated an entire chapter to the beneficial properties of this wonderful plant. Many of his recipes for using quince to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and skin diseases have survived to this day.

Mentions of quince were found in ancient Greek myths; its fruits were sure to be present on the wedding table in Ancient Greece, symbolizing love and fertility.

So that quince brings benefits to the body and not harm- take everything into account recommendations from experts according to its use.

Quince or quince apple tree is one of the most common southern trees. The tree produces yellow, large fruits containing a whole range of useful microelements. By eating just one quince a day, a person saturates his body with amino acids, vitamins and minerals. In addition, these fruits contain monosaccharide compounds and fibers that have a beneficial effect on the digestive organs and accelerate metabolic processes.

However, the strong astringency of the quince apple has meant that quince is not very popular. Many people use the fruit incorrectly: it should not be eaten fresh, but boiled or baked. After exposure to heat, quince becomes sugary, tasty and tender.


Due to the presence of a significant amount of ascorbic-pectin components in the fruit, quince is one of the best absorbents of natural origin. If the human body is overloaded with salt deposits, kvit apples will save him from the destructive consequences of this condition. Fruits also help against poisoning with heavy metals and chemical compounds. Doctors recommend consuming quince in areas with poor environmental conditions.

By constantly eating the fruit, a person avoids colds and does not care about seasonal infections. A high concentration of vitamin C and beta-carotene (up to ¼ of the daily requirement) can significantly increase the protective capabilities of the immune system.

Quince is rich in minerals - a key component for strengthening vascular system. Regular consumption of these wonderful southern fruits will reduce the risk of atherosclerotic plaques, blood clots, and other vascular problems.

Quince is a very nutritious fruit; it contains a lot of glucose and fructose. These substances not only support the physical capabilities of the body, but also nourish the cerebral cortex.

Even in ancient times, medical scientists discovered the extremely beneficial effect of the dessert fruit on the psyche. Like bananas or pears, quince improves appetite, relieves depression and post-traumatic conditions, normalizes sleep, and helps overcome fatigue.

Chemical composition Ideal for regular gentle cleansing of the digestive system. The intestines quickly get rid of waste and toxins. Tanning components prevent the development of inflammation in the body and act like natural ones.

The scourge of modern society is anemia. People spend a lot of time at the computer and lead a sedentary lifestyle. One of the main fighters against anemia is iron. Just 50 grams of quince (about half a large fruit) will help a person get his daily requirement of iron. The fruit has a restorative and strengthening effect, lowers temperature during flu or bronchitis, and gives strength after serious illnesses.

Genuine medicine Quite apple juice is considered to have excellent antiseptic properties. In case of a painful asthmatic or tuberculosis attack, you should drink a small amount of juice - the attack will quickly pass.

Baked quince has been used for nausea since ancient times. This is not only healthy, but also a very tasty dish and a popular dessert. Regularly enjoying the taste of this fruit, a pregnant woman will forever forget what toxicosis is.

Many people complain about the body’s acute reaction to various natural “disasters”. Sudden changes in weather conditions cause headaches and increased blood pressure. A cup of aromatic tea with a few spoons of quince jam - and all unpleasant sensations leave a person. Quince compote will help with urinary incontinence and bleeding from the fallopian tube.

Quince is low in calories. 100 grams of product contains about 40 kcal. At the same time, the vitamin and mineral complex in this fruit is much more extensive than in other fruits. Quite apple must be included in dietary complexes.

Natural fruit sugars are an ideal way for diabetics to enjoy tasty fruit without putting their body at risk. Of course, if you have diabetes, you need to observe the consumption level of even such a gentle fruit.

Quince is also used in folk cosmetology. A simple lotion based on spring water and quince juice will rejuvenate your facial skin, whiten freckles, and remove blemishes. By applying a mask of fruit pulp to the skin, you can significantly reduce the secretion of fats from the sebaceous sacs on the skin and remove unpleasant shine. A decoction of quince leaves will help get rid of gray hair.

Quince in folk medicine

Getting rid of seizures bronchial asthma.

Add a glass of boiling water to an enamel container, put 6 leaves of quita wood into the water. Place the container on water bath, wait ¼ hour. Take out the leaves and squeeze them out. Add about 1/3 cup more boiling water to the resulting broth. The drug should be taken 30 ml daily in the morning, lunch and evening.

Treatment of bleeding from the uterus and poor appetite.

Pour boiling water into a ceramic mug and add 10 grams to the water. dried quince, wait about a day. The tincture should be drunk daily before meals, 15 ml.

Help with laryngitis, sore throats and eye diseases.

Ripe fruits are saturated with juice, which can be obtained using a simple juicer. The juice contains a huge amount of antiseptic components. People who have been diagnosed with bronchial asthma will significantly alleviate their condition by consuming this natural product.

Medicine has documented the excellent diuretic qualities of quince-based products, so it is recommended to use it for cystitis. By eating quit apples, you will get rid of depression and gloomy thoughts.

How to use quince leaves

Diabetics or people who have experienced sudden surges in blood sugar levels are prescribed three daily doses of an infusion of quince leaves and bark. One dose – approximately 30 ml. infusion.

A tincture on the leaves of the quita tree also helps with high blood pressure. Preparing the product does not require much work: pour 0.1 kg of fresh leaves with ½ tbsp. vodka. We send the container to a dark place, wait about a week. After straining the vodka, we begin to use the tincture, strictly following the rule of use: 20 drops 2 times a day.

Even a severe asthma attack can be extinguished by a water infusion of quince leaves. Dry and fresh leaves can be used. In total you will need 10-12 leaves. Pour boiling water over the raw materials and place in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Squeeze out the leaves and add half a glass of boiling water. The infusion should be consumed about 4 times a day, 30 ml.


In diseases of the upper respiratory tract, it is important to alleviate the patient’s condition with mucolytic agents. One of the best natural medicines of this kind is quince seeds. The infusion perfectly thins and removes phlegm. To prepare the product you will need 10 seeds and 150 ml of water. Doctors warn: you cannot crush the seeds, as they contain the toxic component amygdalin. Simply vigorously stir the seeds in the water for several minutes. The infusion will be quite viscous, it should be taken in 15 ml doses. 4 times a day after meals. The same infusion can treat burns and lubricate irritated skin.

For stomach colic, add quince seeds (about 10 grams) to a small amount of cool, clean water. Leave the container overnight. When you wake up, strain the product and drink 4 times a day, ½ tbsp.

To improve vision, lotions made from quit seeds are used. For laryngitis and deposits on the tonsils, rinsing with seed decoction will help.

Quince in cosmetology

For thousands of years, quince has been used for cosmetic purposes. Women have long noticed that fruit juice removes freckles from the skin, smoothes wrinkles, and cleanses pores. The skin becomes smooth and acquires a healthy color.

Grate the quince on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice. Using a cotton swab, apply the product to the skin - the effect will be noticeable after 1-2 weeks of use.

In traditional cosmetology, components of the fruit of the quita tree are added to masks, creams and lotions. They are especially useful for people with acne, blackheads and enlarged skin pores. Quince smoothes the skin, making it beautiful and silky.

A decoction of the leaves is an excellent remedy for strengthening hair, which also has coloring properties. A few uses and the gray hair will go away as if it never happened.

An infusion of the seeds relieves seborrheic dermatitis and reduces oily scalp. The drug is rubbed into the skin once a day, after 1-2 hours it is washed off. The course of treatment is 1 week.


In ancient times there were no modern gynecological drugs, and women made do with natural remedies. In the Ancient East, one of the most important methods of stopping uterine bleeding was quince. The fruit alleviates the condition during menstruation and menopause. It is enough 7 days before the onset of the “critical days” to start drinking tea with a small amount of jam from kvitov apples.

A couple who has not been able to conceive a child for a long time may well be helped by drinking fresh quince juice, but the most important thing here is to trust in the Almighty Creator, Lord of all worlds

The fruits have a sour taste, a dull, but very characteristic and pleasant aroma. Jams, drinks, and juice are made from quince. Pieces of raw fruit are added to tea. The great ancient physician Avicenna called quince the “king of fruits” and advised eating it with honey.

Places of growth

Quite tree is a traditional Caucasian plant, one of the few that migrated to Ancient Hellas and the Roman Empire from such remote places in Europe. The plant can reach a height of 5 meters.

In Russia, mainly Japanese quince grows, rarely exceeding three meters in height. Fruit trees are cultivated in a targeted manner for the production of fruits, leaves, bark and branches.

The plant belongs to the frost-resistant class; it does not die even at temperatures of 30 degrees below zero. Another feature of the tree is its ability to withstand heat and drought.

Immediately after the last frost, flowers bloom - they can be red, white, pink. Externally, the buds resemble apple blossoms. The high yield has made the quit tree popular among farmers. After only 3 years, the young plant bears the first fruits of a yellow-orange hue, very similar in shape to pears. The taste depends on the variety: the taste varies from sour to sweet-tart.


  • potassium;
  • fluorine;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • selenium;
  • sodium.

Potassium- a key component for the construction of cells, without it a person simply cannot exist. Potassium is also involved in hormonal regulation in the body. If a person experiences a lack of potassium, the condition of muscles and bones worsens, and problems with the cardiovascular system begin. Potassium deficiency negatively affects the condition of the kidneys, blood vessels, and digestive system. The healing time of wounds increases, hair becomes dull, and the skin acquires a parchment tint. Scientists have proven that without this microelement a person may well develop diabetes.

Phosphorus is responsible for human mental activity, for transmitting signals from the brain to the muscles. If this component is not enough, we begin to get tired faster, weakness and pain appear in the muscle tissue.

Calcium has a huge impact on the condition of the epidermis, bones, muscle frame and nerves. In order for calcium particles to reach bone tissue faster, a person should increase their physical activity.

One ripened quince fruit is a kind of container filled with iron and copper in an amount that completely covers the daily needs of the human body. The fruit improves hematopoietic function and prevents the development of anemia.

If there is iron deficiency in the body, the first symptoms will be inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes of the mouth, nasopharynx, and esophagus. A persistent runny nose may well be a sign of iron deficiency.

Cells also respire, and for this process they need copper. In addition, copper is involved in the production of many hormones, including endorphin, testosterone and female sex hormone. The microelement is an auxiliary link in the process of iron absorption.

Regular apples contain 10 times less flavonoids than quince. Flavonide or vitamin P is an essential component for improving the permeability of vascular walls. This vitamin can protect a person from atherosclerosis.

The fruits contain a lot of rare and extremely useful tartaric acid. The amazing aroma, which is difficult to confuse with anything else, is the result of the presence of essential oils in the fruit. These oils are one of the ancient remedies for treating spasms of cerebral vessels. All you have to do is finely chop the kuit apples and inhale their aroma.

However, doctors consider the key feature of quince to be its ability to relieve a person of iron deficiency. Most professional nutritionists recommend the product to people experiencing significant physical or mental stress, pregnant women, and teenagers.

For medicinal purposes, practically not only fruits are used, but also seeds, although, of course, the most effective method improve your health - regularly drink freshly squeezed quince juice. In stores you can find many sweets made from this wonderful fruit - marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, jam. Despite the fact that heat treatment reduces the usefulness of the product, these sweets are still much healthier than regular ones. In the East, it is customary to put a slice of quince in tea.

The body's resistance to influenza and other colds will increase if you eat 2 peeled quinces daily, dipping the slices in honey. Honey reduces the astringent properties of the fruit. A little apple cider vinegar added to juice will help improve appetite.

According to studies, infusion of quinoa apples reduces the risk of heart and vascular diseases. Rutoside contained in quince reduces blood density, preventing the occurrence of atherosclerosis. Pectins and unique, easily soluble fiber help cleanse the intestines of harmful deposits that have accumulated over many years. In Japan, during the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, workers were given a bottle of quince juice a day, as it reduces the negative effects of radiation.

In case of diarrhea, quince quickly normalizes digestive processes. Due to its cholesterol-lowering properties, the fruit is considered an excellent weight loss aid.

One of the most amazing products of the quita tree is its seeds. Unlike apple and pear seeds, they are not covered with a hard shell, but with mucus, which swells and separates when it gets into water. This mucus is a valuable source of starches, essential oils and tannins. A decoction is prepared from the seeds, which helps against many diseases. Place several seeds in a glass of boiling water and wait 0.5 hours. 20 minutes before meals, drink the resulting decoction.

Procurement of seeds

When eating fruit, do not throw away the mucus-covered seeds. To save them, you need to send the seeds to the switched off oven, preheated to 50 degrees. When a whitish film appears on the seeds, you can remove them. For storage it is better to use a glass jar with a plastic lid. Seeds should be stored in a cool, unlit place.

And this is not at all accidental.

The view looks great as a protective barrier along a narrow country path. And the bushes look especially colorful during the flowering period. The bright red-pink flowers of the plant go well in the garden with most ornamental species.

The main value is its rounded dense fruits, which are abundantly covered with shoots. Except important vitamins they are rich in a whole range of useful substances that can please not only with their unusual taste characteristics, but also with a powerful beneficial effect on the overall health of the body.

And today we have to discover the Japanese quince more deeply, as well as all kinds of beneficial features and contraindications to its use for medical purposes.

Short description

Belongs to dicotyledonous flowering plants. The natural habitat of the species is Japan, and the plant is also widespread in Europe and China. Regarding botanical taxonomy, the species belongs to the genus Henomeles of the Rosaceae family. That is why Japanese quince is so similar in external description with many economic rosaceae, popular in the garden.

Chaenomeles belongs to deciduous low shrubs, the maximum height of which does not exceed 3 m. Young shoots have a bright color, which changes to brownish-black over time. The scaly-felt structure of the outer covers of mature branches changes to smooth and bare.

The leaves are small in size, obovate or spatulate in shape, tapering towards the base, with a serrated edge. Their length on average does not exceed 5 cm, and their width is 3 cm.

During the flowering period, the bush is covered with small ones. Their size in diameter does not exceed 4 cm, and the shades are dominated by bright pink or red-orange hues. Sepals and petals are egg-shaped.
After flowering, apple-shaped green fruits appear on the bush, almost spherical in shape, which, after full ripening, become a delicate yellow hue. The flesh of the fruit is edible, but very hard and dense with abundant inclusions of small brown seeds.

Chemical composition of fruits

Chaenomeles fruits are rich in many beneficial substances and compounds. Ripe fruits contain about 12-13% of sugars. Among them, fructose, glucose and sucrose predominate, which are in the following ratio of 3:2:1.

In addition to sugars, quince fruits contain a huge amount of organic acids (from 1 to 4%), of which the largest quantities are: malic, citric, tartaric, ascorbic, fumaric and chlorogenic.

In addition, traces of caffeic, coumaric, folic and quinic acids have recently been found.

The pulp of Chaenomeles fruits is rich in vitamins and beneficial microelements. Among them are vitamins A, E, C, PP, B vitamins (B1, B2, B6), traces of vitamin K. Trace elements are represented by: iron, cobalt, nickel, boron, manganese, titanium, copper, aluminum.

In addition, the fruits are rich in large quantities in such substances: catechins, anthocyanins, tannins, eptcatechin, flavonol quercetin, carotene and fatty oil, which includes isooleic acid and glycerin of myrimistic acid.

Useful and medicinal properties

Derivatives of the fruits of chaenomeles have anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, diuretic effects on the human body.

The vitamin C present in the fruits contributes to the abundant production of interferon, as a result of which the body manages to instantly cope with any infectious colds, as well as strengthen general immunity.

In addition, the medicinal properties of Japanese quince contribute to the normalization of nervous and muscle activity, improvement of the body's metabolic processes, restoration and acceleration of the course of basic biochemical reactions.
Infusions and decoctions of fruits are used as hemostatic and tonic. Often, fresh fruits of the bush are used in folk medicine to achieve a choleretic or diuretic effect, which facilitates the introduction of toxins from the body, harmful substances, toxins, and also promotes the regeneration of tissues of the genitourinary system and liver.

The fiber-rich pulp is actively used to treat disorders of the digestive tract. In case of heart failure or edema, quince is able to remove excess fluid from the body, which facilitates the course of the disease.

In addition, in general medical therapy, the fruits of this plant are used to eliminate the local irritating effects of chemicals on the human body and slow down their absorption, as well as to alleviate severe toxicosis in women during pregnancy.

Japanese quince seeds have found their application in the preparation of expectorant and enveloping folk remedies.

Did you know?Türkiye occupies the first place of honor in the industrial harvesting of quince. One fifth of the world's quince crop is grown in this country.

Traditional medicine recipes

In folk medicine, both fruits and leaves of quince are actively used for the preparation of medicinal products, and a complete surprise for many is the fact that even the seeds of this are suitable for the preparation of medicines.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular traditional methods preparation of medicines from chaenomeles.

A decoction of plant seeds in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract has an enveloping, healing and anti-inflammatory effect on a person, and in case of a cold, such a remedy will help eliminate bronchitis and other manifestations of the disease.

To prepare it, 10 g of seeds are poured into 250 ml of warm water, after which the mixture is stirred for 10 minutes and filtered through gauze. The resulting mucous liquid is taken 4 times a day, 1 tablespoon after meals.

Important! When preparing products from quince seeds, crushing the seeds is strictly prohibited, since in this case toxic substances will be released into the infusion, which threaten severe poisoning.

To alleviate the course of arterial hypertension, traditional medicine recommends an alcohol infusion from the leaves of the shrub.

To do this, 100 g of finely chopped fresh leaves are poured into 250 ml of vodka and infused for 7 days, after which they are filtered through gauze. The resulting remedy is taken 20 drops 2 times a day.

A decoction of the leaves of chaenomeles helps to eliminate the manifestations of bronchial asthma and inflammatory diseases stomach. To prepare it, 5 g leaves are poured into 250 ml of boiling water and insisted in a water bath for about 15 minutes.

After that, the mixture must be removed from the heat, left to cool for 45 minutes, and then strain. Take the infusion no more than 4 times a day, 2 tablespoons before meals.

A decoction of quince fruits or syrup helps to improve the condition of the blood system and treat anemia, general immunity and the course of colds.

In order to prepare the syrup, you need to clean the fresh fruits, finely chop, pour a glass of water and cook until they become soft.

After that, remove the pulp and strain it through a sieve. The resulting liquid must be boiled to the consistency of syrup.
In order to get a decoction of quince, 1 tablespoon of finely chopped fruit is poured into 250 ml of boiling water and boiled for about 10-15 minutes. After that, the mixture is covered with a lid and infused for 30 minutes.

The resulting broth is filtered through gauze and taken before meals, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Important!You should not abuse quince products, as their long-term use can cause constipation. And during the period of breastfeeding, an overdose of the mother's body with highly active components of quince can lead to constipation and colic in the baby.

Application in cosmetology

In cosmetology, quince has found its application as widely as in traditional medicine. With the help of juice from fresh fruits at home, you can remove freckles, improve the general condition and color of the skin of the face.

In addition, fruit juice is one of them. the best means which helps to properly care for oily skin. Daily rubbing of infusions from quince seeds into the skin of the face will help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

In addition, lotions from this decoction can quite effectively eliminate puffiness and age-related changes around the eyes, as well as give the face youth and freshness.
A decoction of the leaves of the plant helps to disguise gray hair, strengthen it and improve the overall condition of the scalp. Water infusion will help eliminate dandruff, brittleness and excessive oiliness of hair, cope with exacerbations of seborrhea and similar diseases.

In addition, Japanese quince products are an ideal component for creating various lotions and masks for the care of any skin type.

Collection, preparation and storage of medicinal raw materials

Since the fruits of the shrub, like most plants, are a seasonal product, there is an urgent need to preserve until the next season not only the taste, but also the useful qualities of Japanese quince derivatives to the maximum.

For this, in folk practice, a lot of recipes for preparing it for the winter were invented, which we will talk about later.


The fruits are harvested only after they are fully ripe. In this case, they accumulate the maximum amount of necessary nutrients. A distinct sign of a mature fruit is its color change from pale green to bright yellow or orange.

Did you know?Quince is one of the most ancient plants used in medical practice. The ancient Greeks were engaged in collecting and harvesting the fruits of the shrub.

The ideal period for collecting is late autumn, but you need to do it before the first frost.

  1. Preparing jam: the fruits of the plant are peeled, crushed and poured with boiling syrup. For 1 kg of fruit, 1.5 kg of sugar and 400-500 ml of water are used. After that, the mixture is boiled for about 5 minutes and removed from heat for 6 hours to infuse. After that, boil for no more than 5 minutes and remove from heat for 12 hours. The procedure is carried out 5 times, after which the jam is ready for sterilization and bottling.
  2. Preparation of candied fruits: the fruits of the shrub are peeled, finely chopped and poured with hot syrup. For 1 kg of fruits, 1.2 kg of sugar and 600-700 ml of water are taken. The mixture is infused for about 6 hours, then boiled for 5 minutes and left to infuse for about 12 hours. After that, the procedure is carried out 4 more times, then the liquid is removed through a sieve, and the remaining fruits are dried.
  3. Digestion to the state of marmalade: peeled and finely chopped fruits are rubbed through a metal sieve or meat grinder and 1.3 kg of sugar is added per 1 cl of fruits. Next, the mixture is boiled until a characteristic viscous consistency appears, sterilized and poured into jars.
  4. Dried fruits: the fruits are peeled, finely chopped and dried in a warm place to a characteristic state. Seeds can also be dried and used to make infusions in the winter.

Quince is another interesting representative of the Rosaceae family. It belongs to the tree and shrub forms, growing up to 4 m. In the genus Cidonia, this is the only species whose “cradle” is Central Asia, where the medicinal properties of quince have been known since time immemorial. The long-lasting plant bears fruit for up to 50 years and is “relative” to the pear and apple. Many people are interested in quince: its beneficial properties are worth not only studying, but also using in a healthy diet.

What is quince

Breeders have created 400 varieties from two types of quince trees: common quince and Japanese quince. Quince varieties differ in flower shape and fruit structure, but otherwise are very similar. The fruit of Cidonia is a false apple covered with a fine pile, which has the following characteristics:

  • pear-shaped or round;
  • yellow color (one side may have a red tint);
  • the surface is pubescent, with uneven relief;
  • hard, dense pulp with a tart, sweet taste;
  • inside contains seeds from 50 to 70 pieces;
  • has an apple aroma with light pine notes;
  • On average, the weight of the fetus is up to 50 g.

There are numerous varieties of quince fruits, but despite the benefits, all of them are unsuitable for fresh consumption. Desserts are made from “golden apples,” which are popular due to their aromatic smell and delicate taste. Jams, jams, candied fruits and marmalade are far from complete list quince desserts.

The quit tree blooms throughout May-June, and mature “golden apples” hang from the branches in September-October. The most famous varieties of quince, which are the most useful, are ordinary, Chinese, Japanese, Angers. It is these varieties that are most often found in the gardens of summer residents and on industrial plantations.

Where does quince grow?

Cidonia received its name in Ancient Greece. Quince culture is quite ancient and dates back 4,000 years. Where does quince come from? It is believed that the quit tree inhabited the regions of Transcaucasia and Central Asia. Common quince is found in the wild in these parts to this day.
The natural distribution area covers a large area from Central Asia, central and southern regions of Europe. Cidonia is cultivated on plantations in Europe, America, Oceania and Australia.

Fruits are exported to Russia in the fall from the countries of Central Asia, Moldova, and Transcaucasia. It is best to buy during this period, before they are subjected to additional processing.

Calorie content of quince and its composition

Quince occupies a leading position in the content of many useful substances. The main food components (BJU) are presented in the following ratios:

  • 0.6 g proteins;
  • 0.5 g fat;
  • 9.6 g carbohydrates.

Water is in the amount of 84 g, ash contains 0.8 g.
The calorie content of fresh quince is 49 kcal per 100 g of product, which indicates the dietary properties of the “golden apple”. There are 100 kcal per 1 fruit weighing 200g.

The fruits have a low concentration of fat and a high percentage of dietary fiber, which allows them to be used in low-calorie diets for weight loss.

Chemical composition of quince

The composition of quince is presented:

  • organic acids;
  • pectins and dietary fiber;
  • sugars, among which fructose takes precedence;
  • a small amount of fatty acids;
  • tannins;
  • essential oils contained in the peel.

Pectins bring great benefits to the body, which are converted into a gel-like mixture in the gastrointestinal tract, enveloping the surface of the intestines and preventing its irritation. And thanks to dietary fiber, stagnant breakdown products are removed and intestinal motility improves.

The seeds contain a slightly different set of chemical compounds: tannins, mucus, fatty acids. The composition contains amygdalin or vitamin B17, which is used for medicinal purposes, but its toxic effect is also known.


Organic acids and vitamins are the most important components of the fruit. Their set is not so large, but the fruit allows you to replenish the daily norm of useful components.
Vitamins in quince (per 100 g):

  • C (ascorbic acid) – 23 mg;
  • E (tocopherol) – 0.4 mg;
  • RR ( a nicotinic acid) – 0.3 mg;
  • B2 (riboflavin) – 0.04 mg;
  • B1 (thiamine) – 0.02 mg.

The highest content is vitamin C, which “guards” the body’s defenses, saving from colds during the off-season.
The fruits have a bright yellow color due to beta-carotene in the composition, which during chemical transformations forms vitamin A. Beta-carotene is a strong antioxidant that slows down the stages of aging and removes toxic compounds.


The fruit is rich in minerals. Its composition is enriched:

  • 144 mg potassium;
  • 24 mg phosphorus;
  • 23 g calcium;
  • 14 mg magnesium;
  • 14 mg sodium (per 100 g of product).

A high percentage of potassium allows you to regulate the acid-base balance of the blood, which makes it possible to control the fluid ratio in the body. Phosphorus and calcium are building materials for the skeleton; they are useful for strengthening teeth and bones. Magnesium reduces anxiety, nervous overexcitation and is useful for the functioning of the respiratory center.

Useful properties of quince

The properties of quince depend on its chemical components, and the benefits have been proven by traditional and confirmed by traditional medicine. Each Cidonia variety is slightly different in its effects, but the general picture is as follows:

  1. They improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, helping to remove toxins and enhancing intestinal motility. Relieves inflammatory processes in digestive system. Quince fruits help restore intestinal microflora after prolonged use of antibiotics. The fruit helps with the problem of constipation.
  2. Due to the iron content, they strengthen blood vessels and improve blood circulation. Iron is built into the protein hemoglobin, which delivers oxygen and removes carbon dioxide, performing gas exchange.
  3. Strengthens joint tissue, reducing painful sensations when moving.
  4. Helps with respiratory diseases: acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia.
  5. Useful for the functioning of the nervous system, relieving stress, helping with nervous overload. For some people, quince is used as a sleeping pill.
  6. They are also useful for diabetics, since with regular consumption of the fruit, the % of blood sugar returns to normal.
  7. They increase appetite, which is important for weakened people after injuries, operations, or long-term use of medications.
  8. Antioxidants in the composition inhibit the growth of cancer cells and are a useful prevention of cancer.

Cidonia helps to strengthen and recover immune system. The fruits have stronger restorative properties than viburnum or lemon. Weather-sensitive people are also recommended to include a healthy product in their diet.

Quince seeds can help with a number of pathologies. For example, they have an expectorant effect, which is useful for clearing phlegm from the bronchi. To remove mucus, a decoction of the seeds is prepared, which thins the mucus.

The flowers and leaves of the quit tree have not escaped the attention of traditional healers. In the form of decoctions and infusions, they help with diabetes, hypertension, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). Used for edema due to its diuretic effect.

It should be remembered that the fruit is useful in the phase of its technical ripeness, when it becomes ripe, gaining a characteristic aroma and color. Unripe quince is not a healthy product.

Quince for women

Nutritionists and cosmetologists know how quince is beneficial for women. It is important during menopause and during pregnancy, in the diet menu when gaining weight, in cosmetology for radiant skin and hair strands.

During pregnancy

Eating a “golden apple” while pregnant has many benefits:

  • the presence of iron helps supply the fetus with oxygen, which is extremely important for its development and prevents the development of iron deficiency anemia;
  • mineral elements are involved in cell division and growth of the unborn baby;
  • a small amount of calories does not allow a woman to gain excess weight;
  • boiled fruits restore the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, are especially useful for flatulence;
  • potassium helps remove swelling in the last trimesters;
  • Vitamin C protects against colds.

During pregnancy, “golden apples” are used boiled or baked. Quince, the beneficial properties of which have been identified during pregnancy, is contraindicated during breastfeeding. It should be completely excluded from the diet: it can cause constipation or bloating in the baby.

Quince for men

“Golden Apple” is also useful for the stronger sex:

  • ascorbic acid helps the production of oxytocin, which enhances sexual desire and increases potency; it also increases stress resistance;
  • retinol plays an important role in the prevention of prostatitis, and also improves cardiovascular activity, normalizing blood circulation;
  • poultices made from juice help in the treatment of hemorrhoids;
  • nicotinic acid reduces the possibility of blood clots and increases muscle growth due to the production of male hormones.

The benefits of quince are obvious, and the harm for men is negligible. This exotic fruit, which may be unusual for people living in middle and northern latitudes. If you are diagnosed with enterocolitis, you should discard the product, as spasms and intestinal blockage are possible. If you need a strong voice for work, then the fibers on the skin of the fruit can irritate the vocal cords and change the timbre of the sound.

Quince for children

Fruits with a useful set of compounds have a beneficial effect on the development of the baby. But, despite the slight allergenicity, pediatricians recommend their use in baby food no earlier than a year. Kids are offered only baked flesh without skin or a dessert dish.

Exotic quince and its beneficial properties in baby food are as follows:

  • improve mental activity;
  • strengthen the body's defenses;
  • normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reduce the risk of infections;
  • participate in the formation of the skeletal system.

Quince does not belong to traditional Russian cultures, so the reaction of the child’s body may be unexpected. For example, its astringent effect can cause constipation.

Benefits of quince for older people

Due to its vitamin and mineral composition, the “golden apple” is useful in the diet of older people. The benefits of quince for poor health are obvious: it increases vitality, improves mood and well-being, and supports during stress.
Elderly people may have problems with the digestive system, and here the fruit will come to the rescue. Weak peristalsis, diarrhea or constipation, irritation of the mucous membrane - everything can be solved by using boiled fruits or mucous decoctions of seeds in the diet. Juice lotions are useful for ulcers that do not heal for a long time.

Application in cosmetology

The oil extracted from the seeds is used as one of the components of shampoos. They are designed to strengthen hair follicles and solve the problem of split ends. A decoction of the seeds is used as a remedy for swelling and blueness under the eyes. He takes these off cosmetic defects. Use this healthy infusion to rinse your hair after washing, which strengthens the roots and structure of the hair.

Benefits for diabetics

The problem with diabetes is an increase in the level of glucose in the bloodstream when the process of converting it into glycogen is impaired. The number of diabetics is increasing every year, as many people like the “sugar diet”.
A healthy decoction of the leaves can partially solve this problem by normalizing the sugar level in the bloodstream. A handful of raw materials is poured with 300 ml of boiling water and left for a couple of hours. It is recommended to take 60 ml three times a day.

In weight loss diets

Apple quince is a source of many diets that help you lose extra pounds. By removing cholesterol, toxins, and improving intestinal motility, the body is cleansed, and the scales show a lower bar. Traditional medicine and quince diets cope well with the problem of excess weight.

Using quince for weight loss you can prepare healthy tea, which includes: 30 g of quince pulp, 20 g of cornflower flowers, which are brewed with a liter of boiling water. The drink is wrapped and infused for 20 minutes. You can add spices to tea to improve its taste.
You don't have to take the issue of diet too seriously. It is enough to replace one of the dishes with quince or try an infusion of seeds as a snack. This will improve metabolism and remove excess toxins.

How to eat quince correctly

You should eat it with pleasure: fruit slices boiled in honey are not inferior in taste to candied fruits and marmalade. Freshly squeezed juice is not as tasty, but sugar is added to it if desired, so that the healthy drink is enjoyable.

Fresh fruits are tart and hard, but boiled ones contain pinkish, tender pulp with a pear flavor. Making a “golden apple” is not difficult:

  • Peel the fruit, cut it into slices and remove the seeds;
  • Blanch the slices in water for 25 minutes;
  • sugar is added to the broth (800 g per 3 cups of broth);
  • the sugar syrup is boiled and then the quince slices are poured in;
  • the pieces are soaked in syrup for several hours;
  • the composition is boiled again, introducing citric acid to remove the cloying taste.

In the resulting jam, quince pieces have aroma, taste and benefits. The main thing is to avoid prolonged boiling in order to preserve the vitamin composition.

Quince harm and contraindications

Some people may be allergic to quince, although this is rare. Other contraindications are also possible. The fruit is not recommended:

  • in the presence of chronic constipation;
  • if you are afraid of injuring your vocal cords due to the pubescence on the fruit peel;
  • for some problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Decoctions are prepared from the seeds, but in crushed form they are unsuitable for consumption, since the seeds contain the toxic substance amygdalin, due to which the fruit has a slightly bitter almond smell.

The health benefits of quince and its harm are not comparable. You need to heed the warnings of nutritionists and if not side effects, then eat healthy and healthy fruit for your pleasure. There are a lot of recipes with quince desserts, you can come up with your own original dish. The main thing is desire, imagination and the fruits of the “golden apple”.

It is quite difficult to meet a person who would be indifferent to quince, because these bright fruits are distinguished not only by their delicious taste, but also have many advantages. This plant was one of the very first to be cultivated by people, and today there are many varieties that differ in fruit size and shade, although they have one common feature- wonderful properties. Why is quince so valued, the beneficial properties and contraindications of the fruit, and in what culinary developments can this tasty delicacy be used?

Quince, what kind of fruit is this?

Where does quince grow, what kind of fruit is it, and is it possible to grow this miracle yourself? The fruits grow on low trees, which rarely rise more than 5 m. It can also be a shrub with several thick stems. The fruits may taste like the most common fruits around the world - apples and pears.

The plant's homeland is Asia, but now it can be found all over the world. A place where an unpretentious tree could not take root - the harsh Arctic regions. Severe frosts are the only thing that can frighten a plant.

The tree can bear fruit for almost a hundred years, but it grows extremely slowly, so you will have to wait a long time after planting the harvest. There are several hundred plant varieties; you can choose not only seedlings that will produce apple-like fruits, but also more exotic dwarf or even decorative types of fruits.

Regardless of the variety, quince, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are not even discussed, since they have long been clarified, prefers moist loams. When buying a seedling, you definitely need to take care to provide all the needs of the tree, otherwise the fruits will be small and dry.

What does quince look like, photo

Despite the considerable popularity of these fruits, you can meet people who are completely unfamiliar with these fruits. In order not to stand in bewilderment in front of a counter in a store with strange fruits, you definitely need to see exactly what a quince looks like; a photo will certainly help you figure it out.

The fruits of the tree may in appearance resemble apples or pears, but only in appearance, the taste of the fruit is something between these gifts of nature. Much here depends on the variety - some fruits can hardly even be called quince. Among the most common varieties are Crimean Early, Aurora, Otlitnitsa. They differ in taste, juicy pulp and shelf life.

Cultivated varieties can produce fruit different sizes. Some of them can grow up to 2 kg, wild ones do not have such large fruits - most often they do not exceed 100 grams.

What are the benefits of quince - the medicinal properties of the fruit

How to use quince correctly, the beneficial properties and contraindications of the fruit - you definitely need to know these features in order to extract the greatest benefit from them for the body and influence diseases. The uniqueness of this wonderful plant is that in addition to the fruits, leaves and even bark can be used in treatment. The only thing that is not needed for the preparation of medicinal compositions is flowering; it does not contain anything useful for the human body.

It should be remembered that in their raw form, fruits are practically useless - only after heat treatment can they be used to influence diseases. How is quince beneficial for the body? She has many useful qualities:

  1. treatment of anemia;
  2. property to stop bleeding;
  3. restoration of strength after operations;
  4. cholesterol reduction;
  5. burning fat tissue;
  6. normalizing blood pressure;
  7. beneficial effects on the fetus during pregnancy;
  8. positive effect on insomnia.

You can use the peel of the fruit to make tea - this aromatic, delicious drink will protect against colds and increase the body's defenses.

Quince, benefits and harm for humans

For what ailments should quince be actively used, the benefits and harms of fruits - this must definitely be found out before consuming the fruits, otherwise it will take a long time to wait for positive results. What ailments do doctors recommend using delicious fruits for?

You can use quince for the following ailments:

  1. with a strong cough;
  2. for diseases of the digestive tract;
  3. at inflammatory processes on the eyes (including stye);
  4. for cosmetic problems (acne, rashes, wrinkles).

Despite the mass positive qualities, fruits can lead to serious problems, especially if you are careless about contraindications. The fruits should not be consumed when allergic reactions on some substances that quince abounds in, for ulcers and gastritis. Fruits will certainly be dangerous for constipation and can lead to complications. If consumed actively, they can negatively affect the vocal cords.

Quince, how to eat raw

Many people who purchased the appetizing-looking fruit for the first time are certainly interested in how exactly quince is used, how to eat such hard fruits raw. It should be remembered that they are practically not consumed this way - only after heat treatment do they become suitable for use as food.

Of course, some varieties of fruit are quite soft, so you can try eating them without cooking. It should be remembered that hard pulp can injure the walls of the esophagus or stomach. Even if this does not happen, pain in the abdomen may appear.

Another feature that needs to be remembered is that the seeds of the fruit are quite harmful to humans. After heat treatment, they lose their negative properties, but when eating fruits raw, it is better to immediately remove them and enjoy only the pulp.

How quince is used in cooking, recipes

In cooking, quince is often used in the preparation of not only baked goods, but also first courses or appetizers. There are recipes of varying complexity, so you can prepare a delicious delicacy yourself.

Quince soup:

  1. Mix vegetable oil and butter, fry the onion in it.
  2. Add cubes of potatoes, quince (if the skin of the fruit is too thick, it is better to remove it), and a few cloves of garlic to the almost finished onion.
  3. Add a little water and simmer until the potatoes are done.
  4. Puree using an immersion blender, add cream, salt, and favorite spices.
  5. Bring to a boil, serve.

You can garnish the soup with chopped green onions or parsley.

Chutney - Indian seasoning:

  1. Cut the quince into small beautiful cubes.
  2. IN vegetable oil sauté the diced onion until transparent.
  3. Add fruit cubes, grated ginger root, spices, honey and definitely raisins to the onion (pre-soak them briefly in hot water).
  4. Pour vinegar into the mixture, place the container on low heat and simmer at low boil for at least two hours.
  5. Be sure to stir the mixture during cooking.
  6. Serve with baked or fried meat.

You can also prepare a tasty drink based on the fruits; to do this, simply cut the fruits into small slices, add plenty of water and bring to a boil. Raisins, dried fruits, pieces of apples or pears will not be superfluous here. Do not remove, cook for several minutes. The finished drink can be supplemented with sugar, honey, vanillin or cinnamon. You can drink it cold or hot – it will be equally beneficial. It is especially important to include tea in your diet during the winter season - the aromatic liquid has a positive effect on the immune system and will protect against colds.

What remarkable qualities does quince have, beneficial properties and contraindications? best ways use of fruits - you definitely need to know these features. This will help you not only enjoy eating simple culinary masterpieces, but also be enriched with a lot of wonderful substances that have a beneficial effect on the body.

Save the information.

The quince tree is becoming increasingly popular for planting in summer cottages. All because people are learning about the benefits of this undeservedly forgotten product. For more than four thousand years, it has been beneficial to people and delights with its unusual but pleasant taste. Next, let's get acquainted with what's good about this fruit, which looks like an ordinary apple.

Calories and nutritional value

The fruit of the quince tree is unusual in that it contains virtually no calories. There are only about 50 kcal per 100 grams product. Quince does not contain saturated fat and is, at the same time, rich. The content of the latter in it is slightly more than 15 g. In addition, 100 g of fruit contains 1.8 g and 0.4 g.

Did you know? Quince is also called the “golden apple”. Her weight can be more than two kilograms.

Vitamin and mineral composition

Quince fruit does not contain sugar, but contains a large amount glucose and fructose. Among the useful biologically active substances in its composition, it is worth highlighting pectin, tannins, necessary for the body organic acids and carotene.

Quince is very rich in such an important element as titanium and other useful components of the periodic table.

Vitamins are also present in large quantities in this fruit. The content of such as in 100 g of fruit is a quarter of the body’s daily requirement per day. The spectrum of the rest is vitamins of groups , and .

What are the benefits of quince for the body?

Quince will benefit people all ages. It has a beneficial effect on the entire human body due to its richness. It is especially beneficial for problems of the gastrointestinal tract, hematopoietic system, and cardiovascular system. The fruit strengthens the immune system and the general condition of the body.


For representatives of the stronger half of humanity, quince fruit will be useful as a means of treating and preventing diseases of the genitourinary system. She improves potency, and is also used for preventive and therapeutic purposes if inflammation of the prostate gland occurs. It would not be a bad idea to use it for men who have problems with the kidneys and urinary ducts. It can also be safely used in cases of severe nervous and physical stress. Useful material quinces will have a beneficial effect on the entire male body.


The female body will also gladly accept the help of this healthy fruit. It will be especially good when gynecological diseases. Quince has a hemostatic effect, so it is used for uterine bleeding. Due to the high iron content, it is indicated for anemia, and for women this is especially important during the period. Quince will also help to the expectant mother strengthen the body, fight against swelling, relieve swelling. Women will also find the fruit useful as an effective way to combat.

It has been noticed that consuming quince promotes normalization of the menstrual cycle, reducing the abundance of discharge, which is especially important during menopause. At this time, the fetus will help stabilize the general condition of the body. Thanks to the antioxidants contained in quince, with regular use, a woman will be young and beautiful for a long time.
Representatives of the fair sex use quince in various diets due to the fact that it contains virtually no calories, but has a sweet taste.


Quince fruit will benefit children especially during the period of activation colds and infections. With its help, they can be easily prevented and treated. The fruit strengthens the immune system due to its high content of ascorbic acid and other benefits. It lowers the temperature and effectively fights the consequences of a cold such as cough. Quince eliminates its symptoms and improves expectoration. Remedies from it are used instead of medicines for children with stomach disorders and colitis. The juice of the fruit promotes wound healing. Due to the fact that the “golden apple” is hypoallergenic, it can be taken by everyone without exception.

Important!Young children, especially those under one year old, should not be given fresh quince or pure juice from it. Its astringency may cause them to vomit.

Application in various fields

For more than four centuries, people have been using the “golden apple” in various areas of their lives. Moreover, not only the fruit of the quince tree itself is used for this, but also its leaves. Quince is tasty in various dishes, it is used by traditional healers, and it is an ingredient for preparing body care products.

In cooking

Not many people like raw quince, but boiled or baked quince will appeal to absolutely everyone. Only heat treatment removes the astringency and viscosity of the fruit. Of course, there are many recipes for quince jam and preserves. They turn out sweet and unusual in taste.

The peculiarity of such preparations is that it is not necessary to add sugar to them. It is successfully replaced by the large amounts of fructose and glucose that the fruit contains. Also this jam will help successfully fight colds in the autumn-winter period due to the presence of antioxidants in it. Quince can be used to make tea and compotes; it is good for candied fruits and various similar sweets.

Fresh “golden apple” can be successfully added to various salads. Quince will give them a sweet-tart zest. It goes well with meat and vegetables. So, you will be pleasantly surprised by the taste of roast, meat or poultry with this fruit.
good quince sauces and any other preservation with the addition of this fruit. Housewives successfully prepare a sauce from quince like tkemali. To do this, herbs, spices, and a lot are added to the puree, and this mixture is boiled for some time. Experienced chefs replace the usual apples with quince in almost all dishes. The unusual texture and taste of the fruit give it a zest and make the taste richer.

Important!When preparing dishes, be sure to remove the seeds from the quince. They contain amygdalin and can cause poisoning.

In folk medicine

Traditional healers use quince pulp, seeds and leaves for their potions. Thus, decoction, boiled or baked fruits are good for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, help with diseases of the cardiovascular system and improve blood composition. Boiled “golden apple” is used to treat diseases associated with the liver and kidneys. In this form, it effectively prevents vomiting.

Also widely used in folk medicine fresh quince and its juice. The latter treats bleeding, problems with the heart, gastrointestinal tract, and genitourinary system. Quince pulp can be eaten on its own or made into tinctures or teas. Eating the fruit in this form will help strengthen the body, replenish it with iron, and relieve fever. Raw quince will help with diarrhea with bleeding and hemorrhoids.
A special place in folk medicine is occupied by drugs from quince seeds.

A decoction of them helps with uterine bleeding and gastrointestinal diseases. The seeds contain mucus and therefore they are used to make a water tincture for various ailments. 10 g of them are added to a glass of water, shaken, and then infused. This drink acts as an enveloping agent for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and as an expectorant for cough. You can gargle with the infusion when you need it; it will help with periodontal disease and other inflammations of the oral cavity.

Quince leaf infusion known as an effective remedy for combating attacks of bronchial asthma.

In cosmetology

Quince seeds, leaves and fruits are successfully used in home cosmetology. The juice is squeezed out of the latter, and the pulp is also used. You can use juice wipe face and body, and from the pulp you can make all sorts of masks. They are made either entirely from the quince fruit, or other ingredients are added to its puree. Such products tone the skin, make it softer, and reduce pores.
The leaves can be used to make bath infusions, which will have a beneficial effect on the tone and general condition of the skin of the whole body. Also, decoctions of leaves and seeds strengthen hair and scalp.

Is it possible to eat quince raw?

The ripe fruit of the quince tree, of course, can be eaten raw. But not everyone succeeds because of its tart and astringent taste. Having tried it, many people prefer not to repeat it. But there are also those who like the quince taste. Therefore, if you can eat a raw “golden apple” - good for your health. If not, you can eat it boiled, baked or as part of other dishes. It should be remembered that unpleasant astringency and viscosity are removed only by heat treatment, and not by frost.

Did you know?The quince tree is unique. In nature it has no related plants.

Is it possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Quince is needed and will be very useful for women in an “interesting position.” The vitamins and nutrients included in its composition will strengthen the body and give it strength during this difficult period. It is best to consume the fruit baked or juice it. This will eliminate the unpleasant sensations that raw pulp can cause.
“Golden Apple” will help a pregnant woman improve her mood and relieve anemia and edema. Quince does not contain allergens, so it can be consumed by the mother during pregnancy. And its beneficial substances will help strengthen the baby’s immune system.

Contraindications and harm

Quince, without a doubt, is an extremely useful product. But for some people, its use is undesirable and can be harmful. So, those who are sick with stomach ulcers or duodenum, gastritis with high acidity. The condition of such patients may worsen due to the presence of acid in the fruit. The fruit in any form should not be consumed for pleurisy and constipation. Quince pulp contains hard particles that irritate the throat, so it should not be eaten by people who sing or talk for a long time.

Doctors and nutritionists advise eating as many vegetables and fruits as possible. Quince is a very useful and necessary product for the human body. If you can't eat it raw, there are plenty of ways to cook it to make it delicious. The beneficial substances of the quince fruit will give you health and strength.

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