Class hour healthy lifestyle. Class hour on the topic "healthy lifestyle"

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

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Decor: On the drapery there are large colored letters “We are for a healthy lifestyle!”, inscriptions: “No to drugs!”, “Smoking is poison!”, “Alcohol is the enemy of health.”

Equipment: projector, equipment and microphones.

The presenter appears on stage.

(Slides are projected on the screen.)

Leading: Good afternoon, dear friends and distinguished guests! Today in our hall we are holding a meeting, which we dedicate to one of the important topics of our days - Healthy image life!

Human health is the main value in life. You can't buy it for any money! Being sick, you will not be able to make your dreams come true, you will not be able to devote your strength to overcoming life’s challenges, and you will not be able to fully realize yourself in the modern world.

Therefore, our meeting today will be held under the motto: “We are for a healthy lifestyle!”

Our whole life is a territory of health!

Good health is the basis for a long, happy and fulfilling life.

Life experience shows, and everyone can find plenty of evidence of this, that people usually begin to take care of their health only after the illness makes itself felt.

It is possible to prevent all diseases much earlier, and this does not require any supernatural efforts.

You just need to lead a healthy lifestyle!

Every normal person strives to live his life happily ever after. But are we doing everything for this? If we analyze “every step” of our typical day, then, most likely, everything is “exactly the opposite.”

A healthy lifestyle presupposes an optimal regime of work and rest, proper nutrition, sufficient physical activity, personal hygiene, hardening, eradication of bad habits, love for loved ones, and a positive perception of life. It allows you to maintain moral, mental and physical health until old age.

A healthy lifestyle in general, Physical Culture and sport in particular are becoming a social phenomenon, a unifying force and a national idea that contributes to the development of a strong state and a healthy society.

Every young person must realize that a healthy lifestyle is success, his personal success.

Many of you will say: well, how much can you talk about the same thing? Moreover, this will not affect us. We lead a normal lifestyle, do not use drugs, drink alcohol or smoke. We are normal people. Let them die somewhere in the millions, but here we have a hundred more, a hundred less – there is not much difference. Moreover, now in Russia there are worse problems.

But think about it: in our country, 8% of young people periodically use drugs. Among schoolchildren, 30–40 percent are affected by drug addiction to one degree or another, and in some regions this figure is much higher.

Leading: Guys, what is good for health and what is bad for health?

Let's start the story with bad habits that prevent people from leading a healthy lifestyle.

Addiction, narcotic substances and their effects on humans.

The number of drug addicts on the globe is 100,000,000 people.

Drug abuse and illicit trade have recently reached catastrophic proportions in developed countries of the world.

Drug addiction is a fatal disease in which the chronic craving for a drug is so strong that it is impossible to stop using without treatment.

Drugs are chemical substances that change a person’s consciousness (feelings, sensations, thoughts, mood and behavior) and cause mental and physiological dependence.

The body becomes so accustomed to the drug that each time it takes more and more of the drug. In response to stopping drug use, drug addicts experience: convulsions, vomiting, feverish chills, and increased sweating.

Drug addiction leads to extreme exhaustion of the body, significant loss of body weight and loss of physical strength.

Intravenous drug users put themselves at risk of contracting HIV.

Dangerous misconceptions and what we think about drugs:

  • I'll just try, it's not scary or dangerous.
  • I can refuse at any time, I am not a drug addict.
  • By using drugs, I will be modern, an adult, I will not be a “black sheep,” and I will achieve respect among my peers.
  • The drug is a kind of catalyst for talent.

Drugs are taking away our future!

This is drug addiction - it takes the lives of the best, it’s a dead end!

Another bad habit that is harmful and deadly to health is alcohol consumption.

Alcohol actively affects the unformed body, gradually destroying it. When alcohol gets inside the body, it spreads through the blood to all organs, adversely affecting them, even to the point of destruction.

With systematic alcohol consumption, a dangerous disease develops - alcoholism.

Alcoholism is a disease caused by long-term abuse of alcoholic beverages.

It is characterized by the formation of first mental, then physical dependence on alcohol.

Alcohol is the third leading preventable risk factor in Europe and Russia and one of the leading causes mental disorders, accidents and injuries.

Look, on the left - this is what we strive to drink alcohol for...

On the right are the consequences of this use...

As you probably already know, alcohol is especially dangerous for a growing body: it causes addiction, poisoning, and sometimes death.

Scientists and physicians around the world are seriously concerned about the increasing scale of alcohol consumption by minors.

Thus, in the USA (New York State), 91% of 16-year-old students drink alcoholic beverages.

In Canada, 90% of students in grades 7–9 drink alcohol.

Germany 1% of children 8–10 years old are detained by the police while intoxicated.

In Russia, 70% of crimes committed by minors are intoxicated. Every third teenager aged 14–16 years is prone to alcoholism.

What prompts a teenager to try alcohol for the first time, and some to subsequently become alcoholics?

25% – symbolic participation.
25% – stress relief.
50% – self-affirmation.

Clearly, these diagrams were compiled based on a survey of boys and girls of your age and the work of doctors and psychologists.

Other people's tears and pain no longer touch you,
You don't need anything, you're only busy with yourself.
Your task is unusual, but painfully simple,
Destroy yourself as quickly as possible...

Remember! Alcohol is not a habit, but a disease that needs to be treated, or better yet, not to get sick. The alcoholic degrades, becomes uninteresting to acquaintances and friends, relatives and end result useless for our country.

Alcohol drowns more people than water.

According to the World Health Organization, alcoholism claims 6 million lives annually.

Smoking- another bad habit, disgusting to the eye. Vile to the sense of smell, harmful to the brain and very dangerous to the lungs.

Research has proven the harm of smoking.

Tobacco smoke contains more than 30 toxic substances: nicotine, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocyanic acid, ammonia, tarry substances, organic acids and others.

1-2 packs of cigarettes contain a lethal dose of nicotine.

Nicotine affects activity nervous system.

Cancer occurs 20 times more often in smokers than in non-smokers.

What is tobacco?

This is a “product” poisonous plant, mixed with various additives to combat the unpleasant taste. They can poison themselves, poison the people around them, and pollute the atmosphere.

Already today, smoking kills every tenth person in the world.
Taking into account the dynamics of the increase in smokers, experts predict that by 2020, about 10 million people per year will become victims of tobacco.

Think about this number!

It is known that smoking is harmful to health. Each cigarette takes from 5 to 15 minutes of life. Smoking is the cause of many diseases. Families where both the father and mother smoke are a special risk area. Most smokers neglect the health of those around them, even those very close to them, and smoke anywhere: at home, in public places, at work, in transport, etc.

Think about what we've told you.

If you think that the harm caused by smoking to your health looms somewhere far away, and maybe even bypasses you altogether, you are mistaken! Look carefully at the smoking girl, at the color of her face, skin, fingers, teeth, pay attention to her voice. You may notice external signs of tobacco intoxication.

Some people believe that a cigarette makes a girl look elegant. Rather, it gives it vulgarity.

It is very important that you now understand that in the future, when you become a mother, the harm caused by smoking to your health today can irreparably affect the development of the child long before birth.

Anatomy of a tobacco addict.

Think, girls, about all this. Be smart and abstain from smoking.

Approximately 1.1 billion people in the world are smokers.

In the 20th century, tobacco killed 100,000,000 people. In the 21st century, nicotine addiction will take first place and put a billion earthlings into the grave.

Current tobacco consumption will cause 450 million deaths over the next 50 years.

Reducing tobacco consumption by 50% would avoid 20–30 million premature deaths in the first quarter of the 21st century and about 150 million in the second quarter of the 21st century.

Although many people do not smoke, poisoning themselves and loved ones, I do not smoke, and I do not advise you, it is in our power to make smoking unfashionable, life is already short!

Caffeine is an unfavorable habit for the body.

Caffeine refers to psychostimulants. They improve mood and the ability to perceive external stimuli.

Its direct stimulating effect on the cerebral cortex is especially pronounced. After taking it, vigor appears, drowsiness and fatigue temporarily decrease.

In small doses, caffeine has a predominant stimulating effect, in large doses it has a depressant effect.

With prolonged use of caffeine, addiction develops and mental dependence may occur.

  • All of the above negative factors affect your health in one way or another.
  • Therefore, you are obliged to comply with the limits of what is permitted, which were determined by experts in this field.

Each of us receives a wonderful gift at birth - health. Therefore, the habit of maintaining health is the key to a normal life for a person. And this habit can be formed only when the person himself constantly and regularly engages in activities that benefit him: physical education, sports, hardening, eating right and resting well!

Regular exercise and exercise are important for a healthy lifestyle. They support health, protect against disease and, as evidence grows, slow down the aging process. Physical education is beneficial at any age, since normal daily activity rarely provides sufficient physical activity.

To grow and harden
Not by days, but by hours,
Do physical exercise,
We need to study!
We need pills and medicine
And in the frost and in the cold
Replaces physical education
AND cold water!
We are not afraid of colds -
We don't care about a sore throat
We love skates and skis
Let's be friends with the puck and the ball!
Sport - is life!
Oh sport! You are the world!
Inseparable friends
Available in this world.
Inseparable friends -
This is sports and children!
Sports comes to our school
A fun relay race.
Growing up at school shift
To our glorious record holders!
Any of us will tell you:
Being an athlete is very cool:
Dedicate every hour
Sports every minute!

Good rest also provides us with good sleep.

In humans and animals, sleep and wakefulness rhythmically replace each other. How necessary sleep is for the functioning of the body can be judged by the fact that people endure complete sleep deprivation much more severely than starvation, and die very soon.

In a dream, a person rests and gains new strength.

What affects the depth of sleep? For deep sleep, you must always get up and go to bed at the same time. The room must be ventilated before going to bed, and it is best to sleep with the window open at night. A short walk in the fresh air before bed is helpful. Bright lights, noisy games, loud conversations, and prolonged viewing of TV programs interfere with falling asleep. Maintaining sleep hygiene will recharge your energy and improve your mood.

One of the most important components of health is hardening. With its help, you can avoid many diseases and maintain your ability to work and enjoy life for many years.

Hardening is the body's adaptation to cold.

Hardening – increasing the body’s resistance to the adverse effects of low temperature.

In order for hardening to be effective, certain rules must be followed:

First rule:

If you want to be healthy,
Drive away laziness.
If you start to harden,
Toughen up every day.

Second rule:

I immediately went out into the cold -
I was frozen to the bones.
Temper yourself gradually.
This is valuable for health.

Third rule:

If you harden yourself, it’s a joy,
A cold is not your friend.
Take care of your health.
This, children, is not a toy.
Rules, remember these, children.
Be healthy and don't get sick!
Temper yourself if you want to be healthy!

Equally important for human health is proper nutrition.

Any living organism, due to the vital activity of cells, tissues and organs, continuously consumes the substances that make up the body.

To maintain a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary that all these expenses are covered by food. It is absolutely natural that a person’s proper nutrition should contain all those substances that are part of his body, i.e. proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water.

The diet of schoolchildren must contain vitamins, as they increase the body’s resistance to infectious diseases. Therefore, you need to consume greens, fruits, vegetable and fruit juices. While following your diet, you should never overeat. Students who are obese are more likely to get sick and have a hard time suffering from any disease.

Hey buddy stop
Give up flour!
Avoid fatty foods
Let there be fruit on the table -
Greens, vegetables and fruits -
Here are useful products.

Berries, fruits, vegetables are the main sources of vitamins and minerals. Most vitamins are not formed in the human body and do not accumulate, but come only with food.

This is why fruits and vegetables should be included in your diet every day and regularly.

Remember these health commandments guys:

  1. You must honor your body as the greatest manifestation of life.
  2. You must give up unnatural food and stimulating drinks.
  3. You should nourish your body only with unprocessed living foods.
  4. You must restore your body through a reasonable alternation of active physical activity and rest.
  5. Cleanse your cells with fresh air, water and sun.

Don’t let tobacco prevent you from realizing your potential and put a big fat point on it.

After all, your choice is to never start smoking!

Smoking? No cigarettes for this!

Lately there has been a lot of talk about alcoholism and its consequences.

This problem has become worldwide and finding ways to solve it is quite difficult.

You are, I am, he is,
And everyone has their own life.
And her price is dignity and honor,
There is an age of transitional years,
No matter how difficult it may be.
For many the dawn begins,
And someone plunges into darkness.
You are, I am, he is,
Only together can we stop evil,
And maintain dignity in order to live.

Decide today what you will be like tomorrow!

Nature has created everything to make a person happy.

Trees, bright sun, clean water, fertile soil.

And us, people - strong, beautiful, healthy, intelligent. A person is born for happiness, and it seems that there is no place in his soul for an evil spirit and base vice.

We were born to live
Maybe we shouldn't destroy the planet?
There is a better answer than “yes”,
Let's say, guys, no to drugs!

Know that the main component of success is that you really want to experience the happiness of breathing freely. Health to you!

If you love yourself and value your health, you will say “no” to everything that can harm you.

Every year, millions of people on Earth die from diseases caused by smoking, alcohol and drugs. So let's think about it! About Me! About children! About our future! Be healthy! And see you again!

Goals: To form a stable rejection among students of alcohol, drug addiction, and smoking. Promote a healthy lifestyle.

Form: Competition program.

Participants: Class students, teacher.

Preparatory stage: When preparing for class, you can prepare a photo exhibition “A healthy mind in a healthy body”, “The world of my hobbies”, “Healthy children should be on the planet”, etc., and also invite students to answer the questions of an anonymous questionnaire that will help the teacher to determine their attitude to the problem under discussion.

Opposite the statement with which students agree, it is necessary to put a “+” sign; if they disagree, they must put a “-” sign.

Alcohol. Cigarettes. Drugs:

They lift your spirits.

Gives confidence.

Promotes communication.

Relieves boredom.

They lose control over their actions.

They shorten life.

Lead to serious illnesses.

They weaken the offspring.

They harm the family, society, and the state.

Gives a feeling of freedom.

Promotes growing up.

It is also necessary to select a jury, which may include a biology teacher, psychologist, parents or students from other classes.

Class progress

Considering that high school students have certain information about the harmfulness of bad habits to human health, the teacher invites them to explain the relevance of the class topic.

Summarizing the students' answers, the teacher draws their attention to the fact that a healthy lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular among young people, but a lot depends on the person himself, on how he feels about himself and his future.

You can discuss the problem in groups. After discussion, students conclude that the main components of a healthy lifestyle are:

To give up smoking.

Refusal alcoholic drinks.

Quitting drugs.

Physical education and sports, physical activity.

Social poster competition on the theme “No to bad habits!”

Poster evaluation criteria:

The relevance and importance of the depicted situation within the given topic.

Match the text to the depicted situation.

Conciseness and literacy of the text.

Compositional solution for the poster.

The quality of the poster.

The jury has the right to reward originality in the approach to the competition work with additional points.

Erudite competition

1. A.P. Chekhov said: “Kissing a smoking woman is the same as...” (...kissing an ashtray).

2. One of the fire safety rules in Bulgarian is: “Don’t push into the fire!” Translate it into Russian. (Don't smoke in bed.)

3. What would the ancient Greeks call a person suffering from the urge to become torpid? (Addict, from the Greek nark - numbness, mania - attraction.)

4. In December 2000, the city authorities of this city, for the first time in the world, adopted the strictest smoking law, prohibiting smoking in public places, at work, in cafes, bars, and restaurants. Smoking in a public place is punishable by one year in prison or a fine of $1,000. Where was this law passed? (This law was passed by the authorities of New York.)

5. Finish the English proverb: “A smoker lets into his mouth an enemy who kidnaps...”. (Brain.)

6. The famous doctor P. Bragg said that there are 9 doctors. Starting from the fourth, this is natural nutrition, fasting, sports, rest, good posture and reason. Name the first three doctors mentioned by Bragg. (Sun, air and water.)

Competition "The most compelling argument"

Team captains need to make the most convincing argument for the need for a healthy lifestyle within a minute.

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

Information lecture hall

1. Components of a healthy lifestyle

a) Correct breathing.

It is very important to always breathe through your nose. In the nasal passages, the air is purified, warmed, and moistened. In the health-improving gymnastics called “yoga,” it is generally accepted that “just one generation of people breathing correctly will revive humanity and make diseases so rare that they will be looked at as something extraordinary.”

Of course, it is also important that the air we breathe is clean.

b) Balanced nutrition.

Famous Russian publicist and literary critic D.I. Pisarev assured: “Change a person’s food, and the whole person will change little by little.” Human health is largely determined by the quantity and quality of food and diet. The modern diet of most people is characterized by a high consumption of foods containing a lot of carbohydrates. The result is overeating and obesity. “Moderation is nature’s ally,” said the ancient Greek physician, father of medicine, Hippocrates. Yes, nutrition should be moderate, but varied and nutritious.

Food must contain vitamins! Fresh vegetables and fruits, honey, dried apricots, nuts, raisins, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet - these are foods that increase the vital functions of the body. You need to include them in your diet. And bread made from finely ground flour, pasta, sausages, sausages, and fried potatoes are devoid of most biologically active substances. Such a diet reduces the vital activity of the body. It is also important to remember that products that contain various preservatives, sweeteners and dyes are not healthy and even dangerous to health.

c) Physical activity, physical education and sports, positive emotions and hardening.

It should be added that components of a healthy lifestyle also include physical activity (at least 30 minutes a day). It improves the functioning of all vital organs. Without physical activity there can be no health. “If you don’t run while you’re healthy, you’ll have to run when you’re sick,” said the Roman poet Horace.

The most useful and accessible sports: swimming, cycling, gymnastics, hiking.

Positive emotions are also necessary for a healthy lifestyle: joy, happiness, life satisfaction, kindness.

Negative emotions that destroy health: anger, fear, resentment, anxiety, melancholy, suspiciousness, greed. Try to avoid such emotions and protect the people around you from them.

2. Factors negatively affecting human health

a) Tobacco smoking.

It is often classified as a bad habit, but it is one of the dangerous diseases called chemical dependency. According to global statistics, about 2.5 million people die prematurely from smokers every year. There are about 400 components in tobacco smoke, 40 of which have a carcinogenic effect, i.e. capable of causing cancer. The most dangerous radioactive polonium-210.

Smoking has a particularly detrimental effect on a woman’s body. If a woman smokes during pregnancy, the likelihood of miscarriage increases, the weight of the fetus decreases, and premature birth may occur. The child of such a woman gets sick more often. If a woman smokes while breastfeeding, the child becomes weak, sickly, and lags behind in development. Smoking is very harmful for children and adolescents, boys and girls. After all, it is during adolescence that the body is finally formed, which should serve for the rest of its life. Smoking is dangerous not only for the smoker himself, but also for the people around him. So-called “passive smoking,” when a person is forced to inhale smoke while in a smoky room, has the same negative effect on the body as smoking itself.

b) Alcoholism.

“Alcoholism causes more devastation than the three historical scourges combined: famine, plague, war.”

W. Gladstone

In ancient times, people became acquainted with the unusual, cheerful effect of certain drinks. The most common milk, honey, fruit juices, after standing in the sun, changed not only their appearance, taste, but also acquired the ability to excite, instill a feeling of lightness, carelessness, and well-being. It didn’t take long for people to notice that the next day a person was paying with a headache, fatigue, and a bad mood. Our distant ancestors had no idea what terrible enemy they purchased.

The main component of most alcoholic drinks is ethyl alcohol. Taken orally, after 5-10 minutes it is absorbed into the blood and distributed throughout the body. Alcohol is poison for any living cell. Burning quickly, it deprives tissues and organs of oxygen and water. Under the influence of alcohol, almost all physiological processes in the body are disrupted, and this can lead to serious illnesses. Alcohol has the fastest and most destructive effect on brain cells; the tissue of the kidneys, heart, blood vessels, and liver is degenerated.

Under the influence of alcohol, blood vessels first dilate, and blood saturated with alcohol rapidly rushes to the brain, causing a sharp excitation of the nerve centers - this is where the overly cheerful mood and swagger of a drunken person come from. Following the increasing excitation in the cerebral cortex, a sharp weakening of the inhibition processes occurs. The cortex ceases to control the functioning of the (lower) subcortical parts of the brain. Therefore, an intoxicated person loses control over himself and a critical attitude towards his behavior. Losing his restraint and modesty, he says and does things that he would not say or do in a sober state. Each new portion of alcohol paralyzes the nerve centers more and more, as if connecting them and not allowing them to interfere with the chaotic activity of the sharply excited lower parts of the brain.

The famous Russian psychiatrist S.S. Korsanov described this state as follows: “An intoxicated person does not think about the consequences of his words and actions and treats them extremely frivolously... Passions and bad impulses appear without any cover and encourage more or less wild actions. But in a normal state, the same person can be well-mannered, and modest, even shy. Everything in his personality that is restrained by his upbringing, his habits of decency, seems to come out. In a state of intoxication, a person can tell any secret, loses vigilance, and ceases to be careful. It’s not without reason that they say: “What’s on a sober man’s mind is on the drunken man’s tongue.”

Beer is not as harmless as it sometimes seems. It is made from useful product- barley. This drink contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats and even vitamins. But in the process of making beer, fermentation microbes destroy all useful components, so there is little benefit from it, to put it mildly. In addition, 0.5 liters of beer corresponds to 60-80 g of vodka. According to the observations of the German psychotherapist E. Kraepelin, 45% of his patients became alcoholics as a result of drinking beer regularly and a lot. In addition, do not forget that this is a very high-calorie drink. Regular beer consumers quickly get fat.

c) Drug addiction.

Often the first step towards drugs is made out of curiosity. Up to 60% of drug addicts “tried” drugs this way. Drug addiction develops very quickly, its process is so rapid that at the age of 30-40 a drug addict is already a very old man. It only takes 2-3 months from psychological addiction to physical dependence.

Drugs have an extremely pronounced effect on the human body. Nerve cells seem to burn out, and the body’s protective functions sharply decrease. The defenseless body is attacked by many diseases. All organs and systems of the body suffer: the heart muscle is affected, gastritis occurs, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, liver cirrhosis, cholelithiasis and kidney stones, pneumonia, pleurisy, hepatitis, AIDS.

All types of metabolism are disrupted: protein, carbohydrate, fat. Personality changes are expressed in progressive degradation, often turning into dementia.

Yaroslavna Kolesova
Class notes “Health is the head of everything!”

Class hour on the topic« Health is the head of everything» , 7 Class


Help students develop and develop methods of activity that maximize their level of competence in issues healthy lifestyle.


Shape the culture healthy lifestyle;

Increase the level of competence in issues healthy lifestyle;

Forms of work: Diagnostic procedure; conversation; discussion; quiz

Working methods: verbal, practical.

Class progress

I. Interactive conversation “We don’t keep what we have.”

Classroom teacher . The topic of our class hour - healthy lifestyle. Every adult will tell you that health- this is the greatest value, but for some reason modern youth name money, career, love, fame, and health puts it in 7-8th places.

We wrote a proverb on the board (is reading): “We don’t keep what we have; when we lose it, we cry”.

What do you think this proverb has to do with the topic of our conversation?

Sample answers from children:

We do not store health, and when we get sick, we cry.

We not only do not store, but also deliberately spoil our health, then we regret it.

We think we will healthy all your life, and in old age we remember how we wasted our health, did not take care of him.

We save money, we protect clothes, and our We don’t take care of our health, and when we start to get sick, we regret it.

Classroom teacher. We know how to save money, how to save things. Do you know how to save health? (Children share their thoughts.)

Today we will talk about what needs to be done so as not to regret what was lost health.

II. Mini-lecture "What's happened health

Classroom teacher. So today we are talking about health. How do you understand this word?

(Children answer that health- this is the absence of diseases, good health, etc.)

But then drunkards and drug addicts, who are not in pain yet, can also be called healthy?

(Children speak out.)

Indeed, for many years health and was understood as the absence of disease and physical infirmity. But in our time, a different point of view has been established. According to this point of view, health is physical, mental and social.

Physical health- this is the correct functioning of the whole organism. If a person is physically healthy, then he can perform all his current duties without excessive fatigue. He has enough energy to do well in school and do all the necessary things at home.

Soulful health is manifested in that a person is satisfied with himself, likes himself as he is, he is satisfied with his achievements and can draw conclusions from his mistakes. To maintain mental health health you need to rest, get new experiences, communicate with friends.

Social health manifests itself in relationships with other people. Socially healthy people know how to get along with others. They respect other people's rights and can defend their own. They maintain good relationships with relatives, know how to find new friends, and are able to express their needs and wants so that they become clear to others.

healthy one can only name a person who has all three types of health.

All scientists agree on one: to be healthy, need to lead healthy lifestyle.

We drew a table on the board « Healthy lifestyle» . And here's what it consists of healthy lifestyle, we haven't recorded it yet. To fill out this table, I will ask you 5 riddles. Each riddle is one of the factors health. You will guess the riddle and we will write the answer in the table. It will help me with this (calls on a student to take notes in the table).

So, 5 factors health.

(The teacher reads the riddles, the children solve them, one of the students fills out the table on the board.)

1. Even alternation of work and rest throughout the day. (Daily regime.)

2. Constantly training your physical endurance, resistance to cold and disease. (Hardening.)

3. Activities aimed at maintaining cleanliness health. (Hygiene.)

4. The order of food intake, its nature and quantity. (Proper nutrition.)

5. Active actions in which different muscle groups are involved. (Movement, sports.)

So, what did we get? What is it made up of? healthy lifestyle who gives a person health and longevity?

(Class reads the rows of the table in unison.)

a) Daily routine;

b) hardening;

c) hygiene;

d) nutrition;

d) movement.

I propose to add one more item to this list - the absence of bad habits. You agree with me?

(Children express their opinions.)

Indeed, a person can follow all the rules healthy lifestyle, but one of his bad habits, for example, smoking or alcoholism, will negate all his efforts. Conclusion: bad habits are incompatible with healthy lifestyle.

(The student writes in table: "Rejection of bad habits".)

IV. Medical consultation"Secrets health»

Classroom teacher. Now we will carry out our medical consultation which was named "Secrets health» . Doctors came to visit us and will share some secrets healthy lifestyle.

(4 students in white coats come to the board.)

Doctor 1. My secret concerns nutrition. Nutritionists around the world have identified the top five harmful products for a person.

This five included (is reading):

1. Sweet carbonated drinks. They were created not at all to quench thirst, but to cause it. Differ in gigantic content Sahara: in one glass there are at least five teaspoons.

2. Potato chips, especially those made not from whole potatoes, but from mashed potatoes. It's essentially a mixture of carbohydrates and fat plus artificial flavors.

3. Sweet bars. The combination of large amounts of sugar and various chemical additives provides the highest calorie content and the desire to eat them again and again.

4. Sausages, sausages, boiled sausage, pates and other products with so-called hidden fats. In their composition, lard and internal fat occupy up to 40% of the weight, but are disguised as meat, including with the help of flavoring additives.

5. Fatty meats, especially when fried.

Try to avoid these foods. Dairy products, vegetables, fruits - this is what will help the growing body.

Doctor 2. My secret concerns dealing with stress. Stress is nervous tension caused by some event. Stress awaits us at every step. Lessons are stressful. The road is stressful. Parents scold. I quarreled with my friends. And so on. Stress harms our mental health health.

How can you relieve stress? There are many things for this ways: singing, communicating with pets, caring for plants, walking. There is another way to quickly relieve stress - rub your palms vigorously. (shows). And the best way to protect yourself from stress is a smile and a good mood.

Doctor 3. My advice concerns your daily routine. A person who follows a daily routine accomplishes much more and gets tired less. But when creating a daily routine, you need to take into account the characteristics of your psyche. As you know, people are divided into "larks" And "owls".

Doctor 4. I took my advice from folk wisdom. They concern bad habits. Humanity has known alcohol and smoking for a long time. The people expressed their attitude towards these vices in proverbs. I think that this wisdom will help modern young people avoid these vices.

This is what our people say about drunkenness (is reading):

1. Even the heroes drown in a puddle of vodka. For a drunk, the sea is knee-deep, and the puddle is up to his ears. (A drunk person thinks that he can do anything, but in reality he is not even able to get out of a puddle.)

2. Hunger Yes, the cold has trampled the road to the tavern. Where there is wine, there is fire. He fell in love with wine and ruined his family. He who gets drunk with wine washes himself with tears. Glasses and small glasses will reach your purse. The glasses are cut, and the hut is in ruins. (Drunkenness is a direct path to ruin and poverty.)

3. Enough wine - the young man is gone. There was Ivan, but he became a Blockhead, and it’s all the wine’s fault. Vodka without fire will burn your mind. A drunkard among the people is like a weed in the garden. (Drunkenness drowns out reason and conscience. A drunkard is a lost person.)

4. Drinking to the bottom is no good. (The drunkard loses health, friends, work, respect of others, love of neighbors.)

But people are very wise and precise about smoking noticed: "Smoking - harm health» .

V. Game “Yes, no, I don’t know”

Classroom teacher. Our doctors have prepared a game “Yes, no, I don’t know”. They will ask you questions, and you must answer in unison "Yes" or "No". If you don't know how to answer, raise your hands. Doctors will explain to you the correct answer.

(The doctors take turns reading the questions, the children answer in chorus "Yes" or "No".)

1. Do you agree that exercise is a source of vigor and health? (Yes.)

2. Is it true that chewing gum preserves teeth? (No.)

3. Is it true that chocolate bars are among the top five most unhealthy foods? (Yes.)

4. Is it true that smoking kills more than 10,000 people every year? (Yes.)

5. Is it true that bananas lift your spirits? (Yes.)

6. Is it true that carrots slow down the aging process of the body? (Yes.)

7. Is it true that there are harmless drugs? (No.)

8. Is it easy to quit smoking? (No.)

9. Is it true that most people do not smoke? (Yes.)

10. Is it true that "owls" Do you like to work in the morning? (No.)

11. Is it true that lack of sun causes depression? (Yes.)

12. Is it true that in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for the whole year? (No.)

13. Is it true that you should drink two glasses of milk every day? (Yes.)

14. Is it true that sugary drinks are among the top five most unhealthy foods? (Yes.)

15. Is it true that a minute of laughter is equal to 45 minutes of passive rest? (Yes.)

16. Do you agree that stress is good for you? health? (No.)

17. Do you agree that potato chips are good for you? health? (No.)

18. Is it true that sausages are good for health? (No.)

19. Is it true that you can become a drug addict from one injection? (Yes.)

20. Is it true that a young growing body requires 30 types of different foods every week? (Yes.)

(Some questions will be difficult for children. Doctors can give them little hints by nodding head when to speak "Yes", or rocking head when to speak "No".)

Classroom teacher. Thanks to the doctors for helping us test our knowledge about healthy lifestyle.

- Take care of yourself: wash, comb your hair.

Do not buy sugary water, chips, or chocolate bars.

Eat normally.

VII. Final word

Classroom teacher. Guys, today we talked about the fact that health- this is the greatest value for a person. On our health influences many factors: climate, politics, economics, and much more. There are some things we can't change. But a lot depends on us. To be healthy to live happily ever after, you need to lead healthy lifestyle. And this is within the power of every person.

VIII. Summarizing (reflection)

Classroom teacher. What interesting things did you learn today? What will you definitely take on board?

Sample answers from children:

I learned about harmful products and will no longer buy them so often.

Learned about "owls" And "larks" I think I "owl".

I learned that a person can live 200 years.

I will try to lead healthy lifestyle.

I will try not to acquire bad habits.

Remember guys - health,the head of everything!

Class hour about a healthy lifestyle for 5th grade “It’s great to be healthy!”

Goals: to create in students the need for a healthy lifestyle.
encourage children to adhere to healthy lifestyle habits;
to promote in children a sense of responsibility for their own health, the health of their family and society.

Progress of the class hour.

Interactive conversation “What we have, we don’t keep; when we lose it, we cry”
The theme of our class is a healthy lifestyle.
Every adult will tell you that health is the greatest value, but for some reason today’s youth name money, career, love, fame among their main values, but only rank health in 7th-8th place.
A wise proverb says: “We don’t keep what we have; when we lose it, we cry.” What do you think this proverb has to do with the topic of our conversation?
We know how to store money, how to save things. Do you know how to stay healthy?
Today we will talk about what you need to do so as not to regret your lost health.

Mini-lecture “What is health?”
So today we are talking about health. How do you understand this word?
Indeed, for many years health was understood as the absence of disease and physical infirmity. But in our time, a different point of view has been established. According to this point of view, health is physical, mental and social.
Physical health is the state of proper functioning of the whole organism. If a person is physically healthy, then he can perform all his current duties without excessive fatigue. He has enough energy to do well in school and do all the necessary things at home.
Mental health is manifested in the fact that a person is satisfied with himself, likes himself as he is, he is satisfied with his achievements and can draw conclusions from his mistakes. To maintain mental health, you need to relax, get new experiences, and communicate with friends.
Social health manifests itself in relationships with other people. Socially healthy people know how to get along with others. They respect other people's rights and can defend their own. They maintain good relationships with relatives, know how to find new friends, and are able to express their needs and wants so that they become clear to others.
Only a person who has all three types of health can be called healthy.
Drawing up a table “Healthy image of a person”
So, health is a great value, but many people begin to understand this when they get sick. Scientists say that the human body is designed for 150-200 years of life. And now our people live 2-3 times less. Why do you think?
What prevents people from living long?
The main thing for health is a person’s ability to work on himself, on his health. All scientists agree on one thing: to be healthy, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle.
But we will find out what a healthy lifestyle consists of when compiling a table. I will ask 5 riddles, each of which is a health factor.
1.Even alternation of work and rest throughout the day. (Daily regime)
2. Constantly training your physical endurance, resistance to cold and disease. (Hardening)
3. Activities aimed at maintaining cleanliness and health. (Hygiene)
4. The order of food intake, its nature and quantity (Proper nutrition)
5. Active actions in which different muscle groups are involved. (Movement, sport)
So, what did we get? What makes up a healthy lifestyle that gives a person health and longevity?
I propose to add one more item to this list - the absence of bad habits. You agree with me?
Indeed, a person can follow all the points of a healthy lifestyle, but one bad habit, for example, smoking or alcoholism, will negate all his efforts. What other bad habits does a person have? Let's listen to our classmates.

Speech by students on the topic “Bad habits”
Substance abuse




gambling addiction

Foul language

Rules for a healthy lifestyle for students

Game "Lucky Chance"

1st round “Yes, no, I don’t know”
Yes 1. Is it true that lack of sun causes depression in people? Yes

2 round "Troubles from a Barrel"

(Answer: the key to health.)

(Answer: thanks to the charger.)

(Answer: toughen up.)

(Answer: a healthy mind.)
So, the team won…..

Questions for students:

1. Do you agree that exercise is a source of vigor and health?

(Answer: yes.)

2 points.

Competition "Knowledge is power"

For fans


But you will help me read them.

Means a lot!

Most important of all!

Captains Competition.



A man was born

Got up on my feet and walked!

Made friends with the wind and the sun,

May you breathe well!

Accustomed myself to order,

He got up early in the morning.

He was vigorously doing exercises,

I took a cold shower.

Every day he ran, jumped,

I swam a lot, played ball,

Gaining strength for life,

And he didn’t whine or get sick.

I fell asleep very quickly.

I went to study with interest

And I got straight A's.

Everyone get up early in the morning,

Take a cool shower,

Get ready to exercise,

Fortify yourself with porridge and butter!

Final word.
Guys, today we talked about the fact that health is the greatest value for a person. Our health is influenced by many factors: climate, politics, economics, and much more. There are some things we can't change. But a lot depends on us. To be healthy, to live happily ever after, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. And this is within the power of every person. You just need to understand that a healthy lifestyle is not some temporary action, it is daily rules adopted for life.


    introduce students to the rules of a healthy lifestyle;

    form beliefs about the need to maintain personal health;

    consolidation of students’ knowledge and skills in maintaining personal hygiene;

    reveal positive and negative factors affecting human health;

Equipment: cards with words, music, writing on the board (healthy lifestyle rules), PowerPoint presentation. Slide No. 2

We welcome those who found the time and came to our class for a lesson on health! Let winter smile through the window, But the classroom is light and warm! We take care of our health from an early age. It will save us from pain and troubles! - Hello, dear friends! Saying HELLO to each other means wishing you health. After all, health is the most valuable thing people have, which means it must be protected.

It’s not for nothing that in the old days they said: “Health comes in gold and goes away in pounds.” How do you understand this old proverb?

A zolotnik is approximately the weight of one 50-kopeck coin, and a pud is 16 kg. This means that you can become healthy gradually, but you can lose your health immediately. Health is one of the main values ​​of life, a source of joy. Everyone from a young age should take care of their health and have knowledge about hygiene. Poor health is the cause of stunted growth, poor academic performance, and bad mood.

Our class hour is devoted to how to be healthy, how to harden yourself, maintain personal hygiene, work well and rest well.

Guys, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the rules of a healthy lifestyle (write on the board). Who knows how the abbreviation for healthy lifestyle stands for? (healthy lifestyle).

People say - “Health is our wealth.” Let's see what these rules about a healthy lifestyle are. Slide No. 3

Discussion of healthy lifestyle rules:

    Keep your body, clothes, home clean;

    Eat right;

    Move more;

    Combine your work and rest correctly;

    Don't develop bad habits

4. Speech by students on the topic “Bad habits”
Substance abuse
- this is not just a bad, but also a very dangerous habit. "Mania" is mental illness when a person constantly thinks about one thing. A drug addict constantly thinks about poison. “Toxicomania” is translated from Latin as “mania for poison” (toxin means poison). These poisons enter the human body by inhaling toxic fumes and cause severe poisoning. Addiction appears very quickly, changes occur in the psyche, but most importantly, human health is destroyed, as poisons gradually accumulate in the body.

Drugs are an even more serious poison; they are designed for simpletons who, having become accustomed to them, will not be able to live without them and will pay a lot of money to die as quickly as possible. Drugs are snorted, smoked, injected, or taken in pill form. They instantly enter the bloodstream. Drug addiction acts with its poisons strongly and quickly - literally from the first time a person can become a drug addict! A person experiences hallucinations and nightmares.

Another bad habit is drunkenness. Drunkenness very quickly develops into mania - alcoholism. Alcohol is the most common drug, killing hundreds of people every year. This is also poison, it disrupts everyone’s work internal organs. A drunk man is a repulsive sight. But an alcoholic is indifferent to the opinions of others, he loses his human appearance and becomes a slave to his bad habit. Not only the drunkards themselves suffer from alcoholism, but also those close to them: mothers, wives, children. A huge number of crimes are committed due to drunkenness, many families are destroyed, and destinies are broken.

is an addiction to a drug whose name is nicotine. In its toxicity, nicotine is equal to hydrocyanic acid, a deadly poison. Scientists have calculated that a smoker shortens his life by six years. All organs of the human body are affected by tobacco. Tobacco contains 1200 toxic substances. It has been scientifically proven that smoking causes 25 diseases. Smokers have poor memory, poor physical health, an unstable psyche, they think slowly, and have poor hearing. Even in appearance, smokers differ from non-smokers: their skin withers faster, their voices become hoarse, and their teeth turn yellow. Non-smokers suffer from smoking. Half harmful substances, which are in the cigarette, the smoker exhales, poisoning the air. Those around them are forced to breathe this air and become passive smokers.

gambling addiction
- that bad habit begins harmlessly - slot machines, computer games, cards, roulette. Or it can end in mental destruction, crime, even suicide. Gambling addiction spares neither children nor adults. Even sensible old women become gambling addicts and end their lives in hunger and poverty.

Foul language
Today you can often meet people who no longer swear, but use obscenities. Meanwhile, this bad habit - foul language - is very dangerous for human health. Moreover, it is harmful not only to speak, but also to listen to swear words.

These bad habits can ruin a person’s health and cause colossal harm to the body.

5. Rules for a healthy lifestyle for students
1. Exercise 3-5 times a week, without overexerting yourself with intense exercise. Be sure to find a way of physical activity just for yourself.
2. Don't overeat or starve. Eat 4-5 times a day, consuming the amount of proteins, vitamins and minerals necessary for a growing body, limiting yourself in fats and sweets.
3. Do not overwork yourself with mental work. Try to get satisfaction from your studies. And in your free time, be creative.
4. Treat people kindly. Know and follow the rules of communication.
5. Develop, taking into account your individual characteristics of character and body, a way of going to bed that allows you to quickly fall asleep and restore your strength.
6. Engage in daily hardening of the body and choose methods for yourself that not only help you fight a cold, but also give you pleasure.
7. Learn not to give in when you are offered to try a cigarette or alcohol.

6. Game “Lucky Chance”
I have prepared a game for you. We have 2 teams in the game. There are 3 rounds in the game.

1st round “Yes, no, I don’t know”

2. Is it true that chewing gum preserves teeth? No 2. Is it true that in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for the whole year? No
3. Is it true that chocolate bars are among the 5 most unhealthy foods? yes 3. Is it true that you should drink 2 glasses of milk every day? Yes
4 Is it true that bananas lift your spirits? yes 4Is it true that sugary drinks are among the 5 most harmful foods? Yes
5. Is it true that more than 10,000 people die from smoking every year? yes 5. Is it true that a minute of laughter is equal to 45 minutes of passive rest? Yes
6. Is it true that carrots slow down the aging process of the body? Yes 6. Do you agree that stress is good for your health? No
7.Is it true that there are harmless drugs? No 7. Do you agree that potato chips are healthy? No
8.Is it easy to quit smoking? No. 8 Is it true that one injection can make you a drug addict? Yes
9. Is it true that most people do not smoke? yes 9. Is it true that a young growing body requires 30 types of different foods every week? Yes
10. Is it true that night owls like to work in the morning? no 10. Is it true that sausages are good for health? No

2 round "Troubles from a Barrel"
1.Name indoor plant, which: firstly, is edible - you can put 1-2 leaves in a salad or eat it just like that, without seasoning; secondly, it heals the throat, vocal cords, heals wounds, and its juice improves digestion (Kalanchoe)
2.What medicinal animal was promoted by Duremar, a character in Alexei Tolstoy’s fairy tale? (Medical leech. They suck blood, reduce blood pressure, produce hirudin, which prevents blood clotting)
3.Why you can’t pick berries, mushrooms and medicinal plants along highways? (Harmful substances accumulate in them)
4. In the Arctic and Antarctica, despite the cold, people rarely get sick colds, and in the middle zone - often. Why? (The air there is practically sterile, since pathogenic bacteria and viruses die. In the middle zone there are many viruses in the air that cause diseases)

Round 3 "Folk wisdom says"

Teams receive cards with unfinished proverbs. The participants’ task is to complete the proverbs about health. At the end of the competition, team representatives read out their options for ending the proverbs. For each correct answer, the team receives one point.

Purity - ___________________________________________.
(Answer: the key to health.)

Health is good – _______________________________.
(Answer: thanks to the charger.)

If you want to be healthy – _______________________________.
(Answer: toughen up.)

In a healthy body - _____________________________________.
(Answer: a healthy mind.)
So, the team won…..

And now guys, I invite you to think a little and remember the proverbs known to everyone. Proverbs are provided in which you need to choose the correct endings according to their meaning. Slide No. 4

Find parts of proverbs about health:

    If you are sick, get treatment...

..... trouble for the disease

    You can't buy health -...

…. his mind gives

    Fast and dexterous...

…. healthy - take care

    Mind and health...

…. the disease won't catch up

    Pure water ….

…. most expensive

Have you ever heard this? popular expression “If you want to be healthy, toughen up!”. What does it mean to harden?

Students read the memo.

Slide No. 5

To be hardened, you need:

    accustom yourself to an open window, not to be afraid of fresh air;

    every day at night, wash your feet with cool water, gradually lowering the water temperature, walk barefoot on the floor, and in summer on the ground;

    Dry your body with a damp towel or take a shower every morning.

And most importantly, if you fill your life with sports games, are not lazy to do exercises and take a shower every morning, follow the rules of personal hygiene, you will always be healthy!

Morning hygienic exercises, or, as it is more often called, “morning exercises.” It has a beneficial effect on the human body. People who perform gymnastics exercises daily increase muscle strength, increase the body's resistance to colds, and reduce fatigue.

So, how many of you are exercising? Raise a hand.

And now we will learn some physical exercises. Slide No. 6

Inhale and exhale!

Once you sit down!

Two stood up

So that there is no delay!

Three - bent over

And they reached for the sock with one hand.

Do you think it is possible to get sick from poor personal hygiene? What is personal hygiene? Name the rules of personal hygiene that you know. (Students' answers). That’s right, because cleanliness is the key to health! Dirt and sloppiness in clothing is a disregard for one’s health, and uncleanliness is disrespect not only for oneself, but also for the people around him. As a rule, lazy people are dirty. Lazy schoolchildren are bored in class, do not study well, they do not want to carry out any assignments, they do not like to write clearly in notebooks or read books. They do not cultivate the habit of working and helping their parents with household chores. Slide No. 7

To take care of your health, first of all, you need to know that not everything and does not always strengthen it. What negative factors do you know that affect human health? (nicotine, alcohol, drugs). How exactly do these factors affect health? How to protect yourself and others from them? Slide No. 8, 9, 10

Summary of the class hour.

Guys, our class hour has come to an end. Now you know why “It’s great to be healthy!” Slide No. 11

It's good to be healthy!
You need to drink more juices!
Throw the hamburger into the trash can,
And swim in the stormy river!!!
Temper, pour,
Play different sports!
And not afraid of illnesses,
Without hiding in a warm house,
Walk freely on the Earth,
Marveling at the natural beauty!!!
Then you will begin to live!
It's great to be healthy!!!

Purpose of the competition: to form students’ need for a healthy lifestyle.


help students realize the importance of a reasonable attitude towards their health;

promote children's health;

develop skills in working in groups, communication skills, attention, imagination, ingenuity, creativity, speech;

cultivate a culture of behavior and communication when working in groups.

Office decoration:

a poster with the name of the competition program “It’s great to be healthy!”;

student drawings on the board;

along the perimeter of the office there are family wall newspapers “We are for a healthy lifestyle!”;

tables for two teams.

Equipment: computer; sheets with the letters Z, D, O, R, O, V, L, E; cards with proverbs; casket and items for it; assignment sheets; markers; diplomas.

Teacher: Hello, dear guys! I am glad to see you at our health festival called “It’s great to be healthy!”

Together: Hello! We wish everyone good health!

Teacher: Human health is the main value in life. Money can't buy health. Being sick, you will not be able to realize your dreams, you will not be able to solve vital problems. We all want to grow up strong and healthy. Being healthy is a natural human desire; sooner or later everyone thinks about their health. Each of us must realize what a priceless treasure this is. Let's think together about what health and a healthy lifestyle are.


So that we can be beautiful

So as not to be whiny,

So that any business is in your hands

They argued and burned...


So that the songs can be sung louder,

To make our life more interesting...

Boy and girl: You need to be strong and healthy.

Teacher: Our competition is called "It's Great to Be Healthy!" And today we will try to prove it to each other and to ourselves. The game involves 2 teams. First gaming table - team _____________________________________;

the second gaming table is the team.

Our competition will be monitored by a strict jury consisting of _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. So, let's begin our competition program. The first competition is called "Health".

Competition "Health"

For each letter in the word “health” you need to select other words that are related to health and a healthy lifestyle. Each word will bring the team one point. One minute is allotted to complete the task. (Music plays while the teams work.)

Competition "Folk Wisdom Says"

Teams receive cards with unfinished proverbs. The participants’ task is to complete the proverbs about health. At the end of the competition, team representatives read out their options for ending the proverbs. For each correct answer, the team receives one point.

Purity - ___________________________________________.

(Answer: the key to health.)

Health is good – _______________________________.

(Answer: thanks to the charger.)

If you want to be healthy – _______________________________.

(Answer: toughen up.)

In a healthy body - _____________________________________.

(Answer: a healthy mind.)

Teacher: In the meantime, the teams are responding, let's play with the fans. Answer in unison, “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends,” if you agree with me. If this is not about you, then be silent, don’t make noise.

Game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends" (for fans)

Questions for students:

which of you is always ready to live life without doctors;

who doesn’t want to be healthy, cheerful, slim and cheerful;

who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education;

whoever is not afraid of frost flies on skates like a bird;

Well, who will start dinner with chewing gum and a couple of sweets;

who loves tomatoes, fruits, vegetables, lemons;

who has eaten and brushes their teeth regularly twice a day;

Which one of you kids walks around dirty from ear to ear?

who performs physical exercises according to the schedule;

who, I want to know from you, likes to sing and relax?

Competition "You can't buy health - your mind gives it"

Teams are given questions to which they must give affirmative or negative answers. For each correct answer, the team receives one point. Questions:

1. Do you agree that exercise is a source of vigor and health?

(Answer: yes.)

2. Is it true that chewing gum preserves teeth? (Answer: no.)

3. Is it true that you should brush your teeth once a day? (Answer: no.)

4. Is it true that bananas lift your spirits? (Answer: yes.)

5. Is it true that carrots slow down the aging of the body? (Answer: yes.)

6. Is it easy to quit smoking? (Answer: no.)

7. Is it true that lack of sun causes bad mood? (Answer: yes.)

8. Is it true that in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for the whole year? (Answer: no.)

9. Is it true that you need to drink two glasses of milk every day? (Answer: yes.)

10. Is it true that a bad mood affects your health? (Answer: yes.)

Teacher: To be healthy, you need to know and be able to do a lot. During the next competition you will also need to answer questions.

For each correct answer the team will receive 2 points.

Competition "Knowledge is power"

Questions are given that need to be answered. Questions:

1. What is the name of the result of the impact of frost on the human body? (Answer: frostbite.)

2. Who can infect a person with rabies? (Answer: animals.)

3. What are the names of drinks that ruin human health? (Answer: alcohol.)

4. What is the name of the dressing material? (Answer: bandage.)

5. What is the name of the injury caused by fire? (Answer: burn.)

6. What helps to harden the body? (Answer: sun, air, water.)

Competition "Riddles about the daily routine"

1. You decided to become healthy, so follow... (answer: regimen);

2. In the morning at seven our cheerful friend rings persistently... (answer: alarm clock);

3. Our whole friendly team got up to exercise... (answer: family);

4. Of course, I won’t break the regime - I wash myself in a cold... (answer: shower);

5. After a shower and exercise, a hot meal awaits me... (answer: breakfast);

6. I always wash my hands with soap, no need to call us... (answer: Moidodyra);

7. After lunch you can have a nice sleep, or you can go in the yard... (answer: play);

8. After dinner, fun - we take dumbbells in our hands, play sports with dad, our mother... (answer: smile);

9. The moon is looking through our window, which means it’s been a long time to sleep... (answer: it’s time).

For fans


Friends, I have poems for you,

But you will help me read them.

As soon as I raise my hand up,

Everyone says the word “health”!

We must know the laws of ____________ firmly!

Take care and protect your ____________!

Means a lot!

Most important of all!

Captains Competition.

Teacher: Now answer the riddles. You will be given a verbal clue, and you must guess what it is. Listen carefully to the hint:

1. These plants with a characteristic pungent odor are good remedy in the prevention of colds (answer: onions, garlic);

2. Substances that must be taken if you are taking strong medications (answer: vitamins);

4. Liquid, not water, white, not snow (answer: milk).

Competition “A healthy lifestyle is stylish!

Students should write down the rules of a healthy lifestyle on sheets of paper. Teams work to music, then read out their rules. For each rule, the team receives one point.

Girl: Now let's rest a little. I ask everyone to stand up. Straighten your toes, clasp your hands behind your back, and squat several times. Close your eyes, open your eyes (5 times). Raise your shoulders one by one (5 times). Hands on the waist, tilts to the right, left. What can you call what we are doing now? That's right, warm up, exercise, i.e. we lead an active lifestyle that helps improve health.

(The jury sums up the results of the competition and awards the teams with certificates.)

A man was born

Got up on my feet and walked!

Made friends with the wind and the sun,

May you breathe well!

Accustomed myself to order,

He got up early in the morning.

He was vigorously doing exercises,

I took a cold shower.

Every day he ran, jumped,

I swam a lot, played ball,

Gaining strength for life,

And he didn’t whine or get sick.

Went to bed at eight thirty

I fell asleep very quickly.

I went to study with interest

And I got straight A's.

Everyone get up early in the morning,

Take a cool shower,

Get ready to exercise,

Fortify yourself with porridge and butter!

Teacher: Health is an invaluable wealth in the life of any person. Each of us has an inherent desire to be strong and healthy, to maintain mobility, vigor, energy for as long as possible and to achieve longevity. I hope that today's game was not in vain and you learned a lot from it. It’s not for nothing that they say: “If you’re healthy, you’ll get everything.” So be healthy everyone, goodbye!

Class hour about a healthy lifestyle

“We don’t keep what we have, we cry when we lose it”

Class teacher of class 5 "B"

Gadun Elena Petrovna

Purpose of the event: Formation of a positive attitude towards health as the greatest value.


1.Expand students’ understanding of a healthy lifestyle,

2.Help encourage teenagers to lead a healthy lifestyle,

3. To instill in adolescents a sense of responsibility for their own health, the health of their family and society.

Progress of the event.

    - What we have, we don’t keep; when we lose it, we cry.

What is the saying about? What is valuable to a person. (children answer)

- One of a person's greatest wealth is his health. Often we do not take care of our health, and when we lose it, we cry and regret. Do you know how to stay healthy? There is only one way - to lead a healthy lifestyle. What does a healthy lifestyle consist of? You will guess riddles, and the answers will form a table - “Healthy lifestyle”.

    Even alternation of work and rest throughout the day. ( daily regime)

    Constantly training your physical endurance, resistance to cold and disease. ( hardening)

    Activities aimed at maintaining cleanliness and health. ( hygiene)

    The order of food intake, its nature and quantity. ( proper nutrition)

    Active activities that involve different muscle groups. (movement, sport)

The answers are arranged in a table, where information is added as the event progresses.

Daily regime


Proper nutrition

Movement, sports

- I propose adding one more point - giving up bad habits.

Medical consultation “Health Secrets”

We will receive medical advice for each section of the table.

Doctor 1 Slide 2

- My advice concerns your daily routine. A person who follows a daily routine accomplishes much more and gets tired less. But when creating a daily routine, you need to take into account the characteristics of your psyche. As you know, people are divided into “larks” and “night owls”. “Larks” are very active, active in the morning, and by the evening they get tired and want to rest. They like to go to bed early and get up early. But night owls, on the contrary, are lethargic in the morning, and become active towards evening. They like to go to bed late and wake up late.

Slide 3

Questionnaire “Are you a morning person or a night owl?”

1 If you were asked to choose, what time would you go to bed?

a) after 1 am – 0

b) up to ten – 3

c) at approximately twelve – 6

2 What kind of breakfast do you prefer in the first hour after waking up?

a) something significant and bigger – 6

b) a glass of juice or tea – 0

c) you can have a boiled egg or a sandwich – 3

3 Quarrels with friends happen more often

a) in the morning – 3

b) in the evening – 6

c) I can’t remember exactly – 0

4 What is easier for you to give up?

a) from morning tea or coffee – 6

b) from evening tea drinking – 3

c) I don’t care when to drink tea – 0

5 If you know that you definitely need to get up early the next day, then you will try to fall asleep earlier than usual.

a) necessarily for one – one and a half hours – 0

b) this is not necessary – 6

6 How do you feel when the alarm clock rings?

a) I’m ready to break it – 6

b) it’s not difficult for me to get up – 3

c) depends on when I went to bed – 0

7 How do you wake up during the holidays?

a) I sleep as much as I want – 3

b) I get up early, like going to school – 0

c) difficult to say – 6

0-12 You're a morning person

15-27 You are a night owl

28-42 You are a “dove”. They do not have clear guidelines; they can easily adapt to circumstances.

Doctor 2 Slide 4

Hardening is an ancient method of good health and longevity. Start with air hardening. Train yourself to sleep with the window open, ventilate the room, and do morning exercises in the fresh air.

In summer, walk barefoot and take air baths. Then you can harden it with water. Take a cool shower, then move on to a cold or contrast shower. Remember, the main thing is regularity and gradualness.

Doctor 3 Slide 5

The main idea of ​​hygiene is cleanliness. You all know these rules. Let's check.

1 Brush…(teeth) twice a day

2 Before eating, wash ... (hands)

3 As needed, in winter - less often, in summer - more often, take ... (shower)

4 Follow the ... (day) regime.

- How to eat right?

Menu: chips, milk, garlic, lemonade, fish, carrots, chocolate bar, apple, onion, tea, fried meat, honey, walnut, sausage, banana.

Two students are offered a menu, they choose products.

Doctor 4 “The Harmful Five” Slides 6 and 7

    Sweet carbonated drinks: Coca-Cola, Sprite and others. Created not to quench thirst, but to cause it. They are distinguished by their enormous sugar content: one glass contains at least five teaspoons of it.

    Potato chips, especially those made not from whole potatoes, but from mashed potatoes. It's essentially a mixture of carbohydrates and fat plus artificial flavors.

    Sweet chocolate bars. Large amounts of sugar, chemical additives, high calorie content.

    Sausages, sausages, sausages and other products with hidden fats.

    Fatty meats, especially when fried.

    "Useful ten"

    1 Every garden has these fruits. Doctors advise eating these fruits every day for an afternoon snack to get all the necessary microelements. (apples)

    2 This vegetable is a storehouse of all vitamins, minerals and trace elements. We add it to almost all dishes. It contains many healing substances, so it is used to treat colds. (onion)

    3 This vegetable is also strong in the fight against colds. It is very useful, but has a pungent odor. (garlic)

    4 This orange root vegetable is rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains a lot of vitamin A. (carrots)

    5 When peeled, this nut looks like a human brain, so it is believed that it “adds intelligence, strength and memory.” (Walnut)

    6 This seafood product is a source of valuable protein and can easily replace meat. (fish)

    7 This white drink of animal origin is simply necessary for a person from the first day of birth. (milk)

    8 This product is not only a natural sugar substitute, but also a ready-made cure for many diseases. (honey)

    9 This is a sweet tropical fruit. It relieves stress and replenishes strength. It is believed that monkeys adore him. (bananas)

    10 The birthplace of this drink is China. The golden, invigorating infusion of its leaves is a “cure for the darkness of diseases.” It comes in yellow, red, black, and white. But the Chinese themselves prefer green. (green tea)

Doctor 5 Slide 8

A questionnaire was administered in class.

It turned out that

62% of students move a lot during the day,

76% of students like physical education lessons, not always - 24%,

33% of students attend sports sections (volleyball, tennis, dancing)

Morning exercises 24% of students do it, 19% do it sometimes,

Free time is most often spent at the computer by 19% of students,

Other leisure activities:

35% - watch TV, 35% - walk on the street, help mom, lie on the sofa,

Class hour in 5th grade on the topic "Healthy lifestyle" . Teacher: Khandyukova V.N.

Prepared by Bespalova E.V.

The goal is to develop a healthy lifestyle in students.

Progress of the class hour.

1. Organizational moment;

2. Many people ask themselves the question: “How to live without growing old?” And they answer themselves: “It doesn’t happen.” Every person is sick in some way. But why does one end up in the hospital twice in his entire life, and the other almost every month? It has long been established that health should be monitored from childhood. Let's do a little testing about your health; you are offered a list of statements, each of which requires a “yes” or “no” answer. This information will be useful, first of all, to you.

Test "Your health".

1. I often poor appetite.

2. After several hours of work, my head starts to hurt.

3. I often look tired and depressed, sometimes irritated and gloomy.

4. From time to time I have serious illnesses when I have to stay in bed for several days.

5. I hardly do any sports.

6. I've gained some weight lately.

7. I often feel dizzy.

8. Currently I smoke.

9. As a child, I suffered several serious illnesses.

10. I have bad dream and discomfort in the morning after waking up.

For each “yes” answer, give yourself 1 point and calculate the total.


1-2 points. Despite some signs of deterioration, you are in good shape. Under no circumstances give up efforts to maintain your well-being.

3-6 points. Your attitude towards your health can hardly be called normal; you can already feel that you have upset it quite thoroughly.

7-10 points. How did you manage to get yourself to this point? It's amazing that you are still able to walk and work. You need your habits immediately, otherwise...

Of course, you have the right to disagree with this interpretation of the results, but it’s better to think about your lifestyle and highlight the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle.

To live life wisely,

There is a lot to know.

Remember two main rules to start with:

You're better off starving than eating crap

And it’s better to be alone than with just anyone.

Rules for a healthy lifestyle:

1. Proper nutrition;

2. Sleep;

3. Active activity and active recreation;

4. Bad habits.

Let's look at each point separately.

1. Proper nutrition is the basis of a healthy lifestyle .

The incidence of illness among students decreases, the psychological state of children improves, their mood rises, and most importantly, their performance and interest in educational activities increases.

After a big break, there are empty soda bottles in the trash can, let's talk a little about what are we drinking?

Anyway, It’s important to know what exactly in carbonated drinks can actually cause harm. Firstly, this carbohydrates. In 0.33 l. Pepsi-Cola contains 8 sugars. Few people would drink such sweet tea or coffee. All these carbohydrates are stored in fat folds and contribute to the development of diabetes. Various sweeteners are added to diet sodas to minimize calories. The most dangerous of them is protein aspartame. It is 200 times sweeter than sugar, causes allergies, stomach diseases, liver problems, headaches, weakened memory and vision, and even seizures. It is the sweeteners that are the main secret of sparkling water - they do not quench thirst, but rather stimulate appetite.

Soda contains acid, which eats away tooth enamel and promotes tooth decay. For example, apple juice contains many times more acid. The only difference is that there it is natural, although it corrodes tooth enamel, but does not wash away calcium, as it does orthophosphoric acid(E338). Most often it is used in sodas.

Sodas also contain carbon dioxide, which stimulates gastric secretion, increases acidity and promotes flatulence. Well, of course caffeine. If you abuse the drink, you can get caffeine addiction or intoxication. Its signs are anxiety, agitation, insomnia, stomach pain, cramps, tachycardia, etc. In some doses, caffeine can be fatal.

Perhaps the most insidious thing about sparkling water is container. Aluminum cans help spread dangerous, contagious diseases. At the moment of opening the can comes into contact with its contents. different kinds staphylococci, as well as bacteria that cause salmonellosis and enterocolitis, the liquid spills over the lid and, together with all the bacteria, ends up inside us.

Coca-Cola successfully replaces household chemicals.

The story of Coca Cola states that in many US states, highway police always carry 2 gallons of Coke in their patrol car to wash blood off the highway after an accident.

To clean your toilet, pour a can of Coke down the sink and leave it there for an hour.

To remove rust stains from a chrome car bumper, rub the bumper with a crumpled sheet of aluminum foil soaked in Coca-Cola.

To remove corrosion from car batteries, pour a can of Coke on the batteries and the corrosion will disappear.

To loosen a rusted bolt, soak a rag in Coca-Cola and wrap it around the bolt for a few minutes.

To remove stains from clothes, pour a can of Coca Cola onto a pile of dirty clothes, add laundry detergent, and machine wash as usual. Cola will help get rid of stains. Coca Cola will also clean your car windows from road dust.

About the composition of Coca Cola. The active ingredient in Coca Cola is phosphoric acid. Its pH is 2.8. It can dissolve your nails in 4 days.

To transport Coca Cola concentrate, the truck must be equipped with special pallets designed for highly corrosive materials.

Coca Cola distributors have been using it to clean their truck engines for 20 years.

Still want a bottle of Coke?

The only harmless component of soda is water. Dead, lifeless, distilled so that its natural taste does not interfere with the taste of the drink, so that lemonade produced anywhere in the world meets a strict standard.

To reduce the harm from any soda, including Pepsi, you need to follow simple rules:

1. Drink it cold. The destruction of tooth enamel also depends on the temperature of the drink. In America, people drink more soda than in Europe, but it is always served with ice, and American children have less dental damage.

2. Drink through a straw to avoid contact with the can.

3. Limit yourself to one glass 1-2 times a week.

4. Avoid soda if you suffer from obesity, diabetes, gastritis, or ulcers.

5. Do not give soda to children under 3 years old.

Now let's talk about the problem of our class, these are bags of chips and crackers that are always lying around and in quite large quantities, so we cannot help but focus on the fact that hthen we eat?

The taste of chips and crackers is achieved through the use of various flavorings (although for some reason manufacturers call them spices). Therefore, there are all kinds of “chips” and “crackers” varieties, as they say, “for everyone.”

There are also chips without flavors, i.e. with its own natural taste, but according to statistics, most of our compatriots prefer to eat chips with additives: cheese, bacon, mushrooms, caviar. Needless to say today that in fact there is no caviar - its taste and smell were added to the chips with the help of flavorings. The best hope is that the taste and smell were obtained without the use of synthetic additives if the chips smell of onion or garlic. Although the chances are still slim. Most often, the taste of chips is artificial. The same applies to crackers. The familiar letters “E” indicated in the composition of the product and chips and crackers will help you verify this.

There are known codes of food additives, which, based on their effect on the human body, can be given the following characteristics: (print and distribute to children)
Prohibited – E103, E105, E111, E121, E123, E125, E126, E130, E152.
Dangerous – E102, E110, E120, E124, E127.

Suspicious - E104, E122, E141, E150, E171, E173, E180, E241, E477.

Crustaceans – E131, E210-217, E240, E330.

Causing intestinal upset – E221-226.

Harmful to the skin – E230-232, E239.

Causing pressure disturbances – E250, E251.

Those that provoke the appearance of a rash are E311, E312.

Cholesterol-increasing – E320, E321.

Causing stomach upset – E338-341, E407, E450, E461-466

You want chips and crackers cooked in cheap hydrogenated fats, coated with a huge amount of chemicals called " nutritional supplements"and containing huge amounts of the carcinogen acrylamide?..

We have talked to you about poor nutrition, and now we will name foods that are good to eat to stay healthy: fruits, vegetables, fish, legumes, etc. Now I will name the beneficial qualities of the product, and you can guess where they belong.

Lettuce, dill, parsley.

Greens – good prevention of heart attack, improves water balance, has a beneficial effect on anemia and vitamin deficiency.


The ancient Greeks and Romans could not do without it either on weekdays or on holidays. The high nutritional and healing benefits of this plant are determined by more than forty flavoring, vitamin and biologically active substances. Research by American scientists has shown that the roots of this plant are an ideal remedy for lowering blood pressure.

Jerusalem artichoke.

The tubers of this plant contain twice as much vitamins C and B, and three times more iron salts than potato tubers.

This plant is especially useful for patients with diabetes, anemia, metabolic disorders and gastric diseases.


Eating this vegetable is very beneficial for vision and for the prevention of cancer.


This vegetable improves cholesterol metabolism and is a strong anti-allergen.


And this vegetable improves intestinal function, reduces arterial pressure. The presence of iodine in this root vegetable makes it valuable for the prevention of disease thyroid gland and strengthening the immune system. Provides the body with phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium and chlorine.


This vegetable is low in calories, but it contains a lot folic acid, which means that it accelerates the removal of cholesterol, excess water and table salt from the body, enhances the ability of insulin to lower sugar levels and promotes the process of formation of red blood cells in the blood.


They have a general strengthening effect. Good for the kidneys of cardio-vascular system. Metabolism.


They increase the strength of capillary vessels, have an anti-sclerotic effect, and promote the removal of water and table salt from the body.


General strengthening fruits, useful for anemia.


Improves digestion in atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Black currant

Rich in restorative vitamin C.

2. Sleep has a very positive effect on the human body. There is a lot of controversy around how much sleep a person needs? Previously, it was stated that a child - 10-12 hours, a teenager - 9-10 hours, an adult - 8 hours. Now many people come to the conclusion that it’s all individual, some need more, some less. But the main thing is that a person should not feel tired after sleep and be alert all day.

I start the proverb, and you finish it.


1. Good sleep... You look younger

2. Sleep is the best... Medicine

3. Get enough sleep -… You’ll look younger

4. I slept well - it was like being born again...

3. Active activity and active rest.

Statistics: a sedentary lifestyle is one of the leading 10 causes of death and disability worldwide. Lack of physical activity is the cause of 2 million deaths per year. Less than 30% of young people lead an active lifestyle sufficient to maintain their health in the future.

4. Bad habits.


From the history

Smoking tobacco dates back to ancient times. Having landed on the shores of America, Columbus and his companions saw the natives holding bunches of smoking grass in their mouths.

Tobacco came to France from Spain; it was brought by Ambassador Jean Nicot as a gift to Queen Catherine de Medici. The word "nicotine" comes from the name "Niko".


In China, a student caught smoking will face a grueling punishment - training on an exercise bike;

At the end of the 16th century in England people were executed for smoking, and the heads of those executed with a pipe in their mouth were displayed in the square;

In Turkey, smokers were impaled;

During the reign of Mikhail Romanov, smoking was punishable by death. Anyone found with tobacco “must be tortured and beaten on a goat with a whip until he admits where he got it from...”

There are no such punishments in our humane society, but maybe these pictures will make you think about whether you should start (photos: lung healthy person, smoker's lung)

ALCOHOLISM, chronic illness caused by systematic consumption of alcoholic beverages. It manifests itself as physical and mental dependence on alcohol, mental and social degradation, pathology of internal organs, metabolism, central and peripheral nervous systems. Alcoholic psychoses often occur.


Official statistics regarding drug addiction are very alarming.

Over the past 6 years, the prevalence of drug addiction among adolescents has increased 10-fold.

The term “drug addiction” itself is associated with the concept of “drug” (from the Greek narkotikos - soporific).

A group of drugs in the narrow sense of the word consists of the so-called opiates - substances that are extracted from poppy seeds: morphine, codeine, heroin, methadone.

When we talk about drug addiction, we mean substances that form a mental dependence on their consumption. Thus, at present, the term “narcotic substance” (drug) is applied to those poisons or substances that can cause a euphoric, hypnotic, analgesic or stimulant effect.

According to the internationally accepted definition, drug addiction is a mental disorder consisting of a strong desire to take a certain substance (or a substance from a certain group) to the detriment of other activities and persistent continuation of the use of the substance despite the harmful consequences. A synonym for the term drug addiction is the concept of “dependence”.

The main harmful factors affecting a person using a computer:

    sitting for long periods of time;

    exposure to electromagnetic radiation from the monitor;

    overload of the joints of the hands;

    stress due to loss of information.

Seated position.
It would seem that a person sits in a relaxed position at the computer, but it is forced and unpleasant for the body: the neck, head muscles, arms and shoulders are tense, hence osteochondrosis, and in children - scoliosis. For those who sit a lot, a thermal compress forms between the seat of the chair and the body, which leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs, as a result - prostatitis And haemorrhoids, diseases, the treatment of which is a long and unpleasant process. In addition, a sedentary lifestyle often leads to obesity.

Electromagnetic radiation.
Modern monitors have become safer for health, but not yet completely. And if there is a very old monitor on your desk, it is better to stay away from it.

Effects on vision.
The eyes register the smallest vibration of a text or picture, and even more so the flickering of the screen. Eye overload leads to loss of sharpness vision. Poor selection of colors, fonts, window layout in the programs you use, and incorrect screen placement have a bad effect on your vision.

Overload of the joints of the hands.
The nerve endings of the fingertips seem to be broken from constant hitting the keys, numbness and weakness occur, and goosebumps run through the pads. This can lead to damage to the articular and ligamentous apparatus of the hand, and in the future hand diseases may become chronic.

Stress when losing information.
Not all users regularly do backups your information. But viruses do not sleep, and hard drives from the best companies sometimes break down, and the most experienced programmer can sometimes press the wrong button... As a result of this stress There were also heart attacks.

The influence of the computer on the psyche.
The topic, in our opinion, is very controversial. Gambling addiction, Internet addiction - how serious are these problems? We bring to your attention different points of view.

Work on your computer and be healthy!

Quiz questions:

    Why can canned foods be dangerous to your health? (You can be poisoned by botulinum)

    When garbage is burned in the city, the air becomes polluted with toxic substances. Name 4 dangerous substances. (Doixins, carcinogens, radionuclides, CO dioxide)

    Several techniques for removing nitrates from vegetables. (Soaking, boiling, marinating)

    Tobacco smoke contains many chemical compounds, substances and elements. Give their approximate number. (4,000)

    Among them, tobacco smoke contains ammonia, acetone, propylene, nicotine, pyridine and other substances. Name the substance that causes addiction to smoking. (Nicotine)

    What percentage of harmful substances does a passive smoker receive? (50%)

    It is better to settle tap water before drinking. Why? (To get rid of chlorine, which disappears after 2 hours)

    Name a substance that completely neutralizes the effect of nitrates. (Vitamin C)

    Among everyday foods, which are the most dangerous for your health? (Salt and sugar)

    Name the principles of hardening - three P. (Constantly, consistently, gradually)

    What proverb teaches us correct regimen food? (Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, give dinner to your enemy)

    How many hours a day should a person sleep? (child - 10-12 hours, teenager - 9-10 hours, adult - 8 hours)

    What sports should you do to improve your posture? (Swimming, gymnastics, athletics)

Wish you:

    Never get sick;

    Eat properly;

    Be cheerful;

    Do good deeds.

In general, lead a healthy lifestyle!


    Magazine “Last Call” No. 2, 2011.

    Magazine “Education of Schoolchildren. Nos. 1-12. 2002

Class hour on the topic “Healthy lifestyle”.

Prepared by: Vorotnikova S.O.

Target: organize student activities to consolidate knowledge about a healthy lifestyle;

develop creativity, memory, attention, cognitive interest;

to cultivate students’ responsible attitude towards their health.

Progress of the lesson.

Teacher: We have an unusual class hour, since guests are present. Greeting guests

1. Speech by the class orderly.

The guys in our class have health problems. (They often get colds, many kids have caries)

Teacher: - What are we going to talk about today?

A student reads a poem

We solve big problems with you,

We need to set a serious task,

Have a healthy life the most important topic

You can't rely on luck here

Children: - Today we will think about what needs to be done to be healthy

2 .Students read poetry

So that you are not frail, lethargic,
Didn't lie under the covers
I wasn't sick and was fine
Do exercises every day!
Forget about TV
Go outside for a walk -
It's better for your health
Breathe fresh air.
No bad mood!
Don't be sad, don't whine, don't cry!
May they always help you
Skis, jump ropes and a ball!
At least you won't become an athlete,
This right is not a problem -
A healthy mind in a healthy body
May it always be present! (Movement, sport)

View the presentation “Our class is friends with sports”

3. You are friends with the red sun,
Glad to see the cool wave,
You're not afraid of the rain
Snowfall is not scary.
You're not afraid of the wind,
You don't get tired in the game,
And you go to bed early.
And you rise with the sun.
In winter you go skiing.
frolicking on the skating rink,
And in the summer, tanned,
Swimming in the river.
Do you like to jump, run,
Play with a tight ball
You will grow up healthy!
You will be a strong man! (Day regimen and hardening)

Teacher. Our guests have a daily routine.

Daily routine: Hello guys! My name is “Daily Mode”. Today I will remind you how to plan your day.

You decided to become healthy.

So, follow……(regime).

In the morning at seven it rings insistently

Our cheerful friend……(alarm clock).

Everything is charging

Our friendly…..(family).

Of course, I won’t break the regime -

I wash myself in a cold…..(shower).

Believe me, no one is helping me,

The bed myself……(I make it).

After shower and refueling

A hot…..(breakfast) is waiting for me.

Always after breakfast

I’m running to school,…..(friends).

At school I try very hard:

Sport makes friends with lazy people…….(does not want to).

Well, hurray! The bell is ringing!

The last one to end was…..(lesson).

I'm hurrying home with fives

To say that I am always……(hero).

After lunch you can sleep

Or you can…….(play) in the yard.

Both in frost and in heat

Playing outside…..(I love it).

Ball, rope and racket,

Skis, sleds and skates -

Best friends…..(mine).

Mom waves from the window

So, I have to go home…….(it’s time).

Now I'm doing my homework

I like my job).

I finished an important task

And I go for a walk….(boldly).

Guys, I'm not sad:

I'm waiting for dad from work......(waiting).

We go home happily:

Mom’s dinner is at home for us…..(waiting).

After dinner fun:

We take dumbbells in our hands,

We play sports with dad

To our mother…..(smile).

Mom is not far behind us:

She……(takes the rope) in her hands.

The moon is looking through our window,

So it’s time to sleep...(it’s time).

I quickly run to the shower,

I wash both my eyes and my ears.

My bed is waiting for me.

"Good night!"-

Need sleep).

Tomorrow will be a new day! Did you like the mode?

The guys perform a song.

(the song of the cat Leopold “If you are kind” sounds, music by Savelyev.)

If you follow the regime.

Every day get up exactly at seven o'clock,

Then you will be cheerful.

Keeping a routine is good

You can hear the water droplets ringing,

And you need to brush your teeth.

If you are clean, then it is always easy,

But when it’s the other way around, it’s difficult. (2 times).

Always start your day with joy.

Start exercising in the morning.

Physical education, my friend, is good.

And when it’s the other way around, it’s bad.

Keeping a routine is good

And when it’s the other way around, it’s bad. (2 times)

A word from the class orderly (shows how to brush your teeth correctly)

    Toothbrush located along the gum lines. The movements of the toothbrush are from top to bottom. Brush each tooth thoroughly.

    Clean the inside surface of each tooth. The movement of the toothbrush is from bottom to top.

    Brush the chewing surface of each tooth. The movement of the brush is back and forth.

    Using the tip of the brush, brush the inside of your front teeth in a circular motion.

    Don't forget to clean your tongue.

4. Giving up bad habits.

Looking at illustrations (homework)

I don't want to be like...(drawing of a smoker)

Presentation of prizes to the winners of the poster competition “No to bad habits”

4.Teacher. Nutrition is important for health.

No to disease, no to infection,
Vitamin complex I drink!
He will heal our illnesses
Delicious, children's “Complivit”
There is calcium and iron,
So good for your health!
Both in winter and warm summer
Vegetables and fruits, eat everything.
It’s not for nothing that they say:
“Health is near -
Look for it in the bowl.” (Nutrition)

Children's performance. re-enactment« Who is more important" The vitamins come out with a basket of fake fruits and vegetables.
Vitamins A, B, C
perched on the porch,
And they shout and argue:
Who is more important for health?
Vitamin A:“I,” said A importantly, “
They wouldn't have grown up without me.
Vitamin C:“I,” interrupts S, “
Everyone gets sick without me
Vitamin B:“No,” V pouted proudly, “
I am needed more on earth.
Who doesn't respect me
He sleeps poorly and is weak.
Leading: So they would argue
Spending all my days quarreling,
If Petya were a student
Didn't tell them directly:

The song “About our food” is playing

(to the tune of the song “Weather in the House” by L. Dolina)

What foods are good for children to eat?
The question concerns every mother.
The construction function is assigned
The proteins we need so much.

And cheese, and fish, and nuts.
And also meat, cottage cheese, eggs,

How can you do without carbohydrates?
Take them kids in the morning.
They are with fats together in bad weather
They will keep our body warm.

Chorus: The most important thing is that the menu should have
And cheese, and fish, and nuts.
And also meat, cottage cheese, eggs,

Then we will amaze everyone with health.

Presentation of medals to students who have not missed a single day due to illness (Anastasia Berestova, Evgeniy Turner, Vladislav Shcherbak)

Bottom line: So what should you do to be healthy? (children’s answers)

The poem “We wish you guys” is read by the parents of the class.

We wish you guys

Always be healthy.

But to achieve results

Impossible without difficulty.

Try not to be lazy:

Every time before meals

Before you sit down at the table,

Wash your hands with water.

And do exercises

Every morning.

And, of course, toughen up -

This will help you so much!

Breathe fresh air

Always whenever possible.

Go for a walk and into the forest -

He will give you strength, friends.

Student 1: We are for health,

Student 2: We are for happiness,

Student 3: We are against pain and unhappiness!

Student 4: For a sober mind,

Student 5: For clarity of thought,

Student 6: For childhood, youth,

Student 7 : For the joy of life!

Teacher: Children, to be healthy you need to smile more, be kind and wish health to others.

Students treat all guests and friends with fruit and wish them health.


I want to be healthy!

I can be healthy!

I'll be healthy!


1. Salataeva R.V. “Some techniques for developing critical thinking in elementary school lessons” article.

2. Myasnikova O. V. Application of the technology “Development of critical thinking through reading and writing” on the topic “Healthy lifestyle.

3. A. A. Pleshakov “The World Around Us” part 1, textbook for grade 3 primary school.

To create the development, materials from Alexandra Dmitrievna Zorina, teacher, were used primary classes MKS(K)OU S(K)OSHVIII view, Izhevsk. Scenario extracurricular activity on a healthy lifestyle “Flower of Health” for primary school students

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