Is it permissible to use vaginal suppositories during menstruation? Can I take Metronidazole during menstruation? Metronidazole during menstruation.

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

In general, in the annotation for the drug Metrogyl (metronizadol, trichopolum) among side effects Its effects such as delayed menstruation or disruption of the monthly cycle are not indicated.

Side effects when using the drug Trichopolum (Metronidazole)

From the digestive system: pain in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, intestinal colic, decreased or lack of appetite, taste disturbance, unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth, dry mouth, glossitis, stomatitis; very rarely - abnormal liver function tests (ALT, AST, Bilirubin), jaundice, pancreatitis.

From the outside nervous system: with long-term use - headache, dizziness, impaired coordination of movements, ataxia, peripheral neuropathy, increased excitability, irritability, depression, sleep disturbance, drowsiness, weakness; in some cases - confusion, hallucinations, convulsions; very rarely - encephalopathy.

From the urinary system: cystitis, polyuria, urinary incontinence, red-brown coloring of urine.

From the reproductive system: excessive development of fungal flora of the vagina (including vaginal candidiasis), pain in the vagina.

Allergic reactions: skin rash, itching, urticaria, nasal congestion, fever.

From the musculoskeletal system: myalgia, arthralgia.

From the hematopoietic system: leukopenia; rarely - agranulocytosis, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia.

Other: extremely rare - toxic effect on the hearing aid; pustular rashes.

Overdose of the drug metronidazole: Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, ataxia, in severe cases - peripheral neuropathy and epileptic seizures.

Therefore, it is quite possible that your delayed menstruation is explained by the simple fact of pregnancy. Get tested to know for sure.

If you are not pregnant, then we can assume that metronidazole, as an antibacterial drug, could still affect your individual menstrual cycle and cause a delay. Although, this is quite doubtful and many experts refute any effect of antibiotics on menstruation.

Perhaps the reason for the delay in menstruation is the inflammatory process itself, which is why you probably took metronidazole, and this fact could affect your menstrual cycle. The fact is that the menstrual cycle and menstruation are not something alien to the female body; on the contrary, it is an integral part of the physiology of the female body and its important feature. In this regard, it is completely wrong to consider a delay in menstruation separately from general condition woman's body. All processes occurring in the human body are interconnected and influence each other. In this sense, the stability of the menstrual cycle and menstruation is to a certain extent a reflection of the stability of other processes occurring in the body. For many women, a delay in menstruation may occur during a cold or other illness.

During the treatment of diseases of the female genitourinary system, such as urethritis, vaginitis, inflammation of the cervix and uterine mucosa, many patients have a question: can Metronidazole be used during menstruation? Will this harm the woman's health?

To answer them, you must first understand what the drug Metronidazole is, how it works, in what forms it is available, and for what diseases it should be taken.


After taking the drug orally, it is well absorbed by the body and penetrates into all tissues and fluids of the patient. During treatment with Metronidazole, a high concentration of anthelmintic substances is created in the patient's saliva, vaginal secretions or seminal fluid, which helps to quickly cope with the disease and speed up recovery.

Metronidazole is available in four dosage forms:

  1. Metronidazole tablets for oral administration. They are yellow-green in color and cylindrical in shape. Each tablet of the drug contains 250 mg active substance. One package of Metronidazole contains 10 tablets.
  2. Cream and gel for external use. Available in aluminum tube. Cream Metronidazole is sold in a volume of 25 g. Each tube of cream contains 250 mg of the active ingredient. The gel is sold in a 30 g tube. Each tube contains 300 mg of metronidazole substance. The gel package comes with a special applicator for applying the medicine.
  3. Vaginal suppositories. They look like small candles, oblong in shape, white or yellow. This form of Metronidazole is intended for the treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system. Each vaginal suppository contains 500 mg of active ingredient. One package contains 7 candles.
  4. Metronidazole solution. A pale green liquid, 1 mg of which contains 5 g of active substance. The solution is available in small bottles of 100 ml. This form of Metronidazole is intended for intravenous administration of the drug using a syringe.

For the most effective treatment You can use different forms of the drug simultaneously.

Instructions for use of the drug

  • Amebiasis intestinal and extraintestinal;
  • Trichomoniasis;
  • Cutaneous leishmaniasis;
  • Trichomonas vaginitis and urethritis;
  • Balantidiasis.


  • Trichomoniasis. Dosage for adults: 1 tablet (250 mg) twice a day. The entire course of treatment is 10 days. Another treatment regimen involves expedited care for the patient. To do this, you need to double the dose of the drug and take 2 tablets (500 mg) of Metronidazole in the morning and evening. But at the same time, the duration of the treatment course should be reduced to 5 days. If Trichomonas affects the organs of the female reproductive system, patients must additionally receive intravenous injections with Metronizadol solution. After completing the course of treatment, you should take a two-week break, and then repeat the therapy again for the patient’s complete recovery.
  • Amoebiasis. For asymptomatic amoebiasis, the dosage for adults is 2 tablets (500 mg) of Metronidazole three times a day. Treatment course – 1 week. In chronic amebiasis, adults and children over 12 years of age, 2 tablets in the morning, afternoon and evening (1.5 g per day). This treatment therapy lasts from 5 to 10 days. For a complete recovery of an adult patient from acute amoebic dysentery, he needs to take 3 tablets three times a day (2.25 g per day) until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely. Liver abscess. When treating adult patients, the dosage can reach 2.5 g per day - 3 tablets three times a day. For this disease, Metronidazole must be combined with antibacterial drugs from the tetracycline group. In this case, the general course of treatment is 5-6 days.
  • Ureaplasmosis. The dose for patients over 12 years of age is 1 tablet twice a day (500 mg per day). In case of severe disease, the dosage can be increased to 3 tablets in the morning, afternoon and evening (750 mg per day).

Ointment and cream. Metronidazole in the form of ointment and cream is most often used to treat diseases of the reproductive system in women. These drugs are especially effective in the fight against vaginitis.

As a rule, patients are recommended to use the drug in a dosage equal to a full applicator, that is, 5 g of Matronidazole. The medicine should be administered into the vagina in the morning after sleep and in the evening before going to bed. The total duration of treatment is 5 days.

  • For adults and children aged 12 years and older – a dose of 500 mg of the active ingredient at a time. For the best effect of the medicine on the patient’s body, the solution must be administered slowly, 5 ml per 6 seconds. At least 8 hours must pass between two injections of Metronidazole. In total, the patient is allowed to administer no more than 4 g of the drug during one day.
  • For patients suffering from renal or liver failure, the maximum dosage of Meronidazole is 1 g per day (1000 mg). For the most effective and safe application This dose of the drug should be divided into three equal parts and administered to the patient intravenously in the morning, afternoon and evening.

When using intravenous injections of Metronidazole in the treatment of a patient, it is strictly forbidden to use other forms of this drug, such as tablets, ointments, creams and suppositories, as this can lead to a severe overdose.

Side effects

Metronidazole is a non-toxic drug that rarely causes side effects, as the reviews say. They most often occur in patients taking this drug. medicine over a long period of time. Treatment with Metronidazole may cause the following side effects:

  1. Allergic reactions: rash, urticaria, dermatitis, fever, nasal congestion, sneezing, asthma;
  2. Digestive system: poor appetite, unpleasant taste and dry mouth, nausea, mild urge to vomit, pain and cramping in the abdomen;
  3. Urinary system: urinary incontinence, cystitis;
  4. Nervous system: depression, insomnia, increased irritability, hallucinations and headaches;
  5. Other symptoms: thrush, joint pain, decreased number of leukocytes in the blood.

To avoid side effects when taking Metronidazole, you must strictly adhere to the dosage prescribed by your doctor and in no case exceed it.


  • Severe renal and liver failure;
  • Leukopenea;
  • Diseases of the nervous system;
  • With individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

By interrupting treatment therapy for the period during which the menstrual cycle lasts, a woman can significantly worsen her condition and significantly aggravate the disease. Therefore, taking Metronidazole tablets must be continued even during menstruation, trying not to interrupt the treatment course for a day

The situation is completely different with the treatment of diseases of the female genitourinary system using other forms of Metronidazole, namely suppositories, creams and gels. Using Metronidazole in the form of a cream or gel during menstruation will be ineffective since menstrual flow will wash the medicine from the vaginal walls and will not allow it to be absorbed.

The same goes for candles. Menstruation will interfere with the normal absorption of medicinal substances contained in vaginal suppositories. Therefore, their use during menstruation will not give any therapeutic effect. A specialist will tell you how to treat trichomoniasis with Metronidazole in the video in this article.

Hello! I took metronizadol. Is it possible to have a delayed period? Anya Postnova

In general, the annotation for the drug Metrogyl (metronizadol, trichopolum) does not list side effects such as delayed menstruation or disruption of the monthly cycle.

Side effects when using the drug Trichopolum (Metronidazole)

From the digestive system: pain in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, intestinal colic, decreased or lack of appetite, taste disturbance, unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth, dry mouth, glossitis, stomatitis; very rarely - abnormal liver function tests (ALT, AST, Bilirubin), jaundice, pancreatitis.

From the nervous system: with long-term use - headache, dizziness, impaired coordination of movements, ataxia, peripheral neuropathy, increased excitability, irritability, depression, sleep disturbance, drowsiness, weakness; in some cases - confusion, hallucinations, convulsions; very rarely - encephalopathy.

From the urinary system: cystitis, polyuria, urinary incontinence, red-brown coloring of urine.

From the reproductive system: excessive development of fungal flora of the vagina (including vaginal candidiasis), pain in the vagina.

Allergic reactions: skin rash, itching, urticaria, nasal congestion, fever.

From the musculoskeletal system: myalgia, arthralgia.

From the hematopoietic system: leukopenia; rarely - agranulocytosis, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia.

Other: extremely rare - toxic effect on the hearing aid; pustular rashes.

Overdose of the drug metronidazole: Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, ataxia, in severe cases - peripheral neuropathy and epileptic seizures.

Therefore, it is quite possible that your delayed menstruation is explained by the simple fact of pregnancy. Get tested to know for sure.

If you are not pregnant, then we can assume that metronidazole, as an antibacterial drug, could still affect your individual menstrual cycle and cause a delay. Although, this is quite doubtful and many experts refute any effect of antibiotics on menstruation.

Perhaps the reason for the delay in menstruation is the inflammatory process itself, which is why you probably took metronidazole, and this fact could affect your menstrual cycle. The fact is that the menstrual cycle and menstruation are not something alien to the female body; on the contrary, it is an integral part of the physiology of the female body and its important feature.

In this regard, it is completely wrong to consider a delay in menstruation separately from the general condition of a woman’s body. All processes occurring in the human body are interconnected and influence each other.

In this sense, the stability of the menstrual cycle and menstruation is to a certain extent a reflection of the stability of other processes occurring in the body. For many women, a delay in menstruation may occur during a cold or other illness.

Menstruation and trichopolum - treatment can be carried out

Women often ask whether it is possible to continue treatment for gynecological diseases during menstruation. This also applies to Trichopolum, many ask whether it is possible to take Trichopolum tablets orally during menstruation and continue local treatment using vaginal tablets.

For what gynecological diseases is Trichopolum prescribed and how do menstruation affect them?

The causative agent of this infection, Trichomonas vaginalis, is very sensitive to Trichopolum. But in some cases, trichomoniasis occurs over a long period of time and is asymptomatic (latent).

It is difficult to identify and treat such a disease. Often, in order to do this, you need to shake the body, which will worsen the infection.

It is easier to treat any infection in an acute state. Often used for “shake-up” different kinds provocations - introduction medicines that can cause an exacerbation of the disease. A natural provocation is menstruation - it contributes to the exacerbation of any infectious and inflammatory gynecological process. Therefore, gynecologists use menstruation as a natural provocation.

Another common cause Trichopolum is prescribed for bacterial vaginosis. This is not a disease, but vaginal dysbiosis.

It can develop by various reasons, most often this occurs against the background of frequent uncontrolled use of antibiotics, which leads to the suppression of the vital activity of the normal natural microflora of the vagina.

Most often, the volume of colonies of Gardnerella, bacteria that show sensitivity to Trichopolum, increases. If bacterial vaginosis is not treated, then when favorable conditions are created for the proliferation of opportunistic microflora (decreased immunity, colds), it will cause an infectious-inflammatory process.

Bacterial vaginosis manifests itself in the form of copious discharge with an unpleasant “fishy” odor.

Finally, infectious inflammatory processes internal female genital organs, caused by anaerobic (developing without access to air) bacteria. As a rule, these are severe inflammatory processes that are difficult to treat with antibiotics, to which infectious agents often develop addiction.

And this is where trichopolum can also come to the rescue, as the pathogens become accustomed to it very slowly. A natural provocation in the form of menstruation will also be beneficial in the treatment of these diseases.

Is it possible or not to use Trichopolum during menstruation?

Treatment of gynecological diseases with Trichopolum is carried out according to special schemes. In some cases, Trichopolum is prescribed independently, while in others its prescription is combined with the prescription of antibiotics. In any case, Trichopolum is taken for a certain period of time and it is better not to interrupt the course of treatment (as well as the course of treatment with any other drug).

The intake of Trichopolum inside and its introduction into a vein during menstruation should not be interrupted. But the topical application of Trichopolum during menstruation loses its meaning, because the medicine, instead of lingering in the vagina until completely absorbed, is washed out and removed along with menstrual blood.

Therefore, topical use of Trichopolum in the form of vaginal tablets during menstruation is not recommended. At the same time, nothing bad will happen if a woman continues to use vaginal pills during menstruation.

Side effects

Trichopolum has few contraindications for the appointment. These are the first twelve weeks of pregnancy, breastfeeding and individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Trichopolum is a drug that suppresses the vital activity of protozoa. Gynecological diseases caused by protozoa include primarily trichomoniasis.

The causative agent of this infection is Trichomonas vaginalis. Trichomonas leads to infertility and is very sensitive to Trichopolum. But in some cases, trichomoniasis occurs over a long period of time and is asymptomatic (latent).

It is difficult to identify and treat such a disease. Often, in order to do this, you need to shake the body, which will worsen the infection.

Another common reason for prescribing Trichopolum is bacterial vaginosis. This is not a disease, but a dysbacteriosis of the vagina.

It can develop for various reasons, most often this occurs against the background of frequent uncontrolled use of antibiotics, which leads to the suppression of the vital activity of the normal natural microflora of the vagina. Vaginal microflora: degree of purity.

The natural microflora of the vagina in a healthy woman creates an environment that is uncomfortable for the proliferation of opportunistic microflora. When natural microflora is suppressed, opportunistic microflora begins to grow - this is dysbacteriosis.

Most often, the volume of colonies of Gardnerella, bacteria that show sensitivity to Trichopolum, increases. If bacterial vaginosisBacterial vaginosis - sexual intercourse is not recommended and left untreated, then when favorable conditions are created for the proliferation of opportunistic microflora (decreased immunity, colds), it will cause an infectious-inflammatory process.

Bacterial vaginosis manifests itself in the form of copious discharge with an unpleasant “fishy” odor.

TRICHOPOL vaginal tablets, 500 mg

Trichopolum has few contraindications for use. This is the first twelve weeks of pregnancy, feeding the baby How to deal with tantrums and hyperactivity of the child? breasts and individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Pharmacological action of drugs


Metronidazole has a detrimental effect on protozoa and some types of bacteria. Basics pharmachologic effect The drug is based on the introduction of pathogens into the genetic material, in particular, in DNA, and the disruption of their vital activity.

As for bacteria, its spectrum of action extends to anaerobic microorganisms (which live and reproduce without oxygen). Thus, its activity has been detected in relation to the following pathogens:

  • trichomonas, amoeba, lamblia;
  • clostridia, pepetostreptococci, fusobacteria, bacteroides and some others.

Metronidazole is detrimental to microorganisms that cause frequent and dangerous infections, insensitive to conventional antibacterial drugs. This is an intestinal group, as well as genital infections that actively progress in the absence of sufficient oxygen.

The drug is excreted mostly through the urinary and digestive systems.


Miconazole – antifungal drug imidazole group, also has some antimicrobial activity. The action of the drug is based on a change in the structure and function of the cell membrane of pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, they die, and the infection gradually fades away.

Active against the following pathogens:

  • yeast fungi, which are mostly the cause of candidiasis in women;
  • trichophytes, microspores, epidermophytes, penicillium, aspergillus and some others;
  • Also, most gram-positive bacteria are sensitive to this agent.

As a result, miconazole copes not only with classic thrush, but also treats other pathogenic microorganisms and prevents their reproduction and development in conditions of immunodeficiency.

What suppositories can not be used

Using vaginal suppositories during menstruation can lead to negative results, disrupt the vaginal microflora, cause itching of the mucous membranes and other side effects.

You can not use candles from thrush Clotrimazole. During menstruation, this remedy has the opposite effect, itching and the amount of pathological discharge increase. Therefore, treatment must be postponed until the end of critical days. In the instructions for use of the drug, menstruation is a contraindication to treatment with Clotrimazole.

The drug can cause itching and irritation of the mucous membranes. Most often, women are prescribed complex treatment with candles and tablets. During critical days, the administration of suppositories is stopped, and oral medications continue to be taken according to the prescribed regimen.

Hexicon and Depantol suppositories, which are prescribed for cervical erosion, easily dissolve in the blood, this significantly reduces the therapeutic effect of the drug. Suppositories in the vagina create an acidic environment, which kills bacteria.

During menstruation, the pH decreases and the environment becomes alkaline, which neutralizes the effect of the drug.

Genferon suppositories are quickly removed from the vagina; in addition, bacteria can adapt to the active substances during this time, which in the future will lead to ineffective treatment and the need to prescribe stronger drugs.

Interrupting the started course of treatment can cause resistance of pathogenic microorganisms to the antibiotic and reduce all the results of therapy to zero. In such cases, suppositories are replaced with tablets or injections.

Metronidazole is a powerful modern drug, belonging to the group of antiprotozoal agents with antimicrobial activity.

Active substance and dosage form of Metronidazole

The drug is produced in tablet form. Tablets of 250 mg are packaged in jars or blister packs of 20 and 10 pcs.

pharmachologic effect

The active substance is a derivative of 5-nitroimidazole. Due to its reaction with intracellular proteins of protozoa and anaerobes, one of their nitro groups is restored. It reacts with the hereditary apparatus of cells, leading to their death.

Metronidazole is active against such common representatives of pathogenic microflora as Trichomonas, Gardella, Giardia, etc. The minimum concentration required to destroy these strains is from 0.125 to 6.25 μg/l.

In combination with amoxicillin, Metronidazole is able to suppress strains of Helicobacter pylori, the main causative agent of gastritis and gastric ulcers. However, in combination with the combination, drugs should not be prescribed to patients under 18 years of age.

Amoxicillin suppresses the immunity of Helicobacter to Metronidazole.

The drug increases the susceptibility of various neoplasms to radiotherapy and increases sensitivity to ethanol (acts similarly to Disulfiram). In addition, this medicine stimulates reparative processes in tissues.


The antibacterial agent can turn urine dark.

Metronidazole has a detrimental effect on various microbes and bacteria, and also has a wide spectrum of effects. This medication is actively used in gynecology and has shown good results. In addition, it effectively fights inflammatory processes and tumors, and in complex treatment it fights aerobic microorganisms quite well.

Release form and composition of the drug

This gynecological drug is manufactured in various forms and also has different compositions:

Indications and contraindications for use

In the gynecological field, it is used as an antibacterial agent to combat various infectious diseases. Indications for use in gynecology are as follows: endometritis, diseases of the vaginal vault caused by infections, urethritis, fallopian tube abscesses, inflammation of the appendages, trichomoniasis and trichomonas vaginitis.

The drug is prescribed for inflammation of the endometrium

The use of this medication is prohibited if there is damage to the central nervous system, kidney or liver failure, hypersensitivity to the main component, or blood disease.

In addition, Metronidazole during pregnancy and during breastfeeding used exclusively on the recommendations of a doctor.

Metronidazole during pregnancy

Scientists have proven that it is safe to treat with this drug during pregnancy. Suppositories, gel, tablets and other forms of Metronidazole can be used during the second and third trimester of pregnancy.

Use of the drug by pregnant women will not cause complications

It is mainly prescribed to pregnant women for vaginitis and urethritis, which are caused by Trichomonas, bacterial vaginosis and infectious diseases genitourinary system, the development of which occurred due to anaerobic microbes.

But taking the drug is not always prescribed for bacterial vaginosis; local irrigation with lactobacterin is often considered quite sufficient.

It is important to understand that treatment with Metronidazole before the 12th week of pregnancy is strictly prohibited, because the drug can cause serious disturbances in the development of the fetus.

Metronidazole treatment regimen

Metronidazole is used both in gynecology and in other branches of medicine; the instructions for use state that when prescribing the course duration and dosages, the stage of the disease must be taken into account.

The drug Metronidazole helps in the treatment of cysts

An effective remedy that has the ability to destroy pathogens in the human body is such a popular drug as Metronidazole, instructions for use, which describe in detail how it is used.

Available in white tablets with a yellow tint, in the shape of a half-cylinder with a bevel. Supplemented with excipients - talc, starch and stearic acid.

It may have a second name - Trichopolum, their differences are only in the patent for the name of the various companies producing this medicine. It can also have other forms - as a gel, cream or solution for injection.

The shelf life is 2 years, after which the drug is not used.

Properties of Metronidazole

Many women have suffered from candidiasis at least once. Like most gynecological ailments, it often makes itself known precisely on menstruation days. After all, the secretions and balance of hormones lead to changes in the local microflora. It is difficult to predict which direction it will lean, but conditions are favorable for the spread of candida fungus.

And some suppositories for thrush during menstruation are likely to be useless. Moreover, if they are used, the effect may be negative.

Medicinal substances that destroy the fungus will be partly excreted in secretions; a small amount will remain in the vagina, giving the microorganism a chance to get used to them and not react. However, each drug used for this disease should be studied separately:

  • Clotrimazole is a suppository for menstruation, which can increase the symptoms of thrush. Women who use them often note itching of the mucous membrane as a side effect, even when they are treated with a drug for inflammation or cystitis. And although the components of clotrimazole are washable, you should not use suppositories during menstruation;
  • It is also undesirable to use pimafucin suppositories during menstruation. Dissolving after some time in the vagina, the suppositories turn into a foamy mass, which is quite easily removed along with the discharge. Another reason why it is better to postpone treatment with them is an adverse reaction caused by the drug. It irritates the mucous membrane, and together with secretions, its components can cause severe itching;
  • Terzhinan suppositories during menstruation not only in the treatment of thrush, but also in other cases can become a lifesaver. Critical days do not become an obstacle to their use. A special feature of terzhinan is that its more active action is ensured by a moist environment. That is, the discharge will not become a hindrance, but a factor that enhances the effect of medicinal substances. Even with heavy menstruation, they do not stop using terzhinan.


Local remedies help well in the treatment of cervicitis and vaginitis, in which the affected area is captured by the influence of medicinal components. But will, for example, Hexicon suppositories help with menstruation if they are prescribed for the treatment of ailments?

The main active ingredient of the drug is chlorhexidine. This substance quickly dissolves in a liquid medium, which is undesirable for treatment. Menstrual flow contributes to this, that is, it reduces the effect of use. And therefore it should be postponed until the end of the period.


Genferon suppositories during menstruation, being antibacterial and antiviral, also reduce their activity with heavy discharge. After all, the composition of microorganisms in the vagina changes during this period.

So when used vaginally in combination with heavy menstruation, suppositories, with less efficiency, allow bacteria to adapt to medicinal substances. It is better to administer them rectally.

If the discharge is scanty, vaginal use of geneferon is also possible. Especially when the appointment is scheduled once a day. If you put a candle in the evening, the medicine will have time to work overnight, because there is less discharge at this time.


Depantol - suppositories during menstruation, the use of which, although harmless, is pointless. The drug has an antiseptic effect due to the presence of chlorhexidine in the composition. This substance is easily washed away by menstrual flow.

Another task of depanthol is to stimulate regenerative processes in the mucous membrane. It is also difficult to perform it on critical days, since cell renewal occurs. It is impossible to use depanthol rectally, so you should postpone it until after menstruation.


The instructions allow the use of betadine suppositories during menstruation. The action of the drug is aimed at disinfection, that is, getting rid of pathogenic bacteria. The composition contains iodine, which works quickly, and glycerin, which prevents the suppository from slipping out of a short time. The only exception would be heavy periods, which will not allow the medicine to have its full effect.

Betadine does not have the unpleasant property of irritating the mucous membranes, so there is usually no additional discomfort when using it during menstruation.


Metromicon suppositories are mostly used in gynecological practice. But it is also possible to use the drug in proctology.

Effective against candidal vaginitis and bacterial vaginosis. It also treats well most nonspecific inflammations in the vagina. The remedy is also recommended when the pathogen cannot be identified for some reason.

For prophylactic purposes, Metromicon suppositories are used for sanitation on the eve of surgical interventions on the pelvic organs. It is also widely used to accelerate reparative (healing) processes after cauterization of erosion in various ways (especially after DEC), after amputation or other surgical interventions on the cervix.

In proctology, suppositories can be used to treat hemorrhoids, anal fissures, proctitis and paraproctitis. Also this effective remedy for prevention and treatment in the postoperative period.

Indications for use

The use of Metromicon is allowed only as prescribed and recommended by a doctor who will weigh all the indications and possible risks when using this product. Particular vigilance should be exercised in the following situations:

  • During pregnancy and lactation, the use of Metromicon is prohibited. There are other effective, but safe for mother and baby medications for the treatment of diseases of this group.
  • In case of dysfunction of the liver and kidneys, since the metabolism and process of elimination of substances directly depends on the work of these organs.
  • Also, women who have previously experienced various types of allergic reactions to any of the components of the drug should not use the medicine.
  • In the presence of neurological diseases, since Metromicon can interact with the drugs of primary treatment.
  • In case of blood pathology, due to the fact that metronidazole, due to its systemic absorption, can inhibit the formation of new formed elements in the bone marrow.
  • Taking Metromicon may reduce the speed of behavioral reactions, so it is advisable to limit the woman from activities that require high attention. For example, driving a car, etc.
  • Also a remedy due to the high risk adverse reactions not used in pediatrics.
  • Caution should also be exercised when taken concomitantly with other medications. Especially when used with lithium preparations, psychotropic substances, ethyl alcohol, anticoagulants and some others.
  • If you use Metromicon-Neo suppositories during menstruation, the effect may be somewhat reduced. Therefore, it is better to choose a time for therapy outside of menstruation or take a break during a period of heavy discharge.

Price and analogues of the drug

The cost of Metromicon varies from 260 to 500 - 600 rubles, depending on the region and the pharmacy markup.

The drug exists in two modifications:

  • metromikon, where the components are in equal quantities of 100 mg;
  • Metromicon-Neo with an increased content of metronidazole up to 500 mg.

The latter has a clear advantage in the content of one of the main active ingredients, which increases the likelihood of a good treatment outcome. But despite this, the treatment regimens do not differ significantly.

In the first place, of course, are helminths (worms), the presence of which we may not even suspect until helminthiasis goes into a more severe phase, and disturbances in work gastrointestinal tract and other organs, discomfort and bad feeling We blame it on anything, including the environment.

Many people do not like to see doctors and, even knowing about the presence of worms, prefer to clean themselves.

And worms do not necessarily live in the gastrointestinal tract; a number of their types can be localized in any organ, even the heart and brain.

This is impossible without laboratory tests, and they do not always give reliable results the first time, therefore, before starting to cleanse the body, it is strongly recommended to take a blood test. necessary tests several times.

We should not forget that the most dangerous helminthiasis is characterized by an asymptomatic course, and only their timely detection can often prevent death.

But even if helminthiasis does not threaten such fatal consequences, it can completely poison life, which means that it must be gotten rid of by any suitable means, medicinal or folk remedies at home.

Where to begin? Firstly, by going to the doctor and taking the tests he prescribed. Secondly, it is necessary to clean not only the body itself, but also the space surrounding it, since helminth eggs can enter it from dusty carpets, floor coverings, bed linen, furniture surfaces, etc. and remain viable for a long time at home.

It is also necessary:

  • observe personal hygiene measures especially carefully;
  • subject foods such as meat and fish to sufficient heat treatment, and wash vegetables and fruits properly;
  • Regularly deworm pets.

These, of course, are not all the measures to prevent helminthiases, but even they will help reduce the risk of re-charging.

Why are Metronidazole tablets prescribed?

  • Mechanism of action of metronidazole
  • Indications and contraindications
  • Mode of application
  • Side effects of the drug

The main active ingredient of the drug is metronidazole, the amount of which varies depending on the type of drug:

  1. The solution contains 0.5 grams of substance per 100 ml.
  2. The tablet form is available in volumes of 0.25 and 0.5 grams.
  3. The suppositories also contain half a gram of active substance.

May also include starch, tallow, sodium chloride, silicon dioxide, calcium stearate and other substances.

Therapy with this antibacterial drug should be carried out for no more than ten, but not less than five days. The drug in tablet form should be taken after meals or with a glass of milk. It is not recommended to chew or crush the medicine. "Metronidazole" tablet instructions:

  1. Trichomoniasis should be treated with 250 or 400 mg twice daily for ten and seven days, respectively. Repeated administration of the drug, if after a course of antibiotics tests show the presence of trichomonas, can be done only a month after taking the last tablet. The doctor also has the right to increase the dosage of the drug.
  2. Giardia will be eliminated by taking 500 mg of the drug twice a day for a week. The same dosage and time of administration are recommended for amoebiasis, stomatitis, colitis, balantidiasis, alcohol dependence, anaerobic infections and abscesses.
  3. To avoid complications after surgery, a specialist may prescribe from 750 to 1500 mg three times a day for three days before surgical intervention and a single dose of 500 mg after.

The drug is allowed for children under one year of age, but the dosage must be determined individually by a pediatrician depending on the characteristics of the child’s body and the course of the disease.

Other dosage forms:

  1. "Metronidazole" suppositories: instructions for use. Treatment of gynecological diseases involves the use of suppositories in conjunction with other systemic drugs. At the appointment, the gynecologist should tell you how to use Metronidazole suppositories: the instructions usually suggest inserting one suppository into the vagina before bed. The duration of treatment is from a week to ten days. Therapy can be repeated after 1-1.5 months.
  2. "Metronidazole" gel: instructions for use involve applying a thin layer to the affected area in the morning and evening after washing. Treatment can last up to four months, and the first visible effect appears after three weeks. Ointment is prescribed for treatment acne, bedsores, cracks, eczema and other dermatological diseases.

The ointment is not able to cope with some dermatological diseases, so you should not use it on your own. Also, with long-term treatment, addiction may occur. To avoid this, it is necessary to take breaks between courses.


When the skin is affected by acne mites, Metronidazole is often prescribed - for demodicosis this is one of the best, effective and inexpensive remedies. The drug is produced for external and internal use, which allows you to quickly get rid of the manifestations of dermatological pathology.

Metronidazole is a powerful antibiotic, has a pronounced antiprotozoal effect, and effectively fights anaerobic pathogenic microorganisms.

The medicine is available in several forms. For the treatment of demodicosis, tablets, cream and gel for external use are most often prescribed.

Why is Metronidazole prescribed for demodicosis:

  • the medicine eliminates swelling of inflamed tissues;
  • active substances destroy the DNA of adult ticks and larvae, which leads to their death;
  • the drug strengthens local immunity;
  • The product fights well against various manifestations of the inflammatory process.

Doctors prescribe Metronidazole if the following pathologies are present in the patient’s body:

  • Protozoa are diseases caused by protozoa. Among them: amoebic dysentery, abscess, trichomoniasis, balantidiasis, vaginitis and others.
  • Infections caused by Bacteroides: meningitis, endocarditis, endometritis, empyema and pneumonia.
  • Diseases caused by Helicobacter pylori: gastritis or ulcers.
  • Alcohol addiction.
  • Oncological diseases, therapy of which is carried out using radiation. In this case, the drug acts as a radiosensitizing agent.

Metronidazole is also prescribed to prevent postoperative complications.

  • Trichomoniasis. Dosage for adults: 1 tablet (250 mg) twice a day. The entire course of treatment is 10 days. Another treatment regimen involves expedited care for the patient. To do this, you need to double the dose of the drug and take 2 tablets (500 mg) of Metronidazole in the morning and evening. But at the same time, the duration of the treatment course should be reduced to 5 days. If Trichomonas affects the organs of the female reproductive system, patients must additionally receive intravenous injections with Metronizadol solution. After completing the course of treatment, you should take a two-week break, and then repeat the therapy again for the patient’s complete recovery.
  • Amoebiasis. For asymptomatic amoebiasis, the dosage for adults is 2 tablets (500 mg) of Metronidazole three times a day. Treatment course – 1 week. In chronic amebiasis, adults and children over 12 years of age, 2 tablets in the morning, afternoon and evening (1.5 g per day). This treatment therapy lasts from 5 to 10 days. For a complete recovery of an adult patient from acute amoebic dysentery, he needs to take 3 tablets three times a day (2.25 g per day) until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely. Liver abscess. When treating adult patients, the dosage can reach 2.5 g per day - 3 tablets three times a day. For this disease, Metronidazole must be combined with antibacterial drugs from the tetracycline group. In this case, the general course of treatment is 5-6 days.
  • Ureaplasmosis. The dose of Metronidazole for ureaplasmosis for patients over 12 years of age is 1 tablet twice a day (500 mg per day). In case of severe disease, the dosage can be increased to 3 tablets in the morning, afternoon and evening (750 mg per day).

Ointment and cream. Metronidazole in the form of ointment and cream is most often used to treat diseases of the reproductive system in women. These drugs are especially effective in the fight against vaginitis.

As a rule, patients are recommended to use the drug in a dosage equal to a full applicator, that is, 5 g of Matronidazole. The medicine should be administered into the vagina in the morning after sleep and in the evening before going to bed. The total duration of treatment is 5 days.

  • For adults and children aged 12 years and older – a dose of 500 mg of the active ingredient at a time. For the best effect of the medicine on the patient’s body, the solution must be administered slowly, 5 ml per 6 seconds. At least 8 hours must pass between two injections of Metronidazole. In total, the patient is allowed to administer no more than 4 g of the drug during one day.
  • For patients suffering from renal or liver failure, the maximum dosage of Meronidazole is 1 g per day (1000 mg). For the most effective and safe use of the drug, this dose should be divided into three equal parts and administered to the patient intravenously in the morning, afternoon and evening.

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When using intravenous injections of Metronidazole in the treatment of a patient, it is strictly forbidden to use other forms of this drug, such as tablets, ointments, creams and suppositories, as this can lead to a severe overdose.

During pregnancy and childhood Many anthelmintic drugs are prohibited. You should ask your doctor about what medications can be taken during pregnancy and for children under 3 years of age.

  1. Drugs for giardiasis
  2. Medicines that restore the body after poisoning
  3. Medicines for children
  4. Medicines during pregnancy
  5. Treatment regimen

It should be noted that treatment of Giardia should be carried out in a complex manner.

That is, taking antihelminthic tablets should be combined with diet, taking antihistamines, enterosorbents:

“When I first bought Metronidazole ointment, the instructions for use promised me results within three weeks. This upset me a little because I wasn’t expecting a quicker cure for my acne, but the dermatologist advised me to be patient.

“After giving birth, I often suffered from candidiasis and vaginitis. The gynecologist prescribed Metronidazole tablets and suppositories for more effective result. After ten days, the illness subsided, and I felt relief within a few days.

“Several months ago I treated bacterial vaginitis with this drug on the instructions of a gynecologist. The package insert mentioned side effects, and I experienced some of them myself. For a week I felt tired and weak, had a headache and felt very nauseous. The drug helped get rid of the disease, but I wouldn’t take it a second time.” Anna, 30 years old

Women often ask whether it is possible to continue treatment for gynecological diseases during menstruation. This also applies to Trichopolum; many people ask whether it is possible to take Trichopolum tablets orally during menstruation and continue local treatment with vaginal tablets.

For what gynecological diseases is Trichopolum prescribed and how do menstruation affect them?

Trichopolum is a drug that suppresses the vital activity of protozoa. Gynecological diseases caused by protozoa include primarily trichomoniasis. The causative agent of this infection, Trichomonas vaginalis, is very sensitive to Trichopolum.

But in some cases, trichomoniasis occurs over a long period of time and is asymptomatic (latent). It is difficult to identify and treat such a disease. Often, in order to do this, you need to shake the body, which will worsen the infection.

It is easier to treat any infection in an acute state. To “shake up”, various types of provocation are often used - the introduction of medications that can cause an exacerbation of the disease. A natural provocation is menstruation - it contributes to the exacerbation of any infectious and inflammatory gynecological process. Therefore, gynecologists use menstruation as a natural provocation.

Another common reason for prescribing Trichopolum is bacterial vaginosis. This is not a disease, but vaginal dysbiosis. Vaginal dysbiosis - how to deal with it? It can develop for various reasons, most often this occurs against the background of frequent uncontrolled use of antibiotics, which leads to the suppression of the vital activity of the normal natural microflora of the vagina.

The natural microflora of the vagina in a healthy woman creates an environment that is uncomfortable for the proliferation of opportunistic microflora. When natural microflora is suppressed, opportunistic microflora begins to grow - this is dysbacteriosis.

Most often, the volume of colonies of Gardnerella, bacteria that show sensitivity to Trichopolum, increases. If bacterial vaginosis is not treated, then when favorable conditions are created for the proliferation of opportunistic microflora (decreased immunity, colds), it will cause an infectious-inflammatory process. Bacterial vaginosis manifests itself in the form of copious discharge with an unpleasant “fishy” odor.

Finally, infectious and inflammatory processes of the internal female genital organs are possible, caused by anaerobic (developing without access to air) bacteria. As a rule, these are severe inflammatory processes that are difficult to treat with antibiotics, to which infectious agents often develop addiction.

And here Trichopolum can also come to the rescue. Trichopolum - what does it treat?, the addiction to which pathogens develop very slowly. A natural provocation in the form of menstruation will also be beneficial in the treatment of these diseases.

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Is it possible or not to use Trichopolum during menstruation?

Treatment of gynecological diseases with Trichopolum is carried out according to special schemes. In some cases, Trichopolum is prescribed independently, while in others its prescription is combined with the prescription of antibiotics.

The intake of Trichopolum inside and its introduction into a vein during menstruation should not be interrupted. But the local use of Trichopolum Trichopolum - the indications for use are quite broad during menstruation, loses its meaning, because the medicine, instead of staying in the vagina until completely absorbed, is washed out and removed along with menstrual blood.

Therefore, topical use of Trichopolum in the form of vaginal tablets during menstruation is not recommended. At the same time, nothing bad will happen if a woman continues to use vaginal pills during menstruation.

Side effects

Trichopolum has few contraindications for the appointment. These are the first twelve weeks of pregnancy, feeding the baby. Breastfeeding is a personal choice to breastfeed and individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Side effects include: headache, dizziness, insomnia, bad mood, convulsive readiness, tinnitus and even hearing loss, fainting. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, poor appetite, a disgusting metallic taste in the mouth, taste disturbances, and abdominal cramps are also possible.

Changes in the blood may occur, such as transient leukopenia (decreased number of blood leukocytes) and thrombocytopenia (decreased number of blood platelets). As with any other medicine, there may be allergic reactions. At intravenous administration Trichopolum may develop thrombophlebitis.

Galina Romanenko

Composition of the product

Metronidazole during pregnancy

Long-awaited pregnancy, happy future mom is in joyful anticipation of meeting her baby. But what is it? One day she notices abundant grayish vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor.

  • In what cases is Metronidazole indicated for pregnant women?
  • Causes of the disease in pregnant women
  • For what diagnostic indicators is Metronidazole prescribed?
  • Danger of disease during pregnancy
  • All about treatment with Metronidazole
    • What kind of drug is Metronidazole?
  • What will the instructions for use of the drug tell you?
  • Should I take Metronidazole or not during pregnancy?
  • Correct use of medication
  • Side effects from Metronidazole
  • Vaginal products
  • Rehabilitation period

At the appointment, the doctor diagnoses “bacterial vaginosis.” What kind of disease is this, how much of a threat does it pose to the fetus, how to treat it? Metronidazole will become best choice In current situation. However, let's figure it out gradually.

This medicine is prescribed to pregnant women mainly for bacterial vaginosis.

As a rule, women come to see a doctor with complaints of heavy, unpleasant-smelling discharge. At the initial stage of the disease, they have a liquid consistency.

In advanced forms of the disease, vaginal secretions become viscous, thick, and take on a greenish or yellowish tint. Sometimes patients note discomfort and irritation in the genital area.

The causes of bacterial vaginosis have not been fully established by science. The main causative agent of the disease is the anaerobic bacterium Gardnerella vaginalis. When the vaginal flora is disrupted due to pregnancy or taking antibiotics, the microorganism begins to actively multiply.

The doctor makes the final diagnosis in the presence of vaginal discharge, clinical analysis for the presence of “key” cells and measurement of vaginal pH.

The epithelial cells that are detected during microscopic examination of the vaginal contents are the “key” ones. Their surface is densely covered with gardnerella, and the normal acidity of the vagina is significantly weakened.

Medical research on the impact of the disease on female body have shown that it is the root cause of pelvic inflammation and the development of infections in the vagina.

Very often the disease takes chronic form, periodically worsening. If left untreated, bacterial vaginosis contributes to inflammation of the mucous layer of the uterus and appendages. Serious illnesses such as vaginitis and colpitis, in which a woman suffers from purulent discharge, pain in the female organs, and increased body temperature, are also the cause of inattention to her health. The infection also affects the urinary system. For example, cystitis may develop.

During pregnancy, infection may penetrate into the amniotic fluid and membranes, which can cause miscarriage or premature birth.

There is a risk of infection of the child, as a result of which he may be born premature, have insufficient body weight and suffer from congenital pneumonia. When the placenta is infected, the child inside the mother's womb experiences oxygen starvation, which is fraught with subsequent neurological pathologies.

Bacterial vaginosis can cause endometritis in postpartum period, especially after cesarean section. The likelihood of purulent mastopathy and poor suture healing is several times higher than in healthy women.

The insidiousness of bacterial vaginosis is that it is often completely asymptomatic. That's why Special attention given to pregnant women with a history of stillbirth, premature birth, or prematurity.

To avoid pregnancy complications, bacterial vaginosis must be treated. But a pregnant woman sometimes develops panic and fear of possible consequences treatment. Let’s not forget: whoever owns the information owns the world, and let’s begin to analyze the facts.

Metronidazole during menstruation: how to use the drug

The product is widely used to treat gynecological diseases. If there are any pathologies reproductive system When treated with this drug, it is recommended to abstain from sexual activity.

If sexually transmitted diseases are detected, both partners must undergo treatment. During menstruation, therapy must be continued, as well as control tests before and after menstruation. Metronidazole is prescribed for the following gynecological pathologies:

  1. Bacterial vaginosis. Occurs as a result of taking oral contraceptives and a large amount antibacterial drugs, previous diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as due to a woman’s failure to comply with the rules of intimate hygiene.
  2. Abscesses. Accumulation of pus can be observed in the cavity of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Pathology has an inherent tendency to expand. An abscess can cause infertility, so if you have the first symptoms (pain in the lower abdomen and fever), you should consult a specialist. Purulent inflammation is treated in combination with operational methods and antibacterial therapy.
  3. Cystitis. Inflammatory processes in bladder, which are characteristic of this disease, are usually accompanied by severe discomfort: pain when urinating, frequent urge to go to the toilet, burning sensation and hyperthermia. On initial stage The disease can be cured without antibiotics, but as symptoms worsen, antibacterial treatment becomes necessary.
  4. Trichomoniasis. The disease is dangerous not only for the female, but also for the male body. The difficulty of diagnosing it lies in the fact that the pathology can be asymptomatic, but over time the disease leads to infertility and difficulties in bearing a fetus. Trichomoniasis is transmitted during sexual intercourse. Its causative agent is Trichomoniasis, which can be eliminated with the help of Metronidazole.

When treating gynecological diseases, it is recommended to carry out complex therapy: combine antibiotics with local medications, and also take medications that strengthen immune system women.

During the treatment of diseases of the female genitourinary system, such as urethritis, vaginitis, inflammation of the cervix and uterine mucosa, many patients have a question: can Metronidazole be used during menstruation? Will this harm the woman's health?

To answer them, you must first understand what the drug Metronidazole is, how it works, in what forms it is available, and for what diseases it should be taken.


After taking the drug orally, it is well absorbed by the body and penetrates into all tissues and fluids of the patient. During treatment with Metronidazole, a high concentration of anthelmintic substances is created in the patient's saliva, vaginal secretions or seminal fluid, which helps to quickly cope with the disease and speed up recovery.

Metronidazole is available in four dosage forms:

  1. Metronidazole tablets for oral administration. They are yellow-green in color and cylindrical in shape. Each tablet of the drug contains 250 mg of active substance. One package of Metronidazole contains 10 tablets.
  2. Cream and gel for external use. Available in aluminum tube. Cream Metronidazole is sold in a volume of 25 g. Each tube of cream contains 250 mg of the active ingredient. The gel is sold in a 30 g tube. Each tube contains 300 mg of metronidazole substance. The gel package comes with a special applicator for applying the medicine.
  3. Vaginal suppositories. They look like small candles, oblong in shape, white or yellow. This form of Metronidazole is intended for the treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system. Each vaginal suppository contains 500 mg of active ingredient. One package contains 7 candles.
  4. Metronidazole solution. A pale green liquid, 1 mg of which contains 5 g of active substance. The solution is available in small bottles of 100 ml. This form of Metronidazole is intended for intravenous administration of the drug using a syringe.

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For the most effective treatment, different forms of the drug can be used simultaneously.

Trichopolum suppositories have deservedly gained wide popularity in the fight against various pathogenic microorganisms. The drug was developed for the treatment of trichomoniasis, but the actual scope of its use has expanded significantly, taking into account the identified universal spectrum of action.

It is most often prescribed to women, but practice has proven its effectiveness in treating male diseases. In other words, the drug Trichopolum in various forms is recognized as an effective and safe remedy in the treatment of many infectious diseases.

Once in the human body, the drug is distributed fairly evenly throughout almost all tissues. The highest concentrations are found in the spinal and seminal composition, as well as vaginal secretions.

By crossing the blood-brain barrier, it is able to penetrate into brain tissue. The maximum concentration of the substance in the blood is observed 1.5 hours after administration of the drug, and food intake can significantly slow down the absorption process.

Approximately 20-22% of the active substance is bound to plasma protein. The kidneys are mainly responsible for removing it from the body (up to 86%), and therefore the urine may acquire a brown tint. Up to 14-16% of the drug leaves the body along with the feces. Its half-life is about 8.5 hours.

Composition of the product

Trichopolum is available in several forms. The most common option for treating diseases in women is vaginal tablets or suppositories with Trichopolum. They weigh 500 mg and are sold in packages of 5 or 10 pieces.

The basis of Trichopolum in any form is metronidazole. In addition, the product has additional ingredients that increase the efficiency of absorption and facilitate application. The composition of the drug in different forms contains various excipients:

  • suppositories: povidone, cellulose, crospovidone, silicon dioxide, stearic acid;
  • tablets (capsules): starch, molasses, magnesium stearate, gelatin;
  • solution: water, hydrogen phosphate and sodium chloride, citric acid monohydrate.

Trichopolum - what does this drug treat? Means in the form vaginal suppositories It is used mainly in gynecology and in the treatment of diseases of the urinary system. It is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • trichomoniasis (both acute and chronic);
  • giardiasis;
  • amoebiasis;
  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • female vaginitis caused by Trichomonas and other infections;
  • cystitis and diseases of the urinary organs of an infectious nature;
  • inflammatory reactions that occur after termination of pregnancy;
  • endometriosis;
  • other infectious pathologies of a gynecological nature, incl. for abscesses.

It should be noted that the healing effect in the fight against Candida is somewhat exaggerated. Trichopolum for thrush is not used due to its low effectiveness against fungal infections. In this case, it can be used as an additional means to exclude the addition of another infection.

Oral administration of Trichopolum tablets provides treatment for many diseases in women and men. The following indications for use can be noted:

  • infections with peritonitis, pneumonia, pleural empyema, meningitis, brain abscesses, skin lesions;
  • peptic ulcer(together with other drugs);
  • bacterial endocarditis;
  • male trichomonas urethritis;
  • bacterial damage to joints and bone tissue.

The drug is widely used to prevent infectious complications after intestinal and gynecological operations.

In general, Trichopolum is considered a safe drug, but it has certain contraindications. It should not be taken by children under 7 years of age, by pregnant women in the first trimester (suppositories should not be inserted into the vagina throughout pregnancy), or while breastfeeding a child.

The medicine should not be prescribed for disorders of the central nervous system, epilepsy, severe liver and kidney pathologies. Before taking it, you must make sure that there is no individual intolerance to the components of the drug. If you have an allergic reaction, Trichopolum should not be used.


The medicine is perfectly absorbed by the body and reaches all fluids and tissues of the patient. At the same time, an increased concentration of special substances is formed in sperm, vaginal secretions and saliva, which have a positive effect on recovery.

Metronidazole is available in several formats:

    Pills. They are cylindrical in shape and greenish-yellow in color. The drug package contains 10 tablets.

  1. Gels and creams. Produced in convenient aluminum tubes. The gel comes with a special indicator for application.
  2. Candles for vaginal use. Intended for the treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system.
  3. Solution. Greenish liquid, available in small bottles. Intended for intravenous injections.

The unique composition of the drug allows it to be used to treat many pathologies. The main indications include the following:

  • trichomoniasis;
  • extraintestinal or intestinal amebiasis;
  • skin leishmaniasis;
  • urethritis and vaginitis;
  • balantidiasis.

The scheme for using tablets, creams and solution is selected depending on the characteristics of the patient’s body and the type of pathological bacteria. However, it should be remembered that when using the drug in the form of a special injection solution, it is prohibited to resort to other forms, otherwise you may encounter an overdose.

Metronidazole is a non-toxic drug, so it is very rarely accompanied by side effects. They often occur with long-term use of the medicine. So, the side effects of the drug include:

  1. Allergies: increased body temperature, rashes, asthma, sneezing, runny nose.
  2. Digestive system: nausea, dryness oral cavity, loss of appetite, pain and pain in the area abdominal cavity.
  3. Urinary system: cystitis, incontinence.
  4. CNS: sleep disturbance, depression, headaches, hallucinations.
  5. Other signs: joint pain, thrush, decreased levels of leukocytes in the blood.

The use of the drug is contraindicated in the presence of the following diseases:

  • leukopenia;
  • acute liver and kidney failure;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • increased sensitivity.

In addition, Metronidazole is not advisable to take during lactation and pregnancy.

Thinking about whether it is possible to drink Metronidazole during menstruation, we can come to the conclusion that menstruation is not a contraindication to the use of Metronidazole. In addition, experts not only do not prohibit, but also recommend using it at this time.

By stopping the course of treatment during the menstrual cycle, there is a risk of aggravating the disease. Therefore, Metronidazole can be taken during menstruation without interrupting treatment for a day.

However, doctors advise using the tablet form of the drug, because other types will be ineffective.

The same applies to vaginal suppositories. In this case, menstruation will prevent stable absorption of the healing components that are present in the products.

Therefore, it is not advisable to use them during the menstrual cycle.

One way or another, before using any drug, you must consult a doctor who will determine all possible contraindications and an effective therapeutic regimen.

Metronidazole for menstruation: description of the medicine, indications and side effects, the best time to take it

The product is available in different dosage forms: you can buy suppositories, tablets, ointments and gels in pharmacies. Most effective medicine should be determined by a specialist according to the information obtained during examination of the patient and taking tests.

Composition of the product

Considering that the drug is antibacterial, it has some contraindications that must be taken into account before starting use. Among them are:

  • Sensitivity to components in the drug;
  • Organic lesions central nervous system;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Pathologies of the liver and kidneys;
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.

Metronidazole is not compatible with some drugs and, when taken in parallel, can provoke intoxication, neurological disorders and other effects. Also, while taking the drug, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol, as the medicine causes intolerance to ethyl alcohol.

Women often ask whether it is possible to continue treatment for gynecological diseases during menstruation. This also applies to Trichopolum; many people ask whether it is possible to take Trichopolum tablets orally during menstruation and continue local treatment with vaginal tablets.

For what gynecological diseases is Trichopolum prescribed and how do menstruation affect them?

Trichopolum is a drug that suppresses the vital activity of protozoa. Gynecological diseases caused by protozoa include primarily trichomoniasis. The causative agent of this infection, Trichomonas vaginalis, is very sensitive to Trichopolum. But in some cases, trichomoniasis occurs over a long period of time and is asymptomatic (latent). It is difficult to identify and treat such a disease. Often, in order to do this, you need to shake the body, which will worsen the infection.

It is easier to treat any infection in an acute state. To “shake up”, various types of provocation are often used - the introduction of medications that can cause an exacerbation of the disease. A natural provocation is menstruation - it contributes to the exacerbation of any infectious and inflammatory gynecological process. Therefore, gynecologists use menstruation as a natural provocation.

Another common reason for prescribing Trichopolum is bacterial vaginosis. This is not a disease, but vaginal dysbiosis. It can develop for various reasons, most often this occurs against the background of frequent uncontrolled use of antibiotics, which leads to the suppression of the vital activity of the normal natural microflora of the vagina. The natural microflora of the vagina in a healthy woman creates an environment that is uncomfortable for the proliferation of opportunistic microflora. When natural microflora is suppressed, opportunistic microflora begins to grow - this is dysbacteriosis.

Most often, the volume of colonies of Gardnerella, bacteria that show sensitivity to Trichopolum, increases. If bacterial vaginosis is not treated, then when favorable conditions are created for the proliferation of opportunistic microflora (decreased immunity, colds), it will cause an infectious-inflammatory process. Bacterial vaginosis manifests itself in the form of copious discharge with an unpleasant “fishy” odor.

Finally, infectious and inflammatory processes of the internal female genital organs are possible, caused by anaerobic (developing without access to air) bacteria. As a rule, these are severe inflammatory processes that are difficult to treat with antibiotics, to which infectious agents often develop addiction. And this is where trichopolum can also come to the rescue, as the pathogens become accustomed to it very slowly. A natural provocation in the form of menstruation will also be beneficial in the treatment of these diseases.

Is it possible or not to use Trichopolum during menstruation?

Treatment of gynecological diseases with Trichopolum is carried out according to special schemes. In some cases, Trichopolum is prescribed independently, while in others its prescription is combined with the prescription of antibiotics. In any case, Trichopolum is taken for a certain period of time and it is better not to interrupt the course of treatment (as well as the course of treatment with any other drug).

The intake of Trichopolum inside and its introduction into a vein during menstruation should not be interrupted. But the topical application of Trichopolum during menstruation loses its meaning, because the medicine, instead of lingering in the vagina until completely absorbed, is washed out and removed along with menstrual blood.

Therefore, topical use of Trichopolum in the form of vaginal tablets during menstruation is not recommended. At the same time, nothing bad will happen if a woman continues to use vaginal pills during menstruation.

Side effects

Trichopolum has few contraindications for the appointment. These are the first twelve weeks of pregnancy, breastfeeding and individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Side effects include headache, dizziness, insomnia, bad mood, convulsive readiness, tinnitus and even hearing loss, fainting. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, poor appetite, a disgusting metallic taste in the mouth, taste disturbances, and abdominal cramps are also possible. Changes in the blood may occur, such as transient leukopenia (decreased number of blood leukocytes) and thrombocytopenia (decreased number of blood platelets). As with any other medication, allergic reactions are possible. With intravenous administration of trichopolum, thrombophlebitis may develop.

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